University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Clovis News, 1911-1913 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-1-1915 Clovis News, 01-01-1915 The ewN s Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news Recommended Citation The eN ws Print. Co.. "Clovis News, 01-01-1915." (1915). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/clovis_news/100 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Clovis News, 1911-1913 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I VOL NO CLOVf.'.. CVVAIY CO! "N'TY, NKW MKXICO. JANU.UiY 1. lUi .$1.0') PE'i YEAR :.it: Would Pave Streets Cycl.-r.-.- ' Jxt-.'- i !CIOT COUNTY K.'"..) I.. ic-- Taroui 1'rain to De Op-- A ' If- A it : : . Cut-Of- am: , ; natcd Over f. h- rut ' in (' IIT'II'.' rly ' v. ? . imp I: i "! '('!. :!!:. i rvii.'J from An III CHAIN I ' .rirTfA7"'i'''"n" .il"ilr of bi '.: mil' -- i :' ; !,, A .vnr tna M. "'"..'! (" i jfnr k i) rr.,i iii.-- in . -j r j.:1'-- - ii"h(, v. !. i v:.- - .:) throi: s -' (.! ir-.-- t! r v ;it i Hani whip !: ! : V- : i' i'h sin- !ilv-- I.y n ;r.- u v:-- m I, l.itt'T i :nt t l I ;'.! ' to tii i Ov. hcnt hv.v (V s":i; IT !' tit v.. iv. : '! c, !;. !(- -. ov-- I) '- - '!'' Sole! !' m . th'.' , 1.1.0 i urn V. I': ' C!vi-- - Px,!: t:..i..; v.'v ;', Pi 'it, ft5c'. a .:, M;;t It" .lnt.rs r. ;i ;' i; ,)irt o! th.? ' - .;.' 1, : t : r- :v iv!"- - !.:i M '. r. C. !v ,!- r A .1. .! ! - wl.ili- 11;" ii.ii.-- ' ! ' it l.i.r Thii--.- i. ivr "i ti iia'T...' .' ',!,:!( a(;" "l lit :,. li. (!.-i- ' a i: . i:. .ir. V wh.n a. Oi.ihaiii, of ' tfi:!ti--- !!'. h I v.' i ' . li:i.ff iii '1 ; I ' I. All A TefW I'oi-t.i- ! i'; tus t'll :i:t jChaaiti the : l!',,jc, iii:;y i'.i'.l in th.- ,::! th- -t i. jr ha-- ' ('1 t i'C - t n ; ' :i j : t n i r tin- stu.-- i! ,i i.t.n-..-- ' !i"-VV,- t- lii'ik of A. J. Whit-'nu- r folkWt ill;,'!,; ', fi nj . OWl'il'.r ' . rat.-s- l -. i.i Vc:'. It lit clisarni'-i- ; (! i l ifl.ivr rf luiih '.!- in t:)' f'lnvia National l;im i.r ti e two v"! i. i':. iu cfi'i-iii- car.l t ' ' 'Mi VC I uti'f.-:!"(- !... "V, th; SiMI l j ir-.- At the l ""f ':! ' t the fame time vers sin Ivirt iw .'h.i! r i l.i'cn ar.tw.inc"f !i v. :;s a .i .'.aMnti. v 1; :..! r.t-i'l'- ( I Justus ','!..:' .M.'x .Shi;. Vy t hi-- Kun, he n mot her i" ii.M'r'o'i. i1' r" 13 .1; ' , n- -' j i' !":i t whi.-- Jen-....-- ""-- sd.eep :i ,'k.ifK;.'.l W. J.in'.-- s in tla temp! i.i J! i s. wife!". t'. t h" new Ffhi'ihilcH ' ' !' ' ' . - ' i i :.- !. f.!;,.'.!',-,..,- ' - rav Tc. .1: r'oym ,r,ls .:'!.( i . .:.. :v:l: 'i it hi na.lor- '.,v I ' ' ,i r .'' r ." rr (!'. : r. : '. '. .. i."!l;i v tills will ' ! v i: " ' : I. ...., th., ' - c "l ; ': f.uther i;:i'iU ; ' ' i'Iim'i ii'mI rev O. v :'!', i'l li, ' ! 1" : ,1 . ; i tY vr. Va'rr .".i:v':i'v.! r it wili a . ,1 ;, ( j: '1 , ! Mas ' f a i aiiror. :i: .;,' (::-o- fr :" r i ' mi i. ; rii (.'. i . ;. ., ... i .. th" (.a i.'.t i li val !. (. ' v. '"S ,' .'li 'IT. ; ,'!' ! i Tv .: th'' i!' i I.'.c .i:ii a '" :"vn rs t t!. '!" A' Chic:"T' train ,: ' i,:-.- 1 .''; j .! !. ! - I'M.l .ii- .1 i ! .i. ir- ,s s ' li. !, y U'.'i li had S.' - it V - t"L "':!' :' u in fet C..vi.- I s ,'i a ; t ' i two ii'.DI ll.c ', t pI'i.V. I :.. f..tv t!.,.' vi,.-- : "nuh'.-t- i t !,...--. .q-- a ). ej) juries .ft.. tlu.aa'h j . .!., t .la;: to HuMtoii inilily liili! '.I' I. :! I,L' .V ildill rS- - of;.; y I. A i'. a. i'S: w. :i:sr t'l'i. STATION p:c;iK s th's '.'.v. k. 4. ul tal la: it ir.tr. l'c w:.s ; .;t, ;;,,, i.l (ililrl ti.aL Ul.'li1 :i th other .1. .p . W. I. W. h: N ' 0 uli-iv- fro-.- j t ,;tt',J in ,.:-- Ohicif-r-o by way be sent, tln-i- wi, li- of 1 merits n.inU K. !Yi S. V, 111 ,' . .r. stock fanning Whet " "" ''-1- ii i it;.-- en- - mit delay, li.' further itdvi.-e-s Tii train will not I Stole Blankets From Hotel, A. .I.WIiiiinv, .Sirri'tary, holds th.; r ov r any ' Mew .Mexico and last year his Alhui'K'i-i'i- 1 opera- that he retained a Hnall t.ortii'ii ivc Ur an the Wallnco Carniirk. commodity produced Bill Shannon, Leonard c,"l'. which brought him over th-- j of the proceeds of the sale upon at this Smith tion of trains leaving and hvrt Curlcss, T I.t. place with 07 cars. comes and another boy 1r".(l"(,.'l). was the talk of the advice of Cousel hecause there Cattle whose name nrrivin there over the Belun Chas. S. 1). second in list 54 cars. we did not learn, were j state, lie did much to advertise cut-oil- " probably will bfl sus- p the with arrested , I). is a case 'riding in the supreme pended. No. tfO!) and Pete lJoppunmeyfi-- J. Broom Corn, however, will eas- by officers Sadler and Irvine Sat-- 1 New Mexico and the real estate Trains court in which a Katon Hank 6W, is likely will con- J. K. Shaw Van. S. S. ily surpass that of before urday for stealing bed clothes men always took prospective it make seeks to be made a preferred cattle nections at Belen with the new A. J. Wilson, J. S. the end of the season. So from Mrs. Mulhall, of the Gil- purchasers of land to see the creditor for certain reasons and far through train. The last four named are ap only 11 cars ot Broom corn lespie. The boys were Jones boy demands full payment. have located farm. The was pointive officers and all are rail been shipped this year, with ap- in a shack in the alley at the brought to the city this morning Dick Noble was able to be road employees as is the Wor proximately 80 rear of the Home, cars still on Elk's where by F. W. James and lodged in down town on crutches this shipful Master. hand to be shipped. they had rented a room and week after having been confin- Change in Size jail. Mr. James and Dr. R. ineuovis Masonic Lodge is It is estimated that at least 50 concealed the stolen goods. J. hospital With this issue of the News ed at the and at home one of the most prosperous and more cars of wheat will be ship- In their trial before Justice Haney went out to the Jones for some time, as a of an we change to a six column paper result pronising in the state. ped. Noble, they were fined $10 farm this morning to hold the accident received foot instead of five column as has at a About 100 carr of Maize and each and ten days in jail. inquest. ball game. been published for the last two Kaffir corn are in readiness for Chrutmat Wedding Bella years. This' change was made shipment " necessary in order to accomodate JJforrest Warren, editor of The our increasing advertising pat- The total value of the 169 cars Clovis Journal, and Miss Nina ronage and to obtain the serial shipped since the first of the Davis, teacher in the Clovis story. Trey 0' Hearts, beginning year is placed at $155,000 with public schools, surprised their with this issue. the heaviest shipments yet to friends by their Christmas Wed- come. It is estimated that this ding announcement. The cere- section of Curry county will O mony was performed by Rev. Trey Hearts average $30,000 per month for Dr. Jeremiah Moore, pastor of The Lyceum has made arrang-- the twelve months o'f the year, HAPPY NEW YEAR the Presbyterian church, at the ments to get the new popular and during November this aver- (Jurley residence Christmas eve serial story, Trey 0' Hearts, in age was exceeded by more than in the presence of a few intimate fifteen enstallments and will be $4000.00, not counting the ex- friends. gin with the hist serial Jan. press shipments of cream, poult- the timle is well known in 8h. ry, eggs, butter etc., which will Clovis having taught four sue The Clovis News has likewise increase the amount from two cessful terms of school and her secured the exclusive privilege to three thousand dollars, mak- friends are numbered b y her to run this, story each week, be- ing a total of six or seven thous- acquaintances. She is a most ginning the first issue today and dollars above the monthly talented and charming young for the biiiefit of town and average and all this has been lady.
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