Approved EMP Appendices 1 to 12
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Appendix 1. Field Management Plans Environmental Management/ Control Monitoring Monitoring Report Objective Impact Activity Reporting Action Responsibility Value Strategy Action Frequency Frequency Flora/fauna No permanent Loss of protected • All vegetation Ensure all necessary Visual Weekly Corrective action record as Induction Person in charge detrimental flora species, clearing permits and approvals are required training impact to essential habitat • Removal of fertile in place and compliance Prior to start of biodiversity or and biodiversity topsoil obligations communicated work ecological to site personnel prior to function commencing vegetation clearing Mark the boundary of the Visual weekly Corrective action record as Monthly Person in charge work program area with required (summary in tape and/ or hi-viz fencing monthly designated for ‘No Go report) Zones’ and monitor integrity Ensure site specific fire Audit At start of new Audit report As required Person in charge management plans are in work and place quarterly Weed invasion/ • All vegetation Upgrade existing tracks Visual Weekly Corrective action record as Monthly Weeds Officer infestation and / clearing where practical to required increased • Accessing site by accommodate the heavy occurrence or vehicle vehicle traffic (including abundance of widening). feral animals Vehicle wash down prior Weed certificate Prior to Certificate At Weeds Officer to entering the area mobilization commencemen t Vehicle wash down for the Weed certificate As required Self-assessment As required Weeds Officer removal of weed seeds for all vehicles moving through known weed infestations No burning of cleared Visual Daily Corrective action record as Monthly Person in charge vegetation required Implement Work Program Visual inspection Prior to Record active areas in daily Weekly Person in charge staging and minimize total and maintain commencemen log area of disturbance at any marking boundary t Page 180 | 428 IMP001-03 Environmental Management/ Control Monitoring Monitoring Report Objective Impact Activity Reporting Action Responsibility Value Strategy Action Frequency Frequency one time of work program stage Loss of riparian • Vegetation clearing Mark and maintain a ‘No Visual Daily corrective action Weekly Person in charge vegetation in or near a Go Zone’ from the outer implemented as required drainage pathway boundary of riparian zones • Accessing site by for all areas outside the vehicle proposed / approved • Removal of fertile clearing footprint topsoil • Earthworks in or near drainage pathways Where clearing of Visual Daily Corrective action record as weekly Person in charge vegetation is unavoidable required and approved, rootstock will be retained insitu where practical Air quality No complaints Insufficient / • Accessing site (road Implement plant and Visual Daily Corrective action record as As required Person in charge relating to dust ineffective dust, /track vehicle speed restrictions required nuisance particulate and/ maintenance) (60km/hr on unsealed or odour control • All vegetation roads in close proximity measures clearing (<200m) to sensitive resulting in • Earthworks for receptors excessive dust levelling work areas generation and impact on sensitive receptors Locate linking access Visual inspection Daily during site Record locations where As required Person in charge tracks as far as practicable and marking for access and not possible in daily log from sensitive receptors new access track establishment placement No burning of cleared Visual Daily Corrective action record as Monthly Person in charge vegetation required Implement Work Program Visual inspection Daily Record active areas in daily Weekly Person in charge staging and minimize total and maintain log area of disturbance at any marking boundary Page 181 | 428 IMP001-03 Environmental Management/ Control Monitoring Monitoring Report Objective Impact Activity Reporting Action Responsibility Value Strategy Action Frequency Frequency one time of work program stage Utilise meteorological Visual Daily Corrective action record as As required Person in charge information and weather required forecast to confirm suitability of conditions for the proposed work program activities Vehicles and equipment Visual Daily Nil – corrective action As required Person in charge will be switched off when implemented immediately not in use in accordance with safe work statement, if non- compliance identified Maintain vehicles and Visual Weekly or as Nil – corrective action As required Person in charge equipment in accordance required implemented immediately with manufacturer’s in accordance with safe specifications work statement, if non- compliance identified No increase in Increased • Operation of No burning of cleared Visual Daily Corrective action record as Monthly Person in charge emissions greenhouse gas, vehicles, plant and vegetation required resulting in hydrocarbon or equipment for all permanent ozone-depleting site activities impact to the air emissions • Waste generation, shed containment and removal Implement Work Program Visual inspection Daily Record active areas in daily Weekly Person in charge staging and minimize total and maintain log area of disturbance at any marking boundary one time of work program stage Vehicles and equipment Visual Daily Nil – corrective action As required Person in charge will be switched off when implemented immediately not in use in accordance with safe work statement, if non- compliance identified Maintain vehicles and Visual Daily Nil – corrective action As required Person in charge equipment in accordance implemented immediately with manufacturer’s in accordance with safe Page 182 | 428 IMP001-03 Environmental Management/ Control Monitoring Monitoring Report Objective Impact Activity Reporting Action Responsibility Value Strategy Action Frequency Frequency specifications work statement, if non- compliance identified Minimise haul / travel Visual Daily Record changes to Work Monthly Person in charge distances where Program in daily log practicable Noise and No complaints Insufficient / • Operation of Equipment operators will Visual Weekly Training record Monthly Person in charge vibration relating to noise ineffective noise vehicles, plant and be made aware of the and/or vibration and/or vibration equipment for all potential issues relevant to nuisance control measures site activities each work area and resulting in • Seismic acquisition techniques to minimize excessive noise / noise and vibration vibration emissions generation and impact on sensitive receptors Vehicles and equipment Visual Daily Nil – corrective action As required Person in charge will be switched off when implemented immediately not in use in accordance with safe work statement, if non- compliance identified Maintain vehicles and Visual Daily Nil – corrective action As required Person in charge equipment in accordance implemented immediately with manufacturer’s in accordance with safe specifications work statement, if non- compliance identified Locate and construct new Visual inspection Daily during site Record locations where As required Person in charge (linking) access tracks, and marking for access and not possible in daily log work areas, compounds new access track, establishment and stockpiling areas as far work area, as practicable from compound and sensitive receptors stockpiling area placement Locate sites preferably Visual During Site Nil – corrective action at As required Person in charge behind sound barrier such planning planning stage as tree line or hill Continue stakeholder Observation As required Communication record As required Person in charge engagement as per Section Page 183 | 428 IMP001-03 Environmental Management/ Control Monitoring Monitoring Report Objective Impact Activity Reporting Action Responsibility Value Strategy Action Frequency Frequency 8 of the EMP. No interference Disruption or • Operation of Equipment operators will Visual Daily Report incidents – Monthly Person in charge with a public damage to public vehicles, plant and be made aware of the corrective action (Incident utility or facility utilities or equipment for all potential noise and/or implemented immediately summary in resulting from facilities site activities vibration issues relevant to in accordance with safe monthly noise and/or • Excavation and each work area and work statement, if non- report) vibration earthworks techniques to minimize compliance identified generating • Seismic acquisition impacts activities Amenity No complaints Temporary or • Operation of Equipment operators will Visual Weekly Training record Monthly Person in charge relating to permanent loss of vehicles, plant and be made aware of the impact on access or amenity equipment for all potential amenity issues community and/ (including light site activities relevant to each work area or public overspill, • Lighting of work and techniques to amenity economic and areas minimize impacts service impacts) • Excavation and earthworks • Onsite storage / management of wastes generated Locate sites preferably Visual During Site Nil – corrective action at As required Person in charge behind visual barrier such planning planning stage as tree line or hill No interference Vehicles and equipment Visual Daily Nil – corrective action As required Person in charge with a public will be switched off when implemented immediately utility or facility not in use in accordance with safe work statement, if non- compliance identified No incidents Maintain vehicles and