BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge Supplement Australian Biological Resources Study Contents Key Appendix A: Species Lists 3 ¤ = Previously recorded on the reserve and Flora 4 found on this survey * = New record for this reserve Flowering Plants 4 ^ = Exotic/Pest Ferns 5 # = EPBC listed ~ = NCA listed Appendix B: Threatened Species 6 Flora 7 EPBC = Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Commonwealth) Flowering Plants 7 NCA = Nature Conservation Act 1992 (Queensland) Colour coding for entries: Black = Previously recorded on the reserve and found on this survey Brown = Putative new species Blue = Previously recorded on the reserve but not found on this survey 2 Bush Blitz survey report — Far North QLD 2010 Appendix A: Species Lists Nomenclature and taxonomy used in this appendix are consistent with that from the Australian Faunal Directory (AFD), the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) and the Australian Plant Census (APC). Current at March 2013 Melsonby (Gaaraay) Nature Refuge Supplement 3 Flora Flowering Plants Flowering Plants Family Species Family Species Acanthaceae Rostellularia adscendens * Euphorbiaceae Neoroepera banksii * Asparagaceae Lomandra banksii * Petalostigma banksii * Thysanotus tuberosus subsp. Phyllanthus virgatus * tuberosus * Sauropus elachophyllus var. Asteraceae Cyanthillium cinereum * glaber * Caryophyllaceae Polycarpaea corymbosa var. Sauropus podenzanae * corymbosa * Fabaceae Acacia humifusa * Chrysobalanaceae Parinari nonda * Acacia hyaloneura * Colchicaceae Iphigenia indica * Acacia leptoloba * Commelinaceae Cartonema brachyantherum * Acacia multisiliqua * Cartonema spicatum var. Daviesia flava * spicatum * Desmodium trichostachyum * Cyperaceae Arthrostylis aphylla * Eriosema chinense * Bulbostylis barbata * Gompholobium sp. Cyperus aquatilis * (Point Archer J.Wrigley+NQ1301) * Cyperus cristulatus * Hovea parvicalyx * Cyperus decompositus * Jacksonia thesioides * Fimbristylis cinnamometorum * Lamprolobium fruticosum Fimbristylis recta * Tephrosia filipes var. latifolia * Fuirena ciliaris * Tephrosia juncea * Rhynchospora pterochaeta * Tephrosia leptoclada * Schoenus sparteus * Tephrosia sp. Scleria tricuspidata * (Laura M.B.Thomas 283) * Dilleniaceae Hibbertia banksii f. banksii * Uraria picta * Hibbertia lepidota * Zornia muriculata subsp. Droseraceae Drosera indica * angustata * Drosera lanata * Goodeniaceae Goodenia heteroptera ~ * Ericaceae Leucopogon lavarackii * Goodenia janamba * Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon fistulosum * Haemodoraceae Haemodorum coccineum * Hemerocallidaceae Dianella incollata ~ * Lamiaceae Chloanthes parviflora * Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis * 4 Bush Blitz survey report — Far North QLD 2010 Flowering Plants Flowering Plants Family Species Family Species Lentibulariaceae Utricularia chrysantha * Poaceae Eriachne sp. Utricularia limosa * (Dugald River B.K.Simon+ 3007) * Utricularia uliginosa * Eriachne squarrosa * Loganiaceae Mitrasacme ambigua * Heteropogon triticeus * Mitrasacme nummularia * Panicum seminudum var. Loranthaceae Decaisnina brittenii subsp. cairnsianum * brittenii * Paspalidium spartellum * Diplatia grandibractea * Sacciolepis indica * Menispermaceae Hypserpa decumbens * Schizachyrium fragile * Myrtaceae Asteromyrtus lysicephala * Thaumastochloa rariflora * Corymbia stockeri subsp. stockeri * Thaumastochloa x heteromorpha * Eucalyptus phoenicea * Themeda triandra * Homoranthus tropicus ~ * Polygalaceae Comesperma secundum * Lithomyrtus obtusa * Proteaceae Grevillea pteridifolia * Neofabricia sericisepala * Rubiaceae Morinda ammitia * Orobanchaceae Buchnera gracilis * Morinda reticulata * Poaceae Alloteropsis semialata * Sapindaceae Dodonaea lanceolata var. Aristida macroclada subsp. subsessilifolia * queenslandica * Dodonaea malvacea * Arundinella nepalensis * Stylidiaceae Stylidium leiophyllum * Cymbopogon ambiguus * Symplocaceae Symplocos stawellii var. stawellii * Dimeria acinaciformis * Taccaceae Tacca leontopetaloides * Ectrosia confusa * Thymelaeaceae Thecanthes cornucopiae * Eragrostis brownii * Violaceae Hybanthus enneaspermus * Eragrostis schultzii * Xanthorrhoeaceae Xanthorrhoea johnsonii * Eriachne pallescens * Xyridaceae Xyris complanata * Eriachne pulchella var. pulchella * Ferns Family Species Gleicheniaceae Dicranopteris linearis var. linearis * Lindsaeaceae Lindsaea fraseri * Psilotaceae Psilotum nudum * Pteridaceae Cheilanthes prenticei * Schizaeaceae Schizaea dichotoma * Melsonby (Gaaraay) Nature Refuge Supplement 5 Notes 6 Bush Blitz survey report — Far North QLD 2010 Appendix B: Threatened Species Nomenclature and taxonomy used in this appendix are consistent with that from the Australian Faunal Directory (AFD), the Australian Plant Name Index (APNI) and the Australian Plant Census (APC). Current at March 2013 Melsonby (Gaaraay) Nature Refuge Supplement 7 Flora Flowering Plants Species Status Dianella incollata * NCA — Near Threatened Goodenia heteroptera * NCA — Near Threatened Homoranthus tropicus * NCA — Near Threatened 8 Bush Blitz survey report — Far North QLD 2010 BUSH BLITZ S PECIES DISCOVERY P R O G R A M BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM Brooklyn, Cloudland, Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuges Eubenangee Swamp, Hann Tableland, Melsonby (Gaarraay) National Parks Brooklyn Nature Refuge Cloudland Nature Refuge Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge Upper Bridge Creek Supplement Supplement Supplement Queensland 29 April–27 May · 26–27 July 2010 Australian Biologic al Australian Biological Australian Biological Australian Biological Resour ces Stud y Resources Study Resources Study Resources Study BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM BUSH BLITZ SPECIES DISCOVERY PROGRAM Eubenangee Swamp National Park Hann Tableland National Park Melsonby (Gaarraay) National Park Upper Bridge Creek Supplement Supplement Supplement Supplement Australian Biological Australian Biological Australian Biological Australian Biological Resources Study Resources Study Resources Study Resources Study © Copyright Commonwealth of Australia, 2013. All publications are available online at: www.bushblitz.org.au Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge Queensland 2010. A Bush Blitz survey report supplement is licensed by the Commonwealth of Australia for use under a Creative Commons By Attribution 3.0 This supplement contains the appendicies from the Bush Blitz Australia licence with the exception of the Coat of Arms of the Survey Report: Commonwealth of Australia, the logo of the agency responsible for + Far North Queensland 2010 including Brooklyn Nature Refuge, publishing the report, content supplied by third parties, and any Cloudland Nature Refuge, Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge, images depicting people. For licence conditions see: Eubenangee Swamp National Park, Hann Tableland National http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/au/ Park, Melsonby (Gaarraay) National Park, Upper Bridge Creek. This report should be attributed as: ISBN 978 0 642 56875 5. ‘Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge Queensland 2010. A Bush Blitz Supplements available: survey report supplement, Commonwealth of Australia 2013’. + Brooklyn Nature Refuge The Commonwealth of Australia has made all reasonable efforts + Cloudland Nature Refuge to identify content supplied by third parties using the following formats: ‘[name of creator] © Copyright, [name of copyright holder] + Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge or © Copyright, [name of copyright holder]’. + Eubenangee Swamp National Park + Hann Tableland National Park Disclaimer + Melsonby (Gaarraay) National Park The views and opinions expressed in this publication are those of + Upper Bridge Creek the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Australian Government or the Minister for the Environment. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that the contents of this publication are factually correct, the Commonwealth does not accept responsibility for the accuracy or What is Bush Blitz? completeness of the contents, and shall not be liable for any loss or Bush Blitz is a three-year, multi-million dollar partnership between damage that may be occasioned directly or indirectly through the the Australian Government, BHP Billiton and Earthwatch Australia use of, or reliance on, the contents of this publication. to document plants and animals in selected properties across Australia’s National Reserve System. PUBLISHER ABRS, Canberra This innovative partnership harnesses the expertise of many of EDITOR ABRS Australia’s top scientists from museums, herbaria, universities, and LAYOUT Giraffe Visual Communication Management other institutions and organisations across the country. DESIGN TEMPLATE ABRS COVER PHOTO Green Ringtail Possum (Pseudochirops archeri) © Copyright, S. Zozaya Melsonby (Gaaraay) Nature Refuge Supplement 9 BIO253.1012 Bush Blitz survey report Far North QLD + 2010 Melsonby (Gaarraay) Nature Refuge Supplement Australian Biological Resources Study.
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