Symposium Celebrating CERN's Discoveries and Looking Into the Future
CERN–EP–2003–073 CERN–TH–2003–281 December 1st, 2003 Proceedings Symposium celebrating the Anniversary of CERN’s Discoveries and a Look into the Future 111999777333::: NNNeeeuuutttrrraaalll CCCuuurrrrrreeennntttsss 111999888333::: WWW±±± &&& ZZZ000 BBBooosssooonnnsss Tuesday 16 September 2003 CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Editors: Roger Cashmore, Luciano Maiani & Jean-Pierre Revol Table of contents Table of contents 2 Programme of the Symposium 4 Foreword (L. Maiani) 7 Acknowledgements 8 Selected Photographs of the Event 9 Contributions: Welcome (L. Maiani) 13 The Making of the Standard Model (S. Weinberg) 16 CERN’s Contribution to Accelerators and Beams (G. Brianti) 30 The Discovery of Neutral Currents (D. Haidt) 44 The Discovery of the W & Z, a personal recollection (P. Darriulat) 57 W & Z Physics at LEP (P. Zerwas) 70 Physics at the LHC (J. Ellis) 85 Challenges of the LHC: – the accelerator challenge (L. Evans) 96 – the detector challenge (J. Engelen) 103 – the computing challenge (P. Messina) 110 Particle Detectors and Society (G. Charpak) 126 The future for CERN (L. Maiani) 136 – 2 – Table of contents (cont.) Panel discussion on the Future of Particle Physics (chaired by Carlo Rubbia) 145 Participants: Robert Aymar, Georges Charpak, Pierre Darriulat, Luciano Maiani, Simon van der Meer, Lev Okun, Donald Perkins, Carlo Rubbia, Martinus Veltman, and Steven Weinberg. Statements from the floor by: Fabiola Gianotti, Ignatios Antoniadis, S. Glashow, H. Schopper, C. Llewellyn Smith, V. Telegdi, G. Bellettini, and V. Soergel. Additional contributions: Comment on the occasion (S. L. Glashow) 174 Comment on Perturbative QCD in early CERN experiments (D. H. Perkins) 175 Personal remarks on the discovery of Neutral Currents (A.
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