Portland Daily Press: May 25,1865
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. *- — ~r *” ~ ^——————■—W——■—— ,M a^m ? stablfolied June 2tf, 18«3.—Vol. 4. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 25 1865. vr,,,!' •• — * .... .. _ __ i _ yew, in advance. HAIL! lie-vaccination should be sacredly entrusted native copper running through the rock; and W AJS fttJ&TLAitfjb to wbo should be sacred- a this HOOP SKIRTS. T& the family physician, It was evidently with view ot getting LOST,FOUND MISCKLLAJNJiXm. BUSINESS CARDS. 3 Oi ft T .(iIX,MAW. T. Itor ly enjoined to procure the matter Irom the metal that this extensive opening had been D1SE. arm of one whom he knows to be a child of made. This was the first instance where “an- Wanted. __^^HCHAN pub tilled at He. 831 SXCB AHlil UTKiit l by THE a pr.au healthy parents, so as to avoid, as far as pos- cient diggings,” as they are familiiarly called END IS NOTTET PORTLAND ACADEMY ! of rec- SOLDIER’S ■••lasses. N. A. r OSTK K. A CO. sible, the introduction baneful diseases in- in the Lake Superior region, were ever ^.SEfi-^&KSWsS CLAIMS, QO‘> of the cavern or OaS L HHD». to the constitution re-vaccinated. Ev- ognized as such; and this artificial The Spring Term will Feb. 29. ALL KINDS, Muaoovad w Begin 14 litre** j|«Z •“» !•»<»- ery parent should place this article where it presents the most conclusive proofs that a peo- nusnust: ex ^?.1,1o1"*rt* Jam** Tax pomukii u*ily fauseiep>R)luheaai.»8.0u asSF® Sotaool it for both Miseoa and Heaters, with- or Bemedioa, lor tale by Crow, trom be seen.” in the remote worked those Look I Be and Wonder. ”e-_maylSdSt oat Bought Collected. per j v ar in advance. may frequently ple past mipes. Astonished THE regard to age or attainments, ra Maine 5ma fasbe is pnbilshou every Thars- Upon the discovery of this mine, attention Wanted rupilo may be admitted at any time la the term. duyt lorning.at #3.00 per annum, in advanee; #2.36 was at once directed to numerous other cavi- 1 For lsrther particulars to within dx The Pieoe of Toasted Oheese. Immediately apply ir pa-.a months; and N.&o.it payment be ties and in the surface of the J- U- HANSON, 'MANASSEH dele; «d beyond six months. depressions SEE HOW CHEAP LL SMITH, icvt* vSvRtj 05* ; earth at this and other and the result who are tor business to ”bl3tf871 CongroaaBt. 3,“°- 82 LUMBER, wlisi' "J “V, ,S A True Story of Circumstantial Evidence. points, \ lookisg oull ut the Bl0h»n*« Street, LUMBER. was that nearly one hundred ancient pits Hatesof AdvaTtieimg;; were and in all of them tools Inventors’ mnylldtt_Portland. This remarkable found, mining Exchange, 80 Federal Dr. Ono ineb of space in length oi eoium.i, constitute £ case of circumstantial evi- of various kinds. St,, Fred A. Prince, 25,000SS5,ifflS%2S?k-,a,ubl,fccCk- filZGEBAlD k lllllll To see CHAS. F. HOLMES 100 II Clear dence. TILDKN’S & Fine a. ‘3v. IABB.” though generally known to the curious or CO, shingle These ancient mines pits aro not restric- ■|| WO M No 1 Cedar *1.30 per square daily nt si week; it oenfs per west in such matters • Mannihcturers bhlnxl a. who have searched into West one but extend over the en- Dentist, HL and Wholesale Dealers In 600 M Fine Utor, three insertions or le1)./ *1.00; ocntinuingeve- ted to locality, Universal Flour and Spruce Lathi to airtr* India records, is as we Are their Goods. Sifter, l» a few ry it or aay after liiat wov.it. Do units. yet believe, entirely tire copper region, from the eastern extremi- Selling day*. one new to the American Patented Marsh 1866. No 11 Sprue* and Hemlock uwed to Ha,: square, three insertions or toes, if seats; public. The details, ty of Keweenaw Point to the Porcupine 28th, Clapps’ Block,Congress St., fJ5®> Dimetaion* fid cents week alter. never BOOTS AND !™'*• Door*, 8a*be* *od Blind* oon*tantly on weel, SI.00; por however, might have been laid before a distance of one hundred waa * pitonltosued from the Bf Mountains, nearly Office Patent PORTLAND, ME, SHOES, mad* to order, kor lain at to Hit 'erhoad oi AatusaMituie, #3.00 per square per had not the which has sold so as ,t*“?.and P'lOW them, original papers been recent- miles. Ia some of the ancient the rapidly this, Maroh BOFUS Weal; one insertion, »l,f0. diggings, gi 28—dtf mayiTrtSmvm*yiid3m DRKItlsO, Uret ly discovered in the Provost Marshal’s office NO. 164 MIDDLE Hotaon a Mi Commercial 81. /rriOIAL HondEA, #2.(K> per square week, stone hammers have the marks of bard usage, Great TWO HUNDRED STREET, Wharf, or loss, in and and Reduction in Prices! COUNTIES •l,0t per square after; three inuErticns SI.60; Barbadoes, copied forwarded to fractured or battered and a pro- a #3.00; one faces, large havebeen sold international toif fquart, ttrec Insertions, week, the writer. Besides the intrinsic interest at- within and POKTLAKD, ME. portion of them are broken and unfit for use; AT thirly-flre days, many Fertilizers. |LR'. tached to b? u* m0llt ouuttona and A tax the Btory itself as a mere but In mm prudent BBLSC®»’* of Lint At* :5rtiscT::i!.. inserted in the it o’; I.TS anecdote, other pits the hammers are all sound, men t(”fn*®dCall one and all, and Fire Insurance Shoes made of the beet material and Super Fho*ph*t* there is the pass your Indgment up- I 1500 P*att> (which bus a .urge circulation In every fcert e* object of adding another instance and of them the on the most valaable domestic Company warranted to give satisfaction many have appearance of invention of the 19th Of Hew Particular attention 600 bbl*. Cruabed Bon* tv:- for #100 for first insortion, and to the list of executions the 148 and 150 middle St. century. York. Office 113 Broadway. of State; per square carried out upon never having been used. Monthly. 'fko^ar “« men-eoalf boots D al- 1**10 bbl*. Littiaiinida Poadrott# f j sente square lor earn subsequent [Atlantic maylTdlw ers will find It lor their per insertion. evidence of circumstances and of ex- F. T. CUSHING, interest to oail and examine For Hlo ^Portland Aarteultu.nl Warobeu*. *ud itlioiii tt st usual rales. alone, £ before some of the as the purchasing, majl<M4w Seed Store, Market tt"All communications intended for the paper hibiting strong as well CASH CAPITAL Biuidingby weak As the psblio ere aware, that on all similar occa- Found. $1,000,000. KENDALL fc WHITNEY ■houiil be directed to the “Editor* of the freed/'and points which characterize this peculiar ASSETS Portland Feb. sions, onr has been in aooordenee with enr SMALL coach I ho $1,304,188:40. IT, 1916tZ££5,ZL those of abusinessoharaoter tothefuOliskers. form of judgment. Perhaps a close and care- HOOP SKIRTS, praotioe Dog. owner will please Dana k Co. of we Aow WM. E. WABBEN. President. KP^JobFhintiho every description executed ful comparison of numerous instances of cir- professions, leel jammed in hellerlng that the Uke‘h,m Coal! with dispatch; and all business to the of aw.yPrrnequ?rreTfrty’ HAMILTON BBUCE, Vioe President. Coal, pertaining cumstantial evidence assist in abore announcement needs no eonllrmation, and May TONS ireeb mlnrd George* Cr**k Cam- floe or paper promptly truneaoted on application as might moulding Ho. l(J Hanoook gj GEOBUtt W. SAVAGE, Seoretaryl Fish and 1 1U1 into like a the various and HOOP SKIRTS! that onr present efforts will seenre s 22—It*_ Salt, JLvU berland Coal—* *ocarlor artlol* for Black- above. something system •mith f sometimes almost inferences de- Portland Board uae;ahlpp*d om Baltimore, n»wleading and contradictory Lost. qf References: Lather for bale MoALLIBTER A FI BID AY Dana, POTtlUlld, by RANDALL, Co. duced during trials of this character, and in Kvtning, May 19,1886, Spectacles. Gold B. Bnowa ft Son, Hangar, Futohbb ft Co. Woodbnry Dana, 1 No 00 Commeirtal at. TOTAL CLEARANCE F blaok H.^>n them under a form which Bows, leather oaae; supposed on Ex- J. Libby ft Co. Johb Lybch ft Co. John A. 8. Dana } All f d»re by mall promptly attended to. apWtl 1865. bringing legal might tt 1 he M lit lie. Thursday Morning, May 25, Corsets! ohange finder will he suitably rewarded The undersigned having been Aoxjrr be applied when similar occasions required.— Corsets, them with by appointed OF OUB leaving MB. B1CH, at Merchants’ *x~ and Attobbbt lor this la now ____laneldu At it is well that the Company, prepared Porto Rico ftagars. present known law of to itane Policies on burnable Property at currant HfoDS. otaolo* Porto Rioo [From the circumstantial evidence is very chl°g°___naay22aiw* rates, w noiesale and Ofin Sagan, fmt Philadelphia Press.) uncertain, BUT TOUR itetail. AV/U landing from brig Carolina A. and a FSTPortland 166 Fore Rainy.” the story before us is conspicuous in- ENTIRE STOCK \ Situation Wanted. Office, Street. THO’S Ad AN CIO A How the National Debt can be Paid. CO, stance. A JOHN W. HUNGER A Co, Ag’ts. x*. X*. maykdSw Cnaiom Honae Wharf. Mr. Jat Cooke, who certainly ought to j.u me year roz-t, mtcnaei narvey reter Jane 8.18fi4_dtf. ID^VIS, Skirts and Corsets! b°°k'keeper’ *nd •“ '“«»•»> Porto Htco nolMiei, know about national debt and re- Willis Henry D’Egviile, resident in the island Hoop something HHD8- has of West i —AT THK— ON TO-MORROW WE WILL SELL Box WARREN’S IMPORTED ttookseller, ) Por,a *lM Molasses sources, published for gratuitous distribu- Barbadoea, Indies, dancing master, Ok# Address, 1676 Portland P 0.