March/April 2001 CAMPHILL CORRESPONDENCE ce when I was shedding bitter tears, when, dissolved in pain, my hope was melting away, and I stood alone by the barren hillock which in its narrow dark bosom hid the vanished form of my Life, lonely as never yet was lonely man, driven by anguish unspeakable, powerless, and no longer aught but a conscious misery;-as there I looked about me for help, unable to go on or turn back, and clung to the fleeting, extinguished life with an endless longing, then, out of the blue distances, from the hills of my ancient bliss, came a shiver of twilight, and at once snaps the bond of birth, the fetter of the Light. Away fled the glory of the world, and with it my mourning; the sadness flowed together into a new, unfathomable world. Thou, soul of the Night, heavenly Slumber, didst come upon me; the region gently upheaved itself, and over it hovered my unbound, newborn spirit. . . Dr. Georg von Arnim from Hymns to the Night by Novalis, 26th Sept 1920 - 7th November 2000 translated by George MacDonald.

Twelve sonnets on the monthly virtues IFC A role for Camphill in the cities 17 Cornelius Pietzner joins the 'Vorstand' 1 News f rom S a d h a n a 18 Lies I

Cornelius writes: n late autumn I was asked to join the work of the Vorstand will also include Sergei Prokovieff from Russia Executive Council (Vorstand) at the Goetheanum in and Bodo von Plato from Germany. I look forward to Dornach, Switzerland. Over the last two years I have this new collaboration outof our individual possibilities worked with Rolf Kerler and Paul Mackay and four others, and capacities and the forming of a new constellation on the Finance Circle (Finanz Collegium) of the in theVorstand itself . Goetheanum, meeting twice a year in different locations I have agreed to make this step not as an American, to support and evaluate financial issues and con- however hybridized, nor as a Camphill Community siderations of the Goetheanum and the General member, nor as a person with some financial experience, Anthroposophical Society . This has given me an but as an individual person . While it is clear that these introduction to the scope and complexity of these elements are part of what I bring into this new work, it is financial matters that include the work of the Sections also equally clear that I have been asked to join the of the School of Spiritual Science, the performing stage, Vorstand to further the work of worldwide the administration of the Society and the Goetheanum, in general, and not as a specific representative . and the Goetheanum building and approximately 70 Having said this, I know it will also be with the support other buildings and houses owned by the General and counsel of many friends, both old and new, that I Anthroposophical Society in Dornach . will try and serve the Being of Anthroposophy, aided in Of course, the step to joining the Vorstand in Easter no small measure, I believe, by my manifold experiences 2002 is quite a different one and entails a deeper in Camphill . commitment at all levels . The new co-working in the Cornelius M. Pie tzner

Lies Kobbe turns 80 in Kimberton Hills Sherry Wildfeuer, Kimberton Hills, USA

ies Kobbe will have her 80th birthday on March 19th . how a local anthroposophical daycare center for Some friends who knew her from Newton Dee, children was struggling, and offered to manage their Thornbury,L the Grange or BottonVillage will remember finances, as a gift . Her wise advice was sought by many her as Lies van Walsum before she married John Kobbe and she has taken a godmotherly role in numerous and in 1980 moved to Kimberton Hills . John is just people's lives . She has been an active member of the celebrating his 85th birthday . Joining at a later stage of local Christian Community and inaugurated a life, Lies has been an example to many of us how to wonderfully creative series of evenings each year grow old . She has been generous with her talents right dedicated to 'Spiritual History', drawing on friends from from the start, offering practical help in our gardens, to Camphill, the Anthroposophical Branch and The an overburdened neighboring housemother (me), taking Christian Community. Lies is always in the process of on the bookkeeping, distribution and eventually translating a precious book from German into English, associate-editing of the Stella Natura Agricultural and one cannot imagine her without several sewing or Calendar, mending, keeping the books for our Village knitting projects . As ill health has limited her strength Farm Store and Bakery, and playing piano with John on and mobility, Lies has continued to be industrious and his viola for so many occasions . Her interests did not productive and remains actively interested in her wide limit themselves to the bounds of our village she saw circle of family and friends .


Repeated earth lives A study of the spiritual individuality of the poet Novalis, who died 200 years ago, on 25t" March 1801 Michael Schmundt, Ma rkusgemeinschaft, Ha uteroda, Germany

udolf Steiner reawakened for modern consciousness broke the spell with his javelin, the sign of his zeal for the fact, known in the past but then forgotten, that God . His deed regained for his people their true humanR souls have been born and reborn on earth direction . 'And God gave Phinehas the covenant of the throughout the evolution of mankind . This fact everlasting priesthood' . Numbers 25 : 6-13 . This constitutes its progression and development . The truth covenant remained with this individuality and showed of repeated earth lives permeated anthroposophy from itself most powerfully in Elijah . its beginnings, and after the Christmas Foundation Meeting 1923/24 Rudolf Steiner was able to reveal a Elias, Elijah . Around the year 850 BC this individuality wealth of details about it in his many 'karma lectures' . appeared to the people of Israel as EI ijah and revealed In his Last Address, at Michaelmas 1924, he completed himself as their leading spirit . He was incarnated into a these revelations, forcing himself from his sick bed to man called Naboth, but the human body could never spread out before his audience the images of the fully hold the might of his being. During the preceding incarnation path of that mighty individuality who had centuries most of the twelve tribes of Israel had last lived on earth, in Central Germany, as Novalis . succumbed to the influence of the neighbouring peoples' Rudolf Steiner had first opened a window to the religions, and the remainder had been divided into the understanding of this individuality in 1902 when he northern and southern state . Their kings began-often wrote in his book Christianity as Mystical Fact about through the machinations of their wives-to force foreign the raising of Lazarus . There he described how Christ cults upon their people, to such an extent that Israel Jesus enacted in this event an initiation which constituted might have forsaken its mission and the expected the central event in the sequence of its earthly incarnation of the Messiah on earth could not happen incarnations . Rudolf Steiner spoke again and again of in an appropriate environment . this individuality as one of the oldest and mightiest The immense drama of the spiritual battle which Elijah teachers of mankind, both on earth and when not waged against King Ahab and his evil wife Jezebel is incarnated . He described the following incarnations :

Phinehas, around 1250 BC Elias, around 850 BC John the Baptist at the time Lazarus/John the Gospel Writer of Jesus Christ Raphael of Urbino 1483-1520 Friedrich von Hardenberg (Noval is)1772-1801

In each of these incarnations the individuality worked i n the power of the words, 'Behold, I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee' . (Malachi 4:5 Matthew, 11 :10).

Phinehas is described in Jewish tradition as a youth, a grandson of Aaron, 'The Priest', who started the line of priests of the Hebrew people. At the end of the age of the development of the sentient soul, c .1200 BC, Moses led his people out of Egypt and through a 40 year stay in the desert as a preparation for this mission . They had to be prepared for Christ to be born into their hereditary stream and for their souls to be able to recognise and understand Him when He appeared. This meant that they had to be weaned from the rich Egyptian world of deities and accept the strict discipline of the single God . But they were often surrounded during these 40 years by tribes with declining religions . One of these was the Medianites who practised certain sexual cults and orgies through contact which they kept with a spiritual world which had, however, become decadent . They tried to impose this cult upon the Hebrew people, whose natural instinct leaned towards this temptation, leading them into a severe crisis . At this point it was Phinehas who Bust of Novalis byFriedrich Schaper

2 described in the OIdTestament,1 Kings 17-2 Kings 2 . It asked Jesus Christ, 'What shall I do that I may have is depicted in stirring images, such as Elijah's sojourn in eternal life?' The first three gospels describe him in the the desert where ravens fed him ; the raising from the sequence of events before Christ's entry into Jerusalem, dead of the widow's son ; the calling down of the fire while St . John's Gospel (chapter 11) describes the death from heaven which defeated the priests of Baal; and his and raising of Lazarus without naming him . Indeed this initiation on Mount Horeb when the Lord appeared to chapter describes the greatest event in the existence of him as the voice within . This signified the turning point the individuality who stands behind Phinehas, Elijah, of a whole age, when God would no longer be John, Raphael, Novalis : the initiation by Christ on,earth . experienced from without, but in the depths of the soul : Thereby he became the first Christian initiate . Rudolf the beginning of the development of the 'mind soul' Steiner tells how, during the four days' death, Lazarus and thereby the preparation for the experience of 'Christ was permeated by the being of John the Baptist. When in me' . This is the transition Elijah had to bring about in Christ 'cried with a loud voice : Lazarus come forth!' it the Jewish people who, alone of all peoples, could make was not only Lazarus who came forth, but Lazarus united this step on behalf of mankind . Therefore they were 'the with the individuality whose mission of being the chosen people' and Elijah their guardian spirit . Then the preparer had come to an end at the moment of Christ's Old Testament describes how Elijah terminated the entry into the body of Jesus at the Baptism . With this drought through the rain ; then the victorious battle initiation the individuality was completely renewed . against the Syrians ; and the story of Naboth's vineyard From then on he was called John, the disciple whom where Queen Jezebel caused the physical body of Elijah, Jesus loved . Through his renewal he was enabled to Naboth, to be stoned . From then on the angel form of accompany Christ in the Mystery of Golgotha, to stand Elijah revealed himself more strongly than ever . It could below the cross with Mary and to understand Christ's appear in various places simultaneously, as in the scene Resurrection when he saw the empty tomb . Lazarus John when he delivers the Lord's curse upon Ahab and became the gospel writer, first writing the Book of Jezebel; and finally the rising of Elias/Elijah in a chariot Revelation and then his gospel . The very wording of the of fire, passing on his cloak to his pupil Elisha latter reveals his connection, since creation began, to This was the mighty revelation of this individuality in the creative word, because he had been present as the pre-Christian times . soul of Adam . His gospel also reveals that he was the only disciple able to accompany Christ Jesus on each John the Baptist. According to the Gospel of St. Luke, step of His Passion, Death and Resurrection because he John was born six months before Jesus of Nazareth . The himself had gone through death and resurrection as parents of John and Jesus were relatives and at times the Lazarus . He could even write in his Book of Revelation child stayed with his cousin Jesus under the love and of the stages of future development of the earth and care of the young mother Mary. Later, John and Jesus mankind because he perceived this rejuvenation through often met and conversed at the houses of the order of Christ's union with the earth . Thus his yearning for the the Essenes . St . Luke describes the signs that ac- 'attainment of eternal life' as the rich youth, was fulfilled . companied his conception and birth (Luke, 5 :80), and Later on John travelled to Asia Minor where he founded St. John describes the mission of John the Baptist: 'There the seven congregations, to Greece and Rome where was a man sent from God, whose name was John . The he was tortured, and tradition tells that he went as far as same came for a witness, to bear witness of this light, India to spread the new gospel of Christ . He became that all men through him might believe' . He prepared very old and it says that he had to be brought into church large numbers of people through the power of his words on a chair from which he admonished his congregation and through baptism in the waters of the Jordan, leading until his last breath, 'Children, love each other .' them to self-recognition and an experience of the closeness of Christ. John was the first human being to Raphael of Urbino was born and died on a Good Friday . recognise Christwhen he baptised Him (John 1 :34). John With this incarnation in Italy, he left the Hebrew people the Baptist died at the age of 31, when-similar to the whom he had hitherto guided and inspired. Raphael now death of Naboth through Queen Jezebel-he was became the heart and soul of the Italian Renaissance beheaded through the infamy of King Herod's unlawful which, with a mighty impetus, began the age of the wife Herodias. After his death Christ Jesus himself consciousness soul' . He lived for only 37 years but was revealed the true identity of John as Elias (Matthew 11 :7- able during this short spell to embrace in his art the 15) pointing to his angel nature, and again after His essence of the Hebrew, the Greek and Roman cultures, transfiguration in the presence of Moses and Elias, talking and permeate them with Christianity to such a degree to three of his disciples (Matthew 17 :1-13) . We should that they became a healing, comforting, ever renewing be aware that the Jewish people regarded Elias as their gift to countless souls throughout the turmoil of the folk spirit. Therefore it is of deep significance that the following centuries, working undiminished today . As in gospel states, 'Then the disciples understood that He his previous incarnations, and the later one as Novalis, spoke unto them of John the Baptist' . this individuality did not appear fully in the physical With the baptism of Christ Jesus in the Jordan his body, but was experienced in his effect on his mission as the preparer of Christ came to its fulfilment . surroundings and in his impact on spiritual cultural evolution . Lazarus/John . Rudolf Steiner not only mentions John Raphael's paintings of old testament scenes reveal the the Baptist in the sequence of the incarnations of Elijah, living presence of the Jewish inspirations which Raphael but also Lazarus/John . Lazarus is the brother of Martha lived through as Phinehas, Elijah and John . Those of the and Mary of Bethany. He is also described in the gospels Greek and Roman tradition, such as The School of as a ruler of the Jews, a rich youth . He is the one who Athens, depict what he met on his journeys as Lazarus

3 John . His paintings became transparent for the historic Jordan with the Messiah descending as Christ into the mission of the Greco-Roman folk spirit who, through body of Jesus . the Mystery of Golgotha, became the spirit of esoteric His words are not merely the words of a romantic Christianity. And Raphael was able to paint the many poet . The reader is shown-and this at the turn of the events of Christ's life on earth in such a way because he 19th century!-the ether world, where Christ's coming had closely accompanied Christ Jesus as His beloved would happen in the 20th century. Through every disciple . The same holds good for the many well-known sentence, there sounds, Reorientate your thinking! 0 representations of Mary with the two boys, Jesus and Man know yourself! John . He had been there, looking up to the beautiful For in the life of Friedrich von Hardenberg, the being young mother who loved him as well as her own boy of Novalis repeats-not necessarily in a strict se- Jesus . These images can still fill our souls with the quence-the destiny of Lazarus, the wealthy youth, rich experience of spiritual reality when the loss of it today in soul whom Christ loved, by experiencing the repeat is so predominant . initiation of death-'overwhelmed by darkness'-at the Whilst Phinehas and Elijah had pointed to the future grave of Sophie . Her pure young life forces carried him coming of Christ, John the Baptist pointed to Him on across; with one glance he encompassed the wholeness earth, and Lazarus John had witnessed the Mystery of of the world's and mankind's evolution, the view of Golgotha, Raphael began to internalise the Christ Being the physical world lifted and he felt himself in the in his own soul, thereby carrying it deeper into earthly presence of the Creative Word : In the beginning was incarnation . This descent reached a further stage in the Word, as John had described it. As Novalis he pours Friedrich von Hardenburg, Novalis . it forth in essays like Christianity or Europe or in his unfinished novel Heinrich von Ofterdingen which Novalis . His short life, 1772-1801, covered ap- contains the apocalyptic fairy tale Eros and Fable . Not proximately the middle period of German Idealism . It now in the majestic, overpowering images of St . John's is in the context of this period that the importance of Book of Revelation, but through a Christianised this incarnation has to be seen . The Social Revolution inwardness, illumined by the healing spirit powers of in France and the Industrial Revolution in Britain the ether world . imprinted important changes upon mankind which it is And finally, he transformed into words what he had still endeavouring to cope with . Of no less importance been able to convey to mankind as Raphael in his was the Spiritual Revolution in Central Europe, through paintings, raising them from contents of the soul into which some of the greatest personalities started an inner the creative potency of spirit . spiritual movement which would enable mankind to Through his 'magic spirit enthusiasm' Novalis added cope with the effects of the other two revolutions . To to the achievements of the great men and women of begin to grasp the mission of Novalis it is necessary to Central European Idealism-which was not confined to have at least a glimpse of what was achieved by these Germany or even to Europe-the Michaelic power which outstanding men and women in their painful struggles can transform the soul so that Christ is enabled to work against the bourgeois shallowness of the time . A through it in a healing way into the disintegrating hundred years later Rudolf Steiner was able to build conditions of earthly existence . At the same time there on the foundations of this Spiritual Revolution and bring streams from Novalis that power which, since the about what has been achieved through anthroposophy. beginning, has been connected with his mission of In the centre of this concentrated spiritual activity, everlasting priesthood' : the forming of congregation Novalis enacted with a fully modern 'consciousness and community. As John the Baptist became the group soul' mind the crossing of the threshold of death into soul of the twelve apostles after his death and John the spiritual world, without losing contact with the founded the seven congregations in Asia Minor, so did physical world . With unbelievable completeness, every Novalis unite around him the various personalities of step of this path is documented in his prose writings, the German Romantic Movement in a 'soul-spiritual his poetry, diaries and letters . body' . Similarly, his spiritual individuality will Again, as in his previous incarnations, his entelechy increasingly work into disintegrating human social could not appear fully, but was able to shine, through relations, in a kind of community building, a Novalis' words, onto this moment in human evolution . congregation-like movement in Christ . His language is simple, he uses rhythms quite new to the German language, and unusual imagery, which Conclusion carries the soul of the reader and listener into that The mighty individuality who worked through world of greater reality which he discovered at the Phinehas, Elijah, John, Lazarus, Raphael and Novalis grave of his beloved, Sophie. He often describes the is, as Rudolf Steiner revealed, the oldest soul of difficult path the poet has to go to make his words mankind, that part of the soul of Adam which went reveal the 'beinghood', the 'ideal reality' of the world through the Fall and entered the chain of earthly beyond death, so that poetry becomes truth . Rudolf incarnations . The sequence of these incarnations as Steiner called this power in Novalis 'magic idealism' an archetype works, in infinite variations, in every soul's or 'magic enthusiasm' . Thus there is distilled in Novalis' reincarnation . He has thereby became the great teacher works: the experience of the mission of Phinehas in of the 'Path of Reincarnations', to whom each one of his fiery dedication ; Elijah's mighty sacrifice of will in us may turn for guidance and comfort when we have saving and transforming the chosen people to become to bear our own and mankind's karma from one life to the people prepared for Christ; memories of when he, the next. as John, spent his childhood with the Nathan Jesus under the care of the young Mary and the meeting at the An extensive bibliography is available from the editor.

4 Suicide and despair A personal journey from darkness towards light Nick Blitz, Camphill Carrick-on-Suir, Republic of Ireland

ome time ago I was privileged to attend a Michaelmas And with it, I had to re-engage with the realities of life talk at the Lukas Klinik in Arlesheim, Switzerland, and the tasks that had by no means been accomplished . whichS is for the treatment of people with cancer, using Around this time I received the second letter. It was the extended anthrophosophical approach to healing . from the sister of a former colleague of mine . Trained as The talk was given by one of the doctors to the patients, a surgeon he had to abandon that career because of co-workers and guests, and in it she described how, in severe eczema of his hands . Undeterred, he then studied earlier times, mankind's Michaelic task was directed homeopathy and osteopathy, determined to put his to fighting the dragon of evil in the world around, but medical skills to a wider use . He married and had three how nowadays the challenge is primarily that of fighting children all of whom sadly had learning disabilities, one the evil we each carry within ourselves : in the so profoundly his needs were never adequately met . materialism of our thinking, the judgmental nature of Over the years his mental health, which was con- our feelings and the paralysis and inaction of our will . stitutionally frail, collapsed and he spent months in and Through activating our will in working against those out of hospital trying to rehabilitate himself . However, aspects of our thoughts and feelings, we can create a his marriage failed, his professional status was space within ourselves for the light of Christ . In some undermined, he was homeless-his only support was intangible manner the talk, and the context in which it his married sister. Finally, after a further period of was delivered, seemed to resonate within me in that I hospitalisation, he was discharged into temporary experienced a dark corner of my own soul being accommodation but could take no more; that same night illuminated . he died on the nearby railway line . The issue of suicide confronts us perhaps as never These letters, and my own experiences, have forced before. The incidence of suicide in young men in many me to review my own relationship to suicide . My countries of Western Europe has risen so rapidly since colleague's death was somehow utterly understandable the war, that it is now the most common cause of death considering his circumstances and threw into stark in this group . Two articles appeared in Camphill contrast the incongruity of my own preoccupation with Correspondence, July/August 2000, describing the death . But in this I am clearly not alone. An editorial in personal experiences of the father and brother of two the International Herald Tribune, 23rd September 2000 people who had died in this manner . As Andrew König titled 'Unhappiness in America' reports how social stated, and based on my own experiences, I suspect scientists have repeatedly confirmed that since the end many of us have had some sort of encounter with suicide ofWorld War II there is an inverse relationship between i n the course of our lives . I for one have lived with the the number of Americans who describe themselves as idea for many years . There were times when a darkness being happy and the wealth of the country. They descended that seemed to obliterate any sense of self- conclude that an 'unhappiness epidemic' has gripped worth I possessed and undermined my will to continue Americans, hence the popularity of psychotherapy and trying to redeem it. A sense of resignation, defeat and Prozac. And are there not a number of people similarly self-pity led on to a seemingly easy resolution . And as a afflicted with this malaise in Camphill? doctor the means lay readily to hand, even to the point How can one begin to understand a state of being that, of covering the nature of the deed so that the cause in some of these situations, seems to point to such a could be misconstrued as accidental or natural death . high level of self-indulgence, yes even selfishness ; such Latterly these thoughts have plagued me less but I was a lack of gratitude and a loss of courage that borders on powerfully reminded of that state of being by two letters cowardice? These are provocative statements but, to the I received within a few months of each other and by a extent that one is considering a matter of life and death, period of ill health that I suffered between them . The perhaps they are justified . From the medical perspective, first letter from the mother of two school age children the unhappiness described borders on a state of chronic described her struggle with the break-up of her marriage, low-grade depression . In simple terms this can often be her panic attacks and being burdened with the wish 'to understood as arising from a weakness of one's life get out' . Sometime after receiving that letter I became forces, with the result that the balance between them unwell and tests confirmed something was wrong but and the normal destructive death processes in one's body the nature of the problem required further investigations. is lost . As a consequence one's life forces can be These took time to arrange and in the interim I, and my undermined, as can one's will and initiative; courage wife, reflected on the possibility that I might really have fails one and one's thoughts are coloured by the forces a serious illness and a limited time to live . Perhaps here of self destruction and death . an opportunity was presenting itself for me 'to get out' Presumably we all have our own thoughts on what that was natural, part of my karma, and therefore a sign weakens our life forces-for example, poor diet, that what needed to be accomplished had been increasing exposure to electromagnetic and nuclear achieved . In my mind I began to order my affairs. Not radiation, stress, drugs, and lack of exercise-any or all surprisingly, however, events took a different course ; the of these will contribute to this malaise, as does in a investigations were negative and the symptoms different manner our increasing loss of a relationship gradually settled . I was given a clean bill of health . to, and belief in, a spiritual dimension . One can almost

5 see this situation as a vicious cycle with the assaults on perhaps in a better position to hear the doctor in the our well being and a loss of sense of life's meaning Lukas Klinik warn me of the need to face the dragon leading to an ever-increasing loss in our ability to within myself . I was alerted to the fact that the forces of overcome the roots of the dis-ease . And yet we know evil were working to paralyze my will and diminish my that the human being is an evolving being and that we life forces in such a manner that the courage of my heart have evolved and changed with our circumstances and and my thinking were being darkened and undermined . our environment . Clearly our present times are part of Naive I might be, but perhaps not so naive as to believe that greater picture, which suggests that we should be that I am 'cured' of this malaise . But there is light at the able to adapt to these unhealthy factors in our lives . end of what has been experienced as a long tunnel . I Obviously I can offer neither all-encompassing hope others find access to it too . explanations nor magic panacea for this malaise, only my own thoughts and experiences that perhaps others I am aware that this article does not address the issue of can identify with and learn from . For me the shock of suicide in relation to overt mental illness, such as my colleague's death and his life circumstances was like depression or schizophrenia . That is a level of dis-ease a call to wake up to reality. And having awoken, I was that would require a very different article.

January 20th 1998 'Tis the sun . . .

The rain and I are brothers . 'Tis the sun makes you and I as brothers . As each season knows the others, In warmth and light the Self grows bright The rain's long mournful call The words it speaks breathe in filling space Comes me bidding every fall . And merely touch in turning rain and wind.

Andpleased I am by his side The outer sun now only bears a shadow. To paint the thirsty mountainside . The inner begins, where seas of soul Its fields all full of summergrain And seas of spirit meet. Now swim beneath a brighter stain. Hearts' place. Hearts' time of the sun's home .

After a linger 'round its rocky crown, In the sun's dwelling, within, beats We'll brood upon some bustled town The keeping of brothers . Beyond joys And laugh to see its fabric wall That weep dry the day-shaked night Sundered 'neath a sudden squall . Brilliant, this hour of midnight-light.

Our passing is a grand affair, Caring darkness balms caressing In stately clouds on tides of air. All passage of soul. And bright riders with hooves of drums Inner shore and outer shore 'Awaken world'. The rain here comes . A holy diaphragm ofgreater Love and greaterSelf.

If burdened under his own great weight, Angel, be remembered and remember, He might repose in some wearied lake . Soul, whose steps your light bearing Then wrinkle up the clouds again Slow path of stars unfolds towards birth, To sleep beside the moor and fen . Whose midwife thoughts, Will need our longest reach of Love. TOBY TALBOT-ONES ALAN POTTER

ForTobyTalbot-Jones who died by his own hand on the 8t h February 2000 at Botton .

Notices of deaths Henning Hansmann, died peacefully at 5 minutes to midnight on his 74th birthday, Candlemas, 2 11(1 Feb . 2001 in Simeon, Aberdeen, having struggled for some time with illness and disability . Charles Campbell McWilliam of Glenola Community, Duncan, BC, Canada, died on St . Paul's Day 25th Jan . 2001 5 minutes after receiving the last annointing . He was 76 years old . Tributes to Charles and Henning have already started to come in, and all who feel moved to write should feel invited to do so .

6 Obituaries Dr. Georg [hrenfried von Arnim 26'" September 1920 - 7`" November 2000 Richard Steel, Föhrenbühl, Germany

eorg von Arnim started his life countries: from continuing Dr. Königs on the family farm-complex work i n and South Africa of Gross-MarchwitzG in Silesia, not far working with doctors, therapists, from Breslau . His father Ehrenfried eurythmists and teachers, to Social died soon after in 1921 from war Section work in Dornach . One wounds . The following years were should especially mention the then rather tumultuous, partly for fam- courses for speech therapists,with ily reasons and partly because of the Dora Gutbrod, that started in Dor- ensuing war. For instance, his moth- nach and then took place regularly er's second marriage, to AI-brecht, in Föhrenbihl for some years, later Count of Keyserlingk, took him for with Ursula Ostermai . The fruitful some years to a coffee farm in An- collaboration with Ursula Her-berg gola and then to a number of places led to the Speech Training which in Germany before he led troops as found a home in Föhrenbühl for an officer in Russia, where he was some years and which we hope will himself wounded several times and soon be reawakened . taken prisoner. It was not until his On the one hand, Georg surely had studies of electronics had to be bro- little time to devote to writing. On ken off due to ill health, that he could the other hand, it belonged to his finally find his way to anthroposophy modest manner that he would not and study medicine (1947-52) . force anything on anybody; he did Georg worked as a paediatrician in what was asked of him and was ex- various hospitals and built up his own practice in Stutt- tremely aware of the freedom and initiative of the other gart before moving to Scotland in 1962 to work with the person . It thus became clear that so much potential in circle of doctors around Karl König. There it was that he many fields related to our work had not found its way could extend his healing impulse into education, com- into publication . It was decided to gather what material munity building and questions of destiny . could be found in order to publish it for Georgs 80'" Camphill-understood as not just a geographical set- birthday.* Indeed, a preliminary copy could be presented ting but as a middle European community impulse in to him for his birthday, which included the birthday ad- the central stream of anthroposophy-became his home . dress by Manfred Schmidt-Brabant and the foreword . At the end of 1964 Karl König asked him to move to The remaining content, still to be printed, was anyway the Lake of Constance to help Erika Sautter, who later well known to him! The task of writing the foreword became his wife . She had been instrumental in the was a real challenge; it was not easy to avoid the style founding of Camphill work in Germany, with Brachen- of an obituary. Now I can only try to supplement it . reuthe in 1958 and then from 1963 in Föhrenbühl . It Although Georg had been so ill for many years his was a deep wish of Karl König that the Camphill im- death took friends and family by surprise . From an outer pulse should take root in geographical middle Europe . point of view it was not planned that his son Christian, For Georg a time of intensive pioneering, medical work who lives in Scotland, should have been there at the and research began as the middle European region ex- time, but he was one of those able to stand at the bed- panded, the community in Föhrenbühl became the big- side. The 7t" November was an unusually radiant day gest school of the and the curative and from the moment of Georgs passing, golden evening seminar was developed . At the same time he was con- light grew in the room . Once more one could experi- tinuously involved in the social processes of the whole ence the pertinence of the situation which arises at the Camphill Movement, active in the creation of the move- gate of death-not just arising, but prepared .That mood ment-group for instance ; and was one of the small group which Georg had often brought to experience for others that prepared and founded in 1979 the International Con- and sometimes spoken out in consultative conversations ference for Curative Education and Social Therapy. This, was something which he had himself carried through the and his intensive involvement with section work and the years of illness : confidence i n the wisdom of destiny. Vorstand at the Goetheanum, can also be seen as a direct Georg was an individual who always prepared his steps continuation of tasks that lay close to Karl Königs heart . carefully-every word and deed was thoughtfully cho- Only recently have we realised how much activity sen . One was often struck and inspired by the modesty Georg actually engendered, particularly in the 60's and and at the same time certainty . Many people have car- 70's, in seeing children and in lecturing-not just at the ried through the years that which Georg had been able Lake of Constance but also in many other places and to put in a nutshell . But often neither deed nor word


were necessary his very presence could sometimes other with problem children no one who was allowed to solve problems, calm emotions or part the essential from be present will forget . the inessential . The quality of light and warmth that he Just one year previously, in Advent 1999, Georg made brought into each encounter was mirrored in the elements a last visit to his close friend and fellow Silesian, Reinhard during those three days . After he had lain where Karl König Böhm, who had built up the Lehenhof village with much had lain 34 years previously, the funeral was preceded support from Georg . He then crossed the threshhold on by a storm-stilling rainbow. 27t" of December 1999 . The special atmosphere of the commemoration evening And just a few days before his own death, Georg heard became something tangible which in the following weeks of Hans Spalinger's parting . Between these two deeply was expressed in many ways : a continuing stream of let- connected but contrasting personalities, the enthusiasm ters, expressions of deepest gratitude from parents of pu- of the whole region-and especially of many young peo- pils and former pupils, from former co-workers and friends ple-for research into could evolve. who had in manifold ways experienced something in From the 70's until today this impulse lives on . Georg which had brought about development or change But finally I would like to include the children . In many in their lives. Many catalysing elements were described situations one could sense through his loving glance or directly, other experiences were more subtle, had come in the way he took up a hand, that Georg was a true to consciousness perhaps only years later, because they therapist and teacher, who evoked respect and conscience had been received from the depths of his being . . . . but above all he was always a friend . A number of Such fruitful weaving from being to being could be es- former pupils could verbalise this ; for others parents con- pecially discerned in Georgs long-standing connections firmed it. to friends . Just a few of these I would like to mention by I n retrospect one finds much which points to the future . way of illustration : 'Coincidentally' the commemoration And a question about this could also grow in one over evening took place on 11 '" of November, the birthday of the past 20 years, during which time this researcher into Dr. Hans Müller-Wiedemann, who had worked together movement and speech was continuously bereft of his with Georg for those 15 active years or so in which he potential in deed and word, until only a speaking glance was in the neighbouring Brachenreuthe school . What took and a blessing gesture were left . place between the two doctors when they presented each * Bewegung, Sprache, Denkkraft, Verlag am Goetheanum

f qacrg + Georg aHs z 6 rth'a"t ~ cK 9ej,Laj.Rr/ta• The Spirit Knight and peace to spread ~)QtiN a(Cer gJ~'ri ~fjaGeh kr;r ver ren -- we now have lost with honour- ,$#rei fl ver Ph c)en iae/ne'i a l e c You, who has Thus quarrel and disharmony eiesefrt S an Trusf 9 'erf !vf hk'e~i n comfort given dispersed with at'i e Xe`x SigmiNe LUirklic to the smallest your reality. titrohl e G orey 114/Is . 9eO 1 3 From noble birth Hans and Georg a'r(i d verGunl)Q1r z1on iefrter Gt1('(IN ora you have been chosen brotherly united, AuS erlQSe~ , sie habCn sicl £ i to serve them all have found their way together EhreK FriCaC' 1n S6 NEM .7C« ge f ih within this higher self. *16 , y. 19Z0 C~tot9, E6rehfriev Arnim 7.11.1.Q0 G.A .L.

Thoughts on Georg von Arnim in the name of many, many children Ernst-Dieter Berthold hinking back over many years of accompanying How often one witnessed a child, unable to contend Georg von Arnim along a stretch of common with its unwilling body in a wheelchair, or a child who, pathway,T it is not just the many special and important in addition to its handicap became seriously ill, looking events experienced together which come to mind ; nor up from its wheelchair or sick-bed with confidence, just the sovereignty of his abilities in medicine and knowing : when Georg is here it will be alright. curative education, which could amaze one again and Also in the difficult phases of growing up and becoming again . But it is particularly the multitude of children that perhaps conscious of their own handicap and destiny, it gathers before my inner eye: the children whose needs was Georg who knew them so wel I and, through knowing and troubles Georg attended to during his long service them, could encourage perseverance and self-confidence. as doctor and principal of Föhrenbühl, and the many Because all these children, and those who have in the others he helped along the way . meantime grown up, are not able to describe their As the father of a severely handicapped child who experiences themselves, I would like to say on their behalf visited the school in Föhrenbühl I could experience from that they probably often experienced 'their Georg' as a close at hand how deeply Georg was trusted by the 'Christophorus', a Christ-bearer, who carried them safely children, many of whom had severe and manifold with inner strength and knowing love through even the handicaps. It was trust of a very special nature that he wildest waves of their handicap . was able to evoke i n each new case . Translation, Richard Steel

8 Towards Social Threefoldness Dr. Georg von Arnim's engagement for a social renewal Christof-Andreas Lindenberg, Beaver Run, USA

n the following, I will attempt a brief description of The Action : the stretch of ti me i n the seventies when a movement- Whatfollows can be described in a few lines, in captions wide effort was made towards ordering the social life, if you like, but captivating captions, of the further story and will particularly focus on Georg von Arnim's path . of social threefoldness . These are the years not written about ; we had no Georg and Carlo worked in close co-operation on embracing periodical between 1972 and 1975 . furthering interest in the topic of 'threefolding', but without any organ for the wider participation of Prelude Camphill's far-spread regions . When looking back one is aware of what some Our preoccupation with the 'Three Pillars' of the anthroposophical friends describe as a miracle, referring Camphill Movement suggested by Karl König in the to the time of strength-filled will to continue the Camphi green booklet has certainly given basic substance for work immediately after Dr . Königs death . This miracle an orientation in Camphill 'in-house' threefoldness . seemed at first unquestioned, but by 1968, in the course Camphill was to make another step . of two years, the inner cohesion of the Camphill At a Sector Convention of the Community at Movement in its regions underwent the actual test . Föhrenbühl, Easter 1973, the importance of Rudolf Differing views arose among the regional chairmen . Steiner's ideas on social threefoldness came to the fore, In a Camphill Movement meeting at Easter 1968, held now mainly in the search for a common denominator of in the Hall at Murtle, Scotland, an intense conversation contact between the Camph i I I centers . on leadership questions took place . Into this forum Georg I n USA, at a 'wardens' meeting i n Beaver Run, May offered a somewhat surprising view, in that leadership 1973, suggestions for a differentiated grouping in the in Community, as it was practised up to recent times realm of social threefoldness were discussed and shared should give way to new forms . He concluded his with the movement. contribution : Fundamentally speaking, the very secret In July 1973 Georg, in a preparatory letter, called for a of leadership is expressed in that no-one needs to state meeting to take place in autumn of that year. In the letter how anything (any issue) must be dealt with, but rather the challenge of turning to the forming of threefoldness that one would know how to create the space in which groups was already clearly stated . it will become apparent how the issue-in-question itself In October a gathering, referred to as 'The Föhrenbühl wants to develop . Indeed, it is a question of life, we Impulse Meeting' took place in Centre Paedagogique cannot know ahead of time what is coming into being Curative, St . Prex . In that meeting Georg, Alix Roth as, in the same way, we cannot foretell exactly how a and Carlo were asked to establish three working groups plant will develop! It (the issue) needs a space to unfold. in the social sphere of Camphill, and the social- This attitude has very much to do with the fundamental threefold membering stood before us most clearly! The principle of leadership . meeting lasted two days, 7th & 8th October, and was Here Georg was truly wrestling for something new, confirmed i n its intentions by a Festival of Offering on while other friends were seeking for a different kind of October 9th, 1973 . leadership, and he seemed to be alone . This reference Friday 19th October 1973, Dr. Hans Heinrich Engel, to how a plant grows now became a feature in his own who had been central in the St . Prex meeting and who soul experience, and he continued to talk on such lines had gone to Beitenwil to help Johanna and Hans with friends from around the movement. It became clear Spalinger in the newly acquired Humanus Haus, fell to him that Rudolf Steiner's idea of social threefoldness down a lift shaft. After ten days lying in a coma this had not been a sufficiently practised principle in the accident proved fatal ; Hans Heinrich died on 30th different Camphill regions, despite Karl Königs efforts October. in the last years of his life, and attempts in some places . November 1973 : Georg, Alix and Carlo asked some As co-editor of Camphill Brief, the German-French other friends to form the crystallization points for the periodical, 1965-1970, Georg could let a number of new groups . Now Henning Hansmann and I were to articles flow into this publication, but he only hinted at work in this sense with Georg in the inter-regional Free social threefoldness here and there ; so it was also for Spiritual Life working group. Even over the distance his co-editor Hans Spalinger. Both The Cresset, Journal between Camphill, Scotland and Föhrenbühl, one could of the Camphill Movement 1954-1972 and Das sense the vital intensity with which Georg set to work to Seelenpflegebedürftige Kind, a German Curative find the right tasks for this new activity: awareness for Educational Journal, 1955-1971, had ceased pub- the curative educational seminar in the centers, for any lication, too . As a platform for curative educational conferences taking place internationally, and gathering research these periodicals did not provide the place for reports on the way college meetings were held in the a discussion on threefold social renewal as it lived in different centers . (The latter account, highly interesting, the minds of Georg and . Looking at the can be sent on request .) Georg writes, time of 17 years up to 1971 /72, a period which these The content of the activities of the three groups shall two journals covered, it clearly seems to be an epoch of be the practical needs, requirements and perhaps establishment and expansion of the Camphill and successes of the work in the individual centers . curative movements . Through sharing and working on such problems the different Camphill places could unite even more all events, not a physical body. To reach an un- concretely in a threefold manner. At the same time it derstanding of the 'members' of a social organism, can be hoped that this threefold effort could also mean seems to me to be a task of great importance. For in something for the world. the sense that human beings and plants, in their Still in November 1973, Social Correspondence - different ways, unite within themselves various levels Camphill Community appeared in seven installments . of existence or layers, in fact the so-called 'members', Edited by Carlo this round letter of the Economic Sphere so will this have to hold true for the social organism, represented perhaps the most far-reaching forum for the which is an 'organic being .' Otherwise it could not be Camphill Movement's financial and fiscal concerns . No a self-contained organism . One must only understand such organ was in place for the Rights-Sphere or the that the word 'organic' is used figuratively, not in its Free Spiritual Life Sphere in Camphill . material sense. 1974 : 25 people had joined the Free Spiritual Life From 1975 onwards an explosion of meetings and working group, among them Margarit Bloomkamp, conferences took place in many regions and places of Renate Sachs and Charles McWilliam . At a further Camphi I I, all aflame on the subject of the threefold social meeting of the group, Georg suggested a monthly letter ordering or, as we say in America, on 'threefolding .' By to be circulated by friends active in the Free Spiritual Georgs suggestion many friends had read four Life Sphere . Louisa van der Meulen began, others fundamental lectures of R . Steiner and it may be good followed and then something else happened . . . to list them here : 25 January 1919 (G .A.188), 22 March Talk of a Camphill newspaper, initiated by Alix Roth, 1919 (G .A. 190), 23 April 1919 (G .A. 192) and 3 May led to the appearance of Camphill Correspondence by 1919 (G .A . 330), as well as Karl Königs Easter cycle, January 1975 ; this new monthly periodical was edited The Threefold Structure of the Social Organism, 2-30 by Richard Poole. It had on its first issue a subtitle, March 1964 in Föhrenbühl and Brachenreuthe (Uber 'Healing through Communication', a central concern die Dreigliederung des sozialen Organismus, 5 Vorträge) . of Georgs . As it was Georgs turn for the monthly letter Epilogue: he wrote instead the first fundamental article on social threefoldness for Camphill Correspondence (February Once, in 1964, Dr. König intimated to the Camphill 1975 : Natural and Social Threefoldness) of which the Community a background thought that can be imagined last paragraph brings back the plant motif living in to stand behind the three spheres : Georgs soul : For the Economic Life - the earth Contrary to the plant, the social organism has no For the Sphere of Rights - language immediately recognizable physical form . What shows For the Free Spiritual Life - the dead itself here and there as a physical manifestation of a It was the latter that prompted me to write of Georg and social existence, cannot be seen as the physical body his standing for the Free Spiritual Life of our Community . of the social organism, in the sense that human beings I am sure to say that he is helping us to find a new level and plants have their perceptible physical body. The of communication and of course one that includes the lowest member of the being of a social organism is, at dead in our social endeavor . *** ention the name of Georg von Arnim, and for most Another essential task Georg accomplished must be of us who know him, 'the House of Childhood, mentioned . It involved the strengthening of the 'DasM Haus der Kindheit' will stand before our soul . As a collaboration between Camphill and the work of the physical landmark nothing equals what this building Vorstand of the Anthroposophical Society, and the brings to expression in terms of Georgs accomplishments Medical Section at the Goetheanum in Switzerland . It and attitude as a physician, faithful servant to humanity substantially strengthened the common base of our work and pupil of Rudolf Steiner's Anthroposophy . Designed in the field of curative education, giving a firm footing to aid movement-impaired children afflicted with mental to the evolving Camphill Seminar in Curative Education disability, this majestic schoolhouse of the Heimschule in Middle Europe . In summary, it aided in the second Föhrenbühl speaks for itself. It overlooks the Lake of half of the last century, the coming about of the Constance from the south side of the same mountain on International Camphill Seminar for Curative Education whose peak stands the castle of Hei I igenberg. All of its and Social Therapy and the evolving work of Camphill classrooms are wheelchair accessible, situated as they in other countries . are around an ascending spiral passageway that leads up Limitation to travel due to war injuries, did not to the central auditorium . Through this, the progress from impede Georgs active engagement in the worldwide class to class as a reality of evolution, has a potential to work for Anthroposophy and of the Camphill become a tangible experience for the children . Movement in the second half of the last century, and Föhrenbühl was Georgs central place of work . His love that of the Camphill Community as an expression of and concern for each child thatcameto Föhrenbühl stood the spiritual manifestation of Anthroposophy through very much in the centre of his work as a physician . The community building . same is true for the anthroposophical work in curative Those of us who were involved in the building up of education and the establishment of the Camphill Camphill's work in the USA in these years, are very aware Movement in Middle Europe, that took place together of the strength, inspiration and support we received for with that of Heimschule Brachenreuthe and the other our work from our friends in Europe, for which we owe Camphill places around the Lake of Constance and in thanks-especially to Georg . Switzerland . Georg, together with Erika von Arnim, played From the friends in America . a leading role in this . Hartmut von Jeetze, Kimberton Hills, Philadelphia, USA

10 Hands In remembrance of Georg von Arnim Michael Schnell

t must have been the end of the 40's in . My appointment .' Then I saw the tall man with his manner parents had just moved with us four children into the of movement and impressive eyes that drew one's three more or less undamaged cellar rooms under the attention, although they could be instantly accepted ruins that the war had left of the villa belonging to the because they were neither affective nor assertive; then Waldorf School at Spittlerstrasse Nr . 10 . For my ninth came the collision-and finally the reading of the birthday I had received various apparatus for open hand . . . movement : roller skates, stilts and a scooter . Great The first time I told about this experience was during enthusiasm sped me daily over the pockmarked tarmac the remembrance evening for Georg . A few days later that had only just been freed from the mounds of debris ; Richard gave me this verse by Rudolf Meyer, the priest or over the cracked pavement slabs that see-sawed this of from Stuttgart, who had held way and that . . the funeral service for Dr. König and was a good friend Then it happened : A young man of noble appearance of Georg. He had visited Föhrenbühl a number of times had stepped out of the wrought-iron garden gates of and sent this on the 12t h June 1969 for the foundation Spittlerstrasse Nr. 6. I could not brake in time with my stone of the schoolhouse, which was very much Georgs skates; the crash was unavoidable . project: Inwardly I was already prepared for an avalanche of verbal correctives from the unfortunate subject of my Hands careless collision-but nothing of the sort took place . Instead the young man studied me closely with his large Beckoning hands, in times of strife and straying eyes, took my hand in his and investigated it with Giving wandering brothers shining goals- interest, nodded his head, turned and went his way Guiding hands, unfolding destinies steering without losing a word . With steadfast sureness and wisdom of the stars. This experience made a deep impression, but slipped out of my conscious memory. Healing hands, enlivening their daily deed 30 years later I moved to Föhrenbühl . There one of the With the caring warmth of offering- most important elements of life for me, as for many Praying hands, calling to hearts in need; others, was the way in which Georg led the children's That they find powers transforming . clinics, Kinderbesprechung, and the College Meetings, Kinderkonferenz . The child to be turned to was Blessing hands, where could you so fully receive personally present at the beginning of each clinic . On to freely sow in the darkness the holy seed? each occasion one could observe how Georg, as if Bloodily hanging on the cross of the earth incidentally, interrupted his discourse to take the child's We strengthened for any redeeming deed. hand in his, studying its forms, its tone and mobility and following the lines on the opened palm, as if it was an open book. I never experienced an exchange about these Beckoning, guiding, healing, praying and blessing observations, although one always wondered what riddle hands-that is what Georg had . He never lifted himself had been solved. into the foreground, but when he lifted children's hands, Nevertheless the conversation often took an un- he took them up i n every sense-he lifted them, took expected direction after the hand had been returned them up as study material and took them upon himself . and the child had left the circle: for instance, it was In these three ways they could reveal something of their then a matter of the karmic significance of cerebral palsy owner's past, present and future . Georgs interest for them or of the intimations of destiny to be discerned by the was a continuous lifeline . fact that an individual chooses to incarnate into a body with Downs Syndrome . Hände It was always a strange sensation that touched me when I observed Georg in his study of children's hands ; I could Weisende Hände, die ihr in Drangsal und Irrung not say at first what it was that moved me . Pilgernden Brüdern die leuchtenden Ziele schenkt . Later the mystery revealed itself whilst driving to Ordnende Hände, die ihr des Schicksals Entwirrung Stuttgart together. I had told of my impressions of the Sicheren Waltens nach Sternengesetzen lenkt. post-war years in the Spittlerstrasse, when Georg disclosed that he had often been in the same street, Heilende Hände, die ihr die tägliche Handlung possibly at the same time . After medical studies he had Zart mit der pflegenden Wärme des Opfers beseelt . spent some time with paediatrician, Dr . Leube in Betende Hände, die ihr die Macht der Verwandlung Spittlerstrasse 6. Ruft auf die Herzen herab, die das Wegziel verfehlt . Suddenly I saw the scene vividly before me : the dark green yew tree in the front garden, the vertical iron fence Segnende Hände, wo habt ihr den Reichtum empfangen, posts and the white enamelled plaque to the right of the Frei zu verschwenden im Dunkel die heilige Saat? gate with the words : 'Dr . med . Gisela Leube Da wir verblutend am Kreuze der Erde gehangen, Pediatrician Surgery hours daily 2-5 p .m . or by Wurden wir mächtig zu jeder erlösenden Tat.


Georg-Ehrenfried von Arnim was born in Breslau, his earthly sheath beside my father, under the big oak Schlesien, in 1920 . His mother Elisabeth von Arnim tree, and the Rosecross filled us with its shining' . Georg spoke about the last days before birth as a struggle should have been the heir of Gross Marchwitz, but this between death and life . . . .but as the woods and gardens was also prevented by the loss of the estate with Silicia shone with gold and purple and the house was filled after the second world war. Georg, too, suffered from a with the scent of the last autumn roses, there lay, on a war injury for a long time . Sunday afternoon, a healthy little baby boy in the old The Order of the Knights of the Swan Fleece, Marchwitz cradle, greeting with a strong voice the world Schwanenvlies, had established Gross Marchwitz in which received him with its most beautiful gifts . How olden times, as witnessed by the foundations deep in great was the joy and thankfulness! the cellar. If they could speak, it would sound like this : Sunday, 26th of September 1920 - what a date! On What as seeds has ripened from the fruits, may it fall that day, the first Goetheanum was opened by Rudolf into the good ground of hearts because, up to the present Stei ner! time, spiritual-social values and needs are justified as At Easter 1921 Georgs father, Ehrenfried von Arnim, undiminished property that can never be lost . And Georg should have taken on the estate Gross Marchwitz but it von Arnim has carried this legacy as his innermost was not to be, because he died from a war injury in property into his work with the children at Camphill on April of that year. His grandfather had also died of a war the Bodensee . injury in 1918 and his mother would say, ' We buried Gunther Lehr, Camphill Liebenfels,

e in Föhrenbühl particularly Erika-would like to express our deepest thanks for the many letters, telephone calls and greetings that came after Georg had crossed the threshold . So many friends-also many parents andW former pupils-described in a very special way their impressions of Georgs personality and his contribution to Camphill and Anthroposophy. Richard Steel, on behalf of all in Förenbühl

Reminiscences A Tribute to Hans Spalinger, Georg von Arnim, Hans Müller-Wiedemann and Rudolf Bartsch Johannes M. Surkamp, Auchterarder, Scotland

yen in the twenties of my life I felt very young when A renewal of friendship always took place at the various arriving in Camphill in 1952 and experiencing the Camphill conferences. It was my privilege to be allowed commitmentE and single purpose of all the co-workers to accompany both HansMüller-Wiedemann and Georg there . Figures like Karl König, Alix Roth, Thomas and at their departing from the place of their earthly activity . Anke Weihs, Carlo and others, were beacons of light These events were steeped in beauty, harmony and and one felt tangibly the warmth connecting everyone meaning-altogether unforgettable . and the children . Only days before Georgs crossing of the threshold, The gathering for a joint house meeting in Camph ill dear Hans Spalinger was on the same journey. He was a House ended with Alix speaking the 'Our Father' in genius of deed' who, together with Johanna, had built Rudolf Steiner's rendering and then going round the up several places of curative educational and social- circle wishing each one a 'good night' by shaking hands . therapeutic work . My gaze goes back to the 1950s and Or gathering in the same library before the Bible Evening a conference in Newton Dee chapel where, to my and, after the usual time of preparation, all of us walking surprise, a worthy couple from Switzerland had joined solemnly across to the 'upper room', the chapel at us . It was our first and lasting encounter, which later Camphill Cottage, with the noisy crows overhead . was again and again renewed with joy. The 'college meetings' with Dr. König also left lasting Hans' commemoration evening was also the last impressions, as did the clinics . In the clinics, to which occasion that I met Rudolf Bartsch . He looked somewhat the young group parent was invited, there were other reserved and in retrospect I am inclined to think that he doctors besides Karl König ; among them, in the might have had a hunch that he would follow Georg respective years, Hans Müller-Wiedemann and Georg before long . It so happened that he crossed the threshold von Arnim . One felt one was taking part in a heavenly on the 3 rd of Hans Müller-Wiedemann's gathering of appointed beings who read the script departing . Who can fathom the meaning of the imprinted on each child sent into their present synchronicity of their births into the spiritual world? My incarnation . Astonishment and wonder were the last and lively impression of Rudolf wastheyearbefore, predominantfeelings when witnessing how their medical during the Camphill Community Convention, when he and spiritual faculties enabled them to translate the exhibited photos of his visit to Central Asia and displayed seemingly mundane into spiritual insights and impulses books of art from this region . One could also hear what to help and to heal . this visit meant for him . Rudolf could always be This was the aura when first meeting those I was later experienced as a sincere and idealistic personality with allowed to meet as friends, even brothers, in the realm a will to help . of the Camphill Community . With lively interest I His latest interests were directed to the East . May others followed their further paths of life which finally led them from the West join me in sending love to those friends to the Lake of Constance and the building up of the who have gone before us, as well as to those who admirable work at Föhrenbühl and Brachenreuthe . continue this work .

12 Hans Spalinger 15t" October 1915, Basle - 5t" November, Beitenwil Johanna Spalinger, Humanus-Haus, Beitenwil, Switzerland

ans was released from his illness on 5t" December, in the darkest time of the year, when the souls of theH dead are very close . Our seven children and myself were permitted to be present at this 'birth' into the spiritual world . This day, the time preceding it and the time which followed, were very special for everyone at Humanus Haus. After reading together for Hans for a whole week, the three days which followed his passing assumed a festive character ; the whole community experienced a warm brotherliness . During his last ten years Hans felt called to help children and adults in need of special care in Rumania . This worked out in an extraordinary way. At the age of 75, after withdrawing from all major responsibilities in the running of Humanus Haus, he took up this new task with the youthful forces of enthusiasm . In doing so, he responded inwardly to Karl Königs request to found new communities, new therapeutic villages, in Eastern Europe . Following our first visits to various Rumanian state institutions he wrote, at Michaelmas 1990 : The conditions in psychiatric institutions are beyond description. In one place for 300 infants with special needs there were only half the number of beds and six carers, no heating and no facilities for personal care. . . Therefore there is an urgent need to train people for such tasks, to kindle an understanding in the parents for their special children, to engender in the whole country a sensitivity for the lost human dignity and respect for each and every human being . Hans and I succeeded, with the help of some Rumanians who feel connected with anthroposophy, to build such 1985, 70 years old a community in Simeria . Initially we received energetic help from Camphill friends and other 'westerners' . The All the tasks Hans met in his life required a lot of courage . only foreigners living there today are Therese from I feel very privileged to have been able to share with Switzerland and Barbara, a weaver, from Germany. him all those challenges . He always knew when it was Many know that ten years' development brought time to take a new initiative . He never lost his trust in about a curative school with 230 children, a course in spiritual guidance, his untiring creativity, or his love for curative education, a small farm, aWaldorf school and people in difficult situations . He expected a lot from the a second hand shop . Unfortunately only about 60 people he worked with, yet he always got on well with people are able to live there . The others are collected people, found deep understanding in conversations, and daily by bus from various towns and villages . This was thus able to be truly helpful . means that it has been possible to establish only a Hans felt deeply connected with the Camphill rudimentary life-community in the Camphill sense : community impulse, although neither he nor I had lived Bible evenings and special celebrations are rare. or worked in a community previously. The friendships However, something is finally being done for the with Karl König and Hans Heinrich Engel were decisive dignity of these human beings . The settlements in on our way to Camphill . However, Hans went his own Simeria, the Casa Rozei in Urlati, and Corabia in path, the path of the consciousness soul . His life served Bucharest are recognized by the government . to create 'sheaths' to enable people to work with curative Hans experienced with great joy the beginning of a education and social therapy in a meaningful way . His new social therapeutic place in Simeria, initially with original wish to be involved in healing work, which lead eleven villagers, today with twenty . It was his deepest him to train as a curative eurythmist, was kept in the wish for Rumania . In November 1999 he wrote : background, with only a few years of professional life, To make this step into the unknown requires courage, so that new things could develop . He was involved, against a financial risk . However, we have done it, practically and spiritually, in Bussigny, St-Prex, Ittigen the child is born and has to find its own way. and Beitenwil, all of which he had initiated . He was Today the government pays a part of the running costs . also very keen to foster contacts with friends of the

13 for 52 years of harmonious living and working together . I n retrospect he describes, at the age of 80, the time of his final years : The one who is allowed to be still active in life at a later age, may be permitted to call the time left "Feierabend, literally 'evening before the feast'. Occasionally a great image of my life's 80 years appears before me. I am amazed by the multitude of places, experiences, activities and encounters; I am most impressed by the many children, young people and adults whom we were allowed to help a little, but who were actually our teachers. The stages of my activity as a curative teacher appear : Sonnenhof, Herrl iberg at the Lake ofZurich, the south of France at the foot of the Pyrenees, Lausanne, Bussigny near Lausanne, St-Prex, Geneva, Ittigen and finally Beitenwil . Looking back I can experience my past and ongoing connection with hundreds of people: those we cared for, theirparents and families, co-workers, colleagues, friends, officials and more . I can look back on lives and destinies of many who came to us 50 years ago, who lived with us for 30, 40 and some even for 50 years . I am overcome with gratitude. With the help of parents, friends and co- workers it was possible to start a few places which serve the education and care of people with special needs, in which we could apply the manifold possibilities of help springing out of anthroposophy, and where many lives changed because of the 1943, 28 years old coming together of human beings . Without the active help of co-workers, friends, of my wife, but also of Camphill Movement and with colleagues and friends in the authorities, these places could not have grown, curative education . He never tired of cultivating good not even Beitenwil. But the greatest help and human relationships with official representatives and guidance came from the spiritual world. From there authorities . we were accompanied by all those who had to leave His deep friendship with Hans Heinrich Engel us behind on earth . produced a lot of support and inspiration for our For 55 years I have been allowed to work with others medical, curative and therapeutic work . Profound in social therapy and curative education . A powerful conversations with him led us ever closer to the stream of love, warmth and goodwill always came Camphill impulse, with which we soon connected . towards us from those we tried to help . They helped After his death, we experienced his invisible help with and continue to help to create such life communities, the development of Humanus Haus . Because of the in particular. many visits of friends from Camphill, which were often Feierabend? From our secure and well funded places connected with seminar courses, and because of the we experience in the world around us the incredible many regional conferences encouraged by Georg von hardship and suffering ofpeople with special needs, Arnim, we enjoyed for many years being at the centre in particular in Eastern Europe . My 'retirement' gave of the places between those at the Lake of Constance me the opportunity to help in Romania, to build up and Lake Geneva . a home for children and young people with special In his last years there grew in Hans enormous gratitude needs . Again I was able to reckon with the help of towards all those who had helped him on his path of many friends and sponsors . Whenever I gratefully destiny, especially his 'villager' friends . To conclude, I look back on what has been possible, I truly would like to let him speak for himself and to thank him experience the end of my life as Feierabend.

Words of remembrance for Hans by Karl Kaltenbach nd in as much as the star of the sun is today a constant . They will become the never ceasing source reliable source of light, i n the same way good- for the future imagination of other worlds . Only those Aness and love will become a reliable moral part of can experience the shining of this star of the earth, the whole cosmos . The difference to the sun will be who are willing to see with the inner eye the works of that the sun is a fixed star, but the earth will continue wonder of good and loving people . Thinking of Hans to move i n a lively way through the cosmos . Never- Spalinger in this way, the deeds of love he did for the theless, it will be a firm point of orientation, because benefit of so many human beings shine encouragingly goodness and love will not perish, but will remain towards me already today.


Hans 'Vthy gro ~n -de~fp9 Wir sfeh'n trauerh~i t41 '&odi The greatness of your earthly day is now accomplished - Lsf ~~h cro IC~J ef ,, 9efc4sst, ~ le I7 lotlsf ö vcrtusf Night has disclosed the door into the hghtfilled realm of P /VtJ7/' c V r er ~ c+ks er~enschw(r zut«ck ; starry constellations . iaS• TQr 9Co ~1 ~ +lc/LL~n A mighty sound proclaiming your reception! c~ts 2teWt - /7«k , Jy hoffe"ven hLiuI tI11 d1eIL 9cStc'rne . wi rae,1 (~ie k/ie 1Z Remaining here in mourning we stand composed, yet - T°`'~'~ DCj~t ¢ r geL iiipuls e &K SfarkeS heavy still with earthly bonds. ~i,pfan9 Ilrci - rke . . . kHKoat (b)CL • w- i-i In hoping hearts the signs of all your spirit impulses shall *io .Io,1a1s -Ngns SpcLlhgcr- +s .ll,zcuo now work on. . . G.A,L,

ans Spal i nger, crossed the threshold on 5 .1 My thoughts often reach beyond my lifetime and I would H to change his field of activity from the earthly to wish to help people who are handicapped even better. the spiritual . Throughou this long life he was a pioneer The usual old people's homes are not my ideal, but in establishing curative homes in five different places in I imagine life communities which integrate all people Switzerland . according to theirpossibilities . For myself, I would wish He was a founder of Humanus Haus in 1973, where for independence as long as possible and to be he was a leading member until 1989 . Since 1990 his together with friends who offer time and empathy. main activity was as a co-founder of the village About his own death he said, community in Simeria, Romania . With increasing age I contemplate my passing more In the Humanus Haus News, Easter 2000, there are often, and sharing these thoughts with acquaintances interviews about questions of ageing, among them one and friends . Death is a transition from one condition with Hans Spal i nger. His words there may convey what into another. I am convinced of reincarnation, which moved him inwardly during the last months of his life. has belonged for a long time to my life philosophy . I He contemplated his old age, expressing first of all find it important to share concerns on the theme of thankfulness in regard to his destiny, both the positive old age. and the negative sides, Gunther Lehr, Camphill Liebenfels, Austria

Rudolf Ernst Bartsch 17'" May 1927-12'h December 2000 Richard Steel, Föhrenbühl, Germany udolf Bartsch moved to Föhrenbühl in 1968 to work this profession all his life, although it soon became clear with, and for, Georg von Arnim . He was one of the that it was not his task in life . many friends who accompanied Georg during the From 1947-50 he trained as ship's carpenter in a large autumn weeks of the year 2000, through the celebration dockyard in Hamburg before following his parents to S . of his 80th birthday and then his death . Rudolf was Germany, where he worked as a carpenter for various present at all times with his usual deep sincerity and companies in Allgäu and at the Lake of Constance. On faithfulness: a brother. Little more than a month later he the way south, however, an incident took place which followed Georg into the spiritual world . gave his biography a new direction and a new meaning ; Rudolf Ernst Bartsch was the youngest of three brothers he met in Stuttgart. who grew up in East Prussia, in Elbing near to Danzig . After a time at the priest's seminary of The Christian The father was president of Elbing Sailing Club and also Community, he went on to study education and became of the Chamber of Commerce . Many diverse cultures, a class teacher,1964-68, at the original Waldorf School, particularly of the Baltic countries, met at both these Uhlandshöhe, until destiny led him again to the Lake of levels . These two tasks, which both included training Constance . He arrived at a time of pioneering in young people, and additionally the large family trading Föhrenbühl and could set hand and heart to many business, gave ample opportunity for Rudolf to developments, including the building of the 'House of experience inter-cultural activities an early age . He could Childhood', the new schoolhouse with its Kaspar Hauser have followed in his father's footsteps, but just after his Hall . He had plenty of experience in building and took apprenticeship as tradesman the war called him to serve on the task of modelling the beautiful stage, in accordance his country. On 22nd of January 1945 Russian troops took with the ideas of Georg von Arnim and , with over Elbing and the next day Rudolf managed to escape whom he then kept up a lively contact. across the Baltic with his mother . The ship in front of Three new impulses arising out of anthroposophy them, filled with refugees, was sunk . His father had kindled a fire of enthusiasm in Rudolf and he carried them already moved south for health reasons and both brothers untiringly through the rest of his life : He made religious had died at the front. life his responsibility and cared for it at every level with After a few months in an English prisoner of war camp incredible faithfulness . Even just the week before his in Denmark he worked on a farm in N . Germany. He last visit to hospital he was still taking a religion lesson was enthusiastic about farming and kept contact with with 28 severely handicapped youngsters, without help .


He devoted all his strength to education and healing, in too much fuss about it and continued his journeys, ever which he always included the necessity of healing the further afield, to Kyrgyztan and Kazakhstan, which did earth . He guided two classes through nine years of school- however, cost him too much effort . Two short weeks were ing and taught in the upper school . One was touched by left during his last hospital visit to prepare for a journey the depth of the relationships which he was always able of another nature and to take leave of friends ; in pain to find with the children . He was as but with an inner calmness and cer- a teacher anything but conventio- tainty. nal-some said 'chaotic'-but nev- It was a frequent occurrence when ertheless all pupils loved him and a child was in distress, crying or love him still .They learnt much from unruly, that Rudolf would produce him-if not always reading and writ- something out of his pocket ; a ing-and were nourished by his en- photo, a verse, a toy from Poland or thusiasm . He experienced their hu- a bernstein from the Baltic . He gave manity, they experienced a brother . it and added a story to it . In his And he managed again and again hospital drawer he left a photo of to forgive his colleagues their adventurous days with his class in doubts, criticism and impatience . front of Strasbourg cathedral . Two He extended his classroom to take poems were with it: i n anyone who sought his brotherly 'Legacy' by Robert Hamerling, guidance, and he heard the call of which he had often spoken with his so many in need . This points to his pupils : third impulse : his love for the East. Long before the Iron Curtain fell, I love the flame, element of Rudolf helped with many anthro- radiance posophical initiatives : first of all in . . .spirit shall blaze, Poland and the G .D.R . He made soul shall expand, contacts in many countries, visited heart's waves shall roar and homes, hospitals, state schools, sound on, found partners for assistance and body shall rest calm. opened ears and hearts for new ways in care work and education . He went to Czechoslovakia, Hun- Fasching 1976 with children from his class The other was 'Lament of the gary and Russia, spoke to profes- migration bird' by Dshingis sors, government officials and Aitmatov, whose son Rudolf had farmers, showed slides of Föh- visited in April 2000 in Bishkek : renbühl, the Goetheanum and Botton Village, gave away books We fly, swing ourselves and anything else he could carry . I higher and higher, remember visits to Olga Havel and • . . I pray you Man and Gods: to world-famous musicians . . . And Realize what you do, after 'retiring' he spent most of his That you don't destroy the time in the Baltic region, includ- Earth in negligence ing Petersburg, also Svetlana and • . . But nevertheless, yes in the East of the former USSR . nevertheless : Rudolf wasoneof thepioneersand May heaven protect you driving forces of the East European from grief that no-one more Conferences for educational and could bear. healing professions-including of course the farmers!-that have Then one more photo of a Swan- taken place in a different Baltic altar, near Liegnitz in Silesia, which country each year since 1992 . In a he had visited many years ago . He letter of preparation he wrote : 'My had shown me this during my last encounter with Herbert Hahn in visit and asked, 'Do you know what 1950, being his colleague as a class this is?That'swherethe East metthe teacher in Stuttgart and the con- middle-European spirit.' versations after the Sunday Serv- Rudolf chose an early morning ices-this became my guideline In 1998 with Michaela Glöckler hour on the 12th of December to for the East .' pass unnoticed over the threshhold . And he made many a sacrifice on his way, taking little The remembrance evening in Föhrenbühl brought many heed of his own diminishing health . After months of friends together and many former pupils . Of course a preparation work, sleeping in cold offices, he signed a stream of greetings came from the East . It was a special letter to Dr. Ossopofsky, 'your camp-bed companion that evening, lightened by humour. At the graveyard in Heil- time in Gdynia .' igenberg, where a month before he had stood at Georgs In the last two years, Rudolf never recovered com- burial service in golden sunshine, now for Rudolfs de- pletely from a number of operations . He did not make parture one had to acknowledge : it was sailing weather!

16 A role for Camphill in the cities Jonathan Knight and Ann Hutchinson, St Paul's Steiner Project, Islington, London

aving had a limited connection with the Camphill And likewise, adolescents and adults gain so much from Communities, we read with interest the report from the spirit of the children . We have created a small theIj Scottish conference in your last edition which picture of the whole of society engaged in life's discussed the need to make new connections with the transformative process . world to bring the work into the 215' century . We were Over the past eight years we have gradually renovated also fascinated with the review of the Mourne Grange part of the inside of St Paul's and now have two booklets on the crafts, etheric forces and temperaments kindergartens, four school classes, an organic vegetarian and believe that there is a need for the wealth of cafe/shop, and rudimentary workshops for leaded light pedagogical and therapeutic knowledge that has been windows, metalwork, stone carving and woodwork, all gained in the Camphill Movement to be offered in the on the ground floor of the building. From necessity the cities. As an example we would like to describe the needs roof has been left with plastic sheets and roofing felt to and opportunities currently emerging at St Paul's Steiner keep out most of the wind and rain! Project which is an educational centre for all ages based We have a small number of building apprentices in Islington, London . who work on a daily basis on the building and the At first glance St Paul's might seem to confirm the view demand is such that we could be occupied full-time of many anthroposophists that any location in the city in providing practical work experience to students is far from the ideal, lying as it does on a major crossroads from local secondary schools . Through this work we and the building itself requiring £1 .5 million to be spent have built up a relationship with the local community on it. The enormity of the task, however, has demanded where we find there is an increasing recognition of a fresh approach both to the stated aims of St Paul's, the value of craftwork both by the educational which had started life as a 'normal' school project, and authorities and social welfare agencies . Many to the way in which we approached the problems of its agencies have approached us with regard to working location and the scarcity of resources . In particular it with particular individuals who may have difficulties has been found that the evident problems have also in relating with the world . Hasan came to work with harboured many virtues . us six months ago speaking little Turkish and no Our location on a major crossroads and our name St English, having been 'hidden' away by his family, out Paul's have both served as reminders that the project of shame . He is now speaking some English and cannot exist as an island but must provide an opportunity delighted us all by taking part in the Shepherds Play for all those passing by who feel inspired to join us . The this Christmas . Currently we are having discussions crossroads has provided a wonderful position for with regard to setting up a programme of work for advertising our existence and we have recently used it adolescents who have been excluded from school . to locate our cafe/shop which has become a very public Apart from our need for a new Class 1 teacher next Steiner window. year our current needs at St Paul's fall into 3 categories : Lack of funding and the need for expansion in years to Craft training expertise . Our input so far has been come has also meant that we have needed to somewhat amateur and we feel that there is an acknowledge the immediate needs of the area, which opportunity for people with experience of teaching are mainly concerned with adolescents on the adjoining craftwork from a Steiner base and of developing fundable housing estate who have created considerable havoc in programmes in conjunction with local agencies . the area including to St Paul's itself which was regularly Cafe/shop Manager. We are currently looking for a broken into and even set on fire in the early days . This replacement for David Sheffield, our first cafe manager, work can attract public support and funding and who is returning to Canada in April . Since its opening together with our own need to carry out large scale in July, he has built up a very successful enterprise building activities at minimal cost, has lead us to staffed by volunteers, which offers training and which develop the aim of St Pauls to be an educational centre sells delicious vegetarian organic food and craft for all ages . Every activity is seen as an opportunity for products, including those from Delrow and Botton This education and spiritual growth, be it parenting, the is a beautiful haven and is a very prominent shop normal school classes, making windows for the church, window for both the project and anthroposophy in carpentry or cooking in the cafe. Having done this out general . of necessity we can now see the benefits to both Health clinic. Adjacent to the cafe/shop, which will children and adults . The children, who learn so much double up as a very appropriate waiting room, we aim through imitation and the experience of their to convert an area into a health clinic where anth- environment, gain much from seeing their parents and roposophical therapies can be offered. We need input others of all ages engaged in the transformation process of every kind for this new venture . of this beautiful building . Contact telephone number : 0207-226-4454 The Youth Guidance Seminar will begin its sixth run in 2001 . An induction session will take place at William Morris House from Wednesday 30th May to Saturday 2nd June 2001 . The seminar will be in association with the Parcival Forum and each future session will include open workshops . For the Youth Guidance Faculty: Brigitte van Rooy, Friedwart Bock, Vincent Reynolds, Michael Luxford


News from Sadhana Village adhanaVillage is a small community of approximately as well as for the future . They have another house across twenty-one souls, including about sixteen with the road, which needs renovation and furnishing, and developmentalS disabilities, who share life, work, devotion which will allow them to admit more persons with and leisure in two family households . It is set in a beautiful disabilities in the near future The needs for residential rural landscape, about 30 kilometers from Pune . settings are great and growing! Sadhana was founded in 1995 byVasant Deshpande, In order to become economically viable, Sadhana is whose quest for a place where persons with disabilities embarking on a pilot project to produce quality hard could find a life of purpose and dignity, had led him to cheese with milk from local farms . The know-how for Camphill Village, Copake NY this project is being provided by the cheese-maker from He spent three months in Copake, and later sent one Copake, but Sadhana will have to build a special air- of his students, Medha Tengshe for a one-year training . conditioned room and purchase the necessary Sadhana is inspired by Camphill but is very much rooted equipment to make cheese in a hygienic manner. There in Indian culture and religion . is a growing market for good cheese in India's larger Right from its inception, Sadhana Village has also cities, and we hope that the income from the cheese engaged in rural development work, which includes could help support the community . This project would 19 villages in the surrounding area, involving an also provide meaningful work for some of Sadhana's education program for the rural women, dam residents, and indirectly contribute to the socio- construction for water control, investment in water economic conditions of the rural villages involved . buffaloes for local village people and cooperative work Several coworkers from CamphiII have visited with local colleges - all of this contributing to rural Sadhana Village and have expressed their admiration renewal in the area . forthe dedication and courage ofthis little community. As there is no government funding for people with Sadhana Village near Pune: Contact person: Vasant disabilities, Sadhana needs to find ways of building up Deshpande, 1, PriyankitApts . Lokmanya Colony, opp. its infrastructure as well as developing some projects Vanaz, Kothrud, Pune 411038. Tel. 91(0)20 538 0792 that can generate income for the present population e-mail: sadhvill@pn2h vsnI. net in or: pusadhana wsnI.corn

Holiday under the Tuscan sun Lucas Weihs, Arobaleno, Italy Ever dreamt of spending a holiday on top of a hill with Tuscan cuisine are also available at very reasonable stunning views of the rolling hills of Tuscany, savouring prices if required . the peace and quiet of a country olive oil farm as well Situated in the country on top of a hill near Cortona, as the local Tuscan cuisine? Needn't be a dream Arcobaleno is ideal for holiday makers seeking peace Tuscany has been a favourite recreation place for many and quiet and absolutely unsuitable for youngsters people from all over the world for many years now and looking for roudy entertainment . Many previous guests undisputedly receives more international visitors than have taken a deckchair and a book and spent days any other region in Italy. In fact many decide to return directly in front of the farm reading, thinking and for longer stays and again Tuscany boasts more enjoying the marvellous views and closeness to nature . international residents every year. Chianti, one of the There are no other houses nearby and ample op- famous wine growing areas in Tuscany near Siena is often portunities for walking or trekking on the hills behind referred to as Chiantishire because of the many British the farm . Ideal if you arrive by car because of the residents! Numerous interesting and amusing books remoteness, the nearest bus stop is nevertheless only have been written by some of the international residents one kilometer down the hill . Cortona itself is a small living in Italy and if you want to get a feel for living in town with etruscan history and museums only five Italy, "Under theTuscan Sun" by Frances Mayes or "Italian kilometers away and day trips possible by car or train to Neighbours" byTim Parks will provide very entertaining places such as Florence, Siena, San Giminagno, Perugia, detail about the country and its people . Also, there is a Arezzo and the wine growing areas of Chianti, wonderful picture-book of Tuscany with stunning scenic Montepulciano and Montalcino . Rome, Pisa, Lucca photographs by Paulo Busato called "del Paesaggio and Gubbio are a little further, about two hours away . toscano", available in several languages . Arcobaleno apartments will cost around £250-£300 per If you want to experience the feel of Italy, the scenic week depending on season and on how many beds are beauty and culture of Tuscany in particular, Arcobaleno required, with special pricing for long-time stays out of is a small organic olive oil farm of about 12 acres of season for Camphillers (perhaps for part of a sabbatical) . land with around 400 terraced olive trees, a variety of fruit trees including cherry, fig, walnut, hazel nut and For more information or to make a reservation vines and has presently two small holiday apartments please contact: Lucas Weihs, Arcobaleno, San Pietro a that can accommodate a maximum of four in the Tuffa Cegl iolo CS 59,1-52044 Cortona AR . Toscana, ltalia . and two in the Limonaia Studio . Both apartments have Email: arcobaleno@)technet . it recently been restored and have their own kitchen for Homepage : o self-catering if desired . Fixed menu dinners of local Tel: 00 3 9 0575 612777

18 Bridge Building School

o develop and deepen the study of ecology and The School is open to all who wish to learn about economics together with a concept of spiritual ecology in practice, practice holistic thinking and be humanity,T in such a way that these three areas can work be part of an holistic initiative harmoniously together, is a serious challenge today . In 2001 we offer a series of short courses in What is the Bridge Building School? The Bridge Permaculture Design and Camphill living, in addition Building School is a new educational initiative which to our main five month course which is based on a will meet this challenge . practical building initiative offering an opportunity to What is the human being? What is the conflict work on an ecological building in the Camphill Village between technology and nature? What are the conflicts in Russia . These courses are all in Norwegian . within ourselves? In addition, we offer the following programs in Through lectures, discussions, practical and artistic English : July 16 . - 21 . Ecovillage and Permaculture exercises, projects and tours we will try to answer these Design Course questions . Using anthroposophy and ecology as tools This consists of six days intensive study with lectures, we will try to arrive at a holistic understanding, and discussions, videos, slides and practical exercises heal contradictions by building bridges between covering the following topics : Permaculture Intro- different realities. duction, Ecological Building Techniques, Organic Solutions to the social and ecological crisis of today Farming and Agriculture, Alternative Economics, cannot be found in ready-made recipes . We need to Design Systems, Spirituality and Society, The Global seek the dialogue which stimulates and liberates each Ecovillage Network, an outline of Anthroposophy and individual's imagination and creativity. In this way new of the Camphill Movement . The course is based on the connections develop ; which can carry a new internationally accepted Permaculture Design Course sustainable society into the new millennium . and various Ecovillage Design Courses which have At the Bridge Building School our education is based been taught within the framework of the Global largely on practical, craft-based and workable learning Ecovi I lage Network . The Design Course will be held methods, while at the same time we strive towards a in English . further and deeper understanding based on holistic ideas . International Work Camp, see announcement on page 21

Books Autism: A Holistic Approach certainly do not have any curative medical treatment . Bob Woodward and Marga Hogenboom Medications sometimes, but by no means always, Floris Books, 2000 ameliorate some secondary symptoms but none are Review by Dr. Lorna Wing known to affect the underlying autism . As both a professional and a parent I have learnt from his is a detailed account of the approach to autism experience that the way people with autism are based on the ideas of Rudolf Steiner. There is an approached by others and the way their environment Tintroduction by CoIwynTrevarthen, who is known for his is structured are crucial in improving their quality of work on the sense of 'self-with-others' present in typically life and diminishing disturbed behaviour . I do not developing infants from birth or even before, which has subscribe to anthroposophical theories but I am in obvious relevance to the content of this book . The authors complete agreement with almost all of the authors' begin with a discussion of the characteristics of autism, prescriptions for interacting with and organising the its possible causes and various treatments that have been lives of children and adults with autism . The essence suggested . The next section, on intervention, includes a of their approach is acceptance and respect for the fascinating account of Bob Woodward's therapeutic work individual and a gentle, unpressurised programme of with one boy of eight and another of f fifteen years of age . sensory, motor and practical activities aimed at In the third section, anthroposophical theories of the nature reducing the muddle and confusion that people with of human beings and the relevance of these ideas to autism autism experience every day of their lives . are outl i ned . The implications for the therapeutic approach My main point of disagreement is with the authors' to autism are described . The fourth section comprises emphasis on the anthroposophical view that people with translations from German of four articles by Dr Hans autism who need residential care should live with those, Müller-Wiedemann, who worked with children with with or without other disabilities, who do not have autism for over 30 years before he died in 1997 . autism-not in specialised schools or residential homes . My own interest in autism is twofold . I am a psychiatrist I am sure this works well with the dedicated staff and in working in the field of social and communication the peaceful and accepting atmosphere of a Camph i I I or disorders and I am also the parent of a daughter, now an other Steiner school or adult community . Sadly, in the adult in her forties, who has autism of the type described harsh realities of the outside world, too often the needs by Leo Kanner. My professional view of developmental of people with autism are in conflict with those of others disorders such as autism is that they are due to brain in schools or homes . The staff tend not to have the training dysfunction . The underlying problems will eventually be or the empathy to cope with the conflict . It is usually the understood in terms of anatomy, physiology and person with autism who loses out in such situations and biochemistry. However, at present, we do not know the their unhappiness is evident . For many, the only precise cause (or causes) of autistic disorders and we compromise that works is some form of specialised


provision . Perhaps, one day, things will be different . In As the African American prison campaigner ,quoted by the meantime, the rest of us have much to learn from the author, wrote, 'I see nothing harmful in proclaiming the teachings of Rudolf Steiner and Bob Woodward's a year of the child . . .But in truth such a proclamation, application of them to working with children with autism, no matter how nobly-intentioned, will have little real even if we cannot accept the theoretical basis of his impact on the wretched lives lived by billions of babies views . This book is an excellent introduction to the ideas who fight to draw breath on this planet . . . .lfthey survive, and the practice as they relate to autism . today's children will inherit a world their fathers and Dr. Lorna Wing is an internationally grandfathers have ravaged .' He goes on to list the familiar respected expert in the field of autism scourges of war, poverty disease but concludes with a situation nearer at home . 'Our children hunger for love. They have two-hundred dollar sneakers, video games, Endangered; your child in a hostile world computers . Some even have their own cars - the bright By Johann Christoph Arnold glittering detritus of two working parents . They have all the latest toys but no love .' Review by Martyn Rawson, Michael Hall School, Of course all parents love their children, unless they Forest Row, England are totally disturbed . Yet Arnold shows that real love he central message of this compelling book is that of means commitment, having values, having courage for the power of love . What is more, this is no the truth, accepting difficulties, understanding what sentimental,T hand wringing appeal to middle class children really need, not mere appeasement . He shows consciences about the plight of children in need in how love is an active thing that children need now, not remote parts of Africa or in the burning inner cities of later when we have time . This is a hard-hitting book but someone else's country. This book is about us, about not sensationalist . What comes over is the life-wisdom our society, our emotional, social and parental of a deeply practical, caring and hope-filled grandfather . incompetence, about our inability to see what children I recommend it with all my heart . really need . It tells of the practical, rather than the Endangered is published by Plough Publishing, order theoretical, power of love . through Freephone UK 0800 018 0799

Announcements and Co-Worker Needs Please help us to cover our costs for editing and printing with a suggested contribution of £15 per co-worker need/advert . Cheques can be sent to the Subscriptions Editor (address on back cover), made out to Camphill Correspondence. Thank you! The Editors .

The Camphill Rudolf Steiner Schools Aberdeen The Shelling School Camphill Community in Thornbury The Camphill Schools, which recently celebrated 60 years of offering is seeking new houseparents to join us for next school year at the end of curative education, is currently looking for houseparents and teachers . August2001 . We are looking for people who have real enthusiasm for the After this summer three households will need houseparents and two classes life and work in a Camphill Community. in the schools will require teachers . As we are already now needing to plan ahead, applications and enquiries We are looking for experienced Curative Educators tojoin our commu- will be welcomed as soon as possible. nity ideally on a traditional Camphill basis but may consider an employed Please contact: Mrs Silke Woodward, Shelling School, Park Lodge situation. Thornbury, S Glos. BS351 HW Within our community we have an established respite facility for chil- dren and young people and are looking for a newgroup of co-workers to St. Luke's Medical Centre take this innovative enterprise further forward . which is part of St. Luke's Trust, will have a vacancy in September for a If you are interested in joining Camphill Schools and becoming part of a newAdministrator. The team at St.Luke's includes doctors, nurse, thera- community seeking to meet the challenges of the 2 JS( century, please pists, administration, staff and co-workers of the on-site Camphill residen- contact us at the address below. tial community. Mrs Betty Porter, Camphill Rudolf Steiner Schools, Murtle House, The post ofAdministrator includes managing both the Medical Practice Bieldside Aberdeen, AB 15 9EP, tel : 01224 867935, fax: 01224 868420 or and the wider co-ordination of the work of the whole Trust . Interested e-mail: b.porter@)crss . org. uk applicants need to be flexible, have good organisational skills, some ex- perience of computers and financial management, the ability to work as Music Therapy Training in Beaver Run part of a team, - and a commitment to working out of anthroposophy. A Camphill Special Schools Beaver Run is to be the home of The sense of humour is always an invaluable asset! Dorion School of Music Therapy which begins this autumn . The For a detailed job description, application form or further information comprehensive 3 year training in music therapy will take place in please contactSheila Mapson atSt. Luke's Medical Centre, 53 Cainscross block intensives to allow people from far distances to participate . Road, Stroud, Glos . GL5 4EX tel: 01453 756737 fax : 01453 756573 An anthroposophical view of the human being, health and illness, NOVALIS a path of inner development as well as artistic exercise, music and Novalis' greatest poems are music therapeutic practice form the basis of the course . Christof-Andreas Lindenberg has a lifetime of experience in cura- reprinted byTemple Lodge, tive education andsocial therapy while Christina Porkert has expe- rience with cancer patients, general medical conditions and psy- in this classic translation by chiatry through her present position as music therapist at the Ita the Scottish romantic Wegmann Klinik in Arlesheim . They form the core faculty with two guest doctors and a eurythmist. See the article in Camphill Corre- George MacDonald, in spondence )an/Feb 2001 . celebration of Novalis' : Christof-Andreas For information or application write to 200th anniversary. Lindenberg, Camphill Special School, 1784 Fairview Road, I-; 1t1 n,tUnru* •I d v ;k!ITAiO Fn,hah4l Glenmore, PA 19343 USA


Phab Holiday and Conference Centre Newton Dee A hostel offering accommodation to groups of 10 to 21 people . a thriving urban/rural Camphill village community 15 minutes drive The centre is situated between the Mourne Mountains and the fish- from the centre of Aberdeen aims to create a secure and challenging ingport of Kilkeel, ten minutes drive away from the Camphill Commu- way of life for adults with learning disabilities and all who choose to nity Mourne Grange in an area of outstanding natural beauty. There is share their life with them . Our 180 acre farm provides the focus of an abundance of outdoor pursuit possibilities and places to visit . We work for those who are searching for the outdoor life whilst our many offer full conference facilities . The centre is fully wheelchair accessible . workshops-craft and service workshops-provide other possibilities Enquiries to: Tina Kenmuir, 31 Hawwod Way, Kilkeel, Co. Down for meaningful work . BT34 4BF, tel/fax: 028417 65896 In the coming year we will be searching for individuals or families e-mail: [email protected] who would be interested in joining us and sharing responsibilities in the following: • One of our households • In Francis House where we The Shelling School in Ringwood, Hampshire, England care for our more frail residents • Running our busy village cafe We are a well-established residential curative school for 50 special • Arranging day activities for our older residents who need help to children between the ages of 6 and 19 years . The school is part of find meaningful activities to replace their previously active lives. the Shelling Trust and is situated close to the New Forest and the There are often openings in our many craft or service type work shops . south coast. There is a WaldorfSchool on site. If you are interested and would like to know more please contact : We are looking for teachers and houseparents who can help us Reception Group, Newton Dee, Bieldside, Aberdeen, AB 15 90X . carry the Shelling School forward into 2001, our 50th Anniversary Tel. (01224) 868701 Fax. (01224) 869398 e-mail: [email protected] year, and beyond . Web site http:/www. newtondee. freewire. co. uk We are always looking for young people who want to support us in our work. We offer a Foundation Course to those who come for one The Larchfield Community needs House Parents year, and a three year Course in Curative Education to those who The Larchfield Community, a land based community of the Camphill want to work in this special field . Village Trust in the north-east of England is looking for a couple/family, For more details please ring: Heide Hoffmann on 01425 482406 or who are willing and able to take on the challenge of communal living, write to: Co-workerAppointments Group, Shelling School, Horton Road, enjoying the many facets of the task of caring, for people (some of Ringwood, Hampshire, BH24 2EB. Fax 01425 479536 them with special needs), the environment and the land. e-mail: sheilingco@aol,co m After 14 years of development, the Community is still expanding, need- ing co-workers with commitment and vision, to carry the unique possi- Camphill Milton Keynes Communities bilities of Larchfield into the future . a registered home for adults with learning disabilities, providing resi- Please contact: Reception Group, Larchfield Community, Stokesley dential care and garden/craft workshop activities, has vacancies for Road, Hemlington, Middlesbrough TS8 9DYTel . 01642 - 99342 Fax. Houseparents for a house of five residents and two co-workers . Duties 01642 - 595778 include household management, residents' care, and involvement in the Community's working and cultural life . This is a residential posi- International Work Camp 22. July - 5. August tion offering full board accommodation and personal expenses . see 'Bridge Building School on page 19 People interested in working alongside those with learning disabili- During the two weeks, participants will work in the usual branches of ties or experienced in residential care work, should write to The Sec- Solborg Camphill Village and on a special project in order to leave retary, Camphill Milton Keynes Communities, Japonica Lane, Willen some tangible evidence of their visit. Participants will also take part in Park South, Milton Keynes, Bucks MK15 9JY. the cultural life of Solborg, as far as language and logistics allow . The Exploratory visits welcome by arrangement . Further information : main language here is of course Norwegian, but many people speak 01908 235000 (fax/ansafone: 01908 235606) English or German . For more information contact: Jan Martin Bang, Brobyggerskolen, Camphill Minnesota Seeks Biodynamic Farmer Solborg, 3520Jevnaker, Norway, Tel: **4732132480, **4732133389, Camphill Village Minnesota is looking for a farmer for our 400-acre **4790589933, Fax: **4732132020, Email: [email protected] biodynamic farm in central Minnesota . The glacial moraine hills of our land are home to forest, prairie, river, and lowlands . Our 40 head Camphill Village Alpha, South Africa, needs co-workers of cattle are mainly beef, with a few dairy heifers if there is interest in Alpha' is a community of some 150 people, 93 of them with special future milking. Forage is grass-based with rotational grazing done in needs. With government cut backs, we increasingly rely on the pro- the summertime . The activities of the farm include use of biodynamic ceeds of our various enterprises. This is a challenging situation, which preparations, herd and field management-small gra ins, hay, pastures welcomes people with initiative . Visitor visas can be obtained for a and native prairie pasture-tree planting/forestry, machinery upkeep year, work permits for a 5 year period . and working with a crew of developmental) y disabled adults . We have Camphill Village 'Alpha' urgently needs houseparents for two of our a 4-acre vegetable garden with an opportunity for interested peo- larger households of 7-9 villagers . We also need to fill the presently ple-either as a responsible partner or as a hands-on experience . Our vacant position of manager for our bakery, which supplies the village village also includes a bakery, weavery, woodshop, do//shop and and delivers to nearby Cape Town . processing kitchen . Latest by September we will also need to fill the position of a farmer- Our thriving community of 60 people includes living with our dairy herd, Nguni beef herd, free-range pigs andchickens, andsome crops . developmentally disabled residents, celebration of festivals and the For more information please write to : Personal Forum, Camphill Vil- sharing and socializing that living with people brings . We work as lage, P.O. Box 1451 Dassenberg 7350 Fax: *27/21/5722238 E-Mail: volunteers, receiving our needs for living, medical care and vacation . [email protected] If you are interested, please contact: Trudy Pax Rt. 3 Box 249 Sauk Camphill Community Glencraig Centre, MN 56378 Tel. 320-732-6365 Fax 320-732-3204 e-mail: [email protected] is a community living and working with children, adolescents and adults with severe and mild learning disabilities, situated at the shores of Bel- The Grange, a striving rural Camphill Community fast Lough. is now looking for enthusiastic couples or families who would like to At present we are looking for a Therapist and for an Art join and support our Camphill way of life. Therapist to come and work with us, preferably also sharing our life in We are a community of about 80 adults, some with special needs, the community. The Therapists' Group works together closely with the and 13 children . Our work areas include woodwork, pottery, a small resident doctors. There is also the opportunity to teach in the Camphill farm with vegetable gardens, basketry, estate work, bakery and a de- Training Course. veloping seed workshop. For enquiries please contact: The Reception Group, Camphill Com- There is much to do and much to learn . If you feel you would like to munity Glencraig, Craigavad, Holywood, Co Down, Northern Ireland, accompany us for at least 2 years, please write to the Reception Group, Tel. 0044-(0)28-90425170 Fax. 0044-(0)28-90428199 e-mail: Grange Village, Newnharn-on-Severn, Gloucester GL 141JH . office

Self Catering Holiday Apartments BOOK ANNOUNCEMENT ;~.cobapeyo Old Tuscan biologically-run olive oil farm p eacefully PLEASE ORDER NOW L situated on a hilltop with stunning views and all amenities Male and Female: Developing Human Empathy close by, offers cofortable accmmodation, spectacular walks and excellent local Tuscan and international food . by Baruch Urieli Arcobaleno is perched on a neighbouring hill to Cortona, Once again I am writing a letter to all Camphill a famous old Etruscan town steeped in Italian history and Communities on behalf of The Mount, asking for your co-operation regarding Baruch's latest book, Male and well positioned to offer day excursions by car to many Female : Developing Human Empathy . This will be places of interest; for example, within ca . one hour you published by Temple Lodge and should be ready by May can reach : Florence, Siena, Perugia, Assisi, Arezzo and 2001 . We at The Mount were asked to undertake sales in within about two hours : Rome & Pisa . Additionally, the advance for 500 books . This means pre-orders with famous wine growing areas of Chianti, Montepulciano and payment to ensure the sale of the books . Montalcino are all within an hours' drive of Arcobaleno . Please let me know how many books you wish to order For further details, you can access our homepage in the Internet : on behalf of your community . The cost of 1 copy is o or e-mail or call me £8 .95 . 10 copies or more : £8 .00 per copy. There is no personally at following: Lucas Weites, San Pietro a Cegliolo CS extra charge for postage as we intend to use cheap transport . 59, 1-52044 Cortona AR Tuscany, Italy Thank you for your co-operation and with best wishes, e-mail: [email protected] tel: + 39 0575 612777 Gerda Blok, The Mount Camphill Community, ~Toseaa n9taQta The picture is a painting ofArcobaleno's of ive groves by Elizabeth C'ochrane . Faircrouch Lane, Wadhurst, East Sussex, TN5 6PT

%L ;w ‚.‚ tALiV Si1tP.'yF tl~ 'v Y_Al . ,ilXl -HibQrnia IiIUR\Ai (II 1W lNHIb I ' fQMhlt) 1 ,ttpVE,1ittVOt NlUt,ll~t,a I* ',LBat 'tm School of v ArtIstlc Therapy

An integrated training in art therapy Experience medical treatment in the context of based on a healing, social environment and in the beautiful An throposophy Worcester countryside . Orthodox and anthroposophical medicine are combined to provide the best residential and out- patient treatment for a wide range of conditions . Art, sculpture, eurythmy and massage are The Word HIb2rnt integral to residential treatment and available as December 2OOO-Fehruart 2001 Centre for Science and Art out-patient therapies . Lansdown, Stroud Individual financial discussions and funding Gloucestershire GL51 HF the Magazine of advice are offered. Perspectives, England Park Attwood Clinic The Christian Community Tel : (44) (0)1453 751685 Trim e - ewdley, Worcs DYJ2 1RE Issue : £3 .50, yearly subscription (4 issues) Fax : (44) (0)1453 757565 e 861444 Fax: 01299, 861375 £14 .00; Free trial copies on request from : e- ark attwood btanter Perspectives, 8 Spademill Road, Aberdeen Internet: http AB15 4XW, UK

The Dove Logo of the Camphill Movement is a symbol of the pure, spiritual principle which underlies the physical human form . Uniting soon after conception with the hereditary body, it lives on unimpaired in each human individual . It is the aim of the Camphill Movement to stand for this 'Image of Man' as expounded in Rudolf Steiner's work, so that contemporary knowledge of the human being may be enflamed by the power of love . Camphill Correspondence tries to facilitate this work through free exchange within and beyond the Camphill Movement. Therefore, the Staff of Mercury, the sign of communication which binds the parts of the organism into the whole, is combined with the Dove in the logo of Camphill Correspondence.

Peter Howe, Bayswater Road, West Jesmond, Editors : Maria Mountain (Subscriptions), Whitecliff, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, NE2 3HP Hall Grounds, Loftus, Saltburn, UK, TS13 4HJ Tel/Fax : (0191) 281 7861 Tel/Fax : (01287) 643 553 e-mail : peterh 1 @beeb .net e-mail : mariamountainCtotalise .co .u k Standard Rate for Subscription : £18 .00 per annum or £3 .00 per issue . Cheques to be made payable to Camphill Correspondence

Deadlines : Camphill Correspondence appears bi-monthly in January, March, May, July, September and November . Deadlines for ARTICLES are at the end of these months, for the following issue . ADVERTISEMENTS and SHORT ITEMS can come up to ten days later than this .

Lay-up by Christoph Hänni, Produced by Room for Design, Published by TWT Publications on behalf of the Camphill Movement