THE--C O UNC I{!. ANn TI IE A ilrE R ICAN Vatican II and the freedomof religion

thcology. There is, lor example, By CARDINAL JOSEPH RIfTER applorclr tlrtt nltill nntl rt'ccivr: of Si. Louis llxl silcrllulcllls, llcl'olttl llny the tension between Divine pre- tlot [rt:ctlttle tttlo tlorrbt, lltt'l'(10 rlestination and human free wlll, in St. faitlt, n'ithottt Prerletttlt iln all:rt' Christians, Ior And stating tnrths in this man. 'it plarse Pcte.r's Ilasilicn. ndjirct'nt to rvhich is irnprtssible lo ner is not a concession of defeut he lttt cnt it'cly lt'ce the alcl sct nptrt't fot' eon- God' ntust on ihe part of the theologian. hontitqc of llttr itttt'lltlt't:rntl the cilinr dclibofiltiolls, lic tltc It can be very helpful to know n'ill. IIcnce, il it slxltltl ltappcn lhat the elaboration rltortal I'Lrlllilills ol llcrttldct to oI one factor etlnstattt llrlt contl'nl'y to tlte necrl not be accomplished by the 0clrrscalclti, \\'ho rt'igttetl rlcstruclion '; of tha othcr, l)t'rhaps from 167d to lti8l) as PoPe tttntt*"t,;l'tjl,ljiij iiii)'tlnc should bc the acknowlcdgement of such a NI. ;il ;,,..u, t, is oasy ro see churctr.stete relations wlth its spcnking to rne Nati'nol As- Innoceut !ris r.yill to onrbl'ace the dialactic in thc area of reli[ious Pirrs .\ll in initt''tv"L,.liIlrlot(loollrcr'rvischorylhc&|gtltlrenttier'0|tiItt'tl.tltatnttt'n(lnntgtlarRntee(insofaras lillntty nrlry ovoid friction'be- lk'iltilicrl lr5' Poltt' btl riisaYo$,srrch an nction." lhe st:ltc (lhe t'trler) it does rrot eontravene licnal pope I'ius XII l95ti, lllr'ssctl Introct'ttt -\[ is l't'' tlran .nrttst. _larv) cemlter {i, lg5l, twccn lil'Oponents of rliffering lhcories, glrlrlcd bt solllc ls lhe JlAl Ettlllt an(l hasten dcvelop. ltntl-on TH|ssTATEMENTs}rottltlre.::i:1]:.:ll.:rntlInttsttlelr'nrltltetrue:l.::lili":.^'.1:::*:::..l']::':',h:':".r.ii:i'^'-ii'riiniiclriosttltreofInlJ t.l.,rF^ll ('lrttrcll."'i;:.].::' rlonc ttot l-recitttscl-rttcilttsc theYthey as('c('l]t {t't'ctlont. IIis ;;,;;;' ,l; tlonc so 6csa';;;.;i;';i;;,, rluestiorrs: manl of a theology of ltcligious 5xi11{ of loligiott.s irss,fLlirssut.r' thosclhr)so rvlurn ho [c.rli'irr' llrrrl thc 'li'.i'",llt':l'llf; i,l:ll lt'rrrrtntiott irt tlris m:tttct'is dttt: (',rrrrorit:cr*'.t'h u,,.r,, r.i".iit,llii -..11:::,'l;::l"ll,* :1.-tl'll:::p,l.Yll-:.:l'ji:Jlr:.. Irretldom. Iralth'trr lris oport arltl cxplit'it The merning rnd delermlile, condcnrnatrrrrr r)f l,ottis NIV's est't'cisitigt1t)t}l.cion,'''1t''.''j.i-i.:,:jx'iijlll.'.fI']:li-';':'i:lJl[:ir*;.:*'':..t}{::"]:{*{l.:.*iji,1'ili..,J;j lion of religious freedortr ara tlespolisrrr and tlst'oi llt'tttc forcc cot!tt:s|rosstblt-.'[.'tt}lll.,,]i'^"i'"::'.il'o.'rtiunotChttrclranrlStitte.iieanrlroceptionngos;rt:s possibltt, l''tom tll rolved more reedily in rho to reunile the Ilttgttcnots willt ilte realm of praclice fhan in tho itt l"t'ttttct" tllrttt'clr llilltrre t,r r.ttttr' ,""1"'.:.1::l on lntl uroraI ct't'ot' ntttst be itttperlt:tl 'th* li:illiJ'li,.'i.ll'l:*.il'',i.lli,"",,.].l'lli'li"lli.:.lliil,.',1l,l.i;,jiflJ,jii;;'j,,i"ki.ii.,oi'.u..'o','r'roiii;incutrllitl. r.rrtltct than lxlstility rostrairtt,'- elucidalion of principle, lltrll' Irltller's rt'ltttkt' rt';rs ttris,(L)cs,nol,,.:]lll..,.lll:,..).t,,o,t rvhen possiblc, bccattsc tolerrtion iii*"r,ii,:i'.irrro'llrlt srrrc. ,. rras tolrl that 'ltl().- ol lcligitrrts ftct'tlolrt. qucslionr is rrritt'tl aitt't' ht' Ilrob['nr il"li,ij,jaii,f 6cre is a dc Hcra r numbcr of of thein is in itsclf inrnrolnl. orr0 cr)nrcrsions hrrl bet'n olltilincd go\'(!r'n" rrioht bt ptopotod. Arc lhr nol vrlid rbsolulely and uncondi' con. facto rlistinctiou liotscen ('onv0tsitltts, ll is one thing lo eschew (iotl irr trr'o trtrtnths. lttl rcsulling Americon Bishopl rlonc in thoir tionally. Nlolcovcr' ltas not slroint in mikiilg .on*.,ltu, it-t* incnt and civil socicty, ulrsttrc{1, \\'crc not ntatle hY of ihe govaru- lffltudi. or hls it roecivcd ronra r:iYoll 1.o hrttuan ntttltorily sttch au quite another to "a"'.o*. in thc. esclrrsioir lr. rcrl .\ltosilos: lhis lvlls il n('w in rsnelion? ls fhlr a lampdnry nbsoltt{tr nntl uttit'ct'snl colrllrlalld plefe6t6rd freedorii rrAd.t6di for"tioiori, ,rll religions, rtrcltt fr.o..t elircct intcrvcntion nrissiottat']' nrt tltotl of rrltit-'li exp*dlenlexp*dlcnl on lhc port ofql lhethe itt|l! trtattct's lrrilttcl's ofot faithlaltn:tnfl antl lllol'allty. mot'ality. guarant*eirg to eaehf eq-ualify roligious__affairs. ttse. 'l'hc ehlisi ottt' [,old ltltd llttdc no Iiishops of the tlnitod Church ln the Uniied Slater Suclt & coltrlllalld is unktlorvtt to '1.1e underrrnrter fhe the law, law. il0pr. g:l\ f \.er]' clidcni Statc-s have iorrsistentlr- supDort' whih fhe Cathoiic Church ocev. llte eontirton coni'ietions of lllan" 'l'lr,rrrlls rulrrifcstalirin ()f l!is l'cptl(li,llti(lll st. .\tlrrittlrs \\'ils n t'tl tlrt Atncrir:an systcm ol pior e minorlfy porition? kind, to Cllristillll ct)ltsci0llcc, to of I.oiris \l\"s tlr('ilstll'cs b1' hon' stiruttclt tl.'lcntlt't' oi tht' lillt'rt]' ol --* irlirr{ precist'l,r' l}tost' l}isltops tt'lto crrrrscionr:c, 1'r'l ltc trpltt'kl tltr' itt. ::: :':.,,,',:. ::, lT's {rlltt Tllt}; . . Ittd pt olcstcrl tltt' ht'ttlal l'(\pft1s' stilrrliirrr rrl tlrc ltttluisitiott. Ilt: EIIROI'E+I.N SKIITCIIBO()K, ,,' i sion oI tltt' Iltr:lttt'tttrts.,iltrti oit\- :rtrlttctl thitl ct('r'lrill s;tlt lttion r atinc llteir Sptrkt'snrali to tllr' titrrst lrc rcsat'rlcrl as;l!'r'ilttr lharli HOTOYSIER .11.(lillaliltr.. lilesst'rl Iltnoccnt tlrc s'olfnltt irI ln itttlttirltutl. 'l'lrt'r.'frrn.. also lrt'rrttlht ltis inllrtoncc lo ltt'nt' so('lCly lilust l)r'()tt'cl - l() t('nll)tl'th0 1r'ill ol ,Iltncs II ilsr'lf lt'tttil llrt o{ lillse Severin lltll\cl0f Historic St. STEW in bclrall tif l'lttgltsh (.'atltttltcs. {kr{'lliilt. l't'rl:tl', {ltt' ltttltttritir,tt. . .it'...::. .:...., j,,,, lrr lilruIs ;rrrrl irr Iitcl, itttl' fot'nt oI r't'ligiotts . ..'t: :. CERTAINLY \vrr are plelsctl l(\l)l(,ssrorl rvrrukl Iitttl ftu' rttlvo' rrlgy, tlrc tear'hitrg of tltc doctt'ine of Europe's mosl lnleresfing is fealured daily al lx tlrt'hislot'icrl t't'cttt'd ol lttno' t'0lcs. lrul 0tt \1'lta[ !]r\]tlttrl (lo \t(' parisher, it i: probably lhe cele' cont's nction. ltttt hc tvrts ttot of thc Chulch irr tlre uttiversity Emerson and lOth l ('j0el lllo pIiuciple s ol artotltt't' A[tr'r'thc Socond Wot'ltl \Vttr. tltc brotion of lhe parochial lilursY rnrikinq it ll(.tt' dclrrltttt'c in itttt't'" (fontnllltiity, ltntl tlte llctivc aposto- n tt,1' (lhult'h in l"t'itnce rvas facerl rvillt which drawt morl peoPle who plittciplcs. l)roting tlhristiun llrttt strcial rvelfnle in thc treigh- ,.\nrong ihr' r'itlhts ploclaimt'rI in all of tlre rlif[it:trltios cotlnttctt'd latc of (omo to viiit. The high Poinl rnal- bt ct)lltp0lltltl to liolictc. Tltt' tli(, ,\llirlllic ('hiul('t' lts :t lttttttlltl rlitlr rct'onstt'uctiott. ['-trrtttniltcl.r'. Ilrthorrrl," To facilitttc the pro. of lhir llfurgY ls lhe nine o'clock acl of lr:titlt I)l\)c(t('(ls fttrttt att Irt.ttt11's ll:rsit fottt' If('o(loltls is llrr,nlclulioccsc oI Itat'is ha

Iilnililililililiiliiiiliiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriillilllilllllllilllilllllllllllllllllll THE CHURCH AND T H E WO R L D rrrrrrrrrnnnnlmllmnmmrnmumunumnnlmmunmuuuuuurumnummrlmumuuunrE Beatificationsluted- Migrnnt bill -'l'urut doLunsurnlus = = I= of l,r'or'. tt'ho was |t'cctl citrly tltis Irr rlisplitt c Naliott;rlist (jltina or food offered by Roliel The Vatican gititr .\,0iil'nltcr l8 yt'itIs r)t Soviol illl- t(l it soplratc s0ilt, Services. Falher Louic L. plisonnrrul, lirr lltt' ltcroistn of ltis Meyer, C.S.C., a CRS reprasen. llitltfttlttr:ss to tlro Chulch. Speak- Abroad talive, lried for several monfhs ittg at:tn atttlit'ttcc grilltl('(l to earlier lhls year lo work ouf an (;('r'rnitny -- (iltt'is- 0 IIItll)l,ll,lll:n(;. agreemenl wilh Uganda govorn' nrt:rnllcLs oI thc tJl*/ (llrlisliaus provcrl by his stoa([tastlltrss' pn' shoulrl lrc acknorvl- resehlm€nl oror lhe U.S. race ultttt'clt, Iicncc lttrl slfollgth horv atlhct" ctl[etl by tlt: l,tt{heritn a problem, difficullies with irans. cnr.c lrr (lhlisl is to bc cotttcssctl 0 CIII(-l,,\(;O--,'l'hcN;rliottal {'atlt- k'atling [,utlrq'ln tlrcologian has porlafion costs within Ugrnda sll,w (l0lrlirItrn<'c cvcn irr llrt' trrrtsl lttllct'sc ctt't'ttttt- 0lirr lirI itll.r!r'l'aoiill rk'r:lnlcrl hq'c.''t'hc theologian, and lhe danger of disrupling stitn('(,s u'ltit'lt tttitl otl tlt'citsittrt ,lttstice lurs senl I'rcsirlunl Kcn- I)r'. IIarrs i\snlrrsscrr. rvlrtlr: to his lhe local aconomy, {'hulch's c\'on scorn tlcspcttttc." trcrlf t loh'iillnr plolcstirrA Atl). top lilisorr official rvith & (,'atholie (llurlclr (icn. llohc|t Kcnncrly's stan(l tr) llrr that to iflrtola "sittfttl PlzzA 15",12",l5"l limit civil righls lrlgislalion. surh a lcrluest rvoultl llc Chicken Baskets "'l'lrc gcattrc." .\ttolncy {icnclnl's lt'rlrrcst itrt lrtrsi Speghetti & Ravioli I'or rvalk l1'gislltion is intolt'r'ablc I KAMPALA, Ugrnda .-' The Shrimp & Fish Batkele at this st:r11c in our Amelican government of Ugandr hes Giant Sandwiches tlctuoelar:y," said thc tclt'glanr, lurned down a large amounl of "Food signctl liy t'onfclcttct rltitit'nuttt Fun t'or Eaeryoneu free U.S, {overnment surplus Ilaynrontl ill. Ilillilltl. Secliirrli We Dotivcr (Emt Side) l)ip:lltisrlll sullport lor llto lt gislit- 5629 E. Washington 5t. lion, tlrc r\tlot'noy (ieneral had askotl lltc Iltrttse .Jttrliciirl'y {'otir' Itt7titrt {/.S. Iras FL 9.9277 At home nlittoo (oct. lir) to stlike orrl.;r st't'lirru rrl llrr, lrill r,tttprru'crir; sl)()li0slrlrln ,I',tr'I | \\',\SItlN(;'l'()N-' L\ hirrr to Iik' irtjrrnt:liort srrits lo prn sttttinuries -'ldoratiott society lirt' tltt'r'r' (l;rlholic gr(ltllis ct)tl' Ir:r:t r,oirstitrilional riglrts rrl ;ril t'clttcrl rvillt littttt rt'tttkt't's ltlltl lt l)o I'solls, St'nltc sttllcottutrittcc lltat l)lts- s:tgt rt[ :r llill to 1tt'ttvirlcitttptovt'rl I trNl'l'tll) N,\'l'l0NS, l\,\', .. new

THE CR|TER|ON,OCTOBER 25, t963 PAGE FIVE 'l'HE . Y;\RIISTICK . WIIAT OF TTTENAY Friction in our schools The Sodality" mission?

One of llte tttost froqttctrt com- institutions rts botttl issttc refcr- plaints htald frotn dissntisficrl enrln itttd strhtrol boat'd eleclion,s basis, as I no lorrgcr arrr, rvill scc ltilt'c lxl con' that particular l)iu'cllts is thllt thoy to bc as tliplorrtntic as possiblo in thc Church has its tt'ol ovct' rvha{ lheir chiltlt'cn at'a gcnius in rliffcrcnt pal.ts ol: tht: 'llltc tlcnling rvith pat'ettts. lls is very taught in Cntlrolic scltorlls' ryorld, a suh.icct to u,hich thc to offer rlrtluilttrl exptnna- tltrtlr rrf tlte lttiittcr is lltitt tltt'y clloful couneil is evirlentlv giting eon- l'rlukl ltltc prcciotts Iiitle control tions r:rnd listen sympittheticnlly sitlcr:rtion, :rntl n,ill not (lcpl'i\:c rrr'ot'n'hll is taught in ltttblic to olrjr-.r:lions antl conrplniuts. llo$ llilli()ltitl ol- the Amt'rican Church ol a glr:ar srlrools citltcr, nrcans of raising lhc spilitualitv 'fhc l'ir:r's irr Wlslr- r:tlttcator, i\ coud rrumht'L of Callurlic edu- (}lil' Plofcssionitl ingtort; tltc of ttratry, tlre Sod;rlitit's {}f colltt tulots. o[ coul'sc. tlo cxaclly thc O rvhctltct'lte rvcat's a trtntirrt Iclrot' \\'ls I lur l.arly. In our orvn llar.ish t.hcre atc ol nrit, lhinks thlt lris Ir'rtiiting snnrt' llrin(s I'rtt I'castrtts ol' rlltitr. hasic rlivision iu luitotti fotir lirtiitlr'crl rrrirkos lrinr lrt,llt,r, qualifi0rl llrilrr .sorlalis{s. I it1' :rntl .irrs{icc :rs rvrll as prutl- t lrouHht iluron!j rvoulrl be foolish to dnslt oft to p$r0rlts to tklt't'ntinc t'ttl'l'icttlttttt lhtt so- urrf r'. Nr.r'ct'l ltt lt ss, it rvoultl ltc rlrilny ol' gorrtls - poliel'. it lrtr nrr!t'rl a religious stgre to buy up Weekfnd antl {,\ntl lcl ditlists arttl rli- plohnhll' qttitt lcss than lronest to cllirn llrat forrr lnrntlfcrl halocs for thonr, lhnl lto is cort't'cl rt'clor-s as to tltc ttittittn. bul. I rlrrultl be rrrlrrally foolish not in t his {rvirlutll iixt of tltt' sit ) srreh chllity :ttttl llrutlt'ttcc itt'e plopcl na t rt r c (l{)cs ltcsl to rccogrrizc the ;1rcat spiritual RETREATS his ttt kct'lt $*ffNIIt llrt.r'r.lirt'o rrnivt't'sitl. o[ lhc Sorlllity. grrorl piu'dnlir t'ft t'ent'c itt tltt'se 'l' Ilral rrrnny, if not rnost of For Men l intt lr i s art icle I lrcttt, irave lcccivcrl [r'orn the Suclr x silultliott is in tltt' [incsl irl t rninittttttrt, in{clcslorl nrc lrct'itu:ie il trtok tne Sorlali[y, ll'i, .9 I' Sun. 6 P..\1. .\'lllt tllrtlilirlns: .st'llrttrls a yt'ats thc rtisctts- 'l'lrrr but'li a ful lo tlifft't'fllt'tt lrelrvcrn ll;ttl I conccttit'alerl riu a sntall ll;t\r, ll\\'ills ltt't'tt ttst'lttl s1'tttltols rilaitt sirrus lo ltat,c tttt tlttl tttitt. C:tlltolic stltttols (r'r)ul), iul intensc little nuclcus. I rn prrlilitrrl rlislttttt's rr'ltttlt ntt't' lhe Irrrhlic rrtrtl tr.r in St. [,ottis aat'lt ycilr, rvllr:tt PLAN HOSPITALITY NIGHT-Thc St. Fiur X Quild of Gouncil 3i133, rrrrrrlrl ltlrc spclll ATVERNA lts rnrtclt r'('lllJ r'{tll('('l'ttt'tl ltltrlttl tt't'y tlif- in liris lospr.r't is ih:rt ittt' pttltlit or I $t'rrt llrt'tr', lts tltc l)ioct'sittt I)i. (,f hI' stttlt Knights of Columbus. wilI sponsor a Hospilrlity Night for pro5pec. r1r{}rc ur1'pastornl tiruc on thern fr'r|nt lhiltss. crluciltrrr is 0(tllstl':iillrtl yst.[rrr r)f llrrr Stttlllily, I rvas otl Retreat live members el 8:I5 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6, in lhe K of C tlub' ;rs I lravc {}ll the lalge grotrli. House otre sitlc ict'1'tltfitrilt'ly lltcn I house, ?I00 E. llsl Slrecl, Indianepolis. Mrs. George Frarier, cen. 1\roulrl rny ltriults have hccn as 8140 Spring Mill Rd. IrlrrsI ltlrrril il nas lht'ntinot'ily l'irl lteselvatrrrns Call: ter abovd, is chairmen of ihe tvenl. Al lefi is Mrs. William J. Grau, !()r,rl'i [.ronl all thlt I har,e secn sirk'; itnrl I attt trtt lltat sitle still' so far, { rvoulrl bc forccrl to say mernbership chairmrn. Mrs. Mlurice F. Murphy. right, is presi. t cL s-I340 ll,{urirm Deucloptrten I lto. dent of lhe Guild. {$hf{ photo) 'Ihclc is this hlsic ttillctetrrrtt I u'oultl 'l'ltr'l:ttm:ttt ''- havc a little spirituallv $'llrr \t'altts to hc irl llrt: in 1hc ttrannrl oI lrtoliirtF eagcr-l)cavcL gt'oup, ittstcirtl (}f a Sotlulit5'l solllo sc('it its it srrr:rll lirrgc scc{or of rny parish s.lricll sorl;rl- Hoosier gcr grrrult of intt'rrscly traittctl is nr)w tlying to lcad a bettcr wnrns spirit.' to of dan tttvn tlctrp Pr"elatc its rtlto b1'lht'il plst gocs l;ililili:,;,-*$! llrrrr otrlinuly spir.ittral lilir, rillilil irrrd CJ rll alrrl rligttitl' rrf llro pfir\st rrr 1u lltrr uality rlill at't as a ltat'ett rvlriclr is li ('()l)stant srrpply ol llt'ncc is ltc .) ,\ppoittt tttr'nl ol lilllttlt \\'. .\u- Ilr'lir.liorrs. lrc ltr f ,. | | , r r nr;lsscsi otltt'l's st't- tlrc Sorlality its aposlolic ttothets for, tlrc t:r'cr. (l{'l'5r)il l)tIt'lttlt- :r tlilccl trourts ol' ltoiglttt-ttittI lltt: irt:rcasing :ls l)it'r't'trrt' trl () l:ry pcople's lrilrtici. o |' n e \\/ c | I c c t i v i s ltt gfotlps. nlr,nl ill Illtt'i;rtt t'ollt'i:t ltlts ltt'ctt iil;il;t.'ll,ili';1l;l;l;ilijl''l; spir'ilrtalitl' rrf llt'(tt pation iu tho aposlolatc of *'('ummonrvclt 'l'lrc Urc lt1 \l.i:t'. l-t':ttrt'is J' t'atlrolic" ( it f irst (l'outt t'ill cttntctttl palish. ;lrrrrrrrrrlr',1 - phlust' t'hieh. h1' lha rt:t1'. is itr n{l-\ll,l r\fr'hl)ishop r\lurct'I tlrirl tlrt:1' cstablislt lir.ittt'. ptcslrlt'lll rll tllt' t'trllc;lt. lc;:ilirnitlell' I lrolrr. llrirl llrose rvlrtr lrr.r, itt ('lutt'clt [,clchY|r'. sil1l0tiUr gcnct'itl of llttl '\\'(' lhc ltlt'st'ttt stugt of lltc u illrin lltt'it' sorl;rlisls a tttlttrll cltat'gc of Srltlalily urr a lrroarl Jlottsitttrrt' lit'lllr' :iii{1. iife lloll' (ilursl ["alhcls. sitirl itl lt lrr.cortrin:.: int'r't,irsirrgll' a crltrtlrli- tlt'r'pt'r sgrit'itttirlitl'. lttrl 11ill lrt' - lrrt'llll:tl(' 1t 5(,{llt lllri lltr, tt'l'\ ir't's ('r)nl('fcttct' ltct'r: tltitt llrcltr lltenl ). lll'('i\s llrlt, ltr eoulctttl ulsrt Icgitittlrtr'ly ol' llf. ;\ilrlr,t'511111l1rr lrt'ittrqs trt is I rlntti{r't' It'rtttt ttt't't'ltrttt't't'litl tlrul tlrt'1' lrto tttttt'lt ('lrtscl' lrr llto OpenAll Dry Srlurday fliil'rirll5 o::l.rlli lllr loll'- t'\l)('l'i- ll is urllirts{ tlris liitttl ol' lt't'itl. oI |ll turtirttutl r,piscopal t'trttft'ttttctts ttt'l ltv "llcN Sorlulitf irlr':tl us st'( l lt ('ll((' illlil sll('t'('ssllll rt'trrt'tl itt lltt' nrcnl lhal sotrtc lal lrooplc ittc l liintl of t:ollcclitisrrr." "llis KlilliG;^ -ill l'o;rt' l)rrrl \ll itt ltis Sut'trtt. ficLl ol i'1rll1'q1'1lt'rt'loPtttt'ltl \\t' lclnlling sornr'r'itscs u'ilh t'r'nl llt'slitl lho tcnrlcttt'f ilr l)r('son{ luli'' t'ottslil ttl irrtt. llr: ltliit:t:t;rIrrlt. ll i('llr{s lll llt it'r'altt'i's ittttl itt r)tll(rr' ('it.c(ts 'l'lrr. irlilt '['ltt llro octrrrrcnical cotttttil tltt's nol grrrrtlr ttt;rinlltitt HE SAID THE st.r'ortrl rlill \\r'l({)lllill.t hilr iill{l \lt'\. .\tl{lt'tr sillr inr;rrriturr'l' on0s. st'ltortl t,tullngt,r' grtintlr'.y ol Iltrt lt'str'ir.tivcintlrr. IndianaChurrh Ilrr. lltltl, lltorttlr ttottI ttf llr0lt sorllrl- Supply srrlt l[rtli l() lllr'('tl). is l c()nvL\lli(,nt issrtc atuttntl rllt(r{r {}l trrliolt:rI r,onli.t'r,lt(,r's 0f l'ope, u'hir'h ltls ;tlruitrlt lrct'lt ol "rlt'tirrcrl lrisltrrp.; is bt'intl plr.s. is{s rr.r'civc tlrl intcrrsily trairt- Cttlltofic Suplr/y Iiortsrr 'l'lrt' rvlriclt this t'r.bcllion cltll llthtt lll llrc I,'ilsl \fit{it'irtt fr.ll lI llrr' 'll1 t'ill' I'i(l tlitll\ (' I l{r{r\l{'f 'l'altinjl injl u lrir'lr I hosr: itt I lrc I ilsl. J slrnlle. ()no's chiltlrctt ottI ('uuncil." cnl t,ount,il, tr,r1 ;1 rkrr-s consti{rrtl " gtortps I0I So. Penn. f E 7.879t r'r!lrl('s l1r llilflrlll lftilll llill.t{ltlt' ('alltolic "l lljnoli{r' ol' lcclivr. in lltr, lrinl{ r'tttr oI it scltttol lrt't'rrtttt's a tltnl{t'r lirr indivitlrtlI locitl llr'{frtl)s \.:u i(}lls r\lrt'li.) (r'llt',t'. lltt'r't' lt,' ltltrl nrlnt' lllot.t' 1loo1lk. ut'c ht'rtr'Iittctl :l1odrur1pu 1 sl rnhol oI trne's rlissrtlislitetiurt :rrklcd. ttittiotts ill'{'ll(}l spt'ltliittq ttlr trs lrlcn |)it'r.r'trrl'trf I'ttlrlir',\lllttt's bisholls." hc lt]' lltr :rrklilion:rl spit'ilturlity u'itlr tlrt' \rll' on(' has lx'r'n It'citt' iltttl' sltrrttkl," ltr' slltr'rl. lrrrl ;rrtr sint't:,lrrtrt;rt'r. lfltil. l'r'orrr ll)i[' rrhiclr llrr,il' sorl:rlil1' gir.cs. simplified rtl lll' tlrt. plit'rts ol tlrc Sisttrs. ARCHBISHOP Lt'l'tbvle sltitl silt'ntl1, goiltr.{ :rlotrg rrillr tlrtir lgtil irr, rr l: t'rrrplrrtcrl lr1 tltt' "lhttc I h:rre s;rirl tlr:rt I ;rtrr uitlr llrr 'l'lre lltat it is itttagittaltlt. lltrtt lt:rli{}ltitl r:1rist.up:rl r{)nl{'tr,n(.r':, HOMEO\^/NERS ,\rtrr.r'illrn t rlr iittt t';ut. ltte. rrf plohlun is no{ (irc *'cll;- stt'onrl gforrll. l,r,l rtrr: lt'1' to lt'll ()r'f{)uf rrt'filtr llislt{)})sitt lt tut' ., \\'lr;rl \r(.lt{'{,(l;rl llris ('irllln, {'lltcirlrr. :t I urtil t-;rt:ttt't lttttl tlt'- nt,ss of ilrt' srlurul lts itn t'tlttt'a' slrr'- tiorr;tl r,orrli,r'r,rrcr. rr'ill lr;tvc Iltol't' lir, r'ottrit'il is n0l it grorillinr{ ol vorr FOLICY covers: \t.l{rlrulr'rtl('uull\r\lnl: itt'ttt. l)ttt'- ti1)nll irtstituliott lrttt ritlltt't' {ltt' ilrflrrr'ttr'<'r'lhtrr llrt, r' atul rrill lorrtrcil l''irtlrr,r's orr rritliorrllislic lti. 1t'tititr'ltI r('t\('{l its Iltt' Itrttt s rrt':rlinoss {}l ('olnlltttniolttitttt :trttl lllie ovu'lcark'r'shi1t." [[r'sirirl irnrl litrgrtistir:lirtl.s. us llxs l)t'(,rl 1 Ilwttllips altl ot,rr.r l'(,1)l't'5r'lt1:llr\t'lrrl st'\t'lirl tttit.ittt' prrblie t't'litlirrttsitt ct't'tltilt rt'ltortls "tltt' lhis *'ottkl etttlan[ct' tcitclt- llrt Dt'lcticr: urtlil ll{i\\', lrrrt :l lrriv:r trr s Lr rlr: l,rr rcs ('rnrllli:lls ilt Iltt' Ittriilttntltrtlis Itttrl llrt risltr's. itt!l :ttul pastrtt'itl :tttthorit.r' ol- iltt' .L1t'ottping b1' srhorrls (rl' llt{)u{rl}t :rgairrst lirr: and cxtcirdcrl ,ilf|it. o intlilitlull llislurP u'lur is a tlivine- :rrttl spcrial it:ntlrrrtit.s 1h:rl lrrc r0vcragc hlz:utls, !l is firslrirrnahle lo r':rll tlris ]lt'..\ntict.i,tt \\lr: l)irl'n itt \\'t'st- ":tnli-t'lt't'it'llistrt." l5' ronstilulotl trrtehrr' :rnrl p:rstor inlt,r'n:rliun:rl in rll:rfl(1tr." ll(' kirrrl oI slt'rtin 2 llotrsclrolrl ;rrrrl rr.r- lltli llr' irltr'll(l('(l \\'lrlrtr:lt of his flock." s:ritl tlris rvoultl rrurlic il rrussillh' Ir('fl. llouclt'r'. tlrt'lllrn is har',llv lr'- 'l'ltt' "\\'llitl sorr:tl prnllr.:rty :rgaiur;t, ( rrllar:t' i',1' ollr' tt'ltt' lllill).[{} :llt(l .\t'r.lthisltl)l). $'ll{) sr,f\'orl ls l(r s('(r }risllulrs thirrlt, nol t'rrlllc. ltt lhr' l)l'cscllt tt'attsi{ion;tl ' Ioss tlrrorrgh tlu'['1. orr ;utrl l. ll rrl'il(illiilI r,l liiill()\('l' ('0lh'qc ]lr. ,\rrrlt.r'son i.s nlrlticrl lrntl is sillo ol tltc (lltut'clt it is ittt'r itlbltr rJ'll:lt1i lu'lli:'ll lli lti!1'l!__lIl aw:ry fronr .ygrlr prt:1ris3ri. rrr l!l,il urllr ir li.\ rlr.!l'r'(,ln(,(r'- lltt l';rtltt,r ()f l\r'() s()rls. Ilt's. .\tt- l':'lllf':llllll: th:rt ilro lrpt't'llliutts of olto gt'tt- nrr!l)r(s \\ lrrlt' .r! I lltttor 0t llt' tr lts tlt'tsotr u:rs I ltr, Iottttr't' Ntrttt']' 3 Yorrr L:gnt li;rbilit-y 'l'ltotir clill t{)rl of clt't'gf itntl ltnolltcr it rrr,lul)(,r ul I'lli l}t.ltir frlr- ;\Lrstitt of llttncit A ilUSTlt arisitil; from ar:

Ilrt'rr rrn'!ilrt'r'rl .urrl tlrtclor in cltargc ol sacre{ funclions. llt' You Get Prompt Relief With Hand & Power Lawn and Garden sttll look. !ltt;;rtttr'llttl ltt'is lorever inrvitt'dl]'tt'ftnslortrrc

llccorne a Sistcr. $3 a wt-ek ior Sr. Sigismund to Thrtrnas ilfer.ton Ulias r\eiz


TJ OurSincere Thanks to eathof youwho satrifited tl u TheCriterion to help E OIIicial Nezospoperof tfte to givegenerousfy on llllSsl0l{ SUNDAY drchdioeese oJ Indianapolis 124W. Georgia, P.O. Box 17{ IIE CATIIOJJIC NN.'IR EAST ASSO. Indianapolis6, lnd. bring(hrist andHis fturth to theworld's two and REIIE}TBER TFE IIOLY SOUI,S MElrose 5-4531 N. S'TRI z-e3s2 S GIFTS ENABLE US TO ITETP 2313W. WASH.SI. fttE. lVITER IS GREATDST. .'r$;1',- A. re" Ileirl llonsignot: :-ffiilD: rGFi)r"."x#f" one-halfhillion non-Catholics. God will blessand Ilnclosotl please tlrrd ....Ior. "'srr,..i. Narne (lrrr Stla('t .. Etrfc.ld rt Serond [rlllr rl Poit otfiil, lfldirnrtolir, lnd, I,'SHER wardyou ai He aloneknows best. {:ity .. Zone....State...... EDITOR, Rev. Raymond T. IJosler; r\SSOCIATE EDITOR, Rev. Paul J, Courtney; ilIrtiN. frUearEst(})issions AGING EIIITOR, tr'rad lV, f RANCISCAnDtNAt SpEt[MAN, prrrldrar Fries; NEWS EDITO&. Paul G. Ho*':^!,: Hrgr, Joregt g.Gt Fox: ADVERTISING ]\L\N- t, :iot H.nt AGER, James T. Blady. ",?[?,tTI trd oll ecirarrlcstlolr tol DITSSI{IITS Price ${.00! yerr. CATIIOTIC - CAIHOLIC NEAR EASI WETFARGASSOOANON l:::::t PublishedWeekly Erccpl 480 larington Avc. ot 46rh Sr. Ncw york ii, f.t. V. IND,45225 Lasl Week in December. Frank E. Johnr 136WEST GEORGIA ST, INDIANAPOLIS, .dE - q*::JFs PAGE SIX THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 25, 1963 St. Catherine", eYO Seores

f00t8Alt ScHtoutrs foR suNoAY, Chr"istthe King 0tl00rn ,7 Edited by lhe Cleric Seminarians of West Baden College kickhall queens

srll'l)l'lslllJlS(. r\rlllrilrry git'ls 'rl [ot' thc e ltit tttPionsltip (llrr,il ftt'st itt lcitgrrc his- h)' ttitt'ntling a [avorttl son thcy cttgcd St. Clrlistopltcr's, thtr liirtg stlrtntl, l(i t't, in l t?.1(i, lo tie [ttt'tlrc l)ilisiorr III icliirtr.l s('uli'linal contest. i',;,:.'ln;1.',,'-li holinc's l)ivisiott lV cltattt' (ADrT rool[Att trAcut ;;illl'ii"lil,,ll,i$'fhuy Lt:arlt: r'slt i lr plrryoffs. thcn sct kickball I -. 6dnqs of Sutrdry, orlobsr ?0 Oiriiiqn I i llolv tlrrrre '1, 5t. lodil of Ar( lristoty by tltlniling St, Catlt- o; lloly Stririt l?, 51. Idv/fcilcc 7; 51. thris- thlrh'rf tiivision I ctr -l--- :-- ?5,51. Michoel l3; little fiower ?1, clinc'.s 51. Andrcw 0. r:r-8,to rtl'*ttcei,tl,, tl$t"fii,\:ii:: aI StaKC III Divirlon ?: 51, Simon 24, Sacrcd lleart 6; Sl Philip 0, lt nralkcd the filst tinra that a l.lari 0ur t.arly of Iourdes 0 {lie]; ahri$l lha Kinq | 3, lrnmoculdte llearl 0; St. Ilntlick's kickblll stluurl rlu- 51. f{)tri(k ?1, 5t. Mrrk 13. Divisior fr'alctl tltcit' Soutltsitlc t'ivals in I J: Sl. Ihornrs 25, 51, Rorlr l4; 51. Monica ?/, lloly Trinily 0; St. Bern k i<'kbull. K()V qil nlcs d(lcllc 27,51. Malthew /; lloly Anqcls 25, f,rtllcriilo JQ 5l 11; Sl. Prrn /, hyo. 0iYiriotr 4r Mounl fdrnrel 21, 0ur LadV of fircenvrood 0; St. Rila 8. Si. Jamrs 0; li. Rr:sulls rrI lic]'garnts in lnrlilrn. Lukr 2[t, Assunplion 0; Sl- Anlhoily ?7, Sl. Ann /; St- Ju{ie, byt. apttlis I)caitor'). (lY() lrrollxtll ar:- Iergur Slendirgr tion this Sutulnv cottltl wcll tletcr'- Divirion l: l,lll. tldv/o, 4O lr llrrly Spirit a0.l; Sl. (l,ristophcr ,l l; lloly llanre 32; nrilro st'r'r'r'll rlivisiorr t,lr:rrnpions. Catlrolit,Youth Wcck Ilulloue.en I'0rl.y

(('rrnliutrctl l'r0rtt lll!lo I) "l)" I)it)';ttr'1o Itc tttlttlc tt'illt lrlunned 1t,1,Y1;O .larrt, llt'rtrlt'r'rItrll. lll? Srrrrlh Il. GrinsteinerFuneral llome INI)lANAlrt)l,iS -.-'i'hr lllllo. Sllt't't. lilt'lrrntrtttl, llrr l:ttcr tltan Established 1854 rrr.t,n pally, sponsot'erl trtttrrtitll5, SrUrrl:ry, ()ct. l?. GEORGE GRINSTEINER iry llrtr Yorrrrll (lntlrolic r\rlrrlts uill N, HAROLDD, UNGER ('\'o 'l'ltursrl:r1', No\\' l)('all{'t'}' ollit'ors trr Itt' hcltl MElrore 2.5374 160l east New York $t. "l)' Oct. ill, at St.. lrt'installctl lt tltr l)rl) ot)- .lanics thc Gfo:ltol schrrol hall, i\llrrr' lt{'llc s(,1'\illlt(' tncltttle Bloomingion l lir(i !1. eanrtlurr St. itiFGt@ t ) a C fi tfi t t 3.tffiNt l,;rnio, St. ..\rrtlrlrr"s. plcsirlottt; ( THE TOP GAME in l]ivision It I)ist' .lockoy .lrrhtttry irrrrrlfcllou'. .lt,r'r'1' (ir'tsltttrl, iil. (i;tllt lcl s, A spt'cial liecollcr:lion lor- (lYo Make Your Future Sure 'l'rtttv pils ttnrk.ft.alt',1 ('ltlist tht' l(irrrl ol Slalion \VIll]1, rvill .irrrllle lhr: I I ('{)ilrrr'r'\\ illa. r it't'.Itt'sitlcttl ; rncrtrlrt'rs of llrc llerlforrl l)eitncry t'osllrnlcs '[']trtrstlay, (ir.0) aqainsl rrP nnrl-rhrrvn Sl . anrl also plrrvitle tlrt' ! t;nt,,r ;r grrrrrl,rlepcnrlllrlc sclrnol. irrrrl ntnkc o\cly,lav corrnt. I llit'lr;rr'ls. llrllr' lflltttill. tl't';t- rvns ltckl ()ct. 2.1. ils ir 'l'ickets 'iwoItK'wotlKs Sirnott's (il-:l) in I i] p,rrr. r'orrlt'st nrrrsir' [or lhc r,vcrring. I Rcrncrrrlrer', w(JNl)1.:l$i." lrr this ri'irv iorr- cln J srrr'{'r; iln{l liltltlt't'n }lot'an, Ikrlv plr'lrtrk: to ('ittholic Youtlt Wccli. yottt' itl,tlIlh :tttrl r\rsoturl. at r' $l Jlcr' pcrsorr lrrtl rr'ill lxr ! trr:rkc ftrtttlc sul'c, lrlrl llc l llr,rlrl I{) \'{)ut sr'lrrr,rl, ! ()n 'l'ucs([fl]' ()('l. l'lrrril), s('('tt'l:tt \'. l":ttltot' .lolttt cr,ertittg, 2l), :tt;tillltlc :rl llto tlrror. 't'h,, 'l'ltc ! rs lhc INI)lANi\ It(rSlNl,lSS (.'()t.l,l,:GI: trl lrrrlran:rpolis. I l'llfot'tl.,\r't'ltrliot't'sittt (lYO tlit'tlc- Ilatlio Stltiott W'l"l'1,'u,ill (,ufr) a llttt't'rlrtl tlc;rrllor'li for' i I'ltc otlrcls a:'e itt NIat'ton, Nltrrtt'ir'. Lortlulsprrll. ,\ttrlrlsutt, Ko. f lot'. uilI cltttlttt't lllt' ittst;rllttiott. slreci:rl lir'ntitltltrl la[)(xl llfogfiriu J kttttto. L:tfltycttc, Ctrltttttlrtts, llrt'hrrrorrrl :lnrl Vrrl(,r'nll(,\ lnrlilrnn's f b1 ('\'O rrrt.rlllrr'rs, rllalurtizitr( rrr tiorrtrrct i crrlk'sr'-.r'stilrrlt'lt.rlr:tr''r' Batesville llrr.nirns arrrl l)r()tll'anl rrl tlrc li,t.lil'f,,,1lil"illl,,l,ll.l,i?j'11,. tr ('a{lurlic Youllr ()r'Altrizatiorr. sltttn' '\n oltl'litslrurtrt'tl lalt'tlt ('(,ll)()fat(' (l6nltttttnion tt'tll llc CentralBusiness College rvill lltt lrekl lurrrllllllrtrvcctr tlattcc lrokl fot'(l\'() lr()nlbot's lt llrc i I n lndirnr Business College Building I l{ 8:15 this ( lf litll.v) et cttin;1 .l ::lt) I).n1. il[;rss orr Srrtrrlirl', N(}v. 802 N. Meridirn St, ME 4'833t Indianapolir pitrislt atttli' r f, iu tht, Sl. [,ottts it, irr St. ('lr;rlk.s llorrullco Vt s'tr.ll'sl,l,tl-raamtra a..r..a t.a , r.r,a rt r r.r.t-t.t'l Irrl'iuul. Ilo|c tltatt l() atttittcttr ('lrrrlclr. (latlrolir: sludcnts at In- Ditisiott [\"s lop t,ontt'si slng('l's :rrtrl pt't'iot'tttt'r's rvill titkc llits

;\ spt'r:ial orrtiug frrr' (lYo nrclu- bels uf tlrt"l'cll (lit1' l)cattet'f ii'ill bc hcltl on Srrnrlay aftt'rnoon, ocl. ll7, at St. illt.inra<1. l,'cntulerl Topsln Foodtt ru,ill be l spcakcr'. llaneI rlisctts. rloln ol tlral hc ryrll Sct'iptut'e t'xl'tct rrs lo t siorr, sctvicrt, slrppcr Or any Inoney recelvld f 'l'ht' 'l'lrosr-' rvorli alonr'. pr.olllrnr rs lhat lurl tlance. itttr-'r'ttstcd hy rhe lorh o, rhe tvc till ffronth we will 0av slol) \riullin{ to lirllo*. slurukl colrtac't ortc of thc fttllorv- divrdends trom lht llinr itr il nrot.o thun nrctliot,r.e rrrg:,fohn :\rrstirr, (ialy I)aul)y, lsl. Your riloo.y l, Jldrls €nrning \\'a). ll is far t'asit'r lo lirc \rickic Ilrrlrhs ol Vilginia [Iillcr', 51. Chrislopher's OI.FORE YOU SAVE I1. 5:t:|i ll'. IGtlr St., SPocduitl' Art Accourr$ t Sl, z\gnrls l0 hosl INSURTOUP ; ro ,-/!t Itvo t:onlt:rtrttctls ANNUATTURKEY (OR BAKED HAM) DINNER (Ala Carle Servings Available ) SUNDAY,J.IOV. 3

Servins Steftr rl Noon Adultt ll'15, €hildren 60c

llonrrl.nrtttlo Pio !l)rr

(irclc Rtn Fnrt. Ydund Gutrt ol ert, of DlcepliQn, the flravc, Il)r Y.unq {ro!vnin0 fxoerier(e. )lverco, lldlrdr 5lYIc,

ctAss A-stciloN ll Morrlly Unobieclionrbl: [or Adullr .nd AdolesIctrlr

Ail llrqhl Lonq, Anrntoils ol xn!!ri, Aiii,!odc, Ant Nrrnber (nil Wril, Alldil1,s, Ihe to!l torr. TOP TEAM lrtenl, Puttthe TOP LEVER Forthe Ililly BudLl, Ihe Birds, Black tox, Bldck Zoo, E(dqe lo the Sun. fall r\tle Brvon,t, (cnlUfton, A Clrild ls Wnit. inq, (onre fly With Mc, fonvr{l\ 4, Cor/rl l,ldrlidl, Cou.lshitl of Idtlre': fdlhcr, lhe C!w dnil l. 0nvid anii Lisi,0ay ol the Triffi(ls.0.ys of \!inc.rnd Roscs,0cvi,0cvil dl.1 O'Cld.k, tliary ot n l!1d(lDrBn, fJonovnn's Recl, 0r. Ulco.l's ("oliiil, Duel ol llto 1,1,,'\\, Elcclra. Erik. Ihe Colqueror, Ivervho(lv (tl5S S-Morrlly 0bjcclionablc in Parl 6o llonre, Gone Are lhe 0ays. for All Fldnlc in lhB Slreetr, Feur Ddys of Nrrl)lrs, 40 Poun(ls of Troutrle Fr,lnlic, Fury of lhe Arluro's lsldnd. Pdqnn!, fury o{ Silrqqlrr's B,rv. lld( k 5lrocl, Ihc Bloody Broorl, (arrrirrlrlc, thnprlnil (.ily Grrls, Girts Girls, 0ood Sol(irer, Sch\'/eik, Rctrort, Clc0p'r1r0, Guil5 of Ddrkrrss. ol Bnlllc, Iontrrgdl 8e{1, lhe lldunle{i Palacc, Ih. flook, lhc llnulin(1, ody lhe Edrlh Ldu0nl Fira,oidnrond lledd. lloolendnny Hoot, The Houirldnd{1, flouse ol Dr- No. Erplosive Fir0br,rnd, Five lhe Danrred, The Hun: Grne.dlron, Ihc -l!. ll lldpocnn{l dl lhe WorlJ \ fdr.. lJrnules lo lrvc, i ollot? t:i Boy:, Kiss of lhe Vdntoirc, tri$the0e!i Cily, l,licrlol .rnd Guirievere. l-awrence of Arabi,r, A Gir l/dnred Innriko, Goodbve Aqdin, t.rdrillo, Life in Danqer, fhe Lion, Lona Gun ll.wk, GVpsy. Absence, Lord of the Flies, Lovos o1 S,tlarn- The hedd, hof\c ot Friqlrl, tlouse of Wonren. nr tro. In ille Lool ol lhe Ddy. lrmd ld Douce, lsldnd ,11uliny on ihe Bounly, l$dn with the X ray of Iove. Eyr., '!1.ry, lv4dry. Je.!ir.r, I ne Joker, Johnny Coor. Ndt:eO Id0e. A Kidd ot loving, L,rrly ii lhe (oqo, t,rndru, Old tlark llouse- Ld Vidccio, Lrdn, tilJht Fdnlastic, tover, CoDte F,rrdnoldc, Plav lt Coot, Pirare3 of Blood Bd€li, Iove on tl)e Rivie.d, Lovers 0[ d liglr- Deadlines Rivtr Pliyhoy of the V/eslern World. ! ollS. Raquirrot for o hsnvy\./eiahl,, l,1Jin All.dciion, |/1an Trnp, Snniuro, Snrdonicus, Snvrige Guns, Sarinnl il1dtilyn, iiliry Hd.l,r Ljtllo, A,\dxiilc, ^.1ongol5. of Ienr, Secrel of Deep liarbor, Sl\dnle ol thc n iier K'ild ot Ldvc, lliqlrl ls i1y ful!r€, ffiI S.rbrne Women, Shor,rl{rv;rr, Ihe Sldve. llighr ot Lvii. lld t:it, love for loltrny- 11ours, Sword of lhe (on{lueror, Th.: Suitcr. Ol)rr,!lion 8ililri, 0f Live ,rnd Drsire, Idrds B!lira. lhrill of ll nll, Tllun,Jrirlsli',(1, Pnrr5 Illu,rJ [,.!Jjioil of SlDw fire, P0eping Wfl0 WIU Io l,\o.krnqirirC. Ilre lorn. Prrrale Lrves ol Adanr and Eve, Purple A ttlAY0n Kill a lrunk, Ty,enlv EIECT Plus Irvo Ir,ice Jolrl Idrrt. Iro Niqlrts Wrll l.loon. Cl.,r'dlr.r, )...,) T.(lacl5 To I ar,.. Shool lhe Piano Pl,tyer, Seige ot 5yr.1ru!c, Wdr ls llrll, $/0el[rd \!ith Lulu. Wcrewult Sddom and 6oruorrnh. Sn€ndor in the Gfiss, ir n $ifli' l)drnlrt0iy, !"'l!'.flr,r nf.riars. Ihr SlrifpEr, Shock Iorridor MARIOIICt}UITIY RtPUStIEAN ! l.rrr.rr: Irrlptrei: tlr. TENM and [10nk, Ihi]l E Yi'llol (onlrv, \o'rq 0or:lorr lliq Yourq SENVEHIS Co,/,ilPLEf lrlior, l{. 0Al-t 8R0Ylll,Chaitmrn R,trtr ! Io!.ir ol liln,r 0r,l Fot LoVij, lo'rtOt.ow C0MMltIfi, rrr riy Tfir'r, T!t1l li'rrk5 id Anolh!r 10wtr, rf. fnl)rf! (lls5 A-stCItou ill Ti of lo?r v.inrtIe Mor.lly Un0hic.lio,rble lor Ailullt nnd tne I]dllerind. Very Privnte Ajiiir i', rirr ol lire Joreadgf5, Ihe W,lf Add, nrrgr15 of 0orkIe::, Aflnure,i Lofi. I 0?fr, i'lrrlr 5r.\a 5fin, I'Jlro'., 0cril 5leeping tJa nd. iil lty 8.,d. Wild llarv?sl, World hy Niqhl. THE CR|TERION, OCTOBER 25, t963 PAGE SEVEN A FAMILY CLINIC == === Trrn wnEr( riT LrTurrcY =

Shouldchild By be told REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA ,,in world. It doesnot exist there. It is an or

Oct. 8O MASS AS OF' YESTI!:RDAY. And the Secondf:esfion, the Gospct,Iinks our whole hope thet he rs adopted? of God's mercy and l{is grace with that fraternal, social, cosmic dimensionwe have

I[ you.Iecl you - necd nrore lrelp, It is He Who has I-. woultl suggest cnlling your r;iised up the soul to the level of lhe Divinc tliocesan atloption Life, in order to introduce agancy, oi the ii inro thnt Life; for it ir by Him that one that placcd Rilly with you. Radio TV Apostolate fhir & gr.ce rrlrlordiniry hrs been meriled for lhe soul. end ir con" I anr confident lhat rirnlly epplied lhey can and communicaled lo lhe soul. ptovitle whatever informalion vou nray need in addition to this lriict outline.

(Fr. lmbiorrkl will be unable ROSARY RADIO PROGRAM lo give personrl replies.) WIRE-1430on Your Dial-Mon..Fri.-7r45 P.M.

FRIDAY. Oct. 2l-(Tape) Rev. Prul Ulz and memberr of lhe Father Pire plans Daughilir of lsabella. MONDAY, Ocr. 28-(Trpe) Rev. Jamcr Dohcrly. fJ.S.lecture TUESDAY, Oct. 2?-(Trpe) Rov. Kenny C. Sweeney. Requested tour by p member of the Apostolale In Memory of Mary Hrrmon, WEDNESDAY, Oct. 30-{Live) Rev. John Elford and memberr NEW YOITK - l'rrther l)om- of rhc Archdlocege Catholic Youth Organiralion, inirlue Pirc, O.P., rvinner of the THURSDAY, Ocl. 3l-(Tapc) Rev. Randolph Morshall end mem. 1958 Nobel Peaca Prize, will borr of lhc Elslside Senior CYO. arrive here Novemher lE to start a U.S. lecture tour seeking sup. port {or two of his peace institu. The Abat,e Schedule Prcsented as a Sen;ice by: llonS. Tlrt' llclgirn-boln Dorninicarr In the uineyard pl'iost |cceivcd the Nobel Irrize {ol his rvork on behalf of r.afugees ?IlE SISl'L-ltS OF iIIERCY-.rrrere f ouncled lty llotlter llary AbdonrO'RileyrHurt and displaeod per.sons. Calherine trIcAuley irr ltulrlin, Irelrrrrd, orr Ilcceiriircr l?, l8JlI. F'orr llesrs luter thcy tceeiuetl olliciul approual lronr, I'ope Grcgory XYL During his U.S. tour lrc tvill be llniting the actiue ruith the contemplr.tfue lif e, they engage in nil FuneralHomes saoking aid for his Univcrsity of I'eace at Tihange lez Iluy, Bcl. flre ruorks o[ nercy; r,isiIlrr4 the sich nrul illprisorrrtd, nanolling ltos- g-1474 pitals, t509Pi'ospect ME . . Qu:l|y, .''ln thr tthotr thrilt," giu.t, anrl his Island of Pcace at orpltarrge.s, irrfnrrt csylrurrs, sclroofs, college.s, ortrL hones lor lrlrnd. llrw Ycrl. Sohila, East Pakistan. tlte agerl, Ttoor anrl resirletrecs Jor ruornerr, PAGE EIGHT THE CRITERION. OCTOBER 25, 1963 I

O VIBWII\G WITH ARNOLI} O BAOKS OF -TTTE TIOAR t r' ,suerdict DomeCf women ) s tlctronfo . By D. B. THEALL, O.S.B. lcss crnotional in lrcl attitude to- Iranny is prrlletl in trvo dircc- rvat'rl tltc guilty pair, slrc is tious, but the tug of thc chiltlrr:n ulually rletcrmincd to brcak up bcgins, bil, by l-rit, to bc stronger 'The thc liaison. Slre has l:cen rcarctl -antl hcr utatcrnal instiuct a Catholie, rnrl lrorn hcr Catklie ltcgins to con(plcr lhe adnltcrous gcls soure faint itlcn of the values lovc in hcr nhen I.Irrgh is llrnost Caret{ilkers? anrl thc tlenrtntls oli r.r:ligion. antl on lost on a sailing trip. By JAMESW. ARNoLD 5rung tloclot's. l,ols ol kirls at'o lcatns to rvant its irrlcllcctunl and Anrl finally Rob rcalizcs thlt out of rvotk, moral sccurity lor hcrsclf. hc has lost, antl nrakcs arunltgc, O nrcnts for ltia [o rctunt to hcr Producer: Marvelouc. Holds Lifc at lhc Villa is soon un- grantlnrothcr and Fauny and tlrc down the budgrt, Bul now Italt':rbly firll ol' tcrrsions. Pia in childrcn to grr blrek to ilrcir IIrig- lhe ilratslge . r r about hcr rvay lrrrl lltrgh and ttatltlic in lish honrc. thcirs, iu'r: rlelcrmincrt to hrclk In lVritor':'l'hc ltt't'oine's pnlt is lr sense, {.ltis is a lrappy solu- ttp tlte rrffait'; Roh i-s equally tle. high-1rou,crctl, rvith nll tltat ti6n, l;ut one cannol [elp n;onr[:r. tct' tlrat tlrey shall nol-, anrl ing scrctming. srvctting iln(l tcill'ing. rrliat sort ol'homc ian bc lc. llurt, if an]'orrc is to hc sacriliccd, llorrrattrls a giftt'd. ttrRtttt'c taltrnt. lruill. aftcr srrclr a shattcring Insan' (c.ntiutre

TRICK OR TREAT:IIany tlatholie elt'tttcltt;tr'v rrnrl ltigh scltool 1'oungstcrs rvill be out ringinA rioor--lrolls lltr\t wLlck foI UNICI{F, lltt: 'l'hcy Unitcrl Nations' Childlen's l"tlntl. haro rcccived tntltrrst'trtl'rtt {ron Msgr". Jamqr P. Galvirt. ;\tchdioccslttt Sttpct'intt'tttlt:ttl o[ St'ltotlls, and Migi, Corneliu: B, Sweeney, Chancellor. Iti a lt'ltt'r rrf r'ttcrtttt'ltllc' "lJcsitk's tncnt, ilIsgr, Slceney contntr:tttet!: hclping cltiltlt'cn tht'orrglt- No REASON FoR thc change out lhe rvorld, ottr chrldren can ltt'lp tht'ntsoh'cs irrtntcasulably if ilrt'y t1'as givcil irrtrnctliatoly. Ilowcver, entcr this actir,itl'in thc pt'opcl spilit." r\dults: l)tt gcttr'ltttts. il rvas trotcd that dttring tltc cottn- cil's 45tlr r:ottgrcgation tliscttssion HERE AND THERE-Trvo grotlps oI t]trl.rart fatrrilit's, cut't'ctlt[1' t'tl' alose alroul lhc placo of Eastcrn rollcd in a speci:tl teitcher trairiing progrltllr at Iniliana ${n{g [r-rlig{r-', Ritc patriar-chs in the Chttrch antl ETES EXAMINED "WITCHES' 1'L'rre I{Rutr}, rvill bc gut'sts of tht Cltlxrlic Cltnrititrs ltttrciltt tlris rvcck AS A RESULT, he sairl, he hnd FLAN WALTZ"-The Women's Cluh' of 5t. Michael in the t)ollegc of l3ishops and thc PRESCRIPTTONSTILTED gh)tlll aticntl hc plaee thcy shottld htvo in thc as thtty tour iho Intli:rnapolis Rl'cn. Itnrt o[ tltc $'ill rlttt'ittg lltc fit'st scssiou parish, indionopolis, wlll sporisor their .nniJol Fall Donce on Friday, l)r'{)pos(t(l ('l'he natttrc at Sceeina Mcmorial High Sehool, schcnra J)c I'k:clcsia Contacl lenses Frtted Archtlioccsnn'Leacltt't's' Institrrtc qrI lllp grrrrrtr.iltlt;rI tturtfirtgcs pcf- Ocl. ?5. in iha Knights of Columbus rudiforium, ll00 E. Ilst Street. "Wilches'Waltr" ol thc (llrurch). l,hile others rvill yisit Mrrian College lntott.q otltct'plact's of intt'rcst, is fhe lheme of lho dance, which begins al g p.m. I'olrncil by vulitl ntini-stcrs, sttclt "'l'lr(' 't'hc 'l'r'nvelin{ rvill ptttt'ial'clta{es nt't' it l)l'ovi- \!r'let-rrttc lr.r lntlian:rpolis. . , Plo-r'ltrrttsc 1tt'cscnt ()t'tltrrtlrlx pt'itsts, Mrs. Robert S. Jo:lin, nSqys left, and Mrs. Alnn G. Joslin, eenler, ;rs itt rt'ltich onc Chttrclr," "Cintlt'rolla" t{i, lt Shot't' ricntial institution in thc to lntli:rn:rpolis stnlll-fly on Satttttl;t1', No\'. \\'as t)ol)-('ltholic are co-chairmen of lhe event. Mrs, Roberl A, Zaepfel, righl, is a I)irrtrrot ir atttl l Vaticatt stllltnlilry repot'tctl ridge tligh School. Sponsorrrl b1, tltt- Jttnior Lcagrrc ill Inrliirnilpolis n'as sltottltl hc "'l'he rrlhtI a Catholic member coirncil Irathcrs as slnting. avnilable at thc tloot" :t lT .'j"l:l lo*l'lluu: f_::ll l-Tl:l as a prrblic scnicc, tlterc nill bc no tickets I'r.r:ugniz.t'tl as r.llitl dr:spitc lltc patrialchs often prcservc the ()ct. 25 ccilts fot't'lch t'csct'r'ctl tltlt riiart'in!.le 1'alNs $'ofe c;t. Tickct salos irt'gin IIontlll'. ?8. St'nd ilrct Iaith as high pt'icsts and a center @ lr Dr. Jsne F. iarnel r'hln!.:('rl thc of scat tot.Irtnior I,eRIItre of Intlinnallolis, illlt'ott Ilotcl, lttdianapttlis, irr ubsencc a Catlt' of Clrurch urlity, Hcnce theY o'' o#?si:,*;,lt'ot* soll'ltldlrsscrl cttvclolre. I'trrftrtitt' olic pricst, Rcfor:rn of I)l'cvlAl'Y n place in the Indiana'10?07, enelosil'rg statttpod t slrorrltl ltave rnces are at l0::i0 a.ttr.:rntl 2, . ' . (-.hllt'ge itnd thtlologl'strttlt'nts ;\t'clrbisltop N:rltl saitl tlrat thc schcma. "'l'ltc (tjontiuuotl t'r'onr puga l) hy Ilishop Scbnstiao Sonlos tlc at Sl. Meinrad Seminary rvill ptt'sent Shnkt's1rt'itLt-'s TcmPt'st" corrneil sill contiritrrr rvith thc "UNFORTUNATE 'frvo It tinres au,ilkt'ncrl rr slccping Itt'scttrle oI llciln, lloz.anrllirlur', LY, althouglt tltere olt N()\'ctltllL'f l0 antl 1?. scltrxrl slrne ccurucuiclI spi'.'it rvith l'lrich in the St. lletlt'Tht'atlc ('lutrclt, lest tlrtr teitcltings trf tlte "Thcrc it is univct sal itt intcntittn, thc lti. I"ot lickots: it opcnctl untlcr I\rpc John. r\s rvho snitll is rc:rlly no ltcrformances are slltedrtlt't! oii Nouombcr' lll and Gospcl bc lost siAht of. (.lhar'- schr,ura is rlccirkrrlll' lacking in ('tr|lirin: plouf of this, hc notctl tlurt Popc ttorrrl for, ffi l sllcrrial clrill)ter in thc Ray Kes:ler, Se'ltoolof Tlrcologl', St. llcinlntl' Itttl. 2::10 Ir'trl' isms rvithout hicrat'clrical tlilt:r:- t'rcctttion.'l'ltc trt'ntnttltlt scallls l':url VI in his inurgural rrtltlrt'ss HOUAJ: t:]05 OAILY (?5 school ptrl'foflu' sr:hc'ma on the lnity hecausc ihe (C,S.T.), all 1rt'r'forntittrct's. I'ricc: $1, ctnts fol "bot'lltlc tiorr rvould bo il. suutcc o[ tlis- l() r'eg;u'(l tha univct'sal Clttrlch as WEDiIESITAY 8:30'12:(tr "l':tt'ish, tlto l'ilst t)ol)c itl ltislot'y Clrurch is not courposetl of thc lnees). I'olitics anrt Iince ltt'lrtlions" rt'ct'c tliscttsst'tl older', lurt. llly gor(\inlncttt of tlul l,eing orrl-vti,iL1t i" . . to itsk ft'orn l he other pcoplc plus lratttott (llrtrlclr ignot'e cltlt'- of Gorl tlrc lnity," _c,l1:1:ll.l:i!| lt C\.t) t'arttp llnncho Irratnirsa in llrorvtt t.otttttr'bv u'lriclr u'ottltl last ryeeh-end cltttt'cltcs fur Iltc ttristitkr,s tnltle inclrrtlt'tl: isrns rvoukl be poor nntl stclilc. Ifn(lrct' Jolrarrrr Sclrrrcttc, su. tli.stttt nrcnrlrcrs of thc Yotrttg Chtistiln Wot'licls. SllCitlit't's in tlte plst b)' tltrr (latholic ('ltllto- 1'he chaptcl slrottkl btr t'ttvisod Chrrles E. Stimming, presirlrnl of thc ,\r't'htlioct'slttt ('ottttcil ol' ('hrrlch." ptttiot llcrrclal of tlre I)iyinc Woltl Aurlilions slaled rvitlt ttrolc t'nrphasis ort thc flec- of St. Philip Nori lrltlrels, pull. Iic llcrt, rrnrl Felher Bernard Riesel, ilssislrrlrt lirrstof (iotl askcd ftrr a spccial THE ARCHBISHOP, rviro is ont rlonr of thc chikllen ol in tlrtr prrish, nttttttal r\r't frtr llcligirtn lixltilrit oi tltc " glirph orr tlrc missionnly ohliua. Indilrtnpolis....'lhc Lllnrrclr. oI thc filc un\k-l'sr'ol'otilt'ir,'s of thc' tions of lhc pcolllc of (iotl," hr''l'ht-:trtreGuilt[ llrthlchom l,utltclan Cltttt'clt u'ill he lrcltl frttttt No\'0n)l)or 10 ttt:ll ln r.orrrrcil, snirl llre courrcil rvill "sincc I'lrrIt'ssttrtt:tl It was al this poinl thal Crr. it is ont' rvltit'h lrinrls thc w. pitt'islt hrlll, irl{i l'1. irlntl St., lntliarrltpulis. o.JoNrs llte chttlclt's rtolk {o lrlclk tlorlrt tttisttn

Iit'iiltVlt.t,li, lnrl.--St' i\lat'l"s (irriirl rvill lttrltl ils annttal fall icsl ivitl on Sttnrl;t1. t)ct. :7. nt Sl, ]lilf]'s sr'hixrl. (iolilt'tt lttoln lliorl chiclicrt rrf ltattt tlittt'rs tt'tll l)a \r'l'\'ail ft'ont ll il,lll. to 3 I) nl. TELL CITY ,\rlrrlls Sl.3J, clriltlt't'tt 1ic.

.\ li'tltttt' ol llte lcslir lI rr ill lrtl tltc c0ttntt']' sloItr. sltlclictl rt'tth Itr't'rts lllilrlc lll lrtrltl lllt.lul,t'fs tlttt'ing llrt' r't'ltr. \'{)tlr Iil\'{}l-ltc (l' i:lunc u ill lrlso lrt) l)llll f Ilrs. \\'illr:rrlr [.;ttrc is t'lt;tir'- ill;ln. :1.\\islo(l lr] llrs, l,t)ttis NORTH VERNON llf ('lituilll, ('()('llilll lllilll,

R re Hi\ilaNs 'l'ltc nr,\r' {tllirt't's ol l,lllld lrlout't. ('it't'lc. I);tttglttt'r's ttl ls:l- lr,'llrt tttt'lttrlt'; Ilt's. l'loitl llrtsst'll, ln space rriorc important," and, "Pcacc l r,rlalltl ]l|s. \l irlter lntlttrlt, 1ta.l antl <:annot lrc 'l'ltottt:ts, Br. f)ortnlrl, [J.S.R. Ilrogree 11qt'tlt : ll ls. Ii it'ltat'rl ttraitrlainrtl in a rvorltl half-fcrl . "We I ict' tt'*t'ttt: Jli:'s litrtllit ll;tltin:. antl h;rlf,lrtrrtAly," havc thc lt('usnt(.f: llt s. llen lllrbittl, tttt rlir.s aI St. illeirrrnrI capacil.y [o clirninate hrrngcl ;illr.llll I('('lr'liil r . fltst Ilill'lill't'l EOLUMBUS ft'rtrn llro titce oi tltc carth." "lt'cc

lNl)1,\\,\l'()l-lS'l'lr,' Lrttlr'' VOTE FOR Sl':\ltl.l(ill'l'. lnrl.'. \lr'. rrttrl ('lttl) l,lls. l,otris li. tlillt'r'u'tll oltsr'ttt' rrrrorl St'ltorll trlo{lttt's' iltt(l .'\lttltttt;tt' .\sstttllt MARKTA. LYTLE Ilrcrr lllrk'tt tt lrlrlittH itttrtirt't slttl lltt' Lltril'u'oorl ()ct. ll?. ,\ Ilitss ol' Illltl rrtl TheEser Studio Dctnocrelic Crndidale {ot' on Stttttliti. It0tt $tll sl)1)lls{}llt |):ttl! 'llurtrlisrlit'iitg "I'rn utll he ltllert'tl ;tt lilrrl;rr, \lt . l. in tllt' trt'tl st'ltool lrutIs - lVrlrltlttrrTs" Dauby's Dept. Slore MAYOR of MADISON Sl. .lrrlrtts (lltrttclt otl tltltt rlirlr'. r';rlr'lr.r'r;r.;rli?.r Iltllttsrtllc lloltll. td Fol idv lll Main St' ['llr] ittl lrr"titts ltl ,'i p.ttt. I'ttt' i Blocks Of I Mrin Ilr.. irrrrl llr.s. llillr.t' aIr' llrr. l)(rtl\1'(l :t(| t'r.t'rlsltotn lltc lrll:rir'\\'lll Phone Kl 7.3479 in Tell Ciiy llar('il1\ ol srr tlltttlllttcts. Itt lttt tttsltittLls llrl llle gt'ittltlt'ltiLllt'n ittttl l\\'(' gt't'ltt' ltttt'cltltst' rrt'r'lrrtiltlilttt. gt'utrttt'ltiltl t t'tt. (onn'ersville ]lts. .\r'tltrrtll::Iltrlt. lt.. Ittsi r\tt opt'tt ltnttst'[ttt tt'l,il!tt'r lttttl rlt,rrl of lltt' Ilrtlitct's' ('lttlr. ltttrl Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home llit'nils rlill lx' ltckl ;rl tltt' Iltllct' i\lrs. l.llrr.;rt'rll'. l,ttlrlop, lttt'sitlcnl '[ - Ironrt' ttt Slal liillrl lrotlt ll trr rrl llrr' .\lturtit:t("\ss()('liltioll. lll(' - Ambulanc€ Service ()ct0llt't' l) tlt ()tl J1. t'o.r'luttt'tucn rrf lltc :rll:rtt'. lNO. RE.ELECT Kl 7-2511 TELL CllY, Oorrltlt' lo ollscl'ttr itt+jtLi+iiil$i r11$11-I.litL+1+lilii ,rii;iii''+ r GIENR. HE}IDERSON i;,,;'' .iiu',.:i.,sn.',i,,fti'i.ii li ri.i, 1ii iilli ii..i''.,'+a;i*it1 Democratic Candidatc' for l5t lr ittltli\ ('t'sitl'\r iui iiilJ' :r;0,Li" o*i*liff.t1Li1*i1nt11;ffii;;,lifru',rit,'' "i*i'ii I MAYORof C0NNERSVILLE lNlllr\N;\[r() I)r, atlrl \l ts tttIlttltt'ts il[ u'* l il'lIo\' litliltltr':rtt. '.: f'roqror-.t ll i{ft l'r,onotrr!, Sl. ,lo:tn rt[ r\t c pat'tsh. rvill olr SAVh;'l'tXl It Si\l"t1l,Y I sclvr' lltt'lt ilirth Wctltlirtg .\tttti' REMODEL \ ol silt ott Sltlttt'rla1. ( )ct. :l{i' wltll l 'l'ltattlis!livtttll * ,',,,.,0,n,* Masonry lu :) ]l;tss rlf Dial BUtler 3_6698 I HELP ELECT rPainting in lht' D;ttislt t'ltttrtll. d^: i*Roofinq s ill lr,' lrt'ld ::k;:T;.r*i * sidine r wirine r\tt olrcn Ilotrst' TAXI, Inc, I I100 ' Sirlttt'rlit1' :lll('fllo()u llotll : ll) :'t * Carpcnlry * Flooring DorthyAllison 135 Courl Ave. l).n1, in tltt' l"il",tt't'att ll()lllo.'llll() W. ('('ntlitl lllVlliltl{rllsllil\'(l Jeflersonville, Ind. Lumber Co. Dernocr.rlic Candidate for r\rc. No Frederick Irt't'n issttttl. (-)rcr spring St' BU 3'6633 'l'ltl 30 Ycar'-s Contrnttotts !1601 crtttltlt \\'ils lllitllit.'(l {)ll o('- t$ffi 'letfersonville is$+T+++t+l$-fITlffiT'fl*ffi Scrvtce | CLERK.TREASURER lobcr' lll. ll):ltl. rll St. llary's ('lrrrIt'lr. Ilrt'hnrotttl.'l'ltcv ltlvtr $r.ti-i$$iitrilX*{ffi.'"*iii.iffii,iii',rffi+'ir+#rt;iii'+iilll.,',-r.iu'i:1ii* Of CONNERSVILLE on(, s()n. I'r't. l)avirl l"ilratrcatt of lrt. l,r'ott:tttl \\rootl, illtt. Pd, Pol Adv. ':::::-:ii: lir"iitil., IIt:{ ]iillt'v's Jeffersonville - Potitit:ut :."i,*[i'ilTll*,*I Io utiu'1. iultilt,e h. 2-4056 I 3sro N"r. Rcl. Wcst Ph. 2'6265

lNl)l;\Nr\l'()l,lS- -r\lr'.:rntl lll's. (1. oI ottt' l,lrtly VOTE FOR, It'luk ll('(lilll(']', o[ [,ottrtlcs pat'islt, lttrliittrallolis, celr'lrt'lttod lltcir goltk'tr rvetlrlittg lrnnivcLsitt\','l'ttcsrllty, ()ct. :l:). RICHARD[. VISSING 'f'hcy u et'r' tuartit',1 itt llttnttng' Democralic Candidate for WH 4'2285 lou, Ittrl.. (k'1. 21. l0lll. Phone 'l'hr' Itrd State and Main Slreelr Mc(iallr'5's ltauc thl'ct' stltts' HoosierPlumbing Sprtf,q $t. MAY0Rof JEFFERSONVILtt Huesman's Garage Orcn €vcntnqshY AFtoanlmcnt \Villiirrrt arrtl Ilirhlrrtl, l)oth ()l lll- Co. $1H.56679 BU-21394 and ihe Enlire Tickel tlianapolis: and l"tanr:is. of Ilrtt' & Heating 'l'ltattks- GENERALAUTO vorlNc MACHINENo' lB ncapolis, Nlinn. A [\[lss of lValo' Suslcttts Pd PorAdv. RE PAIR ING gir,ing rr,ls u[fcrctl Ot'l. 22 itt Nirt- ['l tuttbittg lrrstolltrtiotts ncapolis, il[inu., rlhct'c illr'. anrl BlueRidse Rd. Ph. EX' 8'4?12 Oil Company i\lrs. illc(lallcy at't visiting thctt' 138 E. Jackson Ph, 97, l'1616 Hargo sorr. l"Lattcis. Clcartcd b'ilrcrea Mutu^lTt"t (OlUmbnS r Political Patntnize COAt FUEL OIL IIelp - Srnce 181)ll {i,s Our "Colunrbus lnc. lio,i;f3'iffi Deserves Befler,, Hilligoss& Son, E.H. (Bud)KLINE GetillEW ATBANY Adaertisers 23I E. Wash.5t. Ph. EX 8'4811 Purchase ot AnY Movie Repubiican Candidale for lil0VlNGAsain or Slide Proiector MAYORof C0LUMBUS VOTING MACHINE No. lA Illect lhe - Russell's

HayesPharmacy, Inc. lh.lpt Drug Store CameraShop, Inc. Pn tntnize "One I Good Term Deserves Anofher,, "Yozl Ptcscltptiott Store" TATMAAIT-E,AM Cetrc ilayes Johtt I'honrusl wH 4-6317 Our R E.E LECT *t' tl1-rlirs,guare ,,prescriprionsFeciarisrs,, "'Pul | Adrertis()r$ E.A. WEtfr[ER NBw IIiICHS Martinsville Mooresville i ...... -..--- Democralic Candidate for Patronize in lrlT;lL Pl:rces" Wilhite& Son E{!tA li.E' Ortr MAYORo{ COLUMBUS 1-o1r flo;ntbfi(.(nr ilor-. Slfr "Funeral FUNERALHOME Home AI'BANY'INO vorlNc MA.HINE t:; t:,. Adrerlis()t's /08 E. SPRING Since1856 NEW ll6 E. Pike 5t' ^r,. THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 25, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN t MacEoin YOUKNOW THE Rememher them AGREEMENT, NO ONE in Srour prayers 6ETS IN WITHOUT

.l 'fl. GroR'r r. l.ii*l*.. r0, sr. Jrnrrr ll't Gti,,\lcr (lrurclr, - 0rl. 18. Si. .1,,,.1,ir (.pillloty. Silrvivors: vrile, Rosorrrrlr rons, p., Tlronrilt r.,.lo\.nh ldtr;(k [,! darrqlrlrrs, A-qno\ Silirtlr, ti€t ttr,{li, Hccl.rr, L lir,rbetli Mc,rdo, nrd Lorcllr ltissor.

O IndianapolisParish Shoppirg List O r od;,,;t-1;,!arr'rhurch, o'J'l'Tll floil1ll,, t TTOY t fHinf!i MOflR, /6, St, totrn ry (, Chrvrro,,l 0(1. 15. tlrurclrtcnrrtery.'$gJ. Yivori sorr,5lEvetrKldudd, of tvnn5ldtl. BROWN'sHARDWARE ORME'S St?eiiliit lrr n6r,iir ot i Aluminum Storm Window rnd Scraenr Carpefsand lnteriorr PAINIS*!irq$l eolor Srle(tlon in Stite I frot rnd (nrson Sl d-60?0 ulot tuM_.fla*DwAlt* Iil"t I cusroM C ftoot or$tol I i505 $. M.ridlrtr tt. tf O.titt I Needlers Dairy Freeze - - fslMff,Lr "sroP! sltoP" Srndwirh. Chrel;6 1ir6 Shrlme B.rl.t Mrlts, londie5, Binanr $rllt {401 E. New Yqrk s0FI lrIvt l(t cRIAM wl @ * oRDIn$ lq G0 ($t. {,gstr} t -l * 0pen D.ily 9 A.M to l? [{rri-Nitc * -llrll Wty Sflwretr ll.ntr! rnd f.ov- R - lndtpcndenlly 0wncd rnd 0prrrhd PIC'N PAY I rlo5 3623 Sh.tby {lt fi. frnr ll Penn. lrhiqh Apls. FOODMARKET I [ii!r ilourc - Choice Cuitom Cul Mtrts I STOREY'SFOOD SHOPS GAMBRALLPHARMACY @ 3032W. t6rh 5r. ME 2.0739; llenrl Nairnl ErslJry .'rri Isleull foddi i losrrl |tlrtiblr Prlr.i --i- @ffiFIED[Dg@ .-r. .'. c93sr $t. 5-e6r! "llte An Inerpenrive ul. SalisIU" sa te*" Jy ouiiiit F;;r- I Wont Ad - - Bennell Coal & Oil Co, illBs Ayr. rr tAfAytIII 8D, Does a Big Job W "Frrth @ t35t $, IAt[0I eholcr Cult, Dry or Nllr Merrs CALL ME 5453I - - sT {.7023 - Ask for an Ad-'l'aker cAPtrqt 00AI e0. NF'I! ANd USEDBOAIS CornnlelaSodl Reoririrro @ - 24lt a, J6lh il I,frn lrn HOUSEKEEPER for eath. Rec. H€IDE;REIcH. - T ffi fory. 6.Dry week. Live lt'-=_ in. - Room and board, ;l'0r,,"'ittl,'l$llit^o'i't'" $oulhside Maltress Co. CL 3.1461 or rsrrrepi'n';.i*'""',.;,;.';.'""-1i, *r. Atberr'r tXPtRlfll(tt) r.r.,,'il I SttRl lARY iictrrrs rr:si(lcilt "il addre'srttq' I ivs ilorth' TACTORY'O YOU Box 5, c/o Crilerion. ".:l:'i', r'j'il"opr: lefuildError Nrw Curtom!uilt 804 Virsini: Avr. E R00tlHG,cUIltRlNG rnd IEFAIF! lt0l EuttT-up t00tl - HIMMEL'S IURHTT .,:;*,,frir+1,*t,:: '',.--i",ll MI t.5658 M[ 2.6]16 ffi FURE OIL TU;W;, ll I rot TENDER' :'--_I I - Tlfj$';ffi;ll:::II Adulr E.!y 5iltrr ;;,;;-;;;;;;' I I 23 YR.0tD {niiily tnnn rdntr slfndv lnl. SRltl$ Y6911 PRt!CRlPll0N tO t,3 I Yftrtion rld Slfrlr. I Itloynr^'rl. S,rlci,,n,1 ad r,,,,,,,,'1 q".1ygrl. iffil Willr lhs d5surance that VJrll rnrrsrrier il wil, I xour-DAy-wErx I other c[,])l.,var.,rt. tl. 47347, R 'j'_1Be Filled,,tx.r.tly rs Wriilen,, srAN's 1_.lT:t:.______:1111 I sr 6.0346 | W flIUtA rffirr:.:,,:,,1*,s,Fi"T,,?_u,:l:r - \NUI1/? SHELL slERVreE @ LEON'S rFr' MONTE'S PIZZA TV l 'n"'" *nn" I - 'ti,l,a'*hJ''ill*t,iili;il'*lf'll'ltu ,u,o 1112 [ llirnnesoto l ,o ,,',,*[,* *, ,-orrnl THE MATT TALBOTHOUSE, } FRIE OTI.IVTRY } ! @ (hurchmrntnurchmrn , I ilrlf"'.t"ouo'onttxrymond II ,, {.Oo{0o.oono;-l l-l Homefor Rehabilitationof Al- sT 4-il41 coholics,needsnecdg clolhing,clofhing, Con. ''l}rdrdn!oft lcoholics, lo t'lidie" -iWi 5ff tl0{,RAPltl:R l'crnrdilcrtl (iay t,o5itio!t, 5 lf act: Manager, 1424 Cenlral !,fef,. ('fDrte | |,relr & 5orr,32l Soulir ret- ,\lnhdnrd. $'t[ 5,ldll. iAve., fVlE5-1192. :t ( -I VERA'S REGALMARKET | 2106E. loth st. 0 HANcocK's 1Ar|rahlron! A I @@ Standard service I il tl:X^ff'l'"',1"''.'r,llto;;5;;1, 1gr SINCLAIR & SON V I Mr.?.sret + Servics Station rs,lloratn"" o + ;Xi"'j":.H:t' ti:':.j;?;l WJr" sr.'"rrserviie Sr"i;- N REAL ESTATE -D-ELBoonucs,---. W fdnffig tszlFN'fJlo:u,r"" @ North Eastwood Lounge Eastside Bike srore I DICK "*YJI-,:!:it:::i"lun""'1,*f,'l;i,',il"[r"l 38th& Post Road a?3? t At'.h;rar St ^il,,:,liis,!iii; , -i- Eniertainmenl *- Every ffiiw: Thur"s., Fri. and Sat. Advef"tising llotsinger Auto Supply Crtlry Ortt Dcparltutnl DAVTS GROCERy CC. I (rrnl\hdll ffi | Grirrtinq Rcborinq $rotrrtes, Med!\, Ft!rls.1 \,eqetdhl6 I Conrolele valvc Service-Port6bli. fqul0iient Joe Qualtels, I'r'op, Bskervtioocrr tllft-"1-t:lll:l--:l-'::[l t:.1 leor cor.rrcr cr. 5.*0r l:"1 Pays 4619 BROADWAY!

- W q, 'rcvrly ptinted, 3lio,lrn.. c I rrev/ Litcir0n, drrrr!7dsller, #l ,^lHr"?'s1"",.= el --rf sllt: - RAoro- tllrvtstoN- srtvtcl HOME BEVERAGE STORE 3$?9Firtr5w0rth Ayr' AT 3.49t4 .,\N0ivNroi 0uAurr,, | clt {'866'l PlcxAGt ilouoRs -- stIR ,ust Edsl df Nlddllor nvr. W BO.KAFLORIST I- 118 t. llloY Ph. sT 6-8656 ffi ,*,0',ilJ,ir.'n,0," t- cur rrowrRsnrnnrl,' l@ \@ #l;.,i;ii"1',. fn -.. I Prut - , I {.BfonM ttt,tro t fLoFlL 4tiRit{6[ft1[N]s .aJq I'FO tuqll t),r:pl slrpel il.dr !t. Jodh ol I l-- | ^ry{l:irl!lll lil I Ari, 8,., I rr0n.,sth 5t Al:r'r8rBl ELDER'S 1,1,""1,,.'1"il;,,1 l::ll,i,,', m"xenltD DRUG sroRE Flower & Garden Shop ll!r^.l | i, ll;,,"ll;,:,,::,,':,i.".'. I LAsl! dnd CARRY SFtClAt :HBGI I : l,,l:,1,1'ljr:'''iij",""1,' ",,,1..,",1ii11',",i11,": I you |,i q\r /0O U.5. 3l Norlh Grrcnwood. lnd. Have seenthe I rc' tnt., 2 , 1r r. rlfrvf. I w "wL (orP.l i,ui',','*%,'i31::;ili:'i!i,$.:ilF:'-'rD[ilVtI" tu t.6193 fioft luil.0iH6 I Mrr. Raaail - \tA 5-2257 I - o*t"'*t '*u'1, " 1,.,""'"'liJjli;.,loll; !' Open Daily TIff,' PAT'S COtN-OP LAUNDRY | I ""d?_*L,SLEAN|NGl- Woodcrofl Pharmocy and Sunday PAlkl(L l\l0RtAkrY,Owner I P.Ar..-9 P.M. lW -{3't5 MAolSo}l sL lr'Ji;n!falis- tril..r 6.I8n house ir..!j.irr tlf;',tf,rl we dId stretched? :- I EXP€Rt PRtSr.RtPIt0NsERVrct @ Lo,"'" ., 1. ,,. it', .. ],tr a QuAilr! oRucs IT'S MOSTTALKED ABOUT HOUSEIN INDIANAPOLIS I llevrly na,nte,l, lrdrle, 3-hr,lrm5. end bath I THE qp, SEXToNMoroR iALEs I lltlq dllrc fdnJ. Ittt. ltall, lg. liv. rrir-, I ,,ooru.,.,rl"ii'i,r'l,t,'i'i;i,,i;1" Fr/.06r0i I tun torch, di0. fln., nire lirlrhen wilh brcah. I I fil5l n00k, Vr barh, dorrn. full bsmf., oil I IttWfSI f|XISI {nd IT YOU,LTSTOP IOOKING! ht.. lronr lcn6qij y4. ONCEYOU'VE SEEN 9ara9e. Fof.h. Stl.OoO. orni's MARKET l,ro,,,"*,..,1,111,1**ol"*n,Sll.ycitr.ho. I I MERIDIANMEAT MARKET I lroi. A. wrtot I Qudliir rnd Service le6ltor I C[ t.to75 I I I u! t.el6t ar r.rgrr I ffi - @ on Banta Road? I I | [ovely Sdnd5lorc RAlJCll, dlt{ i'. 1rr,;c o'r I MAKE YoUR oWN PERS0NAI cholce trom our I o rrell lrrrrircrr'rd l6r'rJ00'lr)[ ((rrnetcd I llrgo sel€clinr, ot SCtlWlltN ond RALEIGH l1'r2t' I'uir,.1rrn.; I n|d rr I'nllr\, bicyclat. I I I Sil lhis to Fralire ll3 seaulyI I RlarrY-r{c t.390t Supreme Bicycle Store I foHtAl{NA r. saNp€Rs I 5506-08 Mtdison Ava- SI 6.924a ffiuRCH-sclt00l- -tt[AlNT[NAt{cE - --'lt's - - HOfutE ilow wlirt rr'u'ii.ri,*'-rourrt S,tlon ,tnd Drysrs ComDl0lrly Air Condilioned Contractors- Suppliers - 7 A(lvanced Slylists .n(l 0n0r.rtors lo Scrve You Electricians- Carpenters 5T 7-5321 plasterers |l-.@ (Soulhiioc'r liewcrl dnd Bcil) | , Plumbers - RomeOriginal _ painters _ Fencing Coiffures "oo:11'.i'|:l'=ll1l1l_l_ lcstrictcO lols. l,1r,rr!unr trourt l;r0o sq. _= !lt:: I I 50rer5, concrelc Cook's Glass & Mirror , ll,, cily walef, lanilarv I Co. sider/dlt:i. tocdlcri ddloin' A. J. Laker and Sons I :urbs. stltet; 3ild I Glais loDs - Alt Kino! ^{tID\ HUEBNER'S chur(h drrd tr:r' trtottrand Mirf0fs-fk!w snd Rcfinished Exleriof Prinling tltttttl Inlcrior D€cor.ling Anv Kind Glds\ Re0ld[rd - ll;rt';,r';1:'' I I :'.i (onrltu.lcd AUTO GIASS 6007 BARil{ A detichtfvl (ontfmtoraty tinch.tlylo hdmc ol ti.h 5Y 6-3811 rI 6.9655 r' 5.ndrt;ne rnd rcdwood, the (tpell! otfert lwo ercilinE aitcuhi rvrE6.5srs clr +455r or . 4'bedtoom IT !...1.,j11_ :' I ltoor Dl.ns.' A 3.bedroom wilh lamily'roon tlrn, I I ,. ,::::::"::l'.'.:, plan. livinq roon w lts olh.r exciling l.rlurer d.s ! tpdciout I Iollt rnd HARRI TTTE CAIDITLL/I wilh trnd{lone firepl..!, rep! formrl dinlng ,00m, chea.ful Delco B.tlcri€s.-Goodrcrr Tire! lilchcn wilh lormicr crbinelr rnd ind ovei, !t. SPIVEY fure.UD-Br!ke tervice l.ched l.crr grrage, tlur !lidint glarl dooti fo gay lalio. o gl5rl7 Pricedfrom l@guY 5T. 5 I tut lh thc on6 dre! whero You ,no I o re I yout fdrnl{vwill bt Ddpf,icsror lll I I 6.4337 - Including Fully Landscaped Lol tnadison Ave. - SroP l0 Rd. I I a LES GIRLS SALON flro trrt I I I oP€N24 ltouRs AppoinlmeDls Aller a) D.rn, 0ailv E trealive H,rir 5lyliilq-Prrmdneltr-IinlinE N0fUlol{EY DowN vA I n*nyso,ttTttPonT's iltr I SARA PRlftGLg-:1\vI.r U Ir.l $350 on FHA or --w. 30lh wa s.655t rl rrlir' eu-GAi- r ,.,l.. A. IITIBER'T PAT DOLLEN'S HOMEBUILDIIIG CORP. Plbg. & iJeoling Conlro<,lor /Vt buy out own irulls anO veqeldble5 trom tl Jrovers. Ihis insures Vou tre:hncti and OOOd laooWA'l /15 E. Ssufhern Avo. I Soulhern Avo, ond 5. Shermon Dr. PATRONIZETHE l,alily. r i ,u.rfi.ttt, ADVERTISERS sT 6.3083 4907N. Penn WA 3.2509r sl. 4{664 | I PAGE TWELVE THE CRITERION, OCTOBER 25, 1963

IYHY G0 I7'AT.ON'I? lrc sairl, a rciigious vocation shoultl lle understood not as an oppoltrrnity [o r.ulc, but as onc to sclvc. 1'hc bishops arirl all clerics arxl Itcligious arc as much sub- Gorl as lay perrple approach J0(,[ .lo alc, Old-fashioned llc statc(l- "All rviro sinccrely want to bo a pitt't ol Ciod's pcople- should ,"ft lJ"'i""L";;,'' II i il", [Jlil; l, ll."i'",'11]'3uI,l,,"L'; problems iillI :I thc tuminolosv of tha school hit share this calling'n* rvith th; ;i;;;; i:i:.11l^ll to and all t and Relisious. wi*rout rriJ lLlltu]-!:,,l,in"nr, share in

-church -i:;;:nn:;1, l; .:'y*,,*' i;0"':lir-,:"lil :: i'ljl'il 1;li,,l i:ld,i'i .lid. -,,iP.l;,u,,1,\?1,,1,11;,,ar,;'",\lllir*1il*:iiJli"l,,li'lil:1-li:'Jl"li as a wtrole c"rltainl )::t":_l* i,;.::i,:i1f'"f';'":':.:I;g Iy is nol. only madc up of the clcrical statc, All, thelefolc, have tasks to accomplish whcn it cones to nraking the lighl, of Christ shine in llre rvorld. "'l'he ctistonrAry rlrstlnction be. trvaon eleries, Ileligiotis antl laity no longer is justi{ictl, fol thcir lunctions in this rlay antl agc ovcr- lAp, just as do the frrnctions o[ thc dioccsan anrl rcligious clergy."

ffi: Sii$r,,rrg)i,i E *i,: V W lN pRODUCTiON-Whon ,,Thc HOSFITAL 51. Francis Hospilal, Beech Grova, recenfly put on King end l" in lhe hospital eudilorium lhe cist wos composed largely of enrployees. rnd memberr of thr St, Francis Hospital Guild and iheir relelives, Four performances were given. Shown above in r sceno rra, ",\l'c from leff: Dennis Pieper, whose molher ir r Guild memberl Mrs. Richard Pierson end Devid Brir. MOHLHEAT \\'(' n()\\' iil'fl\'illA ill it low, both hospital employeer. BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN l)r)int in histor'1'whilh urakes us "Our couscious oI r,rrtl llte t'c:tlizatiun Ail lieat, Can,t Be Beo.L,, of thl nt t'r[ Ior rtioccsanrvidc eilscs to plicsts to rt'atl tlre. 1ll:rrrrringirrstcutl oI clirrgrng to thc lJrcviarv blcviary in ilrc vcrnlcullrr. Vali. oltl I'ushiortt'tl tllrlition o{ palish. orrs repoLtr,'rs interplctcrl this rs t't'rrtt'r'crl plitttuirtg rtnrl olg:rnir:r. heinP lr'stlictivc rathct lhan:rs TIIIELIIAN ( ('orllilluc(l Ir'onr pagc l) ttrrn lrt't':tttst'[or a ltlng titrtc it bcing irr lavor o[ inclcasctl usc of sliorrltl llo lrottntl to t'ocito ottly st'r'r'cd us n clll' thc velnirctrlar'. t[onoror'y degree bmt onr. ol llrrr lht'cc t'rttttaitting sllrlt'tcr Coal& Oil Corp. ".,\r'c "littlo u't' lt'itt'lttl nI evctt a lalg. Irottt's ol tltt' rlrty. ('l'he "Keep F'ttll Seruice" of .rtcl! oI stlttcrvitlt' or o\'(,n lla. hours" tlnrlitionally !ttt'c' ltetr! tronul plunnrngl' r\nrl horv tlo nc I'r'inrc.'fclcc. Sext anrl Nnttt:. 'l'his i-(t;rll\' I' :ilxltlt sr\('lioiral anrl ;rrnotttlnrcnl rtntI tlttt pt'ccctl- irt LiSl Ir withdruLzn, n;rlirlnitl t'rlnsirlt't';tlirrn ol. ouf ing ()nr, u'oultl considct'ably plolrlc rrrs'.' shor'{r'n llrt'{rttal lertgth of thr: S'l'. Lt)t'lS.-'l'irt. Sltt'r,'tl (',ttt- rIrt,ttrr.ul ([\Srr'r] o1 liutlrt,t' Illttts "l)o llrt'stlturr-l Oll'ico ) !r0tllron ol St'tttittltt'tt'sitttrl I tli- Itucng. cortlt'otclsial lltt'olo!lrirtt r't'lll.v int0n(l to (lt'shull rclsitics hl.s rlith,lnrutt ils ottlct Ilcrrr lho t)nilr'r'sit5'rtl'l'ttclrittgctt, Itclp lltc \rouli:' rlc t,orr- i. .,\ ncu' altit'lc ttt'gittg 1lt'iesls Iullutt lirt' t .S. t'lttlt"lit' tlttirt't. (iclrnitn). rt ltott ltc r tsilt'tl ltt't't'. lirrrrc akrttit tlrt' olrl litrcs ol palo. arrrl lll u ltrr tukrt llat'l irt tlrc ('hrrlrh's ptittct' sltlr.s lo got ils :tpptrlritl bclilt'tt t'ltiul pl:rns holtling llooI flon tltc Irrrlrlic to ntitkc WORD THAT llt{\ ('(ill,lt ('r:lllr)n pct'- ,-li\rl)q lt(|lhrlill \ (i( Jl r'('.. nt't'rls of lht' otltcls atrtl ct t'rt it ir -soutr,,. ol ltrrlittt'ss antl Ir:rrl tlithtlllrvn its t'clltrlnlion -\ r,op\. 0l lht. lcltr'r' \\tllrtltittr'- lllrttrlitt:t ()ulsr'l\'(.s lo I lr c s r: sonll spilttttitl !it'orvth. (':nllc lo ["lthcr licittct't lrcle " ing llrc nttlinal t'ttlt't'u:ts tt'- ll t't'rI s .' ll, l)r.r'r'cos th:rl lhc rrlfisi()n alf lhrough tht' ofiicc of thc Supct'iot' or.l\ t.(l holo l)\ l"lttlrt'r' I'lrrl (1. 'l'lt('nrrlrrsilll(rr', thc Lllin llitttslitliott ol'tlttt iiooli (it'nor':rl ol tho Sucictl u[,lcstts a lllir,sl ol lltrt Iit'tnct't. S.,1,, Ir'osr{l{'lll ol Sl, ('ul('innlli oI Itstltrts slroukl titkc into atr- 'l'ltr' irr Iiorlt', alclrtlioct,st., lokl hrs l,orrrs ['ttnt't'sill lt'ttt't' r1t- ()ltioittts (,{}lrnl ll}o ttrttttt'o ol' (lltut'clt l,ntin. "\\'c rlltc lr3pl1-trr lt'altt ol tirts lt'lktrt' thlt rf tlu .slatr.. plrrrnlll' k'li\t's tltc tlt'cltt' in lttll gutltottttg llrt I'ar.l th;rl lltc psltltits afc tli'r'rsion." lrallrct' Iicrncrt sttrrl. $ ttlt' tlc:tlt onl.v rvitlr lot (](' l('l' :rll t';tlltr,ltt ttttir r't.itit's "lirl r.hnrrlr,rl, :rtttl tlrc tt':ttlitions of lltc rr'lrcn ur' lilst rlt,r't. inlirlrnt,rl P1'1r.1t't'lt'tIt'rrrullrrrt'nts. lrctlttisitiorr rrrrtsitk' llrt' L ttrletl Strttt,s- ltttt [,irtrrt Ilitt' ('ltttt'clt- ('l'ltc p()int ol lh(' l'r'j:ulltion u t' lhut tul tclt'lrt'ts llnrl th(, sitc oI r,l;rss- rlrtlullarls il rttsotul tl.S. insit- "lilllc as l(xllns. il n'orrkl ltnorrnt lrr Irt'r'r is lltitt a tlitnslirtiott, tvltit'lt ('uncr.t tlrt,r't. rlns sorut' nrisrrtrtlclstanrIrng lltltrlns at'r. llr,ri. (}[ nright bc tcchnicnlly nntl littrlally {rn lho oI lltt'(irngt'(]glll()lr Iul)t'r. ll)iut llir. t'irrrrLrnt rt'()t'li Iionro sorrlt'r's slttrl tlre Saltr'rl l)ilrt sulrs[at'lot1', tttiglrt Itot bc tltr: lrcsI ({)n('ol'lring tlto opct'ation ot' lltc irrr.r'agt' lt,irr.lrct's' rtrsti{trtt,'' ('()nxt'csirtt()n r)l Sllnlltitri('s itil(l irr' ptrhlic \r()rshrll. ) .,\nrt'r'ican ('ltlrrrlic r'rrlllst's lrrrl t'nrlt.r'sitrcs nurtlc llrt' r't,grrln{ron illli\'('tsil i('s. last Il:r1, :rttcf St, Lrrrtrs []ttiIt'r- "('ltlrolrc univcrsitics. lrlic nll sitl' lrarl conit'r'r't'tl an lronollL.v (lthcf unrvcrsitres in tlrt' l:ttitt'rl Statcs. r'rrrivc llrt'il clrnr'tt'r's ttntl lhcil porvcl to gl'ilnt e ilil rlcglors iurrrr lht stalc in rt'hich lht'r';rlo "'l'lrt' Iot'alr.rl. Ilt'nt'c lltt' r'ottlt.r'trtt,t trf lritric lrtolrlt'rrr urll lrc r a ei\.il rlcgn,e is ir lr.gil[ nlittt(.r. Iotill ('\ilnllrtlrli()n ol 'l'lrc l)iltocltiitl, Saclerl ( i)lli:l'('gltr()rt ot Scrn. tlt0ccsittt iill(l stlt(,\\'l(lt' l'r's()ul'(:(,s inllics nnd Lirrilclsitics nr:rke. rt \\'illt (ltttr'l'nrittltliott utttl llrtr lrcat'(- a pt'artict' lo :rt oitl tnlt'r'lclrrrcc lclt lnlr'llti(ltt lu trsc llrr,so te- itt thc intct'n.1 11grl lllltl('fs ()l sotlIr'{'s rlt {:r)ilil1t{}llIrr lltr, OI l{}. iln(l l l. ,\crot'tling lo tltt'sc ;rn]' coulllll'." hc s;rirl. orrl llrilitics," arrrr,rrrlrnt'trls. rr'lrielr lt'(j t'eally "ln tL'st,ittrlirtqils lcqrrlltirru lo itrklilions to tltt' st'ltt'ttttr. lrtrrl'isiott lN A LETTER terlttirc :\trrt'tiearr ('ltholic col. lo lht,('on\('ll. uorrkl llr rrrittle (A) to cxcltstr gl lcscs and ttttirclsitics lo sct'li rts t:irn. ,\t'r:ltbislurp liall ,1. '\lte f fltrnr tlrt, r'ccitatiott oI sutnc ltaLts ('ittcittnll altpt'oval lloiolc gr':tnting i r,allt,tt llrl corrtrnrrcrl ol llrt' ollrt't' tltosr. clt't'ics ot' Ilc- llr)ll(lf- " clltrrts lo r'.rt,t'lk'ncr_' ill rr'lrrr ll( ll)itlI ott ;t gi\.r'tt to! arl tlt glcrs. t hc Ur)r)grrli.iitlion is liqrilrr: I)ill lr bllnr'lt t'r,itll'it'tuittg its ttspcr,l lirr' Ilris cr'l ol lht, t'tluelrtronll or,t.irsiorr rn sorll{' otlre t' litttt gicirl BY JERRYMILLER, lNC. . . . ll vrornouf by 1973,Jerry Miiler,lr',,... v.,:l pritetio('," l.'athcl lit,inttt ririrl. l)r'or.lIir!l).' lttrl to lltttrtrtrtt' a llt'l- Iuncliurr. arrrl ( Ii) to :rlkrry hisltqrlts repldceyour carpel al no co.,t,,,Yitu It'r' trttrlclstan(lnlr ()l tltc ('utlrolrc lntt ollrct' ()rtlittitt'ies to rlispeltsc 1-,,t,1 ('onrtr',..11. APPARENTLY lllr' st'ltrrrl sl slt'ttt's ttctttls, llorrr tlrt' obligatirrn to lcctlc the oniy fhe irrsiallaiion charqe. tirrn 5is1g1"r1out ,lcstrit c(.rtililt in. t)llit't' lirr' 11o0tlt'artsr'. slitutirrns lo rrotilv llrcnr of lltt' ll. \\'lrilc rttsistittil llutt tltc tt'a' rlt'r'tt'c, brrt rlitl ll()t lnl()nll r)tll('l' rlrlirrtrll l,llill Olltct. lrt' nriutl- instilutiuns of it. L)[frcills ol tht' larnr'rl lr1' Iht' clclgr- rrl llrt. l,ltrtr ('ittholic L'ttrvt lsit1 ol ..\tnr.r'rt'lrrrr Iiitr'. llrt' itrttcttrlrttcnl crutct'tlcs il zQualityllYt0il PileCARPETSI \\'asltingtott a rlet'li itg() l'r'l){)t'lr,(l llcrrltl to btsltops anrl otltct'()r'' tltcl lt:ttl 11p11r1' 11r1'1i1t'rl ol l icial rlrnulit's to pt'nttiI tltr: elclgf in ttotice of lhc tk clt'o ol u'olrl lltlt irrrlrtithurl cils{'s to rct'it(r Ihc il hatl bct'tr lt'sr.ittrlerl. ..\t't'ltlrtslrrrp.\llt'r' r'rprr,:strl lltc ttIl'icr'in un:rlrplovrtl tcxt of tlrc 'oMOi\tTOIl" llut irr tlrc Nt tlrct larrrls ltrst Itoltt. llral lltt' r.rnvt'ttltort rlrrtrkl \ ('r'llit('uliIl. "st't.liing lllor)llr. tlrt. ('ollsi(k,l' tht, t, Iirrir ol Nr.i. ol l:i. llc('()rllnlr'ntlslhal llrc Ollir:c lll('girn. a ct'ntcl ol lcaln- :r nrotliltcalion atrtl clat.ificltion ol Irr' ptirvt.rl irt t'rlnrtrtotr rt'ltttt pos- nll: llrt. t'sistirtg opelatcrl b]' thr Ilt lgirrrn llrr. on lltrs tr.artspor.. siblt.. ospcci;rllv rrr tlre clsc ol' * 100% CONTINUOUSFILAMENT db l)t0r irtet' lrrtron lrrr ol tht' Sociclt of .lr'sus. st,ltool chiltlr.crt oI Ohio, plicsts rrlto li\'(. t()gcthcr. NYLON PILE rr pt'r'rnissiorr as susrlost('(l l)\' (i('ll, as lclrrscrl rvhcrr it Ilto .\ttr)fn(']. Anlon(luronl 13. rlrrt'lo be r.otetl D sorrqht r.rirl." r.otrtrrrcrrting . ' to arvaltl att ltottollrrr.tloc. tlr:rt it ts oll O('l()l)cr'3:l cil.,ic in li)t' l('nl{lltv Fll(rl-lAND LOW IEXIUREDD{:S16l.l 9!) li)r'ill(' to'st, lull)()r'liull arr,,\nglican l.'a. tllilt tllr'r'rght of all rliscttssirrtt at llro l'.S. llislrops' ' nLL s(f . tlrcl l.l. [,. ]laselrll ol l.orrrltrn. t lrilrllt'n lo sltiur, irt lltrs pr.ottsirrrt i:tRST-QUALTTYCARPETS lrrcss plnt'1. ll rvas rrott'rl that lhe ' Nitllr('giln ollicinls rlclo toltl ln' li)r lll(.iI sill('l\ ilnil ut'llur.c lle nvnlLAllLE ll'l l2 RADIANI COLORS l'lt. ' bislrrrPs nti.rllrt lu. allorvcd h.v larv lll(' ('(rnglogation ( li'll l) ('slitlrlislrctl. . that surh lt:tiun lrr gir e pe lnrrssion in intlividtral 12 FT.NND 15 FT.WIDTFIS ll:'l,l,il':, l'l",lll,n,l'llt' a IO.YR.f n VD llNlr-f\Nlnrrra\NrA'UNICONIDI IIONAL \A/llADWIAR GLIARAN'IEE tllADANl'T fl€AR rfl[ iltw .[,iturgit:tl rcnr:u ti Winlr. Soin.t t

ST. ROCH'S LINEN CARD PARTY Sunday, Oct. 27 - 7 P.M. $200 SchoolHall - SouthMeridian and SumnerAve. Save o) All GamesPlayed and Door prires lil$,llf;ffiffJJfili'ffi'gI Iuo'F*: to %00 -. ' 5T. MICHAEL ANNUAL FALL DANCE Wc lllust t'ilacc hurn our *PAYMENTS FLOOR Witches Waltz-Friday, Oct. 25-9 to I A.M, ttrintls tlrc t'tclual pictrrli ol a EASEO ON MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN AND WOOD St. Pius X Ballroom llusiliea arul thc lloruanesrltre, INSTALTATION, Ted Lang'sOrchestra - 94 per Couple (;0thic, of ltenaissance Iashion Pianos & Organs antl thcil gcnclal pattcrn rvithorrt Janssen-Slorey & Clark pa]'ing attontion ttl thc" lvers & Pond-Lowr€y OPE[{M0il. and THURS. EUE$.'t;l I P.M. Kinsman - Esfey 'til IIc cilt'rl ns an cxanrplc ol sur'- BALANCE OF WEEK 5:30 Iountlings that hindcI thc lituI91' I t Ii N'l'r\L P Lr\ N S "Gothic a cathctllal $'her.e thc Irr ee Ituliutttt Dcliutrr.U er:llltLant is lraltlll. r'isible Ial arval lt'ont tht' congt'cgiltiott, anrl Phone (Collect) or Write GALLFL 7.1I61 thr litrirg) i{or's on as it \ycrc at and a salesman will bring lho l)ottoln uf an oce art 0I c0lor'ctl " gl;rss. GaryDavis ramples lo your home al "tnod- your convenience. ..\s r,rrurgrrlrr,rrlllalls ol a t,r'rt chulclr sen ing a lcvitalizcd MusicMakers Store Irlulgr'." Ifatlrcl il.cinltokl ltstctl: -*. '[hc "Iiuchalistic ?438 Central Columbus, clrurch," in- lnd, "all clutlin.q thlt is neerlerl NOW {ol Ph, 372-7847 Ilrrss rnd Iliblt: r'i{{ils. that. is. an 24.HOURPH{lIIE SERVICE allaL. scals lrrr' llre r:lclgI. and OpcnNitcs 'til 7 P,trl. CALLIFL 7.1 l6l ploptl pluccs, thc Jrroph in tlrcil 'trl MERIOIANAT t9th STREET lrvrr lt't'tctns. lrrrl eorrrrtrrtilirrttilit. I"rirllt t) l'.11. tl(,ns ol'r'ailing."