
Anyons in Multichannel Kondo Systems

Pedro L. S. Lopes,1 I. Affleck,1 and E. Sela1, 2 1Department of and Stewart Blusson Institute for Quantum , University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada V6T 1Z1 2Raymond and Beverly Sackler School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel-Aviv University, IL-69978 Tel Aviv, Israel Fractionalized - anyons - bear a special role in present-day physics. At the same time, they display properties of interest both foundational, with quantum numbers that transcend the -statistics laws, and applied, providing a cornerstone for decoherence-free quantum compu- tation. The development of platforms for realization and manipulation of these objects, however, remains a challenge. Typically these entail the zero- ground-state of incompressible, gapped fluids. Here, we establish a strikingly different approach: the development and probing of anyon physics in a gapless fluid. The platform of choice is a chiral, multichannel, multi-impurity realization of the Kondo effect. We discuss how, in the proper limit, anyons appear at magnetic impurities, protected by an asymptotic decoupling from the fluid and by the emerging Kondo length scale. We discuss possible experimental realization schemes using quantum Hall edges. The gapless and charged degrees of freedom coexistent with the anyons suggest the possibility of extract- ing quantum information data by transport and simple correlation functions. To show that this is the case, we generalize the fusion ansatz of Cardy’s boundary conformal field theory, now in the presence of multiple localized perturbations. The generalized fusion ansatz captures the idea that multiple impurities share quantum information non-locally, in a way formally identical to anyonic zero modes. We display several examples supporting and illustrating this generalization and the extraction of quantum information data out of two-point correlation functions. With the recent advances in mesoscopic realizations of multichannel Kondo devices, our results imply that exotic anyon physics may be closer to reach than presently imagined.

I. INTRODUCTION algorithms point to ratios of order ∼ 104 between phys- ical and logical .10 The state-of-the-art quantum hardware relies on superconducting devices, which re- The search for anyons, and in particular their richer main still in the scale of ∼ 10s of qubits.11,12 By virtue of subclass of non-Abelian anyons, comprises a multipur- 1–3 the non-locality of the quantum information stored and pose quest in present-day physics. From a fundamen- manipulated with non-Abelian anyons, the decoherence tal aspect, these carry quantum numbers that problem is avoided at its most fundamental level. defy the concept of fundamental particles of isolated con- stituents of matter. They furthermore refuse to obey the Pursuing and manipulating non-Abelian anyons thus standard theorems of spin-statistics; the study of their presents a fundamental, and potentially useful, field of classification and exchange properties motivated exten- research. Somewhat awkwardly, however, the main chal- sions of group theory into fusion and braiding category lenge of this search remains a most basic one: what is the theories4 (see Refs.5,6 for digestible reviews). Allowance ideal breeding ground for non-Abelian particles? Histor- of this is due to a reduced dimensionality: anyons typ- ically, developments focused on 2D topological phases, ically exist in two spatial . These properties incompressible (gapped) fluids with, typically, protected result in arguably their most remarkable feature, namely edge modes.1 The paradigmatic anyon system involves that a set of (non-Abelian) anyons describe a Hilbert specifically the composite particles of the fractional quan- space which can be explored by in-plane exchange manip- tum Hall effect (FQHE).2,13 Nevertheless, the general fo- ulations, braidings. Its state information is stored non- cus on gapped systems led to a prolific development in locally by the whole set of spatially distributed anyons. theory and experiments on way beyond the FQHE. This includes spin liquids4,14–18, topological Jointly the above qualities culminate in a promis- superconductivity and symmetry protected phases,19 as ing practical aspect of the quest, that of performing 20–22 4,7 well as topological phases nanowires and artificially

arXiv:1911.06336v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 14 Nov 2019 decoherence-free topological quantum computation. engineered low-dimensional structures.23–38 The principal bottleneck for the realization of quantum computation hardware regards suppressing decoherence. The gap that protects these topological systems has Local perturbations destroy the been understood as compulsory for the existence of needed to perform complex calculations. One solution anyons. Indeed, in the 2D scenarios described above, is performing error correction.8,9 In an oversimplified ex- anyons exist as dynamical excitations over an isolated planation, one creates redundancies by grouping sets of ground multiplet. Anyon-pair creation, braiding, and physical qubits in logical ones. Errors in the former are subsequent annihilation, in the non-Abelian case, manip- less impacting in the calculations of the latter. However, ulates the states of this ground multiplet. These ground error correction costs a huge overhead to achieve fault- states must be isolated from the remainder of excited tolerance. Estimates of particular prime-decomposition states of the system, if manipulation by adiabatic anyon 2 exchanges are to take place at all.3 From a practical per- spective, however, systems where anyons exist dynami- cally are not ideal - anyon pairs may, in this case, still be created due to thermal effects, interfering with intended braids and leading to errors. In some sense, “univer- sally” useful non-Abelian anyons must also be bound or confined to some local structure, such as surfaces, edges, or defects of order parameters, like superconducting vor- tices.39 If so, this dramatically reduces the number of ideal anyonic candidate-platforms, which would be sum- marized by topological superconductors and some cases of artificially engineered coupled-wires and other net- works. The principle of this “gap dogma” for anyons can be Figure 1: Three equivalent versions of the Kondo problem: described as a splitting of the by an en- (a) a bath of spinful (green balls) interacting with ergy scale, with a ground multiplet where the anyons act a magnetic impurity (blue ball) via s-wave scattering (dashed (non-locally) separated from the remainder states. The circle) are equivalent to (b) a 1D radial problem, where par- main goal of this work is to expand this horizon. Our mo- ticles propagate from infinity and scatter at the origin con- tivating question is: can we extract a state sector from taining the impurity. (c) This 1D picture can be “unfolded”, a system in which to store quantum information, non- resulting in a chiral version where electrons move in a single locally, without the need of an energy gap? We show direction and scatter off the impurity at the origin. that the answer for this question is affirmative. Such an emergent splitting of a Hilbert space in orthogonal sectors is possible by relying on many-body competition effects, option out for the impurity is to fractionalize; part of its frustration, leading to non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) physics. degrees of freedom are absorbed by the conduction elec- The scenario we propose is based on a multi-impurity trons which then behave as a NFL. Crucially, the rem- chiral version of the multi-channel Kondo effect. nants of the fractionalized impurity are completely de- coupled from the Hilbert space of the gapless liquid and, The Kondo effect is a paradigmatic phenomenon of from the viewpoint of low-energy and long-wavelength strongly correlated electrons. Originally motivated by probes,64–67 are localized around the impurity site by an a logarithmic increase of resistivity in certain metals at emergent Kondo length scale ξ . low-, the phenomenon is (toy-)modelled by K The onset of NFL behavior and emergent decoupling an electronic fluid interacting with a magnetic impu- of degrees of freedom in the NCK problem has a twofold rity.40–43 In its simplest depiction, a fluid containing a signature.68 First, the correlation functions for electrons single flavor, or channel, of spinful electrons is put in scattering off the impurity display a scattering S-matrix contact with a spin-1/2 impurity [Fig.1(a)]. At low en- with modulus less than unity. This non-unitarity sug- ergies, such an impurity is absorbed by the fluid: gests that part of the electronic degrees of freedom, at the impurity magnetic moment is perfectly screened by times their totality, is disappearing from the problem af- the electrons, effectively forming a singlet with one of ter being in contact with the impurity; naturally they are them. The other electrons are completely expelled from being transformed into something else,111 a NFL type of the impurity, simply becoming free. The only resid- behavior.58 Second, in the thermodynamic limit L → ∞, ual effect on these free conduction degrees of freedom it has been shown that even at the lowest temperatures is a phase shift – due to a hard-core scattering at the a finite entropy remains in the NCK system. This “im- screened impurity position – and they behave as a regular purity entropy” has the form Fermi liquid.44 A plethora of ramifications and modifica- tions of this scenario have been studied in the literature. (N) S = log g(N) (1) These include higher-spin impurities,43,45 Kondo impu- imp 46–51 52–57 rity lattices, coupled impurities, and, most im- which is computed in the T → 0 limit, taken after L → portant to the present discussion, multi-channel versions ∞. N is the number of channels, and59,60,69 of the problem.58–63 The N-channel Kondo (NCK) effect is naively a mod-  π  g(N) = 2 cos (2) ification of the discussion above where several flavors of N + 2 fermionic degrees of freedom are in exactly symmetric contact with a single impurity. This brings, however, re- The order of limits is important.68,70 The system must markably deep consequences. For our purposes it will be allowed to thermally access a continuum of states for suffice to stick to the spin-1/2 impurity scenario. In this the onset of this behavior. For a single channel, nothing case, the many competing electronic channels are seen to is left at the impurity as g(1) = 1, but for larger N a√ dis- “overscreen” the spin-1/2 impurity which can’t choose a tinction immediately√ appears. For example, g(2) = 2, particular channel to form a singlet with. Frustrated, the while g(3) = (1 + 5)/2. How should these leftover de- 3 grees of freedom be interpreted? Connecting to topologi- cal quantum information, we remark that these numbers correspond exactly, and respectively, to the quantum di- mensions of Ising and Fibonacci anyons. The quantum da of an anyon a dominates the dimension of the Hilbert space of a large number of anyons of type a. The idea that the objects left behind at an overscreened impurity are very similar to anyons of topological phases receives strong support from the two-channel case. This problem has a famous exact solution by Emery and Kivel- son in the anisotropic, so-called, Toulouse point.71 In this case a Majorana zero-mode is explicitly shown to be de- coupled from the conduction degrees of freedom at the impurity position. Under the hypothesis that NCK systems display lo- calized and fractionalized particles, we remark that it presents also an ideal platform from the point of view Figure 2: A chiral multi-impurity model. (a) An electron (green ball) of a single chirality moves through a set of impu- of manipulation. For this, one relies on mesoscopic real- rities (blue balls). The scattering region around each impurity izations of the Kondo problem. Historically, the Kondo is assumed to be localized, characterized by a length scale – effect originated in the context of solid-state physics and such as the Kondo length – which is assumed to be smaller 3-dimensional materials with free s-d-shell electrons scat- than the inter-impurity separation. The impurity degrees of tering. This scattering, however, is predominantly domi- freedom are thus assumed to be independent of each other. nated by a fully isotropic s-partial-wave component and, (b) The impurities may be fused into a single effective per- in the single-impurity case, the only spatial degree of free- turbation (dashed blue and yellow region). This last picture dom of importance is the radial coordinate [Fig.1(b)]. can again be seen in folded or unfolded pictures. The problem is effectively 1D and, in fact, the key ingre- dient is just a finite density of electronic states interacting with a local impurity. These observations allowed a sub- viewed the experimental relevance and feasibility of NCK sequent extension of the Kondo effect to a bevy of scenar- in highly tunable and accessible devices. We may finally ios, including mesoscopic circuits and quantum dots.72,73 concentrate on our main results. The main deficiency of Here, the Coulomb interaction in a gated quantum dot the points made above is (i) a candidate scenario where leads to a control over electronic tunneling into or out to realize multiple “Kondo anyons” in a way that (ii) it of the dot which, depending on the physical realization, is possible to extract their non-locally stored informa- effectively behaves as a two-level system, a pseudospin, tion. To address these points, we exploit an unfolded 1D like a magnetic impurity. The pseudospin can be com- picture of the NCK problem [Fig.1(c)] and extend it to posed of spin degrees of freedom if the charge of the dot is a multi-impurity case as displayed in Fig.2. We pro- frozen due to the Coulomb blockade effect,72–74 or alter- pose an implementation of this geometry via an integer natively, it can derive from the charge degree of freedom quantum Hall device. Following the scenario of the impu- when a gate voltage takes the system close to a degener- rity entropy, we discuss how correlation functions, when acy between two macroscopic charge states.75 Coupling it evaluated at positions far but surrounding the impurities, to an electronic reservoir results in a mesoscopic realiza- display a normalization factor that depends globally on tion of a charge Kondo problem. Given the speed, pre- the effects from all enclosed impurities. In the case when cision, and scaling of present-day microelectronics, on- anyons are confined to the impurities, this normalization demand engineered mesoscopic systems with anyonic be- factor depends on their effective fusion channel, giving us havior are worthy contenders for quantum information access to the non-local anyonic Hilbert space. applications (as attested by the recent interest in the pur- The convenience of the 1D realization of the Kondo 20,21 suit of Majorana in nanowires ). The neces- problem deserves discussion. It allows the implemen- sary perfect symmetry between channels presents, how- tation of conformal field theory (CFT) techniques, ar- ever, a challenge for the realization of the multi-channel guably one of the most powerful tools for dealing with Kondo effect, in all scenarios. Nevertheless, it has also strongly correlated matter, albeit available only in gap- been circumvented in the mesoscopic approach, where the less 1D fluids.82 The change in correlation functions due Coulomb blockade has been exploited to achieve a full to the presence of a local edge impurity is captured by independence of electronic reservoirs coupled to a quan- “boundary conformal field theory” (BCFT), developed 76,77 tum dot. Experimental signatures of the two-channel in the seminal works of Cardy83–85 (for reviews see e.g. Kondo effect and, recently, even of the three-channel case Refs. 68,86, and references within). Our present proposal 78–81 are presently available using a charge pseudospin. demands, however, an extension to the multi-impurity So far we have argued for the existence of scenario. For this we rely on the intuition that the im- fractionalization in NCK systems. Furthermore, we re- purities can be “fused”, to advance some jargon, in an 4 effective boundary perturbation. In this case, we in- where ψ is a of components ψi,σ, with i = 1, ..., N troduce a multi-impurity fusion ansatz allowing writing for channel and σ =↑, ↓= ± for spin (our notation will elegant expressions for correlation functions and impu- vary according to necessity). We consider the electrons to rity entropies. Instead of pursuing a formal demonstra- be right movers, for concreteness. The second part of the tion of this ansatz, we then take a more pedestrian ap- Hamiltonian, HK , contains interactions with a sequence proach: we exploit toy-models of increasing complexity of M magnetic impurities which can, nevertheless, be solved exactly to provide di- rect examples of our hypothesized results. We believe Z 1 †  this approach is more pragmatic, allowing a circumven- HK = g dx ψ σψ (x) · S (x) 2 tion of abstract concepts like boundary states. Our ex-   M S amples consist of multi-impurity versions of scalar scat- X l,x tering, single-channel Kondo – both Abelian and some- S (x) = δ (x − xl)  Sl,y  (4) what trivial scenarios – and culminate on an extension l=1 ∆Sl,z of the Emery-Kivelson solution71 of the anisotropic 2CK where xl < xl+1, g is a coupling constant, and ∆ is problem (at the Toulouse point) to the multi-impurity an anisotropy parameter. The impurities have spin- case. 1/2. Spin anisotropy is irrelevant to the low-energy As a final remark, we call attention to the known rela- NFL behavior of our interest.41,88 Nevertheless, the spin tionship between CFT and fusion category theories, used anisotropy will be important for the exact solution of to describe anyons and topological quantum computa- the 2CK problem explored below.71 In contrast, perfectly tion. The fractionalized particles in NCK differ from symmetric interactions between the channels and the im- anyons in topological phases in that they are bound to purities are crucial to achieve the NFL low-energy be- the impurities, similarly as Majoranas are bound to edges havior.88 In practice NFL behavior occurs at a quantum in Kitaev chains. In the above criterion for “univer- critical point tuned by symmetry breaking perturbations, sal utility” of anyons, they are confined to defects and and, has a finite stability to the latter at finite energy therefore are not prone to thermally activated genera- scales.89–91 tion of pairs. On the other hand, these particles cannot For the single impurity problem, the Kondo effect is −1/g be braided. Since we can extract the quantum informa- characterized by the Kondo temperature TK = Λe , tion stored in the impurities via correlation functions, where Λ is an ultraviolet scale, and an associated long we offer some final remarks regarding an implementa- length scale ξK = ~vF /(kBTK ). For long distances and tion of measurement-only topological quantum computa- low energies, ξK controls the localization length of the 87 tion to substitute braiding operations on this system. electrons that screen the impurity.66 We therefore will The paper is organized as follows: in Sec.II we discuss be interested in a length scale hierarchy the chiral multi-impurity multi-channel Kondo model as well as a preliminary venue to implement it. We explore |xl+1 − xl|  ξK . (5) subtleties of this proposal and comment on possible ways The interest in this “dilute” scenario of Eq. (5) is to around them. In Sec.III we describe the multi-fusion work in a situation in which the impurities do not cor- ansatz which, we argue, solves the chiral Kondo problem relate with each other. This will be a pivotal point in of the previous section. We comment on the relation- the calculation of the spectrum of the MCMI problem. ship between this ansatz and fusion category theories, As discussed below, in this limit, the spectrum calcula- discuss how it affects the spectrum and correlation func- tion follows a sequential application of the fusion ansatz, tions of chiral multi-impurity problems. Finally we offer frequently and successfully employed in the determina- examples of application and realization of the ansatz. We tion of the low-energy fixed point spectrum of the NCK conclude in Sec.IV, with remarks on implementations of problem.68 Diluteness, however, is not enough to guar- measurement-only computation as well as branching di- antee the independence of the local moments. In princi- rections of our work. ple, long-range RKKY interactions between the impuri- ties should fully lift the ground state degeneracy. Non- trivially, we find that it is a feature, due to the chiral nature of the system, that RKKY interactions vanish II. THE CHIRAL MULTI-CHANNEL identically here. Intuitively, this can be seen by not- MULTI-IMPURITY KONDO MODEL ing that RKKY interactions between two local magnetic moments require them to mutually exchange information The chiral multi-channel and multi-impurity (MCMI) via conduction electrons. If the electronic bath is chiral, Kondo model is described by a Hamiltonian with two the information can only flow in a single direction and no 112 pieces, HMCMI = H0 + HK . The first part, H0 describes actual exchange coupling can be established. The fi- a set of N spinful chiral electrons, nal consequence of this decoupled scenario is that in this limit anyon-like objects are well-defined at each impurity, v Z as in the single-impurity case. These bound states are iso- H = − F dxψ†i∂ ψ, (3) 0 2π x lated from each other and, jointly, they define a bona fide 5

in the dot between a singlet and triplet. The applied magnetic field, however, Zeeman-splits the triplet state. With an in-plane magnetic field component Bk, this split- ting can be tuned until the |↑↑i triplet state becomes degenerate with the singlet. The result is a two-level sys- tem which can be hybridized by spin flips; proximitizing, the QDs act as magnetic impurities for the spinful IQH edges. The 2CK phase can only be achieved if the green and red electronic reservoirs are independent from each other, individually – but simultaneously and symmetri- cally – attempting to screen the impurities. To preclude cooperative impurity screening by the two channels, elec- tron transfer processes between the reservoirs must be Figure 3: Chiral, 2-impurity, 2-channel Kondo device suppressed.76,95 We imagine doing so by considering the schematics. The phenomenology of interest can be engineered red reservoir to have a large capacitive energy E ex- by pairs of doubly degenerate integer quantum Hall edges C with quantum dots (QDs). The QDs’ degenerate two- ceeding the temperature T , precluding charge build-up energy levels in the presence of a magnetic field act as effec- that could have been absorbed from the green reservoir. tive magnetic impurities while distinct channels correspond As a final detail, the orange ν = 1 doped region has to distinct quantum Hall islands (red, green). Doping may be the purpose of splitting the two spinful channels, so that used to split the quantum Hall channels for cross correlation their currents could be measured in separate and cross measurements. correlations can be studied. While this device captures the main details of the MCMI Hamiltonian, we point out some possible imple- anyon Hilbert space in which quantum information may mentation subtleties. Since the whole device operation be stored non-locally. The manipulation of this quan- relies on the IQH effect, the spin degeneracy in the spin- tum information may possibly be done in a non-invasive ful channels is not guaranteed; in fact it is not expected. 87 manner through non-demolition measurements. The effects of this asymmetry are discussed in detail in Before continuing to our solution of the problem and AppendixA. Essentially, our analysis shows that the ab- its implications, we propose an attempt at realizing the sence of spin symmetry is reflected in a spin-dependent MCMI Hamiltonian. This proposal contains the main in- tunneling of electrons from the edge modes to the QD. gredients in HMCMI. We discuss, however, some of the This results in induced perturbations, the most relevant difficulties we are aware of, leaving a more refined mod- of them being an effective local magnetic field removing elling for future considerations. the degeneracy of the impurity. Fortunately, this term The system we have in mind is depicted in Fig.3, for may be tuned via Bk to zero under the condition of degen- the case of a 2-channel, 2-impurity, chiral Kondo system. eracy of the two renormalized QD levels, showing some We consider a 2D electron gas in the presence of a strong robustness of our proposal. Unfortunately, the magnetic perpendicular magnetic field B⊥. The role of the chiral field over the conduction electrons remains which cannot channels is played by edge modes of integer quantum Hall be simultaneously tuned away, but this term has a lesser (IQH) phases. Three main IQH domains are defined by impact in the Kondo effect. The possibility of persistence doping: regions in the phases of magnetic filling fractions of 2CK physics in a similar model has been further dis- ν = 0, 2, and 4 (green, white, and red, respectively). Ev- cussed in Ref. 96. Turning shortly our attention to the ery boundary between domains experiences a jump of green and red channels to the QDs, we note that channel ∆nTKNN = 2 in the TKNN invariant – Chern number asymmetry would be lethal to the NFL regime, but can – evincing the existence of two conducting channels at be trivially accounted for by the system geometry. each boundary.92 These conducting channels are com- Given the points above, a careful engineering of this pletely filled Landau levels of spin-polarized electrons, device may be necessary, but many solutions to the prob- one with spin up and the other with spin down. So a lems are possible. The issue of spin asymmetry, for exam- given boundary gives us a pair of spinful chiral electrons. ple, may be also dealt with by exploiting another quan- The device displays two such boundaries, the edges be- tum number such as the valley degeneracy of tween the green and white regions and white and red quantum Hall edge modes. Another possibility would be regions. Overall, we thus get two channels of chiral of to rely on the edge modes of Chern insulators. Finally, spinful electrons, fixing N = 2 in the Hamiltonian. designs more closely based on charge Kondo approaches Inside the white ν = 2 region we lay a pair of quan- usually display more robust signatures. This happens as tum dots (QD, blue). For more impurities, one may sim- these systems operate in a tunneling resonance regime ply imagine more dots. Proposals for the NCK effect which make the Kondo coupling to be characterized by in QDs in the presence of a magnetic field require using the hopping amplitude, rather than exchange coupling of dot states of even charge93,94; we focus on two-particle the spin Kondo applications, hence enhancing the Kondo states. Coulomb repulsion splits the two-particle states energy scale. 6

A relatively minor caveat of this geometry would be imaginary time with circumference given by the inverse the generalization of this device to more channels. For ex- temperature, the partition function for a system with ample, designing a model to realize 3CK would be highly boundary conditions A and B reads desirable in the future, given the prospects of obtaining X a Fibonacci anyons at the impurities of the 3CK phase. We ZAB = nABχa (q) , (7) will proceed with our solution and analysis of the model, a leaving a finer device modelling for future ventures. − 2πvF a where q = e LT . The multiplicities nAB are “gluing conditions”. Physically, conformal boundary conditions III. SOLUTION OF THE MCMI PROBLEM a affect the spectrum only through nAB. The characters χa(q) are determined from the torus geometry, ignoring The NCK fixed point (FP) physics is captured by boundaries. The latter only enter in the statistical me- a CFT methods. This is not surprising at the decoupled chanics through nAB, determining which conformal tower FP (no Kondo interactions), which simply contains chiral contribute to ZAB. free fermions. At the strongly interacting FP, however, (ii)The two-point correlation functions - let us assume the CFT phenomenology called for the introduction of a the chiral unfolded picture with boundary perturbations “fusion ansatz”, which has been extensively verified for B at the origin, the right-most extremity of a system, and single and two impurities by comparison with numeri- send L → ∞. For complex coordinates z = τ − ix, de- cal RG.53 Its consequences also agree with the spectrum scribing right movers, the correlations between primary 97,98 found via Bethe ansatz. Let us review this discussion, fields evaluated at points Im(z1) < 0 and Im(z2) > 0 as it sets the context and motivates the introduction of around the impurity are changed from the standard CFT the multi-fusion ansatz below. result only by a multiplicative constant85 The CFT approach to the NCK problem involves a se- quence of conformal embedding identifications. Consid- 1 ha| Bi hΦa (z1)Φa (z2)i = , (8) 2ha ering spin and channels, one has a total of 2N fermions. (z1 − z2) h0| Bi First, by non-Abelian bosonization, one identifies the non-interacting FP with two decoupled CFTs: U(1) × where ha is the conformal dimension of the primary Φa. SU(2N)1. This is nothing but a generalized version of The constant ha| Bi / h0| Bi is a ratio of amplitudes be- spin-charge separation. The U(1) part corresponds to a tween boundary states and the highest weight primary charge degree of freedom by means of a field, while states |0i , |ai of the vacuum, Φ0, and Φa conformal tow- SU(2N)1 is a Wess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) CFT. One ers. then proceeds with a conformal embedding based on the By a clever manipulation using conformal invariance level-rank duality82 and the so-called S-modular-transformation which re- verses the generators of a torus, it is possible to relate glu- SU (2N)1 = SU (N)2 × SU (2)N . (6) ing conditions and the amplitudes featuring in the two- point correlation functions through the so-called Cardy’s In this decomposition, the SU(2) sector contains the N equations86 degrees of freedom carrying the spin quantum numbers. This is where the fusion ansatz takes place. It ascribes X a b the strongly interacting FP to a primary-field fusion of hA| bi hb| Bi = nABSa, (9) a the SU(2)N sector with a j = 1/2 primary field, corre- sponding to the impurity. The U(1) and SU(N)2 sectors b where Sa is a matrix representation of the modular remain pristine. S−transformation.82 The issue with Cardy’s equations This process is more elegantly captured in the frame- 83,84,86 is that, a priori, one has no information about either of work of Cardy’s BCFT. Recalling the features of its sides. This is where the fusion ansatz comes in. It BCFT demands a short detour which will pay off later first associates a primary-field Φc to a boundary condi- in this paper. In this methodology, local perturbations tion B ≡ B(c). Then it determines that the distinction that preserve conformal symmetry are introduced at the between a system with both free boundaries |F i , |F i and two edges of a finite-sized (non-chiral length L/2) 1D one with a single non-trivial boundary |F i , |Bi is given system. The effects of these perturbations are abstractly by a change in the gluing condition as associated with a pair of boundary states |Ai , |Bi. Phe- nomenologically, the effect of boundary conditions can X na = N a nb . (10) be seen at statistical quantities. We focus here on two FB bc FF particular ones: b (i)The partition function - by conformal invariance, a Here Nbc are the coefficients of the regular operator prod- partition functions are decomposed in terms of char- uct expansion, or fusion, algebra of CFT primary fields: acters associated with (conformal) towers of primary states/fields Φa. If χa(q) is the character of a chiral X c Φa × Φb = NabΦc. (11) theory on a torus, with periodic space of length L and c 7

Manipulating Cardy’s equation together with Ver- a and b together leads to a set of fusion outcomes c ac- linde’s formula,99 one then obtains a non-trivial result: cording to the fusion rules the ratio of amplitudes that fix the correlation functions X c are determined by the modular S-matrix a × b = Nabc, (15) c ha| Bi Sa/Sa = c 0 . (12) 0 0 which index a set of quantum states |a, b; ci. We can h0| Bi Sc /S0 relate a 2D anyon fusion theory to a corresponding CFT Further extending this analysis allows the determination related to the modes at the 2D edges (this correspondence of all correlation functions of the NCK problem by fusing is not one-to-one).4,100,101 In this case, the anyon fusion the SU(2)N sector with a c ≡ j = 1/2 primary field due coefficients are the same as the primary-field fusion rules to a Kondo boundary state |Ki ≡ |Bi 1 [c.f. Fig.4(a)]. in Eq. (11). As is well-known, we can relate the fusion c= 2 The point we approach below is how to implement the coefficients to the dimension of the Hilbert space of anyon BCFT framework to the MCMI problem. fusion. For example, fusing M anyons of type c, we may write

X c1 c2 ceff A. Multi-fusion hypothesis and relation to c × c × .... × c = Ncc Nc c...Nc cceff | {z } 1 M−2 non-abelian anyons M c1,...,cM−2,ceff X = dim [V ceff ] c , (16) Formulas such as Cardy’s equations, Eq. (9), and the c...c eff c 2-point correlation functions, Eq. (8), contain the full eff information necessary to characterize the physics of the ceff where dim [Vc...c] is the dimension of the Hilbert space Kondo FP. The derivation of these formulas, however, obtained by (M − 1) fusions of anyons c into the anyon relies on the existence of a center of inversion in the ceff . This dimension is dominated by the anyon c quan- problem. That is usually the origin, where the bound- tum dimension dc, the highest eigenvalue of the matrix ary perturbation is applied and around which one may b of entries Nca ≡ (Nc)ab. fold or unfold space (c.f. Fig.1). This becomes an issue With this background, one may use the associativity at the MCMI problem, with its spaced M impurities. of the anyon fusion algebra to obtain A solution to the MCMI problem would require a novel implementation of BCFT. Instead of considering X b2 b3 a ((((b1 × c) × c) × ...) × c) = N N ...N a, a system with a boundary, one needs to ask what are b1c b2c bM c b2,...,bM ,a the effects of several conformal-symmetry-preserving lo- (17) calized perturbations. A much simpler way out arises if from one side, and one relies, instead on a physical motivation. As long as the impurities are far apart and do not interact with each (b1 × (((c × c) × ...) × c)) other, we may expect that their effect on the chiral de-   grees of freedom is independent. Patches are separated X = b × N c1 N c2 ...N ceff c by the impurities and the modes are sequentially affected 1  cc c1c cM−2c eff  as they interact locally with each impurity. This proce- c1,...,cM−2,ceff dure is captured by a “multi-fusion” ansatz, as described X c1 c2 ceff a = Ncc Nc c...Nc cNb c a (18) by a natural generalization of Eq. (10) reading 1 M−2 1 eff c1,...,cM−2,ceff ,a

a X b a nFM = nFM−1Nbc. (13) from another. Returning to the multi-fusion ansatz it b can now be rewritten as

a a X c a Here, nFM represents the gluing conditions for a chiral n ≡ dim [V eff ] n , (19) system subjected to a free boundary condition on its left, FM c...c FBeff ceff and M localized equal perturbations as it moves to its right. This gluing condition is simply obtained from the where we used the regular fusion ansatz to write same gluing condition for M −1 perturbing impurities by X use of the fusion-rule coefficients. Defining M = 0 ≡ F , na = nb N a . (20) FBeff FF bceff we may iterate this equation, leading to b   a X b1 b2 b3 bM a The two equivalent processes of fusion in Eq. (18) are nFM = nFF Nb cNb c...Nb cNb c . (14) 1 2 M−1 M depicted graphically in Figs.4(b) and (c). We exchanged b1,...,bM the set of all impurities by a single effective impurity cor- This equation has a useful consequence. To understand responding to an anyon ceff . To it one associates a pri- it, we make connection with anyon physics or, more pre- mary field and a boundary state |Beff i which, as before, cisely, with fusion category theory. Here, bringing anyons depends on the primary field Φceff , the effective boundary 8

the two-point correlation function reads

1 ha| Beff i hΦa (z1)Φa (z2)i = ceff 2ha (z1 − z2) h0| Beff i 1 Sa /Sa = ceff 0 . (22) 2ha S0 /S0 (z1 − z2) ceff 0 In other words, since all fusion channels contribute to the partition function, one expects correlations to have con- tributions from all ceff sectors too. Eq. (22) are building blocks of the total correlator. We will interpret Figure 4: Fusion ansatz schematics. (a) M chiral fermions these building blocks as probabilistic outcomes of the cor- are bounded in a closed system of circumference L. A trivial relation measurement, depending on the fusion channel F boundary condition is applied on one side and a non-trivial associated with ceff . In this case, two-point correlation- boundary condition B (in the Kondo case, due to a spin-1/2 function in a given fusion sector may access topological magnetic impurity) on the other side. The boundary condi- anyon information, as entries of the modular S−matrices. tion B is equivalent to fusing an anyon c to the conduction In the next section we provide evidence that the multi- fermions. (b) Particles in a chiral sector b1 cross a set of M fusion ansatz is indeed satisfied in cases of interest, most primary c perturbations. At each interaction the particles notably the MCMI problem. change by fusion with c, emerging at the end as particles of type a. (c) We reinterpret the sequential fusion of c anyons, exchanging it for a single anyon c that results from a set of eff B. Examples equal-anyonic fusions in parallel.

To support the validity of the multi-fusion ansatz, we consider a few simple examples. perturbation. The cost is an extra statistical multiplica- tive factor scaling with the quantum dimension of the M−1 anyons ∼ dc . 1. Scalar Scattering Now, for a single effective impurity, we may deploy the regular toolbox of BCFT. For instance, the partition We start in the simplest scenario of interest: scalar function of the system, Eq. (7), becomes scattering of chiral spinless fermions. While this problem does not relate directly to the Kondo problem, it allows for complete solution and visualization of the effects of X a the multi-fusion ansatz [in a U(1) scenario], as well as ZFM = nFM χa (q) a nuances about regimes of its validity.

X X ceff a Consider a system with finite size x ∈ [−L/2, L/2] and = dim [V ] n χa (q) c...c FBeff spinless chiral electrons in the presence of a set of local a ceff potential scatterers X ceff = dim [Vc...c] ZFBeff . (21) Z L/2 " M # ceff † X (l) H = dxψ −i∂x + 2π V δ (x − xl) ψ. (23) −L/2 l=1 For a single impurity, the sum and “dim” drop out, re- turning the usual result. For multiple impurities, physi- We assume antiperiodic boundary conditions on the cal processes are weighted by all the possibilities of out- fermions, ψ (L/2) = −ψ (−L/2), for concreteness, and come from fusion of all impurities. This leads, for ex- order the scatterer positions as xl < xl+1 with the sole ample, to a multiplicative factor of M in the impurity constraint of being overall confined to a small subregion entropy, in accordance with the extensive nature of en- of the whole system, i.e. |xM − x1|  L. Otherwise the tropy. scatterers are spread apart in any arbitrary way. To compute the eigenmodes of this problem and, par- The exchange between the sequential fusions to a ticularly, their Green’s function, we perform a gauge global effective fusion from Figs.4(b) to (c) has an im- transformation pact in the correlation functions. The effective fusion PM (l) i2π V θ(x−xl) channel implies the existence of a convenient basis of con- ψ = e l=1 ψ.˜ (24) served quantum numbers for the computation of correla- tion functions. The sequential fusion of the chiral modes Now, ψ˜ obeys a free Hamiltonian, but has boundary con- leads to scattering into distinct primary-field superselec- dition tion sectors. The effective fusion picture in Fig.4(c) sim- M −i2π P V (l) ply organizes these independent sectors. For a given one, ψ˜ (L/2) = −e l=1 ψ˜ (−L/2) . (25) 9

The free fermion ψ˜ admits a momentum space expansion expected by the multi-fusion ansatz. The boundary state but, due to the new boundary conditions, momentum amplitudes for this U(1) theory are controlled by simple quantization returns phase factors which accumulate sequentially as impurities are crossed. Fixing the positions of x and x0 relative to " M # 2π  1 X the scatterers shows that they behave as conformally in- k = m + − V (l) , m ∈ . (26) m L 2 Z variant boundary conditions (that is, they affect the CFT l=1 correlator only by a multiplicative factor). If x < x1 and 0 Overall, the eigenmode expansion of the original fermions x > xM , we absorb the total phase αtot of the effective then reads boundary. Notice that, nevertheless, measuring correla- tions between points in between the scatterer positions PM (l) (l) i2π V θ(x−xl) allows each of the distinct phases V to be determined e l=1 X ikmx ψ = √ e am separately. L m PM (l) x i2π V [θ(x−xl)− L ] e l=1 X i 2π (m+ 1 )x 2. NCK fixed points via CFT = √ e L 2 am, (27) L m Now we start exploring the problem in the actual for whose energy state creation and annihilation opera- † Kondo context. We start with Eqs. (3) and (4), for tors am, am, we associate eigenenergies Em = km. N channels and several M impurities. Our goal will be We remark on involved length scales. If we introduce to show that for a special choice of coupling constants, a length scale ξK over which the scattering through each and in the thermodynamic limit, the arguments that lead impurity occurs, then we would like to assume xl−xl+1 > to the usual fusion ansatz also lead to the multi-fusion ξK . This way we can define a region of size (M − 1) ξK ansatz. and call it an effective boundary. For ξK  L and a We set vF = 1 and anisotropy parameter ∆ = 1 and, finite number of impurities (M  L/ξK ), we can imagine again, use complex coordinates for the chiral fermions: that this effective boundary barely affects the size of the 0 ψ = ψ (x, τ) = ψ (z = τ − ix). Defining U(1), SU(2) system, i.e., the effective system would have a size L = and SU(N) current operators L − (M − 1) ξK ≈ L. In that case, evaluating the field σ operator at a position x < x1 or x > xM but with x  L J (z) =: ψ†ψ :, J~ (z) =: ψ† ψ :,J A (z) =: ψ†T Aψ :, would lead to operators accumulating a phase difference 2 PM (l) (30) of roughly αtot = 2π l=1 V . In fact, if the sum of the distance between the impurities is small with respect with SU(N) generators T A acting on the flavor indices, to the system size L, one can see that the fermion field we rewrite the Hamiltonian density in Sugawara form simply “eats” successively the impurities, one at a time as82,102 from each site. This is in agreement with an Abelian 1 1 2 1 sequential fusion of each impurity. 2 ~ A A H0 = J + J + J J As we see, the effects of the scalar scatterings on the 8πN 2π (N + 2) 2π (N + 2) operators is twofold. First, the eigenfunctions phases (31) jump discontinuously at each impurity. Second, their and momenta are shifted. The whole scale discussion above M is much simplified if one takes the thermodynamic limit X ~ ~ L → ∞. In this case HK = glJ · Slδ (x − xl) . (32) l=1 ∞ PM (l) Z i2π V θ(x−xl) dk ikx ψ (x) = e l=1 e a (k) , (28) Since interactions only couple to the spin sector, we focus −∞ 2π on it. At a finite size L, we Fourier decompose, √ Z L/2 where a (k) = Lam and the energies read E (k) = k. 1 i 2π nx 2π X −i 2π nx J~ = dxe L J~ (x) , J~ (x) = e L J~ . The momentum shifts drop out from our expressions. n 2π L n −L/2 n With this expression, the 2-point Green’s function can (33) be computed explicitly, reading The Fourier components satisfy the SU(2)N Kac-Moody PM (l) 0 i2π V [θ(x−xl)−θ(x −xl)] e l=1 algebra G (τ, x, τ 0, x0) = . (29) z − z0 n J a,J b  = N δabδ + iabcJ c . (34) n m 2 n+m,0 n+m Let us stress that this expression is valid on the plane, i.e. in the L → ∞,T → 0 limit. In AppendixC we provide Defining a more in-depth discussion on subtleties related to calcu- M N + 2 X i 2π nx lations on the torus and the thermodynamic limit. For J~ = J~ + e L l g S~ , (35) n n 2 l l the moment, we just stress that this is the exact result l=1 10 the spin part of the Hamiltonian becomes Naturally, this suggests that the strongly coupled fixed point is characterized, far from the impurities, by free 2π X H = J~ · J~ + constant. (36) electrons up to phase shifts. These are given by the num- s (N + 2)L −n n n ber of impurities times π/2. These results are in agreement with the multi-fusion ~ What is the algebra obeyed by Jn? By computing the ansatz from the effective boundary CFT picture, from commutators, which we can extract the phase shifts explicitly. Indexing  a b  n ab primary fields by the total spin j, the fusion rules of J , J = N δ δn+m,0 (37) n m 2 SU(2)1 read "  2 M # abc c N + 2 X 2 i π (n+m)x c 1 1 1 1 + i J + g e L l S . 0 × 0 = 0, × = 0, 0 × = . (44) n+m 2 l l 2 2 2 2 l=1 By imposing For an odd number of impurities, this natural truncation of the SU(2)1 Kac-Moody algebra enforces ceff = 1/2. N + 2 2 For an even number of impurities, ceff = 0. The modular gl = 1 ⇒ gl = ∀l, (38) 2 N + 2 S−matrix of SU(2)1 reads a similar constraint as found in the single impurity √1 √1 ! 102 case, we recover an SU(2)N Kac-Moody algebra. S = 2 2 . (45) √1 − √1 For this fine-tuned coupling, the spin sector of the the- 2 2 ory is described by an SU(2) symmetric WZW CFT, just as in the decoupled problem.68 The new spin operators, Since fermions are primary fields of spin j = 1/2 and conformal dimension h1/2 = 1/2, Eq. (22) recovers M π X i nxl J~n = J~n + e L S~l, (39)  S1/2/S1/2  1/2 0 l=1 1  S0 /S0 = −1 M odd † 1/2 0 ψσ (z1) ψσ (z2) = 1/2 1/2 , z1 − z2 S0 /S0 show that for this coupling the impurity spins are sim-  0 0 = 1 M even S0 /S0 ply absorbed by the conduction degrees of freedom. The (46) total spin is nothing but the n = 0 Fourier component of which displays the π/2 phase shifts for odd number of the spin current, impurities. M The analysis we just made can be repeated for higher X J~0 = J~0 + S~l, (40) number of channels, by fixing the proper fusion rules and l=1 S−matrices. Since the two-channel and three-channel scenarios are also independently noteworthy, we will turn and demonstrates simple angular momentum addition. our attention to these cases next. As in the single impurity problem, gl = 2/(N + 2) is representative of the strong-coupling fixed point. The physical interpretation of these results is straight- 3. Exact results in the 2CK case forward. In the absence of the impurity, every state is 2 characterized by J0 = j (j + 1), or simply spin j. At the Using the Emery-Kivelson construction,71 we can also strong-coupling fixed point, this spin changes according make some explicit progress in the 2CK case. For rigor to (40). We have to sum the angular momentum with all and details, we follow more closely the approach of von the impurities. Since the fine-tuned – or equivalently, the Delft et al.103 Our goal here is twofold. First, we will strongly coupled – fixed point has a spectrum still con- show that the multi-impurity problem is consistent with trolled by an SU(2)N theory, the standard truncation of the existence of localized Majorana fermions at each im- WZW CFTs takes place. purity site. Second, we will show that we can extract a Let us look at an example, the N = 1 single channel parity factor from the electron-electron correlation func- Kondo problem. As usual, the conformal towers (Q, j) for tion that is in agreement with the multi-fusion ansatz. charge and spin sectors are constrained by gluing condi- Decoupled Majoranas – The reasoning behind the tions enforcing, at the decoupled fixed point, Emery-Kivelson approach is as follows. The natural physical degrees of freedom of the 2CK problem are given (even, Z) ⊕ (odd, 1/2 + Z) . (41) by the number of electrons of given spin and channel Meanwhile, the strong-coupling gluing conditions change Z dx with the number of impurities. We observe N˜ˆ = ψ† ψ , (i = 1, 2, σ =↑, ↓). (47) iσ 2π iσ iσ E (even, Z) ⊕ (odd, 1/2 + Z) for M even (42) ~˜ The corresponding states N = |N1↑, N1↓, N2↑, N2↓i, (even, 1/2 + Z) ⊕ (odd, Z) for M odd. (43) however, are inconvenient due to strong fluctuations of 11 particle numbers in each flavor. A much more convenient Hilbert space where the Hamiltonian acts is restricted to basis is constructed by an orthogonal transformation contain only states that satisfy the gluing conditions and   are closed under the pairwise action of Klein-factors. We  ˆ  ˜ˆ Nc  1 1 1 1  N1↑ remark, crucially, that the number of Klein-factors aris- Nˆ 1 1 −1 1 −1  N˜ˆ  ing from the conduction electrons does not change with N~ ≡  s  =    1↓  (48)  ˆ   1 1 −1 −1   ˆ  the number of impurities. This is of course natural, but  Ncf  2  N˜2↑  ˆ 1 −1 −1 1   has implications, as usually the localized impurity Majo- Nsf ˜ˆ N2↓ ranas stem from properties of these Klein factors. After into charge, spin, charge-flavour, and spin-flavor sectors, the considerations above, the 2-channel multi-impurity Hamiltonian becomes which we write simply as Nˆ ≡ O N˜ˆ . η η,iσ iσ Z ∆L X X 1 dx 2 In this new basis the charge and charge-flavor sectors H = Nˆ 2 + (∂ φ ) (55) 0 2 η 2 2π x η decouple, since they are exactly conserved. Once includ- η η ing the impurity spins, conservation of total angular mo- M mentum also provides a strong constraint. The electronic X h i H = g ∂ φ (x ) + ∆ Nˆ S (56) spin s can flip by unity only, and only locally due to in- K,z z x s l L s l,z teractions with the impurities. Albeit large fluctuations l=1 g M   can happen globally, locally they are mild; large spin ⊥ X † iΦsf (xl) −iΦsf (xl) HK,⊥ = κsf e + κsf e fluctuations can only happen in high-order processes. In 2a0 l=1 contrast with the other degrees of freedom, however, the   † iΦs(xl) −iΦs(xl) spin-flavor sf sector can fluctuate more wildly. This fluc- × Sl,−κse − Sl,+κse , (57) tuation lies at the roots of the NFL behavior of the 2CK 103 strongly coupled fixed point. Next we see that the where g⊥ ≡ g, gz = ∆g, ∆L = 2π/L. We explicitly Emergy-Kivelson solution generalizes nicely to the M- separated the z couplings from the “perpendicular” cou- impurity scenario. plings of the Kondo interaction in Eq. (4) and, with the To be able to rotate the basis as in Eq. (48), we hindsight of the CFT-based calculation from the previous bosonize the fermions, section, we took the interactions to be equal in strength κ at all impurities. iσ −iΦ˜ iσ (x) ψiσ (x) = √ e (49) We succeeded in separating the charge and flavor- a0   charge degrees of freedom from the spin ones. To move ˜ ˆ 1 2πx ˜ on, the spin and spin-flavor can be decoupled by a uni- Φiσ (x) ≡ N˜iσ − + φiσ (x) , (50) 2 L tary transformation at the Toulouse point gz = 1. This unitary transformation reads, in the present scenario where a0 is a UV cutoff and antiperiodic boundary con- ditions were chosen on a finite-size system. Our con- U = U1...UM , where vention will be that zero-mode pieces are singled-out U = eigz Sl,z Φs(xl). (58) ˜ l from the lower case boson variables φiσ, but included ˜ in the capitalized ones, as Φiσ. The Klein-factors obey In applying U to the Hamiltonian, one has to take into h i account an ordering of the impurity positions, as well as κiσ, Nˆjσ0 = δijδσσ0 κiσ, {κiσ, κjσ0 } = 2δijδσσ0 , and † the anomalous chiral boson commutation relations (51). κiσκiσ = 1. The also obey equal-time commu- A careful consideration of this point and refermionization tation relations in terms of κη ˆ 1 2πx [Φη (x) , Φη0 (y)] = iπδηη0 sgn (x − y) . (51) −i(Nη − 2 ) L −iφη (x) ψη (x) = √ e e (59) a0 In the boson language, it is straightforward to change ˜ 0 −1 basis as Φη ≡ Oη,iσΦiσ. Fixing Klein factors is slightly leads to the Hamiltonian H = UHU trickier but not different from as in Ref. 103. For exam- Z 0 X dx ple, it is possible to convince oneself that H = ψ†i∂ ψ (60) 0 2π η x η η κ† κ† ≡ κ† κ , (52) sf s 1↑ 1↓ M 0 g⊥ X h i πxl † −i πxl i  † as well as H = e L ψ (xl) + e L ψsf (xl) dl − d . K,⊥ 2 sf l l=1 † † κsf κs = κ κ2↓ (53) 2↑ The complex fermions d here read † † † l κsf κcf = κ1↑κ2↑, (54) PM  † iπ Sm,z d = κ S e m=l+1 . (61) n † o l s l,− where κη are the new Klein factors obeying κη, κη0 = The Jordan-Wigner-like strings appear here after the h ˆ i 2δηη0 , κη, Nη0 = δηη0 κη, and [κη, Φη0 ] = 0. The def- consideration of boson commutations relations men- inition of new Klein-factors is possible as the physical tioned above. They are an encouraging surprise. Both 12 the Klein-factor and the spin strings are absolutely cru- To extract any information related to the fusion chan- cial to guarantee anti-commutation between fermions de- nel of the effectively decoupled impurity Majoranas al, fined at distinct impurities, as well as canonical anti- we have to perform the same set of manipulations as in commutation with their conjugates. Also we notice again the transformed Hamiltonian discussed above. This is the finite-size oscillatory factors which would lead to com- a delicate procedure. We must perform the U unitary mensurability effects. Taking the L → ∞ limit and in- transformation at the Toulouse gz = 1 point, but ought troducing a Majorana basis to be careful with commutation relations being defined at equal times. Only the spin sector is affected by this 1 2 χη + iχη al + ibl procedure, so we focus on Oiσ,s = σ/2. Assuming x < x1 ψη = √ , dl = √ , (62) 0 2 2 and x > xM , we have we obtain the final form of the problem:

Z −i σ Φ (x) −1 −i σ Φ (x)−i πσ S 0 i X dx a a Ue 2 s U = e 2 s 2 z,imp H0 = χη (x) ∂xχη (x) (63) 0 0 0 2 2π i σ Φ (x0) −1 i σ Φ (x0)−i πσ S η,a=1,2 Ue 2 s U = e 2 s 2 z,imp , (66) M 0 X 1 HK,⊥ = ig⊥ χsf (xl) bl. (64) l=1 where S = PM S . Since the impurity spin is not As usual, the 2CK problem at the Toulouse point is de- z,imp l=1 l,z conserved by itself, however, one has to be careful before scribed by a set of four independent fermionic fields, only plugging these results back in the correlation function. A one of which remains coupled to the impurity. This cou- way around this is to remember that the a fermions are pling is now of a single-particle nature, and is written l fully decoupled from the Hamiltonian (64). So, we write most naturally in the Majorana basis. The problem is exactly solvable. Above all, we note the existence of M decoupled Majorana fermions al, one at each impurity. The standard picture of a single impurity is again repro- πσ σ PM † 1 −i Sz,tot 2 (d dl− 2 ) duced in series, suggesting the validity of the multi-fusion e 2 = (−1) l=1 l M ansatz. σM σ 4 Y 2 Solving for the eigenmodes of this problem displays = (−1) (2ialbl) . (67) other signatures of the multi-fusion ansatz. For example, l=1 it can be shown that the bl Majorana modes are absorbed by the conduction electrons. Details of this calculation and analysis can be found in AppendixD. We define the parity of the state of M fused Majoranas Correlation function and parity factors – Upon scat- of type a tering at a spin-1/2 impurity, electrons in the 2CK regime are completely transformed into collective degrees of free- dom associated with the spinor representation of an un- derlying SO(8) symmetry, evident due to the 4 complex M 104 M/2 Y fermions, or 8 Majoranas in the free problem. The sim- Pa = (2i) al, (68) plest consequence of this is that electron-electron corre- l=1 lation functions vanish identically for an odd number of impurities. We will, therefore, consider an even number of impurities, and ask ourselves if we can extract infor- mation from two-point correlation functions that is in i.e. their fusion channel, and similarly, Pb = M/2 QM QM agreement with the multi-fusion expectation. (2i) l=1 bl. This gives l=1 (2albl) = PaPb. Note Consider the correlation function finally that the Klein-factors enforce the spin and chan- nel labels to be equal in the correlation function, giv- D † E −i πσ S 0 ing two identical factors of the form e 2 z,tot , that ψiσ (z) ψjσ0 (z ) 2Oiσ,s (Pa,b) = Pa,b, and that Pa can commute through 1 D ˜ ˜ 0 E † −iΦiσ (z) iΦjσ0 (z ) = κiσκjσ0 e e the Hamiltonian. Also, the charge, flavour and spin chan- a0 nels are decoupled and their correlations can be obtained 1 D 0 E † −iOiσ,η Φη (z) iOjσ0,η0 Φη0 (z ) from the operator product expansions of the correspond- = κiσκjσ0 e e . (65) a0 ing vertex operators. We obtain the final expression 13

D E P D 0 E † 0 a −iOjσ,sf Φsf (z) σ/2 iOjσ,sf Φsf (z ) 0 σ/2 ψjσ (z) ψjσ (z ) ∝ e [Pb (τ)] e [Pb (τ )] , (69) (z − z0)3/4

2 2 2 where we used Ojσ,c + Ojσ,f + Ojσ,s = 3/4. We achieved the goal of extracting exactly the parity operator Pa from the correlation function. We cannot, unfortunately, make more rigorous progress than this. The extra power of 1/4 hides in the remaining correlation function where the b-parity operator and remaining bosonic exponentials are not expected to commute. If one accepts some educated guesswork, however, we may resort to adapting the – rigorous, albeit ignoring Klein factors and decoupled Majorana sectors – arguments of Maldacena and Ludwig here.104 In their work, which goes beyond the Toulouse limit, the effect of an impurity scattering in the strongly coupled 2CK regime is connected to a change in boundary conditions whereby the spin-flavor boson flips sign. If we generalize this to our many-impurity scenario, we expect

l Φsf (z) |Im(z)=xl− = (−1) Φsf (z) |Im(z)=xl+. (70)

Together with our results, it is not far-fetched to presume that one may absorb the b-Majorana parities into the Φsf bosons by a change in their boundary conditions. At the end one would simply have the CFT result for the vertex operator correlator

D 0 E 1 −iOjσ,sf Φsf (z) σ/2 iOjσ,sf Φsf (z ) 0 σ/2 e [Pb (τ)] e [Pb (τ )] → . (z − z0)1/4

This way, the electronic 2-point function for an even num- a π/2 phase-shift associated with a two-channel screening ber of impurities would reduce to of a spin-1 effective particle. The two values of Pa, and consequently of the correlation function suggest a double D † 0 E Pa ground state degeneracy, due to the free Majoranas. In ψjσ (z) ψjσ (z ) = , (71) a z − z0 sum, the 2CK problem has been worked out rigorously and this would be in agreement with the multi-fusion here, to the point where Pa is extracted from the cor- relation function. This is the main signature expected ansatz. The fusion rules for SU(2)2 read from the multi-fusion ansatz. The most noteworthy les- 1 1 son here comes from contrasting with the 1CK case. In 0 × 0 = 0, 1 × 1 = 0, × = 0 + 1 2 2 the 2CK problem we see that even for a fixed number 1 1 1 1 of impurities, two distinct solutions appear for the cor- 1 × = , 0 × = , 0 × 1 = 1. (72) 2 2 2 2 relation function. These solutions, corresponding to two anyon fusion channels, come in the form of simple phase The corresponding S−matrix is shifts, but that stems from the fact that the two out-

 1 √1 1  comes of the fusion 1/2 × 1/2 = 0 + 1, namely 0 and 1, 2 2 2 are still Abelian anyons. S =  √1 0 − √1  . (73)  2 2  1 − √1 1 2 2 2

For an odd number of impurities, ceff = 1/2 and, as 1/2 S1/2 = 0, the correlation function should vanish. For an even number of impurities, however, ceff = 0 or ceff = 1, corresponding to Pa = 1 or Pa = −1, respectively. This can be written as 4. 3CK and Fibonnaci anyons

 S1/2/S1/2  1/2 0  S0 /S0 = 0 M odd  1/2 0 We finish our discussion by pointing the non-trivial D † E 1  S1/2/S1/2 ψjσ (z1) ψ (z2) = 0 0 . consequences if we push this picture to the 3CK scenario. jσ S0 /S0 = 1 M even z1 − z2 1/2 0  1/2 1/2 Now, the low energy theory is expected to be controlled  S1 /S0  0 0 = −1 M even by an SU(2)3 WZW CFT. We emphasize again the exis- S1 /S0 (74) tence of a relationship between this CFT and Fibonacci anyons, first alluded in the introduction. While we can- The coefficient M-even cases is nothing but Pa, as men- not solve the 3CK problem exactly, we may rely on our tioned. The factor of −1 in the ceff = 1 channel suggests ansatz, supported by the strong-coupling fixed point re- 14

(푎) sults of SubsectionIIIB2. The modular S−matrix reads 푆Ԧ1 푆Ԧ2 …  q q q q  휆 휆 휆 1 − √1 1 + √1 1 + √1 1 − √1 5 5 5 5  q q q q   1 + √1 1 − √1 − 1 − √1 − 1 + √1   5 5 5 5  S =  q q q q  . (푏) 푎 푎 푎 푎  1 + √1 − 1 − √1 − 1 − √1 1 + √1  1 2 3 4  5 5 5 5   q q q q  1 − √1 − 1 + √1 1 + √1 − 1 − √1 5 5 5 5 (75) The fusion rules for SU(2)3 are more cumbersome. For simplicity, we focus on the 1/2 × 1/2 = 0 + 1 fusion rule, which is unchanged in comparison with the 2CK Figure 5: Simplified picture of the chiral Kondo Model (a) case above, and M = 2 impurities. The prefactors of and its overscreened anyon low-energy picture (b). Switches the correlation functions, however, are now completely between impurities allow the extraction of electrons at any particular position. This allows the measurement of correla- different. If the impurities fuse to ceff = 0, we just have a trivial boundary condition and a unity prefactor. If, tion functions extracting information about a fusion channel however, c = 1, the correlation function prefactor now of a desired sequence of anyons at their corresponding impu- √eff √ rities. reads −( 5 − 1)/( 5 + 1). Not only they are different in sign, but also in modulus. There is no full conversion of electronic degrees of freedom into other collective modes. formation manipulation can be devised. One starts with Scattering by an odd number of impurities does not need a system of M impurities, equipped with the possibility to vanish in this case. to inject an electron before the l-th impurity and extract it after the m-th (m > l) impurity [red dashed line in Fig.5(b)]. This allows to measure the fusion outcome of IV. SUMMARY AND OUTLOOK all anyons in the segment from l to m. Our 1D setup is limited to measuring the fusion of anyons along con- We proposed a chiral multi-channel and multi- nected segments. Still, this allows interesting operations impurity Kondo model as a venue for realizing quasipar- such as state teleportation. While success in achieving ticle fractionalization and anyon-related physics. Con- teleportation by such method is only probabilistic, the trasting with platforms based on standard topologically number of measurements returning failed processes is ex- ordered phases, our system is gapless. Our anyonic ponentially suppressed.87 To realize effective braiding of modes are separated from the conduction electron fluid the anyons using measurements of fusion outcomes re- due to inherent frustration present in the multi-channel quires to go beyond our purely 1D system,87,105 effec- Kondo effect, leading to residual strongly correlated and tively allowing us to measure the fusion outcome of non- spatially localized fractionalized degrees of freedom. consecutive anyons on the line. For this purpose we en- The implementation described here is a promising vision adding external coherent connectors on our chiral platform for manipulation of topological quantum in- channel, extracting an electron from one point and rein- formation. Through a multi-fusion adaptation of the jecting it from another. boundary conformal field theory fusion ansatz, we have Chiral multi-channel Kondo systems then provide an shown that impurity-anyon fusion channels leave signa- exciting venue for studying quasiparticle fractionaliza- tures in two-point correlation functions. While the static tion. They satisfy the standard primitives for the realiza- impurity fractional particles can’t be braided, the signa- tion of topological quantum computation:87 they display tures left on correlation functions provide the very re- (i) non-Abelian particles whose (ii) fusion channel may be quirements for the implementation of measurement-only determined by correlation function measurements. Fur- topological quantum computation.87 In this methodol- thermore, the anyons are bound to defects, which offers a ogy, anyon braiding is substituted by measurements of beneficial extra protection of the information from ther- anyon charges, which in this context mean simply the re- mal proliferation of anyon pairs.39 In comparison, anyons sult of a fusion channel. No direct interaction between in fractional quantum Hall systems systems may satisfy impurities is necessary for the manipulation of the infor- properties (i) and (ii), but are not protected from ther- mation. Computations are determined in a probabilistic mal fluctuations. Majoranas in topological superconduc- fashion, determined by the result of repeated measure- tor nanowires do display all properties above, but offer ments of fusion outcomes. These depend only on the no path towards universal gates by braiding. The Kondo interaction between the conduction electrons and each approach we put forward displays all qualities discussed impurity, and can be selected through switches, as illus- above. Here, the 3-channel Kondo case will be pivotal, trated in Fig.5. given the suggestive signatures of it displaying Fibonacci If the building blocks of the correlation function (as- anyons – which do braid to universal gates. Realizing sociated with fixed fusion channel ceff ) can indeed be sep- Fibonacci particles is a daunting task; all proposals we arately measured, a simplified protocol for quantum in- are aware of require challenging fine-tuning and/or hard- 15 to-realize ingredients.31,34,35,106 In fact, even the engi- a suppression of the correlation function in modulus, not neering of Majorana zero-modes in nanowires presents a just in phase, alleviating the requirement of interferom- challenging goal. In contrast, 2-channel and 3-channel etry. In a recent proposal for Fibonacci anyons, a con- Kondo phenomenology has already been reported in de- ductance that depends on the fusion outcome exactly as vices based on charge implementations of the impurity given by Eq. (22) was proposed.34 pseudospin.81 The realization of platforms for topological quantum Our work lays the foundation for the implementation computation is a grand challenge from the point of view of quantum computation in Kondo systems. Yet, sev- of , quantum phases and quan- eral important extensions of this work can be envisioned. tum information. By relying on frustration, strong corre- As noteworthy topics we mention a more detailed mod- lation and localization effects, multi-channel Kondo sys- elling for a device realization, a better microscopic de- tems function in a regime totally different from gapped scription of the multi-fusion ansatz, and establishing a topological order. Still, they display several of the desired relation of the two-point correlation functions to acces- properties of standard anyon systems. This paradigm sible such as conductance or tunneling mea- shift presents several advantages but, most importantly, surements. For these latter two points, we have been surmountable and exciting challenges. exploring large-number-of-channels perturbative calcula- tions which, preliminarily, are in agreement with the re- sults here described.107 This limit provides interesting insight, as the spins are perturbatively free from the con- V. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS duction channels and play the roles of the free anyonic modes themselves. The measurement of fusion-channel- We would like to thank J. Folk, A. Nocera, K. Sht- fixed correlations is a more subtle issue. If possible, we engel, R. Boyack and S. Plugge for comments and dis- still note that such measurements can be challenging in cussions, as well as Y. Oreg and H. S. Sim for insight- some scenarios, demanding interferometry. An example ful discussions motivating this topic. This work has is the 2-channel Ising case, whose correlation functions been supported by the Canada First Research Excellence were demonstrated to change only by a phase, depending Fund, the NSERC Discovery Grant 04033-2016, and by on the fusion channel. Remarkably, we saw that the most the US-Israel Binational Foundation (Grant No. interesting and useful Fibonacci 3-channel case involves 2016255) (E.S.).

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This argument and can be extended to any order in perturbation theory, so 2 that the coupling exactly vanishes. X σt −σ B = σ (A5) 0 ( + U)( − U) σ −σ −σ X Ut2 Appendix A: Chiral device toy-model g =2 σ (A6) z (U +  )(U −  ) σ −σ −σ To study the spin asymmetry effects in the proposed X Ut↑t↓ device, we focus on a single effective impurity and a sin- g⊥ =2 . (A7) (U + −σ)(U − −σ) gle channel and consider a simplified Anderson-impurity σ phenomenological model H = H0 + H1, where Two points call our attention in these equations. First, !2 ! the previously alluded spin asymmetric couplings be- X X tween the two spinful channels and the QD are explic- H = U f †f − 1 +  f †f − ( +  ) /2 0 σ σ σ σ σ ↑ ↓ itly manifest. As mentioned, a spin-anisotropy is not σ σ (A1) expected to affect the NFL low-energy physics. More ! worrying is the effective magnetic field term B0, which X threatens to break the bound-state that overscreens the H = t f †c + H.c. . (A2) 1 σ σ σ,0 impurity at the origin. From a field theory perspec- σ tive, however, the magnetic field coupling to the impu- This model has close similarities to that of Ref. 94. The rity dominates over the coupling to the conduction elec- 108 dispersion of c fermions is unimportant in comparison trons. Fortunately, this term may be tuned via Bk to 18 zero under the condition of degeneracy of the two renor- Appendix C: Scalar scattering Green’s functions malized QD levels. Setting B0 = −2z leads to, in the large U limit, The 2-point correlation (Green’s) functions can be ob- tained by elementary methods. In a finite-size and finite-  2 2 t↑ − t↓ 0 temperature torus, it reads z ≈ . (A8) 2U 2 Gtorus (τ, x, τ 0, x0)

PM (l) 0 x−x0  For equal hybridization amplitudes t = t , there is no 1 i2π V θ(x−xl)−θ(x −xl)− ↑ ↓ = e l=1 L spin-asymmetry or splitting renormalization; the acci- Lβ dental degeneracy must be tuned exactly to guarantee i 2π (m+ 1 )(x−x0) −i 2π (n+ 1 )(τ−τ 0) X e L 2 e β 2 the absence of the effective magnetic field. If the hy- × . (C1) iω − k bridization amplitudes are spin-dependent, however, we m,n n m may still tune the effective magnetic field for the impu- rities away by the real applied magnetic field which con- It is instructive to consider this expression both in the trols  . Note also that even in the extreme asymmetric thermodynamic and zero-temperature limits, in which z cases the sums can be performed exactly. In the former situations, when one of the tσ is set to zero, the Kondo couplings are well-established, showing some robustness case, we have in our proposal. lim Gtorus (τ, x, τ 0, x0) L→∞ PM (l) 0 i2π V [θ(x−xl)−θ(x −xl)] π e l=1 Appendix B: Schrieffer-Wolf transformation = π 0 , (C2) β sin β (z − z )

Defining the generator S satisfying [H0,S] = H1, the while in the latter 1 correction to the Hamiltonian is given by H2 = [S, H1]. 2 lim Gtorus (τ, x, τ 0, x0) The generator reads T →0 PM (l) 0 2π PM (l) 0 i2π V [θ(x−xl)−θ(x −xl)] L V (z−z ) X tσ π e l=1 e i=1 S = nα c† f − H.c., (B1) = . ∆α −σ σ,0 σ L sinh π (z − z0) σ,α σ L (C3) where ∆α = ((1 − σ)  + (1 + σ)  ) /2 + αU, for α = ±, σ ↑ ↓ It is known in the context of the NCK problem that the are the energy differences for double to single and single α anyonic behavior of the overscreened impurity only de- to zero occupations. The terms n−σ = sgn (α)(n−σ) + † 42 velops in the thermodynamic limit, followed by a low θ (−α), where nσ = fσfσ, act as projector operators. temperature limit. The order of the limits is impor- We compute the effective Hamiltonian under the approx- tant.68,70 Some phenomenon reminiscent of that also ap- P † P † imation of substituting σ cσ,0cσ,0 = σ fσfσ = 1 (and pears here. In the expressions above, one sees already consequently n+n− → 0). This neglects, to lowest or- that in the L → ∞ limit, the behavior of the corre- der, particle density fluctuations at the impurity site. If lation function is that of absorbing a simple prefactor we recovered the particle-density fluctuations, the effec- correction that changes discontinuously with the number tive magnetic field terms in H2 would contain cross terms of impurities between the points x and x0. Taking the between spin and particle densities fluctuations around zero-temperature limit first leaves us with an expression the single occupation mean value. Since we find that B0 that remembers that the system is defined in a cylin- can tune the impurity splitting to zero anyway, and that der and has to display the periodicity-correcting factors which is the most important perturbation,108 we consider which arise due to the momentum shifts. the lowest approximation in fluctuations for simplicity of The scalar scattering problem, however, does not dis- analysis. The result we find is displayed in Eq. A3 in the play impurity dynamics and interaction effects. As a con- main text. sequence, the order of limits discussed above is less strin- The Hamiltonian we find is slightly different from gent when one finally computes the correlation function that of Ref. 94, although the models are closely related. in the plane (both L → ∞ and T → 0). Independently While part of the difference arises from us taking the of the order of limits, we obtain the result displayed in zero density fluctuation limit – which we stress is not the main text: necessary – we do found some other differences. We PM (l) 0 i2π V [θ(x−xl)−θ(x −xl)] found, in particular, effective local magnetic field con- e l=1 Gplane (τ, x, τ 0, x0) = . tributions both to the impurity and to the conduction z − z0 electrons, independently of the approximation. We be- (C4) lieve this discrepancy stems from a careful normal order- As discussed in the main text, this result could be have ing and anti-commutation bookkeeping during Schrieffer- been found directly computing the zero-temperature cor- Wolff/second-order perturbation theory calculation. relation function from Eq. (28). 19

Appendix D: 2CK eigenmodes and multi-impurity In the strong coupling limit, δ = π/2 and the conduction- absorption electron field operators are excluded from the impurity positions – as the term in brackets guarantees. At those Here we display some extra details on the analysis of points, the impurity Majoranas take over, complementing the 2CK problem with multiple impurities. Namely, our and completing the states. To evince this, we define goal is to prove that the Majorana modes are all absorbed by the conduction electrons at each impurity site, and " M # consider the associated phase shifts. Similar results are X l χ˜ (x) ≡ χ (x) 1 + 2 (−1) θ (x − x ) effective in the single-impurity case, and we show here l that they also generalize for many impurities. l=1 l+1 X −ik(x−xl) (−) To start, we decompose the field operators according = (−1) e ϕk,l ck, (D6) 109,110 1 to (we drop the labels, from now on only χsf → χ k is part of the discussion)

X X l which is finite at the impurity sites in the strong coupling χ (x) = ϕk (x) ck, bl = ukck. (D1) limit. In fact, by the impurity Majorana field operator k k expansion, we have the operatorial identity The wavefunctions satisfy the Schrödinger equations l X l (−1) i∂xϕk (x) + ig⊥ 2πδ (x − xl) uk = kϕk (x) (D2) bl ≈ χ˜ (xl) , (D7) πg⊥ l proving that this identity, which was true in the single l 109,110 ig⊥ϕk (xl) = kuk, (D3) impurity case, also remains true here. Finally, note the phase build-up (−) i2δ (+) under the local constraints ϕk,l = e ϕk,l , where ϕ(±) ≡ lim ϕ (x ± ) and k,l →0 k l χ (L → ∞) = e−i2Mδe−i2kLχ (−L → ∞) 2πg2 → e−iMπe−i2kLχ (−L → ∞) . (D8) tan δ = ⊥ . (D4) δ→π/2 k In the decoupled limit, δ → 0, while in the strong cou- For an even number of impurities, no phase is gathered pling limit δ → π/2. The latter happens as g2 ∼ T  ⊥ K (except from the one gained from translation), while for Λ, where Λ is the characteristic energy scale of the free an odd number of impurities one always picks up an over- modes. Carefully sewing the solutions through the im- all π total phase. Notice, that the spin-flavor Majorana purities results in operators are not the original physical degrees of freedom. (−) They are, instead, highly correlated collective modes, not ϕ (x) = e−ik(x−x1)ϕ k k,1 directly related to any obvious measurement (such as the " M # tunneling currents of our focus). Yet, this boundary con- i2δ X −i2lδ × 1 + 1 − e θ (x − xl) e . (D5) dition flip has useful consequences when discussing cor- l=1 relations.104