i 1


1.THE EU ...... 4 2. INFORMATION ABOUT EUROPE ...... 5 3. THE ...... 6 3.1. History and Treaties ...... 6 3.2. How many countries are there in Europe? ...... 10 3.3. The official languages in the EU ...... 12 4. HOW DOES THE EU WORK? ...... 13 4.1. Institutions ...... 13 4.2. Economic and monetary union ...... 17 5. WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE A EU CITIZEN? ...... 19 6. EURODESK ...... 20 ANNEX ...... 21



The European flag symbolises both the European Union and, more broadly, the identity and unity of Europe. It features a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background. They stand for the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the people of Europe. The number of stars has nothing to do with the number of member countries, though the circle is a symbol of unity. History of the European flag The history of the flag goes back to 1955. The - which defends human rights and promotes European culture – chose the present design for its own use. In the years that followed, it encouraged the emerging European institutions to adopt the same flag. In 1983, the decided that the Communities’ flag should be that used by the Council of Europe. In 1985, it was adopted by all EU leaders as the official emblem of the European Communities, later to become the European Union. In addition, all European institutions now have their own emblems. Commemorative : 30 years of the EU flag To mark the 30th anniversary of the decision by EU leaders to adopt the flag as an EU emblem, the 19-euro area countries are issuing a special commemorative coin. Following an online competition held in 2015 by the European Commission, citizens and residents of the euro area selected the design created by Georgios Stamatopoulos, an engraver at the Bank of . It comprises 12 stars that morph into human figures embracing the birth of a new Europe.


Europe is one of the smallest continents on the Earth. It is attached to Asia on one side and surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, the Caspian Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Sea, the Adriatic Sea, the North Sea, the Bay of Biscay and the . It also has big mountain rages: the , the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Apennines, the Carpathian Mountains, the Dinaric Alps and the Ural Mountains, combined with vast plains, such as the European plain, the Caspian depression and the Russian plain.

Along with this geography, this continent has a lot of history, although it is not clear when the first inhabitants of Europe arrived. It is certain that during the prehistoric times, in 35000 BC, modern Homo sapiens were living in Europe.

From that moment, many historical events have happened: the conquest of Roman Empire, its fall, the conquests of barbarians from the north, the crusades, the rise of the empires, the colonial times, the fall of big empires in Europe, the attempt of Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler of transforming all Europe in a big powerful empire and their defeat (to say a few).

After World War II -and the defeat of the Nazis-, some important politicians of the time saw that a united Europe would be Click on the image to see more powerful and protected from other war attempts, The History of Europe: Every Year than each country on its own.

Just to mention some of them, they were Robert Schuman Ursula Hirschmann, Alcide de Gasperi, Éliane Vogel-Polsky, Jean Monnet and Simone Veil. Click on them to discover more.


3.1. History and Treaties

After the World War II, a military alliance between the US, Canada, and other 26 European countries was born, to respond to post War Soviet attack. It is called NATO (Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization) and its main purpose is the collective defence, in order to guarantee the freedom and security of all the members by political and military means. At the end of the War, Europe had been divided in two parts: Eastern Europe, under the political influence of Soviet Union, and Western Europe, under the political influence of US. That initially non-physical boundary was named “Iron Curtain” and lasted until the end of the called “Cold War” in 1991. In 1961 the Berlin Wall was built by the government of Eastern to divide the countries of the two main superpowers. During 1950, the countries began to unite and form the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), being only 6 countries in the beginning: , , Germany, , and the .

The main Treaties

The first Treaty they signed was in 1952 and lasted for a period of 50 years: The Treaty of Paris. It established the countries that formed the Union, the setup of a High Authority who would

“supervise the market, monitor compliance with competition rules; and ensure price transparency.” It is the basis of all the treaties that have been signed within the EU.


They began to unite their economies and in 1957, the European Economic Community (ECC) was created through the .

During that year, another important Treaty was signed: The Treaty of Euratom. It was made to regulate nuclear energy, which was becoming more and more important for the progress of the EU. That Treaty was meant to ensure that the energy would be investigated safely and used for the public in general for the advance of society, not for military use. In 1967 the Merger Treaty entered into force and established from that moment on there would be “a single Council and single Commission (…), a single administrative budget for the EC (…), a single administration for the EC (…)” and designed as the place for the EC. The Treaty of Luxembourg (1971) and the Treaty of Brussels (1977) were destined to regulate the financial resources that the EC had.

The next countries that entered the EU were , Ireland and the in 1973. At the end of the national dictatorships, Greece, and Spain could apply to enter the EU.

Greece entered the EU in 1981 and Portugal and Spain in 1986, the same year that the Single European Act is signed. This Treaty, thought initially to last six years, created a “Single market” and allowed free trade of people and goods within the EU borders.

The destruction of the curtain was a reality in 1989-1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall. After the fall, both sides of the Wall had to take a year to reunite and create a common system, which was capitalism, and the unification resulted in the fall of many industries of the eastern part. The now unified Germany remained within the EU and changed to euro in 1999. In 1993 this Treaty became solid and completed with the free trade of “goods, services, people and money”.


Two Treaties were signed during the 1990s: “The Maastricht Treaty on the European Union”

(1993) and the “Treaty of Amsterdam” (1999).

The first Treaty established that “the Union is founded on the European Communities (…), the Common Foreign and Security Policy (…) and Justice and Home Affairs.” The second Treaty updated the first one, establishing that it was to “promote economic and social progress (…); assert the EU’s identity on the international stage; strengthen the rights and interests of EU nationals; maintain and develop the EU as an area of freedom, security and justice; maintain and develop the corpus of EU law.” In 1995 Austria, and joined the EU and the Schengen agreements were signed, allowing free mobility (without signing the passport) around the EU countries. The Schengen Area is, as said by the European Union, “an area without internal borders, an area within which citizens, many non-EU, businesspeople and tourists can freely circulate without being subjected to border checks”. As it is a border-free area, the security towards their external border is reinforced to protect the travellers of the area. The countries in the area are listed by the European Union: Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, , Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, , Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. Some of these countries belong to the European Union and some of them have associations so they can travel border-free as well. Check out this video if you want to know how the Schengen Area was created!

In 2001, the Treaty of Nice was signed. It was destined to reform the institutions to match the necessities that the larger EC needed. In 2004 ten countries entered the EU: Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, together with the Isles of Cyprus and Malta. In 2007, and Romania also were accepted. In 2009 the was approved by all the members of the EU.


It established that the President of the Commission must be designated by the Parliament, in the context of the European Parliament Elections. It also established that the Parliament is not over European law, and that it has the power over the budget.

With the global crisis in 2009, the EU created the “Banking Union”, to save the countries that were facing severe problems. In 2013 Croatia entered the EU as the 28th country. Currently, the problems that the EU must face include climate change, the several terrorist attacks in different countries of the EU, the conquest (by guns) of Crimea by Russia, and the refugees. They also face procedure, the exit of the United Kingdom from the European Union that officially occurred on the 31st January 2020.


3.2. How many countries are there in Europe?

There are 46 countries in Europe and 5 more that are partially in Europe: Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Georgia -a part of these countries is in Europe, but the other part is in Asia.

Geographically classified Alpines: Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, , Slovenia, Switzerland Balkans: Albany, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, , Montenegro, Romania, , Slovenia, Turkey Baltic countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania Mediterranean countries: Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal, Spain Nordic countries: Denmark, Sweden, Finland Archipelago of Great Britain: Ireland, United Kingdom.


From those 46 countries: 27 of them are members of the EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.


3.3. The official languages in the EU

Being European Union a democratic international organization, multilinguism is one of its main principles. As stated in the European Charter of Fundamental Rights each European citizen has the right to use one of the 24 languages to address EU institutions, in the same way that official documents and legislation must be translated in all the official languages. English, French and German have the higher status of "procedural" languages of the European Commission, but the European Parliament accepts all official languages as working languages. Also, the meetings of European council are simultaneously translated into them. Moreover, EU protects the linguistic diversity of Europe fostering multilingual education and cultural expression, considering that more than 60 regional or minoritarian languages exist in the European territory.

Currently, the official EU languages are:

Do you know… the 26th of September is the European Day of Languages? Explore the main European languages through this guide!


4.1. Institutions The EU is based on the rule of law. It is governed by the principle of representative democracy, so European citizens directly elect the EU Parliament every 5 years. Member states are represented in the European Council and the Council of EU. Citizens can contribute to the democratic life of the Union through the European Citizen’s Initiative that allows them to ask the European Commission to propose a legal act. Let's better discover the functioning of the main institutions of the European Union:


It is the legislative body of EU and its 3 main responsibilities are: legislative, supervisory and budgetary. It has 3 locations: Brussels, Strasbourg and Luxembourg. It is elected by European citizens every five years. It is made Petitions can up of 705 euro-deputies, the number of deputies of each Be sent to country being proportional to the number of its parliament inhabitants. Those elected meet by political affinity and by post or not by country. Parliament works in commissions, where e-mail laws are prepared, and in plenary sessions where they are approved.

Discover more visiting the webpage!


As the European Parliament, it is the main decision-making body of the EU. It represents the governments of the EU countries. The EU countries ministers of a specific charge meet to discuss and take decisions about EU policies and laws. The presidency is held in turn for a 6 months period. This Council of EU coordinates and adopts EU policies and laws and is the voice for the governments of members of the EU. It is in Brussels. Discover more visiting the webpage!



It is the executive body of the EU. It manages policies and budget and monitors the correct application of EU law by the Member States. Its president is nominated by the European Council and formally elected by the EU Parliament every 5 years. Countries’ governments propose the commissioner who will represent them for 5 years. The EU Commission is made of 27 members (26 members + 1 President). Each member is responsible for a specific area. It proposes new laws and programmes that will be scrutinised in detail by the EU Parliament and the Council. It also implements the EU budget and promotes interest for the EU. It is politically independent. It is in Brussels. Discover its president and more visiting the webpage!


It is formed by the presidents or prime ministers of the EU countries. During the ‘European summits’ it establishes the main priorities and overall policy directions of the EU. Its president is elected every 2.5 years. It does not adopt EU laws. Discover its president and more, visiting the webpage!


It is based in Luxembourg and is formed by one judge per EU country. Its role is to ensure the EU legislation is interpreted and applied correctly in each country. To discover more, visit the webpage!

14 Europe also has two other important institutions which, although they do not belong to the EU, identify EU member states as part of them. They are:


COE is an international organization founded in 1949 whose stated aim is to uphold human rights, democracy and the rule of law in Europe. It is not part of the EU institutions. To discover more, visit the webpage!


Situated in Strasbourg, is a judicial organ established in 1959 with the aim of supervise the enforcement of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) (1950), drawn up by the Council of Europe and signed by the 47 member states. The convention obligates signatories to guarantee the civil and political freedoms, including the freedom of expression and religion and the right to a fair trial. To discover more, visit the webpage!

Do you know the EUROPEAN YOUTH CENTERS (EYC) of Strasbourg and Budapest? Click here to discover them!


Moreover, there are other important institutions that work in the EU:

(ECB) – manages money and implements economic policies

 European Court of Auditors (ECA) – checks the destination of the EU funds and if they have been destined correctly.

 European External Action Service (EEAS) – manages diplomatic relationships with foreign countries outside the EU.

 European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) – represents employers’ and workers’ interests.

 European Committee of the Regions (CoR) – represents local and regional authorities of European countries.

 European Investment Bank (EIB) – gives funds for projects to reach EU goals, inside and outside of the EU.

 European Ombudsman – examines all the complaints about any EU agency, institution, body or office.

 European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) – makes sure that the privacy rights of personal data are respected by the institutions of the EU.

 European Data Protection Board (EDPB) – makes sure that EU directives of data protection are respected in the EU and outside their frontiers.

 Interinstitutional bodies – it includes the Computer Energy Response Team (CERT), the European School of Administration, the European Personnel Selection Office and the Publications Office.

16 4.2. Economic and monetary union The Euro is a relatively new coin that has been adopted by 19 of the 27 European countries, which are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. It was announced in 2002, and all the countries that met the criteria to join the currency adopted it. There are some countries that have not adopted the currency because they do not meet the criteria -named “converge criteria”- or because they do not want to adopt it, such as the case of Denmark.


To mint the euro, it was decided that each metallic euro coin would have a If you want to common face for all the countries joining the euro and a specific face for each know more of country. The European Commission selected the common graphic design, while the euro, check each country decided that of the specific faces, with the only constraint of the this video! presence of the 12 stars of the European Union. Let’s discover some of them!

Italy Greece France Germany The 10-cent coin The 2-euro coin The 1- and 2-euro 10 cent coin represents the Birth represents the III coins represent a represents the of Venus of century AD Sparta tree enclosed by a Brandenburg door Botticelli’s painting mosaic about hexagon and symbolizing the showing the Europe (with the surrounded by the reunification of triumphant Goddess form of a bull) being republican motto West and East of Love and Beauty: abducted by Zeus. "liberté, égalité, Germany. The Venus for the Did you know that fraternité". door is open Romans, Aphrodite the continent was representing the for the . It named Europe from full integration of represents the this figure from Germany in natural cycle of the ? Europe. seasons, the infinity of Life.

17 Coin classified Euro: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, No euro: Bulgaria, Croatia, Czechia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Denmark, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Sweden. Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain.


EU is founded on the values of:



As EU CITIZEN, you benefit some rights and possibilities as never before:

1. PEACE AND PROTECTION OF FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS 2. TO VOTE AND ELECT THE EU PARLIAMENT MEMBERS 3. RIGHT TO FULL FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT BETWEEN EU COUNTRIES: thanks to the Schengen Agreement, border controls were abolished in 1985 and you can travel within the 26 Schengen countries without any border control of the passport or ID card. 4. STUDY, TRAIN AND WORK ANYWHERE IN THE EU: train and study under the same conditions as nationals, work and benefit from the opportunities offered by an EU-wide labour market 5. FREE MOVEMENT OF GOODS, SERVICES AND CAPITAL IN THE EU: the European Union single market 6. THE RIGHT TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEALTHCARE IN ANY EU COUNTRY: The European Health Insurance Card 7. HIGH-QUALITY, APPROPRIATELY LABELLED and SAFE : the highest standards in the world. 8. CONSUMER RIGHTS: 2-years guarantee period for products bought in the EU, protection when buying online (14-days time to return goods, no hidden charges and costs) 9. TELECOMMUNICATIONS IN EU: Free roaming when abroad


It is a non-profit association in support of the program Erasmus+. The aim of this network, that has more than 1600 providers in 36 countries around Europe, is to reach young people and to give them information about the EU, their learning and mobility options in it and make them participative citizens in the EU. Within Eurodesk you can also find access to the European Youth Portal, which includes many opportunities of working, learning, and volunteering not only in Europe but in the whole world. They also include tips about sports and travelling (to mention some) and include the rights and duties of the citizens of Europe. If you want to learn more about everything that includes the European Youth Portal, access it here. When it comes to volunteering, in Europe there are two main programmes from the European Union: Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps. Erasmus+ provides opportunities of studying and training abroad, as well as for young people to volunteer. The programme also has opportunities to do youth exchanges among people over 18 years old. For more information, go to their webpage! The European Solidarity Corps is an initiative from Europe to help young people working with solidarity projects. It is meant for young people, either to train, work or volunteer in their own country or to travel abroad and work, train or volunteer in other countries. If you want to know more, click here to access their website! OPEN EUROPE is one of more than 1000 EURODESK info points in Europe!

 It provides information about the EU laws and policies  It also manages the European Youth Portal  It offers training courses for the members  It has more than 1600 “multipliers and ambassadors”

 Multipliers that can be a variety of bodies: associations, youth centres, municipalities...  Ambassadors can be organisations or people and can have other information other than Eurodesk

It has 10 key principles:

 Works with qualified and trained staff www.eurodesk.eu  Is free of charge  Considers the individual’s requirements  Provides information and guidance for all young people  Provides neutral information  Refers to other information services  Enables access to local and regional information all over Europe  Provides information based on testimonials and true stories  Refers especially to financial support programmes  Works with verified and trusted sources




FLAG MEANING and , symbolizing truth and honesty -white- and bravery and strength



O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS There is a town Their flag is very old, The inhabitants of Named “Fucking”. dated from 1191. It Austria usually wear It is one of the was created in a St. Rupert’s Day their traditional battle, with the blood most popular -and “Tratch” even in of his injuries covering stolen- formal situations. his sides and the sash th signs of the country. in the middle. 24

September Austria borders 7 “The Kiss” from Klimp, FEDERAL countries, it is one of one of the world’s REPUBLIC the most bordered most famous is shown St. Martin’s Day countries in the in the Belvedere

world, beaten by Palace. 11th Germany in Europe.

November Their inhabitants The psychologist love music and they Sigmund Freud was CLICK IN THE learn how to play an Austrian, although BUTTON FOR instrument from a his family was ALL THE very young age. German. DATES

1.Wienerschnitzel ( deep fried and breaded) 2.Spargel (asparagus, lemon, and breadcrumbs) 3.Powidltascherl ( with plum jam) 4.Wiener Wurstel ( made of and in sheep intestines, accompanied with potato ) 5.Erdäpfelsalat 22 (a type of ) BELGIUM

FLAG MEANING Black is to honour those who fought for the liberation of the country, is to represent the wealth of the country and red is for the blood dropped for the independence.


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS They have the Big Bang New York City first skyscraper theory Iris Day was founded constructed in originated in by a Belgian. the world. Belgium. th 8 May

The name Belgium has been

CONSTITUTIONAL producing ‘Belgium’ Armistice Day MONARCHY chocolate for comes from almost 400 years. th the Romans. 11 November

The highest point ‘

CLICK IN THE in Belgium is lower actually come than the world’s BUTTON FOR from Belgium. ALL THE tallest building. DATES

1.Moules-frites (mussels cooked in white with French fries) 2. Waterzooi ( with chicken, , , fish or ) 3.Tomates aux Crevettes grises (shrimps mixed with mayonnaise stuffed in tomatoes)

4. Anguilles au Vert

(eel with thick herb ) 5. Sole meunière (pan- in butter with 23 lemon juice and )


FLAG MEANING White, green and red. White symbolizes the peace and love in the country, green symbolizes the wealthy agriculture of the country and red represents the courage of the and their struggle for independence.


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS The Cyrillic alphabet was invented by two is Almost one third

Liberation Day Bulgarian monks – Europe’s oldest of Bulgaria is Cyril and Methodius inhabited city. covered in

rd back in 9th century. forests. 3 March

The first woman in the Bulgaria is one of the UNITARY REPUBLIC world who participated biggest wine Independence Day in a military flight was exporting countries in

the Bulgarian Rayna the world. nd Kasabova. 22

September Sofia is one of the Bulgarians shake CLICK IN THE most affordable their heads to BUTTON FOR European capitals to mean yes and nod ALL THE visit. for no. DATES

1.Banitza (Bulgarian made of dough with and butter) 2.Shkembe ( with , oil and ) 3.Shopska (cut , tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers with cheese) 4.Kiselo Mlyako (yoghurt with sour taste) 5.Tikvenik (pastry filled with walnuts, 24 pumpkin purée, nutmeg, brown and cinnamon)


FLAG MEANING Red, white and blue with a coat of arms in the middle. Inspired by the flag of the imperial Russia, with a crown including the five historical regions in Croatia


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS The lucky people Croatia is home to The country has in Croatia enjoy the world’s more than 1000 Unification Day smallest town, islands, only 60 2,715 hours of Hum. are inhabited. th sunshine a year. 6


Some scenes of UNITARY The Croatians REPUBLIC of Thrones All Saints Day invented the tie. were filmed st there. 1 November

Nicola Tesla was Natal town of the CLICK IN THE born in Croatia. Dalmatians. BUTTON FOR ALL THE DATES

1.Black risotto (, , oil, squid or cuttlefish, squid ink and red wine) 2.Boskarin (Istrian oxen, , soup, or carpaccio) 3.Brodetto (fisherman's stew, with a base of ) 4.Fritule (fried like donuts, mixed with lemon juice, rum or rakija) 5.Peka (meat or octopus usually cooked 25 with potatoes)


FLAG MEANING Green in the olive branches, yellow in the island and white stands for peace and quietness.

GREEK/TURKISH EURO 1,1 M ABOUT THE COUNTRY O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS With a very low is the Cyprus is a sunny crime rate, Cyprus island nation in Green Monday most popular is among the the Eastern folk dance in safest places in Mediterranean. nd Cyprus. the world. 2


st UNITARY On the 1 of May Cyprus has sunshine REPUBLIC 2004 the Republic of Ochi Day for more than 300 Cyprus became a full days during a year. th member of the EU. 28 October Is one of the oldest Cyprus is one of wine producing the only countries CLICK IN THE countries in the in Europe that BUTTON FOR ALL THE world. drive on the left. DATES

1.Koupepia and Gemista (rice, onions, mixed meat, tomatoes and herbs wrapped in fresh vine leaves) 2.Souvla (shoulder and/or neck of lamb, pork or chicken) 3. Kolokouthkia me te afka (courgettes fried with ) 4. Kleftiko (meat cooked with oregano, red wine and bay leaves over potatoes) 5. Stifado (meat with cinnamon sticks and with onions and 26 cooked in red wine)



FLAG MEANING White and red with a blue triangle. They are believed to be former

Slavic colours that resemble the ones in the Russian flag. The Czech flag was created in 1920 to represent Czechoslovakia.


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS Charles University of Czech Republic and The Czech Republic Prague is one of the Slovakia became Jan Hus Day is famous for its oldest universities in two separate Europe, having been . countries in 1991. founded in 1348. th 6 July UNITARY The Czech Republic is Only 29% of the REPUBLIC one of the countries Czechs believe St. Wenceslas Day with the highest in God. density of castles in the world. 24th

September Allegedly, Czechs The most popular use their toes to CLICK IN THE sport is ice hockey. count if they run BUTTON FOR ALL THE out of fingers!


1.Svíčková na smetaně (grilled with carrot and parsley root sauce) 2.Vepro Knedlo zelo

(pork with cabbage and )


(meat fried with flour and breadcrumbs with potatoes) 4.Cesnecka (garlic soup with eggs and croutons) 5.Moravský vrabec (pork dish with dumplings 27 and )


FLAG MEANING The white cross off-centre is representative of the Scandinavian countries. White stands for Christianity and red stands for bravery and strength.


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS They have the Denmark is a Punctuality is a Liberation Day oldest flag in bicycle nation. big deal.

the world. th 5 May CONSTITUTIONAL Denmark KORONE 41% of energy appointed the Bank Holiday comes from world’s first wind. female minister. th 5


Denmark is The highest among the least CLICK IN THE point is 172 corrupt countries BUTTON FOR ALL THE in the world. metres.


1.Karbonader (breaded pork patties) 2.Tarteletter (tartlets with asparagus and chicken) 3.Forloren hare (meatloaf with and jelly sauce) 4.Frikadeller (pork with potatoes, cabbage and brown sauce) 5.Risalamande (dessert, usually eaten on Christmas) 28 ESTONIA

FLAG MEANING Blue stands for the blue lakes, sea and sky of the country. Black represents the misery of people for years; white represents the snow covering the country during the winter.


For every 100 Estonia ranks third in having the most females in Estonians vote Independence Day start-ups per Estonia there are online. capita in Europe. th 84 males. 24 February Tallinn is the best UNITARY There is free conserved REPUBLIC Victory Day public transport medieval city in for locals. the North of rd Europe. 23 June Out of the nearly 200 countries in the Wife-carrying is a CLICK IN THE world, Estonia ranks sport. BUTTON FOR number two in adult ALL THE DATES literacy.

1.Kohuke (snack made of curd) 2.Rye (bread made of a cereal named rye) 3.Mulgipuder (mashed potatoes, parsley and , served with rye bread) 4.Fried Baltic Herring (herring marinated and fried) 5.Pickled pumpkin (pumpkin chopped and cooked with water, vinegar, cinnamon and 29 ginger among others)


FLAG MEANING The Scandinavian off-centre representative cross is blue, standing for the sky and the lakes that the country has. White stands for the snow that covers the country during the winter.



O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS Finland has free Was the First There are more education, even country to give Epiphany saunas than cars. at the university all women the th level. right to vote. 6 September UNITARY Has the best It has numerous lakes, REPUBLIC education rivers, and Midsummer marshlands, plus its system of the 78 percent of the world. country in forestland. 20th


The Finns regard Finnish people their country as CLICK IN THE are modest and BUTTON FOR the home of courteous. ALL THE Santa Claus. DATES

1.Lihapullat mudsill ja puolukkahillolla ( with mashed potatoes and lingonberry jam) 2.Pyttipannu (pan- with sausages) 3.Paistettu muikku (fried fish) 4.Lasimestarin silli (marinated herring) 5.Mustikkapiirakka 30 (blueberry pie)



Blue, white and red. White is representative of the Bourbon dynasty while blue and red were the colours of Paris.


France is the Was the first France produces world’s most country to ban over 400 varieties WWII Victory Day popular tourist supermarkets from throwing of cheese. destination. th away food. 8 May UNITARY The tour of France “Liberté, Égalité, REPUBLIC cycle race has Bastille Day Fraternité” in the been running for national motto. th over 100 years. 14 July

Has more Michelin It is the largest stars than any CLICK IN THE country in the UE. BUTTON FOR other place on the ALL THE world. DATES

1.Soupe a l’oignon ( soup, with beef, croutons and cheese) 2.Confit de canard (slow-cooked duck, marinated with garlic and herbs, served with potatoes) 3.Ratatouille (fried vegetables put into a casserole and cooked in the oven) 4. (chicken braised with wine, bacon, mushrooms garlic and onion) 5.Flamiche 31 (puff pastry filled with vegetables and cheese)



Black, red and gold. They represent the unity and freedom of the Germans.


Berlin has the 65% of the University is free largest train German Unity Day highways have for everyone. station in no speed limit. rd Europe. 3 October In Germany there’s no FEDERAL punishment for a Germany is the REPUBLIC prisoner who tries to Reformation Day escape, because it is a EU’s largest

basic human instinct to economy. st be free. 31 October The country is Nearly one third

the leader in of the country CLICK IN THE climate and remains BUTTON FOR ALL THE energy policies. forested. DATES

1.Rouladen (beef rolls with pickles, onions, mustard and bacon marinated with red wine) 2.Sauerbraten (slow-cooked meat in the oven) 3.Hasenpfeffer (rabbit stew with onions and wine)


(fermented cabbage) 5.Kartoffelpuffer ( made of 32 fried potato)


FLAG MEANING The blue square with the white cross represents the Greek Orthodox religion, while the stripes have the meaning of “Elefteria I Thanatos”, which means “Freedom or death”.


O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS Greece is often 98% of the total There are more May Day considered to be population are than 2000

the world’s first ethnic Greeks. islands. st Democracy. 1 May UNITARY 40% of the total Greek is the REPUBLIC population of oldest written The Ochi Day Greece reside in language still in

th its capital, . existence. 28 October

Grandparents There are more tourists in Greece usually live with CLICK IN THE their children’s BUTTON FOR than Greeks ALL THE during summer. family until they die. DATES

1. Courgette balls (marinated with ) 2. (sweet pastry filled with ) 3. (aubergine, lamb, onion tomato, garlic and spices, topped with cheese) 4. (dip of fish ) 5. Grilled meat 33 ( or gyros)


FLAG MEANING Red can stand for the blood dropped for the Hungarians, white can be attributed to the freedom of the country or to the faithfulness of some and green can be referring to vegetation or to hope.


The 1st subway Each day, 70 The Hungarian line of continental million litres of 1848 Revolution thermal water rise alphabet has 44 Europe was built to the surface in letters. th in Budapest. 15 Budapest.


UNITARY It is one of the The Hungarian REPUBLIC Hungarian Day oldest countries in parliament is the

Europe. biggest in Europe. th 20 August

The Rubik’s cube is The metro in CLICK IN THE a Hungarian Budapest is the BUTTON FOR invention. oldest in Europe. ALL THE DATES

1. Lángos (fried bread with toppings) 2. Gulyas (Known as goulash, beef stew with vegetables, spices and paprika) 3. Rakott Krumpli (casserole of potatoes, topped with eggs, sausages and bacon) 4. Hortobágyi palacsinta (pancake Hungarian style, filled with onions, meat and spices topped with and flour) 5. Dobostorta 34 (fluffy cake with chocolate and caramel)


FLAG MEANING Green, white and . The green colour stands for the Protestants, the orange stands for the Catholics and the white stands for their unity.


O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS There are 80 Ireland is known as Roughly 2% of million Irish people the Emerald Isle people in Ireland outside of Ireland St. Patrick’s Day because of how speak Irish daily. and only around 6 green it is. th million in Ireland. 17 March UNITARY The submarine was Around 88% of REPUBLIC invented in Ireland Irish people are May Day by John Philip Roman Catholic. Holland. th 24 May Surnames that start Ireland has won the with “Mac” means Eurovision Song CLICK IN THE ‘son of’, the ones Contest seven times, BUTTON FOR with “O” means more than any other ALL THE ‘grandson of’. country. DATES

1. (one-pot stew, with pork and bacon) 2.White and (oatmeal, suet and pork meat mixed with blood – only for black pudding) 3.Irish stew (onions, potatoes and mutton) 4. (, dumplings or bread made off potatoes) 5.Soda bread (bread with every family’s 35 touch)


FLAG MEANING One interpretation is that it represents hope, faith and charity. It also represents the landscapes of Italy, the snow on the Alpes and the blood dropped for the unity of Italy as a nation.


The pistachio ice- Has the oldest Pizza was cream is eaten a Liberation Day population in invented in lot in Italy. Europe. Naples. th 25 April Italy is home to UNITARY More than 50 Europe’s oldest REPUBLIC million tourists Republic Day University visit Italy each (University of

nd year. Bologna). 2 June

The average Italian Italy is considered for many to be the CLICK IN THE consumes 25kg of art capital of the BUTTON FOR pasta per year. ALL THE world. DATES

1.Saltimbocca (, salty prosciutto and herbs) 2.Ribollita (boiled meat and vegetables) 3.Osso Bucco alla Milanese (veal in and vegetables) 4.Arancini (deep-fried breaded rice balls) 5.Tiramisú (eggs, coffee, ladyfingers, mascarpone cheese, sugar 36 and cocoa)


FLAG MEANING There is a legend that says that a leader of Latvia was injured during a battle and the sheet he was wrapped in became stained, showing what is currently the flag of the country.


O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS Latvia has a huge capital The country has National sport relative to its tiny almost 20 hours May Day population, with over one is ice hockey. third the population living of daylight at st in Riga. midsummer. 1 May

UNITARY Almost half of REPUBLIC Latvian women Midsummer Day Latvia is covered are generally tall. by forest. th 24 June The Latvian Has one of the tailor Kajobs CLICK IN THE oldest in Jufess invented BUTTON FOR the world. ALL THE the jeans. DATES

1. Kvass

(alcoholic -1,2%- drink

made of rye bread)

2. (rye bread, whipped cream, sugar and mixed fruits) 3. Beetroot soup (beetroots, eggs, cucumber, herbs and kefir) 4. Rye bread 37 5. Potato pancakes


FLAG MEANING Yellow stands for the sun and prosperity, green stands for hope, freedom and the greenery of the landscapes of the country and red stands for the blood dropped for the independence of the country.

LITHUANIAN EURO 2’8 M ABOUT THE COUNTRY O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS 83,6% of the Lithuanians are Some philologists Lithuanian generally agree that very relaxed Independence Day population speak Lithuanian is the people. the Lithuanian most ancient of all 11th language. the living languages.

March There is a theme UNITARY By the end of 14th park in Lithuania REPUBLIC century, the All Souls Day which recreates country was the life as a USSR largest of Europe. nd citizen. 2 November Lithuania has the There are more highest rank of CLICK IN THE than 6.000 blue-eyed people BUTTON FOR lakes. on the world. ALL THE DATES

1. Varskes apkepas (deep fried cheesecakes served with jam) 2. Grybukai

(cookies made of mushrooms)

3. Kepta Duona

(fried bread)

4. Kibinai (pastries filled with onion and mutton) 5. Raguolis/Sakotis (cake with spikes 38 coming out)


FLAG MEANING Red, white and light blue. Created very similar to the Netherlands’, but the blue is slightly lighter to be different.


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS Nearly half of Paying workers, Is one of the

Luxembourg a minimum of safest countries Europe Day workforce is from 1.923 per of the world. another country. month. th 9 May CONSTITUTIONAL Is one of the The national language MONARCHY smallest is , English, French and countries of the German are spoken world. 23rd too.

June It is the European It is the second richest Country with the country of the world, CLICK IN THE highest rate of just surpassed by BUTTON FOR electoral participation, Qatar. ALL THE standing at 91%. DATES

1.Huesenziwwi (hare marinated with onions and wine with sauce) 2.Friture de la (deep fried fish eaten with fingers) 3. (soup of potatoes, and bacon) 4. Judd mat Gaardebounen (pork with beans) 5. Quetschentaart 39 (plum tart)


FLAG MEANING It is believed that Roger I of Sicily gave the red and white flag as a sign of gratitude to the Christian Maltese. The cross in the flag is, “the second highest award in the United Kingdom honours system”


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS O Malta has their own Became language, but most There is almost no Bank Holiday of the population independent from forest. also speak English. the British in 1964. 13th April

UNITARY REPUBLIC Maltese people are The country has very little crime. Independence Day very loud.

21st September

Arabs ruled over Malta is one of the CLICK IN THE Malta for no less smallest and most BUTTON FOR than two centuries. densely populated ALL THE countries. DATES

1. Sopa tal-Armla (gbejniet, potatoes, cauliflower, garlic, carrots and ) 2. Spinach and tuna pie 3. Biskuttini tal-Lewz (almond biscuits) 4.Maltese (sausage with coriander) 5. Pastizzi (fluffy pastry filled with 40 cheese or beans)



FLAG MEANING When the flag was originally created, the red stripe was orange. It was created by William I, king of Orange, but it was changed in 1660 to red.


O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS It is a flat country, are It has more bikes the highest point King’s Birthday the tallest. than inhabitants. tops out 322,7m.

th 27 April

CONSTITUTIONAL There are more The Dutch are a MONARCHY very sincere Liberation Day than 1000 windmills society. in the country th 5 May They export a lot The Dutch turned of beer, being the CLICK IN THE carrots orange. BUTTON FOR second country in ALL THE the world ranking. DATES

1. Apfelkruimmeltart (Dutch apple pie) 2. (, sausage and potato) 3. (layers of fries, , melted cheese, vegetables and garlic sauce) 4, Erwtensoep ( soup) 5. Boerenkool met rookworst (kale with potatoes and bacon)



White stands for the hope and peace for the citizens while red represents the struggle of liberty over the years.


O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS Poland is one of Marie Curie was Europe’s heaviest the most religious Polish. animals live in Constitution Day countries in Poland. Europe. rd 3 May You can still eat at UNITARY Wearing a hat Europe’s oldest REPUBLIC inside is restaurant in Independence Day considered rude. Wroclaw. th 11 November The Polish Became CLICK IN THE language is very independent from BUTTON FOR difficult. Russia in 1918. ALL THE DATES

1.Bigos (stew of pork, bacon, sausage or duck) 2.Sernik (Polish cheesecake made of quark) 3.Eklerka (dough dessert filled with cream and topped with chocolate) 4.Zrazy (bacon, mushrooms, cucumber and breadcrumbs) 42 5.Pierogies (dumplings)


FLAG MEANING The green represents the hope for a better future and the red represents the blood shed for the liberation of the country from the monarchy.


NATIONAL HOLIDAYS The bridge Vasco Portugal is the It is the da Gama is the westernmost point oldest country in Liberty Day Europe. largest in Europe. of Europe.

th 25 April UNITARY Portugal produces Café culture is also REPUBLIC approximately half an important Republic of all the cork cultural feature of implantation harvested th the Portuguese. 5 annually. October Women in The oldest book Portugal live shop of the world CLICK IN THE longer than men. is in Lisbon. BUTTON FOR ALL THE DATES

1.Bolinhos de Bacalhau (cod deep fried with onions, potatoes, eggs and parsley) 2.Caldo verde (cabbage, potato, onion, chouriço and garlic) 3.Bacalhau Assado com Batatas a Murro (cod with punched potatoes) 4.Ameijoas à Bulhão Pato (clams with garlic, parsley and ) 5.Cozido à Portuguesa 43 (slow cooked beef with turnip, cabbage and meat)


FLAG MEANING Blue, yellow and red. This is the official flag since 1989, but from 1965 until that year there were some flags that were flying with a hole in the middle.



The name of the It’s 4G Network is country come from the An underground Children’s Day the envy of the Latin Word “Romanus” glacier is hidden world. which means “citizen of here. st the Roman Empire”. 1 June UNITARY Romania boast the REPUBLIC Romania has a world heaviest St. Rupert’s Day plenty of active building. volcanoes. 30th

November It is the only Bucharest has a country in Europe CLICK IN THE replica of Paris’ where the Brown BUTTON FOR Arc de Triomphe. ALL THE Bear still lives in DATES the wilderness.

1.Ciorbă de burta (soup made of beef tripe) 2.Pomana Porcului (pig fried) 3.Jumari (bacon and pig fat fried) 4. de miel (meatloaf filled with boiled eggs) 5.Papanasi (cottage cheese shaped as a donut topped with jam 44 and sour cream)


FLAG MEANING The three bars from the flag remind of Russia, which inspired their current flag. As the Slovaks saw it in 1992, they decided to add the coat of arms of the country.


Has the highest Has the oldest Slovakia is not End of WWII number of castles Marathon in Slovenia. per capita. Europe. th 8 May UNITARY Bratislava is the only capital in the Is one of the REPUBLIC newest countries Constitution Day world which of the world. borders two st countries. 1 September

Has more than 90% of Slovaks

6.000 caves and have completed at CLICK IN THE BUTTON FOR 1.600 mineral least secondary ALL THE springs. education. DATES

1.Vyprazany syr

(fried cheese with fried potatoes and tartar sauce) 2.Trdelnik (funnel cake with sugar and cinnamon) 3.Vyprazany rezen (breaded pork with potato salad) 4.Vepro Knedlo Zelo (pork with dumplings and cabbage) 5.Gulasova polievka (goulash of beef, onions, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, garlic 45 and spices) SLOVENIA

FLAG MEANING It is believed that the flag took its inspiration from the Russian flag, in support of the Slavic people against Napoleon.



It is one of the Wine is a daily There are more of Preseren Day world’s most eco- part of life. 500 brown bears

friendly nations. living in the th forests. 8 January UNITARY Lake Bled is the There are 46 REPUBLIC most popular different dialects Remembrance Day tourist in Slovenia.

destination. 1st November

In 1990, there was Ljubljana (capital

stablished city) means “the CLICK IN THE BUTTON FOR democracy for the loved one” in ALL THE first time since Slovenian. DATES World War I.

1.Prezganka (soup of flour mixed with water, salt and scrambled egg) 2.Jota (potatoes, beans, cabbage and turnip) 3.Mocnik

(flour, milk, and corn) 4.Zganci (buckwheat flour and cracknels) 5.Struklji (dough with different 46 fillings)


FLAG MEANING The colours of the flag have no significance. The main shield is surrounded by two columns of Hercules with two ribbons around them with the words “plus ultra” and topped by a crown in honour of the monarchy of the country.



It is the world The highest Enjoying life is a

St. John Day largest producer number of bars in big part of Spanish

of olive oil. all Europe. culture. th 24 June CONSTITUTIONAL There is a New MONARCHY Year’s custom Each person has 2 Day of Catalonia where you eat 12 surnames. grapes. th 11 September There are fewer The national CLICK IN THE marriages in Spain anthem has no than in any other BUTTON FOR ALL THE words. EU country. DATES

1.Pollo al ajillo (chicken with cloves of garlic) 2. (fried potatoes with sauce -different on every place-) 3.Tortilla española

( of potatoes and onions) 4.Paella (rice with chicken or rabbit, butter beans, runner beans and saffron) 5. (tomatoes, garlic, bread, 47 cucumbers and peppers)


FLAG MEANING The Scandinavian cross is very representative of the Scandinavian countries, and the colours are influenced by a previous coat of arms which was a blue base and three yellow crowns.

SWEDISH KRONA 10 M ABOUT THE COUNTRY O O NATIONAL HOLIDAYS The Swedish They are so good Passport is among at recycling that There is an hotel Walpurgis Day made of ice. the world’s best import other passports. th countries waste. 30 September CONSTITUTIONAL In Sweden it is MONARCHY 52% of the energy possible to see the Boxing Day is renewable. northern lights.

th 26 December One of the most The country has important annual not been at war CLICK IN THE events that take BUTTON FOR since 1814. place in the country ALL THE is the Novel Price. DATES

1. Sill (Herring) 2. Skagen (Toast with shrimps, mayonnaise and sour cream) 3.Kalops (meat stew) 4.Artsoppa (soup of yellow pea) 5.Gubbrora (egg-anchovy salad) 48


GUIDE https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/symbols/flag_en https://www.freepik.es/vector-gratis/coleccion-jovenes-hablando-diferentes- idiomas_6208339.htm#page=1&query=languages&position=32 https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/euro_en https://ec.europa.eu/info/business-economy-euro/euro-area_en https://www.printabler.com/europe-map-black-white-printable_165/ https://www.countryflags.com/en/austria-flag-image.html https://paintmaps.com/blank-maps https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/LSU/?uri=CELEX:11951K/TXT https://europarl.europa.eu/about-parliament/en/in-the-past/the-parliament-and-the- treaties/euratom-treaty https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/LSU/?uri=CELEX:11965F/TXT https://www.britannica.com/event/Iron-Curtain https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/German_reunification https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en https://europarl.europa.eu/about-parliament/en/in-the-past/the-parliament-and-the- treaties/maastricht-treaty https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/LSU/?uri=CELEX:11997D/TXT https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/countries_en#schengen https://europarl.europa.eu/about-parliament/en/in-the-past/the-parliament-and-the- treaties/treaty-of-nice https://europarl.europa.eu/about-parliament/en/in-the-past/the-parliament-and-the- treaties/treaty-of-lisbon https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/history_en https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/countries_en https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/euro/which-countries-use-euro_en https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/euro/euro-official-currency-euro-area_en https://eurodesk.eu/about/



Austria https://unsplash.com/photos/3wFRlwS91yk https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-flag-of- austria-mean.html https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/austria/ https://www.thespruceeats.com/wiener-schnitzel-recipe-1447089 http://www.mykitchenintherockies.com/2012/05/03/authentic-german-spargel-at-the- chinnok-tavern-in-denver/ https://www.ichkoche.at/erdaepfelsalat-rezept-239268 https://www.gusto.at/rezepte/powidltascherl-mit-topfen https://foodieadvice.com/es/food/wiener-wurstel

Belgium https://unsplash.com/photos/5ivJSXgZigY https://historia.nationalgeographic.com.es/a/sigmund-freud-padre-psicoanalisis_14704 https://www.vdio.com/national-flag-of-belgium-and-flag-history/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/belgium/ https://www.ricardocuisine.com/recettes/7824-moules-mariniere-et-frites https://canalcocina.es/receta/waterzooi-de-pescado https://www.solo.be/fr/recettes/anguilles-au-vert/ https://cookidoo.es/recipes/recipe/es-ES/r604782

Bulgaria https://unsplash.com/photos/m4DOppSy9cA https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Bulgaria https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/bulgaria/ https://www.milideasmilproyectos.com/2017/01/banitza-hojaldre-enrollado-con- queso.html https://www.maxionline.ec/shkembe-chorba/ https://food52.com/recipes/23097-classic-shopska-salata

50 https://www.yogurtathome.com/single-post/2018/06/21/Fermented-Milk-Products- from-All-Over-the-World-Kiselo-mlyako-Bulgarian- https://www.recepti.com/kuvar/pite-i-testa/45857-tikvenik

Croatia https://unsplash.com/photos/sRXHpWjzsQQ https://theculturetrip.com/europe/croatia/articles/what-does-the-croatian-flag-symbolise/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/croatia/ http://www.foodexplorers.net/crni-rizot https://honestcooking.com/brodetto-di-pesce-tomato-seafood-broth/ https://www.lecturas.com/recetas/fritule-brandy-bunuelos-fritos_8091.html https://www.viator.com/es-AR/tours/Split/Taste-Dalmatian-Peka/d4185-15026P36 https://worldfood.guide/dish/boskarin/

Cyprus https://unsplash.com/photos/GHAfBOw-1rk https://www.cyprusbeat.com/cypriot-flag-symbolism/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/cyprus/ https://cookpad.com/gr/sintages/5620763-gemista-kai-koupepia-me-ampelophulla https://www.cyprusbbq.co.uk/blogs/recipes/souvla https://betterwithlemon.com/2014/01/19/zucchini-with-eggs-kolokouthkia-me-tafka/ https://www.easypeasyfoodie.com/greek-style-lamb-traybake-kleftiko/ https://www.netmums.com/recipes/beef-stifado

Czech Republic https://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/czechrepublic/czflags.htm https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/czech/ http://www.supermamina.cz/recepty/maso-1/hovezi/hovezi-svickova-na-smetane/ https://www.196flavors.com/es/republica-checa-vepro-knedlo-zelo/ https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rizek_(sznycel),_potato_salad,_Gorzow.jpg https://www.tasteatlas.com/cesnecka/wheretoeat/czech-republic https://www.apetitonline.cz/recept/moravsky-vrabec-se-spenatem


51 https://unsplash.com/photos/RaRnuPiLHmc https://www.graphicmaps.com/denmark/flag https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/denmark/ https://voresmad.dk/opskrifter/karbonader-med-stuvede-aerter-og-guleroedder# https://www.louisesmadblog.dk/tarteletter-med-hoens-i-asparges/ https://mummum.dk/forloren-hare-med-skysauce-og-bagte-rodfrugter/ http://lovethatbite.com/recipe/danish-meatballs-frikadeller/ https://nordicfoodliving.com/risalamande-danish-rice-dessert/

Estonia https://unsplash.com/photos/iAprtbSdHVg https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-flag-of- estonia-mean.html https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/estonia/ https://www.tasteatlas.com/kohuke https://cookidoo.thermomix.com/recipes/recipe/en-US/r278589 https://estoniancuisine.com/2018/02/28/potatoes-and-groats-mash-mulgipuder/ http://www.dlc.fi/~marianna/gourmet/5_11.htm https://www.best-recipes.me/recipe/1984/pickled-pumpkin

Finland https://unsplash.com/photos/bpDJvls-h-0 https://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/europe/finland/fiflags.htm https://www.prettywildworld.com/traditional-finnish-food/ https://www.prettywildworld.com/traditional-finnish-food/ https://www.prettywildworld.com/traditional-finnish-food/ https://www.prettywildworld.com/traditional-finnish-food/ https://www.prettywildworld.com/traditional-finnish-food/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/finland/ https://www.soppa365.fi/artikkeli/artikkelit/vie-lihapullat-maailmanymparimatkalle https://www.hk.fi/reseptit/resepti/perinteinen-pyttipannu/ https://www.k-ruoka.fi/reseptit/paistetut-muikut https://www.hellapoliisi.fi/kalaruoat-ja-ayriaiset/lasimestarin-silli/ https://yhteishyva.fi/reseptit/helppo-mustikkapiirakka/recipe-688


France https://unsplash.com/photos/CB0Qrf8ib4I https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-France https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/france/ https://www.cuisineaz.com/recettes/soupe-a-l-oignon-gratinee-38128.aspx https://www.atelierdeschefs.fr/fr/recette/12094-cuisse-de-canard-confite-au-four- pommes-sautees-a-la-sarladaise.php https://queapetito.com/receta-ratatouille/ https://www.redonline.co.uk/food/recipes/a501387/mary-berry-coq-au-vin/ https://cookidoo.mx/recipes/recipe/es-MX/r448327

Germany https://unsplash.com/photos/-uQBxh6L5D4 https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-of-the-german-flag-mean.html https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/germany/ https://www.tablespoon.com/recipes/cuban-rouladen-sandwich/bde58b9e-219d-4903- a287-c7ccbfee4ed6 https://www.whats4eats.com/meats/sauerbraten-recipe https://www.petersenshunting.com/editorial/german-rabbit-stew-recipe/327742 https://therealfoodrds.com/how-to-make-sauerkraut/ https://www.mehueleaquemao.com/kartoffelpuffer-tortitas-de-patata/

Greece https://unsplash.com/photos/JWGm_wkbL2o https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Greece https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/greece/ https://foodlove.com/greek-zucchini-balls/ https://www.fifteenspatulas.com/baklava/ https://www.lecturas.com/recetas/moussaka-verduras_789.html https://www.olivetomato.com/taramosalata-or-taramasalata-heres-how-to-make-it-the- traditional-way-or-the-easy-way-and-find-out-why-its-healthy/

53 https://www.theblackpeppercorn.com/greek-souvlaki-marinade-for-lamb-pork-and- chicken/

Hungary https://unsplash.com/photos/fxrl9M_b9uo https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-national- flag-of-hungary-mean.html https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/hungary/ https://lecuisinier.cl/langos-la-delicia-del-pan-casero/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goulash https://www.receptmuhely.hu/recept/rakott-krumpli-3 https://recept1.hu/palacsinta/sos-palacsinta/hortobagyi-husos-palacsinta/ https://www.itinari.com/es/the-135-year-old-hungarian-dessert-dobostorta-1jt7

Ireland https://unsplash.com/photos/xyQnsGRmeNQ https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-national- flag-of-ireland-mean.html https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/ireland/ https://realfood.tesco.com/recipes/dublin-coddle.html https://crowefarm.ie/products/black-and-white-pudding- https://www.thespruceeats.com/irish-lamb-stew-recipe-1809131 https://www.oliviascuisine.com/cheddar-irish-boxty/ https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/irish_soda_bread/

Italy https://unsplash.com/photos/rknrvCrfS1k https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/italy/ https://elcomidista.elpais.com/elcomidista/2011/09/13/articulo/1315890000_131589.ht ml https://recetas-rapidas.es/comida/ribollita-italiana/ https://www.sfizioso.it/ricetta/come-cucinare-ossobuco-di-vitello-ricetta-classica/ https://www.juanideanasevilla.com/fogones/2014/05/arancini-de-pizza-bolas-de- arroz.html

54 https://cocineroaficionado.com/tiramisu/

Latvia https://unsplash.com/photos/dA4CDBn4tBE https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-flag-of- latvia-mean.html https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/latvia/ https://cervecing.es/kvas-la-cerveza-ancestral/ https://es.food-of-dream.com/publication/13227/ https://foodandwine.ie/recipes/vegetarian/beetroot-soup https://leitesculinaria.com/135139/recipes-jewish-rye-bread.html https://www.cookinglight.com/recipes/potato-pancakes-with-apple-butter

Lithuania https://unsplash.com/photos/cnHieC5EFEM https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-flag-of- lithuania-mean.html https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/lithuania/ https://www.lamaistas.lt/receptas/beatos-varskes-apkepas-56375 https://es.postila.io/post/63841900 https://craftlog.com/lt/virimas/orkaitėje-kepta-duona-3wCQX https://lithuanianintheusa.com/2017/04/01/lithuanian-meat-pies-kibinaipatys-skaniausi- kibinai/ https://www.thespruceeats.com/how-to-make-lithuanian-tree-cake-4037686

Luxembourg https://unsplash.com/photos/rKY2RJucbhw https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Luxembourg https://www.expatica.com/lu/lifestyle/food-drink/top-10-foods-in-luxembourg-with- recipes-507809/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/luxembourg/ https://www.tasteatlas.com/huesenziwwi https://cuisine-terroir.forumactif.com/t269-friture-de-moselle https://golososdelmundo.com/2016/11/bouneschlupp-luxemburgo/

55 https://www.tasteatlas.com/judd-mat-gaardebounen https://www.cookthecake.com/2016/07/quetschentaart-o-tarta-de-ciruelas.html

Malta https://unsplash.com/photos/lgo364o6HAc https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-flag-of- malta-mean.html https://www.maltauncovered.com/culture/maltese-food/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/malta/ https://mykitchenstories.com.mt/recipe/soothing-traditional-soppa-tal-armla/ https://www.guidememalta.com/en/mmm-pie-these-cult-pie-makers-in-malta-have-a- legion-of-local-fans-we-re-not-surprised https://www.tescomamalta.com/blog/index.php/2016/11/15/maltese-almond-biscuits- biskuttini-tal-lewz/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOvDFHvbElE&app=desktop https://miculinaria.wordpress.com/tag/pastizzi/

The Netherlands https://unsplash.com/photos/EbFrr7WLo8M https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-the-Netherlands https://www.mapsnbags.com/typical-dutch-foods-amsterdam/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/netherlands/ https://www.24kitchen.nl/recepten/appelkruimeltaart https://lacomidatipica.com/5-comidas-tipicas-de-amsterdam/stamppot/ https://www.tripadvisor.es/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g946522-d10730381-i285482664- Pizzeria_LAGUNA-Chojnice_Pomerania_Province_Northern_Poland.html https://www.leukerecepten.nl/recepten/erwtensoep/ https://www.keukenliefde.nl/hartige-taart-met-boerenkool-en-rookworst/

Poland https://unsplash.com/photos/7rCdqEuQ1rg https://www.worldatlas.com/articles/what-do-the-colors-and-symbols-of-the-flag-of- poland-mean.html https://www.tripsavvy.com/best-food-to-try-in-poland-4173500

56 https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/poland/ https://cookidoo.mx/recipes/recipe/es-MX/r484911 https://gotowanie.onet.pl/przepisy/sernik-japonski-przepis-krok-po-kroku/0mvzj9e https://ciastkozercy.pl/eklerki/ https://www.doradcasmaku.pl/przepis-zrazy-wolowe-318400 https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/homemade-pierogi/

Portugal https://unsplash.com/photos/dzD67vW_93I https://www.portugalist.com/portuguese-flag/ https://www.traveldrafts.com/traditional-portuguese-food-all-the-best-dishes-to-eat-in- portugal/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/portugal/ https://www.saborbrasil.it/pt/ricettas/75 https://cookidoo.es/recipes/recipe/es-ES/r238283 https://www.diadepeixe.com.br/receita-de-peixe/449/bacalhau-com-batatas-ao-murro https://www.vortexmag.net/ameijoas-a-bulhao-pato/ https://www.noticiasaominuto.com/lifestyle/1424668/receita-cozido-a-portuguesa

Romania https://unsplash.com/photos/zbg2-gyo_hM https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Romania https://www.chefspencil.com/top-10-romanian-foods/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/romania/ https://adygio.com/ciorba-de-burta/ https://www.delicatesa.ro/retete/pomana-porcului-cu-carnati-de-casa-2516 https://www.lauralaurentiu.ro/retete-culinare/cuina-banateana/jumari-si-untura-de-porc- facute-in-casa-reteta-simpla-pas-cu-pas.html https://savoriurbane.com/drob-traditional-reteta-veche-pas-cu-pas/ https://www.petitegourmets.com/recipes/papanasi-dessert

Slovakia https://unsplash.com/photos/mmBG7XOhDLc https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Slovakia

57 https://theculturetrip.com/europe/slovakia/articles/10-traditional-slovak-dishes-you- must-try/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/slovakia/ http://www.pecene-varene.sk/recipe-items/vyprazany-syr-s-cesnakovym-dresingom/ https://www.196flavors.com/es/republica-checa-trdelnik/ https://www.tripadvisor.es/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g642204-d12098562-i287626413- 3vio_Pizza-Prievidza_Trencin_Region.html https://www.tripadvisor.es/LocationPhotoDirectLink-g274707-d4067573-i215205932- U_Templaru-Prague_Bohemia.html https://dobruchut.aktuality.sk/recept/34854/kotlikova-gulasova-polievka/

Slovenia https://unsplash.com/photos/ev8o2gcdJK0 https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Slovenia https://greenhills.si/traditional-slovenian-food/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/slovenia/ https://odprtakuhinja.delo.si/kroznik/prezganka-nasveti-in-recepti-slovenskih-babic/ https://theminimalistvegan.com/sauerkraut-and-bean-stew/ https://www.curryandlove.com/recipes/traditional-slovenian-porridge-mocnik- veganized/ https://erasmusu.com/es/blog-erasmus/recetas-erasmus/ajdovi-zganci-695945 https://www.ichkoche.at/slowenische-struklji-rezept-173124

Spain https://unsplash.com/photos/oKk6gBBgZ4c https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Spain https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/howto/guide/top-10-foods-try-spain https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/spain/ https://www.directoalpaladar.com/recetas-de-carnes-y-aves/receta-tradicional-de-pollo- al-ajillo https://www.recetasdeescandalo.com/patatas-bravas-receta-paso-a-paso-con-su-salsa- brava-casera/

58 https://www.hogarmania.com/cocina/recetas/huevos/tortilla-patatas-8684.html https://www.cocinafacil.com.mx/recetas-de-comida/receta/paella-de-marisco/ https://www.recetasderechupete.com/gazpacho-andaluz-una-receta-con-la-alegria-de-la- huerta-el-tomate/5701/

Sweden https://unsplash.com/photos/tjjiYhpTeHw https://www.britannica.com/topic/flag-of-Sweden https://www.swedishnomad.com/traditional-swedish-food/ https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/sweden/ https://www.saveur.com/article/recipes/inlagd-sill-pickled-herring/ https://www.fria.se/en/glutenfria-recept/recipe-for-gluten-free-toast-skagen/ https://recept.se/recept/klassisk-kalops-pa-hogrev https://www.tasteatlas.com/artsoppa http://www.sweetpaulmag.com/food/swedish-egg-salad-with-anchovies-gubbrora