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Version 2019, 19 July, 2021 This Is a List of the 9099 Authors with Pawlak Version 2019, 25 September, 2021 This is a list of the 9099 authors with Pawlak number 6. Please send corrections and comments to A LIST WITH PAWLAK NUMBER 6 Surname and first name: 1. Abbadi Amr El 2. Abbasi Ahmed 3. Abbattista Fabio 4. Abbeel Pieter 5. Abbott A. Lynn 6. Abdala Daniel Duarte 7. Abdallah Chaouki T. 8. Abdallah Ahmed Chamseddine Ben 9. Abdelzaher Ahmed 10. Abdi Hervnull 11. Abdullah Rudwan 12. Abdullah Salwani 13. Abdurahman Abdujelil 14. Abe Hiroyuki 15. Abe Yasunori 16. Abeles Moshe 17. Abelha Antnullnio 18. Abeywickrama Dhaminda B. 19. Abid Muhammad Rizwan 20. Abiyev Rahib Hidayat 21. Abrash Victor 22. abri Marwan JA. 23. Abu-Mostafa Yaser S. 24. Abubucker C. P. 25. Abul Osman 26. Abut Hnullseyin 27. Acar Emrah 28. Acconci Vito 29. Acevedo Hernando Gonznulllez 30. Acevedo-Rodrnullguez Javier 31. Achimugu Philip 32. Acosta-Mendoza Niusvel 33. Adachi Yoshinori 34. Adam C. 35. Adam Nabil R. 36. Adam S. P. 37. Adamo Jean-Marc 38. Adams Samantha V. 39. Adar Eytan 40. Addam Omar 41. Adelfio Alessandro 42. Adhikari Shyam Prasad 43. Adiga Abhijin 44. Adnan Muhaimenul 45. Adnull Hilde 46. Adorni Giovanni 47. Aertsen Ad 48. Afshar Saeed 49. Agarwal Anurag 50. Agarwal Shivani 51. Aghaee-Tarazjani J. 52. Agin Patrick 53. Agnulls Rodrigo 54. Agogino Adrian K. 55. Agostinelli Forest 56. Aguiar Pedro M. Q. 57. Ahalt Stanley C. 58. Ahluwalia Manu 59. Ahmad Amir 60. Ahmad Muhammad Aurangzeb 61. Ahmad Mohammad Nazir 62. Ahmadi Majid 63. Ahmed Sultan Uddin 64. Ahmmed Suman 65. Ahn Ki-Hwan 66. Ahn Jung-Ho 67. Ahn Ilsoo 68. Ahuja Sanjay P. 69. Ai Fang-Ju 70. Aibar Pablo 71. Aickelin Uwe 72. Aiello Luigia Carlucci 73. Aingworth Donald 74. Aiolli Fabio 75. Aist Gregory 76. Aizawa Naohide 77. Aizenberg Naum N. 78. Ajanki Antti 79. Ajjanagadde Venkat 80. Akahane Miki 81. Akaho Shotaro 82. Akashi Takuya 83. Akazawa Toshinobu 84. Akhand M. A. H. 85. Akimitsu Toshio 86. Akita Hirotaka 87. Akselrod Polina 88. Akyol Derya Eren 89. Al-Askar Haya 90. Al-Daraiseh Ahmad 91. Al-Mamun M. A. 92. Al-Mutawah Khalid 93. Al-Nuaimi A. Y. H. 94. Al-Saidi Mayad 95. Al-Sayed Kinda 96. Al-Shalalfa Mohammed 97. Al-Zawi Mohamad 98. Alain Guillaume 99. Alam Nadia 100. Alam Mohammad S. 101. Alani Harith 102. Alaskar Haya 103. Alataris Konstantinos 104. Alba-Conejo Emilio 105. Alberti Maria Alberta 106. Albini Luciano 107. Albo Zimbul 108. Albukhanajer Wissam A. 109. Alcalnull N. 110. Alderman John 111. Alegre Martha Analnulla 112. Aleksander Igor 113. Aleman Berthe M. P. 114. Alessandri Angelo 115. Aleven Vincent 116. Alevizos Philipos D. 117. Alex Nikolai 118. Alexander Daniel C. 119. Alexander Shane 120. Alexandre E. 121. Alexiuk Mark D. 122. Alexopoulos D. 123. Alfisi Steven 124. Algar Josnull Antonio 125. Alhamdoosh Monther 126. Alhawsawi Osama 127. Ali S. 128. Ali Rahman 129. Ali Syed S. 130. Ali Taqdir 131. Ali Hassan 132. Ali Arshad 133. Alia Giuseppe 134. Aljandal Waleed 135. Alkon Daniel L. 136. Alkulaibi Ali 137. Allen James F. 138. Allen W. G. 139. Allibone R. O. 140. Allison Ben 141. Allman John 142. Alm Cecilia Ovesdotter 143. Almeida Lunulls B. 144. Almejalli Khaled 145. Alnajjar Fady 146. Alon Elad 147. Alonso Jason B. 148. Alonso Andrnulls Gago 149. Alonso Tirso 150. Alonso Josnull M. 151. Alonso-Betanzos Amparo 152. Alonso-Nanclares Lidia 153. Alp Ali 154. Alpert Charles J. 155. Alqunullzar Rennull 156. Alsulaiman Fawaz A. 157. Altman Erik R. 158. Altman Russ B. 159. Alvado Ludovic 160. Alvanaki Foteini 161. Alvarez-Ryan Maria Gabriela 162. Alvelda Phillip 163. Alves Roberto Teixeira 164. Alzate Carlos 165. Alzebdi Mohammedsharaf 166. Amano Karen 167. Amar Jacques 168. Amaral Telmo 169. Amato Marco 170. Ambit Hector 171. Ambrogioni Luca 172. Amelineau Elisabeth 173. Amershi Saleema 174. Amin Muhammad Ilias 175. Amini Bahram 176. Amir Arnon 177. Amir Amihood 178. Amit Daniel J. 179. Amjadian Ehsan 180. Amodei Dario 181. Amoroso Carmelo 182. Ampazis Nikolaos 183. An Bo 184. An Chengwan 185. An Fengwei 186. Anada Koichi 187. Anan Yoshiyuki 188. Anastasi Giuseppe 189. Andersen Verner 190. Andersen Lars Nonboe 191. Andersen Hans H. K. 192. Andersen Claus A. F. 193. Anderson Scott D. 194. Anderson Charles W. 195. Anderson Ryan T. 196. Andia E. 197. Ando Toshiya 198. Ando Teruaki 199. Andoni Alexandr 200. Andonie Razvan 201. Andonov Velin 202. Andrade Francisco 203. Andrews Emad A. M. 204. Andrews Anneliese Amschler 205. Androulakis George S. 206. Ang Chong H. 207. Angel Alberto Del 208. Angeleri E. 209. Angelov Plamen P. 210. Angelova Maia 211. Angelova Maria 212. Anguita Mancia 213. Ankenbrandt Carol A. 214. Anselma Luca 215. Antal Peter 216. Anton Jean-Luc 217. Antonelo Eric Aislan 218. Antonelo Eric A. 219. Antonio Baltazar A. 220. Antoniou George 221. Antonova Elena 222. Anumandla Sridhar R. 223. Anutariya Chutiporn 224. Aoki Takanori 225. Aoyagi Miki 226. Aoyama Satoshi 227. Apers Peter M. G. 228. Apollo Steven J. 229. Apsel Alyssa B. 230. Aquino Vicente Alarcnulln 231. Araabi Babak Nadjar 232. Arabshahi Payman 233. Araghi Sahar 234. Aragonnulls Luis Usero 235. Arai Fumihito 236. Arakawa Takemasa 237. Araki Shoko 238. Araki Osamu 239. Araki Atsushi 240. Aranda-Gutinullrrez Pedro A. 241. Aranguren Mikel Eganulla 242. Aras Ayse Cisel 243. Arauzo-Azofra Antonio 244. Araz Ceyhun 245. Arbib Michael A. 246. Archer Norman P. 247. Arcos Josep Llunulls 248. Ardissono Liliana 249. Argall Brenna 250. Arias-Estrada Miguel 251. Ariki Yasuo 252. Arima Yuya 253. Arimura Hiroki 254. Ariton Doinita 255. Armand Stephane 256. Arnold Michael P. 257. Arnold Mike 258. Arnonkijpanich Banchar 259. Arnoult Dominique 260. Arnulfo Gabriele 261. Arora Gurdial 262. Arpit Devansh 263. Arriaga Rosa I. 264. Arroyo Ivon 265. Arroyo Angel 266. Arsic Dejan 267. Arslan Ali Bilgin 268. Artale Alessandro 269. Artnulls-Rodrnullguez Antonio 270. Arts Theo 271. Arulampalam Ganesh 272. Arunkumar A. 273. Arvapally Ravi Santosh 274. Asaduzzaman Md. 275. Asahiro Yuichi 276. Asai Daisuke 277. Asano Yasufumi 278. Ash David 279. Ashburner John 280. Ashizawa Kazuto 281. Asianulln Javier de Lope 282. Aso Hirotomo 283. Aso Hirotome 284. Asoh Hideki 285. Assad Christopher 286. Aszalós László 287. Atanassova Vassia 288. Ates Nnullfer Yasin 289. Athanasiadis Thanos 290. Atienza David 291. Atighetchi Michael 292. Atkeson Christopher G. 293. Atlas Les E. 294. Atluri Venkata 295. Attenburrow Geoff 296. Attia Sahar 297. Atzmnullller Martin 298. Au Raymond 299. Au Whitlow W. L. 300. Aumann Yonatan 301. Aurora Gurdial 302. Aussem Alex 303. Austermeier Hubert 304. Austin Jim 305. Auyeung Andy 306. Avallone Stefano 307. Avanzi Alberto 308. Avazbeigi Milad 309. Avgustinov Pavel 310. Awad Mohammed 311. Awan Shahid M. 312. Ayala Josnull Luis 313. Ayan Necip Fazil 314. Aydemir Alper 315. Aydin Nizamettin 316. Aylett Ruth 317. Ayllnulln-Ternulln M. D. 318. Azimi-Sadjadi Mahmood R. 319. Aziz Haris 320. Aznull Jnullrnullme 321. Aztiria Asier 322. Azuma Yusuke 323. Ba Khanh Do 324. Ba Demba E. 325. Ba Jimmy 326. Baader Franz 327. Baba Mitsuru 328. Baba Norio 329. Babiloni Claudio 330. Babloyantz Agnessa 331. Babuska Robert 332. Baccarini Lane Maria Rabelo 333. Bacchus Fahiem 334. Bach Francis 335. Bachmann Sebastian 336. Backurs Arturs 337. Baddeley Bob 338. Badea Robert 339. Badie Kambiz 340. Badoiu Mihai 341. Badoual Mathilde 342. Badreldin Islam S. 343. Bae Jihye 344. Baena Rafael Marcos Luque 345. Baerveldt Albert-Jan 346. Baestaens Dirk-Emma 347. Bagherjeiran Abraham 348. Bahadori Shahram 349. Bahdanau Dzmitry 350. Bahirwani Vikas 351. Bahramisharif Ali 352. Bai Chen-Yan 353. Bai Jianghong 354. Bai Xi 355. Bai Yan-ping 356. Bai Lijie 357. Bai Guohua 358. Bai Tao 359. Baidyk Tatiana 360. Bainbridge John 361. Bakal Bora 362. Bakar Azuraliza Abu 363. Bakay Marina 364. Baker Anthony J. 365. Bakircioglu Hakan 366. Bakkaloglu Bertan 367. Bakker Bram 368. Bakker Bart 369. Bakkes Sander 370. Bal Thierry 371. Bal Henri E. 372. Baldi Stefano 373. Baldini Ioana 374. Baldoni Matteo 375. Baldwin Timothy 376. Bali Maha 377. Balister Paul 378. Ball Graham R. 379. Ballesteros-Yanullez Inmaculada 380. Baloukas Christos 381. Banakar Ahmad 382. Bancroft Naomi 383. Bandi Nagender 384. Bando Takashi 385. Banerjee Amitava 386. Banerjee Arpan 387. Banerjee Nilanjan 388. Bang Jae Hun 389. Bangalore Abhijith 390. Bangsnull Olav 391. Banik Prakriti 392. Bankier I. 393. Bankovic Zorana 394. Banks Gordon 395. Banks Amy 396. Banullos Oresti 397. Bao Paul 398. Bao Jingyi 399. Bao Zheng 400. Bao Haiyong 401. Bao W. Y. 402. Bao Qiong 403. Bao Xinxin 404. Bao Yongguang 405. Bao Jiguang 406. Bao Shudi 407. Bao Xiaoyuan 408. Bapi Raju S. 409. Barabanov Nikita 410. Barajas Sandra E. 411. Barak Omri 412. Barbalios Nikolaos 413. Barbieri Riccardo 414. Barbulescu Laura 415. Barcelnull Juan A. 416. Barkaoui Kamel 417. Barley Mike 418. Barnes M. R. 419. Baronio Roberta 420. Barr Juliana 421. Barras Claude 422. Barrio Ignacio 423. Barrnulln-Estrada Maria Lucia 424. Barron John W. 425. Barron-Zambrano Jose Hugo 426. Barros Rodrigo C. 427. Barros Ricardo M. L. 428. Barros Angel Barriga 429. Barros Ozias 430. Barroso Jonullo 431. Bartal Yair 432. Bartlett Marian Stewart 433. Barton Alan J. 434. Bartzas Alexandros 435. Barzamini Roohollah 436. Bas Patrick 437. Basagoiti Rosa 438. Basch Julien 439. Basile Teresa Maria Altomare 440. Basnet Ganesh Kumar 441. Bassett Jesse 442. Bassis Simone 443. Bateman David 444. Bates Rebecca A. 445. Batlle Jorge Felinull 446. Battiato Sebastiano 447. Battini Ferdinando 448. Battistelli Giorgio 449. Battiti Roberto 450. Battyányi Péter 451. Batu Tugkan 452. Baudot Pierre 453. Bauer Thomas 454. Bauer Hans-Ulrich 455. Bauernfeind Gnullnther 456. Baumeister Joachim 457. Baumela Luis 458. Baune Axel 459. Bavier Andy C. 460. Bayer Ali Orkan 461. Bazargan Kia 462.

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