Japan International Cooperation Agency Facts and Figures about JICA

1. What is JICA?

Since joining the Colombo plan in 1954, Japan has been providing financial and technical assistance to develop- ing countries through ODA (Official Development Assistance). JICA is the "one stop shop of Japan's bilateral ODA'', providing Technical Cooperation, ODA Loans (Concessional Loans) and Grant Aid. JICA has a network of more than 90 overseas offices. In , JICA opened office in 2003.

2. Vision and Missions

Vision: inclusive and Dynamic Development

Mission 1: Addressing the global agenda Mission 2: Reducing poverty through equitable growth Mission 3: Improving governance Mission 4: Achieving human security

3. Priority Areas in Mozambique

1) Activation of Regional and Local Economies 2) Environment and Climate Change Action 3) Human Development & Capacity Building

What is TICAD?

TICAD means "Tokyo International Conference on African Development". TICAD became the largest global struc- ture for Asia and Africa to cooperate in promoting the development of Africa. The first Tokyo Conference was held in 1993, marking the beginning of a continuous process of support to Africa and to build consensus around devel- opment priorities of Africa. This process was reinforced with a second Tokyo Conference, in 1998.

The 6th Edition of Tokyo International Conference for African Development (TICAD 6) will take place from the 27th to 28th of August 2016 in , , which will be the first African country to host this meeting. MENU

For human resources development and formulation of administrative systems and master plans, technical coop- Technical eration involves dispatch of experts, provision of necessary cooperation equipment and training of Mozambican personnel in Japan and other countries such as Brazil. Projects can be tailored to address a broad range of issues.

Technical Assistance by JICA Expert

ODA loans support developing countries by providing low-interest, long-term and concessional funds (in Japa- ODA loans nese yen) to finance their development projects. (concessionary ODA loans are mainly used for large-scale infrastructure loans) development projects.

Nacala Port Rehabilitation

Grant aid is the provision of funds without the obligation of repayment. Grant aid is used for improving basic infra- structure such as schools, hospitals, water-supply facili- Grand aid ties and roads, along with provision of necessary equip- ment.

New Fish Market

Training program in Japan provides opportunities to have an insight into the latest technology, as well as to learn policies Training and systems which Japan developed through its history. Program JICA offers more than 60 opportunities annually for Mozambique, ranged from agriculture, health and environ- ment to combating corruption and rural development. EDM staff training in JAPAN.

JICA dispatches Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers (JOCV) and Senior Volunteers (SV) in the field of education, health, agricul- JICA ture, and so on. Through these activities, participating volunteers do not only volunteer contribute to the development of partner countries but also gain valuable experience in terms of international good will, mutual understanding and an expansion in their international perspectives. JOCV at Health Sciences Institution of Maputo

In case of the occurrence of a large-scale disaster, JICA dispatches Japan Disaster Relief Teams in response to Disaster requests from the governments of affected Countries. JICA also provides shipments of emergency relief supplies such as relief blankets, tents and medicines.

Emergency relief supplies JICA Projects Across the Country Please see next slide “Nacala Corridor Dev. Program“

Establishment of Sustainable Forest Resource Information Assistance for Enhancement of Institutional Platform for Monitoring REDD + in Lenduga Capacity to Manage Water related Disaster Niassa Cabo Delgado Gaza and Cabo Delgado (2013-2018) Risks (Nationwide 2014-2016) CP:DNGRH Pemba CP: MITADER Montepuez

Capacity Enhancement of Meteorological Nacala Development of Local Industry through Observation, Weather Forecasting and Warning Tete Lago Cihlwa One Village One Product Movement Cabora Bassa Nampula (Nationwide 2014-2017) CP: INAM (CaDUP) in Maputo, Gaza, , Tete Manica and Nampula (2013-2017) CP: IPEME Zambezia Strengthening Pedagogical Manica and Technical Skills of Health Increasing Rice cultivation Personnel (2016-2019) Productivity in Nante , Tourism Marketing and Promotion in Zambezia (completed: CP: MISAU Inhambane (completed:2012-2015) Sofala 2010-2014) CP: MASA CP: MCTUR

Beira Rice Productivity Improvement Strengthening Capacities of NPCS GAZA in Chokwe (completed: 2010 for HIV Prevention (completed: 2012-2015)

-2014) CP: MASA CP: NPCS Gaza

Capacity Development of Road Maintenance Gaza Inhambane Construction of Maputo Fish Market (completed: 2011-2014) CP: ANE (completed: 2012-2015) CP: IDPPE Inhambane

Chókwè Urban Transport Master Plan for the Greater Maputo Maputo (completed: 2012-2014) CP: CM Maputo Xai- Xai

Maputo Implementation Advisor for Yen Loan Road Projects (2012-2016) CP: ANE Construction of Health Science Institute Expansion of New Curriculum of Teacher (ICS) in Maputo (2013-2016) CP: MISAU Training Institute (IFP) (2016-2020) CP:MINEDH

Capacity Development in Mineral Resources Sector Maputo Gas Fired Combined (2014-2018) CP: MIREME,UEM, ISPT Cycle Power Plant Development Promotion of sustainable 3R activities Project (2014-2018) CP: EDM in Maputo (2013-2017) CP: CM Maputo Advisor for Strengthening of Forest Management (2010-2017) CP: MITADER

Sustainable Production of Biofuel from Capacity Enhancement of Investment Jatropha (2011-2016) CP: UEM, PETROMOC Promotion and Facilitation (2016-2020) CP: CPI Legend: Technical Cooperation ODA Loans Grant Aid Nacala Corridor DevelopmentDevelopment Program On going/ Completed The Project for Nacala Corridorcorridor EconomicEconomic DDevelopmentevelopment StrategyStrategy (PEDEC-Nacala) [2012-20162012-2016] CP: MEF,MEF, GAZEDA

[Nacala Port] CP: MTC

Expansion and Enhancement of Health Improvement of Nacala Port RuralRural WaterWater Supply,Supply, ExpansionTraining Institutes and Enhancement in Nampula, of Lichinga Health [ Phase1:2012-2015,Phase2 2015-2017] Hygiene and Sanitation Trainingand Pemba Institutes [completed in Nampula, in 2010] Lichinga , Nacala [Nacala Port] CP: MTC Improvement in Niassa Montepuez Lichinga and[2015- Pemba 2018)] [completed CP: MISAU in 2010] , Nacala ProjectNacala for P Improvementort Urgent Rehabilitation of Nacala Port RoadRoad Project [2007-)][2007-)] CP: [2013-2016][2013-2016] CP: MOPHRH, [2015- 2018)] CP: MISAU [ Phase1:2012-2015,Phase2[completed 2013-2015 ] 2015-2017] ANE DPOPH-Niassa Nacala Port Urgent Rehabilitation [completed 2013-2015 ]

Mandimba Lichinga Road Upgrading [2013-2019] CP: ANE

Nacala Port Extension [2013- 2018] Mandimba Lichinga Nacala Port Expansion [2013- 2018] Road Upgrading [2013-2019] CP: ANE Construction ofof 4 SecondarySecondary SchoolsSchools in [completed] CP: MINEDH Nampula Province [completed in 2015] CP: MINEDH

Construction of Primary Construction of Primary Teacher Training Institute Teacher Training Institute in Cuamba [completed in in Cuamba [completed in 2009] CP: MINEDH 2009] CP: MINEDH [PROSAVANA] Advisor for Strengthening Advisor for Strengthening Triangular Coorporation for Agricultural Development HIV/AIDS Response System HIV/AIDS Response System of the Tropical Savannah CP:MASA (2015-2018) CP: CNCS, NPCS (2015-2018) CP: CNCS, NPCS Nampula 1. ProSAVANA-PIProSAVANA-PI Nampula ProjectProject for Improving ResearchResearch Capacity [2011-2016][2011-2016] 2. ProSAVANA-PDProSAVANA-PD Ile Cuamba ProjectProject for Support of Agricultural DevelopmentDevelopment 1313 Bridges Construction [2012-][2012-] NampulaNampula Cuamaba MasterMaster Plan [2012-][2012-] CP: ANE - RoadRoad Upgrading [completed][completed] CP: ANE 3. ProSAVANA-PEMProSAVANA-PEM ProjectProject for Establishment of DevelopmentDevelopment Model at TheReinforcement Project for Rofeinforcement Transmission of Communities’ LevelLevel with Improvement of RuralRural

TNetworkransmission in Nacala Network Corridor in Nacala Construction of Primary TeacherTeacher TrainingTraining Insti- Extension Service under Nacala Corridor Agricultural Corridor[2015-2017 [2015- ] CP:20 EDM17 ] CP: EDM tute in Monapo [completed[completed in 2015]2015] CP: MINEDH DevelopmentDevelopment [2013-2019][2013-2019]

Objective Legend: DevelopmentDevelopment Strategy/ Priority Projects TowardsTowards 20352035 TechnicalTechnical Cooperation RegionalRegional DevelopmentDevelopment across three countries (Mozambique, ODA Loans Malawi and Zambia,) Grant Aid Eduardo Mondlane

24 de Julho


24 de Julho

Tomás Nduda W

Friedrich Engels

José Mateus

Francisco O. Magumbwe Rua da Argélia W Museu de História Natural Armando Tivane

W Julius Nyerere Núcleo de Arte


Mártires de Mueda

Friedrich Engels

Baia de Maputo


JICA- Japan International Cooperation Agency JICA Maputo Office Av. 24 de Julho Nº. 7, Polana Shopping Centre - 11th floor, Escritório A, Maputo, Mozambique Postal Address : P.O. Box 2650 • Tel: +258 -21- 486 357/8 • Fax: +258 -21- 486 356

JICA Nampula Field Office Av. Eduardo Mondlane Nº326, Girassol, 3rd floor, Room nº 307, Nampula, Mozambique Postal Address : P.O. Box nº 70 /COOP 3100 • Cell.+258 82 332 7582 / +258 87 769 7838

March, 2016 E-mail: [email protected] • URL: http://www.jica.go.jp/mozambique/english