
The Congress of 1814 – 1815

• Organized by Metternich to create a balance of power, preserve peace, and prevent imperialism. Five superpowers organized the conference: (represented by Czar Alexander I), (Prince Hardenberg), England (Lord Castlereagh and Wellesley Duke of Wellington), (Talleyrand), and Austria (Metternich); the less powerful nations formed alliances. Talleyrand was a hero for France, keeping a little status for France despite the desire by the other nations to punish France for the destruction it had caused.

• Actions taken:

o France returned territories taken over by o Holland/ formed out of two smaller Dutch Republics o and merged o became neutral o Russia dominates Finland and o Prussia takes over and other Germanic principalities o Austria expanded o England gains colonies and maritime power o France restored to the legitimate government of the Bourbons o Spain organized under Ferdinand o Slave trade outlawed

• The “balance of power” among the superpowers prevented any of them from imperialist domination. For example, a bid by Prussia and Russia to absorb Poland and Saxony between the two of them was vetoed by England, France, and Austria; it would have made Prussia and Russia much too powerful.

• Reacting to 25 years of violence, and hoping to prevent a repeat, they had to combat the attitudes of the . Humans and society are not perfectible, and sudden change is harmful. One had to respect tradition, because it represents the accumulated wisdom of reason and experience, and to be cautious when making changes. Stable governments change slowly over time to adapt to new circumstances, but do not make sudden revolutionary changes. Reacting to the Congress, disagreeing with it, and they were Mill’s Liberals, the Nationalists, and the Communist/Socialists.