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Index Aachen: chapel 424 Alberti, Leon Battista 1, 96, 424 abacus 235 De re aedificatoria 424, 463 Abruzzo: temple of Castel di Ieri 232 Albisia Secunda (daughter of acanthus 95, 96, 97, 99, 412 Gnaeus) 260 Acqua Acetosa Laurentina: domestic Alexander Severus 82, 87, 88 architecture 14, 16 Alexander the Great 29, 31, 61 Acquarossa: domestic architecture Alexandria Troas 110 11, 12, 14, 16 Alexandria acroterium 14, 22, 449, 451, 460 Exedra 59 Adam, Jean-Pierre 4 dynastic tomb (Sema) 56 Adige (Athesis) River 169 Library and Museion of 59 adyton 143, 144, 145 palace (basileia) of 56, 59 aedes 20, 49, 231, 235, 236, 237, 240 Oikos 59 aedicula -ae 100, 101, 272, 277, 313, Peripatos 59 319, 361, 420 Temple of Serapis 34 Aemilius Lepidus 33, 38 Allianoi: hot springs 303 Aemilius Paullus 34, 35, 59 Almadén de la Plata: pagus Aezane: bath-gymnasium 316 marmorarius 199 agger and fossa 19 Althiburos: “peristyle agrimensor -es 153 courtyard-house” 337 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius 58, 60, Ambracia, conquest of 33 132, 134, 293,COPYRIGHTED 462, 463, 474, ambulacrum MATERIAL -a 319 475, 476 Amiens (Samarobriva) Aigai: palace 365 forum 91 ala -ae 22, 29, 347 villas in environs of: 376 Alba Fucens: forum 251 Amiternum relief 267 A Companion to Roman Architecture, First Edition. Edited by Roger B. Ulrich and Caroline K. Quenemoen. © 2014 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2014 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. 0002029532.INDD 565 8/10/2013 10:14:00 AM 566 Index Amman (Philadelphia): arcade 40, 76–78, 85, 91–92, 96, 119, nymphaeum 102 144, 292, 325–6, 330 (17.3), Ammianus Marcellinus 68 331–2, 338, 340, 354–5, 412, 419 amphitheater 47, 58, 69, 178, 180, arches 182–5 186, 281–2, 284, 285–8, 391 architectus (Gr. architektôn) 413 “semi-amphitheaters” 287 arcosolium -a 270, 271, 274, 275, 276 Ampurias: forum 252 arcuated lintel see “Syrian Arch” Anazarbus: circus 295 Ardea 162 Anemurium: bath-gymnasium 316 defensive systems 19 angiportus 405 Ariccia 162 Anio River 158, 162, 369 Aristotle 59, 420 Anio tuff 65, 162, 163, 165 Poetics 447 Ankara: bath-gymnasium 316 Arles (Arelate) Annobal Tapapius Rufus 296 amphitheater 295 anta -ae 21, 346, 358 thermae 301 annular vault see vaults Arval Brothers 231 antefix 14 Arycanda: bath-gymnasium 316 Antemnae 162 Ascalon: basilica 99 walls 19 Asclepiades of Prusa 302 Antioch-on-the-Orontes 107 ashlar (opus quadratum) 24, amphitheater 287 163 (9.2), 291 arch 92 Asinius Pollio 59 circus 289 Aspendus 103, 104 thermae 301, 321–2 theater 284, 295 vaults 103 Assisi: forum 251 Antiochus IV Epiphanes 127, 128 Assuan (Aswan) pink granite 196 Antoninus Pius 138, 200, 262, 319 Assur 103 Aosta Ateban, Prince 261 amphitheater 285, 286 Athens 92, 95, 188, 208, 213 Porta Praetoria 76 Acropolis 59, 365, 413, 469, 475 Aphrodisias 99, 297 Erechtheion 469 marble 97 Library of Hadrian 75, 84 Sebasteion 76 Parthenon 56, 209 stadium 290 Temple of Olympian Zeus 39, 127, Tetrapylon 88 217, 451–2 Aphrodite of Knidos 447 Theater of Dionysus 289 apodyterium 104, 319, 350 Tower of the Winds 187 Apollodorus of Damascus 68, 72, 74, Atilius 290 78, 135, 136, 185–6, 200, 312, atrium 338, 344 415, 471, 477 atrium tetrastilium 13 Appius Claudius 29, 31, 43 compluviate type 344 Aquileia 194 Corinthian type 335, 344 forum 91 Tuscan type 344 Aquitania 272, 377, 417 Attalos III 315 araeostyle 211, 214 Atticus, Titus Pomponius 130, 131, 374 0002029532.INDD 566 8/10/2013 10:14:00 AM Index 567 auctoritas 418, 423 baths see balnea and thermae Augst 252 Battle of Actium 49, 51, 53 auguraculum 20 Battle of Chaironeia 33 Augustus (Octavian) 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, Battle of Pydna 59 51, 53, 55–61, 106, 131, 132, Battle of the Caudine Forks 31 133, 168, 171, 221, 223, 246, Bavay: forum 252 256, 293, 294, 295, 414, 415, Berlin 424, 467, 470, 477 Neues Museum 473–4 (25.2), 475 Res Gestae Divi Augusti 468, 470, 471 (25.3), 476–8 aula 115, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125 Stadtschloss 476 Aulus Gellius: Attic Nights 143 Besançon: Porte Noire 91 aureus 86 Beth Shean see Nysa-Scythopolis Ausonius: Ordo nobilium urbium 108, Biscaccanti, Fernando 441 111 Bithynia: role in marble trade and carving 199 Baalbek Blankenheim: villa 85 “Great Temple” at Niha, model Boëthius, Axel 4 of 143 Boncompagni-Ludovisi, Prince Propylaea 89 (5.2) 440 Temple of Jupiter 88, 181 Bordeaux (Burdigala) “trilithon” stones from 187 fora 91 Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler: villa 375–6 “Piliers de Tutelle” 91 Badajoz: villa of La Cocosa 374 Boscoreale: bronze furnaces 174 Bad Wimpfen: fortifications 91 Bosra 101, 103, 104 Baetica 394 Nabataean Arch 105 Baiae South Baths 322 Balneum Tritoli 299 Bostra (Syria) Temple of Mercury 71 circus 289 thermo-mineral complex 299 theater 284 balaneion 58, 311, 316 Boville: Centroni Villa 368 balnea 300–1, 303–7, 322 Bracciolini, Poggio 424 balustrade 438 Bramante, Donato 424 Barbaro, Daniele 425 Brasini, Armando 429, 440 Barcelona: circus mosaics 293 Brescia: forum 254 Bardi, Pietro Maria 429 brick barrel vault see vaults bessalis 86, 170 basilica (see also individual basilicas by bipedalis 66, 86, 90, 103, 170, 179, name under location) 18, 33, 42, 180 47, 49, 95, 105, 122, 166, 175, bonding courses 90, 103, 170, 180–2, 187, 249, 251–2, 263, 202, 305 384, 414, 473 manufacture 170–1, 194–5 forum-basilica 252, 384, 389 sesquipedalis 66, 170 Bath (Aqua Sulis) 303 stamps 86, 194–5, 205, 279, Baths of Sulis Minerva 191 437, 462 Great Baths 104 “broadhouses” 12 0002029532.INDD 567 8/10/2013 10:14:00 AM 568 Index bronze 159 Caesarea Maritima (Judaea) 178, 187, architectural sculpture of 87 289–90 balustrades of 263 East Baths 92 column capitals of 34, 168, 462 Herod’s summer palace 289 ceilings of 83 caesurae 196 clamps, nails, fasteners 169, 174 Cagliari 237 doors of 174 Caius Iulius Aper 92 furnaces of 174 caldarium 83, 84, 85, 304, 312, 313, inscriptions of 87, 463 315, 317, 319, 322, 350, 377, 379 roofing (tiles) 168, 472 Cales: paved streets 404 tools, measuring devices 154, 169 Caligula 288 trusses of 168 Callaicus 128 Bronze Age 7, 163 Callicrates 413 Brown, Frank 4 Calza-Bini, Alberto 426 Brunelleschi, Filippo 96 Campania 29, 58, 60, 128, 133, 162, Brutus, Publius Junius (aedile 192 238, 291, 292, 303, 325, 336, BCE) 32 391, 414, 420 Bu Njem: Roman fort 91, 200 Campi Flegrei 173 Bucconia Sige 261 Campo della Fiera: sanctuary 233 building materials 159–68 Canterbury: theater 91 building techniques Cap Bon: sandstone from 85 Egypt 188–9 Cape Misenum 133 Europe and Britain 190–1 Capitolium -a (see also under Greece and Asia Minor 186–8 Rome) 254, 256, 258, 261, 262, North Africa 189–90 325, 386 Bulla Regia cappellaccio tuff 160, 162, 163 (9.2), houses 337 164 Memmian Baths 92–3 capreolus -i 182 Capri 117, 120 Cabrera del Mar: bath 190 Villa Iovis 370 Caecilii Metelli 37, 39 Capua 286, 287 caementum 83, 183, 184, 172, 173, amphitheater 292, 295 236 Fondo Patturelli sanctuary 240 Caere (Cerveteri) Caracalla 91, 93, 97, 108, 313 Banditaccia necropolis 12 Baths of (Thermae) 103 “elliptical building” 18 Temple of Serapis 87 Etruscan tombs 12 cardo 94, 101 Tomb of the Greek Capitals 16 Carettoni, Gianfilippo 53 Tomba della Capanna 12 Carinus 123 Vigna Parrocchiale 18 Carmona: amphitheater 286, 287 Caerleon: amphitheater 287 Carnuntum: amphitheater 287 Caesar (Gaius Julus) 43, 45, 47, 49, 55, Carrara (Luna) marble 51, 88, 166, 57, 59, 60, 61, 129, 131, 141, 172, 181, 469 169, 190, 200, 218, 220, 221, Carthage (Tunisia) 35, 92, 168, 301, 258, 294, 414, 477 390 0002029532.INDD 568 8/10/2013 10:14:00 AM Index 569 amphitheater 287 Chipperfield, David 473, 474, 475 Antonine Baths 85, 315 Chiragan: villa 374, 379 razing of 37 Chiusi 142 caryatid 56, 78, 462–3, 475-6 Chrysippus 131 Carystos 172 Cibyra: architectural ornament of Casabella (publication) 429 theater 99 Casale Ghella: villa 14 Cicero, Marcus Tullius 35, 129, 130, Cassius Dio 185 131, 141, 142, 143, 198, 268, Cassius Longinus 41 393, 418, 466 Castellamare di Stabia: Villa Arianna Cimiez (Nice): North Baths 191 A 368 cipollino 95, 186, 315 Castelporziano: Villa Grotte di Piastra cippus, -i 21 (Villa Magna) 375 circus 110–11, 281, 288, 294 Cato 25, 364, 366 Cirencester: amphitheater 287 De Re Rustica 157 clamps 90, 162, 164–5, 174, 291 De Agricultura 203 Claros: Temple of Apollo 469 Cato the Elder 364 Claudius (emperor) 196, 256, 262, Catulus, Quintus Lutatius (consul 102 387 BCE) 39 Claudius Etruscus 300 Catulus, Quintus Lutatius (consul 78 Claudius Pulcher (censor 169 BCE) 33 BCE) 129–30, 168, 217, 472 Cleopatra VII 56 cavea 391, 392 clerestory 70, 71 Cederna, Antonio 435 clientela 349 Celer 68, 135, 471, 477 Clodius Pulcher, Publius (tribune 58 cella -ae BCE) 130–1 temple 21, 29, 33, 38, 39, 48, 61, Cluatius 131 88, 148, 200, 207, 209, 211, Clunia: forum and development 214, 217, 224, 241 of imperial cult 252 tomb 271 Coarelli, Filippo 4 cella solearis (caldarium) 83, 168 Cocceius Auctus, Lucius Cemenelum (Nice): North Baths, East (redemptor) 131–3 Baths, and West Baths 304 (16.1) Cocceius Nerva 133 cenacula 326, 332 cocciopesto 173, 358 Centocelle: villa 379 coffer (Lat. lacunar) 38, 78 Cerro de los Palacios: Capitolium (?) 386 coins chamber tomb (cella or house of Domitian 114, 451 (24.2) tomb) 211, 271 of Elagabalus 87 chariot races 281, 282 of Maxentius 437 “chequer-work” 162 of Petillius Capitolinus 452 (24.4, Cherchel 92 24.5), 453, 454 Large West Thermae 315 of Quintus Cassius Longinus 466, Chester 467 (25.1) elliptical building 91 of Vitellius 454 baths 104 of Volteius 446, 451, 452 (24.3), amphitheater 287 453, 454 0002029532.INDD 569 8/10/2013 10:14:00 AM 570 Index Colchester Corinthian order 5, 216–19, 451, 453 amphitheater 287 Cornelius, Lucius (architect) 130 circus 282 Cornelius Fronto 143–4 Colle Rimontato: sanctuary of Cornelius Gallus 422 S.