MAHMUT HALEF CEVR˙IOGLUˇ OTTOMAN FOREIGN POLICY DURING THE THIRTY YEARS WAR It wouldn’t be unfair to regard the Thirty Years War as an early mod- ern precursor to the World Wars with regards to its political dimension, social effects and devastating results within the European Continent. However, it is not justified to leave the non-European actors of the war neglected in modern historiography. This study, therefore, is an attempt to measure to what extent the Ottoman Empire was getting involved in European politics between the years 1618 and 1648.1 The major stages of war in which the military and diplomatic relations were taking place in the early modern era corresponded to the Ottoman western frontier. Central Europe at the time was actually a neighbouring geography for the Ottoman Empire due to the Ottoman suzerainty over the Hungarian territories of the empire since 1541. This area was a con- tentious zone of interest between the Austrian Habsburg and Ottoman dynasties for the rest of the century and it took a relatively stable final form after the conclusion of the so called Long Wars between 1593 and 1606. Mahmut Halef Cevrioğlu, İzmir Kâtip Çelebi Üniversitesi, History Department, (İzmir/ TURKEY).
[email protected] 1 This is a revised and extended version of the second chapter of my M.A. thesis conducted in 2015. I must express my profound gratitude for the reviewers for their accu- rate remarks, necessary corrections and kind manners in moulding the text into its ultimate shape. And since it is beyond the scope of this study, general themes and chronology of the war can be consulted from Parker’s (1997) and Wedgwood’s (1992) seminal works provided in the bibliography below.