-'(■>■'. >7'V W-'i ‘-'i ' fc: --;- ■ ‘ V'-i- % . :-:fi*V' i I « TCTB WBAXBEB" r-^i' Fotecaat bj U. 8 . Weather BaeMi. NET PRESS RUN Hartford. a v e r a g e DAILV ClRCULATipN tor the lilait:* of Dmwmber; 1929. Bain or eleet poeelUy mixed wtttt Cong. State Library—Comp. enow and colder tonight and FH> 5.516 day. - - - . ■ M riiib cm ttf the Aa«llt Barean of t'ireulatiuuM PRICE THREE CENlg SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930. TWELVE PAGES (Glassified Advertising on Page 10) VOL. XLIV m NO. 85. America’s “Peace” Envoys to London M F L Y E R Freak Weather Tales PURDON ASKED Naval Conference OUR NAVAL ENVOYS IS KILLED AS ' Ordinary, After All TO WORK OUT V iv ■YW START FOR LONDON S D W SCALE P I M FALLS New Haven, Jan. 9.— (A P )—a when the mercury rises weU into HUSBAND WONTC TAUS, the 50’s, pansies are frozen into ice Weather which is a trifle unseason­ SHE WANTS DIVOBCE. All Optimistic as to Snccesa with their colors immarred, worms able for January, and today, as the come to the surface as the frosi Department Expert Tells Chicago, Jan. 9.— (AP)—^Mrs. Was Trying to Land When warmest of the week, has led many leaves the ground and warmth Anna Hudecek doesn’t want a Of Conference— Robin­ persons to marvel at what seems starts the sap in pussy willow tips. husband who won’t talk, so she like freaks in nature. Angle worms Bee keepers dislike a warm spell ir Lobby Probers Hoover’s has filed suit to divorce Joseph. son Says If Arms Cut Can Machine Nose Dives and brought to the surface of lawns as winter as bees after flight wita She avers he hasn’t spoken a the frost left the ground, pansy snow on the, ground attack the win­ ci'vil word, or any other kind to blossoms coming into sight from ter store of honey forcing the keep­ Secretary Made Request; her in 12 years. Be Arranged It Will Mean Crashes Into Swamp; On imder patches of ice, swarms of ers to feed sugar syrup artificially bees flying about their hives and in the spring or lose their colonies. Also Spoke With Senators Way to Florida. pussy-willow trees tipping their Unless a check comes in weather, Start of a Permanent buds with white down all gave a hardy bulbs, especially tulips will be forcing themselves through the PRINCESS REVIEWS springlike tone to nature life. ■Washington, Jan. 9— (A P )—^R. L. ground. Today the temperature World Peace. Woodbine, Ga., Jan. 9.— (A P )-- But those who follow nature Purdon, sugar expert of the Com­ know, that bees usually leave their was well up in the 50’s in the south­ Neva Parish, flying to Florida from merce Department, told the Senate hives in winter during a warm spell ern towns of the state. BIG ARMY PARADE Hoboken, N. J„ Jan. 9.—(AP)— ■ Columbia, S. C., was killed near lobby committee today he had been Senators David A. Reed of Pennsyl­ here today in her plane that fell In­ asked by Walter Newton, one of ♦ vania, and Joseph T. Robinson of to the marshes on the Satilla river. President Hoover’s secretaries, to Arkansas, were the first members Witnesses said the woman af)par- try to work out a sliding scale for Future Queen of Italy Sees of the American delegation to tbe cntly was trying to land when the Blimp *s Graduating Class sugar duties in the pending tariff London Naval armament limitations plane went into a nose dive and biU. Pick of Military Units; conference to arrive here prepara­ crashed into tie muS, demolishing. Purdon said he understood several Takes First Chute Leap tory to sailing for England at 3 p. The body was taken from the government departments had been 300 Planes Maneuver. plane and brought here on a truck. asked by Newton to work, on a slid­ m. today. The two Senators came Papers on the body gave the identi­ Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, N.aboned stalwart bos’ns mate, turned ing scale, to ascertain if it was from New York where they had practicable. ty and indicated the aviatrix was J., Jan. 9.__(AP)—‘‘Professor’* Alva ' Lo his students nearest the hatch. Rome, Jan. 9— (A P )—More than spent the night flying for the Curtiss Flying Serv­ “Jump!” he ordered, Purdon added that he worked out Starr, who converts the Navy’s raw 22,000 men of arms, the pick of The delegation which came from ice, and had spent last night m They did. It was no easy task. several tiifferent sliding scale pro­ Weishington on a special train, and material into true sailors of the air, There was a time when the boys posals and Chairman Caraway of Italy’s military contingents passed Columbia, S. C. -•A headed by Secretary of the Navy' Miss Parrish has a brother-in-law, took his graduating class of nine took their first jumps from the wing the lobby committee, asked him in review today before the new Charles Francis Adams, arrived at C. E. Finley, at Great Neck, L. I., aloft today for a morning of jump- of an airplane—a time when a “pull- what became of them. Princess of Piedmont, Italy’s future the pier shortly before 2 o’clock. where she took off last week for her mg. off” was possible. All they had to do “I still have them,” he replied, as I queen, who until her marriage to Secretary Adams went Imme­ then was open the parachute and a laugh rose in the audience. ill-fated trip. The body was taken Under his supervision, nine youths Prince Humbert yesterday, was diately to his suite and declined to to Brunswick to be forwarded to who succeeded happily in their wait for the propeller’s blast to Passed On To Smoot issue a statement. Marie Jose of Belgium. Great Neck tonight. heroic efforts at nonchalance, step­ yank them off the wing. Purdon added that he understood Secretary of State Stimson and ped into the blimp J-3. They were This morning’s graduating exer­ his proposals had been transmitted The crown prince commanded his Mrs. Stimson arrived from New Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. 9— (AP) outfitted in natty white coveralls, cise was a “freefall,” a maneuver to Chairman Smoot of the Senate 1^: own regiment, the 92nd Infantry, York shortly after the Washington __Neva Parrish, killed in an air and parachutes strapped to their which carried with it enough space finance committee through the from Turin made up principally of party reached the pier, completing crash at Woodbine, Ga., today, was backs were sufficient drags to steps of time between the leap ^md the White House. his own native Piedmontese. The the personnel of the delegation. regiment was well in the van. a saleswoman for the Curtiss Fly- of those who might be inclined to pleasant billowing of the parachute Later, he said, he was asked by Reed’s Statement inging organization and was en lag. ! to permit considerable thinking. Smoot to discuss the sliding scale The Kings, princesses, the suites Senator Reed said: route to Miami, Fla., to participate The last one aboard, and Lieuten­ The student jumped first, cleared with representatives of sugar inter­ and foreign attaches, all on horse­ “I am sure c . the ultimate success Here are the members of the “American peace expedition to Europe.” of the cause of the conference. There in the air me^t there next week. ant Wilfred Bushnell pointed the the blimp, pulled the rip cord, and ests in an attempt to work out a In the top row, left to right, are Dwight W. Morrow, Ambassador to Mex­ back made a brilliant spectacle. She was one of the winners in, is less ‘diplomacy’ exhibited in this nose of the egg-shaped bag upward then waited for the sharp jerk of satisfactory sugar tariff. ico; Senator David A. Reed, and General Charles G. Dawes, Ambassador Aerial Exhibition the Woman’s Cross-Continent Air in a steep climb. At three thousand his harness that told cf an open A sliding scale was considered by conference than any international to Great Britain. Center: Hugh S. Gibson, Ambassador to Belgium; Sec­ ’The climax of the review came in meeting heretofore.” Derby last year. feet he levelled off, and Starr, a raw parachute. Smoot, but the plan was dropped retary of State Henry L. Stimson, chairman; Rear Admiral Hilary P. an aerial funnel formation of 300 Senator Robinson said “it is my when opposition developed. Jones, retired. Bottom row; Admiral William V. Pratt, Senator Joseph airplanes brought from all Italy’s personal feeling that the test before Questioned about a “highly con­ T. Robinson, Secretary of the Navy Charles Francis Adams. racmiaspepkash4 J a fl..C .. 0,fl fidential” memorandum sent by Wil­ the conference is both important and air camps for the purpose. Slower difficult.” LLOYD GEORGE SITS liam H. Baldwin, New York pub­ machines gyrated on the smaller licity man, to Junior Owens, secre­ “If reduction in armament of NOTED DETECTIVE DIES; circles with those faster gradu^y navies of the world can be arrang­ tary of the American Bottlers of thus making up the outer circles, ed,” he continued, “ the result will be Carbonated Beverages, Purdon said iffiRE ARE HIGHUGHTS forming a conic figure, This is con- recognized as a start for a perma­ ON JUDGE’ S BENCH the information might have been most difficult sidered one of the nent world peace, it would be de­ obtained from him.
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