Mapother's Duplex Safety Gun Lock. Compound Chair For
---- ------------------- --------------------- A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF PR.ACTICAL INFORMATION, ART, SCIENCE, MECHANICS, CHEMISTRY� AND MANUFACTURES. Vol. XXVIII.--NO.15. ] NEW YORK, APRIL 12, 1873. [$3 per Annum. [NEW SERIES.] IN ADVANCE. IMPROVED DUPLEX SAFETY GUN LOCK. being no guards, and the recoil cannot bruise the middle be withdrawn and the fastening plate may be driven up, that We give herewith an engraving of a duplex safety gun finger, whichis often the case on frequent firing. As long as is, in the direction from right to left in our engraving. 'fhe lock, patented January 28, 1873, by Dillon H. Mapother, of the lower trigger is locked, the gun, though it may be cocked, hold of the chair upon the rails will thu� be tightened. On Louisville, Ky., which, it is claimed, renders the use of fire cannot be discharged ; to withdraw the bolt requires an replacing the spike, it will engage with a new notch. arms perfectly safe to the user. It presents a new principle, exercise of will, an evidence of intention. These locks Another arrangement of partR, huving the same effect,con in that no single mechanical force will change the lock from but slightly increase the weight of the gun. A double sists in making the notches at the but.t extremity of the a state of rest to one of motion ; two forces have to be si barreled shot gun (30 inch barrels of No. 15 bore) to which plate, B, and, instead of the spike, E. substituting a square multaneously exerted, one of which is involuntarily given they have been applied, weighs but seven pounds ; and the headed bolt, headed into the end of the plate, A, at C.
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