-'(■>■'. >7'V W-'i ‘-'i ' fc: --;- ■ ‘ V'-i- % . :-:fi*V' i I « TCTB WBAXBEB" r-^i' Fotecaat bj U. 8 . Weather BaeMi. NET PRESS RUN Hartford. a v e r a g e DAILV ClRCULATipN tor the lilait:* of Dmwmber; 1929. Bain or eleet poeelUy mixed wtttt Cong. State Library—Comp. enow and colder tonight and FH> 5.516 day. - - - . ■ M riiib cm ttf the Aa«llt Barean of t'ireulatiuuM PRICE THREE CENlg SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930. TWELVE PAGES (Glassified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV m NO. 85.

America’s “Peace” Envoys to London M F L Y E R Freak Weather Tales PURDON ASKED Naval Conference OUR NAVAL ENVOYS IS KILLED AS ' Ordinary, After All TO WORK OUT V iv ■YW START FOR LONDON S D W SCALE P I M FALLS New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )—a when the mercury rises weU into HUSBAND WONTC TAUS, the 50’s, pansies are frozen into ice Weather which is a trifle unseason­ SHE WANTS DIVOBCE. All Optimistic as to Snccesa with their colors immarred, worms able for January, and today, as the come to the surface as the frosi Department Expert Tells Chicago, Jan. 9.— (AP)—^Mrs. Was Trying to Land When warmest of the week, has led many leaves the ground and warmth Anna Hudecek doesn’t want a Of Conference— Robin­ persons to marvel at what seems starts the sap in pussy willow tips. husband who won’t talk, so she like freaks in nature. Angle worms Bee keepers dislike a warm spell ir Lobby Probers Hoover’s has filed suit to divorce Joseph. son Says If Arms Cut Can Machine Nose Dives and brought to the surface of lawns as winter as bees after flight wita She avers he hasn’t spoken a the frost left the ground, pansy snow on the, ground attack the win­ ci'vil word, or any other kind to blossoms coming into sight from ter store of honey forcing the keep­ Secretary Made Request; her in 12 years. Be Arranged It Will Mean Crashes Into Swamp; On imder patches of ice, swarms of ers to feed sugar syrup artificially bees flying about their hives and in the spring or lose their colonies. Also Spoke With Senators Way to Florida. pussy-willow trees tipping their Unless a check comes in weather, Start of a Permanent buds with white down all gave a hardy bulbs, especially tulips will be forcing themselves through the PRINCESS REVIEWS springlike tone to nature life. ■Washington, Jan. 9— (A P )—^R. L. ground. Today the temperature World Peace. Woodbine, Ga., Jan. 9.— (A P )-- But those who follow nature Purdon, sugar expert of the Com­ know, that bees usually leave their was well up in the 50’s in the south­ Neva Parish, flying to Florida from merce Department, told the Senate hives in winter during a warm spell ern towns of the state. BIG ARMY PARADE Hoboken, N. J„ Jan. 9.—(AP)— ■ Columbia, S. C., was killed near lobby committee today he had been Senators David A. Reed of Pennsyl­ here today in her plane that fell In­ asked by Walter Newton, one of ♦ vania, and Joseph T. Robinson of to the marshes on the Satilla river. President Hoover’s secretaries, to Arkansas, were the first members Witnesses said the woman af)par- try to work out a sliding scale for Future Queen of Italy Sees of the American delegation to tbe cntly was trying to land when the Blimp *s Graduating Class sugar duties in the pending tariff London Naval armament limitations plane went into a nose dive and biU. Pick of Military Units; conference to arrive here prepara­ crashed into tie muS, demolishing. Purdon said he understood several Takes First Chute Leap tory to sailing for England at 3 p. The body was taken from the government departments had been 300 Planes Maneuver. plane and brought here on a truck. asked by Newton to work, on a slid­ m. today. The two Senators came Papers on the body gave the identi­ Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, N.aboned stalwart bos’ns mate, turned ing scale, to ascertain if it was from New York where they had practicable. ty and indicated the aviatrix was J., Jan. 9.__(AP)—‘‘Professor’* Alva ' Lo his students nearest the hatch. Rome, Jan. 9— (A P )—More than spent the night flying for the Curtiss Flying Serv­ “Jump!” he ordered, Purdon added that he worked out Starr, who converts the Navy’s raw 22,000 men of arms, the pick of The delegation which came from ice, and had spent last night m They did. It was no easy task. several tiifferent sliding scale pro­ Weishington on a special train, and material into true sailors of the air, There was a time when the boys posals and Chairman Caraway of Italy’s military contingents passed Columbia, S. C. -•A headed by Secretary of the Navy' Miss Parrish has a brother-in-law, took his graduating class of nine took their first jumps from the wing the lobby committee, asked him in review today before the new Charles Francis Adams, arrived at C. E. Finley, at Great Neck, L. I., aloft today for a morning of jump- of an airplane—a time when a “pull- what became of them. Princess of Piedmont, Italy’s future the pier shortly before 2 o’clock. where she took off last week for her mg. off” was possible. All they had to do “I still have them,” he replied, as I queen, who until her marriage to Secretary Adams went Imme­ then was open the parachute and a laugh rose in the audience. ill-fated trip. The body was taken Under his supervision, nine youths Prince Humbert yesterday, was diately to his suite and declined to to Brunswick to be forwarded to who succeeded happily in their wait for the propeller’s blast to Passed On To Smoot issue a statement. Marie Jose of Belgium. Great Neck tonight. heroic efforts at nonchalance, step­ yank them off the wing. Purdon added that he understood Secretary of State Stimson and ped into the blimp J-3. They were This morning’s graduating exer­ his proposals had been transmitted The crown prince commanded his Mrs. Stimson arrived from New Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 9— (AP) outfitted in natty white coveralls, cise was a “freefall,” a maneuver to Chairman Smoot of the Senate 1^: own regiment, the 92nd Infantry, York shortly after the Washington __Neva Parrish, killed in an air and parachutes strapped to their which carried with it enough space finance committee through the from Turin made up principally of party reached the pier, completing crash at Woodbine, Ga., today, was backs were sufficient drags to steps of time between the leap ^md the White House. his own native Piedmontese. The the personnel of the delegation. regiment was well in the van. a saleswoman for the Curtiss Fly- of those who might be inclined to pleasant billowing of the parachute Later, he said, he was asked by Reed’s Statement inging organization and was en lag. ! to permit considerable thinking. Smoot to discuss the sliding scale The Kings, princesses, the suites Senator Reed said: route to Miami, Fla., to participate The last one aboard, and Lieuten­ The student jumped first, cleared with representatives of sugar inter­ and foreign attaches, all on horse­ “I am sure c . the ultimate success Here are the members of the “American peace expedition to Europe.” of the cause of the conference. There in the air me^t there next week. ant Wilfred Bushnell pointed the the blimp, pulled the rip cord, and ests in an attempt to work out a In the top row, left to right, are Dwight W. Morrow, Ambassador to Mex­ back made a brilliant spectacle. She was one of the winners in, is less ‘diplomacy’ exhibited in this nose of the egg-shaped bag upward then waited for the sharp jerk of satisfactory sugar tariff. ico; Senator David A. Reed, and General Charles G. Dawes, Ambassador Aerial Exhibition the Woman’s Cross-Continent Air in a steep climb. At three thousand his harness that told cf an open A sliding scale was considered by conference than any international to Great Britain. Center: Hugh S. Gibson, Ambassador to Belgium; Sec­ ’The climax of the review came in meeting heretofore.” Derby last year. feet he levelled off, and Starr, a raw parachute. Smoot, but the plan was dropped retary of State Henry L. Stimson, chairman; Rear Admiral Hilary P. an aerial funnel formation of 300 Senator Robinson said “it is my when opposition developed. Jones, retired. Bottom row; Admiral William V. Pratt, Senator Joseph airplanes brought from all Italy’s personal feeling that the test before Questioned about a “highly con­ T. Robinson, Secretary of the Navy Charles Francis Adams. racmiaspepkash4 J a fl..C .. 0,fl fidential” memorandum sent by Wil­ the conference is both important and air camps for the purpose. Slower difficult.” LLOYD GEORGE SITS liam H. Baldwin, New York pub­ machines gyrated on the smaller licity man, to Junior Owens, secre­ “If reduction in armament of NOTED DETECTIVE DIES; circles with those faster gradu^y navies of the world can be arrang­ tary of the American Bottlers of thus making up the outer circles, ed,” he continued, “ the result will be Carbonated Beverages, Purdon said iffiRE ARE HIGHUGHTS forming a conic figure, This is con- recognized as a start for a perma­ ON JUDGE’ S BENCH the information might have been most difficult sidered one of the nent world peace, it would be de­ obtained from him. BEUEVED A PATROLMAN feats of aviation. plorable if the conference failed Nothing Confidential OF THE NAVAL PARLEY Tonight’s Program through international . I am He added that nothing in the This evening the square before hopeful of ultimate success.” Discharges First Prisoner memorandum could be considered the Quimal Palace will be lighted Shortly after Senators Reed and N. Y.-Department for the USE CORN SUGAR as confidential. brilliantly and a special Reworks Robinson had boarded the liner Brought Before Him— Is The bottlers’ association has been display set off on the historic hm Dwight W. Morrow, ambassador to conducting a campaign against a International Authority Ex- EDWARD BOK DEAD to the west of Rome. There will be Mexico, Mrs. Morrow and their First Time Discloses high sugar duty in the tariff bill. a brilliant reception at ten p. m. by daughter, Ellizaheth, arrived from Thanked for His Deed. TO MAKE LIQUOR Purdon said he had consulted plabu What It’s All About |p R 0j^ Prince Boncompagifl Ludovisi, gov­ their home in Englewood, N. J. Work Performed by Their with his superiors before beginning ernor of Rome. Ambassador Morrow declined to the work on the sliding scale and Tomorrow morning the royal pair make any statement beyond saying had spent several months on it. Carnarvon, Wales, Jan. 9.— (AP) In Simple Terms— A Most will review a procession of Rom ^ that he would let Secretary Stimson He said he had consulted with a speak for the delegation. —Former Premier David Lloyd Best "Under Cover Man.” Majority of Seized Stills school children in the Piazza di number of representatives of sugar Siena, and in the afternoon they He also decided to riomment upon George appeared in a new Tole to­ companies and with Senators Wat­ Timely A rticle. Famous Editor and Philan- will witness a procession of c ^ his annoimced candidacy for the son, Shortridge and Harrison and * day when ho took his seat fo f the New York, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Un- Used It; Production Jumps authorities from all over Italy. To­ United States Senatorshlp from Representatives, Longworth, Tilson, New Jersey next year. first time on the magistrate’s bench hohored and imsung, save In the By CHARLES HODGES morrow evening the governor of Hawley and Snell. thropist Passes Away at Rome will be their host at a gala as. chairman of, the Carnarvon secret files of the New York police At an Alarming Rate. The real significance of the Anglo-* performance at the Royal Opera ON THE W AY County Quarter. Sessions, in the department. Patrolman George P. His Estate in Florida. House. _____ . With *the American Naval Mis­ Court House where nearly forty American naval negotiations is that Gilbert is dead, at the age of 55. The prince and princess will not sion en Route to New York, Jan. 9 the forthcoming naval conference in years ago he practiced as a sollcitori And now that he has gone, for­ Washington, Jan. 9.— (AP) — COLD W AVE IS DUE start their honeymoon until Sato- — (AP) — Flying the flags of a The first prisoner with whom he Figures showing why the Prohibi­ London should enable the world to day, leaving then probably for the Special, toe train carrying the of­ ever removed dova whatever con­ Lake Wales, Fla., Jan. 9.— (A P )— royal himting lodge at San Rossore, dealth left the dock caUing for three tion Bureau has been concerned in read the future for the next genera­ ficial party of the American dele­ cheers for Lloyd George because of sequences might follow, his story Edward W. Bok, who came to this near Pisa. Formal entry will be gation to the London naval parley the growth of illicit com sugar dis­ BEFORE NIGHTFALL tion in terms of peace or war. the merciful way he had been may be told. country as an Immigrant boy from made into 'Turin, the prince-bride­ rushed on a fast schedule through There is nothing jingoistic in fac­ groom’s city of residence some time treated. 'The prisoner was seventy- Nobody ever paid much attention tilling were made public by Prohibi­ ing international facts. We all the Netherlands and carved out for four states today for toe mid-after­ year-old Samuel Dew, charged with to him while he was alive. Nobody, tion Commissioner Doran todaj, know that a more disastrous con­ himself a distinguished position in next week. noon sailing of the party on the S. stealing a wheelbarrow. Mr. Lloyd that is, save his superiors in the po­ who said that of 3,864 stUls seized n flict than war between America Md public life as an editor, author and S. George Washington. George bound him over in the work- lice department. Springlike Weather of Last philanthropist, died at his estate POPE SEES CARDINAL A small handful of friends of the northeastern section of the Britain cannot be imagined. No house for twelve months instead of Four times they commended him. near here today. He was 66 years members of toe party totalling country, 3,340 were manufacturing war, unfortimately, is yet unthink­ Vatican City, Jan. 9— (AP) sending him to prison. But it had to be done in secret. Not Few Days to Disappear, able. Indeed, everything which his­ old. Pope Pius early today granted m about 80 gathered at the Union Thanks Judge. for him the honor of standing out alcohol, from corn sugar. Mr. Bok became ill shortly after audience to Cardinal Maffi, arch­ station for final farewells. After toe Good Liquor. tory teaches us shows that these As Dew went downstairs from the 1 in front of a line of his blue-coated two nations must change the oft- his arrival with Mrs. Bok from bishop of Pisa, who officiatel at departure from the capital, the dock he cried: “Thank you Mr. j fellows, to receive a medal from the The alcohol manufactured by the Weather Men Declare. repeated course of events—or fight. Merlon, Pa., four days ago and his yesterday’s wedding of Crow members of the party settled down Lloyd George. Three cheers for 1 commissioner and he never even at- plants, the commissioner said, was The plain truth is ominous. To condition became critical yesterday. Prince Humbert and Princess Marie for the run to Jersey City, where you.” i tained the rank of a detective. He just as good a, proluct as that man­ the British Empire, maritime su­ He passed away at 4:25 a. m., today Jose, and exchanged impression motors awaited their arrival for a The former Liberal premier, mak- ’ was just a patrolman, with a pa- ufactured by legally licensed dis- after suffering frorh an acute heart with him about the ceremony at toe quick trip to toe ship’s pier in Ho­ By Associated Press premacy has meant ir:; a speech to the crowded court- ! trolman’s pay. tiUeries amd the plants seized fre­ Whether wresting it from Spain, attack. Paulien chapel and toe bridal pair s boken. j 'om, recalled that it was 33 years I On the record he left behind in quently were found to have cost as Springlike weather prevailed Holland and France or keeping it Was Widely Known visit to toe Vatican. Stimson At Pier , ! ice he had appeared for the last ! the police files he is credited with much as $40,000 or $50,000. along the Atlantic seaboard from against the threat of Germany, sea- As the donor of a $100,000 prize Cardinal Maffi later said that toe Secretary Stimson, chief Ameri­ lime in that court to plead on be- ?very few arrests, but it is a proud The other 400 plants captured in Maine to Florida today, but a cold power of 300 years has been the for a plan by which the United Pontiff was most happy and satis­ can delegate and a number of other hrJf of Ihe prisoner. | record, nevertheless, one of the fin^ fied with the “ really worthy ^ d officials and advisers who had al­ the northwestern states, he said, wave that held the west in its grip most jealously guarded national as­ States might cooperate with other “The prisoner must have been i jjj the department, were “cooking” plants operating on set of Britain. Every challenge— nations in attaining and preserving Christian manner” in which toe ready gone to New York, will join innocent, ' Lloyd George said amid : “ Under CJover Man.” alcohol products from which other was reaching out to the east and from Spanish Armada to German world peace and the writer of “The marriage had been eejebrated. toe party at toe pier. In the ab­ For Patrolman George P. Gilbert ingredients are eliminated. Most o( the south, and a marked drop in high sea fleet—has eventuated in Americanization of Edward Bok”, The Pope later received toe Grand sence of toe secretary and all of toe of Luxembourg, who pre­ delegates except Secretary Adams, ufe da^e"&en“ ?uttoe^S"^^^ an "under-eover the latter stills, he said, were oper­ temperatures was predicted before ultimate conflict. ated in the metropolitan districts (Continued on Page Three.) sented him with 65 volumes of toe the conversations on toe train relat­ tn^idatione and tbe; nervoueneae_ol | a ^ ^ ^ ^,“ '5 nightfall. ORIGIN OF THE official history of Luxembourg ing to the forthcoming conference a young advocate. Now T realize for and within eighty mUes of New The weather man’s whim for re­ NEXT W A R ? Police Department ever had, plenty bound in blue leather and stamped were of an informal nature. Mr. first time the anxieties of a yoimg York a ty . cords took the form of two inches The call for the naval conference Stimson expects to resume formal of arrests—arrests that made big with toe papal seal. He w a r ^ y Doran expressed concern a week of sleet at Henrietta, Tex., and a at London is the new challenge of talks with his colleagues during toe judge.” stories in the newspapers— can now thanked toe duchess for her gift ago over the immense increase in temperature of 67 degrees at Phila­ peace to these three centuries of SUSPECT RELATIVE voyage to Plymouth where toe be placed to the credit of Patrol­ and gave her a medal in the production of corn sugar which delphia, Pa.—a January mark ex­ struggle, Britannia may, as the pop­ George Washington is due January man Gilbert. Others got the credit g o l d . ______he said had jumped from 152,000,- ceeded only once, in 1800, when the ular anthem goes, rule the waves. 17. EINSTEIN ENTHUSIASTS at the time. It had to be that 000 pounds in 1922 to approximately mercury touched 72. The official The smoke of the American battle IN BRADY DEATHS The special, which made toe trip way. 960,000,000 pounds in 1929. thermometer In New York City fleet, however, has loomed lowering- over toe Pennsylvania railroad lines An inconspicuous little man with rose to a new record of 57 today, ly on the horizon since the World MaclNTOSH PETITION to Jersey City, consisted of a club TRY TO “ C R A S r ! a slight limp and an iimocent ex- with the prediction of a further rise War. England frankly has feared car, observation car, two dining cars pression wsis Patrolman George P. j 1 ENFORCEMENT BOARD during the afternoon before the the consequences of the new riyalry- and five parlor cars. ------3 , T^. J I GUbert. He did not look like a po- vanguard of the cold wave arrived. From such international d i s- Brother-in-Law Is Charged IS FORMALLY DENIED Hceman at all. But his ability to 4,500 Persons Try to Find j 1 The warm weather so weakened trust, enmity between nations Seats in Small H all— Police look and act like anyone from a j ADJOURNS SESSIONS the Ice at Hanover, N, H,, and Burl­ grows which readily can endanger R''«^erves Are Called. i Bowery outcast to an intellectual ington, Vt., that coUege hockey With Murder; Three Kill­ NO TRACE OF CONVICTS K..Eer\es Are caiieo. j Radical amounted to genius. world peace. The origins of what Yale Professor Applied for games had to be postponed. Two can become even today “the next , T n All n f ' FoF thrcB ysurs, from 1913 to Citizenship But Said He d Lew York. Jan. 9. _ All sor^ of i GUbert lived in the very in- Members Refuse to Discuss girls skating at North Chelmsford, war” lie embedded in such fears ed hy Bomb Explosion. Ttfao* Mass., broke through the soft ice and misunderstanding. Anglo Refuse to Bear Arms. Hartford, Jan. 9.— (AP)’ — All riots heve o.,curred New York ^ j Anarchists with- Topics Discussed— To Meet j drowned. a.^id all sorts of Tate crashings. but | “ eiui American statesmanship is endeav­ trace of toe three convicts, Roland Again on February 5. In New York oring at this crucial moment to Lalone, Leo Landry and Watson tbe it® R ^ tS t°eveS \ is feUow New Haven, Jan. 9.— (AP)— Melting snow and radn in Western break the vicious historic circle of Seat Pleasant, Md., Jan. 9.— (AP) Moultorope, youths who escaped on recoid occurred last iiight ^ j ^ o t knowing who he act- —Leroy Brady, Washington auto­ application of Professor C. a lecture on the Einstein theory, ad- P regarded him as a dan- Washington, Jan. 9 — (AP) — New York had given way today to war-breeding animosities. from the State Prison at Wethers­ sleet, and streams fhat had threat­ mobile mechanic and brother of Macintosh of toe Yale DivWty vcrtiscd to be given ir one of the I Several times in riots After two days of intensive discus­ THE POLITICS OF field early Saturday mcmlng, has halls of the American Museum of . & badlv sion the law enforcement commis­ ened to overflow their banks were Herman Brai^, was charged with School for U. S. citizenship for­ DISARMAMENT mally denied today in papers toed by ended at Pittsfield, Mass., Warden Natural History, drew a crowd of | 1^? 1 sion has adjourned its first meeting subsiding. murder today in the death of Mrs. TTie two contenders for sea Judge Warren B. Burrows with toe Charles S. Reed said today. The 4,500 persons who tried to get Into i Tried by Reds, since the recent controversy over The storm that has been raging Naomi Hall Brady, wife of Herman warden admitted that no more in­ power, the prize of national great­ and her younger brother and sister clerk of-toe U. S. District Ctoi^. a space capable of seating only a Once______he was suspected . by a group prohibition began at the Capitol and for three days in the west had caus­ formation of their probable move­ it was indicated that the statement ed three .deaths. At Okmulgee, ness, are not alone in their efforts in a bomb explosion here New The denial was based on Prof. vary much smaller audience. The j of I. W. W .’s into whose confidence Since the armistice, statesmen ment has been received since toe he had worked his way. Several of which Chairman Wickersham ex­ Okla,. 300 persons attending a re­ Year’s Day. Macintosh’s refusal to swear Tm crov/d overran the attendants and it the world over have been attempt- theft of clothing in a Pittsfield store them had' been killed in a bombing. pected to be issued would be forth­ vival meeting fled from a frame Herman Brady, who, with his would bear arms In -defense of toe required determined action on the United States. The professor said yesterday. Prison investigators did part of reserve police who answer d Somebody higher up directed Gil­ coming shortly. tabernacle just a moment before brother, was taken into custody a (Continned on Page 9) at the time of the court hearing on not venture out into the field again a riot call to disperse the excess of bert to go to a police station and The commission will not meet the roof crashed In, weighted down few days after the crime, is|, still in the question of granting Wm today, for they are awaiting clues. seekers after scientific knowledge. identify the bodies. He was again until February 5, although by tons of sleet and snow. jail and as yet no charge has been Eigth inches’ of snow lay over SON KIDNAPED. naturalization papers that he felt In toe meantiiae the warden con­ Many va’ua'ole museum specimens “spotted,” and that night the I. W.. its subcommittees will continue placed against him. Officers said Kansas City and more was promis­ Milwaukee, Jan. 9.— (A P )—John convinced that refusal to bear arms tinues to distribute posters, de­ T'cre endangered by the struggling W.’s tried him for his life in a Har­ their investigative work. they expected him to be an import­ scriptions and pictures-of the fugi­ Members have consistently de­ ed. Sub-zero temperatures >were C. Gohres, West AUis grocer,- was ant witness when his brother comes was morally justifiable. He said his crowd but the only serious damage lem cellar. Some of them were In tives in every direction and to com­ clined to discuss the tSpics imder the rule in the upper reaches of the directed in a note signed by his 22 first allegiance was to God. _ v a s the wrecking of an oak door. favor of Immediate execution, but to trial. municate 'with other communities by discussion at the conference, which Rockies, where the storm originated. year old son Gilbert to pay $10,000 The bomb which caused the death The court hearing was last June he talked his way out. ransom today for the young man’s telephone and telegraph. His most virulent antagonist that began Monday, Chairman Wicker- In the lower Mississippi valley of Mrs. Brady, her small brbther and and a formal decision on his appli­ SCARLET FEVER CASES. rains made highways impassable safe return from the hands of kid­ cation was delayed, after toe natuiw Drldgsport, Jan. 9 .- (A P )—Five night was Amadeo Pollgnani, who sham alone saying that a statement sister, and toe Injury of four others would be issued at the end of the and inimdated the lowlands with, napers. of it had b e e n indicated, that Prof. ccv.''3s of scarlet fever have been was also r police “under-cover Gilbert disappeared last night of the family of John S. Hull, Mrs. SAW PRINOESa WED man,” although Gilbert did not meeting. however, minor dzunage. Rain Brady’s father,, was delivered at toe Macintosh’s attorney might pre_ cyncovered in one faipUy by nurses brought some relief today to Cali­ Later Gohres found in mail box pare for an appeal to the United o f the henlth department, bringing j know it. Polignani knew- all about home of a neighbor a day or two ^YTcw Haven, Jan. 9.— fAPI—Word TREASURY BALANCE. fornia, which had suffered from a note written by his son, saying: after Christmas and •was in turn States Supreme Court. As fi® ac­ the total number of cases in this Gilbert, however. He demanded that “I am being kidnaped by seven has come here that MEUf*0he88 Zippo cold wave for three days, but deep taken to toe Hull hqir" It was ad­ tion hM been taken the court toed city for this month to 21. 1 Gilbert be put to death at once— snow and blocked communication or eight men. They are taking me Gerinl, toe former LflUan Poll, was 'The new victims are the five sons j taking a chance that, by so doing, Washing;ton, Jan. 9. — (AP) — dressed to Mrs. Brady and thinking toe decision today. lines still hampered search for a to Chicago. They are forcing me to Prof. Macintosh who is a citizen a guest at toe wedding of ' of Mr. and Mrs. P^bert Avres whose ■ he would cause -a division of opinion. ’Treasury receipts for January 7 it was a belated Christmas package Prince of Italy to were $5,799,221.10; expenditures, family of three maroonefl' in the write this note. They demand $10,- of Canada, has aUegiance to the p.-;e3 range from 9 to 1 years. They' It^ w;orked. Polignani is still in the 000 ransom,, to be left near Muk members of the family gathered Jose of BeMiineu. $10,342,587.29; balance $149,206,- Sierras and of three men who west Sovereign of Great Britain. have been removed to the Inglewood ------^voxiago at 2 p. m. tomorrow.” around her as iha opened it. hospital. (OoBtinoed on P«g« 8) 890.06. out to rescue tiiezn. MANCHESTER ETCHING HERALD, SODTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THDftisDAy, JANUARY 9 ,19S0. PAGE TWO T ' MIDGET AUTOMOBILE NORTH EM) P. 0 . K. OF P. INSTALLATION PROM NOT STRICTLY MILUON QUESTIONS U.S.REGUUTION OBITUARY ANSWERED IN NEW APPEARS ON STREETS ^ AFO^AFFAIR> (Famished byOfntiiaiii 4b Co.) Memorial Lodge No. 38 Knights OF BUSES ASKED Central Bow, Hartford, Conn. RECEIPTS DROP of Pythias seated its 1930 officers at a regular meeting held in the WORLD ALMANAC Sil Discenza Little Home Made Some Misuniilerstanding Here Car Attracts Lot of Atten­ 1 P. M. Stocks. Balch and Brown hall last' evening. FUNERALS Washington, ‘ Jan. 9.—fA P)—Ed­ The work was in charge of District Bank Stocks. Over Proper Dress— Princi­ mund W. Wakelee, vice president of tion Today. Deputy Arthur Friedrich and staff Indispensable' Book Is A gain Bid A ske f Decrease of $6,475.74 Not- pal Quimby Explains. the Public Service Coorifinate from Damon lodge of Rockville. Mrs. Mary B. L. Whiton. Issued— Has 920 Pages of A car built with a view to solv­ Bankers Trust Ck> . . . 325 Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Transport o f New Jersey, ^old the City Rank and Trust . 400 ' Gustave Ulrich is the new chan­ Manchester High school students ing the present -day problem of E. Lobrniis Whiton were held this M aterial. House interstate commerce Commit­ Cap Nat B&T ...... 375 425 cellor commander,^ succeeding Sam­ and their parents apparently are parking made its appearance in p ed as Books for 1929 afternoon t t her late home, 9 Main tee today that his company would Conn. River ...... 425 uel Harrison: David Armstrong, under the misapprehension that the Ever new and never old. The Manchester this afternoon, driven vice chancellor, Irving Cox, keeper street at 1 o’clo-a. There was a not build large terminals in New by its inv«»tor S. Discenza of Sil*s Htfd Conn. Trust .... 140 160 annual Junior Promenade, leading World Almanac for 1930, edited by York and Philadelphia without First Nat Htfd...... 230 240 i Are Closed. of records and seals; Latting Caver- social function of the school year large number of floral tributes from Robert Hunt Lyman, comes again Motor Mart on Franklin Avenue, ly, master of finance; Walter Weed- relatives friends nnd neighbors, also government regulation of interstate Hartford, and caused considerate Land Mtg and Title . — 60 which will be held Feb. 8, is a to one’s desk with the New Year— Mutual B & T ...... — 240 er, master of the exchequer; Ray­ strictly formal affair. According from Orford Parish Chapter, motor buses. comment by those who saw the little and it is as heartily welcomed. This ' The witness, speaking for the- do, vtc ...... — 240 mond Starkweather, prelate; Gus­ to a statement today from Principal Daughters of the American Revolu­ is the forty-fifth annual issue of the midget measuring 71 inches in r The r.celpts at the Manchester Parker bill, which would give the New Brit Trust ...... — 200 tave Magnuson, master-at-arms; Clarence P. Quimby, such is not the tion, of which she was a charter standard reference book of America. length and 42 Inches in width. ;ipostoflico for the year 1929 fell be- Griswold Chappell, inner gu ard;; Interstate Commerce Commission Discenza said that a company is Riverside T rust ...... — 650 CS16C* member; and the Manchester Free It is better than ever. In it are the Slhind tnose of 1928 by $6,475.74. This West Htfd Trust ------350 James Crooks, outer gusurd; Oscar “The Junior Prom”, Mr. Quimby Public Library association, in whlcn familiar trustworthy reference regulatory powers over interes^tc now being formed to place the car, ■{.Vas due largely to the falling off Strong, master of works; Christian motor bus operation, described the which he says is capable of 68 miles Bonds. says, ‘Is a semi-formal function. So Mrs. Whiton and her husband, the tables that in columns of trim Htfd, & Coim West ... 95 ' of the receipts from the shipment Carlson trustee for three years. far as imdergraduates are concern­ bill as the “minimum regulatory an hour and 40 miles on a gallon of late Dr. F. H. Whiton, was much figures depict the progress of the East Conn Pow 5s . . . 100 103 ik>t Bon Ami and nursery stock dur- A period of sociability followed ed it is in dress but formal act” necessary to serve public ne­ gas, on the market at a low figure. informal interested. United States and all the countries Conn L P 7 s ___ :... 116 118 iSing the year. the business, during which light re­ in arrangement smd procedure. cessity in this field. It is powered -with a specially built The service was in charge of Rev. of the world in Agriculture, Mining, Conn L P 5 % s ------105 108 The receipts by quarters for the freshments were served. Others have generally regarded the four cylinder motor and has a Laurence Barber of Nashua, N. II., Manufacturing, Commerce, Trans­ Asserting that enactment of the Conn L P 4%s ...... 98 100 •itwo years were as follows. Prom as an affair for formal dress. speedy pick-up and lauch power. assisted by Rev. F. C. Allen, pastor portation, Finance, Politics and Parker Bill would tend toward" a Htfd Hyd 5s ...... 102 105 SPHrst Quarter $5,371.11 $ 4,546.46 “But Insofar as the students are The chasis is slung four inches from of the Second Congregational Sports—an imposing array. more sound and rapid development Insurance Stocks ^ ^ c . Quarter ..11,652.18 7,746.38 concerned, formal attire is not re­ the ground and insures riding safe­ church of which Mrs. Whiton was a Here too is the full diary of the of Interstate bus traffic, Wakelee xAetna Casualty .... 160 ] jrrhlrd Quarter 4,348.68 3,580.10 ABOUT TOWN quired or even preferred. The rea­ ty at all speeds. member. iUBert Pearson, local bar­ year J929—history in the making— said his company ./buld “certainly Aetna Insucance...... 560 I fourth Quarter 6,180.85 5,204.14 son is, because in such event the ex­ With a reporter in the comfort­ Principal C. P. Qulmby of Man­ itone, sang “Abide With Me,” and its fascinating Scientific Progress, not” build $2,000,000 bus terminals xAetna Life ...... 94 pense is too great. Parents find it stirring aviation feats, Byrd’s South in New York and Philadelphia when able seat beside him Discenza gave Total ...... $27,552.82 $21,077.08 chester High school, was the prin­ expensive enough to send their “Nearer My God to Thee.” an exhibition of the li‘’tle cars ad­ xAutomobile ...... 43 Pole venture and the marvels of conditions were such that some in­ Coim. General ...... 137 1 g Decrease for year ...... $6,475.74 cipal speaker at the meeting of the children through school without the Mr. Barber eulogized Mrs.- Whit­ vantages by taking it up the Look­ radio development. One finds what dependent operator could drive up xxHtfd Fire $10 par . 67 Aetna Life Men’s Club at the Hotel unnecessary addition of such a com­ on, and spoke with feeling of the out at Highland Park. Curves were has been accomplished in the En­ in front of the terminals the day Bond, in Hartford, last night. Over paratively tremendous item,” Mr. warm friendship that existed be­ taken at 35 miles an hour without do, rts ...... 11 forcement of the Prohibition Law they were finished and take the Htfd Steam Boiler ... 570 1 4000 were present, Roxy’s quartet, Quimby concluded. tween the doctor and his wife and the slightest sensation of skidding S t a n d a r d o il c o m p a n y famous New York singers, provided his late mother and father, Rev. C. during its tenth year, and the rise business his company has developed. National Fire ...... 68 . I and crash of the bull market It will or turning over. On the straight­ i . a very pleasing program. Mr. Quim H. Barber, her pastor fbr so many Largest Operator. away the car proved everything its Phoenix Fire ...... 76 tell you of the World Court, the xTravelers ...... 1440 1‘ by’sK.,'n subject .T.oewas “What Are ^ You TO PROBE GAS PRICES years, a friendship v/hich he also Wsdielee, who represented the owner claimed. Two can be seated COMPETES WITH ITSELF Laughing At.” I Reparations Settlement, the Federal National Association of Rsiilroad PubUc Utility Stocks. entertained for them as he grew to Farm Board and "the Naval Dis­ in great comfort in the runabout and Utility Commissic-.s, the Na­ and when it comes to turning Conn. Elec Sve ...... 80 boyhood and manhood. armament Conference. xxConn. Poyer ...... 81 Group 4 of the High school The bearers were Frederick P. tional Association of Motor Bus aroimd on the street, why it was Seniors, Miss Bertha Carlson, chair­ San Francisco, Jan. 9.— (A P )— All this is in a handy book of 920 do, p f d ...... 114 ^ New York, Jan. 9.— (A P )—The Loomis of Yalesville, Frank Hoxie Operators, the American Electric done in"' three-quarters the width of ■-'offer of the Standard Oil Co. of New man, will have a food sale in the With a Federal investigation of the pages which one can keep within Railway Association, and the do, rts ...... 18 and C. B. Loomis of this town and arm’s reach—always. You may ask the road. ‘York to acquire the White Eagle Oil basement of the J. W. Hale com­ 33 major petroleum corporations of American Short Line Railroad, sari Hartford Elec Lgt ... 86 A. S. Timpson of Norwalk. Burial a million questions and be astonish­ ind Refining Co., is regarded in pany’s store Saturday afternoon. the west imder the Clayton an‘;i- his company had been described as do, vtc ...... 80 was in Riverside cemetery. Water- ed and. made happy to find how all street as indicating a further This is the first activity of this trust laws set for Monday before the lu gest motor bus operators m Greenwich W&G, pfd . — biu-y. many will be fitted with' answers Hartford Gas ...... 70 ireaking down of marketing parti- group to help finance the annual a Grand Jury here, K. R. Kingsbury, the country. ASKS FOR REDUCTION trip of the Seniors to Washington here. If you can’t think of that do, p f d ...... 45 Stibns set up when the old Standard president of the Standard Oil Com­ With 2,500 buses, he said, the in the spring. There are four groups Mrs. Anna Carlson. many questions at one- Uie young­ xS N E T Co ...... 175 f o i l Company was dissolved in 1911. pany of California Issued a state­ Company had $45,000,000 invested in jfThe country was then divided into into which the graduating class is ment declaring “the situation pre­ The funeral of Mrs. Anna Carlson sters will help and, better,' can be OF ARMY’S EXPENSES Manufacturing Stocks. individual retail marketing areas for divided and from now on one or the was held this afternoon at the home taught to look up the answers them­ buses alone, exclusive of the 1,500 Wire ...... 43% sents the disconcerting aspect rf street cars which it operates 65 feach of the new Standard com­ other will be imdertaking projects one department of government chal­ of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Ny­ selves. xAm Hardware...... 63 The World Almanac is published throughout the state. The street Amer Hosiery ...... 29 panies. for earning money, as has been lenging the legality of an action man, on Russell street. Rev. S. F.. Washington, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Sug­ their custom for the past four or by The New York World. Price 60 railway investment of the company, American Silver ...... 22 ^ White Eagle, with its subsidiary, taken at the request of another de­ Greene of the Swedish Congrega­ gestions for reorganization of War ^Nicholas Oil Co., of Omaha, will five years. tional church officiated and buri-il cents, postpaid. Readers in increas­ he said, was between $80,000,000 xArrow H&H, com ... 41 partment.” Department activities looking to­ standard of New York outlets was in the East cemetery. The ing numbers who . keep it year by and $100,000,000. xdo, pfd ...... 100 It iis understood 1 ce investigation Buses, he testified, had replaced ward “substantial economies” were Automatic Refrig .... 4 Nebraska, the Dakotas, Kansas, Troop 1 Boy Scouts will have a bearers were Oscar Johnson, Carl year on their bookshelves find $1.10 made today by Representative Bar­ ■Xtolorado, Minnesota, Wisconsin, swimming period at the School will deal with gasoline prices.. Of­ a small price for the cloth-bound street cars in their system to the Bigelow, Htfd, com .. 78 82 ficials of the Retail Service Station Johansson, S. Rosendahl, Charles bour, Republican, California, chair­ ^Issouri, Utah, Montana and Wyo- street Recreation Center from 5 Nelson, Charles Carlson and Franii copies. extent of between 150 to 200 miles do, pfd ...... 98 Dealers Association here have man of the House appropriations Billings and Spencer . 4 ■ ;ing, bringing it into the retailing imtil 6 tomorrow instead of this Johnson. of track. sub committee for the War Depart­ charged that the big companies last Brass ...... 20 ;erritories of the Standard Oil com- evening. ment in a speech prepared for de­ year started a gasoline price war in do, p f d ...... 90 anies of Nebraska and Indiana. STATE’S ATORNEYS livery in the House. the stealing of the an attempt to “freeze out” the small Collins Co ...... 100 ^ ■ A notable precedent for the Barbour, who said that his pro­ ^breaking of one of the Standards in- chickens from the farm of Jonathan independent dealers, and that they ROCK-SUPS AT NOTCH SENATE LEADERS 0 . K. Case. Lockwood & B . 525 posals were in line with President Colt’s Firearms ...... 26% 28% $to the marketing territory of an- Bigelow on Middle Turnpike, just indulged in price-fixing when the GET SALARY RAISE Hoover’s suggestion for a reduction Eagle L o c k ...... 47 50 iother was provided a year ago when eaist of the Manchester-East Hart­ “war” was finished. AGAIN OCCUPIES CREW in military expenditures, recom­ >the Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey ford town line early in the week Kingsbury said that “it appears LA FOLLETTE, THOMAS Fafnir Bearings ...... 65 Hartford, Jan. 9.— (A P )—The mended studies be made looking to Fuller Brush. Class A . — ’Required the Beacon Oil Co., operat- cemes a report that chickens were that the Investigation will relate to placing the entire land defense with State Board of Finance and Control do. Class AA ...... — Siig in the territory of the Standard also stolen in Coventry. The report the adoption of a code of marketing Several Days of Work Re­ the Army and that with­ today voted salary increases to sev­ f;Oil Co. of New York in New Eng­ of the stolwi chickens in Coventry ethics by the oil industry.” Washington, Jan. 9— (A P )— The hold authorization for new pro­ Hart & Cooley ...... 135 quired to Get Rid of Threat­ Hartmann Tob. com . 15 , land and New York state. and the fact that they were taken eral state’s attorneys and assistants. new Senate Republican organiza­ jects calling for expenditures unless on the same night as those missed ening Masses. The prosecutors for Hartferd, tion set up with Senators LaFol- they were considered “most neces­ do, 1st pfd ...... — Inter Silver ...... 105 by Mr. Bigelow has resulted in the New Haven and Fairfield counties lette, Wisconsin, and Thomas, sary.” He explained that at pres­ TEST FLIGHT DELAYED Bolton Notch, with its unstable xLanders, Frary & Clk 66% combing of efforts on the part of were given $6,000 salaries as com­ Idaho, on the finance committee, ent the Navy is engaged in air g d n a p e d a d m ir a l strata of rock continually threaten­ Mann & Bow. Class A 14 I the state police, who were given the pared with the pr-sent $4,500 in was formally approved today by the activities that have to do with land do. Class B ...... 7 report of the Coventrj- chickens be­ ing the railroad tracks below, has Hartford coimty, $4,000 in Fairfie'd committee on committees and will defense and said he believed the Selfridge Field, Mt. Clemens, been occupying the attention of the New Brit. Mch. com . 30 I MAKES HIS ESCAPE ing stolen, and those of the Man­ county. There will be no increase be placed before a party confer­ consolidation would do away with chester department with Lieutenant Mich., Jan. 9.— (A )—Continued un­ right-of-way department of the in the $6,000 salary in New Haven. ence tomorrow. North & Judd ...... 21 favorable weather conditions forced duplications of effort. Niles Bern Pond ...... 36 Barron working on the Manchester New Haven railroad for several In New London county the in­ Little trouble is expected in ob­ The California Representative a second postponement this after­ Peck, Stow and Wilcox 10 end. days past. The sudden thaw, fol­ crease is from $3,300 to $4,000. The taining ratification of the new line­ also suggested studies looking to noon of the Army’s proposed mid­ lowing weeks of freezing nights, Russell Mfg C o ...... 65 Nanking, China, Jan. 9.— (A P )— Middlesex and Windham state’s at­ up giving recognition to the western placing all purchasing agencies of - Admiral Yang Shu-Chuang, com- winter test flight of 22 planes from has caused serious unsettlement of Scovill ...... 58 The weather yesterday and last torneys will receive $2,400 each as Independents and the “ Yoimg the department under one head and • mander in chief of the Chinese Navy Self ridge Field to Spokane, Wash., the rock veins and many fragments Guard” at the party conference. Smythe Mfg Co ...... — night was so warm that “night compared with $2,000 and $2,3UU. reducing the present reserves main­ who was reported kidnaped by and return. of stone have slipped away, falling LaFollette, however, won a place on Seth Thom Co. com . . . 30 crawlers,” used by fishermen, be­ For-Litchfield the salary will be $3,- tained for a million men. He ^so bandits on Monday, today informed came mistaken in the season of the Major Ralph Royce, flight com­ onto the tracks. the finance committee over the op­ advanced the possibility of reducing do, pfd ...... 24 000 and for ToUand $2,000, the lat­ Standard Screw...... 124 the government that he had escaped year and finding the frost none too mander who had hoped an abate­ Since yesterday mormng an en­ position of the Eastern Old Guard the commissioned and enlisted per­ ;and that his kidnaping had really deep started out from their winter ment of the wind and snowstdrm larged gang has been steadily at ter being an increase of $200. leaders, including Senators Reed, Stanley W orks ...... 44 Assistant state’s attorneys at sonnel o f the Army in view “of the been part of an attempted coup quarters, up through the groimd for would permit a takeoff today, an­ work clearing up the fallen stones. Pennsylvania, Moses, New Hamp­ increased efficiency of the National Taylor & Fenn ...... 115 nounced shortly before 1 o’clock A work car, crew and derrick were Waterbury and in Hartford, Nsw Torrington ...... 63 ‘d ’etat. an airing. The cold night air soon shire, and Bingham, Connecticut. Guard.” Admiral Yang telegraphed the drove them back and many of them that the planes would be ready to sent to the Notch yesterday morn­ Haven and Fairfield counties will ■ Pending ratification of the new Underwood ...... 101 government that he had escaped at Were dead on the sidewalks this j start at 7:30 tomorrow morning if ing and besides clearing away the receive $4,000. These assistants- committee assignments by the Re­ Union Mfg Co...... 18 Nantai, ten miles from Foochow, morning. , 1 weather conditions permit. rock fragments that had already now receive respectively $3,000, publican conference the new set-up THREE GET UFE U S Elnvelope, com .. 170 but that four members of the fallen part of the crew’s job was $2,500, $4,000 and $3,500. was not made public although the do, p f d ...... I l l Fukien provisional government were W. H. Cowles of the Edgewood BELL BOYS SENTENCED breaking down of other sections of controversial positions became Veeder R oot ...... 38% still being held by General Lu Hsin- Fruit farm is in Worcester today. 'Hartford, Jan. 9— (A P )— Three stone which had become loosened HOLD BOSTON YOUTHS known. Providence, Jan. 9.— (A P)—^Philip Whitlock Coil Pipe . . . — rPan, commander of the newly- bell boys, arrested last night in local and threatened to ftill. Darien, Jan. 9.— (AP) — John Gaglione, 24, Ernest Silvio, 23, and X—Ex-dividend. drganized second Fukien division The ice at Center Springs park hotels on charges of violating the One mass of rock that was.pried Karolak, of Preble street. South MBS HALLOCK DIBS Nazzarino Saccoccio, 23, convicted XX—Ex-rights. jwho engineered the attempted coup. pond is not good for skating today. State liquor laws were jaUed and loose in the course of this operation Boston, and Joseph Baoul, of West Cromwell, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Mrs. of first degree murder were sentenc­ was so big that the derrick could The government has dispatched a Park Commissioner Murphey be­ fined by Judge Nathan A. Schatz in 9th street, the same city, both 16 Kate Camp Avery Hallock, mother ed to life imprisonment in Superior NEENAN»S CONDITION warship to Foochow and *President lieves it dangerous to go on the- ice Police Court today. not handle it and another and more years old, are being held for investi­ of Dr. Leonard A. Hallock, chief Court today. Charles Capece, 34. Chiang Kai-Shek telegraphed Lu at the present time. In presenting the three men for powerful derrick had to be send out gation at the local police statfon, resident surgeon of the New Medi­ who the state claims did the actual Hsin-Pan warning him to release trial in the Police Court, Prosecut­ from Hartford. following their arrest by a motor­ cal Center of New York and wife of killing was sentenced to 35 years New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )— ;the prisoners immediately. DOGS KILL SHEEP. ing Attorney Joseph B. Griffin in­ The crew was back on the job cycle officer patrolling the Post Dr. F. K. Hallock who conducts imprisonment after he had entered a Michael Neenan, 50, former New Greenwich, Jan. 9.— (A P )—’Two formed the court that the state's early this morning, reinforced in road today. Cromwell Hall, a sanatorium, died previous nolo plea and Salvatore Haven alderman who was severely POLICE CHIEF RETIRES police dogs killed 28 sheep on the attorney’s office was no longer in­ numbers and provided with the big­ The officer’s attention was at­ today after a brief illness; She was Saccaccio, 22 who had pleaded nolo slashed and beaten up during a hold­ estate of Benjamin T. Fairchild here terested in the case against the ger derrick. The work of chipping tracted to the badly damaged ton­ 68. to second degree murder was sen­ up was operated on today at Grace ^ Greenwich, Jan. 9.— (A P)—Police this morning. One of the dogs was hotel workers and that it had been off the face of the cut is to be con­ neau of the “drivurself” automobile Mrs. Hallock was bom in Boston tenced to ten years in prison. hospital. His condition is critical. Chief J. J. Dudley, a member of the shot to death by an employe on the requested that the complaints be tinued for several days longer. speeding towards New York. The and was member of the D. A. R. The five men, and one never ap» Neenan yesterday identified Gena- ilGreen-wich police department for the estate. disposed of in the Police Court. Since there is only a single track lads admitted that they were on and of the Society of Mayflower prehended, raided a gambling house ro Cicareli, 25 as his assailant. through the Notch, the derrick and .past 30 years, has retired it was An attack two years ago also cost their way to the metropolis and they descendants. She was also president in Warwick in December 1927. They The form’er aldermcui was foimd work car have to be moved back to ,iaid today. the lives of 28 sheep. PADLOCK PROCEEDINGS said that they had figured in an ac­ of the Cromwell Club. Her husband, lined up about 20 players and early yesterday morning with his Hartford, Jan. 9— (AP)—Padlocl* Steel’s Crossing in Vernon every two sons and two daughters survive searched them. Howard Corbett in throat cut and suffering with a time a train in either direction is cident somewhere in Massachusetts. proceedings against the Green Tree A communication has been sent to her. charge o f the place, was killed in the possible fractured skull. Neenan Inn at 3445 Fairfield avenue, Bridge­ due. the Hub police. Fimeral services will be held Sun­ melee. said that $80 was stolen from him. port, were instituted yesterday in day afternoon. the United Stated District Court MAIL TERMINAL 36 yeai's a local preacher in the Methodist church. upon the petition of sissistant SENATE SCORES DELAY New London, Jan. 9.— (A P )— BANK OF ENGLAND REPORT. 20 years with one of our local furniture stores United States District Attorney Plans for the establishment- of a London, Jan. 9.— (A P )—The preaching the gospel of better lives and better homes ? John A. Dana here for a permanent IN PASSING TARIFF railway mail terminal in this city weekly statement of the Bank of injunction against the establish­ were being discussed today by Post England shows the following ment as a common nuisance. changes in pounds; total reserve In­ Master Philip K. Dewire and offi­ Friday Matinee 2:15 Washington, Jan. 9.— (A P )—^The cials of the railway mail service. If creased 9,960,Ci00; circulation de­ SCHOONER IN DISTRESS Senate refused today to delay any the terminal is decided upon it will creased 6,861,000; bull increased 3,- and Eve; Continuous New London, Jan. 9.— (A P )—The longer consideration of the contro­ be the only one of its kind between 099,000; other securities decreased Coast Guard cutter Yamacraw was versial sugar rates in the tariff bill New York ahd Boston. Mail will be 29,817,000; public deposits Increased Saturday 6:45 to 10:30 speeding to the assistance of the and began debate immediately on a handled and delivered as at a regu­ 4,861,000; other deposits decreased schooner Franklin of Alabama committee proposal to raise the lar post office and not only will local 36,544,000; notes reserve increased which has lost her sails and is leak­ Cuban raw sugar levy from 1.76 to mail service be improved but the 9,962,000; govyrnment securities de­ A VIVID TALKING PICTURIZATION OF ing badly according to a message 2.20 cents a pound. post office in all nearhy towns will creased 11,773,000. WILLARD IMACK’S FAMOUS STAGE PLAY! intercepted at Coast Guard head­ Senator Harrison, Democrat, Mis­ be benefitted. The proportion of the bank’s re­ quarters here this morning. sissippi, who has opposed taking up serve, to liability is 36.02 per cent., iVARNER BR05. ?yeservt' The distress message was sent out the sugar schedule at this time, an­ WINSOR’S FUNERAL compared with 22.68 last week from the Steamer Dixlana which nounced he would not insist on fur­ Wesoon, Mass., Jan. 9— (AP) — Rate o f discount 5 per cent. stated that it was standing by the, ther delay if an amendment by him Business was suspended in this disabled schooner pending arrival 6f to retain present rates was made to town today for the fimeral services the Coast Guard vessel. TO SETTLE HATRY CASE the pending motion. for Robert Winsor. Winsor, who London, Jan. 9.— (AP) — An­ Chairman Smoot of the finance died suddenly in New York, had for nouncement was'made today that a SUSPECT IS ACQUITTED committee, who called up the sched­ many years been prominent in basis has been arrived at for settle­ Lowell, Mass., Jan. 9— (AP) — ule, said he had no objection and Boston business and flnancisd cir­ Cornelius Guiney, of 99 Ulon street, ments in'the crash of Clarence Senator Ransdell, Democrat, Louisi­ cles, where he was senior active Hatry, British promoter who is now Lawrence, who on December 24 ana, then began a speech urging the partner in Kidder, Peabody Com­ amused court attaches here by under charges of fraud an J forgery. highSr House rate in place of the pany, investment bankers. The The settlements had been deferred wishing U. S. Commissioner Rich­ First Parish church was filled with finance committee duty. Ransdell until an investigation by an ac- ard B. Walsh a Merry Christmas comes from the chief sugar cane townspeople and the prominent dur­ and a Happy New Year, was some­ ing the services. Buried in Linwood coimtant. producing state in the country. The banks concerned will increase what pleased and amused himself cemetery was private. today. their contributions toward a fund for settlement purposes and as a re­ When a continued case charging BREAKS MAIL RECORD. MASSACHUSETTS BILLS sult a settlement will be negotiated William E. Keith him with the sale of intoxicating liquor came before Commissioner Moncton, N. B., Jan. 9.— (A P) — shortly without stock exchange What shall I do at 60, when they will not give me a job? Walsh today, Guiney was acquitted. Boston, Jan. 9— (AP)—A bill pro­ Pilot Walter Fleming of the Inter- failures. viding for an increase in the salary Take a dose of chloroform (says one man) or look for a Walsh said there was no e^dence Provincial Airways, Ltd., engaged in to connect Guiney with the Union of the .state commissioner of con- the air mail service between this COOLIDGE ON AIR- bank to rob. street premises either through servation from $6,000 to $7,500 was city and St. John, made what is St. Petersburgh, Fla., Jan. 9.— No, this will I do at 60 and the years that hurry along: presence or ownership. filed with the Legislature today by claimed to be the world’s- record In (A ^ ) —Former President Calvin Try to use my rich experience to keep others from doing Senator James A. Torrey, of Bever­ air mail transportation flights when Coolidge will make a radio address REDS BUY STEAMERS ly. he flew a biplane from St. John to here tonight on the economics of life ■WTong. (Not copyrighted.) I^w York, Jan. 9—(AP)—Sixty Senator Warren E. Tarbell, of Moncton Air Port yesterday, a dis­ Insurance, which will be broadcast Ru^ian seaman arrived on the East Brookfield, filed a bill to pro­ tance of 90 miles, in a few seconds over a nation-wide network. Before buying that new rug or furniture for your Olympic today to take back to Rus­ vide for payment of the award in less than 20 minptes over the 90 Mr. Coolidge, Who arrived yester­ home let me take you to the places where real values can sia two 8,000'ton freighters pur­ cases of animals slaughtered by mile route. day, will b e ^ speaking at 9:30 p. be found. I have helped others in the selection of chased by the Soviet government order of the state, “within 30 days He carried with him a. passenger m.. Eastern Standard Time, at a things needed for the home, I can help you. from the U. S. Shipping Board. The after the award becomes final or and a quantity of mail matter. dlimer for delegates to annual mid­ " s , Glen Ridge and Chebaulip, within 30 days after the assessment winter convention of the New York A trial will be appreciated and will help to solve my h ^:cn reconditioned and are of damages if a petition for assess­ FLIGHT TO FLORIDA Life Insurance^Company of which! WITH 1 up at Newport 'News, ment of damages is filed.” problem o f what to do at 60. Port Washington, N. Y., Jan. 9. he is a director. H. B. WARNER GRANT WITHERS i Fladimir Treyansky and A measure asking that a sitting — (AP.)—In ap effort to prove the . Upmal will, be in command of the district court of Hampshire RIN-TIN-TIN AND GASTON GLASS Yours for Helpful Service, feasibility of a daylight flight from THREE HURT IN WRECK on J journey back to Russia. county be held in the Town of South New York to Florida, an amphibian Hadley was filed by Representative Redwing, Minn., Jan. 9—(AP)— plane took off today for Miami, Three tr^m en were injured, one QUAKE IN VERMONT Frank A. Bralnerd of that town. Piloted by Donald O. "Van de Wa^ The sale of fireworks within 200 seriously, when a freight Incomo- Montpelier, Vt., Jan. 9*—(AP) — ter, with Paul L. Foster as co-pilot, Residents of this city reported to­ feet of any place of public assembly tive on the Chica^, Milwalkee St. the plane left the water here at Paul and Pacific Railway was de­ day what appeared to be an earth having a seating capacity in excess William E. Keith molished by an/ explosion nine shock oecurred about three o’clock of about 200 persons______would______be__ prO' 5:50 a. m.. and planned to follow miles northwest of here today. The 24 Locust St., Dial 6995, South Manchester, Conn. this morning. Dishes were said to hiblted under the provisfons of a*biU ® ib® coastal and water route have rattled and a housa to have filed by Representative Charles I. to the south. The pilots expected to cause of the explosion was not de­ shook. Page, of Boston. reach Miami this morning. termined immidkitsly. MANCHEStER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1980 TO R m iR N BROWN MAY BE MEMBER TO CONNECTICUT State Briefs OF BOOTLEG RING The Herald CHARGE IS CHANGED — New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Dante Hears Calini, 30 year old baker today Confessed Slayer of Domi­ awaited arraignment on a charge of Alcorn’s Men Take Into Cus­ manslaughter in connection wdth That the usual strong winter the faUil shooting of Patrolman winds must have been sidetracked nick Zito to Be Brought Raymond Zoller of West Haven. tody Man Arrested by somewhere. A Grand Jury yesterday refused That a race for milk customers is to return an indictment against New Britain Police. on in town. Here for Murder Trial. Calini. His attorneys contended at ’That one concern is giving away the hearing that Calini did not know alarm clocks in an effort to get new that the men who came to raid his customers. New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )— Po­ home, two weeks ago were police­ New Britain, Jan, 9.— (AP) — That the section of town near lice pushed with all possible speed men and that he fired his shotgim at Representatives of State’s Attorney ' Spruce and Eldridge streets was today arrangements for bringing Zoller in the belief that an attempt Hugh M. Alcorn today took into once a large apple orchard. Many Arthur Brown, 20, now in a New was being made to break into his custody for questioning in connec­ of the trees in that •vicinity are still Jersey workhouse, to this city, so home. tion wdth the Hartford bootleg li­ producing fair fruit. that he may be presented before a State Attorney Samuel E. Hoyt, quor racket Cuessipi Larose of 383 That petting parties along the Grand Jury on J3in. 21, in connec­ who had asked the Grand Jury for Front street, Hartford, who was ar­ new road in Bolton will be fewer tion with the slaying of Dominick an indictment of first degree mur­ rested in this city late last night when the new lights are extended in Zito. der, issued the warrant charging by local policemen who considered the spring from Bolton Notch to Brown, according to Deputy Cor­ Calini with manslaughter after the his presence suspicious. It is said Finlay street, the Manchester town oner J. J. Corrigan confessed Satur­ Grand Jury failed to return an in­ that he will be presented before the line. Custom-Built special Gramd Jury now investigat­ day that on November 12 he took dictment. That Manchester wives out on Zito “for a ride.” The confession, ing law violations in Hartford. the coast write to husbands here Find Booze In Car. the deputy coroner said named BOY BURGLAR. that they cannot describe the Rose Orazio Maltese as the man who com­ Norwalk, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Bridge­ While the police "fljdng squad,” Carnival parade. UPHOLSTERED which roams aroimd the city in an missioned Brown to impose gang­ port policemen came to Norwalk to­ That they write “we don’t know automobile, was driving along East land’s penalty of death on a day to claim a ten year old boy where to start and what to say, it street before midnight, officers saw “ squealer.” In his confession Brown who was taken into custody last is so wopderful.” said he w-as paid $15 for his work. night following a report from rail­ an automobile parked at the side of That the Hotel Sheridan has a the road in a lonely section. They new sign painted on the outside of FURNITURE To Shorten Sentence. road employes. The lad confessed Zito’s self-confessed slayer is to 16 robberies in the Park City, stopped to investigate and ques­ the building above the first floor. serving a year’s sentence in the when questioned by the police, and tioned Larose, who was in the That the one-ton load Constable Mercer county workhouse, Trenton, he stated that he was on his way to 1 vehicle. They found 12 five-gallon Duffy attached proved to be two N. J., for the theft of an automo­ New York with the proceeds of the I cans, all empty in the car and as tons when delivered at the North in solid Trainload Quantities bile. Police will request the New latest burglary, a Bridgeport I Larose could not explain their End. Jersey officials to reopen the case, i presence he was taken to headquar- That many Manchester people newsstand. o t a carload— but a solid trainload from a leading Ne-w England so that Brown’s sentence may be His arrest followed when he was i ters. The arrest was made on a are planning for a visit to the old technical charge of not having the manufacturer! That is the weekly consumption of the Allied shortened. j seen to alight from a westboimd coimtry this summer. registration of the automobile in Maltese was arrested two weeks ; train. That the old overcoat is a bur­ N, Furniture Buyers Syndicate of which we are a member, .^d ago. 1'he police are also holding his possession. den this weather. because of this tremendous buying power we can obtain custom-built Throughout the night Larose was ’That many cars were mired yes­ Dominick Schifano, Vincenzo Pero, CLEARY “VERY LOW” upholstered furniture at savings that enable us to offer it at prices and Matteo Scuteri of Ansonia, who New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )—The questioned concerning his connec­ terday out Bolton way. was arrested yesterday. Maltese, condition of Fireman William tion with a Hartford bootleg liquor far lower than what you could obtain elsewhere on furniture of equal the coroner said, will probably be Cleary, 44, one of four firemen over­ ring but he steadfastly denied any quality. Every piece is hand tailored, hair-filled built to the most charged with first degree murder. come by ammonia fumes yesterday, association. He admitted having exacting specifications— producing furniture that represents the ulti­ Zito, the police charge, was a mem­ was reported today as very low by been con-victed three times in Hart­ ford on charges of violating the li­ FURTHERDEAYS mate in style and value. Come in today and see our display of com­ ber of a bootlegging and white the New Haven hospital. slave gang. Placed on the danger list yester­ quor laws and having served time in plete suites and distinctive odd pieces. You will marvel at their beau­ Brown’s Confession. jail. ty and low prices. day, Cleary suffering from the ef­ New Britain police. commqnicated AT COURT MARTIAL Brown in his confession according fects of the fumes and from head to Corrigan, said that Zito had lacerations has failed to rally. with State’s Attorney Alcorn’s of­ been slain on a Derby road. Hospital officials described his con­ fice today and Alcorn sent officers “Did you ever hear of a guy get­ dition this morning as “not so good.” to this city to take Larose to Hart­ The year’s most popular chair... ting bumped off for ratting?” ford for further .examination. Po­ Commander Says Coast this luxurious English Loimging Brown is said to have asked Zito. “ B.AD MAN” SHOT lice here suspect thrt Larose was model. Custom-built and covered “What do you mean?” Zito Hartford, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Henry waiting at a rendezvous to obtain in choice denim patterns $49.50. replied. “Kid” Williams, 38, negro, of this a supply of alcohol. Guard Trial Will Probably “I mean that I’m going to bump city, fieeing from capture early this The automobile in which Laro.'e you off, you rat; for squealing on morning during a hunt by police for was foimd figured in an exciting the gang” Brown said, according to a night prowler invading homes, was chase in this city last Sunday night Be Resumed Tomorrow. the coroner. shot down by Policeman Moore although at the time it was driven Brown went to Trenton after the Storrs, and is recovering at the by Joseph Pa-v^ano, 24, of Kensing­ slaying and with two other men municipal hospital. Williams, who ton. A policeman saw it speeding New London, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Fur­ stole an automobile. Brown was , has a long crime record in this city, on West Main street in the direction ther delay .was experienced here to­ arrested but his companions es­ Springfield, Mass., White Plains, N. of Plainville and went in pursuit. He day in the general court martial of caped. Y., and Newark, N. J., and is de­ overhauled Pavano in Plainville at Coast Guardsmen involved in the scribed by th's local police as “a the end of a th mile race, at liquor escapade which followed the oad man.” times attaining a speed of 58 miles seizure of the rum-ship For-Del- ANNUAL BOY SCOUT an hour. Pavano, said he was on uis Mar. As a result it was questionable .\UTO VICTIM IDENTIFIED. way to visit a friend in Winsted. He whether any more of the cases New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )—The would be heard today. DINNER TOMORROW was brought back to this city ana THE ENGLISH LOUNGE SOF.A,. To be smart our homes must be com­ body of a man who was fatally in­ was fined $15 for speeding. Commander M. J. Ryan, president jured when struck by an automobile of the court, said this morning that fortable. This roomy sofa fills this modem obligation completely with deep last night was identified today at imexpected delay had been oc­ cushions and low slanting back it is a most desirable sofa for the modem home. Custom-built and hair filled in selection of fine denims $99.50. Will Be Held in St. Mary’s Grace hospital as that of Daniel casioned in the preparation of speci­ Field, 75, of this city. A nephew of BOY SCOUT NEWS fications and that while possible it C h u r c h—Officers to Be the -victim made the identification. was doubtful that any more of the Elected. Vincent DeLucia, driver of the car Troop Nine. cases would be ready for the court was arrested on charges of reckless before tomorrow. There are still 29 Troop Nine held its regular troop A distinctive new cut-a-way wing Manchester Council, Boy Scouts driving and failure to carry a li­ meeting at 7:15 at the Community! of the original 39 cases to be dis­ of America will hold its annual cense. His case was bontinued to­ posed of, the first ten sailors plead­ chair that possesses unusual style club. The meeting opened by re­ md comfort. A fine selection of meeting and election of officers' to­ day until Jan. 18. peating the Scout Oath. Then the ing gruilty to charges of intoxication. lenira covers to choose from $.'53. < morrow evening at 6:30 o’clock at attendance and dues were taken. It All of the cases thus far disposed St. Mary’s church. A supper will be DIES FROM FALL. was the best meeting held this win­ of were from the destroyer Ericsson served by the Ladies Guild, headed Bridgeport, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Suf­ ter as there were twenty-five pres­ which is in command of Lieut. Com­ by Mrs. Ellis Callis, and the meet­ fering from a fractured skull, re­ ent. 'The merit system is still go­ mander H. G. Hemingway. Besides ing will follow. ceived in a fall from a Gray Line bus ing with the Silver Foxes ahead and the Ericsson there are three cases I( 'The nominating committee com­ here today, Joseph Kalafus, 58, for­ the Beavers right behind them. Last on both the destroyer Wilkes, in prised of H. B. House, John L. mer city sheriff and member of a week through an error by the writer command of Lieut. Commander J. F. Reinartz, James A. Irvine, Samuel prominent east side family, died at it was announced that there was to Farley, and the Cummings in com­ G. Bohlin, Joseph Dean and E. J. the Bridgeport hospital shortly af­ be a week at Camp Pioneer for the mand of Lieut. Commander E. F. McCabe will present the slate of of­ terward. winner of the merit system. It Stone, two on the destroyer Shaw, ficers and committees for the com­ Kalafus had just boarded the bus should have been the week-end. in command of Commsuider G. T. which was going east and wais pre­ ing year. Reports on the advance The Beaver patrol is to have a Finlay, and seven from section base paring to pay his fare when he sud­ made in Scouting acti-vities for the patrol meeting at 7:00 Thursday at No. 4. denly fell out of the bus door, land­ the Community club to talk over a Lieut. Commander Farley return­ Th e TUXEDO s o f a . Another English model that has a style note all year 1929 will be made. The-annual ing on his head on the pavement. town championship indoor meet to proposed patrol project which will ed from leave today and took im­ its own. It has an unusually appealing design that is easily distinguished with mediate steps to prepare the cases be held in the High school auditori­ held in their merit system standing. its thin tapering arms that are level with the back. You ■will find it a sofa CHANGE IN PASTORS. New Year’s day the Silver Fox pa­ aboard bis vessel for the general easily adapted to modem decorative schemes. Hair filled and covered in dur­ um on the night of February 12 Hartford, Jan. 9.— (A P )—Bishop trol went on a hike which brought court martial. It was Intimated that able tapestry $142. will also be discussed along with Nilan has announced the following their average to the top. Commapder Farley, who was away the Anniversary Week program changes in the location of assistant Several new members were signed at the time of the drinking, desires from February 13 to 19. pastors in the diocese; up last meeting. Swimming was to make the charges against his It is expected that between 35 Rev. Theophilus M. Kotowski held at the Rec from 5:30 to 6:30 men far more serious than the origi­ and 40 officials in local Scouting from S. S. Cyril and Methodius Wednesday. Next Tuesday the nal specifications called for. will attend the meeting. church, Hartford, to St. Stanislaus meeting will be held at the Hollis­ church, Bristol. ter street school. Rev. Edward J. Demensk from Troop Three Holy Trinity church, Wallingford, Ou Wednesday evening Troop EDWARD BOK DEAD This is Trade-In Month at Miss MALMiXEN BACK to St. Mary’s church, Branford. Three held its meeting at Franklin Keith’s. Why not r'efutnish your Rev. Henry L. Chabot from St. A faithful reproduction of the school. ’Twenty-six Scouts were FROM HEART STROKE famous Chippendale Wing Chair living room now? We will gladly Ann’s church, Hartford, to Holy present. The meeting opened with appraise your old furniture or offer FROM EUROPE TRIP Trinity church, Wallingford. with its characteristic high tapering the Scout Oath and Laws. Mr. Pot­ cack> cut-a-way arms and ball and suggestions on new piews to mod­ Rev. Joseph T. David from St. ter gave a very interesting talk on (Cuntinned from Page 1) ernize it. It’s a good way to start Stanislaus church, Bristol, to Sacred claw feet. In selection of fine den- civics to the first class Scouts. m covers $39.50. the new year right! Miss Hannah Malmgren, superin­ Heart church. New Britain. Signaling was instructed to the an autobiography, Mr. Bok became tendent at the Manchester Memorial tenderfoots; the different teams widely known. Relating his details hospital, has returned to this coun­ STLTIENTS WARNED. practiced for the coming Scout of first employment in America, as try follo'wing an extensive trip New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )— A meet. a messenger boy at the age of 13, abroad during which she visited warning to the jimiors in Yale col­ Four Scouts passed their tender­ his efforts to educate himself and lege that the “ Prom,” most brilliant ■ Sweden, Ireland, England and other foot tests. They were: L. Clark,. F. his success as a journalist, the book is foreign countries. event of undergraduate life at Yale Strong, L. Dimock, G. Wilcox. Lion was received as an outstanding Miss Malmgren’s mother return­ I might become extinct through indif­ Hunt and Prisoner’s Base were work of its kind. ference in choice of a committee was final quotations while General ed with her from Sweden and they played. ’The meeting ended with the Following his retirement in 1919 w'ill remain at the home of the given by Prof. William Lyon Phelps American Tank, U, S. Industrial Scout Oath. as editor of the Ladies Home Jour­ OPENING STOCKS former’s sister in New York for a Alcohol, Johns Mansville, Columbia last night to a group which had Notes, nal, a magazine the success of which ROBSION SUCCEEDS further period of rest. Miss Malm­ I been assembled to elect such a com­ Graphophone and Hudson Motors Troop Three will have the use of he was largely responsible, Mr. Bok gren, whose ability is highly regard­ mittee. The professor speaking only the Rec swimming pool, Thursday New York, Jan. 9— (A P )—Stock were among the many issues to ad­ spent much of his time in Florida. Arrived: ed by the board of trustees of the as a professor and not as a member evening from 5 till 6 o’clock. prices moved Irregiilarly higher at vance a point or more. For the dedication of the Moim- SENATOR SACKETT Lapland, New York, Jah. 9, Memorial hospital, was granted a of the disciplinary committee, said K. Leslie. the opening of today’s market, pu’j- Foreign exchanges opened firm, tr o ^ year of absence. Only half of that he could not bear to see traditions tain Lake singing tower and pre­ sterling cables advancing 7-16 to Havana. serve, Calvin Coolidge, then presi­ lic utilities leading the advance. has elapsed. of Yale lost. $4.87 7-16 in the announcement that Olympic, New York, Jan. dent, made a special trip from Washington,-Jan. 9— (AP)—Rep­ A. M. Byers advanced 2 1-8 points The meeting made nominations no change had been made in the Southampton. Washington last February and de­ resentative Robsion, Republican, on the first sale and Westinghouse from which a committee will be ABOUT TOWN Kentucky, said today he had been Electric, Western Union, Coty, and Bank of England discount rate. SaUed: i chosen. livered an address in which he ac­ NOTED DETECTIVE DIES; corded high praise to the accom­ assured that he would be appointed Standard Gas & Electric advanced Saturnia, New York, Jan. 9, fa Julius Finkbein has sold to Camil- to succeed Senator Sackett, Repub­ a point or more. Naples. STATE’S HEALTH plishments of Mr. Bok. NOON STOCKS BEUEVED A PATROLMAN lo Gambollti a two family 12 room 80 Years An Editor lican, Kentucky, as soon as the lat­ U. S. Steel quickly extended its President Harding, Southamptba Hartford, Jan. 9.— (A P .)—A to­ house on Hawthorne street and two ter’s nomination as ambassador to Jan. 9, New York. tal of 54,557 cases of preventable In his 30 years as an editor Mr. initial fractional gain to 1 point. New York, Jan. 9.-=-(AP.)—^An lots in the Green Acres and Camil- Germany had been confirmed by tte The recent ability of the market He de France, Plymouth, Jan. S I diseases were reported to the state Bok was associated with Cyrus H. abundance of cheap money, an im­ complaints received from residenta and Westingkouse ElbctHc alsp' sold Wntcm was also entered dtatag^^the4 seriouslyi^injured in a National headquarters of the order night. . - - Gterge P. GUbert. ^ credulty to the statement today. Wednesdaya as well as Saturdays. in-that section of the stkte. at least 2 points above -yesterday’s MAWUHESTER e v e n in g h e r a l d , s o u t h MANCHESTER, CONN^ THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930. PAGE FOUR

imurriage ceremony. Most justices 1 be hoped that they may turn out tfl8wt|Mlrr in such communities have gone to be mistaken. along under the impression that But whether Judge Kenyon is or Ewnins Vrralii these activities marked, too, the is not peddling to former associates in the Senate tips as to the inten­ PUBLISHED BY THE limit of their powers. H ERALD PRINTING COMPANY, INC. Now, as the result of a Supreme tions of the commission, it is high­ 13 BlsseU Street Soutb Manchester, Conn. Court decision in a Bridgeport ly improbable that there is going THOMAS FERGUSON graft probe case, it appears that a to be a “deadlock” in that body. It By RODNEY DUTCHER General Manager justice of the peace can do a lot is, as a matter of fact, impossible NEA Service Writer Founded October 1, 1881 to see how there can be. There is of things of which he hadn’t sus­ Washington, Jan. 9. — Prayers j Published Every Evening Except pected himself capable. no requirement that the commis­ Sundays and Holidays. Entered at the please, for the president. The loud­ Post Office at South Manchester. Down in the Park City a while sion agree imanimously on any­ er and longer te better. j Conn., as Second Class Mail Matter. . There is nothing to prevent For any ordinary citizen who be­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES ago one of the numerous bridges lieves he has important troubles of a minority from bringing in its own One Year, by m all ...... wore out and a new one had to be ^ his own, nothing can be more cheer­ P er M onth, by m a i l ...... | -60 report, either on all subjects cover­ Delivered, one year ...... , n. built. It has been claimed that ing or encouraging than the con­ Single copies ...... * ed by the commission’s inquiry or sideration of the many difficulties there was some rather ghastly on any one subject. To forecast a which confront Mr. Hoover. He is, MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED shenanigan with the contracts. At to be sure, certain of his job and of PRESS deadlock, or the abandonment of The Associated Press Is exclusively all events the bridge, not sUch a enough to eat, which is more than entitled to the use for re^ublicatlon the Commission’s work, seems to very big bridge either, cost about can be said for many ordinary citi­ of all news dispatches credited to it us to be little less than ridiculous. zens, but the number and weight of or not otherwise credited In this $185,000 more than it had any busi­ paper and also the local news pub­ the problems worrying Mr. Hoover lished herein. ness to cost on the most liberal of are probably equalled by those of FLAMING YOUTH CURLEY All rights of republication or estimates. There seemed to be a few men in the civilized world. special dispatches herein are also re­ Mayor Curley of Boston demands The fact that he is thin-skinned, served. lot of trouble in getting anybody that the state of Massachusetts re-1 the fact that he instinctively pre- SPECIAL ADVERTISING REPRE­ prosecuted or even investigated. So ■ fers action to inertia and the fur- move its restrictions upon the city SENTATIVE: Hamilton - DeLisser, one bright young man who belong­ ther complicating fact that he Inc.. 285 Madison Ave., New York. N. and metropolitan district and let love.^ to administer but hates to Y.. and 612 North Michigan Ave.. ed to the “ outs” dug up a forgot­ the community of the Hub fulfill its fight do not make the prospect a Chicago. Ills. ten statute and had a court of own great destiny under home rule. rosier. Full service client of N E A Service, three justices of the peace con­ Ihc. , . There is something about this de- Kinds of Problems Member. Audit Bureau of Clicula- vened under it, himself one of tho f . 1 There is possible trouble on all tions. ______trio. This court, assuming for local mand strongly reminiscent of the j fronts and certain trouble on most callow youth who, while living on ! of them. Problems political and The Herald Printing Company. Inc., purpose much of the powers of a .nvest in assumes no financial responsibility the bounty of the old man, indig- j economic, domestic and intema- for typographical errors appearing in coimty grand jury, summoned a I i ti. 4. I tional. All to be faced without even advertisements in the Manchester number of persons who had had to nantly protests that he is too ] ^ Evening Herald. ______do with the building of the costly grown up to submit to being told : jn the state. And with qver so where not to go, how early to come ■ many persons in Washington who THURSDAY, JAN. 9, 1930 bridge. No one had been accused in nights or how much money not | would be dehghted to sec Hoover of anything. The court was sitting CARING FOR “CASUALTIES” to spend m nocturnal gyp clubs. i president, for all his ability, REST as a board of inquiry. If there is, in some industrial lo­ Since the Bay State common-1 is not popular here. No president The persons summoned, acting calities, considerable present unem­ wealth has had to serve as a finan- j ever is, for that matter, but this one under the advice of their lawyers, ployment, and if that occasional cial crutch for the city of Boston j managed to create inore actu^ condescended to appear but they ^ bitterness against him than Cool- unemployment is the result of a for a good many years it is likely didn’t condescend to answer a sin­ idge and Harding were able to stir business slow-down not yet two to insist that at least until the city up together. Of course, much of gle question. They pooh-poohed the months old, and if any consider­ is able to take care of itself finan­ this bitterness, considering i t s at the SEMI-ANNUAL SALE validity of this unprecedented court sources and motivation, is compli­ able number of these unemployed cially it will have to continue sub­ and its ability to commaiyl their mentary. But seldom helpful. are already in straits so desperate mitting to some sort of control. Hoover starts the year dealing testimony. When they refused to that it becomes necessary for local with his most irritating and funda- governments and charities organiza­ answer questions the justice court : mentally most difficult problem, ! prohibition. He probably can get SLUMBERTIME LINK SPRING tions to cast about for emergent sentenced them to jail until such time as they should be ready to re­ IN NEW YORK j through 1930 on that issue by swim- measures of relief, then it would ______|ing with the tide, giving the drys A. Watkins 100% snowy 'HILE a silvery moon swims quietly across Link springs in enamel finish spond. Immediately the stubborn reinforced with two steel seem as If there must have been ! what they want. It may involve white felt mattress In linen- the starlight sky . . . are you creating en­ witnesses had recourse to habeas New York, Jan. 9.—Some of the j jerking in his Committee on Law striped ticking with imperial straps in center and one on something the matter with the ergy to put tomorrow over with a each edge. $4,-95 corpus proceedings and it was ar­ most versatile youngsters to be Enforcement and Observance as an rolled edges. ^ 2 5 theory on which a certain propor­ found among the great v/hite way- : emergency political instrument and Reg. $29fi0 ...... “punch?” Not if you’re tossing restlessly on Reg. $6.50 ...... ** ranged that the question of the tion of our industrial activity was farers are the second and third gen- ! running it as regards realization of worn-out bedding. court’s powers and constitutional built in recent years—that the erations of famous old theater folk, i jj-g original lofty purposes, but the rights involved should be submitted Take the tribe of Lew Fields, for | president has always rebelled at Here’s the opportunity to begin sleeping right. American standard of living was instance, Lew, as any of the oldsters i thought of risking the success not only the highest in the world to the Supreme Court. will tell you, was one of the best | of his administration on such a hy^ Watkins fine biding—combined with—Semi-An­ hut destined to keep on climbing Now comes the decision, support­ of yesteryear’s clowns. Today, Dor- | hrid issue as prohibition. Still, PICKANINNY nual Sale prices! NATIONAL ing the justices, automatically ren­ othy Fields, his daughter, turns out j solution is not in sight, The ever popular National- higher and higher with each pass­ some of the snappiest words and j None of the problems which wor- From the land o’ cotton ing year, indefinitely. dering the witnesses liable to im­ comes this mattress- filled type spring with galvanized music to be found in any of the > ried him last year will be any less wire links and enameled iron Of course there was something prisonment, putting the’ seal of ap­ Broadway revues. Hers was the ; pressing. He still can’t be sure what with 100% gray cotton felt, imperial edges. $01.25 ends. fJ-TS the matter with it—something proval on the court of justices as score of “Blackbirds,” and hers will : t^e tariff bill will look like when It REPOSE DUO-COIL Regular $9.50 ...... * be the music of Lew Leslie’s “In- | reaches hirfl: It is very likely to Reg. $25.00 ...... quite serious. Too much of our an inquisitorial boc^ and opening ternational Revue,” one of the forth- j contain the pesky part taking away All that its name implies up the way, it is possible, for a A quality mattress con­ feverish industrial progress in the coming highspots of the year. His ! the existing presidential flexibility taining hundreds of resilient —a double coil spring of lux- last has been in the devel­ new and important avenue of re­ son has been responsibi for the ' power, one of the two things he has coil springs, . embedded in arious comfort, finished in opment of luxuries and the market­ search into wrong doings which books of half a dozen music show , vigorously opposed in the tariff snowy, white cotton felt. orchid enamel for easy may be merely suspected. hits, written in collaboration with^gght, which wofild mean that he SLEEPYLAND Rose damask ticking. cleaning COIL SPRINGS ing of them, broadcast, on credit. Rogers and Hart. j must sign it while holding his nose While this sort of industry and We gather that such a body has Oscar Hammerstein 2nd, of the ' or veto the bill, to the great rage Here’s the most sensational A popular priced coil spring, trade provided a large amount of all the broad powers of a grand Hammerstein clan, is another who of both industry and agriculture, bedding value of the year-. . sturdily built. Finished in blue enamel. An excellent employment and while it has re­ jury with the additional one of en­ took to operetta books at an early | Doubt has been growing concern- 100% layer felt mattress age. Before he had achieved 30, he j ing the possibility of reducing the with roll edges and $1 f).95 I'alue. sulted in the accumulation of very forcing its demands for evidence by $ 2 7 - 5 0 $ 1 7 - 5 0 was responsible for at least half a | navy as the result of the ^ London striped tick ...... Regular $14.00 large profits by the leaders in lux­ jailing an obstreperous witness for dozen hits. Such wows as “Rose j conference this month, despite Hoo- ury industries, it unfortunately has as long as may be necessary. It Marie” and the current “Sweet Ade- j ver’s early announced anticipation been accompanied by too lavish isn’t difficult to imagine the rukus- line” are but a couple of his pro- j of reduction, and ever so many peo- ducts. Furthermore, he has been ■ pie will tell you that the confer- spending on the part of the work­ es that may be kicked up under content to take his author’s per-j ence is going to be Hoover's first W ATKI NS BROTHERS, Inc. ers, who have been admonished such a system when it is possible centage and has but once gambled ' major flop. At best it appears that over and over again that they to constitute, almost any time, a his money on a show. While his instead of reducing the navy we 5 5 YEARS AT SOUTH MAN CH ESTER should keep up with the procession court of justices not under the con­ shrewd old forebearers were taking will have to buUd the other 10 of a wallop on the chin from theatrical our 15 - cruiser program which and were under no immediate nec­ trol of a municipal administration, “flops,” he cleaned up a couple of haven’t been begun while postpon- | essity of practising thrift since the The justice of the peace is looming fortunes and let the other fellow; ing replacements of capital ships, flush times were going to last for­ large. take the chance. j At worst there ought to be a closer ever and keep on getting more Practically all of the younger reapproachment between the Mac- George M. Cohans are headed for | Donald and Hoover governments, flush. EDWARD W. BOK theatrical careers and Ethel Barry- but whether Hoover can come out Now that a let-down has come The passing of Edward W. Bok, more’s daughter announced no later of tbc conference aniid the chee it appears that many of those who regrettably before the fulfillment of than last summer that she would of his countrymen is a question enemies hope, but it can’t possibly have lost their jobs are in no posi­ the traditional span of life, removes follow the Barrymore tradition. A ! which probably is bothering him up. There is some question,' though, daughter of Laurette Taylor bobbed : considerably. whether the functioning of the have him any better off. tion to withstand even a relatively from the web of American exist­ up in the writing world just the ■ .Later on m the year he w ll bave Federal Farm Board will show it­ The one thing predictable seems HEALIH/MET ADVICE short period of idleness. ence a figure scarcely duplicated in other day. i to take on Senators Borah, Jolm- self of immediate tangible benefit to be that if Hoover comes through SM D r F p o t i K Me C o y ^ The point in this seems to us to the whole involved pattern. Bok The offspring of Finley Peter j son, Moses and others in a toish to farmers in the mass. with no loss of prestige his friends Dunne, of “Mr. Dooley” fame, now | bout over the World Court, o ought to . be able to justify his he that the jobless worker who was an example of a type, the for- One must omit mention of vari­ pens “second string” dramatic es-1 whose protocol he recently had our ous minor bogies and conclude with claims to greatness. Quisnow IN RCGARO ’ll) HtiRIHtWfTtflU flnds himself all of a sudden in the eign-bom citizen who arrives at says for the New York papers. The | signature affixed. One guests a reference to the congressional elec­ high distinction and who makes al­ blond and eye-filling Joan is the ! the president will win on this issue, at/ciotm STMpeo M>o/tessMO eMvetope nm pepty unhappy predicament of having tions. Hardly anyone predicts that FIND MUMMY ART »-.e of locations of the institution’s head­ quarters. ers from being mulcted by “pro- at Paris sentenced to ten years in ^Nations Council and the London grain racketeers.” naval conferences. prison for theft. The Bulgarians were still on the Hartford—Thomas J. Kelley, Madrid.—Peseta, with par value manager of the Manufacturers As­ of 19.3 cents, slumps to 12.5. before the committee which ■1^'- is banking the Oriental or non- SEARCH HELD UP sociation of Hartford, advocates dis­ Los Angeles.—Tom Kerrigan and German reparations. It was hoped semination of information about Harold Long tie with 140 in qualify­ ■presentation of their case would be employment to present influx of ing rounds of . concluded and an agreement reach­ Fairbanks, Alaska, Jan. 9— (AP) “floating labor.” New York. — Copulos equals ed so as to permit Hungary to state —High winds accompanied by Hartford—^Eight secret indict­ world’s high run of 17 in three- its case before Saturday. murky weather held planes to the ments charging violations of the cushion tournament. ground throughout Alaska and Volstead Law, Federal bankruptcy Siberia today, preventing any at-i law and counterfeiting law returned SILVER VALUES SLUMP tempt to renew the search for Carl by Federal Grand Jury. Nanking, China, Jan. 9.— (AP)— HEBRON Ben Eielson and Earl Borland, or^ New Haven—Unideni tfied man The government held an emergency the quest for the Canadian aviator. killed by auto driven by Vincent meeting today to consider measures .• The death of Miss Eunice Porter, Captain Pat Reid and his two com­ Delucia 18, son of city undertake-. dealing with the chaotic sun created aged 23, occurred on Monday, at 9 panions, Mechanics William Hu|:hes Greenwich—Earl Wiggins, New by slump in silver. m., at the State Sanitarium at and James Hutchinson. > -it's Uncas-on-Thames, Norwich. Miss Eielson and Borland have been Porter was the daughter of Mr. and missing 60 days now, having drop­ Mrs. H. Clinton Porter of this place. ped from sight November 9 when She attended Windham High school they attempted to fly toi the fur and had been for five years employ­ trading ship Nanuk, locked in the ed in the office of the Carpenter ice at North Cape, Siberia, Reid and Steel Company, in Hartfoxid- She his companions were lost last Sat­ contracted tuberculosis about six urday while attempting to fly to ^4.' * months ago and has been under Nome, accompanied by'pilot Matt treatment since that time. Members Niemenen in a sister ship to engage of her family were notified of her in the Eielson-Borland search. failing condition and were with her at the time of her death. Her father, I t ' H. Clinton Porter, her sisters, Mrs. PREPARING FOR PARLEY Lower Prices Mary E. Cummings, Mrs. Albert Hilding, also Mr. and Mrs. Robert London, Jan. 9.— (AP) — Prime Porter were among those present. Minister MacDonald retuiming today Miss Porter was a member of the from his recreative visit to his old Center Congregational church, home, Lossiemouth, Scotland, plung­ Hebron, and had always been active ed immediately into the cares of his on Thoni Me An in the Christian Endeavor society office, principal of which were pre­ wide living here. Funeral services liminaries to the imminent five were held this afternoon at 2 p. m. power naval conference. Miss Porter passed her 23rd birth­ “I ’ve Lad a good holi'Iay,” he said. day on Christmas Day last. He appeared quite fit, “and now ^ V O I D T H A T The Misses Marion and Leona there is much work to be done.” Woodward of West Hartford spent His first engagement at No. 10 Famous Shoes ! [f u t u r e s h a d o w * the week end at the home of their Downing street was with members mother, Mrs. William Woodward, in of the Cabinet to talk over naval By refraining from over* Greyville, in the southwestern part conference preparations and other of the town. matters. mMEN’S SHOES Indulgence, if you would Miss Estelle Broome has returned Arthur Henderson and First Lord to South Lancaster, Mass., where of the Admiralty Alexander were fo rm erly $4 00 ^ 3 . 6 9 maintain the modem figurb she is engaged in primary teaching among the ministers attending the of fashion ■ at a private school. She spent two conference. The prime minister ar­ weeks at the home of her father, ranged to meet the Japanese dele­ Paul Broome in Hopevale. Her sis­ gates to the naval conference late Why let over-indulgence ruin the ters, Miss Gladys Broome, who is today. flattering curves that make the taking a trained nurse’s course at a WOMEN’S SHOES sanitarium in Melrose, Mass., and 1.89 modem figure so seductive? Be Miss Hazel Broome who is employed MAKE AIR SURVEY formerly H-OO moderate—^be moderate in all in Hartford, also spent part of the to holidays at their home. Bulawayo, ; Southern Rhodesia, things, even in smoking. Eat Work on the artesian well at the Jan. 9.— (AP)—Sir Alan Cobham, healthfiiUy but not immoderately Michael Barron place on Burnt Hill noted British aviator who has been The $1.89 shoes are ^3 .6 9 is still going on. The well has al­ making an air su^ey in Africa, has mostly smaller sixes —when your eyes are bigger than abandoned hjs Cape-to-Cairo flight ready been drilled to the depth of your stomach, light a tutky in­ 250 feet without «. great deal of and has started by rail for Cape water being struck as yet. It is Town where he will catch a steamer BOYS’ SHOES stead. Coming events cast their hoped, however, that plenty of water for England. will be found with deeper drilling. Captain Cobham’s plane “Youth /ormcriyif3.0d ^2.69 shadows before. Avoid that future Mr. and Mrs. F. Elton Post has as of Britain” has been taken in charge 'Coming events shadow by avoiding over-indul­ their guests on Simday, Mrs. Post’s by Captain Wooley who will fly to brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and England after finishing the Imperial cast their ^ gence if you would maintain the Airway’s survey. o » s « » Mrs. Edward Hannaway of Lons­ 'i t V * ' irresistible youthfulness of die dale, R. I., also her brother and sis­ LIT'TLE MEN’S SHOES shadows before" ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Henry modem figure. Hannaway and their two children, ALWAYS DEAD TIRED? fo rm e rly $ of Pawtucket, R. I. t 2 .5 0 ^ 2 * ^ 9 Lucky Strike, the finest Cigkrette Frederick A. Rathbun has com­ Howsad! Sallow complerion,coated you ever smoked, made of die pleted some special ' holiday work tongue, T^r ^petite, bad breath, at the store of Wise, Smith and pimply skin ana always tired. 'What’s finest tobacco—The Cream of the Company in Hartford, for which he wrong? Chances are you’re poisoned Crop—“IT S TOASTED.” Evety- was engaiged during the irth season. by clogg^ bowels and inactive liver. ILLIONS of satisfied customers enable A meeting of the teachers of St. Take this famous prescription used Thom to declare an extra divi- one knows that h ^ t purifies and^ Peter’s church school was postponed con stan tly in place o f calom el b y m en M so “TOASTING” not only re-" from Tuesday evening on account of and women for 20 years—^Dr. Ed­ dend! the bad condition of the roads, mak­ wards Olive Tablets, ^ e y are harm­ moves impurities but adds to the ing it Impossible for some of the less yet very effective. A' compound of Because we <^m depend on steady huge teachers to be present The January vegetable ingredients. They act eaaly flavor and improves die taste* thaw has made the roads in the upon the bowels, help free the system sales, you^get these values—unmatched else­ rural sections as bad as in the worst o f poison caused b y & u lty eliTnina- of the spring muddy season. tion and tone up liver. where^ .rwvf Rosy cheeks, clear eyes and youth* Owing to the death of Miss ful energy make a success of life. Take The new prices go into effect tomorrow, Eunice Porter the women’s bridge Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, nightly. club omitted its usual Wednesday Know them by their olive color. 16c, January 10, for a limited tim e.' evening party this week. 30c and 60c. All druggists. Come in ., See how inneh style and comfort Thom McAn ha9; biult intd'd^ shoes. Slip ♦Be lilto^iM(t6r*t*lfch'tieopsrdi2e the modern forni by drastic ------lets remedies cpndenmed by. the MedicalprofessionlMilUons of d o U a rs e ^ y ^ W into a pair, and you’ll say they’re the be»t It’s a marvelous new w .«£a® toeriaicilo»s«.ddang.tofis nostrums’. Be SeDsiblet Be sclentlflc ■ discovery shoe biiy in town.' that will amaze you imt .<3««ettes wiU bring modem figures or cause the tedurfonofflesb. y e d o d e cU m ^ w te ^ with Its Instant soothlns effect. It t e m M ^ i ^ y o t i ^ too well, if you wili*‘Readi ib r a l u ^ ’^ instead, you will dum ^ i d o y e r .i n * l ^ you are a etomach FOR sufferer then take in i S g * .that canse excess weight en^ is j avoiding over.indulpnce. maintain • modem. peefiUr fcrm. ACIDINE. Su»e sate—swift relief or TlJiSrB IN—TheLudey Strike Dance Otdiestr^ every Sator^y nigh$i over a coast-ttxoast network N. B. your money back. INDIGESTION At all drusglsts. 9 7 7 Main St^'SdnthM j MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, isSO. X

❖ New Haven Verde Bout Boston Braves * Backstop To Face Shires. Tomorrow LLEGE tn K. of C. 2 Mile Run Will Reveal His Power VnUam BraucW DY CLAIRE DURCKY SISLEB GOES TO FIST ^ ‘ Only a Trtfle Behind Rec­ Success of Dr. Fralick’s Op­ “Ready for the River,” the title Branch Rickey’s eccentricities Still Climbing Repaired Bat of a popular blues song of a few form a fascinatihg chapter in the erations on Champion months back, fits Dartmouth. story of baseball. Sid Keener writes., ord Time; New York Crit­ Not in the same sense as; the des­ an interesting story in the St. Louis pondent chap ready to drown his Star of how Rickey made a first Will Be Revealed in Bout woe in the “shivery river.” Rather, baseman of George Sisler. ' ic Predicts Brilliant Fn- Dartmouth is prepared to take up Rickey became hypnotized over a position in intercollegiate rowing. the fiexible leather in a neW^ fiwt ‘ With Rochester Lad. The statement that rowing was baseman’s mitt one day and bbugbt> tnre for Manchester Boy. to be resumed at the Hanover it. Three hours later came the turn- ’ school was made recently by ing point in the career of a 22- Connecticut boxing fans will be Harry Heneage, graduate man­ year-old kid' just in from college. Joe McCluskey, former star miler afforded their initial opportunity to ager of athletics. The sport of .It was oue afternoon in. late at Manchester High, covered him­ form a personal opinion of just how boat racing passed out at the big August, 1915, when Rickey came self with additional glory'last Sat­ Green school more than 50 years to the bench, fondling . the new urday when be finished second ■ In long Bat Battalino will remain at ago, following a series of hard I glove that he had purchased down­ the two mile invitation run staged the helm of the featherweight di­ luck incidents terminating in the| town-shortly before tbe noon hour. by the Columbus Council; Knights vision this evening when he makes destmction of the boat house and “Ain’t that a peacli!'” he shouted of Columbus, in New York City. his first appearance in the ring, all rowing equipment. to the squad. Burt Shotton, John­ Partly due to Joe’s own modesty, since winning the title from Andre ny Lavan, Bill James^ and the the news of his feat was somewhat Rbutis of France at the Velodrome With the announcement that others agreed that it was a "swell tardy reaching the surface. There last September. Dartmouth will re-enter intercolle­ mit.” is an old saying, however, that , The fistic pride of Hartford is on giate crew ranks comes word from news is news until it’s used. the books for a ten roimd, non-title Harvard, Unlj/ersity of Washingtpn GEORGE UNINTERESTED J. P. Abramson of the New York jog with Phil Verde, the Rochester and the U.' S. Naval Academy to lad who outpointed Andy Martin of At one end-of the bench, sat Herald 'Tribune, devotes nearly half expect determined bids in June for Sisler. He was then a pitcher and Boston in the Capitol City not so the championship which Columbia o f' his column describing the meet •'•^bng ago. Since winning the title, the newspaper boys referred to him mmi to the Manchester boy and coming captured on the storm-tossed Hudr as the “Michigaui Marvel.” Sisler (Battalino has imdergone delicate son a t . the last Poughkeepsie re­ ftom a calloused, unbiased author­ and complicated operations to both Was not interested in the glove— ity of that sort, bis renoarks are gatta. it was a first baseman’s mitt and be '- o f his hands which have been his ' Harvard, as you know, has a of real interest to Manchester peo­ .^principal wesikness in previous was a pitcher. new rowing tutor, Charles J. At that time first basemen had ple who have been led to believe bouts. Whiteside, who has the imquali- Joe McClmkey. that McCluskey is the makings of ^ ‘ Just how successful this venture been coming to the Browns in fied support of William J. Bing­ droves. Jack Leary, Jim Kauffman a real champion after all. But let has been will at least be partly an­ ham. You might not have known, A1 Spohrer, Braves catcher, is shown, left, with his manager. Matt Mr. Abraxnsoa \ teQ you in his own swered tonight at the New Haven and Ivan Howard were among the however, that Mr. Bingham di­ Adgie. summer’s misfits. On the spur of words: ' Arena where Promoter A1 Weils rects Harvard’s athletic fortunes GROVE CITY BEATEN ^ Beaten by Moore has arranged the Battalino-Verde the moment Rickey’s great idea in a way that conveys the idea to It was in the runner-up positions scrap. Hundreds of fans from all By WM. M. BRAUCHER Gary is a person bom to other arrived. Still pounding his fist into Criminson alumni that they must things than the prize ring. the new glove, he turned And shout­ that one observed those interesting parts of the state, including Man- like it or lump it. He stood We have been treated to the ^ It is Mr. Daly who should be ed: IN TWO OVERTIMES newcomers who spring to the fore phester wdll be on hand to witness shoulder to shoulder with Arnold the festivities. Battalino is favored spectacle of Art (Whispering) j catching for the Braves. “Where’s Sisler? Where’s George? every year. At least three of these Horween through several lean Shires giving the big push to a ! Austin, go, out and find Sis for me!” runner-ups showed racing ability V^fd win, possibly by a knockout, but football years when old grads couple of tank men and a football! Among the others who want to Sisler came over to Rockey, who that made them stand out in the 'Verde is a clever boxer and stands were yelling for the neck of the a fair chance to cop the verdict. erid teacher Recent develonments ^ow we are about to find fight Mr. Shires is Chief Coy, whose I held up the- mitt for his inspection. Stavnitsky Goes Out on Per- mob of 600 athletes striving for ..Sn out how the Sox first baseman , letterhead marks him as a man “ See this thing?” Rickey went on. medals and glory in the inaug;iural I In the Backgroimd indicate that he will defy all chal­ fares against another ball player— ; from Peoria, 111., and who modestly “ It’s yours. You’re- playing first indoor meet of 1930. ' ■ Standing in the background of in- lenges with the new rowing instruc­ Mr. A1 Spohrer—who is a ball play- | calls himself a fighter, wrestler, base against the Yankees this after­ sonals With Team lead­ ■*—tcrest tonight is a prominent figure tor. One of the best was young joe er even if he is merely a catcher strong man, rimner and the super- noon.” — n.^Dr. Wilfred G. Fralick of New ' With Whiteside in the pilot McCluskey, a rangy Fordham for the Braves. i athlete of the age. Chief says he Sisler had made his mark as a r'-^York City, the famous surgeon who house, the Harvard boat can ex­ ing; McCann Stars. freshman, who made his indoor de­ did the Battalino repair job. Iron- Spohrer, a Philadelphian, is be- ■ honored by being voted the pitcher. Then he had been changed but here with a second to. Gus pect to go places, possibly not this , to the outfield. \He offered no ob­ fisted actors in the punch-and- Dr. Wilfred G. Fralick summer, but within a few sea­ ing seconded and managed by j ™ost popular welterweight fighter Moore in the two-mfle invitation bloody show call him “the mitt Matt (Ice Man) Adgie, the light-1 ^y Police Gazette. He also jection to the new assignment. And race. McCluskey, is the “dMk sons. The new mentor will be the game he played at first base Loss of George Stavnitsky on per­ mender.” To others he is the re- treated the big boys who crawl given a fair shake, at any rate. heavyweight. A1 can take a lot; 234 holes of golf in one day. sonal fouls with ten minutes left to horse” 'who ran away with the in­ maker of champions. that afternoon was beautiful to through the ropes. The betting His material is said to be as good punishment, as he has proved by j watch. Far to his right or left or play, was largely the cause of Grove tercollegiate freshing cross-ooun- I -v But certain it is that the husky ring, it is said, would give a pretty as at other eastern schools which' catching for the Braves, and is : City’s 30 to 26 defeat by West­ try championship ab 'Vah Oortlandt I parade that winds through the in somewhat better physical con- i history or literature, being willing straight ahead he went for wild penny for the knowledge of the sponsor winning crews. throws from Pratt, Austin and minster on the former’s own fioor Park last November. No. one knew ■ inte-room of Dr. Wilfred G. Fra- condition of the gladiators that is dition thap was Mr. TrtCfton, the devote 25 minutes to a question. last Friday night. Grove City was McCluskey was in the race. His I ’^ k ’s office constitutes a “Who’s Chicago footballer, who might have box period after he obliges by put­ Lavan, and snatched them all un­ imder Dr. Fralick’s bushy gray ' In Annapolis and University of erringly in the new glove. Prom leading by six points at the time. manner of winning, in exceptional­ I JJVho” of the boxing game— and of hair. knocked out Arthur i f he could have ting Mr. Shire's to sleep. i Washington naval circles they are that day on George Sislet was a With less than a minute to play. ly fast time, was an eye-opener, { 'ihe sporting world in general. Gave First Aid i talking about the best rowing ma- raised his arms just one more time Hank McCann, another Manchester Boston, Jan. 9.— (A P )—The Mas­ first baseman. and Fordham men were compli­ I ^For Dr. Fr^ick operates a re., A few years ago a packed house I terial in years. Coach Glendon is in that second roimd. Spohrer has boy, who entered the game with pair shop to which men with sachusetts boxing commission has menting Coach Jeike Weber on pre­ sat in Madison Square Garden at i en'couraged, as well he should be, been traixfing Sferiously and he can (seven minutes to play, dipped in a senting Fordham with its first in­ names made famous by blazing hit. ’ , ; decided to grant a license for the CREATING AN OUTFIELDER •an indoor track meet which fea­ I for six of the Navy’s 1929 varsity goal from m i d - ^ r that tied the tercollegiate running title. headlines on the sports pages tured the famous sprinter, Murch- bout scheduled here tomorrow night ! Back in 1924, a raw rookie who I and a dozen other burly -athletes of The two are scheduled to meet I had been a pitcher on the comer score at 25 all. iDuring the five Looks Like Possible Chamidon ‘ bring mighty fists that have crum­ eson. Just before the main event between Charles A. Shires, Chicago ! the varsity squad, grow n in in Boston Tomorrow evening. lots of California stepped up one minute overtime period each team McQuskey’s performance ^tur- bled, strong arms that have been it was discovered that Murcheson I strength and experience, are on White Sox, first baseman and A1 sunk a foul goal and it was neces- Spohrer catcher for the Boston I morning in spring training and day night added to the impression r twisted by an awkward heave of had strained a tendon in his right i hand for daily drills. Seven mem- sary to go another five minutes. , A great light broke upon the j Braves. J started socking the curves of Jesse that Fordham has a* real liumer i a baseball or a football, tissues lek. Fralick was in the audience Two Westminster field goals settled ' f a ® ? discovered that ! V.UXXV.XUUCU cixaL j Haines. Rickey sat and watched ; »and tendons tom by the ill-timed and the race was delayed while The commission concluded that the issue in the final chunker. Half who may go so far as to win an in­ ' swing of a golf Club or a hockey suspension of Shires In I two terrific drives fade into the dis­ tercollegiate varsity champio^hip he examined the runner. The doc­ are being groomed by Coach Ul- j knocked out by Shires in his first time score was 9 to 9 showing the stick. other states it would take no action tance in center field. When th^ in the near future. FordhanT^nas tor sent for splints and tape. shot at the ring engagement, was James Gary closeness of the battle. Westminster Repairer of Athletes against him here without something j rookie came back to the bench he never had 'a winner in big-time in­ Murcheson didn’t win, but he ran I title next summer. , Columbus, O. The bout was sur- is considered the best team in the Dr. Fralick is, by profession, an , I more definite than charges prefer­ I was no longer a pitche’I- but am out­ tercollegiate championships. John­ one of the best races of his life. Nothing more need be said | rounded by some suspicion; after it fielder. His name WM Chick Hafey. Tri-State district. abdominal surgeon, with a distin­ A list of Fralick’s famous pa­ red elsewhere. ny wasn’t eUgible for Intercollegi­ guished practice, but in the last fif­ i when you recall that the Navy ^as all over there were those cynics Rickey did not always hit the Grove City meets Adrian and St tients includes most of the best ! and Washington led the pack last | ■wbo said that Daly had taken a dive Francis this week. ate A. A. A. competition. teen years he has built up a new INVITATION TO FISH mark, however. He tried to make ringsters: Fitzsimmons, Dempsey, : June- over two and a half miles for Art’s sake. an outfielder of Rogers Hornsby. IVestmlnster McCluskey, finishing about forty fame as a repairer of athletes. McTigue, Tunney, Berlenbadh, Bud when or fifty yards behind Moore, the na­ • • ^ Noted champions have beaten a I and only drooped behind After watching several looping flies G. F. P. Taylor, Johnny Dundee Sammy j their shells began to fill with I don’t believe that is true. This Dr. O. F. Willing, Portland, Ore., Crowell, f ...... 1 1-1 3 tional cross-country Idng, was not *?path to his door. Tunney, Demp- Janws Gary appeared once in a dentist and golf star who reached land on Hornsby’s schnozzle, Mr. Mandel, Kaplan, Routis, Harry • water. Rickey decided it 'was a wrong O’Donovan, f ... > 3 0-3 6 far behind 9:30 for two miles. This » sey, Sharkey, Firpo and even the Wills, Jack Delaney, Harry Ebberts, I ------preliminary at Cleveland Public j the finals of the National Amateur ' now outstanding contender for move. Brownlee, c ...... 3 1-5 7 is an amazing performance for any Sid Terris, Jack Zivic, ’Tony Vac- Hall, and if Daly is the same bozo i golf tournament last summer, has Delahunty, g ...... 4 2-5 10 college runner, more amajiing still ' ring honors. Max Schmeling, have we saw in that affair. Shires j invited Bobby Jones to go with him carelli, Young Stribling, Benny SHARKEY AND SCOTT Rice, g ...... 1 2-2 4 for a freshman in his first big race. taken their physical and some­ Bass, Persons, Sharkey, Schmeling didn’t have to arr^ge anything.' on a fishing trip next year. times their mental troubles to this CLEAN BILL IS GIVEN Kocheran, g ...... 0 0-0 0 The number of varsity runners who and many a minor pug. Fisher, g ...... 0 0-1 0 have beaten 9:30 in recent years j friend of the fight game. Once an Frank Chance took an injured m FOR FISTIC GO Considine, g ...... 0 0-0 0 can be counted on the fingers of I amateur boxer himself. Dr. Fra­ wing to Fralick for repairs and he lick probably is more familiar A N O L D I M E R « S SHIRES IN ILLINOIS one hand. Joe Hagen, o f Cedumhia gave Wild Bill Melhom back to 12 6-17 30 than any other surgeon in Ameri- golf by setting an injured finger. Heavyweisihts Clash on Febru­ (who did not finish in Saturday’s !'/

X. -is. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN- . THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, i m / • ♦ • • ♦ ♦ • • • sank to the bottom of the Lamoille | claims that with a speed limit in tv. J. tIUSSIEli mous stage play, “The Tiger Rose.” river when accumulated ice broke | It is a colorful melodrama of the down the false work pn which it Affect traffic officers are-occupied great north woods—the vivid story rested. .Weakened ice made skating OIL ENCOUBAGES SHIMMTf. with speedsters rather than devot­ of a primitive, beautiful girl who treacherous, with two young girls i ing their time to recklessness and fights like a tiger for the man she breaking through and drowning at | one of the quickest ways of mak- accident hazards. loves, and who is herself loved by North Chelmsford, Mass.' i car shimmy is to over- almost every man in the territory. Boston reported a maximum tern- j • pins and the “Tiger Rose” was an unusual stage perature of 64 degrees, the warm-} gteerine assembly.*" The oil limbers play. It thrilled audiences for est in 56 years. The average for thinea eener^y and encourages years and in its transference to the the day, 56 degrees, is ideal weather “P tendency W a rd instobit- Vitaphone screen it has gained for the middle of May. The hottest | power and beauty. The natural January 8 on record v^arworded j ** ^ ^ o ^ g ; outdoor backgrounds are magnifi­ at Provtdanca, B. I., with,62 degree? | a wash aad cent. The story hangs together per­ and at Manchester, N. H., with 60 fectly and each exciting episode degrees. i a thorough greasing of his ‘ car. leads smoothly to the thrilling cli­ Snow melted rapidly in northern I When he leaves it at the shop things max. New England and the streets were | are usually nmning right, but in­ J ,a f y o u r Monte Blue is splendid as the bare at St.. Johnsbury, Vt., for the j variably the front wheels shimmy \ courageous Northwest Mounted Ser­ first time in weeks. when he drives off with the car geant who is forced to hound the ^ S E R V I t l Here are Judith Cameron and Arthur Knight, the story of whose marriage is told in The Herald’s new, Rain or snow, with much colder again. girl he loves in his search for the weather, was forecast for the secr The process of clesming up the A Clean Here you are. Sir! Drive murderer of Dr. Cusick Rose, por­ serial, “Itash Romance,” by Laura Lou Brookman. ' i . Judith is a stenographer. Knight is her employ er. He is handsome and brilliant, but he is nearly tion today. car, and greasing it, removes U\c right in out of the cold and in # trayed by Lupe Velez in a most cn- dirt and grease that cakes arou-ad Steering Wheel g a ^ g manner, loves Bruce ’the few minutes your car’ is perfect­ yoimg engineer accused of the mur What are your opinions on this kind of marriage? The Herald would be interested in receiving let- the steering connections and the I When you‘ take yotu- car from escape, but I jgj.g containing its readers’ views on the following three questions: (1) What is your formula for successful king bushings. This is just enough this better repair shop you can ly lubricated—ready fop- inimy^ der. She helps him SHOE WORKER p T to encourage the wheels to shimmy. they are tracked by Devlin. When marriage? f2) What are the chances for happiness when a young girl marries a man almost twice her take your place behind the wheel many miles of trouUe-free (firiV-- he hears the true story of the mur­ age? (3)—Will a man’s stenographer make him a good wife? . ^ j * u After a day of driving the shim- with perfect confidence. For ’ fsC - - der of Dr. Cusick he is convinced of And whether you send in your opinions or not, be sure to read “Rash Romahce.” It is destined to be one AS HE ENTERS SHOP my disappears . . because the new you know the work is efficient. ing-. Not a single part Is over'’.' grease works out and the parts set­ Bruce’s Innocence and helps the of the outstanding serial successes of the year. It Is now running on the Home Page. ______And you know we-never leave a looked. You'll like this Gour- lovers to freedom, even though he tle into their accustomed positionj. oit of dirt or grease on the jobs himself loves Rose. H. B. Warner The trouble could be avoided, how­ we do. That’s just one of the' teous, quick, efficient service. Try ville Fire Department was held at ijynn. Mass., Jan. 9.—-(AP)— ever, by mox|e moderate lubricating. plays Dr. Cusick in a m^terful the Prospect street House on Tues­ TALKIES CHANGE TASTE Flamingo Brienza, 41, aft employe of many reasons you will like.this It today! ^ '' manner, but that is something we day night, and the following officers the Bond Shoe Company, was shot complete auto service. Drive up have come to expect from him. Gas­ were re-elected; President Md down, as he was about to'enter the {XMSSES FROM RICH MIXTURE. today for efficient, thorough at­ SHELL GAS AND ‘ ton Glass, TuUy Marshall and Grant ROCKVILLE treasurer, (Japtain Fred Ertel; sec­ OF PUBLIC IN MUSIC factory this morning and taken with tention. Withers also have prominent roles retary, Lieutenant George Herzog; five bullet wounds to the Lynn Outside of wasting gas and col­ MOTOR OILS and deliver excellent performances. auditors, Bert Willis and Bernard hospital where his name was placed lecting carbon the average motorist Day and Night'Wrecking The program will also include an all- Purchaser Generally Knows sees no particular loss in running K. of P. Installation Ertel; steward, Charles Feistel. on the danger list. Service talking comedy, movietone acts, Banquet At Rockville House the Tune Now artfl Doesn’t In a dying declaratlci to the with an excesslv‘dy 'rich mixture VAN WAGNER’S chapter four of the talking wild ani­ Damon Lodge, Knights of But what are the facts? Pythias, held its regular meeting in The Choir of St. Bernard’s church Ask to Hear It Played. police he named Phillip Alberti, 41, Phone 3151 or 8159 SERVICE STATION mal serial, “The King of the Kon­ and several other church workers, a fellow employe as bis assailant. Is it not reasonable to suppo.^e go,” and the, latest Metrotone sound Forester’s Hall last evening, with a » '*• 311 Main SL were guests of Rev. George T. Sin- When the public becomes flooded Brienza said he had bad trouble that when cylinders receive more Formerly Sullivan Ss Dower . I216WS* large number of the members pres­ ent. Guests from Thompsonville, nott at a banquet held at the Rock­ with a certain commodity or fad the with Mrs. Pasquale Alberti, sister- gas than they ne ’ the imbumod The Depot Square Phone Garage 6691, Houite' 7298. Interest in the Boy’s Week is ville House on Tuesday night. Rev. fuel dilutes the oil? Doesn’t the mounting rapidly. Be sure and clip Manchester and East Hartford were general-reaction is to get fed up on in-law of Alberti, and that his alleg­ Francis Hinchet acted as Master of it and turn to something else. But ed assailant of today had attempted loss .Of power result’ in Overtaxing Garage the voting coupon included in the also in attendance. * Ceremonies and did so in a most Ernest A. Roy, Prop., State ad each day and help your James R. Quinn, District Deputy such is not the cane, taking it from to stab him on December 31. the engine? , ; creditable manner. There was an several engaged in the line in Man­ Police started a search for Phillip 6ne point usually overlooked is D e^ t Square favorite boy friend to win one of Grand Chancelor installeu the new­ informal program at which time the executive positions to be filled. ly elected officers of Damon Lodge, chester, of the song sheet with its Alberti and held his brother, Pas- the effect on valves. If the assisted by the deputies from the there were remarks and songs by words Emd music of the latest hits.' quale, for questioning. They said carbon merely collected in the cylin­ visiting lodges. The wbrk was done several of the guests present. Time was when a person walked Pasquale’s wife, ‘Annie, hail left him ders and sUyed there it would not A turkey dinner with all the fix­ into a five and ten cent store, looked three days ago. in a most creditable manner. Of­ ings was served and everyone* pres­ be so serious a matter. But carb-jn ficers installed at the meeting are over a song sheet, glanced at the Brienza is married and the father gets around the valve seats and pre­ as follows: Chancellor Commander, ent enjoyed a most delightful eve­ picture, and then asked the voung of four children. vents the valves froni'closing'tight­ Queer Twists R. Eldred Doyle; Vice Chancellor, ning. On the center table was h Miss behind the counter to piay it The Bond Shoe Company is locat­ beautiful bouquet of carnations, the over. If the tune pleased the ear it ed on Marshall’s wharf off Broad ly. Frank Mehr; Prelate, Edward Lehr- gift of LeRoy Martin, which added This caused' further power loss In Day*s News mitt; Master of Work, Hector Blair; was purchased. But that time is street. (Japtaln John Day of a near­ and results in pitting the valves. Master of Arms, Dr. A. R. Pills- much to the beauty of the table passed, thanks to the movies. by fire station took Brienza to the decorations. hospital in his automobile. As carbon collects arouiid the seats ^ bury; Inner Guard, Henry Gakeler; Today a person goes to a show, and the .valves are held open they Outside Guard, George Scheiner; There were thirty-five guests, most always a talkie show. And a Newark, N. J.—The First Lady of which included all members of the talkie generally has its theme song start to bum—and then warp. Master of Finance, Oscar Schubert; A lean mixture is good business. the Land is one of its best cooks. Master of Exchequer, Ernest Reut- choir, Sunday school teachers and or songs plentifully interspersed James J. Davis, secretary of labor, gen; Keeper of Rwords and Seal, collectors. with . Many of the songs be­ WAPPING praised Mrs. Hoover’s ability in j Friedrich; Trustee for three To Play Collinsville come Instant hits with the audi­ TIGHTEN PARTS WHEN NEW. urging pupils of the girls’ voca­ The Rockville High school girls’^ When danger looms ahead years, Paul Weber; Auditors, Bert ence. Instead of entering a music William W. Dudek has been suc­ tional school to emphasize the do­ Schuey-and William Felden. basketball team meets the Collins­ store and having the piece run over The man with a new car invar­ ville school girls’ team, Friday, Jan­ cessful in his appeal to the Superior iably figures that it will not be ne­ —do you KNOW you can Damaged mestic arts because they tend to Following the regular routine of on the piano, the modem generation Court on the estate of Herman create happy homes. business there was an Informal pro­ uary 10 at Sykes Gymnasium, at 8 only asks to have it rolled up. When cessary to start tightening things o’clock. Much interest is being Dudek. William priesented a bill to about the chaste until he has driveii stop—or is it a question of New York.—Mrs. Harry Payne gram of talks and music after taken in this game, because only by some radio station broadcasts the the estate for $4,125, for services I Whitney has gone to France to con­ which a smoker was enjoyed. same number they have the sheet the machine for a year or po. He RADIATORS a last minute basket was the Col­ rendered from March 22, 1924 to reasons that parts will' loosen up luck ? Why run the risk of fer with officials and study photo­ Planning Annual Banquet music in front of them just learning Oct. 18, 1928, at $75 a month. The At a recent meetipg of the Every linsville team able to beat the more readUy as the ckr grOws older. graphs and documents preparatory Rockville team last season. the words. The radio provides the clsdm was disallowed by the com­ big expenses whep brake at­ REPAIRED to designing a memorial to Marshal Mother’s Club held at the Baptist SophomoreA In Lead music. And so it goes and the song missioners and William .appealed The facts, however, are just the Foch to be erected in New York. Church, it was voted to hold the an­ The Sophomore class lead the selling business increases with it. from the probate court to the su­ reverse. A new car needs lightning tention costs so little? BE Washington.—A series of 55 nual banquet of the club at the Inter-class basketball league of the perior court. Judge Allyn L. Brown, much more frequently than an old weekly radiocasts by envoys of all Methodist church on Tuesday eve­ Rockville High school. Standing of who heard the case, rendered judg­ one. SURE! Let us check your countries represented at Washing­ ning, January 28. A roast beef the teams follow: sophomores, won ment for William to recover the . Continued tightening of parts re­ New Cores Installed ton will start Jan. 21, the day the supper will be served by the Ladies 2, lost none; seniors woh 1, lost 1; STRIKERS TO MEET claim and interest of $288.75 since sults in their becoming “set.” J.n- brakes to(iay on the Raybes- naval parley opens in London. The Aid Society of that church. Tickets freshmen won 1, lost 1; juniors lost October, 1928, a total of $4,413.75. addition, gradual rusting of nuis, first will be by Sir Esme Howard, will be seVenty-five cents and the William S. Hyde of Manchester is bolts and screws make self-loosen­ committee is planning to get them 2, winning none. Cleveland, O., Jan. 9.— (AP)— A tos Scientific Brake Testing “Battery Service British ambassador. Diplomatic Cornelia Meeting Deferred mass meeting of striking members William Dudek’s lawyer. ing almost impossible. seniority will largely be followed in out this week. Members and their The Federated church of Wapplng The spring clips illustrate this. friends are invited to attend. There The regular meeting of the Cor­ of the International Ladies’ Gar­ Machine. the series. Musical typical of each nelia Circle which was to have been ment Workers Union will be held will hold its annual meetiqg at the After they have been. tightened country will be included in the pro­ will be a program and plans are be­ church this evening, to elect the ing made by the following commit­ held on Tuesday afternoon, has tomorrow to pass judgment on a several times and rusted from the Barlow’s Garage J grams, which will be over the Co­ been postponed until January 14 at compromise arranged by their rep­ officers emd committees for the en­ road they will remain tight Indeti- Gibson’s Super- lumbia chain. tee: program, Mrs. Robei;;t Amende, the home of Mrs. E. Harrison Met­ suing year and to hear the reports 595 Main S t, So. Mandiester Mrs. Lena Griffin, and Mrs. George resentatives with the Cleveland nitely. But when new they are apt Next Door to ^heridan' Hotel New York.— Monica von Brigham; tickets, Mrs. Emma Apel, calf of 50 Elm street. Garment Manufacturers- Association of the last year. ■ to loosen up enough to encourage Service Garage Miltitz, owner of a castle in Sax­ Mrs. Louise Hayes, and Mrs. Herb­ Mrs. Otto Preusse will give select­ looking toward a return to work Mr. and Mrs. Bllsh and daughter the spring leaves to break. 18 Main St. Tel. 5012 or 5516 ony and patron of arts, is coming to ert Sharpe; decorations, Mrs. Car­ ed readings from one of Gameliel next Monday. of Willimantic, were recent visitors study American educational methods Bradford’s Popular books. The at the home of Mrs. Blish’s parents, Radio Inspection and rie Kane, Mrs. George Brigham and Announcement that a tentative ME,\NS BROKEN STARTER Repair Service. and women’s activities. She recent­ Mrs. Eugene Edwards. meeting will commence at 3 p. m. basis for the settlement of differ­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Grant. SPRING. ly founded a school for women in Notes ences between the union and the Read The Herald Adn. It was voted at the meeting to Senator Borah wants to close Dresden. elect a standing program for the Mrs. Louis Gordon, wife of the manufacturers had been made came A grinding noise under the floor­ Hackensack, N. J.—Bumblebee is year and the following members proprietor of the Brooklyn street after a conference late yesterday. the saloons. Some movement of meat market, is at the Rockville this sort was startled more than boards directly after using the to receive $3.50 a week under the were named; Mrs. George Brigham, Approximately 1,500 of the 2,000 starter may sound alarming, but it will of Miss Alice Judge of Bogota, Mrs. Frank Long, Mrs. Walter Ed­ City Hospital, undergoing treatment strikers will be ^fected by the ten years ago. for injuries received when a knife usually is caused by th'b starter N. J. Bumblebee is a cat. wards, Mrs. James Prentiss, Mrs. agreement, if approved. The re­ pedal not returning to the "off” New York.—’There are cross-word Louise Hayes and Mrs. Hewson. went into her hip while at work mainder will continue their fight “Saturday. against the manufacturers affiliated position. puzzles for the blind. The Ameri­ The hostesses foV the month of This may be due to the return February are Mrs. Frank Busher Miss Helen Denley of Bristol is at with the American Plan Associa­ The Food‘nnt can Braille Press, an endowed or­ the home of her parents, Mr. and spring breaking, or merely to the ganization, is distributing them. On and Mrs. George Brigham. tion, which has declined to arbi­ Mrs. Louis B. Denley of East street, trate. The latter group includes pedal getting caught in some way. a metal form puzzles given in All mothers of Rockville are in­ recovering from a fractured foot. A broken spring is more apt to be Braille can be worked out with vited to the meetings of the Every about 5 per cent of the manufac­ Fights Fat Mother’s Club. The next meeting Mrs. John Kloter and daughter of turers, it was believed. ^ • gland food, now used to conect the trouble. tacks having heads corresponding Orchard street were the guests of will be held on Friday evening, Feb­ die known cans# m ao much eseesa fot If the pedal ooes not return to the du to the Braille dots. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kloter of “off” position naturally the starter Stockholm.—It is the mildest win­ ruary 7 at 7:30 o’clock. Doetoia now employ it the worid over. Dobosz Post Meeting South Manchester on Wednesday. And noWfWiOumt starvation, muldtudee gear does not back away from the ter in 140 years. There is no snow The Tolland County (Jommission- RED RIOTS are gaining new youth and beauty, vim flywheel gear and may touch a in Stockholm, no ice in any of the Stanley Dobosz Post, American Legion held its regular meeting in ers will hold a meeting at the Tol­ and vigor. You see the results wherever little. This accoimts for the grind,- Baltic ports. Folks have to go land County Temporary Home on you look. Fat ia the exception now. north for skiing. • G. A. R. Hall on Tuesday night, New York, Jan. 9.— (AP)—Po­ ing sound. with Commander William C. Pfund- Saturday, January 11. Routine busi­ Marmole prescription taUsts embody The remedy is to puU the pedal to New York.—One cause of middle- ness will be transacted. lice reserves, a police emergency this modem m ethc^ Peofde have used er presiding. Plans were discussed squad and a dozen or more patrol­ the off position as soon as the en­ aged men dropping dead in cities is on raising money to defray the ex­ Rockville Lodge of Elks will hold them for 22 years—’millions of b o ^ or gine starts. If it has a tendency to noise. Dr. Foster Kennedy of Cor­ a meeting at the Elk’s Home on men on regular patrol twice charged them. Some of your own friends^ doubt* pense of instruments purchased for a crowd of about 150 communists drop down and allow the, starter nell Medical College has foimd. In the Post Fife and Drum Corps. A Prospect street, Thursday evening, less, can show yon what diey do. tests with rats he has determined January 9. A large attendance is to break up a demonstration In Let them bnng you what have gear to touch the flywheel gear a B y picture will be given under the front of a west 26th street shoe block or something on this order that noise reduces energy 17 per auspices of Stanley Dobosz Post Ih desired. brons^ to so many. The resans will cent. Rodents in sound-proof con­ concern today. delight and amase voul A book in die should be placed under it while the the near future, and it is expected Patrolman Thomas Julia suffered box expldns die e&cts. Go now and car is being used. , tainers were compared with those there will be many tickets sold to living under city conditions. lacerations of the face at the hands ask your druggist for a |1 box of Mar- If the starter is pressed by hand, T h e B ean help this’ cause. The instruments TO KEEP KING OUT of women participants in the dis­ mola. You owe that to yourself. instead of with the foot, it is an Berlin.—The American quick have arrived and Thomas Ryan, lunch counter is regarded as an turbance. Many of the demonstra­ easier, matter to return it to the chairman of the Corps committee tors were rounded up and tsdeen to evil by Dr. Hermann Gerbis, public expects to call the first rehearsal on Peshawar, India, Jan. 9.— (AP)— “off” position when the engine health expert. What the human Latest dispatches from Afghanistan a police station where they were Arlyne C. Moriarty starts. BRAKE TESTING MACHINE Wednesday evening. charged with disorderly conduct. body needs at high noon, he told District Commander Charles Batz report that former King Amsmul- 3S Florence Sf. the German society of business hy­ lah, who is now living in Italy, aft­ WORK BIGHT WHEN NEEDED. gave a most interesting talk on SOCIETY;^ ENGAGEMENT Telephcme 3072 giene, is a square meal, not a snack, membership and urged the boys to er having lost his throne, is still un­ Don’t run the risks of poor brakes. and a snooze should follow. get to work and make this a bsumer popular with the Afghan tribesmen TeacK^r of Piano Owners of new cars often will in­ Rome.—Newspapers are forbidden and will not be permitted to return. Philadelphia, Jan. 9— (AP)—An­ sist upon having changes made in Let us test them today and you’ll drive year. nouncement was made today by Dr. to give away copies in Italy except After the meeting the final sitting The dispatches stated that a Voice and Harmony the adjustment of the brakes be-, to Fascist universities and Fascist durban was held recently at which and Mrs. Chules S. Hollander of with your mind at ease. in the pinochle tournament was this city of the.engagement of their cause they believe the car pulls to welfare centers. played and capitol prizes were Nadir Khan, the present king, in­ the right or the left when stopping. formed the tribal representatives daughter. Miss Edith Amelia Hol­ awarded as follows: first, Joseph lander and (Jordon Sydney Sersa- This is unfortunate, because what William C. Pfunder; third, William that representations had been msuie DAVm CHAMBERS seems to be trouWe usually is the for the return of Amannulah to ton, of London and Toronto, Cana­ Poehnart. The prizes for the eve­ da. result of the way th e . brakes, are LEAPS TO DEATH ning’s game went to Joseph Per- Arghanistan. The tribesmen pro­ tested angrily and vehemently. Fin­ Miss Hollander is a granddaugh­ CONTRACTOR used. ^ ^ zenowski of this city, Harry North ter of Sir Josef vsux Windstosser, A new engine is tight-and is an of Broad Brook and Albert Nut- ally the durban unanimously agreed that under no circumstances would who was minister of agriculture in AND BinLDER effective brake itself. ^The new car Oakland-Pontiac Owners! New York, Jan. 9.—(AP)—The land. Refreshments and a social until shortly b®Ior« does not run at high speed. Com- body of Frances Dowling, 52, who hour followed. Amanullah be allowed to return to Afghanistan. death in 1918. 68 n'oineter Street bind with these ds the additional had worried over the possibility of To Attend Services Mr. Screaton is a son of the late fact that the new brakes are so ef­ We are equipped to service your cars permanent impairment of her sight, Next Sunday morning, January A slight disturbance at Kohlda- Herbert' Carftae Screaton and Mrs. fective the car can,be stopped with was found today on the roof of a 12, members of Fayette Lodge, No. man in Afghanistan has been re­ as well as all other makes. Our new Screaton of London. only partial engagement. It is this A -. four-story apartment house in East 69, A. F. & A. M. and Hope Chapter ported. Afghan troops came into 48th street. No. 60, Order of Eastern Star, will conflict with Khan Mohammed of partial application,pf the briakes that ^ enlarged Service Station, equiiment DIET MAKES CHARACTER may cause the car to pull a little to When the body struck the roof attend divine services at Union Con­ Mljaro. About fifteen men were Typewriters Rnd staff of master mechanics is al­ it awoke some of the tenants of the gregational church at 10:30. killed and troops are being concen­ the right or lef— trated. Paris.—A country comes by its AU makes, sold, renicd, ex- Brakes are adjusted to give equal apartment house. The woman was Mr. Brookes will have as his topic traits and characteristics through ways ready to serve you. dead when an ambulance surgeon “The Temple Of Masonry” and he is shaiiged apd ovarhaaled. braking force when they are used HUGS GAS TAX the food it eats, according to Dr. fully. There may not be perfect en­ arrived. fully qualified to speak on such a Fiesslnger, French physician. The Police said she was employed as a j subject, for■ he has served as senior Special rental rales to stn- gagement It ia ibis partial appli­ maid at the Hotel Chatham, and 1 deacon of Lygonia Lodge and is a The total gas tax collected in 47 French character is influenced by leiits; Rebuilt machines cation of the brakes that may cause wine, women and a high culinary either fell or jumped from the 13th i member of nine years standing In states and the District of Columbia $20.00 and op. braking force when they are use<1 floor. Hotel employes said the worn-1 Arcadia Royal Arch Chapter, No. during the first six months of 192ff art, he says. (Jerman. character is fully. There miy not bo perfect SCHALUER’S an recently consulted an eye spe-; 31, and of Blanquefort Commandery amounted to more than $lT5,140,- influenced by beer and coarser and equalization wheu they are only dedist, and although he told her No. 13. Knight Templars, Ellsworth, 000, according to the bureau of pub­ more'homely diet. partially appliea. Corner Olcott and Center Sts. , the ailment could be corrected with Maine. lic roads, U. S. Department of Ag­ KBBiP'8 . If there is any question about 'proper treatment, she worried over Hook and Ladder Elects riculture. A total of 5,698,872,000 Great Britain insulted the Soviet 763 Main S t Phone 821 equalization try the brakes so as to the possibility of suffering a perma­ The smual meeting of the Hook gallons was taxed during this government the other* day. P r o v in g look whefli. That is ths bkal test nent impairment of her sight. *and IjaddeY Company of the Rock- period. that simply nothing If Imposalble. .) . '.V

•I 1 v.( '■■■ r:,' X , •;X T' ■ . ; ■ . ■ ■■ .


A new UUBty Type for Semi-Sports; |* rciirv. That WIU Make You Appear Youth-'. G irl fully Smart and Slender

© 1 9 5 0 I 5 f Scout OLIVE ROBERTS BARTON NEA Service Inc. LAURA LOU BROOKMAN AN'S' News ■ It Is good for a baby to be withf Now we come to the question of older children. Without question his | teaming. That As som ethl^ I should BEGIN HERE TODAY mratal faculties speed up and de- - hUow "everything else but” Older JUDITH CAMERON, typist In a OounolL vciop more quickly than if he'children love to snatch things aWay New York pabllshlng house, is The Manchester Girl Scout . Coun­ The partners for an idSal A r ­ spen^ the long ^y> alone only to from the baby, or bold thlngs/out snubbed by other giris in the oftice cil will meet TueOday afternoo.-i, riaga are a girl of 18 and a mah'oi; be lifted now and then for feeding of his reach, or poke at him. or because she is not communicative I January 14, at 2:30 with Mrs. ^J. 40, according to Dr. John B. Watson; or bis daily airing; tickle him, or make faces at him. about her private affairs. ARTHUR v-s Clarke Raker, 67 Comstock Road, sponsor of behaviorism. But there dre the usual “If’s," lliey do it to hear him yell, or cry, of course. KNIGHT, executive, who is reserv­ South Manchester. His belief in the deferred matri­ or laugh—they know they can cotmt ed and a widower, becomes interest­ JAi^ARY RALLY. monial venture for aiman is based , Tf>the children are rough and on some reaction Just as they esa ed in the g^iri and asks her to take Troop>-2 has charge'of the rally on the theory that a man, that is, noisy, there can be too much of a be'Sure of a squeak when they good thing. In that case it is well squeeze a rubber cat. They do ft dinner ^^ith him. r?i for this month, which will be heid the average' man, can’t affoiti a Judith somewhat embarrassed, ac­ at the Hollister street school Friday wife before that. time. for the baby to be removed from to amuse themselves, not him. evening, January 10, from 7 to 8 He believes in a . youthful, mar­ this company-for part of the time, i * _ cepts the invitation. Knight, who at least. Not only when he isj Toying With Emotions has acted on a whim, becomes more o’clock. The program will include riage for women because they are and more attiwted by the girl. He a'talk on newspaper reporting, with at the height of their beauty from asleep, but for some of his, waking' always.'children, either, hours .sdao. Babies’ nervous sys-.:^ko are the culprits. Only a day is lonely and his ohlldren—TONY, suggestions for troop scribes, by 16 to SO’ and they should then, if 18, and JUNIOR, 16—are both away Mrs. Mary Tajdor o f the Manches­ ever, catch the rich papa. terns are peculiarly sensitive to ^ I saw a fond fatbet* from home. It is three nights later As you look aroimd among the surroundings. Noise is xmdoubt- work his baby up into a fine rage ter Herald. The contest for the edly an irritant. Besides, too holding a toy persistently over that Judith keeps a mvsterious ap­ month will be in signalling, with a happy and unh^py man-and-wife combinations you know, can' you much excitement reacts d e ^ te ly kis head so the. little feUow could pointment with a young man whom team o f' two representing each not reach it. The baby threw him­ she calls Dan. There is an argument namo one that is successful, just on both brain and nerves. Cer­ troop. tainly I’d. let him get accustomed self back finally with a roar.. His between them in which the girl is Troop 2. because. the wife is beautiful and the man has a high egming ca- to average noise about the bouse; father laughed then and threw the overruled. Next day in the office, Troop 2 began its meeting with toy in his la;^. He had accomplished Judith sees a picture o f ‘ beautiful 4 >aclty? as fa?’ as that goea, there is danger, songs, followed by patrol meeting. what be set out to do, make the Tony Knight. For two weeks Arthur Or one that*is unhappy, because too, in the other, extreme of keep­ Instruction .in tenderfoot and first aid ing him too susceptible to sound. child perform, and he was satisfied. takes. Judith to dinners, concerts was given. The girls drew names to the wife isn't beautiful and the husband isn’t rich? But there is a happy medium that If that child grows up a prey to and plays and at the end of that exchange gifts at the January 17 time asks her to marry him. She I can’t. There Is^ always some I believe the thoughtful mother i uncontrollable rages, or perhaps a meeting. Marion Maori, Edith Goiv agrees. other reason. will resize without teltog. l high - strung, nervous Individual, « don and Maude Hasset passed throe Often I have felt that life should Restrict the Whoopee never quite well and constantly NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY sections of the tehd'rfoot test; Eva be easier for women who are beau­ The point I am trying to make peeved and fretful, I wonder if bis Mattice and Helen Maori passed tiful. is, don’t let Mr. Know-It-AIl tell father will recall those frequent CHAPTER IV two sections: Ruth Dowd, Helen And I have often felt that the you that excitement and noise are teasings and the rage explosions The morning after Judith had Tysk and Margaret Sullivein passed young man who inherits a few always good for a baby. And that Invariably followed. promised to become Arthur Knight’s one section. The troop now has houses and lots and a business when the children play ^ t h him Of course one can’t predict such wife she woke to face a dream twenty members. Meeting ended from his father certainly has the or around him. they shouldn’t be dire endings in all cases-^tbat world. The discordant clattering of with camp fire. Ruth Crough, breaks on his side. allowed to scream and quarrel and would be' dreadful—but we should the alarm clock aroused her at 7. scribe. * « « bsmg about and slam doors and not take chances; that much is Judith shut the alarm off, threw \ Troop -4. Beauty Isn’t Cure-All make whoopee all day long. certain. down the covers and thrust one foot Mrs. Reinartz gave the scouts of 160 But honestly,' I have never ------^ ^ ___ to. the floor. Then she remembered. Troop 4 a Christmas party last Fri­ known a beautiful woman, or even '' She had agreed to marry Arthur day evening. We played games aud a fairly comely one, who escaped ICni^t! A ■^sion of that scene in refreshments were served, after anything that was coming to her just because she happened to have the reception room last night beat which presents were given out and By ANNETTE in upon her dazed half-doubting all sang ' songs. Shirley Richmond, melting eyes and a creamy com­ plexion, even though she niay have mind. She saw herself in Knight’s scribe. It’s feather-weight woolen in the arms. How he had held her, kissing Her eyes \vere brighter than usual and her cheeks stayed warmly pink skimmed off more of the froth" of HEALTH Troop 6. her again and again, murmuring all morning. smart purply blue tones that the life than a less lovely person. Our meeting opened this week French oouturlers are using in Nor is it my observation that SEVERE e x e r c i s e force more blood Into the circula­ that he adored her, that she was with’ the horseshoe formation witn precious beyond price, that he loved the man who is always able to pay CAUSES HEART TO tion. . everything. I’m late. Goodby, Sarah. “A t 6:30,” the girl agreed. “Thank the Girl Scoilt ..-motto, slogan ant^ their new Spring models. her, needed her and wanted her to all the bills, escapes other indebt­ SHRINK TEMPORARILY Another fact which has long Thank you a lot.” you -very much.” laws. We prattlced 'Signalling and It’s thoroughly feminine with its ednesses to life. be bis wife! be^ known is the appearance to “Bye, Miss Cameron.” “You couldn’t say more than -played signal games and shoulder draped bodice caught with buckle There are few enough couples - One white hand went to Judith’s ‘thank you’ ?” he coaxed. / By DR. MORRIS FISHBEEN the secretion of the Id^eys of al­ Ten minutes later Judith jammed grab. We had our patrol comers. at normal waistline. The shawl col­ that you can point to as ideally lips. Hard to believe—that picture. “ You don’t really think I should Editor Joui^l of the American bumin inunediately after severe ex­ into the end of a subway car, pray­ The meeting closed with the good­ lar is of matching shade faille silk happy, but there are many who ercise in people who may not have ’ She saw herself, too, half-sobbing, —now—do you?” Medical Asseciation and of Hygeia, ing the supply of air in her lungs night circle. Evelyn Peckham, crepe. It dips in curved outline to­ manage to keep out of the divorce bad albumin previously. Swiss clinging to the man’s shoulders as “ Oh, you’re right, dear. You’re the Health Magazine might last until they reached the scribe. ward the right side, to affect hip court, and who in spite of tiffs, marathon runners who were ex­ a frightened child might cling. She right, Until tonight then?” next station. ' yoke, and is carried ardimd the money shortages, occasional words, amined to 1928 invariably revealed had returned Knight’s kisses. She “ Yes. Goodby.” Troop 8. back at same low line tc keep the Muscular exercise increases the The (Christmas party of Troop 8 and sometimes even broken dlsb^a. this condition, whereaa previously had allowed him to stroke her love­ She was five minutes late in "Goodby.” hips slender. rate of the pulse and is followed by ly hair, to p?it her arms soothingly, reaching her desk at the office and was held at our captain’s home. really are fairly well adjusted mpat not one had shown .any execretion The afternoon dragged. Judith All the fulness in the skirt is con­ promising that from how on every­ saw that Carla L'orrison had her Games were played,. Gladys Cross of the time, and wouldn’t walk out a falj in the blood pressure. By the \ of albumin previous to 'the race, filed away letters, wrote others and centrated at left side on grouped thing in the world was to be beau­ eyes on . and Evelyn Wilson winning the on qach other if they had a chance. use of the X-ray it has been found Some of the runners were still made neat carbons. At last it was kilted pjaits. tiful and happy. Would they not Judith plunged into the morning’s prizes.. Refreshments were served And nearly all of these went that one of the Immediate effects ■ ®xcreting casts and albumin five minutes of five. She put her through experiences together that share it all together? tasks immediately. But her eyes and gifts were exchanged. The girls Style No. 160 is designed in sizes __ 1 red blood cells eight to 14 days af- work away, went for her wraps and 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 tested and tempered them, and is also temporary decrease in the , which is an indica- Judith remembered how she had were brighter than usual, and her hurried out of the office as usual. presented their captain with a love­ inches bust. called for mutual compromises— size of the heart. i tion of the dainage that may W' naiid good night finally with a quick cheeks stayed warmly pink • all An hour and a half later When ly picture. The party ended with a smile, a kiss and the man’s strong morning. It is very 'fashionable in black that had nothing to do witli salary Examination of the Olympic done to the organs by severs efforts Arthur Knight called for her Judith goodnight song at 9 o’clock. Our or beauty. arms about her. She did not see Adelaide nudge was ready, wearing the great bunch regular meeting was held 'Tuesday. dull silk crepe with vestee of egg­ • * • athletes in 1928 indicates that 90 of this character. It has sug- She was going to become Mrs. Ar­ shell' crepe silk. per cent of them had some diminii- gested that possibly the severity Of Mitzi but she heard her stage of violets pinned to her coat. There December 31. Three girls were In­ « Riches—and Reno thur Knight! whisper. was no taxi tonight, but a handsome In diagdnal weave tweed in green tion to the width of the heart im- the symptoms in the particular to-‘ vested; Betty Du.kee, Edith Chap­ I have known several couples atance reported was due to the Now she was thoroughly awake, maroon-hued town car. tones with shawl collar and vestee mediatqly after a maximal physi­ “Frosty’s warming up!” * in and Gladys Cross. Laura Heri­ who went through poverty to­ fact that- the race was run on a wondering how she had ever been “Why—Arthur!” she exclaimed. of plain woolen in harmonizing cal exercise. Indeed, after a mara- Suddenly Judith Cameron decid­ tage and May Smith passed their gether very well. They seraped thon race the heart was temporarily very hot day and that therefore able to sleep through the night. “Hpw sor|g^Q^Bl” shade, it is very swagger for sports ed upon immediate action. She turn­ first knot in' thS' te)C(clOFfoot test! A and connived to buy a nqw pj^noir decreased to size for about 24 hours extra strain was placed on the or­ There had been hours, of course, in He helped Judith into the car, and street. ed about, eyed Adelaide Conway new song was learned, “The Dogie rug and have a week’s vacation at and then restored to normal. gans of excretion. which she lay sleepless and tossing. caught her dose and kissed her Ups Crepe satin, wool jersey and calmly, then arose and walked to Song.” Taps ended the meeting. the seashore, smd they were happy In the cast majority of cases She remembered them too. tenderlyk; before answering. Then: novelty rayon pointed crepe suitable. Miss Tupper’s office. The meeting q£ January 7 was open­ if not always solvent. Then when muscular exercises do not increase Judith Cameron soberly regarded “ I hop*4 that you’d like it,” said Pattern price 15 cents in stamps her slim white legs and reviewed it ed with singing. A new song, “Sea the huabamd got his stride, made a the size of the heart beyond'what The door of Miss Tupper’s office Arthur Knight..“Where shall we go, or coin (coin is preferred.) Wrap good income, and they didn’t have all. Scout” was learned. Mae Smith might be expected from natural A THOUGHT was always open but Judith knock­ dear?” ‘ coin carefully. to worry any more, they each went With a bound she was out of bed, ed. completed, her tenderfoot work. 'The We suggest that when you send growth. It is the opinion of the “Arn I to decide?” following girls passed cooking by their way, and finally one or the investigators that the changes aware time was flying and that sub­ “ Yes—what is it?” “I want you to.” for pattern, you enclose 10 cents bringing samples and treating the other got to Reno. brought about' to the heart by ex­ And said unto them, 'why weep way rushes do not wait for senti­ Kathryn Tupper adjusted her Judith’s eyes twinkled. additional for copy of large Fash­ Incidentally, I have known girls ercise are not the result of changes ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into ment. spectacles and when she saw who “ Then I’ll tell you,” she said. others: . Eleanor Gordon, Betty ion Magazine. , Durkee, Dorothy Schrieber and who were colorless at 18, and not in the character of the blood due temptation.—St. Lnke 22:46. As she brushed out her tangled it was standing on the threshold “Let’s go where we had our very matrimonial prizes by any means, curls and combed them neatly she frowned. Gladys Cross. A bird game was to the exercise itself, but represent first dinner together.” Manchester Herald who developed themselves and the response of the heart tissue to Judith Cameron began to sing. “Well, Miss Cameron?” “Judith!” played. Two new girls, Madeline used their heads, and at 30 they It is one ibing to be tempted, an­ ft * * “I wish to give notice that I am Carroll and Bvelya Gelzavich, en­ l*attern Service the new conditions. He held her near again, deeply amounted to something, and had One of the most interesting or­ other to fall.—Shakespeare. ' The coffee was boiling when she leaving,” said Judith. pleased. tered the troop. The meeting clos­ No. 160. As our piiiivmN are mailed matrimonial opportunities galore. gans to the body is the spleen, the had finished at the dressing table “Well!” “One moment here,” exclaimed ed with taps. Lois Agard, scribe. from New Vork City pluase al­ No, you can’t be so. arbitrary function of which has been a puz­ and pulled the gray-blue jersey over Interest indeed could be read on Knight, "^hut you- eyes, . young about life and love. Thank good­ her head. One final glance she stole Kathryn Tupper’s fape. She leaned low five days. zle" to physicians for more than a woman. Shut them!” ness, Mother Nature, who planned, century. Apparently this organ OUR CHIlb'S into the mirror. The mirror was forward, eyeing the §;irl closely. She knew what it was going to Price 15 Cents or maybe didn’t plan thln^, al­ crooked and .distorting. “ So you’re leaving. Miss Cam­ OVERJHILUON JOBLESS also contracts to size following GOLD be, of course, when she opened those lowed us a little more latitude for muscular exercise,' and- It is com­ tioa. QtlU n a ’a M i». “By-by, Old Looking Glass!” Ju­ eron,” she continued. “Well, ordi­ eyelids. Judith knew—but the sight Name ...... adventure than modem psycholo­ teroleappBod e*«3rlioiirfc*5lMiiti dith Cameron said aloud. “We won’t narily you should report to Mr. Ed­ ing to ^ the tipinion that the ■hooM b ia c n liif. AH A un i «i« exceeded all dreams. On the third Size ...... gists permit. spleen is'one of the orgEuis which 'oe here much longer!” ward’s office, but since he’s out of finger of her left hand gleamed the IN (M A T BRITAIN NOW £HflOllKN% ‘ Then she sat down for a five- controls the volume of the blood. town I’ll take care of the matter, I white fire of a solitaire. The jewel Address ...... The Polish government resigned, minute breakfast, finished the last hope,” she smiled wryly, “you During the exercise more blood is was dazzling. probably to make the year 1929 au­ required for the activities of the drop of coffee and started for the haven’t found the work unpleasant “ Oh, Arthur!” the girl cried. She London, Jan. 9.— (A P .)—An Im­ thentic. muscle and the spleen acts * to afiu> door. here?” caught h«r breath. Then, hesitantly, portant statement on the financial Send your ordei to the "Piit- . She had not reached it before “Oh, no, Miss Tupper. I—have as though each word hurt, she side of the unemployment question tern Dept., Manchester Evening tjiere was’ a rap. other plans.”^ brougix): ,out the rest: will'be made by J. H. Thomas, lord Herald. So. Manchester. Conn.” ; “ Who is it? ” The answer seemed to displease “Arthur,— there’s something— privy seal and minister of endploy- * “It’s me. Miss Cameron — the woman at the desk. She went something I’ve got to tell you!” ment, at a meeting of business men ^arah.” on tartly: (To Be Ck>ntinaed). in Manchester tomorrow. Mr. Thom­ Judith recognized the voice of the “I’m sorry— that is— there have this and his recent efforts to effect middle-aged servant’ whose function as, will further .emphasize ’ his plan improvements are awaited with been a few things. Miss Cameron, for new-capital for the reconstruc­ it was to provide the "maid ser­ of w'hich I had intended to speak. great interest. vice” her weekly rOTt was supposed tion and modernization of indus­ Since you’re leaving it won’t be try. tp include. This service, the girl had necessary. However—Mr. Knight The minister of employment is SPARE MEN BLUSHES rteted, consisted of two clean towels has been displeased. Under these UOTATIO! s i week and occasionally a rear- circumstances, I cannot with a clear faced with a 206,643 increase in un­ mngement of the funiture, evldenly conscience give you a recommenda­ employed figures during the past Los Angeles.—^It’s too late for intended to indicate a sweeping. tion—” two weeks, eind though thlS; is not other stores to copy this hunch— surprising after Christmas, it brings ‘ Now Judith pulled the door back. “It’s quite unnecessary, thank "The American wage earner en­ it’s aftef Christmas—but it’ll keep the total of imemployed in Great until next Christmas. A depart­ I “Good morning, Sarah,” she said. you.” joys the highest standard of living Britain to the colossal figure of 1,- J Sarah ,stood in the doorway, a ■ “Indeed? I suppose you’ve just in history.’— Secretary of Labor ment htore in Uplemd increased its 510,200, which is an increase • of pasteboard box in her arms, inherited an o i’- well?” The sarcasm Davis. trade considerably by saving its j, “ For you. Miss Cameron.” and anger were unconcealed now, 410,075 since the Labor govern­ male customers a lot of blushes “ For me ?” ' ment came into power. “No, Miss Tupper. And I wish to “ Peace is the chatt' * of councils.” during the holiday shopping season. ■ “I guess they’re flowers. It’s a A way in which banks might Between the hours of 7 and 9 each leave at the end' of the week. I —Georges Qlemenceau. flower shop name on the tag. Gnly would like my final pay check next help to relieve the industrial de­ night,, women were barred from the ray! ain’t it an elegant package, Saturday.” pression has been discussed recent­ “The war did more than wipe out store, male clerks were hired, and tfough!” Miss Tupper snapped a drawer ly in financial circles in the coun­ many fine men. It nearly wiped out men bought feminine doodads with­ -Judith took the box. It was round, shut. try, and Mr. Thomas’s views on out embarrassment. a’ lovely shade of ivory and tied “ Very well,” she said sharply, real femininity a-s well.”—Jane with violet and silver ribbons. On Judith turned her back, smiling Cowl. t&e silver tag she read. “Miss Judith to think how Mr. Knight had been \ Ciameron” and then the address. “displeased.” The mood passed very “We older folks are willing to be * “Must be some swell beau send­ quickly, and she became serious. taught, if youth has anything ing such bee-utiful presents. Miss After all, had she really heard the to teach, but the best way to do it Cpmeron,” chuckled Sarah. last of Kathryn K. Tupper? When is to be respectful, at least, of the The girl was untying the wrap- eventually the woman should hear things we have been taught. Ease p ngs. A soft “ Ooh!” escaped her that Knight and Judith were to your notions into us, but do cot li )B as she drew away the green wed— ! stand off and faugh at us.”— Wii ti 5Bue. The girl shuddered. liam W. Wheeler, advertising man­ “ Look, Sarah, look!” What could be done about the ager of the Chesapeake and Potom Jit was the most exquisite corsage situation? Nothing. Therefore she ac Telephone Company. of violets .Judith had ever beheld resolved to forget about it. \5^ich she raised from the box. The • « • “Feeling for art has nothing to dc rich, dewy perfume of the blossoms She did not see Knight during the with a man’s pocketbook.”—Otto H. w!hs like a poem. Quaintly outlined morning but at one o’clock shortly Kahn. w|th a lace ruffle and tied with rib- after her return from lunch, there bqns, the bouquet was- oertainly a was a telephone call. "Peace must be dynamic, and perfect love token. Only rarely did Judith Cameron must keep the door open to reform •“My, ain’t they lovely? Ain’t they receive telephone messages at the and t o ' freedom.”—General Jan elegant!” Slip-shod old Sarah re­ office. She eyed the instrument Christian Smuts. . peated the two expressions alter- suspiciously, then picked up the re­ nitely. Then, “My—he MUST be a ceiver. FOR ALL THE FAMILY swell feller!” “Hello?” COLLEGE DEAN DIES '“ Oh, they are lovely— they’re “Judith? I hope the flowers said Not only is’ Bryant & Chapman's Milk the Kidiiy’s drink for every meal__buti neautiful,” Judith murmured feast- ‘good morning’ to you—I’ve been Gainesville, Fla., Jan. 9— (A P )— 11^ her eyes on the flowers. “What wanting to say It myself, dear.” Dr. John R. Benton, 53, deem of the Mother and Dwi, too, join in enjoying the rich taste of this pure, pasteurized M ilk/ cvi I do with them, Sarah? “Oh, but they did! They're so CtoHege of Engineering at the Uni­ .Where’ll I put them?” beautiful. Where—^where are you?” versity of Florida, died here last Mother uses it in her cooking, souring her supply daily, delivered to her door—for v “Aren’t you goin’ to wear ’em, “Now you’re being . cautious, night. Mjss Cameron?” aren’t you ?” The man laughed. A native of Concord, N. H., he she’s always sure it’s;san it^ . This Milk iS secured from the finest cows and every “No. Not this momihg I’m “Never n^ind. Over on Forty-second had oconpt^d positions on the step taken in preparing it for your^use is clean and careful. 1 litaid. I—I couldn’t. Oh, I doii’t street Out to luntih, you know. I faculties , of Princeton and Cornell vant them to die!” had to hear your voice, Judith.” Unlventitles and was the author of 'W an t me to put ’em In the Ice A low laugh reached him over severkl t^tbooks on the subject of ocjbc, Miss Cameron? Thesr’U keep the wise. engineering. He received a degree perfect there. Won’t take up much “That’s better,” Knight continued. at the University of Gottingen, Ger­ .*opm neither.” “Let me hear you ' laugh. And I many in 1 ^ . ^ r * Would you, Sarah? Oh, that's wanted to tell you, Judith, I’ll be He eontracted pneumonia after rweet of you. Here— ” calling at 6:30.” returning last week from a visit to 49 ROLL STREET, PHONE 7697 Judith extracted three or four of There had been no appointment Norfolk, Va. ’ .V die violets and tucked -them into for. th«t evening. Each of them had «vrr- Quaiiity OourtesY Sarah’s blouse. had too much to think of the night The last tlMiiff you wapt— and ^^ow then—m have to run like before. tUi itfiif i« u obttuacei


War. The grosa tonnage, due to lixnitAtioix o n . capital ihips, has dropiM materially. The supremacy DAILY RADIO PROGRAM of Europe haa passed, both Ameri­ 422.3—V.’OR, NEVVAR>x-n0. HOW THE VARIOUS NAVIES COMPARE can and Japanese nsval strength Thursday, January 9. 6:30—Uncle Don’s hour: talks. Leading DX Stations. being practically doubled at the ex­ Irene iSordonl. star of the stage and 7:30—Cabbies dance orchestra. 405.2— WSB, ATLANTA—740. pense of old ^ rld powers. Rivalry screen will be featured 8:00—Little Symphony orchestra. 7:00—Dance orchestra: concert., in capital Ships, west and east, haa Valleo and his orchestra In the pro 9:00—Playlets; male quartet. 8:00—NBC programs (4 hrs.) cram to be presented through WL.AF 10:30—Oriental philosophy, music. 12:00—Feature organ rebital. been transferred to competition in 10:30—Colored music, dialogue. 293.9—KYW, CyiCAGO—1020. cruisers today possibly subma­ L d allied stations at 8 o’^°‘:\^.e''her 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) day night. Miss Bordonl will "er 11:00—Studio dance orchestra. rines, if France and Italy have 11:30—Moonbeams music hour. 11:1.5—Dance music to 2:30. own interpretations of^^her favor^^^ 389.4— WBBM. CHICAGO—770. their way, tomorrow; 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—990. 9:00—WABC programs (2 hrs.) , In which she starred. Cap­ 7:30—Sally Brigg's ensemble. 11:00—Night court: orchestra. WHY ANGLO-AMERICAN tain James V. Bean ot the Bos An- 8:00—WJZ programs (3 hrs.) 12:15—Organ recital, orchestra. RIVALRY teles follee Deparlincnt Is the uiuhor >1:00—Dusk in Dixie. 1:00—A trip about town. "Tnkp Him Kor a Ride,** th^ ci »me- 8:30—Talk, Calvin Coolldge. 254.1— WJJD. CHICAGO—1180. So, today, challenging sea power °(r.ru which wl>' be dramatized for 348.6— WABC, NEW YORK—860. 9:00—Moo.seheart children’s hour, Japan SrI.'taiiv flstenera Of tnc Columbia nhain at 9. 6:00—Orchestra: baritone. 9:30—St 1*1 io huh music hour. exists in the hands of only five na­ The plav will reveal in detail 'ho c \- 6:30—Play, “The Inheritor." 10:20—Dance orchestra; artists. tions — Britain and the United citint! search for the gunmen respon- 7:0(1—Two dance orchestras. 12:00—ArtlRt."!: concert trio. States; Japan, France and Italy. sihle lor the tragic fetid killmg-men 7:30—Bernard I.«vitow’a cn.semblo. 416.4— WGN-WLIB. CHICAGO—720. who had taken an erstwhile associate 8:15—Washington political talk. in:.30—Studio feature frolic. PACIFIC iuVV\L5 /•.■U./.N'l'lC'RIVALS The contest for world power is •Vir a ride.” It shows just how Bic 8:3'i—Manhattan moods, concert. crime was reconstructed >’>' the d^ 11:20—Quintet: harmony team. centered now by force of circum­ 9:00—Detective drama, "Gang Feud 11:30—Two dance orchc.stra.s. U 5 . U.S. stance on the Atlantic. This strug­ tectives and how the man to whom 9:30—Columbia male chorus. 12:0n—Dream ship; nce music. .suspicion had pointed with 10:30—tVashlngton national forum. 202.6—WHT, CHICAGO—1480. gle for sea power is a duel between Ing strength, proved an 'fttnelad ahhi. 11:00—Three dance orchestras. 10:00—.Studo concert. JAPAN GT-BRITAIN but two nations, America and Eng­ and how the killers were finally de­ 12:30—Midnight organ melodics. 11:00—Your hour league. land. It threatens to repeat the termined. 454.3—WEAF, NEW YORK—660 344.6— WLS, CHICAGO—870. ,OTHER*rUS0PKAN*KA.VIB3 9;30—W.TZ mu^c hour. heretofore inevitable conflict of in­ Wave lengths in tncters on 'cf' n' 6:00—Dinner dance music. 3 PA I PHcCI 7 :00—Mid-week hymn sing. 10:00—.Ml .Rtnto orchestra. terests between Britain and ber station tiile. kilocycles on the right 10:30—f'horiis: mountain ballads. Times are ail ICasKrn Standard. Mack 7;3(i_String quartet, orchestra. % It U2 5 1 A*Bcltlc,2UtKS«4bit. most dangerous maritime rival. 8:00—Rudy Vallee’s orchestra v 11:1,5—M.aplc City Four. f A c I r I c OT i f:ice tipe indicates hest fealmes. Irene Bordonl, stage star. 11:30—Isle of Blues orchestra . HOLLANO*Coi*ai(si A 'The three other powers on the 9:00—Revelers male quartet. 447.5— WMAQ-WQJ. CHICAGO—670. c en tra l-a m e r ic a n sea have a close relation to the for­ Leading East Stations. 0:30—Melody moment.s, soloists. 8:30—Three musical programs. ARMS* LIMITATION 'ATHUTIC, tunes of the leading contenders. 272.6_WPG, ATLANTIC CITY—1100. 10:00—"Fifty Years of Light Opera 11:00—Dan and .Sylvia; Aerials. oeiAH by Shllkret’s orchestra. 11:4.5—(^oncert. danco orchestras. No wttreraj^ Japan, by reason of the inter- 8:00—Community Church choir. 11:00—Opera, "La Travlata.” 238—KOIL. COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260. parmittsd* oceanic position of the United y.-JO-Citv organ recital. 12:00—Kemp’s dance orchestra. 7:00—WABC programs (3 hrs.) f States on both Atlantic and Paciflcv 'l•^>l1—Mttle Cluh entertainers. 393.5—WJZ, NEW YORK—760. 10:00—Merrv ramblers dance. plays the greater role. The mi­ •1:4.')—Hawaiian guitar.s: orehestra.. 0:30—Dinner dance music. 11:00—studio music hour. • SOUTH-AMERICAN • RIVALS MEDITERRANEAN “RIVALS 10:1.1—Suhwa.v hois; pianologue. 7:00—Amos ’n’ Andy, comedians. 361.2— KOA. DENVER—8.30. kado’s land has a strategic oppor­ ]():!.'>_Contralto: studio program. 7:30_Soprano, contralto, tenor, orch. 8:00—NRC programs (3*4 hrs.) ARUENTINA, BRAZIL, FRANCE tunity of vast potentialities in case 11 .lii—Silvcr Slipper orchestra. 8:00—Serenade with orchestra, pianos 11:45—Infixed quartet: ramblers. CHILE of trouble between the two main ^’ •283--WBAL. BALTIMORE-1060. 8:30—Sports event dramatized. 12:30—Plantation: green room. ITALY 7.00—Marvlanders' music hour. •);00—Comedy-harmony duo, orch. 299.8— WHO, DES MOINES—1000. Th* *A*B*C’ Powers roftK with' /E&EAN‘ RIVALS contenders. France and Italy, by 8;no-tV.IZ programs (3 hrs.) 9:30—Talk, Calvin Coolldge. 7 :30—gtndio feature concert. lesser E'oropeaa navies, rivalry GREECE their relation to the European bal­ 51:011—^Tiisicni memories. 10:00—Mid-week dance program. 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) ance of power, constitute the other 11 ."a_Conservatory organ vecitai. 11:00—Slumber music hour. 11:00—Brevities; grab bag. preveatia^ lirallatioa oj jleetso Italy F ran .. TURKEY • 545.1-WGR. BUFFALO-550. 374.8—WBAP. FORT WORTH—800. rto'qinal viAval Obsolete tonnage, » parts of the problem. Theirs is the 535.4— WFI. PHILADELPHIA—560, 8:80—Songs. Instrumentalists. minor rivalry, subordinated to the 7:no—.Tnek Albin’s orchestra. 6:00—Automobile club feature. etrtngfh I* chAnged dfcUiwli^ a onitt* g;0n_W EA F programs (3 hrs.) 374.8— KTHS. HOT SPRINGS-800. all-important Anglo-American issue. 7:15—Topics In season. 9:30—Dance band, soprano. 333.1—WMAK, BUFFALO—900. 8:00—WEAF programs (8 hrs.) l5 E A p o w e r U Curr«nt k«com«« f 10:30—Band fonf'ert. 11:00—Studio enfertslnmenf. YiftnSooKj Obviously, were Anglo-American 243.8—WNAC. BOSTON—1230. 491.5— WIP, PHILADELPHIA—610. 481.5— WDAF, KANSAS CITY—610. CASToaSASsic av iwffttn Ql power* relations restored to their earlier 7 ;0.'_Orchestra: song tn”"- . 6:30—Oppenhelm’s dinner music. 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) ^ CHAWLCS.* HOD ^ Le^-que basis of mutual understanding, the 7;S0-WABC programs (3 hrs.) 7:00— list, cornetlst. 11:00—Songfest, Amos 'n* Andy. 2£5iuB. 11- 10______Two dance orchestras. 305.9—KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. n-45—Studio variety program. question of naval armaments would 12:'no_MidnIght 6:30—German band concerL 12:4.5—Nighthawk frolic. pass from the realm of current 42S.3—WLW,- CINCINNATI—700. 7:00—WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. 468.5— KFI, LOS ANGELES—640. 7:15—Artists, 'cellist, pianist. the premier place in the roster of world politics. For if the United 8;00—WJZ programs (2 hrs.) 10;30—Standard Symphony orchestra. theater of operations to another ent struggle over what were for­ States and Britain arrive at an 10:00—Concert; dream shop. 8:00—WJZ programs (4 hrs.) .12-00—Moore’s concert orchestra. where the command of the sea Is merly solely auxiliaries. Fourth, land forces. 12:00—Don Bestor’s orchestra. 379.6— KGO. OAKLAND—790. HERE ARE HIGHUGHTS agreement on sea power, no other lt;no—Bittle Jack Little. at stake. this meant the ultimate appear­ 11 ;30—Latin-American program. 245.8—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 12:00—’Memory Lane: artists. Across the Atlantic, America nation can threaten peace on a 6:00—Dinner dance music: pianist. 1:00—Parlsan quintet; music. ance of the Anglo-American naval equally is unchallenged In her naval 12:00_Paul Rpecht's orchestra. 2:00—Musical musketeers. ATTEMPTS TO SOLVE world scale. First naval parity, 12- 30—Afansfleld and Lee, songs, 7:30—Old-time Singing School. 370.2—WCCO. MINN.. ST. PAUL—81tt OF THE NAVAL PARLEY THE ARMS PROBLEM controversy—the clash of the two primacy in the new world. One- then limitation, and eventually pos­ l-oo—Thles* dance orchestra. 8:00—^WEAF programs (4 hrs.) 8:30—WABC programs (2 hrs.) real rivals in the post-war world quarter of the world’s sea power is 280.2-WTAM. CLEVELANI^IOTO. 260.7— WHAM, ROCHESTER—1150. The peace treaties of 1919 rest sibly disarmament can follow. . 7 ;30_PamblerB; Welcomer artists. 10:30—Theatrical music hour. for sea power—as a question of under the United States flag. The 8-30_Feature artists entertainment. 7:16—Concert; song story. 11:35—Two dance orchestras. (Continued from Page One.) . on the proposition that the dras­ cruiser strength. Both Britain and America are on 8:00—WJZ programs (3% hrs.) “A B C” nations, the Latln-Ameri- j'.no—WEAF male quartet 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—650. tic armament limitations imposed can rivals, have but a twentieth of record as desiring naval limitation S 30—The Jolly jesters. 11:15—Theater organ recital. 7:00—Tenor, orchestra, entertainer. Ing to make “the war to end war” on the defeated Central Powers, PRESENT-DAY in principle on the basis of equality in:on—WEAF programs (2 hrs.) 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY—790, 7:30—Craig’s danco orche.stra. a lasting victory for peace. A from Germany to Bulgaria, are to NAVAL STRENGTH the total tonnage; it is now rapidly of sea power. Elacb, however, has I'l.o.'i—Emerson Gill’s orchesti^ 10:00—■WE.\F feature concert. becoming obsolescent. 399.8—weX-W JR. DETROIT—750. 11:5.5—Time; weather; markets. 1].00—Violin. plan1. 11:15 p.m.- Irene Sherman, who provides vo­ outside Geneva’s main efforts to France and Italy, are primarily WORLD TOTALS HAIRCDTTING ...... 3 5c chestra. cal interpolations in the dance volves three spheres ,— the land, (including all other j oxzAVtvn ...... 15c -Telechron time. the air, and the sea. Armies, air bring about the universal llmlta' Mediterranean rivals. Britain re­ 11:45 p.m.- broadcasts of The Merry Madcaps tions of armaments. The issue of mains the dominant naval power n a v ies...... 6891.2 5134.4 ! ...... ' W from Station WTIC on Monday, forces and navies, however, pre­ The world’s navies, in sum. have | CHILDREN’S HAIRCUTS .... ^ Program for Thursday sent sharp contrasts as problems sea power not only has concerned with a quarter of the world’s naval E. S. T. Wednesday and Friday nights, was but few nations. More funda­ strength, just as France occupies changed markedly since the World It Fays to Walk a Wajs drafted from vaudeville. She recent­ for statesmen. mental, the Washington confer­ Program ly completed a four-year engage­ 1— Land forces, by themselves, 4:00 p. m.—Summary of can never be anything more than ence for limitation of naval arma­ and Newscasting. Coming Features ment with the Keith circuit, having ments of 1921-22 advanced this appeared in practically every Amer­ of primary continental importance. 4:15—The Laurel Trio—Studio Pro­ With broad limits, the size of aspect of the armaments question gram. Over WTIC ican vaudeville house in a “sing'e ’ armies affects only nations who far beyond the general progress 4:45—“Book Chats”— Mary Isabel act featuring “blues” singing and use them against each other. Eu­ in other related spheres. Hasten. acrobatic dancing. Previous to her ropean nations are acutely qon- First, fleet “ratios” were estab­ I ®:00—Radlo-Keith-Orpheum Vaude- King George On the Air. affiliation with the varieties, sne cemed, consequently, with t h e lished for the five naval powers of i ville Matinee—N. B. C. Feature. Station WTIC of Hartford will W81S a cabaret entertainer in Bos­ military strength of their imme­ today. That is, the strength of ' B:30—“The Sunset Hour”—Supper transmit a rebroadcast of King ton. diate neighbors. But the relative the battle fleets was limited in the Musicale. George's address before the Five- “Missing Friends” Service. strength of Old World military es­ proportion of 5-5-3-1.6-1.6 f o r 6:00—“Mother (]k)03e”—Bessie Lil­ Station WTIC of Hartford often tablishments and American or the United States, Britain, Japan, lian Taift. Pact Parley in London early Tues­ LAST CALL co-operates with police offlcisds in even Asiatic forces, in the narrow France and Italy. Second, capital 6:15— ^United States Daily News day morning, January 21. The pro­ gram will be received by WTIC lis­ locating missing persons, but re­ sense, is of no direct movement. ships ceased, under the limitation Bulletins from Weishington, D. C. ag;reement, to constitute an issue. i Hartford Courant News Bulletins. teners through a hook-up with the cently unknowingly performed a However, technical restrictions on service for a missing friend. JacK the conduct of warfare, instanced Third, the restriction of other ^ 6:30—Benrus Correct Time. National Broadcasting Company craft to a maximum dipolacement; 6:31—Hotel Bond Trio — Request at 6 o’clock and will continue un'dl Brinkley, WTIC announcer, and Ben by efforts to regulate arms, mate­ rials and methods, obviously bear of 10,000 tons armed with guns; Program: Emil Heimberger, Dir­ 8 o’clock. The British monarch will Medford, his closest boyhood friend, not to exceed eight inches in call- | ector; with Earle Styers, Bari­ parted almost a decade ago In their upon the whole world situation. speak from the royal gallery of the Armies, therefore, have represented ber, definitely forecast the pres- tone,, Guest Soloist. House of Lords in the Parliament home in South Carolina. Medford 6:59—^Weather Report; Industrial went to Vienna to study music, a universEd problem—the citadel of The Manchester Building. The occasions will mark Alcohol Institute Announcement. militarism being Europe herself. the first transoceanic broadcast of Brinkley to Virg^inla to report for a 2— Air power, given the pres­ 7:00 Silent. the voice of the king. newspaper. Medford returned from ent development of the means of Four-Hour Program. Europe a few weeks ago and while PISO’S WBZ—IVBZA aerial warfare, remains auxiliary to Four hours of varied entertain­ listening to a WTIC program in the two major arms. fo r TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Thursday, January 9 ment, including speeches by nation­ Florida, heard and recognized his P IS O ’S 4:00 p.m.—The Poet’s Comer. It Is an adjunct to land and ally known business leaders, vaude­ old friend’s voice. A reunion follow­ sea power, for It still is restricted gives quick, 4:15 p.m.—Home Forum Decorat­ ed. effective relief. C O l 'G H S ing. ville acts and dance music, will oc­ in its sphere of independent ac­ Pleasant, sooth- cupy the program of Station WTIC tion. A military menace whose g and healing. Excellent fot 4:30 p.m.—U. S. Army Band. BIG HARVARD GIFT tn 5:00 p.m.—Final closing stock mar­ on the night of Wednesday, January potentialities are staggering I n HIIIIIPIII children — contains no kets. 22, when proceedings will be trans­ combination with operations on opiates. Successfully as well as the directories for the following exchanges; mitted from the annual banquet ol Philadelphia, Jan. 9.—(AP)—Har­ land, air power seems destined, used for 65 years. 3Sc 5:25 p.m.—Government bulletins. vard University will be the recipent 5:30 p.m.—Lost and found; posi­ the Hartford Chamber of Com­ however, to be world-wide in its and 60c sizes. tions wanted. merce. Not all the features have of more than $5,000,000 under the ultimate scope. Bristol Hartford Rockville 5:45 p.m.—Coleman Presentation. been booked at present, but among terms of the will of Stuart Wyeth, 3— Sea power, by its very na­ 5:59 p.m.—Temperature. those already announced are J. J. president of John Wyeth and Son ture, is limited to a few contend- ' Collinsville Middletown Simsbury 6:00 p.m.—Telechron time. Pelley, president of the New York, Corporation, manufacturing chem­ ers for world pre-eminence. | Now Is The Time Thompsonville 6:01 p.m.—Champion Weatherman. New Haven and Hartford Railroad; ists, which was filed for probate The command of t h e seas, | East Hampton Moodus 6:02 p.m.—Agricultural Market re­ the Yale University Glee Club and here yesterday. - The will set forth given the existing political and Windsor that the )president and fellows of economic development of nations, To Eat Oysters Farmington New Britain ports. the Seth Parker Singing School, Harvard 'University, from which is involved inescapably with na­ 6:15 p.m.—Musicale Interlude. which has been a feature of Station Glastonbury Plainville Windsor Locks 6:20 p.m.—Sport Digest. Mr. Wyeth graduated in 1884, might tional greatness. No world power And We Have the Best WTIC more than a year. James F. use the money as they see fit. —that la, one of the half-dozen 6:30 p.m.—Velvo Melodies. Clancy, business manager of, the 6:45 p.m.—Investment talk. nations in the van, thoroughly In­ When in Hartford dine with us, Connecticut station, is chalrmeui of dustrialized and dependent upon 6:59 p.m.—Sessions chimes. the entertainment committee. This LOANS ON VEHICLES and don’t forget to bring some 7:00 p.m.—Amos ’n’ Andy. International commerce for raw broadcast was one of the most materiaJs and markets essential home for the other members 7:15 p.m.—New England Coke Mel- memorable of last year’s winter Pragrue—A pawnshop whlcji does odeers. a business on a large scale has been to existence—can fall to be affect­ of the family. 7:30 p.m.—Sally Briggs Ensemble. schedule. Among the stars were ed by naval strength. in every Col. Edward A. Deeds, aircraft located here. It lends money on quarter of the globe. Battle fleets goes to press 8:00 p.m.—Lehn & Fink Serenade- automobiles, trucks and tractors. Why?; Mighty Lak’ a Rose, executive, Billy B. Van, the Trimty The value of the car is determined are capable of transfer, given Nevin; You Do Something to Me: College Glee Club, Billy Jones and by an appraiser and then a loan is naval bases and allies, from one I'm Unlucky at Gambling; You’ve Ernie Hare, Healy and Cross, and a extended for 50 per cent of the Got That Thing: I'm in Love; bevy of vaudeville headliners. value. While the loan Is outstanding, HONISS’S When the Flowers «Bloom: Oh, Seth Parker Coming Back. the car must be kept in a special Visit the OYSTER HOUSE THIS SATURDAY Miss Hannah: Love Made a Gyp­ Seth Parker, after an absence of garage kept by the pawnshop. The sy Out of Me; Crazy Rhythm; three weeks, will return to WTIC borrower must also pay garage rent 22 State St. Hartford, Conn. Sally; Twelfth Street Rag; That listeners at 7:30 o’clock Monday to the pawn broker. Certain Feeling, Gershwin. evening, January 20. Maestro Park­ McGovern (Under Grant’s Store) 8:30 p.m.—Champion Sparkers. er and the members of his singing January 11th, at noon! 9:00 p.m.—Smith Brothers — I’ve school from Jo. “sport, Maine, have lore throats Got the Low Down on the Low been heard in 65 broadcasts from Quickly relieved Granite Co.’s Down; Toymaker’s Dream; See­ the Connecticut station, establish­ by rubbing on ing Sweetie Home; Lucky Me, ing a record of more than 36 hours Memorial Lovable You; Hello Baby; I Can’t on the air. The original cast of the Believe that You're in Love with ▼ V a o o R u b Orders for new service, additional Me; There'll be Some Changes Exhibition Made; I Have to Have You. pyiRWMILLlON JARS USED YEARLY listings or classified advertising must 9:30 p.m.— Addre.ss by Former of President Coolidge. Let Us Invest be received at our Business Office by 10:00 p.m.— Atwater Kent Mid­ week Program. Monuments and that time for inclusion in this issuer 11:00 p.m.—Longincs time. Your Money FOR RADIO SERVICE Markers The Next Time You Have Original |n Conception Radio Trouble Try In Mortgages PHONE 8160 Have you heard the new Majestic Moderate in Price On good reliable local proper­ Electric Kadto? 147 Allyn St., Hartford THE SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND WM. E. KRAH ties. We handle all the de­ Barstow Radio tails. TELEPHONE^^COMPANY FOR EXPERT Service Local Kepresentative Authorized Dealer RADIO SERVICE ARTHUR A. KNOFLA Majestic, Phllco Mr. J. Fuller Mitchell 668 Tolland Tpk., Phone 8733 20 Bisseil SU Atwater Kent, Stromberg-Carlaon, "Stervice That Satisfies” Next door to Kittle’s Market Phone 2-4129, Hartford Majestic, Bosch, Phllco. ST.'S Main St. Phone 5440 T \ ' > "iT

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN\ THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 19S0. PAGE TEN TH E El ED SECTION ____ n i l V / M N D SELL Want Ad InformatlOB LOST AND FOUND 1 HELP WANTED—MALE 36 PRISONERS ATTEMPT INDIA TO INVITE FOUND—BLACK and white Setter WANTED—BOY 16 or over for full Manchester dog, female. Telephone Rosedale time position in our Self Serve TO BURN DOWN JAIL 54-2. ______Grocery. Apply J. W. Hale Com­ Evening Herald pany. IN MAINE EECTION BRITAIN TO PARLEY LOST—ON SCHOOL street, a blue CLASSIFIED Conklin foimtain pen. Finder please Your Down Payment Phoenix, Ariz., Jan. 9,—(AP.)— ADVERTISEMENTS call 7131. Reward. SITUATIONS WANTED— An attempt by prisoners to bum FEMALE 38 the county jail here was under in­ count «lx average iorda to a I'n** PAY CHECK JjOST—Notice is Power Company Spent Half T ^ Has Come to Talk In­ Initials, numbers and abbreviations vestigation today. each c o u n t as a word and comnound hereby given that Pay Check No. WEST SIDE HOUSEWIFE would words as two worda Minimum cost is WIA-36, payable to Tony Adams, like to do wet washings at her M3Hon to Change State Prisoners set fire to the building dependence, D e c I a r es price of three lines. for week ending Dec. 28, 1929, has home; also box laundry work. Dial on a New Radio last night by hurling a blazing Line rates per day tor transient been lost. Anyone attempting to 7544. mattress on the roof of one of the ads. cash this check will be prosecuted Law, Speaker Declares. Leader of Nadonalists. efTective Uarch 17. 19S7 WANTED—HOUSEWORK by mid­ wings. The blaize was extinguished Cash Charge to the full extent of the law. Finder dle-aged woman. Laundry work before it could do any serious dam­ 6 Consecutive Days 9 eta please return to the Corporate age. 3 Consecutive Days 11 cts Accounting Department, Main preferred. Phone 8497. Winter Park, Fla., Jan. 9.—(AP) 1 L)av 13 eta You can get your down pay­ Sheriff C. H. Wright said that Ahmadabad, Bombay, Jan. 9 — All orders tor Irregular insertions Office, Cheney Brothers. —Dr. Earnest H. Gruenlng, of the after the fire had been halted, pris­ (AP)— Mahatma Gandhi, noted will be charged at the O"® SITUATIO.NS WANTED— ment on a new radio by letting Portland (Me.) News, told the fwOl- oners in a section of the jail four Indian Nationalist leader, believes Special rates for long term every Uns College Institute of Statesman­ day advertising given upon request. AUTOMOBCl.BS FOR SAl.E 4 MALE 3 stories above the street attempted that If the British government Ads ordered for three or « - days a Classified ad sell the old one ship here today that the Insuil pow­ to incite a riot, throwing plates and nnd stopped before the third or Atth EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, er companies spend $500,000 In an should invite the Indian National (lay will be charged only for the ac­ FOR SALE—1925 MOON sport food to the ground. He isolated the accountant, general office man de­ for you. unsuccessful campaign to change suspected ringleaders. Congress to discuss and frame a tual number ot times the ad aPoear- touring, perfect mechanical condi­ sires permanent position. Phone scheme for independence, that the p(i charging at the rate earned, but tion, four wheel brakes, good rub- the laws of Maine to their advan­ The disturbance was one of sev­ no’allowances or refunds can be made Hartford 5-4864. tage. Congress leaders would respond (in six time ads stopped after the ber, $75.00. 109 Foster street. In most cases private sale re­ eral which have occurred recently gladly. “For fifteen years after their ac­ in an apparent effort of disgnmtled forbids": display lines'not GOOD USED CARS quisition of every important hydro­ Writing in the newspaper "Young ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 sults in a better bargain than prisoners to attract attention of India”, he says “there must be a Cash or Terms electric company In the state, ex­ pedestrians passing by the jail. ^°The Herald will not be responsible Madden Bros. cept one, the Insulls tried to get a conference at some stage or other, for more than one Incorrect lnsert(On you would get otherwise. Several weeks ago prisoners threw whether such time be far or near ot any advertisement ordered for If Main S t Tel. 6500 . ! law passed permitting exportation FOR SALE—BABY stroller, in cx food from windows, and dropped depends upon how we utilize or more than one time. cellent condition. Call 8176. from the state of hydro-electric The Inadvertent om»sslon of 10 GOOD USED CARS power,” Dr. Gruenlng declared. notes to the street compladning that waste this year of grace.” rect publication of ndveritsing will be Crawford Auto Supply Company A small ad costs you little when they were not adequately fed. The The noted leader said he did not lectUied only by cancellation of tlie “This bill finally was put Center & Trotter Streets FUEL AND FEED 49-A sheriff announced that regular jail see the atmosphere today for a charge made for the service rendered. you consider the results. through," he added, "after the pow campaign of civil disobedience. All advertisements must conform Telephone 6495 and 8063 er interests had lobbied, ousted a rations had been issued to them. At in stylo, copy and rypography with FOR SALE—SLAB and hard that time the trouble appeared to Seeks Formula regulatlo* i enf(^ed by the pub^llsh- 1928 DODGE SENIOR COUPE wood, sawed stove length, and un­ governor who opposed them, de­ have developed among federal pris­ "I want to discover a formula ers and they reserve the right to 1927 OAKLAND SEDAN der cover, eilso hickory wood for throned legislators £uid replaced oners being held in the county jail whereby sufficient provision can be edit, revise or reject any "oy con­ Terms—Trades Considered them with others and otherwise re­ sidered objectionable. fire place. L. T. Wood. Dial 4496. made for the avoidance of suspen­ CLOSINO h o u r s —Classified ads to BETTS GARAGE sorted to under-handed methods.” sion for reasons such as at Chowri he published sam e day must be re* Hudson-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce FOR SALEl—HARD WOOD and DIAL 5121 The bill passed the legislature and Chowro,” he writes. “The time must oeive(j by 12 o ’clock noon: Saturdays hard slabs, stove length $6 and $9 went to the people for referendum, 24 HOUR TAXI SERVICE come when there may be a fight to per load. A. Flrpo, 116 WeUs street. he said. the finish with our backs to the TELEPHONE YOUR GARAGES—SERVICE— Dial 6148. for an Ad-taker Unusual Campaign. wall. With the present temper of WANT ADS. STORAGE 10 The goyemor went out of his way PLANNED BY CITY CAB the Congressmen, with out internal Ads are accepted over the telephone HARD WOOD $6 per load. Hard to urge' the people to vote ‘yes' on dissensions and communal tension at the CHARGE RATE Slvei. above FOR RENT—FIRST Class garage. slab wood $5.00 load. Wm. J. Mc­ it is difficult to discover an effec­ as a convenience to advertisers, but Inquire Edward E. Fish, 104 Chest­ Kinney. Phone Rosedale 28-2. the measure, namely for export, in the CASH KATES will be the five months intervening before James Tatem, owner of the Man tive formula. It may be impossible FULL PAYMENT It paid at the busi­ nut street. the referendum, Maine witnessed the to offer civil disobedience at this ness ottico on or before the seventh f o r SALE — SEASONED hard J Chester City Cab Company, was in stage in the name of the Congress; day following the wood. $6.50 a load, split $7.25. Fred most extravagantly financed cam­ town this afternoon and made ar­ it may be necessary to offer indivi­ each ad otherwise the CHARGE MOTORCYCLES O. Giesecke. Phone Rosedale 36-12. paign in history. RATE will be collected. No responsl- AF A RIM £ NTS— F L ATS— LEGAL NOTICES 79 rangements for a twenty-four hour dual civil disobedience without a hiltty for errors in telephoned ads BICYCLES 11 "Insull’s man, Walter Wyman, lu- Congress imprimaturi and apart will be assum ed and th eir accuracy TENEMENTS 63 AT A COURT OF PHOB.ATE adyertently admitted in the course service for patrons of the taxi serv­ from it, but just now, everything is cannot be guaranteed.___ WANTED TO BUY a motorcycle HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 nt Bolton within nnd for the Ulntrict of public debate that this money - ice in Manchester. Starting at 7 in an embryonic state."'' INDEX OF ajid motorcycle delivery side car. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, 79 of Andover on the 7tt day of January estimated by his opponent speaker o’clock in the morning there will be (Chowri Chowra waa the scene CLASSIFICATIONS Call E. Dwyer 4151. Oak kitchen cabinet, complete $15 Wells street, all improvements in­ A. U.. 1930. at $500,000 aad never denied by the 3 piece parlor set $15 cluding furnace. Inquire 81 Wells Preaent J. WHITE SUUNER, Esq., three cars on service until after the of a massacre during the previous B irths ...... Good used gas ranges $8 up JudEC. power organs—came from profits theater show Vs over and the crowd non-cooperation campaign). Engagements ...... " street. Telephone 7617. On motion of Harold. S. Bnckua of of a defil m ^ e In Texas by one of M arriages ...... 3^ BUILDING- Watkins Furniture Exchange Hartford, Conn., admtnintrator on the has been taken care of. From that FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all Intestate estate of Marlon E. Backus the Insuil holding companies there D eaths ...... 14 time on there will be a reserve car ACOSTA IN COURT Card of Thanks ...... " CONTRACTING FOR SALE—SECOND hand gas improvements, garage if desired. late of Andover within said district, Dr. Gruenlng said the power com­ ready at all times to take care of In Memorlam * *’ange and Rex hot water heater, Apply 95 Foster street. Dial 5230. d ecea sed . panies carried out an extensive au- Lost and Found J CARPENTER WORK, alterations This Conrt doth decree that six any demand that might develop. Mineola, N. Y., Jan. 9.—(AP)— Announcements ...... • used about 1 1-2 years. Cali 6543. vertising campaign in all newspa­ anrt repairing. Thornes Murdock. FOR RENT—5 ROOM tenement, months be allowed and liniitrd for ’This means that starting on Mon­ Bert Acosta, trans-Atlaat’C flyer, P ersonals • ••••••••••••*•* • • • • • the creditors of said estate to exhibit pers in the state except the Port­ day a taxi service will be maintain­ Antomoblles ' Telephone 7268. FOR SALE—ON ACCOUNT c! in- lower floor, ail modern Improve­ their claims asainst the same to the land News and the Kennebunk Star pleaded not guilty to a charge of Automobiles for Sale * sufficent room we offer a large ments. C. E. Lewis, 44 Cambridge udministrntor and directs that puhlle ed for twenty-four hours each day. abandoning his two children when Automobiles for Exchange ...... “ CARPENTER WORK, porch and notice be Eiven of this order by nd- These opposed the campaign and If this proves satisfactory there Auto Accessories—Tires 6 golden oak dining room set for street. Telephone 7269. arraigned in Nassau county court storm enclosures, alterations, re­ vertisluE In n newspaper havlns a were branded “Bolsheviks" by sup­ will be an application made, Mr, before Judge Lewis J. Smith. The Auto Repairing—Painting ...... ^ 7 pairs, roofing, and garj^es. T. Niel­ sale, 5 chairs, dining table, side rircnlatldn in said district, and hy porters of the power companies, *ie board and china cabinet. A bar­ FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS tenement pnstInE a copy thereof on the public Tatem said, for another car to charge was brought by Mrs. Costa. Autos—Ship by T r u c k ...... » son, telephone 4823. gain. Call evenings after 6. 256 of four rooms, extra attic room, slEn post In said, town of Andover added. carry an “O” marker, to be used Trial w'as set for next Monday. A u to i— F o r H ire ...... > Woodbridge. all improvements. Inquire 111 Hoi) nearest the place where the deceased Despite the campaign. Dr. Gruen- for trips outside of Meinchester. Acosta’s $3,000 bail w u continued. Garagei-Servlce—Storage 10 last dwelt. ing said the measure was defeated Motorcycles—Bicycle ii MOVING—TRUCKING- street, telephone 7330. Certified from llerord Wanted Autos—Motorcyolei ... l* J. W H IT E SUM.N’EH hy 8,000 yotefii BnalBess and Profreslonal Serrlees STORAGE 20 WANTED—TO BCY 58 MODERN 4 (& 5 room flats, with J o d a e . There Is No Place Lika Business Service! Offered ...... IS garage, LUley street, near Center. H -l-9 -3 0 . Economy Houses ousehold Services Offered ...... 18-A PERRETT & GLENNEY INC. Inquire 21 Elro street. Telephone f ulldlng^—Contracting ...... !♦ WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices AT .V COURT OF PROB.ITE Your Own Home F lo r ists—N u r s e r le a ...... 1 | Local and long distance express for rags, pape.-, magazines and 5661. nt Bolton within nnd for the Ulstrlet - - F u n eral d r e c to r a 10 and freight ser^ce, Including over­ metals. Also buy all kinds of of Andover on the 7th day of January FLOODS THREATEN For Sale Whether You Buy One Heatlng^Plumblag—Rooflug .. 17 night express service between Man­ chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial FOR RENT—98 CHURCH street, A. I)„ 1930. PARKER STItEET—Bungalow, 7 Inaurance i* Present J. WHITE SUMNER, Esq., or Build One. Millinery—Dressmaking ...... i» chester and New York. Furniture 6389 or 3886. five room flat, steam heat, medern rooms, beat, bath, two car garage. improvements, price very reason­ JudEC. Buy a lot, right now you can have Moving—Trucking—Storage .... 30 moved under the supervision of ex­ On motion of Unrold S. Backus of TENNESSEE AREAS Large lot—a bargain at $5,500. Painting—Papering ...... 21 perts and in specially constructed JUNK able. Inquire 28 Scarborough Road Hartford, Conn., ndiiiinistmtor on the your choice of 10 at $175 each, high Professional Service! ...... 32 trucks. Phone 3063, 8860 or 8864. Highest prices for anything sale­ or Phone 5956. intestate estate of Chnrles U. Backus WAPPING CENTER — Bungalow, elevation and worth more moneyi R ep airin g ...... 5? able, particularly copper, brass, late of Andover within said district, 4 rooms, beat, bath, acre of land located on West Side. These ars Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning ... FOR RENT—FOUR room tenement, d ecea sed . Memphis, Tenn., Jan 9.— (AP) — bordering on State Highway, ninter prices and on easy' terms too. Toilet Goods and Service 25 GENERAL TRUCKING—Equipped rags, magazines. Call 5879. Wm. This Court doth decree that six Wanted—Business Service ...... 26 for light and heavy jobs, tobacco, Ostrinsky. 91 Clinton. Prompt a t­ with all improvements and garage aiontfas be allowed and limited for With rivers and othr-' streams al­ $5,000. Will take lot in trade. Corner lot on Pitkin street, $1600. Educational hay, lumber, heavy freight, etc. tention. at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 the creditors of said estate to exhibit ready heavily burdened, a rain soak­ If you are not familiar with this Course! and C la s s e s ...... 27 their claims a E a in s t the same to the HALFWAY BE'TWEEN MAN­ Private Instruction ...... 8 Prompt service, reasonable rates. month. Inquire 178 Parker street. ed Mississippi vaUey looked forward beautiful home sectlOD drive out aqd Frank V. Williams. Tel. 7997. Dial 5623. administrator and dlrevta that public today to more rain followed by sleet CHESTER AND HARTFORD: look it over. D an cin g n o tic e he e Ivcu of this order by ad* Seven (7) acres of laind with M usical— D ram atic 29 ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 59 verilsIiiE in a newspaper . havina a or snqw. Highways i lome sections Neat single of 5 rooms, all conven­ Wanted—Instruction ...... SO FOR RENT—3 ROOM FLAT, all circulation in said district, and by were impassible and lowlands inun­ bam. Ideal for Florist, Poultry iences, including garage. Close in F ln au elal PROFESSIONAL FOR RENT—FURNISHED room, improvements, including hot water postinE n copy thereof on th e p u b lic or Gas Station—bound to Increase at $5200, easy terms. Bonds—Stocks—^Mortgages :..... Si slEn post in said town of Andover dated. Business Opportunities ...... SI SERVICES 22 steam heat, 81 Foster street. heat. 170 Oak street. Inquire 164 in value. $1,000 per acre. How about starting the new year Oak street or call 8241. nearest the place where the deceased However, thus far only min.^^ Money to Loan ...... S3 Gentlemen preferred. Inst dwelt. damage has been reported. AUTUMN STREET— Small house right by insuring your vaiuabies. Help and Sltnatlona PIANO TUNING Certified from Record. Help Wanted—Fem ale ...... SB ROOM flat, 219 In Memphis and throughout much in good location. Can be enlarged Houses, garages, automobiles, in FOR RENT—ROOMS in Balch and FOR RENT—5 J. WHITE SUMNER fact we Insure anything that is in­ H elp W an te d —M ale ...... 36 John Cockerham Brown Block, Depot Square. In­ Summit street, large rooms, all JudEC. of the valley, rain has fallen almost at a small expense, $1,500. Help Wanted—Male or F em ale . . 37 improvements, steam heat. Tele- H -l-9 -3 0 . continuously for more than 48 surable and at the lowest rates con­ A g ents W a n te d ...... 37-A 6 Orchard S t TeL 4219 quire at store of A. L. Brown & sistent with safe coverage. Situations Wanted—Female .... 88 Company. phone 5495. hours. S ituations W an te d —M ale ...... 39 In Arkansas the White and St. E m plo y m en t A gencies ...... tO REPAIRING FOR RENT—TWO furnished heat­ FOR RENT—FOUR room flat, all Francis rivers were rising rapidly. I.!ve Stock—Pete—Poultry—Vehlclea modern improvements, including Dogs—Birds—Pets ...... 41 ed room in private family. Apply ST. MARY’S Y. M. CLUB Flood warnings have been issued Robert ]• Live Stock—Vehicles ...... 42 CHIMNEYS CLEANED and repair­ at 49 School street. steam heaL Inquire 14 Arch St. along the Ouachita and Black riv­ Edward J. Holl Poultry and Supplies ...... 43 ed, key fitting, safes opened, saw 1009 Main Wanted — Pets—Poultry—Stock 44 filing and grinding. Work called FOR RENT—EAST Center street, FOR RENT—FIVE room tenement, DINES ON SATURDAY ers. Farmers In the bottom lands REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Real Estate In so r a n e e For Sale—i-Hlscellaaeons for. Harold Clemson, 108 North 131, first class room, well heated, Mather street, ready January 1st, about the mouth of the Ohio fo the 865 Main Street. Steamship Tickets Articles for Sale ...... 45 Bluffs at Hickman, Ky., were mov­ Boats and Accessories ...... 46 £nm street TeL 3648. near Center, bath room floor. rent $16. Robert J. Smith. B uilding M aterials ...... 47 Annual Banquet in Church ing crops and livestock to high Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry ». 48 VACUUM CLE3ANER, phonographs, FOR RENT—FURNISHED room in FOR RENT—APARTMENTS 4. 5 ground in the delta region at north­ Electrical Appliances—Radio .. 49 clock, gun repairing, key fitting, private family, centrally located. and 6 rooms. Apply Edward J. Parish Hal! — Masquerade ern Mississippi i ‘ .'ers, creeks and Fuel and Feed ...... 49-A Garden — Farm—Dairy Products 50 Braithwaite, 52 Pesirl street. TeL 3161 or 4836. Holl, 865 Main street. Telephone Ball February 21. bayous were filling rapidly. Re­ Household Goods ...... 51 4642. ports of rising streams came from Machinery and Tools ...... 52 SEWING MACHINE repairing of FOR RENT—FURNISHED room The St. Mary’s Young Men’s club southeast Missouri and southern Il­ Musical Instruments ...... 53 aU makes, oils, needles, and sup­ for light housekeeping 109 Foster will hold its 34th annual banquet Office and Store Equipment .... 54 plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward street, comer Bissell and Foster HOUSES FOK RENT 65 linois. Specials a t the Stores ...... 56 and meeting at the parish house Mississippi Rising. THIS 15 FANEUIL HALL IN PHILAP£LPHIA, Wearing Aoparel—Furs ...... 57 street TeL 4301. streets. Telephone 4773. FOR RENT — SINGLE HOUSE, Saturday evening at 6:30. Over 100 The Mississippi, into which virtu where: the PECLARATION o f HiPEPENPENCE Wanted—To Buy ...... 58 members have signified their inten* Uooins—Board—Hotels—Resorts steam heat, garage, nearly new, ally aU of the streams in the vaJley vVAS ^l&NZPlANp AT THE LEFT ISA Restnnrnnts COURSES AND CLASSES 27 APARTMENTS—FLATS— hard wood floors, 31 Mather street, tion of availing themselves of the statps eventually drain, aUso wii Rooms Without Board ...... 59 Manchester, Conn. E. A. Standlsh, turkey dinner plsumed by the com­ rising slowly. p o r t r a it o f JOHN CJJINCY AQAME. Boarders Wanted ...... 50-A TENEMENTS 63 mittee. Following the banquet 10 SecONO PRESIDENT OF THE U.'E.A. Country Board—Resorts ...... 60 BARBER TRADE taught in day Andover. Telephone Wlllimantic At Memphis the Mississippi had Hotels—Restaurants ...... 61 and evening classes. Low tuition 1353-5. candidates will be received into the reached 22.8 feet last night. Flood Wanted—Rooms—Board ...... 62 FOR RENT—TWO six room tene­ club membership. All those plan­ rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 ments, all improvements, garage stage is 35-feet. Iteiil Estate Fur Rent Market street, Hartford. ning to attend are asked to call Wolf river, which fldws along Apartments. Flats, Tenements .. 03 available. Inquire at 163 Spruce HOUSES FOR SALE 72 John Fox, ebairmem of th e . supper Business Locations for Rent .... 64 street or Phone 3165. committee. Plans are being made the northern outskirts of Memphis Houses for Ren‘ ...... 6.i into the Mississippi, was reported Suburban tor Kent HELP WANTED— FOR SALE—NEW 6 room house, for the St. Mary’s club masquerade Summer Homes for Rent FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all improvements, also 5 room ball to be held Feb. 21 in Cheney a mile and c, half wide at Bruns • Wanted to Jient FEMALE 35 comer of Winter and Center bungalow. Telephone 8713 or 168 hall. wick, Tenn., and Nonconnah creex, ttonl Estate For Sale streets. Call 5883. usually a small stream was a ha.(f Apartment Building for Sale WANTED—GENERAL house work Benton street. Business Property for Sale . MURRAY A CANDroATE mile wide at one point south of the Farms and Land for Sale .. girl. Must know how to cook. Tel. FOR RENT—3 ROOM tenement, FOR SALE—$800 DOWN buys new 4468. Mrs. Geo. Cheney, 21 Hart­ Oklahoma City, Okla., Jan. 9.— 6ity. . ' Housts for Sale furnished or unfurnished, at 30 colonial home. Six rooms, tile bath, (AP.)—W. H. (Alfalfa BUI) ,Mur­ In Memphis drainage and sewer Lots For Sale ford Road. Church street. Inquire at the above oak floors, fireplace. Mortgages ar­ facilities were strained in carrying Resort Properly for Sale address daytimes. ray of Tishomingo, who presided >uhuri)!(ii for Sale WANTED—GIRL for stenographic ranged. Arthur A. Knofla. 875 Main over the Oklahoma constUutionatl off, the water, a number of base­ Real Estate tor Exchai.ge street. Tel. 5440. Wanted — Real Estate position. High school graduate pre­ FOR RENT—3 ROOM suite, all convention, has announced h|s can­ ments were flooded and utilities dis ■ A net ion— Legal NoHecs ferred. Apply Mr. Weden, second modern improvements, Johnson didacy for the Democratic nomina­ rupted. Five hiindred telephonee Legal Notices ...... floor, J. W. Hale Company. Block. Phone 3726 or janitor 7635. A baker’s dozen consists of 13. tion for governor. were put out of commission. Legal Notices GAS BUGGIES—Revenge By PRANK BECK


There axe at least four mistakes in the above picture. They may per­ tain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnoL See if you can find them. ’Then look a t the scrambled word below --^d un8cra,m- ble it, by switching, the letters around. Grade yourself-20 for each of the mistakes you find, and 20 for the word if you unscramlile it.

OORBBOnONS (1) FitncoU HnU Is In Boston J^istend of PhlladelpMa. ()S. The Oeolmrstlon of Ind^iendeneh, was signed In bidependonoe Bail In /' Phlladel{dila, ’ not tn Fanenil HalL (S> 'dehn Qataicy Adanu was the sixth preaident of United States. Inst^d of the second. (4) In the I Mctralt^ John Qniney Adnnsr has oh..» typo of ooflsr nnd tie not worn 1-9 I In his time. (6) The winunMed wor d Is BfOTlKO^ I MANUUBiyrEK EVEJNIJNG ilE K A l2t5, SUOTH MJITOffiBSTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930. P A G E E 1 £ ^

FLAPPER FANNY SAY& SKIPPY By Perry L. Crosby we. u. a PAT, err. SENSE and nonsense I u)ANT$ M€ WPNCY.BACK! SOMEBODY’S CHEATINO K 5 THiS 6 0 pK APV6 f?TrS6S Abe: “ One of us is a cheat." OK6 HUNDRCO l a u g h s Ike: “What do you mean?” V/ Abe: ‘W hat I say. Five minutes ALL t c o r (UAS SEVENTY ago I had a fifth ace in my boot top and now its gone." - COU^rr,»N'OW€ THAT CUAS HARDLV A SIMILE* Out of His Course Golfer: “Terrible links, caddy, ter­ rible.” Caddy: ‘JSorry, sir, these ain’t links—you got off them an hour ago. OCR O^VN DICTIONARY I Traveling Man—A person who is; always looking for home atmos-1 phere in a hotel, amd hotel service at home. Mother: “Mary, aren’t you get­ ting too big to play with boys?” Mary: “No, Mother, the bigger I get the better I like ’em.” (SiloW J Percy L.-Crosby, Great Britain rigb'ts TPserved. I thank thee, friend, for brightening fth'iP U- u J Features Syndicate, Inc. my days: ONU For shining thoughts which light­ ened darkened ways; Women can keep a secret as The Toonerville Trolley That Meets All the Trains By Fontaine Foi OUR BOARDING HOUSE For just believing-better far than well as men—but it takes more By Gene Ahern daily bread; of them. For gracious gestures and all kind words said. change a smiling face into a frown­ K d WPRTLE TIEP t h e s k i p p e r ' s p u p t o t h e dAR ANPTHEN All these 1 can feel, I can hear— ing one.” ! TV(l5 IS TWE ulAV I APPEARED^ HeV tT A k E , TOST A -ROBBER I and see— “That’s nothing,” muttered Jittle SENT WORP TO THE SKIPPER THAT HIS ^ G . HAP A TIN CAN SMIRT- wrfH ^ But most I thank thee Jimmy, “my maw can do that.” SOME IWEMIV WEARS Aao GET A LOAD OF For thy faith in me. T IE P TO HIM. MOSCLE -^Po c k e t s A CARNiiv/AU COMPAVAV, a s ' wHE TitlS ' VT ISI^T The farmer is about the only WOLl "FILL a p VOlTH g R e a -TH e r c u a t l a s ", UlEUaKT T o o LATE WET Embarassed young man—Er-ah- worker under the eight hour system AKi AIR-POMP f sir-I-er-that is, I came to say that — eight hours before dinner and UlFtER ANiP G'RECO-'ROMAAi ■To CLAIM THAT your daughter tells me that she-er eight hours after. WoU UiERE AS FOR TH’ loves me. V\lREStlLINi(3 CtlAMPlOld ' UlOtiLP T A L K l»J G m e p a l s - aTHew Parent—Oh 1 and you have come! John Jones tells of an Irishman - VAiftESTLE "TUla^vyoLULiTEER to ask my permission to marry her ? : who was ill and sinking so rapidly WOOR s l e e p ' EWELi GIV/E ’ EM E. y. M.—No, sir; I came to ask | that the priest was called, and said: OPPOASENiTS- AT TIME 5 VAiHEKi WOLi T o SMOKEP you to make her behave. , “Mike, while you still have the ^ T t l e S E ARE A FBiAl O F MW ACCEPTEP MERRlf^iC. a t a ------t chance, you should renounce the m e p a l s I Ma p t Me r e s t Mis cMALLEfslQfe Another nice thing about the old- j devil.” FooP SriowJ/, fashioned sweetheart; she . was j Mike grasped: “Well, Father, if oE T i^e m m e l T e j ? AkiP c a s t in\To a . - T o A happy when you filled her up with ; VaIRESTLI AiGj I’m that bad off it’s no time to be MaCiE BROsSriE STa t u e o f a t l a s pink lemonade. |makin’ new inimies.” m a t c h / FOR ------a r t MiJ5ELiM ' MODERN COMPLEXIONS ARE ! Now that even chain cigar stores NOT PERMANENT EVEN i are putting in lunch counters, you THOUGH THE WOMEN DO USE j can get something to eat almost FAST COLORS. j anywhere except at home.

The best way for a woman to (Young lady—telephoning)—Oh, keep a man at a distance is by mar­ Doctor I forgot to ask about that rying him. ! eye medicine you gave me. I (Doctor)—“Well?” Husband: I can’t let you have 1 (Young Lady)—Do I drop it In 0 $100 my dear. I received a note I my eyes before or after meals? from the bank this morning about being overdrawn. HERE, TOO: Irving Cobb is said Wife: Well, don’t bother with i to have stated recently that it was (& them. Try another bank. They ’ unfortunate that some of his best can’t all be overdrawn.” i stories couldn’t be printed. The class was having its w’eekly I "THIS . ONE IS ON THE talk on painting, and the teacher HOUSE,” SAID THE HEN AS IT said, “ Sir Joshua Reynolds was able, LAID AN EGG ON THE ROOF OF with one stroke of his brush, to i THE HENHOUSE.

Sixty-five per cent of men and women in this country do not play fO X Y PMANN golf, we read. And only a small Two-dollar bills may be bad percentage of others do. luck but not having any is worse luck CELEBR-ATING ! Tramp: Have you a piece of cake, a > j lady, to give a poor man who hasn’t 5*10 I had a bite for two days? ;(OFonUin. Fo^ laW I “Cake? Isn’t bread good-enough for you?” “ Ordinarily, yes, ma’am, but this Place Your Bets By Crane I is my birthday.”—Pele Mele, Paris. WASHINGTON TIJBKS 11

I A FRIEND’S WARNING SM H O S H O T t h e ' D O K t ? NCE, TOO, HE v m o T o o k m s H ' s $ i9 Q , o o q ? ? ? ) Two tramps met in a village, O FELT aERTAlH f? Th a t s t r a n e e “What are you doing here?” THE COUNTESS WAS l^ANP MTSTERlOUS H E 0 ^ *WESG i “Looking for work.” THE OUILTW PART/, ; “Then clear out quick. There’s s o l d ie r OF FOR­ ?ERS0NS KILIEP i plenty to be had.”—Buen Humor, TUNE, IS ALSO O T h e P U K E l i Madrid. SUSPECTED, could n UE Of THEH IS THE NAME EXPLAINS HE BE BRICK BANE IN DISGUISE? V o u i v n i I X: How long has Mackie been S '^A^R TUBES A 1 in business ? \ CRIMINAL? A MUR­ Y: Judging from his typewritter TU38S, OF I iBANViS T6 'io e ISMAN/ ! ribbon, I should say 57 years.— DERER? OR IS HE X ^ |i CLgoELAJOP/ O- COURSE, IS CU(\R(keD I I t i e a a I Glasgow Citizen. in n o c e n t ? tw e w o R o e R , IT SEEWS CERTAIN rff7lLU HE BE SENT TO ■ W PRISON FOR A CRIME TrtAT we Will b e A ND THERE VS BULL HE DID NOT c o m m it? CONMlCTep UNLESS DAWSON, THE r e ­ AT ONE TlU e HE WAS fo rm ed PIRATE, WHO ONLY 6 DAYS UNTIL UMEKPECreO plOvUEMER, EAST HAS ^ WERW SUSPICIOUS. OF THE SEEMS SO ANX.\OUS TO The trial I only 6 days HAPPENS. M J LONG BEEN SUSPICIOUS TRANIP UPON WHOCA THE (jUN AHO VUHO IS , 1____S¥OBfVi»- H/Se CO(!UH COMER SOMETHING UP. OF PUNT, The petectwie. \*1AS FOUND. VJ\IUE WEEKS? To TINO TME DUKE'S SlKiER V______RtC. U. S. PAT.OfT. C1930 BY NCA SEBV^C. INC. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS A Paradise! By Blosser


f-E- U-S. PAT.orr. f SMWet. me, „ .y .., s. MT. JO ev NEA SERVICE, INC. By Small (READ THE STORY, THEN COLOR THE PICTURE) SALESMAN SAM Therfe With the Goods! “ Well, this is great,” wee Clowmy cried, “Hey! You monks have had cried. “I love to watch those mon­ enough of play. Stop riding now ^ r I T - W4' H e R e S T H e. I'M coin'RIGHT I CrtiESS I'LL GO IN ORTT “THfCT Cj (\RH£TJ[^€SSIR.^S -THIS CftSH " keys ride. Just watch them hanging and bring that bike back here by . ------_ -----— »—TV...— honest Fftce I'M SUPPOSED my side. I want you all to rest a NOW AN* 6 viy ft PlCTORe auCTH STc;:s. RiMO- for tAY C R e O l T ? by their tails. They’re clever as Or€T KITTY ft UTTLe BlRTH- T O © R IN C r! bit until you’re sure you’re feeling V M6. ©eejj WftMTiM' Tft GeT DftY PReseM T OM ‘ TR’ STOeMCfTH CriRU*. can be. But, even so, I must con­ fit. Then, for the Tinies’ benefit, FOR MY ROOM- OF TH ftTI fess, I’d do as well as them, I guess. you’ll have another ride.” I will not do it though, because The monkeys jumped off, to the msstiUeol ground and chattering, they ran you’d all just laugh at me.’ around. “ Sit down,” exclaimed “Don’t brag,” snapped Scouty. i Hft-NO their owner. “I have told you all SHOPPY CUFF^ “ That sounds cheap. The bek to rest.” One monk had disap­ thing you can doJg keep real still peared from sight. The owner said, about what you can do till you “Things are not right. ’The monk can prove your worth. The people that’s gone is up to tricks. He is I dislMce the most are those who a little pest.” MoveOles always stand up and boast. We all Then Scouty cried, “He’s having would be much better off if there fun. Just look at him, and what ■ V O U R were none on earth.” he’s done. He’s taken our nice This held poor Clowny for a bike apart. Why did you turn c r e d i t while. And then his face spread him free? He should be in his fxOOO in a smile. “Oh, look,” said he, cage right now! But, I will catch JUBT “ that monkey’s standing on the the pest somehow.” And Scouty HONEST handle-bars. The rest are chatter­ chased the monkey till it scram­ ing out loud. Of hipa they all bled up a tree. Fftce seem rather proud, I hope they do not scratch our bike or fill it full of mars.” (Clowny goes after the monkey And then the monkey/' man in the next storxA

\ PAGE TWELVE lEttputng leraU k

at present cared, for in four houses MODERN HOSPITAL AUTHORITY arid thia means of accommodation \b WmST AND DANCE CROSSTOWN ^HMTED” TiAither adequate nor comfortable. •nd 't OLD FASHIONED Friday, Jan. 10, 8:15 F. M. The congestion is most notlcable DOES BOY SCOUT DEED . SPEAKS HERE TONIGHT when patients confined at the hos­ City View Dance Hall pital engage the services of special Keeney Street nurses. The.nurses personnel rang­ g o o d w i l l c o m m u n i t y c l u b DANCING Dr. George F. O’Hanlon of Jer­ es ^rom 25 to 60 depending upon the All Money Frizes, Carries Its Cargo Across the sey City to Address Trus­ number of patients and the nature Befreshment!. S6c. Center Plaza for Transfer DEPARTMENT STORE At the rain bo w tees of Local Institution. of their ailments. The Second Congregational par­ to Trolley Car. DANCE PALACE ishioners are reminded of the an­ Dr. George F. O’Hsinlon, sBjpervispr nual meeting this evening which This morning the already cele­ of the Jersey City hospital and for­ POUCECOlItT will begin promptly at 7:30. Re­ brated “Seven-Forty-five Limited” merly at the head of the entire sys­ Every Thursday Night ports will be made and officers and Connecticut Company’s Crosstown tem of the famous Bellevue hospital Frank Foley and James Dillon committees elected for 1930. There Bill Waddell*! Broadcasting; (part way) bus from Depot Square, in New York City, will come to who claim Boston and Providence will be a social period, a few enter­ Manchester tonight to address tbe aL their homes were picked up on Orchestra instead of dumping its load of Now In Full Swing! tainment numbers and a salad board of trustees of the Manchester East Center street last evening and Prof. Gates, Prompter passengers at the curb on the north­ I' limcheon served instead of the cus­ taiTPn to the police station by west curve of Main street at the Memorial hospital. tomary annual supper. Patrolman John McGlinn Chief S. Center, carried them across to the Dr. O’Hanlon in addition to his wide G. Gordon had received a com- curb next to the troUey stop, per­ knowledge in the medical profes­ ABOUT TOWN Mlaa Bernice Ldpp of Keeney sion, is also a consultant on the jplalnt that the two men were on mitting them to tranter to the East Center street, drunk, and ac- Hale’s Great Annual street was honored with a birth- j ^j-Qlley car bound south without a steff of many institutions. He has oistlng pedestrians, begging for, Sunday, January 5, a Christmas day surprise party last evening at long and perilous hike. It even took been in Manchester before on a sim­ entertainment was given at 6:00 the home of Miss Irene Lazar of aboard the transferees from Man­ ilar mission several times and his money. In court this morning both men o’clock at Mrs. Skrabacz’s house 59 Tolland Turnpike. The guests were chester Green and gave them the purpose in com'ng here tonight is to North street. Those who took part the most part Miss Upp’s school- sort of act in sm advisory capacity were sentenced to jail for 30 days brief ride across the plaza. each. Chief Gordon in looking-up in the entertainment were the girls maites at High school. Games were While tears of gratitude were not in outlining the plans for the year from the Garland, No. 309, Polish played. There was dancing and a many in the eyes of the passengers their record found that the pair had at the locsd hospital. been discharged from Seyms street Women's Alliance of America. Af­ buffet lunch, as well as a beauti­ there were numerous expressions of Plana for necessary improvements fully decorated birthday cake. Miss jail yesterday after spending 60 ter the entertainment Santa Claus appreciation of this much consider­ and the budget for the year will be gave out presents to the ones who Lipp received many pretty gifts. days there for Intoxication and ation. tnVpn imder consideration. It is breach of the peace. took part and to some of the little also possible that the often discuss­ children in the audience. Over fifty Notices from the Postmaster Gen­ The campaign against over-time eral’s office in Washington sinnoimce ed proposal of erecting a nurses and improper parking of various people came to see the entertain­ home may form a part of the par­ ment. Mrs. Skrabacz the protector an increase in the rates of envelopes BENSON nniNITURE CO. kinds is being continued by the po­ of Garland thanks everybody who that are furnished by the govern­ lance. In view of lack of proper lice, and today twelve men paid the JAnUAHY available fimds for’ such expensive was present. ment with stamps attached, the siun of two dollars each for such rate to become effective as of Janu­ IN FINANCIAL STRAITS addition, however, the definite time offdnees. William Rubinow has just re­ ary 1, making necessary the inven­ for such a necessary requirement is turned from a conference of buyers tory of all unsold envelopes as of more or less of an uncertainty. of the syndicate to which he be­ January 1. Head of Firm Hopes Suspen­ It was admitted today by a mem­ longs. Among items of note Mr. ber of the board of trustees, C. El­ Rubinow reports a new note of A t the last meeting of the St. sion of Business Today Will more Watkins, that present condi­ optimism among the garment trades John the BapUst Society held in Be Only Temporary. tions for housing the nurses are far N otice! in New York. Turn Fall on North street two new from satisfactory. The nurses are applications were accepted ^ d The Benson Furniture Company’s three members were expelled for CLCARAHCC Mrs. Anna Risley of Parker store at Main street and Brainarcf street has returned from a motor fractions of the by-laws relating to the rules of the national order and Place was closed today by attach­ Expert Dyeing trip to TUton, N. H., where she ments. Ezekiel Benson, head of the took her son Wells and one or two 'the local branch. A complete trans­ lation of the by-laws and the con- firm, told The Herald that his com­ New Britain boys back to Tilton i stitution has been made into Eng- pany is financially embarrassed but FILMS school. I lish and three of the members were hopes that the suspension will be and I foimd to be violators of different temporary. Several factors have DEVELOPED AND The Eang’s Heralds of the South sections of the law and they were made it impossible for the company PRINTED Methodist church will hold their dismissed from the order. to meet many of its obligations, but monthly meeting tomorrow after­ 24 HOUR SERVICE fAlC the most important was the misap­ Cleaning noon at the church at 4:30. Special The Board of Directors of the propriation of fimds by a collector Film Deposit Box at music will be on the program. Chamber of Commerce will meet at until recently with the firm, Mr. Store Entrance Chester Shields will play a comet the Hotel Sheridan Tuesday noon to Benson stated. PROMPT SERVICE solo and Lillian Himt a piano solo. , discuss the revision of the by-laws. Attorney William J. Shea is The refreshment committee I A. _ N.______Potter,_ chairman____ of the re- tiantiling the company’s interests. Evelyn Borst, Ora Squires, Ada | ^gion committee, will make his re- The keys to the store have been KEMP'S We do our own work Webb, Lillian McKeown, Clifford | poj-t. ______. ____ game committee, | turned over to him and a satisfac­ McKiimey. The tory setUement will be attempted. so can assure you Douglas Johnson, Dorothy Tedford' J. A. Bergren, well known mltk E. A . Lettney and Virginia Whitehouse. I prompt and expert WATKINS BROTHERS, Inc. dealer of Burnside is having a new Main SL. Manchester Rev. R. A. Colpitts will review truck built at the new shop of the MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiU work. the book ‘‘Mother India,” by Kather­ Auto Tmck Body Department of Funeral Directors ine Mayo at the meeting of the i the ------Manchester Construction Co, PLUMBING and Women’s Foreign Missionary society | Andrew M. Clemson, Sr. is manager, D IAL 8895 ESTABLISHED 55 YEARS this evening at 7:30 at the home of i Phone 3241. Painting and Letter- Friday Specials Mrs. Charles Sternberg of 24 | ing has been added to the work done CHAPEL A T 11 OAK ST. HEATING Eldridge street. i at the shop, 166 Middle Turn------• I Adv. SPEOAUZING IN W. A. Cole and C. J. Pickett of [ ------Our Fish List I Robert K. Anderson Phones: Office 5171 the Cole Motor Sales, with their! _ ' r> i • NELSON Funeral Director Residence 7494 wives, drove to New York today -to R e a l H O I t i e o a k l l l g Fancy Shore Haddock Fresh Solid Oysters, from H. attend the automobile show and the 1 Sheet Metal Steak Cod C. Rowe & Co. Willys-Overland banquet this eve-1 worth yoUr while to Boston Blueflsh ning at the Hotel Commodore. | j^Qj.g when yOU can Cod to boil Smelts CLEANING Fresh Flounders Fancy Butterflsh Work Miss Helen Alton, daughter of | buy SO reasonably here. c. Herrings Now iiS the time to have heat­ Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Alton of East j Fillet of Sole Fancy Mackerel Round Clams for chowder. Center street, and a sophomore n t; TRY A LOAF OF OUR COMPANY ers cleaned and repaired. Give Connecticut College, New London,: HOME MADE BREAD us a call. Prompt service. has resumed her studies after | BAKERY SPECIALS y vertise in The Evening Herald*lt Pays Phone 3036. spending the Christmas vacation at | Try a loaf of our Home her home. i MANCHESTER Staffed and Baked Mackerel, large size, 40c each. Made Sanduich Bread 12c loaf. PUBLIC MARKET Home Made Fish Cakes 40c Buy White Oak Coal $12.00 per Home Made Clam ChovVder dozen. ton. G. E. Willis and Son.—Adv. 1 We Deliver. Dial 5139 35c qt. Our Home Made Doughnuts Our Home Made Sugar Crul­ 25c dozen. lers 25c dozen. Cinnamon Buns 23c dozen. Finest Danish Pastry 40c Home' Made Potato Salad dozen. 25c lb. SPECIAL OFFER fHPN GROCERY SPECIALS Finest Country Roll Butter Confectionery Sugar, 3 pkgs. 45c lb. [25c. Crisco in bulk 20c lb. The New Improved Finest Sweet Mixed Pickles Finest Dill Pickles, 3 for 10c. 35c lb. Sweet Midgets 40c lb. GOOD THINGS TO EAT Sweet Dill Pickles, sliced, 35c lb. 2 lbs. Best Pure Lard 25c. 1 LB. ROLLS OF BUTTER ...... 44c lb. Automatic Electric Washer FRESH VEGETABLES Salt Herirng Salt Mackerel Fancy Egg Plant Fancy Peas, 2 qts. 29c. Forty Fathom Salt Cod Spinach Fancy Baldwin Apples, 3 lbs. Kale THAT FORTY FATHOM FRESH FISH Yellow Globe Turnips 23c pk. Dressed Haddock Mackerel FANCY LARGE SMELTS, Butterflsh, Smoked Filet of HaddocTi, Salmon, Filet of Sole, Filet of Haddock, Halibut, Clams for Chowder, Small Oysters 39c pt. I Manchester Public Market f SCALLOPS. I Dial 5139 | In the interest of Better Things to Eat; try Ferndel Brand; *** ^5 In vegetables we offer you Ferndel Peas, Com, Spinach, Aspara­ iiiiiiiiiiiimiiimimiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiT gus, Green Beans, Tomatoes. Ferndel Fruits include De Lux Plums, Pears, Cherries, Pineapple Juice, Peaches and Grape Fruit. Ferndel Catsup, Ferndel Rolled Oats and many fancy Fern­ del specialities such as Mint and Grenadine Pineapple, Stuffed Oranges, Spiced Crabapples, Peaches, Pears, etc. GREEN PEAS STRICTLY FRESH LOCAL A u i o M a l i c 2 qts. 35c EGGS, 63c dozen THE PURER THE COAI )CXXXXXX3tXXX3tXXXX3C3C3«5t3tXXXXXXXX30SXXXX3t^^ The More Heat ‘ Duo-DisC For Your Money BRINGS YO U Willis Coal represents the greatest heating return for your dollar that N E W SCIENCE! N E W B E A U TY! W buw.«.4>r* is possible to obtain----- dustless, smokeless, possessing the highest percentage of combustible ele­ CASH OR BUDGET $4.95 DOW N S t M N C t l A ' U T V ments. $6.30 MONTHLY Our Reputation ^ O IL $99.50 MASON HjATEBIAU Behind “WiUis Oil” No guess work about it ___ it’s an ASK US FOR A DEMONSTRATION oil that attains the highest possi­ like to drill thi^into your mind. IThere will never be a ble standard of p erfection ...... dependable, uniform and economi­ better rime^to build^ a house— a garage— store—-a public building—a bam—a fence^a chicken coop—and cal. THE MANCHESTER ELECTRIC CO. a reputation for^having good common sense than right 773 MAIN STREET PHONE ^181 now! And the bestVay to prove you have the latter it to buy your building material from 2 M ain iStireat ^Mondieisteir - Coiui’^ MURPHY’S DRUG STORE W . G. Glemiey ^ Co. 'Telephone 3319 DEPOT SQUARE Coal, Lumber, Masons’ Supplies. Allen Place, Phone 4149 Manchester
