The Mahæbhærata in the West
The Mahæbhærata in the East and in the West From A. Holtzmann Vol. IV - 1895 Second Part The Mahæbhærata in the West Translated from German by Gilles Schaufelberger Chapter17 Aperçu sur la littérature English, German, French and American scholars have looked in the different parts of the epic, and in its relation with the rest of the Indian literature; but it is only since 1883 we have at our disposal a work dedicated to the Mahæbhærata, written by a Danish scholar, Sören Sörensen. 1. England has opened up the road into the Sanskrit literature’s studies, and particularly into Mahæbhærata’s. It is a young merchant, Charles Wilkins, who first gave a translation of the Bhagavadg∞tæ in 1785, opening thus the literature on the Mahæbhærata. A translation of the episode of Amƒtamanthana, from the Ædiparvan, followed. An other episode from the same, ›akuntalæ; followed in 1794 and 1795. In the annals of Oriental-literature, London, came out in 1820 and 1821 an anonymous translation of the beginning of the Ædiparvan, ending however with the Paulomæparvan, and not including the table of contents; this translation was also ascribed to Charles Wilkins, as in Gildemeister, bibl. Sanscr., p. 133: “interpres fuit Ch. Wilkins”; but H.H. Wilson in his Essays, ed. R. Reinhold Rost, T. I, p. 289, says more cautiously: “rendered into English, it is believed, by Sir Charles Wilkins”. In any case, from the introduction (dated Benares, 4th October 1784, the postscript 3rd December 1784) of the Governor General of India, the famous Warren Hastings, we know that Wilkins was working on a translation of the Mahæbhærata, “of which he has at this time translated more than a third”.
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