EDITORIATBOARD Editor,andChairpersonoJtheEditoriatBoard. .. Er-rzesl.rlrL'Tare AssistantEditors Psvllrs A RrcnrroNo .for Cataloging and Classification Section Eow,A,noSwaNsoN Cenorvr C. Monnow for Presewation of Library Materials Section FneNcrsF. SpnErrznr for Reproduction of Library Materials Section Section J. Mrcueel Bnuen for Resources LrNor Sepp for Serials Section Editorial Adoisu: Donts H Cr-acx (for Regional Groups) Liaisonuith RTSD Newsletter: Atrqor-o HrnsnoN, RTSD NewsletterEditor Library ResourcesI TechnicalSerares (ISSN 0024-252?), the quarterly official publication ofthe Resourcesand Technical ServicesDivision of the American Library Association,is publishedat 50 E.HuronSt.,Chicago, IL60611. BusinessOffice:AmericanLibraryAssociation,50E.HuronSt., Chicago, IL 60611. Aduntising Tralfic Coordinator;Leona Swiech, Central Production Unit, ALA Headquarters,50E. HuronSt., Chicago, IL60611. CirculationandProduction:Central Production Unit{turnals, ALA Headquarters,50 E. Huron St., Chicago,IL 60611 . SubscriptionPrice. to mem- bersof the ALA Resourcesand Technical ServicesDivision, $10 per year, included in the member- ship dues; to nonmembers, $20 per year; singlecopies $5. Second-classpostage paid at Chicago, Illinois, and at additional mailing offices.POSTMAS- TER: Send addiess changes to Librarl ResourcesI TechnicalSeruices, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 6061I Librar2 ResourcesI TechnicalSeraices is indexed in Library Literature,Librarl I InformationScience Index- Con- Absmai, CurrentIndex toJournals in Education, ScienceCitation Index, and Hospital Literature tentsarelistedin CALL(CurrmtAuareness-Librar\Literature).ItsreviewsareincludedinBookRetieu Digest,Book Reouw Infux, and Retieu of Reuieus Copies of books for review should be addressedto Arnold Hirshon, Editor, R ZSD Newsletter,Ca- bell Library, virginia commonwealth ljniversity, 901 Park Ave., Richmond, VA 23284. Do not send journal issuesor journal articles for review. The contents of this journal, unless otheruise indicated, are copyrighted by the Association.
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