
Acta Polytechnica Vol. 50 No. 5/2010

Aharonov-Bohm Effect and the of Identical Anyons

V. Jakubsk´y

Abstract We briefly review the relation between the Aharonov-Bohm effect and the dynamical realization of anyons. We show how the particular symmetries of the Aharonov-Bohm model give rise to the (nonlinear) supersymmetry of the two-body system of identical anyons.

Keywords: nonlinear supersymmetry, Aharonov-Bohm effect, Anyons.

Φ (− sin ϕ, cos ϕ,0) , 1 Aharonov-Bohm effect 2πr More than fifty years ago, Aharonov and Bohm ar- where x1 = r cos ϕ, x2 = r sin ϕ, −π<ϕ≤ π, gued in their seminal paper [1] that the fundamen- and Φ is the flux of the singular magnetic field, tal quantity in a description of the quantum system 2 B3 =Φδ (x1,x2). As we will work mostly in po- is the electromagnetic potential and not the elec- lar coordinates, let us present the explicit form of tromagnetic field. They proposed an experiment in the Hamiltonian in this coordinate system which two beams of are guided around a thin solenoid that is shielded completely from the 1 1 1 H = −∂2 − ∂ + (−i∂ + α)2 + α δ(r)σ , (1.3) electrons. Despite the absence of the magnetic field α r r r r2 ϕ r 3 outside the solenoid, the wave functions are affected 1 α = Φ . by the non-vanishing electromagnetic potential and 2π acquire an additional phase-factor which is mani- 2 1 fested in the altered interference of the beams. The Here we used the identity δ (x1,x2)= δ(r)forthe so-called Aharonov-Bohm (AB) effect has been ob- πr two dimensional Dirac delta function2. served experimentally [2] and has found its applica- To specify the system uniquely, we have to deter- tion in numerous fields of . In the present mine the domain of the Hamiltonian. We require the article, we will review its relation to anyons, two- operator (1.3) to act on 2π-periodic functions Ψ(r, ϕ), dimensional of exotic statistics. We will i.e. Ψ(r, ϕ +2π)=Ψ(r, ϕ). Using the expansion in present the recent results on the nonlocal symmetries partialwaves,wecanwrite of the AB system and their relation to the supersym- metry of two-body anyon models. Ψ(r, ϕ)= eijϕf (r). (1.4) Let us consider a −1/2particlewhichismov- j ing in a plane. The plane is punctured perpendicu- j larly in the origin by an infinitely thin solenoid. The The functions fj(r) should be locally square- solenoid is impenetrable for the . Hence, the integrable (i.e. fj(r) should be square integrable on origin is effectively removed from the space where the any finite interval). The partial waves fj(r) are reg- particle lives. The Pauli Hamiltonian of the system ular at the origin up to the exception specified by the 1 acquires the following simple form following boundary condition 1 e¯h H P2 − (1 + eiγ )2−αΓ(1 − α)r−1+αe−iϕ = j B3 σ3 , (1.1) ∼ 2m 2mc lim Ψ − − (1.5) j=1,2 r→0+ (1 − eiγ )2 1+αΓ(α)r α e where Pj = −i¯h∂j − Aj, B3 = ∂1A2 − ∂2A1.The where parameter γ can acquire two discrete values 0 c non-vanishing electromagnetic potential in the sym- and π. The boundary condition (1.5) is related to metric gauge reads the self-adjoint extensions of the Hamiltonian. Let us note that the boundary condition (1.5) just fixes  Φ − x2 x1 two self-adjoint extensions (one for γ = 0, the second A = 2 2 , 2 2 , 0 = (1.2) H 2π x1 + x2 x1 + x2 one for γ = π) of the formal operator α that are

1We set m =1/2, ¯h = c = −e = 1 from now on. 2 In fact, the Dirac delta term in the Hamiltonian is quite formal. It can be omitted when the domain of Hα is specified correctly.

46 Acta Polytechnica Vol. 50 No. 5/2010 compatible with the existence of N =2supersym- of Q, Q˜ and W on the kets |E,l,s is illustrated in metry, see [3]. To keep our presentation as simple as Fig. 1. possible, we fix from now on

γ =0. (1.6)

We modify the actual notation to indicate the domain H →H0 of the Hamiltonian, i.e. we will write α α.For readers who are eager for a more extensive analysis of the problem we recommend [3] for reference. H0 The Hamiltonian α commutes with the angular momentum operator J = −i∂ϕ + α and the spin pro- 1 jection s3 = σ3. Hence, one can find the vectors Fig. 1: The action of operator W (thick dotted arrows) on 2 |  |  |E,l,s such that the states E,2l, 1/2 and E,2l +1, 1/2 as a sequential action of Q˜ (solid arrows) and Q (thindottedarrows). H0 |  |  Black squares represent the eigenstates |E,l,s with cor- α E,l,s = E E,l,s , J|E,l,s =(l + α)|E,l,s, (1.7) responding values of l and s |  |  s3 E,l,s = s E,l,s . 2Anyons We define the following two additional integrals of Quantum theory has classified particles into two dis- motion joint families; there are with spin and with half-integer spin. The wave functions Q = σ P + σ P = q σ + q−σ− , 1 1 2 2 + + of indistinguishable bosons or fermions reflect the ∓iϕ 1 q± = −ie ∂r ± (−i∂ϕ + α) , (1.8) specific statistical properties of the particles. When r we exchange two bosons, the wave function remains 1 the same. When we exchange two fermions, the cor- σ± = (σ1 ± iσ2) 2 responding wave function changes the sign. The wave functions respect either Bose-Einstein or Fermi-Dirac and statistics in this way. However, when one makes a quantum system be Q˜ = P11 + iRσ3P2, two-dimensional, there emerges an alternative to the RrR = r, (1.9) classification. RϕR = ϕ + π, As predicted by Wilczek [5], there can exist ex- otic particles in two-dimensional space that are called where 1 is a unit matrix and anyons. Anyons interpolate between bosons and fermions in the sense that when we exchange two P + iRP = q Π + q−Π− , (1.10) 1 2 + + of them in the system, the associated wave function 1 Π± = (1 ± R) . acquires a multiplicative phase-factor of unit ampli- 2 tude but distinct from ±1. The prediction of these We can make a qualitative analysis of how these op- particles is physically relevant for various condensed erators act on the wave functions |E,l,s just by ob- systems where the dynamics is effectively two- serving their explicit form. For instance, we have dimensional. Wilczek proposed a simple dynamical realization Q|E,l,1/2∼|E,l +1, −1/2, (1.11) of anyons with the use of “composite” particles. Let Q˜|E,2l, s∼|E,2l − 2s, s. us explain the idea on a simple model of two identi- cal particles [6]. Take either two bosons or fermions. Hence, neither Q nor Q˜ commutes with the angu- Then, glue each of the particles together with a mag- lar momentum J and the parity R. However, the netic vortex, i.e. with infinitely thin solenoids of the operator Q˜ preserves spin of the wave functions, i.e. same magnetic flux α. As a result, we get two identi- [Q,˜ s3]=0. cal composite particles. Each particle can “see” just The operators Q and Q˜ are related by nonlocal the potential generated by the solenoid of the other unitary transformation, see [4]. In addition, we can particle. The Hamiltonian corresponding to this two- define body system has the following form W = Q Q˜ = QQ.˜ (1.12) 2 This operator alters both the angular momentum and 2 Hany =2 (pI − aI (r)) . (2.1) the spin of the wave functions. The explicit action I=1

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where pI = −i∂/∂xI , r = x1 − x2 and the index formalism, the Hamiltonian reads I ∈{1, 2} labels the individual particles. The poten- Hγ=0 0 0 AB AB tial α =diag(Hα,+,Hα,−,Hα,+,Hα,−) , l k k 1 kl r 0 0 a (r)=−a (r)= α (2.2) H ± = H Σ+Π±, (2.5) 1 2 2 r 2 α, α AB H0 encodes the “statistical” interaction of the particles. Hα,± = αΣ−Π± . In this sense, we call aI the statistical potential. Let us make a few comments on the elements of When we write the Hamiltonian in center-of-the-mass AB coordinates, the relative motion of the particles is (2.5). Consider Hα,+ in more detail first. It acts on governed by the effective Hamiltonian the wave functions that are periodic in π. Hence, it can be interpreted as the Hamiltonian of the relative − 2 − 1 1 − 2 motion of two identical anyons based on bosons. Its Hrel = ∂r ∂r + ( i∂ϕ + α) , (2.3) r r2 wave functions are regular at r → 0, which can be where r is the distance between the particles and ϕ interpreted as a consequence of a hard-core interac- measures their relative angle. tion between the anyons. It is worth noting that the AB The Hamiltonian (2.3) manifests the relation be- system represented by Hα,+ coincides with the sys- 0 tween the two-body model of identical anyons and tem represented by Hα,+. Indeed, the Hamiltonians H0 the AB system; formally,itcoincideswith α up to coincide not only formally but in their domains as the irrelevant Dirac delta term. However, its domain well (there are no singular wave functions in their do- 0 AB of definition is quite different. When anyons (com- mains, see (1.5)). Hence, we can write Hα,+ = Hα,+. posite particles) are composed of bosons, the wave AB 0 The operators Hα,− and Hα,− describe the sys- function has to be invariant under the substitution tems of two identical anyons based on fermions. The ϕ → ϕ + π that corresponds to the exchange of the AB operator Hα,− prescribes hard-core interaction be- particles. When anyons are composed of fermions, tween anyons. By contrast, the system described by the wave function has to change the sign after the 0 Hα,− allows singular wave functions. It can be un- substitution. Hence, the wave functions are of two derstood as a consequence of a nontrivial contact in- types teraction between the composite particles. The integrals of motion Q, Q˜ and W shall be ψ (r, ϕ)= eilϕf (r), (2.4) α α,l rewritten in the 4 × 4-matrix formalism. They read l explicitly 2Z for anyons based on bosons , l ∈ ⎛ ⎞ 2Z + 1 for anyons based on fermions . 000q ⎜ + ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ 00q+ 0 ⎟ We shall explain how the considered model ex- Q = ⎜ ⎟ , ⎝ 0 q− 00⎠ plains anyons as the interpolation between bosons and fermions. We can transform the system by a q− 000 ⎛ ⎞ unitary mapping U = eiϕα and describe alterna- 0 q− 00 tively the system of two identical anyons by the ⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ ⎟ ˜ 1 − 2 − q+ 000 Hamiltonian Hrel = UHrelU = ∂r 1/r∂r + Q˜ = ⎜ ⎟ , (2.6) − 2 2 ⎜ ⎟ ( i∂ϕ) /r . It coincides with the energy operator ⎝ 000q+ ⎠ of the free motion. The simplicity of the Hamilto- 00q− 0 nian is traded for the additional gauge factor that ap- ⎛ ⎞ pears in the wave functions, ψ˜ (r, ϕ)=Uψ (r, ϕ)= 00q q− 0 α α ⎜ + ⎟ iϕα ilϕ ˜ 2 e e fα,l(r). The wave functions ψα(r, ϕ)ac- ⎜ 000q ⎟ W ⎜ + ⎟ l = ⎜ ⎟ , ⎝ q−q 000⎠ quire the phase eiπα after the substitution ϕ → ϕ+π + 2 and, hence, interpolate between the values corre- 0 q− 00 sponding to Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics. We are ready to reconsider the AB system where q± was defined in (1.8). Substituting (2.5) Hγ ˜ Hγ and its symmetries in the framework of identi- and (2.6) into the relations [Q, α]=0,[Q, α]=0 H0 and [W, Hγ ] = 0 we get the following set of indepen- cal anyons. The Hamiltonian α can be rewrit- α ten as a direct sum with subsystems of fixed dent intertwining relations value of spin s and parity R.Itisconvenient 3 0 0 0 0 to use the notation that reflects the decomposi- H+q− = q−H− ,q+H+ = H−q+ , (2.7) tion of the wave functions into these subspaces, T 0 AB 0 AB Ψ=(ΨΣ˜ + Π+, ΨΣ+ Π−, ΨΣ− Π+, ΨΣ− Π−) whe- H+q+ = q+H− ,q−H+ = H− q− , (2.8) 1 1 re Σ± = (1 ± σ3)andΠ± = (1 ± R). In this AB 2 2 0 2 AB 0 2 2 2 H− q− = q−H− ,q+H− = H−q− . (2.9)

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(2) (2) Let us focus on the first set (2.7). They can be qa , h =0, rewritten as (1) (1) (2) (2) (2) qa , h =0, (2.10) qa , qb =2δa,bh , (2.15) where we used the operators a, b =1, 2 . H0 0 The only difference appears in the contact interac- h(1) = + , 0 tion between the anyons. This time, the hard-core 0 H− 0 interaction appears in both systems (neither H+ nor AB (1) 0 q− H− has singular wave functions in its domain). q1 = , (2.11) q+ 0 A qualitatively different situation occurs in the last case (2.9). The intertwining relations define the − (1) 0 q− N =2nonlinear supersymmetry4 represented by the q2 = i . q+ 0 operators The operators (2.11) close for N =2supersym- 0 H− 0 metry3. Indeed, they satisfy the commutation re- h(3) = , AB lation 0 H− 2 (1) (1) (1) (3) 0 q+ qa , qb =2δa,bh ,a,b=1, 2 . (2.13) q = , (2.16) 2 2 q− 0 (1) Hence, operator h can be understood as the super- 0 −q2 q(3) = i + . extended Hamiltonian of the two-body anyonic sys- 2 2 0 q− 0 tems. The system represented by H+ is based on bosons (the wave functions are π-periodic), the other 0 system (represented by H−) is based on fermions They satisfy the following relations with nontrivial contact interaction. The super- (1) charges qa provide the mapping between these two (3) (3) qa , h =0, systems. They exchange the bosons with fermions   2 within the composite particles. Besides, they switch (3) q(3), q =2δ h(3) , (2.17) on (off) the nontrivial contact interaction between a b ab the anyons. a, b =1, 2 . The relations (2.8) can be analyzed in the same vein, giving rise to the N = 2 supersymmetric system The supercharges q(3) alter the contact interaction AB of the pair of two-body anyonic models. For the sake between the anyons (hard-core in H− to nontrivial 0 of completeness, we present the corresponding oper- in H− and vice versa) but do not alter the nature of ators and the algebraic relations of the superalgebra the composite particles. H0 0 h(2) = + , 3 Comments AB 0 H− In this paper, we have utilized the intimate relation (2) 0 q+ between the Aharonov-Bohm model and the dynam- q1 = , (2.14) q− 0 ical realization of anyons in order to construct three different N = 2 supersymmetric systems of identi- − (2) 0 q+ cal anyons. The origin of the supersymmetry can q2 = i , q− 0 be attributed to the symmetries Q, Q˜ and W of the

3Let us suppose that we have a quantum mechanical system described by a Hamiltonian H.ThereareN additional , represented by the operators Qa, a ∈{1,...,N}. It is said that the system has supersymmetry, as long as operators Qa together with the Hamiltonian satisfy the following algebraic relations

{Qa,Qb}∼Hδab (2.12)

If this is the case, operators Qa are called supercharges. As a direct consequence of (2.12), they satisfy the relations 2 ∼ Qj H, [Qj,H]=0.

4 The system has nonlinear supersymmetry when the supercharges Qa, a ∈{1,...,N} satisfy the generalized anticommutation relation [7] {Qa,Qb} = δabf(H) where f(H) is a function of the Hamiltonian H. Usually, f(H) is considered to be a higher-order polynomial.

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