Hankyu Hanshin Holdings 2019

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Hankyu Hanshin Holdings 2019 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings 2019 https://www.hankyu-hanshin.co.jp/en/ Printed in Japan We will work to realize our long-term vision by steadily moving forward with our medium-term management plan. In October 2006, the management integration of In addition, the Group will continue with concerted Hankyu Holdings and Hanshin Electric Railway efforts to fulfil its corporate social responsibility (CSR) established Hankyu Hanshin Holdings. Since then, the through social contribution activities, Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group has worked in unison environment-friendly business activities, rigorous to heighten the competitiveness of each business. At compliance, and thorough risk management. the same time, the Group has used its collective strength to increase overall profitability and grow Going forward—adhering to our Group Management earnings. In conjunction with these efforts, we have Philosophy—we will drive Groupwide growth while steadily improved our financial position. building relationships of trust with customers and local communities. At the same time, the Hankyu Hanshin However, the business environment of the Group is Holdings Group will unite to advance initiatives that likely to change significantly as the population of areas meet the expectations of all stakeholders. As we move served by its railway lines declines due to falling birth forward, we hope our stakeholders will continue to rates and an aging population, and as lifestyles and the support us in our endeavours. conditions of everyday life evolve with the progress July 2019 of technological innovation. Aiming to become a corporate group that can focus strongly on sustained growth even in such an environment, we announced the Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group Long-Term Kazuo Sumi Management Vision for 2025 (fiscal 2026) two years Chairman and Representative Director, Group CEO ago. Last year, we prepared a medium-term management plan, which covers fiscal 2019 through Takehiro Sugiyama fiscal 2022 and sets out concrete actions for realization President and Representative Director of the long-term vision. At present, we are steadily advancing measures based on the plan. The accumulation of these measures will move us closer to realization of the long-term vision one step at a time. 1 Group Guide 2019 2 Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group Management Philosophy Long-Term Management Vision for 2025 (Fiscal 2026) In May 2017, we outlined the kind of group we hope to be, as well as the strategic approach necessary for achieving this vision, in the Hankyu Hanshin Holdings Group Long-Term Management Vision for 2025 (fiscal Group Management What we try to achieve 2026). The long-term management vision targets 2025, which will be the Philosophy 20th year since the management integration of Hankyu Holdings and Hanshin Electric Railway. While keeping abreast of changes in the Long-Term Management Mission business environment, including population decline and technological Vision By delivering “Safety and Comfort” and “Dreams and Excitement,” innovation, we will pursue four business strategies based on the twin 1 Medium-Term we create satisfaction among our customers and contribute to society. perspectives of business area and business model (“stock businesses” or Management “flow businesses”2 ). Plan 1 Stock businesses: Businesses that hold or use stock, property, and other fixed assets. (Railway business, Real estate leasing business, Broadcasting and communications business, and Hotel business, etc.) 2 Flow businesses: Businesses that, instead of holding large-scale stock, use business know-how, human resources, brand assets, and other intangible assets. (Real estate sales business, Sports business, Stage business, Information services business, What is important to us Travel business, International Transportation business, etc.) Values Slogan Enhancing line-side areas and expanding fields 1 Customers First Everything we do is for the customer. That’s where it all starts. Sustainably enhance corporate value 2 Sincerity Enhance daily life Gain customers’ confidence by always being sincere. (customer) value Enhance social value Enhance economic value Strategy Strategy Strategy 3 Stock businesses Foresight & Creativity Stock businesses Flow businesses 1 (Umeda and line-side areas) 2 (Tokyo metropolitan area 3 With our pioneer spirit and flexible thinking, we create a new value. and overseas markets) Construct a stable revenue base Strengthen competitiveness Make our railway by thoroughly pursuing the absolute best in the Tokyo metropolitan area and overseas markets brand optimisation among the Kansai networks and differentiation 4 Respect for People Strategy Make greater use of the Group’s collective strength Everyone is absolutely invaluable to the Group. 4 and develop new business fields The Company We Hope to Be in the Long Term (Target management indicators for fiscal 2026) One of our goals is to be a corporate group that can generate operating income of at least ¥100 billion even in the 2040s, when demographic changes will affect businesses significantly. With this goal in mind, we have set out a long-term vision calling for the realization of operating income of ¥120 billion, EBITDA* of ¥200 billion, and an interest-bearing debt/EBITDA ratio of between 5 and 6 times by fiscal 2026 through the pursuit of strategies (1) through (4) above. By achieving these targets, we will remain an industry leader among major private (non-JR) railway operators based on indicators of profitability and financial soundness. * EBITDA = Operating income + Depreciation expenses + Amortisation of goodwill Profitability Financial Soundness Operating Income EBITDA Interest-Bearing Debt/EBITDA Ratio ¥120billion ¥200billion Between5and 6 times 3 Group Guide 2019 4 The Group’s History Survey of Preferred Kansai Residential Areas* st 2nd Easy access to the Kansai area’s major cities and plentiful infrastructure for everyday life make Shukugawa our line-side areas some of the most popular places to live in the region. The ability to enhance 1Nishinomiya- the value of line-side areas is one of our strengths. Kitaguchi * Survey by seven major real estate companies (September 2018) 4th As well as connecting Osaka, Kobe, and Kyoto—the centre of Kansai’s economy—by railway, we have offered more 3rd Okamoto fulfilling lifestyles and benefited society by providing new services and contributing to community building in line-side Umeda areas across a wide range of fields, such as the management of commercial facilities and office buildings, the Hanshin 5th 2012 Takarazuka Tigers professional baseball team, the Takarazuka Revue, and travel and hotels. Completion of Umeda Hankyu Building, Our predecessors’ open mindedness encouraged progressiveness and an appetite for challenges—attributes that have full opening of Umeda Flagship Store of become integral components of our corporate culture. Umeda Department Store 1907 1924 1948 1964 2005 2008 2019 Opening of Hankyu Nishinomiya Gardens 2016 Founding of Mino-Arima Completion of Takarazuka Launch of services as Pan Opening of Hotel new Establishment of Hankyu Opening of the Group’s first logistics 10th anniversary of the Electric Railway Company Grand Theatre American Airways agent Hankyu Osaka Holdings, Inc. centre in the ASEAN region, in opening of the (predecessor of Hankyu Indonesia Hanshin Namba Line Corporation) by Ichizo 1929 1973 Kobayashi Opening of Hankyu Opening of New Hankyu Department Store, Asia’s Umeda Station as one of 1910 first railway terminal the largest private railway Opening of Takarazuka department store terminals in Japan Line (Umeda–Takarazuka) and Mino-o Line Changing of company (Ishihashi–Mino-o) name from Keihanshin Kyuko Railway Company 1913 to Hankyu Corporation Formation of Takarazuka Girls’ Revue (currently Takarazuka Revue 2009 2017 Company) Beginning of operations of the Announcement of the Hankyu Hanshin Namba Line Hanshin Holdings Group (between Nishikujo and Osaka-Namba) Long-Term Management Vision for 2025 (Fiscal 2026) 1995 2006 Considerable damage to transpor- tation and business infrastructure Establishment of 2008 2009 2010 2012 2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 of Hankyu and Hanshin due to the Hankyu Hanshin Great Hanshin Earthquake Holdings, Inc. 1899 1924 1948 1985 Founding of Settsu Electric Opening of Koshien Stadium Launch of airline agency Hanshin Tigers win Japan Series 2010 2014 2018 Railway (renamed Hanshin (currently Hanshin Koshien business for first time Completion of Umeda Hankyu Centenary of the Takarazuka Completion of phase I of construction Electric Railway Co., Ltd., Stadium) Establishment of Building Office Tower Revue’s first performance of the Umeda 1-1 Project (Dai Hanshin in same year) Hankyu-Hanshin-Daiichi Hotel Group in 1914 Building and Shin Hankyu Building Completion of renovation of Hanshin rebuilding project) 1905 Koshien Stadium, opening of the Museum of Hanshin Koshien Beginning of operations Stadium linking Kobe (Sannomiya) and outer Osaka (Deirib- ashi) 1933 Opening of Hanshin Mart at Hanshin Umeda Station (currently Hanshin Department Store) 1935 Establishment of Osaka Baseball Club (Osaka Tigers, currently Hanshin Tigers) 5 Group Guide 2019 6 Group Overview Performance Trends Business Portfolio Revenues from Operations Operating Income The Urban Transportation Business and the Real Estate Business generate stable cash flows, accounting for approximately 60% of revenues from operations and 80% of operating income. A comparatively stable, high level of (¥billion) (¥billion) 120 contribution from the Entertainment
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