Essay Question: How did religion affect culture government and human behavior from the Middle Ages to the ?

The Byzantine Empire EQ: How does religion influence politics and culture?

Terms: Rome split into two (Eastern and Western Empire) Adoption of in Rome o Constantine’s Conversion Rome’s Fall to Barbarians Icons Constantinople Great Excommunication Hagia Sophia (Eye of Sophia) Eastern Orthodox Justinian Nika Revolt Theodora

Questions: - Did Rome really fall? How did the Byzantine Empire preserve the legacy of Rome? -What caused the Great Schism in Christianity? -What are the differences between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox church?

The Rise of Islam EQ: How does religion influence politics and culture in Islam?

Terms: Theocracy Mecca Medina Allah Muhammad Qur’an/Koran Islam Muslim Hijrah The 5 pillars of Islam Sunni Shiite/Shia Main differences between Sunni and Shia/Shiite Tension today between Shia/Shiite and Sunni

Questions: - Who was Muhammad and what is the religion of Islam? - What are the 5 pillars? - How does Islam compare to Judaism and Christianity? - Who are the Sunnis and Shiites? Why did this split occur?

The European Middle Ages EQ: How does religion influence politics and culture?

Terms: Timeline of the Middle Ages 476 C.E.-1500 C.E. (Low Middle and High Middle) Fall of Rome in 476 C.E. Dark Ages? Franks Clovis Charles “The Hammer” Martel Charlemagne-First Holy Roman Emperor Manorialism Feudalism Lord Fief Serfs The Catholic Church Benedictine Monks Illuminated Manuscripts The Crusades Urban II Guilds William the Conqueror Bubonic/Black Plague o Causes and Effects of the Plague Cathedrals Guild System Development of Towns Importance of Trade Rise of Banking and Commercial Enterprise


- Why was the Catholic Church considered the most stable and unifying force in Europe during the Middle Ages? - Why are the years after the fall of Rome called the “Dark Ages?” - What is feudalism? - What did Charlemagne accomplish and does he deserve the title “The Great”? - What new technologies and business practices emerged at the start of the Late Middle Ages? How did they change Europe? - What were the Crusades? What was the effect of the Crusades on Europe? -What was the Black Plague and what were the effects of the plague on Europe? -What factors contributed to the end of the Middle Ages?

Renaissance and Reformation EQ: How did the Renaissance challenge old ideas and create new ones? EQ: HOW DID RELIGION AFFECT CULTURE, GOVERNMENT AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR IN EUROPE DURING THE RENAISSANCE AND REFORMATION?

Terms: Questioning of Everything o Humanism o Classicalism Medici Family o Patronage o Brunelleschi and the Cathedral at Florence Trade and Commerce o Origins of Banking in Florence Renaissance Art o Perspective o Shadowing o Realism o Colors o New Techniques and Materials Florence (Why this city?) Michelangelo o Sistine Chapel o David Leonardo da’ Vinci o Mona Lisa o Engineering and Science Raphael o School of Athens Donatello o David (in Bronze) Machiavelli--- The Prince Reformation Guttenberg and the printing press Problems with the Catholic Church Questionable religious practices and rituals Indulgences Martin Luther and the Lutheran Church 95 Theses Vernacular Bible Transubstantiation John Calvin Predestination Calvinism Henry VIII and the Anglican Church


- Why did the Renaissance begin in Italy? - What was Humanism? - Who were the Medicis? Why were they important? - How did art change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance? - How and why is the Catholic Church challenged during the Renaissance? - What effect did the printing press have on Europe? - What was the Protestant Reformation? What was its influence on Europe? - How did the Lutheran Church differ from the Catholic Church?