Centro Studi Erbario Tropicale L. Settesoldi, M. Tardelli, M. Raffaelli THE TYPES OF THE TROPICAL HERBARIUM OF FLORENCE Volume II: Dicotyledons (Piperaceae to Euphorbiaceae) Pubblicazione n. 98 L. Settesoldi, M. Tardelli, M. Raffaelli THE TYPES OF THE TROPICAL HERBARIUM OF FLORENCE Volume 2: Dicotyledons (Piperaceae to Euphorbiaceae) I TIPI DELL’ERBARIO TROPICALE DI FIRENZE Volume 2: Dicotiledoni (Piperaceae-Euphorbiaceae) CENTRO STUDI ERBARIO TROPICALE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE Via La Pira 4 – 50121 ITALIA
[email protected] FIRENZE 2004 FOREWORD The Tropical Herbarium of Florence (FT), founded in 1904, houses at present about 180,000 exsiccata, the bulk of which is made up of plants from Tropical Africa (with special regard to Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Kenya), but also from Southern-Central America, the Arabian Peninsula (Yemen and Oman) and Oceania. The Tropical Herbarium has always been and still is visited by a good number of Botanists; the collections preserved therein, are a primary source of taxonomical and chorological information, particularly on critical or little known genera and families of Tropical plants. A substantial contribution to the accomplishment of the African floras, such as "Flora of Ethiopia" and the more recent "Flora of Somalia", came from the study of FT exsiccata. The thorough reorganisation the Tropical Herbarium has gone through during the last few years, is now almost completed. To the advantage of Italian and foreign botanists, families and genera are now filed according to the Dalla Torre Harms decimal classification system, thus facilitating also the addition of new specimens (Tardelli M., Museol. Sci. XIII (3-4): 319-344, 1996).