Nymphalidea By Melinda VerMeer

Description: Nymphalidea is named for one of the largest families of butterflies, with varieties found in every corner of the world.

With the mesh edging and solid welts separating each wedge, this design reminds me of delicate veined butterfly wings. It was designed for use with long gradient self-striping paired up with a contrasting solid or semi-solid, so each wedge becomes individual of those before and after and unique like the wings of a butterfly.

The shawl construction begins with few cast on stitches for a squared off point at the left end and expands toward the right forming a shallow inverted triangle and ending in a point at the right end. It easily can be adapted to alternate weight yarns or be made smaller or larger to suit the individual knitter.

Yarn: Schoppel Wolle Zauberball Crazy in Earth #1660 Malabrigo Sock in Alcaucil

Gauge: In stockinette stitch: 18sts/32 rows in 4”

Needles: Size US 6 24” circular or size for Abbreviations: Sts: stitches Notions: k: Knit p: Purl Darning needle yo: Over k2tog: Knit 2 stitches together Finished Size: ssk: Slip 2 stitches knitwise, knit together 60” across top edge, 15” deep at center sts: Stitches MC: Main color yarn Many thanks to .com for including CC: Contrasting color yarn Nymphalidea in the 2013 Deep Fall issue! PU: Pick up stitches

©Melinda VerMeer 2014. All rights reserved. For personal use only. For pattern support, please contact [email protected]

Nymphalidea – English - 2 -

Pattern Instructions:

Directions Using CC, CO 12 sts. Work sections as follows: Welt, Wedge A, Welt, Wedge B, Welt, Wedge C, Welt, Wedge D, Welt. 30 sts. Repeat [Wedge D, Welt] 27 more times (138 sts), or until shawl is the desired size. Using CC, loosely BO.

Finishing: Weave in ends and block For information on , see the blog post at: http://melindavermeer.com/blog/blocking/

Welt Using CC: Row 1 [WS]: Purl. Row 2 [RS]: P2, YO, p to end. 1 st increased. Row 3 [WS]: Knit. Row 4 [RS]: K2, YO, k to end. 1 st increased. Note: following first welt, capture [MC] yarn at between Row 2 & 3 by bringing [MC] over [CC] before beginning Row 3. Wedge A Using MC: Row 1 [WS]: P2, p2tog, p to end. 1 st decreased. Row 2 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 3 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 3, 5, 7 [WS]: Sl1, p to end. Row 4 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 2 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 6 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, YO, k2tog, turn. 1 st increased. Row 8 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, YO, k2tog, k until 4 sts rem, k2tog, k2 .

©Melinda VerMeer 2014. All rights reserved. For personal use only. For pattern support, please contact [email protected]

Nymphalidea – English - 3 -

Wedge B Using MC: Row 1 [WS]: P2, p2tog, p to end. 1 st decreased. Row 2 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 5 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 3, 5, 7 [WS]: Sl1, p to end. Row 4 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 4 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 6 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 3 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 8 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 2 times, k until 4 sts rem, k2tog, k2. Wedge C Using MC: Row 1 [WS]: P2, p2tog, p to end. 1 st decreased. Row 2 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 7 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 3, 5, 7 [WS]: Sl1, p to end. Row 4 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 6 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 6 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 5 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 8 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 4 times, k until 4 sts rem, k2tog, k2. Wedge D Using MC: Row 1 [WS]: P2, p2tog, p to end. 1 st decreased. Row 2 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 9 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 3, 5, 7 [WS]: Sl1, p to end. Row 4 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 8 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 6 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 7 times, turn. 1 st increased. Row 8 [RS]: K2, YO, k1, [YO, k2tog] 6 times, k until 4 sts rem, k2tog, k2.

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©Melinda VerMeer 2014. All rights reserved. For personal use only. For pattern support, please contact [email protected]