HOMER Book 1 7 Book 6 25 Book 9 41 Book 16 61 Book 18 68 Book 24 85

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HOMER Book 1 7 Book 6 25 Book 9 41 Book 16 61 Book 18 68 Book 24 85 Descendants of Troy Readings In Humanities Second Edition Edited by Sergio La Porta California State University - Fresno Bassim Hamadeh, CEO and Publisher Michael Simpson, Vice President of Acquisitions and Sales Jamie Giganti, Senior Managing Editor Miguel Macias, Graphic Designer David Miano, Senior Specialist Acquisitions Editor Natalie Lakosil, Licensing Manager Claire Yee, Interior Designer Copyright © 2016 by Cognella, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reprinted, reproduced, transmitted, or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying, microfi lming, and recording, or in any information retrieval system without the written permission of Cognella, Inc. First published in the United States of America in 2016 by Cognella, Inc. Trademark Notice: Product or corporate names may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identifi cation and explanation without intent to infringe. Cover image copyright © “Golden mask of Agamemnon,” https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/ File:Golden_mask_of_Agamemnon.jpg. Copyright in the Public Domain. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 978-1-62661-626-4 (pbk) / 978-1-62661-627-1 (br) Contents Introduction .................................................................. 1 SERGIO LA PORTA Iliad ............................................................................... 5 HOMER Book 1 7 Book 6 25 Book 9 41 Book 16 61 Book 18 68 Book 24 85 Th e Shield of Achilles ................................................ 111 W.H. AUDEN Odyssey ...................................................................... 115 HOMER Book 1 117 Book 2 129 Book 5 142 Book 10 149 Book 11 161 Book 21 181 Book 23 194 Book 24 201 Odysseus to Telemachus ............................................ 207 JOSEPH BRODSKY Ithaka ........................................................................ 209 C.P. CAVAFY Th e Trojan Women .................................................. 211 EURIPIDES Aeneid ....................................................................... 259 VIRGIL Book 1 261 Book 3 287 Book 4 302 Book 6 317 Th e Swan ...................................................................345 CHARLES BAUDELAIRE Metamorphoses ......................................................... 349 OVID Book 12 350 Book 13 360 Book 14 394 Inferno ....................................................................... 401 DANTE Canto 1 404 Canto 2 408 Canto 3 412 Canto 4 416 Canto 5 420 Canto 24 425 Canto 25 430 Canto 26 434 Canto 32 440 Canto 33 444 Canto 34 448 Introduction by Sergio La Porta Th is reader is intended to introduce the classical Western literary tradition to students who have had little or no exposure to it. It tries to balance a wide range of reading with the ability to enjoy a deep reading of each text. Th e selections included are large enough to give students an appreciation of the style and method of each author, yet manageable enough to be read in one semester. It is hoped that students will be motivated to read the full text of these works after reading these selections. When teaching survey courses in the past, I found that students had a diffi cult time adjusting to new characters, places, and historical contexts for each new work. Th e eff ort required to become familiar with foreign names and places blocked their ability to become comfortable with the material. Th erefore, I decided to focus the readings for this class on the Trojan War and its participants so that students can quickly assimilate a more limited number of names and places. Th e common references will also help attune students’ ears to literary resonances between texts. Beyond making these works more accessible, this reader also endeavors to illuminate their contem- porary relevance. Towards that end, selections of modern poetry have been included that underscore how artists continue to be inspired by these classical texts. Th ese modern poems also bring into relief important social and moral questions implicit in the earlier works. Th is strategy provides students a stimulating introduction to modern poetry, as well as fostering an understanding of intertextuality and the dynamics of literary creation. Th e selections begin with the Homeric epics and proceed chronologically, concluding with Dante’s Inferno. No prose texts have been included. Given the importance of poetry in the classical world and its underappreciation in modern American society, it seemed benefi cial to enhance students’ compre- hension of the poetic form. Th e selections from the Iliad are meant to challenge most students’ assumption that the work constitutes a record of the Trojan War as an historical event. Rather, the passages draw attention to the ‘personalities’ of the characters: the argument between Achilles and Agamemnon (bk. 1); the meeting of Glaucus and Diomedes and that of Hector with Andromache (bk. 6); the embassy of Odysseus to con- vince Achilles to re-enter the war (bk. 9); the death of Patroclus (bk. 16); and the embassy of Priam to beseech Achilles for his son’s corpse (bk. 24). Th ese passages should lead students to question what kind of hero Achilles represents, whether there is evidence of character development for Achilles, whether any act can be just during war, and why the Homeric position does not seem to present a triumphalist 1 Descendants of Troy: Readings in the Humanities FIG. 1.1 Map of the Mediterranean World narrative. In addition, the description of Achilles’ shield (bk. 18) is included in order that it may be compared with W.H. Auden’s “Th e Shield of Achilles.” Auden’s poem again evokes the questions of the eff ects of war on a society and whether Achilles can be considered a contemporary hero. Th e selections from the Odyssey similarly focus on those passages that help defi ne the characters rather than on the tales of Odysseus’s journey. Th ey include Telemachus’s situation at home (bks. 1 and 2); the introduction of Odysseus on Calypso’s island (bk. 5); Odysseus’s defeat of Circe and his stay on her island (bk. 10); Odysseus’s journey to the underworld (bk. 11); the contest of Penelope (bk. 21); Penelope’s recognition scene (bk. 23); and the fi nale in the underworld (bk. 24). Two modern poems have been selected to resonate with the Odyssey, C.P. Cavafy’s “Ithaka” and Joseph Brodsky’s “From Odysseus to Telemachus.” Cavafy’s “Ithaka” asks students to recast Odysseus’s journey home into a more personal journey through life. Brodsky’s poem teases out the tensions of Odysseus as (willingly?) absent father and thus relates the story of Telemachus and Odysseus to concerns of parenthood. Th e Homeric epics are followed by Euripides’s Th e Trojan Women, of which the entirety is reproduced here. Th is play provides the opportunity for students to delve deeper into the issue of the eff ects of war on its participants and on society from a perspective not often portrayed, that of the most marginalized element of ancient society, the captured woman. Th e play also invites a discussion of the role of tragedy in ancient Greek society and the role of the dramatist as a social critic. It further aff ords an occasion to show examples of the play’s modern dramatization either on stage or on fi lm. Th e reader then returns to the epic tradition with Virgil’s Aeneid, which allows for comparison with the Iliad and the Odyssey. Th e selections focus on Aeneas’ relationship with and treatment of Dido (bks. 1 and 4); Aeneas’ realization of his destiny in the scene of little Troy (bk. 3); and his descent to the underworld (bk. 6). Aeneas’ relationship with Dido, unlike Odysseus’s sexual conquests, raise the ques- tion of whether one’s social, historical duty should take precedence over personal responsibilities. Th e 2 episode in which Aeneas visits ‘little Troy’ reveals Aeneas’ realization that Troy cannot be reborn, but that he must establish a new city. Baudelaire’s “Th e Swan” is intended to be read alongside this episode from the Aeneid. It explores the burden of memory and loss on the self. Both Virgil and Baudelaire can open up discussion of current immigration issues, like trying to live a new life in America and the eff ects of past traumas on new immigrants. Th e fi nal selection from the Aeneid is Aeneas’ journey to the underworld (bk. 6), which permits further comparison with Odysseus and a discussion of the function of the underworld in both texts. Remaining in the Latin world, the reader then includes selections from bks. 13 and 14 of Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Th e emphasis in these passages is on Ovid as a subversive author and social critic. Th e selections underscore how he undermined the epic tradition and questioned the Roman political establishment through his literature. Ovid’s treatment of the Iliad once again raises the problem of the hero and the glorifi cation of war. By the time students’ have fi nished with the Metamorphoses, they will have become acquainted with poetics, intertextuality, and the function of the author as social critic. Th is will prepare them for the large leap from the literature of classical antiquity to Dante’s Inferno. Although the Inferno contains little direct reference to the Trojan War, the prior readings should still guide the students much as Virgil guides Dante. Th e selections from the Inferno do not concentrate on the punishments Dante enumer- ates, nor on the historical Florentine confl ict in which he was involved. Instead, they focus on literary
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