Lessons Learned from the Kobe Earthquake a Japanese Perspective
SPECIAL REPORT Lessons Learned from the Kobe Earthquake A Japanese Perspective Hiroshi Muguruma This report presents an overview of the Ph.D. performance of reinforced and precast, Professor Emeritus Department of prestressed concrete buildings during the Architectural Engineering Kyoto University Hyogoken-Nanbu earthquake (also known as Kyoto, Japan the Great Hanshin earthquake) of January 17, 1995, situated in and around the city of Kobe, Japan. The performance of pile foundations is also examined. Highway bridges, rapid transit structures, and other special structures are covered elsewhere. The assessment of damage is related to the Minehiro Nishiyama evolution of design code provisions for Ph.D. concrete building structures in Japan. Department of Preliminary reports indicate that precast, Architectural Engineering Kyoto University prestressed concrete structures performed Kyoto, Japan remarkably well during the earthquake, especially those designed with recent seismic code provisions. The probable causes of the damage are examined, although it should be emphasized that several investigations are currently being carried out to determine more comprehensive causes of structural failures Fumio Watanabe, Ph.D. by many researchers, engineers, the Professor Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ), the Department of Architectural Engineering Japan Prestressed Concrete Engineering Kyoto University Kyoto, Japan Association (JPCEA), and other organizations. 28 PCI JOURNAL t precisely 5:46 a.m. in the N early morning of January 17, A 1995, a devastating earthquake struck Japan, imparting a trail of de ® ~ Severely damaged area struction across a narrow band extend ing from northern Awaji Island through the cities of Kobe, Ashiya, Nishinomiya and Takarazuka (see Fig. 1). The 7.2 Richter magnitude registered was one of the strongest earthquakes ever recorded in Japan.
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