No.3 - february 2016 WWW.MUSICTRAKS.COM NERO MY PERSONAL VISIONS ROBERTA GULISANO AN INSTINTIVE APPROACH LIVIA FERRI STEP BY STEP Marrano capturing the image The Rideouts REVIEWS INTERVIEWS NEWS contents 4 Interview REVIEWS 22 reviews ROBERTA GULISANO AN INSTINTIVE Review 25 APPROACH RESCUE interviews 8 Interview Review 26 LIVIA FERRI THE FALLS STEP BY STEP Interview Review 28 12 NERO MINNIE’S MY PERSONAL 29 VISIONS VIDEOS TO SEE Review ITALIAN BANDS 31 16 MARRANO, CAPTU- IN EUROPE RING THE IMAGE TraKs magazine WWW.MUSICTRAKS.COM 18 Interview is an online THE RIDEOUTS emission supplemental of site: streaming of full albums 20 Interview STEFAN CHRISTOFF AND POST MORTEM Editor in Chief: Fabio Alcini videos 21 Interview
[email protected] IAN FISHER news 24 review roberta gulisano: an instintive CLICK HERE AND LISTEN TO approach “Piena Di(s)grazia” strong lp, full of Sicilian flavors without Abeing provincial, full of pathos without being pessimistic: Roberta Gulisano, with the help and the production of Cesare Basi- le, publishes Piena di(s)grazia (title repre- senting a joke with words of prayer “Ave Ma- ria”), and we asked some questions about the album to the songwriter. How did you approach the work to your second album, “Piena di(s)grazia”? Did you change something from first album? “Destini Coatti” was a head’s job, “Piena Di(s)grazia” is a work of belly: it contains songs stored in the drawer, waiting their chance to be played and songs written in between recording intervals. The initial project was wider, but in the study it took a more lean and sinewy shape.