Restriction(s) Suggestion Topic Notes Antigua Commonwealth countries Australia Commonwealth countries Bahamas Commonwealth countries Bangladesh Commonwealth countries Barbados Commonwealth countries Barbuda Commonwealth countries Belize Commonwealth countries Botswana Commonwealth countries Brunei Darussalam Commonwealth countries Cameroon Commonwealth countries Canada Commonwealth countries Cyprus Commonwealth countries Dominica Commonwealth countries Fiji Commonwealth countries Gambia Commonwealth countries Ghana Commonwealth countries Grenada Commonwealth countries Guyana Commonwealth countries India Commonwealth countries Jamaica Commonwealth countries Kenya Commonwealth countries Kiribati Commonwealth countries Lesotho Commonwealth countries Malawi Commonwealth countries Malaysia Commonwealth countries Malta Commonwealth countries Mauritius Commonwealth countries Mozambique Commonwealth countries Namibia Commonwealth countries Nauru Commonwealth countries Nevis Commonwealth countries New Zealand Commonwealth countries Nigeria Commonwealth countries Pakistan Commonwealth countries Papua New Guinea Commonwealth countries Rwanda Commonwealth countries Saint Lucia Commonwealth countries Samoa Commonwealth countries Seychelles Commonwealth countries Sierra Leone Commonwealth countries Commonwealth countries Solomon [Islands] Commonwealth countries South Africa Commonwealth countries Sri Lanka Commonwealth countries St Kitts Commonwealth countries St Vincent Commonwealth countries (The) Grenadines Commonwealth countries Tobago Commonwealth countries Tonga Commonwealth countries Trinidad Commonwealth countries Tuvalu Commonwealth countries Uganda Commonwealth countries United Republic of Tanzania Commonwealth countries Vanuatu Commonwealth countries Zambia Commonwealth countries Bittern British birds Chaffinch British birds Dunnock British birds Goldfinch British birds Heron British birds Martin British birds Nuthatch British birds Robin British birds Swift British birds Teal British birds Wagtail British birds Woodpecker British birds winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Annette Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Augusta Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Bellina Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Brigantine Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Butterfly Epsom Derby winners Caelia Epsom Derby winners Caroline Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Ceres Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Empery Epsom Derby winners Faith Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Hermione Epsom Derby winners Hippia Epsom Derby winners Hippolyta Epsom Derby winners Hycilla Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Industry Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Iris Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Lilias Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Marchioness Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Mendicant Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Miami Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Nightshade Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Orby Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Placida Epsom Derby winners Platina Epsom Derby winners Portia Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Refraction Epsom Derby winners Regalia Epsom Derby winners Reine Epsom Derby winners Restriction(s) Suggestion Topic Notes Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Scotia Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Spinaway Epsom Derby winners Stella Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Summerside Epsom Derby winners Thebais Epsom Derby winners Trifle Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Epsom Derby winners Volante Epsom Derby winners Brewer Historical connection Geographical Brunoy Historical connection Geographical Butcher Historical connection Geographical Cecil Historical connection Geographical Comet Historical connection Geographical Crewdson Historical connection Geographical Doe Historical connection Geographical Earl’s of Surrey Historical connection Geographical Elephant Historical connection Geographical Feldwick Historical connection Geographical Furlong Historical connection Geographical Greensand Historical connection Geographical Howarth Historical connection Geographical Lion Historical connection Geographical Morsted Historical connection Geographical Mowbray Historical connection Geographical Moys Historical connection Geographical Normandy Historical connection Geographical Rees Historical connection Geographical Sansom Historical connection Geographical Totnam Historical connection Geographical Tower Historical connection Geographical West Burrow Historical connection Geographical Westbergh Historical connection Geographical Winbolt Historical connection Geographical Woolpack Historical connection Geographical Woolsack Historical connection Geographical Agatha Christie Famous women (1890–1976) Best selling crime fiction author, and creator of the Poirot and Miss Marple detective series. Surname only Anna Pavlova Famous women (1881–1931) Russian ballet dancer, who set up her own touring ballet company. Surname only Anne Boleyn Famous women (1501-1536) 2nd wife to Henry VIII. Anne Boleyn influential in forcing Henry VIII to break with Rome and set up the Church of England. Surname only Anne Frank Famous women (1929–1945) Jewish diarist who documented her life in hiding in an Amsterdam attic during the Nazi occupation. Died in Belsen concentration camp. Surname only Beatrix Potter Famous women (1866–1943) English conservationist and author of Tales of Peter Rabbit. Surname only Boudicca Famous women (died 60/61AD) Surname only Catherine Raisin Famous women (1855 – 1945) the first woman in Britain to be an academic head of any geology department & one of the most important early female geologists in Britain. Surname only Cooper Famous women (1870 – 1966) the first female Olympic tennis Surname only Dame Maria Gordon Famous women (1864 – 1939) was an eminent Scottish geologist, palaeontologist, and politician. She was also a supporter and campaigner for the rights and equality of children and women. Surname only Edith Piaf Famous women (1915–1963) Singer widely regarded as France’s national diva. Famous songs include “La Vie en rose” (1946), and “Non, je ne regrette rien” (1960). Surname only Eleanor of Aquitaine Famous women (1122–1204) Queen of France and one of the wealthiest and most powerful women of the Middle Ages. Surname only Eleanor Roosevelt Famous women (1884 — 1962) Campaigner for civil rights. Wife of F.D Roosevelt. Surname only Elizabeth Cady Stanton Famous women (1815–1902) Social activist and leading figure in the early women’s rights movement. Surname only Elizabeth Fry Famous women (1780-1845) English prison reformer, social reformer Surname only Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Famous women (1836-1917) the first woman to as a doctor in Britain Surname only Emily Bronte Famous women (1818–1848) One of the Brönte sisters, Emily is best known for her novel Wuthering Heights, and her poetry. Surname only Emily Davies Famous women (1830 - 1921) was a promoter of higher education for women and an early campaigner for women’s suffrage Surname only Emily Dickinson Famous women (1830–1886) American poet. She led a secluded life, and left a legacy of many short vivid poems, often on themes of death and immortality. Surname only Emily Murphy Famous women (1868–1933) The first female magistrate in the British Empire. Surname only Emmeline Pankhurst Famous women (1858–1928) British suffragette. Pankhurst was one of the most high profile campaigners for women’s suffrage. Surname only Enid Blyton Famous women (1897–1968) British children’s writer, known for series such as The Famous Five, The Secret Seven. Wrote an estimated 800 books over 40 years. Surname only Eva Peron Famous women (1919–1952) Humanitarian and political activist. She campaigned on behalf of the poor and less privileged. She died aged only 32, in 1952. Surname only Frances Mary Buss Famous women (1827 -1894) Poineer of Education for Women. Surname only Gertrude Lilian Elles Famous women (1872–1960) was a British geologist, known for her work on graptolites ...... She was awarded the MBE for work with the Red Cross during the First World Wa Surname only Golda Meir Famous women (1898–1978) Israeli leader. Elected Prime Minister in 1969 Surname only Harriet Beecher Stowe Famous women (1811–1869) American Campaigner against slavery. Her influential novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852) helped challenge attitudes on slavery within America. Surname only Harriet Tubman Famous women (1822 – 1913) – escaped slave, early civil rights activist. Surname only (1880–1968) At the age of 19 months Helen became deaf and blind. Overcoming the frustration of losing both sight and hearing she campaigned tirelessly on behalf of deaf and blind Surname only Helen Keller Famous women people. (1893-1983) was a pioneer in the field of ophthalmology – the branch of medicine concerned with the anatomy, functions and diseases of the eye. She was the first woman to hold the title Surname only Famous women Ida Mann of professor at Oxford University and was instrumental in the advancement and development of contact lenses. Jane Austin Famous women (1775 -1817) 19th century novelist Surname only Joanna Baillie Famous women (1762-1851) Hertha Ayrton was a pioneering physicist and promoter of women’s rights. Surname only Marie Curie Famous women (1867–1934) Polish physicist and chemist. First person to win the Nobel Prize in both Chemistry and Physics. Surname only Marie Stopes Famous women (1880 – 1958) British author, palaeobotanist and campaigner for eugenics and women's rights Surname only Marlene Dietrich Famous women (1901–1992) German-American actress. Dietrich’s career spanned several decades from silent movies to becoming one of Hollywood’s biggest stars. Surname only Mary Ann Evans Famous women (1819-1880) a "blue stocking" writing under the pen name George Eliot Surname only Mary Anning Famous women (21 May 1799 – 9 March 1847) was an English fossil collector, dealer, and palaeontologist Surname only Mary Wollstonecraft Famous women (1759–1797) Early feminist and writer. Surname only Mata Hari Famous women (1876–1917) Exotic dancer, executed as spy during First World War. Surname only Melanie Klein Famous women (1882-1960) psychoanalyst and pioneer of child analysis Surname only Millicent Fawcett Famous women (1847 -1929) was the leader of the peaceful campaign for women’s suffrage and the co-founder of Newnham College, Cambridge. Surname only Olive Elaine Morris Famous women (1952 – 1979) was a British community leader and activist in the feminist, black nationalist, and squatters' rights campaigns of the 1970s in the United Kingdom. Surname only Phillis Wheatley Famous women (1753-1784) is renowned for being the ‘Mother of Black Literature’. Surname only Rosa Luxemburg Famous women (1870–1919) A leading Marxist revolutionary, Rosa Luxemburg sought to bring Social revolution to Germany. Surname only Sappho Famous women (c 570 BC) One of the first published female writers. Much of her poetry has been lost but her immense reputation has remained. Surname only Sophie Scholl Famous women (1921-1943) Member of the German anti-Nazi resistance. Surname only Susan B. Anthony Famous women (1820–1906) Campaigner against slavery and for the promotion of women’s and workers rights. Surname only Surname only Violette Reine Elizabeth Szabo Famous women (1921 – 1945) was a French/British Special Operations Executive (SOE) agent during the Second World War and a posthumous recipient of the George Cross. Virginia Woolf Famous women (1882–1941) English modernist writer, member of Bloomsbury group. Surname only