
Sweetheart Cardigan for 18” Dolls Laura Hickman Copyright 2015

Materials: 1 skein (3.5 oz) DK yarn (Sinfonia 100% was used in the example.) Size 3 (US) needles (or whatever size needles will help you get the correct gauge.) 5 stitch holders Yarn needle Felt for heart decoration or tiny crocheted heart(optional) 6” 1/8- 1/4” inch wide satin ribbon for heart (optional) 1 - 1/4” - 3/8” shank button (or crocheted button) Row counter (optional)

Pattern Notes:  This sweater is made from the down.  Border pattern at front center edges is: k3, p1 at beginning of row and p1, k3 at end of row on right side (knit side) , and knit 4 at beginning and end of row on wrong side (purl side). Border is included in pattern rows1-18 on the top, but use the above as a reference/ reminder for the body rows.  Gauge: 6 sts X 8 rows =1 square inch

Instructions: Cast on 48 sts Row 1: k1, p1 across Row 2: p1, k1, YO, continue p1, k1, across Row 3: k1, p1, across to YO, drop YO, p1, k1 (buttonhole made) Row 4: k4, p across and k last 4 Row 5: increase row : k3, p1, k1, *m1, k2, continue from * across and then p1, k last 3 (60+8=68) Row 6: k4, p across and k last 4 Row 7: k3, p1, k across and k last 3 Row 8: k4, p across and k last4 Row 9: Increase row: k3, p1, k1,* m1, k2 , repeat from * across, m1, k1, p1, and k last 3 ( 90+ 8= 98) Row 10: k4, p across, k4 Row 11: k3, p1, k across and p1, k last 3 Row 12: k4, p across, k last 4 Row 13: increase row: k3, p1, k2,m1, k2, repeat from * across, m1, k1, p1, k last 3. (135+8=143) Row 14: k4, p across, k last 4 Row 15: k3, p1, k. across, p1, k last 3 Row 16: k4, p across, k last 4 . . Row 17: k3, p1, k. across, p1, k last 3 Row 18: k4, p across, k last 4 . Break yarn, leave 8-10 inch tail

Laura Hickman Copyright 2015 1

Divide work, slipping onto holders knit-wise: 23 stitches onto stitch holder for right front. Slip 29 stitches onto next stitch holder for right sleeve. Slip 39 stitches onto holder for back Slip 29 stitches onto next holder for left sleeve Slip last 23 stitches onto holder for left front

Make sleeves: For each sleeve: Slip sts from one holder onto needle, knit-wise. Row 1: Attach yarn to first st and knit across. (29 sts) Row 2: p across Rows 3-20 continue in stockinette stitch Row 21, k across, decrease by 2 sts together 4 times evenly spaced ( ie at sts 3&4,10 & 11, 18 & 19, 25 & 26 approximately ) (24 sts) Row 22 pearl across Rows 23-25 k1, p1. rib stitch Row 26 bind off. Leave a 12 inch tail to sew seam later. Repeat on other side for second sleeve.

Body Slip front, back and front stitches off of holders knit-wise and onto one needle (--Slipping together below sleeves, of course! This way the only seam is under the arm of the sleeve.)

Row 1-22: Beginning row on knit side, make front border pattern and stockinette stitch (alternating knit and purl rows as above) across and then border pattern Row 23-25: knit border pattern and then k1, p1, rib st, across then border pattern Row 26 bind off. Finishing:  Sew up sleeve seams and weave in all yarn ends.  Sew on button.  Cut a heart from pattern below (1 inch tall) from felt and sew to left side of sweater just below yoke of sweater and about 10-12 rows in from center edge as pictured. Sew bow to heart if desired. 

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