Spectator 1966-01-14 Editors of the Ps Ectator

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Spectator 1966-01-14 Editors of the Ps Ectator Seattle nivU ersity ScholarWorks @ SeattleU The peS ctator 1-14-1966 Spectator 1966-01-14 Editors of The pS ectator Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator Recommended Citation Editors of The peS ctator, "Spectator 1966-01-14" (1966). The Spectator. 962. http://scholarworks.seattleu.edu/spectator/962 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. It has been accepted for inclusion in The peS ctator by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks @ SeattleU. Commission Errs; We Collect 'Change' ($837,344) ByMIKEPARKSandEMMETTLANE hopes that work on the huge complex tation of the point system might put ditional funds next year through an- will beginat an early date. some of the schools andprojects which other grant. The "bank" made a mistake. in the money. He be littletrouble andFr. McNul- were denied funds back said there would But, wonder of wonders, it was in Fr. Fitterer Edmund Fr. his statement in getting federalloan.Original plans ty, S.J., president of finance, at- Fitterer reiterated a our favor. vice of last week that, "We will have to sit called for a $1.5 million federal loan. tended yesterday'scommission meeting back another look $900,000 is be request $1.2 million the University of Washington. and take at the An additional to raised S.U.s for a at wholesituation." fromprivate sources. federal grant for its proposed athletic by Spectator Fr. Fitterer said the ad hoc com- facility was reconsidered this week by A HASTY inquiry The University planning night WHEN ASKED what action would mittee on will the Washington State HigherFacilities last showed that the Associated betaken on the grant,Fr. Fitterer out- study the problems and, after their Commission. Press reported last weekend that the several possible report submitted, a meeting the a inits lined alternatives is of commissionannounced mistake which will ofthe ofRegents point system upon which it makes de- be studied. financial board Board THE RESULT: An award of $837,- Theseinclude:Retainingthe original and Boardof Trustees will be calledto 344 in federal money for the project, cision forgrants. plans for a $3.3 million complex and decide what action will be taken. announced yesterday afternoon by the An AP report gleanedfrom the files raising the $362,656 not granted from "I realizedafter the refusal Iwould VeryRev. John Fitterer, S.J.,president of a Spokanenewspaperquoteda com- private sources; cutting back the size have to get out and raise some money, of S.U. missionofficial as indicating that "the of the building in proportion to the but didn't expect to have to move so "We're back in business," said Fr. point system has been miscalculated money not granted;retainingthe origi- quickly," Father added. He said he Fitterer, expressing his delight in the with respect toone of the 11standards al plans and making up the difference hoped originalplans could be followed announcement. Although problems still used to calculate the system." The of- by increasingthe amount of therequest for beginning construction this remain, the grant greatly bolsters ficial said at the time that a recompu- for a federal loan, or seeking the ad- summer. New Bosses Chosen SEATTLEUNIVERSITYSpectator For 4 Departments Four S.U. faculty members were named to the heads of their departments today. They are Leonard Kaufer, S.J., philosophy department; Seattle, 14, >° Fr. Vol. XXXIV Washington, Friday,January 1966 .u@-. No.22 Dr. Thomas Cunningham, psychologydepartment; MarvinHerard, art department (acting head); and William Dore, speech depart- Missionary Bill on Agenda; ment. The announcement was made lar in Florence, Italy. He has by Fr. Robert Bradley, S.J., been on the faculty since 1960. dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. DORE succeeds Fr. James Senators to Consider Changes E. Connors, S.J. Dore has a degree FER master's from the Uni- By EMMETTLANE procedure to be followed in the uses to which it willbe put, and FR. KAU succeeds versity of Washington and has future in granting allotments what benefits thepetitionerfeels Fr. Edmund Morton, S.J., who been active in theatrical enter- There will be some changes will last week was named academic prises in from student funds to mission- come to the ASSU. All re- president. Fr. Seattle since his un- made— if student senators vote ary groups. This is the second quests will be considered as a vice Kaufer holds dergraduate years. He has week in a the bill ap- whole and the total of a doctoral degreefrom the Gre- been on the S.U. faculty "yes" on legislation which will row has amount gorian University in Rome. He since Sunday's peared on the agenda, but it allotments will not exceed 25 1963, and has shared the direct- be before them at also did special research at Ox- ing assignments meeting. was changed last week by per cent of the unreserved por- ford, England. at Tea t ro amendment. tion of the senate general fund. He has been on Inigo with Fr.Connors. As act- A majority of the bills up for (See editorial, page four.) S.U.s faculty since 1961. ing head of the department he consideration would either ef- FIRST THE bill states that Dr.Cunningham steps into the will take over the direction of fect a change in past procedure all requests must be made be- Another bill would continue the efforts of the senate to find position vacated last week when Teatro Inigo. or initiate discussion which will fore April 1 and that all re- Fr. James Royce, S.J., was All four appointments are ef- lead to change. quests will be considered at the a satisfactory solution to the question seating at named assistant dean of the fective immediately, Fr. Brad- Heading the list of possible same time. Any request must of student College of Arts and Sciences. ley said. changes is a bill outlining the state: The amount desired; the basketball games. The bill calls for the formation of a Dr. Cunningham is a graduate An article in Seattle's daily "Spirits investigation commit- of S.U. and just this month re- papers saying Fr. Joseph Dono- tee." The committee will study ceived his doctoral degree from van,S.J., former rectorof Mount the problem and submit a re- the University of Portland. St. Michael's, was named dean Co-ordinator Chosen port before the budget of 1966- of the graduate school, was in- prepared. HERARD succeeds Fr. Hay- correct. 1967 is joining changes den Vachon, S.J. Herard was Fr. Donovan is S.U.s For Election Board OTHER POSSIBLE a National Scholastic Art Scho- faculty as a history professor, include a change in the time at lar. He has a master of fine which was his position before We hope to change this," he which ASSU officers make re- arts degree from the Cranbrook leavingS.U. in 1961 to become said. ports tothe senateand a change the Jesuit seminary policing dances and Academy of Arts in Michigan rector of in the at and studied asa Fulbright scho- in Spokane. IN ADDITION to revising the other functions. The later bill format for election procedures, would put the responsibility of he hopes to obtain the use of checking at dances on the in- regular voting machines. At dividual sponsor of the dance present the school has but two, rather than on the ASSU offi- S.U.'s Chapter of AAUP but at least another one or two cers as it has been done in the are needed to run elections effi- past. ciently, according to Guiffre. The bill on officers' reports To enable students to know requests that they be made at Telegraphs St. John's the candidates, plans are under a special meeting rather than consideration to have an elec- at a regularly scheduled meet- S.U.s chapter of the strike there, The Spectator tion rally at which all the can- ing. This comes as a result American Association of learned yesterday. didates wduld be represented. of last week's meeting in which reports lasted approximately University Professors rec- St. John's, operated by two hours and 45 mirtutes. ently sent a telegram to the the Vincentian fathers, has Senators will also consider president of St. John's Uni- been the site of a faculty-ad- S.U. Alumna the Junior Class Junior Prom versity in New York in con- ministrative controversy for RON GIUFFRE account bill once again and the more than a year. A teachers' Wins Award financial board minutes. nection with the teachers' strike by several faculty mem- Ron Giuffre, a 21-year-old se- bers protesting certain admin- Dr. Patricia Smith, a medical istration policies is now in nior majoring incommerce and doctor working as a missionary progress. finance from Daly City, Calif., in Viet Nam, has been named CCD Meeting Slated Leaders of the strike move- has been appointed election recipient of S.U.s ninth annual ment listed the mass firing of Alumni Distinguished Service The Archdiocese of Seattle Earth." Sessions will revolve board coordinator. this, purpose., 31 professors just before award. Confraternity of Christian Doc- around with the of Christmas vacation began last Gi'uffre will succeed Mike Mc- The award is made to a per- inculcating the present renewal Bride, who resigned last quar- trine Congress will open on underway in church liturgy. month as the cause of the son or persons "in recognition strike. ter. The appointment as elec- of outstanding example of de- campus tommorrow. tion board coordinator is made theme year's con- A PONTIFICAL MASS cele- The telegram sent by the voted service to the highest The of this by MostRev.
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