NET NET NEw Tools for NEw Targets: a challenge for youth workers


Instituto Tecnológico de producto infantil y ocio


IDEE per comuni Technological Institute IDEE for children’s products & leisure What does disability mean? What is disablism? 1. Disabilities is an umbrella term, covering impairments, 1. Discriminatory, oppressive, abusive behaviour activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An arising from the belief that disabled people are impairment is a problem in body function or structure; inferior to others an activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by 2. The inability to do normal things an individual in executing a task or action; while a 3. The inability to do what normal people do participation restriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations.

2. It is a health problem unconsciously relate to people with disabilities. disabilities. with people to relate unconsciously

3. It is an inability of communication people that way the to also but behaviour, discriminatory

about people’s attitudes: it does not only refer to consciously consciously to refer only not does it attitudes: people’s about

is that it is not easy to identify. Disablism is first and foremost foremost and first is Disablism identify. to easy not is it that is disablism about problem main The people. disabled against

The correct answer is the first one. one. first the is answer correct The prejudice to refers Disablism one. first the is answer correct The

Pippi Longstocking is a Swedish popular storybook X is a gender option in Australian passports character. She is... 1. True 1. A girl rebel who breaks with conventional ideas about how girls should behave 2. False 2. A beautiful girl famous thanks to her long legs 3. X can’t be a gender option 3. A girl from the Sami Nations (Lappland, northern


Longstocking has been translated into 65 languages to date. date. to languages 65 into translated been has Longstocking

model in gender equality. Astrid Lindgren’s books about Pippi Pippi about books Lindgren’s Astrid equality. gender in model;;

character by Astrid Lindgren has become something of a role role a of something become has Lindgren Astrid by character intersex people. people. intersex

in themselves, both in Sweden and abroad. The children’s children’s The abroad. and Sweden in both themselves, in guidelines to remove discrimination against transgender and and transgender against discrimination remove to guidelines

rebel iconic character, has encouraged countless girls to believe believe to girls countless encouraged has character, iconic rebel three gender options - male, female and indeterminate - under under - indeterminate and female male, - options gender three

The correct answer is the first one. Pippi Longstocking, the the Longstocking, Pippi one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. Australian passports have have passports Australian one. first the is answer correct The

When does discrimination occur? According to the United Nations there is a strong 1. When people are treated less favourably than other link between poverty and human rights. people are in a comparable situation only because they 1. True belong, or are perceived to belong to a certain group or 2. False category of people. 3. The United Nations don’t deal with economic 2. When people coming from another country are not accepted affairs as refugees 3. When people coming from another country are asked to

learn about the host country habits community. international the for priority high

immediate alleviation and eventual elimination must remain a a remain must elimination eventual and alleviation immediate

culture and on many other grounds. grounds. other many on and culture its rights; human of enjoyment effective and full the inhibits

belief, race, religion, sex or gender, sexual orientation, language, language, orientation, sexual gender, or sex religion, race, belief, poverty extreme widespread of existence the states: Rights

against because of their age, disability, ethnicity, origin, political political origin, ethnicity, disability, age, their of because against Human on Conference World 1993 the of Action of Programme

The correct answer is the first one. People may be discriminated discriminated be may People one. first the is answer correct The and Declaration Vienna The one. first the is answer correct The

No one is born a good citizen, no nation is born Who is a Barbarian? a democracy. Rather, both are processes that 1. A person who has no experience of the continue to evolve over a lifetime. Young people habits and culture of modern life, and whose must be included from birth. Whose words are behavior is therefore considered strange or these? offensive 1. Kofi Annan 2. A person who comes from Santa Barbara in 2. Nelson Mandela the United States

3. Ban Ki-moon 3. A fan of the movie Conan the Barbarian;;

private sector and other partners. other and sector private

closer to the global public by forging ties with civil society, the the society, civil with ties forging by public global the to closer

people who did not speak Greek. Greek. speak not did who people

U.N. from 1997 to 2006. He sought to bring the Organization Organization the bring to sought He 2006. to 1997 from U.N.

It originated in ancient Greece, and it initially merely referred to to referred merely initially it and Greece, ancient in originated It

the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, served served Nations, United the of Secretary-General seventh the

to uncivilized people. uncivilized to

The correct answer is the first one. Kofi Atta Annan of Ghana, Ghana, of Annan Atta Kofi one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. Today, the word often refers refers often word the Today, one. first the is answer correct The What is the Honor killing? What are Female Genital Cutting/Mutilation 1. Honor killings occur when a person kills to defend (FGC/M)? his/her honour, his/her family honour or his/her 1. FGC is the removal of all or part of the young party honour woman’s genitalia for non-medical reasons. 2. Honor killings occur when women are put to death 2. FGC is the removal of all or part of the a for an act that is perceived as bringing shame to woman’s genitalia for medical reasons. their families; this can mean killing as punishment for adultery or even for being the victim of rape. 3. None of them. 3. Honor killings occur when a person kills to defend

his/her country’s honour

The correct answer is the second one.; one. second the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The

Who are the Suffragettes? What is censorship? 1. A women fashion movement 1. The suppression of speech, public 2. Women fighting to win the vote communication or other information which 3. An aristocratic English women club may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other groups or institutions. 2. The formal expression of severe disapproval

3. A journalism association

right to vote for British women. women. British for vote to right

marked the start of a radical new phase in the fight to win the the win to fight the in phase new radical a of start the marked

foundation of the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903 1903 in Union Political and Social Women’s the of foundation

The correct answer is the second one. Emmeline Pankhurst’s Pankhurst’s Emmeline one. second the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The

According to a 2015 Eurobarometer survey What is the cyberbullying? what are the three most widely perceived 1. Cyberbullying is a repeated psychological grounds of discrimination? harassment carried out by digital natives against 1. Age, gender, disability digital immigrants through the Internet. 2. Disability, sexual orientation, age 2. Cyberbullying is repeated verbal harassment carried 3. Ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity out by a male against a female through the Internet. 3. Cyberbullying is repeated verbal or psychological harassment carried out by an individual or a group against others through online services and mobile (being over 55 years old, 42%) and gender (37%). gender and 42%) old, years 55 over (being

identity (56%), religion or belief (50%), disability (50%), age age (50%), disability (50%), belief or religion (56%), identity phones.

discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation (58%), gender gender (58%), orientation sexual of basis the on discrimination

widespread form of discrimination in the EU (64%), followed by by followed (64%), EU the in discrimination of form widespread slander. or comments disagreeable

grounds of ethnic origin continues to be regarded as the most most the as regarded be to continues origin ethnic of grounds slapping”, “happy gossip, rumours, threats, insults, mockery,

The correct answer is the third one. Discrimination on the the on Discrimination one. third the is answer correct The forms: many take can It one. third the is answer correct The

What is a multiple discrimination? Any discrimination based on any ground such as 1. Discrimination of a group of people sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic 2. Repeated discrimination features, language, religion or belief, political or any 3. Discrimination against one person on the basis other opinion, membership of a national minority, of more than one ground (such as sex, religion, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. Where can you read this words? race, etc.) 1. In the Italian Constitution 2. In the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union

3. In a Turkish law

Fundamental Rights of the European Union, art. 21 21 art. Union, European the of Rights Fundamental

The correct answer is the second one. In the Charter of of Charter the In one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. one. third the is answer correct The The will of the people shall be the basis of the Who is the author of the song A prayer for authority of government. Whose these words everyone? are? 1. Amy Winehouse 1. Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of 2. Belinda Carlisle Human Rights (UDHR) 3. Madonna 2. Fidel Castro

3. José Manuel Barroso

on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.;; Fame. of Walk Hollywood the on

successful solo career.She received, as a member of the Go-Go’s, a star star a Go-Go’s, the of member a as received, career.She solo successful

than seven million albums in just three years and later went on to a a to on went later and years three just in albums million seven than

all time. Topping the Billboard charts with the Go-Go’s, she sold more more sold she Go-Go’s, the with charts Billboard the Topping time. all

with human rights. rights. human with vocalist of the Go-Go’s, one of the most successful all-female bands of of bands all-female successful most the of one Go-Go’s, the of vocalist

Democracy is the only form of government which is consistent consistent is which government of form only the is Democracy 17, 1958) is an American singer who gained worldwide fame as the lead lead the as fame worldwide gained who singer American an is 1958) 17,

The correct answer is the first one. According to the UDHR, UDHR, the to According one. first the is answer correct The August August (born Carlisle Jo Belinda one. second the is answer correct The

What is one of the pillar of ILO (International What is the the first country in the world to Labour Organization) mission? grant national voting rights to women? 1. Gender equality and non-discrimination 1. Sweden 2. The creation of a new single labour system 2. New Zealand 3. The promotion of an international free 3. Italy


initiatives. initiatives.

has chosen to focus on women at work as one of its centenary centenary its of one as work at women on focus to chosen has

of work. As the Organization approaches its second century, it it century, second its approaches Organization the As work. of

pillars of its mission to promote social justice through the world world the through justice social promote to mission its of pillars country. first the Zealand

in 1919, gender equality and non-discrimination have been been have non-discrimination and equality gender 1919, in New women; to votes give to world the in place first the is - USA

The correct answer is the first one. Since the ILO’s founding founding ILO’s the Since one. first the is answer correct The - Territory Wyoming The one. second the is answer correct The

What is a Gulag? What is ILGA? 1. A typical Hungarian dish 1. An International lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans 2. An ancient nordic ballad and intersex association 3. A network of forced labor camps in the former 2. An Intercultural association

Soviet Union 3. The International football league

began its dismantling, approved in 1960. in approved dismantling, its began 1978. Since

18 million people were inmates from 1929 to 1953. Khrushchev Khrushchev 1953. to 1929 from inmates were people million 18 people. (LGBTI) intersex

the Soviet Union, particularly in the years of Stalin. An estimated estimated An Stalin. of years the in particularly Union, Soviet the and trans bisexual, gay, lesbian, for rights equal achieving to

primarily as an instrument of repression of political opponents in in opponents political of repression of instrument an as primarily dedicated organisations local and national of federation world

up criminals of all types (from the 30s), the Gulag is known known is Gulag the 30s), the (from types all of criminals up the is Association, Intersex and Trans Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian,

The correct answer is the third one. Designed for locking locking for Designed one. third the is answer correct The International the ILGA- one. first the is answer correct The

What is a multicultural society? The first battle to be won in the war against 1. A society representing several different AIDS is the battle to smash the wall of silence cultures or cultural elements and stigma surrounding it. Whose these words 2. A society representing several different are? cultures, for a maximum of 28 cultures (as 1. Freddie Mercury defined by EU) 2. Kofi Annan 3. It is a body of thought in political philosophy 3. Nelson Mandela about the proper way to respond to cultural

and religious diversity

The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The one. second the is answer correct The What hate speech is? What does racism mean? 1. All forms of expression which spread, incite, 1. Racism is usually defined as views, practices and promote or justify racial hatred, xenophobia, actions reflecting the belief that humanity is divided anti-semitism or other forms of hatred into distinct biological groups called races and that based on intolerance, including: intolerance members of a certain race share certain attributes expressed by aggressive nationalism and which make that group as a whole less desirable, more desirable, inferior or superior. ethnocentrism, discrimination and hostility 2. The cataloging of animal races in biology against minorities, migrants and people of 3. The founding principle of biology

immigrant origin, etc.

2. Form of expression of an angry person

3. Slang dirty words 2011 23, December Retrieved Rights. Human for Commissioner

of Racial Discrimination. Office of the United Nations High High Nations United the of Office Discrimination. Racial of

International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms Forms All of Elimination the on Convention International

The correct answer is the first one. one. first the is answer correct The one first the is answer correct The

Who wrote and sang the song Redemption song? Killing in the name is the title of a song of the 1. Alvaro Soler group Rage against the machine. 2. Bob Marley What does the song talking about? 3. Pavarotti 1. About Ku Klux Klan 2. About freedom

3. About God

talents as a songwriter. a as talents ). ). crosses burn

was an illustration of Marley’s Marley’s of illustration an was Song Redemption folk-sounding Some of those who wear forces are the same that that same the are forces wear who those of Some ( Klan Klux Ku

lyrics and social and political importance, the pared down, down, pared the importance, political and social and lyrics that some members of the US police force were members of the the of members were force police US the of members some that

The correct answer is the second one. Known for its poetic poetic its for Known one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one.This song makes the point point the makes song one.This first the is answer correct The

Which is one of the most famous song of Michael In 1967 Aretha Franklin sings... Jackson? 1. Respect 1. Negro 2. All the girls you loved 2. Young or Old 3. Power to black people

3. Black or White

civil rights of African Americans.;; Americans. African of rights civil;; the from also but movement feminist the by only not adopted

and was picked as the first single from the album Dangerous. Dangerous. album the from single first the as picked was and was song The 1967. in Franklin Aretha by success to brought

composed and produced by Michael Jackson and Bill Bottrell, Bottrell, Bill and Jackson Michael by produced and composed but 1965 in Redding Otis American the by published and written

was written, written, was White or Black one. third the is answer correct The originally song a is Respect one. first the is answer correct The

Bob Gedolf recognised for his activism, Who sings Bigger? especially anti-poverty efforts concerning 1. Adele Africa, founded the charity supergroup 2. Justin Biber Band Aid to raise money for famine relief in 3. Miley Cyrus Ethiopia and sings... 1. The song of discrimination 2. The great song of indifference

3. The song of differents;; homosexual love opposed by bullies at school. at bullies by opposed love homosexual

The correct answer is the second one.; one. second the is answer correct The tells of a a of tells Bigger one. second the is answer correct The Who is the author of Clandestino? What does the song Same love of 1. Julio Iglesias Macklemore and Ryan Lewis talk about? 2. Manu Chao 1. About homosexuality 3. Amy Winehouse 2. About love for pizza 3. About love about people of the different


around - maybe 30% of the people in this street are clandestino clandestino are street this in people the of 30% maybe - around

between Europe and those coming from poorer nations. Look Look nations. poorer from coming those and Europe between happy. be to how finding finally so nature, his accept

deal with the issue of immigration: I wrote it about the border border the about it wrote I immigration: of issue the with deal fully to able finally is point, certain a at arrived heterosexuality,

. The lyrics of the song are sung in Spanish and and Spanish in sung are song the of lyrics The . Clandestino his of himself convince to way every in trying after who, boy a

second single and the title track from Manu Chao’s first album, album, first Chao’s Manu from track title the and single second of story the tells song the Lambert, Mary singer lesbian openly

The correct answer is the second one. Clandestino is the the is Clandestino one. second the is answer correct The the with together Played one. first the is answer correct The

What is the most famous song of the Irish singer Mississippi Goddam is a song written and Hozier? performed by singer and pianist Nina Simone. The 1. Come with me song captures Simone’s response to the 16th 2. Let’s dance Street Baptist Church bombing in Birmingham 3. Take me to church killing four black children. Nina Simone is… 1. Italian 2. English

3. American pop. and gospel, R&B, folk, blues, jazz, classical,

charts. including styles musical of range broad a in worked who activist

many charts around the world, becoming a real exploit in the the in exploit real a becoming world, the around charts many rights civil and arranger, pianist, songwriter, singer, American

song of the Irish singer Hozier, who conquered the peaks of of peaks the conquered who Hozier, singer Irish the of song an was 2003) 21, April – 1933 21, (February Waymon Kathleen

is the the is Church To Me Take one. third the is answer correct The Eunice born Simone Nina one. third the is answer correct The

To Kill a Mockingbird is a 1962 film based on a novel Defamation is a 2009 documentary film by by Harper Lee. Where is it set? award-winning filmmaker Yoav Shamir. 1. In north America, during the Depression-era What does it talk about? 2. In Europe, during the second world war 1. Antisemitism 3. In south America, during the years Che Guevara was 2. Islamophobia

in charge of La Cabaña Fortress prison. 3. Homosexuality

charge, and his kids against prejudice. against kids his and charge, Awards. Screen Pacific Asia 2009 the at Film Feature

a lawyer who defends a black man against an undeserved rape rape undeserved an against man black a defends who lawyer a Documentary Best won Defamation politics. U.S. and Israeli

classic of modern American literature. The film 1962 tells about about tells 1962 film The literature. American modern of classic affect antisemitism of perceptions way the particular, in and,

successful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, and has become a a become has and Prize, Pulitzer the winning successful, antisemitism examines It Shamir. Yoav filmmaker award-winning

;הצמשה .novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. It was immediately immediately was It 1960. in published Lee Harper by novel by film documentary 2009 a is Hashmatsa) translit

is a a is Mockingbird a Kill To one. first the is answer correct The (Hebrew: Defamation one. first the is answer correct The

Entre les murs - The Class is a 2008 ABC Africa is a documentary about… French drama film directed by Laurent 1. The ravages of AIDS and civil war in Cantet. It is set in… Uganda 1. A refugee center 2. Colonization 2. A middle school 3. The problem of hunger in Africa

3. A university death. and life silence, and music laughter,

middle school in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. of arrondissement 20th the in school middle and tears records It AIDS. of died have parents whose orphans,

experiences as a French language and literature teacher in a a in teacher literature and language French a as experiences all children, thousand a of faces the caress and capture cameras

The novel is a semi-autobiographical account of Bégaudeau’s Bégaudeau’s of account semi-autobiographical a is novel The His sights. heart-breaking many across comes Kiarostami

the 2006 novel of the same name by François Bégaudeau. Bégaudeau. François by name same the of novel 2006 the director visit, ten-day his of course the Uganda.Over in war civil

The correct answer is the second one. The film is based on on based is film The one. second the is answer correct The and AIDS of ravages The one. first the is answer correct The According to an Eurobarometer Survey, Berlin-Yerushalaim talks about...

conducted at the end of 2014, how many 1. Two interconnected stories in the 1970s, one set in Europeans think that tackling inequality London, the other in Afghanistan between men and women is necessary to 2. Two interconnected stories in the 1930s, one set in establish a fairer society? Berlin, the other in Palestine 1. 65% 3. Two interconnected stories nowadays, one set in Berlin, the other in Palestine 2. 76%

3. 91% Tania in Jerusalem. Jerusalem. in Tania

of Nazism to power, and her son’s death pushed Else reaching reaching Else pushed death son’s her and power, to Nazism of

and women is necessary to establish a fairer society. society. fairer a establish to necessary is women and

coexistence between Jews and Palestinians.. The looming threat threat looming The Palestinians.. and Jews between coexistence

Europeans (91%) agree that tackling inequality between men men between inequality tackling that agree (91%) Europeans

she founded an agricultural colony which realize the peaceful peaceful the realize which colony agricultural an founded she

and women should be an EU priority. Around nine out of ten ten of out nine Around priority. EU an be should women and

revolutionary agitator Tania Shohat departing for Palestine where where Palestine for departing Shohat Tania agitator revolutionary

Europeans (76%) think that tackling inequality between men men between inequality tackling that think (76%) Europeans

The writer and poet Else Lasker Schuler knows the Russian Russian the knows Schuler Lasker Else poet and writer The

The correct answer is the third one. Three quarters of of quarters Three one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Berlin, early ‘30s. ‘30s. early Berlin, one. second the is answer correct The

- Bashu, the Little Stranger is Persepolis is a 2007 French-Iranian-American filmکچوک هبیرغ وشاب a 1986 Iranian drama film directed by Bahram based on Marjane Satrapi’s autobiographical novel Beizai. Who is Bashu? of the same name. It is… 1. A young boy from Khuzestan province, in the 1. A historical drama south of Iran, during the Iran–Iraq War. 2. A comedy

2. A dumb young boy 3. An animated film dedicate the prize to all Iranians. Iranians. all to prize the dedicate

3. A mentally ill young boy to wish I universal, is film this Although said: Satrapi speech,

Jury Prize at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival. In her acceptance acceptance her In Festival. Film Cannes 2007 the at Prize Jury

to the historic city of Persepolis.The film was co-winner of the the of co-winner was film Persepolis.The of city historic the to

the backdrop of the Iranian Revolution. The title is a reference reference a is title The Revolution. Iranian the of backdrop the The story follows a young girl as she comes of age against against age of comes she as girl young a follows story The;; was written and directed by Satrapi with Vincent Paronnaud. Paronnaud. Vincent with Satrapi by directed and written was

Gilaki, in a serious context rather than comic relief. comic than rather context serious a in Gilaki, autobiographical graphic novel of the same name. The movie movie The name. same the of novel graphic autobiographical

first Iranian film to make use of the northern dialect of Persian, Persian, of dialect northern the of use make to film Iranian first Iranian-American animated movie based on Marjane Satrapi’s Satrapi’s Marjane on based movie animated Iranian-American

The correct answer is the first one.This multi-ethnic film was the the was film multi-ethnic one.This first the is answer correct The French- 2007 a is Persepolis third. the is answer correct The

Heaven’s gate is a… Fire, Earth, Water - The film trilogy by the 1. A film on European immigration in America Indian film maker Deepa Mehta deals with... 2. A fantasy film about the afterlife 1. Social issues 3. A film on Vietnam war 2. Ecological issues

3. Both of them

in Wyoming in the 1890s. 1890s. the in Wyoming in

fictional dispute between land barons and European immigrants immigrants European and barons land between dispute fictional women.

Cimino. Loosely based on the Johnson County War, it portrays a a portrays it War, County Johnson the on based Loosely Cimino. the thread: common a by linked (Water) religion and (Earth)

American epic Western film written and directed by Michael Michael by directed and written film Western epic American sectarianism (Fire), sexuality as such issues controversial and

is a 1980 1980 a is Gate Heaven’s one. first the is answer correct The burning with deals trilogy The one. first the is answer correct The

Quand on a 17 ans talks about... Crna macka beli macor (Black cat, white cat) 1. Two young men which vacillates between disdain talks about... and attraction 1. A marriage between a black guy and a white 2. Two young women belonging two differents girl religions 2. An arranged marriage 3. A young woman and a young man who love each 3. A divorced couple other but they belong two different cultures and

religions of the relationship between two young men. men. young two between relationship the of

Film Festival. Film France as the seasons pass becomes the psychological landscape landscape psychological the becomes pass seasons the as France

Kusturica. It won the Silver Lion for Best Direction at the Venice Venice the at Direction Best for Lion Silver the won It Kusturica. their emotions. A rugged village in the mountains of south-western south-western of mountains the in village rugged A emotions. their

is a 1998 Serbian romantic comedy film directed by Emir Emir by directed film comedy romantic Serbian 1998 a is environments in this portrait of two confused youths trying to govern govern to trying youths confused two of portrait this in environments

(Serbian: Црна мачка, бели мачор; Crna mačka, beli mačor) mačor) beli mačka, Crna мачор; бели мачка, Црна (Serbian: Techiné explores what it is like to grow up in different social social different in up grow to like is it what explores Techiné

Cat White Cat, Black one. second the is answer correct The André André ans 17 a on Quand In one. first the is answer correct The What are the Deaflympics? What is Dyslexia? 1. They are olympic games were people must 1. It is a learning disability of neurobiological not make noise origin 2. They are a multi-sport event for deaf people 2. It is a disease that attacks the vital organs

3. They are sports events underwater 3. It is a disease not yet well-known

among others. among

things: Thomas Edison, Stephen Spielberg, F. Scott Fitzgerald Fitzgerald Scott F. Spielberg, Stephen Edison, Thomas things: Many people with dyslexia have gone on to accomplish great great accomplish to on gone have dyslexia with people Many

instruction, almost all individuals with dyslexia can learn to read. read. to learn can dyslexia with individuals all almost instruction, of hearing elite athletes from all of the world to come together. come to world the of all from athletes elite hearing of

While dyslexia can make reading more difficult, with the right right the with difficult, more reading make can dyslexia While century evolving and fortifying the tradition of inviting deaf/hard deaf/hard inviting of tradition the fortifying and evolving century

an accurate reading, or fluent and poor writing skills (spelling). (spelling). skills writing poor and fluent or reading, accurate an Deaflympics. Founded in 1924 the ICSD is now approaching the the approaching now is ICSD the 1924 in Founded Deaflympics.

Association (IDA). It is characterized by the difficulty in making making in difficulty the by characterized is It (IDA). Association the main governing body responsible for the organization of of organization the for responsible body governing main the

neurobiological origin, as defined by the International Dyslexia Dyslexia International the by defined as origin, neurobiological The International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) is is (ICSD) Deaf the for Sports of Committee International The

The correct answer is the first one. It is a learning disability of of disability learning a is It one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. one. second the is answer correct The

Almanya - Willkommen in Deutschland - What What was originally meant by the word does the film tell? handicap? 1. The story of three generations of a Turkish 1. Steeplechase immigrant family 2. A game popular in the seventeenth century 2. The story of Germany told by a Turkish 3. A person with deformed hands immigrant 3. The Turkish persecution during the Nazi


new generation integration. integration. generation new

multiculturalism, the achievement of a certain well-being and the the and well-being certain a of achievement the multiculturalism,

uprooting from the village, the impact with a different world, the the world, different a with impact the village, the from uprooting century. seventeenth the in popular game gambling

of a Turkish guest worker in Germany and his descendants: the the descendants: his and Germany in worker guest Turkish a of a of name the was cap) in hand (literally hand-in-cap origin:

The correct answer is the first one. The film dramatizes the story story the dramatizes film The one. first the is answer correct The English of is word The one. second the is answer correct The

By whom was invented the system of writing Since 2009 same-sex marriage are provided in relief? for by law in... 1. By the Egyptians 1. Sweden 2. By Thomas Edison 2. Italy

3. By Louis Braille 3. Turkey

The basic Braille symbol is called Braille cell. cell. Braille called is symbol Braille basic The

up the letters of the alphabet, numbers and punctuation marks. marks. punctuation and numbers alphabet, the of letters the up

language. Braille consists of arrangements of dots which make make which dots of arrangements of consists Braille language.

is not a language, it is just another way to read and write a a write and read to way another just is it language, a not is

by Louis Braille (1809-1852), who himself was blind. Braille Braille blind. was himself who (1809-1852), Braille Louis by

and partially sighted people. The system was founded in 1825 1825 in founded was system The people. sighted partially and

internationally widespread reading and writing system for blind blind for system writing and reading widespread internationally

The correct answer is the third one. The system is the the is system The one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The

Where are the Roma origins? Under Norwegian law, children are able to 1. In Romania make decisions about religion at the age of ... 2. In India 1. Fifteen 3. In Albania 2. Sixteen

3. Eighteen

open to assumptions. assumptions. to open

to Europe, when and why this migration took place is, however, however, is, place took migration this why and when Europe, to

origin is considered a fact. How their ancestors came from India India from came ancestors their How fact. a considered is origin

more recent years, population genetics, the Roma’s Indian Indian Roma’s the genetics, population years, recent more health. their about decisions make can 16-year-olds whilst 15,

of linguistics, cultural anthropology, science of history and, in in and, history of science anthropology, cultural linguistics, of of age the at religion about decisions make to able are children

The correct answer is the second one. According to the findings findings the to According one. second the is answer correct The law, Norwegian Under one. first the is answer correct The What is digital divide? What is gender-based violence? 1. The gap between individuals, households, businesses 1. It is a brutal form of discrimination and a violation of and geographic areas with regard both to their the victim’s fundamental rights. It is both a cause and a opportunities to access ICT and to their use of the internet. consequence of inequalities between women and men. 2. The gap between individuals with regard to their 2. It is a form of discrimination and a violation of the opportunities to download digital applications for women fundamental rights strictly connected to social e-learning. background

3. A division of Europe countries according to their digital 3. It is a form of discrimination and a violation of the

rate. victim’s fundamental rights at work.

different types and levels of internet use, motivation and skills. skills. and motivation use, internet of levels and types different

often refers to the urban-rural divide. The second gap refers to to refers gap second The divide. urban-rural the to refers often

and the internet and those who do not. This type of scope scope of type This not. do who those and internet the and disproportionately. gender particular a of persons

between those who have access to ICT such as computers computers as such ICT to access have who those between affects that violence as or identity/expression) gender (including

the digital divide: the first gap considers mainly the division division the mainly considers gap first the divide: digital the gender person’s that of because person a against directed

The correct answer is the first one. There are two aspects to to aspects two are There one. first the is answer correct The violence as defined be can It one. first the is answer correct The

What does the acronym LGBTI mean? What is the holocaust? 1. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex 1. The mass murder of Roma people by the Nazis 2. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans Information 2. A title of the former monarch of Iran center 3. The sum total of all anti-Jewish actions carried 3. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans Intelligence out by the Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945


ethnic and political groups in Europe by the Nazis. the by Europe in groups political and ethnic

broader aggregate of acts of oppression and murder of various various of murder and oppression of acts of aggregate broader

close to six million Jews in Europe. The Holocaust is part of a a of part is Holocaust The Europe. in Jews million six to close

segregating in the various occupied countries; the murder of of murder the countries; occupied various the in segregating

German Jews of their legal and economic status in the 1930s`; 1930s`; the in status economic and legal their of Jews German

by the Nazi regime between 1933 and 1945: from stripping the the stripping from 1945: and 1933 between regime Nazi the by out carried actions anti-Jewish all of total sum the as defined

The correct answer is the first one. one. first the is answer correct The be may Holocaust The one. third the is answer correct The

What does barò porrajmos mean in the What is apartheid? Romani language? 1. A group of black people 1. Discrimination of a group 2. A political system in which people of different 2. The genocide of Roma during the Second races are separated World War 3. Nazi persecution of the Jews

3. Nazi persecution of the Jews;;

and subjected to humiliating prohibitions. humiliating to subjected and

non-white population was forced to live in a state of inferiority inferiority of state a in live to forced was population non-white entire the government, African South the by commissioned

Samudaripe(n) Phar(r)aj(i)mos or Por(r)ajmos. or Phar(r)aj(i)mos Samudaripe(n) policy, this of Because other. the on Indians and mestizos

by the Nazis (depending on communities and linguistic variants): variants): linguistic and communities on (depending Nazis the by blacks, and side one on whites between country the

several terms to refer to the genocide of the Roma carried out out carried Roma the of genocide the to refer to terms several within separation the indicate to used was Africa South in

The correct answer is the second one. In Romani, there are are there Romani, In one. second the is answer correct The apartheid term The one. second the is answer correct The

Is nomadism a recognized right? When was the abolition of slavery in the 1. Yes, it is a right recognized by the Universal United States of America? Declaration of Human Rights 1. In 1765 2. No 2. In 1865

3. Yes, it is a right recognized by Lisbon Treaty 3. In 1965

standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. nations. all and peoples all for achievements of standard

Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 as a common common a as 1948 December 10 on Paris in Assembly

Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General General Nations United the by proclaimed was Declaration 1861-1865. of War Civil the to

and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the the world, the of regions all from backgrounds cultural and led emancipation oppose to states southern the of determination

of human rights. Drafted by representatives with different legal legal different with representatives by Drafted rights. human of the states, northern the in reduced gradually was slavery

Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history history the in document milestone a is (UDHR) Rights Human Whilst 1808. January 1 from States United the in abolished

The correct answer is the first one. The Universal Declaration of of Declaration Universal The one. first the is answer correct The was trade slave The one. second the is answer correct The I have a dream: that one day this nation will Which is International Day for the rise up and live out the true meaning of its elimination of racial discrimination? creed: we hold these truths to be self-evident, 1. January 6 that all men are created equal. Who uttered 2. March 21 this sentence? 3. December 25 1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Maometto

3. Martin Luther King

during the protest march held in Washington in 1963. in Washington in held march protest the during Africa). (South Sharpeville in 1960 in blacks 69 of massacre

The correct answer is the third one.The sentence was uttered uttered was sentence one.The third the is answer correct The the of memory In one. second the is answer correct The

What is the KKK? How can be defined the homophobia? 1. It is the acronym of Kabul Kindergarten 1. A very strong hate against men Kermesse, an annual Kermesse to collect 2. An irrational fear of, and aversion to people money for orphaned children in Kabul 3. An irrational fear of, and aversion to, 2. It is the acronym of Kentucky King Klan, a homosexuality and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual secret organization of monarchy supporters and transgender) people, which is based on formed after the abolition of monarchy in US prejudice 3. It is the acronym of Ku Klux Klan, a secret

organization formed after the US Civil War to

fight Black emancipation

comparable to racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism. xenophobia, racism, to comparable

and transgender) people, which is based on prejudice and and prejudice on based is which people, transgender) and

aversion to, homosexuality and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual bisexual gay, (lesbian, LGBT and homosexuality to, aversion;;

The correct answer is the third one. third the is answer correct The and of, fear irrational An one. third the is answer correct The

What is meant by the expression coming out? What is meant by the expression outing? 1. It is telling people that you had your first 1. Revealing the sexual orientation or gender sexual intercourse/relationship identity of an individual who has chosen to 2. It is telling people about your sexuality keep that information private 3. It is telling people about your religion belief 2. Revealing your sexual orientation or gender identity

3. Going out with a person of your same sex closet. the of out

The correct answer is the second one. one. second the is answer correct The expression the from Derived one. first the is answer correct The

What is mobbing? What is stalking? 1. A criminal activity consisting of the repeated 1. A criminal activity consisting of the repeated following and harassing of another person following and harassing of another person 2. A frequent harassment or discrimination at the 2. A criminal activity consisting of making workplace by colleagues or superiors continuous jokes about race 3. The discrimination towards Indian people 3. A criminal activity consisting of beating the


and within all branches and fields of work. of fields and branches all within and

however, they may constitute a pattern of behavior that is illegal. illegal. is that behavior of pattern a constitute may they however,

occurs among both sexes, in every age and occupational group group occupational and age every in sexes, both among occurs

, , injury or fear instill to intent an with coupled are actions these When

long period. Mobbing has very high social and health costs, costs, health and social high very has Mobbing period. long

his place of work are actions that, on their own, are not criminal. criminal. not are own, their on that, actions are work of place his

at the workplace by colleagues and/or superiors over a relatively relatively a over superiors and/or colleagues by workplace the at

flowers, writing love notes, and waiting for someone outside her/ outside someone for waiting and notes, love writing flowers,

frequent harassment, ‘torment’ or discrimination and exclusion exclusion and discrimination or ‘torment’ harassment, frequent

individually might constitute legal behavior. For example, sending sending example, For behavior. legal constitute might individually

The correct answer is the second one. Mobbing is defined as as defined is Mobbing one. second the is answer correct The

of criminal activity composed of a series of actions that taken taken that actions of series a of composed activity criminal of The correct answer is the first one. Stalking is a distinctive form form distinctive a is Stalking one. first the is answer correct The Which European country was the first to It is a bad habit to say that another man’s criminalize stalking? thoughts are bad and ours only are good 1. Sweden and that those holding different views 2. Denmark from ours are the enemies of the country. 3. Spain Whose are these words? 1. Mahatma Gandhi 2. Jean-Claude Juncker

3. Madonna

1933, when its current penal code was enacted. enacted. was code penal current its when 1933,

countries, Denmark is a pioneer, having criminalized stalking in in stalking criminalized having pioneer, a is Denmark countries, . words own his in told as Gandhi Mahatma of thoughts and Life -

The correct answer is the second one. Among European European Among one. second the is answer correct The brothers are men All From one. first the is answer correct The

Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, conscience and religion. This right includes language, religion or belief, political or any other freedom to change religion or belief and opinion, membership of a national minority, property, freedom, either alone or in community with birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited. Within the scope of application of the others and in public or in private, to manifest Treaties and without prejudice to any of their specific religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice provisions, any discrimination on grounds of nationality and observance.Whose are these words? shall be prohibited. Whose are these words? 1. The Bible 1. The Charter of fundamental rights of the European 2. The Corano Union (Article 21) 3. The Charter of fundamental rights of the 2. The Pope John XXIII

European Union (Article 10) 3. Gandhi

The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. third the is answer correct The

According to the 2012 WIN-Gallup The great dictator is a 1940 Charlie Chaplin International Religiosity and Atheism Index movie. Who is the the leading character? the percentage of people who claim to be 1. Stalin atheists is ... 2. Hitler 1. 13% 3. Saddam Hussein 2. 36%

3. 56% Nazis.

in five continents. five in the and anti-semitism, fascism, Mussolini, Benito Hitler, Adolf of

and women selected from fiftyseven countries across the globe globe the across countries fiftyseven from selected women and condemnation controversial stirring, a advanced film Chaplin’s

on beliefs is based on interviews with more than 50,000 men men 50,000 than more with interviews on based is beliefs on Chaplin. Charlie by starring and scored produced, directed,

measures global self-perceptions self-perceptions global measures Index Atheism and Religiosity written, film comedy-drama satire political American 1940 a

The correct answer is the first one. The WIN-Gallup International International WIN-Gallup The one. first the is answer correct The is Dictator Great The one. second the is answer correct The

What is excommunication? La vita è bella - Life is Beautiful tells about... 1. An institutional act of religious censure used 1. Friendship among two hippy young girls in the to deprive, suspend, or limit membership in a 70 religious community or to restrict certain rights 2. The beauty of natural biodiversity within it, in particular receiving of the sacraments. 3. The Nazi persecution 2. A device to communicate in particularly severe weather conditions

3. A military communication protocol

from the horrors of internment in a Nazi concentration camp. camp. concentration Nazi a in internment of horrors the from

owner, who must employ his fertile imagination to shield his son son his shield to imagination fertile his employ must who owner,

excommunicated by the Russian Orthodox Church. Orthodox Russian the by excommunicated bookshop Italian Jewish a Orefice, Guido plays who Benigni

famous excommunicated people there is also Tolstoy who was was who Tolstoy also is there people excommunicated famous Roberto starring and by directed film comedy-drama tragicomic

The correct answer is the first one. Curiosity: among the the among Curiosity: one. first the is answer correct The Italian 1997 a is film one.The third the is answer correct The What islamophobia is? What christianophobia is? 1. The fear and hatred of Islam 1. A chemical process to produce a synthetic 2. A viral disease crystal 3. A plant that grows in the desert 2. A mental disease 3. Every form of discrimination and intolerance against some or all Christians, the Christian

religion, or the practice of Christianity

building and sometimes preserving churches or monasteries. or churches preserving sometimes and building

in countries where Christians are a minority, restrictions on on restrictions minority, a are Christians where countries in particularly and, abuse verbal worship, of places against attacks in itself manifests Christians against Hostility institutions. secular

with Islam. Islam. with as much as - religions majority the often - religions other from

resulting in discrimination against Muslims or people associated associated people or Muslims against discrimination in resulting people be may perpetrators the religion, on based discrimination

The correct answer is the first one. The fear and hatred of Islam, Islam, of hatred and fear The one. first the is answer correct The of forms other Like one. third the is answer correct The

Every dictator uses religion as a prop to keep What the Night of Broken Glass is? himself in power. Whose these words are? 1. A night club in Berlin 1. Benazir Bhutto 2. A pogrom against Jews throughout Nazi Germany and 2. Naglaa Mahmoud Austria on the 9 - 10 of November 1938

3. Mother Teresa 3. A beer fair hold in Ireland during the summer solstice

some places acts of violence continued for several more days. more several for continued violence of acts places some

The violence continued during the day of November 10, and in in and 10, November of day the during continued violence The

the litter of broken glass left in the streets after these pogroms. pogroms. these after streets the in left glass broken of litter the

first woman leader of a Muslim nation in modern history. modern in nation Muslim a of leader woman first

persons and property. The name Kristallnacht refers ironically to to ironically refers Kristallnacht name The property. and persons

Rawalpindi, Pakistan) is a Pakistani politician who became the the became who politician Pakistani a is Pakistan) Rawalpindi,

of November 9–10, 1938, when German Nazis attacked Jewish Jewish attacked Nazis German when 1938, 9–10, November of

June 21, 1953, Karachi, Pakistan - died December 27, 2007, 2007, 27, December died - Pakistan Karachi, 1953, 21, June

Night of Broken Glass or November Pogroms refers to the night night the to refers Pogroms November or Glass Broken of Night

The correct answer is the first one. Benazir Bhutto (born (born Bhutto Benazir one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Kristallnacht, also called called also Kristallnacht, one. second the is answer correct The

It is easy to see why the churches have always fought science and persecuted its devotees. On the other hand, I maintain that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research. Whose are these words? 1. Albert Einstein 2. The pope

3. Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani

See It, Philosophical Library, New York, 1949; 1949; York, New Library, Philosophical It, See

York Times Magazine on November 9, 1930- The World as I I as World The 1930- 9, November on Magazine Times York The correct answer is the first one. Albert Einstein in the New New the in Einstein Albert one. first the is answer correct The NET NET NEw Tools for NEw Targets: a challenge for youth workers


Instituto Tecnológico de producto infantil y ocio


IDEE per comuni Technological Institute IDEE for children’s products & leisure Which state is the oldest in the world? Which countries are part of the Schengen Area 1. The but are not member of the European Union? 2. The 1. Island, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein 3. The flag of 2. Estonia, Liechtenstein, Finland and Macedonia 3. Turkey, the United Kingdom, Bulgaria and


independent nation. It was adopted in 1219. in adopted was It nation. independent

Dannebrog, is the oldest in the world still in use by an an by use in still world the in flag state oldest the is Dannebrog,

The correct answer is the first one. The flag of Denmark, Denmark, of flag The one. first the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The

What is Benelux? The Council of the EU is composed by... 1. The name of the 1st President of the Council 1. Representatives elected by the citizens of the 2. The name of the union of Belgium - EU Netherlands - Luxembourg 2. Nobel Prize Representatives 3. The name of the most popular European 3. Ministers of the EU Member States

brand in the 1950’s interest.

if the 3 countries are all members of the EU. the of members all are countries 3 the if national represent Council the of members governments,

monarchies. This union was signed in 1944 and still exists even even exists still and 1944 in signed was union This monarchies. national of independently act to required are who Commission,

and Luxembourg, three neighboring countries, all of them being being them of all countries, neighboring three Luxembourg, and European the of members Unlike discussion. under topic the

of the economic and political union of Belgium, Netherlands Netherlands Belgium, of union political and economic the of is agriculture if agriculture of ministers national comprises

The correct answer is the second one. Benelux was the name name the was Benelux one. second the is answer correct The it instance for discussion, under matter the to according The correct answer is the third one. Its membership changes changes membership Its one. third the is answer correct The

Who composes the European Commission? What was the nationality of Robert Schuman, 1. Representatives of Member State governments one of the founding fathers of EU? 2. Individuals who are directly elected by the citizens of 1. German the Union 2. British 3. Individuals who are nominated by the President of 3. French the Commission and Member States and approved

by Member States and the European Parliament

the date now regarded as the birth of the European Union. Union. European the of birth the as regarded now date the 1950, May 9 on published he which Plan, Schuman renowned

Member States must not seek to influence them. influence to seek not must States Member internationally the up drew he Monnet Jean with cooperation In

seeking nor taking instructions from their governments, and and governments, their from instructions taking nor seeking unity. European of fathers

Member States. They must be completely independent, neither neither independent, completely be must They States. Member founding the of one as regarded is 1952, and 1948 between

Commissioners are not representatives of the respective respective the of representatives not are Commissioners minister foreign French and lawyer qualified a Schuman,

The correct answer is the third one. Unlike Council members, members, Council Unlike one. third the is answer correct The Robert statesman The one. third the is answer correct The

Which was the first European countries to lower Which is one of the oldest and most the voting age to 16? emblematic European Policy of the EU? 1. Malta 1. The Common Agricultural Policy 2. Austria 2. Erasmus+

3. Belgium 3. The fight against terrorism

seem to take this decision soon. soon. decision this take to seem

different countries and some such as the United Kingdom might might Kingdom United the as such some and countries different

2015. The debate of lowering the voting age can be found in in found be can age voting the lowering of debate The 2015.

in 2007. Malta chose to do so for local elections starting from from starting elections local for so do to chose Malta 2007. in

Austrian local States and was applied to the whole country country whole the to applied was and States local Austrian

to allow 16 year olds to vote. This process started in some some in started process This vote. to olds year 16 allow to

The correct answer is the second one. Austria is the first country country first the is Austria one. second the is answer correct The one first the is answer correct The What is the role of the European What is FRONTEX in charge of? Ombudsman? 1. Management of operational cooperation at the 1. Ensures that EU institutions and bodies external borders of the Member States of the respect people’s right to privacy when European Union. processing their personal data 2. Management of cooperation in the field of textile in 2. To check EU funds are collected and used the EU correctly, and help improve EU financial 3. Management of cooperation in the food industry in management.

3. Investigates complaints against EU the EU

institutions, bodies, offices & agencies EU. the into

the EU, there must be effective controls at all points of entry entry of points all at controls effective be must there EU, the

of the EU. For people to have freedom to move throughout throughout move to freedom have to people For EU. the of

Cooperation at the External Borders of the Member States States Member the of Borders External the at Cooperation;; European Agency for the Management of Operational Operational of Management the for Agency European

The correct answer is the third one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. FRONTEX is the the is FRONTEX one. first the is answer correct The

According to the EU Code of Online Rights, Citizenship of the EU European consumers can... 1. Allows citizens to vote in the elections to the 1. have discounts if they travel to America European Parliament in the country they reside 2. Have their personal data protected under the same conditions as national citizen of 3. Withdraw a contract of travel insurance policy of this State less than one month’s duration. 2. Replaces national citizenship

3. Gives the Right to Petition the European Council

protect personal data. personal protect

chapter 1 guarantee telecommunication access and chapter 4 4 chapter and access telecommunication guarantee 1 chapter

concerning baggage insurances that they have signed. However However signed. have they that insurances baggage concerning the European Parliament, not the European Council. European the not Parliament, European the

says that consumer cannot withdraw from short term contract contract term short from withdraw cannot consumer that says citizenship, but it is complementary. It gives the Right to petition petition to Right the gives It complementary. is it but citizenship,

The correct answer is the third one. Chapter 10 of this Code Code this of 10 Chapter one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. It does not replace national national replace not does It one. first the is answer correct The

Every year, the EU gives the Sakharov Prize. But Every year, the EU gives the LUX Prize. But what is it awarding for? what is it awarding for? 1. Intellectual output of the year 1. The best item within the luxury industry 2. Freedom of Thought 2. A Film

3. Outstanding military manoeuvre 3. The best citizen from Luxemburg

implementation of the rule of law. of rule the of implementation

respect for international law, development of democracy and and democracy of development law, international for respect future. its and Europe on reflection and debate for

the right to free expression, safeguarding the rights of minorities, minorities, of rights the safeguarding expression, free to right the vehicle ideal an be can medium, cultural mass a cinema, the that

defence of human rights and fundamental freedoms, particularly particularly freedoms, fundamental and rights human of defence believes Parliament The debate. public European the of heart the

Freedom of Thought is awarded for a particular achievement in in achievement particular a for awarded is Thought of Freedom to go that films on spotlight annual an casts prize LUX Parliament

The correct answer is the second one. The Sakharov prize for for prize Sakharov The one. second the is answer correct The European the 2007, Since one. second the is answer correct The

Every year, the EU gives the Charlemagne What is Europass about? Youth Prize. But who is rewarded? 1. European identity documents that allows you to 1. Young people participating in integration travel, such as passports. projects 2. Documents showing your skills and qualifications 2. Young researchers 3. A certificate that allows you to receive medical

3. Young social workers treatment in other Member States.

living together as one community. community. one as together living

European identity, and offer practical examples of Europeans Europeans of examples practical offer and identity, European

understanding, promote the development of a shared sense of of sense shared a of development the promote understanding, job. a for apply or abroad study

awarded to projects undertaken by young people that foster foster that people young by undertaken projects to awarded to want you when easier things makes It Supplement. Diploma

participation in European integration projects. The Prize is is Prize The projects. integration European in participation and Supplement Certificate Mobility, Europass Passport,

consciousness among young people, as well as their their as well as people, young among consciousness Language Vitae, Curriculum Europe: in understood easily

Youth Prize aims to encourage the development of European European of development the encourage to aims Prize Youth and clearly qualifications and skills make to documents five of

The correct answer is the first one. The European Charlemagne Charlemagne European The one. first the is answer correct The series a is Europass one. second the is answer correct The What is the EVS? Who received the first Sakharov Prize from 1. The European Voluntary Service the EU? 2. The European Vacation Survey 1. Nelson Mandela from South Africa 3. The European Value of Salary 2. Aung San Suu Kyi from Burma/Myanmar

3. Koffi Annan from Ghana

supporting the laureates and their cause. their and laureates the supporting the program and they receive some pocket money. pocket some receive they and program the

globe, drawing attention to human rights violations as well as as well as violations rights human to attention drawing globe, accommodation, food, insurance and travel costs are covered by by covered are costs travel and insurance food, accommodation,

exceptional contribution to the fight for human rights across the the across rights human for fight the to contribution exceptional as a volunteer. Young people do not receive a salary, but but salary, a receive not do people Young volunteer. a as

The prize is awarded to individuals who have made an an made have who individuals to awarded is prize The and 30 years old to spend from 2 weeks to 12 months abroad abroad months 12 to weeks 2 from spend to old years 30 and

awarded in 1988 to Nelson Mandela. Nelson to 1988 in awarded Service is a program that allows young people between 17 17 between people young allows that program a is Service

The correct answer is the first one. The first Sakharov Prize was was Prize Sakharov first The one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. The European Voluntary Voluntary European The one. first the is answer correct The

The EU pet passport allows citizens to travel How many official languages are there in the freely with pets within the Union and contributes European Union in 2016? to the harmonization of rules concerning animal 1. Fourteen - 14 health care. But what animal cannot receive it? 2. Twenty four - 24 1. Dog 3. Twenty seven - 27 2. Ferret

3. Rabbit rabies vaccination. rabies

Union. authorised veterinarian and must contain details of a valid anti- valid a of details contain must and veterinarian authorised

official languages in the 28 member states of the European European the of states member 28 the in languages official can receive the EU pet passport. It is available from any any from available is It passport. pet EU the receive can

The correct answer is the second one. There are 24 different different 24 are There one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. Only cats, dogs or ferrets ferrets or dogs cats, Only one. third the is answer correct The

Borders are widely respected by mankind, What is the Gaelic name of Ireland? but not by nature. The Danube is one of the 1. Éire main rivers of Europe. Which countries of the 2. Ulster European Union does it run through? 3. Airlann 1. Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine 2. Germany, Austria, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria 3. Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary,

Romania and Bulgaria

nine countries, but Serbia and Ukraine are not EU-members. EU-members. not are Ukraine and Serbia but countries, nine (English) Ireland

The correct answer is the third one. The Danube runs through through runs Danube The one. third the is answer correct The (Irish); Éire name Official one. first the is answer correct The

European elections are held everywhere in the Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania got their member states... independence in 1991 after the... 1. On the same day 1. Singing Revolution 2. On a different day between monday and 2. Dancing Revolution wednesday 3. Running Revolution 3. On a different day between thursday and


Tallinn Song Festival Grounds. Festival Song Tallinn

1988, spontaneous mass night-singing demonstrations at the the at demonstrations night-singing mass spontaneous 1988, June 10-11 the after week a published article an in Valk, Heinz

(when most countries hold their elections). their hold countries most (when artist, and activist Estonian an by coined was term The Lithuania

election day within a four-day span, from thursday to sunday sunday to thursday from span, four-day a within day election and Latvia Estonia, of independence the of restoration the to led

different voting traditions and each one may decide on the exact exact the on decide may one each and traditions voting different that 1991 and 1987 between events for name used commonly

The correct answer is the third one. Countries in the EU have have EU the in Countries one. third the is answer correct The a is Revolution Singing The one. first the is answer correct The When did the countries on the Iberian French is an official language in France, peninsula join the European Union? Luxembourg and ...? 1. 1966 1. Belgium 2. 1986 2. Andorra

3. 1996 3. Nederlands

capital, where French and Dutch share official status. official share Dutch and French where capital, bilingual the Brussels, and south the in Wallonia francophone

the EU in 1986, when it expanded from 10 to 12 members. members. 12 to 10 from expanded it when 1986, in EU the north, the in Flanders Dutch-speaking regions: three into divided

The correct answer is the second one. Portugal and Spain joined joined Spain and Portugal one. second the is answer correct The state federal a is Belgium one. first the is answer correct The

Tallinn is the capital of... How many EU members share a border with 1. Latvia Italy, one of the founding members? 2. Estonia 1. One 3. Lithuania 2. Three

3. Four EU. the of member a not is it but Italy, with border

Lithuania are Riga and Vilnius respectively. Vilnius and Riga are Lithuania a shares also Switzerland Italy. with border a share 2004) since

as Reval, was founded in 1154 A.D. The capitals of Latvia and and Latvia of capitals The A.D. 1154 in founded was Reval, as (member Slovenia and 1995) since (member Austria member),

The correct answer is the second one. Tallinn, previously known known previously Tallinn, one. second the is answer correct The (founding France one. second the is answer correct The

Which of the following EU countries shares a Which of the following islands belong to the border with Poland? European Union? 1. Slovakia 1. Malta 2. Denmark 2. Sri Lanka

3. Romania 3. Easter island

the north, Poland is bordered by the Baltic Sea. Baltic the by bordered is Poland north, the

the Russian province of Kaliningrad Oblast to the northeast. To To northeast. the to Oblast Kaliningrad of province Russian the 2004. in EU the joined Malta Valetta. La called is capital

the south, Ukraine and Belarus to the east, and Lithuania and and Lithuania and east, the to Belarus and Ukraine south, the The Island. Paul’s Saint and Rock Fungus Filfla, Cominotto,

are Germany to the west, the Czech Republic and Slovakia to to Slovakia and Republic Czech the west, the to Germany are Island, Manoel Comino, Gozo, Malta, islands: eight of consists

The correct answer is the first one. The neighboring countries countries neighboring The one. first the is answer correct The that state island an is Malta one. first the is answer correct The

What is the capital of Bavaria? The Greeks gained EU membership before the 1. Bonn Danes. 2. Hamburg 1. True 3. München 2. False

3. None of them 1981, becoming its tenth member. member. tenth its becoming 1981,

largest city of Germany and the capital of Bundesland Bavaria. Bundesland of capital the and Germany of city largest European Union in 1973. Greece joined the European Union in in Union European the joined Greece 1973. in Union European

3 the is (Munich) München one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Denmark joined the the joined Denmark one. second the is answer correct The rd What is the currency of Hungary? Jean Monnet was one of the founding fathers 1. Euro of the European Community. Which member 2. Forint state was he from? 3. Guilder 1. France 2. Belgium

3. Luxembourg

Hungary. Hungary became a EU-member in 2004. in EU-member a became Hungary Hungary. Community.

Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The euro is widely accepted in in accepted widely is euro The Aruba. and Antilles Netherlands European the of forerunner the 1951, in Community Steel

the Netherlands and Suriname, and is still the currency of the the of currency the still is and Suriname, and Netherlands the and Coal European the of creation the to led minister, foreign

Hungary is the forint (HUF). The guilder was the currency of of currency the was guilder The (HUF). forint the is Hungary French the Schuman, Robert by publicised plan, His servant.

The correct answer is the second one. The currency of of currency The one. second the is answer correct The civil French a was Monnet one. first the is answer correct The

Which country refused to join the European Which country was the only new member to Economic Community when it was founded join the European Community in the 1981 in 1957 but then changed its mind and had enlargement? to apply three times before finally being 1. Spain admitted? 2. Greece 1. Spain 3. Portugal 2. Norway

3. United Kingdom referendum.

scheduled to join with them but voted against membership in a a in membership against voted but them with join to scheduled

in 1973 along with Ireland and Denmark. Norway had been been had Norway Denmark. and Ireland with along 1973 in

membership in 1963 and 1967; following his death the UK joined joined UK the death his following 1967; and 1963 in membership

Charles de Gaulle, twice vetoed the UK’s application for for application UK’s the vetoed twice Gaulle, de Charles 1986. until Community European the join not

The correct answer is the third one. The French President, President, French The one. third the is answer correct The did Portugal and Spain one. second the is answer correct The

In which country is the European Court of Justice Aside from Denmark, which is the only EU (ECJ) sited? member state to have voted against adoption 1. Belgium of the Euro in a referendum? 2. Luxembourg 1. Italy 3. Netherlands 2. Ireland

3. Sweden 2000. in Denmark in vote

city of Luxembourg. of city similar a following euro the adopting to ‘no’ voted Swedes the

The correct answer is the second one. The ECJ is sited in the the in sited is ECJ The one. second the is answer correct The 2003 September 14th On one. third the is answer correct The

In 1973, the European Community expanded to Which of the 2004 enlargement states has take in three new members: the United Kingdom, Riga as its capital? Denmark and...? 1. Latvia 1. Ireland 2. Slovenia 2. Greece 3. Lithuania

3. Sweden

predominantly with the UK. the with predominantly

largely by the UK’s, because Ireland’s trade at the time was was time the at trade Ireland’s because UK’s, the by largely

for membership of the European Community was dictated dictated was Community European the of membership for Vilnius. The capital of Slovenia is Ljubljana. Ljubljana. is Slovenia of capital The Vilnius.

The correct answer is the first one. Ireland’s decision to apply apply to decision Ireland’s one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. The Lithuania capital is is capital Lithuania The one. first the is answer correct The Which 2004 enlargement member of the EU had Which country plays host to most of the a long-running border dispute involving a EU major EU institutions including the European candidate country which did not join the EU in Commission, the Council of Ministers and the 2004? Committee of the Regions? 1. Malta 1. France 2. Latvia 2. Belgium

3. Cyprus 3. Luxembourg

Turkey. Turkey.

been a stumbling block for EU membership for Cyprus and for for and Cyprus for membership EU for block stumbling a been

backed by Turkey, EU candidate country. The dispute had long long had dispute The country. candidate EU Turkey, by backed Brussels. capital, Belgian the around centred increasingly

speaking Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, which was was which Cyprus, Northern of Republic Turkish speaking have they evolved has EC/EU the as However, possible. as

the Greek-speaking Republic of Cyprus and not the Turkish- the not and Cyprus of Republic Greek-speaking the states member many as among shared be institutions the that

The correct answer is the third one. The EU recognised only only recognised EU The one. third the is answer correct The intended originally was It one. second the is answer correct The

In terms of Gross Domestic Product per capita, Which country use three official languages? which was the richest of the 2004 enlargement 1. Spain member states? 2. Bosnia and Herzegovina 1. Malta 3. Denmark 2. Slovenia

3. Czech Republic

Malta’s was 80 and the Czech Republic’s was 79. was Republic’s Czech the and 80 was Malta’s

capita (calculated in Purchasing Power Standards) was 85. 85. was Standards) Power Purchasing in (calculated capita Language. Croatian and Language Serbian Language,

The correct answer is the second one. The Slovenia GDP per per GDP Slovenia The one. second the is answer correct The Bosnian are: They one. second the is answer correct The

Which is the most northerly of the 2004 In 1957 the Treaty establishing the European enlargement states? Economic Community was signed. Where? 1. Latvia 1. Italy 2. Estonia 2. France

3. Lithuania 3. Belgium Community. European the was known became

northerly members overall. members northerly and merged later were (Euratom) EAEC the and ECSC the EEC,

Lithuania and Poland. Sweden and Finland remain the most most the remain Finland and Sweden Poland. and Lithuania the of institutions The year. following the Community Energy

south the most northerly new members are Estonia, Latvia, Latvia, Estonia, are members new northerly most the south Atomic European the and EEC the establishing 1957 in signed

The correct answer is the second one. Running from north to to north from Running one. second the is answer correct The was Rome of Treaty one.The first the is answer correct The

Which country is not part of Scandinavia? The word Democracy is... 1. Denmark 1. A greek word 2. Russia 2. An ancient latin word

3. Sweden 3. A word born during the Renaissance


the people: a way of governing which depends on the will of the the of will the on depends which governing of way a people: the

meaning power; so democracy can be thought of as power of of power as of thought be can democracy so power; meaning Norway. It often also includes Finland and Iceland. and Finland includes also often It Norway.

kratos kratos and people, meaning , demos words Greek the from Scandinavia. Scandinavia gathers Sweden, Denmark, and and Denmark, Sweden, gathers Scandinavia Scandinavia.

The correct answer is the first one. The word democracy comes comes democracy word The one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Russia is not part of of part not is Russia one. second the is answer correct The Among the following persons, who has been In how many European countries do people President of the European Parliament? drive on the left side of the road? 1. Simone Veil 1. One 2. Simone de Beauvoir 2. Four

3. Louisse Weiss 3. Eleven;;

the right. the

Kingdom. In the rest of the European countries, people drive on on drive people countries, European the of rest the In Kingdom. drive on the left in Cyprus, Ireland, Malta and the United United the and Malta Ireland, Cyprus, in left the on drive

The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Whitin Europe, people people Europe, Whitin one. second the is answer correct The

Which film received the first LUX Prize from the What is the largest country in Europe? EU? 1. Sweden 1. The Edge of Heaven, by Fatih Akin 2. Germany 2. 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days, by Cristian 3. Ukraine Mungiu

3. Belle toujours, by Manoel de Oliveira

in European Public Debate. Public European in

on a spotlight on film that go to the heart of the Central Themes Themes Central the of heart the to go that film on spotlight a on

in 2007. Since 2007, the European Parliament every year turns turns year every Parliament European the 2007, Since 2007. in

The correct answer is the first one. The first Prize was awarded awarded was Prize first The one. first the is answer correct The one. third the is answer correct The

Which country’s capital lays on the borders Which was the first country to become with two other countries? an associate member of the European 1. Rome, Italy Communities? 2. Bratislava, Slovakia 1. Cyprus 3. Tallinn, Estonia 2. Malta

3. Greece

takes only 90 minutes. 90 only takes

of Danube river and the boat cruise from Vienna to Bratislava Bratislava to Vienna from cruise boat the and river Danube of

is distant only 60 km. Both cities are stretched on the banks banks the on stretched are cities Both km. 60 only distant is

two independent countries. Moreover, Austrian capital Vienna Vienna capital Austrian Moreover, countries. independent two only). agreement trade a usually is membership (associate

makes the city the only one capital in the world that borders borders that world the in capital one only the city the makes 1981 in only member full a became but 1962, in already

Bratislava, lies on the borders with Austria and Hungary. That That Hungary. and Austria with borders the on lies Bratislava, Communities European the with Association of Agreement

The correct answer is the second one. The capital of Slovakia, Slovakia, of capital The one. second the is answer correct The an signed Greece one. third the is answer correct The

Which country decided on a referandum (1979) to Which country had twice held a referendum leave the European Community? to join the European Union but on both 1. England occasion, citizens of that country decided 2. Greenland they do not want their country to join the EU? 3. Switzerland 1. Switzerland 2. Norway

3. Ukraine

the EU. the join to country their want not do they decided Norway of citizens

leave all the European institutions in 1985. ; 1985. in institutions European the all leave occasion, both on however, 1994: in time second the and 1972

integral part of Denmark, decided on a referendum (1979) to to (1979) referendum a on decided Denmark, of part integral in was time first The Union. European the join to referendum a

The correct answer is the second one. Greenland, which is an an is which Greenland, one. second the is answer correct The held twice had Norway one. second the is answer correct The What is the emergency phone number, available What is the Euro area? everywhere in the EU, free of charge. 1. It is the area including countries using the 1. 112 Euro 2. 118 2. It is the short name of Europe

3. 125 3. It is the short name of the European Union

language, but also in English or French. or English in also but language,

many countries can answer the calls not only in their national national their in only not calls the answer can countries many

national organisation of emergency services. Operators in in Operators services. emergency of organisation national

the most appropriate emergency service depending on the the on depending service emergency appropriate most the

either deal with the request directly or transfer the call to to call the transfer or directly request the with deal either

trained operator will answer any 112 call. The operator will will operator The call. 112 any answer will operator trained

an ambulance, the fire brigade or the police. A specially specially A police. the or brigade fire the ambulance, an currency. their as euro the

fixed and mobile phones to contact any emergency service: service: emergency any contact to phones mobile and fixed adopted have that Union European the of States Member those

The correct answer is the first one. You can call 112 from from 112 call can You one. first the is answer correct The of consists area euro The one. first the is answer correct The

Which Member State is the biggest in area What is Erasmus+? (2016)? 1. Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support 1. Russia education, training, youth and sport in Europe 2. France 2. It is the EU’s volunteer program 3. Turkey 3. It is the name of a Dutch Renaissance humanist,

catholic priest, social critic, teacher, and theologian

gain experience, and volunteers abroad. volunteers and experience, gain

Europe. It provides opportunities for Europeans to study, train train study, to Europeans for opportunities provides It Europe. in sport and youth training, education, support to programme

The correct answer is the second one. second the is answer correct The EU’s the is Erasmus+ one. first the is answer correct The

What is the European Parliament? What are the Europe Union symbols? 1. The voice of European people 1. The motto, the anthem, the flag, the Europe 2. A palace in Bruxelles day 3. The voice of the State member 2. The motto, the anthem, the Euro, the flag, the Europe day

3. The motto, the anthem, the Euro, the flag;;

. Martin Schulz Martin . non-discrimination

will work in a dignified and fair manner based on respect and and respect on based manner fair and dignified a in work will

hundreds of millions of Europeans. The European Parliament Parliament European The Europeans. of millions of hundreds

the side of the people, working to improve the daily lives of of lives daily the improve to working people, the of side the background. blue a on stars yellow

is the heart of democracy at the EU level. It will always be on on be always will It level. EU the at democracy of heart the is of circle the being well-known most the symbols, several by

The European Parliament Parliament European The one. first the is answer correct The recognisable is EU The one. second the is answer correct The

What is the Eurobarometer? What is EURES? 1. A method to forecast the local weather 1. The European Job Mobility Portal 2. An European survey methodology 2. The plural of Euro

3. An instrument to measure the temperature 3. The European service vocated to economical affairs

across Europe. Europe. across

advisers that are in daily contact with jobseekers and employers employers and jobseekers with contact daily in are that advisers

portal and through a human network of around 1000 EURES EURES 1000 around of network human a through and portal the through services its provides EURES practice In Partners.

acknowledged. EURES Associated the and Partners EURES (NCOs), Offices

except for commercial purposes, provided the source is is source the provided purposes, commercial for except Coordination National the (ECO), Office Coordination European

Reports are published twice yearly. Reproduction is authorized, authorized, is Reproduction yearly. twice published are Reports the of: composed is network The Norway. and Liechtenstein

of approximately 1000 face-to-face interviews per country. country. per interviews face-to-face 1000 approximately of Iceland, Switzerland, plus countries 28 EU the within

Eurobarometer was established in 1973. Each survey consists consists survey Each 1973. in established was Eurobarometer workers of movement free the facilitate to designed network

The correct answer is the second one. The standard standard The one. second the is answer correct The cooperation a is EURES one. first the is answer correct The When is the Europe day? How many stars are on the European flag? 1. 14th February 1. Six 2. 9th May 2. Twelve 3. 1st November 3. Twenty eight months of the year or the 12 signs of the zodiac. the of signs 12 the or year the of months

beginning of what is now the European Union. European the now is what of beginning represents perfection and entirety, like the 12 apostles, the 12 12 the apostles, 12 the like entirety, and perfection represents

was proposed by Robert Schuman. It is considered to be the the be to considered is It Schuman. Robert by proposed was there are 12 stars. The official version says that number 12 12 number that says version official The stars. 12 are there

where the idea of a new form of political cooperation in Europe Europe in cooperation political of form new a of idea the where Council of Europe. There are several stories explaining why why explaining stories several are There Europe. of Council

of the 9th May 1950 1950 May 9th the of declaration Schuman the celebrates also It the 1950’s and is both the flag of the European Union and the the and Union European the of flag the both is and 1950’s the

place on the 9th of May to celebrate peace and unity in Europe. Europe. in unity and peace celebrate to May of 9th the on place the values of unity, solidarity and harmony. It was created in in created was It harmony. and solidarity unity, of values the

The correct answer is the second one. Europe Day is taking taking is Day Europe one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. The stars represent represent stars The one. second the is answer correct The

How often are the European elections taking How often the Presidency of the Council of the place? EU rotate/change? 1. Every 3 years 1. Every 6 months 2. Every 5 years 2. Every year

3. Every 10 years 3. Every 5 years EU. the of Council the of functioning the for responsible

Parliament. is member EU the of one from government national a months 6

every 5 years since 1979 to elect the members of the European European the of members the elect to 1979 since years 5 every every that means It months. 6 every rotates EU the of Council

The correct answer is the second one. They are taking place place taking are They one. second the is answer correct The the of Presidency The one. first the is answer correct The

Where are the main European Commission In which year was the Euro launched? offices located? 1. 1952 1. Brussels, Luxembourg, Strasbourg 2. 1989 2. Brussels, The Hague, Frankfurt 3. 1999

3. Brussels, Luxembourg, Geneva

(Luxembourg) and Strasbourg (France). Strasbourg and (Luxembourg) 2002. January 1st the on introduced were

meeting places are in Brussels (Belgium), Luxembourg Luxembourg (Belgium), Brussels in are places meeting banknotes and coins However started. transactions financial

The correct answer is the first one. The main offices and and offices main The one. first the is answer correct The 1999 January 1st the On one. third the is answer correct The

In which year the European Union was awarded The ECSC is the ancestor of the EU. the Peace Nobel Prize? What does ECSC mean? 1. 2008 1. European Coal and Steel Community 2. 2012 2. European Commission for Security and 3. 2015 Cooperation

3. European Commission Strategy of Commerce Luxembourg. and Netherlands the Italy,

reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe. in rights human and democracy reconciliation, Germany, West France, Belgium, by signed was which Paris, of

the Nobel Peace Prize for advancing the causes of peace, peace, of causes the advancing for Prize Peace Nobel the Treaty the by 1951 in established formally was Community Steel

The correct answer is the second one. In 2012 the EU received received EU the 2012 In one. second the is answer correct The and Coal European The one. first the is answer correct The Which country joined the EU in 2013? How many countries joined the EU in 2004? 1. Poland 1. One 2. Slovakia 2. Three

3. Croatia 3. Ten

the EU. the

Slovenia, Hungary joined the EU. It is the biggest enlargement of of enlargement biggest the is It EU. the joined Hungary Slovenia, Slovakia, Republic, Czech Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia,

The correct answer is the third one. third the is answer correct The Cyprus, Malta, 2004, In one. third the is answer correct The

When did Greece join the EU? What is the EAEC? 1. 1981 1. European Agency for European Citizenship 2. 2000 2. European Atomic Energy Community

3. 2008 3. European Ambassador for European Culture

founded in 1957. in founded was It Community. Energy Atomic European the is and Euratom

The correct answer is the first one. one. first the is answer correct The called also is EAEC The one. second the is answer correct The

In 2016, which country has the biggest number What was the former name of the currency for of seats in the European Parliament? Europe before the Euro? 1. France 1. ECU 2. Germany 2. European Dollar

3. Spain 3. EUM

the 1st January 1999. ECU was a virtual currency. virtual a was ECU 1999. January 1st the EU (with more than 80 million inhabitants). million 80 than more (with EU

Unit was established in 1979 and was replaced by the Euro on on Euro the by replaced was and 1979 in established was Unit number of seats because it is the most populated country in the the in country populated most the is it because seats of number

The correct answer is the first one. ECU - European Currency Currency European - ECU one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Germany has the biggest biggest the has Germany one. second the is answer correct The

In 2016, how many states compose the European Where is the European Central Bank Union? located? 1. 25 1. London, the UK 2. 28 2. Frankfurt, Germany

3. 32 3. Copenhagen, Denmark

Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. United Sweden, Spain, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania,

Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Portugal, Poland, Netherlands, Malta, Luxembourg, Lithuania,

France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Latvia, Italy, Ireland, Hungary, Greece, Germany, France,

Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Republic, Czech Cyprus, Croatia,

The following are the 28 countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Austria, countries: 28 the are following The currency. single the of power purchasing the preserve so and

France, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands participated. Netherlands the and Luxembourg Italy, France, area euro the in stability price maintain to is task main Its euro.

cooperate economically in 1951, only Belgium, Germany, Germany, Belgium, only 1951, in economically cooperate the adopted have which countries Union European the of bank

as big as it is today. When European countries started to to started countries European When today. is it as big as central the is It Germany. Frankfurt, in located is (ECB) Bank

The correct answer is the second one. The EU was not always always not was EU The one. second the is answer correct The Central European The one. second the is answer correct The What is Europol? What country has the highest population in 1. Europol is the European Union’s law Europe - 2016? enforcement agency 1. United Kingdom 2. Europol is the biggest swimming pool in 2. Italy Europe 3. Germany

3. Europol is a statistic European survey center

fight against serious international crime and terrorism. terrorism. and crime international serious against fight

this by assisting the European Union’s Member States in their their in States Member Union’s European the assisting by this

a safer Europe for the benefit of all EU citizens. Europol does does Europol citizens. EU all of benefit the for Europe safer a

Union’s law enforcement agency whose main goal is to achieve achieve to is goal main whose agency enforcement law Union’s

The correct answer is the first one. Europol is the European European the is Europol one. first the is answer correct The one. third the is answer correct The

What is the European Mobility Week? How big is Europe? 1. An annual campaign on sustainable urban 1. Europe occupies 6.2% of the surface of our mobility financed and supported by the European planet Commission 2. Europe occupies 3,0% of the surface of our 2. A special day during which everybody can move planet freely from an European country to another 3. Europe occupies 15,0% of the surface of our 3. A special day during which the public transport planet

system is free of charge;;

European Commission. Commission. European

on sustainable urban mobility financed and supported by the the by supported and financed mobility urban sustainable on east. the in Mountains Ural the to west the in Ocean

sign up for European Mobility Week, an annual campaign campaign annual an Week, Mobility European for up sign Atlantic the from and south, the in Sea Mediterranean the to

22 September, more than 2.000 European towns and cities cities and towns European 2.000 than more September, 22 north the in Ocean Arctic the from stretches It continents. seven

The correct answer is the first one. Each year from 16 to to 16 from year Each one. first the is answer correct The world’s the of one is Europe one. first the is answer correct The

In which treaty was the name European Union When the European flag was adopted as the firstly used? official emblem of the European Communities? 1. Paris 1. In 1951 2. Maastricht 2. In 1985

3. Amsterdam 3. In 2000

European Communities, later to become the European Union. Union. European the become to later Communities, European

was adopted by all EU leaders as the official emblem of the the of emblem official the as leaders EU all by adopted was

flag should be that used by the Council of Europe. In 1985, it it 1985, In Europe. of Council the by used that be should flag Communities’ the that decided Parliament European the 1983,

Maastricht Conference. Maastricht In flag. same the adopt to institutions European emerging the

term Union was introduced in the text which came out of the the of out came which text the in introduced was Union term encouraged it followed, that years the In use. own its for design

the European Union was called European Community. The The Community. European called was Union European the present the chose Europe of Council The 1955. to back goes

The correct answer is the second one. Before Maastricht, Maastricht, Before one. second the is answer correct The flag the of history The one. second the is answer correct The

Has the European Commission a Facebook What is Europe 2020? page? 1. It is the European Union’s growth strategy for the 1. Yes decade 2. Not 2. It is the year of the next European olympic games 3. Under Construction 3. It is the year in which the remaining European

countries will enter in the EU

social market economy. market social

competitiveness and productivity and underpin a sustainable sustainable a underpin and productivity and competitiveness structural weaknesses in Europe’s economy, improve its its improve economy, Europe’s in weaknesses structural sustainable and inclusive growth as a way to overcome the the overcome to way a as growth inclusive and sustainable

has got a Facebook account Facebook a got has is the EU’s agenda for growth and jobs. It emphasises smart, smart, emphasises It jobs. and growth for agenda EU’s the is

The correct answer is the first one. The European Commission Commission European The one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. The Europe 2020 strategy strategy 2020 Europe The one. first the is answer correct The Which Member State is the smallest in area Which of these countries is not a member of (2016)? the EU - 2016? 1. Latvia 1. Serbia 2. Luxembourg 2. Slovakia

3. Malta 3. Slovenia

it’s Malta. it’s

The correct answer is the third one. By both population and size, size, and population both By one. third the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The

Which of the following statement is actually What is Euroscepticism? true? 1. Criticism of, or opposition to the European 1. All the municipalities of the European countries Union must display the European Union flag 2. Criticism of, or opposition to the Euro 2. All new number plates must display the 3. Criticism of, or opposition to the enlargement of European Union flag Europe 3. The European Central Bank is the central bank

for the euro area

Supervisory Mechanism. Mechanism. Supervisory

EU institution at the heart of the Eurosystem and the Single Single the and Eurosystem the of heart the at institution EU

The correct answer is the third one. The ECB is an official official an is ECB The one. third the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The

In 1957, six countries came together to form Which are the capitals of France, Germany, the original European Economic Community: Belgium, Netherlands, Italy and Luxembourg? France, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy 1. Paris, Berlin, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Rome, and ...? Luxembourg City 1. Luxembourg 2. Paris, Berlin, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Turin, 2. Liechtenstein Luxembourg City 3. Austria 3. Paris, Berlin, Bruxelles, Amsterdam, Rome,


The correct answer is the first one. one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The

What is a candidate country? What is the value that matters the most for 1. A country that is candidate to win a prize for its European citizen? economical performances 1. Peace 2. A country on the road to EU membership 2. Human Rights

3. A country that wants to be a member of the EU 3. Freedom

Copenhagen European Council. European Copenhagen

identical for all countries and remain those defined by the 1993 1993 the by defined those remain and countries all for identical

The correct answer is the second one. Accession criteria are are criteria Accession one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The What is the value that represents the best the In 2016, out of the 28 countries of the EU, how EU according to Europeans? many of them are monarchies? 1. Peace and Human Rights 1. One 2. Democracy and integration 2. Seven 3. Freedom and possibility to freely move across 3. Fifteen


citizens. Kingdom. United the and Sweden

is the value that best describe the EU according to European European to according EU the describe best that value the is Spain, Netherlands, the Luxembourg, Denmark, Belgium,

The correct answer is the first one. Peace and Human Rights Rights Human and Peace one. first the is answer correct The are: countries The one. second the is answer correct The

What are the three most commonly used What is the official motto of the EU? languages in the EU institutions? 1. United in diversity 1. English, Spanish, German 2. Europe is the world’s future 2. German, French, Italian 3. Together we are stronger

3. English, German, French

languages and traditions). traditions). and languages; in widespread most the

recognizes the richness of the diversity of the EU (cultures, (cultures, EU the of diversity the of richness the recognizes date, to is, language English the while EU, the of construction

themselves (by creating the EU) around values of peace. It also also It peace. of values around EU) the creating (by themselves the before time long Europe throughout widespread were

in 2000 and recognized that Europeans have decided to gather gather to decided have Europeans that recognized and 2000 in languages their and EU the of members founding are

The correct answer is the first one. The motto started to be used used be to started motto The one. first the is answer correct The France and Germany one. third the is answer correct The

In which month are the European Heritage Days Among the objectives of the EU, there is... taking place annually? 1. Being the first cultural power in the world 1. May 2. Promoting cross-border cooperation between 2. July EU Member States 3. September 3. Having English as a unique language in the

EU Member States.

future generations. future

heritage and being aware of the necessity of preserving it for for it preserving of necessity the of aware being and heritage

throughout Europe free-of-charge and thus learn about their their about learn thus and free-of-charge Europe throughout

these days, people can visit monuments and cultural sites sites cultural and monuments visit can people days, these

jointly by the Council of Europe and the European Union. During During Union. European the and Europe of Council the by jointly

are the biggest cultural event in Europe and are organized organized are and Europe in event cultural biggest the are Days

The correct answer is the second one. one. second the is answer correct The The European Heritage Heritage European The one. third the is answer correct The

Did you know that the EU is somehow connected Since 1985, one city is designated every year to to other continents? Four Member States have be the European Capital of Culture. Which city (special links with) territories outside of Europe. was the first one to receive this title? Who are these Member States? 1. Rome, Italy 1. Denmark, France, the Netherlands and UK 2. Athens, Greece 2. Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom and France 3. Brussels, Belgium

3. Italy, France, the United Kingdom and Portugal

natural wealth. natural

are sovereign country, and they are small population but a lot of of lot a but population small are they and country, sovereign are

These territories are all different, however none of these OCTs OCTs these of none however different, all are territories These

around the world from the Caribbean to the Pacific Ocean. Ocean. Pacific the to Caribbean the from world the around

overseas countries and territories (OCTs) that are spread all all spread are that (OCTs) territories and countries overseas diversity of Europe. of diversity

Netherlands and the UK have special links with altogether 25 25 altogether with links special have UK the and Netherlands awarded city organizes events showing the richness and and richness the showing events organizes city awarded

The correct answer is the first one. Denmark, France, the the France, Denmark, one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. During one year, the the year, one During one. second the is answer correct The Culture became a new competence of the There are only two countries of the EU that do European Union. With which Treaty? not have any red or blue on their . Which 1. Treaty of Nice are they? 2. Treaty of Rome 1. Estonia and Latvia 3. Treaty of Maastricht 2. Portugal and Czech Republic

3. Cyprus and Ireland

is a pillar of the EU policies since then. since policies EU the of pillar a is

the EU since the Treaty of Maastricht of 1992. Cultural diversity diversity Cultural 1992. of Maastricht of Treaty the since EU the

The correct answer is the third one. Culture is a competence of of competence a is Culture one. third the is answer correct The one. third the is answer correct The

Skopje (called Skupi, by the Romans) is the What is the capital of Republic of Moldova? capital of what former republic of Yugoslavia? 1. Kiev 1. Slovenia 2. Cahul 2. Montenegro 3. Chisinãu

3. Republic of Macedonia

spring, pump, or pipe. or pump, spring, meaning word a from derives name The 1436. to back goes Chisinãu name the

The correct answer is the third one. one. third the is answer correct The of record historic first The one. third the is answer correct The

Which countries lie on the Jutland Peninsula? To protect its cultural diversity, the European 1. Denmark and Germany Union supported the vote of the Convention on 2. Denmark and the Netherlands the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity 3. United Kingdom and Ireland of Cultural Expressions at the UNESCO. When was this convention voted? 1. 1995

2. 2005

European lake. European 3. 2015

generally from the open sea, making it a kind of vast northern northern vast of kind a it making sea, open the from generally

peninsula separates the Baltic from the North Sea - and more more and - Sea North the from Baltic the separates peninsula

peninsula, which extends into the North Sea. The Jutland Jutland The Sea. North the into extends which peninsula,

Danish mainland. A little bit of Germany also occupies the the occupies also Germany of bit little A mainland. Danish

of the Jutland Peninsula and the peninsula contains all of the the of all contains peninsula the and Peninsula Jutland the of

The correct answer is the first one. Denmark occupies most most occupies Denmark one. first the is answer correct The one. second the is answer correct The

What mountain range runs the entire length of Which classical composer of the 19th century the Italian peninsula? wrote the melody used for the anthem of the 1. Apennines EU? 2. Cantabrian 1. Mozart 3. Pyrenees 2. Beethoven

3. Bach

still active). active). still

a poem written by Friedrich von Schiller in 1785. in Schiller von Friedrich by written poem a Joy to Ode the

springs, crater lakes, and volcanoes (Vesuvius and Etna, are are Etna, and (Vesuvius volcanoes and lakes, crater springs,

composed the 9th Symphony in 1823. The music was made for for made was music The 1823. in Symphony 9th the composed

The correct answer is the first one. The Apennines have mineral mineral have Apennines The one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Ludwig Van Beethoven Beethoven Van Ludwig one. second the is answer correct The In 2008, the EU supported the creation of an According to the Television without Frontiers online European Library. What is the name of Directive, what is the percentage of programs this library? of European origin that TV channels in Europe 1. Cultural Europe have to broadcast every day? 2. Common Europe 1. 5% 3. Europeana 2. 50%

3. 95%

from outside of the EU. the of outside from

It means that a channel cannot broadcast only programs coming coming programs only broadcast cannot channel a that means It coming from the National Libraries of the Member States. Member the of Libraries National the from coming

programs of European channels have to be of European origin. origin. European of be to have channels European of programs this library. It gathers e-material (books, pictures, archives…) archives…) pictures, (books, e-material gathers It library. this

The correct answer is the second one. At least 50% of the the of 50% least At one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. Europeana is the name of of name the is Europeana one. third the is answer correct The

Which program is financing and supporting Culture contributes to the European economy. the cultural sector in Europe? How much of Europe’s richness (Gross 1. Cultural Europe Domestic Product - GDP) is culture responsible 2. Creative Europe for? 3. Common Europe 1. 3% 2. 15%

3. 32%

heritage, TV, festivals and so on. so and festivals TV, heritage,

2014-2020. It means that it finances projects linked to cinema, cinema, to linked projects finances it that means It 2014-2020. underestimated.

created to support the European cultural sector for the years years the for sector cultural European the support to created probably is number this if even richness, Europe of 3% create

The correct answer is the second one. Creative Europe was was Europe Creative one. second the is answer correct The to considered is Culture one. first the is answer correct The

According to European Citizens themselves, what creates the biggest sense of feeling part of a community among European citizens? 1. Culture 2. History

3. Geography

at the 6th place. 6th the at

economy and in the third place history. Geography comes only only comes Geography history. place third the in and economy The correct answer is the first one. First comes culture, then then culture, comes First one. first the is answer correct The NET NET NEw Tools for NEw Targets: a challenge for youth workers


Instituto Tecnológico de producto infantil y ocio


IDEE per comuni Technological Institute IDEE for children’s products & leisure Which is the largest street festival in Europe? What percentage of items in the British 1. Oktoberfest, Munich, Germany Museum are on display? 2. Notting Hill Carnival, London, UK 1. 1% 3. La Tomatina, Bunyol, Spain. 2. 55%

3. 80%

the abolition of slavery and slave trade. slave and slavery of abolition the

Caribbean traditions since the 19th century and are celebrating celebrating are and century 19th the since traditions Caribbean

their cultures and traditions. Carnivals have been part of the the of part been have Carnivals traditions. and cultures their

Afro-Caribbean communities organized it as a way to celebrate celebrate to way a as it organized communities Afro-Caribbean objects. million 8 least at totals collection

is happening every year in August in London. In the 1960’s the the 1960’s the In London. in August in year every happening is Museum British The display. on actually are Museum British the

The correct answer is the second one. The Notting Hill Carnival Carnival Hill Notting The one. second the is answer correct The at kept items the of 1% Only one. first the is answer correct The

Which country, in Europe, doesn’t have any Every day about 2 tonnes of chocolate are mosquitoes at all? sold in the airport of... 1. Iceland 1. Brussels, Belgium 2. Sweden 2. Paris, France

3. Norway 3. Manchester, England.

The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The

Where does the Lochness Monster come How long would it take you to reach Africa from Spain from? by ferry? 1. Orkelljunga, Sweden 1. 30 minutes 2. Krakow, Poland 2. 1 hour

3. Scotland, UK 3. 5 hours

Loch Ness waters. Ness Loch The legend tells that this mythical creature lives in the Scottish Scottish the in lives creature mythical this that tells legend The

The correct answer is the third one. third the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The

Lanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysilio The chinese checkers, in spite of the name, gogogoch is the longest town name in Europe: where does not come from China. What is its origin? is it? 1. Germany 1. Frigilian, Spain 2. France 2. Wales, UK 3. Italy

3. Bydgoszcz, Poland

a rapid whirlpool and the Church of St. Tysilio of the red cave. red the of Tysilio St. of Church the and whirlpool rapid a Saint Mary’s Church in the hollow of the white hazel near near hazel white the of hollow the in Church Mary’s Saint means

The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. The English translation translation English The one. second the is answer correct The Which is the oldest film festival still occurring What world-famous Paris landmark was annually in Europe? built as the centerpiece of the Exposition 1. Venice, Italy Universelle in 1889? 2. Cannes, France 1. Basilica of Sacre Coeur 3. Berlin, Germany 2. Notre Dame Cathedral

3. The Eiffel Tower Cannes (1946) film festivals. film (1946) Cannes

time. It remains the most well-known symbol of Paris. of symbol well-known most the remains It time. festivals happening in Europe together with Berlin (1951) and and (1951) Berlin with together Europe in happening festivals

Tower was the tallest man made structure in the world at the the at world the in structure made man tallest the was Tower took place in 1932. Today it is one of the most well-known film film well-known most the of one is it Today 1932. in place took

The correct answer is the third one. When completed, the Eiffel Eiffel the completed, When one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. Venice film festival first first festival film Venice one. first the is answer correct The

This landmark, which opened in 2000, gives some This palace was constructed in an important city of the best views of the English capital, as it is in the 18th century, and was home to kings and near the center of the city. What is it called? queens that ruled vast portions of the world. It has 1. Tower of London remained in use and houses a fine art collection 2. Westminster Cathedral and many priceless artifacts. You can visit when it 3. The London Eye is not in use. Which one is it? 1. Buckingham Palace (London) 2. Versailles Palace (France)

3. Palacio Real (Madrid)


height of 135 meters or 443 feet. It is the fourth tallest edifice in in edifice tallest fourth the is It feet. 443 or meters 135 of height

wheel, provides views up to 40 km or 25 miles around from a a from around miles 25 or km 40 to up views provides wheel,

The correct answer is the third one. The London Eye, a Ferris Ferris a Eye, London The one. third the is answer correct The one. third the is answer correct The

One European city is the home of the two Which city cathedral was the site of the oldest amusement parks in the world. Which coronation for the kings of France? city is it? 1. Strasbourg Cathedral 1. Paris 2. Notre Dame Cathedral, Reims 2. Rome 3. Basilica of Sacre Coeur, Montmartre

3. Copenhagen

rollercoaster in the world. the in rollercoaster

which opened in 1843 and contains the oldest Ferris wheel and and wheel Ferris oldest the contains and 1843 in opened which Simon. Brigitte

from 1588 to 1648. It is less well known than Tivoli Gardens, Gardens, Tivoli than known well less is It 1648. to 1588 from and Chagall Marc by designed was and later much added

Dyrehavsbakken, founded by King Christian IV, who reigned reigned who IV, Christian King by founded Dyrehavsbakken, was Some construction. its from glass stained contains

The correct answer is the third one. The oldest park is is park oldest The one. third the is answer correct The cathedral The one. second the is answer correct The

It is illuminated by the oculus, a nine metre When the Berlin Wall was knocked down? round aperture at the very top of its dome; it has 1. On 9th November 1989 been used as a Catholic church since 609; it is 2. On 9th November 1999 the burial place of the celebrated Renaissance 3. On 9th November 2000 Artist Raffaello Sanzio. 1. Basilica of St. Anthony 2. The Pantheon

3. Hagia Sofia

center of the dome. dome. the of center

the Romans and is world renowned for the oculus, or hole in the the in hole or oculus, the for renowned world is and Romans the

burial place of Raphael and some Italian kings. It was built by by built was It kings. Italian some and Raphael of place burial

The correct answer is the second one. The Pantheon is the the is Pantheon The one. second the is answer correct The one. first the is answer correct The In which country, does shaking your head up The Statue of Liberty is one of the most and down means no? famous American monuments and is located 1. Poland in Ellis Island, New York. But where has it 2. Czech Republic been built? 3. Bulgaria 1. Paris, France 2. Warsaw, Poland

3. Manchester, the UK

Paris, France, and was a friendly gift to the US. the to gift friendly a was and France, Paris,

The correct answer is the third one. one. third the is answer correct The in built was Statue The one. first the is answer correct The

Which of these prestigious cycling race is the Which country is the only European country to oldest one? be among the ten best countries in the world in 1. La Vuelta a España, Spain cricket? 2. Il Giro d’Italia, Italy 1. The Netherlands 3. Le Tour de France 2. The United Kingdom

3. Sweden Africa. South

Vuelta in 1935. in Vuelta and Caribbean, the Asia, South from countries by dominated

de France took place in 1903, Il Giro d’Italia in 1909 and La La and 1909 in d’Italia Giro Il 1903, in place took France de sport this in nations best the among is England) precisely (more

The correct answer is the third one. The first edition of Le Tour Tour Le of edition first The one. third the is answer correct The Kingdom United The one. second the is answer correct The

Among the five most visited countries in the world, What is the most visited country in the world? three of them are member of the European Union. 1. France Which are they? 2. China 1. France, the United Kingdom, Greece 3. The United States 2. Italy, Portugal and Sweden

3. Italy, Spain and France

2nd position and China in 4th. in China and position 2nd

country in the world, Spain the 3rd, Italy the 5th. The US is in in is US The 5th. the Italy 3rd, the Spain world, the in country country. It receives more than 80 million tourists every year. every tourists million 80 than more receives It country.

The correct answer is the third one. France is the most visited visited most the is France one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. France is the most visited visited most the is France one. first the is answer correct The

What are the three countries that are producing Which country watch Home Alone as a sort of the most cheese in the EU? Christmas Tradition? 1. France, Germany, Italy 1. Poland 2. Greece, Italy, Spain 2. Finland

3. Greece, France, Netherlands 3. Denmark

guarantee it on a globalized food market. food globalized a on it guarantee

were created to highlight tradition and local productions and to to and productions local and tradition highlight to created were

). These labels labels These ). indication geographical Protected and origin of

Protected designation designation Protected ( Labels European by either protected

Germany and 3th Italy. In Europe, more than 220 cheeses are are cheeses 220 than more Europe, In Italy. 3th and Germany

The correct answer is the first one. 1st place France, 2nd place place 2nd France, place 1st one. first the is answer correct The one. first the is answwer correct The The European Union is the first producer of The European Union produces by itself more olive oil in the world. But which European than 60% of the wine production worldwide. country produces the most olive oil? But which European countries are the most 1. Italy important wine producers? 2. Cyprus 1. Portugal, Italy and Spain, 3. Spain 2. Germany, France and Italy

3. France, Italy and Spain world. the around all exported thus and worldwide famous are

more than half of the European production of olive oil. olive of production European the of half than more wines their production: wine European the of most producing

The correct answer is the third one. Spain produces by itself itself by produces Spain one. third the is answer correct The are Spain and Italy France, one. third the is answer correct The

Where does the ceremony of the Peace Nobel Most of European countries have a reduced Prize take place every year? tax (VAT) on books in order to encourage 1. Stockholm, Sweden European citizens to read. But only two 2. Oslo, Norway countries have no taxes on books, who are 3. Helsinki, Finland they? (information referred to 2016) 1. Czech Republic and Slovakia 2. Estonia and Latvia

3. Ireland and the United Kingdom; or or;

on mankind. on

the greatest benefit benefit greatest the to contributed who prize the create to used books.

engineer, inventor and chemist Alfred Nobel whose fortune was was fortune whose Nobel Alfred chemist and inventor engineer, on tax full a apply that countries two only the are Denmark

Stockholm Sweden. Nobel Prizes are named after Swedish Swedish after named are Prizes Nobel Sweden. Stockholm and Belgium However Kingdom. United the and Ireland only

ceremonies (like chemistry, literature) are taking place in in place taking are literature) chemistry, (like ceremonies in books on VAT/tax no is there but books, on tax reduced

The correct answer is the second one. The other Nobel Prizes Prizes Nobel other The one. second the is answer correct The a have countries 24 one. third the is answer correct The

Where was Yiddish mainly spoken? Which monument in Europe is still under 1. In the Balkans construction about 135 years after the start of 2. In Central Europe its construction? 3. In Mediterranean countries 1. Coliseum, Rome 2. La Sagrada Familia, Spain

3. Rijswijk castle, The Netherlands today. construction under

countries. still is and 1882 in built be to started It Gaudi. Antonio architect

language of the Ashkenazi Jews living in Central European European Central in living Jews Ashkenazi the of language famous the by designed Spain, Barcelona, in church catholic a

The correct answer is the second one. Yiddish was the the was Yiddish one. second the is answer correct The is Familia Sagrada La one. second the is answer correct The

Who was the famous playwright who wrote Which country’s name come from people living Romeo and Juliet? in open fields? 1. Dante 1. Croatia 2. Shakespeare 2. Sweden

3. Freud 3. Poland

other. The tragedy is set in Verona (Italy). Verona in set is tragedy The other.

wrote this story of two young lovers whose families hated each each hated families whose lovers young two of story this wrote . fields open in living people means which Polanie tribe the from

The correct answer is the second one. William Shakespeare Shakespeare William one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. The name Poland originates originates Poland name The one. third the is answer correct The From which country comes the dance Mazur? In some European countries, the traditional 1. Lithuania outfit items of clothing for men is a type of 2. Spain skirt. But from which culture does it come 3. Poland from? 1. Celtic 2. Roman

3. Greek dress). long a to similar more is that (something tunic a wore

composer) biggest influences. biggest composer) traditionally men culture, Greek and Roman In Kingdom). United

It is characterized by its speed and was one of Chopin (classical (classical Chopin of one was and speed its by characterized is It the of (part Scotland in especially culture, Celtic in men for

The correct answer is the third one. Mazur comes from Poland. Poland. from comes Mazur one. third the is answer correct The outfit typical the is Kilt The one. first the is answer correct The

Which African country applied to be member Which non-European country won the of the EU? Eurovision song contest in 1998? 1. Turkey 1. Israel 2. Morocco 2. The United Stated of America

3. Zimbabwe 3. India 1973. since contest

but its application was rejected because it is not in Europe. Europe. in not is it because rejected was application its but the to participated Israel . Diva song the with contest the won

The correct answer is the second one. Morocco applied in 1987 1987 in applied Morocco one. second the is answer correct The Dana singer Israeli 1998, In one. first the is answer correct The

From which country comes the musical genre The First Olympic Games took place more than fado? 2700 years ago. Where did they take place? 1. Armenia 1. Greece 2. Portugal 2. Italy

3. Croatia 3. Macedonia

Portuguese communities living abroad. living communities Portuguese

a feeling of loss and is widely popular in Portugal and within within and Portugal in popular widely is and loss of feeling a

Portugal. It is linked to poetry and melancholia. It expresses expresses It melancholia. and poetry to linked is It Portugal. Zeus. of honor in Greece, Olympia,

The correct answer is the second one. Fado comes from from comes Fado one. second the is answer correct The in held were games The one. first the is answer correct The

La Tomatina is a street festival that consists In which region of Spain, the tradition of of throwing tomatoes to each other. In which castells (building human towers) is typical? country is this food fight happening? 1. Catalonia 1. Greece 2. Andalusia 2. Italy 3. Galicia

3. Spain Humanity. of Heritage Intangible and Oral the

tomatoes. tomatoes. of Masterpieces the amongst be to UNESCO by declared were

Spain since 1945. At the end, the whole town is covered by by covered is town whole the end, the At 1945. since Spain castells 2010, In century. 18th the since exists and Catalonia

The correct answer is the third one. It is taking place in Buñol Buñol in place taking is It one. third the is answer correct The from comes tradition This one. first the is answer correct The Which of these capitals is home to Alexander Europa was a princess in Greek mythology. Nevski Cathedral? To which Greek God was she married? 1. Sofia 1. Apollo 2. Budapest 2. Zeus

3. Prague 3. Poseidon

completed in 1912. in completed Rhadamanthys. and Minos Sarpedon,

The correct answer is the first one. Nevski Cathedral was was Cathedral Nevski one. first the is answer correct The – children three had They one. second the is answer correct The

Today (2016) if you are traveling to another Which region of the EU is the first to celebrate EU country, you are allowed to bring with you, new year? without declaring it to the customs authorities: 1. France 1. 800 cigarettes 2. Hungary 2. 120 liters of beer 3. Germany

3. 15 000 euros in cash.

personal use. personal EU. the of members are Guyana) French and Guadeloupe

have to prove that you are transporting these goods for your your for goods these transporting are you that prove to have Martinique, (Réunion, departments overseas French The EU.

beers and 10 000 euros in cash. Over these amounts, you will will you amounts, these Over cash. in euros 000 10 and beers the of part formally are which territories, and dependencies

The correct answer is the first one. You can have 110 liters of of liters 110 have can You one. first the is answer correct The overseas several are There one. first the is answer correct The

Which country is home to the centuries-old The world’s oldest anthem belongs to a EU wife carrying contest? (2016 data) member: which one? 1. England 1. Italy 2. Finland 2. Germany

3. Poland 3. The Netherlands world. the in anthem national

to see who can carry their wives the fastest and the farthest. the and fastest the wives their carry can who see to oldest the is and 1574 in written was , Nassauwe van Wilhelmus

The correct answer is the second one. Every year, Fins compete compete Fins year, Every one. second the is answer correct The anthem, national Dutch The one. third the is answer correct The

In which country can you cross continents Which flower is the symbol of the Netherlands? underground? 1. A Rose 1. France 2. A Tulip 2. Turkey 3. A Lily

3. Spain

with the underground in Istanbul. in underground the with famous worldwide. famous

The correct answer is the second one. You can cross continents continents cross can You one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the second one. Tulips are exported and and exported are Tulips one. second the is answer correct The One of the last rainforests in Europe, Perucuca, When and where did the first modern olympic is in...? games start? 1. Croatia 1. 1856 - Rome 2. Finland 2. 1894 - Chamonix

3. Bosnia and Herzegovina 3. 1896 - Athens

1896. a multi-sport event held in Athens, Greece, from 6 to 15 April April 15 to 6 from Greece, Athens, in held event multi-sport a

the last rainforests in Europe. Europe. in rainforests last the Olympics officially known as the Games of the I Olympiad, was was Olympiad, I the of Games the as known officially Olympics

The correct answer is the third one. Perucica in Bosnia is one of of one is Bosnia in Perucica one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. The 1896 Summer Summer 1896 The one. third the is answer correct The

What is the name of the biggest island in the The Museum Island is home to an outstanding world? collection of Islamic, Assyrian, Greek and 1. Greenland other near eastern art. Highlights include the 2. England Pergamon Altar and the Ishtar Gate. Where the 3. Sri Lanka Museum Island is? 1. Rome, Italy 2. London, England

3. Berlin, Germany

the best known. known. best the

excellent museums, of which the Pergamon Museum is probably probably is Museum Pergamon the which of museums, excellent of number a has and Berlin of heart the in is (Museuminsel)

The correct answer is the first one. first the is answer correct The Island Museum The one. third the is answer correct The

Among the following cities, in 2016, The University of Vlora is one of only four which has the highest population? universities in this small European nation. 1. İstanbul Which country is this university located in? 2. Berlin 1. Serbia 3. London 2. Kosovo

3. Albania

state, Istanbul would be its capital. its be would Istanbul state,

If Earth was a single single a was Earth If said once Bonaparte Napoleon Sea. Black

northwestern Turkey, between the Sea of Marmara and the the and Marmara of Sea the between Turkey, northwestern

the Bosphorus - one of the world’s busiest waterways - in in - waterways busiest world’s the of one - Bosphorus the Tirana. of University the and Xhuvani” “Aleksander Elbasan

nearly 14 million people. It’s a transcontinental city, straddling straddling city, transcontinental a It’s people. million 14 nearly of University Tirana, of University Polytechnic the are Albania in

The correct answer is the first one. Istanbul has a population of of population a has Istanbul one. first the is answer correct The universities three other The one. third the is answer correct The

Where is the oldest volcanos in Europe? Which European country has the highest female 1. Spain life expectancy in Europe? 2. Italy 1. Denmark 3. Turkey 2. Italy

3. France

most famous. Both of them are in Italy. in are them of Both famous. most

the oldest volcanoes in the world, Etna and Vesuvius being the the being Vesuvius and Etna world, the in volcanoes oldest the years. 85.2 with

The correct answer is the second one. Europe is the home to to home the is Europe one. second the is answer correct The place first taking has France one. third the is answer correct The How many countries in Europe start with the Which style is not typical of European letter L? Architecture? 1. Two 1. Gothic 2. Three 2. Baraque

3. Four 3. Mamluk not. is architecture Mamluk Europe; in present

Romanesque, Renaissance and Neoclassicism are widely widely are Neoclassicism and Renaissance Romanesque, and Liechteinstein and

The correct answer is the third one. Gothic, Baraque, Baraque, Gothic, one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third. Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg Luxembourg Lithuania, Latvia, third. the is answer correct The

When did the Eurovision Song Contest start? When did the UEFA Champions league start? 1. 1947 1. 1948 2. 1956 2. 1953

3. 1964 3. 1955

from certain countries. certain from

group stage to the competition and allowing multiple entrants entrants multiple allowing and competition the to stage group a adding 1955, since run had which Cup, European simply

1956, that Europe saw the first ever Eurovision Song Contest. Contest. Song Eurovision ever first the saw Europe that 1956, or Cup, Clubs’ Champion European the replaced competition

The correct answer is the second one. It was on the 24th of May, May, of 24th the on was It one. second the is answer correct The the 1992, in Introduced one. third the is answer correct The

Which football player has scored the most The UEFA Champions League anthem was goal in the history of European football? written by Tony Britten, but is an adaptation of 1. Romario whose classic music? 2. Ronaldo 1. Ludwig van Beethoven 3. Josef Bican 2. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

3. George Frideric Handel

in the Fields. Fields. the in

Philharmonic Orchestra and sung by the Academy of St. Martin Martin St. of Academy the by sung and Orchestra Philharmonic

an anthem, and the piece was performed by London’s Royal Royal London’s by performed was piece the and anthem, an even the great Ferenc Puskás’s tally of 517. of tally Puskás’s Ferenc great the even

Anthems). UEFA commissioned Britten in 1992 to arrange arrange to 1992 in Britten commissioned UEFA Anthems). prolific scorer on record in any European top flight, exceeding exceeding flight, top European any in record on scorer prolific

(one of his Coronation Coronation his of (one Priest the Zadok Handel’s Frideric - 18 in Austria and 500 in Czechoslovakia - he is the most most the is he - Czechoslovakia in 500 and Austria in 18 -

was written by Tony Britten, and is an adaptation of George George of adaptation an is and Britten, Tony by written was 40s, Josef Bican netted over 800 goals. With 518 league strikes strikes league 518 With goals. 800 over netted Bican Josef 40s,

League anthem, officially titled simply as Champions League, League, Champions as simply titled officially anthem, League during his club career, which ended when he was well into his his into well was he when ended which career, club his during

The correct answer is the third one. The UEFA Champions Champions UEFA The one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. It has been calculated that that calculated been has It one. third the is answer correct The

2013 - 2014: which country consumes the highest Which Europeans are the tallest in the world? amount of beer per capita? 1. The Polish 1. Germany 2. The Swedish 2. Czech Republic 3. The Dutch

3. Albania

compared to just 6cm that Americans grew. Americans that 6cm just to compared years 200 last the over 20cm some grown have males Dutch

according to data released from Euromonitor International. Euromonitor from released data to according century, mid-18th the in Dutch average the over towered

and a national total of 1.5 billion litres from 2013 to 2014, 2014, to 2013 from litres billion 1.5 of total national a and Americans and Europeans Although women. for cm 170 and

consumed the highest amount of beer per head with 143 litres litres 143 with head per beer of amount highest the consumed men for cm 184 of height average an with world: the in people

The correct answer is the second one. Czech Republic Republic Czech one. second the is answer correct The tallest the are Dutch The one. third the is answer correct The Which of the following words are barely possible Coffee breaks are one of the most important to translate in English but is very important to institution of Swedish culture. How is it understand Danish culture? called in Swedish? 1. Hygge 1. Sverige 2. Overskud 2. Lagom

3. Overmorgonen 3. Fika

means the day after tomorrow. after day the means Overmorgonen energy.

means the lack or excess of of excess or lack the means Overskud people. good with life

talk about a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in in things good the enjoying and atmosphere warm a about talk enough. the just little, too not much, too not by translated

. It is used to to used is It . cosiness by translated be can and culture Danish be can Lagom and Swedish in Sweden means Sverige

is at the heart of of heart the at is Hygge one. first the is answer correct The break. coffee is Fika one. third the is answer correct The

Which countries are very famous for their yogurts? The EU restricted law concerning smoking in public place. Tobacco is mainly produced in America and 1. Greece and Bulgaria Africa, but did you know that the EU produces 2. Lithuania and Poland tobacco as well? (EU produces about 3% of the 3. Croatia and Slovenia whole world production). How many European countries are producing tobacco? 1. Three 2. Seven

3. Twelve

around 85% of the EU tobacco growing area. growing tobacco EU the of 85% around

are Italy, Bulgaria, Greece, Spain and Poland, which account for for account which Poland, and Spain Greece, Bulgaria, Italy, are

Hungary, Portugal, Romania and Croatia. The main producers producers main The Croatia. and Romania Portugal, Hungary,

Bulgaria, Greece, Spain, Poland, Belgium, Germany, France, France, Germany, Belgium, Poland, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria, and Bulgaria are famous for their yogurts. their for famous are Bulgaria and

The correct answer is the third one. Tobacco is grown in Italy, Italy, in grown is Tobacco one. third the is answer correct The The correct answer is the first one. Together with Turkey, Greece Greece Turkey, with Together one. first the is answer correct The

Which physics Nobel Prize winner is the inventor Who were the first filmmakers in history? of the radio? 1. The Lumière’s brothers 1. Guglielmo Marconi 2. The Awards’ brothers 2. Pierre Curie 3. The Oscars’ brothers

3. Albert Einstein

in Physics in 1909. in Physics in 1895. in movie first their made and camera,

the radio at the end of the 19th century. He won the Nobel Prize Prize Nobel the won He century. 19th the of end the at radio the the of ancestor the , cinematograph the created Lumière Louis

The correct answer is the first one. Guglielmo Marconi invented invented Marconi Guglielmo one. first the is answer correct The and Auguste brothers French one. first the is answer correct The

What is the most famous Greek dish? Which Nobel Prize won Andrei Sakharov, the 1. Moussaka father of the Soviet hydrogen bomb? 2. Lasagna 1. Physics 3. Melopitta 2. Peace

3. Literature

introduced when the Arabs brought eggplant to Greece. to eggplant brought Arabs the when introduced

with eggplants or pumpkins. Greeks believe that Moussaka was was Moussaka that believe Greeks pumpkins. or eggplants with

dish; it can also be made only with potatoes, mixing potatoes potatoes mixing potatoes, with only made be also can it dish;

with béchamel sauce. You can find other ways to make this this make to ways other find can You sauce. béchamel with Union. Soviet the of dissident prominent a was He 1975. in Prize

with layers of eggplant, cheese and meat sauce and topped topped and sauce meat and cheese eggplant, of layers with Peace Nobel the won (1921-1989) Sakharov Dmitrievich Andrei

The correct answer is the first one. This typical dish is made made is dish typical This one. first the is answer correct The physicist Russian The one. second the is answer correct The Which of the following countries has a purity Which is the most popular music festival in law about beer? Hungary? 1. Denmark 1. Sziget Festival 2. Germany 2. Ozora Festival

3. Czech Republic 3. Fusion Festival town. party a into transformed

be used to produce beer in Germany. in beer produce to used be is which Danube the of middle the in Island Óbuda leafy the on

is still in force today. It stipulates that only hops, malt and yeast yeast and malt hops, only that stipulates It today. force in still is place takes festival The tents. and backpacks their with arrive

making it the world’s oldest regulation governing foodstuffs that that foodstuffs governing regulation oldest world’s the it making people young of number vast a when Budapest in August of

was passed by Duke William IV in Ingolstadt on 23 April 1516, 1516, April 23 on Ingolstadt in IV William Duke by passed was beginning the in place takes It festival. major best Europe´s be to

The correct answer is the second one. Germany´s purity law law purity Germany´s one. second the is answer correct The elected was Festival Sziget one. first the is answer correct The

Which country sends the highest number of Which country hosts the highest number of Erasmus student abroad every year? foreign Erasmus students every year among 1. Spain the following countries? 2. Germany 1. Norway 3. Denmark 2. Greece

3. Czech Republic 2015)

published in 2017 on 2015 data) 2015 on 2017 in published data 2017, in published (Report hosts. Greece that number

students abroad, just before France and Germany (Report (Report Germany and France before just abroad, students the twice about and Norway than students more 1/3 about

The correct answer is the first one. Spain sends the most most the sends Spain one. first the is answer correct The receives Republic Czech one. third the is answer correct The

Which European country has won the most From which folklore (popular culture) are Trolls Oscars (Academy Award) for Best Foreign coming from? Language Film? 1. Mediterranean folklore 1. Italy 2. Scandinavian folklore 2. France 3. Central European folklore

3. Germany

for this category since it was created in in created was it since category this for forests. the in live that creatures humanoid are Trolls

The correct answer is the first one. Italy has won more Oscars Oscars more won has Italy one. first the is answer correct The folklore, Scandinavian In one. second the is answer correct The

In which city, can you find the statue of the The Manneken Pis (The little boy peeing) is a statue Little Mermaid? that can be found in Brussels. There are several 1. Marseille, France legends explaining the origin of the statue. Which one 2. Naples, Italy is not believed to be true? 3. Copenhagen, Denmark 1. A father lost his son in the city and after few days he finally found him, the kid was peeing in a street. 2. During a war a child peed on the burning stick that was meant to burn the whole city of Brussels and thus saved the city of burning.

3. In the Middle Ages, children were allowed to pee freely in the streets until the age of 10.


The statue is now a major tourist attraction and the symbol of of symbol the and attraction tourist major a now is statue The

fairy tale written by Danish write Hans Christian Andersen. Andersen. Christian Hans write Danish by written tale fairy Brussels. of spirit rebellious the symbolizes that statue bronze

The correct answer is the third one. The Little Mermaid is a a is Mermaid Little The one. third the is answer correct The a is Pis Manneken The one. third the is answer correct The Cycling is a traditional way of transportation. Europe played an important role in the fashion Which city is famous for being bike friendly? industry. Together with New York, three 1. Copenhagen, Denmark European cities are considered to be the world’s 2. Nicosia, Cyprus capital of fashion. Which cities are they? 3. Porto, Portugal 1. London, Paris and Milan 2. Brussels, Rome and Stockholm

3. Zagreb, Berlin and Barcelona

Netherlands. Barcelona. and Berlin in as such appear

the world’s most bike-friendly city together with Amsterdam, Amsterdam, with together city bike-friendly most world’s the fashion of centers new Today, York. New with Four Big the

The correct answer is the first one. Copenhagen is one of of one is Copenhagen one. first the is answer correct The formed cities three These one. first the is answer correct The

The tie is nowadays part of menswear throughout Which holiday celebrates summer and is the world. But where does it come from? traditionally associated with bonfires? 1. Croatia 1. Saint Patrick’s Day 2. Bulgaria 2. Saint Nicholas’ Day

3. Estonia 3. Saint John’s Day

celebrated since the Antiquity. the since celebrated is solstice Summer countries. northern in especially but

soldiers during the 17th century. 17th the during soldiers Europe, throughout popular is It solstice. summer astronomical

Croatia and became popular in Europe thanks to Croatian Croatian to thanks Europe in popular became and Croatia the to corresponds less or more which June, of 24th the

The correct answer is the first one. The tie was invented in in invented was tie The one. first the is answer correct The on is Day John’s Saint one. third the is answer correct The

In some parts of Europe, children don’t receive According to Italian traditional folklore, who is presents on Christmas Day, but on... delivering presents to children on Epiphany? 1. Saint Nicolas Day 1. Pinocchio 2. Saint Valentine Day 2. The Befana

3. Saint Angel Day 3. Santa Claus

countries. good. behaved

Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and German speaking speaking German and Luxembourg Netherlands, the Belgium, have they if only children to presents and candies delivers

the 6th of December and is an important holidays especially in in especially holidays important an is and December of 6th the She broom. wooden a riding sky the in flying woman, good

The correct answer is the first one. Saint Nicholas Day is on on is Day Nicholas Saint one. first the is answer correct The old an is Befana The one. second the is answer correct The

According to the legend, what has Saint-Patrick When it is 8 am in Lisbon (Portugal), what time done? is it in Athens (Greece)? 1. He banished all snakes out of Ireland and chased 1. 8 am them in the sea 2. 9 am 2. He drunk all of the beer stock of Ireland when he 3. 10 am was 35

3. He was the first person to discover Ireland;;

between. in is which Time European Central the using are States Member

observed on March 17th all around the world. the around all 17th March on observed other The ahead. hours 2 is which Time European Eastern

Saint-Patrick is the celebration of Ireland and Irish culture. It is is It culture. Irish and Ireland of celebration the is Saint-Patrick the using are Romania and Lithuania Latvia, Finland, Estonia,

had attacked him). He is the Saint Patron of Ireland. Today Today Ireland. of Patron Saint the is He him). attacked had Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece, whereas , time Greenwich the

snakes out of Ireland and chased them in the sea (after they they (after sea the in them chased and Ireland of out snakes following are Portugal and UK the Ireland, zones: time different

The correct answer is the first one. He has banished all all banished has He one. first the is answer correct The in divided is EU The one. third the is answer correct The Halloween is nowadays a popular celebration Which famous vampire is believed to have lived that involves costumes, horror and candies. in Romania? But where does it come from? 1. Edward Cullen 1. Czech Republic and Slovakia 2. The Count Dracula 2. Ireland and the United Kingdom 3. Lestat de Lioncourt

3. Romania and Bulgaria

through emigration. through Dracula.

are linked to an ancient Celtic festival. It was spread to America America to spread was It festival. Celtic ancient an to linked are Vlad figure, historical Romanian a by inspired was that character

The correct answer is the second one. More precisely its origins origins its precisely More one. second the is answer correct The fictional a is Dracula one. second the is answer correct The

Since today, 2016, which is the only country in Which sport is considered to be the National the EU to use the Cyrillic Alphabet? Sport of both Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia? 1. Bulgaria 1. Ice Hockey 2. Lituania 2. Basketball

3. Grecia 3. Wrestling


Greek alphabet. All the other countries are using the Latin Latin the using are countries other the All alphabet. Greek Championships. European to participating are countries three

using the Cyrillic Alphabet. Greece and Cyprus are using the the using are Cyprus and Greece Alphabet. Cyrillic the using the of All women. and men among both countries Baltic the in

The correct answer is the first one. It is the only Member State State Member only the is It one. first the is answer correct The popular very is Basketball one. second the is answer correct The

Which dance comes from Czech Republic? What is the symbol of Ljubljana, the capital of 1. Polka Slovenia? 2. Sirtaki 1. A slovenian brown bear 3. Nijemo Kolo 2. A squirrel

3. A dragon

is a Greek dance. Nijemo kolo is a Croatian dance. Croatian a is kolo Nijemo dance. Greek a is

other part of Europe and to America through emigration. Sirtaki Sirtaki emigration. through America to and Europe of part other Bridge. Dragon the is capital the in places famous

Republic. It is part of Central European folklore and spread to to spread and folklore European Central of part is It Republic. most the of One courage. and strength symbolizes It symbol.

The correct answer is the first one. It comes from Czech Czech from comes It one. first the is answer correct The Ljubljana´s is dragon The one. third the is answer correct The

Which strong alcohol is popular in the Balkan? In which famous cave can the oldest painting 1. The ouzo in Europe be found? 2. The rakija 1. Postojna, Slovenia 3. The vodka 2. Chauvet, France

3. El Castillo, Spain

from Russia/Poland/Ukraine. from Postojna´s cave. Postojna´s

region. Ouzo is coming from Greece, whereas Vodka is coming coming is Vodka whereas Greece, from coming is Ouzo region. in Chauvet about 30,000 years ago. There is no painting in in painting no is There ago. years 30,000 about Chauvet in

alcohol (40%) made of different fruits. It is popular in the Balkan Balkan the in popular is It fruits. different of made (40%) alcohol cave were painted about 40,000 years ago, whereas the ones ones the whereas ago, years 40,000 about painted were cave

The correct answer is the second one. Rakija or Rakia is an an is Rakia or Rakija one. second the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. Paintings of El Castillo´s Castillo´s El of Paintings one. third the is answer correct The Who was the first Pope of the 20th century What is banned and illegal all over the EU who wasn’t born in Italy? except in Sweden? 1. John XXIII 1. Snus, moist powder tobacco 2. John Paul I 2. Beauty products tested on animals

3. John Paul II 3. Genetically modified cotton

Genetically Modified Cotton is allowed. is Cotton Modified Genetically

on animals are forbidden in all EU countries, whereas some some whereas countries, EU all in forbidden are animals on

for a certain period of time. Beauty products that are tested tested are that products Beauty time. of period certain a for Bergamo, Northern Italy, and John PauI I in Veneto region. Veneto in I PauI John and Italy, Northern Bergamo,

countries except Sweden. It is placed under the upper lip lip upper the under placed is It Sweden. except countries Józef Wojtyła in Wadowice, Poland. John XXIII was born in in born was XXIII John Poland. Wadowice, in Wojtyła Józef

The correct answer is the first one. It is forbidden in all EU EU all in forbidden is It one. first the is answer correct The The correct answer is the third one. John Paul II was born Karol Karol born was II Paul John one. third the is answer correct The

Which city is famous for its thermal baths? Who consumes more coffee in EU? 1. Bratislava, Slovakia 1. The Italians 2. Prague, Czech Republic 2. The Finns

3. Budapest, Hungary 3. The Cypriots

recently in the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman the in recently world. the in coffee of drinker biggest the are people

baths were an important feature of Roman civilization and more more and civilization Roman of feature important an were baths Countries, Europe Northern in generally more and Finland,

. Hungary is a country rich in thermal springs. Thermal Thermal springs. thermal in rich country a is Hungary . Baths of In coffee. more drink who ones the not are Italians belief,

he City City he t called is Budapest one. third the is answer correct The popular the Despite one. second the is answer correct The

Which city is the world capital of perfume? Which language belongs to the Uralic language 1. Cologne, Germany family (the same family that Hungarian belongs to)? 2. Grasse, France 1. The slovak language 3. Granada, Spain 2. The finnish language

3. The romanian language

language, with high percentage of Latin origin words. origin Latin of percentage high with language, Romance Eastern an being Romanian whereas language,

France on the French Riviera and Provence region. Provence and Riviera French the on France Slavic West a being Slovak family, language Indo-European the

important role in French luxury industry. The city is in Southern Southern in is city The industry. luxury French in role important to belongs Romanian and Slovak family. language Uralic the

Grasse is the world capital of perfume. The city played an an played city The perfume. of capital world the is Grasse to belonging EU the of languages official only the are Estonian

The correct answer is the second one. The French town of of town French The one. second the is answer correct The and Finnish Hungarian, one. second the is answer correct The NET NET NEw Tools for NEw Targets: a challenge for youth workers


Instituto Tecnológico de producto infantil y ocio


IDEE per comuni Technological Institute IDEE for children’s products & leisure Mimic the word Mimic the word peace woman

Mimic the word Mimic the word child disability

Mimic the word Mimic the word senior blindness

Mimic the title of the Mimic the title of movie Bob Marley’s song White cat black cat Get up, stand up Draw 1 euro Draw the president Abraham Lincoln

Draw Martin Luther Draw the symbol of King peace

Draw your national Draw the outline of Parliament Italy

Draw the Italian flag Draw the outline of

(if you don’t have crayons, write the Turkey names of the colors) Draw the Turkish flag Draw the outline of Sweden (if you don’t have crayons, write the names of the colors)

Draw the Spanish Draw the outline of flag Spain (if you don’t have crayons, write the names of the colors)

Sing the European Sing the Italian anthem anthem

Draw the Swedish flag Sing the Spanish anthem (if you don’t have crayons, write the names of the colors) Sing the Turkish Sing the Swedish anthem anthem

Draw the outline of Mimic the word Europe union

Draw the flag of the Mimic the word European Union solidarity

Mimic the word Draw the outline of stability Germany Draw the German flag Draw the outline of France (if you don’t have crayons, write the names of the colors)

Draw the French Draw the Belgian flag flag

(if you don’t have crayons, write the (if you don’t have crayons, write the names of the colors) names of the colors)

Draw the outlines of Draw the Dutch flag

Belgium (if you don’t have crayons, write the names of the colors)

Draw the outlines of Mimic the word Netherlands equality Draw the symbol of Sing the German justice anthem

Sing the French Sing the Belgian anthem anthem

Mimic the word Draw the symbol of hope the Olympics games

Draw the word Draw the word EU globalization Citizenship Draw Dracula’s Draw the 500 euro original country’s banknote map (you can write neighbours, too)

Draw UEFA Draw three Champions sightseeing places’s League’s symbol of European architecture

Dance one Mimic the word European popular global citizen dance

Mimic the word Draw a symbol for citizenship human rights Mimic the word Mimic the word refugee asylum seeker

Mimic the word Mimic the word European Union integration

Minic the word Mimic the word intercultural assimilation

Mimic the word Mimic the word multicultural community Mimic the word Mimic the word democracy privilege

Draw a picture Mimic the word of The United violence Kingdom.

Draw a picture of Draw a picture of Queen Victoria Mahatma Gandhi

Sing a National Anthem from an EU Mimic the word war country but not your own Draw a symbol of Draw a symbol of honour authority

Draw a picture of Draw a symbol of Thomas Edison and respect his invention

Draw a symbol of Draw a symbol of civic duty morals

Draw a symbol of Draw a picture freedom of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan