Class #8 Class Plan

Class Length: 1 hour 9 minutes * and ** Areas where extra or sequences can be added to lengthen (*) or taken out to shorten (**) the class (notes below)

Stand at front of mat, back to the hammock, OM Short Flow: Urdva Hastasana, ; repeat 5 times Short Flow: Step the left foot back and low lunge, sit back toward the left foot and then move the hips forward to a low lunge; repeat 5 times and end with a Downward Facing Dog; switch the legs and do the other side Short Flow: Cow and Cat 5 times Sit in front of the hammock and place the head inside the hammock, place the hands on the lower back (or on bricks), press the back of the head into the hammock and raise and lower the hips into and out of 5 times Downward Facing Dog, Cobra, Downward Facing Dog, move to the front of the mat Uttanasana, Urdva Hastasana, Rib Hang cow/cat 5 times ½ Ustrasana at the back of the mat, transition into variation, Rib Hang cow/cat 5 times; do ½ Ustrasana and Natarajasana on the other side; Rib Hang cow/cat 5 more times Low Lunge (Kapyasana) use the hammock to support the head, release and bring both feet together into Tiptoe Pose at back of mat, Downward Facing Dog (using the hammock), Rib Hang Chair; repeat on the other side 16 minutes From Rib Hang, swing to the front of the mat (can repeat swing several times), Bracelet Wrap the left hand, ; do the other side Surya Namaskar up until Downward Facing Dog, walk the hands back to the feet and stand Place the right leg into the hammock and swing the leg side to side, Warrior 1, Warrior 2, Maricyasana 3 (Option 1), spread open the hammock for ½ Star Pose; do the other side 31 minutes ** Use the hammock as a massage tool on the lumbar spine, wrap the right leg over both strands of the hammock and return to standing on the left leg, squeeze the right leg, undo the right leg; do the other side 36 minutes Back Straddle, Pigeon Pose, other side, with the legs in neutral walk the hands to the front of the mat and push into the floor, move the hands closer to the back of the mat and push into the floor, come back upright and to the floor, Supta 42 minutes From lying down place both feet into the hammock, ankle wrap the left foot, make circles, hug the right leg and slightly lift the hips, twist; do the other side Single Knee Hang left leg into ½ , either ½ or full Wheel, release and place both feet in the hammock, swing the legs side to side; do the other side ** Sit up, Hug Wrap (Wrists), Tiptoe Pose, Downward Facing Dog into Warrior 3 right leg, Warrior 3 left leg, stand 56 minutes * Hip Hang, interlace the fingers behind the back and extend the arms, release * Lie down on the stomach inside the hammock, Locust, roll over onto the back, Savasana OM and contemplation

* To Lengthen The Class: Add any additional variations you like during the Hip Hang Add forward bends inside the hammock either from sitting, or from reclined, after the Locust

** To Shorten The Class: Skip the leg squeezes section, moving straight from the Warrior/Maricyasana/Half- Star sequence into the Back Straddle sequence Skip Warrior 3