Physics monitor

People and things

Books received CERN Council Bookshelf At the meeting of CERN's governing Future High Energy Colliders, Editor body, Council, in December, Luciano Weak Neutral Currents - The Zohreh Parsa, AIP Conference Maiani was elected the next Director Discovery of the Electro-Weak Force, Proceedings 397, ISBN 1-56396- General of the Organization, to take edited by David B. Cline, Addison 729-4 office on 1 January 1999, when the Wesley (Frontiers of Physics Series), current Director General, Chris ISBN 0-201-93347-0 Llewellyn Smith, will have completed Proceedings of a meeting held in his five year mandate. A Addison Wesley's Frontiers of Santa Barbara in October 1996 (see distinguished theorist, Luciano Physics Series began in 1961, and March 1997 issue of the CERN Maiani is currently President of the David Cline's anthology on weak Courier, page 16). Italian INFN and has been President neutral currents is the 97th volume in of CERN Council since January the series. 'Frontiers' books usually 1997. make extensive use of lecture notes The Interpretation of Quantum At the same meeting, leading or reprints, and Cline's volume takes Mechanics and the Measurement German science administrator and the latter route. It is divided into 9 Process, by Peter Mittelstaedt, head of Germany's CERN delegation chapters: The Cambridge University Press 0 521 Hans C. Eschelbacher was elected Uncovered; Forty Years of Weak 55445 4 £30/$44.95 President of CERN Council for an Interactions; The Search for Other initial period of one year from 1 Forms of Weak Interaction; The January 1998, replacing Luciano Electroweak Interaction Picture A volume of interest to the more Maiani. Fernando Aldana of Spain Emerges; The Discovery of Weak philosophically minded on how to live was elected Vice-President of Coun­ Neutral Currents; Other Weak- with the measurement dilemmas cil for one year, while Fernando Bello Neutral Current Processes, Parity introduced by the orthodox of Portugal was appointed Chairman Violation in Weak Neutral Currents, interpretation of quantum theory. of the Finance Committee and Leif 2 and sin qw; On to the W and Z Westgaard of Norway was elected Particles; High Precision Studies of Vice-Chairman of the Finance Com­ the Electroweak Force; Back to the mittee, for the same one-year period. Future with the . Apart from the first, which is an introduction, each chapter has a Lev Okun honoured useful introduction by neutral current enthusiast Cline (see November A foundation set up by philanthropist 1997, page 18) and includes several George Soros honoured Russian reprints. As well as predictable theorist Lev Okun of Moscow's classic papers, the collection Institute of Theoretical and includes some gems, notably the Experimental Physics with a special historic but rarely seen March 1976 humanitarian award at a ceremony at proposal by Carlo Rubbia, Peter S LAC, Stanford, on December 11. Mclntyre and Cline to build a proton- antiproton collider to search for the W and Z particles, and a Peter Higgs Russian theorist Lev Okun (right) of Moscow's paper given at a 1993 Santa Monica Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics was honoured with a special humani­ meeting which takes the lid off the tarian award from a foundation set up by eponymous mechanism. George Soros at a ceremony at SLAC, I found it very useful. Stanford, on December 11. SLAC Associate Director Sidney Drell (left) presented the GF award on behalf of George Soros.

28 CERN Courier, January/February 1998 People and things

Moscow's Institute of theoretical and Experimental Physics (ITEP) recently celebrated the 75th birthday of eminent nuclear and particle theorist Karen Ter- Martirosyan.

With the award is a cash prize of warmest wishes of ITEP colleagues $25,000. The award from The Open and students from Moscow's Institute Society, created by Soros in 1992 to of Physics and Technology, where help the most talented scientists of Ter-Martirosyan founded and headed the Former Soviet Union through for 35 years the Chair of Elementary their economic and political transition Particle Physics. without having to leave their work or their country, recognizes Okun's "dedication and selfless devotion to David Schramm 1945 - 97 the cause of Russian scientists". SLAC Associate Director Sidney Prominent astrophysicist David Drell presented the award on behalf Schramm died on 19 December of George Soros. "The battle to save while piloting his airplane. A gentle Russian science goes on and I can giant, he came very near to tell you no one has worked harder representing the US in wrestling in than Lev Okun," he said. The CERN the 1968 Olympics, but was soft Courier, which has long benefited spoken, using intellectual power, from Okun's wisdom, adds its rather than physical, to advance his congratulations for a particularly scientific arguments. merited award. A product of William Fowler's Development work for the Austron school at Caltech, he was naturally has been centred at CERN on the drawn towards nucleosynthesis and Austron OK? machine side and in Vienna for the became a leading proponent of the targets and experiments. astrophysical implications of Big The Austron high flux pulsed neutron Bang ideas. He stressed the cosmic source has been recommended as distributions of light nuclei in general fundamentally suitable as a major On people as tracers of the early Universe, and scientific facility by a European in particular the significance of Science Foundation panel. A recent seminar at Moscow's deuterium as a 'baryometer' of Sited in Austria, the Austron would Institute of theoretical and cosmic processes, implying the cover experiments in materials Experimental Physics (ITEP) marked existence of exotic dark matter. With science, physics, chemistry, and the 75th birthday of eminent nuclear Jim Gunn and Gary Steigman in biology. Accelerating light ions as and particle theorist Karen Ter- 1977, he used astrophysical helium well as protons, it would also support Martirosyan. From his teachers measurements to provide a limit to cancer therapy and research work. Yakov Frenkel and Lev Landau he the number of lightweight neutrino Based on a proton machine inherited wide interests and a brilliant species, work refined in the late producing neutrons by spallation, the intuition. His accomplishments range 1980s in time for LEP's 1989 3000 million schilling (270 million from the theory of Coulomb excitation demonstration that there are only Swiss francs) facility would be funded of nuclei, to the integral equation for three such particles. 2:1 by the European Commission the three-body problem (subse­ Schramm was a personification of and Austria. The home country, quently generalized by Faddeev), to the symbiosis between particle eager to have an international centre, field theory renormalization, to high physics and cosmology and was a has indicated its willingness to energy theory. He frequent visitor to accelerator support the project. created a famous school, the first laboratories, where his objective It remains now to clarify Austron's student being . His list seminars were widely appreciated. complementarity to a planned of disciples also includes A. Ansel'm, In 1974 he moved to Chicago, and German research reactor and to the Yu. Simonov, A Kaidalov, his influence helped introduce new SINQ continuous neutron source A. Polyakov, A. Migdal, cosmology and astrophysics at the Swiss PSI laboratory (March A. Zamolodchikov,...... Their greet­ research at nearby Fermilab. 1997, page 2). ings from all over the world joined the His physical and intellectual stature

CERN Courier, January/February 1998 29 People and things

Kalervo Laurikainen 1916-97

and Copenhagen. In 1960 he be­ matched it to the SLAC electron came the chair professor of nuclear beam. This configuration extended physics at the University of Helsinki by an order of magnitude the data (later known as the Department of flow available to physicists at many High Energy Physics). It was participating institutions. Ballam Laurikainen who built contacts to the received a Guggenheim Fellowship, Joint Institute of Nuclear Research was a visiting scholar at Imperial (JINR) in Dubna and to CERN and it College, London, the Ecole was due to his efforts that the Re­ Polytechnique*Paris, and Columbia. search Institute of Theoretical Phys­ He served on many committees for ics, the Computing Bureau for Phys­ the US Department of Energy. ics and experimental high energy Throughout his long and productive physics were established in Finland. life, Joe, as he was known to one Until his death, Laurikainen actively and all, was esteemed for his acute pursued a fresh career in philosophy, intellect, kindness, and wisdom, as organized conferences and published well as his steady and considered books on the Copenhagen judgement. Although he often had to interpretation of quantum mechanics disappoint researchers who were and on the correspondence of vying for limited access to the SLAC Wolfgang Paul! with Markus Fierz. accelerator, they always trusted that made him a natural centre of attrac­ his decisions were wise and fair. He tion at major meetings. A gifted From Risto Orava was a friend to all, and was always communicator as well as a scientist, ready to provide whatever help and his talks and papers enabled many counsel that he could, both on a particle physicists to learn about Joseph Bal lam 1917-97 personal and a professional basis. cosmology and astrophysics. He He will be truly missed. wrote several popular books - The Joseph Ballam, Emeritus Professor Shadows of Creation', with Michael and long-time Associate Director for Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky Riordan, and 'From Quarks to the the Research Division at the Stanford Cosmos' with Leon Lederman. Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) died on December 14 of Hajime Ishimaru 1940 - 97 emphysema-related complications. Kalervo Laurikainen 1916-97 He was 80 years old. World renowned ultra-high vacuum He worked for the US Navy's expert Hajime Ishimaru died on 6 Distinguished Finnish physicist Bureau of Ships during World War II October 1997. Kalervo Laurikainen died on 13 July and subsequently earned his PhD at He pioneered the development of after a long illness. Laurikainen was Berkeley in 1951 for studies on all the aluminium ultra-high vacuum a founding father of theoretical cosmic rays. After working at materials for the successful physics, nuclear physics, high energy Princeton and Michigan State, he TRISTAN electron-positron collider at physics and history and philosophy of joined SLAC at its inception in 1961, the Japanese KEK laboratory. He physics in Finland. In recent years he becoming its first Research Director studied nuclear physics and plasma became a central figure in promoting two years later. During his lengthy physics at Hokkaido, Tohoku and the cultural and spiritual significance tenure at SLAC, Ballam oversaw the Nagoya, and received one doctorate of science rather than the technical efforts of some 300 physicists, from Nagoya for his research on or commercial aspects of engineers and technicians involved in plasma physics and another from fundamental research. the construction of major scientific Tokyo for work on vacuum After his military duty was extended instruments and analysis of the feedthrough in ultra-high vacuum and by the Second World War, experimental data. He also led an cryogenic environments. Laurikainen worked at Helsinki and experimental programme that built a After working on plasma and Turku in Finland, and Zurich, Lund rapid-cycling bubble chamber and molecular beams for several years as

30 CERN Courier, January/February 1998 People and things

Hajime Ishimaru 1940 - 97 Fritz Ferger - retiring after 39 years at CERN

from the American Vacuum Society, the Vacuum Society of Japan, and the British Vacuum Society. His sudden death is an immeasurable loss not only to KEK but also to the world high energy community. His enchanting smile and generous heart are greatly missed.

CERN retirements

The end of 1997 marked the formal retirement of several prominent Having joined the laboratory in CERN staff members. February 1959, Fritz Ferger's career at CERN lasted exactly 39 years. Research physicist Alan Wetherell After studies in Stuttgart and joined CERN in June 1959, and went Grenoble, he began at CERN in the on to participate in a series of early Proton Synchrotron Accelerator experiments by a group working at Research Group under Arnold the then new Proton Synchrotron. Schoch, where he soon became After studies at the Serpukhov involved in development work for a Tokyo research associate, he accelerator in Protvino in the late future storage rings. With the joined KEK in 1972 and went on to 1960s and at the start-up of CERN's establishment of the Intersecting make distinguished contributions to Intersecting Storage Rings in the Storage Rings (ISR) Division in 1964, all the KEK accelerators, particularly early 1970s, Alan Wetherell became he was in charge of development and their vacuum systems. head of this group when Giuseppe construction of power for the His monumental contribution to the Cocconi became a Director of CERN. radiofrequency acceleration system. all-aluminium TRISTAN vacuum The group became interested in With the ISR operational in 1971, he system was the result of his expertise weak interactions and joined with became head of the ISR General and passion for invention. During the Klaus Winter to form the CHARM Engineering Group, and in 1974 past 25 years at KEK, he made many neutrino collaboration (CERN- Head of ISR Division, where he inventions in the field of ultra-high Hamburg-Amsterdam-Rome- remained until 1982. In 1983 he vacuum, with about 40 registered Moscow). Alan was appointed became Head of CERN's new patents and over 100 pending. CERN's Experimental Physics Technical Inspection and Safety He was also a technical consultant Division Leader in 1981 and served Commission, and in 1986 Head of to numerous accelerator projects for three and a half years. the new Technical Support Division. worldwide such as the Korean Subsequently he joined Ugo Amaldi When he stepped down from this POSTECH 2 GeVsynchrotron and Jim Allaby in the Delphi post in 1997, he had spent 23 years radiation source, DAFNE at the collaboration at LEP, eventually as a CERN Division Leader. Italian Frascati laboratory, the taking responsibility for the At his retirement, he said If I wish Taiwanese 1.5 GeV synchrotron calorimeter which was mainly to retain one single lesson, I would (SRRC), Spring-8 in Japan, and the constructed under his guidance by a like to underline the importance and terminated American SSC main ring Russian team. His election as a value of the existence of a dedicated vacuum tube. He also served as a Fellow of the UK Royal Society group of inspired and enthusiastic member of the editorial board for the (FRS) signifies distinguished physicists and engineers who explore British Journal "Vacuum". Dr. contributions to physics. what future accelerators and Ishimaru received numerous awards detectors should look like, what and honours, including recognition mechanisms and tools could be

CERN Courier, January/February 1998 31 People and things

During the visit of Hungarian President Arpad Former S LAC Director Wolfgang ('Pief') Goncz to CERN on 11 November, Michel Delia Panofsky gave several seminars at CERN in Negra explains the workings of the CMS November. experiment for CERN's LHC proton collider.

from bubble chambers to electronic detectors, with tests on the first ICARUS prototype, the JETSET experiment at LEAR and the guid­ ance of the first steps of the DIRAC experiment at the PS. Max served as secretary of CERN's Research Board from 1984 to 1997. Intellectually strict, tempered by a degree of pragmatism in interpreting experiments, Max is a keen advocate of linguistic precision, has a highly individual view of the world and cultivates a scathing sense of humour.


The 14th International Conference, organized by the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical tors. The conference programme Physics, Ukraine Academy of covers particular detector concepts, invented, readied and employed to Sciences, and dedicated to strong readout electronics, device physics, unlock the secrets of Nature'. interaction at high energies (theory detector technology, defects in base and experiment), will be held on the materials and devices and new Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi took his southern coast of the Crimea applications for semiconductor Laurea at La Sapienza in Rome in (Ukraine) from June 21-26. The detectors. Further information from Edoardo Amaldi's nuclear emulsion coverage includes: large rapidity gap the conference secretary: Irmgard group, carrying out pioneer work on physics, polarization, spectoscopy Helfrich (Ms), MPI Halbleiterlabor, antiproton reactions using emulsions and heavy flavours, collective Paul-Gerhardt-Allee 42, 81245 exposed to beams from the Bevatron properties of nuclear matter - with Munchen, Fax: 089/839400-11, at Berkeley. Moving to Berkeley, he emphasis on future collider e-mail: sds @ mpe-garching. mpg. de, spent three years in Alvarez' experiments - as well as advances in WWW: http://www.hll. mpe- legendary group before joining quantum field theory. Invited garching. mpg. de/sds98 CERN's Track Chamber division in speakers include: V.Fadin, 1963. B.Gerasimov, W.Greiner, The Xth International Symposium Prominent among many his bubble A.Kaidalov, B.Kopeliovich, L.Lipatov, on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray chamber experiments was the study U.Maor, N.Nikolaev, A.SIavnov, Interactions will be held from July 12- of baryon resonances. At Berkeley H.Stoecker. More information from: 17 at the Laboratori Nazionali Del Max played an important role in the HADRONS, ITP, Kiev-143, Ukraine; Gran Sasso, Assergi (Italy). discovery and elucidation of hyperon fax: ++38 44 2665998; Secretariat: E.Fantozzi, Laboratori resonances, providing valuable input phone: ++ 38 44 2669123; Nazionali del Gran Sasso, to the quark model. Max continued E-mail: [email protected]; http:// INFN, 67010 Assergi (AQ) - this research at CERN for over a www.gluk. ape. org/hadrons Italy Phone: +39-862-437236; decade, organizing several European The 8th European Symposium on Fax: +39-862-437570; collaborations studying kaon-nucleon Semiconductor Detector, to be held E-mail: FANTOZZI @LNGS. INFN. IT collisions. These impressive results at SchloB Elmau, Germany from WWW HTTP://WWW.LNGS.INFN.IT/ helped prepare the way for unitary June 14 - 17, will cover new develop­ choosing "Meetings and Seminars" symmetries. His career then turned ments in the field of radiation detec­ and "ISVHECRI98".

32 CERN Courier, January/February 1998 • Cryogenics and Vacuum Technology More Than 80 New Products! ISO 9001 certified Instrumentation o Catalogue 1998 Question Analysis Engineering Cryogenics Solution Software and Hardware for Your Measurement and Automation Applications DeMaCo Holland BV at CERN: • Instrumentation and Analysis Software » Portable Instrumentation Flexible Helium transfer lines DN 10 - DN 80 » Data Acquisition » Signal Conditioning Rigid Helium transfer lines DN 10 - DN 80 » Distributed I/O • Computer-Based Instruments Interconnecting transfer lines for Helium between - PXr/CompactPCI Modular Instrumentation upper and lower cold boxes at point 4 and point 6 » GPIB Instrument Control Vacuum chambers as kick-out facility » Image Acquisition » VXI and VME .Nitrogen standard transfer lines - HMI/SCADA Software » Industrial Communications ..Valve boxes for Argon, Nitrogen and Helium » Customer Education Cryostats • Support Services feel free to contact us for your requirements FREE! in the field of:

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Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) Munchen, Germany STAFF PHYSICIST The Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory We invite applications from recent Ph.D. graduates for has an excellent opportunity for an innovative theoretical physi­ two post-doctoral positions in cist. Under the direction of the Head, Center for Beam Physics, you will organize analysis and computation in laser-plasma-beam Experimental High Energy Physics physics, free electron lasers, radiation sources and optics. The selected candidate will support the CBP program, ensuring ad­ The initial appointments are made for two years with herence to environmental, health and safety regulations, and pub­ the possibility of renewal for up to a total period of five lish/present research results. Responsibilities will include years. The positions are available now. collaborating with physicists, engineers and technical support teams and providing direction and guidance to related personnel. Our group has been engaged in the design and construc­ tion of the HI-detector at HERA and is actively partici­ Requires a Ph.D. in Physics or equivalent and extensive, broad pating in the data taking and the analysis of the data experience in laser-beam-plasma physics and radiation sources/ with focus on testing QCD at low and high QA2. We are FELs. You must have a thorough knowledge of particle beams, also engaged in the upgrading of the detector (liquid ar­ lasers, plasmas, electromagnetic radiation and radiation sources/ gon calorimeter and trigger, second level neural network interactions. A self-directed professional with excellent analyti­ trigger). cal, computational and communication skills is essential. Please e-mail resume with cover letter and Job# AFR5627/ We expect that the persons appointed will participate in exploiting the physics potential of the HI detector as well JCERN to: [email protected] or fax to: (510) 486-5870 as in its maintenance, operation, and upgrade program. or mail to: Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Staffing Office, Job# AFR5627/JCERN, One Candidates should submit a curriculum vitae and arrange Cyclotron Road, MS 938A, Berkeley, CA 94720. Visit our to have three letters of recommendations sent directly web site at Berkeley Lab is an equal opportunity via normal or electronic mail and as soon as possible to: employer committed to the development of a diverse workforce. Prof. G. Buschhorn Max-Planck-Institut fur Physik (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut) Fôhringer Ring 6 D-80805 Munchen (email: [email protected])

CERN Courier, January/February 1998 33 People and things

Michel Besse, centre, French Préfet de Région Rhône-Alpes (which includes the CERN site on French territory) hears an explanation from senior CERN physicist and at the time spokesman for the Delphi experiment, Daniel Treille (left). With them is Manfred Buhler- Broglin, administrator of CERN's LHC project.

radioactive elements by Pierre and INPC98 Marie Curie. Special emphasis will be placed on the impact of nuclear The 1998 International Nuclear science on society. Physics Conference (INPC) will be The Conference, with plenary, held from August 24 - 28 at parallel and poster sessions, should UNESCO, Paris. give participants a broad vision of This conference belongs to the nuclear physics at the turn of the series sponsored by the century. Speakers will emphasize International Union of Pure and concepts, recent developments, Visiting Thessaloniki, Greece, from 25 September to 30 November, CERN's new Applied Physics (IUPAP) held every future progress and perspectives at Travelling Exhibition was a major success. three years. The last conferences the world level. Plenary talks were held in Beijing (1995), should be understandable by Wiesbaden (1992) and Sao-Paulo physicists who are not specialists in a (1989). It will cover all areas of specific research domain. nuclear physics research and its Specialized presentations will be held Travelling Exhibition. applications with special emphasis in parallel and poster sessions. From 25 September to 30 on new directions and new opportuni­ Chairman is B. Frois (Saclay). November the exhibition proved a ties. It will also celebrate the Centen­ Further information: Frederique major success, attracting some nial of the discovery of radioactivity Dykstra, Institut de Physique 12,000 enthusiastic visitors, including by Henri Becquerel, and of the first Nucléaire, 91406 Orsay Cedex some 8,000 from over 100 schools in (France), Tel: +33 (0) 1 69 15 73 18 Northern and Central Greece. Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 15 44 75 or 64 70, After a spell at CERN in December, e-mail: [email protected] the exhibition packs its bags this year http://www-dapnia. cea. fr/lnpc98 for a comprehensive tour of Scandinavia. Already booked are Heureka in Vantaa, Finland, from 12 Expo travelogue February to 22 March, Stockholm's Teknorama from 2 April to 31 May, With the Greek city of Thessaloniki Copenhagen's Experimentarium from acting as Europe's 1997 Cultural 24 September to 8 November and Capital, the Laboratory of Nuclear Oslo's Teknoteket from 19 November and Particle Physics of the Physics to January 1999. The summer Department of the Aristotle University schedule has yet to be concluded. of Thessaloniki hosted CERN's new

President of the UK Royal Society Sir Aaron Who needs Quarks and Higgs? Klug unveils a bust of P.M.S Blackett by Jacob Epstein in the Blackett Laboratory of London's This was the title of an exhibition in Imperial College to mark the centenary of Vienna from 6 - 27 November 1997 Blackett's birth. to mark the 150th anniversary of the (Photo Nick Jackson, Blackett Publications) Austrian Academy of Science, the

34 CERN Courier, January/February 1998 People and things

At the inauguration of the 'Who needs Quarks and Higgs?' expo in Vienna to mark the 150th anniversary of the Austrian Academy of Science. Left to right, exhibition organizer Meinhard Régler (Vienna), CERN Accelerator Director Kurt Hubner, and expo coordinators Ray Lewis (CERN) and Christian Gottfried (Vienna).

main sponsor of particle physics research in Austria. Its aim was to publicize recent results and underline the relevance and achievements of this science, with the accent on Austria. An online connection to the WIRED system enabled presentation of actual electron-positron annihilations as seen by the Delphi experiment at CERN's LEP machine, and 'Schafft

Wissen', a pioneer virtual reality Above: At a special memorial meeting to mark Below: One of the guests of honour at the scientific universe. CERN supported the first anniversary of the death of the special Abdus Salam memorial meeting at the the exhibition by providing Pakistani theorist and Nobel Prizewinner Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoreti­ Abdus Salam, the International Centre for cal Physics, Trieste, was Albanian President accelerator and detector modules, Theoretical Physics, Trieste, which he founded and theoretical physicist Rexhep Meidani and a spark chamber showing the in 1964, was renamed in his honour. The (right), seen here with the centre's Director flux of cosmic rays. Centre is a major focus for the world theoreti­ Miguel Virasoro. cal physics community.

A recent symposium on particle physics and neural computation at Tel Aviv University marked the 60th birthday of distinguished theorist David Horn (left); with (centre) particle symmetry pioneer Yuval Ne'eman, past president of Tel Aviv University and founder of the School of Physics and Astronomy; and Gabriele Veneziano of CERN, whose 1968 fruitful formulation of duality opened the way to new insights. Veneziano's talk at the sympo­ sium covered the evolution of duality in particle physics from the landmark 1967 Dolen-Horn- Schmid paper to today's compelling multi­ dimensional string and 'brane' physics.

CERN Courier, January/February 1998 35 People and things

A special symposium at Kaiserslautern At an unscheduled stop on the way from Oslo recently marked the 60th birthday of theorist to the recent CERN Accelerator School (CAS) Werner Ruhl, who has also been a frequent at Gjorik in Norway, Joel Le Duff of Orsay visitor to CERN. demonstrates how to change a bus fan belt under the watchful eye of CAS Leader Ted Wilson. As well as fixing fan belts, Joel is also the longitudinal dynamics mainstay of the school's team of lecturers. CERN Courier contributions

The Editor welcomes contribu­ tions. These should be sent via electronic mail to [email protected] Plain text (ASCII) is preferred. Illustrations should follow by mail (CERN Courier, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland). Contributors, particularly conference organizers, con­ templating lengthy efforts (more than about 500 words) should contact the Editor (by e-mail, or fax +41 22 782 1906) beforehand.

UNIVERSITY OF BRISTOL Lectureship in Experimental Elementary Uppsala University Particle Physics Faculty of Science and Technology

Applications are invited for the above tenured post in the The Department of Radiation Sciences, Uppsala University, invites ap­ plications for a senior lectureship, Ref no 422/98, in H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory with effect from October, 1998. The particle physics group currently consists of 7 academic Experimental Nuclear Physics, staff. The successful candidate will be expected to have a strong with emphasis on Hadron Physics record of research in experimental particle physics, and to con­ The lectureship is intended to strengthen the present research program tribute to the current activities of the group which include the on meson production in light ion collisions, using the WAS A multidetector ZEUS experiment at HERA, the BaBar experiment at SLAC, system at the CELSIUS storage ring at the The Svedberg Laboratory (TSL) in Uppsala. TSL is a national facility for accelerator based re­ and the CMS experiment at the LHC. Further details of search in nuclear and particle physics. The holder of the position is ex­ the group's programme can be found on WWW at http:// pected to engage in the ongoing research program, and to initiate new The success­ research projects at CELSIUS. The position involves research and teaching to the same extent. The holder ful candidate will be expected to teach physics at both the un­ should also act as doctoral thesis adviser to graduate students involved in dergraduate and postgraduate levels. The appointment would the research projects. normally be made on the Lecturer A scale. Fur further particu­ The senior lectureship can eventually be promoted to a full professorship depending on the success in the work of the holder. lars telephone +44 (117) 925 6450 (ansaphone after 5.00pm), minicom +44 (117) 928 8894, email: [email protected] Eligibility and Criteria for Ranking the Candidates or write to Personnel Office, Senate House, University of To be eligible for the lectureship a candidate must hold a doctoral degree. Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TH, UK quoting ref­ Grounds for promotion are scientific and pedagogical proficiency, with equal emphasis on both. "Scientific proficiency" refers to the applicant's erence 4522. Applications (in triplicate) should be sent to the own research and "teaching proficiency" refers to teaching, supervision same address and should include a curriculum vitae, statement and production of teaching materials. of research interests and goals, and names and addresses of at For additional information about the position, consult Professor least two academic referees. Closing date for applications is Bo Hôistad, e-mail [email protected], phone +46-18-4713857. March 30th 1998. The University of Bristol is An Equal Application Opportunities Employer. Prospective canditates must contact Christina Lindberg at the office of Informal enquiries may be made to the head of the particle the faculty in order to receive the full announcement with instructions how to apply. physics groups, Professor B. Foster, (Tel: +44 (117) 9288714, Please use fax +46-18-4711999 or e-mail [email protected]. email: [email protected]) H.H. Wills Physics Laboratory, Applications must be received no later than April 1, 1998. University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TL, U.K. THE UNIVERSITY IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

36 CERN Courier, January/February 1998 DUKE UNIVERSITY Engineering Opportunities at Brookha?en Mational Laboratory TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION

EXPERIMENTAL HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS Brookhaven National Laboratory, a major R&D facility has two challenging positions available within the National Synchrotron The Duke University Department of Physics has Light Source Department. an opening for a tenure-track Assistant Profes­ Electrical Engineer sor position in experimental high energy physics. Position requires an M SEE degree and several years of applicable experience in the design of diagnostics hardware and electronics. The Duke research program is primarily focused Strong analytical background in control systems, both analog and on the CDF, OPAL and ATLAS experiments. digital, is highly desirable. Responsibilities will include the Future activities will include analysis of improvement of synchrotron light monitors, beam position monitors and complex orbit feedback control systems utilized Tevatron Runs I and II data, preparations of the in the facility's 800 MeV injector and storage rings. CDFII detector for Tevatron Run II, and design POSITION #DD6163. and construction of the transition radiation Physicist/Engineer tracker for ATLAS with eventual participation We currently have a position available for an Accelerator in experiments at the LHC. Applicants for this Physicist/Engineer to work on the operation and improvement of the existing NSLS storage rings. Important areas of work include position should be capable of taking on major lattice modeling, orbit control, injection optimization and study of responsibilities in these experiments, and be beam intensity limiting effects. Experience in the development of the related hardware and diagnostic equipment is desired, as well as committed to excellence in undergraduate and skill in developing software application programs. You must be able graduate teaching at Duke. The position is to work independently and be proficient in coordinating activities. POSITION #DD4512. available starting September 1998. Immediate applications are requested. Please send resume We offer attractive salary and benefits packages and an exciting and three letters of recommendation to: environment that is conducive to professional growth. For con­ sideration, please forward your resume indicating Position #, to: Donna Dowling, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Associated High Energy Physics Search Committee Universities, Inc., HR Division, Bldg. 185, PO Box 5000, Upton, NY 11973-5000. Fax: (516) 344-7170, Email: |gx c/o Pat Hoyt, Physics Department nc [email protected]. For the hearing disabled: TDD Il515 ] Box 90305 516-344-6018. BNL is an equal opportunity —ÇK^_À Duke University employer committed to workforce diversity. Cj\ \ Durham, NC 27708-0305 Duke University is an affirmative action/equal oppor­ IJIII ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC, tunity educator and employer.

UNIVERSITY OF UTAH Tenure Track Position in Computational Astrophysics

Research Associate Position The Department of Physics at the University of Utah invites High energy Physics applications for an assistant or associate professor position, to The Ohio State University begin in the 1998-99 academic year, in the area of computa­ The Experimental High Energy Physics group tional astrophysics. Preference will be given to candidates with research experience in a range of applications of computational at the Ohio State University invites applications methods to theoretical astrophysics and who have the potential for a postdoctoral research associate position to develop collaborative research projects with others in the with our CLEO program at CESR. In addition Department and elsewhere in the University. The candidate to our ongoing data analysis effort in heavy will be expected to play a major role in the strengthening of flavor physics, we are also involved with the educational programs in computational physics at the under­ CLEO III upgrade program where we have graduate and graduate level. The University of Utah has a new major responsibilities for the design and interdisciplinary campus facility devoted to advanced net­ working and high performance computation, with a 64 node implementation of the Silicon Vertex Detector IBM SP and 60 node SGI Origin 2000. and data acquisition system. Interested can­ didates should send a letter of application, Candidates should send a curriculum vitae and a list vitae, list of publications, and three letters of of publications and should arrange to have three letters of recommendation to Professor K.K. Gan, The recommendation sent. Applications should be completed by April 1,1998 and should be sent to: Ohio State University, Department of Physics, 174 West 18th Ave., Columbus, Oh 43210- FACULTY SEARCH COMMITTEE 1106. The Ohio State University is an equal DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS opportunity employer and we actively en­ 115 SOUTH 1400 EAST, ROOM 201 courage applications from women and minority UNIVERSITY OF UTAH candidates. SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112-0830 The University of Utah is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Employer. It encourages applications from women and minorities and provides reasonable accommodations to the known disabilities of applicants and employees.

CERN Courier, January/February 1998 37 POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATES Darmstadt

JUNIOR STAFF a laboratory for heavy Ion research offers

Postdoctoral Positions in Accelerator Physics The Nuclear Theory Group in the Applicants are invited to take part in one of the fields below Physics Department at Brookhaven - design and measurement of magnets for accelerators and National Laboratory expects to have experiments including development of field sensors and positions available at the Postdoctoral their electronics for field controlled power supplies Research Associate and/or Junior Staff (Ref. 61120-98.1) levels. The initial appointments would - development of the heavy ion synchrotron SIS for higher beam intensities and design studies for a new high current begin September 1, 1998. The Nuclear synchrotron/storage ring facility Theory Group has active programs in the (Ref. 64600-98.2) theory of heavy ion collisions at - development of ECR ion sources for highly charged heavy ions ultrarelativistic energies and in the (Ref. 64300-98.3). structure of nuclear physics. Applicants Applicants should have experience in the corresponding field.

should send a curriculum vitae including The appointments will be limited to 3 years with a possible names and addresses of three references extension to a maximum of 5 years. Applicants should not be to Dr. Robert D. Pisarski, Group Leader, older than 32 years. Department of Physics, Bldg. 51 OA, Women are especially encouraged to apply for these positions. Brookhaven National Laboratory, Handicapped applicants will be giv^n preference to other Upton, Long Island, New York 11973. applicants with the same qualification. BNL is an equal opportunity employer Applications should be submitted not later than February 20, • committed to workforce diversity. 1998, to GESELLSCHAFT FUR SCHWERIONENFORSCHUNG MBH PERSONALABTEILUNG PLANCKSTR. 1 BROOKHAVEN NATIONAL LABORATORY 64291 DARMSTADT urn ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, IMG. oui WWW, billow

SUPERCONDUCTING MAGNET TECHNOLOGY DESY announces several ACCELERATOR PHYSICS DESY TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY y^y "DESY-Fellowships" POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH POSITION for young scientists in experimental particle physics to Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position participate in the research mainly with the HERA collider experiments H1 and ZEUS or with the fixed target expe­ in superconducting magnet technology and riments HERA-B and HERMES. New fellows are selected accelerator physics. The accelerator research group twice a year in April and October. at Texas A&M University is developing a 16 Tesla DESY Fellowships in experimental particle physics are dual dipole for future hadron colliders, a awarded for a duration of two years with the possibility superconducting magnet for oil well logging, and for prolongation by one additional year. a stabilized cable using high temperature The salary for the fellowship is determined according to superconductor. tarifs applicable for public service work (lia MTV Ang.).

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in physics or allied Interested persons, who have recently completed their subject, and good knowledge of superconducting Ph.D. and who should be younger than 32 years are in­ technology and/or accelerator physics. vited to send their application including a résumé and the usual documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, Interested persons should send a resume and copies of university degrees) until 31 of March 1998 arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to: to DESY, Personalabteilung - V2 -, NotkestraBe 85, D-22607 Hamburg. They should also arrange for three Prof. Peter M. Mclntyre letters of reference to be sent until the same date to the address given above. Department of Physics Texas A&M University Handicapped applicants with equal qualifications will be College Station, TX 77843 preferred. Applications should be received by March 15, DESY encourages especially women to apply. 1998. Texas A&M University is an Affirmative As DESY has laboratories at two sites, in Hamburg and Action/Equal Opportunity employer, committed Zeuthen near Berlin, applicants may indicate at which to diversity. location they would prefer to work. The salary in Zeuthen is determined according to II a, BAT-O.

38 CERN Courier, January/February 1998 Head Laboratory Services

Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab), a renowned national laboratory dedicated to high energy physics research, has an exceptional professional opportunity available to lead one of its four major administrative service sections.

The seasoned professional we seek will support the operational needs of the Laboratory through the management of our Accommodations, Employment and Travel, Equal Opportunity, Human Resources, Medical, and Visual Media service functions. Additional responsibilities will include conducting management studies; developing and assessing quality assurance procedures; evaluating project development efforts for the modification of new administrative service features; and serving as the corporate pension plan administrator.

As a member of the Laboratory's management team and senior HR administrator, the qualified candidate will possess at least 10 years of relevant experience and the ability to interface with all levels of employees, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) representatives, and stakeholders on a wide range of issues. Facility with modern management techniques, including team building, is also necessary. Some travel will be required.

Operated by Universities Research Association, Inc. for the U.S. DOE, Fermilab is located 40 miles west of downtown Chicago and offers an attractive compensation package. For consideration, please send a resume to:*Employment Department/970157, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, IL 60510-0500, U.S.A. Principals only. No phone calls, please. To access Employment Opportunities at Fermilab and a complete description of this position, our URL is []. EOE M/F/D/V. Fermilab

Universitât Zurich

Lecturer in Experimental The Faculty of Sciences (Philosophische Fakultàt II) of the Uni­ Particle Physics versity of Zurich invites applications for a faculty position in

As part of a programme of expansion in particle physics, a permanent Experimental Physics lecturer post will be available from September 1998. Physics of Fundamental Systems You would join a highly successful group, currently 25 members, including four academic staff, working on a research programme based at the Physics Institute. The appointment will be made at the as­ on the ALEPH experiment at LEP, the BaBar experiment at SLAC and sociate (Extraordinarius) professor level. There is a preference ATLAS at the LHC. We are also contributing to studies for a possible for candidates working in a field of Fundamental Systems like linear collider. You will be expected to participate in one of these Astroparticle Physics, Atomic Physics, Gravitation, Neutrino projects and to contribute to the undergraduate and postgraduate Physics or at the medium energy facilities of the Paul Scherrer teaching programmes of the Physics Department. Further expansion of Institute (PSI). Candidates should have demonstrated their abil­ the group is anticipated in the future and you will help in attracting ity to carry out independent research. The research topic should support. Salary on Lecturer A Scale: £18,179 - £23,150 (including London Allowance). complement the activities of the existing particle physics groups working at DESY, CERN and PSI. Further details about the group and its research programme can be The successful applicant is expected to participate in the teach­ found on the World Wide Web ( ing of basic courses in general physics and of particle and nu­ Informal enquiries may be made to Professor M G Green, Physics clear physics. The requirements are pedagogical experience, the­ Department, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey sis and Habilitation or an equivalent qualification. Applicants TW20 0EX; telephone +44 (0)1784 443454, fax +44 (0)1784 472794, should send their curriculum vitae (publication list indicating the email [email protected] five most important publications, a short statement of research Application forms and further particulars are available from the interests, research plan, and teaching experience) before March Personnel Office, Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, 20, 1998 to the Surrey TW20 0EX; telephone +44 (0)1784 443030, fax +44 (0)1784 Dekan der Philosophischen Fakultàt II der Universitât Zurich, 473527, email [email protected] Please quote reference Prof. Dr. H. Haefner, Winterthurerstr. 190, CH-8057 Zurich. MHA/1353. For further information please contact Prof. Dr. R. Engfer, phone Closing date for receipt of applications is 6th March 1998. +41 1 635 5720, fax + 41 1 635 5704. Suggestions for suitable We positively welcome applications from all sections of the community. candidates are welcome.

CERN Courier, January/February 1998 39 FEEL OF COMPACT!

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