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Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

1-1-1915 Clovis News, 01-01-1915 The ewN s Print. Co.

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VOL NO CLOVf.'.. CVVAIY CO! "N'TY, NKW MKXICO. JANU.UiY 1. lUi .$1.0') PE'i YEAR Would Pave Streets Cycl.-r.-.- ' Jxt-.'- i !CIOT COUNTY K.'"..) I.. ic-- Taroui 1'rain to De Op-- A ' If- A it : : . Cut-Of- am: , ; natcd Over f. h- rut ' in (' IIT'II'.' rly ' v. ? . imp I: i "! '('!. :!!:. i rvii.'J from An III CHAIN I ' .rirTfA7"'i'''"n" .il"ilr of bi '.: mil' -- i :' ; !,, A .vnr tna M. "'"..'! (" i jfnr k i) rr.,i iii.-- in . -j r j.:1'-- - ii"h(, v. !. i v:.- - .:) throi: s -' (.! ir-.-- t! r v ;it i Hani whip !: ! : V- : i' i'h sin- !ilv-- I.y n ;r.- u v:-- m I, l.itt'T i :nt t l I ;'.! ' to tii i Ov. hcnt hv.v (V s":i; IT !' tit v.. iv. : '! c, !;. !(- -. ov-- I) '- - '!'' Sole! !' m . th'.' , 1.1.0 i urn V. I': ' C!vi-- - Px,!: t:..i..; v.'v ;', Pi 'it, ft5c'. a .:, M;;t It" r. ;i ;' i; ,)irt o! th.? ' - .;.' 1, : t : r- :v iv!"- - !.:i M '. r. C. !v ,!- r A .1. .! ! - wl.ili- 11;" ii.ii.-- ' ! ' it l.i.r Thii--.- i. ivr "i ti iia'T...' .' ',!,:!( a(;" "l lit :,. li. (!.-i- ' a i: . i:. .ir. V wh.n a. Oi.ihaiii, of ' tfi:!ti--- !!'. h I v.' i ' . li:i.ff iii '1 ; I ' I. All A TefW I'oi-t.i- ! i'; tus t'll :i:t jChaaiti the : l!',,jc, iii:;y i'.i'.l in th.- ,::! th- -t i. jr ha-- ' ('1 t i'C - t n ; ' :i j : t n i r tin- stu.-- i! ,i i.t.n-..-- ' !i"-VV,- t- lii'ik of A. J. Whit-'nu- r folkWt ill;,'!,; ', fi nj . OWl'il'.r ' . rat.-s- l -. i.i Vc:'. It lit clisarni'-i- ; (! i l ifl.ivr rf luiih '.!- in t:)' f'lnvia National l;im i.r ti e two v"! i. i':. iu cfi'i-iii- car.l t ' ' 'Mi VC I uti'f.-:!"(- !... "V, th; SiMI l j ir-.- At the l ""f ':! ' t the fame time vers sin Ivirt iw .'h.i! r i l.i'cn"f !i v. :;s a .i .'.aMnti. v 1; :..! r.t-i'l'- ( I Justus ','!..:' .M.'x .Shi;. Vy t hi-- Kun, he n mot her i" ii.M'r'o'i. i1' r" 13 .1; ' , n- -' j i' !":i t whi.-- Jen-....-- ""-- sd.eep :i ,'k.ifK;.'.l W.'.-- s in tla temp! i.i J! i s. wife!". t'. t h" new Ffhi'ihilcH ' ' !' ' ' . - ' i i :.- !. f.!;,.'.!',-,..,- ' - rav Tc. .1: r'oym ,r,ls .:'!.( i . .:.. :v:l: 'i it hi na.lor- '.,v I ' ' ,i r .'' r ." rr (!'. : r. : '. '. .. i."!l;i v tills will ' ! v i: " ' : I. ...., th., ' - c "l ; ': f.uther i;:i'iU ; ' ' i'Iim'i ii'mI rev O. . v :'!', i'l li, ' ! 1" : ,1 . ; i tY vr. Va'rr .".i:v':i'v.! r it wili a . ,1 ;, ( j: '1 , ! Mas ' f a i aiiror. :i: .;,' (::-o- fr :" r i ' mi i. ; rii (.'. i . ;. ., ... i .. th" (.a i.'.t i li val !. (. ' v. '"S ,' .'li 'IT. ; ,'!' ! i Tv .: th'' i!' i I.'.c .i:ii a '" :"vn rs t t!. '!" A' Chic:"T' train ,: ' i,:-.- 1 .''; j .! !. ! - I'M.l .ii- .1 i ! .i. ir- ,s s ' li. !, y U'.'i li had S.' - it V - t"L "':!' :' u in fet I s ,'i a ; t ' i two ii'.DI ll.c ', t pI'i.V. I :.. t!.,.' vi,.-- : "nuh'.-t- i t !,...--. .q-- a ). ej) juries .ft.. tlu.aa'h j . .!., t .la;: to HuMtoii inilily liili! '.I' I. :! I,L' .V ildill rS- - of;.; y I. A i'. a. i'S: w. :i:sr t'l'i. STATION p:c;iK s th's '.'.v. k. 4. ul tal la: it l'c w:.s ; .;t, ;;,,, i.l (ililrl ti.aL Ul.'li1 :i th other .1. .p . . W. I. W. h: N ' 0 uli-iv- fro-.- j t ,;tt',J in ,.:-- Ohicif-r-o by way be sent, tln-i- wi, li- of 1 merits n.inU K. !Yi S. V, 111 ,' . .r. stock fanning Whet " "" ''-1- ii i it;.-- en- - mit delay, li.' further itdvi.-e-s Tii train will not I Stole Blankets From Hotel, A. .I.WIiiiinv, .Sirri'tary, holds th.; r ov r any ' Mew .Mexico and last year his Alhui'K'i-i'i- 1 opera- that he retained a Hnall t.ortii'ii ivc Ur an the Wallnco Carniirk. commodity produced Bill Shannon, Leonard c,"l'. which brought him over th-- j of the proceeds of the sale upon at this Smith tion of trains leaving and hvrt Curlcss, T I.t. place with 07 cars. comes and another boy 1r".(l"(,.'l). was the talk of the advice of Cousel hecause there Cattle whose name nrrivin there over the Belun Chas. S. 1). second in list 54 cars. we did not learn, were j state, lie did much to advertise cut-oil- " probably will bfl sus- p the with arrested , I). is a case 'riding in the supreme pended. No. tfO!) and Pete lJoppunmeyfi-- J. Broom Corn, however, will eas- by officers Sadler and Irvine Sat-- 1 New Mexico and the real estate Trains court in which a Katon Hank 6W, is likely will con- J. K. Shaw Van. S. S. ily surpass that of before urday for stealing bed clothes men always took prospective it make seeks to be made a preferred cattle nections at Belen with the new A. J. Wilson, J. S. the end of the season. So from Mrs. Mulhall, of the Gil- purchasers of land to see the creditor for certain reasons and far through train. The last four named are ap only 11 cars ot Broom corn lespie. The boys were Jones boy demands full payment. have located farm. The was pointive officers and all are rail been shipped this year, with ap- in a shack in the alley at the brought to the city this morning Dick Noble was able to be road employees as is the Wor proximately 80 rear of the Home, cars still on Elk's where by F. W. James and lodged in down town on crutches this shipful Master. hand to be shipped. they had rented a room and week after having been confin- Change in Size jail. Mr. James and Dr. R. ineuovis Masonic Lodge is It is estimated that at least 50 concealed the stolen goods. J. hospital With this issue of the News ed at the and at home one of the most prosperous and more cars of wheat will be ship- In their trial before Justice Haney went out to the Jones for some time, as a of an we change to a six column paper result pronising in the state. ped. Noble, they were fined $10 farm this morning to hold the accident received foot instead of five column as has at a About 100 carr of Maize and each and ten days in jail. inquest. ball game. been published for the last two Kaffir corn are in readiness for Chrutmat Wedding Bella years. This' change was made shipment " necessary in order to accomodate JJforrest Warren, editor of The our increasing advertising pat- The total value of the 169 cars Clovis Journal, and Miss Nina ronage and to obtain the serial shipped since the first of the Davis, teacher in the Clovis story. Trey 0' Hearts, beginning year is placed at $155,000 with public schools, surprised their with this issue. the heaviest shipments yet to friends by their Christmas Wed- come. It is estimated that this ding announcement. The cere- section of Curry county will O mony was performed by Rev. Trey Hearts average $30,000 per month for Dr. Jeremiah Moore, pastor of The Lyceum has made arrang-- the twelve months o'f the year, HAPPY NEW YEAR the Presbyterian church, at the ments to get the new popular and during November this aver- (Jurley residence Christmas eve serial story, Trey 0' Hearts, in age was exceeded by more than in the presence of a few intimate fifteen enstallments and will be $4000.00, not counting the ex- friends. gin with the hist serial Jan. press shipments of cream, poult- the timle is well known in 8h. ry, eggs, butter etc., which will Clovis having taught four sue The Clovis News has likewise increase the amount from two cessful terms of school and her secured the exclusive privilege to three thousand dollars, mak- friends are numbered b y her to run this, story each week, be- ing a total of six or seven thous- acquaintances. She is a most ginning the first issue today and dollars above the monthly talented and charming young for the biiiefit of town and average and all this has been lady. The groom, who, al country readers. shipped from Melrose. though a resident of Clovis, but Subscribe for the News and During November there was a A Cordial Greeting for the a few months, hails from Atchi- read the story and seethe $100.- - total of 32 cars shipped out of New Year is here extended son Kansas, and has published 000.00 motion pictures a t the Melrose more than a car a day the Journal since his arrival Lyceum. Start right with the for the month to Everybody! He is an energetic and accomo- first issue. The fact that large numbers dating young business man and of cattte (54 cars) have been To our Patrons we wish to though here but a short time, Officers Made Round-U-p shipped out does not mean that express our thanks for are no the has made the acquaintance of The officers again threw out there cattle left, for practically every business man the net Saturday night there has been 41 cars of cattle business that has made the and shipped in. in the city with whem he is rounded up a quartette of card Full grown cattle shipped past year so successful, and quite popular. This happy players, who had taken refuge have been out and and young shipped young twain are now at home in in one of the cozy rooms of the calves stuff the inspiration given us to the Gurley residence on the east Antlers hotel. They plead guilty in. side. to the charge of gambling. As Another noticeable instance is push forward to still better last year only the party included one of our that at this station two of lumber ship things. prominent state officials and also cars were Miss Hancock Entertains. ped in, while already year a well known Clovis buisness this We wish You a happy Miss Hancock, teacher in the man. their names have not been there have been 129 cars. This Commercial Department enter- fact is almost staggering in its journey undis- disclosed for publication. , through the tained twelve of her friends importance, showing as it does Wednesday evening complimen- the - covered 1915, without a care, Santa Claus Burned tary to Miss Gladys Carroon INCREASE IN POPULATION trouble or stumbling block who is home frcm Las Crucea to J. W. Guy, of the Klein Gro- and expansion of trade territory spend the holidays with her cery Company, has sworn off Just eight years ago Melrose along your pathway! anrt Mrs W V. that is, that he will refuse to was only the beginning of a play Again we say Jwroon. Santa Claus again. The farming center. Eight years Forty- - cause of this sudden determi- Progressive whist and ago not a dollars worth of pro- f nation was because, A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Two were played throughout the while in the duce was shipped from the evening. A three course lun- role of old St Nick at a neighbors farms, because farms only exist cheon was served. house Christmas eve, his whisk- ed then in the immagination of a ers caught fire from the lighted Those present, besides the few venturesome home-seeker- s, charming hostess, were: Misses candles on the tree and he was And, today! $30,000. per month severely burned about face and George, Mulhall, Norris, Star-ret- t, from these farms of imagination! Carroon, Burns. Messrs. neck before the mask could be removed. Teacher's Examination. W. E. Carroon, Frank Carroon, Carroon, Ti J. Mabry. The regular mid term teach- George Courtney, of Haskell, ers' examination will be held in Mandell Clothing Go. Texas spent the holidays with Clovis at Court House, Jan. 8, juries The Grand and Petit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. 9, 1915 at 8 o'clock. Reading 'THE CLOTHIERS" for the February term of court Courtney, who conduct the Circle examination, Saturday will be drawn on January 8th. Commercial Hotel. morning, January 9th. r

theTjlovis news

FOREIGN. GOLD YIELD SI, 172,0001 AUSTRIA ROUTED INDIGESTION, GAS CONDENSATION Queen Helena of Italy gave birth to STATE NEWS a daughter. Both mother and child FRESH NEWS are doing well. OF INTEREST TO ALL SUBSTANTIAL GAIN SHOWN IN BY SLAVS' FIRE OF Pope Benedict devoted the greater NEW MEXICO NEW MEXICO. OR SIGK STQf.1 part of Christians to developing hi PEOPLE plan for the exchange of wounded pris- 65,000,-00- 0 Diapepsin ends DIS- oners. 1,720,000 Ounce of Silver and RUSSIANS DECLARE ENEMY RE- Time it! Pape's THE LATEST IMPORTANT Wnitti-- NVwttpnpi-- r L'nl'.n Nrwt Hervli-n- . "German proclamations announcing Pound of Copper Produced FROM RIVER all Stomach misery in five Pi-'- INTO SHORT, PELLED BIALA PATCHES ($100,000,-000- ivn:s koh ionvi t:r.vr. a levy of 500.1100,000 francs ) I liwrnt-t-i- n During the Patl Year. April Allium .M. Soul TO DUKLA PASS. minutes. CRISP PARAGRAPHS, indemnity at Brussels have been Ni-- liliilu liruwurs' pi'DKed over." Bay tin- - Journal. al liuiuliiv. you eat hit back-t- aste t Purls Wt'Htern L'nlon News Bervlrs. Do ome fooda E. Johnson, :!fi years old, of establishing a good, work badly; ferment Fraud There la tulk of Albuquerque. The output of New but Meadow Valley, Wis., United Stutes Into stubborn lump and cause a sick, WEEK crcuinery statiou ut Currizo.o. .Mexico mines for eleven months ot BOMBARD FRENCH LINES STORY Of THE signal corps operator at Donnelly, our, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or It Is (.titled Ihut tho luws enacted 1914, with uu for December, Alaska., was to death on the estimate Dyspeptic, Jot this down: Pape'a frozen by the last Legislature of tho statu uccordiug to piiliinliiiiiy figures by Mr. trail near his post. Diapepsin dlgeata everything, leaving cost $S7 each. t buries W. Henderson of tho United PROGRESS OP PROGRESS REPORTED IN WEST. nothing to aour and upset you. Ther SHOWING THE Arrangements have been made to The carload of turkey recently (ieuloglcul Survey at Washing- pence Suites waa anything so safely quick, o IN OUR OWN AND hold an intermit lonnl SoelHllst shipped brought tho In ERN GALICIA IN SPITE OF never EVENTS out of Arlosiu ton, indicate u yield of $1,172,000 difference how conference In London. .Inn. 17, at u certainly effective. No LANDS. uhlppfl'B $2,000. gold, 1,720,000 ounces of silver, 1,340,-uu- MUDDY ROADS. FOREIGN country will bo THE badly your stomach 1 disordered you which onrh neutral of lead, ur,iiiMi,Oilo pounds duo hundred thousand brook trout pounds In five mlnutea, repreBented by four delegates. copper pounds of zinc will get happy rellof have been Introduced into tho streams of and li,30u,uoo you moat Is that It ' King and but what pleases Wcilfrn n ' " " Service. Tho daughter born to the tin of speller and zinc tu zilic WMlew Newnimper I'nltin Nrwa Nr.i around Silver City. terms strengthens and regulatoa your tom. WAR. Queen of Italy will bo named Maria, It CI V i ill . ABOUT THE Slockuieu cannot recall a winter London, Dec. 3d. IlrltlU point to your fooda Is Is expected i ach so you can eat favorite announced. It that as Tlioun fiinii-ei- nlinw tnereimcfl nf oi'flclul a sign of rejoicing over the birth of when the coyotes were as thick us the admission in the Austrian without fear. Lis- v- in mi 90,001) of sil- The Portiigue chamber at they are this year. -'. in, lii gold, ouneeB announcements thut Kuusla Is once "Pape'a llii! prlnceHS, amnesty will be granted s You feel different a soon a bon voted ruvm iun preparations for ver, 9,;iuo,tjO'i po'i-rl- of copper aud Car- Claude M. Cooley was acquitted Ut more muster of the pusses In the Diapepsin" come In contact with the Portugal joliilnc Ii.KlatuI In tho war to n number of prisoners. L' pounds of zinc, and a de- troops Aztec of charge of murdering his pathian mountains and that the Just vanishes your A Russian sister of mercy, named the 2, lion, uno pounds De- Btomach dlstres against Germany. crease of of lead. uloug tho entire Auatr.un front, from no belch- Yevghi'lieeya Korkeenah, has been cousiu, Kd Cilllluud. to- stomach gets sweet, no gases, Nearly l.nnu soldier arc spite lower price for metal the the lilula river to a point northeast of undigested food. decorated with the llauil of St. lleergo At least ltHI Indians from New Mex- 1911, ing, no eructations of reported to have !. en killed or tal value was $l:!,o7o,ooo in Dttkia puss, be fulllug re- the bcciii to Go now, mnke the beBt investment i and a medal In recognition of her ico and Arizona will be in al tendance M1,K!H,P02 In 1913, iiurctise in a colli: ten two troop trulns t'.'taimit un fifty-ce- In mov- buck. you ever made by getting a large I markable bravery and devotion ut the Sun Dieo exposition. or ;:!7ii,oii!). nun r Kalis.. Huv.-i.n- i "nln lid. wlthdruwul of virtu- from any ing, single linndi d, a field hosplltil 1913 This mean the case of Pape's DiapepBln s Hales of Boupweed aggregating tuaivy The Mogollon dli.trict, which in Kussinn forces, according to ally all the forces which swept across You rcnlizo In five minutes lpw under fire. tons were used to construct a tempo- it tiled fdlO.HMi in gold and $l,'lwi!,7i;ti Btore. received nt i roniaU Monday form extreme Is Indiges- The lu- the mountain to the needless it to suffer from 111 Dutch steamer Ieersiim. from rary loudiug pen fur initio ut Obur. ouiicei of ttilver, showed a Binall from (iiiilrla. succeeded crowing right In thu concerted AustroOeriiiun dyspepsia or bad stomach. Adr. Amsterdam, anil the British steamer cre...-- far 191!. tion, the Uiala river aril in taking posses- The destruction by fire of Dr. J. E. on the Kiisrlar armies, aud It Callier, from London, struck mines In Conslderiielo uic.uillic gold ami silver attack sion of a lwcnt mile strip of territory Mniiuey's Jlotim Sanitarium ut Tueiuu-ur- i surpihilng reverrui of HISTORY the North sea. The Dcersuin foun- were marketed from I'lnos Altos, hi marks unother NEW IN NATURAL ou III of Tuchim. luii-l.- Bepuratlug resulted in a loss of approximate- form on the part of the Ainitrlan sol- dered and two of her crew were :'.i!i!;.:lu '. cr: s shipped. The output tho two Austrian armies. ly $:,,ouu. j diers, whose battle fortunes since the drowned. The (iullicr succeeded In of 'be "o'd and sliver benrlng siliceous Donald's Sharp Eyes Had Noticed A German uciupiuuu was sighted James 12. L'hler of Albuquerque outbreak of hostilities luive bceu con- reaching port. uti.i .. ppu- ore a oi the Lonl-on- t; dis- Animal That None of the Class waH flyiiiK very u lid i'liillp Steiuleldt of .Mora uuvu spicuously Friday In I.ondou. it Only thirty men of the population of trict Increased. erratic. Recognized. past Sheer-uos- hi en c ommissioned notaries public by hlnh from In west ovtT llushkara escaped from (he Armenian The White Oak district, Lincoln Tho statement, received went up In pur-Hiil- (low i nor .McDonald. headquar- lirillsh air craft town following u massacre there or- county, continued to produce gold bul from the HuBslan general The class of little people were tell- enemy, who, thirty-uln- unil engaged the dered by the Turkish commanders There are private and lion. The Kllziibethtown district, Col- ters, was Issued last evening; ing stories In geography recitation. I or times. lifter being hit bice four upon the approach of Itiisslnn troops, sectarian schools In New .Mexico, with fax county, remained the principal "Tody, between the lower Vistula Each ono was allowed to describe an WUB driven off seaward. 212 teachers, a.u.sit pupils enrolled, and - guess uccordiug to stories t I1 by fugitives placer-producin- district. iml the I'llica, only fight in;,- of small animal and tho others wero to - The (ierman gmcriiinetit hiiH for- from the wur region at Petrogrud. and a daily uvcrugu attendance of 4,- The Oro Grande district, in Otero Importance took place. The (icrmnns the name. Donald anxiously awaited mally notified the A iiieiioun Slate De- j 2ny. county, and the San Pedro district, In left their trenches on tho right bank his turn. When It camo ho began with partment that Ainerlcan consuls In SPORT. The New Mexico Federation of Worn-- j Santa F6 county, contributed gold and of the Ilzuru near the vlllago of Mistr-znvlc- e enthusiasm: "Why, It's a greut, big, Belgium must he acceptable to till) nn's Clubs has begun a campaign for silver in copper ores. and fell back on thu left bank clumsy animal with a thick hide and German nillilary authorities and that Otto Stlefel, wealthy brewer and legislation empowering the Btato to of the Ilzuru. a tall like a rope. It hu littlo eye of con-huI- It Ih desirable that some the Federal League magnate, narrowly es- participate In work of a churltuble Brown Shoots Wilton. "On the river llawka our heavy ar- close together, big, Happy ears, a long be wllhdruwu for the present ill caped injury al St. Louis when an au- nature. Clayton. Charles Wilson, a Santa tillery Is fighting c.flcacloimly a large trunk" leuHt. tomobile In which he was riding to Ills County Treasurer Cox of Las d uces Fe hiakciiiuu miming between Arkan- number of lierman battericB of heavy Here he was Interrupted by many office wtis struck by a street ear. has received the prtjeeeds from tho sas City and Newton, Runs., was shot guns. enger to guess. WESTERN. boy labile Johnson, a well know n Pueblo sale of tho recent fjO.ouu Ibsuo of road and instantly killed at the home of "In the region of Ilollmovo our at- "An elephant," shouted the first w elterwoir.hl, litis been matt bed to bonds unil the money Is now uvnllablu his lallier-iu-law- , John llurris, nine tack have alternated with those of permitted to speak. 17 degree below Temperature of box Leo Kelly of SI. Uuiis twenty for use on the Dona Ann county roads. miles west of Clayton, by Hoy Urown, "No," said Donald, stolidly. Christmas the ClermaiiH. zero characterized Duliith's i i searched brains for o ii Ih before the Colorado Athletic The traveling auditor of the statu who then commit led suicide. Wilson Wo havo dislodged tho enemy from The class their Duy. l guesses and even ,111c 'luh in Denver on the tiinht of Jan. 7. litis appointed C. W. (ierbcr of Las came to Clayton to spend Christmas a trench neur thu village of Siiinlno, other teacher Harry Alvey, his wile and three chil- was puzzled. Finally all "gavo up," The date of the heavyweight chlim-- l ( ruces to take charge of the F'rat with his wife and daughters, from which they had taken from us previ- dren were burned to death when lire sepurated for two in which and Donald was aked the name. linn.: Ii i boxing contest between Jack Slain Dank, that closed lis doors re- whom he had been ously, by a counter utlaek destroyed m ar Winter Ha- prison-e'r-. "Why, 1 see pictures of It every their home Johnson and .less Willard lias been cently. Ho is under a $."ti,ooo bond. years. Drown Is said to have been in wo captured machine guns and ven, Flu. love with Mrs. Wilson, ami took ex- day in tho paper nnd so do you. lt' set for .March IT. In Juarez, Mex., it It should be a pretty good piece, of during the ception hti.:L appearance Plllca a Cop." line of (lie prizes shot was announced in Chlenuo by Willard' property It bring a price of to her mil's "On the center between the that ciiiiniuiail-In- g hunting season Just d was that of . on the scene. Drown called ut the upper Vistula only business representative. $:i2,.'oo. The W. Love I arm, near Port-alos- and the 0 deer, l.a.lysiiillh. Wilson home, not expecting" to find Wo progress on white kllbd mar of 320 acres, wtis recently Bold to was heard. uiado GRANDMA USED SAGE TEA Sawyer county, Wis. Wilson there. A fight followed, and wings. CENLRAL. A. L. Kenyou of Oklahoma at those the two TO DARKEN HER GRAY HAIR Declaration lor "open" newspaper figure. Drown knocked Wilson down and "During nn attack on a (ierman re- by till till) Morning Marshal Field, grandson of the lute dragged hint outside of the house, doubt to tho Bouth of Inowlod. we cap-lure- d shops was made A. has Up a Sage Tea t od-- : State F.nglneer Jiimea French She Made Mixture of j niilnoiintrc merchant or nicngo. where lie shot him Ihree times, llrmvn machine guns. pupcra of New Oilcans in published Mill- - three ' , granted the Socorro Mining and and Sulphur to Bring Back Color, notices to this public. taitt' i! a marring!) lici use to d Miss then returned to UU own home, lay "Our troops met with hiicccss while Iv.elyn Marshall of New York. lug Company an extension until Jauu-- I down on liia lied and committed sul crossing the lower Nidn In the taking Gloss, Thickness. Captain Joi n Wickliff Kitchell, phi- ary 2.", IHI7, for tin i,niiU:;io:i of its The first loan application to the cido by blowing out nls brains with a by storm of tho villages or Siarokoic-zi- lanthropist. Civil War veteran ami u r Mogollon, So orro cveryonu know Sage - plant ut on were well Almort that $ I.",. noii. onii cotton loan fund was re- shotgun. The hedrlolhing was set and Selllsla.'lee, which friend of Ahrunniu Lincoln, died at county. ' Tea nnd Sulphur, properly compound- Alain by the New York fire and the house destroyed. Ilrown's lortified. During the fighting we cap- Vunu, 111., aged ars. celv.'d from ni.i ed, brings back the natural color and committee of hauliers in charge of 111') According to figures believed to bo body was burned almost to a crisp. tured 40 Austrian officers mid over car- ' pair w faded, streaked Orders for 6' ."' ions of hlnh authentic, the agricultural and live .Mrs. Wilson came to Clayton to give L7itc) soldiers, nnd three machine guns. lustre to tie' hen fund. dauilrticT, Itching bonized steel roi, nils appeared In tlte Block the lit le town uu-- i ininle or gray; ulso ends - territory around her version of fie tragedy to the "In western (lallela we have At least five Inmate!', of the Cam- falling Year Flushing district: r.n.ium tons for of .Melrose, Curry county, is shipping Iborltles. She Is apparently unmoved progress in Bplte of tho almost Impass- scalp and stops hair. bridge City Home los.l tin ir lives ago only way get France and l.'i.eeit inns lor Uusaia. 'out f:!'i,u"0 worth of products n mouth by the killing of her husband. It is able condition of the country due to tho to this mixture when fire cotntdeii v burned out til" to It home, which Is Waller S. I'iclii n en. a vaudeville or Jl'.iln.eiitt worth-- year. nilei.e that Wilson had threatened to mud. was make nt Ih'.-o- story stone structure at Cnin-- I mussy ami Nowadays, actor, was killed, and five dan- : Licnvn if he did not cease his at- enemy from Ironbheiome. others bridge, Mass. Intonation comes Horn the boiidliold-- kill "We have driven the a scnfluldiug on orllce-.lasllska- , by asking at any store for "Wycth' gerously injured wlnn ' ei s in I'iltnbui g, I'a., tea; anot licr plan tentions to Mrs. Wilson. the front of Stromiill'. S. Sti'-- e you a hotel In the coimw of construction Oovcrnor-- ect Charles Whitman guns a largo number of and Sulphur Hair Itemedy," - is on foot, to save the New .Mexico taking and of w o: I; i.niiouneeit tie- appoint will get si largo of tho famous collapM il. l bottle at Kansas City .i :( cnii-a- railroad from closing down al- - River Flooded by Rains. machine guns. ment .l W iT.ain n.iywnru, now an old recipe for about r.o cents. Import taxec collected at the Chi- tog' iln r. The plan is said to involve Santa Fe. As the result of unpre- "lulling the flrttt hnlf of December district attorney, as his per- we rnpi'ircd Don't stay gray! Try It! No one cago port In l!Ui were $!i,l Tii.ii.sti, or A change in the receivernhlp of the days, totaling lold style calendar) sonal counsel. cedented rains for two can possinly tell that you darkened $l.!r,t;,!i.",2 less than during the pre- road. lioiu two to lour Inches, the tilla river AiiKtr'tins." Inn a resumption of on your hair, us It does It so naturally vious year according to the annual Notices atinoiinc was a mile wide nt the fllla crossing Tho French official statement the post- At the point of guns masked men and evenly. You dampen sponge or full time in all depart tits were progress of I lie war refers to compara- a report of llivers .Mc.N'cllI, collector of held up Mrs. John Simons, wile of u and oilier streams were away out of ed in the factories of W. II. MeKlwnlti tively French successes and soft brush witli It and draw this customs. saloonkeeper at I'lnos Altos, and com- their haul's. Practically all traffic minor Shoo Manufacturing Company at Mun- violent bombardment of cer- through your hair, taking one email F.ight wesihouml transcontinental pelled tu them the from Silver City to the big mining mentions ch! ster. N. II. her to icwnl positions by licrtmih ar- strand nt a lime, by morning the gray i camps suspended. tain French trains innrooneil in southern Arizona of JJ.oi in cash thi'.t was was ap- Mi.-.- s occupied a hair disappears, and after another I'hoe-ni- ("trace H. Dodge, widely known tillery. The French have by the floods of last week left secreted In n trunk. The robbers, two become-beautifull- ns a philanthropist and prominent for village In pelglnm; they bnvc gained plication or two, your hair Monday with nnl passengers, some in number, escaped. Contracts Awarded for Pen 8upplle. years as a lender In chntitable anil ground In the Argonne and they are dark, thick and glossy. of whom hud been stalled since Christ- were educational work died In New York State I. Mid Commissioner II. P. Katilti Fe. Contracts awarded Investing Stelnl'lieh in upper Alsace. Adv. inas, board of penitentiary after n short Illness. F.nien has tinned in his report to bv the stiito Denver's annua! horse ami stock showing de- commissioners for supplies for the fjandit Get $2,000. Ammunition Used in War. f,7. willow of Covcrnnr McDonald his Oklahoma Daylloh ex- Mrs. S. J. Kirkiutrick. largest How much ammunition does a mod- show, with novelties anil uddlllotinl part Hunt hits since lltmi taken In the next six months. One of the Okla. Two men held up the late Judge S. J. Kirltpatrick itnd Kelly Carney, ern army use? We not hibitions, will he hcll at the Denver sum of $l,f'7Ll.'i7.32. one-hnl- f of which contracts was awarded to Croas shall know a of lllshop K. H. lloss of tho the Carney Stn'e Hank, obtaining ap- I'nlon Stock Yards during "Stock rister approximati ly, collected since New & Co.. for 60.000 pounds of flour; to until after the war what the German M"thodlst church, stationed in Musko- proximately $2,000. Show Week" Jan. IS to 23 Inclusive, Muxlco bec.i.oe a slate. Swift & Co. for 2K.000 poundu of beef, and the allied forces havo been ex- gee. Oklu., was burned to death at her pending; we under the auspices of lite Gentlemen's nnd a large amount of cheese; to I --co but know what the Ger- M. (1. Jones haa been appointed BILL. Driving Riding Club. home at Jom sboro, Ark. Bait, THE NATION WIDE DRY mans used in 1870-71-. The totul for and agent for Wells-Fu- r :u at Rock Island. llernch of Santa Fe for bran and An unknown bandit was killed, corn; to Cartwrlght Uros. for a vari- rifles was 30,000,000 cartridges, for being out twenty-tw- o hours, President Taft Declares It WASHINGTON. Chief of Police Fenton wa shot After ety of articles. Farmer Held artillery 31:2,000 rounds. It la through the leg, and two other citizens tho Jury brought In a verdict of "not Would Deprive State of Their worth noting that battles are much With leaders In both houses Btill de- were wounded In n buttle at Cleveland, guilty" In the case of the state of New Right. less costly In ammunition than sieges. Final Crop Estimate. I termined to push through all neces- Okla.. following un attempt to hold up Mexico vs. Claude M. Cooley, charged Bost :i. "National prohibition a The siege of Strsshurg alone cost, sary legislation in order to avert an twenty men in a pool hall. with murder, which was heard before Santa Fe. N. M. Final estimate ol dangerous proposition," Bald former weight for weight, three times the I Judge at. acreage, production and price, Dec. 1, extra session after March 4 next. Con- Coventor' Jose Maria Maytoreua of dsn let Abbott Aztec, Situ President William H. TBrt, speaking amount of ammunition used In all the county. in the fclnte of New Mexico, follow; gress reconvened after one of the Sonora lifted the siege of Naco, go-- Juan before the liar Association of Host on decisive battles and action through- Proline- - Price. banquet. out the shortest holiday recesses on record. ora, opposite Naco, Ariz., and retired State aid for the Parochial schools Crops Acreage, lion. Ufr. 1. at it seventeenth triennial whole war. Of course the 2.;,7.i. mill 0.8U figure Twenty-on- fly- to southwest with his troops. He of New Mexico! In a sluleinint Sec- Coin 1914 UL'.iiimi would revolutionize (he national are a mere bagatelle com- modern battleships the r.7 mm .7 ft "It IUI3 Hu.imhi I.I 2. shoul- pared with those of strug- ing the Stars mid Stripes will follow destroyed his work, burned his camps retary of State Antonio Lucero advo- Wheat .... 1UI4 TiI.imiii 1.S.PC.IIUII .til) government. It would put on the the present bulldog removed all hts artillery. cates it, suggesting to the coming Leg- Hu. (inn 1.221. mil) ,7 of the government the duty of gle, with Its million of soldiers and the Oregon, the "old of the and 1!II4 f.i.lH'll l.!i;e.(Hi0 .4!i ders (lilts Ita quick tiring guns week-lon- navy." through the Panama cunal Fernando Somoia Vivas, consul gen- islature that a law be passed authoriz- V i 3 rm. lino l.reiii.cino .An sweeping the doorsteps of every home and Ita G.ihiO .7.1 buttles. when the Atluntlc fleet goes to par- eral at San Francisco of tho republic ing board of education In towns Hurley .... inn nii.mio In the land. If nutlounl prohibition Manchester Guardian. 1!II3 4, nun iiil.otui .72 government ticipate In the opening ceremonies of of Honduras, was arrested and booked where there are parochial school to Piitntni-- .. Ililt K.iniK iinii.tino .Ufi legislation passed local 1 J 3 tUMiO 6I2.(miO 1.40 Important the Panamu-Paclfi- Imposition. charge nrson. He had been donate at least 50c per child monthly would he destroyed. And if you de- to Mother on a of I SI 4 Znn.iieo M.Vnuo 9 30 Examine, carefully to those In charge of the Catholic In- llav local government you destroy every bottle o! The cruiser Tennessee, with the per- under surveillance bv tho police, 11)13 11)2.000 3'.l!l,OII0 12.10 stroy CASTOHIA, a safe stitutions. one of the thing that go to make for and aura remedy for mission of the Turkish government, when firemen found that his burning (OumitltleH nf hay In tons; nthor Infanta and children, and aee It proiLictK In IniHhi'lH. Prici-- fur hay In a healthy condition ot 'the national that and at the request of American Am- house had been liberally sprinkled The recommendations of the state liilliiis per tun; olher pruduuti cvnla neara the Morgentlinii, and turpentine. per tiUHhel.) government. bassador Is transporting with oil chool superintendent, embodied in bis Signature of finn refugees of various nationalities governor, Whtut sown this fall In the state, State Senator James report to the nro those In Use For Over 30 Yoarm. Jaffa, Syria, to Alexandria, 5.",:;no acre, compared with 48,000 Exchange Endorsee Stock Show. CUcU from years old, more M. Donald Cameron, 82 urged at the recent N. K. A. meet- Children Cry for Fletcher! Caetorift Egypt. widely known a "Don" Cameron, ing, including, a minimum school term acres last year; condition, 95 of Denver. Hearty Indorsement otthe boss of Pennsyl- age lim- compared with three-yea- r av- National Horse and Show and Foodstuff exportation from the Quay's predecessor as of seven months; raising the normal, Stock HI Own vania, who has been living for many compulsory erage of Similarly, the Unit- Midwinter Fair, to be held at the Den- Fault United States for the eleven months it under the education law 88. in "Sir, your daughter has promised to on his big farm at bet- 41,300,000 ver Union Stock Yarda 18 to 23 of the present year aggregated years in retirement from fourteen to Bixtcen yenrg; ed States. acres, compared Jan. become my wife." Donegal, near Harrlsburg, Pa., execut- supervision; training with 37.100,000 sown last year; Inclusive, was given by the officers In value. This shows an ter school better acres "Well, don't come to me for sympa- legal papers for the adjustment and passage condition, compared with 90.3 and members ot the Denver Live over the tiine Item for the ed of teachers, and the of a free 88.3, thy; you might know something would of among hi heirs of his estate ten-yeu- r average. Stock Exchange. eleven month list year of division textbook law. tho happen to you, hanging around here of $4,000,000 A total of 7,925 acre of land In the Will Elect Fifty-Fou- r Justices. Ave nights Berlin Demand Change In a week." Houston Post So.;'!, gold H. D.D., part of the state recent- La Vegas. The commissioners of Consul. The output of Dakota's The Kev. Charles Hubbell. northeastern Washington. Secretary Bryan had year was a :,ied $7,270.-000- . of Young ly clear listed by the United State LSan Miguel county have IsBued a proc mine this at national superintendent the before him for consideration the for- Substitution. government, will be soon offered for lamation of election for justice of the compared with $. i:..29l In 1913, People' Christian Endeavor Society mal notification from Germany Deacon Jonea Do you keep the fed- by Commissioner R. peace and constables. They also have that according to the ral geological of the Methodist Protestant Church, sale State Iand American consuls In Belgium must be Sabbath, sir? The land I part of the appointed the Judge of election and survey. died at hi home at Adrian, Mich., P. Ervlen. a acceptable to the German military Druggist Blinks No, no, sir, but 1 year government' million-acr- e grant, and have named the polling place for the The United State government dis- after a brief Illness. He was 45 authorltlea and asking for the with- have something Just aa good. In counties ot Colfax, election. In San Miguel county the patched a long note to Gnat, iiritaln, old. situated the drawal of certain consuls, for the Union and Quay. people will elect fifty-fou- r justice, one Red Ctom Bag Blue, Insisting on an early Improvement In New Year week will be one of present at leant. The United State much better, gea What la believed to be a atate reo-or- In each precinct. There will be three farther thn liquid blue. Get from any ftlio treatment of American commerce mourning for the largely Roman Cath- has consular representative In Brua-ael- grocer. of product chosen In the town of Laa Vega and Adv. by the, British fleet. olic population of San Francisco, and for the marketing farm Antwerp, Liege and Ghent. Since any point In one day was re- one In the city of Laa Vega. The elec- ' Speaker and Mrs. Champ Clark for adherents of that denomination all at one the war broke out they have beon en- Probably the moat convenient thing 300 bale tion will take place on the second Mon- tha engagement of their daugh- over the country, who lament the cently made at Melrose when gaged chiefly In looking after refu- about a woman' figure la ber ability of com, totaling four carloads, day In January, which fan on Janu- ter, Genevieve, to James M. Thomson, death of Archbishop Patrick William broom gees and aiding In relief work, as to ahlft ber waist line anywhere be- carload of wheat, were sold. ary 11. owner and publisher of the New or-- Klordan of the archdior centering and a there waa little regular work to do. tween her kneea and shoulder. Juaua Item,' New Orleans, La. at San FrancJsoa PROFESSIONAL V, ; l I E. M. Chapman ! DENTIST Year Over First National Bank. Phone 95. Mipy Clovis, New Mexico. Dr. J. R. Haney

We wish to thank you for your patronage in the Physician & Surgeon

past and solicit a continuance of your trade. Office Opposite Postoffice Our New Years Gift to thfe Trade is our D. LConncll, M.D. Physician & Surgeon ,

OFFICE IN ELKS HOME BIG MONEY-SAVIN- G Office Phone 146, Res Phone 826 W. A. Gillenwater PRE-INVENTO- RY SALE LAWYER Clovis, New Mexico. Commencing Saturday, Jan. 2 R. R. DUNCAN DENTIST Office Opposite P. 0. Phone 89. CLOVIS, NEW MEX. P DR. A. L. DILLON Physician & Surgeon Special attention to diseases of Wo the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and Fitting Glasses. Over Ftrtt National Bank, Offlca Phono 168. Raildonco Phone (. Clovis, New Mex. looking bright and warm now. young peoples Sunday School The Dove and Hunter families The Douglass girls entertain- class for regular attendance and of Rhea, Texas, were out to Sun- El comm ed a crowd of young folks at best lessons. The prizes were day School at Frio Sunday. Mr. D. D. Swearingin their home South of Blacktower to be given at the end of the and Mrs. Hunter are going for year. Sunday of tha firm of On. Praalay A 8waarlnaln Monday night. Last was to be an extended visit to Illinois soon of Rotwall decision day and it could not be Miss Mattie Bell and two Some of the young people of will be in Clovis from the 10th TTERSH determined which of five scholars other girls from Ideal commu- this place drove to Hollene last to 20th of each month treating should receive the prize so all nity visited Miss Ollie Crook, Friday. Those in the crowd diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose Claud Notes. Miss Yatan Roberts Ed five scholars will receive prizes and Monday. were Misses Bertha Fahsholtz, and Throat and Fitting Glasses. The good program and Christ Copeland, from Clovis, visited of a large size new Testament. Freeman Mrs. J. W, Eller, Mrs. Esther and Merle and mas tree at the school house the former's parents, Sunday. J. T. The prize winners are as follows: Cain and Mrs. R. H. Crook went Kate Davis, Messrs John Moore. Dec. 21th. Christmas Eve, Sherman Moore was out in Misses Myrtle and Rosa McMul- - DR. II. R GIBSON to Clovis last Monday and Jesse Kirby and F. L. Davis. wasn't very successful not this vicinity Christmas. len, Messrs William and Russell many bought the candy, apples or- John Moore, Ed Fahsholtz, C. Osteopath there. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. West fall Hankhouse and George Birdsall anges and nuts for the Christ- Jr. C. Singleterry, B. F. Freeman Mrs. A. L. Marks has gone were Clovis visitors Tuesday. son Treats all diseases hnth nnnt mas tree. $10.50 was the Miss Ella and Walter were all seen Cre-ol- a Grant her and chronic. Special to Clovi s to stay in the bakery Miss Mildred Rork and amount spent for and going to Texico Monday for attention the treat. mother are visiting friends and given to diseases of women. while Eay is taking a rest on Marks were in Clovis Tues- t 1 coal, It is a two days trip now jveryDouy contributed..... very relatives in the east during the farm. day and Wednesday of last PATIENTS EXAMINED FREE the liberally and all had something holidays. as the roads are so bad. Miss Susie Jones is on the week. good Bro, Rodgers Office yer to eat. Blacktower is on Hardy Young is visiting of Cameron, our Skidmore Drug Store sick list this Chester Marks spent Christ- his week. a boom now since things have parents at present. pastor failed to fill his appoint- Office Phone 383. Res. 390. Washington mas with James Roberts. changed. ment at this place Saturday School has two Dewey Eshleman and George lovis, New Mexico. night and Sunday, and we don't weeks vacation, the pupils Birdsall Jr. were the guests Blacktower Budget. Havener of blame him as the weather was were all glad for so long a va- Happenings John Willis Sunday. As so unpleasant and the roads so cation having been working the holidays are about We certainly had snow L. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Birdsall bad. A. Dickman, m. d. real hard lately. over, we will all have to get plenty of it this Ch ristmas. Our and family ate Christmas dinner ...Physician Surgeon... busy again. Christmas Mr. W. N. Bettis go- &' J. L. Moore, teacher, is in program was not as at the home of Mr. has been Our Christmas and Mrs. ing Clovis during vacation. tree at . the complete as we had expected it Zeph Birdsall. around with his chest puffed Office opposite Antlers Hotel church was nice, and all who to be on account of the absence out and his chin in the air for Office phone 53. 219. Mrs. O'llara and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Ross are occupy- Res. came enjoyed it very much of a number of the school chil- the past week or two, and upon are visiting in this vicinity dur- ing their home near Havener ...I ALSO FIT GLASSES... but owing to the severe snow dren. The tree was being asked wherefore is this? ing the holidays. one that this week. storm, not very many could had been planted Bird-sa- he - invariably replies Clovis, New Mex. by Harry il "Man, I .... Mr- - Prof. C. C. Roberts was out on the come, especially children, but about eight years ago on his Ford and family have been eating buffalo." days whole were' among the twenty persons farm several last week. the community had a farm tour miles south of Have- A wagon load of the Shiloh and who took Christmas dinner with Not having a good crowd treat an excellent prografn ner. A very nice crowd as- and Lincoln young people at- Walker's Market with the children Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Magee. ChrLstmns Eve, will have the that were able sembled considering the weather tended prayer meeting at Frio for all kfnds to he of program New Year's Eve, a present. at that time. Sunday night. Mrs. M. Frio Facts Meats and Produce good program, the play, "The J. Cooper has been Grace Anderson was on the We are under some hope of spending W. N. Bettis Phone 123. Phone 123. KoiikIi Diamond" will be inter- the holidays with sick list last week. and wife took getting a mail route once more home folks dinner with the Goo McLeans. esting, the cast of characters at lilacktower. Mrs. Hines. since the and poli- - of St Vrain, was Sun-lay- ciun,y state are: Miss, Ollie Crook got-it-i- the-nee- was the a Havener visitor Mjiiday. tioians have k -- Sir William Evergreen Mr. giK M of Miss F.dna Wilson Sun Last Friday ni.uht the young' 1 Plowing, Grading, Mr. A. J. liodes. of Clovis and the other disturber hits em Fred Jiiinrs. day i' no, i,ineo;n ;i n i f r.iht. for m Sunday. iieon; oi separated from the service. Team Work. IIe (). ' Lady Kwn. reon "The Rough! J liNi ! Shiioii mot at J. McLeans d- a crowd of you v; f ;.s j May th" good thr.o e me is your plowing, jrrad-- i ' look doincr with tiirt N'els An- - ' - IHaniHid." Elizabeth - a'id had a.i cve'dug "!' unsnr- O'Jlara, Ra hered . at the homo of M s derso.M fanrlv. Ihj wish )f an it .Mid in fact any kind (lo'l-il- l .1 " MoSS Il.i.yd pi'fSi iv.iT.t. (II. :ii lie Cain a:id n joyed lii enjoy Xntni'vou Old. T K, !. ':' t. :.m v. or!:. lKvo tden- - Airone II.inLhoiiso i'.miil.y j L"i-- l'l Ma1 k and gam. ; ,vd i i e- - i '': .io Jay day (J!n ist:il:i". w.t p'a a ml ! ' ' i' teams ar.d im- - I 11 ato lirK.'m liniior wi'Ji CI. .). - P.'a!' Mildred hi'.'-- :': as o i I.'l.v Kork '! I) .i. i . PiiVcs rt-- iii!" ij ' s).-l- o;' ti,.-- i' 'iii i. Si.i.u; :;"d .tally. ':' C.,'. in l'. i.hviiii L. M ul x !! .VI ,1 J. noil.. . (!. - 'l Kragan. ' a.r A. .Mo- I ! ih;r,' ;t. '' v' J. in "i" and I ewr ( ' ' Jon- - ": d o : :.)


1 i. . : J . '

'"J,'v? prof art tn Uic our ; DO YCVR I, II r ..i .j, L ; ; THE ir.'' n,!; y il CLOVIS NATION A - a ids in. and Mi (I. Pz , ci ale;: sum ly, dtut. " "BETTER THAN TUZ LAW J. c. : :.L:-?N- c 'i or, 4 THE CLOVJS NEWS federacy in the national at of president, although be soon announced The Panama Canal was formally opened experiments conducted by Prof. Robert was unveiled June 4. 15. Glasgow, Scotland. In May Arlington his purpose of turning over the executive for world traffic on August The steam, Kennedy of IS isngiana belonging to rail- a gyroscopic motor car cre- On June STORY OF YEAR MARKED function to a provisional substitute and er Ancon, the Panama ternatlonal polo championship at London. pub-"- himself becoming a candidate. road, passed from ocean to ocean In ten ated considerable excitement In ileadowbrook. N. Y. It was mod. o On September 23 Villa war up- In September the railroad rate Is the Invention ot Paul Bchllowsky. K. Jesup declared hours. It sleep" on June 24 that Mrs. Morris on the provisional president. The consti- caso showed Increased activity. The roads An Innovation known as "twilight bequeathed 18.600.000 to publlo In- tutionalists held meeting Mexico east of the Mississippi and north ot the Is announced to have worked such a had Museum of a at child- stitutions. The American SENSATIONAL EVENTS City on October 4 and to accept Potomac again petitioned the Interstate change In obstetrical methods that beneficiary to BY refused entirely of Natural History was a their chief's resignation. At a conven- commerce commission for permission to birth bos been robbed almost of 15.000.000. That, also, 6 per cent, and the Its The new system developed at the extent tion of the party held at A guns Cnllentea advance freight rates terrors. was the day on whlc the reconstruct- 14. presented commission consented reopen case. the Woman's hospital of Freiburg, Ger- Ger- nn October Carransa again to the ed Kiel canal was opened by the Increase, many, Is described as a slight slumber Eucha-rist- lc hia resignation nnd a few day later Villa The commission granted the man kaiser. The International of promised to support a provisional presi- with certain exceptions, on December 18. Induced by an Injection of a combination opened at Lourdes, Most Momentous Twelve Months Modern Times vis- of two drugs, scopolamln and morplilum. dent mimed by the convention. At that. A delegation of railroad presidents France. July 22. Gen. Kulalio Gutlerrei was appointed by ited President Wilson at the White House On January 28 the first wireless mes- September I Cardinal aiacoma sage relaying, be- On Reviewod-Gre- at European War, Mexican the convention, but Carranza refused to nnd laid before him the unsatisfactory without transmitted delta Chlcsa. archbishop of Bologna, recognize him. The new president ap- sltuntlon which confronted American tween Hanover, Germany, and Tuckerton. was elected pope to succeed the late pointed Villa commander In chief of the roads. The president was sympathetic, on the lower New Jersey coast, came In pontiff assumed On Plus X The new the and Other World Happenings. government forces nnd ordered him to but expressed bis confidence In the Inter- one leap a distance of 4.0i2 miles. XV. The government Troubles by title of Benedict proceed nt once against Carranza. As state commerce commission to regulate February 17 the expedition led dipt. crop report, mnde public October 8, an- Villa and his men beared the capital, tho matter satisfactorily. ' J. Campbell Besley returned to New York record wheat harvest of In a hither- nounced a Carransa and his soldiers withdrew. On September 3 Secretary McAdoo after six months' exploration KH2.000.000 and a normnl corn crop of 1014, unique. 23 American forcee great In banking circles to unknown Andenu region. The party The yenr of our .,.,1. is Brltlsh fleet sailed under nealed orden On November the aroused Interest 2,fi76.000.000. The world's championship of 4, In were from Vera Crux nnd by announcing his to withdraw discovered a lost Inca city and brought by Boa-to- n It dues tmt f procession and a bin naval battle the withdrawn Intention series was won October IS the e.l swing. Tllllt North kcu wiim conllih-ntl- expected hy soon afterward Carranza and his follow- government patronage and assistance back a valuable collection. Later In the team. yenr with the '' lod National league baseball ,1 ap- ers took possession of seaport. Villa national known to be hoard- month the antarctlo expedition com- t:a:i-."- i ii Into a horror the waJtiiiK World. It soon became the Irom banks lama On October 14 one of the most Which has mnllg-- In of tho, currency excessive In- by Dr. Douglas Mewson ot Ade- prco e ,..-at- mwl I parent that Great llrltnln'H purpose, wait and Zapata united support ing or demanding arrived prehensive financial schemes on rocord without to u commerce, Gutierrez Interests, nnd prospect of laide. Australia, two years spent In l wur-- w ar w ih devastating the deal fatal blow at iiurman the terest. lifter by hunkers at New York nlty pence In Is exploration. On April 10, Dr. formulated ' sinister Impress aafcKiianl that of IlelKluni, Krance and the tmineillntu future far from In October the court dismissed all but scientific Involved the raising by the banks old world ati'' encouraging. Alexis Carrel, Nobel prlxe. winner and city new. and render the enemy's tlect Inopera one of the government's charges In Its of a fund of $150,000,000 which was to on the i 1R. ? OOO to exact sci- ,i, l with a terrific tive by lioldlnK It In the llaltlc. A week On mher X'nlted States suit to dissolve the Atlantic steamship eminent for his contributions upon warehouse receipts for It cume svli'l stop ence, hail operated be loaned July : later, the port authorities of New York troops were sent to Nneo to continued trust. Final argument In the suit to dis- announced thnt ho On tho Inst day of October the clash, on firing by Into nlted successfully on of an animal by cotton. sellt ,;iimiitum to Servla were notified that the Atlantic lines were the Mexican factions solve the Steel trust was made at Phila- the heart canal was closed for trafflo a go eminent f blood sev-er- Panama per-- States territory. The struggle between suspending tho circulation of '. demanding I"1 liniini of the unobstructed, anil a few days afterward delphia, and the discussion of Increased second me on account of an earth !'' In Mexico con- minutes. On May 19, 'I Ii ussaHslnutlnn of tht! l'ucHIc lit!" were pronounced "open the combatants northern railroad freight rates wns resumed before cut. Mima an explor- slide Into Culehra l"i rdiimnd ami In- nnd safe." Hlxty llrltlsh war vessels tinues unabated. the Interstate commerce commission. Roosevelt returned homo after On 8 the Chicago stock- the Archduke Brn-sllln- n November I'"'-- Kuarded the of Kiel Canal and on November S tho ing trip of eight months through the of suppr-ss- i. I' all exit the Longest Congressional Session. At the elections held yards were closed on account an stant rep- wilderness. Ho nnnounecd the dis- ti. prevented tho thirty (lerman battleships pemocrntlc mnjorlty In the house of epidemic of disease propaganda "" Sixty-thir- d christened i'" . Belgrade anchored there from comlm,' out. Within The first regular session of the was reduced from 147 to 2!, covery of a river, which was au- 4x hours f..r on, .1 " The resentatives which had nlreudy led the federal dn- - a few days, more than thirty of the ureal co.igress was tho longest since that although the Pemocrntlc majority In tho Rio Roosevelt, nnd afterwnrd rechrlalened to establish quarantine In government ill" Austtiun 4, llrlt- thorities inl Herman ocean liners worn Interned In great body came Into exis- wns Increased from 10 to 1(1. Con- Rio Teodoro. On November at the shipment mnnd with a xi'i-- l' which senate eight states ngalnst tho of Austrian officials neutral waters and a number of Ucrmnn tencefrom December 1, 1H13, to October stitutional amendments giving the suf- lsh emhnssy In Home, prof. Domenlco prohibition was ex- woul.1 have I' Abruz-sl- , cattle, ljitcr this "' ships or de- 24. 1014, After the holiday recess both In Argentleri, nn Italian prleat of the to n lending I" the punishment merchant were captured frage to women were carried Nevndn tended to several other slates. The take stroyed. branches were addressed by President nnd Montann prohibition triumphed made good his claim to hnvo devised governors" met In of - i asked for further and ap- "house of lis the nmr.l't Hy Wilson upon the regulation of corpora- In Washington. Oregon, Arizona, nnd a small portable wireless telegraphy Mndlson, I the middle of November more than seventh annual session at Information "" :'" tions. In his address the president recom- paratus cnpahle of receiving messages i t - .msfaotory to four hundred war votHc and merchant- Colorado. In Missouri the "full Wis.. November 10. The wis commis- high-pow- ut a distance of war on Her-vi- a men on nil sides had been captured or In- mended the formation of a trnde crew" law pnssed by tho legislature was from stations n period of silOpenslon covering-1- Klie'pron..:; .I'dat'd di- Dnyton, After In ports. The Kmdon In sion, the doing away with Interlocking rejected. 1.280 miles. On Janunry 2, nt brought hy war. nml Ih g..n " troops towur.1 terned neutral de- weeks, nbnut the v,.' b- rectorates nnd holding compnnles, and an Ohio. Orvllle Wright gnvo a public TI:.' J rn iietlvo mi - the 1'uelllr and the Karlsruhe In the In the cotton exchanges of New York and the border. law. On Janunry 24 tho senate Politics Other Lands. of tho nutomntlc stabiliser, No- v,- -l Atlantic, two raiders, antitrust monstration opened trading on capital fnin South German y New Orleans for lllzatlon an.l their passed the government Ida rew Invention. On Feh-runr- f Interior. In- preyed sin ssfully upon allied and neu- n. hill authorizing On Jnnuary 27 Michel Oreste, president aeronautical vember HI. Tho New York stock Belgrade to NM.. 'it "i" to construct a rnilrond In Alnska. On 7, the Oermnn aviator Ingold made stantly the eyes ,.f alt Ha- civilized world tral commerce until the former was put of Haiti, warned of the approach of n which was closed nt the break- -t February 18 tho house passed the bill. a record of more than a thousand miles, were turned inward r.'issla. out of notion. Ihirlmr the pn- threo large body of revolutionists, abdicated has- ing out of hostilities, was reopenod for (thls also, adminis- remaining nloft sixteen and a half hours, red-lett- i; declared war months tho Germans havu destroyed u Turing month, the tily nnd took refuge on a Oermnn cruiser. trading November 28. A Tho luy after nia breaking nil previous records. In restricted nti of by means of tration Introduced a measure Into both wns elected thus American on Servla. the ll'i-- ntlnlHter of for- number llrltlsh cruisers On February Orestes Znmnr was event In Hie history of , torpedoes. In nn nctlon of the coast of bouses to establish a rural credit system president Haiti, and on tho snme day April a new neroplano height record formal opening of the eign affair-- wane ' " German ambas- of by I.lnnckngel, He athletics was the Rus-Fl- a wor- by tm of hanks. On Feb- presi- made nt Johnnnlsthal. SO.OOO persons, If S. r- ' were Invaded Chile, a squadron of live German tins Jose Vicente Concha was elected great Vale bowl, seating sador that It reached nn of 2n.fiil4 feet. In Mav. d t neutral, ships sank the Monmouth nnd Good Hope ruary a hill was Introduced Into both Colombia. altitude 21. Tho annual would tint he ai.l" ' remain dent of tblrty-sl- x November 27 a which provided that the govern- a Zeppelin dirigible flew for i I" Germany, with nil on board. On October branches Knrly In the yenr the Chinese adminis- football contest resulted In a Har- tirent Hrlialn might or on royalty hours without atop over Oermnny. nt nn t t a council should It was not known to the public ment mine lease a council Confucian- vard victury. 3H to 0. France atal Italy trative average fifty-tw- o an hour. two for a forlnlxlit afterward the llrltlsh busts certuln coal lands In Alaska, religion of republic. of about miles he nrrnngcil to m.t.ati' hetween the ism ns the state the On July 14, Oermnn nt Merlin Among the Eminent Dead. to become Audacious was sunk On March B the president delivered an- February 10 a aviator dlpt'Ktantx. Gorman declined At the opening of parliament In monoplnne to a height of those who have passed ingomcnl. oznr by a mine off the const of Ireland. Short- other address to congress In the house Oeorgo urged In ascended a The record of panv tii K'i' h nn an The King mutual concessions 2l. nan feet, nnd broke tho record. The during the Influence with ly afterward, the llrltlsh admiralty de- chamber, In which h urged the repeal home controversy. On thus out of tin worlds activities timed the kaiser t" w hi" tho Irish rule flight from Norwny to Scotland wns made yenr Is of unusual length, and It contains According to tho clared the North sea a dosed mllltury of the provision In tho Panama Canal act 5 bill wns Introduced the . Mnrch the home rule hy Gran, July 30, In four hours and ten many who hnd achieved dis cnmplleil areu. of August, 1912. exempting vessels en- pnssnge through tho com- the names of German account, tb" kaiser for Its third minutes. tinction. of hi- - nhll-It- On Pecemhor S the Gorman rrulsern gaged In constwlso trade from the pay- mons. On May 25 tho hill passed com- with this request to tli" hent the In wnr not Among men who Cled la KchnrnhorHt, Onclsnu,. Leipzig anil Nuern-Per- ment of tolls. With a senate amendment time. On September The us' of aircraft tho has the famous Wff.n he discovered, however, that mons for the third has hecn January were Dr. S. Mitchell of going on actively In under Admiral von Spee. were sunk to the effect that the United Stnles re- King George signed the homo rule and been greatly sensntlonnl. but It Wdr mobilization was is sufficient to modify warfare to nn appre- Philadelphia, scientist and novelist; t hi- - hy Hrltltdi sipmdron linquished no rights under treaties with par Russia, he win d the zar that courso a under Welsh disestablishment bills and tho Most, aeroplanes Kpltzkn. and neu- Sturdco, off the Falkland Qrent Rrltaln and with Panama, the tolls ciable extent. of tho of Dr. Ivlwunl nllenlst won milling mediation Impossible. Sir Frederick liament was prorogued. belligerent not lighting Count Yuku Ito, admiral of - proclaimed Islands. Tho Dresden es- repeal bill became law. the nations are rologist; Two day- later the kaiser German cruiser On March 17, as the flnnle to abllter dirigibles of tho Zeppelin tho Japanese, fleet; Shelby M. Cullom, country and caped, badly damaged. December 16 a On April 20 the president again ad- controversy, crnft. but the martial law throughout the political nnd personal tho type belonging to the Gennnn wnr equip- 30 years nlted States senator from . twenty-fou- r to licet bombarded the IOukIIsIi coast dressed congress, giving tho facta In the f suit a lour iiltlmaluin German wife of the French minister of finance, ment nro regarded ns battleships of the Illinois, author of the Interstate com- demanding an towns of Hartlepool, Whitby and h. Tamplco affair and nsklng authority to the Muscovite govt nine nt Mme. Cnlllaux, shot and killed the editor hnvo ex- merce law; Paul l'eroiilude, French poet prep- kllllnv 1;.i and WnundlnK S'Diitl-gon- s use force In compelling a settlement. Moth hus- air, and terrible results b'en Instant nbiindonnioni of all war of Figaro, Gaston Cnlmette. Her pected when this formidable sky squadron nml political agitator: tho venerable At the expiration of this ulti- nnd causlnir much property dumaKc. houses pnssed the necessnry measures band resigned his oftice at once and a aration. delay. should get Into nctlon. Thus fur, most of James A. Hams Heaver, Civil wnr hero matum. AuiniHt 1. tie kaiser guvn the Three Hritlsh merchant vessels were sunk without On June t the three new cnblnet was formed. Tho trial of Pennsylvania, begin on hy mines laid by bonibordlnir fleet. measures prominent In the president's an- these military adjuncts huvc been used for and of and order for mobilization to and the Mme. Calllaux resulted In her acquittal scouting purposes, and as such they have Simon lioliver Huekner, whoso name Pourtulos, tho At tho close of the year operations In titrust legislation the creation ot a trnde 2S. 14 peace the same day Count von on July On Mnrch a treaty of proved to ho especially effective. The been familiar to the Amer- Petersburg, st seem practically at a standstill. commission, the CInyton bill, and the rail- was signed nnd fame have (ierman ambassador at St. the wi between Turkey and Servla at rapid advance of tho Oermnn forces Into ican public for more than half a century ,'.iccmher 17 Germans reported a vic- road capitalization bill were passed, but started homeward. the Constantinople, a sequel to the Malknn Franco at tho beginning of hostilities was ns a lieutenant general In tlm Confoderate en- tory In Poland. It was not until August that the senate 1 consti- Meanwhile the moblllzntlnn of tho wnr. On May the now Chinese made possible by scouts, which nrmy, governor of Kentucky, candidate begun. Martini Ah a result of the Itnmedlnte pnrnlysls adopted the measure creating a federal these air tire French army was tution wns published. It abolished the served to point out tho way with Infalli- for on the Gold Dcmocratlo August 4, Gcr-mn- n In the financial world due to the sudden trade commission. The Clayton antitrust gave power Inw di'iare.l and. the premiership and Incrensed to ble accuracy. In on Louvaln ticket In sis.. of Kumpcan nations. bill did not become law until October. 6 Alexan- the attack ambassador nmu.uweil that the war embroilment the tho president. On May Prince and other Belgian cities German aircraft Februarys contribution to the list I were subjected to August 4 both houses unanimously was between lila country an. Franco wan on. Americans abroad der of Teck, Queen Mary's brother, rendered effective service Ly directing ar- Includes Alphonso llertlllon, whoso and Brent Inconvenience nnd not a little actual adopted an amendmont to the federal re- governor-gener- Canada. Fngland had naked hotli Franco appointed of tillery flro by mentis of senrehllghts nnd clever system of measurement made nt neu- Much relief was afforded tho act, by which secretary of the Germany. If they would the hardship. serve the On May 15 Colonel Penavldes. lender nmong Bel- of and lurno sums of treasury was given power to Issue addi- burning mnterlal dropped the him tho terror criminals; Theodore trality of lli llum In raw of war. The UclKlan sufferers of the Peruvian faction which expelled gian troops. That the Zeppelin airships U Do Vlnne. whose artistic efforts Inn) unswervl In tho affirmative. money for the purpose were rulsed all tional hank currency In such amount as Tlllllnghurst. was elected pro- M. Tel- former busi- President are rnprihle of doing grent damnge wais revolutionized printing; Henry The latter made no direct reply, and Bel. over the country. would be necessary to protect the visional president. Three days later a Colo- avoid financial panic. made evident at the siege of Antwerp. ler, fnltcd Slates senator from glan mobilization began at once. The American Red Cross unt tho relief ness situation and group of senators and deputies declared 30 years, Secretary of the In- 4 more rado for On August 2 o German army mnrched ship lied Cross to F.uropcan wntors, On September the president once Roberto Legula provisional president. Tho Casualties on Land and Sea. Vis- congress, out need terior tinder President Arthur; Into the Grand Tuchy of I.uxi mhurK, with a full equipment of physicians addressed pointing the Peruvian supreme court, however, recog- Sluzo Aokl, Japanese am- 12. to meot Knrly In Janunry the second phenom- count first neutrality had hecn Kunranteed nurses and supplies, on September of raising additional revenue the nized Rennvhles. On July 21 Ahmed Mlr-x- a, to Mates, whom causd by decline In Imports enal storm of the season added largely to bassador the United and the hy the power- - In lw;;. A day later, the Chaotic Conditions In Mexico. deficit the sixteen years of age. wns crowned enrl of Mlnlo. former governor-genera- l due to European war. the destruction of properly nlong tho Oermnn povernmem sent a note to the the shah of Persia. On August W the French Is- In March Cardinal Kopp, at Knrly In tho year foreign nations heuan congress pnssed ocenn front of New Jersey nnd Long of Cnnada. HolKlnn uovcinmeiit demnndlnK paaaime The closing days of the cnblnet wns reconstructed on a commit- vol- the bead of the ltoman Catholic hlernchy to be critical of the administration's by members land. On January II, a Japanese troops throiiKh the rountry In nn active effort conducted of defense basis. Reno In- Bow- for Cicrmnn "hnnilH-olT- " Mexican policy nnd to Insist tee national cano on Sakura Island hurst suddenly of Germany; the venerable Thomas compensation for from the cotton-growin- g states to obtain Socialist, premier. man, hnrl promlitlne ample that the Job ot paclfyltiK Mexico beloiured remained to nctlvlty nnd destroyed three towns nnd senior bishop of the Methodist Ttil- - legislation for the retail of the growers all ilnmaire at the close of the war. loulenllv to the t'nltcd States. Vlcto- - On September 10 Turkey notified the killed more than n thousand persons. Dur- church, and two Protestant Fplseopal . . staple. was In the form of an ultlmntum nnd ...,, ,,. ,m.i,)n,,i of the outside world that she had dono away ing a performance at a moving picture bishops John Scarborough of New - n October 24 regular session specified twelve hour- as time limit. volir ,, ,0ast.d In his On the first with tho arrangement whereby foreigners theater nt Surabaya, Jnvn. T.1 women nnd Jersey, and William Woodruff Nibs of Sixty-thir- d congress came to on i.... 1.1 tw.l.l lila otn,.,. lonirer of the In that country havo been exempt from children were burned to death. The New Hampshire passed nwav. America fend her neutrality hy force of arms If tlmn ,,,.,.,,,,., Wilson would remain In end. Incnl Jurisdiction In civil nnd crlmlnnl steamer Monroe, from Norfolk to New also lost George WcHttnghousc, whose It were necessary. ,, Wi.i. m.,,,,. Meanwhile the bandit American Government and Politics. enses and under which many special priv- York city, was rammed by the Niiutiickii air brake a reputed to have snved ileges have been enloyed by citizens of during a night fog off Cape Charles, Jan-nar- y more lives than were sacrificed In the (Jreat Britain Declares War. chief I'atniio Villa was steadily Kiiinltm On January 2 Secretary McAdoo and In north. The fiercest other countries residing In Turkey. 30. and 41 persons were lost, fin Napoleonic wars. April marked the many. Tlrlt-nl- n criiund tli" battle Secretary Houston began a series of At this move of Get Great days n note wns presented to 14 persons passing of the dowager empress of Ja- of the revolution, which was fousht for fed-er- Two later March more than a thousand bcttan milve niobilir-atlo- of her hearings to determine where the new government by pan, the well beloved Haruko; George almost two we'ks, ended In victory for were to he established. the Turkish Great ftritaln. lost their lives during a storm which fnrces and nil the nival reserves were reserve hanks Itnly, In which It was flooded In Russia, Alfred Towns. nil. known widely as a the ri uci forces. bank system went In- France, Russia and several towns Southern railed out at once. War attains! Germany The federal reserve special rights of nlb ns many persons war correspondent ; George F. Boer, nn appalling loss of life In IS. On January 10 nfllrmed that the and nbnut the same time wits declared on Auuust 4. a wnr budttet There wis to effect November only by the powers president of the Holding railroad, and h continued tlttht. and more thnn Washington and the New can be abolished that were killed by nn earthquake at AUlta, of $."mn,ifl,oao was voted, and within a few this iitt the authorities were parties to the original contract. Japan. Samuel II. Crockett, who created "The for. e l'.'e.min men had four thousand futtltlves crossed tho Hlo York. New Haven and Hartford rnilrond days n British of ter- Austria and Germany presented a sepa- On March 21 the sealing steumer Stleklt Minister." On Grnndn and took refuge In Amerlcnn ofliclals enme to an agreement by which been landed In Fr.ue AuKiist by rata protest. Newfoundland afranded on nn Ice floe Maj. Gen. Daniel K. Sickles, hero of dei hired war on Husshi ritory. Ibre they were cared for tho the railroad relinquished Its trolley lines. war, In Mny. Among September 2H Alhnnlnn senate, In Hello 77 the Civil died early d bor- Slates authorities. Its control of tho Boston and Maine, nnd On tho the Strait of Isle and of nnd her troops cross, the Russian fulled elected to the other fatuous men nnd women who s 1 Wilson In order to which had driven Its recently ruler her crew were frozen death. The der. The Monti-neuriti- joined tho Serbs On February president most of Its steamship lines. died during the month were I.llllan I. In of- Prince William of Wled ont of the same day the steamer Southern Cross nualnst Austria an I was Invaded. an order by is predecessor avoid further conlllct with the Sherman Nordlea, daughter of a Maine f irmer, lt"nln nomi- country, chose a Turk for king Prince and her crev disappeared. On April On Auuust 10 the I rrnch Rovernment fice to put a stop to the shipment of nrms antitrust Inw. President Wilson became one of most Ttorhnn-Fddl- son deposed Abdul 2tt nn In n who tho world's nmmu ililoti Into Mexico by citizens nated John Skelton Williams, then assis- of the explosion mine shaft at fa- proclaimed war nL'ahist Austria, and two and 1 successful opera singers, especially 14. Presi- bo Humid of Turkey. The Knropcon powers Kecles. W. Va., caused the death of so exam- of the fulled Slates. On April tant secretary of the treasury, to Wagnerian Kos-aut- b. days later Ktmlani tollowed her protested, but their wishes were disre- miners. Barly In May Sicily was vis- mous in rules; Francis ple, .1 her Intention to dent Wilson Instructed Secretary lianads comptroller of the currency and Hoti great pa- .laiuin nnnoii'ie. On 4. four months' hy of did of the Hungnrlnn elly. to nssenible an Imposing naval force nt member of tho new federal reserve hoard. garded. October after ited n serlca shocks which Scudding. Fplseopal side with her Itrit'sh exile, F.ssnd Pnsha, arcnmpnuled hy nn great dnmago along tho oaatcrn coast. triot; Charles Scnt.ilinavla nnd Holland asserted their Tampion, on the Mexican coast. Tills On Janunry 27 the president signed nn bishop of Oregon; Joseph W. Swan. per- nrmed foice, entered Albania and took Tho stcamalilp Kmpreaa of Ireland wiih Sir neutrality, but at v put till mil- was due to the refusal of the Mexican Important order which established n of the light; their possession of the government. On the struck by the Norwegian collier Stor-stn- d Inventor Incandescent itary resources Into requisition for de- pri trident nnd his military aids to salute manent civil government In the Panama Paul Mauser. Inventor of the rifle . 1. day following the death of King Charles In tiie St. Lawrence river, Mny 29, fense, remittal announced b'T Inten- the American flag as nn essential femur Cnnnl ne. to go Info effect April A bearing his name; William O. Bradley, w Roumnnln his nephew, Ferdinand, took Immediately, treaty obligations with of an apology for an unwarranted arrest dnvs Inter he nominated Col. George of nnd sank almost niore SI Kentucky, tion to fulfill her office as sovereign. a thousand passengers losing fnltcd ales senator from Great Britain, but she did not become a and Imprisonment or several American W. Oneth.ils lo he first governor. On tho onth of than their and the duke of Argyll. brought 13 broke out near May jn. Cnpt. Robert A. Barb tt of lullltterent at m Spain ssed nb bluejackets who had landed on Mexican February tt the government suit On October a rebellion lives. Adlal F. Stevenson, of pri. - ' Africa, expedition i, Int.. tiottlriiHtv liul lrjm ttotlleiltflto SOI to otiiaill n ntltuov in kic- e. at Salt I.ake City to compel the Southern the herder of Oermnn Southwest the Stefnnssnn arctic returned by loyalty of tho to SI. Miihuel, Alaska, with the news that the fnitcd States during the second mobilisation of iill le r forces. Turkey do- - Although tin- episode was the result of Pacific railroad lo relinquish its control but was frustrated the Cleveland administration, died June IS. par- of the Union. On October 3 A. Hus-te- the Karluk sunk, January II, after having for noinialliy but mobilized her n misunderstanding In which nil the of the Central Puolflo. liners I Hike Adolph Frledrlch of dared crpially. It Pey. to the Uni- been crushed by Ice. and that her crew Grand nnny nnd to .nhanec toward a. ties concerned shared about In Mar h government proceedings were Turkish ambassador George II. grand duke I Washington, where ho was on Wrnngii Island. On It was not the last of Oetn. was manifest that Huerta was In no moo begun against two railroads: The Inter ted Stntes. left marooned of nml Archduke any Wash- - hnd Incurred criticism by his frank views September 7, eight members of tills Clew her that flic made t initial demonstra to cotnnlv with reoui st of the state commerce commission accused the Ferdinand, heir to the of ' were found by a rescuing party, tin Franz in Hlu. It a against Inttton authorities, however politely and Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul road of American affairs. Austria-Hungar- as- tion the usla. 111 tho victim of sn . or- Juno more thnn two hundred miners Greece, as a- - the ci n I'liii al'iy m ule, lie reruseu in with overstatement of Income and other royal will minor Italkan Industrial Trial and Triumphs. by nn explosion In a coal mlnn sassin, are Home of the men of was In a e. telpion of nrmed der salute, and the naval demonstra- flnnmial Irregularities, and suit was were lost In Joseph states, t'o Alberta, Canada. A flro at Salem, blood who died Hint month. As for Italy, sworn nlly of tion followed. brought ngalnst fho Lehigh Valley road The Ford Motor company at tho begin- - near Chamberlain, long eminent ns a British g 25, destroyed of the city. In Coi. passed a resolution sustaining the charge that It was monopoliz- of yenr adopted a profit-sharin- Mass.. June half Germany and .Nostra the arcs under nlng the Including homes statesman, filed early In July. Among Iirell'iind, she took advantage of the fact the president In the position which ho ing the anthracite coal Industry through plnn bv which Il0.ono.o00 Is to ho distrib- several thousand and other distinguished men who died that 21 wsge-enrn-e- many large tndustrlnl establishments. In t.- not engaged In a had taken, on April Admiral Fletcher subsidiary companies. In this month, also, annually nmong the M.ono 11. naaocl-nt- o ttiat her partners V' uted also, consuls In month were Horace I.urton. war to r main desi.'.to seized the custom house nt Vera Crux. the department of justice announced that of that concern. The grent South Afri- this month, American of defensive neutral Chinese cities reported thnt floods In Juatlce the fnltcd Statca Supreme ntrong pressure from n. rlln nnd Vienna. The M'xl an- - palsied the occupation of a plan for breaking up the transportation can rnilrond strike came to nn end. On court; Melville K Ingalla of the "Big was a York, southern Chlnn hnd destroyed the crops At the outbreak of h- siimtrs. a censor- the custom low and the result monopoly practiced hv the New Jnnnnry Is a strike of tho Delaware nnd Four" railroad aystem; Augustus Smith, ever fluht. Ill whl'ii HI Americans were killed New Haven and Hartford had been ar tr..,lu..n rnllrntid men n nrotest nirnlnat nnd made 2,'Kin.orin persons homeless. On ship which Is the nii..t effective ni II. Leggclt oldest graduate of Yale university, and was il In all the watring nod 71 wounded. General Maas, In com ranged satisfactory to nil parties. discharge of two employees, was set September Is tho Francis Rectus, known otahllsii. the collided an unknown vessel off Paul brilliant French scientist. countries. About all Unit was actually man. I of the garrison, withdrew nnd left Early In April the government met with tled within sixteen hours hy the federal with Two names nmong the August dead t1 Oregon coast 72 of her paaaeti d was the kaiser's forces the Amerieans In possession. defeat In Its attempt to prove thr.t board of mediation and conciliation. the nnd out with especial reveal' that rep- gera crew were lost. In October stand prominence made their way through Rclglum with a N.laon ii'Shaui'tiossv. the A met lean lielawnre, l.ucknwannn and Western rond Two great labor controversies hnd been nnd Fllen I.oulse Axson Wilson, wlfo of the resentative, was glvn Ids passports nnd nnd the company of the sum; over preceding yenr one In nn earthquake In Turkey deatroyed tremendous loss of toco and propirty, left from the In n president of the fnltcd Stntes, and - country. Illegal and monopolis- more than 3.000 persons few min- the Kdghin defend r- of the Pule king- r. ou. si. d to h av the liiltt. name existed as an the Michigan copper mines, which began Pope Plus X, head of the Unman Catho- evhlhltirig n pow.-- nnd Gen. Frederick Funshn. commander of tic combination. On April 2 the commit-to- o July 23. 11113, nnd nnother In the Colorado utes. In- dom of resistance great plant nt lic church. John Philip Holland. stubbornness which amaxed the world. the Amcil an forces) nt Vera Cru. was appointed for the purpose nnnounecd coiil fields, where H.nno men had been on Kdlson's electrical ventor of the submarine; Gen. Powell r re- Orange, N. was destroyed by fire on forts nt I .lege the Geriunn readv to ni. r ici a vigorous campaign. that It bad selected twelve federal since September 23 of the previous J., Clayton, nnd Tie halted strlko 9. legions for a wei k. Hot the odds were ft. fore ho.Mllt'es i't carried further serve dlstr'ets. with their central hank- yenr. Violence ensued nnd federnl aid December for half a century the most prominent too great, Py the end of August the ter- the diplolnall. r' oresetitm Ives at Wash- ing cities, under the new currency law. wns demanded. On April 20 the striking Notable Events. Republican of Arkansns; Robert s Thread com- rible German war machine had literally ington of Argentina, llrnisll nnd Ch'le sent On June the Amertcnu miners clash. i with the stale mllllln near bishop of the Methodist church; mowed Its way throucb pi Iglum, and by In to the eilh f. f the department of s'at pany, which was proved to be a combina- Trinidad, Colo., nnd twenty-fiv- e persons Early In January tho firm of J. P. Father Frnmia Xavlcr Wernz. genernl medl-ntor- Morgan & Co. with- September 4 had r. ached a point within n formal tend- r of their services ns tion of nuinufacturi rs which practically were killed or burned to denth In a fire announced the of the Jesuits, and Margaret Newton i of- output, forestalled the no- Its from director- twenty mlhs of Paris, which was In ne-tl- president Wilson m cptcd the controlled the which followed. President Wilson ordered drawal of members Van Colt, known everywhere ns an preparation for a siege. The seat of fer nnd h'l'h Huerta and C irranra ac- tion contemplnted by the department of troops to the scene. It was not ships In 27 large corporations, thus evangelist, were among fa- dissolving. federal nlso the frovcrnmcnt was removed to Itordeaux cepted th protTered mediation. justice hv In June. also, the until September 1S thnt the strikers and complying with the government's new mous dead of August. Suddenly, on September 4. the German The no 'I! itoty conference wns held nt fnltcd S'aies supreme court nfllrmed tho employers noeepicd President Wil- regulation condemning Interlocking di- The September list Includes the nnmes commerce com- their tt nrmy of tin- right turtnd eastward. Since Nlagari Canada, and opened nn power of th" Interstnte son's offer for n settlement of their dis- rectorates. On January Harvard uni- of lid ward J. Hall, the "(iithcr of the been May nil J'ine 1:' the cotif. ren. e bad mission to fix rates, nnd hold that plpo plnn was rejected. On the versity nnd the .Massachusetts Institute that time, the kaiser's forces have .'. carry pute, but his telephone." Mrs. Frank retiring slowly, flght'ng with a persis- ttereed up..n n plan n pled both by lines nre common carriers nnd must lust day of November the president named of Technology nrranged to combine Leslie ( Basus), who revived the tency never before record d In the v President Wilson and Huerta. Then a producs ot rales fixed hv the commission. a commission of three, headed hv Scth their engineering departments. On practically defunct publishing business of modern wnr. muse over tlie choice for presi- On June 15 the president made puhli deal with tho strike. Ehortly af- February 10 Andrew Carnegln gnvo husband bequeathed d'lullek big Low. to left by her nnd IJ.isslnn mobilization by the middle of dent the Amerlcnn delegati s declined to a chnrge that business Interests had ter the strlko wns derlnred off. $2. 000. 000 toward the propaganda car- to the womnn suffrage tnovement, - to forco congress to ndlonrn. by August wns practically completed nnd accept tli' name of any tioneonstltutlonal- been trying On April 1 nil the coal mines of Ohio ried on the Church Pence union. On nnd Renr Admiral Herbert Wlnslow, Uni- he should do everything fall-ur- i rar's armies were in rapid advance ISt. Ho dii'lnrid that were closed down on account of the n April 13 the Internntlnnnt Surgical ted navy, retired. On October 10, the were power to keep congress In session New city. Slates tile Gorman and Austrian fron- Meanwhile, the constitutionalists In his on an agreement as to a congress met at York Water UK'-- king Roumanln, toward proper business legislation to unite tho of Charles I. tiers Grmt forces opposed the Slavic making unmistakable advance toward the until the had basis of pavment to supersede the one was let Into the new canal ucross Capo who maintained tho neutrality of his iiilvtinee and n anv bloody contests fol- capital. Tin Ir success was so pronounce I been enncted. nlreadv In use. On the following day the Cod on April 21. This canal shortens the kingdom to the very Inst In spin of pow- lowed In rapid s'tcei sslon. until late In that it was evident they would Soon be In In July the commission found that the coal miners, to the number of distance by wnter between Boston and erful opposition, died his ctpltal. government mnnngement of the New Yorkshire n' The the nutmnn, the greatly outnumbered i ontrol of the former Ilnven 170 fS"l men. went op strlko to support Now York by seventy miles and cuts nut Right Rev. Charles William Smith, Meth- 1 criminally negli- allies began to show signs of on July the conference came to nn road wns wasteful nnd demand for a minimum wage. June the danger of rounding the enpe In stormy odist Fplseopal bishop of St. Louis, died Teutonic Wilson directed at- their declining offensive ability. nil without definite result, and four dnvs gent. President the 1.' a nmong West Virginia coal weather. The canal was formally opened on tho Inst day of month. 21, to begin strike the the The Japanese confined their military later Huerta was r leeted president by torney general, July civil nnd minors, which had been on sln e the pre. July 29. Among the eminent dend of Novem- July !" re- proceedings ngalnst the New operation entirely to Asia. They his partisans. On the dictator criminal vloiis September, wns deelnnd off, tho President Wilson's youngest daugh- ber are Lieut. Gen. Adna R. Chaffee, tv proceeded against tho Gorman signed the presidency nnd took passage York, New Haven nnd Hartford road, and waiving recognition of the union Rnndolph Wilson, was who wns chief of staff of was begun In miners ter. Klennor the United at China, which were for Kurope. leaving the executive author- two days later the suit tho Important con- May 7, nt the White House, to nrmy from 1904 to 1(08; forts nt New lit order to obtain other married, Stntes John n by assault n"er ten weeks' attack. ity In the hands of a prominent clllren, United Stales district court York. On July 17 tho federnl board Gllibs McAdoo, secretary of the Kcan, former senntor from Now Jer- tnl first day of August cessions. William Hessian and Turkish tl. i ts have been en- - Francisco Cmha.lal. On the the Interstate mediation nnd conciliation again proved Treasury. The Norwegians celebrated sey; Caroline M. Severance, "the new president and Cnrrnnsn could commerce commission denied the petition of ira'-e- In the phoii sea. there has been The Its nhlllty as a peacemaker. Tho engineers the centennial of the separation of mother of women's clubs;" Field Mar- 1 upon gov- rnllr ads for a genernl In- fighting on n smal' scale In Kgypt, and not agree the surrender of the of the enslern nnd flremon of ninety-eig- Western rail- Norway from Denmark on May 16. On shal Karl Frederick 8. Roberts, most G per cent In freight rates, but y the Portuguese In friea have made sev- ernment to the victorious constitutional- crease of accepted the mediation of the board. May 18 the Pnnama canal was opened famous of British soldiers, snd Robert 10 re- In the middle roads eral attacks upon f,. rman colonists. ist nrmy. nnd on August Cnrhiijal allowed certain Increases In 8elene and Discovery. barge Kngllsh Derby J. Burdette, American lecturer, humor- dis- August 12 dissolution tho Progress for traffic The troops he. n engaged with Tur- signed and the chamber of deputies West. On the of be- Decemter bine company, desig- One of the most startling achievements was won by Durbar III, a horse ist and preacher. marked kish fonev In an effort to keep tho Sues solved, live days later, the constitution- International Harvester longing to an American, Herman B. the passing of America's mtst eminent army entered the City of Mexico as a monopoly In restraint of trade, In recent surgery Is the restoration of t'ti'n open alist nated by Durye on May 17. The monument naval expert and writer, Rar Admiral prac- opposition. Venustlnno Cnrrnnsn was ordered by the United States district paralysed muscular tissue the repair From tin t'rst. there has hoen a without replacement of Injured nerves through erected by the Daughters of the Con Alfred T. Mohan. tical dciullo'k la the naval situation. The Immediately took upon himself the ohice court at fit, Paul, Minn. and Sale Begins January 2nd Sale Ends January 20th 5 A CLEAN WEEP All Odds and Ends in This Store to be Thrown Upon the Market! Greatest January Sale Ever Held in This Community! Many Staple Articles to Go on the Bargain Counter!

Never before have the people of this community had such an opportunity for acquir- ing dependable merchandise at bargain prices as is afforded them at this sale. Thousands of articles are thrown upon the bargain counter articles that are in constant use every day in the year in almost every family in the community.

it-cl- reason with We are makim a clean sweep of osing out everything that it ia possible to sell in order tint we tiw o.m up the new bargains for everyone an entirely new stock. Come to this sale-t- ell your friends about i-t- bring them with you. There will be a royal feast of -- a feast that will be remembered for many a long day. Here are some of the articles that are slashed in price for this sale.

Ladies' Suits - from $7.00 Up. Ladies' Dresses - from $4.00 Up. Ladies' Coats - from $6.00 Up. Misses and Children's Coats. Ladies' Sweaters - - from 50c up. Ladies' Dresses, a nifty up-to-da- te line Children's Sweaters - - from 25c up. in messaline and velvet combined, and Remember our complete line of Poplin and evening dresses. Kabo Corsets and Fownes Gloves. GRISAMORE & OSBORNE 3 We are now again located at our old stand in the Jackson building. g:

thus through Mini we lmk upward to It, to tell the way of return to Cud to w a desire for I name, as there are very ft w riffi (Brooklyn the rather and appreciate s thing those ho give evidence ol 'umpkin Center Items. they are minis children in this district. of the love that Is beyond all human reconciliation. Thus New Year's Gift to everybody! Understanding. ters, servants, of the way of recoiiclll C. for -- I Mr. E. Freeman left i c BIBLe8TUDrON' As St. Paul points out, Christ s love' alien even lu he present lime E. L. Uumsey visited in this lu He died for ."ill word you is In Ital Kentucky last week to join hi; SAVIOR OF THE WORLD. was manifested that In verse the community trains last nil. When we say "for all." It means Ics. Indicating that It Is not in the between family. Mr. Freeman's mind 2 Corinthian 6i 1 Deo. 27. the whole nice was dead, that original. It should be omitted. God Tuesday. 'Fur ftf- It mm lite hi yhtri. ur Is tht that was in a very critical condition Uula-tiiii- everlasting life, rwn ill nr .mi .im vhrM." none had a right to Is not lies hlng the Church to be A number of young people and he was accompanied by Mr. (i.f). It- V and that none cuuld commend them mine reconciled: all who are of the, no worthy of surprised the Ilileman family Adams of Melrose. Rudy reminds afresh Helves to Coil as to be Church are already reconciled. The U the Savior not everlasting life. Apostle is telling that Cod through us last Wednesday evening and all COIMY'S explains all who The young people of this of the Church, hut nlso The Apostle that is beseeching, or urging, mankind to a jolly good realize this matter fully, should conse- He Is will-- report time. neigh borhoaj report a pleasant of Hie world, lu tho past. HI be reconciled to Him. that crate their lives to the Lord, to lay lug to be reconciled to them, and ex- The dance at P. McDaniel't-Frida- y evening spent Mr. He student have overlooked tills grout at Easten's down their lives in the service of Ilitn plaining the basis of this reconciliation truth, In their confusion. Now we sec again night a week ago was Christmas. who died for them and who rose -- that Christ took the sinner's place that Cud has provided two distinctly a love for the Lord attended by a large crowd tnd These have special lu dentil. different solvations ono for the Church and also for each other. They are lasi night. Christian Church. III the (iospel Alio, the other for thu Hecklnir to live, not after the flesh, but Ago follow-t- ho period The dance at Mr. Pace's last world lu thu to after the Spirit - in harmony with the ol . M .1 . . . J J J J Next Snnday morning is the Messiah's Kingdom. Holy Spirit which they enjoyed by of begetting of tho Friday night was time set for the yearly election I'.otli lire salvations from sin and Us have received. 5 all present. (A good crowd.) of officers. Every member is penally- - sorrow, pain, crying, dying: Hence more and more they think of Money! Money!; salva- Man Jestis, but us Miss Boone spent Christmas urged to be present. We can both nil' Christ, not as the tions to everlnst-- I the ttlorliled Lord. So nlso they are holidays at home and returned make next year a better year ii g happlnesM. learning to think of each other, not We want your farm according to tlesh, but according to Monday morning of the 28th in than any the church has had if Cut there the tho loans. Can handle puds; I if man be In Christ. time to begin school again. will begin similarity the t: "for tiny each member from for the Church Is be Is a New Creature." To such, earth- them on short no- I V prospects have The Douglass family took the first and do his part in the to lie saved II ly hopes, alms and tice. na- they have new hopes, new ambi- Christmas dinner with Flour-noy's- . church wefk. chouse of (tune: tious, new relationships. If faithful, C. W. Lambert, ture, while the See us at once! world Is to tie they will receive those glorious things which In reservation for those A large crowd spent Monday Minister. saved by II res i"d has 1 love Mini: If faithful they will re- The un ci Hon to per who t evening at the Douglass home, w r..eiiiin nf lnittmii ceive the crown of life which fadeth Union Mortgage Co. the party was a success. Regardless of the heavy snow nature. ''''" no ii vay. now eserved In heaven for In them. - Daniel Boone, the bear killer and cold north wind Christmas The Church's salvation, now prH ress, has Its beginning in the hearing These things are of God. The r Texico, accompanied his sis- eve, most of the churches car- ar- of of faith. The Message of Gods grace Himself organized the whole A ter to Pumpkin Center Monday ried out th'ir regular programs is proclaimed here and there by stain rangement. He has already reconciled RHEUM TIG We morhing and spent the day vis and the Christmas spirit pre- mcrlug lips, which do not appeal to us to Himself by .lesns Christ. , many treat, wise or learned, hut chief are fully given over to Win: we have SUFFERERS ing the school and community. vailed regardless of the ele- (Soil ly to the poor of this world, rich In no rebellion In our hearts: and GIVEN QUICK RELIEF Is no He started for home again Tues- ments. The Christmas exercis faith Such of these as tire of humble has nothing against us. "There who are In Pain leaves almost postponed mind are charmed Willi the Message condemnation to thoso if by manic. when day morning. es which were at the forgiven. as of forgiveness of sins and recouclllii Christ Jesus." Their sins are you bi'in using ") Mr. Evan and Cliff Reeves, Methodist church were carried famoitwld I lou to liod the Ueileeiner. As Tha Servica of Reconciliation. liropn," the Clovis, were out visiting in out last night, New Year's eve. they seel; to near to !od, He New Creatures, begotten of the remedy for Khciima-ti.ii- of draw The Lumbiiiio, Gout, 'through providences draws near not only to have a this community Christmas af- UN Holy Spirit, are Sciatica, Neuralisi.i to under as kings and and evening. Lost. to them, and enables them work in the future unci kindred troubles. ternoon stand the terms mid conditions upon priests, joint heirs .villi Christ In the It rocs rijjht to the Lost on Christmas morning, j which they may be received back irto blessing of the vit, stop the Lone Prairie Items. a grey Norfolk Sweater. Finder fellowship Willi teal as dear children, world, but have mi mid pains .md makes lie says, liraw near to .Me, and I will a work for !"d lilfl worth loiiiR. Get Claus very near please return to fire station and n lK)ttle of Santa came draw near to you. at the present Har- receive reward. today. A booklet wun being snowed under here. Tho Blessings of Faith. time. They are r.ieli boitle gives full ambassa- mony and Prairie View both had In today's lesson St. I'uiil deals es to be directions for Use G o d. Miss lone Austin returned peilally with the t'hurch class, lie dors for len t delay. Demand to postpone their Xmas trees represent- "o lirops" Ilon't a. from Portales Thursday where explains to Us that it Is the love "f Ills and entertainments till Santa atives amongst Cept anytliinit else i: Christ the constrain ' nl it A nv dm -- she has been visiting friends. upon our men. They are could get there. lug. or ili :t Itiu. power gilt can supply you. If you live too 1 'i lie nT Chri t is Hie love to seek to tell t L. C, Mersfelder visited the Bud Coplen is distriburing iieeMs oe irom a drug store scad One lollar ,it ,f I'M lid', but we as Illeli Would the Message of Klieumatic Cure Co, Newark, 1915 I.ove to will school at Lone Prairie last week. some very handsome l ot lie aU!e to understand Hie I'alhcr's tent's Ohio, and n battle of I It IV who do Guess he thinks it has the right line '.ut we can understand as St. IuhI, the Apotllv. those seut prepaid. was i. ,.n. IV I' d lit our liideeiuer. nil I not understand

N .


FOREIGN. CONDENSATION AHE WARDEN REPORTS A Christmas present of maple sugar "WAR tO DEATH," STATE NEWS baa been made by the duchesa of OF FRESH NEWS Connaught to every Canadian under DEBACA RECOMMENDS CL08ED OF INTEREST TO ALL arms, ashore and afloat CRY OF PREMIER 8EAS01 ON BRUIN. NEW MEXICO Germany Is sending large numbers PEOPLE of Schleswlg-Holstel- n Russian prisoners to Also Takes Stand Against Slaughter THE LATEST IMPORTANT DIS- to work In the reclamation SUPREME SACRIFICE DEMANDED of Doves Receipts of Office WHiirn Newspaper Union Nwt Brvlea. PATCHES PUT INTO SHOUT, and cultivation of marsh land. Show Substantial Increase. DATKS KOK COMING f. VENTS. TO END GERMAN INVASION CRI8P The bishops and archbishops of Ger- April I S Annual Mating Southwest- PARAGRAPHS. ern New Mexk-- Cuttle Growers' As- many have ordered that Jan. 10 shall AS DEPUTIES MEET. . WMttrn Newipiptr Union Nw Service. sociation, at Dentin-- be observed as day of prayer re- a and receipts'!)! pentance In the Kalser'a army. Santa Fe. The the state The homestead rush Is on again at the William Waldorf Astor has placed at game and fish warden's office in Fort Sumner. STORY OF THE WEEK year 20, last, the disposal of the of Argyll ALLIES TAKE TRENCHES fiscal ending November Steven Minertck, 22. died In the Na- of $1,538.67, the sum of $125,000 for of increased to the extent vajo Mine near Gallup. the relief preceding fiscal families or British officers killed or compared with the Las Cruces will have a creamery SHOWING THE PROGRESS OP wounded at the front year. The figures for the two fiscal and a cunning factory. FIGHTING CONTINUES WITH LIT years been completed by State IVIHT8 IN OUR OWN AND Gen. Bias Orplnel and Cap. Roman have The cost of the recent election la Trinidad C. de Baca, and will Bermudez were shot while leading an TLE CHANGE IN POSITIONS OF Warden San Miguel county was $2,000. FOREIGN LANDS. appear In report be will sub- expedition from Texas Into the that It costs $10,000 a year to deliver the Pledraa OPPOSING FORCES. and the Negras, Mex., where It was expected mit to Governor McDonald mail between Silver City and Mogol-Io- Legislature. WuUm Nwiipr Union Nw Strvle. a garrison would join them. State year publicly owned1 ABOUT THE WAR. The German Emperor complete- WMtrrn New.paper Union New Sarvlc. At the beginning of the fiscal New Mexico has 910 has buildings 291 are ly recovered 23. The Chamber ol 1913 the stute game and fish warden's schools and that and returned to the Paris, Dec. reuted or donated. According to the newspaper TIJd, front, according to an announcement Deputies, long before the hour set for office had a balance of $1,049.07. Tho 1m during year to thousand ewes, for breeding Amsterdam, the Oermani have from the Berlin main headquarters the meeting, was a scene of anima receipts the amounted One to purposes, wero shipped to Santa F evaouated Middlekerke. transmitted through Amsterdam to tion. The extraordinary war session $$,571.84 and the disbursements leaving $5,892.88. from Fort Sumner. In Belgium Reuter's Telegram Company. had nroused a great degree of Interest a balunce of and northern Prance the year David Harrington of Guam has sold Oermani and the French, British and Sunday was "Belgium Day" tn Paris rivaling that which was manifested In The receipts during the fiscal 1914 were $10,110.51, and the disburse- a bunch of 250 head of cattle from his Belgian mud-field- s and 3.000,000 session of Aug. 4, held Immedi allies are contesting the miniature Belgian flags the ranch near that point. foot by foot. decorated the coats of the population. ately after the declaration of war, ments $8,795.15, leaving a balunce on asu December 1, last, of $7,208.24. As fur as heard from, Estancia Val-lo- y ninety-- All persons received emblem af- The plan of some members to During the week ended Dec. 7, the 242,-30-0 been As the game and fish licenses are has output, the pust season, two British officers were killed tn ter they had made contributions to for a secret session has aban number of the reported by calendar, and not by fis- pounds of beans. France, 153 were wounded and twen- tho collection boxes carried through. doned. A considerable not years, figures, 1914 Santa Fe will muke a bid for the en- ty were reported missing. me streets by ten thousand girls. deputies have pledged themselves cal the for are not con yet complete. Those for 1913 follow: tertainment of the National Editorial Lee McClung, treasurer of the Uni- to stir up debates, but on tne In Poland and Oallcla battles are Big Association next June. ted States during a stormy period dur- trary, to observe a highly patriotic at game ($1.00 tee), 1912; bird being fought between the Russians ($1.00), 2794; general 4187; Harry J. Little of Lincoln county ing the Taft administration, former titude while listening to the govern ($1.50). and the German and Austrian allies hunting $10,ou), 114; non- shot Wilde Tumwalt, claiming he treasurer of Yale University and one mint's declarations and to vote the that amid deep snow in bitter cold. resident fishing ($1.00), 136. mistook him for a deer. of the country's greatest football fa- necessary credits. British Teu- The licenses so fur reported for asserted Saturday that vorites tn the 90s, died In There was a remarkable demonstra An every other day mall service Is London of 1914 big game, . ton claim of complete rout in Poland tion when the premier declared that Include 913 2.518 bird, to hv established between ltoswell, Ta-- typhoid fever after an Illness of three 3,217 general, 75 bunting la exaggerated, and the official Petro-gra- d were determined turn, McDonald, I'iulnview and King. weeks. France and her allies and 203 fishing. statement calls clashes nothing carry on war to the finish, what The first general meeting of the ;A Copenhagen dispatch to the Ex- to the The more than outpost affairs. ever length severity. returns shown from licenses are Northern New Mexico Press Associa- change Telegraph Company reports Its and exclusive of the commissions paid Is but one single tion, recently organized, was held at The Germans In Poland again are that a German aeroplane been "There at this time deputy game and wardens. The has mercy until fish Raton. making a fierce attack toward the cap- stranded on Danish Isle of policy; a combat without total for the lust fiscal year is the the Fano, accomplish the ital and the Russians are making a In the North sea off the west coast such time as we can largest of any year since the license Melrose has been able to ship this Europe, won by was 100 ol stand against them on the east bank of Jutland. The aviators, an officer definite liberation of law passed. season cars of wheat, 100 cars of the Bzura river, thirty miles west a victory Insuring peace," said the Among a number of important rec mulze, 89 of broom corn and other and a soldier were arrested and will produce. of Warsaw. be Interned In Denmark. premier. ommendations In the roport of Mr. de reading of the declaration, Baca is one for a closed season on This year's hay crop in the territory The German war office gave out a The troops police ' many After the and at bills were Introduced by various min- bear. An einpliatic stand against the tributary to Oliar has been heavy, and statement In whlcb It la related that places In Italy were called upon to isters. Then sitting was conclud sluugliter of doves Is taken In his re- the growers have been baling it ex- on Dec. 19 German troops were suc- keep down the port, riotous demonstrations ed, having lnbted scarcely more than lie recommends a shorter sea tensively. cessful at Nleuport, occupied certain against Austria at celebrations of the son on wild turkeys, grouse and qtiull, Anglo-India- an hour. positions In Belgium and anniversary of the death of Radical ana mat the closed season on the bob Nick Leavirh, a Gallup minor, about "If contest is the most gigantic 25 years of age, was by a great captured artillery and 270 prisoners, Leader Oberdank, who organized this White, which expires in 117, be ex- killed the ever history, it is not be mass of rock falling from the root and that trenches at Notre Dame de unsuccessful plot to recorded in tended for an indefinite period. assassinate Em cause the people are hurling them- of the mine. Lorette were taken from the enemy. peror Francis Joseph In Trieste In selves Into warfare to conquer terri With a reduction of rates on beans 1882 and was put death It, Don y to for tory, to win enlargement of material Antonio Martinez Murdered. from eighteen to six dollars will muk WESTERN. life and economic and political advan 8anta Fe. News of a murder in a big difference in the income of tb 8PORT. tages, but because they are struggling Taos county reached Santa Fe, the raisers of that article. Thomas WllBon, thirty, was killed to world,' victim being Don Antonio Martinez of Two cars of broom-cor- were loadod Sam McVey, negro determine the fate of the by a Burlington train In the same heavyweight San Cristobal in of at Hock Island by farmers from the won tho premier declared. the northern part place where bis father met death one a decision over Harry Wills, the county, whose body was found at Frost district. Price received Is said negro, twenty-roun- d to average from $47 to $o0 per month ago at Bushnell, 111. another in a bout To Make Attack Against Warsaw, a place In the Carson forest kuown as ton. at New Orleans: Nearly 400 applications fur 1915 Suits to enjoin enforcement of the London. Heavy fighting taking Garranata. Tint bod hart henn cov Count de is "twoblle licenses have already Arizona prohibition and alien labor Lambert, Wilbur Wright's place on both eastern and western ered with stones and branches from been former partner and or laws were brought up at Los Angeles the first man to fronts, but without producing any ma trees. A hunter from Freuch, Colfax "L"eu "'e "ce i aecreiary fly over Paris, was wounded In Stute Antoulo Lucero. before three United States judges. the terial chango In the positions of the county, is under arrest. One of bis fighting at Dtxmude. It Is reported A little possum, scarcely larger than opposing armies. In France and Bel- companions, hailing from Dawson, that F. Jones ol Tommy Burns, former heavyweight made bis escape after being arrested, Vaughn, has a litter of gray kittens, a kitten and equally as playful. Is now glum the allies' offensive Is being now champion, arrived tn Denver for n I about five weeks old, four ol the household pet of Police Lieut. R a pressed, and while some ground hat and a third in rod, who was wounded brief visit. Burns has quit which were born with ouly three feot. L. Dorlon of the Mobile, Ala., police the prise been gained at widely separated in the right leg and left shoulder, ring and is now a business man In managed to get away calling at The amount of hay that has been department. points, other attacks have been re after baled and hauled to Roy western Canada. drug store for ointment for bis this full is One thousand barrels of flour, tons pulsed by the Germans from their an Innovation. There is more feed in Jimmy Clabby of Hammond, Ind., strongly positions. wounds and consulting a doctor. of other foodstuffs and thousands of entrenched In the sight at present than was ever known claimant of the middleweight cham- northern area the artillery and war there. dollars have been contributed to the , , pionship, and Mike Gibbons of ships Tuesday took up the battle, giv 111.11 WW "Missouri ship" for the relief of Euro St To Reorganize Las Cruces Bank. "' l0!meT!y secretary Paul were matched to box ten rounds ing the Infantry a rest, but lower down tfa. xjn uno pean war aufferers byJSt Louis alone, .! umiil witiLitJu in Milwaukee on Jan. 21. tho line and from the Olse to the ciuces. it is announc e that secretary of tha Cnmiuoreinl rluH at Safe-blowe- In Chicago cracked the reorganization of the Fliai the The Wisconsin Boxing Commission Meuse fierce fighting took place In Stat Kast Us Vegas, at a salary of $125 a safe In the Cort theater In loop Bank, which closed Its doors a few month. tbt ruled against the granting of per- many districts. district, after binding the night watch' a days ago, will be undertaken at once, mit to a Milwaukee boxing club for a The allies are taking advantage o( Charles McEcklin, a stranger. Is tn man, and escaped with $3,000 with W. R. Bradford, a wealthy lum between proposed bout between Sam Langford the heavy withdrawal of troops by the a hospital at Tyrone, suffering from (4,000, berman, as president, and Frank and receipts of the Saturday and Sam McVey, negro heavyweights, Germans on the Belgian and North bullet wound In the log, groin, sus- Sunday performances. Murchison, an El Paso banker, as and early In January. France lines to make their advances. tained, It Is said, In a drunken saloon Sixty thousand eight hundred and The German troops are being used In t. The new bank will brawl. Capt. L. R. Muller and Lieut Fred take up the $240,000 In liabilities, and twenty citlzeua were called upon by reinforcing General von Hlndenburg's A d J. Gcrstner, United States, army avia assets, which buffalo bull, the fa- the tax commission at Madison, Wis., army In Its desperate attempt to take the total from $250,000 mous tors, fell Into the ocean near Ocean- outlaw and the pride of the Buf- to pay a Income tax in Warsaw. to $2V".000. L. B. Wootters. assistant state that the side while flying from San Diego to traveling falo Jones herd, was shot and killed aggregate will amount to 11,497,924.13. Fighting also continues In Oallcla, state auditor and bunk ex at the llrlstow place, Los Angeles. It is reported that amlner, Is now In charge of six miles west The corporations of the state will pay hut here, as along the East Prussian the bank. of Portalea. ' Qerstner was drowned. tax of $2,716,657.04. frentier, the Russians seem to have Antonio Sarreor of Grand Junction, As a result of the recent destruction been successful In holding back the No Trace Found of Captain Cooney, by Federal Judge Newman at Atlanta, bull-rin- g fire of the home of II. Tecklonburg, Colo., hero of the Junrex. and Austro-Onrniu- Ga., declined to grant a certificate forces. Socorro. So far as known here, no living near Page, one of Uncle Sam's at one time the most popular matador The Germans, who are extremely that, in his opinion, there was prob- In Spain, trace has yet been found of Captain postofflccs now is being maintained In has turned his back on truck strong along the whole eastern fron- able cause for an appeal to the Uni- farming Michael Cooney, pioneer mining man a tool chest. and returned to the fierce tri- tier, already are reported to be mov- ted States Supreme Court In the umphs of bullfighting. of this place, who left bis homo here At' a hearing before Judge McClure ing troofia back to the west. on Oct. 25th on a prospecting habeas corpus proceedings Instituted trip, and in Roswell in the mutter of the Dexter-Gr- who has not by Leo M. Frank, convicted of the GENERAL. Plalnfleld Church Burned. been heard of lu six drainage district, the weeks. A search for lilin being murder of Mary Phagan. Jollet, 111. Fire destroyed the Bap- is court set the assessment, at $325,000. mado by a party headed by is nothing extraordinary in Henry Clay Craft, journal tist church at Plnlnflcld, 111., with a Charles This Is a reduction of $",(1,000 In the There the oldest Cooney, bis son. the Senate turning down the appoint- ist tn the United States, died at his loss of $5,000. amount previously set. ments of the President, declared Vice home In Brooklyn, N. Y aged eighty The state treasurer's report 1914 Making Real Cane 8ugir. for President Marshall at the union sta- two years. WATER BILL ASSAILED. shows the entire revenue of tha stati Silver City. According to renorts as tion in Kansas City, while en route to Otto Etsenlohr, widely Washington. Governor Amnions and follows: Hecelpts during fiscal a known rroin tne walnut district, an ex- year, $1.nl4,!82.27; Arizona for the hollduyB. He char- Governor-elec- t Carlson of Colorado ap- disbursements, $1, cigar manufacturer, died at bis home cellent grade of sugar Is being turned 5!li,020.61. Balunce, $248,561.66. acterized the differences between the In Philadelphia. - peared before the Senate public Innds He was seventy- out at the D. H. Folcn sugar mill The Stute College has .lust Issued President and the Senate as a "tem- years committee to oppose the passage of The mill has three old. there. been rim a valuable bulletin, No. 91, on "The pest In a teapot." , the ponding water power site leasing ing on cane from farms M. F. Charles Broon, thirty-eight- Is held the of by Range bill. Gilbert and Robert llarrell, who have Vtlllzatlon of Feed Steers In the city jail at Des Moines, la., on of Different Ages Hay," by Govrnjr Amnions attacked prin- raised large crops. The experiment of Alfalfa WASHINGTON. a charge of murdering Sam Pallazzl, the F. W. H. g growing in Chrlstcnaen and H. Simpson. ciple of 1 by which water cane that district seems thirty-thre- as he slept with his wife success, power as well as coal and other to be a and It Is predicted According to a report that seems to Prig. Gen. Charles Morton, TJ. S. A., and d child and then foro-- that an In'-Tt- Bugar industry will be based on reliable authority, the retired, d'ed at a Washington hospi- Ing the widow to tell the police a mineral lands would be be built :. that opened to development by the Muxwell Irrigated Land Company has tal after a brief Illness, of pneumonia. tramp asking for food committed the acquired options on two tracts of land program recommended by Secre Mosqu-- e Man Accidentally Ho was 69 years old. crime. Shot. across the river from that town, em- tary Lane and Indorsed by Fks' a native from Mos- - Harry Kendall Thaw, slayer of Stan- A report that the British dread bracing about 16,000 acres of fine land. dent Wilson In his last message quero, county, now In hos- ford White, lost his fight for freedom nought Thunderer was sunk In In;, the which will bo put under ditches from the to Congress. He declared thpt h!s pital hero, is the latest rifle victim to In the United State Supreme Court. North sea on Nov. 7 by coming In con- the Hebron reservoir within a year. policy would deprive the public lands be reported In New Mexico. His two His extradition to New York state tact with a mine or being by a tor- Since the establishment of the bit states of the West of the taxes with children wanted to play with a loaded New from New Hampshire, following his pedo was brought to New York by Mexico Board of Pharmacy in April, which tn build themselves up. 30-3- 0 rflle and In putting It out of escape from Matteawan asylum, was George Rottweiler of Chicago, pas- their 18X9, 594 a Vast portions of these states, be reach he accidentally discharged pharmacists have been regis ordered by the court. senger on the steamship Louis from It tered In this state. The St said, were held by the government un- the bullet passing throvb his information Liverpool. stomach appears In a report of the Snow, sleet and rain were general der a leasing system, only the federal liver. Is board just and His condition serious. with Monday from the Mississippi valley Relatives and friends of Eugene government would profit by their de- filed Governor McDonald. This report covers period east, felling telephone and telegraph Zimmerman, capitalist and former velopment Bank Swindler the from July io, Pleads Guilty. 1612, and shows wires In the middle west, the weather railway magnate, expected that the Carlson agreed with all Governor East Us Vegas. J. L. Vantlne, alias that the present board bureau stated. The center of the duchess of Manchester, his daughter, Ammons said, and added that many L. H. Putnam, who was arrested here has held two meetings and has regis- storm was In the great lake region. would rush to Cincinnati, Ohio, from years of experience had shown conclu on a charge of embezzlement pleaded tered seventy-nin- e pharmacists. The Extreme cold west of the Mississippi London to attend her father's funeral sively that private ownership was the guilty before Judge D. H. Leahy, and total receipts of the board In tha na. was to riod $2,9.15.38. was reported. Pueblo, Colo., was re- In this event the services for the lata only system under which re- sentenced serve a sentenoe or covered were and the the from twelve expenses ported the lowest with fourteen below financier, who died suddenly, will be sources of the West could be to fifteen months In the $2,304.18, leaving a balance stats penitentiary In Of iero. delayed' until the duchess arrives. Santa Fe. $631.20.

seep mo i in an enert to buei I ilrmv City n n monopoly In restraint of trade, in recem sum V- -" I - allM entered the of Mexico nated '", ' noma, on M.y ST. monnmant i n, VSM skM by Vnlted pamly.ed innscntaF ; t repair AUI tlii-r- hnn been a prte without inn. Ven.i.tlnno Carranaa wa. ordered tho States fll.trlct Im hrth. 1.o Ifred T. Mnhin. THE CLOVIS NEWS Fatima Cigarettes LARGE WHEAT ACREAGE Tur-kish-Blen- THEMW1EAB. --mild, delightful d. The FORECAST OF 1915 CROPS IS 6SO leaf al- m 000,000 BUSHELS. choicest of wzmss mwz ways a pure and TTT HB seeing of "the Old I I Tear out and New The Department of Agriculture EatU wholesome smoke y ( Qj Year In" throughout matea Low Yield of Crop, Owing the world la generally to Poor Conditions. always satisfactory. accompanied by much "DlsUncllocly Individual" merriment and some-tlme- a with much Weatera Newepaper Union Ncwi service. poor noise. But whereai Washington. Owing to the In aome countrlea the condition of winter wheat on Deo. 1 "wild" night bai the Department of Agriculture's esti- and mate, based on condition flgurea of bai 580,600,- - been replaced by cele- production next year, la only 000 bushels, although the area sown J$3g&L brations more In 20 keeping with the passing of a year of thla fall, 41,203,000 acres, Is the great- past opportunities, and the making est ever planted In the United States. of new resolutions for the coming The poor condition Is due principal- year, on this continent, at least, (he ly to a very dry fall, which caused the night has been given up to revelry growing crop to get a poor start and strongly condemned by right thinking to the Hessian fly, scattering reports people. of which have been received from Maryland to At one time New Year's eve In Ber- various localities from "OK SUM lin was a time that might have glad- Oklahoma. crop estimates, In In- dened the heart of the most exuber- The bureau of &m is- urns ' reports, Vil I ant undergraduate, being from dUBk to terpreting the condition dawn a succession of practical Jokes sued this statement: good-nature- "The condition of the winter wheat and "ragging." But now- per adays the town shows a more sedate crop on Dec. 1 is estimated at 88.3 crop, compares temper, and If In a very German way cent of a normal which a beer or a wine "Journey" (to give with 97.2 per cent a year ago, In the the German expression) often reminds past ten years, the condition on Dec. 1 averaged 90.3 per cent and the oue lu the small hours of what used has crops bas averaged to be seen at the same time of the outturn of the 14.4 per on year In the ancient world, the days about bushels acte the HIP I0UR seem to have passed by when It was planted area. BR00MC0RN condi- unsafe for a cabman to show himself In the same proportion the to ua post Biar naauLT) 88.3 would a yield of in the city before dawn, for fear of tion of forecast CHEAP RATES 14.08 bushels, which, on the insukancb having some ride away on bis about US Joker acreage LIBERAL LOAMS MADE WRITE unharnessed "Polly." estimated planted, amounts In jhose times the silk bat was to $580,000,000 bushels. COYNE BROTHERS " "The production In 1914 was esti- 118 W. SOUTH WATER ST.. OHIOASO more worn than today, and still more ' ' mated at 676,623,000 bushels (by far often was crushed In or thrown across M8 HOWARD rY largest amount ever produced in E. BURTCX "chveWs$ho by some more ram- the the street of the 7 Specimen Gold, Silver, Lead, 91 ;Gold, one year) and In the preceding five price! pageous. It Is said that one could Bllrer, 75o ; Oold.Ma; Zloc or Copper, 91. Mailing buy years an average annual production of nveliiDeaaod full Drlrellaleeot on application. then a cheap edition of the silk Load villa. Colo. Bf. Carbonate Kau i bat that bad a gloss that would last 441,000,000 bushels. forecasting quantity of 0 through the evening, and at a price "In this Wateen F. C1eaiam bushels, It should be consid- PATENTS Patent tawyer.WMlilniiloa, that made lta disappearance quite prob- nil. Adrtcewri books tire. ered as the amount of which the Silea leaaonahle HI hot rcUranoM. Jtoatearrkaa, ability la equal that the outturn will Today such practical Jokes have the picturesque procession of the all events in the North-- mentat far Is above or below It. The crop MIGHT HAVE BY SCENT dropped Into the background. Berlin boar's head at Christmas, a quaint a trifle strong, cannot be doubt- be either THE it will larger or than thla and the rest of the empire Indulge In but less known custom for New Year'a ed enmities friend be smaller that are ended and amount, according as the changes In a celebration of the New Year that day has been retained. After dinner ships strengthened in the general re- Englishman's Answer to Inquiry Might conditions from now to harvest are has somothlng of the French revell-Ion- , on this anniversary the bursar pre- joicings. ' Hsve Been Termed Personal by or worse than average changes." something of the Scottish fcstlvl- - sents to each guest a needle threaded So then, every Scot, wherever and better Some People. Rye was aown fall on 2,851,000 and alBo some reminders of April with silk of a color suitable to bis whatever his let Scots Wba Has and this acres, an Increase of 78,000 acrea over Fools' duy and Gunpowder Plot day faculty, and prays for his prosperity Scots Wha Hlnna will raise the A certain English humorist, visiting revised estimated area sown last lu England, and the Chinese New In the words, "Take this and be glass to the New Year, and his heart the America, was spending the week In The condition of rye on Dec. 1 Year's "Feast of Lanterns." thrifty." This word "thrifty" bss no will turn to the Mecca of bla hopes, fall. a town on Cape Cod. One afternoon was 93.6 per of normal, against New Year's day In Germany Is the connection with the philosophy of the the home of his poet and prophet, cent a he boarded a trolley car and found 95.3 per cent last yew, 93.5 In 1912, only to a duy for sending the Jokes and would-b- e late Samuel Smiles, but Is, according Robert Burns. the available seat next and 93 ten-yea- r average. down-Eastern- Jokes that are generally held over to Doctor Magrath, the retired pro- Writing to an English friend from the roughly dressed and hearty Tbe acreage and condition on Dec. Jaunty cane until April 1 In France and England vost, the old English for prosperous. Scotland in 1802,' Henry Btckerstetb Englishman's 1 of wheat and rye by princi- at- cigars (hat might seem to bo burn- To "grow thrifty" In the sense of to says: On December 31 almost every- winter and neat outing clothes evidently pal follow: ing, references to such rarities as the thrive was used In America within body has a party, either to dine or states tracted and amused the. worklngman. peacock's eggs, and all the "sells'" that living memory. The ceremony is a sup, the company almost entirely con- Aerrasw of Principal States, and with a quick look at bla friends practical Norman-Frenc- pun (aiguille WINTER WHEAT. across the car, he touched a finger can be thought of. Then, as the Eng- sisting of young people. They wait STATES. Acres. Con. lish of the North may eat toffee and et fll) upon the name of Eglesfleld, together till midnight strikes, at New York 3S2.000 8 to his cap. ivnnaylvanla l.scw.nno SS "Excuse me, sir," he inquired, "but "parkin" on the eve of the 6th of the chaplain to Queen Philippe, who which time every one begins to move, 89 Imllnna J.san.oon y November, the Germans have a special was the real founder of the college, and they all fall to work at what? llllnol 2,934.000 92 don't you come from Manchester-b- A picturesque ceremony marks New Why, kissing! succes- W'lHiiinsin as.nno the-Sea?-" fare of pancakes and Jam, with punch. Each male is safl.noo M Iowa Tbe Englishman adjusted well-know- n The rattle reminds one of the Orient Year's eve at the court of Dresden. sively locked In a pure Platonic em- .MiKKourl MtM.non 87 the A reception Is held In the evening Nebraska 3. "37.000 90 monocle, exaggerated bis stare, It Is the article of the day, or rather brace with each female. This matter S.77B.OOO 80 of thronged Kalians and replied: "Bah Jove How did you of the night. Even the biggest stores generally one the most of is not at all confined to those, but T.-x- 1.37.ono 89 in- 89 surmise And am wrong In think- In tho capital bead their weekly cata- the year during which the king wherever man meeta woman it la the Oklahoma It? I Muntnna 683.000 99 Qlouuester-b- y - ing you are from logue with a list of the styles of rat- stead of receiving the guests In bis privilege of this hour. Wyoming- M.OilO 90 that Z7 000 92 thfrsmellT" and no ordinary manner, plays cards with New Year's gifts have taken many Colorado ( lins that they have to sell, New Mexico 6S.00O 95 Berliner Is without one his suite. different forms at different periods Arlaona 4t.0nn 98 ' Those invited file past a group of eggs exchanged by Per- 1'tnh fM.OOO 89 ARE YOU THINKING OF when he sallies forth late In evening from the the 88 , Nevada 23.000 to make a round of the town before card-tables- all the players at which sians and the sacred branches of mis- Idaho 391,000 9fi THE NEW C0UNTRY7 emperor with the guard are Intent upon the game, except the tletoe of the Druids down to the fat Wnshlnnton 1,174.000 100 saluting the fireaon 6X9.000 99 The State of Colorado wishes, if In front of the palace In the Lustgar-te-n king, whose stands be- capon which the tenants in many Eng- California 463,000 II pro-sen- t you are in earnest to procure a home, at nine o'clock. hind his chair and whispers the card lish counties were expected to RYE. Tmllnna 104.000 91 say of 330 acres, to help and pro- The occasion alto offers another ex- for him to throw, so his majesty can to their landlords. Wlaronaln 444.000 97 ample of the extraordinary powers of devote his attention to acknowledging In the sixteenth century, gloves Minnesota 2!6.noo 98 mote you, barring speculators and greetings of his courtiers. Iowa 59.000 97 endurance In the matter of entertain- the The were often given on New Year'a day, North Pnkota 160.000 92 investors. THE GREAT DIVIDE, possesses. A- king playa a card, then bows as a and there Is record of a certain Mrs. Smith Dakota 92.000 94 43 Post Building, Denver. ment that the Berliner 131.000 91 published curtsying lndy catches his eyes, then - lthough business begins at eight, and Croaker, In whose favor Sir Thomas All other 468,000 II Colorado, is anxious to toll you- all In some offices even as early as half-pas- t another card, another bow, and so on, More had decided a case, sending the about it. Send stamp for sample long procession has passed. 40 seven, there are as many In the until tho chancellor a pal' of gloves with Keepa 8ecret of Mrs. Little's Birth. copy today. Also sny what paper In the The Scotch fishing village of gold angels therein. cafes between two and three little Cincinnati, Ohio. Mrs. J. Jefferson you read this in. Adv. morning as one would seo, for exam Burghead. on the Moray Firth, keeps "Mistress," wrote More, returning on advice of counsel declined to talk pagan pie, between one and two in Paris up a strange survival of ritual, the money. "Since It were against ahen asked If she was the mother of 'Watchful Waiting." a much more leisured city. the burning of the "Clavie." This Is manners to refuse a New Year's gift, Mrs. Alma Little, wife of a Detroit "What are we to do for fashions If spoked or And on New Year's eve the com- a sort of rude wheel tub I am content to take your gloves, but, druggist now suing her for divorce on war In continues?" herring-cas- the France pany does not go home to bed with mad from half a k and as for the lining, I utterly refuse It" tho charge that she is of negro ex- "Wear aa little as we can, and the milk, as In the French capital, half a knocked together What precisely Is "Hogmanay?" traction, although she claims to have wait." but sees It out until It Is a quostion without the use of a hammer, for Etymologically, It has been derived been born of white parents In Denver. of whether luncheon shell come be- which a smooth stone Is substituted. from the French "I will not discuss the case all," If you can't look a man in the eya supplies long at fore or after the sleep. The blacksmith a nail. "come on to the mistletoe." The Nor- sold Mrs. Jefferson. "I will only sny when you talk to blm, use a phone. Is "a-g- " Supper In the better-know- restau- This contrivance borne flaming man French also an I urn sorry she met Arthur Little. He and In on the shoulders of a succession of association of the New Year and mis- rants In the center of Berlin la not worthy of ber." Asked point-bl'in- k boundaries, Charlottnnburg's fine avenue of bearers to the town and tletoe, seems likelier. If she herself was of negro Don't Persecute to "Doorle," a sort of stone anyone tell us precisely, what Is much on the linos of then the Can blood, Mrs. Jefferson refused to an- the Paris revelllon. There Is no men- altar, 'i a small hill. The "Clayle" was the origin of the custom In some swer. Sho Is very dark skinned. Your Bowels the crowd scram- England, going tion of the traditional "Boudln aveo Is then smashed and parts of of the to the , Cut out cathartics and pursativpa. They are puree de ponimes," but In return the bles for the places. The custom de- parents' bedroom on New Year'a Drulal, harm, unncceeaacy. I ryy ploce, explanation and Is Immemorial. morning new enow (if It can be NEVER MARRIED WOMAN. pancakes and sirup get their fies with CARTER'S LITTLE . and there is always some punch In The great Scottish festival of Hog- bad), and the song, LIVER PILLS manay Is celebrated In "the wee, sma' Common-La- Wife Given Alimony, Purely vegetable. Act . the making. New Year's day In the morning at the ayont the 'twal" with unusual and Divorce to Go On, fentljr on tne liver. Ivan i liavI New Yoar's eve Is marked 'oors The corka begin to crow Suit eliminate one, ana . I Open and let me In f1ITTLE Court of Vienna by a ceremony some- soBt among the Caledonians. the dnnra Montrose, Colo. A new sensation snot he the delicate rf JI o Andj'U Slve you aome New Year's saew. ot I lliw r I with- every corner of our g membrane the ' si L't" what reminiscent of "Hamlet" In struck tho town when Frank Piatt, in bowel. Cirti f The dipl- empire, wherever the Scot has car- IMiMMtiea, i out the chief character. hia nnnwer to his wife's divorce suit. SiileiitQtM, ' - Trick. r.r Hof-bur- g The Zulu omats body la Invited to the ried his accent and bis Robert Burns, Sick Haai. air Ae- The English soldiers who had In which she namea Julia Lech mere, a ecae aa BillUeU Saew.iri to wish the emperor the compl- the festival of the Celtic race will leilfterlea. ai served in South Africa quickly taught iil'-c- living with them, declared SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICK. the season, but his Imperinl find its earnest, if decadent, expres- that iments of In France how to sleep com- he had never married the woman su- never to receive sion In good wishes and good resolu- the allies Genuine must bear Signature majesty attends on ground. ing him for a divorce. Mrs. ad- days of Maria Ther- tions for the new born year. fortably the Piatt thera. Since the on the ground In the ordi- mitted It, saying told a cere- custom for the If you have taken part In the festi- To sleep Piatt her esa it baa been the nary way, without the aid of thla mony was unnecessary after her first grand of court to depu- val in Scotland itself you will be able master the African trick, which the English huaband deserted her. District Judge sovereign on occasion, to conjure up what tho 8aturnalla South a no more necessary tise for his this Zulus, Is so painful Black ruled common-la- mar- family classic days. The modern learned from the that a thanSmallDox. Aim and no member of the Imperial was In the In- TYPHOID as to be almost impossible. Sleep, riage existed and allowed the suit to ttperlence Km aemoaatntat Is ever present Italian carnival bears little resem- the almoet nlracukxia eflb of resting, fatigues. continue, giving Mrs. Piatt S30 a seer, end aamieameie, at antityphoid This ceremony, which Is commonly blance to that great festival In which stead Vaoctutloa. expressed The Zulu trick la to dig a little hole month temporary alimony and attor- Be neclaatad NOW by mat Bhytlclu, roa ami known as "the homage to Gessler"s the worker in the field his can tear femur. U mere vtul Hum boute latumce. to hold hip bone. The eoldler neys' fees aad court costs. At rout Bkytlctaa, dnunrIM, or aeaa tot by some whole-hearte- d delight that one year the tine oat," is so strongly resented back or side witn equal yea Bad Tyefcoui" Ulllnt at Trvhole Vaccina, and a new, and then reat on Plait in his answer charges Jeal- eremUe aae, mat diplomats that they purposely absent of toll bad ended, that slumber from Sanger from Typbow Carrier, year had dawned. comfort He rises from bla ousy In respect to the girl for whom cm. themselves from Vienna at this time perhaps a better, . a Ma.-Bi,a- ,,a a If nc armt usotATotY. utmn, Saturnalia of on tne naru gruuuu m ""-- - - oe provided a home. He says that ho aaca a acaaaa aaaca a. a, ae. urxaae of the year in order to evade it Hogmanay la the oea. the Bacchanalian ele be had slept on a feather lots not possess the $40,000 estate he At Oueen'a college, Oxford, besides Scotland, and it 82-1- 14. Is suppoed to hava, hut Is worth only W. N. DENVER, NO. M.000.

- aaattu ao aasasjaaat ,aumml ,tu aovkr oa: -- ana I ware ones irieoost hearts Answer wiwiiiwir.- 4 laiin h l Taxes Must be Deducted Test Case to be Tried From County Warrants Robert P. Ervien, state land Santa Fe, Dec. 25. --The fol commissioner, returned to San' a lowing opinion was handed down Fe Sunday evening from Wash- yesterday by Attorney General ington, where he appeared be- Frank W. Clancy; fore the enterior department in Mr. A. W. Hcckenhull, Clovis, connection with the question of New Mexico. the adj idic Uion of selections Dear Sir: I have just received made by the state when the your letter of the 21st inst. in United States land office holds which you ask, in substance, that the land selected is mineral Y Chapter land, and therefore not open to Thank whether under 101 of We ou the Laws of 1901, the county selection, A t the hearing, treasurer is required to deduct which was before Assistant from the amount called for by Secretary A, A. Jones, M. J. Mc warrants presented to him taxes Guinness appeared as attorney levied upon property of the payee for the land commissioner, and or assignee of the warrant, or A. B. Renehan represented the only those which have become attorney general's offices. Sen- for your liberal patronage delinquent. You say that the ator A. B. Fall also appeared on deduction of the whole year's behalf of the state. taxes .would work a hardship Mr. Ervien states that the in- during the season of 1914 upon those county officers who terior department i s entirely are being paid only sufficient willing that the question of the sums t o enable them t o run proper manner of adjudicating and extend to you the their offices, no salaries having the controversies be settled de- been provided by the legislature finitely, and that as a result a season's greetings for 1915. The statute requires the test case will be brought in a urer to deduct from any bill, United States court to deter- warrant, order o r certificate mine the right of the stato to May the year of 1915 be presented to him for payment, have a coirc adjudication in all the amount of taxes due by the controvers ej. The contention payee or any assignee thereof, of the state is that neither the one of happiness and pros- as shown by the tax rolls of the land office or the interior depart county. Taxes certainly become ment has the right to say what perity to you is our wish. due as Boon us there is anybody is mineral land and what is not, with authority to collect or re in the event Qf a controversy, ceive them. Certainly the mo and that the courts should be ment that the collector receives called upon to make the the tax rolls with the proper or der thereon, he is authorized to receive all taxes uhown by those tax rons. am sucn taxes are Curren Agency Co then due and may be paid. They become delinquent on the dates fixed by law on account of the For Rent 3 plastered failure of the taxpayer to pay nnni residence. Close in, electric what was previously due. There ight, water. $10. is no way uy which we can say Furnished cottage, that they were not previously water and electric light. Close in. $16.00 due, and there is no way that we could call them delinquent Lots 7, 8, 9 blcK 38. original except on the theory that they town. For quick sale, make us Model Grocery were previously due. an offer. They say Chapter 84 that of 160 A good deeded land 8 Phone 29, North Main Street. the Laws of liU3 does not seem miles NW of Melrose. Good to make it clear just when taxes well, all fenced and cross become due, Section 30, to but fenced. No house.- - Will sell at which jou refer, makes it the ence. duty of the taxpayer to make - 160 A valley farm near Breck- Inn. lie died "poured out Ills soul (11 That lie wns no longer detlil. but payment bf his taxes before the m unto dentil," "mmle His soul nn Offer a lire; inridge Tex; 150 l'7 V same become delinquent, and A. tillable; 85 r lug for sin. n:i:l 12. 2i That He was no longer n man. It was Jesus n spirit.- - 2 A. in cultivation; 4 room house N 1 the soul that died, but but Corinthians :i:7. this harmonizes with what is 35 barns and wood He was raised from the dend a soul of n The Importance of the Resurrection. above written that the taxes THE RISEN CHRIST. higher order. At that time, ns He fore These facts lire clearly eslabllsded and water plentiful. Prica, 16:1-8- ; 1 He are due before they become de- 1ark Matthew 28: Deo. 6. told. nseended where lie was be by St. Paul's narrative of bis own ex- H' $1,000; Will trade for stock farm uili j.: Hit l.lilnii union oil Ihe iiurtP fore: that Is, He was put In dentil In periences, lie explains that II was linquent in but Luke (I. . in New llr rul hen, ritcn. H:l. flesh, lint quick-ened- necessary Hint Hie twelve Apostles easter Mexic . UK There may be, possibly, som9 resurrection of tliv dead will or made should be nhle to bear witness to Je my improvements In greatest (1 doubt as to whether said Chap Sell and till' manifestation alive, in spirit. sits resurrection of Hlvlni! Power ever hind" tu Peter .1:18.1 He 101 applies to payments give you the land. I will sell There could lime ter itiigels Mild tu men. Tlieuwiik took the Ii u inn ii been no 4!ospel you my improvements which .1 made to county officers under cuing of tilrus' daughter, of the wid- iiuturA merely Message of hope existing circumstances for the cost $1800 for $1600.00 and ow of Nalh's mom, ii nd of Jesus' friend for the greiif pur- of I'lvlne fnvor Lazarus nowhere styled resurrec lypJii purpose of enabling them to run throw in 20 A of land. Place is mi' pose of giving Hi rough a dead tiiiim of lln dead: Illcy were merely nun's e in S a v I o r. II a d miles N. of city. Improve- - red their offices. You will notice 312 n wakenings, the last of these being price: n n d Christ not risen, that that act is limited to ' b.lls" ments consist of house, well the most wonderful. because Lusiurilrt after lie had who would es which are allowed and ordered ana windmill, barns, etc. h. nl lieen dend four days mid putrcfac luid down t d a t talilish the Mc Would make an ideal linn luid set In. ransom price by simile Kingdom paid by the county commission- chicken Tin' resurrection promised in the Hi-li- giving Himself up lit. it flies." and call forth ranch. ers. If the county commission- will bring luirk the personality mid to death, the I'll liter raised III in up to from the lomh tln n iisclniisncss of IdllloiiH of 111! Iniinortallty-f- ar """" '""" '". ii,,. Kleeplng l.ll make an)order there shall room glory, honor, ubore ers that Five bungalow on paved Humify who have died under tint I'l angels, principalities, powers. lions of the dead All this Hie Apostle be paid to the county clerk to street, 2 blocks from public vine sentence, "Hying, Ilioti shrill die." Ween use after His resurrection Jesus forcibly calls to our minds -- 1 Cor enable him to run his cffice, the school in Santa Monica, Cal.. on I Mist thou nrt. a ml unto dust Nluitt wns so different, we lire prepared from I.VI2I!!. i linn return " There could be no res- viewpoint Kviilctilly St. I 'a ill In no way shared sum of $500, it is clear that this car line to Los Angeles. Will tbls to understand why He i. i r no ('senile from Hint I'lvlne conducted Himself so differently after the views of those who uuscrlplurall.i lang - falls within the statutory trade for Clovis property or sentence- except In Ihe way Unit (iod Ills reniirreetlon-I- Ie appeared and dis claimed that Jesus while dead wns uage with regard to the allow- deeded land tuts nriiiugcd: namely, that our Lord appeared, we read. Never before dad Veiilly alive, and that Ihe resurrection nearChvis n Jesus took I lie place of l)() original He done this. After His resurrection of the dead Is mere formality, quite ance of bills. I am inclined to unnecessary to Deeded quarter, six miles sinner. Adam, purchasing him and nil He nptwared In different bodies, differ Hie currying out of would not, I Mod s I'hi n The Divine teaching Is believe that it and his race hack from the dentil Hlnte. ent forms, different clothing. To Ma- northeast of Melrose for sale Mint "Ihe dead not suggest this for your careful 1'alliicioim Ideas have none aliroad to ry appeared ns the gardener: to know anything.' lie Hie for $700. Land is fenced and ll ITcel that It will lie merely tliu Hie two walking to Kminiiiis. He up mil that resurrection is absolutely consideration. - to any has doily- Unit will lie resurrected -- future life. Very truly yours, some been in cultivation. that pea red ns a stranger. His clothing hud It is good loam soil (not sandy) Coil will collect from the four winds been parted amongst the soldiers. Frank W. Clancy, every particle of dust willed once com- How evidently He was put to death and located in the grain Attorney General. best posed the liody. and will reorganize In (lesh. hut ipiii kened In spirit! It belt of the county. tf I lie race out of the mime particles was Hie Spirit Jesus who showed Him- willed formerly composed it. The self, assuming different liiinuin forms THE EUROPEAN WAR The Kandy Kitchen has Call or write, of this thought (frown upon U n ml clot III n ir. ns best suited Hie occa- The Agency, as we consider Hint the bodies of sion. Tills Spirit llelng ciime Into the IN BIBLE PROPHECY. bought the Pure Food Bakery Curren I lie more dead dure or less gone Into assemblies of (he disciples when Hie I' nil reamed of tinnsluns have burnt tnnn and will continue to handle t ie Clovis, N. M. vegetation, etc. The dillleully has doors were fastened for fear of the (IcvourliiK Ihe lumU that pallent hand In that we lout sight of the lilhllcnl Jews, created or materialized a nave Drummed and inane fertile, and cer same high class products. Af lie turlcs have stocked with deelnrntlnii that it Is the soul Hint dies. body clothing in art treasures. Ii. and their presence: the) entire world lliu war hiis come e ter January 4th the goods will 1.1:4, 20.) bodied as Lots 11, 12 block 30 North (Kzekicl Our are and after n few minutes He vanished, compli'ie surprise Lecause they hove n. Kandy Kitch- changed every seven years. It Is the read our book (iu paH-c- lth be on sale at the 7, 37 dissolving the body and the clothing, tellln Park Addition; lot block soul that dies, Hint das been redeemed that tuM eurh conditions would axial, on! en around the corner. wlille He, the Spirit, remained Invisi- to be followed by (lie original; lot 2 block 74. Any Is to lie resurrected. still greater dsva and that ble. Tims He wns wild Hie disciples tallon or anarchy Thu Ural edition can Mrs. S. A. .Jones and little one wishing one or all, make Our Lord No Longer Human. for forty days before He ascended: from Ihe irei in I8!ii. Of Interest I: Logos, yet they saw Htm not. except for n vusler and Importance Is daughters returned this week me an offer as I need money. Christ, ns the was a living promise of lielttr tluniis In store for few minutes nt a Hino on seven differ t! from Roswell where they have Address, Josephine Burnett, soul, being, on n IiIkIi spirit plane. For earth, when tlm ttriitli of nnlions I. man's sake He humbled Himself ent occasions. run lis course. Send thirty-fou- r cents U slumps (with been visiting friends for sever-- Astoria, Oregon, 333 Franklin. "took a Isindsunin's form." (1'hlllp Tdos forty days were very neces- this coupon) to cover lo The Temple, W. (3rd - sary to teach two great Icssoiih: Nn. X St., K days. 3- -t pd. plans 2:7, 8.1 As n human soul, or be- - Vurs City, and receive a copy prompt!..

- I I I on May XT. ue ih nas been a prae-- without opposition. Veniistlano Carrnnsa was ordered by the ITnlted States district paralysed muscular thtsue by the repair Duryea, The monnmetlt nT1 Rfisl wntr, Mttr mbufm THE CLOVIS NEWS

wteloV-ln- g forestalled his arrival him overseas to this mortal pass. Fea Trine and the rnolaa tb lJt then It came to pass that we loved The answer ' of the paddle. , I one woman, your mother. I won ber In Liverpool: ture for fouture, even to the hue In act of turning toward th. all too she real- sign for your father. For her tumbled hair, she counterfeited the but her heart: late Tiine's death eyes, dam be saw Jacob drop the paddle. ised It was loved. He never God's sake, look to yourself and keep the woman be loved; only those Law she next Instant a bullet from r forgave me, Though be away from America. aflame with their look of Inhuman The Trey O Hearts nor I him. .80 up a purt Of peb- The two were kicked married another woman, still be held Rut Alan bad more than once vis- ruthleisness, denied that the Varalon of Motiaa Pictura Drama of Nam bles only a few feet In advat; ot , A Norattaad the the Sum from me love of my wife. I could ited America Incognito and unknown one. by the Uninnal Film Co. the The Alan. Product not sleep for bating him and be was to Seneca Trine via secret route of .He sought vainly to speak. parched He quickened his pace, but the next no off. Each sought the other's bis own selection. breath rustled In his throat better among dead bullet fell closer, while the third ac- It cam an open duel be- Eight day: out of London, a second-clas- s like wind whispering ruin; to be tually bit the earth beneath bia run- tween us, In Wall street. One ot us passenger newly landed from leaves. Br LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE Thrusting roughly aside, ning feet as be gained the dam. bad to fail I held the stronger one of C.-- steamships, he walked the Indian Fnm Bm Ami." " Tb Bt4 &." and the by Exasperated, be puiicd up, whipped AmtlTU Hur.Tk. band. The the day that of Quebec and dropped the woman knelt In bis place night before the streets out his pistol and Bred without aim. IDatntt will rkotefrapJu hm tat Pictara Praaactiaa was to have seen my triumph, I out of sight between dark and dawn, Alan's head. cruelly, At the same time, be noted that the walked In park, as was my to turn up presently In the distant "No," she said, and smiling Central your distance between dam and canoe had bablt to tire my body so that my brain Canadian hamlet of Rale St. Paul, ap- shook her head "no, I am not I her Copyright, 1814 by Loot Joseph Vi might sleep. Crossing the East drive parently a very tenderfooted American Rose. Rut am her sister, Judith, woods-travele- twin, born In same hour, daughter I was struck by a motor-ca-r running r chaperoned by a taci- the I. a sign from so he bad grown fcV V VawifA K f CHAPTER her, that at high speed lights. I was guide picked up heaven-knows-wher- of can you guess whose daughter? to unflattering belief without turn Indian accustomed the picked up Insensible and lived only Rut see this!" She flashed a card Meeeaga of the Roee. that she had forgotten blm. The to be what I am today. Law tri- Crossing the St. Lawrence by night, from within her hunting shirt and held Lapped deep In the leather-boun- d And now the sign had come but it, eh? umphed In the street while I lay help- the two struck off quietly Into the It before his eyes. "You know luxury ot ample lounge-chai- what deuce did trey of hearts of an the the less; only a living remnant of my of the Notre Dame range, The trey of hearts the symbol walled apart from the world by the mean? hinterland enemy, fortune remained to me. Then his then crossed the Mnlne border. Trlno Trine, your father's solitude of the library ot When, morning tame, London bad venerable On second noon thereafter, and yours, and Rose's father and club, Mr. lost No man of bis ac- the London' most exclusive Alan Law. trail-wor- mine! So, now, perhaps you know!" n and weary, as loan at their sprawled (largely on quaintance any woman had re- Alan Law the nor depleted packs, the two paused on a .i gust of wind like a furnace blast nape of neck) and, squinting dis- ceived the warning of bis dis- hli least ridge pole of the wilderness up back swept the glade. The woman sprnng contentedly down bis nose, admitted appearance. He was simply and suf- of the Allagasb country, and made up, glanced r Into the for- was exhaustively bored. ficiently removed from English ken. that he their midday meal In a silence which, est, and signed to the Indian. Now the filled so gracelessly chair If normal In the Indian, was one of "In ten minutes," she said, "these open some twen- II. stood by an window, CHAPTER deep misgivings on Alan's part. woods will be your funeral pyre." ty below which lay a sizable feet Continually his gazo questioned tho She stepped back, Jacob advanced, 1 walled garden, an old English garden 8lgn Three. The of the northern skies that lowered porten- picked Alan up, shouldered his body, full (lower. And through the win- high brazen noon, a 'In tously, foul with smoke a country- and strode back Into the forest. Ten dow, now end then, a half hearted day In spring, the clamorous life of wide conflagration that threatened all feet in from clenrlug he dropped L breeze wafted gusts of warm air, New York running as fluent as quick- the northern Maine, bone-dr- y with the helpless man suolne upon a bed of sauve and enervutlng with heavy silver through Its streets. the brilliant drought dry logs and branches. !s& fragrance of English roses. Wlthln-doors- , neither sound nor sun- Only the Bouth offered a fair pros- Then, with a single movement, he In beam disturbed a perennial quiet that Mr. Law drank deep of it, and pect. And the fires were making disappeared. sighed was yet not peace. spite of his spiritual unrest, southward far than man might wide, deep faster slightly and shut his eyes. The room was like a hope through that grim and IV. teeming to travel CHAPTER An unspoken word troubled the well of night, the haunt of stubborn land. shadows and sinister silences. depth of bis consciousness, so that Even as-b- e stared, Alan saw fresh Many Waters. beyond old memories stirred and struggled to Little, indeed, was visible columns of smoke spring Overhead, through a rift In the brooded over Its surface. The wordwas "Rose," the lonely shape that up In the northwest. foliage, a sky was visible whose ebon man motion-los- s and for the time seemed to he the It, the figure of an old ) Anxiously he consulted the Impas- darkness, called to mind a thunder of-- great, leather-boun- chair. name neither of a woman nor a in a v sive mask of the Indian, from whom cloud. flower, but oddly of both, as though Ills hair was as white as his heart bis questions gained Alan little com- The heat was nearly Intolerable; the two things were one. Ills mental was black. The rack of his bones, fort. Jacob recommended forced the voice of the fire was very loud. con- dressing-gow- n vision, bridging the gap of a year, clothed In a thick black marches to Spirit lako, where canoes A heavy, broken crashing near by jured up the vision of a lithe, sweet with waist-cor- d of crimson silk, nt might be found to aid their flight; head, and he saw made Alan turn his silhouette In white, with red roses from the thighs down was covered by and withdrew Into sullen reserve. a brown bear break cover and plunge at her bolt, posed on a terrace of the a black woollen rug. He stared un- They traveled far and fnst by dim on Into the farther thickets forerun- ':1r-'l- l Riviera against the burning Mediter- thinkingly at nothing: a man seven-elghtli- forest trails before sundown, then 'paralysed ner of a mud rout of terrified forest ranean blue. dead, completely again paused for food and rest. And folk, deer, porcupines, a fox or two, a A Tremendous Weight Tore at His Mr. Law was dully conscious that but for his head and his left arm. as Jacob sat deftly about preparing wildcat, rabbits, squirrels, partridges Arms. he ought to be sorry about something. Presently a faint clicking signal dis- stumbled off to whip the meal, Alan a dozen more. . . . lessened perceptibly, tbanks to the really very drowsy Indeed; trall-sld- But he was turbed the stillness. Seneca Trine put the little stream for trout. passed of the ten. through wine-scen- Two minutes had strong current sucking the and so, drinking deep of t one yards upstream, forth his left hand and touched i A Perhaps a hundred Something was digging uncomfortably spillway. of roses, he fell gently asleep. of of buttons embedded back-las- of a careless cast by his a row crimson the Into Alan's right hip tho ntitomatlc Ills shot flew wide, but almost In- was striking four when Somothlng clicked of Molno. In the desk. else Wa Both Loved One Woman. weary hand hooked the state pistol in his hip pocket, or which stinctively finger closed again he awoke; and before closing his There was the even to remember the ap- his this time a latch. Too tired Jncob had neglected to relieve him. upon the trigger, and he saw the pad- eyes ho had noticed that its hands possible noise of a closing chauffeur, discharged, came to me and wordB, Alnn scrambled faintest propriate Then a sharp, spiteful crackling dle snap In twain, Its blade falling Indicated ten minutes to four. So he smallish man stole noise- sold me the truth; It was Law's car through thick un- door, and a ashore, forced the brought him suddenly to a sitting posi- overboard. And then the Indian fired could not have slept very long. lessly into the light, paused beside the with Law at the wheel that had struck dergrowth that muBked the trail, as- tion, to And that the Indian had again, his droning past Alan's For some few seconds Alun did not respectfully leave me down a deliberate attempt at fly, of Maine bullet desk and waited for found his set the state thoughtfully touched a match to the ear. move, but rented as be was, Incredu- to speak. sassination. I sent Law word that I swinging on his heel free and pyre b rore departing. At Alan's feet As ho fired In response Jacob start- lously regarding a rnso which had ma- "Well?" meant to have a life for a life. For brought up, nose to a sapling, transf- what was I than I prom- the twigs were blazing merrily. ed, dropped his rifle and crumpled up terialized mysteriously upon the little "A telegram, sir from England." better dead? ixed by a rectangle of white paste- ised him that, should he escape, I It would have been easy enough, in the bow of the canoe. table at his elbow. Ho was quite Bure "(live it me!" board fixed to Its trunk, a trey of would have life of bis son. He acting on instinct, to snatch his limbs Simultaneously earth and heavens It hail not been there when he closed The old man sefced the sheet of yel- the hearts, of which each pip had been knew I It, sent his wife away, but he did not move moro than rocked with a terrific clap of thun- his eyes, and almost as sure that It low paper, scanned It hungrily, and meant and neatly punctured by a bul- and son sud- to strain his feet as for as their bonds der. was not real. It In bis tremulous claw with abrond. Then he died crushed denly, they let. Ho turned ngain and ran swiftly And In that Instant of awakening of some common ailment - a gesture ot uncontrollable emotion. He carried t back to camp, mean- tim- rose-garde- said; but I knew better. He died oi along the dam, toward two heavy the magic frngrsnce of the ,'ivllfh tn.,-- tint nn sec- - "Send my dfvic.hler heri!" ttio oiiMr bridged the of the fear of me." . - . - T bers that torrent seemed to be even more strong and young woman . i 1.1, v waa Two minutes later a nnn iiini.uiiL. m m mo i An,.nv. " spillway. cloying sweet than ever. admitted to Trine smiled a cruel smile: "I hud over- In street dress wss the not likely that the Indian had Then a glnnce aside brought him up Thon he put out a gingerly hand made his life a reign of terror. Ever on chamber of shadows. looked an object so conspicuous with thrill of horror; the suck of and discovered that It was real beyond me, so often I would send Law, one way a "You sent for father?" tho trail. the overllow had drawn the canoe A warm rose, fresh-plucked- , or another mysteriously always a nil question. red "Sit down." , So Alnn waited for hi in to speak spill- death-sig- n within a hundred yards of the drops of water trembling and She found and placed a chair at the trey of hearts: It was my to watch him; you know, our name, and meantime determined it sh: way. The dend Indian In Its bow, the sparkling llko tiny diamonds on the And obediently for as desk. settled herself Jacob more nnrrowly, though no other living woman helpless in Its stern, velvet of Its fleshy petals. And when Trine, signifies a group of three. And In It. suspicious circumstance hod marked to destruct- Iip It every time he received a trey of It swept swiftly onward ImpulHlvely took by the stem, ho "Judith tell me what day Is this?" days of their association. twenty-fou- r the several ion. discovered a most Indisputable thorn "My . I am twenty-one.- " hearts, within hours an Tho flrnt hnlf lit the lllcllt W8B. SB Ills next actions were wholly which did servlre for the traditional Hose, attempt of some sort would be made few "And your sinter's birthday: the day, devoted to relentless prog- unpremeditated. He was conscious pllirll twenty-one.- " upon bis life. Tho strain broke down too. Is southward; thirty minutes of only white, stnrlng face, her Convinced he wasn't dreaming, his nerve. . . . ress of her that "Yes." Jogging, Ave minutes for rest - ss woman Ms I my steady if, strange likeness to the that he Alan transferred the rKe to sound "You have forgotten that," 'Then turned attention to the could the and repeat. loved. hand, mid meditatively sucked his old man pursued almost mockingly. son, but the distance was too great, No more quertlon as to tho need for . lie ran out upon the bridge, threw "l)o you really dislike your twin-slate- the difficulties Insuperable. The Law I such urgent hatte; overhend the north himself down upon the innermost tim- Intensely?" millions mocked nil my efforts; their so wind muttered without ceasing. Thin ber, turned, and let his body fall back- girl's trembled. "You alliance with the Rothschilds placed The voice veils of smoke drifted through the for- ward, arms extended at length, and nothing in mother and son under the protection 1 know," she said, "we hove est, hugging the ground, like some ft' i&'' swung, braced by his feet beneath beyond pnrentage and this of every secret poilco in Europe. Hut common weird acrid mist: and ever the cur- the outer timber. Hftomlnahle resemblance. Our natures they dared not come home. At lpngth tained heavens glared, livid with re- With a swiftness that pasted con-srlnu- s light darkness." I realized I could win only by playing differ as from flected fires. thought, he was aware of the which would you sny was a waiting game. I needed three "And Ry midnight Alan had come to tho canoe hurtling onward with the f rseed I'ght?" things: more money; to bring Alan of endurance: flesh, bone and of wind, Us sharp prow apparently "Hardly my own: I'm no hypocrite. Law back to America; and one agent bounds could no longer stand the strain. aimed directly for his head. Then Is everything thHt they tell me I could trust, one incorruptible agent. sinew Hose Though Jacob declared that Spirit hands closed round his wrists like mot her was, while I" the girl I ceased to persecute mother and son, niv was now only six hours distant, clamps; a tremendous weight tore at think I am more lulled them Into a sense of falso se- lake smiled strangely"! concerned Alan he might his arms, with an effort of Incon- your daughter than my mother's." curity, and by careful specu'ations as far ns and repaired my fortunes. In Hose I had have said 600. His blanket once un- ceivable difficulty he began to lift, A nod of the white head confirmed boy rolled, Alan dropped upon It like one to drag the woman up out of the foam- suggestion. Is true. I have the lure to draw the back to the "It drugged. ing Jaws of death. you closely, Judith, perhaps America; in you, the one person I watched Tho sun wss high when he awak- Somehow that Impossible feat was more elbsely than even you knew could trust. ened and sat up, rubbing heavy eyes, achieved: somehow the woman gained I was brought to this" "I sent Rose abroad and arranged Hofore the stretching aching limbs, wondering a hold upon his body, shifted it to his wasted hand made a significant ges that she (should meet Law. They fell what hnd come over the Indian to let belt, contrived inexplicably to clamber "I was a man of strong pas- In love at sight. Then I wrote inform- ture sleep so late over him to the timbers; and some- Your mother never loved, but ing her that the man she had chosen him sions. a sudden he was assailed by sick- how he In turn pulled himself up to feared me. And Rose Is the was the son of him who had murdered Of rather ening that needed only the brief- safety, and sick with reaction sprawled mirror of her mother's nature, gentle, all of me but my brain. It fell out si fears investigation to confirm. Jacob prone, upon foot-wid- e sympathetic. Hut you, I foresaw. You can Imagine the scene est lengthwise that unselfish, Ju with every valuable Sawed the Cords Against the Razor- - you a second self to of passionate renunciation pledgee had absconded bridge, above the screaming abyss. dith are like equipment. Sharp Blade. Ijiter me." of undying constancy the arrange- item of their he became aware that the was his motive far to seek. on An accent of profound satisfaction ment of a secret code whereby, when Nor permitted. Conscious of scorching woman had crawled to safety the Overnight the fire had made tre- to- Informed his voice. The girl waited she needed him, she would send him heat even through his hunting boots, farther shore, and pulling himself gains. And ever and anon Solid In a silence that was tensely expect- a single rose the birth of a great mendous he suffered t lint torture until a tongue gether. Imitated her example. would bring down the roar ant. the wind of licked up, wrapped Itself earth underfoot, .he rose and stood holocaust, dulled by flame "Then, If on this your blrthdsy I The old man laughed snrdonlcally. of the distance the thick hempen cord and ate swaying, beset by a great weakness. With Red Roses at Her Belt. growling of wild round were to ask a service of yon that "Well, there is the history. Now the but not unlike the through. Through the gathering darkness a feeding on kill. it thumb. Then he Jumped up from the might injuriously affect the happiness rose has been sent; Law Is already animals their Immediately Alan kicked his feet ghastly twilight In which the flaming delayed long enough only to chair and glared suspiciously round of your sister ? homeward bound; my agents are Alnn free, lifted to a kneeling position, and forests on the other shore burned with few mouthfuls of raw food, the room. It was true that a prac- The girl laughed briefly: "Only watching his every step. The rest Is swallow a crawled from tho pyre. an unearthly glare ho discovered the atmosphere gulped water from a spring, and set tical Joke In that solemn ask It!" In your hands." As for his hand. Alan's huiitliig-knlf- e wan, wrlthen face of Judith Trine trot oe the to Spirit were a thing unthinkable; still, there "And how far would you go to da The girl bent forward, breathing out at a dog trail was still In its sheath belted close to his and he heard her voice, a was the rose. my will?" heavily, eyes aflame In a face Hint had Lake. to the small of his hnck. Tearing at scream barely audible above the com- blindly on, There was no one but himself In "Where 'vould you stop In the serv- assumed a waxen pallor. For hours he blundered the belt with his hampered fingers he mingled voices of tho conllagratlon mainly by the library. . ice of one you loved?" "What Is It you want of me?" holding to the trail Instinct. contrived to shift it round until the and the cascades: exasperation, fled Law me. length, panting, gasping, Perplexed to Alan Senera Trine nodded gravely. And "firing Alan to Dead or At sheath knlfo stuck at the belt-loo- "You fool! did you save me? staggered a nat- the club, only pausing on the way out after n brief pause, "Rose Is In love," alive, bring him to me. Put alive, If h i into llttlo over his loft hip. Withdrawing and I tell you, I have sworn your death!" to annex the envelope he found ad- he announced. you can compass it; I wish to see him ural clearing and plunged forward conveying the blude to his mouth, he The utter grotesqneness of it all . dressed to him In the letter-rack- "Oh, I know I know!" the father die. Then I, too. may die content." hendlong, so bewildered that he could gripped It firmly between his teeth, broke upon his like the It was a. blank white envelope of affirmed with a faint ring of satisfac- The band of youth stole not have snld whether he was tripped and sawed the cords round his wrlBta revelation of some enormous funda- grasped Icy even as he good quality, the address typewritten, tion. "I am old, a cripple, prisoner of forth and the hand of or thrown: for stumbled a unninst the razor-shar- blade. mental absurdity in Nature. He death-ln-life- . on his the stamp English, and bore Lon- this living tomb; but all things I heavy body landed back and Hefnre Alan could turn and run he laughed a little hysterically. "1 savagely to don postmark half Illegible. should know somehow I come to will bring him," Judith swore crushed him earth. saw a vanguard of flames bridge SO Darkness followed. A flash of light- you Alan tore the envelope open In absen- know In course of time!" "dead or alive, shall have him In less than a minute he was over- yards at a bound and start a dead ning seemed to flniue between them bitched together, t-minded fashion and started as "It's true that Englishman she here." come; his wrists bis pine blazing like a torch. like a fiery sword. To Its crashing with heavy If stung. The enclosure was a sim- scraped an acquaintance with or, the ankles bound cord. And then he was pelting like a mad- - thunder, he lapsed Into unconscious- III. ple playing curd a troy of hearts! Riviera last yeor what's his name? CHAPTER When his vision cleared ho found j man ucross the smoked-fille- cleaiiuKj ness. yard, As fqr Alnn Law, he wandered Law, Alan Law." Jacob within a regarding him and in less than two minutes broke When he roused, It was with a shiv- Trail of Treachery. us In a state of stupefaction, "In tho main," "the father corrected The with a face as Immobile though It from the forest to the pebbly shoro t f er and a shudder. Rain was falling homeward young Mr. Law was could read quite well the message mildly, "you are right. Only, he's not Rut sole agent had been cast In the bronze It resem- a wide bosomed lake, and within a in torrentB from a sky tho hue of lie own evanlshment; Just as rose. Ho would not soon for- English. His father was Wellington of his he bled. few hundred feet of a substantial slate. Across the lake dense volumes of the nobody's fool, of get that year old parting with his Ijiw. of Law & Son." was lnst all his own. Ileyond, to one sido, a woman In dam, through whoBe splllwny a heavy of steam euveioped the fires that The hidden meaning of the trey of hunting costume - Rose of tho Riviera: "You sny you She knew better tl'an to Interrupt, a man's stood eye- volume of water cascaded with a roar fainted beneath the deluge. A great perplexed him dls-tn- st may not marry me but seeming pntlance was belled hearts with such iha fiititlve an nnrrnulv na ttiA In. rivaling that of the forest-lir- Itself. hissing noise filled the world, muting love me but and her leaving pnrt. promise by the whitening knuckles of a hand tlmt before London, he dlan. but unlike him with a counte Two quick glances showed Ahtn two even the roar of the spillway. we must Then this, cablegram blood-re- d dispatched a code to his seemed aglow with way that If ever you change your ralnd, that lay within the little pool of nance that a fierce things: that his only of escape He was alone. confidential agent In New York. j you'll send for me." nd her prom- light exultancy over nis nowniau. was via the dam; that there was a Hut In his hand, tattered and bruised Rut for that look, he could have be- solitary canoe mid-lak- bearing ise: "I will send you a rose." And presently th6 deep voice rolled Whnt do you know nhmit the of at by the downpour, he found a roee. But the year had lapsed with never on: and I were once friends; hearts? Anewer tniinwitattty. lieved hers the face that had brought swiftly o the farther shore Judith (TO BR CONTINUED.) i

News A New Year is Born. HE 30 3E The Clovis What will it Bring Us? A New Year is born! THE Printing Company Thi News Nineteen hundred and fifteen. Publishers. What will it bring us? FIRST We Wish Will it be a year of plenty Entered at the post office at or of want? NATIONAL Clovis, N. M. as second class Will it be one of happiness Our Friends and matter under the act of. March or of misery? 3, 1879. Will it be one of honor or BANK obloquy? Gustomers a TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Will it be one of life or of One Year $1.00 death? Biz Months 50c IF WE ONLY KNEW! of Happy New Year! A New Year! 74 Happy New Year To many of us will be a Clovis, year of plenty if we do OUR New part we use our Mexico Do not forget to write it 1915 if but brains, and our energy, and our perse Keep your health good in 1915 by now. verance if we use them in the right way. getting good wholesome Groceries. Don't fail to read that great But will we do new serial story Trey Hearts that? 0' way S. A. JONES, President beginning in this issue. win the KKiHT appeal to us? S. J. BOYKIN, V. Pres. The Dullest Mind is Brightened Many The heaviest snow o f the of us have made the A. W. SKARDA, Cash. winter came on Christmas eve. customary New Year's resolu by the use of Pure Food. The wheat growers are jubilant tions, with the full intention to live up to them. To grade the streets would be But WILL WE so live. Will year very nice indeed, but we cannot the be one in which Impure or adulterated foodstuffs we place all say that that extra tax would RIGHT above oth U.S. impair the mind and physique, It is contrary to the er appeal to us. considerations? Government laws of nature. win it oe one in which we place The News has been rushed HONOR above GOLD. Depository You can best retain your mental with job work during the past and CHARITY above GREED. and physical faculties by eating only such foodstuffs as month. The superior quality of and GENTLENESS above AR for ROGANCE? are pure, wholesome and digestible. New.- jobs bring back the Postal 0 customers. Or will we plunge headlong into a frantic and gasping rush Savings And you can best obtain such foods- Wasn't that big holiday trade for the golden end of the rain- tuffs by dealing with a store that makes a specialty of enjoyed by the Clovis merchants bow? handling them and has a reputation to sustain. gratifying? Many people came Will it be a year in which frem neighboring towns to do our simple word is as good or even better than our Bond? If you are not already one of our their shopping and the big snow Our officers will be pleased Or will it be one in which we great army of customers, we invite you to place a few only seemed t o stimulate the to advise with you regard- haggle, and twist, aud squirm trial orders. It is the straight road to satisfaction. Christmas sport. ing any investment and evade, and conceal, and matters and to explain any banking rules and customs with Big Xmas Trade. It may be the one, or the which you are unfamiliar. The Clovis merchants are re- other. joicing over their satisfactory But which will it be? Christmas trade. We mean well but will we do well? "The biggest we ever expe- Klein Go. Only time can tell. grocery rienced said Mr. Luikart, pro- Make The prietor of the big Luikart De- A New Year! ONE DOOR SOUTH OF POST OFFICE. PHONE 22. HI To some it will bring sorrow First National partment store: 31 DC and sadness, and tears. " IE DC irj "I am entirely satisfied, said . will bring suffering, . Bank irir It and A, Mandell, of Man-de- ll the firm of agony, and despair. Railroad Dope. Clothing Company. Your Bank It will bring want, and hun (By Our Cornmpomlent.) "Have no room to complain ger and desperation. LEE HAZEL WOOD said W. II. Duckworth, owner And from desperation to Conductor H. N. Hill and fam- DRAY' AM) TRAXSI MR LINK of the Southwestern Drug crime is often but a step! ily departed Wednesday of last Store" And Crime is the pathway Checking accounts are in- week for Independence, Kans., The Oldest Established Transfer Line in Clovis "We had a splendid trade that leads down to the depths vited in any amounts and to spend the Holidays visiting said Miss Lela Kendall of the of hell into the arms of the absolute safety is afforded relatives. Down Town Phone 123 Residence Phone 321 big Kendall Dry Goods Store" devil to everlasting torment every dollar. Brakeman K. L. Swift and and the eternal damnation of a family spent Christmas at "Sold most everything ex- soul. cept the dolls, said Ed Mears But the sadness of such an BAKER BROS. AGENCY and those good be- M. Douglass, are stock ending might often be avoided Warning to Property J. clerk in the cause they sell office Insurance, Abstracts, Bonds, Rentals all the year if WE but extended a helping Owners Along the of Superintendent Evans, around." "Prompt and hand in time. Field to Clovis Road. has returned from a visit of Dependable Service" several weeks in East. He And several of the others Just a little help a few kind the CLOVIS. NEW MEXICO. Pursuant to an order directed laid off purpose who Bad big stocks of Christ words- -a slight elfort to obtain for the of re to the Road Board by the Board cuperating and mas goods like Whiting's spoke food and employment for those returns to work of County Commissioners order- greatly benefited by his vaca enthusiastically of the big holi- who are unfortunate, yet wo- ing them to open the Field's tion. GOING FAST! BETTER HURRY! day trade. rthywho are tottering upon Road to Clovis, as outlined by All those Hair Cuts, Shaves and Baths at the brink, Engineor '"Dad" Cowell is the Harrison Named Receiver said Board of County Commis- We might extend that help sioners at their meeting on the taking a couple waeks lay off SANITARY BARBER SHOP at Fort Sumner. we could give something if we 6th day of January 1'J14, and and is spending the time at his E. K. Sharktt, Prop. would! home in Roswell. His run is Washington. Dec. 23. -P- resident the road board being advised SANITARY... Afl that the name implies. Wilson today renominat- But will we? by the Attorney General and being protected by Engineer W. 11. E. Spade. ed i,ry Clay hill, of Colora- District Attorney, that said ac- do Springs, chil-Ire- Colorado., to be tion is legal and lawful. Mrs. F. J. McCarty and n eonin.oTo What is better than a Univer- I!e it ord.'ivi by tin; County and children are spend sal Coffee I'tvc olator THE OLD CLOVIS MILL lor wife? Road Board that said Field's ing i he holidays in Amanllo. 1, : i Let us Is ready to do your work any you on, of Anton .how them to j. Road to Clovis bo opjiieil ami Mr. McCuity wrnt over and ale timo come. You Chi-- .. :;. M will always find us at the mill and ready to do your !o receiver of ail gales, fences and otlvr ob- i.'hrii-.tma- s dinner there work now. We Tort Sumner, structions a..Toss sai l rorid be riRlu give correct weights anil . ii4S&& Cn-.'k- t iolin U. who stif-n- Waits mil ; in 1 runs the fact il t:ik s weiirhts to N. r: tiiove.d In ,1V lltll ( f run ISlll. With I: is family in nn.vthii.g. (ii'alinin and st ill' .Miliary 1'.' . frid nil' all ;arted F.mday fur kinds for sa'e. In ( ; c Ill tin .M v. i i.. re he iii i r ; M n BARB EH Jl ' ..) cr. L .1.! .: J v v. re- ...THE :ri'- CXfJYfS iiC ( . : V.i I... hay ;V.. . -......


MivMiyj. .: ( 'lovW, ( .'ornetevy

: . tii-- - l.;i.r il'. , y U.-.- i',.' :n 1 NiV.l.t Phone ?. Ji. I. Hi, Z.UL.r.-::.,-- . '.. il: ad !' :r v si t .'. , I THE CLOVTS NEWS

NOT. TO BE CAUGHT NAPPING BILIOUS, HEADACHY, SYRUP OF FIGS FOR PLANTS Of THE Uncle Tobe Lived Up to His Reputa- POISONOUS tion and the Doctor Lost ninif ilninninrTftii His Bet a nun rvo on i no UHDuHnC D H urn WESTERN RANGES There lives In a certain Vermont uiiilu J town a quaint old character known Gently your liver and It is cruel to force nauseating,' cleanse 1 as "Uncle Tobe," who Is so conserva- THE I I sluggish bowels while PREPARED BY tive of action and speech that it harsh physio into a you sleep. is most difficult at times to get any- sick child. US. DEPARTMENT thing dellnite from him. Uncle Tobe, Country, has the your childhood daya. Get a box. like the Father of Ills Look back at OF AGRICULTURE reputation of having lie, Insisted Sick headache, biliousness, dizzi- never told a Remember the "doBe" mother In la so of on calomel, cathartics. ness, coated tongue, foul taate and foul and addition he cautious castor oil, How you how you fought alwayi trace them to torpid statement that be has never been hated them, breath to an Innocent against taking them. liver; delayed, fermenting food In the known tell untruth. one occasion his doctor, In con With our different bowels or sourgassy stomach. On children lfa with touching Uncle Mothers who cling to the old form of Poisonous matter clogged In the In- versation friends to lay physio simply don't realise what tbey testines, Instead of being cast out lobe's characteristics, ventured a bet of Ave dollars thut be could cause do. The children's revolt Is so. A Their tender little "insldes" aro blood. When this poison reaches the Uncle Tobe to tell what wasn't neighbor promptly the bet. injured by them. delicate brain tissue It causes con- took Tobe's If your child's stomach, liver and gestion and dull, throbbing, sick- The doctor walked into Undo that was bowels need cleansing, give only dell-clo- ening headache. bouse next morning, and while be v neighbor "California Syrup of Figs." Ita Cascarets Immediately cleanse the talking with the old man, the up action Is positive, but gentle. Millions stomach, remove the sour, undigested who bad taken the bet drove to the see he of mothers keep this harmless "fruit food and foul gases, take the excess . Uncle Tobe went to what hud laxative" handy; they know children from liver carry out all wanted, and then the doctor, as he bile the and love to It; It never falls to constipated waste matter and agreed to do, went out the back door take that the clean liver and bowels and sweet, poisons In the bowels. and hid in the barn. te vis en the stomach, and that a teaspoonful A Cascaret will surely "Good morning, Tobe," said the in your house;" given today saves a sick child tomor- you out by morning. They w itor, "Is the doctor straighten v ; i VI x i eH'it'A kVLHTl'M rim hmi tint -- II out,1 row. , work whllo you sleep a box ttnr .Ill "He was there when I came 'r Ask at the store for a bottle from your druggist moans your bead said Undo Tobe. "California Syrup of Figs," which clear, stomach sweet and your liver of has full for babies, children and bowels regular for months. Adv. MR. BUSBY AS A HUMORIST directions of all ages and for grown-up- s plainly on each bottle. Adr. Quiet Louvaln. Of Course It Doesn't Often Happen, I had a look ut the now much-talked-- But on This Occasion He His Frame of Mind. Louvaln, quite a pretty old place, Failed to 8core. The horse had run away and waa with its mnKiiiliCRnt hotel de villa tangled up In the wire fence at the crowded In by the Impressive church IOCQ UW2XJ.OCO. CWXA7ZgHW -- Dusby I see tu' Turks have been side of the muddy road. Its half-witte- d the of town, and Its S- in center the - kicking up tn' saud around the Sues owner had kicked arid sworn and other old gray churches ACII . year poisonous w r- canal. to lift the animal until he was with long sloping roofB the place a plants are responsible tried large Airs, B. (fiilutly intorested Sotr.6 3ut of sorts and covered with mud. perfect next of nuns and friars. The for losses of religious ceremony? A man came along, streets were lined with the high walls live stock on the ranges. Al- " Dusby ! It's war. .They're took tn the situation, and suggested: windows of convent westrn , 1 - and closed after sv V $ - fighting. The report from Iterlln says "Spring fence back, then he can convent, huge of monas- though thj-r- la a HiW the and clusters they've licked lb' British army to a get his feet free." were on the hills about the town large list of plants teries frazzle. It looks as if the canal would The owner of the horse did as ha many were newly built and modern whose poisonous might pos- fall Into th' Turks' hands. was told. "Now give him a cut with and the town was seething with qualities sibly do harm this an- Mrs. 0. (calmly) I can't see what the whip and he'll get up himself." black-rohe- priests and brown bare- loss la good It would do them. This the owner did. Then he looked footed monks uud coped nuns. This nual 'almost the work of Uusby (leading up to his climax) at the horse, bp and ready for travel. was the great Roman Catholic center, entirely very limited If stockmen. Why, they'd loot It looKca coverea wun muu, where pome of the monastic orders a number. ai uimseu Indeed, would luurn to rocognize Mrs. D. (Innocently) Of what? and looked at the Immaculate gentle- have their chief establishments. The without fall half a dozen of the more Busby (triumphantly) Of the hard- man In the rond. Wrath filled Ma library of the university, so ruthlessly dongorouB plants stock would go ware. They'd take the locks, of course. soul. destroyed, contained a priceless col- their through the year practically un- Ha, ha, ha!" "Well," he grumbled, "thank you lection of church documents. "A harmed. Many already pos- A brief silence ensues. Just as much as If you'd helped me." of HelKluin Before the War," stockmen ;lnio sess knowledge., It Is also true Mrs. Busby (sweetly) But there Isabel Anderson, In National Maga- this but that there aro others who do not know Good food, laxatives, strychnine for Sheep find the lupine particularly are no locks in the Sues canal. Not Ready. zine. what plunta to avoid or where these cattle and Fowler's solution for horses dangerous. This plant (Fig. 4) grows And It wasn't any consolation to' "Put on your helmet nn' your red enemies aro moat likely to be found. are recommended as remedies. All from one to two feet In height with Busby to remember that be had no shirt, Silas, there's a big fire down the TAKE SALTS TO FLUSH Common niirmm, such as "loco," "poi- parts of the plant are poisonous. U flowers of a light blue or blue-viol- one hut himself to blame. rond a piece." In in height All pods polsonouB In "Shucks! I go. My shirt's tn KIDNEYS IF BACK HURTS son wood" and "parsnip" are used a is from six Inches to a foot and seeds are can't very Indnllnito way. with flowers that vary from pure the late summer or fall. Sheep suffer- the wushttib an' tho old woman's out in Of those plants tho clcuta, or water white to shades of purple and pink. ing from lupine poisoning, show nerv- FALLING HAIR MEANS the garden fillln' my helmet with a Much Meat Forms Uric Acid 6aya Too hnmlnek (Kig. 1), la the only one thut The larkspur on the other hand af- ousness and weakness. They become mess of beans."' Birmingham Clogs Kidneys and Wfclch the la dangerous to man. It causes fects only cattle. There are two com- unduly sleepy and suffer from partial Irritates the Bladder. IS ACTIVE frothing at the mould, gnnHh-Inn- ; mon varieties the tall larkspur (Fig.' paralysis end are ultimately taken DANDRUFF of tooth, pain and nuusea which 3) and the low larkspur. The tall lark- with convulsions which lead to death. Many a man who boasts of being the Most folks forget the kidneys, thut nmult In violent convulsions, and even spur grows from three to Beven feet The zygandenus, or death camas soul of honor needs half soling. tlio bowels, get sluggish and clog- Save Your Halrl Get a 25 Cent Bottle like dtuith. It Is poisonous at nny season In height and the low from six Inches (Fig. 6) Is also particularly dangerous ged and need a Hushing. occaHlonally, of Danderine Right Now Also but douH most of ; dainuKe in the to one and one-hai- feet. Tim flowers to sl'eep, but It affects horses and cat- else wo have backache and dull misery Scalp. spring and early summer. For domes-ti- n of both are violet blue and purple. All tle as well. All pnrts of plant are Stops Itching In the kidney region, severe head- the animals there is no remedy, but an pnrts of tho plant aro poisonous, btit poisonous hut tho seed especially so. v.. Beauty aches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, omutlo will frequently save man. It after it has blossomed the poisonous Frothing at the month, vomiting, acid stnmuch, sleeplessness and all Thin, brittle, colorless nnd scraggy Is Only Skin Deep grows from three to fuur feet In properties are lost. It Is most to be trembling, with spasmodic gasping for n sorts of bladder disorders. hair Is mute evidence of a neglected height with a white flower. The root feared, therefore, In spring and early breath are symptoms of poison- It is vitally ne- You simply must keep your kidneys this scalp; of dandruff that awful scurf. Is tho poisonous portion of Hit) plant. summer. The first symptoms are ing. It Is not unusual for the unltnal cessary there- active and clean, and the moment you There is nothing so destructive to Tbo locos aro perhaps the most com- falling, accompanied by such to lie for days before w fore, (hat you feel an ache or pain In the kidney death relloves mon of nil the more poisonous planfs. weakness thut the animal Is unable to It. The color of flower Is greenish the hair as dandruff. It robs tho hair replon, pet about four ounces of Jad the take good care There aro many varii ties, but tho one rise for some time. When on Its feet yellow, tho plant growing of Us luster, its strength and Its very Salts from nny good drug store, here, from four of your skin. lllnutrat d in figure, 2 is one of the it stunners. Nausea and vomiting inches to one and one life; eventually producing a fcverlBh-nes- s tnke a tnblcHpoonful In a glass of half feet in worst It affects hordes, cnttlo and come later and death from respiratory height. Itching of the scalp, which a few days and water heforo brcukfaHt for sheep, causing progressive emaciation paralysis is apt to be the outcome. ZONA POMADE and your kidneys will then act tine. If stockmen will familiarize them- If not remedied causes the hair roots which after a time varying from a few '1 he affected animals should be kept Hindu the selves with tho appearance of these to shrink, loosen nnd die then the This famous salts is from weeks to two or three years may bring still with their heads up hill and hypo- if used regularly will beautify and acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com- plants and with the symptoms that hair rails out fast A little Danderine and help about starvation for the animal ceases dermic Injections of escrine and they cause preserve your complexion bined with llthla, and is harmless to it is believed that they can tonight now any time will surely of early youth ultimately cither to eut or to drink. whisky administered. safeguard their herds you retain the bloom flush cloKgcd kidneys and stimulate from them save your hair. lor without serious dlfllculty. Mulletlns for many years. Try it 30 them to normal uctlvity. It also neu- Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton's describing In detail some or the plnnts days. If not more than satisfied tralizes the acids In the urine so It Danderine from any store, and after money back. no longer Irritates, thus ending blad- hnve already been Issued by the you yur 50c NO NEED TO FEAR MEAT the first applicatir-- i your hair will k' direct. der disorder. United States department of agricul- at druggists or mailed will talfo on that life, luster and luxuriance Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; ture nnd be sent free on applica- Zona Company, Wichita, Kan. r tion while Is so beautiful. It will become makes a delightful effervescent litbla-wate- Thorough Cooking of Uninspected slaughter. After slaughter its meat the department's supply which lasts. The plants already described wavy and fluffy and have the appear- drink which everybody should Meat Will Render It Safe From cannot leave the establishment until baiP take now and then to keep their kid- Foot Infection. It has been carefully and are those which It Is moat necessary ance of abundance; an Incomparable examined YOUR DR00MC0RN neys clean, thus avoiding serious com- stamped "U. S. and Passed." to avoid. glovs and softness, but what will Insected to us ron bsst naauLTa plications. Prepared by the United States Depart- In all theso establishments no animal please you most will be after Just a storacb A local druggist says he ment of Agriculture. showing any symptoms whatever of 's Wonderful Web. few weeks' use, when you will actual- - CHEAP INSURANCE RATES to be- The spider is so repulsive US sells lots of Jad Suits folks who According to tho specialists of the tlisense Is allowed to as to ly see a lot of fine, downy hair new LIBERAL LOANS MADE WRITE In overcoming kidney trouble cause a shudder in who lieve department of agriculture people, even go to sliiui;hter, and no meat which, on those look hair growing all over the scalp. Adv. COYNE whllo It Is only trouble. Adv. the sus- upon it, and it Is of no use in BROTHERS In states quarantined for inspection, shows any the 118 W. SOUTH WATER ST.. CHICAGO disease, need have no fear of picious symptoms of this complaint can world except for destruction of files Found. No Hurry. Strange outing meat, provided they cook It be shipped out of the establishment. and other detestable insects, all mak- engage- liz- "Do you believe In long A cm-Ion- strange specimen of dls-eas- e ing for a populuticn no army DEFIANCE STARCH thoroughly. The All meat suspected of coming from an that of ments?" be asked, after she had con- ard or scorpion was cuptured by Wal- spiders can exterminate. The house- is constantly growiug la because II is not easily communicated to animal suffering with this complaint is sented to be his. favor I. Todd near the trolley station food, although wife and all the rest of mankind may ter human beings through sent, under government sent, to the "Yes, dearest," she replied. "1 have Does Not Stick to the Iron ChamherHburg, Oreencustle & the files, but they of the milk from a diseased cow might trans- tanks to be rendered Into fertilizer. execrate would always thought It was such a mistake and it will not Injure the finest fabric. Fol Waynesboro Street Hallway company In rather have a million flies than one mit tho disease to a human beh.g. The federal Inspection stamp on meat, for two people to rush Into laundry purposes it has no equil. 16 04 Hlghfleld. Pa. The reptile, or what spider; et this infinitely disgusting 3 at the case of milk, however, pasteuriza- therefore, means that it Is entirely before they learned to really know picktge 10c more starch for tamemonea not, was about eight Inches In length Hu- creation of Incomprehensible DEFIANCE STARCH CO., tion will render It entirely safe. sate. nature each other." Omaha, Nebrukl color of brick dust. It woe produces a thread and with magical fa- and the man beings who do got the disease The federal government however, "Well, about how long would you lying on the ground only a few cility flings It into wonderful found commonly get It from direct contact has no Jurisdiction over local slaughter web wish the engagement to be?" the elation and, on account forms which baffle all explanation Constipation feet from with a sick animal. It Is wisest, there- houses which do not ship meat outsldt of "Let me see. Would you think It and cool weather, was un- away In the geometrician. of the ruin fore, for people to keep from all of the state which It is slaughtered was too long If wo didn't get married use Its locomotive powers very Few of Vanishes Forever able to animals having the disease, unless if, however, meat from such an animal the curiosities of the myriad until a week from next Thursday?" actively and was easily captured. they are properly provided with rub- did escape from one of these local Insect world are so marvelous as the Prompt Relief Permanent Cure body The reptile bad nn elongated ber rIovcb, con's and boots, and these slaughter houses, whicb are purely un- spinning of the spider and the silk- True to Type. CARTER'S LITTLE without scales, four short legs and are thoroughly disinfected after each der state or municipal control, all dan- worm. Many attempts have been made The Customer These grand opera LIVLK r ILLS never short tall, and Its body was almost as visit to the .nlmals. ger of Its communicating the disease to utilize the spider for the produc- phonograph records are no good. I fail. Purely vegeta tough as rubber. Whore It came from In the case of meat, as In the case to humnn beings would be removed tion of silk, but the worm remains can't get anything out of half of them. ble act surely fCARTERS put penny no one seems to know. of milk, It must be remembered that when it Is thoroughly cooked and ster- the almost absolute monopolist, though The Sulesman They are our finest on the hver. ITTLE die-eas- e artificial silks A all herds which actually show the ilised. Those who are located near are made from cotton achievement. Yod never can tell when Stop after IVER CLEAR YOUR SKIN are quarantined, and neither milk an Infected region and wish to he ab- and other material by an expensive these records will sing. They're so dinner dis PILLS, nor meat from the Bick animals can be solutely certain of the safety of their treatment which are claimed to be tempernmental. London Opinion. tress-cu- re pur the equal to the In indisestion, By Dally Use of Cutlcura 8oap and sold. Sixty cent of meat used moat should cook It thoroughly. real article luster In this country Is produced in nearly The disease when contracted by and elasticity. own toc Improve the complexion, brighten the eyes, Trial Free. Torn nnrooiTr willKi-- Ointment. Try Murlna Kr Uraii-d- for Virtk.tfli.Wnlrrf SMALL PRICE, 900 federally inspected slaughtering adults Is not at all a serious Illness. It Hre and Oranalait-- Rjrlldi.; Nil Hmartini SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. In ju.t Nyit cututiirt. Writ for Hook of lh hr Tou may rely on these fragrant and packing establishments located commonly takes the form of slight Mineral Product of Washington. by null t'rwtt. Murlna ya broiudy Co., lutcntfo. Genuine must bear Signature sunercreamy emollients to care for 240 cities. In these establishments fever sores In the mouth and a slight The value of the mineral products your skin, scalp, hair and hands. Noth- no animal is slaughtered until It has eruption on the fingers. In the case of Washington, according to the Many a school boy's life Is made ante-morte- Inspection in- by multi- ing better to clear the skin of pimples, passed an and of small or sickly children, It may take United States geological survey, miserable trying to learn the blotches, redness and roughness, the also a most rigid post-morte- Inspec- a more serious form, especially If com- creased from S15.347.313 In 1912 to plication table. by the of plicated by $17,578,743 In 1913. ecalp of dandruff and Itching arid the tion a veterinarian at time other Illnesses. PARKER'S chapping and soreness. Smile on wash day. That's whrn you use una DAI Bill hands of Red C'rma Has Blue. A ( mvrtt, 32-p- . Clotlm whiter than jfi I iolltl prwttm Sample each free by mall with adopted by New Testament re- convincing (now. All grocers. Adr. f I Blpatora.llcaiilaadruS. FIND HOLY WRIT ON PAPYRI the evidence of the ease with 1 For Rattonni Color ! Skin Book. Address postcard, Cutlcura, visers. which errors In copying would arise DoptY, Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. The optimist rejoices that the world ' Gets Priceless The fragment Is further of Impor- during the earliest period In the his--' Glasgow University Is full of sunshine. So does the awn- Manuscripts Discovered by Ex- tance as showing the outward form In tory of the text Age. ing maker. W. N. DENVER, NO. Her In which the New Testament writings The second document dating from U, can Miss Jones plorers Egypt Howard Hold old were first circulated. the fifth century, la an amulet or bet Oxyrhlncus fa- Tbetr contenta, It Is known, were charm, probably worn around enough to call college It waa at that the the Victor Old mous new "Sayings of Jesus" were re- written In parallel columns on rolls neck, as It was tightly folded up and men "college boya.H Judge. WORMS. la cently found. The most Important of of papyrus In upright letters of a me- tied with a string. "Wortnj", that's what' the matter of atoaaek and teetloal woras. Nearly aa bad aa dletemawr. Coat you loo ataefe the papyri Is a fragment of the fif- dium slse, and with no divisions be- raw, to (ad 'am. Look bad are bad. Don't paraia 'mm to death. Objections. Physical sixteenth chapters of tween the words, and without punctu- May Be Made Big Industry. Spohn'e Cure will ramora the worms, laaprore the appetite, aa4 you apart." teenth and tone 'eai op aU reand, and don't "phtalo." Aete oa tad 111 id. "Let me take la- . flaada John's gospel dating from the end of ation marks, while the numerous In the Philippines the government la ru U direction with each belli a, and aold by nil drat-suta- "Tou can't I'm all broken up as It v the third century and substantially cunae, or breaks, caused by the brittle making great efforts to Improve the SFOHN MEDICAL CO.. Cheaalela, Gmhin. tm. V. tV. confirming the reading! so largely nature of the material, are themselves quality of tobacco grown there. ingwrr,niijiiwiimii.'l At the Threshold of a New Ye Nineteen -- Hundred Fifteen. in expressing our rppreciaJJo.i of the good will r.:?-:- p?.tronage ex'nded to us during the past year, ve wish our fneadh a Happy, !.li?.?ly r ... ; rv During 1915 ve shall ker vb ry in the or Pharmacy, shall handle the best

: thj onjy, tn-xi- give promp t.y cvr.:y n: in our power to promote .re of cur customers. Lft us be ycur Druggists duving 1915.

ft ft 8 1 4

ft telephone 55

.... t. .' v .vu'-'Jt.- .

' -, .1 ; ; i'- (it ) : ! . ii ' lll'T-- i ' .' i!'t.. Mrs. ,1. ,'. n;, .in Is :u r , (:. t I'll!! t ; i i i i I ) i. 'i i S. ! V: I v' i ' . " i Si : h ii I. '' . V I'l.'Il ,;) : i -;- ., .1 ) ;ry 1 A'! ! n i ! i S .. is si. inn ,lr.-- ,;mm Wi: ,s .. .:. .'. i ; I r. X ; .. ho : .si:: ye o. v,m . .s n hi w ' n Kf Hl'l ltl .I' j irs ! ,,tc ill this w.M-k- . 1 t), i i hi fj.i- - will ho t x years did by im' first :;:i i.' nc if r ivy ..I Civ titll, !'::! t. H'." . 11. V: Ku; is re'.i viiiii-- - . .1 VM!.li.!;.-- i i of l' mo eli'.:ii'i.: l'i m 'in- .i .if !.i : illM', 'l.K' in i t !k ' lives Wisconsin dun ; 't;lis'v.-- ! ''if' class. P.uvnt, "i,.'!it Hi..' Turf ll'.iu,, k. li-- i ldC.-mnnssi,,;,- Fred W. in ail si:vs of f;ivy 'l.oxcs a holidays. i . . i i I .. ... ;,. . p .i niif viiiKirou t o inn A i. Will!' i a TiKUul !V. inics, of Claud, was in th rciiy jtili ':..i (ii .ui;ai3 i.i.n.ii.&.i t uii.i rdiould see I). N. e.rolt rem .rn his I w c!as that hv are cii ere! Sunday, lie announce the i:i'iovs. scontinutd the s race I erwuiiger, urc-- nresent on the first d iv. No entire music this Xniiis Mis i. opfiiing of a novv road to Fhdd sale f (Vlot'sky jewelry maker, ol tedding St. Our enterprising "knight '''! b will with an orange slio.vcr. and the removing of dinners betaken after the stoc!-;- :! t. pd. the pot and paint brush," 15rt first two weeks of the nuw term. Mr. L. C. Morgan is prepar across the roads. Curless, has posted some beauti- Prof. '. 1.. C:.rey, of Melrose, County ClL'ik. W. C. Zjrwcr, ing to )ebbledash tlia Europ'jan Rogers 1847 Silverware at ful colored educational posters of Watches cleaned for $1.00. i i is hi .i holiday vacation heauUfy who s a good accountant, is Why pay more; J. M. Hook, y-- Hotel, and otherwise Harry Hardware Co. the birth of Christ. These pic- in Clovis. building. keeping his county records in Watchmaker. Clovis. N. M. tf. ff and improve the M. L. Morton Miss Nora tures, which a work of art, fine shape. and are Torn Bryant, of near Hasser, E. F. Hardwick. of Rosell, I. Elder were married by Rev. are endorsed by pulpit and press. P. O. Business Heavy The Texas State Bank, of W83 in the city the latter part of wus in the city tho first of the C. W. Lambert in the spacious He furnished them at his own Farwell. is a Guaranty Fund The heaviest business ever re- last week. week looking after his interests office of the County Clerk on expense. the corded in the Clovis Post Office in Clovis. Bank, what's better for Mor- General Manager of Western Tuesday morning. Mrs. was that during Christmas week 1 Farmer. Roy Furnished Rooms. Lines, Fred Fox, of Amarillo, It's better to be safe than ton is a sister of D. Elder, where an average o f over a!! j Furnished rooms for rent. was in the city en route west, batisfied. Texas State Bank of Hand Painted Chiria at real of St. Vrain. $100.00 a day was received fori Close in. Phone 331. D18-4- t Tuesday. Farwell. The Guaranty Fund cut prices. Its always policy to keep parcels mailed. i Bank. Barry Hardware Co. H your money where you can get The fire team received a See our line of useful values Thousands of packages were Owen, Cor- accommodations, we taking Christmas present from Dr. S. "Happy" Freidle and R A Hon. 0. L. State are for housekeeping. sent and received by parcel po3t.( G. Von Almen in the form of Amborn are here from Fort poration Commissioner, now care of our old customers and The clerks were the busiest thevf five pounds of lump sugar. The Madison, Iowa, t o spend the residing at Santa Fe, has been are in position to take on some have been for many months in j holidays ones. Texas , Vionllinflp oil frkia 4 team, which is much admired by winter. Mr. Amborn is a son spending the in new State Bank of lir" 1J.II JIH" MIIMW w iiMiiuiiug hii viu vAuaavtua uvsiiuajrItKsJnir wtji Dr. Von Almen, is fond of sugar. of our townsman, Jas Amborn. Farwell. stuff. f 1915 Season's Greetings

We wish you all a Happy New Year and at the same time take this opportunity to thank you for the splendid patronage accorded us during the past season and hope to merit a continuance of your valued trade in the future. We have had the greatest holiday trade in our history and we want you to know that we fully appreciate your liberal support and trust that you are fully satisfied with all your purchases. EVERYBODY GOME HERE

and see the splendid values we are offering in goods that were not disposed of during the holidays. Of course H - we know many of you delayed your shopping purposely in order to take advantage of our regular January Specials. You will not be disappointed, for never in our career have we offered more enticing values than you will find at this time. You know us you know what our values have been in the past and when we tell you that this is the time to buy, YOU WILL KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. g g -