THURSDAY, JANUARY 4 , 1968; Avenge Daily Net Preaa Rnx iSlanrfrP0tpr lEwmtng HmUi Fttr The Week Ended The Weather December 28, 1967 Fair tonight. Low zero to 6 Manchester Barracks, Veter­ The Little Flower of Jesudi About Town ans of World War I, and Auxili­ Mothers Circle will meet tomor­ Board to Act Jan. 11 iianrIjTHtTr SuTtittig 11? ralb above. Tomorrow cloudy with ary have been Invited to a Joint row at 8:16 p.m. at the home of 15,563 From Your Neigh bor *8 Kitchen light snow. High near 20. Richard A. Biegal of M installation of officers of the Mrs. Robert Olorgettl of 406 Manchester— A City of ViUage Charm Staphor St. haa h««n namad to John T. Wood Barracks and Parker St. Mrs. William Lau- By DORIS BELDINO tha daan’a Uat of the Wharton Auxiliary of East Hartford tenbach is co-hostess. On Charter Changes For entertaining during the VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 80 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) (OhMelfled Adverttslng oa Page 17) School of Finance and Oom- Tuesday at 2 p.m. in East Hart­ MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 PRICE SEVEN CENTS post-holiday season, Mrs. F’rad charges, the CRC sOUdted sug' marce of the Unlveralty of ford. Concordia Lutheran Church Board of Directors’ action on Pansenhagen of Box Mt. Dr., gestlons from the public foiC « Pennsylvania at Philadelphia. will have an Epiphany Service proposed changes to Manches­ Vernon, often, prepares FTosty other possible charter changes^; Mrs. Harry Maidment of 69 and Holy Communion Saturday ter’s 1947 charter U scheduled Ribbon Loaf, which, she says, The two recommendefC Robert O. Kudra of 78 N. Robert Rd. will speak and show at 7 p.m. at t^e church. for Jan. 11, to comply with Con­ can be made well in advance of charges ^hlch have proved th^ Elm St. recently was a delegate slides of "Glimpses Along the necticut’s Home Ride Law, re­ the time she serves It. most controversial, of a boat of. at a biennial council of Phi Mediterranean" at a meeting of garding charter change proced­ Study Finds Families of GIs Delta Kappa International fra­ recommendations, resulted* Heart Patient the Cosmopolitan Club Friday • Boat Handling Frosty Ribbon Loaf ure. ternity at Memphis, Tenn. lie at 2 p.m. in the Fellowship 1 three-ounce packstge cream from the solicitation. Is president of the University The Heme Rule Law gtves It was Mrs. Gladys K. Mur-’ Room of Center Congregation^ Class Offered cheese, softened “ ' ' the board 16 days after its pub­ Forced to Share Burial Costs of Connecticut chapter of the Church. Mrs. Adam Rhodes Is ^ cup sugar phey, wife of retired park su­ lic hearting to recommend perintendent w ra ce F. Mur-;- By JEAN HELLER Lance fc l. Robert M. Oarlozzl fraternity. * hostess. A public Instruction course in 1 cup cream, whipped changes to the recommenda­ phey, who recommended the- Asaoedated Press Writer of Wheaton,ptM Md„ died In Viet­ Feeling Fine small boat handling will be con­ 1 one-pound can (2 cups) WASHINOTON (AP) — Many ducted by Manchester U.S. tions made by its Charter Re- mandatory, not - less • than-one-; nam in November. He was bur­ Gunners Mate 8.C. William J. David Thomas of the Man­ whole cranberry sauce grieving American families Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla vlakm Commission (CRC.) That mill tax for capital Improve­ led the same month at Arlington BUverstone, son of Mrs. Phoebe chester Square Dance Club will H inch-thick slices of angel have been forced to dig Into CAPE 'TOWN, South Africa and showed no sigh of rejec.ting It was announced today by Les­ public hearing was held Dec. Natlonsd Cemetery. E. BUverstone of 34 Durant St.; call for a beginner's square cake ments. their own savings to pay for (AP) — Heart transplant pa­ Its transplanted heart. The pa­ ter Wolcott, commander of the 27, and the 16 days wlU be up And, It was former Manches­ "I ’d say I paid out three times and Fireman Apprentice Barry dance session tomorrow after a burying sons and husbands tient Philip Blalberg, feeling tient took his first semisolld unit. The course opens Wednes­ dash of salt on Jon. 11. ter Mayor Sherwood G. Bow-* what I got from the govern­ W. Magnuson, son of Mr. and potiuck and meeting at 7 p.m. Combine softened cheese, killed In 'Vietnam because gov­ fine and "probably a little eu­ food since his operation three day from 7 to 9 p.m., at Iona If no changes are recommend' ers, a Republican, who recom­ ment,” said Carlozzi’s father, Mrs. George E. Magnuson of 86 of the 60-50 Club of St. Mary’s ernment funeral allowances fall phoric," can go home in about days ago—some corn flakes and Hall, and will for 10 weeks. sugar and salt; beat until fluf­ mended that aU nine school Salvatore. "And I don’t think I St. John St. are both serving Episcopal Church at the church. ed by the board on that day. short of covering costs, a survey three weeks If his condition a soft boiled egg. Classes are free and are open fy; fold in whipped cream. board members be elected- did anything special or expen­ aboard the U.8. Seventh Fleet Refreshments will be served. the ORC’s

GENUINE i' CERAMIC TILE 57‘ DovalettesIt»QO*’ sq. ft. Are Hanoi’s Statements Really Peace Feelers? FscialTittue V » W V REG. 60o Sq. F t

CAMPBELL'S J g g a m | H | In Capitals Where Viet Big Concern Through Foreign Governments CmCKEN NOODLE or # Q # ^ TUB ENCLOSURE

CHICKEK RICE SOSP | ^ | P lain or Apparent Peace Bid Spurs Interest LBJ Investigating Truth of Report WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi­ "One has to be careful and There was speculation in W ith Swan By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS between Washington's and Ha­ Vietnam has changied Its posi­ Wild Bird Seed in What appears to be a peace noi’s conditions for talks have tion but he would not dismiss dent Johnson is trying through watchful about these things if It Washington that the statement been narrowed. Others think Trinh’s statement as propagan­ by Trlnh last weekend at a Ha­ 5 and 20 Lb. Bags A Special Price on feeler from North Vietnam is several foreign governments to does represent a movement,” Trinh’s statement may be part da. noi reception for an Outer Mon­ STRICKLAND FARMS arousing interest in capitals Rusk said. "And we are Inter­ Other U.S. officials said the find out whether North Vietnam golian delegation may reflect a Grade AA Large where peace in Vietnam is a of a new propaganda effort to statement does not appear to wants "prompt and productive” ested In movements toward a spilt over political strategy for prime concern. mobilize foreign opinion against talks on ending the Vietnam peaceful settlement." answer completely President achieving Vietnam’s war aims. Sunflower Seed In U.S. officials say they are the U.S. bombing. They con- ' war If th# United States stops But Rusk also said he could Johnson’s San Antonio speech Trlnh said that If the United W H ITE E G G S trying through foreign govern­ tend it leaves a good many bombing the North. not tell whether there had been 3 and 25 Lb. Bags L arge last September In which he of­ States unconditionally stops ments to find out exactly wl\at questions unanswered. Secretary o< State Dean Rusk a fundamental change In the sit­ fered to stop the bombing if bombing and other h

mally hel'J pt Wapplng School meeting, to be held at 8 p.m. in ...... ------Tolland County Coventry B olton South Windsor will be held at Ellsworth school Coventry the high school audltortam. 12lh Circuit on Ja i, 6, 20 and Feb. 10. 'Three requests for funds com­ THINK SMALL 91784.90 It Was Love, Love, Love in ’67 prise the agenda for the town IMS Vi Epiphany Celebration DeMv«i«d in Installment By JOY MILLER Court Cases King Finds Support Growing Acting Head Board Asks meeting, with a request for an School Panel St. Peter’s Episcopal Church Blquipped with leatharetta in­ AP Women’s Editor will hold a-celebration of Holy additional $2,600 for the tax col­ terior, windahield -washer, 3- MANOHEB’TER SESSION Communion at 9 a.m. Saturday lector’s clerk account. ’There speed electric wipers, heater, On Tax Due With an historic White House To View Lab For Change in Abortion Law Appointed in MacKenzie I for the Feast of the Epiphany. is also a request for an addi­ defroster, 4-way safety flashers, wedding, with hippies wanting Robert M. RUey, 21, of Rock­ state Rep. Robert b . King of It wouBd leave the decision In Also on Saturday at 10 a.m. tional sum, not to exceed $700, back-up Hgtats, front and rear The Board of Education will to make love not war, with mar­ ville, charged wrltti attempted the 48th District says he has ■the hands of the woman in- Public W orks there will be an acolyte train­ To Continue for the dog license fund. seat belts. This Month see a demonstration of the theft of a motor vehicle, hatd lioted a growing sentiment In vdived and the medloel pnofes- ing session on the newly pro­ Final Item on the agenda will riages solemnized in -various lemguage laj) when It meets The second installment on the his case bound over to the next favor of modifying the century- ston. Connecticut -would not be Louis J. Jeske of 403 Abbey posed lltur,!y for the Lord’s _The Board of Education last be a request for on additional TED TRUDON Rf.. II, Toll.iiS TpU exotic circumstances—under Monday. ’The meeting will be­ current property tax is due and soBsion of Tolland Superior old Connecticut abortion In a turned Into an "abortion mill’’, Rd. Ext. will be acting superin­ Supper in the church. night extended uotll April 1 $29,617.76 to the middle school Tale.(lvlll.-M.nclMance. ' ’The open meeting 'will begin abortion in cases or rape or vealed, can’t eVfen afford an 11- Informal Council Meeting school year in which he enters bad business investments, ac­ will be held for a permanent month, may contact the office Long I^cmd Callers Club. He —if there is <»ie—is all about. ’The case of Barry J. Cole, at 8 p.m. in the double class­ incest; repeal the laws altogeth- legal Abortion and are forced ■M'S/yor Howard E. Fitts re- is eligible to attend kindergar­ cording to the Encyclopaedia position as superintendent. The of tax collector Mrs. F. Pauline has called fbr clUbs in Miaasa- Wedding of the year, of 24, of 78 Seaman Circle, charged room, then adjourn to the lan­ er leaving the problem to be into "do it yourself projects” m'lnida ail South Windaorr c*t- ten. The policy also allows "in Britannica. date of the examination will be Little for further information. dhusebts and New Jersey, and course, united Lynda Bird John­ wrlth breach of peace, was con­ guage lab. solved by the indi-viduals con- with worse results than those zens that aji informal session cases of multiple births, the announced in the near future, The Town Building is open also for the Stratford and Wind­ son, perhaps the most radiant tinued to Jan. 11. He was ar­ Methodist Notes cemed >rith their doctor and of an illegal abortion. oC the South Windsor town birth date of the first child shall tAHITI IN PACIFIC CENTER from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each sor Nutmeg Travelers of Oon- president’s daughter to be mar­ rested Dec. 2 after a domes­ ’The stewardship and finance clergyman, or leave the present The medical profession pres- and it will be open to all per­ oaundl will be held in the high be the basis for admissiob of PAPEETE—Tahiti is near the Monday, Tuesday, Thursday neoUcut. ried at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave­ tic disturbance. commission of United Methodist laws alone. enUy estimates 200,000 to IH sons who queillfy. school library Monday at 8 p.m. all children involved." center of the Pacific. It’s 4,888 and Friday, and from 9 a.m. Committees for the dance are nue, and Marine C^pt. Charles Tbomas E. Burdick, 20, of 76 Church will meet Monday; the The present statutes regard­ million illegal abortions are per- The responsibilities of the sup­ This meeting is devoted en­ The Board of Finance has miles from Panama, 4,950 miles to noon each Saturday. The Mr. and Mrs. A1 Walch, door S. Robb. , Union St., charged with misuse pastoral relations commission, ing abortions_ _ date back to^ 1821, formed every year thraughbut erintendent of public works in­ tirely to the pub»c and it is formed the school board that miles from Vancouver, 8,180 building is closed all day duty; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wefctoer, Here and there on the interna­ of a limited license, had his ’Tuesday, and the commission on iS ig n'e^tedr^d arra m b lgiloi’ ®®«>«llnK «» King. clude maintenance of the town’s hoped that there will be a -large preliminary budget work must from Cape Horn and 6,893 from be completed by March 4. for Wednesdays. chaltman o f refreshments, as-, tional scene a mellowing in­ case conUnued to Jan. 11. He missions, Friday, all at 7:80 p.m. Both sections concerning abor- <>* a total of 28 child- 78- miles of highway and over­ tum-out and thaft a vanliety of Tokyo. bearing caused deaths in Con­ Board of Finance review of Probate Judge Honrs sisted by Mr. and Mrs. Duane fluence could be felt. Britain's was stopped on Woodbridge St. School Menu Uons forbid them "unless neces­ seeing the sanitary land-fill fa­ topics -will 'be David C. Rappe in effect Yellen. time invited the Duchess of The case o f Henry J. ’Ittebault beef on toast, potato chips, car­ of her unborn child” . King ques­ Monday, haimburg In a roll, studies show. The South Windsor Woman’s been scheduled for April 22, with follow: Each Tuesday, 1 p.m. ' .The Manchester Square Dance Windsor—for whom King Ekl- o f Hiartford, charged with being' rot sticks, sugar cookie squares, tioned how an abortion can be reUshes and catsup, French FOR RENT King expressed concern over Club will meet Monday at the the annual town meeting to be to 4:30 p.m., and each Thursday, ohib is oonduoting lessens every ward VTII had given up his found intoxicated, wfUi breach ’Tuesday, glazed sweet potatoes, performed to save the life of an fried potatoes, buttered peas, 8 and 16 riim. Movie Pro­ the lack of consideraUon given Orchard Hill School at 7:46 p.m. held on May 20. jectors—«ound pr silent, also 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Town Tuesday from 8 to 10:30 pm. throne in 1936—to a royal family o f peace, and with deEttrucblnn green beans, cold cuts, raisins unborn child. firuit land cookie: ’Tuesday, gathering. women regarding the aborUon Speaker will be exchange stu­ frozen orange juice (eiemen- Town Meeting Set S3 mm. slide projectors. Hall on Route 31. at Waddell School. o f FUbUc property, ■was con- and chocolate chips; Wednes­ When Life Begins JEWELERS-SILVERSMmiS—SINCE 1900 In India Mrs. Indira Gandhi laws. "Throughout history the dent Pancho F. E. Rosario from tory), meat and cheese grind­ The Board of Selectmen, also Hobby Workshop Set 'tinued to Jan. 11, He was ar- day, shell macaroni casserole, The major question in the WELDON DRUG CO. was re-elected prime minister. laws concerning aborUon and Peru. er, -with lettuce and tomato, in session last night, set Jan. DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER AT 968 MAIN STREET The Gleaners Circle of the home of Gqne H. Boyington on lested Dec. 17 after the cair he com, strawberry gelatin; ’Thurs­ adopUon of any abortion law Is 767 Main SL—Tel. 64S-6S31 Pretty Farah Dibah, 29, third their interpretaUon have been He is attending South Windsor pickel chips, potato chips, but­ 30 as the date for a special town Second Congregational Church Prospect St. John W. Allen, was driving another car at day, baked beans ■with sliced the "philosophical concept’’ of wife of Mohammed Reza Shah written and promulgated by high school through the efforts tered wax beans (high school), has a special Hobby Night chairman of the Town GOP Tolland ’Tpke. k^so Station. frankfurts, com bread, cabbage when life begins, according to men without any consideraUon Pahlevl and mother of his two of the American Field Service bultltorscotch pudding -with top- workshop at 8 p.m. Tuesday at Committee, wdll talk on "How Two other cases ■were also salad, cookies; Friday, vegetble King. soD|^. became Iran’s first m for women," he said. “ Women for one year and will return to pdiDg; Wednesday, -hamburg, the home of Mrs. Lawrence Your Voice Affects the Nomina­ continued to Jan. 11. ’They were soup with crackers, egg salad Medlceilly, life does not occur have never been given the op- queen in its 2,600-year Peru at the end of that time. nKacaroni, and tomato casserole, Blake on Mark Dr. In charge of tion of National Republican Can­ the cases o f Louis SuUlvan, 58, sandwich, butterscotch pudding. unUl the fetus (baby) has been portunlty to present their opln- history. ’The shah finally held He resides with Mr. and Mrs. whole kernel com, cottage pud­ refreshments will be Mrs. El­ didates.’ ’ Speakers on loced and o f 86 Sumner St, charged ■with in existence for twenty weeks, ions on the subject.” the coronation after a 26-year- Carlo Prestilio of 69 Ash Rd. ding with ichxKoUate sauce, bread bert I. Carlson, Mrs. John national issues wdll appear at breach of peace, who pleaded Manchester Evening Herald he explained. The Catholic The statewide hearings have delay. not guilty to the charge, and Mrs. Peter Griffiths and Mrs. and butter; (high school and Schmidt, Mrs. Alton Taylor future meetings. The Soviet Union celebrated Bolton correepondent, (kemewell Church, however, believes life reflected all shades of opinion the case o f James B. Platz, 22, Joel Cohan are hostesses. EUswoith) baked meat loaf, and Mrs. George Matsdorff. All persons Interested In at­ Us 60th anniversary of the Rev­ Young, tel. 643-8981. begins “ at union” —when sperm regarding the subject and what o f 6 Bates Rd., charged 'writh Lions Board to Meet g;ravy, mashed 'potatoes, -whole Annual Library Meeting tending should call John Dnige olution, as miniskirts made and egg join, while the Jewish should be done. King said. They operating a motor vehicle with­ The board of directors of the kernel com, cottage pudding The Booth-Dimock Memorial of Jones Crossing Rd., listed In their appearance in Moscow faith does not believe the fetus ranged from total aboluUon of NfO M |Afyi|Nf5 out an exhaust and operating South Windsor Lions Club will wiWh chocolate sauce, bread and Library Association has its an­ the Storrs section of the direc­ fashion shows. Beach Driving Taxed has life unUl actual birth. Le­ all abortion laws to leaving INC nual meeting at 8 p.m. Tues­ a motor vehicle with bald tires. gally speaking the fetus does them as they are. meet Sunday evening at 8 at the butter; ’Thursday, broiled chick­ tory. In Mexico City the first con­ Podunk Mill on Ellington Rd. en -with cream graJvy, cranberry day in the library. There will firmed birth of octuplets in his­ OOOeXA BEACH, F la—This not have legal rights imtll The legislqUve council will NEWFOUNDLAND’S POSITION The next regular meeting of the sauce, mashed potato, butte(red be an election of trustees and Manchester Evening Herald tory was reported; none lived. dity has spotted a new source of birth. * ■not report its recommendaUons hese magnificent additional members, as well as GANDER— Newrfoundland is munloipal revenue. ’To use one unUl November of this year club will be Wednesday at 6:30 carrots, 'fruit, bread and but­ Coventry correspondent, F. Pau­ At the United Nations, 63 “If life is destroyed it is p.m. at Armando’s Restaurant, ter; Friday, fish sticks, tartar presentation of reports and con- closer to Cairo, the U.A.R., than of three ramps to the hard- tantamount to murder," many ^hen they will be Included In a line UtUe, tel. 742-6234. women sat in the main commit­ East Windsor. sauce, potato puffs, catsup, but­ sldenction of acts of officials it Is to Sao Paulo, Brazil. More- sand strip of ocean front, mo- claim. This must be weighed, report to the new legislature. tees of the General Assembly Volleyball Returns tered spinach, ice cream bar, M c a a ' and trustees. and perhaps two dozen more ot'er, it is closer to Vancouver, torlMs must pay a 60-cent fee. King'-noted, against other con- Recreation director Ralph bread and butter. Milk is served Bulletin Board spoke up in debates on human on the far west coast of Can­ ’Ibe city expects to earn $60,000 ' dlUons which may arise which nm Carlson has announced that wilth all meals. The Woman’s Republican Hospital Notes ada, than to the North Pole. a year in beach drindiig fees. ______rights and social welfare. could be considered ImperaUve P T A Panel men’s volleyball will resume A salad plate will be served Club of Coventry meets at 8 Svetlana Alliluyeva, 42, Jo- to society, particularly the p.m. Monday at the home of visiting hours are 2 to 8 p.m. Monday evening with a full slate daily in ithe -high school. se|^ Stalin’s daughter, became mother Involved. On Instruction of action scheduled for both the Mrs. Eugene Bramhall on in an areas excepting mater­ an instant celebrity wrhen she Opponents claim liberalizing Ell Terry and Orchard Hill MCanchester Evening Herald Parker Bridge Rd. Selectmen nity where they are 2:30 to 4 arrived in the United States p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m. and pri­ the laws could lead scientists Of Handicapped gyms. South Windsor correspondent, J. Richard Nicola and D. WU- seeking asylum anJ carrying to decide who should live and liam Sleeper will speak on the vate rooms where they are 10 Junior Boy’s basketball nor­ Virginia Bldwell, tel. 644-2356. the manuscript of an 80,(XX>- who should die. They question, A (panel discusaion on day-to-day activitleB of select- a.m. to 8 p.m. Visitors are re­ word personal memoir. Later J quested not to smoke In pa­ for example, how the doctor ‘*n»e PerceptualUy Hianidicappeid nien. New officers will be voted she donated much of the pro­ can determine "absolutely" upon at the meeting. tients’ rooms. No more than Child'’ -will be featured at the ceeds from the book to various Value Rated that a fetus Is deformed. ^ . u MMAR J NCMBS7WR CKNTKH The Mothers’ Club of Coven­ two vtsltors at one time per causes a^und the world. PARKINS patient. Those who favor the changes try will meet at 8 p.m. Tubs- Other aevelopments In the point to medical statistics SchooJ PTA Tuesday at 8 p.m. Enjoy this beautiful day in the Nathan Hale Com­ Patients Today: 291 world of women: which claim a sixty per cent Tbe penelisits iwUI include Dir. munity Center on Main St. EDUCA’n O N : ’The Many Faces of Love . . VvTender moments captured during 1967 of couples in love, a likelihood of deformity if the Hai-vey Olhas, a ohiild psycholo- Hostesses will be Mrs. Francis ADMITTED YESTERDAY: A Berkeley, Calif., faculty mother looking at her new baby,^ppies at a love-in, children in the midst of war : 1. Lynda mother has had German Mea- giiat; Dr. Abraham Shapiro, an SWIVEL CONSOLE Murphy and Mrs. Wesley B. Mrs. Gladys Allen, Warehouse j M L wrlfe protested coeds’ continual Bird Johnson, 23, with Marine Capt. Charles Robb, 28, before their wedding Dec. 9 in the White USED CARS sles during the first 12 weeks opitometrfiBt; and ithiree mem- Manclie&teA LUMBER- MODELS Hill. BTnal arrangements will be Point; Mrs. Juliette Bisson, pursuit of professors. House. 2. Bright-eyed Montagnard girl in Vietnam carries sleeping sister in sling to be treated of pregnancy. beirs o f the 'Bentley staff -who made for the club’s annual East Hartford; Robert Bolduc, Yale wooed Vassar College by U.S. Special Forces medic. 3. Singer Elvis Presley, 32, kisses bride, Priscilla Beaulieu, 21, Others point to medical -work -with percepituaUy handi- from any angle! "Father’s Night’’ dance next Come To I with today’s 709 Main St.; Martha Bonham, for more than a year, seeking to after saying “ I do” in Las Vegas. 4. Author Henry Miller, 76, and Hokl Tokuda, 28, TokVo-bom chemical tests which are being capped children, month. 80 Amott Rd.; Mrs. Maude lure the girls’ school to New jazz pianist and singer, at their California wedding. 6. At love-in in ClnclnnaU’s Eden Park, devdibped, and show promise of Dr. Glass Is president of the The Fragment Society of the MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES if you Booth, 130 Summer St.; Beverly Haven, Conn., to set up house­ LrO-V-B in flourescent paint is applied to girl’s bare back. 6. Julia Nixon, 18, daughter of fo r - / being able to determine deform- Oiild Di-vlaiion o f the Conneoti- b ig g e s t Second Congregational Church Keepj you "froni-row-center'’—regar(ilflss of wlierc Bramhall, Long Hill Rd., An­ keeping in a Harvard-Radcliffe mer Vice President Richard M.Nixon, becomes engaged to David Elsenhower, 19. grauidspirof ity in a fetus. out Psychological AssoclaXian. will meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednes­ Your Qualify you sit in your roomi Model 531, .with 295 sq. In. dover; Lawrrence Cullen, 49 relationship. Late in 1967 Vassar former President Dwight D. Eisenhower. 7. New York East Village artists Janice B a r r o ^ ^ d Model Bill Provisions Dr. Shapiro, -who 'will discuss day In the Church Community Wells St.; Mrs. Mary Delaney, love paneling rectangular screen, Chromatone, QuIck On pictures, COLOR spumed the offer, deciding to Louis Delsarte are married at hippie-style wedding. 8. Luci Baines Johnson Nugent with new­ The Model Penal Bill, drafted varlious aspects of viirion dinclud- and Automatic Color Purifier that lets you move your House on Rt. 44A. 139 Benton St.; Ellen Fahy, 32 Oldsmobile Dealer remain "in its birthplace’’ at born son, Patrick Lyndon, called Lyn after his grandfather. President Johnson, as they leave by the American Law Institute, ing -vimial malflmctions, has Magnavox anywhere In your home-without the risk Rotary Liadies Night Spring St., Rockville; Mrs. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. hospital June 26. served as the basis of HB 4767 taken post-graduate ibreinding in of picture impurity: plus many more extra value, 4^ PiCTURE'. The Rotary Club is formulat­ Susan Freeman, 31 Diane Dr., Sister Jacqueline Grennan, 41- you'll love being studied by the council. dhUdren’a -vision at the Gesell fine quality features. See It nowl ing plans for Its Ladies’ Night Vernon; Horace Kimball, 126 year-old president of Webster 1968 BUICK *3795 She was already the mother of The bill would permit a "jus- Institute, at 7 p.m. Jan. 27 at Flano’s Avond^e Rd.; Joseph Lessard, College at Webster Groves, Mo., graphed by the New York Yan­ Women’s Hospitals Service, be­ LeSabre 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, automatic, power steering, six. kees. tillable abortion by a licensed ’nio panelists from Bentley PRICE-REDUCED Restaurant in Bolton. In charge 844 Vernon St.; Patrick and gave up the veil and left the Or­ came the third U.S. woman to power brakes, factory air conditioned. Very, very low GOVERNMENT: mileage. physician If he believes there Is be Mrs. Zeto. Ford, reading these prices of the affair are Nelson J. Veronica Moseley, Bolton der of the Sisters of Loretto. She The Redgrave sisters, Vanes­ receive the Republic of Italy’s Bearce, chairman; Samuel P. Branch Rd.‘, Vernon. ^ etty Furness, 81, ’TV person­ sa, 29. and Lynn, 23, were nomi­ Order of Merit in recognition of substantial risk that contlnu- specialist and panel moderator; continued to head the school as ance of the pregnancy would Jeaji Freeman, a Grade 3 NOW Allen, James Zuccardy, and Leo Also, Donna Murzyn, Grant it made its transition to a lay ality, became President John­ nated tor Academy Awards. her "dedicated service to hu­ son’s Special Assistant for Con­ Neither won, but their profes­ "gravely Impair” the physical teaidher; and Mrs. Ethel Haw- too! Vigneault. The program will in­ Hill Rd., Cove-ntry; John institution. »• manity in many parts of the 1967 OLDS SAVE or mental health of the mother, teacher o f the new tiown- ONLY clude a dinner, speaker, and Schwelr, East Windsor HUl; POLITICS: sumer Affairs, a $26,(XX)-a-year sional reputations kept growing world." Delta 88 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, automatic, power st^erlnK, $ 4 7 0 5 0 Hie WIJ would also permit a wide class for the perceptually dancing. Francis Shea, 26 Union Bt.; In Alabanla Lurleen B. Wal­ post. In August she married during the year. Elizabeth Brady Horier, who power brakes, demonstrator. Allen wdll be in charge of the George Simmons, Silver St., Leslie Grant Midgley, 62, CBS Lee Bouvler, wife of Prince started as a stenographer 33 juSttflable abortion if .the child handicapped, -which Is housed at lace, wdfe of former Gov. would be born with “grave Bentley, entertainment for the club Coventry; Raymond Stark­ George Wallace and mother of News executive producer. Stanislas Radziwill and younger years ago In the Wall Street of­ meeting at 6:46 p.m. Wednes­ weather, 193 Woodbridge St.; four, took office as governor. Mary E. Swdtzer, career fed­ sister of foi*mer First Lady fice of Bankers Trust Co., was physical or mental defect.” The class was begun thla fail 1967 OLDS SAVE A3ao permitted would be it® ^nsure that Manidiester day in Coventry Grange Hall on Irving SteauTis, 109 Charter Oak Late in the yM r she was recu­ eral executive, became head of Jacqueline Kennedy, made her elected vice president, the first Delta Custom 4-Door Hardtop. V-8, automatic, power abarttloo (for a pregnancy re- would comply with new state R t 44A. St.; Mrs. Rosemarie Tamlso, 64 perating from an operation for Ore new Social and Rehabilita­ acting debut in '"rhe Philadel­ time in the history of major steering, power brakes, demonstrator. The Junior Woman’s Club will Highvlew Rd., Wapplng; Mrs. cancer. tion Service in the Department phia Story” in Chicago. O ltlcs New York commercial banks suiting from rape, liUcest or regulations on education of the other felonitous interco*irse. All child, visit Baker House at Mansfield Onve Wine, 71 Hawthorne St. Shirley Tpmple Black, one­ of Health, Education and Wel­ were not kind. that a woman achieved so high Magnavox INSTANT AUTOMATIC COLOR always brings you intercourse with an unmorilied Hawkdns, foimeriy a State Training School Sunday time dimpled, curly-topped fare. HONORS AND FIRSTS: a position. 1967 OLDS SAVE afternoon for the “ monthly BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A child movie star, now the 39- Women were given equal Elizabeth Hardwick, advisory girl betow«the age o f 16 would supportive iteacher from Hart- Delmont Convertible. V-8, power steering, power brakes. be oonsddered felonious under ,iji project Ooncem, was .perfect color pictures...INSTANTLY and AUTOMATICALLY! party.’’ A tour of the school daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ron­ year-old socialite write of a Cali­ rights with men In the armed editor of the New York Review AM-FM radio, demonstrator. will be held at 2 p.m. Jan. 14 ald. Trombley, 8 Keeney St.; a fornia industrialist, ran unsuc­ forces. of Books and wife of Rob­ Voted ‘No* Twice the hdU. (hlired last summer to iteaich the daughter U fi' Mr. and Mrs. The abortions would have to ihandtcapiped class. She has done Deluxe Consoles 5 Authentic Styles with the club represented. cessfully for Co 'icsE on the Career servicewomen can ert Lowell Jr., became the first WASHINGTON — World War George Glldden, 312 Spruce St. be pertoiTOod In a licensed hoa- Bpedallzed graduate 'work in The club’s executive commit­ Republican ticket. now rise above the rank of colo­ woman to w in the theater’s I was declared by votes of 373- tee meets at 8 p.m. Monday at 1966 FORD ♦2395 j)Ual, exceipt in .case of emer- field. DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; At least a half-dozen U.S. nel. Said President Johnson eis richest prize, the $4,000 George 60 in the House of Representa­ Galaxle 500 2-Door Hardtop. Power steering, power brakes, thq home of Mrs. Albert Gustaf­ communities elected their first he signed the bill: " ’There is no Jean Nathan Award for Dra­ factory air conditioning. gency -when hospUal faciMicir x question iperiod and rePreeh- Mrs. Yvette Pihl, 40 Brent Rd.; tives and 82-6 in the Senate. ore unavailable. son on Alice Dr. wromen mayors. Among the reason why we should not some matic Criticism for the 1966-67 ments -will foJSaw 'the presenta- Roland Amundsen, Llynwood Rep. Jeanette Ranking of Mon­ ’The Model Penal Code aerved 4-H Dinner Party winners was Republican Antoni­ day have a female chief of staff theatrical year. Uon. ’The pubUc is invited. Dr., Bolton; Michael Zltkovltch, tana, a pacififst, cast a dissent­ "OS Ithe basis of modlftod albor- The 4-H Town Committee is 123 Maple St.; Joseph Glode, na Uccello, a youthful-looking ^ —or even a commander-in- Dr. Alma Dea Morani, Phila­ ing vote April 6, 1917, and also planning its annual 4-H Leaders 1966 OLDS •2295 lUoin leglslatton axtopteid lost 49 Glode Lane; Mrs. Beverly 46, who took over in Hartford, chlef.” delphia plastic surgeon and the only “ No” Dec. 8, 1941, when International Dinner party at Delta 88 2-Door. V-8, automatic, power steering power yeoi* by Coloroxio, Califocnia and Pirates on Yangtze Trapp, Metcalf Rd., Tolland; Conn., long a Democratic ENTERTAINMENT president of the American war with Japan was declared. brakes. 6:30 p.m. Feb. 3 h}^.the Church North OaroUna. , Mrs. Carol Tremano, Pine stronghold. ’The most prominent An d t h e a r ’t s : Community House bn Rt. 44A. The proposed leglslaition con­ ‘SiRANCHiAl—For many years Ridge Dr., Andover; John Kielb, wroman mayoralty candidate, Pulitzer Prize wrlnning poet, The committee in charge in­ tained______nothing requiring__ „ anyone . before World War II a major SA V E *60 though, Louise Day Hicks, lost Marianne Moore, collaborated French Provincial SA V E *60 Lake Rd., Andover; Mrs. Sylvia 1966 OLDS who has niioi^’ or “reii^ous mission of gunboat patrols on Contemporary cludes Mrs. Robert B. Sim­ In Boston. on some couplets wdth the bat- •2295 model 743 LaPenta, 66 Wedgewood Dr.; Cutlass 4-Door Sedan. V-8, power steering, power brakes, scruples aigalitat albortlon to go the Yangtze River -was to pro- model 740 mons, Mrs. Aaro A. Aho, and Voters.'ln Indianapolis elected tljng bard, (Jassius Clay. Later Mrs. Ernest G. LeDoyt. The af­ William Borst, 713 N. Main factory air conditioning. through with it, Ktng ipodinted t ^ merchant ships from swoms St.; Mrs. Mary Wescott, 108 an expectant mother; Marjorie in the year she turned 80, was fair is to honor leaders and Jun­ 0 Ut. ■'■of river pirates. W. Middle Tpke.; Richard Den­ H. O’Laughlln, 38, city clerk. gifted wdth *a baseball auto­ S A V E Mcditerrane^ model 744,‘on concealed ior leaders for their work dur­ 9 M w b WWV casters (or easy moving. ing the past year. nison, 36 Harlan St. 1966 OLDS •2095 Kindergarten Aides Also, Otto Dowd, East Hart­ F-86 Sport Coupe. V-8, automatic, power steering, power ford; Mrs. Constance Wozdtey, brakes. Mrs. Robert Norton and Mrs. Your David McLinden have been as­ 8 Oval Lane; Mrs. Priscilla sisting Mrs. Robert Kingsbury Dooley, RFD 1, Bolton; Susan Phone 649-5405 choice Maslchuk, Reed Rd., Rockville; Come On with her classes of the North j » n 1966 OLDS. *2895 Coventry Cooperative Kinder­ Lynette Monteal, East Hart­ Torpnado. V-8, automatic, power steering, power brakes, NOtVV ONLY ford; Mrs. Olivia Craugh and Down! garten this week in the Second factory air conditioning. ALSO SAVE $ 6 0 .. .on pricc-rcduccJ Convenient Remote SA V E *60 daughter, Kenneth Dr., Vernon. SA V E *60 Ccmgregatlonal Church base­ a Now In Altractiv*, dteoroHv* E6rly American—model 742, ConUoI models, too. Available in Mediterranean. Early Italian Provincial ^ ment classroom. .Mrs. Norman ^ ------Qn concealed swivel casters.,. American, and Contemporary si)lcs. NOW ONLY $ 6 IS model 746 Nadeau wdll Mrs. Edwdn 1966 C H EVY wall panaling !• th« adsy Taste Peaks at Noon Rov and 1Earle’s •2595 Progress— MNSTANT AUTOMATIC COLOR-the • HUGE 295 tq. In. rectangular screens— • H IG H FIDELITY S O U N D — more efficient H. Lawton with a class this aconomical way to i>aauliful Impala Super Sport 2-Door Hardtop. V-8, power steering, most important advance in Color I S — the B iggot Pictures in Color 'IV . Magnavox speakers plus Tone Control tn coming Monday, while Mrs. factory air conditioned. OHM3AGO—Research shows Our Big walk. It's aaiy to install, was /irji perfected and introduced by tvrr} model— for thrilling program realism. Peter O’Brien and Mrs. John to pay urgent b ills... • C H R O A A AT O N E -brings you richer, far that a peroon’s abUity to taste MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM navar naadt painting and Magnavox in 1964! You enjoy a perfectly- O’Hara wdll be assisting Mrs. more vivu/ colorj Wapmer blacJc and white and savor food varies with the tuned picture that au/o/Njitca//) j/jys />rtciie • FACTORY-DIREa PRICES save you money! Kingsbury this coming week. FLIWR COVERING can giva yaan of pictures. time o f day. ’Hie same meal or any worthwhile purposed on evcr>' channel, ever)' time! N O other N o “middleman” costs. Magnavox sella In charge of cleaning the class­ eaten at nopn will taste far bet­ JAN. CLEARANCE maintananca-fraa sarvica. Color T \ ' today offers you all these ad­ • Q U IC K -O N — pictures flash-on four times directly to Sorio Magnavox Home Enter­ room tomorrow will be Mrs. 574/2 COOPER S-rfiteET ter than if eaten in the late OF Wa carry a wida talactien ditional exclusive M agn a \o x advantages: fasterj ut/'jou/ annoying “warm-up” delay. tainment Centers. William G. Glenney and Mrs. FREE ESTlMiATES—A^1^L WORK GUARANTEED Donald Green. afternoon. 'That is because GET THE CASH YOU NEED AT LOW BANK RATES of pattarns to moat taste sensitivity increases grad­ Officials of the North Coven­ 1 LOAN FINE FABRICS! ually during the morning, LESS BANK CHARGE MONTHLY REP AYMENT TERRAS almost any dacor. try Cooperative Kindergarten LINOLEUM FORMICA (per year) 12 months 24 months reaches a peak near midday, 1 _____ Maiichester GASH AND CARRY report that starting this month then gradually declines. 1 - $ 300 $ 19.50 $ 25.00 $ 12.50 the fee is $11 per month until and FLOORS COUNTERS 1 600 39.00 including the month of May. 50.00 25.00 SAFE DBIVEB8 However, when all fees are paid CERAMIC KITCHEN 1 1.200 78.00 100.00 50.00 RAWLINS, Wyo. (AP) - 1 2,400 ilgiricnilYUI]>^ through May such wdll cover 156.00 200.00 100.00 S INC. Twenty inmates of the Wyoming TILE CARPETS the classes to be conducted dur­ State Peniteptiary are taking a LIFE INSURANCE INCLUDED Oldsmobile “ Cheney HoU’’—Your Dabrlo Headquortero Stace 1926! ing the month of June. 177 Hartford Comer of Pine Sb, Mtanchebber safe driving course “for driiyero ROY STRICKLAND EARLE TEDFORD West. Center St. at Hartford Rd. Manchester Young OOP Meeting who have been out of existence Open Dally tUl 9 P.M.—Bait, t il 6 PJK. 445 HARTFORD-ROAD... Plenty O f Free Parking Space... The Young Republicans will for a long time.’’ No actual driv­ Foriimriy o t Roy & John THE CONNECTICUT BANK _ 643-2411 643-1511 meet Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the ing is included in the program. AND TRUST COMPANY RLANCHESTER FVENING HERAI,D, MANCHESTER. CONN., FRTOAY, JANL ARY 5, XBbS P A 0B 8IZ MANCHES'TER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 PAGE SEVEN

iiUmrlfPRtrr champion of peace. Just like Pope Paul himself. Fischetti ^ ★ CANVAS cmd ALUMINUM PRODUCTS -A If that may have been toe lever TV-Radio Tonight © IN? nica(0 Dally News £tipnttt0 Ifpraij) which slipped the acid into toe pen of Combination Windows and Doers w Pobllabers-Holl PUHLBSHBD b v t h e . toe Vatican editor, the edhor’s comment Door Cauoples, Roll-up Awnings, Canvas Awnings Repaired, HflRALDPRDmNO C».. DtC. . Syndicate, 1907 Re-covered. Take Down Servloe and Storage. Boat Oanvaa Re­ U BlneU Street ^ seems to have been fairly accurate Television llanohaater. Conn. diagnosis of toe United States position paired or Made New To Tour Pattern. Ah 'Work Cnstom THOMAS r. FtaROUSON 6:00 ( 6) TwWsM 2k>ne Made. Orommeta — Eyelets —. Fasteners. Storm Panels isr , WAI.TBR R. FEROUSON in Vietnam. (30) (Newsreel Jalousie Unite. Waterproofing Compound For T e n ^ Boateoven PubUehera Quite accurately, in our opinion, toe W ) Nesm (C) and Canvas. We Do Rescreening of Aluminum Screens, ______Founded October 1, MM.______I ( sem WSd, WIU West (O Vatican editorial locates the crucial de- CombM. («n .wisM—the first decision to bomb North SI £S!P’ i ( 3) Friday Movie (C) Ksuiobester, Oonn., as Second d s s s Mail Vietnam—which sent the United States Ml^lMlatonwna NHshbor- (HO) OSovie Matter.______(1204540) T e m n (C) MANCHESTER AWNING CO. down a "blind alley" in which we have S;8a Nows (C) (M) IWoild Preoe Renriew SOBSCIUPTION RATES aponM World ( »-lfl) Ckmer Pyie (C) E8T. 1949 — 195 W. CENTER STREET — 649-8091 Payable In Advance „ been trapped ever since, not getting toe nMaU«r (3042-80) Star lU k . One Yeai' ...... $22.00 Wliait'i New? a u Mootha ...... : ...... U.OO results we hoped for from the bombing, 1:00 (18) SubaciipUan TV n r e e Months ...... 5.60 "p ™ . (40) Operation; Entertainment One Month ...... 1.86 alienating even our own best friends who (C) (R) question both the moral and political (04) Craettve Person MEMBER o F * (00) Sporti I ( BdaiMusHc THE ASSOCIATED PRESS standards we are following, aqd denying (W iHvel Time (R) (04) NET Playhouse The Aseoclated Press la exclusively entitled I ® Cbertfcaz ^ 0 (^ 2 4 0 ) Aocldental Fsm- FLETCHER CLASS GO. OF MANCHBSTEB to the use at rcpubHcatlon of all news to ourselves that freedom of choice and Ijro BCcHMe ■ Navy patches otadUed to H or not otbersrlse credU- policy a great nation ought to p o s s ^ . 6:llB Bold Venture ( 8-40) Ouna of Will Somiett ed In this paper and also the local news pub­ 0:00 iM) Wtaat’s New (R) (C) lished here. , ,, Only when it Comes to the question of 10:00 (W4(Ma40) Tomorrow's All lisMa of republlcatlon of special dls- World: Beyossl the 8ky (Ch “ When You Think of Glass, 6 4 9 4 5 2 1 ' patches nerebi are also reserved. a solution does the Vatican editorial (04) (NET W n a d come down to the same kind of help­ ( 840} Judd for Detenae (C) Think of Fletcher** Tlie Heiald Prlntbi* Company Inc., aa- 8:46 10:30 (U) aibsorliAloa TV snmes no financial responsibility for typo- lessness which afflicts all who try to de­ 7:00 ( 6 ) Death VsHey Days (C) 10:4B ( 3) Featurette (O snuihlcal errors appearing In advertisements j2 M 0 ^ )N e w r 6k>orn 11:00 (34404240-40) News, SporU, and other readlnc matter In The Manchester vise some practical way out of the (W Truth or Conaequences Weather (C) Bvenlnc Herald. ______tragedy In Vietnam. (20) Rictasni Dtemond 54 McKEE STREET HunUey-BrMdeiy u:ae ( 0) Fr4day Bpectaoular Full service client of N. E. A. Service Inc. What the Vatican editor came down hO) MrtKele'e Navy 11:30 PubUshers Representatives — The Julius ^^Oonvereatlona, Arnold Mathews Special Arency — New York, Chi­ to, in the end, was a true verdict like Toynbee 1:00 KU) Outdaora w A i. StM (C) TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS cago, Detroit and Boston. this: "Peace has need of courage per­ SEE SATDBDAT’S TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE lASTINOS from $25.00 to $45.00 MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF OIRCUUA- haps even more than does war. This Is T10N8.______the teaching that comes from the sad Dteplay advertising closinc hours; Radio Now Is the thne to bring In your sereesis to be repaired. For Monday — 1, p.m. Friday. facts of which we are witnesses.” Storm window glass replaced. For Tuesday — l*;i.m. Soturdav. ( m s listing Inclodes only those news broadcasts of 10 or 15 »’A PINE MAN, BUT I DIDN’ T PARTICULARLY CARE FOR HIS For Wednesday — 1 p.m. Monday. Pope Paul has demonstrated that kind For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. of courage, in his historic and unprece­ minute length. Some stationi osury other abort newocasts.) HOLIER-THAN-THOU ATTITUDE” For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED For Sidurday — l p.m. Thursday. dented pilgrimage to the United Nations, WDRC—18«e 6:66 Phil Blzxuto Ctesslfled deadline — 6 p.m. day before 6:00 IMok RoMnw>n 7:00 The Wortd Torisht putdlcatlon, 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday in his repeated positive challenges to 6 ;(» Joey Reynolda 7:16 Flank CWfoid mate travesty will be toe sj^c- the teachers by insisting that officials, but holding up A1 and Monday publication. 9:00 Ken Orlffki 7:80 Alexander Kendrick GLASS FURNITURE TOPS the peace protestations of the Ameirlean 1:06 News, Blsn I Off 7:86 &>eak Up Hartfotd Open Forum tacle of educated, frightened the Manchester School Board Shanker as a potential hero Friday, January 6 President. But, as the impressive rec«it „ iraK)B-4i8 8:00 N ^ sheep trying to teach our chil­ reinstate Henry Manning imme­ seems to wind up denouncing 5:00 Hartford H IshH ^s 8:10 Bptak Up Hufftad dren. MIRRORS (Fireplace and Door) statement by the group of 14 distinguleh- 7:00 News 12:15 S lp iO ff "Pat On The Back’’ diately and return him where one alleged brand of authori­ ed "ntoderates” pointed out, the United 8:00 OeailisM wno-1 0 0 0 Tq their credit, the teachers he is most needed—in the class­ tarianism merely to prepare toe 12:00 Quiet Hours 6:00 Nowa, Weather, Sports To the EdiitoT, of Manchester have supported room. PICTURE FRAMING (all typos) States still has to demonstrate that it W PO F^41l 6:|B ARemoon Edition way for another. If we had to The Castro Vaccine 6:00 Damnr CSayton Show i, 7:0(7 AnMitoona The town of Mamchester Manning and have protested his Aloysius J. Ahearn choose between dictators for a possesses the courage to deescalate as 7:W Lee Stanina BtSw 7:26 David Brtrid^ should got a pat on the back suspension. But they need com­ Editor's Note; A letter so in­ school system, we would choose This is not an editorial saying it is a 12:00 Gaiy Ofaard Show 7:80 News of Ihe World WINDOW and PLATE GUSS well as escalate in Vietnam. ^ WINF—UM 7:46 Joe Ooneclola for the why they cleared the munity support. I call on all' temperate in its criticism ’of the trained administrator ahead good thing that Fidel Castro, nine years 5:00 News 7:50 Sine Alons snow over the New Year’s Perhaps, by all the mounting diplo­ 6:16 r Up Sports 7:66 EmphosU citizens to come to the aid of supposedly responsible public of the union leader. ago, took over . matic signs, such an opportunity is now 5:30 ; Reaaoner 8:06 Flop Oonoert weekend. 5:361 Up Sports 9:06 NIiMheeit It Is going to be an editorial advanc­ at hand. Let us hope that toe Johnson 6:001 fewe 11:00 News, Weather, Sports I was obUged to travel to ing the theory that the fact that Castro 6:151> Speak Up Hartford 11:26 Sports Fbial Hartford and West Hartford on administration can develop, for toe pos­ 8:45I ;Lowell ‘niomas 11:36 Other Side of the Day has been in Cuba these nine years con­ sibility of negotiation, some of toe cour­ Now Year’s eve and the going was terrible. stitutes Just about the best anttrCommu- age it has hitherto reserved for front­ 935 MAIN STREEir IN DOWNTOWN MANCHElSTEat - TEL. 643-5171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO nlst vaccination this hemisphere could ing up to the possibilities of war down We should compare other 5:30 P.M. - (CLOSED MONDAYS - MUSIC STORES: 17 OAK ST.. MANCHESTER - 241 towns with ours, and realize possibly have received. a blind alley. ASYLUM ST.. HARTFORD (522-7201) WATKINS-WEST FUNERAL SER'VICE - 142 EAST Events in Capital what a great Job is being done CEJNTBR STREET - TEL. 640-7196 The possibility is that the existence of here. Castro in Cuba, plus his record there, Good lliingB Come In Herds ’ Gold Flow Efforts of every 1,000 school-aged chil­ Sincerely, plus his attempted activities elsewhMe No sooner do we have invented for us dren have undetected heart dis­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The Dr. Eugene M. Davli ki the hem is^ere, have oonstltnted ease. O F MANCHESTER one bright and cheerful solution of our Pentagon aays it will be very Doctors have searched for 50 about as powerful an antidote against refuse problem—pulp up our old news­ hard for it to find new ways of Wants Manning Reinstated years to find an effective meth­ the further rooting or spread of Com­ papers, magazines, wrappings and pack- slowing the flow of U.S. gold to To the Editor, od of detecting heart disease In munism in this hemisphere as could be SLgings and feed them to bossy, who will foreign countries. babies and school-age chlldreip The recent sjctton by the imagined. give us back milk and more of that In a 26-page report dealing Manchester Board o f 'Elducation Only one more potent and reliable natural fertUtzkr we need to avoid over- mainly with past efforts to con­ (who suspended and cure trying trol toe problem, toe Pentagon Rdre Crane Killed JANUARY antidote can be Imagined, and it would nitrating our agriculture—than we have WASHINGTON (AP) — A to dismiss a highly qualified actually have been much more difficult an alternative solution. promised to give toe matter te(acher on the charge of "In- continuing attention but was rare whooping crane—one of 48 to achieve, although infinitely more de­ We can take toe same wastes, includ­ known to exist in toe world— subordtoaitdon” ) reflects the vague on what specific steps stiallow, bureaucratic, mlKitary sirable in itself. ing quite a few other things, including could be taken. was wounded by a shotgun blast yesterday at Aransas National thlnkinjg o f those people -in edu­ That one more potent antidote against our garbage, and by toe use of a new President Johnson has told cation to whom a teacher is Fine Furniture Communism would have been to have a Japanese process turn them into build­ Secretary Defense Robert S. Park in Texas and died shortly after being rushed to San Anto­ Just a body in ithe classrooim, a democratic style revolution take place ing blocks. The process involves the McNamara to reduce further nio for treatment. potty employe who is hired to Joint application of pressure and heat, the "foreign exchange Impact" keep the kkk quiet, who has a and succeed In Cuba. Such a thing is Officials said toe bird was possible, as witness Mexico and Venes- and its inventor has another {irocess of toe spending of U.S. military ,prioe tag of 86,000, who can be for every room peoMonnef cmd their flamiUes shot by a hunter. uda, but also tremendously difficult, as called "carbecue’.’ because it has proved Thirty-nine adult cranes and evaluaibed by the degree to ovienseeiB. which he ib loyal to the brass, wttaess tnstonces vdiere it does not auc- capable of reducing an old automobile nine young ones are currently till p .. m . Itie Pentagon said in its re­ and who Is never, never a 3 body into one solid lump. The variation wintering in toe park. eeed, as in Ouatemala or the Dominican port its spending curbs must be "troublemaker.’’ Republic. of toe process which makes building THURSDAYS Could this be the time to treat yourself and bsised on toe maintenance of Capital Footnotes Henry Maiming, a teacher of Or, to make a cynical summation at blocks takes refuse, compacts It to sol­ "essential combat capability’’ The 1968 edition of “ Know retarded children for 17 years. your family to that new chair or sofa you have ids, and then encasea toe resultant solid and must be achieved "without FRIDAYS this point in our argument: it is eai^r Your Income Tax” is now avail­ Is a iteecher who believes in creating undue hardship" for been considering? If you like to save money to let Communism demonstrate Its Ua- material with asphalt, cement, vinyl or able at most Internal Revenue academic freedem. 'When the military personnel and their bUitles, ebortoomlnga and mistakes than iron sheeting. The process creates no Services offices, an IRS spokes­ administrator of the Manches­ and own fine furniture, now is the time to take families. it is to produce the perfect sample of smoke or fumes itself, is guaranteed man announced. ter schools insisted thait he con­ advantage of the big store-wide savings that the democratic kind of revcdiifinn. germ-tree, and is cheaper, too, than Bad Heart Detector James M. Nicholson of Indian­ form to their Victorian view of other methods of refuse disposal. apolis will be sworn in today as what a teacher should be, he ob­ are available during this January Clearance. Cuba needed revolution of one kind or WASHINGTON (AP) — A another. And even the poisotted revolu­ Thetv la no such thing as a superflu­ one of toe five federal trade jected and, eventually, filed a computerized system for detect- commissioners. He succeeds grievance to protest the ad- During this sale you will see finely styled, tion o f Communism has accomplished ity of such inventions. The discovery of and children torouj^ analysis of John R. Reilly who resigned to milnistration's interference -with tills process of converting refuse into quality furniture for your bedrooms, living room abme o f the things that needed to be ac- electrocardiograms is being de­ enter private law practice in his teaiching. building blocks, coming almost simul­ nomidlahed. But, on balance, it has be­ veloped by the U.S. Public Washington- Before the grievance could be and dining room at sale savings. All four floors taneously with toe discovery that we Health Service, a spokesman come the non-shoiwcase for Communism heard, the Manchester adminis­ have been combed to offer you savings on one- In this hemisphere. It has become the can feed our old newspapers to toe dairy announced. Capital Quote tration and the Board of Educa­ 82" Spfa, now 269. chief reason Communism has developed cow, is no duplication at all, but mere­ Heart diseases are found in "It’s costing the family some­ tion charged him with “insub­ of-a-kind items and discontinued models. Just some 20,000 of toe babies bom no sharp mounting appeal for other peo­ ly an answer to the worry of where wk thing, but at a time like this, ordination," relieved him of his in toe United States each year nothing's ever completely right teaching duties, and took steps PICTURED; 82-inch Traditional sofa; regu- a few of the many items offered are listed here. ples of this hemisphere, even during a were going to get toe bams for sll the and Dr. Lowell W. Perry, chief anyway.’’—A funeral director, to dismiss him. lariy $335.00 with semi-attached pillow back, new cows we are going to need. time when the Chinese Communists, for of toe pediatric section of the when asked to comment on re­ Noteworthy in this clash of foam rubber cushions, kick pleats, green Most of the pieces offered are one-of-a-kind one branch of the Ctrnimunlst Intenui- heart disease control program, port that families servicemen personalities is the absence of satin cover $269. Matching lounge chair in and discontinued patterns and therefore sub­ tkmal family, had high hopes and de­ FalliiUE Romney Barometer said deaths occur most often killed in Vietnam must often any charge that Mianning’s per­ red-and-olive print, reg. $175.00, now $129. signs tor subverting parts of Monroe Warning bells are ringing with in^ shortly after birth or in toe fli-st help pay funeral expenses be­ formance in the claasroom is Full hand-tied coil spring bases and spring 129. ject to prior sale. So hurry! month of life. Doctrineland. creasing insistence in Oov. George cause government allowances deficient in any way. Manning is edges assure luxurious lounging. Not because U is almost true that toe Romney’s camp. They toould be heeded. He estimated that from l-to-2 are insufficient. 'being attacked, not because he automoblls has become toe chief real Former President Elsenhower’s re­ is not a good teacher, but be­ god worshipped by our bsmiaphere civi­ ported criticism of toe Governor, cou­ cause he has 'the temerity to pled with toe reported reluctance of the disagree with hUs bosses. C h airs lisation, but because toe failure involved Marine commander in Vietnam to see Proposed Conduct Standard ■While the Manchi^Bter ad­ Up Cuba la typical of other deficiencies Mr. Romney are symptomatic of the ministration is striving to de­ Sleepy Hollow chair. Reg. $189.00, deep of toe Communist - style experiment. Michigan Governor’s weakened position Being Finished for Senate stroy a competent teacher, it tufted buttons, cherry Queen Anne legs, olive there, it was important that Castro'a In the public eye. ' ( has apparently forgotten the in­ and gold tweed cover, n ow ...... 1 4 9 . ninth anniversary parade ahould have Elsenhower is quoted as saying that nocent retarded pupils Of Henry By JOHN CHADWICK by former President Dwight D. been a parade practically devoid of mo­ Governor Romney "has been on so Manning—who are being de­ Boudoir model. Reg. $52.50, button tufted Associated Press Writer Eisenhower In a recent maga­ torised units, because, after nine years, many sides of eo many questions that prived of a qualified teacher seat and back, shirr^ skirt, avocado cordu- zine article. spedalOst. Manning’s duties a shortage of oil makes it necessary for one begins to wonder Just where he does NeHure Study By Syivtan OHaim WASinNGTON (AP) — The rpy cover, now ...... 3 9 .9 5 Shortly before Congress ad­ have been taken over by an or- Cuba to do much of its traveling on foot. stand. He sounds like a man in a panic. THE WICKED SQUIRREL AND THE NICE LADY’S BIRD FEEDER; Working From Left To Right, Senate’s' bipartisan ethics com­ journed last month. Sen. John Ladies’ small lounge. Reg. $79.00, loose pil­ mittee is nearing completion of dlnsiry substitute with no train­ This is not, we repeat, an editorial And a man who panics is rot toe best The Squirrel Pendulums The Feeder Toward His Grasp Pulls It Toward Himself While He Steals A Morsel Stennis, D-Miss., the ethics com­ low Seat and back, Shepards, casters on front candidate for president” General Cush- its proposed standards of con­ ing in this specialized field. saying It is a good thing the hemisphere And Then, Alas, In His Moment Of Triumph, Finds His Own Twig Snapping Under Him And Experiences A Great Fall. mittee chairinan, said It expect­ If anyone Is to be censured, legs, rust-and-ollve small plaid cover, ihg’s reported wish to avoid seeing the duct for senators. Senate offi­ has a Castro in Cuba, to help it in its ed to put its recommendations it is those Manchester adminis­ Republican presidential contender is cials and Senate employes. now ...... 3 9 . appraisal of toe value and success of Into final form shortly. trators who still practice a traced to toe former’s objection to Gov­ At toe heart of the code it will He asked that the Senate lead­ Occasional. Reg. $100.00, 18th Century toe Communist formula. submit is expected to be some 19th century paternalism. A1 ernor Romney’s statement last summer ership set a time for taking up Shanker, president of toe New James R iver Collection, bambex) turning, ,cane But we must, to complete our particu­ that, on an earlier trip to Vietnam, he A Thougrht for Today Herald kind of financial disclosure re­ its. proposed standards of con­ quirement. York City teachers union, ex­ back, mahogany finish, pumpkin-and-olive lar supposition, imagine what the situa­ had been "brainwashed.” Inside By Rowland Evans Jr. Sponsored by the Manchester duct later this month. However, pressed it most succinctly when stripe cushion, n ow ...... 7 9 . tion would have been if toe United ’These are serious blows ^to a man Council of Churches Yesterdays Whatever form this takes, it is action may be delayed since a he said, "Most public school • States, with its ^overwhelming military seeking toe highest public office in toe certain to lead to controversy battle over a civil rights bill systems are more mlUtafy than Contemporary style. Reg. $99.00, walnut power, had goiiie into Cuba early in the United States. Although toe former Joseph was his father’s favor­ 25 Years Ago within toe Senate over the diffi­ may tie up the Senate after it democratic. The very term ‘in­ legs, foam rubber cushionr red-and-olive con- Robert D. Novak cult and sensitive issue of how Castro game, and wiped out the Com- President apparently did not cross his Report ite. He undoubtedly had a good returns on Jan. 16. subordination’ is a military teinporary print cover, n ow ...... 5 9 . Mrs. Charles J. Felker la final t’s or dot his final I’s, he came (if head on his shoulders and was far, if at all, men should be Financial disclosure is only term which demands obedience munlst experiment there. Then toe pres­ elected president of Manchester compelled to go in disclosing.the Traditional lounge. Reg. $119.00, foam rub­ oorrectly quoted) wlthlit an ace of de­ marked for advancement. How­ part of toe code of conduct the to one’s ouperiora as a pre­ Weleeme Here ent demonstration of bow Communism WASHINGTON —High policy government. members of toe Senate Foreign Memorial Hospital Woman’s amount amd toe sources of their claring toe Governor unfit for the ever, he did not come into his ethics committee Is expected to requisite to satisfactory per­ ber cushion, kick pleats, arm caps,- olive green really works out would never have been makers in the Johnson adminis­ For instance, U.S. authorities Relations Committee who urged Auxiliary. Income, assets, liabilities and presidency. For his General Cush- . own until he was able to blend recommend. formance!" Manchester, I would antique satin finish, n ow ...... 4 9 . allowed to occur; we would be to blame tration are conceding privately, In Athena were urged to Join him to stand up to the Junta. He Only those engaged'^ in )00% business and professional activi­ Ing refocused attention on toe damage ability with humility. Stennis said that during the say. Is a perfect case in point. tor .whatever Imperfections remained in at long last, that increasingly with the King In fighting toe could be excused for thinking war work are able to rent any ties. Queen Anne Wing model. Reg. $129.00, done Governor Romney by his braln- James A. Bl^sall, 'Vicar last two years toe committee If teachers like Henry Man­ repressive measures by toe Jimta’s assignment of Lt. Col. toat, in a crisis, Washington •of toe bouses nearing comple­ Sen. Joseito S. (Jlark, D-Pa., fruitwood legs, foam rubber cushion, brown- PKTTURED: Regular $169.00 Con­ toeftfe of Cuba; Castro would have been wadilng statement. Saint Peter’s has attempted to explore most ning, who have the courage to Greek military dictatorship in M ich ael Amaoutis—Constan­ would be on his side. tion between W. Center St. and has been a leading advocate of gold-and-blue linen print on brown fabric, temporary Loveseat of new construc­ what he was perhaps really cut out to Nor was toe effect wholly mended by Episcopal Churcli of toe problems of ethical con­ protest against the stupidity of Sofas Athens raise toe prospect o( tine’s military tutor, confidante; He y/aa wrong. The King did Hartford Rd., authorities an­ requiring senators and all Sen­ now ...... 9 9 . tion . . . a molded frame with foam be, the martyr of future revolutions, ra­ Elsenhower’s subsequent statement that Wapping duct by senators and Senate bureaucracy, can be sacrificed political disaster in Athens. and lieutenant—as military at- not make a favorable Impres­ nounce. ate aides earning $10,000 a year aides that have arisen in recent upholstery and seat cushions. Red- ther than the unsuccessful manager of he could "earnestly support” the Gov­ to appease toe wounded egos of Contemporary lounge. Reg. $124.00, foam Loveseat. Reg. • $199.00, Early Tbls is toe confidential apprai­ were to try a counter-coup sion on high Administration of­ evolution Into a neo-fascistic re­ or more to file and make public years. administrators, then toe ultl- his own revolution. ernor. rubber cushion, walnut legs, olive green tex­ and-olive contemporary print, $99. American wing model, foam rubbw sal by certain officials in Wash­ against the Colonels, Amaoutis ficials who vlewed/Iiim as a gime. With the King no longer 10 Years Ago annually a detailed financial re­ These Include the case of Bob­ ^ g . $99.00 arm chair in a choice of This negative sort of victory for us in The hurt to toe Governor’s cause is young man slightly on the frivo­ tured cover, now ...... 7 9 . cushions, box pleats, gold tweed cover, I'; ington three weeks after toe would be the Indispenable link a potential rallying point tor port. by Baker, the former secretary matching print, or olive tweed, $59, Cuba cannot have suiy happiness or real compounded by the fact' that many abortive counter-coup by King between palace and loyalist of­ lous side — more interested in anti-junta opposition, toe Com­ Sunday. The Herald did not An outspoken foe has been to the Senate’s Democratic ma­ n o w ...... 1 4 9 . members of the general public also ap­ Tub style swivel. Reg. $134.00, foam rub­ satisfaction in it. What it really does for Constantine. ’That failure, they ficers. The advice was not taken the Newport boat races than munists have their opportunity. Senate Republican Leader Ev­ jority who became a millionaire Engrineerinsr Supplies ber cushion, box pleats, olive-and-blue-and- parently have begim to feel a growing the political complexities con­ Nor does Washington, even Early American (96-in.) wing ua is to provide us with time and oppor­ believe, may lead toe ruling Amaoutis was packed off to erett M. Dirksen of Illinois, who while on the Senate payroll. He and Instruments beige Early American print cover, now 6 9 . model. Reg. $339.00, foam rubber tunity to play our own discreetly posi­ dissatisfaction with the Michigander’s colonels into a police state which London. fronting his country. In that though it kept hands off last contends toat financial disclo­ was convicted a year ago of Manebester Blueprint frame of mind, Washington month, have much Influence Sofas cushions, box pleats, gold-and-red tive role in toe encouragement and sup­ position and statements on various is­ even now is producing Commu­ Indeed, U.S. Foreign Service Today in History sure proposals would make sec­ theft, conspiracy and income and Supply, ^ o . Traditional lounge. Reg. $114.00, poly- sues. could hardly be expected to put with the Colonels, who suspect ond-class citizens out of sena­ tax evasion. 690 Haraord Rd., Early American print cover, port o f democratic style revolution else­ nist-Infiltrated underground op- officers both in the Athens Em­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dacron® “T ' cushion, kick pleats, gold dam­ Lawson (82-in.) model. Reg. To say all this Is r»t to declare one­ Its crisis money on Constantine. that toe U.S. State Department tors. And last June the Senate cen­ Maaobester, Conn.—649-8695 n o w ...... * 5 9 . where in the hemisphere. Unfortunately, uosltlon. In a few years time, bassy and on the Greek desk Today Is Friday, Jan. 0, toe RodcvlUe Exchange ask cover, n ow ...... 7 9 . $335.00 semi-a'ttached pillow back, self antl-Romney. There is much to be that could mean renewal of the Thus, when U.S. authorities encouraged Constantine’s ad­ Sources close to the ethics sured one of its own members. there is not much indication that toe in Washington held the king in fifth day . of 1968. There are 861 B nt M95 Lawson model. Reg. $439.00, three admired about both the man himself 1947 Greek civil war, but this low regard, viewing him as a received advance notice of toe venture. Although toe State De­ committee, officially titled The Sen. Thomas J. Dodd, D-Conn., Hi-back contemporary style. Reg. $147.00, foam rubber cushions, kick pleats, Johnson administration is being very King’s attempted counter-coup partment last September was days left in toe year. poly-Dtoi>n® cushions, kick pleats, and his public record. He has seldom time with the Communists in a young playboy dominated by his Select Committee on Standards on a finding by too committee walnut legs, foam rubber cushion, olive green gold antique satin cover, now 2 6 9 . of Dec; 14, American policy fell considering lifting toe ban on Today’s Hlglillgtat In H istory gold-and-brown outlined quilt cover, adept at exploiting toe positive oppor­ hesitated to take a firm, open stand for stronger position. piother, Queen Frederlka. Their and Conduct, indicate It will that he had converted at least textured cover, now ...... 6 9 . Contemporary style. Reg. $229.00, between two stools. It neither military aid to give toe Colo­ On tills date In 1781, a British $116,083 in political -funds to his now reduced to ... . 339J tunities being created for it by toe nega­ those moral qualities of life which fit We reported Just this night­ position was that Washington' take a moderate approach toat RANGE thr€« foam rubber cushions, walnut moved decisively to prevent the nels new minesweepers, the ban naval expedition under toe com­ personal benefit. Hi-back contemporary style. Reg. $154.00, tive aspects of the Castro record In one for leadership. He has shown imagi­ marish possibility, so dangerous should cooperate with the Colo­ will not go as far as Clark would Early American (86-in.), Reg. $4^)9 King from acting nor worked on aid is now rigid—angering mand of toe American traitor, like but toat will not suit Dirk­ 'Committee sources said the •'SI walnut legs, royal blue teirtured cover with legs) olive tweed cover, now . . 1 5 9 . Cuba. nation and Initiative in his terms as gov­ to U.S. Interest in the strategic nels, gently guiding them toward Benedict Arnold, burned and wing model, extra high (40-in.) back, ernor of one of the most complicated of behind the scenes to provide the Colonels without really sen, either. proposed standards of conduct oorrela'ted print seat and back, now . . .^.89. Contemporary (83-in.) style (2). Eastern Mediterranean, from restoring civilian government. sub rosa U.S. backing for the plundered Richmond, Va. FUEL OIL foam rubber cushions, box pleats, red- American states. He was a remarkably hurting them. Hie sharp division in the Sen­ will definitely deal with testimo­ Ladies’ size barrel back. Reg. $198.00 foam Reg. $219.00 three foam rubbqr cush­ Athens last May. Tbat the dan­ As the months passed, how­ attempt. With neither U.S. sup­ Washington seems at a dead­ On TUa Date nial fund-raising affairs such as olive-and-gold Early American successful leader In a large American ate was reflected in the 46-42 rubber cushion, cherry Queen Anne legs, blue ions, walnut legs, blue-and-green nub- ger Is now even closer must be ever, higher reaches of the State port nor the leadership of a end in its Greek policy. It has In 1606, the Englirii colonist, vote by which Clark's proposal figured in the Dodd case. “Peace Has Need Of Courage’” corporation. Thus he has shown a many- GASOLINE by textured cover, or olive green tex­ p r in t...... 2 9 9 . attributed in part to the am­ Department grew skeptical of shrewd figure such as Colcmel no way to prod toe Colonels to Oapt. John Smith, was cap­ was. rejected last Sepf. 12. The committee’s proposals and gold tweed cover, n ow ...... 1 3 9 . The fact that toe editor of a Vatican faceted excellence. bivalent policy of the U.S. gov­ the Colonels' devotion to demo­ Amaoutis, toe counter - coup democracy,, no viable alterna­ tured by toe Indians. Although Clark wqs defeated, will be in the form of amend­ Man’s Hi-back Lawson lounge. Reg. $164.- tured cover, n ow ...... 1 5 9 . Junior size. Reg. $S39-00, poly- publication has now penned the sharpest But this will little avail if thejGoVer- ernment toward the > King. cracy. By the time Constantine was, predictably, a fiasco. tive to them, and no real hope In 1893, the last spike in toe toe vote was toe closest yet. ments to toe Senate's rules and 00, foam rubber cushion, box pleats,, arm Contemporary style. Reg. $289.00,. Dacron® cushions, kick pleats, led- nor continues to make toe poor impres­ BANTLY OIL criticism of American policy in Vietnam "From the moment of toe visited the U.S. in September,. Now In its bitter aftermath, toat they ever will quietly re­ Great Northern Railroad track And one argument used against will not' require any action by caps, dive textured cover, n ow ...... 1 1 9 . foam rubber cushions, walnut base, olive-a’nd-green pl^d cover, sion which he has been making on tc Colonels’ coup last April, Greek y«t to come from toe Vatican seems Washington was beginning to the hard truth is sinking in turn to toe barracks. And with was driven at the eaat-woot him was toat ■toe Senate should toe House. However, the House Mr. Hi-back contemporary lounge chair royal blue textured cover, now 1 8 9 . now ...... ; ...... * 5 9 . many of his fellow citizens during the civilian politicians—including consider him as a possible Congress preoccupied over Viet­ Junction point In too Oascado' wait for toe recommendation of has a committee of its own at Ustimony enough that the Vatican, as here. Although toe U.S. public­ m '1.1 78-in. Sofa. Reg. $329.00, foam rab- 55-in. Love Seat. Reg. $274.00 with past many months. Only a radical up­ some anti-Royallsts—were urg­ counter-force to the Junta. nam, there is not even much Mountains. Its ethics committee. work on drafting standards of Reg. $1M.00, semi-attached pillow back, an Institution, was disturbed by Presi­ ly Is concerned about the "le- Rr. k. I’, ber cushions, box pleats, brown print box pleats, arm caps, broMm-gold-and- turn In his campaigning can hope to ing the U.S. to support King Accordingly, the King got the ^timacy’’ of toe military gov­ chance that policy makers will In 1933, former President Cal­ Advocates of financial disclo­ conduct for inembers of toe foam rubber -“T” cushion, kick plea'ts, arm dent Johnson’s obvious attempt to use mend the damage .done.— CHRISTIAN Constantine as a lever to topple impression of strong support in ernment the King in exile, be called to task to explain vin Coolldge died at bis Itomo sure had their cause bolstered House. caps, red textured cover, now ...... 8 9 . cover, arm caps, now . . * 2 9 . green textured cover ...... 1 5 9 . hti self-invitation to Rome to- pose as a SCIENCE MONITOR the Junta and return to civilian Washington, particularly from it is really worried about Its what went wrong. in Northampton, m ««« i MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 PAGE NINE l^ A O T E t O B T BIANCHBSTBK KVEKINO HERAIJ). MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 World War I. He was an adviser ]Ptakerton Security Inc., Michi­ cerebral hemorrhage at his Bar­ : € o l u m b i a Deaths in to President Roosevelt during gan burglar and fire alarm sys­ tlesville home. Tyler had served People In Amateur Winemakers Churchill, Aiken Following World War U. tems firm, was killed Wednes­ two terms as national commit- FUEL O IL CARLO CIRDLLO DIVAK day night in the crash of a light teSman after being state OOP 15.4 The Nation TRIESTE, Italy (AP) —Carlo plane. Pinkerton’s wife, Faye, chairman fro ml958 to 1960. and her mother, Mrs. Ethel W. SCO GoL MIb. O.OJ). 1967: Democrats^ Win, Zoning Debate Top Year In Famed Fathers’ Footsteps Cirillo Divlak, 77, chauffeur of 14-Hour Burner Senrlee! The News Try Hard to Please m AX> J. WARNER the car in which Archduke Bertrand of Highland Park, FIFTH OF FOOD ON MElVUS By TOM A. CULLEN B y v m o n n A o a b l so n By ROBERT OOOKE words "estate bottled" on his TOLEDO, Ohio (AP) — Milo Francis Ferdinand of Austria Mich., also died in the crash. CHICAGO—’The American food R. B. R E G IU S European Staff-Correspondent Pinkerton was from Detroit. Kennedy Indian Gift Associated P ress Writer labels. ‘ J. Warner, 76, national com­ was assassinated, sparking service industry uses almost FUEL O IL ' PollUca, coning, Porter School LONDON (N E A )--Slr Will- 20 per cent of all the food pro­ SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — An DOS ANGBUDS (AP) - Din- ’ World War I, died ’Thdraday aft­ JOHN ’TYLER Zand tragic acctdenta which af- and «ton ChunchlU and Lord Bea- mander of the American Legion duced ta the'Unlted States and 649-4908 Indian mother drai>ed a neck­ ner guests, when told their host ** er a long illness. TTILSA, Okla. (AP) — John ‘ fected three young people of the dropped into the fermenUtlon vert>rook ware not only close in 1940, died ’Thursday after a ’Tyler, 60, Republican National employs 3.26 million people ta lace of colored velvets and aem- is do-it-yourself vdnemaker, 8. E. PINKERTON - town vie for the top apot in frtends but an unibeatable war- heart attack. Warner, a Toledo TALLADEGA, Ala. (AP) — Committeeman from Oklahoma, the 367,600 away-from-home eat­ Oolumbia’s news for the past Iprecious stones around the usually feign tkwo team. Beaverhrook built neck of Sen. Robert Kennedy, they look for purjde stains on Hons—*<> begin turning attorney, was a veteran of S.E. Pinkerton, president of died Thursday after suffering a ing places. Read Herald Ad§ year. the plenee with -wtilch Churchill D-N.T., Thursday at the close of his socks, WUI6. Politically, for the first time After a few days, when most -won the Battle o f Britain. in 50 years, town voters put the a senate subcommittee heating As guesU, they’re normaUy 'T i l ' hn'hhiinv of Were they alBve today, these into the plight of California Ih- too polite to walk out, but indue- ^ **** the^’^ a - two (British leaders would re- Democrats in the drivers’ seat dlans. tag them to sample the wine U fsrmentaU^ is over, tte am ^ in town govemement. Jodoe to m e that thielr deecend- "These are the Sioux tribe something else. Some guests * fimely savings on famous brand items af all In November elections. Dem­ anfas are not (only fonowtag In colors," said Stella Reynolds never succumb, but for those closed vats to c^ p ocrat Joseph Szegda was re­ their fbotebeps but ithet they one Leach of San Francisco, "and it vdio do, abstinence usually goes four D&L stores— Manchester Parkade,,, Cor­ elected First Selectman by what In small (^rations, gallon the best of friends es well. is usually termed a "landslide"; la presented only to warriors.” out the window, Winston S. Churchill n . 27, ■ ^ ; t " m X r s most to the bins Corner, West Hartford . .. Bristol Plaza George Peters edged out his Re­ Kennedyivenneay who wno hasnaa been oeen enu-crlU- imuwjrB mvai. w ui« - - - - - . fjirwiflntfttlon grandson of ithe lobe prime mdn- cal of Vietnam war policy, said; host, of course, is how the wines *o i.ttinv fresh air tarter, finst met Jonathon Altken. publican opponent and was •fOUR STORES OF FASHlO**' ... New Britain. named selectman and Robert "Don’t let W ashta^n hear are finally accepted. He sits . ta ffn lm ft a a t 26, gireat-nephew of Lord Boa- Tuttle, Republican, remained on about this." alert perched on the edge of his ,„to X e ^ ^ veribrook, when they were bdth chair, spotung every grimace, to the board although in a lesser undorgraduatee alt Christ Cinema Group Gue»t» gulp or «mUe. You’d think capacity than his previous term. Church. Oxford. They halve staoe kept in close touch, each The rest of the town officials, LOS ANGELES (AP) - Mae M d^tored away in big following the caireer of the many of whom rode into office WestVest wm___ be __ a_ „guest___ of — l_____ ^ r < * * ^ ^ '* containers to let sediment faU to other with keen interest. on the coattails of the strong Feb. U at a meeting of Delta the bottom. If the wine still re- Wdnrtnn Junior is the spititing support given Szegda by voters Kappa Alpha, national honorary sediment cinema fraternity at the Univer- has fallen. It is refined with a taiage o f his grandfather, with of the town, are predominately the same high forehead and Democratic. slty of Southern California. y ^ t —plus time. coagulating agent such as gela­ So will actor Jimmy Stewart emotions are '.tav(Hved, Jutting chin—all that is misstag Voters also approved, finally, The amateur winemaker tin. ia the famous bulldog grown. the S8de of liquor in town. * and producer-directors Alfred , . . . . , . . Once theuic wine is clear. ..It ~is Hltchock and Mervyn LeRoy. hottling—In sterilized Young Altken, on the other This was tjiie third try by the hand, bears no resemblance to The 80th anniversary awards of ^ bottlL.bottles. Oamache brothers to put the the gnomeUke Lord Beaivcr- the college group wlU go to alt enc^ting elixir out of Bottles present a problem. town in the "wet” column. They four. “ “ ^ “ ordinary stuff. brook who was Britain’s big­ Unless the winemaker is willing were defeated twice; once at a ’The amateur’s goal Is to serve . . t.« gest newsipapeT publisher. Alt- m w suis special referendum and > once ...... Ml.,. K/.., to t>uy new bottles, he becomes Convicts Aid III Boy clarity, fine bou- ^ collector. ken 1b 6-oct-3 and has been so when the liquor question was busy growing that he hasn’t yet put before the voters at an elec­ DENVER. Colo. (AP) - ! ^ d Friends-at least the good filled out. tion. Bettger Jr., 7, has a pedr of Hitia ami arrnrt matured ones—can usually save On a warm summer evening, an outdoor band concert presented by visiting firemen from Willimantic. There was never any ques­ The pamaches plan to open a Lone Ranger slxguns today and ** and supply enough bottles to tion but that both of these his father has $302 to help pay keep him busy, and soaking the package store on Rt. 6 in Feb­ Uke commercial vtatnere, ^ s o m ^ n e young cUbs would go Into poil- ruary, subject to final approved New Library Center town in his memory, Other gust body celebrated Us 20th Tuttle, newly-elected selectman the medical bills from his son’s re usually willing, even ^ives me wire someuung tics, Just as the Hens whose by the staite. The big news at Porter School plantings are scheduled for armlversary at a dtaner held In In November, resigned as chair- hernophllla—^ thanlu to t ^ In- show off the winery proud names they hear did be­ Landmark vs. ZPO was the new library center spring. April. man of the Zoning and Planning mates at Colorado State Penl- mav Ka ThArA Furlsts, of course^ use only fore them. Curiously, both were ’The proWema of the Zoning which received state-wide re- In December, Peter and John The PTA elected an almost Commission because, "As se- tenOary. neatlv corked cork-type bottles. Using stopped down on their first try 5 and Planning Oonunilhsion, cognition in the spring and was Becldsh, 18-year-old twin sons all-male slate of officers—the lectman------I am not eligible to lyjjg convicts organized ^ vL mi„. .aoHner At, thAi^ AifiAA corks, they say, lets the aging to get into Parliament. Altken of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Becklsh only distaff member was Mrs. serve on the planning commis­ B^reedy Fund" to raise m ^ e y ^ S fn ta tio if^ vate^o^ breathe. Other stoppers, mainly concerned with the ap- selected to serve as a demon- being defeated in the 1966 gen­ Jonathon Aitken, great-nephew of Lord Beaver- pUcatl tau> finan'.uuui- nress stoppers. ■WBB beaten more recently when brook, ia a succe^ul author and journalist and a buBdtag ecconunodatiions, were Requirements for such an were returning home from col- dent. ' ed Mrs. Adella Urban as itsIts clal straits. OontributionsContributions came winemaker Is the ad- comes the hardest part— he stood for Parhanient at a by- deep thinker.' Like his friend, Winston S. CHiurchill s on complex, far reaching and, at honor included having a full­ leire for the holidays Pamela Altaffer was named secretary and appointed Attor- In from all over the stats and vAt,himii« a<,t+ Ha’II ha aMa to waiting. Most experts advise eleoUon at Gorton. II, Aitken lost hia first bid for election to Oommons. times, the controversy between time librarian, room to seat two The boys were eophomoras at tiT show off agink bottles of rhu- But again there is family the tiwo became bitter. classes, . a certain number of Northeast Louisiena iState Ool- and that same month the Center, as town counsel. ward. * * blackberry *** wtaes-before precedent for these initial set­ Torwnspecq>le took sides and books per child and a town pop- lege in Monroe, boys at Porter School edged out The legislature has appro- The youngster has required 60 -oo^herrv c h e w bliim and consuming them. WaiUpg lets backs. Winston senior also the g(lrl8 as refiplents of grad- priatod $600,000 to correct the pints of blood—at $27.60 apiece them mature, they say. neither faction would back off ulation of under 3,000, plus Recreation Area Developed lost his first election when he uation awards. Edged out? The curve in the road on RJt. 87 near —since September according to Meanwhile------the winemaker an inch ta taterprethig the is- someone suitably impressed ’Phe recreation area on Henne- stood for Oldham In 1899. Aa can proceed with other wines, sues involved. with the new facilities and able qudn Rd., purchased a few years boys walked away with all five CJolumibia dam. The work should his father, an unemployed truck *Bhe’s especially adventurous for Beavethrook, he was ne«ver awards. begin shortly. driver. especially the fruits and flow­ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Becldsh, to press for recognlUon for the ago, continues to develop and you might see, and even sam­ elected to office, but settled for In October Donald Tuttle was ’The old road is ending with Inmates on the staff of The ers, since his federal permit owners of ’Ihe Landmark, had town. new includes tennis courts and ple, such rarities as pansy, dan- 'the role of modem Yorick, the re-elected chairman of 200 applied to the commlasioii sev- Townspeople are proud of beskrthall, vdleybeJl badmin- the the New Year beginning and the Chronicle, a semimonthly prison geranium or >ak’ leaf ****” ^ make up to king-maker. Board of Education and Robert new path is ta sight. gallons a year. eral times over a period of their new library center and ton' facilities. newspt^er, added the pair cf ^ „ g Few here doubt that the ’The permit, issued astel WhUe marking time until the The oommiBsion countered Board of Education ap- with the Ldone d u b gift o f $1,- gnyeeze as fashion re- combinations. But as often as stager, widow o f band- from turning Into vinpgar by next general election, the young leader , aaid she mistake __that, the . appUcattons .. , for .. a . per- . pi^yedr ------public use of school fac. 800 to help build a skating rink jyyg middle. rugged dark blue Skin Thickness Varies liona are both maiking names checked into the Hotel Pierre on xhe veteran vintner, having for themselves in Joumallam, S 'I T * It’s no cinch Inching under a Jacket and skirt, top Wednesday then left for re­ sufamltted ta tae nght Of town school activities ■will have pri- summer’s activities belt again and the American stitched and hardware trimmed, left for re- overcome the vinegar pitfall, BOSTON — Are you ttilii- again folkiwtag an old family Winston S. Churchill II chats with a constituent, hearsal without zoning regulatk«s.’’ orlty over any request. at the beach the RecreaUon garment InduetW ■ aymDalhlzeo traitWy...... imltathjg the working ^ ^ 1 "“ ------opertag her can werh on producing quality Ahuied? Dgai4>e not. bug your tradition. not forgetting a smile and a cheery word for her Prior to a public bearing, However, ta November, 'Sir Winston Churchill earned daughtw, during his recent campaign for votes. finally held ta October, tBe tte ^cU hw, pmpoeed morthg „er.„..r, the d^.lgnei or « *U.„ ^ ^ S?'rU“TS»^“' "'“ '/C l oiSSnt"'rC.: ^ board denied the application by the boat ramp at the communl least those at the first day of How rebellious peasants ner she said she found 12 “ on of the right grapes. / ottera. It ranges "om hla first $5 at the age of 21 BecMshes charged, ta local with a dispatch from Cuba re­ the Rev. Hugh Murirfiy to use ty beach to the dike at Erdoni In present-day Britain foir young pie movement in Britain are newspapers, that the commis­ New r o « Oruture 0™.P'= - i - d be |t m ,y emdd Tee hm. E . , t , S r”^ Z S t / 5 ? ^ . r y r ' . y ’ £ porting a native uprising the school facilities for cate- Rd. to allow for more beach ar- press week activltiesj are doing designers have dressed up their Jewelrv were taken Ineludinff a ® mausoy iiounanes aioout i/ou over your eyenos. liona. of their caliber? Or will Americans whp have exiled sion was "biased and discrimi­ against the Spaniards there. Chism classes on Tuesday af- ea for swimming. their best to ease tife situation clothes for the rich. A pedant’s S o ^ d ataddS^oW h S L ^ wine grapes are a v a tia -______■they end up as tame caits? themselves here. natory" and cited the fact that Characteristically, hla grandson ternoons, citing the fact that it However, the Lake Associa­ until women are ta better shape, blouse for Mlgnon Is collared v X ^ T a t 8W ^ gold handbag We from growers especially ta Sir Winston Churchill, -who “ Getting back to Britain’s the controversial nean signs. Ukeiwlae has made his reputa­ is illegal to use school facili tion has gone on record as op­ "Women have added two Inch- and bibbed and bordered with ® ^the e Cucamonaa-GuastiCucamonga-Guasti area. was born In Blenheim Palace, lack of a foreign policy, ^.you tion as a war correspondent. ties for any purpose, other than posing the change and at the es to their waistlines,” lament- blinding blue stones. The peas) ------Supermarket grapes are usually entered a world where great cannot be for Israel, and at the ises, were a bone of contention, g^yp^tion 100 MILLION ADDED too expensive LIGGEH DRUG Recently, young Winston until all school ac- moment a committee is seeking ed a spokesman for Mlgnon. ant’s skirt, either whacked off families counted, and where a same time try to nr;ake friends True, repUed the board, and ^ completed for the WASHINGTON —Of the 100 But for the real , ooiUaborated ^ t h his father the answer to the ever-increas­ "Our Size 10 has abandoned its at the thigh line, or ankle level, PARKADE young man -wl'th the right con­ with Nasser, as we are trying said the signs were on town milUon Americans added to the there’s only one way to get 'Randolph Churchill, on a best­ MM ITivAAM an/l In « * ing problem. old waist measurement of 2614 is gathered dirndl style at a OPEN nections could make his name to do. property on the Green and, ta population between 1900 and those ' grapeSt—grow them at \ seller about the six-day Israeli Father______Murphy, , had asked to "TTi® Grand List stands at over ^ more confortable 27>4.’' mlnlwalst, ta peasant’s horizon- ta helping to build the empire. “ You cannot be for Rhodesia, spite of statements to the con­ 1960, 92 per cent were city or home. ’This allows the winemak- 17:45 A.M. lo 10 P.M. ■war. Before that, he did a stint use the activity room from 3 :16 $10 million, an Increase of over Though Ole Borden of Rem- tol stripes and rich man’s vel- The world ta which his grand­ and for Black Africa at the trary by the Becklshes, the os a war correspondent In Viet­ to 4 p.m. but authorities said $676,000 from last year. dresses, vet. suburban dwellers, er to put those prestigious son Is trying to make hia -way same time, as the Wilson gov­ board said, no permission had nam. the school was still ta use at The rise was aided by some jjjg garment comfort- A towel Is what a person is -vastly different. Britaiin has ernment is itryiing to be. It sim­ ever been granted for the erec­ In Vietnam he ■was at home, that time, what with Intramural 35 new dwellings ta town. (For ably losse to give the w.earer a wears who doesn’t have a thing loot its emipdre and has not yet ply wil not work, 'and thie ex­ tion of the signs. writing about things he knows plains why even Australia and ’The feud erupted again over activities, . fluctuating * _ __ bus_ sched- the purist, there are more than chance to slip a notch or two to wear. Still, at the press open- found its role. Meanwhile, its $1 million In tax-free propert- about (he' is a qualified pilot, New Zealand are becoming dis­ the issue of the di^eway at when facing a tempting dessert, tag towels of yellow flowers young people of talent, fed up denied the ies In town. A A has a passionate interest in gusted with Britain’s conduct." ’The Landmark. The board also '*"*'*' Elasticized belts were the were offered as blotter dresses, with high taxes and the lack of Girl Scouts the use of the school The tax rate went up an un­ flying) in clean, hard-hitting ■When I reminded him that ’The board felt the driveway temporary solution offered by ready to soak up sun or water, a-dvancement, are migrating to cafeteria afternoons but added precedented nine mills — from prose. once at an Oxford debate he should be ipaved, according to designers for Junior sophisticate Free and easy was the them» the United Staibes and to Can­ the Scouts could apply for oth- 38 to 47 mills per $1,(X)0 of as- GOOD GOOD Altken, on the other hand, is had compared young men in town zoning regulations and clothes. of fashion, even though the iron- ada ta droves. er hours and the board would sessed vailuation. more of a pundit. Although he, politics to old men in love, de­ should be made one-way, to Yet at the Cone fabric show. tag did not look easy on the .So far, young Churchill has reconsider. The figure varies, but the too. Is widdy traveled (he has claring them both to be "re­ styles In stretch fabrics were many lace dandy shirts that PUCE CARTER CHEVROLET PUCE managed to work off his reat^,,,^ avoid traffic hazards. -visited Australia three times), volting," Aitken laughed. "You xiiB uiivBWAjr uAA AiAVk, Father Murphy had said It state says that (Columbia . now ^ e Enswcr. They had all the combined with skirts, or even less energy In reporting wara The driveway has since been he is more Interested In finding can say that I was younger naved but can still be entered vrould be Inconvenient to sched- has 3,100 persons ta town, an yjg j^g g^^ jjjg dresses ta angelic white, and in travel. Early ta 1963 -• — lUe religious education classes increase of 300 from last year, outs of the feminine figure could laced from neck to hemline. TO BUY ® USED CARS @ TO BUY out what makes Britain tick. then." and left from either Rt. 87 or Recently, Altken spent fiv^ he piloted himself on a 20,000- ■ for Saturdays and cited the fact 'The population has nearly gjye. a voluptuous example was Fortunately, they are made of mile tour of Africa and later Rt. 6A. that nuns were not available to doubled In about 12 • years months Interviewing talented Healing Held a stretch denim dress with a test tube textiles with the press A CAR that same year flew the At­ teach at that time. Names In News A GAR young Britons under 35 years plunging neckline worn by a permanently built in. of age — people like Mary lantic as copilot of a twin- Madonna Plan At a public hearing held ta Father Murphy was told that Names In the News: During manikin well endowed enough to Jackets are very, very short. October, the Becklshes stated Quant, TVlggy, photographer engined Piper Comanche. His if board policies changed at any the past year Howard Bate?, make the plunge worth while, or very, very long;' So^ are hem- Just the car you're looking for g;reat ambition is still to fly Meeting Topic our entire stock of housecoats 1/3 off they wished to expand the time hewould be so notified. Lakewoods Lane, was nam A David Bailey, television art­ Whlle expansive in places, the lines, though Borden,, believes ist David Frost —^who have put around the world solo, but -with premises to include the ’’addl- Three Youths Die division resident!^ sales mana- dress also did a dandy Job of that skirts below the^j|mees are Our Lot Is Packed ... WHIi Many Coupes, Con­ Mrs. William A. Dower of tion of a delicatessen In the BrltSin on the map as a leader a growing family (Wtaston Jun­ Reg. ?11 to $30 . i. Choose from dusters, coachman, fitted styles, long The town was saddened by ger for the CL&P and Harry cinching the center. strictly for evening wear. And in pop music, pop art, fashion ior is married and the father of Hartford, past president of the basement, plus the use of the the tragic accidental deaths of Erickson, Erdoni Rd., retired It was obvious the way his waistlines are as ta as women vertibles, Compacts, Sedans and W agons... Every Council of Catholic Women, will robes. Nylon tricot, quilts, soft fleeces, velours, cotton ^tins . . . aU from upstairs rooms fo^ business of­ and entertainment. His con­ thre^i^wis may be hard to re­ three of Its young people. from that company after 30 clothes were- extolled here that can get them at this time. clusions abdht these people, as alize. ’ be guest speaker Monday at 8 top makers. Petite, small, medium, large. 8 to 20 and some in sizes 38 to 44. fices such as those of a barber, In July, 20 year old Douglas years of service. Ong O f 'Em Priced To iSell. p.m. at a meeting of the Lad­ dentist, physician and the Uke. embodied ta his book, ‘"The But for a thinker-type like Tettelbach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Virginia Lewis, state Young Meteors," are pessimis­ Altken, modem Britain can be ies of St. James at St. James’ Boys’, Girls’, Toddlers’ Over 200 persons attended John Tettelbach, Lakewood central commltteewoman for o o o d W a l u e b u y GOOD VALUE BUY GOOD VALUE BUY School Hall. the hearing and many of them tic, however. The talented ones frustrating, as he ^ admits. Lane, fell to his death while the 36th district, was elected W OLDS. Startire Sport The speaker will explain the were ta accord with the pro­ 66 CHEV.. Impala Super are few and exceptional, ac- "Most of the young people I’ve nylon tricot sleepwear 3.99 ■ 6.99 mountain climbing In Glacier president of the local IVomen’s Coupe. V-8, auto., power 63 COMET Deluxe 2-Door. Madonna Plan and the ob­ posed expansion. Sport Coupe. V-8, oulo., j cording to Altken, for every­ talked to," Altken says, “ are C-l-e-a-r-a-n-c-e National Park, Montana. Republican Club. Bteerlng-brakes-windows, 6-cyI., 4-speed, radio, completely disgusted with poli­ jectives in the administration of ’The board aald, ta effect, For Your Floor bucket seato, radio, heat­ radio, heater, bucket thing ta welfare-state Britain Reg. $6 to $12 . . . Single or double layered shift gowns, accented with lace Doug, a forestry major at Bruce Gardner was re-named seats, wbltowaUs. heater, whitewalls. the council. She was appointed permission could be grwted, er, whitewalls. conspires to crush out talent tics., Montana University, would have commodore of the Canoe Club "They are dropouts, but not as president of the Hartford Ar- or smocking . . . also travel coate with pajamas. Coral, pink, blue or lemon. provided the drugstore owners FULL PRICE $1696 and creativity. entered hla sophomore year ta with Dennis Murphy serving as FULL PRICE $1496 FULL PRICE $646 Hke the ones in America. In chdlocesan Council of Catholic P, S, M, L,and 32 to 40 in the group. compUed with existtag zoning ' Nowhere Is 0 e contrast be­ September. vice-commodore. Leonard Cou- Covering Needs Call America there is more to rebel Women by Archbishop Henry J. regulations which had been out­ tween young Churchill, the Townspeople have since con- chon was re-elected chairman 67 Valiant $1795 65 Poirtfoc $1295 64 Corvoir $995 man of action, and Altken, the against than there is here. O'Brien in 1961, a position she lined to them earlier. V-lOO 2-Door. 6-cyl., stand­ trlbuted to tree plantings ta of the Rec Council and that au- T em pest 4-Dpor. 6-cyI., Monza Coupe. 6-cyl., 4-speed, thinker, more vivid than In America, for example ,has a held until 1967. Most of the towhspeople who ard, heater, whitewalls. standard, radio, heater, radio, heater,' bucket seats, their electioneering methods, foreign policy ,whether one likes A teacher at Hartford Pub­ 20% to expressed approval pf the full whitewalls. warm sleepwear 2.99 ■ 4.99 whitewalls. the war in Vietnam or not. No lic High School, Mrs. Dower is use of the premises said the 66 Oldsmobiie $2195 ■ when both are trying to woo Cutlass Holiday Sport Coupe. one knows what Britain’s a graduate of the College of , same thing. 65 Chevrolet $1645 64 Chevrolet $1225 the voters. Reg. $4 to $7 . . . Styles include shift or long gowns, night shirts with mini V-8, 4-speed, radio, power Impala 4-Door. 6-cyl., stand­ foreign policy Is. New Rochelle, N.Y. She receiv­ The bocurd hen sent the Beck- Impala 4-Door Hardtop. 6- Although he has lost much of JOHN’S steering - brakes, heater, cyl., auto., radio,- heater, ard, radio, heater, white­ ■his youthful arrogance, Winston Also, you can rebel against ed her MA degree from Colum­ pants and pajamas with kmg pants. Brushed nylons, challis and cotton flan­ leiMB a letter Informtag them both stores bucket seata, whitewalls. whitewalls. walls. Junior Is still very conscious of materialism and status-seeking bia University, . nels. P, S. M. L. they may use (the addttilonail in the United States, whereas fknr space oit The Landmark, ■Ta*' 66 Dodge $2295 63 Chevrolet $1345 the Illustrious name he bears. 25% off Floor Covering. Inc. 65 Comet $1175 here we have a very confused Land snails have survived ’'proivlded they adhere to cer­ I are open Polara Sport Coupe. V-8, Impala Super Sport Coupe. In Gorton he ran into trouble F A i k A X auto., power steering, radio, Model ‘202’ 2-Door. 6-cyI., when he knocked on doors and economy, indeed. temperatures of minus 184 de­ tain conditions,’’ as outlined 254 B R O A D ST. TEL. 643-9479 standard, radio, heater, V-8, auto., power steering; heater, vinyl roof, white- radio, heater, whitewalls. announced. "M y name is Win­ "Even the leaders of the hip­ greeses. nylon slips and petticoats 2.99 & 3.99 boys' eartier. tonight till ! walls. whltewedls. These oondiltiknis Include the ston Churchill." The comeback of the Housewives with their hair save on outerwear and ski parkas, sport shirts stipulation that thie free stand­ 66 Chevrolet $2395 65 Chevrolet $1B75 TRUCKS Reg. $4 and $6 . . . Some with lace or frothy embroidery, some with scallcfp- ing signs on the Green come Impala Station Wagon. V-8, Impala Coupe. V-8, 4-speed, ta curlers was, "Oh yeah? I’m and knit shirts, corduroy slacks, sweaters. Sizes see us for your new 1968 radio, heater, power steer­ 66 Chevrolet $1995 . Marlene Dietrich." FREE LECTURE MON.. JAN. 8, 8 P.M. ing or sheer flower embroidery. 32 to 38 short, 34 tq 40 average. S, M, L. down and axM that “certadh ob- auto., power steering, radio, l-Ton Panel. V-8, 4-speed, 4-7 and 8-20. ing, whitewalls. Wlnaton Junior also made the vtous violations of existing zonr January Special heater, whitewalls. heaiter, signal lights, mistake of touring the Gorton dn(g regulations be corrected." desk calendars 66 Chevrolet $2075 65 Plymouthnym o $1695 65 Chevrolet $1495 constituency In a white Jaguar Tlhe board added that, "no ad- Impala 4-Door. V-8, auto., WAa-TO-WALL NYLON CARPET B\iry lHn i 4-14-Door^, V-8, auto., H-Ton Pickup. 8’ Custom which stood out glaringly dltionail expansion o f the preant- calendar refiHs power brakes, radio, heater, cotton knit briefs 3 prs. $2 & 2.25 WITH 32 OZ. PAD AND LABOH power steering, radio, heat­ Fleetslde Body, 6-cyl., stand­ against the drabness of the girls' 'ly existing floor space would be whitewalls. er, whitewalls. ard, radio, heater. permitted” and further stated Lancashire cotton towns, REALTY Reg. 90c and $1 each . . . Famous make briefs with reinforced gusset, elastic “no ndditilonai exterior slgms pocket diaries 66 Pontiac $2145 64 Ford $1195 62 International $1345 AUken, on ithe other hand, waist. S. M, L, XL. save on dressy and tailored dresses, shirts, GalE^e Sport (Joupe. 6-oyI.,- canvassed the voters on foot, may be erected, added to or LeMana Sport Coupe. OHC Model 1600 Cab it Chassis. jumpers, sweaters, blouses, slack sets, knit tops. $ 0 . 9 5 6-oyl., 4-speed, radio, heat­ standard, radio, heate^, 6-oyl., 4-apeed, heater, signal When he oonterted a seat ta chcuiged except on receipt o f a appointment books SQ. YD. er, whitewalls, bucket seats. whltewedls. . lights. Sizes 3-6x and 7-14. zoning permit.” Warwickshire and boned up on everything from swine fever to 'Hie Becklshes have since GOOD VALUE BUY GOOD VALUE BUY GOOD VALUE BUY annual sale of Schrank pajamas • 3.29 & 3.^9 aerodymumics. (’Hie voters In­ MENCOURSE AND WOMEN. You can entey the Real Estate Business. Countered wtth a fotmal notice 62 'OHEV. Igipala 4-Dr. o f oourt action end, through Hardtop. V-8, auto., power 62 MERCURY Meteor 4- 62 CHEV. Bel Air 4-Door. cluded farmera as well as alr- Our course will thoroughly prepare you for the state exami­ creft workers.) Public speak­ nation and teach you what you need to know to get started Reg. $4 and $6 . . . Classic cotton pajamas in collared or collai’less styles . . . toddlers' tlMik' lawyers, state that they steering, radio, heater, Door. V-8, auto., radio, 0-cyl., standard, radio, object to the removal of tl>e * whltewiUs. ing comes naturally to AUken, on your own or to Join an existtag firm. 12-lecture evening prints, geometries or solid pastels. Other famous makes included in this 1.49 LINOLEUM • FORMICA • CERAMIC TILE FULL PRICE $726 heater FULL PRICE $896 heater FULL PRICE $4W for he was a champion debater course conforms to 0»e new licenstag law. Sample the train-j save on outerwear, ixibes* sleepwear. Toddler frse-standing signs. Ing without obligation. Attend a SREE FIRST LiECTURE group. Their lawyers add that the at Oxford, -tioureQ the Unit­ sizes (2 to 4. ■ •k VIKING Kitchen and Bathroom Carpet ed States With an Oxford de­ at 8 P.M. on Monday, January 8 at the Morse College, 188 oommiaaicn acted ‘UlliegaUy, ar-' Ann St., Hartford. You will receive'a free copy of ” How To Mtrartly and In abuse of the dib- ★ STEPHEN Leedom Wool Carpets bate teem in 1664. Choose Your House," a 270-page booklet containing 104 color oration invested n It" by impo» CARTER CHEVROLET CO., INC. Although the politlcail futures photos. Write or phone for free brochure and guest tickets. Shop D & L In Manchester Parkade . . . open Mon., Wed., Thurs., Fti. Nights till 9 P.M. . . . Tues & Sot. till 6 o f young CSiurchill and AUken tag this oenditton. • k BARWICK Nylon, Acrikin Fortrel Carpets MORSE COLLEGE, 183 Ann Street, Hartford, 522-2261 The matter is still up in the 1229 Main S t—Open Evenings till 9— Thura. till 6r—Mianchiester appear assured, is there scope air.

K.- MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 -r ----- ter of Charles and Sarah Section Two FRID AY, JAN U ARY 5, 1968 FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 • f*-' fTOaurI)r0tpr Euvnittg Pages 11 to 20 Flaherty Oaskell, and lived in Snow Blamed Role of OEO Council Unclear Obituary Manchester all of her life. Be­ Humphrey Transplant Patient fore retiring, she was employed at the Wilrose Dress Shop, once For Mishaps As Other Agencies Take Jobs WNwd M. 0«rrit]r on Main St. and no longer in Edward M. Oerrtty, 80, of Applauds Is Reported Fine Young Morman Missionary Vernon Hosts Foundation Will Administer existence. The on and off snow all day Alttough Manchester’s Com­ sponsored Community Develop­ Chicago, HI., fathar of Jamea Survivors Include a sister, yesterday contributed to nine Announce Engagements M. Oarrity of 78 Diane Dr., died munity Council on Economic ment Programs also is not re­ Mrs. Helen Calhoun of Man- motor vehicle accidents, Includ- quired. (Oonttnaed froni F«ga One) ------thla momlnr at hta home. Opportunity (OEO) Is back at ment that Blalberg's organs, Undaunted by Hospital Stay RCEO Parley Richard Martin Scholarship chester, and several nieces and Ing one l a whidh a pedestrian He said that Manchester now Zam bians Survivoni also include 8 other full membership its future and eign tissuee. The same drugs which had been affected by his nephews. was in v o^ d . Several minor In- uses the services of the Haft- iCVntlnupd from Page Ouq> used for Washkansliy—steroids A young missionary of the Wilson haa been with the It 'Will b« Vernon's turn on Administration of tte Richard so effective Immediately. sons, 2 daughteta, a brother and The funeral will be held Mon- Juries relmted, one persmi was Ita Involvement in town affairs old diseased heart, had now ln»- ford Renewal Team and the and Imuran—are being given Manchester Mormon Church Mormon church about three Wednesday to play host to the Martin Public Service Scholar­ Because tte scholarship foun­ K' 00 grandchildren. day at 8:16 a.m. from the John arrested. bly difficult by the ratrogreaslve proved with the new heart, Bar­ remains doubtful and unclear. Thames Valley (Norwich-New Blaiberg, Barnard said. But he years, he said, and comes from 26-member Re^onal (found! of ship will be delegated to tte dation is an incorporated, non­ A solemn high Mass of re­ F. Tierney Funeral Home, 219 Michael Small, 18, of 10 Carter policies of your neighbors to the nard said: "The kidneys which who nearly lost the sight of one '^ e Board of Directors, In London) Council for funding un­ is not being treated with actino- had showed a disturbed function Idaho. Elected Officials (RCEO). The Manchester Scholarslilp Foun­ profit organization, contrib­ quiem will be celebrated Mon­ W. Center St., with a solemn St., was hit by a car as he cross- south. They have turned their eye in a car accident Sunday September 1966, created by or­ der the anti-poverty program. mycin, a substance Washkansky are returning to normal. The With an easy grin under the council’s meeting* are staggered dation, Mrs. Raymond B. Gow- utions will now be tax deduc­ day at 11 a.m. at St. Bride’s high Mass of requiem at St. ed Hilliard St. at W. Middle faces away from the inevitable night appears to be in good con­ dinance a town Department of Head Start and other edu­ received when he first showed liver which was swollen and one good eye, the stocky Wilson among the member towns. Man­ en, foundation president an­ tible. Church, Chicago. Burial will be James' Church at 9. Burial will Tpken yesterday at 4:26 p.m., triumph of self determination.” dition today. Economic Opportunity. Among cational programs requiring signs of rejection. showing Jaundice is also return­ exudes a calm coiilldence and, chester liod its turn In October. nounced today. Checks may be made out to in Holy Sepulcher Cemetery, be in St. James’ Cemetery. police say. Zambia was not included on Myron Wilson, 20, of 10 West Its designated fdhcti&ns la the federal funds are handled di­ Barnard commented Thurs­ ing to normal. according to him, the Lord Just The November meeting w-as in' The scholarahlp, designated tte Manchester Scholarship Chicago. Friends may call at the fu- He was taken to Manchester Humittrey’s original itinerary, St., Rockville, iis still bandaged mobilization of the resources of rectly by the school lx>ard. day that "perhaps we treated "To some extent the brain didn’t want him to die In the Enfield and the December meet­ for a Manchester high school Foundation. Donations should neral home tomorrow from 7 to Memorial Hospital where he but he reportedly decided its across the head, across his eye, the community and the crea­ Weiss has scheduled an in­ the last patient too early for re­ was affected—he was not feel­ accident where "the tree came ing in Glastonbury. graduate who Intends a career be sent to the Manchester Cham­ Mrs. Emma Slattery 9 p.m. and Sunday from 2 to 4 was X-rayed and released. He problems warranted a stopover. on both wrists and on his leg. tion of plans to eliminate con­ formal meeting of the IBoard of jection,” indicating that antire­ ing well. Now he is euphoric, out in front of us and hit the Wednesday’s session will be in public administration, was es­ ber of (fommerce offices at 267 Mrs. Emma Slattery, 70, of and 7 to 9 p.m. had abrasions on both hands The vice president told Kaun- He also has stitches in his chin. ditions of poverty. Directors for Tuesday night to jection treatment may have possibly showing a better supply car.” at 8 p.m. In the Vernon Ad­ tablished by tte family of Man- E. Center St. Newington, mother of Robert E. ------' and complained of pain in the da he wished to re-emidiasise But in spite of this, the youth brief town officials on the re­ weakened Washkansky’s natur­ of blood to the brain.” The missionary said that once Slattery and Mrs. Ruth M. Sut­ Nunslo Silvestii leg, police say. It was established as a part of America’s firm belief in the ministration Building. chesters' former general man­ quirements and implications of al defenses against infection In a news conference Thurs­ will not be deterred from his ter, both of Manchester, died Nunzio SUvestrl, 82, of Hart- The car which struck the the administration of the town, right of all men to live under a prophecy was given him that The agenda Includes the seat­ ager after Mr. Martin’s death the state’s new Community and made it impossible for him day, Barnard emphasized the work. As a reporter spoke to Mexico, Flowers Wednesday at her home. ford, father of Mrs. William youth was driven by Gloria B. subject to the same general reg­ governments of their own choos­ "he would see the Mormon Gos­ ing of new delegates and the In November. Development Act. to combat the pneumonia attack importance of the postoperative hlnrJI^the youth was. With a soft Survivors also include 2 otlier Laurlnaitis of 14 French Rd. and Letlzlo of 676 Hilliard St. ulations granted other town ing. pel spread throughout the election of some officers, both The scholarship foundation He has invited representa­ thak killed him on Dec. 21, 18 period in future heart' trans­ sell, telling about the goodness Topic for Club sons, 2 other daughters, 16 Mrs. Richard Menasian of 61 Snow piled on both sides of departments In the town charter "President Johnson has re­ world.” He said that this was replacing town officials who sponsored by tte (Chamber of tives of a host of town agencies days after receiving a young plants and said techniques to of the Mormon religion and grandchildren and 7 great­ Schaller Rd., died this morning Oak St. near ^ ru ce St., mak- The'^ordinance created a sev­ cognized the special burdens his Job, to spreekl the Gospel, didn’t run or who were defeat­ Commerce, serves as a 'cle a r­ Henry Taylor of Hartford will to send representatives to the woman’s heart. suppress the rejection tendency what it can do. And before the , 1?- grandchildren. at a Wethersfield convalescent ing the road too narrow for en-member Community (founcil Imposed on Zambia by the and that apparently his God ed In the. October and November ing house for scholarship ef­ speak and show slides Monday and a seven-member administra­ meeting. They will hear Jamea Discussing Blalberg's mental must be improved. reporter left, Wilson gave him The funeral will be held to­ home. three cars, resulted in a col- Rhodesian rebellion,” he said. wants him to knock -on many eslect'lons. forts in Manchester and each at 1 p.m. at a meeting of tte S. Klar of ^Iton, assistant di­ Earlier Thursday, the medical a card which lists the articles morrow at 8:30 a.m. from the Survlvors also include his llsslon of three cars, tive council, the latter to con­ "With this in mind and in the outlook, Barnard said: "Every­ more doors yet. One of the new delegates Is June makes more than 80 In­ Manchester Garden Club at Cen­ sist of executive members of rector of the Connecticut Com­ thing is wonderful for him. He As for the actual operation, of faith of the Mormons. "Take Newington Memorial Funeral wife, a son, another daughter light of our responsiblUtieB he Miss Ann Uccello, Hartford's dividual awards to seniors grad­ ter Congregational Church. His A car driven by Gordon L. otter town departments. munity Affairs Department, ex­ talks and is ready to discuss ev­ the surgeon said there were no a look at them,” he skid. Home, with a solemn high Mass and five grandchildren. has pledged «md provided Amer­ Ellery ICinsMn photo NAaslff photo • The engagement of Miss new mayor. Miss Uccello was uating from local secondary topic Is "Mexico and Flowers.” \ Maltempo, 20, of 231 Wells St. plain the steps required if Man­ erything. He is pleased the oper­ differences in the Blaiberg and Wilson, who is a member of The engagement of ^nss Carol of requiem at St. Mary's The fimeral will ^ held Mon- ^nd a van truck driven by Rich- The ordinance made provision ican assistance' to Zambia dur­ The engo'-ement of Miss San­ chosen by the unanimous vote schools. The speaker Is a former prin­ chester is to qualify for state ation is a success. We are giv­ Washkansky grafts, alttough he the Church of Jesus Cttrist of Vocation Schools E. Magdefrau of Ellington to Naxxml B. Curtis of Cttesterfield, Church, Newington, ^t 9. Burial dayIV ato f 8:30R*5ln a.m.a in fromfivtin thefno D ^ ______r for an annual budget and for ing the past two difficult yean. dra Ann Heldcavage and Daniel of the Hartford City Council to Formal acceptance of tte cipal of Hartford Public High ard R. Lewis, 49, of 189 Florence and federsil funds for commun­ ing him steroids and this also noted that the first donor heart, the Latter-Day Saints in Man­ Richard C. Bowman of Rock­ Mass., to Richard K. Sturtevant will be in Mt. St Benedict Cem­ Esopo Funeral Chapel, 236 the hiring of a director. ” We have helped — and shall H. DePlante, both of Manches­ replace (founcUman Thomas Martin Scholarship will take School. His interest In travel St., were involved in the acci- ity development programs. has the effect of a feeling of coming from a woman, was chester, was a passenger in a Are Planned by ville has been announced by her etery, Bloomfield. To date, no budget has been continue to help—^where\»« can, ter, has been announced by of Vernon has been announced Corrigan. place at a meeting of tte foun­ and photography has become a Wethersfield Ave., Hartford, ^ent, as was a parked car De­ The Community Council on well being. smaller than the second from a car driven by a companion mis­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Friends may call at the fu­ submitted and no director has because we in America firmly her parents, Mr. and Mrs. An­ by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Other Items on the agenda in­ dation’s directors Jan. 26, Mrs. retirement hobby. witt a solemn Wgh Mass of re- j^nging to Louis F. Allevo, 19. Economic Opportunity has bean "His pulse is very steady, the man. sionary, Dale J. Ure, 19, also of Boards in State A. Magdefrau of N. Park St. neral home tonight from 7 to 0. qulem at St. Peter s Church, 439 Middle Tpke. been hired. believe in the same things as thony Heldcavage of 46 Coolidge Forrest C. Curtis of Elmbrook clude a proposed dues sched­ Gowen said. Miss Ellen Buckley Is chair­ y/ invited to send a representative same as yesterday. "I do not think this made any 10 West St., Rockville. The car Her fiance is the son of the In September, the three min­ you do.” HARTFORD (AP)—Two state St. Fairm, Chesterfield. ule for tte remainder of the She stressed, however, that man of tte meeting. Mrs. John Btoln St. H ^ o r ^ at 9 Burial po„<.e say the Maltempo and as an observer. "His blood pressure is very difference in the final out­ skidded and hit a tree at about Rev. and Mrs. Paul J. Bowman James R Bums ority Democrats oh the Council (fommenttig on Johnson’s Her fiance is the son of Mr. Her fiance Is the son of Mrs. fiscal year, discussion of the individuals or g;roup8 wishing to F. Pickles and Mrs. Earl H. ^ 1 be in RMe^HUl Memorial L e^ g vehicles, traveling v in Weiss is recommending that stable—a little higher than nor­ come,” Barnard said. 36 miles an hour, Wilson said. boards liave proposed building of Prospect St. resigned in protest over the declaration that the U.S. gov­ and Mrs. H. Harold DePlante of George A. Sturtevant of Lake Junked-cars problem, discussion contribute to tte fund may do BIssell are hostesses. James R. Bums of S Ste^phen ■ . . . , opposite directions, came ^ 't t e his office staff should be the mal but we expect this because Barnard predicted the crea­ programs for the state’s voca­ Miss Magdefrau, a graduate ernment doea not condone the Though there were seat belts 45 (foolidge St. St., Vernon, and the late George of a proposal by Manchester 9t., hulaband . of Mrs. Mary Friends may caU at the fu- narrowed portion of the road, inactivity of their agency. Three agency to prepare the required of his age. tion some day of heart banks as of Ellington High School, Is perpetuation of racial or pcrilti- in the car, neither youth was tional technical schools and Miss Heldcavage, a 1936 grad­ Sturtevant. Mayor Nathan Agostlnelll for a Lewis Bums, died yesterday in neral home tomorrow and Sun- ^0^ it and the mishap replacement Democrats w«re progrsun leading to the prepar­ "His temperature is below a source for transplants and studying ■ computer program­ cal injustices^ Humphrey sedd: wearing them. The smashing technical colleges. ' Estimated uate of Manchester High School, regional negotiator for teach­ Hartfond Hospital. day from 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 p.m. to<,k place. appointed Tuesday night. ation of a (Community Develop­ normal but it has been like this said eventually they would in­ ming at International Academy, Miss (fortls graduated from “ When the President said Impact of the stop sent the 200- cost is more than $46 million. Is employed at Liberty Mutual Wllllamsbutg High School and ers’ salaries, and a continued Mir. Bums was bom dm Gou- „ I ~ „ .. The Maltempo car had heavy In the four-month interval be­ ment Action Plan. all the time. His liver and kid­ clude animal hearts. Hartford. Mr. Bowman, a grad­ this, he had Southern Africa in pound youth forward; his head The programs would Include Insurance Co., East Hartford. discussion of possible RCEO In­ nobk, Scotland, aiid lived in Mr*. Helen R front damage and was towed tween the resignations and the He is also recommending ney functions have Improved, Primates would be the best uate of Rockville High School, is State College, North Adams, mind. hit the windshield, shattered it more than $32 million for con­ Mr. DePlante attended Man­ volvement wiiUi Hartford's prob­ Hkntlord about 40 years before him. Helen E. Dalton, 84, of away. A passenger in the car, appointments some speculation that it should be the responsi- alttough they are not back to choice, he said, but the baboon'* studying speech and hearing Mass. She is a teacher In the “ In a world long troubled by’ and knocked it out completely struction of three new vocation­ chester High School Hjid recent­ Somers school system. lems. moving to Manchester three Gre^ Meronovleh, 19, of 22 arose over the need for the coun­ blilty of the Town Development normal. heart is too small and "there from its supports, he said. therapy at Boston (Mass.) Uni­ years ago. Before his retire­ F. DiUton, died this morning at Ridgefield St., was X-rayed at cil and the department. In view Commission to supervise the the curae of racialism there is a al-technical high schools by 1973 ly completed duty with the U.S. Mr. Sturtevant Is a graduate "His heart function is normal are fewer gorillas in the world In the crash, Wilson's face was versity. Marine Corps In Vietnam. He ment, he was employed as a Manchester Memorial Hospital Manchester Memorial Hospital of the fact that its functions are preparation of the application commanding clarity in the be­ lungs are clear.” than humans.” The most suita­ and expansion of the existing The wedding is planned for of the Howell Cheney Technical lief that no man can truly live in cut across the forehead and 16 schools. is employed at the Springfield Vocation Council Named START THE bartender at the Sedgewlck aftor a ttort Illness. g„d released. Police say he said being duplicated by otter town itself. Expanding on a previous com- ble heart would be the pig’s, he July 27. School. He served in the Navy creative equality when society through the eye. An emergency New high schools would be Sugar Co., Windsor Locks. for two years. He Is employed Restaunont, Hartford. He was ^ Dalton WM bom In he had Injury to his wrist. agencies. The OEO, he suggests, would and the size is normal, and the added. q HARTFORD (AP)—Gov. John Imposes the irrational spiritual operation by Dr. Theodore built in the Enfleld-Suffleld, The wedding Is planned for a veteran of Wtarid Wax I, ^ driven by David Q. Town Manager Robert Weiss be one of 11 other town agen­ at the Southern New Ekigland Dempsey has appointed an 18- poverty of discrimination on Rosen restored partial sight in Groton-New London and Mll- Jan. 27 at the Church of the As­ Telephone *Co. serving in the BrUleh Army. a darter of Edward Md El- Casvaldo, 22, of 2 Rogers PI., said today that its participation cies which would have a dele­ the eye. member state planning council in federal grant programs is any man.” ford-Stratford areas. sumption. No dale haa been set for the ‘Survivora, beetdes his wtfo, en RUey Sweeney, and Uved hit a car driven by Prank Koz- gate each to an advisory board, Wilson said he could see light for vocation rehabilitation serv­ In Manchester most of hqr life. ,owskl, 48, of East Hartford on not required at this time, and He announced that the U.S. Teacher Groups to Attend More them $14 million would wedding. include two sons, James R. to supplement the work of the when the bandage is taken from ices for disabled citizens. Bums and WlUlam Lk Bums, SurvlTOrs taclude a daughter, center St. near Trotter St. last that its participation in state- Development Commission. government would cooperate be spent for expansion of the Named chairman of tte new YEAR RIGHT the damaged eye. He said Dr. Miss Dorothy Dalton, and a night 'Witt Zambia in improving 300 state’s four technical colleges. both of Manchester; two dangh- Meeting Involving Manning Rosen is still sewing up the cut council was Joseph Ress of niece Ml^ss Beatrice Sweeney. ^ passenger in the Kozlowskl miles of the Great North Road Under the proposals, $619i,080 ten, (Mkn. Margaret Pastiwa of across the eye. Hartford, a lawyer. which links the land-locked would be allocated for Wind­ BAancheeter and Mm. Ellen ^ t t of Mandiester, two sisters, e^r. Prances Kozlowskl, com- Katzenbach Believes responsibilities (PR&R) com­ The council will be a policy We maintain a record under separate file country with the Tanzanian sea­ Officials o f the iw o Mandhes- Ure was discharged from the ham School, Willimantlc, to pro­ Pliioe o f (EUlfogton; a brother, of Man- plained of pain after the mls- mittee. X board for completion of a study cherter and Mrs. WUllam K(^ph hap. She was taken to Manches- board and carries the bulk of iter teajcher unio«B aie expected hospital yesterday. In the acci­ vide for restoration of the auto­ Fatticik Bums, and two sisters, This committee, headed b y of tte needs for services for for each family of all prescriptions filled here. of Califortta, and several otter ter Memorial Hospital where Zsonbla’s vital copper, exports to be on hand M)ondaiy when' the dent he suffered cuts and a body repair shop, a new demon­ Mias Eleanor Bums and Mis. John Warren of Bennet, loot disabled citizens. The study re­ nlwes and nephetm. she was X-rayed and released. and Imports, Including fuel sup­ fractured elbow. stration classroom, equipment in Sidney Oxley, ell in Scotland; Dollar Drain Seen Board o f Educaltlon dBacusses month requested a grlevailce port Is due In October. The fimSral wUl be held Mon- a hospital official said. plies to keep her industrial Wilson came to Rockville sev­ the machine and tool and die An itemized listing of all prescriptions filkd last and five gtanidchildren. seMin(g a dote to liear odmillnis- hearing by Curtis, but was re­ ^rom the John xhe Casvaldo car was towed Wheels turning. eral month ago. He and Ure shops, and a new compressor The funeral will be held Mon- tratlon changoB against sus­ fused. go knocking on doors and talk­ year is avaUabie at no charge upon 14 Days Ad- dsiy at 8:16 am . from the F. “nerney Funer^ Home, 219 away; the Kozlowskl car was Much of the road is impass­ room. Even Without War Curtis is maintaining that the ing to people about their religion. Thcmas F. Farley Funeral W. Center St., with a solemn driveable, able during the rainy season, pended Bennert: Junior High No additions or improvements (Continued from Page One) hearing on insubordination chaiv He said he does not get paid vani)e Notice. Home, 96 Weboter Ave. Hait- high M ^ of requiem at St. Kozlowskl received a written and dozens of gasidine tankers Scihok>l teeicher Henry J. (Man- to Manchester’s Howell Cheney ges should take precedence, and that supports himself Homemade ford, wdth a Maas o f reqidem warning for failure to grant the ment here adyance notice of Impact might be offset by in­ have been wrecked. ndn(g. Technical School are contem­ ges should take precedence. with a. trust fund that Is In his at S t Auguadne's Church, wm be In St. James’ Cemetery, right of way at a private drive. creased purchases of Australian During Humphrey’s 18 hours plated. these measures when he Kenneth Skinnier, presidenit In the grievance, filed sev­ name. BYlendE coll at the fu- Th^ vehicle Koslowakl was driv- supplies for U.S. forces in Viet­ in Kinshasa, his motorcade was The building programs, pro­ Hairtflosd, at 9. Burial will be stopped in Rome Dec. 23 on his of the Manchester Education eral weeks before hts suspen­ in S t James’ Cemetery. Sunday from 2 to 4 jn g was emerging from a drlve- nam and by increasing imports charged by demonstrators and posed Thursday by the State and 7 to 9 p.m. way back to Washington from later Supreme Court Justice ABBOoiaitton, end Jbhn Gairop- sion, Manning charged he was Board of Education and the RAVIOLI way at 116 Center St. when the EVilends may call alt the fo- of such Australian exports as poio, head o f the Manchesker being "harassed” by admlnts- nekal.bame tcmonraw and Sun- Casvaldo car hit it. Australia and Vietnam. wool and meat. Thurgood Marshall cancelled a Trustees for State Technical trip to Lovanium University Fedenaitdon o f TeacherB, both af- trators in a continuing dispute Xerox Copy Service Colleges, will go to the State daiy ftnm 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 An East Hartford man, "The problems posed by the H. PASQUALINI when Jeering students blocked flnned today tfliait representa- ovqr his teaching method*. Building Commission and to Miller Dhoto WESTOWN^ * PHARMACY ■ ^ pjm. Joseph A. DqsantlB, 19, w«is Funerals measures taken by the Ameri­ tiivee from ttielr groups wiU at­ The grievance had been M andteoter The engagement of Miss Lu- charged with failure to obey a his path. Blueprint and Supply, Inc. Gov. John Dempsey for his 1969 246 Avery St., Wapping can government cannot leave It­ tend ihe meeting to beck Man­ scheduled for a hearing by the cUle M. Shoff of Weymouth, 429 HARTFORD RD. — 649-9946 Mrs. Marians A. SmilUe stop sign yesterday morning, af­ aly Inttfferent.” Fanfani said. About Town Humittrey nonetheless called 680 Hartford Rd., Manchester budget recommendations. John Dandnink liis visit to the Congo “ construc­ ning. ' superintendent but was twice The State Commission for Mass., formerly of Manchester, Mrs. Mariana Aloislo' Smillie, ter the car he was driving skid- “ The solutions of these prob­ The Rev. James Birdsall, id- The suspenxled teacher, or­ 649-8608 to John D. Kelley of Quttcy, Fallot photo T E L 6444)604 ELLINGTON — The funeral ded by a stop sign at Hartford tive and productive.” He said poetponed, and then was never Higher Education must consider 70, of New York City, former­ lems will, in fact, cause reper­ car of St. Peter’s Episcopal dered from his daBees Nov. 21 BoidcvUla Exdauige Ent. 1405 Mass., and New York City, has The engagement of Mise Mar­ Hie engagement of Mias of John Danchunk of Newell Rd. and EHm St. and hit a car the leftists managed to "hire” held because the sdspenslcn in­ the technical college proposals. ly of Manchester, died Tuesday, cussions on our economy." (Hhurch of Wapping, will conduct by Assistant Superintendent of been announced by her piarents, garet Austin of Manchester to Hill Rd. will be held tomorrow driven by Esther E. Manning only a small number of pickets. tervened. Katlxleen Frtuices Ann Kissell Dec. 26 at her home. She was The Italian government haa a service Sunday at 8:16 a.m. Schools Ronald Scott, 63 the Rev. and Mrs. Robert J. Alfred L. Krause of East Hart­ at 8:30 a.m. from the Burke Fu- of 26E House Dr. the sister of Mrs. Coaimo AUo- expressed its understanding of on radio station WINF. The charged by the admilnistraltlon The unions are claiming that Shoff of 232 Main SC ford haa been announced by her and Da'vi'd Forbes Thornhill, neral Home, 76 Prospect St., Desantis is scheduled for I slo of 126 E. Center St. the need to keep the dollar program is sponsored by Man­ wiith InsubordinBtion. Curtis' refusal to hear the Her fiance Is the son of Mr. mother, Mrs. Williaim J. Austin both of Manchester, has been Rockville, with a Mass of re­ court on Jan. 16. Henry I. Jenks, In the interest 0/ your good heabh and good appearance this artMe Mrs. Smillie was bom in strong. Treasury Minister Emi­ chester Council of Churches. Manning has ahice main­ grievance would set a prece­ and Mrs. John Kelley Jr. of of 23 PYanklin St. She is also announced by her parents, Mr. quiem at the Church of St. Jay Loersch, 19, of 117 Buck- Italy, a daughter of Andrew and lio Colombo s^d Italy would ac­ tained, with becking from the dent that would Jeopardise which appeared in newspapers neUionaliy* is reprinted by Quincy. the daughiter of tte late Wil­ and Mrs. Andrew IGssell of 766 Frederica Aloislo, and came to Luke at 9. Burial will be in El­ land St., received a written Paper Aide, Dies cept the coQs^uences. unions, that a grievance he teacher grievance proctliure Miss Shoff, a 1963 graduate liam J. Austin. E. Middle Tpke. MORI ARTY BROTHERS HAS the United States when she was lington Center Cemetery. warning for driving too fast for Leonard Yarensky of Bloom­ But Italy wtis not expected to GREENFIELD, Mass. (AP)— filed against one or more un­ throughout the state. of Manchester High School, at­ Her fiance is the son of Mr. Her fiance Is the son of Mr. very young. During her more Friends may call at the fu- conditions, after the car he was field wdll conduct a training ses­ accept them ivithout asking Henry I. Jenks, retired business named anknilnistratOTB 'weeks Jxe^ Manning, upon advice from tended Eastern Nazarene Col­ and Mrs. Alfred C. Krause of and Mrs. Percy Thornhill of 157 than two-year stay in Manches­ neral home tonight from 7 to 9. driving hit a car driven by Carl sion on "The CJhlld of the Fam­ some concessions In turn to help fore his suspension should be his attorney, yesterday notified lege, Wollaston, Mass., for one State College, Pa. Lenox St. ter a few years ago she was an ------A. Calabrese, 43, of 38 Marilyn ily in Crisis" for the staff of manager of the Greenfield Re­ ease the blow to the country's corder-Gazette, died Thursday seittled befoira a board hearing the MEA that it should continue year. She was graduated In 1967 Miss Austin, a graduate of Miss Kissell, a 1967 graduate active member of the Women’s Mr*. Sophie Mlsewicz South Windsor, last night. the Manchester Homemak­ economy which the In-flow of night at Franklin County Hospi­ of the insubordination charges. to press for the grievance from the New England Deacon­ Manchester High School, is em­ of Manchester High School, is AuxiUary of Manchester Memo­ er Service Inc., Monday at 7 The funeral of Mrs. Sophie say the Loersch car dollars has helped to boom. tal. He WM 80. Hearing o f the grievance has hearing. The attorney, Robert ess Hospital School of Nursing, ployed at the East Hartford employed at Household Btaance 20 BRAND NEW 1968 rial Hospital. p.m. in the service’s training Mlsewicz of 66 Trebhe Dr. was traveling on Windsor St. Katzenbach first met with been refVised by School Supers Boston, Mass., where she Is on Aircraft Federal Credit Union. Oorp., Blast Hartford. Mr. Survivors also include a son, room. A native of Pawtucket, R.I., Satter, has also notified the held this morning from the John Tolland Tpke., failed to Premier Aldo More, then con­ ihtendent WilUem Curtis. the nursing staff. Mr. Krause, a graduate of State Thornhill, a 1963 graduate of MaJ. Charles V. Smillie Jr. of .Jenks began his newspaper ca­ board that his cli'ent wants t o . F. 'Demey Funeral Home 219 ® the ferred with Famfanl, Colombo, reer In April, 1906, with the The school board voted Nov. air his case before it In a closed Mr. Kelley, a 1963 graduate College High School, served for Manchester High School, at­ Fairfax, V a.; a daughter, Mrs. The Epworth CTrcle of South W. (Jenter St., with a Mass of °PPO®tte lane and Into the Cala- and Giovanni Pieracclnl, budget Pawtucket Times. He later 27 to back Mannlnig’s susnen- of North Quincy High School, three years with the U.S. Navy. tended Central (fonnectlcut Henry Muller of Cos (fob; a Methodist Church will meet hearing and haa asked the requiem at the Church of the ®“ '- minister. worked for the Manchester, aion end consider taking action board to set a date. aittended Quincy Junior Col­ He is employed at Pratt and State (foUege, New Britain. He half brother, Richard Lavalle of Assumption. The Rev. Francis Parker and Jordt St. yes- Monday at 8 p.m. at the home ■Whitney Division of United Air­ is serving with the U.S. Army MERCURYS in STOpK N.H., Union Leader and the to teamilnate his oontraat. lege for one year. He also at­ Lynbrook, N.Y. , and three Paris Is Katzenbach's next of Mrs. Virginia Flavell, 33 The board's task Miomday will J. Mihalek was celebrant. Paul terday at 7:30 a.m., a car driv- New Haven, Conn., Register be­ Both local end ekaite teacher tended Cardigan Mt. Boarding craft Corp., Blast Hartford. at Bt. Bkistls, Va. gi^ijchildren. stop. He has already had talks Packard St. Mrs. Edwin Foster be to decide wtiether Curifo la 901-907 MAIN STREET—MANCHESTER Cttetelat was organist and solo- WlUlam B. Malkenson, 20, fore returning to the Pawtucket unions ere backing Manning’s School, Cannon, N.H., and The wedding is planned for No date has been announced The funeral was held in New 1st. 99 Scott Dr., spun around on at Brussels and The Hague. Is co-hostess. correct in refusing to hear the He said on his arrival in Times in 1917 as assistant man­ case, which involves a dispute Thayer Academy, Braintree, Feb. 17. for the wedding. York City with a solemn high Burial wlU take place tomor- hit a truck grlieviunceB, or wiietiher to direct FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Mass of requiem at St. Xavfor Rome Thursday that he found ager. with axibnilnistraitars over his the Bupenlhtendetit to hear the Mass. He is employed at Alba row at 11 a.m. at St. Slants-^'^ ® " hy Harry Baskind, 48, Mystic Review, North Ameri­ Waldensian Inc,, New York Ctturch, Park Ave. BuriaJ^as European governments In gen­ He became assistant manager teaching methods. gTitevance first. * laus Cemetery, Lansdale, Pa Lydall St. Both cars can Benefit Association, will “STOP KIILIN6 YOURSELF” a ty . in Rhode Island. ______were driveable. eral were willing to cooperate of^ the New Haven Register in Manning, a teacher of mental­ with the United States In its ef­ have an installation dinner 1^ 2, advertising manag;er of ly retarded classes at Bennet, The wedding is planned for Mrs. Mabel K. Donlin of 44A Tuesday, Jan. 16. at 6 p.m. at Senior Citizens Polled AT COMPETITIVE PRICES! Mr*. Jacob Kahan fort to reduce its balance of the Boston Record in 1927, busi­ Is under a long-term contract, Feb. 24. Burnham St., applied the brake payments deficit. Willie's Steak House. Reserva­ ness manager of the Pawtucket having been employed by the' 8150,000 Sought Abdominal Support VERNON—Mrs. Esther Kauf­ on the car she was driving, her State PoKce In the first nine months of last tions may be made with Mrs.' Tlmea in 1929, advertising man­ board since 1961. He has been man Kahan, 78, Of Warren Ave., foot slipped from it and the car — ------FOR LONQER LIFE------' On Activities at Center year Italy Imported $771,793,600 Wilfred Treadeau of 86 Spruce ager of the New Haven Times a teacher 17 years. In Damage Suit wife of Jacob Kahan, died yes­ hit one driven by Frederick C. Church to Hold worth of goods from the United St.; Mrs. Irene Vlncek of 35 in 1930 and publisher of the Continued union pressure for Why do widows outnumber terday at St. Francis Hospital. Get Clues in Hetzer, 23, of 28 N. Elm St. John W. Harkins of 71 Niles All Manchester senior citizens take part In activities at the States and exported $614,698,600 Greenwood St., or Mrs. John Bangor, Maine, Commercial in settlement of the grievance widowers? To the traditional team Mrs. Kahan was bom in Ro­ which had stopped on Main St. Dr. has filed a $160,000 dam­ FEEL BETTER Mission Studies 60 years of age or older. Inter­ Center. Fortin will be available to the United States. Vince or 227 McKee St. 1931. seems assured. Members of of work and worry, long branded the ested in participating In any dally a fth e Center at Myrtle mania, and lived in Vernon for near W. Middle Tpke. Police age suit against Charles M. Gill guilty pfir, weight hai been so LOOK SLIMMER Beaupre Case But private investments of He Joined the Recorder in both the MEA and MFT yester­ South Methodist Church in programs listed In the following and Linden SW. for suggestions 62 years. say slight damage was done. and Dorothy K. Gill, owners of strongly linked by science that diet­ LESSEN FATIGUE Adult participants in girl 1933 as general manager, vice day voted to continue backing conjunction witt the East Hat t- questionnaire, are asked to fill and to answer Inquiries concern­ Survivors, besiders her hus­ A car driven by Charles E. Americans and American com­ the (foest Apartments at 671 ing, once a woman’i pastime, has (Continued from Page One) scouting in. this area will meet president and treasurer. He re­ Manning’s case. He alsoi has it out and send it to Walter For­ ing future programs. band, Include a eon, Robert F. Snow, 63, of 336 Summit St. panies in Italy amount to hun­ Hartford pd., charging them become a male preoccupation. ford Methodist churches will dreds of millions of dollars. The tonight at 7:30 at the John F. tired in 1966. support from the CoimiSfctlcut tin at the Senior Citizen Center, Mercury’s Kahan, of Vernon; three daugh­ Beaupre’s body was found at skidded and hit a car driven with negligence in maintenance And now epmes evidence that sponsor a. Winter School of Mis­ A craft class will begin Mon­ Mercury Colony Park Station Wagon Tierney 'Funeral , Home, 219 Survivors include a son, Don­ Federation 6f Teachers. ters, Mrs. Pauline Grossman of by David R. Moseley, 19, of 60 nearly i .6 million U.S. tourists of a sidewalk on the property. sion Study starting T'es-'nv not later than Friday, Jan. 12. day from 10 a.m. until noon at Enfield, Conn., near Springfield. ald S. Jenks of Worcester and Matmlng, upon advice from it isn’t just the psunch, but the sag. Forest Hills, N. Y., and Mrs. <31yde Rd. yesterday shortly af­ "^vho visited Italy last year spent W. Center St., to pay respects Harkins claims that he suffer­ that brings on the pallbearers-that The list of proposed activities the Senior Citizen’s Center Mrs. "We have certain facts which three grandchildren. his attorney, has formally re­ fnotn 7:30 'to 9 p.;n. ai South Shirley Meyerson and Mrs. Bea­ ter noon. nearly $600 million here. Investr to Mrs. Arthur England. She ed body and otter injuries In the girdles that give the ladies their Church. There will be a s..iuil was prepared by Fortin, newly Edward Adamy will be the In­ I believe are going to lead to Funeral services were incom­ quested continued help from the trice Rosen, both of Brooklyn, Police say the cars were trav­ ments and tourism are areas was active In scouting for 26 a fall on the sidewalk on Jan. girlish figures may also be extending registration fee plus the cost of appointed Senior Citizen Center structor. Afghans will be made solution of the Beaupre mur­ where Johnson wants to con­ years. plete. MEA’s profesBional rights and got it! N. Y.; a brother, Jacob Kauf­ eling in opposite directions on 6, 1967, when he was a tenant their lives. a text book for the event which director, on behalf of tte Town by . the women attending tte man of New York City; a sis­ der,” Chief Lyons said. Lydall St. The Snow car came serve dollars. of the apartment complex. The idea that control under Is open to the public. Recreation Department. The class and the men will work ter, Mrs. Rose Siegel of Ver­ Police said Jones, a Black around a parked car, Moseley Italy Is In a relatively strong The . Mlancheeter Registered He has attached the property shorts, tightening the abdominal mus- The mission study will be di­ Senior Citizen's Center has, For­ on outdoor mats. The class non; eight grandchildren, and a Muslim, also is known as Irvin saw he did not have room to position financially. As of last Nurses AsBoedhtion will meet In the amount of the suit,:'In clet and expanding the chest, im­ vided into four groups, and those tin said, unlimited facilities for a will continue each Monday and great-grandson. X. They said their investigation get by, applied his brakes, but Nov. 30 Italy had $3,248 billion 'Itiesclaiy at 7:30 p.m. in the U.S. Hopes to Sell papers filed In the Manchester prove not merely appearance but registering should specify which variety of activities designed es­ Thursday at tte same time and The funeral was held this af­ Indicates that Jones fired at the car skidded and hit with its in gold reserves, $624.8 million Doctor’s Dinihg Room eit Man­ town clerk’s office. health isn’t exactly a new one. Long classes they would like to at­ pecially for senior participants. place, until tte projects are before modern drugs came on the ternoon at Weinstein Mortuary, Ladner and his fatter because left side the' Snow car. In U.S. Treasury bonds, and chester Memorial Hcepdifcal. Ron­ The action Is returnable next tend. The classes Include Space has been provided In tte completed. Those attending may he realized one of them recog­ The Snow car was towed away $1,402 billion in U.S. dollE^rs. ald -Schonelz, personnel director month In Hartford County su­ market, doctora prescribed abdomi­ "Christ and the Faiths of Men” questionnaire for additional sug­ bring their lunch and stay for THE 640 Farmington Ave., Hartford. $15 Billion in Arms perior Court. nal belti for men with heart ailments. Burial was in Ellington Jewish nized him. the Moseley car was driveable. Italy Is reported to have let o f the hospdital, wtSl si>eek on taught by the Rev. Richard Du- gestions from those eligible to card playing in tte afternoon. WASHINGTON (AP) — The Harkins is being represented Bui new research, reported la ^ (fometery. The elder Ladner, Ernest J. Dtuvid Tonatenson, 23, o f 123 Katzenbach know it was willing "ProbletnB in_tbe Hospital of The Pentagon expects mili­ pee, associate pastor of South FINE-CAR Pentagon expectis to sell an eeti- by Hartford Atty. Sidney Ros­ Ike Journal o f the American Med­ Church; "Japan” taught by Memorial Week will be ob­ Sr., 68, was wounded In the Pine St. loet control of hiB car to Increase purchases In the Today." tary sales during the next dec­ SENIOR CITIZEN ((UESTIONNAIBE Mercury Monter^ 2*Door Hardtop mated $16 billion in ipilitary enblatt. ical AstocUHon, tends to sIm w Hut Mrs. Frederick Spalding; "Man served qt the home of her throat and stomach during the on. Chestnut St. near Laurel St. United States, particularly for ade to average $1.6 bUlion a such items as specialized tech­ arms and supplies to foreign ibe new drugs may be no more cf- and 'Community” conducted by Please check those you Please check the time .daughter, Mrs.‘ Pauline Gross- attempted holdup and was re­ on the snowy road and hdit a The officers and directors of are interested in. most convenient for you. TOUCH nical Instruments and to buy countries over the next 10 years, year, with some years a.bove or fecilvc Hun the old-fashioned b c lt- the Rev. Frank Gullnello, pas­ man, 69-60 ' 108th St., Forest ported improved at Wesson Me­ truck driven by William G. Mc­ ' Omar Shrine Club will meet offlclEds said today. below that level. Most military CXNRE Head 'Speaks or Hu modem control shorts. Scripps tor of Friendship Methodist Morning Afternoon Evenin Hills, N. Y. morial Hospital. Kinney, 46, of 118 Pearl St. more U.S. bonds. Tuesday night at 7:30 at the In exchange, Italy was said to The projection shows that the orders will be filled fqr member Institute scientists found ihst "ap­ Church of East Hartford; and a □ Travel ^ctures (day trips) □ □ □ The family suggests that yosterday at 7:16 pjm. Both home of Stanley N. Baldwin, MIDDLETOWN (AP) — The plication of the belt previous to vehicles were drivcaible. have asked for a liberalization treasurer, 26 Chester Dr. The arms sales—under heavy fire in nations of the North Atlantic course on "Ecumenicity" will □ Sewing (Dressmaking, etc.) □ □ □ those wishing to do so make national director of the Congress exercise reduced or prevented the MANDATE □ Oil Painting □ □ □ A door on a oar belonging to of some restricted Imports committee planning the Dr. some quarters of (fongtess last Treaty Organization, mainly be taught by several members memorial contributions to the Chief Reardon of Racidl Equality says it Is abnormal postexercise incream in the □ Knitting □ ■ □ □ WUUlBzn J. Knar, 27, o f 666 which would permit It.-to sell Dlskan HOPE testimonial will year—^wlll continue largely una­ West Germany and Britain. ABDOMINAL of the Manchester clergy. Hebrew Home for the Aged, in America’s interest “ to see amplitude of the A-wave of the apex Those desiring more Informa­ □ Card Games Instruction □ □ □ Wetherell S t was damaged as more to the United States. meet at the same place and bated. The $1.6 billion average would Hartford. Picks Patrohnan that blacks get Black Power." cardiogram.’ ’ just at popularly-pre- tion about the school may con­ □ Photography □ □ □ lit was perked at Crispdno’s Su­ In Canberra, Eugene V. Ros- time. Some congressmen have be down somewhat from the SUPPORT Floyd McKlsslck told an au­ Kribcd glyceryl trinitrate. tact the office of South Metho­ □ Rug Hooking □ □ □ Richard A. Kendall o f 33 per Market Parking loit off tow, undersecretary of state for charged that the arms program past three years. Since 1962 U.S. How do control shorts help Mrs. Margaret T. Clancy dience at Wesleyan University UNDERSHOOTS dist Church. □ Choral Group □ □ □ i FO R D Lnng Hill Rd., South Windsor, political affairs, said the Aus­ sometimes helps fuel fighting arms sales abroad have gone the hesri? One fsmed medical writer. Mrs. Margaret Teresa Clancy, Hlariifoirid Rd. last night. .The oar St. Bartholomew's annual par­ Thursday night that Black Pow­ tralian government had shown between foreign countriee. The this way: 1962 $1.49 billion, 1963 Dr. F. J. Stcincrohn, writei Hut It i □ Crewel Embroidery □ □ □ 67, of 106 Benton St. died sud­ was appointed today to the which did the damage left the ish dance will be held Saturday, er is a drive for “ choice,” an THAT SUM understanding and acceptanoe Pentagon, however, says its $1.48 billion, 1964 $1.26 billion, helps the circulation o f Ibe Mood, POLO CAME FROM PERSIA □ Discussion Group □ □ □ denly this morning at her home. M!a»ch«8ter Police Dopantment, scene. Feb. 24 at the Manchester Coun­ advantage which whites have LONDON —Polo, originally a □ Variety Show □' □ □ MERCURY of measures proposed to reduce try Club. Dinner will be served military sales make a major 1966 $1.77 billion, 1966 $2.17 bil­ always enjoyed. nnd ‘‘thereby takes an unnecessary NEWI with Miracle Mercury Monterey 4-Door ^ dan She was the widow of Frank P, according to Chief of Police the dollar drain. contribuUon in offsetting the lion and 1967 $1.98 billion. loiitf oil Hu htart. And when one Persian game, was played by □ Pinochle Tournament (weekly) □ □ ' □ at 8:80 p.m. after a Boclal time Misunderstanding Is-a crucial Spandex elastic Clancy. James Reardon. Two other pa­ Rostow told a news confer­ huge cost of maintaining Ameri­ tanlilpllcs this by the hcarlbcatt the British In India and brought □ Square Deuice Instruction □ □ □ Accused in Fire at 7:30. The Sophostlcates will In a report dealing with the snag between Negroes and Mrs. Clancy was bom in Man­ trolmen will be appointed next ence he had been able to clear can bases abroad. whkli add up to a few billion in Hu • SpandiX elastic is lighter, lO England in 1869. □ Bowling Instruction and Playing □ □ □ play for dancing from 9 p.m. nation’s gold flow problem, the whites, McKisslck said. chester, April 1, 1900, a daugh- month. ORANGE (AP)—Mrs. Ronald up misunderstandings and mis­ Newly compiled Pentagon fig­ nonnal UfcHme, one can understand whiter and more comfort­ Q Basic Reading and Writing □ □ □ Come In and Test Drive The "Fine-Car" Today! to 1 a.m. Reservations may be Pentagon said the military sales B uck Power, he said, is on The '23-year oild Kendall will W. Hine, 89, wife of a contrac­ conceptions about the program ures show military sales in the how a simple abdominal support able. Machine weshes and made with Mrs. Richard Jen­ program had resulted in impor­ expression of the Negro’s desire assume hdb duties on Jan. 28. tor and volunteer assistant fire Just as he was able to do In his six-year period ending last year mighl add years to a nun's life.” dries. Your Suggestions; ...... nings, 1066 E. Middle Tpke., or tant balance of payments bene­ to control his own destiny, the He 1b now employed by the chief is accused of setting a talks In Japan. He and his party Many doctors are suggesting • Slims instantly. Take 1 to Perttonal Notice* Mrs. Joseph Downs, 19 River­ have totaled $10.14 bUlion. The fits to the United States. CXJRE leader said. “ We know Fuller Brush Oo. at the com­ fire Dec. 19 which burned down will leave for Washington Satur­ Defense Department has anoth­ But the Pentagon added that tbt increasingly popular new types 2 Inches off your waistline. side Dr. no one is going to do It for o f men's control shorts to their pa- pany’s plant In Hartford, Rear­ her 10-room, $60,000 home. day. er $1,698 billion in commitments the principal objective of the • Suppirts comfortably, In Memoriam us.” iltnit, and finding back and breath­ In loving memory of Urs. MSr- don Bald. MaJ. Carroll Shaw, deputy Caretaker Prime Minister for fiscad 1968. arms sales is "to promote the braces up tired baelt MORIARTY "Stokely Carmichael Is being ing as well at circulation benefits...... * ...... garei Benson 'wtio pamed away Reardon said the appointment state fire marshall, said, Thurs­ John,McEwen said In a state­ The Pentagon estimates that m usclei. Jan. 4, S550,000 Housing Grant defensive strength of our allies prosecuted,” he said, "not be­ The most popular type, MHc Ubrary and major — “ renovations to the original buUd­ on the Union Congregational ttie Mgh sRlKxd end ended with Butterfield on tha finance t>oard, of "Socialist Realism," which alms to depict the positive aide the yeEU-. This was the third ing. The Savings Bank of Rock- Church. a town meeting which turned and the conservationists adopt­ of Socialist society. Here an attempt is made to show the no­ year of the Oonseople approved rooms added to existing homes, building for pilot sex educa­ housee novel golf equipment incinerator to service Vemon tired old themes of “Socialist newsmen who had asked about a budget totaling $5,898,840. The but the school enumeration indi­ tion program, to be offered by oalled "Golfaitron." Emd South Windsor; the accep­ realism .” Soviet art. mUl rate was reduced by three cated a leveling off, in younger an eoumenlcel church commit­ Several new apartment oom- tance of the roEuls In the Bolton An esetensive new exhibit just "You like your system," she mUla. The grand list IncreEised segments of the population, tee In the sprihg. pdexes were oompleted and Lake Shore area, Emd the con­ off Red SquEU'e reveals the lat­ continued. “Live as you like. to $6 miUlon. which the new superintendent The architects offered three est creations of the controlled Froperty owners who ujw many more are in the works. struction of a mimic shell. But we must have mutUEU re­ At the Tri-Olty Shopping Plaza, said is part of a national trend plans of school construetCon, and Soviet painters and sculptors. the fUtratlon plant faculties Residents Cited spect. a huge EiddMion 'was completed and only a lull before another the board picked Plan A v^ch They' still work within the were surprised with a reduction ...... Several people of Vemon storm. ■,The first senior class graduation at Bolton High Sc hool last June. Fifty-eight diplomas were awarded. "Never before in the history called for an elementary school framework of Soclsdlst realism, of the User ctuirge for the serv- n w houeeg Qj it’s. The were for special of the world,” she sEtid, "have space formerly by Otherwise, things went along (now 12 rooms plus two klnder- but despite that conservative ice. reoognlibfon during the year: the people been In such close Grant’s ‘Will sooni gaitens) to house K-4 to be harness they have produced Voters at speclEd referendums taken onrer ‘Mrs. Otndy Peanxm became the hearing was at- sewage aspoeal system was er took top prize in a Labor partment auxiliary marched In touch with the Intelllgenala.’’ by a> branch of ready In January 1969; renova­ some beautiful works. ^Pfxvved EupproprialUona to pur- Sege-Allen en l»^ acati^ ^ “ taxpayers; St. established, and untU the state Day Tolland County muster. parades, made curtains for the One Russian Impressionist Store. oeoonid woman to be named Rot­ tion of tiie present elemental^ Hie Soviet \rlew of art. Find Its cfaEwe land far an industrial ary Clttzen of the Year; Mre. Maurice Church presented its approved. September firehouse, but_couldn't hold a painter, who ekes out a living Another now complex of school into a middle school to corresponding discrimination pork, ibo tiulU a 39-room ele- Ssmdy Tuppeny who has been In January^O^chool board ’”'® caucused and The Democrats began their peach festival—no peaches. decorating store windows, com- atlores 'was erected on KOBy yb isiihM f house Grades 518, to be ready EigEilnst artists who disagree menary school, ibo extend sewer 5 aioUve In Uk Hospital Auxiliary asked for a second vote on the a primary was caUed for school camapalgn In Septepiber with A town meeting improperly mented bitterly on Mrs. ^ rtse; Rd., tppoalte Tri-City and ewv- house Grades 5-8, to be ready with It, permits etude, cartoon- Unes end to correct some ■waa named to the Outartandlng 6380.000 cafetorlum addition to ®®^^ August. The Re- a charge that there were only called produced nothing but a va’s statement. eral Esnaller shopping centers eventual addition of a cafe- llke works to slip Into etebIM- drainage problems. Women of America volume for the high school which had been publicans caucused, and tte 48 stars on the Community Hall long discussion of drainage, and "She Is not my boss,” said the were oonsbnioted aOong Rt. 83. WITH teriaraudltorlum to the high tlons simply because they quali­ Town Aides Resign I960 and Mrs. Hugh OoHins, defeated by 31 votes at a town w ®®‘ DemocraUc town commit- the seepage tests at the element­ bearded, middle-aged artist. During >Uie past year, after acbool. fy eis a positive comment on Ja y Etllnger, the town’s first far 1967; Joseph CasEtello, a meeting in December. The to ^ r elecUons. There were 1,670 tee publicity man Aloyslus ary school site were pronounced "Cezanne is my boss." several aittempte, the South­ December Socisdlst society. Hence, the director of Eulminlstratlon, re­ farmer teacher at Rockville board waa seeking a larger turn- f rii registered voters, 808 Republl- Aheam issued statements from okay. \ While an active underground December sevw a discussion on stEindards of any free artistic signed Euid the town is in the ern New Ehiglend Telephone (High School was named asslat- BLOWN-IN out of voters. The 1 ref- Democrats, ac- Ume to Ume, and toward the A proposal by Paul Brown ejcists, Eind occEisionEdly sur­ Company -was given permis­ I I lU K(iLAS swiknming facUdties because of community, about 80 per cent of process of working with the anit principal of the new To4- erendum defeated the addition corrected lists. end of the campaign, on school that Bolton bus pupils from faces, the state eturlly CEin Eind sion to expand the toU-free the need fbr a town meeting to the works in the exhibit strike State personnel department to lanid High School. 606-376. c^eSf OP '^® matters since he was running North 'Fnd Hairtford to Boditon does clamp down on efforts to area from Vernon. This will ac- INSULATION earm esk. the "patk develop­ the Western observer as primi­ hire a replEusement. Donald MorgEmson, president- A January town meeting ac- q j^j gcout orvanlzer^*^**** cond u cted^ spite of the^raln, for a school board seat against was released before the Board show nonreaiisUc works. A yeat- compfUsh, far one thing, having ment’’ funds for the road and tive. . Tax collector Raymond Splel- treasurer of the SavingB Bank cepted Tanglewc^ Lane and Girl Scout organizer. and Uie first ‘ ecumenical church Harold Smith. The Democrats ago in Moscow two expression­ the entire town in one cElUing of Fkhication had a raary prhnary, won a pdace on the lems.” Gaetano Simoncelli resigned customers. ed killed on Dec. 9. He weis 18 ley, a former president of the tlal plans were made. sponsored "Tomorrow Show" schools. Smith was elected chairman And a hearing on the preli­ exhibit. yeans as a clerk in the office Inttial -teacher salary nego- school board, imseating veteran Sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich, as postmaster of the Talcottvllle Following hearings held by yeans odd. Another young man, Rockville Area Chamber of On Aug. 3X, a contract was and an art exhibit; summer A baseball program picnic of the school board and LeRoy minary plans and the entire One artist planted his girl of the Probate Court; Mrs. E. tiatipofie in February held to a Harold Porcheron. The fire de­ wriUng'ln the Communist Party Post Office after serving for 23 the Public Utilities Commission, 26 yeEir old Michael S. Nyman, Commerce was killed In an signed with the Alco Develop- school was canceled; Mrs. Ger­ was held at Gay CHty, replacing Peckham of the finance board. school building program was be­ friend In the exhibition hadl to Fenton Burke waa elected presl-. 2.19 cost of Itving index in- partment held a clambake, lat- organ Pravda, declared recent­ yeEira, smd David Mills resigned the company weis granted per­ an Army sergeant, was killed automoblle accident In Somers, ment Corp. of Meriden to begin trude Noren took Malcolm Lam­ the annual banquet. The fire de­ Busing received the support of ing planned as the year ended. watch the reaction to his sculp­ dent of the RookvlUe Public creans in the pay scale, fiuper- as EusistEUit postmaster of the mission to raise the water rates.- on Nov. 28. He weis bom In Ver­ bert’s place on the Board of As­ ture. * ly, "The Ume has come for us to PlEina for the construction of building In the redevelopment jjealth Nursing Aaeoclatdon; iatendent c t Schools FhUip Ediape the tEistes not only of our Rockville Post Office after 27 Officials are taking severEd non but hEid lived in Gnuiby sessors; Mrs. Catherine Peter­ "He wants to know how suc­ a regional Catholic high school Work Is expected to start Rjtybert D King was aT>- ligunrVs cnafniot was renewed George Wilson suid Mrs. Frtink yeEurs of fedenU service. condition of the water. since 1964. In Veimon, were canceled by “ weather permits. ■'' ‘ ® ^ son took over as acting tax col­ T ollarid cessful It is—especially amon^ own people, but of the foreign pointed, by Governor Demp­ a t no change in salary. Wrobel. Mayor Grant lost a fight to Deaths in Vietnam During the year, the long-time lector while Mrs. Mamie Maneg- the foreigners," she said to an connoisseurs of art." Reslstsmce the Norwich Diocese. The ex- Children Die In Fire sey to tile State Department of March Waterbury Teachers Boys Basketball League have his SEilEury reduced to hEdf Two Vernon residents were chief of the Rockville fire de­ gla recuperated; Leslie Harlow American visitor. "Tell me why abroad would be fierce. plEmation given was that con- In February, the four small Oonection oornsnlittee and Ab­ In Miarch the Board of Fl- The Tolland Boys’ Basketball killed In VietnEim. Marine Pfc. was basebisdl commissioner im- you like it." of the $0,000 set. The Board of partment, John Ashe, died sif­ structlon costs had risen con- children of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- ner Brooks to the Oonnecticut nsnce asked the Board of SUu- King Backs LeEigue Schedule for tomorrow weub til he resigned in mid-summer; CONTRACT VOTED DOWN > ' Representatives refused to go Bruce W. St. Louis report- ter' a long illness. Clifford Haw- siderahly since the time the Inl- mond Mitchell of High St., per- SmEiIl Business Oouncil. cettic*! to look into the poe- will find Wsmats opposing the "Because It doesn’t look like the 4-H sponsored Rid Litter Return to Classes Socialist realism ,” she was told, PORT HURON, Mich. ( A P I - Edong with the reduction which sAlHty of the town’s owning Savings ^Eink of Tolland at 10 On May 16 the towm adopted WATERBURY (AP) — Water- Implement fully all of Oie pro' An Annual and she was immensely Two years of negotiations Wm one of Grant’s cEunpaign Um own schotd buses rather a.m. followed by Krechko Broth­ continued, though^ on a some­ a budget of 61,023,673. A motion bury’s public school teachers visions of said contract.” pleased. preceded the d ty of Port Hu­ promises. than contracting for bus serv- ers ys. Clinton Press at 11. Weather in times delayed basis, in much of that the budget be returned to The new salary schedule, Vladimir I. Lenin, founder of ron’s first contract offer to its 60 To comply with chEuter re­ the zero-blocked Northern re- went back to their classrooms Legislature Sport Mart will take on Llpmsm •firemen. The Birds Bug Tippi Hedren which became effective Jan. 1, the Soviet state, is everywhere quirements and some require­ g;lon. Motor clufal officials report­ today, ending a two-day strike. Chorches at noon. The firemen voted It down By DICK KLEINER room In em attack formation. calls for a minimum of 66,433 In the exhibit, frowning, point­ ments of the state concerning Har cait—tile same one ■who ed they were swamped with state Rep. Robert King of the The Bulletin Board overwhelmingly Thursday and NEA Correspondent The Nation school board budget was first Thelr course now in a fight and a maximum of 610,433 for ing, orating, thinking. ^EUits, the town hired several They began wrecking the room had endured tiie blue Jay at- trouble CEills from motorists in tee took over the study. 48th District has thrown his Religious InatrucUoin a t 9 t said they’d go on working wlth,- INSULATING THE ATTIC declared out of order, then de­ for a better contract is to let teachers with masters degrees. On the streets of Moscow as new people during the y ear: HOLLYWOOD — (NEA) — systematically and It took a con­ taick—tumied on her and bit winter belted the country with Milwaukee Eind Mlnneapolle-St. The senior claas put on a support to the growing num­ MjatUieiw’s Church resumes its out a contract. Contents of the feated. The budget included 66,- the Board of Education lead the But instead of a 10-step scale well as In the exhibition halls, John McAImont J r . of Rhode Tippi Hedren Is persona non certed counter-attack to drive her leg so hEwhy she lost the subzero cold from Montana to Paul all through Thursday. three^aot comedy, “Ybu Oan’t agreed on by the teachers as­ ber of legislators favoring an­ reguUir schedule tomoirraw and offer w ere not reveEUed. Island was hired as the town’s grata with the birds of the them from the house. use of It far a 'week. Thte may INSULATION MONTH SPECIAL 000 for a new heating system In way. Lenin Is ubiquitous. Every stat­ The F a r West, except for Take It with You,” in St. Mau­ Sumlay. world. The word has ap­ be a sign of an unholy al- Maine today. Temperatures the Community Hall and half sociation and the school board, nual sessions of the legislature. ue of him Is a copy of another, first plEinner, Emd Vlrglnio Bron- The birds began to haunt northern and central California, rice CSt^iroh haU. The 900 teachers stayed away 'The Tax OoUector will be eut parently gotten out among the Uanoe between cats and tumbled to near zero as far ANY ONE-STORY WAU ( A A a mill for future fire depart- the aldermen made it an 11 He tempered his support, how­ singularly lacking in artistic zi of South WindEKjr was named Tippl’a sleep, too. She begEm to generally escaped the polar The school board added a a nmi lor luiure nre aepart- Waterbury’s pubUc schooU gten scale Alone with this the the TViwn HelU tomorraw from Custom Home Design housing codes Inspector. feathered fraternity that Miss Tiippl Hedren faces tiie fu­ south as Kentucky and Tennes­ 9 a jn . to noon, far the payment charm. Lenin stands, like Jesus experience a series'^ ot night­ chill. And ski resort operators In 8' High up fo 24' Long only O w IhitdJdBdeigaPten room to Its ^ e^ ^ d *1jone tldth Thursday, glv- aldermen made a five per-cent ever, stating he would only fav­ * With the new RepubllCEm ad­ Hedren is to be pecked at alh ture bravely. She Is atlU beau­ see. of the second i33Btallment of In a Christian society, inspiring Manchester mares so horrible that she would Colorado EUid Wyoming were apocMtoaiUDns far the new ete- “ ^ th ing some 17,000 pupUs unexpect- cut In the amount of money al- or the change If the legislative Blue Print tt Su^y Ino. ministration came the nauning times. And, it pecking is Im­ tiful—despite the haunted Hook No immediate relief of conse­ town taxes now due. the people. His purpose Is mor­ wake up screaming. elated with some of the best mentaxy Bchool, Stressed flex- ‘?®.hoUdays. located for teachers’ salaries. rules were overhauled Eind 690 H artford Rd. Ipt a new town counsel. Abbott possible, any form of mischief In her eyes—and the doctors be­ quence was In sight for North­ The Rev. DonaW Miller will al, not artistic. Recently, Tippi accompanied snow conditions In Edmost 10 tfaUty &) design, and set up a hj^-n>Ul lor park development). ,j,}jg teachers ratified 890-0 ------" brought up to date. The legis­ Manchester, Conn. flchwebel replaced ThomEis Doo­ will suffice. lieve her faste and smell will ern states numbed by nearly apeak on “Broken By God” ajt The Soviet commitment to I her husbEind, Noel Marshall, on years. The Pacific Northwest kMg-naage study committee ^ set at 53, up Thursday an agreement to re- lature runs under the same rules AlQ.JUtQ9 ley, a Democrat. It all began, Tippi believes, eventually return and that the two weeks of arctic cold snaps the 9:30 Einid 11 a.m. services of Socialist rcEilism Is very real ' a trip to Panama. Marshall weis had mild, though dEunp, weath­ wlth membeiB of the board of ”“1“ from last year. tiun and let the school board Northern Tongues Alike as it did 150 years ago, he add­ BookvlUe Exeta. Ent. 1495 Teacher Pay Dispute when she was the star of Al­ scars will fade. sweeping out of CEinada in close ftnance. Conlon announced his resigna- a^it against the city’s alder- the United Oongregatlonal Indeed, and there is no sign of a on a mission for Jack Valenti, er.' ed . The education system had Its fred Hitchcock’s “The Birds.” And she Is still alive. ThEit's succession. STOCKHOLM — Language is Church, Sunday. to lend official U.S. support to Although the chill settled deep The net itaxabte Grand L ist about to be tnen for changing a contract "It Is absurd to hold annual share of good and bod hap­ This was a film which dealt sooneUiing bo crow about. Blizzard warnings were post­ after correctioins was announced ottered the superintendency. St. which the board already had one of the factors that tend to The PUgThn Fellowship will a PanamaniEm film festiVEd. In into the southlEUid, central EUid sessions without rule changes,” penings. The Venum Educotlion with a united attack by birds ed far Montana esist of the Con­ as 612,909,496, up from 612,- George’s Episcopal Church ded- signed. unite the live Scandinavian meet. Siuvlay nilgtit a t 7 in the on people. It weis supposed to the courtyEird of the presiden­ southern Florida warmed Into K|ln8 explained. JiasDclIaitlon rejeotod a prevloue- TWO-FACED ROBBER tinental Divide, and the Weath­ 205,774. icat^ ito new parish hall and The aldermen, faced by stiff countries. Danish, Norweg;lan church social halL be fiction, the Idea that birds tial pEdiuje, the pEmty stopped to the 70s and low 80s. Miami offi­ The need to meet annually Is ^ approved three-year eaXary Chicago (ap) — A robber dis­ er Bureau said the storm V/ould The high school bend gave a Sunday school building; the Con- pubUc opposition to a proposed Swedish are close enough The ToUand Volunteer Am­ would band together for dirty admire a flock of pet fUmlngos. cials reported a tourist jam at Increasing, however, accord­ ^aickoge deal. The plan was to played a Dr.-Jekyll-EUid-Mr.- be followed by a new cold wave St IBatrlck’s day concert and servation Commission asked per- tax Increase, had trimmed ^ ®®®** other to be easily un- bulance Association 'will meet work, but now 'Tippi Isn’t so Apparently, the word had their airport due to flights being ing to King. Presently state of- FORD WAGON •un one more year. The dispute Hyde personEdity to four cus­ later today and ^tonight. Hazard­ the elementary school held a mission to build an 800-foot road teachers’ salary increases which derstood across one another’s Sunday night at 7:30 at the sure. It's very resil to her. reached Bansana's birds about delayed by the weather In take­ tlclEils draw up budgets three ibetiween the VEA and the Board tomers In a South Side grocery ous driving warnings extended science fair, after a one-year into Herrick Memorial Park, the school board had previoudy borders. town garage. Since the movie waa made, the antl-Tippi drive. One fla­ offs from Northern points. years in advance. This would educatfan went to state med­ store Thursday. southward into Wyoming and and the town marched in and approved. Icelandic hasn't changed a t all kings of things have hap­ mingo marched over and Some early morning reports lapse. The Skhicafton Oouncil not and could not be done in iators. After tying up Miss Ann B em- east Into the Plains. preaemted a variety show, with MEinchester Evening Herald SPECIALS pened. To start -with, a flock promptly nipped a chunk out and conditions; Boston 21 clear, watched its fifth Memorial Day The aldermen’s action prompt- language spoken private business and it should ~ iSig>erlnt«ndent of Schools iDr. kowski, 18, whose fEunlly owns The mercury slid to 21 below parade. all over Scandinavia in the 9th Tolland correspondent, Bette \ of blue jays zoomed down, out of a Tippl’s leg. New York 17 clear, Philadelphia a memcnahle ballet ed the Waterbury Teachers As­ not be required in government, Raymond RamedeU was allow od the store, the robber spent Em zero at International Falls, century, and many Icelanders Quatrale, tel. 87S-2845. of a smoggy sky, Euid attacked Recently It was decided to 16 clear, W&shlngton 18 clear, The school board established June sociation to call the strike. he believes. hour behind the front counter, Minn., Emd to 5 below at Minne- have a good command of Dan- 1966 COUNTRY SEDAN Jo go on a tiour of the school her cat. Generally, nature ar­ air "The Birds” on television. Atlanta 26 cloudy, Miami 60 a need for seven additional In June the Impetus for The teachers were assured the The biennial session of the where he greeted four custom­ V-8, cruis<»natic. systems In Germany ‘wtUi a se- ranges things the other way — Things have really been rough apolis-St. Paul. Readings near clear, Detroit zero clear, Chica­ classrooms for 1967-68, three at ..piah”. and for a sex^ucation city would obtain an injunction Many Finns speak Swedish legislature grants increased con­ laotsd group of eduoaitors from ers. 20 below were expected as far the elementary school, four at Emberglo. cat attacks bird — but In this for poor Tippi over since. go —2 cloudy, Minneapolls-St. program was given to members ordering them back to work. ^®language of trol to the executive branch of •2195 oU over the country. He report- He welcomed^ them with a south as Milwaukee. the high school. Auditing Topic case it was the organized, Emtl- Her husband had a five-hour Paul —6 snow, St. Louis 8 dear, of other churches by a group They voted to return to today’s the state government, according cheery, "HI there, what can I do Bitter cold temperatures set­ April lid cn his return th at troth sys­ Hedren birds who were the Eig- operation which - o r merved Kansas City 17 clear, Dallas 89 from St. George’s church. Ecum­ classes while the contract dls- _ to King. For Hirschfcld tems, Qsemany’s and the United Tippi that she fainted, Emd for you today?” Then, without tled Igto Kentucky and Tennes­ An April 3 town meeting pute is taken to, court. LINE EXTENDS 1,100 YEARS gressors. cloudy, Denver 28 partly cloudy, INSULATING THE WALLS The Eogleton Legislative wEilUng for a reply, he produced see In the wake of an lee storm swapped land evenly with Mrs. enical committees set to work 1966 FAIRLANE 569 Dtaites, could benefit ‘by eui ex- conked her crEmlum on the. Phoenix 48 partly cloudy, Los The Board of Education ac- LONDON The most ancient Study will propose an over­ Shortly Eifterwards, the CEiged a pistol and said, "This is a which l^ zed both states earlier Olive Toemey and the town, the on both Ideas. At UofH Clas8 thange of Ideas. concrete floor. She weis uncon­ Angeles 52 clear, Seui Francisco cepted the agreement Thursday secular Institution in Britain Is haul of the present rules Find pEu-akeets in the Hedren house stlckup. What can you do for In the week. EEurly morning town land being parts of the 25 Ronald Grose was given a 20- 1 The year ended with Dr. scious for four days. She re­ 88 partly cloudy, Seattle 40 ndn, night, promising to pursue the ^be monarchy. Queen Elizabeth will be presented to the next Alvin J. Hlrschfeld of 81 CUSTOM RANCH WAOON turned meEUi. They begEui nip­ covered, but has lost her sen­ m e?" lows around 8 above were Indi­ acres purchased for the new year veteran scout award; the JtsmsdeU sttU pleEwUng his Anchorage 24 snow, Honolulu 71 Attention Homeowner$ court action on the teachers’ be- tbe latest British ruler In a session of the legislature. Mountain Rd. will conduct a ping children EUid grownups emd He then led his vtctims to a cated at Nashville. school and for future town ItaUan-American Club, increas­ V-8, automatic. cause for additional anknlnls- ses of taste and smell. She cloudy. In Ih* Phure, rather bar room, robbed them of a to­ Ice clung to some secondary needs. ingly active, held a buffet-dance Dark blue. iC U # 9 ^ through Friday through ( ^7-7 f^ y 21 Wednesday, oven fried chicken, halted plowing operations. Snow stock, worth nearly $1,500 be­ but, with vacation due, he left guidance office reported that all 2 Welcome 32 Opportunity 62 New NOV. 22 ’ Jan. 20. The regular re^stra- {Sykes family. Phone 527-3119 or Mail Coupon 3 Are 33 For 63 And buttered rice, buttered peas, removal crews from adjacent cause he “has been very nice to almost immediately. Ralph Con­ those who had applied for ad­ ^ 7-19-30-4) tlon period is Jan. 29 through 1962 COUNTRY SQUIRE . GuUUnoe Director LeavM .'S>j51-62-72 4 Not 34 Or 64 As 5-20-31-42/0 cranberry sauce, roll and butter, counties opened the county’s me, the elderly widow wrote. lon, high school principal, took mission to schools for turther 5 A 35 Your 65 Troding 52-63-82-84'


THE New Soccer Rival Grid Squads Herald Angle CCIL Lead at Stake *Loop Owners

EARL YOST Plan Action Working Overtime Sporte Editor Tonight at Windham NEW YORK (AP) — H v R A P D V /VkUTT wcj ______j . _____ MIAMI, Fla. (A P )—The This was only our second year BlMis, flanker Gary Ckdhns w m By BARRY COWLES mon and Peter Corrigan. Risley Owners of the newly- together.” Origin""^Taxi Squad outlook for tonight. Los Angeles Ran\^, side­ drilUng on his pass recelvii^ Plenty of action should without plenty of reserve named Professional Soccer and musing over the 62-14 em­ Taxi squad players are often mentioned during the The starting quintet of Rich tracked from the Super To use AUen’s favorite be in six>re ft>r basketball strength led by Rich ^LaVecchla, — *•'- Oobb, Dale Ostrout, Ray Kelly, Leagfue were expected to Bowl, and Cleveland phrase, ‘‘everybody is giving barrassment at Dallas when the professional football season. The term originated with John Almon, Len Reed, Bob determine today the num­ Cowboys took the Eastern Con­ fans tonifirht as two teams Kent Smith and Tim Coughlin Browns, working to block a 110 per cent” in workouts for the Cleveland Browns in 1946 when Mickey McBride, Cloutier and Jim Hammon. All will ha've its work cut out and ber of teams and the cities the .^ame. ference showdown. with 5-1 records clash in a repeat of their humiliation who was the club president, also owned the Yellow Cab are capable shooters and proved wUl need to get an early lead. that will be included in its Nobody around here ever "We were so humiliated at (X/IL feature pairing, so In the Bristol Central encoun­ at the hands of the Dallas Dallas,” said Collins. “ We’ve Company, and all other cab companies in Cleveland. The Indians will also have to two-division setup next heard of two-a-day pracUce ses­ Manchester Hiyh travels ter Wednesday night. Risley got to stay with the Rams.” Fellow with the taxi squad ' — perform at their best for the season. Cowboys, continued work, sions for the Playoff Bowl. It’s a to Windham High In Wllllman- played 11 men and each made outs today for the National Collins has had his least pro­ handle is one who is not on the hoop powertiouses, Wilbur Cross Uc for the avent. Five games entire encounter, for the slight­ Executives of the league, an fun game. But two-a-day is what 40-man roster of an NFL or AFL jjew Hdfren and Notre Dame the scoring column. est moment of slackening could amalgamation of the NaUonal Football League Playoff Allen ordered. ductive season since he became are slated tonight for area and a regular in 1963, pulling in just club. However, a taucl squader West Haven play. Cross win- local schoolboys, all away. The Whippets are equally prove dlsasterous. Coughlin has Professional Soccer League and Bowl — with .time out for He sent out two extra tackling strong on the boards and re- Injured thumb, possibly a the United Soccer Association, 32 pass receptions for seven works out each day with his ^Ing 112-94 . . . Several high Schools scheduled on the hard- lunch. sleds and when Lamar Lundy or portedly have a play for every- Irocture. He Is awaiting definite disclosed Thursday that; touchdowns, is punting aver­ employers, hoping some day for schoods have reported a drop court list Cheney Tech (0-4) NFL Commissioner Pete Ro­ Deacon Jones or somebody else thing In the book, coupled with word from doctors and x-rays, age was 36.6 yards, a comedown that big chance to be activated xM at least 60 per cent in at- at East Granby High; 1. Kansas City has taken over selle and coaches of both teams slammed a sled, Allen shouted: from 1966 when he led the NFL at any given moment when in­ tendance over a year ego . . . T ’y, “a oiroiigstrong panempattern offense. It’s Coughlin is scheduled t o , start the franchise of the Chicago were to attend the $6 a plate "Leroy Kelly.” KeUy is a iball-- with 46.7 yards. juries hit. American Airlines will be one “S: ‘®,»>® ® »ig game for Wind­ despite the Injury. Spurs of the NPSL. iuncheon that is part of the carrying runner ^or the Browns. High for a COC meeting; Cov In 1965 ColHns also grabbed 60 Back in ’46, McBride’s aides of the sponsors of New York ham quintet and It has no In­ Ostrout and Cobb will be the buildup for Sunday’s eighth an­ entry High, now even at 3-3, bus 2. Pittsburgh of the NPSL will Defensive tackle Roger Brown passes for 10 touchdowns and were signing new talent for the Yankee baseball games next tentions of giving up that top two main concerns of the Whip­ nual meeting between the run­ M to to challenge seat for a tie In’ the not operate next season. said of Allen, "We work harder had 66 for 12 in 1966. Browns’ entry in the new All- season. league pets \yhile the Indians will want ners-up of the Eastern and Vlnal Tech; Rockville High standings. 3. Los Angeles of the NPSL is during the regular season than I Collins at his America Conference. Once the e « * to contain SwKchenko and Clch- Western conferences. (1-6) visits neighboring Elling­ expected to move to San Diego. ever did with the Detroit Lions. workout ’Thursday said, "I don’t 40-man limit was reached; more |jgj,g »u T h ere Indians’ Coach Phil Hyde on. "W e’d hoped to be here for But Allen’s a great coach to think any of us had a real great ton High (2-2) In non confer­ hopes for a few less bad passes It was also revealed that Bos­ signings took place. ’There were ence actl'vity. This should be one of the best the Super Bowl,’’ said Rams’ play for. You know what you’re year offensively.” not enough openings for all the Roy Dissinger of WilMman- and better control of the ball games of the season and sure ton of the USA will leave that Coach George Allen. ‘‘It was a going to be doing every ’The playoff will be nationally Windham is currently on top Ih an Improvement over the city to the Boston Beacons of RIDE ’EM COWBOY— Pat Hannigran o f Philadelphia straddles Bobby Oir of players so McBride, and his tte, 'who died last week, had a In the CCIL standings, with a .to be a full house sellout. tremendous disappointment. minute.” televised by CBS with a 2 p.m., coach, Paul Brown, had an Idea. hand in signing several Man­ Hall High encounter earlier this Barry Predicts — the NPSL, which will start play Boston as they collide during skirmish for puck. (AP Photofax) But we’re making progress. At the Brawns’ pracUce ses- EST, kickoff. 6-0 league record and a 6-1 over- week. in 1968. Players not on the regular chester youths to professional aU. The only loss handed the Manchester coming from be­ Practices were slowed some­ Toronto of the USA is bowing roster were invited to remain on baseball oontraots in the 1930s. WhlppeU was by CDC power hind to take Windham, 68-64 the fringe, drawing a small Roy rani a summer camp in sev- house New Lnndnn m Jh what as the flu bug has piagueaplagued oneneyCheney Tech over East Gran- out, leaving the Canadian city to Played Before Record Crowds the Toronto Falcons. San F’ran- Sports Viewing salary, and in several cases this « a l Oonnecticui communities, Coach John Risley has a well akmg 'With Fop Keloher, chief on our physical condiUon and clsco of the USA has merged Americans Featured was augmented by the oppor­ rounded team with several ac Bolton over Portland all the mental attitude. We will need with Vancouver, leaving the SA’TURDAY tunity to drive one of McBride’s area scout for the St. Louis curate shooters. way, 64-54 1:00 (30) Bowling cabs. Oardlnals. Milckey Katkaveck, to play a strong defense and Vlnal Tech over Coventry, 68- Bay area to the Oakland Clip­ 1:30 ( 3) National Hockey Packers Success Bob Smith and Ed KovJs were Pacing the Windham scoring elude Windham’s potentially 59 pers, NLSL champions. Hence, they became known are John Cichon, Walt Young, strong League three o f the home town prod­ V .. . man lo to man oefense". defense’ Ellington from start to finish In addition, the New York en­ as members of the taxi squad. Daw awltchewko, Marty Ham- is how Hyde summed up the In Hockey Triumphs (18) College Basket­ ’The name stuck like glue. ucts who were signed, Katka­ over Rockville, 78-62 tries, the Skyliners of the USA ball : Loyola of Chi­ ’The cab squad situation has veck playing more than a de­ and the Generals of the NPSL, cago vs. Colorado At $$ Office, Too COMPETITIVE SITUA-nON — All tied up while are Dartmouth’s Greg Pickering and Doug Brit- also have merged. teams in the United States and ’The goal by Williams, who since been altered. Waivers first cade in the Cardinal organiza­ NEW YORK (AP) — State tion, just missing making the fisphting for loose ball at Madison Square Garden te'le of Rutgers. (AP Photofax) only two in Canada, is over­ played for the champion U.S. must be obtained on a player The developments left the Who said it was uh-Ameri- 2 :00 (30) Senior Bowl Foot- GREEN BAY, Wis. (A P )— The Green Bay Packers, majors. He was a . whelmingly dominated by play­ national team in the 1960 Olym­ as successful at the box office as they are on the play­ before he can be cabbed. Now Ace Bosox Pitcher Lonborg merged pro circuit with a maxi­ 5 can to star in the National 1^1: North vs. South ers from North of the border. the cabbies are allowed to trav­ Smith an outfielder and Kovls mum of 19 teams for the coming Hockey League? For sure, pics at Squaw Valley, Calif., ( 8 ) Basketball— ing field, performed before a record 1,376,288 persons Roberts, a native of Detroit was his 14th of the campaign. It el with their respective teams a pitcher . . . First known in­ SASKETBAll Missionary-tO’Be Standout for Ivy Leaguers season which is scheduled to they weren’t talking about Princeton vs. Penn in 1967. — ------jury of the season for a basket­ who played college hockey at tied the game after Lou Angottl and they can be acUvated in the start April. 1. Doug Roberts of Detroit 6:00 ( 8) Hula Bowl Foot­ Vince Lombardi, head coach ball affidal occurred in Mid­ SCOKESf^ Michigan State, scored his sixth of the Flyers had opened the middle of a game, if necessary, Placed in Care of Trainer Other teams In the circuit are ball Game and general manager, an­ dletown recently when a Plain- and Tom Williams of Du­ and seventh tallies of the season scoring in the first period. Loaded North should an opening arise. EAST SIDE MIDGET Atlanta, Baltimore, Cleveland, 6:00 (30) Let’s Go to the nounced Thursday that the -vttle High player collided ■with BOSTON (AP) — Jim failed to dry out sufficiently to luth, Minn. while veteran Gordie Howe rfdd- Esposito had two goals for the * * * the trainer’s program. He did The Marine Corps ran Man­ Princeton Returns to Garden Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Phila­ Races Packers played to 21 consecu­ Referee Phil Mountain. The let­ Lonbo^, the Boston Red permit Lonborg's discharge ’The two Americans came ed a pair his 17th and 18th, for Bruins, the second with only the same with basketball stars chester Auto Parts ott the court delphia, St. Louis and Washing­ 7:00 ( 8) Gadabout Gaddis tive sellouts during the 1987 sea­ Gets W am ed i offtheCuff ter suffered a fractured nose. from the hospital later in the through for the red, white and the Red Wings. 3:61 left breaking a 2-2 tie. Wil­ Sox’ pitching ace, hoped to John Havllcek and Frank Ram­ last night by the lopsided score ton. (18) Wrestling son. The incident happened in the day. blue and for their clubs Thurs­ Ted Hampson, Gary Jarrett, liams and defenseman Ted Dave IViggin, Manchester hobble out of the hospital sey when they suffered knee of 45-12. Scott (Wiggles) Wig- And Walks Off with Victory 12:00 (30) RoUer Derby The only game that was not a third period. Tom Kelley, Moun­ Injuries ■with the Celtics. day night. Floyd Smith, Alex Delvecchlo Green set up the winning mark­ On Anderson High football coach, who is today and place his imme­ LeRoux has been given com­ gin led the winners scoring ■with complete sellout was the College tain’s officiating partner, car­ Elghth-r a n k e d Oklahoma Roberta, a rookie, scored and Norm Ullmsm had one goal er with perfect passes. SUNDAY awaiting word from the Board diate future in the bands plete charge of Lonborg’s recu­ “ There isn't much we can dc. 17 points. Brian Cordera (9) and NEW YORK (AP) in the small-college rankings, All-Star game, the first contest MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — The ried on, 'working the remainder peration by Red Sox Manager though,” LeRoux said. "We City, the only member of the Two-Year Pact twice as the Detroit Red Wings each for Detroit while Alain Little Billy Dea was the big 1:30 ( 3) Football Playoff: o f Education on his resigna- of Buddy L e R o u x, a Ed Obuchowski (8) added to the Princeton’s Chris Thom- won its 11th straight game, dis­ of the preseason schedule. A North is loaded with all-star o f the period alone. ’Then Dick Williams. can’t do anything of real signifi­ Top Ten that played Thursday overwhelmed Oakland 9-3. Wil­ Caron, Wally Boyer and Kent star for Pittsburgh at night. He Rams vs. Browns. tiioBi, has not been approached scoring. For the losers, Mike forde is thinking about posing of Seton HaU 53-47. Cniff crowd of 70,934 turned out for football players, but the South Art Hatje came out o f the “train- of champions.’’ cance until the cast comes off.” night, lost to Nevada Southern For Navy’s ElKs liams had one goal and assisted Douglas registered for the scored two goals for the Pen­ 4:00 ( 8) Sports Special: by Ooast Guard Academy otf- "I spoke with Buddy and he (Oklahoma Joe) Peretto (8) being a missionary, maybe that one. has been warned to beware in stands and finlriied the grame LeRoux, who administered to The Red Sox had hoped to 96-92 in Las Vegas. The setback Culuko scored 21 points for the on the winner by Phil Esposito Seals. Caron’s marker at 8:26 of guins, who moved into a third- Rebel ’66 fiteials to talk about rthe Cadet the Boston Celtics during sever­ told me that we could expect and Brad Smith (4) were best. Counted in the total, along particular in Saturday’s Senior with Kelley. have Lonborg ready for the in a big city, he says. Lou was the Chiefs’ first of the sea­ Blackbirds. ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — that gave the Boston Bruins a 3- the first period ended an Oak­ 6:00 ( 8) NBA—76’ers vs. football vacancy . . . Bnl Lonnie back in early Mloy,” Wfl- In the second game, Joe’s place tie with Minnesota in the with the preseason and regular ^owl game of defensive back al National Basketball Associa­ opening of the season. Now Rossini wishes he’d find son after eight victories. NSU is Louisville, getting 18 points The U.S. Naval Academy hoa 2 victory over Philadelphia and land scoreless streak, that had Royals 'Wade, rugged eager with East * * * llams said at his winter home Barber Shop scored its flzst West Division. season games, were the Nation- I5*ck Anderson of Colorado, tion title years before moving to they're Just hoping to get him some nice, small out-of-the 9-3. from West Unseld and 18 from signed Bill Elias, head football moved them into a tie for first- reached 276 minutes and 16 sec­ Catholic High, is the son of a in Florida. “ I’m leaving it en­ win of the season, 45-27, over With the score tied 2-2 mid­ al Football League title game at “ You’ve never seen anything End of the Line the Red Sox, had an afternoon back as soon as possible. He way place where NYU is Jerry King, won its second hOs- coach, to a new two-year con­ place with Chicago In the East onds. former star hoopster. BHl Sr. tirely up to Buddy.” Pagani’s (Caterers. The two Nevada Southern scored eight way through the final period, Dallas last Jan. 1 and the first Hke him,” South Coach Hank appointment to pick up Lonborg won 22 games in pitchlng.Boston souri Valley Conference game, tract at an estimated salary of Division. The triumph lifted Detroit into UMass Officials was a high scorer at Elast Hart­ Mike’s, Salmond and Mistret- never likely to play basket­ straight points in the final Dea and Andy Bathgate scored Super Bowl game lured. 63,036. Stram of the Kansas City Chiefs Proving popular is business­ at Sancta Maria Hospital. I-^Roux’s -taking Lonborg to the pennant and then added topping TiUsa 66-59 on the road. 119,500. Pittsburgh downed Los An­ fourth place in the East Divi­ within 28 seconds. The defeat ford High in the ‘igood old men’s volleyball sessions Mon­ ’The Red Sox trainer showed ta, led the winners with 16 and ball. minute of play after trailing 90- Some'382,105 persons saw the Thursday night by home with him is nothing new to two World Series victories. After a fairly erratic first half Ellas, who ended his first win­ geles 4-8 in the only other NHL sion, one point ahead of the New was the sixth straight for the Said Satisfied days’’ and later a fine semi-pro days foom 12 noon to 1 at the up on schedule to take ■'Lonborg 13 points respectively. Lon An- 88. Curtis Watson stole the ball Bradley won its third MVC Packers in six preseason games Coach Vince. Dooley, Thursday night, Thomforde ning season since becoming acUom’The circuit, which has 10 York Rangers. Kings. performer . . . COIL basket­ Community Y. Play is epen to to Uie, LeRoux home Thursday nulll helped out with 14 points. from- OCU’s Ron Koper to tie game, beating Wichita State and 754,921 watched 14 regular ^ho watched Anderson beat his came on strong to lead the Ti­ Navy’s football mentor In 1968 With Screening ball teams have set a 6:30 start- all men . . . Syd Conn, who night, but It was decided to hold Arnie Paganl hit the nets for 18 the game and seconds later 104-92 behind Joe Allen’s 26 season games. For this fall’s team in the Blue-Gray gers to a 78-62 triumph over with an upset 19-14 idctory over ihg time for jayvee games and handles publilcity for the Hairt- the pitcher until today. points and Mike Paganl threw Watson came up with another points. AMHERST, Mass. (AP)—’The postseason games, against the 'week ago. Rossini’s Violets and make Army, indicated he planned to 8 o’clock for varsity contests ford Capitols, reports 200 more Lonborg, a 24-year-oId right­ Wilt Only Unanimous Pick in six points for the caterers. steal and the go-ahead basket. Cincinnati opened its Missouri Everyone Expecting Storm University of Massachusetts Rams for the Western Division “ He’s got more moves than Princeton’s return to Madison retain his same team of assist­ but ithe latter attractions us­ admissions are needed to meet hander, suffered tom ligaments Oklahoma City overcame a Valley season with a 61-63 Athletic Council has given a crown and against the Cowboys, anything I’ve ever seen,” Dooley MIDGET BASKETB Square Garden after a three- ant coaches. He admitted, how­ ually start at 8:15 or 8:30 . . . the operating nut. The Caips in his left knee while skiing on 47-42 halftime deficit and led by triumph over North Texas vote of confidence to the De­ again, for the NFL title, 100,722 Stram after watching An- On Eastern NBA All-Stars Regal’s forfeited to Center year absence a happy one. ever, one or two may leave to OVC quintets, which include entertain, second place Scran­ the Califomia-Nevada state line as much as eight points—87-46 State. Rick Roberson scored 14 Wide-Open Game Likely partment of Athletics’ screen­ persons attended. derson return punts for 62 and NEW YORK (AP) — PhUa- Philadelphia are the other BiiUllards. Thomforde, a rangy blond, take better positions elsewhere. Rockville High, start first ton Sunday night at 7:30 at Dec. 23 and underwent surgery with eight minutes to play be­ points and pulled in 23 re­ delphla’s Wilt Chamberlain was guards. PEEWEE BASKETBALL said he is seriously considering GARDEN GROVE — Sophie ing process to determine eligd- T «. w,i, iM . .1, games on Tuesday nights at Hartford High in an Eiastem here Dec. 27. fore Nevada Southern launched bounds. bllity of athletes. Stram, coaching his first all- the only unanimous selection -Alex Hannum, coach of Phila­ Dick Letts led Pagani’s to a a career as a missionary and Burger 127, LoU DouvlUe 146 — In Hula Bowl Saturday to a good start by playing to a 6:30 and Friday contests at 7 League meeting . . . Frank A new cast applied Thursday its comeback. In other games, the Citadel who haa hit a sellout crowd in the second Su- today on the Eastern squad for delphia, will lead the East 37-J.9 victory over 'the Herald probably in a large town, where 843, Arlyne Noske 181, Ethel The council, acting on a 'With 'varsity teams starting at Kedtt, former Weaver High Star, Elburt Miller topped the Reb­ beat Loyola of New Orleans 61- considerable number of battera, per Bowl at Miami, Fla., Jan. “ tho Nationed Basketball Asso­ team, Joilch holds an 11-6 Angels -by pouring in 17 points. he says people and their prob­ Harris 126 —342, Kay Fountain HONOLULU (AP) — Every­ fense with Larry Csonka of Syr­ charge there had been seven eli­ 8 and 8:30 respectively . . . 'Will be honored . . . Johnny els with 32 points and Don Lyons 59, St. John’s whipped Syracuse hit only eight in 1967. Jim Run­ 14 against the Oakland Raiders. 5'®“'’ ®f°’ f ‘>®®" ‘*"- ciation’s All-Star game. margin In previous All-Star con­ John Farrand (10) and J’im lems are. But Thursday, his 21 ISO — 366, Paidine Nourie 129 one on the Honolulu sports acuse, Silas McKinnle of Iowa gibility violations in 1967, re­ Wally Fortin of 'the Rec De­ Gcodrow, standout Cheney ’Tech added 28. Ron Koper was high 79-68, Rutgers beat Dartiflouth ning of the lo llie s led the Na­ It was announced Thursday that f j’®®®®^ ^^® In announcing the 10 players tests.’ . Barron (9) helped in the vic- points and 10 rebounds made —340, Bea Ooirler 133, Jeanne scene, including the coaches, and Bob Apisa of Michigan ported Thursday a study un­ partment is serving on a part- eager. Is out -with illness. Coach 79-62 and Utah State beat Amer­ tional League in 1967 by hltUng all tickets for the game have ^® ^ p.m. voted by sports writers and txiry. more than enough problems to for the CHiiefs with 24. Nourie 129, Dot Baldyga 126, predicts a storm at the 22nd an­ State. covered only two ineli^bles, time basis only as director of John Kleis reported . . . East Ski Notes ican U. 94-78. 13. been sold, guaranteeing more televised na- sportscasters into the Jan. 23 . Damian Tedone led the An­ last NYU for a while. Long Island University, No. 3 Sophie Gourinskl 130, Kay Sca­ nual Hula Bowl Saturday—a Daugherty said, “ Our quar­ both unidentified hockey play­ programs for the Senior Citi­ ChthOlic, idle tonight on the Malibu Stakes bies 141. storm of action and scoring. ers. than 70,000 spectators. game at New York’s Madison gels -wllth six points. terbacks, Jimmy Raye and Rick ______The South will be counting on zens. Fortin has long been close­ hardwood, runs up agaAist Square Garden, (Jommlssloner South Coach Tommy Prothro Cassata, are roll-out types who “ I am convinced that there the passing of Florida State’s ly connected -with the Senior South CathoMc Saturday night Seven thoroughbreds are slat­ Y BUSINESSMEN MERCHANTS — Dave Cone has been no deliberate attempt Walter Kennedy said two addi­ ed to open their 1968 campaigns said, “ You can look for an ex­ like to run.” Laughs at R eiioils Hammond and Tennessee’s Citizens and is held In high re­ at Central, in New Britain. Last night the Sportsmen 140 —378, Bemie Mazur 147 — in the department of athletics to tional players will be named the hard way Saturday—by op­ citing game. Exciting and close, Beban has stressed passing * Dewey Warren to carry Dixie to gard by the membership . . . There will 'be plenty of tickets Tavern edged the Barons, 68-60, ' 389, . Earl Everett 149—370, willfully circumvent the rules,” next week. posing Damascus, . tl)e 1967 and very likely high scoring.” . this week and looks good despite BOSTON (AP) —Red Auer- victory and snap the region out Only 345 fans saw do\ra-state available at the A xxr. in a close hard fought game that Celtics Smarting John Naretto 139, Dave Demer­ council chairman George Rlcha- One of those players must Horse Of the Year. Moriarty “ It’ll be wide open—can’t help a sore right arm from the bach laughs at reports that he a holiday slump in which it was decided in the last quarter. chant 142 —366, Frank Gallas son said. “ Indeed, the depart­ come from Baltimore, which The event Is the $40,000-added, but be with all the talent,” said Shrine game at San Francisco High for the Tavern was Tony 140 —366, Harry Bemis 146 — ment has taken every reason­ may leave the Boston CelUcs as ^ one of nine bowl diidn’t have anyone named ulo 'the seven-furlong Malibu Stakes at Duffy Daugherty, the North last Saturday. and all-star games. Year Makes Big Difference first 10. Morlanos with 26 points & play­ 396, Bob WiUette 139-164 —397, able precaution to prevent viola­ vice president and general man- The North is counting on the Santa Anita, a stepping stone to Bros. coach. ‘"There’ll be a lot of Bill Russell of Boston joins ing a strong floor game was —From Criticism hQke Denhup 363, Joe PicaUt Beban will be looking for re­ tion.” ager to accept another National passing of Paul Toscano of Wy- Ski condition reports from the $60,(XX>-added 1%-mile San points on the board.” Chamberlain as the East’s cen­ Ken Ferry (14). 362. ceivers Hhll Odle of Brigham Rlchason said that of 1,125 Basketball Association post.- oming and John Schneider of To- selected areas as reported by Fernando and the 8100,000-add- SEATTLE (A P)— The Boston Celtics, striking back One thing that will put the Warm, Ckimfortable Seat ters. The Celtics have two other For the losers, Norm Jennings '"Safe-Buy” Young, Ken Hebert of Houston, students who participated in the New England .ski operators ed (Jharles H. Strub at 1)4 on the court at critics who consider them a pushover points there is “ the rule.” ’The "This is all news to me,” ledo to carry it to the Yankees’ players on the team, forward tallied 15 points and Charles EARLY BIRDS — Lorraine Larry Kohn o f Georgia and Dick university’s intercollegiate ath­ Thursday afternoon. miles. All three races are re­ without Larry Siegfried, meet the Seattle SuperSonics rule says the team that is be­ Auerbach said Thursday in second straight victory, John Havllcek and guard Sam Hulse added nine. Skrabut 133, Joan DeDominicls Trapp of Florida when the game letic program the last years Traded for Ck>ld Gridiron Reports includa- in this order stricted to 4-year-olds. Used Cars hind can choose to take the denying a report he would join The North will be out to nar- Jones. tonight in a National Basketball Association game at 133, Edna Christensen 130, Bert gets going. And the North will “ only two escaped any screen­ new snow in Inches, if any; kickoff, whether or not It has the Baltimore Bullets as part- row the series margin in the 19th GREEN BAY, Wis.— (NBA) ponents. He’s also a brUUant, the University of Washington. Botticello 127. use John Wright of Illinois and ing process—and we are indeed types of snow surface; depth of New York’s Willis Reed was The Celtics, smarting f r o m ------just scored a touchdown. owner and general manager, annual game in which the South —Almost a year ago to the day discerning field general. Bob the top vote-getter among the Vote to Ship Floor offered by Jim Beirne of Purdue as ends. fortunate.” “ It’s the first I’ve heard of it.” takes a 11-6-1 edge. base; evaluation of conditions. critlcisn, hope to wind up their The rule, loved by fans but —304 days, to be eocact—Chuck Lilly, the great defensive right Bowling Code: Pdr, powder; Pkd, packed forwards with Jerry Lucas' Of LOS ANGELES (AP) — The second western swing of the rued by players, helped make Mercefn wua sitting in hlb liv­ tai(^e of the Cowboys, had been Cincinnati getting the other Yale, Cornell powder; Mn man made; E, ex­ PARKADE DUSTY — Ernie Memorial Coliseum Commission campaign with victories over Neutral Court, the last two Hula Bowl contests ing room in Scarsdale, N.Y., a dosing down hard every time starting spot. Dave DeBus- Whipple 206 —562, Joe Colling- one-point thrillers. The North cellent; G, good; F, fair; L, voted Wednesday to ship the Seattle*' and then the Warriors Get Chances MERT pitcher of Bloody Marys at his the Green Bay guard opposite limited. schere of Detroit also was wood 234—659, Don Ostberg 22,000-pound Sports Arena bas­ at San Francisco Saturday night Outcome Same won both games 28-27 and 27-26. side, watching 'the Green Bay him. Gale Giilingham, pulled named. 211 , Joe LaVae 203, Jim Stam- OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) — St. In Saturday’s game, the South VERMONT ketball floor to the Astrodome before returning home to friend­ To Pad Lead (Paxkere play the-Dallas Cow­ out for a mnning play to the Oscar Robertson of Cincinnati ler 212, Larry Da'vis 201, Bob In Houston, Tex., for the U(JLA- ly Boston Garden. GAY Louis maintained its dominance is given the edge, but it should boys for the National' Football tight, leaving his spot in the Mt. Ascutney-1 new Pdr and received the most votes for Arnold 561. Houston game Jan. 20. Boston lost four straight Yale and Cornell get chances one of our many over San Francisco, defeating be close. 'League diampionship. line 'unprotected. Pkd, 8 to 14 B, G upper, G to guard and will be joined by De­ the Warriors .106-86 on a neutral On offense, the South will be E lower. The giant covered arena in games after Siegfried, a veteran tonight to increase their early “I was warm,” said Chuck, Normally, Mercein would troit’s Dave Bing In the starting Stanford holds a 20-19 edge in courteous salesmen . . - court in the only National Bas­ using Gary Beban of UCLA as Bolton Valley-4 Pdr and Pkd, E. Houston doesn’t have a basket­ court general, was hospitalized leads in the Ivy League basket- "and comfortable. But ’this was seal-block Lilly to keep him lineup. Jones and Hal Greer of football over Washington. ketball Association game ’Thurs­ quarterback and Warren McVea Dutch Hill-5 Pdr, 14 to 24 B, G. ball floor of its own. ' with a back Injury. They scored hall race, but- Yale figures to a hell of a lot better.” from breaking up the play. But day night. ^ of Houston, a lightning runner, Glen Ellen-4 P^r and Pkd, 32 to only 84 points in losing the have a much more difficult 1967 COUGAR $2695 "Thte" was 'the last day of on ” 66 gflve,” Mercein took the The win was the sixth for the will be back there with him. The, 40 B, E. fourth game of the string in time. • Factory purchase. Remaining factory warranty, tur­ 1967, and Chuck Mercefn was ball Instead from Starr. No one Haw;kB in seven meetings with North will use a big-back of-' Ha^stack-1 dr and Pkd, 18 to (Chicago Tuesday. The Elis, 1-0 in the league and quoise, radio, heater, automatic, power steering, white- huddled ‘With the Green Bay even touched Lilly, who was 35 B, E. Then, although weary from a 7-3 over-all, play at Columbia, walls. the 'Warriors this year. suckered to follow Gillingham. 'Packers in weather ithat was Jay Peak-6 Pdr and Pkd, 17 to long flight and low mentally, the surprise winner of the ECAC The game was enlivened in lofifldally 13 degrees below zero, Chuck burst through the vacat­ the last quarter by a flare-up 43 B, E. they bombed the Lakers 113-103 Holiday Festival in New York, 1967 MERCURY $2395 College Basketball and 'the coldest ever in a cham­ ed gap and plunged to the Dal­ in rebounding at Los Angeles while Cornell, 1-0 in the league “ Capri" 4-Door Sedan. Turquoise, radio, heater, auto­ between rival centers Nate Klllington-3 Pdr, 19 to 32 B, E. pionship football contest. las three-yard line. He kicked Wednesday night. and 7-1 over-all including five matic, power steering, V-8. Thurmond of the Warrlo^ and East himself mentally In the pants Madonna Mt.-8 Pdr, 18 to 45 B, With the ball on the Dallas E. The Celtics welcomed a break straight victories, is home Zelmo Beaty of St. Louis. Princeton 78, NYU 62 for not having scored. 1967 PLYMOUTH $2595 30-yard line, already In the Mad River Glen-5 dr, 10 to 30 in the schedule Thyrsday, real- against Brown, Len Wilkens and Joe Caldwell St. John’s, N.Y., 79, Syracuse Four plays later, with - only "Fury III” 4-Door Sedan.White, radio, heater, power shaidows from the vanishing B, E. izing they have a tough task Columbia, 0-1 in the Ivy, has supplied the Hawks’ scoring 13 seconds to play, quarterback brakes, power steering, whitewalls, 1^8 engine. In show- winter sun, quarterback Bart Okemo-3 Pdr, 21 to 35 B, G to against the SuperSonics, who won seven of 10 over-all includ- impetus with 24 points each. A1 Rutgers 79, Dartmouth 62 Starr crashed Into the end zone 1, room condition! Starr called a ‘|4-right’’ pass E upper, E lower. have been rugged despite a last ing lts_last three, against West Attles of San Francisco cap­ LIU 53, Seton HaU 47 on the butt end of a block by pattern. As 'the fuUb^k, Mt. Snow-Pkd, 15 to B, E. place standing in the Western Virginia, Louisville and St. tured game laurels with 31. Bucknell 95, Scranlton 94 guard Jerry Kramer and the 22 1966 COMET $1595 Chuck’s job was simple—^to oc­ Stowe-6 Pdr, 21 to 34 B, E. Division in their first NBA cam­ John’s, N.Y., in the Holiday Packers were champions of the “ Callente" 4-Door Sedan. Standard transmission, fl-cyl- cupy the com er linebaOker on paign. Festival. Brown is 0-1 and 3-4. inders, radio, heater. A yeal economy car! NFL for a historic third straight Stratton Mt.-2 Pkd, 25 to 33 B, the Cowboys’ right side, Dave E. Player-Coach Bill Russell and None of the other four Ivy time with a 21-17 victory. Edwards. As a last resort, if Sugarbush-4 Pdr, 16 to 41 B, E, his Boston charges are also anx­ members has seen league action 1966 OLDSMOBILE , $2695 Three months ago. Chuck Starr was harassed, os he had ious for a shot with San Francis­ yet. Convertible. White, radio, heater, autopiatic transmis­ played two games for the West­ MASSACHUSETTS been for most of the seciond co. The Warriors started the Columbia should have the mo­ sion, power brakes, power steering. In excellent con­ chester Bulls and can’t even re­ Berkshire Snow Basln-1 Pdr 2 half. Chuck would be safety Celtics on the losing streak. mentum going for it, with Its dition ! member against whom. He had to 10 B, G to E. LIVE valvt receiver, equalling the longest since Rus- tournament championship plus been the leading ground gainer Blanchard Hill-Pdr 14 to 20 B “My route,” he said, ‘“was a sell Joined the team in 1956. home-court advantage^ while 1965 RAMBLER $1195 of the New York Giants in 1966. E- “ Classic” Station Wagon. Blue, radio, heater, standard simple flat. But as I went out, Siegfried continues to show Yale has lost two of its last Every team in the NFL passed Blue Hills-1 Pdr 8 to 16 B, G slight Improvement at St. Eliza- three games to Georgia and transmission. I saw the linebacker dropping PARTS and SERVICE over his name on the waiver to E. beth’s Hospital in Boston. How- Army, after winning six in a off, and I turned aixHind and list the week before opening of Bousquets-1 Pdr 10 to 12 B, E ever, his return to action is in- row. The Ells defeated Georgia 1965 FORD $2095 yelled to Bart for tlw ball.” * the 1967 season. to G upper, E lower. defiqite. Tech 78-77 Wednesday night. "Country Sedan" 9-passenger Station Wagon. Dark Both of the Dallas comer The Giants later recalled him Brodle Mt.-Pdr 20 to 40 B, E. green, radio, heater, automatic, power steering. FOR linebackers had been dropping but only as a placekicker, and Butternut Basln-2 Pdr 8 to 28 B deep all through the second when they unexpectedly got G to E. 1965 OLDSMOBILE $2395 half, doubling up the coverage Jlm-lny Peak-2 Pdr and Pkd, 10 Conigliaro Tucks ^at Away “ 98" Luxury Sedan. Executive gray, full power equip­ Pete Gogolak back for that ment including factory installed air conditioning. on the Green Bay wlxie receDvers chore Mercein was excess bag­ to 20 B, G upper, E lower. and leaving Starr with no pri­ gage. He was again waived by Thunder Mt.-2 dr, 16 to 22 B, For Some Hunting^, Singing DEAD mary target. As a result, he every team In the NFL. G to E. was dumped eight times for a Meanwhile, 'Vince Lombardi Mt. Tom-5 Mm and Pkd, 18 to BOSTON (AP) — Tony Conlg- SAVE ON 1967 COMET BEMOS! cumulative loss of 76 yards and Buddy LeRoux. However, he was running out of running 39 B, E. llaro, the Boston Red Sox’ the Packers were trailing by quit the indoor batting drills backs for the Packers. Injuries RHODE ISLAND young slugger who was side­ three points 'with time running just before Christmas and ac­ 2 0 nd 4-Door Sedans. Low Mileage, Fac­ TRANSMISSIONS had decimated his corps. “ We Pine Top-Pdr. 15 to 18 B, E. . lined for the pennant drive when 'Out. cepted a six-night singing en­ tory Warranty. Stop In and Look Them were desperate," he admitted. CONNECTICUT struck by a pitch last Aug. 18, gagement at a Boston night Now, Bart simply flipped a On Monday, Nov. 6, Mercein has tucked away his practice V Mohawk Mt.-Pkd, 5 to 24 B, G. s'pot. Over, or Give Us A Call . . . little looper to Mercein In the answered the phone In New bat for some hunting and sing­ left )lat, and the fullback Powder Hlll-2 Mn and Pkd, SO “ I’m very pleased with my York and talked to Lombardi to 60 B, E. ing. chugged down to the 11-yard for the first Ume In his life. progress and I have no doubt Weather Bureau outlook for Conigliaro, who was bothered whatsoever that I’ll be back as Many Others to Choose From Low Bank Rates line, his momentum carrying “ Come with us," urged the -k MANCHESTER TRANSMISSION GO. the ski areas of New England; by blurred vision in his left eye good as ever,” Conigliaro said. hikn out o f bounds. The elec­ Packer coach, "sind you’ll have Friday, windy and much cold­ for many weeks after he was hit "Buddy and I talked it over and tric numerals Kai the clock a . great future here and a er with fair to partly cloudy by California’s Jock Hamilton, we agreed that too much base­ 16 BRAINARD PLACE tihowed 1:11 to play. chance to get Involved In a skies In southern areas and took off Thursday to hunt for ball this early was not benefi­ MORIARTY In the huddle again. Staxr championship drive." On Tues­ snow flurries over northern seven days near Roswell, N.M. .646-0022 called for a “ 96 give” play. It cial.” • day momliig. Chuck was al­ mountains. Temperatures hold­ He was accompanied on the was the first'tim e he had used ready In Green Bay. On the fol­ ing between zero and 10 above safari for television by sports- 'it in the. game. BROTHERS (REAR SEYMOUR AUTO STORE) EVERYBODY WANTS IN—Since Carl Yastrzem- lowing Sunday, he played more in northern areas and in the caster Purt Gowdy, who lives Randy Wallick, an offensive field in the snow are Yanks' outfielder Bill Robin­ “It’s a sucker play,” Starr ex­ “ Connecticut’s Oldest Lincoln-Mercury Dealer" than a quarter against the teens in the south. Fair ’ iond near Boston. end from Dixon, 111., will cap­ ski spent last winter exercising and wound up with son, pitcher Dooley Womack and catcher Charlie plained, almost reluctantly, be­ Cleveland Browns. He also very cold Friday night. Fair Conigliaro has been working tain Dartmouth’s football team , 301 CEI^ER STREET o OPEN EVENINGS • 64S-S1-SS a great season, other baseball players have follow­ Sands. (AP Photofax) * cause he’s a gentleman and LEAPS TO VICTORY— Land Boy, with Jockey Eric Guerin, right, leaps played in parts of five more and cold Saturday. out itihree timos a week under next season. VVallick caught ed suit. Running argund the Yankee Stadium out; doesn’t like to disparage op­ games. across finish line at Tropical Park ahead of Scissor Trail. (AP Photofax) the guidance of Red Sox trainer passes In 1967. Inlldin^— Contraetlii9 14 MAN WANTED to work la lum- THE MK$US AND I ARE CARPENTRY — concrete steps, ber yard,' must have driver’s CLASSIFIED nANNiMG ATRIP NEXT MOMTlj license. Davis ft Bradford floors, hatchways, remodeling, r' AS 500N AS I TARE porches, garages, closets, cell- Lumber Co., 200 ToOaad Bt., DELIVERY Insertion. Ergors which do loe, roofing. Call Leon Ceis- Experience in Job Shop 25 Facta 28 Burden 38 Oldest 53 Fish eggs the value of the adverttsement wU) not be corrected synskl. Builder. 649-4291. Preferred 27 Free of fmell 30 Decreeing 39 Odoriferous 54 Secret agent hy "make good” Inaertloa. 22 Greek pillars GARAGE 31 Goddess (Latin) r" 4 8“ 5“ 7 B 9 10 1 New plant, completely alr- 32 Entomology T_ Special Sorvieos 15 G etting a rundown on condlUoned for slimmer and (ab.) w 12 13 643-2711 THE BIG SPENDER WHO 33 Whirlpools 875-3136 SNOW Plowing — Commercial winter, all benefits. MECHANIC 37 Freed from 14 i6 u (Rockville, Toll Free) parking lots. Free estimates. OWES MONEY TO EVERYONE encrustation 648-6811. IN THE OPFICE - An Equal Opportunity 41 Begrudge 1? 19 Employer Experienced mechanic 42 Shade tree 1 to service and repair 43 Celebrated (ab.) 21 m p r t24 SHORTEN 44Lalr 1 Trouble Reaching Our Adverliser? SNOW PLOWING — resldenUal company vehicles In our 45 Fruit drink a and commercial. Call 649-8119. V MANC3HESTE3R office. 46 Correct ■ M-Hour Answering Senriee 48 Compas4 point Help Wonted Help, Wonted— MALE 49 City of India 2$ 31 TILE CONTRACTOR — floors, Help Wonted— walls, shower door Installa­ Hours; 4 ;30 p.m. to 51 Cl(rth dealers Free to Herald Raadert 35 Female 3S Fomolo 35 12:80 a.m. 55 European native —F 34 3i tions, marble work, flrehearths, Production Workers 56 Bake In Want Information on one of our olassllled adveetlsementa T patios and entrances. Free es­ (XERK ’TYPIST — some exper­ OFFICE WORK — variety of WANTED cocktail waitresses. casserole 37 38 39 40 41 57 English river No answer at the telephone Ustedf Simply m II the timates. Call 643-0106. ience ill payroU preferred. Ap- duties in small office, typing Stanley Green's Restaurant, Openings on aU three shifts, Good salary. Regular 58 Scottish stream 42 43 ■ ply Dean Machine Products, and light bookkeeping, 8 a.m. Broad St. 643-2188. starting rate $2.42 per hour raises. 59 Romanian coin 4$ 102 (Colonial Rd., Manchester. - 4:30 p.m. Apply Ka-Klar ’Toy and up. ExceUent fringe Valuable benefits. (var.) 4$ 48 EDWARDS Roofing— Siding 16 Co., 60 HUUard St. benefits including Major l)OWN 4$ 50 Si M IT WAITRESSES and Hostess. WHY NOT Medical Insurance 100% 1 Canine foot ' THE BEST In roofing — and Part-time nights, no experience Visit our employment ANSWERING SERVICE paid premiums, 10 paid holl- office at 62 East Center 2 Harem room 55 a roof repair. Call Coughlin, needed. Apply manager or WORK LOCALLY day8| generous vacation 3 Copy 643-7707. head Hostess. 9-7 International Street, Manchester, 4BibUcaI 5? 58 U 6494)500 875-2519 REGISTER NOW plan. Applications accepted open Monday through marginal note House of Pancakes, 363 Broad PART-TIME daily. Apply to— (var.) J r St. FOR FMday, 8:30 a.m. to 6 and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertlaer Roofing and CLERK TYPIST p.m. Or call 648-4101, 5 In Jig time withoat spending all evening at the telephone. Chimneys 1 6 -A KITCHEN AIDE 7 a.m. —2 Ext. 868. Evening and Monday through Friday. Ver­ WANTED ROGERS CORP. Saturday interviews ar­ ROOFING — Specializing re­ MANCHESTER Automebites For Seri* 4 non Haven, 876-2077. MIU and Oakland Sts. ranged pairing roofs of all kinds, new Phone Personnel Depart­ COUNTER GIRL for evening Manchester, Ctonn. CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER HERALD I960—FORD—a cylinder, auto­ roofs, gutter work, chimneys MEMORIAL matic, radio and heater; good cleaned and repaired, 80 years’ shift, 7 p.m. - midnight. Please ment, Manchester Memorial THE SOUTHERN condition, $100. 640-0017. experience. EYee estimates. apply Mister Donut, 266 West Or call Miss Banister, 1-774-6606 BOX LETTERS CaU Howley 648-6361, 644- Middle Tpke. HOSPITAL Hospital, 643-1141, Ext. 243. NEW ENGLAND 1667 C:iH61VROLEn'-Camaro con­ 8333. For Your vertible, yellow, excellent con­ SPECIAL NURSE’S AIDE AOeWUNTANTS — Tax Prepar- TELEPHONE COMPANY dition. Must sell 8000 miles. TWO waitresses lor evening ers — Experienced in In­ laformatioD $2,000. Call 628-7640. Moving— ^Trucking*— TRAINING PROGRAM work, full or part-time, experi­ dividual incom'i tax returns. An Equal Opportunity OPERATORS ence not necessary. Apply in Full time and part-Ume. Salary 1966 CORVAIR — Monza, con­ Storage 20 Employer THE HERALD will zwt Graduates of this special person only. Howard Johnson’s plus bonuses. Manchester of­ disclose the identity of vertible, maroon, black In­ MANCHES’TER Delivery—light Restaurant, 394 Tolland Tpke., fice to open January 2. H ft R any advertiser using box terior, standard shift, bucket training program will be of­ trucking and package delivery. WANTED fered full-time employment Manchester. Block, 627 Farmington Ave., lettera Readers answer* seats. $865. Call 872-0796. Refrigerators, washers and log blind box ads who on the 3-11:30 p.m. shift, a SALESLADY — Reputable Hartford. 236-1981. JOURNEYMAN electrician, im­ desire to predset their 1960 — green and white Thun- stove moving specialty. Fold­ stipend will be paid during specialty shop, 40 hour week mediate steady employment. identity can follow this derblrd. Good condition, $600. ing chairs for rent. 649-0762. AT the training program. Class­ includes Saturday smd Thurs­ WUson Electrical Oo„ 649-4817. procedure; es will begin on January 15 CaU 742-7194. day night tUl 9 p.m., g~vj start­ DAIRY PLANT WANTS OFFSET PRESS ' man. Fast Bneloae your reply to Ois Pointing— Papering 21 and last through February ing rate. Call Mr. Craft, 648- growing Hartford printing com­ 1966 CHEVROLET Impala, V-8, 2. 2128, Casual Village Shop, Man­ box In an envelope — white with vinyl top, 2-door SNET pany has opening for ex­ addressed to the Claanl- INTERIOR and exterior paint­ chester. HONEST, SOBER perienced press man, operating fled Manager, Manchester leather upholstery, extra clean. ing and papering. CaU PhU CaU after 6, 872-6631. APPLY AT WOMAN with references cap­ 25 Inch and 22 Inch one color Bifening Herald, together Denoncourt, 742-6173. __^ DEPENDABLE MAN presses. Insurance, paid holi­ with a msmo hating the You need no previous able of caring for 3 children, 1966 BUICK—4-door hardtop days, overtime. CaU Don Val- companies you do NOT PAINTING — Interior and exte­ experience. We’ll train CONN. STATE ages 6-11, five days weekly, No Experience Necessary want to ste your letter. in good shape, $150. CaU 643- rior, very reasonable, free es­ you at a good starting EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 2:30 - 6:30, Ught housekeeping, lera at News Press, 286-6884. Tour letter will be de- 7126. timates. CaU Richard Martin, salary. Valuable bene­ own transportaUon, 3 to 4 We WIU Train strojred If the advertiser 806 Main St., Manchester Steady Employment FUEL oU driver, must be ex­ 1666 COUNTRY Squire — 8 ejU- 649-6285. 649-4411. fits, pleasant working weeks. 643-0686. perienced, top wages and aU Is one you’ve mentioned, conditions, opportunity Good Working CkmdlUons .tf not It w ill be handled inder, power steering, radio JOSEPH P. Lewis custom benefits. Year ’round work. for advancement. BABYSITTER for teacher’s Paid Vacations in the usual manner. and heater, automatic, good painting. Interior and exterior children, afternoons only. Ref­ Wyman OU Co., 24 Main S t condiUon. 875-0638. paperhanging, waUpaper re­ WOMAN to clean on Saturday erences. Call 643-8226. Paid Sick Leave moved. Wallpaper books on re­ Visit our employment mornings, call after 6 p.m., Paid Holidays office at 52 East Center Lost oml Found 1 quest. FuUy Insured. Free es­ 649-7646. CASHIER - CLERK — full-Ume Group Insurance Plan ^ Trucks— Tractors 5 timates. CaU 649-0668. Street, Manchester, only, liberal benefits. Apply In LOST — iVt year old calico open Monday through person, Gaer Bros., 140 Rye Medical Plan HOLMES & BURNS cat, wearing red collar with CHEVROLET 1963 Oorvalr pan­ PAINTING —Interior and exter­ Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 SALES ORDER St., South Windsor. Pension Plan el truck, back aoid side doors, belU^ Norman St. Reward. 640- ior. Papering and paper re­ p.m. Or call 643-4101. CLERKS 6 Day Week 1986. excellent condition, $660. 648- moval. FuUy insured. CaU Ken Evening and Saturday HIGH SCHOOL sophomores or AUTO SALES 6668. Junior girls for part-time Ouellette 643-6043 or 649-6326. interviews arranged. For TV & AppUance Dis­ APPLY FOUND — OOILTE, sable and tributor. Ideal working con­ waitress work, after school, 478 CENTER ST. white, female, call Dog Ward­ 1951 % TON FORD V-8 — pick­ INSIDE-outside painting. Spe­ some weekends, good play plus up, excellent condition, 41,000 ditions. Good salary. 6 day MANCHESTER I guest I'm just going to have to slow up on cleaning en, 648-4131. cial rates for people over 65. THE SOUTHERN week. Vacation.. ExceUent gratuities. Apply In person. KNUDSEN’S original miles. Must sell, $476. CaU my competitors, then call Brass Key Restaurant. my room and get more help on my 649-6644. benefits. BROTHERS DAIRY Coil 647-9997 homework, huh. Doc?” me. Estimates given. 649-7863, NEW ENGLAND Announcomonts 2 876-8401. ^ EASTCO, INC. Help Wanted— Mole 36 1100 BURNSIDE AVE. TELEPHONE COMPANY 96 Leggett St., East Hartford Business Sorvlcos INSIDE PAINTING, papering, EAST HARTFORD ELECTROLUX vacuum clean­ OfForod 13 628-6581 CONTROL desk operator, Tune-Up BY WALT WEITERBERU ers, sales and service, b o n d ed ______floor sanding and reflnishlng An Equal Opportunity nights. Inquire in person Holi­ representative. Alfred Amell. WILLIAMS Tree Service, spec- (specializing in older floors). An Equal Opportunity No Job too small. John Employer day Lane, 39 Spencer St., Special! 647-1719 or 648-4918. iallzlng In tree and shrub care. Employer Manchester. EXPERIENCED fuel oil driv­ ------^------643-8104. VerfaUle, 849-6750. ers, new trucks, steady work, Jan. 1st to Jan, Slst MIDDLE-AGED woman to liv ^ PART-TIME drivers. Apply In overtime, uniforms, benefits. Personals YOU ARE A-1, truck is A-1. Floor Finishing 24 r e l ia b l e WOMAN to help in in, light duties, plenty of Ume person. Alcar Auto Parts, 226 Apply Kasden Fuel Co., 340 Cellars, attics, yard and restaurant, hours 8 a.m. - 3 off. Call 643-7780. Spruce.. Tolland St., Bast Hartford. Labor Only INCOME TAX — Business and small trucking done A-1 right. FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh- p.m. Apply in person. Morning individual returns prepared by CaU Tremano ’Trucking Serv­ ing (specializing In older Glory Restaurant, 316 Main St. PRODUCTION hands with some V-8 $8.50 Income tax accountant. Ray- ice toll free, 742-9487. floors). Inside painting. Paper­ lathe and mUUng machine ex­ mound Oirard. Call collect, 876- MANCHESTER perience, also Norton Hyprolap 6-Cyt. $5.50 hanging. No job too small. Septic Tanks Plus Parts 7382. TREE EXPERT — ’Trees cut, John VerfaUle, 649-5760. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL and Fellows gear shaper oper­ buUdlng lots cleared, trees top­ ators. Metronlcs, In6., 640 Hil­ AND Most American Car* ped. Got a tree problem? WeU Stenographer NEEDS liard St. INCOME Tax Returns prepar­ worth phone caU, 742-8262. Bonds— Stocks Plugged Sewers MR. ABERNATHY ed. Call Dan Mosler, 649-8829. pe r s c Hj^n e l d e p t . NURSE'S AIDES LICENSED Journeyman elec­ BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY SHARPENINO-ffervice - ■ Saws, Mortgages 27 trician, experienced electri­ Machine Cleaned GENERAL INCXIME TAX done accurately Exciting position in busy knives, axes, shears, skates, 3-11:30 P.M. Shift cian’s helper or apprentice Septic Tanks, Dry WeUs, and reasonably. Orville Wln- SECOND MORTGAGE —Un­ office, involves interview­ electrician. CaU H. G. Schulze, AUTOMOTIVE rotary blades. Quick service. limited funds avaUable for sec­ Sewer Lines Installed—Cel­ cheU, 644-2706. ing, light steno, maintain­ Inc., 876-9707. lar Waterproofing Done. REPARS Capitol Equipment Co. 88 Main ond mortgages, payments to ing records, compiling re- • For Information, phone Per­ ABC TAX Service. Complete St., hfanchester. Hours daUy suit your budget. Expedient sonnel Department, Man­ MORTY MEEKLE 7:30-6, ’Thursday 7:80-9, Satur­ ports and many varied du­ Brakes — Tune Up BY DICK CAVALLI tax service for business men service. J. D. Realty, 648-6129. ties. chester Memorial Hospital, McKINNCY BROS. or Individuals. Returns prepar­ day 7:80-4. 648-7668. 643-1141, Ext. 243. 118 Pearl St. — 643-6308 Front End — Corb. Company offers competitive ed in your home or office. Csdl LIGHT TRUCKING — moving Immediate cash paid for Sewerage Disposal Co. Genorators— Stortorf 246-8468. Business Opporfurity 28 starting salary, 8:30-4:30 and odd Jobs, reliable. Also hours, excellent benefits, burning barrels delivered, $4. PHILLIPS Petroleum (^. has a NURSE’S AID — 3 p.m.-7 p.m., dean bte model cars. All free parking, subsidized 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. also 11 p.m. BE A DISC JOCKEY. For in­ 644-1776. modem 8 bay service station cafeteria, congenial co­ makes, models wanted. for lease. Excellent opportu­ to 7 a.m 649-4619. formation call, 246-6418. SALES AND Service on Arlens, workers, excellent working nity, paid training program. conditions. RIDERS WANTED from No. Hahn Eclipse, Jacobsen lawn CaU 236-8770 aftei 6 ,j.m . or MAN(3HBSTER resident wailts Barlow Motor Sales FIREMEN Main St. area, first shift, to mowers. Also HomeUte chain 1-201-377-8100. domestic help, full-time Job, 9-3. Pratt A ^SVhltney, 643-2396, af­ saWs and International Cub APPLY Starting salary $66 weekly. Call Rt. 83, RockviUe, Ckmn. Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ 649-9666. ter 4 p.m. FIRST NATIONAL PRISCILLA’S POP ment and sharpening service SUNOCO Phone 875-2538 AND GUARDS BY AL VERMEER WANTED — Ride from Con- on aU makes. L ft M Equip­ STORES MATURE RELIABLE woman s o S T U A R T stltutlon Piaza to Porter St. or ment Corp., Route ~88, Vernon. Has available a 66,000 gaUon for daytime baby sitting In ar­ Open 9-9 Daily Ferguson Rd. area, please call per month modem 3-bay inter- Park and Oakland Aves. ea of HllUard-Woodland St. (Jail IS STucyyiNa 876-7606 Manchester Exchange East Hartford ARE NEEDED BY TO BECOME 649-6488. — Enterprise 1946. stafe location. 643-(KMl after 6. A P O L K - PRAH & WHITNEY AIRCRAR A|kiE TO REMOVE your old 1. Earn $20,000. and up. Automobllos For Solo 4 '^pU ances and bulky fumltime 2. $6 - $8,000. Investment. RN JDR LPN 11 p.m.-7 a.m., FOR PLANT PROTECTION to dump. Also light trucking. 3.. Insurance program. board and room included. 649- NEED CAR? Credit very bad? 289-6860. 4. Paid training. 4619. Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ Those who qualify will receive traditionally est Douglas accepts lowest ACT TODAY! down, smallest payments, any­ Household Sorvieos RN OR LPN 3 p.m.,-7 p.m. 7 IMMEDIATE OPENING high Aircraft wages and a compltete pockage where. Not small loan finance, Offoiod 13-A p.m.-ll p.m. 846-4519. company plan. Douglas Call or Write Sun Oil Co. FOR A of benefits. Apply Now at the Employment Koton, 846 Main. REWEAVINO OF bums, moth P.O. Box 71, East Hartford CLEANING WOMAN — Wanted holes, zippers repaired. Win­ 568-3400 Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 6 Office, 400 Main Street, East Hartford, Open 1666 CHEVROLET Bel Air — 6 dow shades made to meuure, .hours a day 9-3. Must have cylinder, automatlo, excellent all sizes Venetian blinds. Keys Evening call Mr. Keith, 647-9646 own transportation. 644-2211. SALES Monday through Friday, 8 A.M. to 4:80 P.M., condition. 648-9121. made while you wait. Tape re­ MATURE woman lor babysit­ Tuesday evening till 8 P.M., Saturday 8 A.M. corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 I960 — VOLKSWAGEN — con- ting, exceUent hourly rate with Main St. 649-6221. PACKAGE S’TORE — for lease REPRESENTATIVE • till Noon. vertible. Good mechanical con­ on Hartford Rd., Manchester. overtime, days and evenings. 644-2211. dition, 648-1202. LIGHT TRU(aaNO, bulk delii^ Call 643-1634 for appointment If you are a hijfh school graduate, female or male, ery, yards, attics, cellars between 9^ a.m. - 8 p.m. 1962 OLDSMOBILE converfl- cleaned and removed. Also odd in good health, possess a pleasing personality, you Ue, excellent condition. Must jobs. 644-8662. may he the person we are looking for. You would sell, going Into service. 742- Help Wonted— be with very congenial people in very pleasant PRAH & 9714, 648-8811 after 4. Building— Fomolo 35 FIREPLACE surroundings. LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON 1968 FORD GALAXIE 600, 4- Contracting 14 WHITNEY door hardtop, excellent condi­ WANTED — reliable woman to do weekly thorough cleaning Come in soon. Apply to the Advertising Dept. We’ll tion, asking $1,190, no . reason­ NEWTON H. SMITH ft SON — WOOD discuss your qualifications in a private interview. able offer refused. 876-2874. Remodeling, repairing, addi­ in large home 3 to 4 days week­ AIRCRAFT tions, * rec rooms, garages, ly for working mother. Must SUPER SPORT — 1964 Impala, porches and roofing. No Job be able to work without super­ LARGE 9 1 Division of United Aircraft Corp. 327 cubic Inches, 4 barrel, 260 too smaU. CaU 649-8144. vision and to properly handle h.p., twin exhausts, automatic telephone messages^ Not essen­ BUNDLES I AA Equal Opportunity Employer with console, bucket seats, WES ROBBINS CarpSntry re­ tial but prefer woman willing power steering, radio and heat­ modeling -specialist. Additions, to stay overnight frequently 18 BISSELL ST.—MANCHESTER, CONN. START YOUR FUTURE TODAY AT P&WA Cep>. • *$ Oeei/.,iu,M ce,a W. G. Glenney Co. 7M World S.ghNlir.d. ' er, vinyl Interior, whitewalls rooms, dormers, porches, with 3 children age 10 up. .Write 8.26 X 14, 88,000 miles. Below cabinpt^, formica, buUt-lns, Box K, Manchester Herald, 336 N. Main St. NADA. 646-6894 after 4 p.m. bathrooms, kitchens. 649-8446. stating age and references. rA\zOi iliAWXl A JiiCiJN ^NCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1968 — MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. BfANCHESTER. CONN- FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1968 PAGE NINETBEM H«lp Wontod M ato 36 W antod To Boy 88 ApiBrtwwfa rittti Apai liiMiil* riatt OROOERT CLERK — full-Ume. HoataG For Rant 55 Houses For 5elc 72 Hoeset For Sole 72 Houses For Sole 72 WE BUY AND SELL antiques, 63 Tanomanfs__ ___ W O iit O f Town Apply In person. Highland BERliY’S WORLD MANCHESTER — two bedroom MANCHESTER — Exceptional­ CLASSIFIED Park Market, 817 Highland St. ^ ^ HAVE customers waiting APARTMENTS — 4 and 6 SIX ROOM Ranch, breezeway, DUPLEX, 6-6, new knotty pine For 5ale 75 duplex, town house, appliances ly nice 7-room Ranch In the 2-car garngf, panaled recrea­ . U.S. Planes Strike Igasw. silver, p l ^ frames, the rentid of your apart- rooms, heat, hot water, appU- cabinets, built-in range, diah- SIX ROOM Ca]^ 8 o f 4 and heat Included, $166 per Green area, ground level fam­ tion room, large treed lot, $22,- ances, garage. Call 6468782 af­ washer, carpeting, new baths, bedrooms, stone fireplace, gold, watches, old Jeiwary, hob- month. Paul W. Dougan, Real­ ily room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen 000. Hutohlna Agency, Realtor* ter 6. tor, 649-4586. new furnaces, double garage. walk-out basement, tree shad­ ADVERTISING MILK DRIVER by coUecttons, palnOngs, attic ’ *“ ^^**- has lots of cabinets, and a 649-6S24. Hutchins Agency, Realtors, built-in oven and range, attach­ ed stone patio. $18,900. Call close to Red China contents or whole estates. Fur- LOOKING FOR anything in FtirnislMd SIX ROOM HOUSE complete­ 649-5824. (Continued from Page One) CLASSIIiED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS niture Repair Service, 648-7449. ed garage, very private yard. MANCHESTER Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- real estate rentals — i^>art‘ ly fumlahed, heat Included, 4586. from Cambodian territory on (Gonttnned from Page One) 8 AJL to 6 PJL SALESMEN ments, homes, multi{de dweU- ______Apartnianto______63-A Wolverton Agency, Realtors, $22d. per mmth. PhUhrick 649-2813. CITY WATER & SEW ER the Vietnamese border. Johnson ings, no fees. Call J. D. Real TWO ROOM furnished apart- Agency, 649-8847. SPECIAL VERNON —7 room Cape, near ties In the sensitive northern TOP WAGES Roonw WIHioot Board 59 EsUte, 643-6129. ment, stove, refrigerator, heat, Bus lines, shopping, schools, parkway 4 bedrooms, dltilng announced Thursday he Is send­ Skating - Coasting provinces and along the Cambo­ COPT CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. hot water. Apply Marlow’s, 867 MANCHESTER PAID HOLIDAYS churches, sidewalks, curbs $14,900 room, flreidace, garage, Im- ing Ambassador Chester Bowles dian border area northweet of 5 PJL DAT BEFORE PtJBUOATION THE THOMPSON House -C o t- bedroom Garden Main St. 7 ROOM CAPE and four bedrooms! All for macidate, $21,700. Meyer PAID type flats and duplexes avaU- Out O f Town from India shortly to confer Saigon. Deedibw for S«tard»]r and Mooday la 5 |>.ni. Mdajr. tags St. centrally located, large Just listed this convenient­ only $16,600. Mr. McLaugh­ Immaculate 4 room Ranch Agency, 848-0^. 1 able. $180 to $166 per month. For Rent 56 with Sihanoulf. HOSPITALIZATION pleasantly fumdshed rooms, Busliwu Loeattom ly located home. 3 bed­ lin wlU be happy to give you plus recreation room In U.S. i^ane losses over North minw H^T iiiiufliiuiiiii Call Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, PAID PENSION PLAN parking. Call 649-2868 for over­ ROCKVILLE — 6 rooms, sec­ rooms, 2 baths, formal din­ the details on this special. basement. Convenient loca­ The Bowles mission is con­ Vietnam rose with the return of TOUR COOPERATION WILL 649-4686. For Rant 64 cerned with a problem that wlU night and permanent guest ond floor, centrally located, ing room, fireplac^ living CaU 649-5306. tion. City utilities. Assume Wanted Red Estate 77 the raiders Into the nest of mis­ BE APPRECIATED D IA L 643-2711 STORE FOR RENT, Main St., continue if the war continues APPLY 1 ' rates. MODERN 8 room apartment $60 monthly. Call 649-3078 af­ room and rec room. Priced 5% per cent mortgage, $103 ALL CASH for your property. Skating, coasting and skiing siles and antiaircraft gune Manchester in State Theatre ter 8 p.m. at only $19,000. Call Mrs. per month. whereas the Hanoi probe Is con­ Is reported good by the Park artund Hanoi and Haiphong. CLSIAN comfortable rooms for with refrigerator, stove and building, reasonable rent. For B W Pasek, Realtors, 289-7476, 742- cerned with a maneuver that Continiwd Prom ProcRdin^ Pago KNUDSEN BROS. DAIRY parking. Handy to 'Main St. Luther at 649-6306 or 875- 8243, 649-0986. Department, and the following 'nie U.S. (jommand an­ refined gentlemen. Also effi­ Information please call theatre ANDOVER LAKE — 4 room 6611. BARROWS and WALLACE Co. could move the war toward an $180 monthly. AvaUahle Janu­ schedule will be in affect for nounced \he loss of an Air Force 1100 BURNSIDE AVE. ciency. 160 ToUand Tpke., Man­ manager at 648-7882. furnished, heat and utilities. Manchester Parkade BEL AIR REAL ESTATE early conclusion. Bowles might ary 10. Coll 648-2786 for ap­ HOMES — land. Investment the weekend: FlOO Thunderchlef and a Navy EAST HARTFORD chester. Available to June 15. $150. Manchester 649-5806 end up having a hand at both Wcmtod- M ate 36 Holp W ontod M olt 36 pointment. MODERN store, heated, 20’x70’, 643-9382 property urgently needed to Skating: At Center Springs F8 Crusader, making three U.S. monthly. 742-7607. B W meet our evergrowing demand operations, since Sihanouk’s SERVICE station attendent, full WANTED — Man for Janitorial large basement. 882 Main St., MANCHESTER — Vernon line, Annex and Charter Oak today, planes downed since the new air BARROWS and WALLACE Co. of qualified clients. Call Paul capital, Phnom Penh, Is one of or part-time, good hourly rate. work, full-time, rent and sal­ SALESMAN for soft surface ROPM to rent, private home, M A N l^ S lllR — Park CSiest- central. CaU 622-3114. 6% room Ranch, 1% baths, 3 to 10 p.m., and Saturday and offensive began Wednesday and ______s — ------nut Garden Apartments,A— ----« ■ Two Manchester Parkade SEOjUDED s p l it in desirable J. Correnti, Agpncy, 643-5363. the places where It Is possible Sunday, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. a total of 777 offlolally reported Apply Wyman Oil Co., 24 Main ary. 643-2068. floor covering department. In- 110 Cooper ISU St. 6460696. Manchester 649-6806 large flreplaced living room, bedrooms, 4% rooms, im­ STORE FOR RENT — down Business Property Adelaide Road area. Seven for Westerners or other would- Skiing: At Mt. Nebo tonight, lost since the air war started. St. home selling experience includ­ built-ins, aluminum windows. SELLING YOUR HOME? For 128 BIRCH St.—Room suitable mediate occupancy. 8 ^ rpoms town Manchester, State Thea­ rooms, 2 car garage, 2 zone be peacemakers to get in touch 6:30 to 9:30; Saturday and Sun­ OIL BURNER service man, ex­ ing measuring and scaling help­ For 5ole 70 MANCHESTER — Immaculate CaU now. Hayes Agency, 646- prompt courteous service that The U.S. Command also an­ for working gentleman. $12 February 1. Heat, hot water, tre Bldg. Inquire Manager, heat. Circa 1660. Beautiful­ with North Vietnamese repre­ day,' 1 - 5 p.m. The tow wili perienced, pension and other ful. Will train right man. Five 7-room Raised Ranch, with 2 0181. gets results, call Louis Dimock nounced the loss of an FlOO Su­ weekly. 048-4461. oven, range, refrigerator, aute Theatre, 648-7832. COMMERCIAL- Industrial at ly treed lot. Priced to sell Im­ sentatives. operate. benefits, fine opportunity for day, 40 hour week vrlth fringe full baths, built-in oven and Realty, 649-6823. per Sabre to ground fire In STOCK CLERKS right man. Apply Mr. Cormier, benefits. Driver’s license re­ pcuking. CaU 627-9288 between Manchester Green, approx­ range, dining room, large liv­ MANCHESTER — duplex 7-7 on mediately. Belfiore Agency, Other major channels of con­ OoasUhg: In (Center Springs South Vietnam, the 220th U.S. ROOM for one or two, com­ TAVERN for sale —Inquire 643-5121. Kasden Fuel Co., 340 Tolland quired. Apply Adelor Turgeon 0-5 p.m. 947-1871 after 6. imately 10,000 square feet, ing room with fireplace, 8 bed­ bus line, 4 bedrooms, separate tact include the Soidet, Indian, Park from 8 a.m. to dusk daily. combat plane downed In the plete light hotisekeepdng prl- Birch St. Tavern or caU 649- iiim N O S NEEDED, all price For TV A Appliance Dis­ St., East Hartford. or Richard Johnson, Watkins producing $800 per month in­ rooms and a heated family heating systems, aluminum ranges. Call us for a quick Polish and Canadian govern­ Skiing conditions reports are South. vlleges, parking. 848-8880, 648- ATTRACTIVE 3 room apart- 8110 or 648-9606. come. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, MANCHESTER — Investment tributor. Ideal working con­ Brothers, Inc., 935 Main St^—^ room, 2-car garage, $25,600. siding, 5 garages, excellent in­ sale, we also buy houses for ments which are members of avaiiable by calling 643-4700. U.S. Headquarters reported 6266. ment, quiet residential area. 843-1677. package, 6-5 duplex, plus 5 ditions. Good salary. 6 day Wolverton Agency, Pealtoni, vestment property In business cash. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. the three-power International 135 missions against North Viet­ ------—;------Parking plus all utilities includ­ ___ I.4gal Notice zone II, $28,600. Phllbrlck room single home within walk­ Control Commissions which week. Vacation. Excellent TV & RADIO 649-2813. ing distance to Main St. Leo­ nam Thursday, as unusually ed. Ideal for young married UHITATION OBDBB Agency, Realtors, 649-5347. WANTED by private party, 2 operate, under various severe benefits. Holpnoip Wantod— FURNISHED ROOM for gentle­ AT A C»URT OP PROBATE, nard Agency, Realtors, 646- large number for the rainy sea­ 0 1M7 br NU, Inc. couple. Coll 668-7864 or 236-0664. Housos For 5ole 72 CONCORD RD. — Beautiful family house, 5 or 6 rooms handicaps, in the former Indo- Mala or Fomola 37 man. Apply 4 Pearl St. at llenoheater. wUiki and ft>r $21,600 "buys this beautiful ^ 0466. 7 Children son. TECHNICIANS . ------the Mat riot of Jlancheater, on the Ranch, large living room, for­ each, in good condition In Man­ Chinese countries. In addition EASTCO, INC. MANCHESTER — newer luxu- 97th day of December, 2967. HYDE St. — 4-bedroom Cape, year old Raised Ranch, 1% The raids penetrated within DISHWASHER — days. TVies- "Do you ever feel intimidated by the breakfast-cereal med dining room, cabinet chester, no agents. CaU 649- there have been various con­ 9S Leggett St., East Hartford COMFORTABLE room for gen­ rious 4 room duplex, fine resi­ Present, Hon. John J. WUIett, open stairway, city utilities, lot baths, large lot, good condi­ WOULD YOU BUY a 6 room nine miles of the Red Chinese For wholesale distributor of day and Thursday, 9-6 or 63. section?" Judge, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, recrea­ 4314. tacts in the past through Ruma­ M issing in 628-6581 tleman, private entrance, free dential area, $146 per month. E a ta fe^ of _____ lAnlfaony, F______ra tolo aka. 60x234, $16,600. Chambers Real­ tion. Mitten Agency, Realtors, home in an off Porter St. loca­ border, where Air Force Tliun- RCA Victor products. Full Apply in person. Treat Shoppe, tion room, landscaped yard. tion for $17,900? This home has nia, Hungsiry, Burma, Egypt parking. 14% Hackmatack St. Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 646 ty, Realtors,. 648-2325. 643-6930. "SOLD" Is what counts. If you derchiefs raked antiaircraft An Equal Opportunity or part-time. Top hourly Route 83, TolcottviUe. Marion E. Robertson, Realtor, aluminum siding, wall to wall and Algeria. One of the chief between 6-9 p.m. 4636. On motion^ Vlnoent L. Dtsna, want to seU your house, cash House Fire guns on the northeast rail line Employer rate. Experience and U- Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 $11,900 BUYS this nice 5 room 643-6963. MANCHEISTER —Ideal starter carpeting and aluminum storms representatives of the Hanoi re­ WANTED school bus drivers, ______:______Btreet. Mandieeter, C5on- in on our contacts. We can from Hanoi and then turned to censed. Excellent fringe year 'round lake front pro­ or retirement home, spotless 4- and screens. Excellent nelgh- gime outside the country Is itr men or women, 7-9 a.m., 2-4 PROCESSED gravel for drive' CLEAN. USED refrigerators. with kitchen privileges, RESPONSIBLE couple wanted "^^m&lim51*'ThS*” «tree montlw seU your house. Join our satis­ (Continued from Page One> bomb the Lang Son highway benefits. 5-day week. Vaca­ ® ----- . . ______•*_*.____9 ______» . . ___A. •_ * — • perty. Excellent investment or room Ranch on a tree shaded borhood, convenient location. official In Paris, Mai Van Bo. ROUTE salesmen for quality ways and parking areas. Also ranges, automatic washers, centraUy located, Mrs. Dorsey, to su^t^tend apaitoent In iMSSd fied customers . . . CaU us to­ and roll bridge which had been tion. p.m. 644-1902 alter 6 pim. H. live in. Ellsworth Mitten MANCHESTER lot, assumable mortgage. Wol­ Bill Belfiore, Belfiore Agency, U.S. officials said there was Ing,” said a neighbor, Mrs. dairy. Steady employment on bank run gravel and fill at our with guarantees. See them at 14 Arch St. Manchester center. Free rent am oJtowed for toe credUors wBh- repaired during the rainy sea­ A. Frink Inc., Wapping. Agency, Realtor, 643-6930. verton Agency, Realtors, 649- 643-5121. day. Keith Real Estate, Tele­ thus no lack of opportunities for George Hoopes. "It was the well established routes out of screening plant or delivered. B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 646 and parking plus salary. 246 Jn to liri^r in ttoalr phone 646-1622. son. Wethersfield area. Average SPRUCE ST., 218, 4 nx>ms uuu aaatnat eaitd eatalto, and said ad- MUST SELL 2813. communication between Wash­ mother outaide. I heard her EASTCO, INC. George H. Griffing, Inc., 742- Main St Call 648-2171. 6oM, Mr. Senor. mlnlDtriAtor is dJreotsd to give pUb* MANCRBEFTER — executive SPLIT LEVEL — 7 rooms, for­ U.S. pilots reported mush­ weekly earnings $140-1156. Ex­ heated, parktog, 247-4046, 1-636 — — — ------:------He notice to m Cape, MANCHESTER -4-4 tvro Mtancheater, In saM District, de- question for the United States past the fire In the living room, drug clerk over 21. Full or results of, regular Blue Lustre place, brand new kitchen bridge three miles north of Ha­ dormers, alr-condltioner, neat famUy, nice condition, large BUILDING LOTS — 66x125’, was to determine what any such she said. Mrs. Hoopes said peo­ FURNITURE SALESMEN part-time, driver’s license, spot cleaning. Rent electric with formica cabinets and On motion of Daniel R. Pelleller, noi and blasted the bypass ferry and clean. Hutchins Agency, lot, only $16,600. Mitten Agen­ Franklin St. City water, sew­ 90 Bldgre Street, Manchester, Con- shift meant. ple in an adjoining house tried Man with restaurant expe­ hours flexible, good pay. No shampooer $1. Paul’s Paint A TRADER “ P” , counters, oven and stove, nectloi^ administrator landings alongside the bridge. Realtors, 649-6824. cy, Realtors, 643-6980. er. CaU 646-8782 after 6. "I cannot tell you today frantically to chop through the rience has outstanding op­ ExceUent opportunity for phone calls. Wallpaper Supply. dishwasher, refrigera­ ORDEiRElD: That three months All the Hanoi and Haiphong Used Furniture Exchangfe from -the 38th day of December. whether there has been a wall of the burning house. portunity for advancement capable salesminded sales­ tor, new ceramic baths, MANCHESTER — 2-famlly, 6-5, MANCHESTER — Treed 50x125 1967, be and the same are Umlted Authorities said the victims bridges were cut lost fall but PART-TIME help wanted, day HOBBYISTS — Hardwoods, ply- and allowed for the creditors with­ change (meaning a fundamental with new restaurant chain. men. Full or part-time. Ex­ shower with formica vanity convenient to bus lines, per­ B-zone lot. Wolverton Agency, were Daniel 1, Brenda, 2, Shir­ were repaired after the rains and nigdtt, as clerk In modem woods, veneers, dowels, hard­ Good selecUon of kitchen A NEW HOME FOR THE in which to brlner in thetr claims policy change) or not,” Rusk Fringe benefits, etc. Ccmtact ceUent pay and Incentive down, fuU bath up. Every manent siding, aluminum com­ 646-2818. aanilnat said estate, end said admin- ley, 3, David, 4, Robert, 5, Bar­ set in. drug store. Pleasant conditions, sets from $25. iMratior is directed to give public continued. He cited reports of Mr. Gibbs. . Program. Unusual opportu­ ware, finishes, tools, ad- room wall to wall carpeted, binations, 2 new heating sys­ bara, 6, and Ralph, 8. Other pilots ranged south, at­ flexible hours to suit your NEW YEAR . .. notice to the creditors to brina in truce idtriations by Communist nity for advancement. Due heaslves and much more. Wood WaU-Tex and very clehn. tems, good investment, $24,600. toedr ciadms within sedd time al­ Twenty-seven persons were tacking supply targets all the schedule. See manager, Liggett Bedroom sets, chests, dress­ Resort Property lowed by puUlshtncr a copy of this troops, then went on with his as­ to our extensive expansion Products Specialities, 30 Bar­ Plenty of closets, garage, Wolverton Agency, Realtors, left homeless when the fire way to the 17th ParaUel. At Rexall Drug, Parkade Shop­ ers. Living room pieces. AU JARVIS REALTY COM­ order tn some newspaper having a sessment of the negotiation KNUDSEN'S program there are several tholomew Ave., Hartford, 246 beautiful landscaped yard, 649-2813. For5crie 74 clrculatton in said probate district spread to nearby structures be­ least 22 rail ears and 34 barges ping Center, 404 West Middle 8272. low price. PANY Is proud to offer two within ten days from toe date of prospects: department manager posi­ $26,900. Hurry! this order end return make to this fore . some 100 firemen con­ were reported destroyed or COUNTRY FAIR Tpke. homes now under construc­ MANCHESTER — Vacant 6 STAFFORDVILLB Lake ^ "These (violations) all have tions now open to qualified TREAT rugs right, they’ll be Special on brand new twin court of the noUoe given. trolled the flames two and a damaged. 1100 BURNSIDE AVE. salesmen. tion on Center Street in room Cape, remodeled kitch­ furnished cottage, lot 100x160’ JOHN J. WtOiETT, Judge. some bearing on the situation. PERSON for cleaning, morn­ a delight if cleaned with Blue size box springs and mat. half hours later. In Paris, sources with diplo­ Manchester. Featured Is a H. M. FRECHETTE en, new siding, roof, gutters, full price, $6,900. CaU days, “ However, the determined pol­ BAST HARTFORD ings. Apply Holiday Lanes, 39 Lustre. Rent electric shampoo­ tresses, $58. a set. ORDER OF NOTICE matic contacts In Hanoi said large 6 room Garrison Colo­ storms, $18,900. H. M. 289'4409, evenUigs, 643-2332. AT A COURT OF PROBATE, icy o* the United States Is to We need experienced sales REAL-TY held at Manchester, within and tor Red China has quintupled the Spencer St., Manchester. er $1. Olcott Variety Store. BeauUful Provincial dining nial with all of the features Frechette Realty, 647-6993. help, however, if you are toe District of Manchester on the find a means to move towards supply of coolie laborers helping room, table, large hutch, you have been looking for 28to day of December, 1967^. Apparent Bid not experienced, Caldor wUl 647-9993 peace in Southeast Asia, if pos-. to repair bomb damage to MEAT cutter. Pleasant dropleaf server, 6 uphol­ to make your living easier. NEW Listing — 6 room Cape, Out O f Town Present, Hon. John J. Wailett, train a select group of ap- Dog»— Birds— Fats 41 Boats and Accossorios 46 Judge. slble and that will be explored roads, bridges and rail lines In coodiUons. No night workT Ap­ stered chairs, all for $289. Here is an unusual oppor­ 4 down, 2 unflnlshed up, 2 bed­ For 5ale 75 .Trust Estalie o f Ethel WBsem fully. If there Is a desire for For Viet Peace pUcants for a profitable and der Willi o f Oeneoree WoodbrUce. North Vietnam. They said there ply in person. L.T. Wood Lock­ tunity to buy a home on a OFF East Center St. practical­ rooms, kitchen with cabinets peace, the United States, as secure future in furniture . ' i S r * 2 ’ '. : : '' Muoh - Much - More. plus added features. A-1 con­ BOLTON — Cozy 4% room of Mandhester, m said Dtatnct, de- now are about 250,000 Chinese In er Plant, 51 Bissau St., 648- ture and standard, 6 weeks to Sailboat. Leftover, never been bus line and located close ly in center of town. Two fam­ censed. President Johnson has stod Spurs Interest sales and management! Ranch, in top condition, 'Hie CknineaUcut Bank' and Trust North Vietnam, including some 8424. 6 months, both colors, guaran­ in water. Sale priced. Regular to schools and shopi^g, an ily flat, 4 down, 3% up. Oom- dition, A-1 location and priced more than once, will go more garage, full basement, hot Company, Trustee, luvlnf; exhibited (Continued from Page One) military adirisera and weapons Phone or write for confi­ teed at a fair price. Also Wel- $696, closeout price $495 plus 648-6563 ideal situation for the one- p’.etely renovated. Both apart­ for a quick sale. Hurry caU Its anntiaJ eicoount wMh said es- than halfway to find peace.’’ now, Paul J. Correnti Agency, water heat, wooded, privacy. teie to tods Oourt for allowanoe. It technicians, compared with only dential, personal interview. maraners. 1-628-6578. transportation and tax. 646 car family. The price is rea­ ments vacant. Aluminum sid­ 1s Only $14,900. Hayes Agency, Rusk recalled that in a speech sources in the Laotian capital about 60,000 last fall. 8747. McBride’s Sport Spot, sonable and there are no ex­ ing, garages, fine residential 643-6363. ORJXE3R E D : TTmt to e 18th day of ASSEMBLERS January, 1968, at ten o'clock fore­ at San Antonio Sept. 29 Johnson said North Vietnam has asked Analysts said the influx could STORE MANAGER GROOMING ALL breeds. Har- 639 Center St. WICKER BABY dressing table, tras. For information call— section. T. J. Crockett, Real­ 646-0131. noon at toe Probate Office in the had declared the United States the governments of Laos, Oam- mean growing Red Chinese In­ For aircraft parts, capable mony HiU. H.C. Chase, Hebron $10; baby jumper, $4; car bed, ty, 643-1677. Muntcdpeil B uildlns far said M an­ of working from blueprints. Rd., Bolton, 643-6427. SUMMER or winter, you’ll love chester, be and toe sajtie is as­ was willing to stop all air and bodia and Burma if their capi­ fluence In Hanoi and consequent free. Knotty pine headboard, We Don’t Promise 1968 sign^ tor a hearing on toe allow- CALDOR, INC. JARVIS REALTY CO. this 6 room home on a seclud­ naval attacks on North Vietnam tals are available for prelimi­ » Diamonds— Wotoho^— Hollywood bed frame, mat­ MANCHESTER —Two family, anoMnnf said account and said prolongation of the war, or the TALKING Mynah bird, large ed private lake, nestled among “ when this will lead promptly to nary peace talks. 1146 ToUand Tpke. Realtors 4-4 flat on 90 X 180 lot. Central HOMEFINDERS IVustee's two prior accounts with North Vietnamese leaders MACHINISTS Jawaliy 4B tress, $30; brown mouton full laurel covered hills. Call us for .sajid estate, and tods Cburt directs productive discussions.’’ At that Premier Souvanna Phouma vocabulary, one year old, m u s t ______location, modern kitchen and might decide it would be better Manchester, Conn. length coat, size 12, $26. 643- 288 East Center Street 643-1121 details, $19,600. Paul W. Dou­ Ihnt notice of the time and place time the President offered the was said to have made Vienti­ Experienced or trainees. sell, $66, cage included. 646- WATCH AND "j e w e l r y re- 0640. bath, 2 car garage, Bel Air Let lands solve your hous­ assigned fo r saild hearing be gi-ven to end the war soon rather than 6462876 gan, Realtor, 649-4635. to all persons known to be tnter- concessloin that he would be pre­ ane available, but Phnom Penh Liberal benefits. Day shift 0017. pairing. Prompt service. Up Real Estate, 643-9332. ing problems in 1968. As risk the return of the Chinese, V. ested toiereln to eiooeor and be pared to assume—^instead of de­ —the Oambodian capital—was only. to $20 on your old watch in members of both the Man­ 'heard toereon by publishing a copy who dominated northern '\flet- .AKC miniature poodles, home To Sell MANCHESTER - - Bowers BOLTON Center — 6 room o f tolls order In som e newspaioer manding advance assurance— believed a more likely site. U.S. MANCHESTER — Income po­ trade. Closed Mondays. F.E. chester and Greater Vernon Ranch, 3 bedrooms, 1% baths, tnvtng a circulation In said Dls- nam from the 2nd to the 10th STEAM FITTER — Experienc­ bred, good dispositions, 2 black Antlquas 55 School area, neat 6-room Cape, tential in this sturdy home on that North Vietnam would not Ambassador Chester. Bowles Bray, 737 Main St., State Thea­ Multiple Listing Systems, large living room with beamed trict. at least seven -days before century. E. A. PATTEN CO. ed, fine opportunity, pension, males, one brown female, pup­ 4 rooms down, 2 finished uis Spruce St. 9 large rooms and the day of said hearing, and by try to profit militarily by the goes there soon to talk with tre Building. WANTED TO BUY — antiques, we have hundreds of list­ ceiling and fireplace, 2-car at­ mwHlng on or b e fo re January . In South Vietnam, the flghting paid hoUdays, vacation, insur­ py shots. 876-1161. one car garage, private yard, room for expansion, per­ 3 halt in attacks. Prince Norodom Sihanouk, the 308 WethereU St., Manchester steins, furniture, pewter, lead­ ings to show you. Call us, tached garage, nice view, a iaS8, b v certified ma.U. a cop y of again centered In the flve north­ ance and uniforms, others. Ap­ March occupancy. T. J. Crock­ manent siding, aluminum Jhis order to Htoel 1,. Wlisbn, 707 Rusic said that is ^ 1 the Cambodian chief of state, and ed lamps, art glass, primitives, today, for efficient and pro­ tranquil setting. Mid 20’s Martls-ei St.. JacksonviUe. Texas; ern proidnces below the 17th ply Kasden Fuel Co., 340 Tol­ Fuel ond Feed 49-A ett, Re?Jtor, 643-1677. storms and screens, 2-car ga­ there was speculation he might BASSETT Hound — 6 months, any quantity. 644-8962. fessional service. Paul W Dougan, Realtor, 649- nanrtl W. Wilson, iha KIckwnoo United States position. ParaUel where the 2nd North land St., East Hartford. Your Home rage, $23,000. Wolverton Agen­ St.. JacksontvIHc, Texas: Hewitt E. In the context of the new at the same time be In contact A M B m O U S young man selling with papers, CaU 6460268. FIREPLACE wood, clean, $16. CAPE — 6% rooms, breezeway, 4635. WllB-n. 61*3 Love St.. JacksonvIUe. Vietnamese Division launched cy, Realtors, 649-2813. A GOOD ADDRESS — And North Vietnamese maneuver It with North Vietnamese repre­ boy's to student’s clothing, full­ OIL BURNER service man, ------a pick-up load. Phono 232- CLOCKS bought, sold, traded, 2-car attached garage, large Texas: Gnorge S. WUson, WUaWre an offensive after the New more is featured In this SOUTH WINDSOR — new R d.. ■Vernon, Cotm.. and return was clear he was saying the sentatives there. time, 40-44 hours per week, must be thoroughly experienc­ expert repairing. Colonial wooded lot 100x600, $22,600. ROCKLEDGE —New Raised m ake to tiMs Court. Year’s truce In an attempt to WHITE TOY poodle—female, 6 ______lovely 3 bedroom Ranch off Ranches, Raised Ranches and U.S. problem was to find out NEW DELHI—A spokesman higdt school graduate. Oppor­ ed, excellent wages and work­ Clock Shop, 382 Main St., rear. Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, Ranch, modern kitchen with .JOHN J. WALLETTt Judge, shatter government prestige. weeks old, $160. CaU 643-9979. HIGH Quality seasoned hard­ Vernon Street In Manches­ Colonials all with a view. This cc; Connecticut Bank & Trust Co., whether North Vietnam Is now for the Indian government tunity for department manage­ ing conditional all benefits, in­ Old clocks only. Open 10 a.m.- 649-«347. bullt-lns, dining room, 3 bed­ The U.S. Americal Division re­ ter. Has a living room that Is quality and value. Call for moiring toward acceptance of termed Trinh’s statement “ a ment. Call Mr. Craft for ap­ surance, pension, etc. CaU Wy­ wood, cut to any length and 9 p.m. Sundays open till 5 rooms, family room, 2-car gar; ported kUllng 72 of the enemy RESERVATIONS taken for AKC X that position—Rusk called It great advance" and expressed pointment, 648-2128. Casual man Oil Co., Inc., 643-2454. split, stored inside. Leonard p.m., closed Tuesday and Overnight.... Is 14’ 22’, plus a modern details, Hayes Agency, 646- V em on Thursday, mainly in the Que EngUsh Setter spring pups. age, aluminum siding, $31,600. kitchen, 3 bedrooms, 1% "increasing compatibility be­ hope the United States would re­ VUlage Shop, Manchester. Glgllo, Bolton, 649-8818. Wednesday. 0131. Son VaUey leading Into the big Best in Show sire, VaUey Run Slim Sl(imm'‘er Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, tiled baths and a full base­ tween the statements made by spond. India Is chairman of the Trash Collection base city of Da Nang. SALES ORDER bloodUnes, priced according to 649-5347. ment with tremendous fam­ SOUTH WINDSOR — Immacu- the two sides.” International (Control Commis­ quality. ISO Oakland St., Man­ Garden— Farm— . Wearing Apparel- ily room potential. Owners ' late 7-room home built 1965, sion set up to supervise the Ge­ Other Americal Division sol­ ^ CLERKS chester. heated finlihed rec room, 2- Behind Schedule diers and U.S. Marines below TIME KEEPER Dairy Products 50 Furs 57 have already purchased an­ neva agreements that divided Soft Gingham other home and want a car heated garage, aluminum Because of the holidays and V em on Vietnam and ended French rule the demilitarized zone reported For TV & Appliance Dis­ FREE — Cute housebroken klU numerous skirmishes, hut no STRICTLY fresh eggs, 363 LADY’S SKI boots with rack, quick sale. siding, swimming pool, large the bad weather, trash coUec- in the Indochina peninsula. tributor. Ideal working con­ tens, pick up between 10 a.m. large-scale battles like the out­ COST CLERK South Rd., Bolton, Tomaszew- size 7% medium, worn twice, treed lot with brook, many ex­ tions in Vernon are behind PARIS—A spokesman for the ditions. Good salary. 6 day - 1 p.m., or 4-7 p.m. 118 Maple FOR THE GROWING FAM­ Town Apartment break following the New Year’s ski, 649-6472. $25. Call 643-6927. tras. For further information schedule. mission In the French capital "-Week. Vacation. Excellent St. 649-7449. ILY—Here Is a once In a call'R.F. Dlmock Co. 649-5246. truce In which some 400 North Elxperlenced in Job shop pre­ benefits. Collections wUl be made to­ North Vietnamese diplomatic ferred. Apply In person. lifetime opportunity to buy morrow, and It 1 shoped to have Yields Four Men Vietnamese soldiers were klUed VERNON Custom 4 bedroom affirmed Trlnh's statement and Articles For Sale 45 Household Goods 51 Wantod— ^To Buy 58 an older 7 room home right them back on the regular sched­ said, "The next step Is up to In two days In the 1st Corps EASTCO, INC. Colonial, 3 tiled baths, family Wanted by Police off Main Street. There Is an ule by the beginning of next President Johnson.” Foreign area. 96 Leggett St., East Hartford SEWING Machines, brand new 10 SPEED NEW Dormeyer HOUSEHOLD lots — Antiques room, double garage, lots of extra building lot available week. Minister Maurice Oouve de Northwest of Stogon, on the DEAN 528-6581 zig zags, sUghtiy scratched in stainless steel mix master, cost bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, trees, low 80’s. Hayes Agency, Vernon police mcule three in a B Zone with 2-famlIy Andrew Tricarico, director, of Murvllle told the French Cabi­ jungled corridor leading to the MACHINE PRODUCTS shipping, $99 value now $44.96. $50, sacrifice $35, extra'attach­ glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ 646-0131. arrests and apprehended a man An Equal Opportunity potential. Oversized 2 car public works. Is asking resi­ net Trinh had made Hanoi’s po­ Cambodian border some 80 A-1 Stores, 24 Park St., Hart­ ments." 649-6054. lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 102 Colonial Rd., Manchester Employer garage with large workshop dents to put trash containers described as a fugitive from jus­ sition more precise. A Cabinet miles away, a dozen fights testi­ ford, 622-0931. Lake St., Bolton. 646-3247. for family hobbies. Extra BOLTON Center — 8 room ORIENTAL rugs, old and new, Ranch, 2-car garage, 4-bed- in an easily accessible spot, pre­ tice last night. All arrests in­ spokesman said President fied to the (jommunlst determi­ lot Included in c;i1:j price. EIGHT FOOT pool table, $60~. various sizes, reasonable NEED HELP? We buy used fur- Till After Lunch txioms, 1% baths, family size ferably where the snow has volved the same address: 126 Charles de Gaulle’s government nation to maintain a foothold. ROUTE MAN — wholesale ExceUent condition. CaU after Bridge Results is taking "no particular action,” About a mile from the border b a k e r y Porter wanted, fuU route, good hours, excellent prices. CaU 626-0069 after 5:30 nlture, attic contents, antiques kitchen, one acre lot with horse West Main St. 6, 643-0056. p.m. CALL bam and paddock. ExceUent Results in a duplicate bridge but U.S. and French officials an American Green Beret team or. part-Ume. Apply Mario's pay, car necessary. Hours 12- etc. ca ll 633-2300 or 646-0004. At 7:06 p.m., Everett Collins, THE HOMEFINDERS, TODAY condition. Selling for $22,600. game Wednesday at the Lottie have frequent contact on Viet­ sneaked up on a Communist pa­ Bakery, 829 Main St., Manches­ 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. 61, of 126 West Main Street was For further Information call R. Fisk Memorial are: North- nam, while the French are In trol, kUled 10 and then weus ter. Saturday 12-4 p.m. Good sec­ arrested on a Circuit Court 12 JARVIS REALTY GO. F. Dlmock Oo., Realtors, 649- South, Ralph August and Frank close touch with the North Viet­ quickly puUed out by heUcopter ond income. Call for appoint­ REAL'TORS warrant charging him with ment, 249-8211, Ext. 380, John The Next 6245. Stopa, first; Herbert Flavell and namese. without losing a man. William E. Smith, second; Mrs. breach of the peace by assault. Over-all, however, Americana Molumphy. 643-1121 OTTAWA—A foreign ministry SOUTH. WINDSOR — you can David Somerville and Mrs. Eu­ Police said the chaise stems spokesman said Canada is dis­ In the corridor were not so for­ from an incident which occured MAN TO WORK In kitchen, fuli- move right Into this immacu­ gene Tiemey, third. cussing the "potentially promis­ tunate. Battle reports listed 20 Dec. 25 at the apartment of Har­ tlme or part-time, also short WHEN IS A HOUSE A "HAPPENINQ?" late' 6 room Colonial with Also, East - West; Mr. and ing” North Vietnamese state­ U.S. soldiers killed and 28 When It comes time to sell your heme, especially if Croii-Stilehed MANCHESTER — Waddell ley Frazier of 120 West Main SEE order cook. Apply in person screened' sun porch on large Mrs. Glen White, first; Mrs. Ra­ ment with the United States and wounded Thursday^ School area. Oozy 6-room St. only. Howard Johnson’s Res­ you hove to move out of town to a new job — the On beautifuUy landscaped comer chel Schwartz and Dr. Herbert Britain. He said the control About five miles below the There's excitement in finding just the Gingham Cape, 2 fuU baths, waU to wall lot in choice residential area on Koenig, second and Mr. and In two companion cases, Mark taurant, 394 ToUand Tpke., carpeting, large paneled and Poland are members, with Cambodian border a U.S. heli­ OUR faster the betterl W e're geared for quick action be­ Ellington Rd. Near school, Mrs. C.W. Civello, third. Oolllns, 17, also of 126 West Manchester. < house you want to own. You stand in front kitchen, 'birch cabinets, built-in commission, of which Canada copter was shot down, wounding church, shopping centers. As a special feature, on Jan. Main St. and James Palanza, 19, ■) cause our staff is aggressive, we have a list of over range, one car garage, ame- ■ India, might be used in any ar­ two men, and five infantrymen BuUt-ln appliances including 17, and 24, there 'will be the an­ of Burke Rd., were arrested and MAN GROCERY CLERK — part-time of it, look at it squarely and say “This is site drive, shaded lot, approxi­ rangements for peace talks. were kUled and four wounded In 300 pro/ipects in our filest and we know how to "wrep disposal and dishwasher. Two nual mixed pairs championship. charged with breach of the mornings. Apply in person. mately 70x300. Owner leaving N E W YORK — U.N. a confused sUrmish deep In a car garage. Owner changing Trophies will be given to the peace by assault. Highland Park Market, 317 where I want to spend my life!” up" the sale to get you the maximum- price in the state, $18,900. No agents. CaU Secretary-General U Thant said heavy jungle'area. position. CaU 289-7135 for top three pairs. JIM HeCAVANAGH Highland St. minimum time. Depend on Mayosr for speedy results! 649-9381. Everett Collins and Palanza Trinh’s statement reinforced his A bombing accident Involving You should not buy until you have that appointment. were released under the no cash own view that a halt In the U.S. both South Vietnamese and U.S. 16 YEAR OLD boy or semi- MANCHESTER — 7 room cus­ bail prog;ram and Mark Oolllns bombing would lead to peace VERNON Air Force planes kiUed four sol­ retired man to work around tom buUt brick Colonial Cape, NOTICE feeling. The place may need a coat of paint, I was released under a $50 bond, talks. diers of the U.S. 25th Infantry apartment house 3 or 4 hours If Pays To Call Hayes! in like new condition, 22 acres The Registrars of Voters of all for appearance in Rockville JIM OFFERS I0h80 CUS'TOM BUILT RANCH Division and wounded 20 Thurs­ a day and aU day Saturday. ■ or h bit of remodeling—but when it's RIGHT, high scenic land. Priced for the Town of Manchester, Conn., Circuit Oourt 12, Jan. 23. Sgt. day 14 miles northwest of Sai­ A delightful little skimmer for 243 HISTORIC HOSPITAL MOVES Superlntendant Parkview quick sale. Hayes Agency, Choice residential area! ! 6 will be in session in the Regis­ Robert Kjellqulst and officer gon, a U.S. spokesman said. The you'll know it. Let us help you find it with­ a fun-flUed evening clings CHICAGO (AP) — Historic 3 REAL BARGAINS Apartments, Apartment B 2, Trim a gay gingham apron 646-0181. room Ranch on Texas size trars Office at the Municipal John Shea made the arrests. American infantrymen had Just casually to accentuate a lovely Mercy Hospital, where victims 1323 Burnside Ave., East Hart­ out further delay. with a softly smocked yoke, and lot. Since builder has just Building, Friday, January 12, At 10 p.m., on a tip from an fought a 90-mlnute battle with ford. 528-4870. form. Seaming under the bodice for a luxury-look add a pretty JUST LISTED — Manchester, begun, you have your choice 1968, from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., unidentified caller, police again of the civil war, the Chicago fire approximately 6 acres, 7% the Viet Cong In which they re­ Is highlighted by a petite bow. cross-stitch border at the bot­ of “ modern” or "colonial." for the 'purpose of making an retured to 120 West Main St. and the Haymarket riot re­ room Cape, new ceramic bath, ceived treatment, has moved ported five guerrillas and six 64 Buiek Skylark > No. 1401 with Fhoto-Oulde Is tom! 1% baths, fireplace, bullt- enrollment of electors who are and apprehended Robert . F. 4-Door Sedan. Pft, PB., auto THE all large rooms, 2-car garage, Into hew quarters. Americans killed and 13 Ameri­ In sises 10 to 20, bust 81 to 40. Pattern No. 243 has apron lns and garage. 649-5306. entitled to vote at the Cau- Delorge, 30, of no certain ad­ cans -wounded. trans. Size 12, 82 bust, 8 yards of 36- wooded lot. H. M. Frechette The last 'patient was trans­ directions, graphs for smocking cuse\ / f the Town of Manches­ dress. Another, company from the inch. Realty, 647-9993. ferred In frig(ld cold weather KEITH REAL ESTATE and embroidery. B ^ W ter and to accept applications Police said Delorge sur­ same 25th Division battalion re­ 64 Chavrotot Impala Send 50 cents in coins plus Thursday from the old red brick Send 35c in coins plus 60c for SIX ROOM-house — Good con­ for the admission of electors, rendered without trouble and ported flushing a band of guer­ station Wagon. PS., PB., IS cento for first-class mall and BARROWS and WALLACE Co. structure, Chicago’s oldest hos­ 172 E. CENTER STREET dition. Must be moved from signed, was taken to the Vernon police rillas from a hideout nearby on auto, trans. S special handling for each pat-- first-class mall and special han­ Manchester Parkade . pital to a white concrete-and- HAYES AGENCY dling for each pattern. present location. For informa­ Manchester 649-5306 Edward F. Moriarty, department where he was pick­ the banks of the Saigon River.- tern. glass building across the street. i 649-1922 Anne Cabot, The Manchester tion caU 649-6271. Frederick E. Peck, ed up by Enfield police ^ a With help from helicopter gun- 65 Pontiac Sue Burnett, Manchester ANDCVER — well kept 6 room The $26-mlUion hospital has a Evening Herald, 1160 4 ^ - OF Registrars of Voters Circuit Oourt 18 warrant charg­ ships, they killed 25 of the Com­ ConverUble. PS., PB., auto, Evening Herald, llSO AVE. OF SIX ROOM oversized Cape, 2 (jape, garage, large wooded lot, 517-bed capacity, compared trans. AMEiUCAS, NEW YORK, N. Manchester, Conn. ing him with being ,a fugitive with 360 in the old complex. munists, they said, while eight - Oraclous Apartment 55 EA5T CENTER 5TREET ABIEBIOAS, NEW YORK, N.T. fuU baths, trees, large lot, central vacuum system, Leo­ P.S. Please note the addition at from justice in West Spring- There’s more pleasure in owning your home when Y. 10036. $23,000. PhUbrlck Agency, The hospital was established Americans were killed and 24 U vlM in Lovdy Manchester 10686. nard Agency, Realtors, 646- tH) end of this notice. A new field, Mass. wounded. DELUXE TOVm HOUSES it can be run smoothly. Let us show you houses that Print Name, Address with Print Name, Address with Realtors, 649-5847. In 1850 by the Sisters of Mercy BOURNE BUIGK are easy to maintain! 546^0131 0460. State of Connecticut Election At Moderate Prices Zip Code, Style Number and Zip Code and Style Number. Delorge Is wanted In Spring- in a frame building along the "The House of Rental Agent Send 50c today for your copy MANCHESTER — 8 room stone 'VERNON — 4 bedroom Co­ Law now allows ^ e Regis­ field for breaking and entering Lake Michigan diorellne and LIGHTHOUSE 208 FEET TAIJ. Oustomer SotlMaotloii” Size. trars of Voters to kccept ap- J. D. REALTY Get a head start on up-to-the of the '67 FaU & Winter Album! Cape. Two car garage, 2 Are-, lonial, 1% baths, fireplace, In the daytime with intent to has occupied five locations since NAGS HEAD, N. C.—The tall­ MG-4S71 ' pllcaVws for the admission MS-SISO • GAS-8779 minute styling with the new Fall It has free directions in cro­ places. Deadend Street. Only buUt-lns, family room off kitch­ commit a felony and larceny. then. Parts of the .soon-to-be- est lighthouse In the United .of electors also at the Enroll­ and Winter *67 Issue of Basic cheted tatn/'^and bothroom ac­ $22,500. Pasek, Realtors, MLS, en, walk-out basement, $26,000. The alleged Incident took place razed structure date back to States is 97-year-old Hatteras ment Sessions. 1869. Fashion. Ohly 00 cento a copy. cessory sejf. 289-7476, 649-0985. Holcombe, Realtors, 644-1285. on or about Aug. 19, police said. Light, at 208 feet.

1 TWENTY FRIDAY, JANUARY 5, 1908 iUanrljPBtfr Eopnitig E^raUi Avmuce DuUy Net Preoi Rin For H m Week Ended The leather The church council of Second Members of St. James IMy Deoember SS, 1M7 Ohanoe o f mow toniglit. Low mi Town Congregational Church will meet Name Society will meet tonight 5 to 10.' Tomorrow clesrtng, Monday at 8 p.m. at the church. cut 7:80 at the Jerfm F. Tkemey windy. TempenatuTB ki t««ns. ‘ official board of South Funeral Home, 210 W. Center 1 5 ,5 6 3 MaUiodiat Church will meet The executive board of the St., to pay respects to the late Manche$ter-~4 City of Village Charm Monday at 7:80 p.m. at the Women's Auxiliary of Manches­ Mrs. Arthur C. England, whose 985 MAIN STREET IN DOWNTOWN MANCHESTER - TEL, 648-6171 - OPEN 9 A.M. TO church. ter Memorial Hospital will meet 'husband is a memiber o f the 6:80 PM. - CLOBBID MONDAYS - MUSIC STORES: 17 OAK ST., MAJTOHBS’lW - 241 VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 81 (TWELVE PAGES—TV SECTION) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JANUARY 6, 1968 (OhMelfled AdvorUelag on Fnge 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS society. ASYLUM ST., HARTFORD (822-7201) W A TKINS-WEST FUNERAL SERVICE - 142 Monday at 1 p.m. at Chapman EAST CBINTER STREET - T E L 649-7198 The November to Kaster Con­ House. firmation Series for young peo­ The Grade 7 Methodist Youth ple at St. Mary’s Episcopal Owpman Court, Order o t Fellowship of l^ t h Methodist Church will be held Monday at Amaranth, will have a setnf- Church will nv^t tonight at 7 8:80 p.m. In the WilUams Build­ pubHc hiataBajtlQn o f officers to- al the church. ing of the church. nuHTOw at 8 pm. at the Ma­ Reds Overrun sonic Temple. Jehovah’s Witnesses will have The Women's Auxiliary o ' a theocratic ministry school to­ Manchester ICdget and Pony The Loyal Circle of Kings night at 7:30 at Kingdom HaU OF MANCHESTER Pootballi Association will meet Daughters will meet Monday at and a service meeting at 8:8S. Viet Village Monday at 8 p.m. at the home 7:16 p.m. at the Fellowship of Mrs. Bradley Parliman, 80 Room of Center Congregational Doane St. The Men's Club of the Sal­ Church. vation Army will have a busi­ SAIGON (AP) — Oommunlat forcea killed 19 Oommunlste. ness meeting Monday at 7 p.m. troopers overran a vlUaga six One wounded Red prisoner in the Junior Chapel of the cl tar miles from the big U.S. sir bane told U.S. Interrogators the at­ del. Refreshments will be serv­ Saxe photo at Bian Hoa today and held It tacking force was a North Viet­ HI KATHY — HAPPY NEW YEAR, DEAR! ed. for five hours in an attempt to namese battalion that Infiltrated Kiwanis Speaker the country In September. AT PERO'S — FRESH IfROM THE COOLERS: score a propaganda victory. The 1 U.S. Command reported the loss U.S. advisers at Tan Uyen Macs, Cortland, Red Dellclou^ Golden Delicious, Russets, Manchester Veterans Council 'PhUip J. dHOorcla, architect, will meet Monday at 8 p.m. at o f 390R W. M'kMle Tpke. will of four more Jete over North said the Oommunlste shot and Baldwins, Bose Pears, Fresh EmUvb, ^pinacK Beets, Fiyr- Vietnam, boosting the number the Marine Corps League home. speak Tuesday noon at a meet­ killed the village chief and a Ing Peppers, Hot Peppers, Parsnips, Gteen Squash, Cukes > of combat loaaea In the war to Brussel Sprouts, Red ft Green Cabbage, Cranberries, Yams ing of the Kiwanis Club of member of the pivvlnclal coun­ L. A - Z - B more than 1,0(X> aircraft. cil. They said the aim of the at­ Sweet Potatoes, Purple Top Turnips, Yellow Globe Tur The Men's Club of North Manchester pt the Manchester nips, Chinese Cabbage, Red Onions, Fresh Strawberries Country d u b . Hia topic is “Fu­ U.S. forcea drove the enemy tack, In which a new market Watermelons, Spanish Melons, Red, White, Blue Grapes Methodist Church will have its ) out of the village of Tan Uyen, place was destroyed, was to annual Children’s Night pro­ ture of American Cities." Comice, Bose and D’anjou Pears, Limes, Imported Chest A native of Hartfoid, dl- 23 mllea north of Saigon, at the hoist the Viet Cong flag on the nuts. Pink ft White Grapefruit, California Navel Oranges gram Monday at 8 p.m. at the break of dawn but the Oommu- district headquarters and photo­ Temple Oranges, Tangerines, Cumquats, Fresh 40lder, church. The program will Oorda received a bachelor of RECLIN A-ROCKER* arts, bachelor of architect end ) nlats had burned down 11 graph it in daylight. Another Pomegranates, Pineapples, Fresh Dates and Nuts. feature films of Hawaii. Re­ homes, killed aix civUlana and aim, they added, wais to make a freshments will be served. master of arts degrees from FRESH STRAW BERRIES...... bskt 4 5 * Yale University. He served eight government aoldlera. Elev­ show of seizing a village so en clvlliana and 86 soldiers were close to a big American Installa­ EMPEROR G R A P E S ...... 2 lbs. » g * five years in the UjS. Army > o f the Ladles o f St. in Australia, Burma, New wounded. Counterattacking tion. MAC A PPLE S...... 16 qt. bskt. S l ^ S will meet txxnlght at 7:45 NAVEL ORANGES...... doS. T ft* Guinea and the Philtppines, and In Saigon the U.S. Command ot tlhe John F. Tierney Fufieiral announced the four U.S. Jets ROYAL OR SEALTEST ICE CREAM Yj gal. reoeiived the Silver Star, Bronze Home, 219 W. Center St., to Star, Purple Heart and clusters. Humphrey at Meeting were riiot down in heavy raids COMPLETE LINE OF SUNDAY PAPERS! recite the Roeairy for the late Projects he has been af- on the North Friday. Some of o Also Complete Line ot SEALTEST Dairy Products o Mrs. Arthur C. Engicoud, a mem­ flliiated with in Manchester are the attacks were 'wlthln 10 miles ber. They ■will also meet tomor­ the Manchester Shof>ping I^ark- of Red China. row at 9:16 am . at St. James’ ade, Mott’s, branch banks at > Ethiopia This brought the losses In the "TH E KINO Churoh to attend her fiuieml. the Parkade and at W. Middle war to 1,003 combat planes: 788 OF Tpke., Pioneer Aerodynamic’s over the North and 220 in the The Edith Strickland Group plant and the new plant of the Students South. The figures do not In­ PRODUCE!" of Second Congregational Dean Machine Co. clude what the command calls 876PERO OAKLAND STREET, MANCHESTER Church will meet Tuesday at 8 "operation losses" — that is, 648-6384 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Edgar losses not directly attributed to BarracUffe, 98 W. Middle Tpke. Keith Re-elected Protest enemy action, such as engine ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia failures or pilot error. To Head MRA (AP) . f About 300 university Headquarters said two Air Everett T. Keith, president of students hanged President John­ Force F106 Thunderchlefs were Keith’s Furniture, was re-elect­ son in effigy today and chanted lost on strikes In the heavily de­ ed this week as chairman of anti- American slogans while fended northeast quadrant of CSiaplain Sloane C offin Dr. Benjamin Spock the Manchester Redevelopment North Vietnam. The targets in­ waiting for Vice President Hu­ Agency. W cluded Kep air field, a rail line bert H. Humphrey to come and At the organizational meeting talk to them. and the Lang Son bridge Just held Tuesday, Harlan D. Taylor nine miles below the Red was re-elected vice chairman, Stamping Out the Nickel The students carried dozens of Chinese border. Two Na'vy F4 Dr. Spock, Yale Chaplain and Edward J. Sweeney was re­ signs assailing the U.S. role in Skyhawks were shot down in Today is the last day a five cent stamp will get a letter mailed in the U.S. Be­ Vietnam, such as "Americans elected treasurer. ginning at midnight a letter mailed domestically will cost six cents. Artist strikes farther south. All four The Manchester Redevelop­ hands are red with the blood of pilots were reported as missing ment Agency is charged with Len Poznanski caricatures those who w ill get their last minute mailing done VietnSmese children.” in action. Are Among Five Indicted planning and developing govem- for a penny cheaper. (AP Photofax) Humphrey, delayed by a iwo- Strikes Friday concentrated ment«upported renewed pro­ hour meeting with Emperor on North Vietnam’s rail links to Haile Selassie, canceled plans to BOSTON (AP) — Dr. Benja­ and if this trial will further my Arlington Street Church in Bos- grams In town. Edward J. Ryb- Red China. No mention was efforts to stop it, so much th5 ton in which draft reslsters al- ezyk, former town planner. Is address the students. This made of raids on Hanoi or the min Sixxik, Yale Unliversjty At Texas Ranch caused one student leader to better,” Spock said. legedly burned their draft cards the executive director, of the key port of Haiphong. Chaplain William Sloane Coffin Also indicted with Spock and at the church altar during a pro- agency and continues to serve say: "We are very disappointed The State Department, mean­ the vice president is not coming. Jr., and three other opponents the New Haven, Conn., chaplain test ceremony, in this capacity. while, tentatively apolo^ed to of U.S. policy in Vietnam have were Marcus Raskin, 23, of —A demonstraUon in Wash- We had no intention of making a Moscow after the Soviet Union LBJ, Israel Head to Meet violent demonstration. We just been indicted on charges of con­ Washlngton, D.C., codirector of Ington last Oct. 20 at which re- charged that an American de­ spiring to counsel young men to the Institute for Policy Studies; slstance to the draft was urged wanted him to know how we layed action bomb had disabled SAN FRANCISCO, Tex. (AP) Eshkol conferred in New York mouthed coverage,” is the way felt.” avoid the draft. Mitchell Goodman, 44, an au- as the protesters collected Se- 6ty)« 718 a Soviet freighter Thursday at thor from New York City and lectlve Service documents that FoTMast — — President Johnson shifted Friday with U.N. Secretary- one aide put it. Humphrey went to the oucU- "I have no qualms about Haiphong. But It said on the ba­ later were left at the Depart­ General U Thant. Johnson and Eshkol may is- *^® emperor after a going to Jail,” Spock, the 64- Temple, Maine; and Michael from budget work today to Mld- sis of information available so year-old author of numerous Ferber, 23, of Boston, a gradu­ ment of Justice building. .11^ Knowing theUIO UliaiTO, interest Ul of theUlO BUO sue H a JOUll.Joint HCWBnews rBlCOSerelease OIlBr-after- I""---- '“•Jo*'■*...... address in which...... he said far it could neither affirm nor MORE SNOWI die EMt problems, p r e p ^ g for ^ ^ nothing as fomud as JolmTOn’s ^ n ^ ls tra - books on baby care, said at a ate student at Harvard Univer­ —Distribution by Spock and rule out thfl charge. an Informal, private and low-key tion refuses to retreat before the news conference in his New sity. Coffin in New York City last Au­ i-#- * 1 « United States In peace In our a Joint communique. On the ground, a wave of ranch 'visit Sunday and Monday "new Isolationism” caused by York City apartment after a Raskin was a White House gust of a statement titled “ A area, I fervenUy hope that my mahirM i* due at the LBJ Commtinist assaults on U.S. Call to Resist Illegitimate Au­ The Reclina-Rocker is certain to be the most with Israeli Prime Minister visit may advance Oils cause,” congressional cuts In U.S. for­ federal grand Jury returned the aide for a time in the Kennedy SAT. ONLY! available at substantial savings in the three Ranch about 5 p.m. EST Sunday units and Vietnamese outposts thority." Levi Eshkol. eign aid. Indictments in Boston Friday. administration in the office of sought after chair in your home. It will pamper he said. and is acheduled to leave there resulted in 31 persons killed and —-A press conference in New styles shown. Now, you can own the world's Peace in the troubled Middle The 'Vice president said the "This trial will better drama­ McGeorge Bundy, special as­ your family with a new kind of comfort, no U.S. officials have made it Monday around 8 p.m. EST. York City last October where most imitated reclining chair . . . a genuine East was reported to be the administration wilt take its case (See Page Eleven) tize the illegal and immoral war sistant to the president for na­ known there Is little of substan­ A delegation of three San An­ for more foreign aid directly to tional security affairs. Coffin, Goodman and Spock al­ matter what their mood . . . rocking . . . TV prime topic on the agenda for tive nature expected to come LA-Z-BOY that is backed by a Lifetime tonio rabbis, leaders of the Jew­ the American people. None was arrested. The FBI legedly told of their opposition viewing. . . lounging . . . or full bed reclining. the two leaders. out of the talks, little public ac- ish Social Service Federation, Humphrey’s speech was pre- said the five would be ordered to the war and encouraged Warranty* at this fabulous Eskhkol will be at the ranch ti'vity Involved and probably no During this limited “ Factory Authorized” and Israeli fund raising groups pared for a Joint meeting of the to appear In federal court at only about 22 hours, according chance for the press to see Esh­ (See Page Twelve) sale, the famous La-Z-Boy Reclina-Rocker is Organization of African Unity Boston for arraig^nment. Ihat mOFFANDMORG sale price . . . Specially Priced X to the schedule. But there will kol at the ranch. “ Real close- (See Page Twelve) Transplant Patient be no time spent on ceremo­ and the U.N. Economic Com­ date has not been set. nials. mission for Africa. Con'vlctlon of conspiracy to on all MEN'S The Israeli Embassy has sent More than 500' delegates and violate the Slectlve Service Act WHY DO THE WORK officials from virtually every in­ word to leaders of the Jewish In Cheerful Mood carries a maximum penalty up, 1968 Debut community In San Antonio that dependent African country ex­ to five years in prison and a OF 10 MEN WITH there will be little time for them cept those ruled by white minor­ $10,000 fine. Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Vote Analysis Shows ities were on hand for the meet­ CAPE TOWN, South Africa ence he now wants to perform to meet Eshkol when he and his Hershey, director of the Selec­ ing. (AP) — Dr. Philip Blaiberg was an operation on an African suf­ For Stocks wife arrive at Randolph Air tive Service system, said he OHEOFWESE... Humphrey also reiterated the reported in satisfactory condi­ fering from a disease that af­ SUITS and 10-DAY Force Base here Sunday at 4:20 tion and cheerful today after his fects only the heart and leaves takes "no pleasure in seeing an­ Absent Congressmen United States’ condemnation of p.m. EST. It was explained offi­ ybody get indicted,” but said Optimistic minority rule. heart transplant operation. The the rest of the body free of com­ cials do not wsmt to slow the head of the operating team said plications usually found in the action. Initiated by the Jus­ WASHINGTON (AP) — WhUe and other personal consldera- The vice president said the By ED MORSE FACTORY prime minister’s Journey to the he now wants to do a heart whites. Africans are segregated tice Department, was necessary memibers of (Congress point to tions. United States has done much to AP Business Writer SPORT COATS LBJ Ranch, 75 miles north of transplant on an African. in white-ruled South Africa. because "if they are not guilty the long 1967 session as evi­ In some cases, members at help the social and economic de­ they ought to get a chance to here. On the fifth day with his new 'Hiia progTiesHiive disease, AUTHORIZED dence their Jobs have become committee meetings do not re­ velopment of African nations, show it and if they are, t h e ^ NEW YORK (AP)—The stock The San Antonio Chamber of heart, the 68-year-oId dentist is cardiac myopathy, is mostly full-time, some do fail to show spond to roll calls because they but still has not done enough. ought to be punished.” market made i'ts 1968 debut tin Commerce was dissuaded, too, up when the voting chips are "enjoying life better now than found in Africans and is respon­ consider the immediate commit­ "Both the President and I The indictments listed 11 ov­ a confused but optimistic note, from dawdling any special wel­ down. before the operation," Dr. sible for a high percentage of tee business* more Important deeply regret that our requests ert acts as a basis for the - SUITS - come fo?''Eshkol and his wife, An average of 63 representa­ and are aware their 'votes will for foreign assistance have been Christiaan N. Barnard said. African heart fatalities, he said. part of the list rising on hopes charges allegedly ha'ving taken Miriam. However, the air base "Even if he only lives for days, One of the advantages of of Vietnam peace and another tives and 18 senators did not not affect the outcome on the reduced this year,” he said, place during four events. The . has a large population of its own answer to their names on the floor. “ We do not intend to retreat he's had that. We’ve given him doing a heart transplant in part falling because of Presi­ SALE that can produce a sizeable something.’^ events: many separate roll calls dent Johnson’s proposals for n>g> —A meeting last Oct. 16 at the » 5 . ...WHENTHISWILL crowd fo r special visitors. throughout the year, an analysis (See Page Five) (See Page Twelve) * Barnard told a news confer­ (See Page Twelve) correettog the natfon’s 'worseii- *6 8 Johnso^ aides iMdd the main of the votes shows. Ing balance of payments. NOW purpoee of the meeting was a In the final six weeks of the As the week ended, enough DO IT FOR YOU! discussion of Middle Eaat marathon session, which ended investors were betting on Viet­ peace. But a wide range of top­ Dec. 16, the non-voting average nam peace so that many peace- Come in today . . . and try the incomparable ics are expected to come up, in­ rose to 67 r^fesehtatlves and 23 oriented stocks such as utilities, R6fr comfort and beautiful styling of these La-Z- cluding water dqisalting projects senators. finance companies, papers, pub­ Boy Reclina-Rockers. They feature La-Z-Boy’s and Israel’s request for Ameri Congressional absenteeism of- lishing companies and others $79JIS can Jet fighter planes to offset iten I'esuHs from situations far made dramatic gains. »6 3 patented Comfort Selector, that provides a So'viet arms supplies to Arab miliar to all workers—Illness or This followed equally sharp NOW ~ built-in leg rest that can be stopped at three naUone. death in the family, graduations declines by airlines because of comfort positions with or without reclining the the President’s proposals for curbing U.S. tourism In Europe chair. In the .three styles shown you have a and by gold mining stocks be­ u choice of beautiful colors and fabrics. Warns of Another Riot cause of his avowed determi­ Reg. nation to uphold the strength $65«MIS of the dollar. *5 2 A surprising highlight of the NOW ~ Detroit Negro Head week’s trading was a 4-point Specially Priced spurt by badly battered Ameri­ Stylt 729 can Telephone. AT&T would shape up much better as an n s 9 Rejects Ford Crant Investment If a drop in military TORO spending resulted in lower in­ By GENE 8CHROEDER ranging from murder to arson terest rates and made its high Associated Press Writer to looting. Property damage ran dividend rate proportionately at­ SPORT COATS Comes To Tfyo DETROIT (AP) — A proposed into the hundreds of millions of tractive. E. F. Hutton & Co. at the X RESCUE! $100,000 Ford Foundation grant dollars. has been rejected by a militant Cleage, who preaches separat­ week’s end named these as the LA-Z-BO "positive aspects of a peace Reg. Como In and Get Negro leader with a warning ism, said there will be another $15.00 that Detroit may face another riot if white leaders fall to allow settlement.:’’ Easier money, /TUfcitamAni $22.50 NOW Our morLOW Pricos! devastating riot in the summer. the black community to run its lower Interest rates, withdrawal WARRANTY The money was turned down own affairs. of the proposed tax increase, by the Rev. Albert Cleage, a "If the white community is in­ better control of inflatloq, im­ proved balance of payments and *At any time, La-Z-Boy's factory wilt re­ Black Power advocate who telligent enough to transfer pow­ heads the Federation for Self- er to the black community so withdrawal of possible restrlc- Reg. pair or, at its option, replace its reclin­ Determination, a group establ­ $ ^ Q . 8 S ^VwlWlllw Mama ing mechanism or any part thereof that self-determination can be a (Bee Page Eleven) NOW ished to help rebuild Detroit’s reality, then there will be no ne­ S 2 7 M without charge, except any costs of Negro community. cessity for a rebellion,” he de­ packing and shipping. Cleage told newsmen Friday clared. ^ that the offer of $100,000 in "But if the,white community Smart Enough matching funds had - too many does not do that,' thera will be MAVLOMrS strings attached. The offer was another rebellion. That will not MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP)— Reg. made through the New Detroit be my fault, that will be your- County penal fann crildals FIRST for EVERY- Specially Priced Committee a blue rlbton group NOW 5350 0 fault.” wanted to find out how onart $45.00 appointed by QoV. George Rom­ THING SINCE 1911! Dual grants of $100,000 each one ot their piiaoners 'was and ney and Mayor Jerome Cavan- were offered to Cleage’s federa­ he prcmptly stiowed them. Downtown Main Street 9 agh, to coordinate rehabilitation n s tion and another Negro group, They sent Paul Vasquez, 18. MANCHESTER efforts following last summer’s stylt: the Detroit Council of Organiza­ to the Board of Educaiticn oif- costly riot'. tions, which advocates an inte­ fibee SVlday to take an eipti- OPEN 6 DAYS The riot, worst in modern grated approach to the city’s Cut at Long Hair tude teat. While there, he es­ American history, resulted in 48 problems. < caped. ALTERATION AT THESE LOW PRICES! Thursday tiH 9 P.M. deaths, hundreds of injuries and thousands of arrests on charges (Bee Page Five) Lady Bir