
LETTERKURUVILLA and MUKHERJEE TO THE EDITOR toxicity in a patient receiving 5-fluorouracil–based chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer

KEY WORDS medications included xr 112.5 mg once daily; combined etidronate and carbonate, 1 Phenytoin toxicity, folfiri, chemotherapy, colorectal daily; and sodium 100 mg twice daily. cancer, 5-fluorouracil After recovery from surgery, the patient was initiated on folfiri chemotherapy for residual ~ intra-abdominal metastatic colorectal cancer. Her baseline serum phenytoin level was measured at In addition to chemotherapeutics, cancer patients 17 μmol/L (normal range: 40–80 μmol/L) just be- often take a variety of medications for reasons fore chemotherapy started, and her phenytoin dose related and unrelated to their underlying cancer. was not altered. Some of these medications have the potential to At 26 days after the initiation of folfiri che- interact with their chemotherapy, potentially lead- motherapy, the patient noticed severe dizziness, ing to symptomatic drug toxicity. In particular, drowsiness, and difficulty in maintaining her bal- antiepileptic medications can interact with several ance. She was unable to walk in a straight line with- chemotherapy agents 1. The antiepileptic class of out assistance. A neurologic examination revealed compounds is generally associated with steep dose– significant ataxia, hyperreflexia, and inability to toxicity curves and narrow therapeutic ranges 2,3. walk heel-to-toe. The serum phenytoin level was For cancer patients receiving chemotherapy, in- repeated at this time and found to be significantly teractions between antiepileptic medications and elevated at 139 μmol/L. The patient was diagnosed chemotherapy drugs can result in serious clinical with phenytoin toxicity and was advised to discon- consequences for the patient. tinue phenytoin for 1 week. Serum phenytoin levels A commonly prescribed chemotherapy regi- returned to normal, and the clinical symptoms of men for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer toxicity subsequently resolved. is folfiri, which consists of 3 chemotherapy drugs: Eventually, a recurring pattern in each cycle 5-fluorouracil 5( fu), leucovorin, and . several days after administration of the folfiri Here, we describe a patient with metastatic colorec- chemotherapy was noted: serum phenytoin levels tal cancer who developed phenytoin toxicity after became elevated, with mild symptoms of phenytoin treatment with 5fu. toxicity. Despite this complication, the patient re- A 64-year-old woman initially presented to her ceived a total of 7 cycles of folfiri chemotherapy, family physician with pelvic discomfort and, on ul- and computed tomography imaging of the abdo- trasonography, was found to have a pelvic mass. She men and pelvis showed a significant reduction in underwent laparotomy for a presumed gynecologic tumour bulk. malignancy and was found intraoperatively to have To determine the likelihood of a true a mass in the transverse colon, with omental caking. between 5fu and phenytoin, we calculated a Drug Debulking surgery was carried out, and pathology Interaction Probability score. The Drug Interaction was consistent with poorly differentiated adenocar- Probability Scale was developed to provide a guide cinoma of the colon with metastases to the ovary for evaluating drug interaction causation in a spe- and omentum. cific patient 4. In our patient, the Drug Interaction With respect to other medical problems, this pa- Probability score for phenytoin and 5fu was found tient had been diagnosed with epilepsy in childhood to be +9, consistent with a high probability of an and had remained seizure-free since 1994 on oral interaction resulting in clinical symptoms and signs phenytoin 200 mg three times daily. Her other oral of phenytoin toxicity.

Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 6 264 Copyright © 2011 Multimed Inc. Following publication in Current Oncology, the full text of each article is available immediately and archived in PubMed Central (PMC). LETTER TO THE EDITOR

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Current Oncology—Volume 18, Number 6 Copyright © 2011 Multimed Inc. Following publication in Current Oncology, the full text of each article is available immediately and archived in PubMed Central (PMC). 265