by Jose Arroyo

Mount Royal is being produced by Alliance En ­ WHOOPTIES tertainment Corporation," association with the CANAMEDIA CTV Tel eviS ion Network, Societe Radi o-Cana­ Last two episodes in a series of four prime-time he following is a list of films in production (actually before cameras) da , Rogers Telecommunication s and SFP PRODUCTIONS LTO. '12 hour family dramas . Based upon the slage and In negoliatlon In . Needless to say, the films which are iFrance ), with the partiCipation of Telefilm Cana­ plays of Calgary writers Hal Kerbes and Heather (41 6) 591-661 2 MitGheli. Production begins in Oct. exec. p. Brian still in t~e project stage are subject to changes. A third categorY,ln da. Princi pal photography on the two-h our pilot T Vos pJd. Floyd Lan sing p. des. Bruce Sinski began Aug. 25, with shooting on 15 one-hour AVIATION IN THE NORTH Pre-.Productlon, will be used to indicate films which are in active pre-pro­ light. dir. Sid Bailey post prod. Dave Oberg. duction , having set a date for the beginning of principal photography and episode s to follow . exec. p.l creator Robe rt Lan­ One hour Docu mental'\' special. p. Le s Harr is tos I.p. Emile Genesl, Patrick Bauchau. Dominic being engaged in casting and crewing . Films are listed by the name of the Blythe. Cath erine Colvey, Jonath an Cromb ie, CHAMPLAIN company which initiated the project, or with which the project is popularly Gu ylalne SI. Onge . Monlque Mercure. Pierre CANNELL FILMS OF associated. This IS not necessarily the name of the production company. Kohl. CANADA LTD. PRODUCTIONS Where the two companies are different. the name of the production co m­ NIGHT HEAT (604) 683-2362 Production Office (604) (514) 273-2865 pany, if known , is also given . In instances where a producer has asked us Weekly teleVision series produced in association 734-2362. not to list a project, or to withhold certain credits due to ongoing negotiations, THE NEW CHAIN REACTION. With Grossol Jacobson Productions for CTV an d TV game show. p. Susan Hu" d. LUCien Albert we have respected his/her request . The guide only lists productions or series CBS. Shooting on location in , ass!. d. Carol Saba. Will wrap in mid-December. whose duration will be one hour or over. sup . p. Stephen J. Roth , And ras Hamori exec. p. TV series. 13 episodes. exec . p. Patrick Has­ Please telephone additions and up-dates information to : Sonny Grosso. Larry Jacobson p. Jeff King exec. burgh p. Bill Nuss , Steve Beers assoc. p. Joan In ch. of p. Mimi Bohbot exec. story ed. Bob Carson, Jimmy Glritlian d. various prod . man. CINE-GROUPE INC. Cinema Canada (416) 596-6829 or (514) 272-5354 Carney d. Mario Azzopardi, Rene Bonniere. Mary Guilgoyle prod. co-ord. Penn y Gibbs loc. George Mendeluk, Jorge Mon te si. Tim Bond man. Dean Stoker. Ian Overend art d. MicMel (514) 524-7567 FILM CREDIT ABBREVIATIONS d.o_p. Malcolm Cross casting Clare Wal ker Nemirsky pUb. Cind y Hauser (L.A .) casting d. BINO FABULEt d. director asst. d. assistant director s.c. script adapt. adaptation dial. dialogue ph.ldop. pub. Bi ll Vlgars , Karen Pidgurski 1.p. Scott Hy­ Lynne Carrow 1.p. . Peter Deluise, A 90-minute 3-D animation shooting in Montreal photography sp. ph. etx. special photographic effects ed. editor sup. ed. supervising editor lands, Allan Royal. JeHWi nco", Su san Hogan. Holly Robinson, Du stin Nguyen, Steven Will­ to May 31 , 1987 and from May 15 to Sept. 15 '87 sd. sound sd. ed. sound editor sd. ree. sound recording p. des. production designer art. d. Sean McCann , Deborah Grover. Stephen Men· iams. Shooting from July 14 to Nov. 24. in Europe . CanadalBelgium co- production d. art director set dee. set decorator m. music cost. costumes I.p. leading players exec. p. del , Eugene Clark . Laura Robinson, Tony WISEGUY Rejeanne Taill on co-France. Canad a. th e USA, Portugal , Spain, Hun­ land , David Cole I.p. Sonia Smits. Eri CPe terson. ADDERLY ATLANTIS gary , Au stria, Italy. Japan, Mexico and England . C. David John son , Mark Sau nders. Marl a Will wrap in February. exec . Pi Claude Heroux. ALBERT PRODUCTIONS 22 x H our shows shooting until January in To­ (4 16) 462-0246 Ricossa. See Issue No. 140 for complete credits. ronto. An adventure! comedy about an Intelli­ Jean-Damel Verhaeghe assoc. p. Roger INC. gence ag ent with a disabil ity. Wee kly te leVision COWBOYSDON 'T CRY Heroux , Philippe All aire d. Nardo Castillo. Jac­ series produced with Onon TeleviSion Pictures Atlantis beg an shooting the fe ature·length drama · CFCF ques Ertaud sc. Robert Geoffrion. Bondfield (204) 661-2483 Aug. l Oon location III Alberta. Filmin g on the Marcoux. Sylvain Saada, Ri chard Malbequi . The for CBS and Global TeleVision Netwo rks , exec. (514) 273-6311 EINSTEIN TONIGHT p. Robert Cooper, Jerry Golod p. Jonathan Hac­ co ntemporary dram a con tinued through Sept, 9 $t 3 mi llion senes wi ll be shot in both French and One-hour drama by Gabriel Emanue l. In produc­ ke" d. George Bloomfield. Tim Bond . Don in and around Edmonton In Plncher Creek. exec. THE ACHIEVERS English. A Canada-France co-producllOn pro­ tion with the participation of TV Ontario. Telefilm McBrearty , Bruce Pittman d.c.p. Bob Fresco p. Peter Sussm an p. Jamce Platt d.lsc. Anne Profiles of people well known or unknown . TV duced by Comm unications Claude Heroux and Canada. Film Manitoba, and CBC Winnipeg. A pub. Karen G. Pidgurs ki . Theresa Burke 1. p. Wheel er. lIne p. Arvi Lllmatainen prod. man. series . p. Zsolt Patakialvi ass!. p. Lu ba Vam p Productions. pub. Lise Dandurand , Pas­ co-production between CambiumF ilma nd Video Wins:on Re kert . Jonathan Welsh, DiXie Seatl e. Tom Dent-Cox d.o.p. Brina Hebb C.S.C. pic\, Danylewick . cale Hebe rt , Communipresse (5 14) 522-1813. Productions and Dueck Film Productions. Win· Ken Pogue. ed. Peter Svab art d. John Blacki e m. Louis nipeg. Shooting on location in Wl nmpeg from Natale set dresser Ted Ku chera cost. des. Ji ll TODAY'SMAGAZINE Oct. 4 - 16th. exec. p. Bruce Glawson , Arn ie DIAMONDS Concannen sd. mix Garte ll Clark loc. man. Mur­ TV series p. Carmen Bourquesez COSCIENT INC. Zipurs ky p. David Dueck. Toni Dueck assoc p. A fast-paced, light mystery-ad venture series. ray Ord prod. co-ord Merrt Toth head wrangler (514) 284-2525 Principal photography on the 13 one-hour John Dod ds stu nt co-ord Merri Toth head McKENTY C h a~e s Zamaria d. Arnie Zipursky prod. man. Live TV show p. Dani el Freeman . LES CARNETSDE LOUISE. Connie Bortnick prod. co-ord Marie Fournier episodes beg an July 19 in Toronto. The series is wrang fer John Dodd s stunt co-ord Tom Eirik­ TV senes. 52 shows. Shooting until May 22. asst. prod. man . Saul Henteleff 1st a.d. Jack produced by All iance Entertainment Corporati on son pub. Jeremy Katz stilfs Doug Curran casting 1988 . p. Richard La femere. Laurent Gaudreau Clements 2nd a.d. Owen Smith cont Leslie Os­ in association with Grosso-Jacobson Produc­ Gail Carr (Toronto), Bette Chadwick (Edmon· CFCN TELEVISION tions for CBS and Global Tele VISion Networks ton), Syd Kozak (Vancouve r) dlstrib. Atlantis d.lco-ord. And re Guerard d. Laurier Bonin , wald d.o.p.lan Elkin 1st asst. cam. Frank Raven (4 03) 240-5600 Lou is Faure . 2nd asst. cam. Holly Gregory sd. rec. Leon To be broadcast in the fall . exe c. p. Sonny Te levision International. Ironstar Commun ic a­ Johnson boom Trevor Wiens gaffer Peter Grosso, Larry Jacobson p. Jeff King sup. p. ti ons Inc .l.p. Ron White, Jan et-Lai ne Green . INSIDE THE OLYMPICS Larocque best boy Bryan Sanders key grip Bi ll Stephen J. Roth exec. in ch. of prod. Mim i Zacharay An sl ey. Michael Hogan, Rebecca Jen­ A series of 8';' hour programs that capture all of DON CARMODY Mills asst grip Michael Marshall art d. Ray Bohbot exec. story ed. Phi lip Rosenberg d. kins , Candice Ratcliffe , Thom as Pe acocke , the excitement, act ivity, people and events that Lorenz props! set dress Liz Jarvis, Olaf Dux art George Mendeluk. Rene Bonniere. Jorge Mon­ Thomas HauH, Val Pearson, , Bar­ are shaping the XV Olympic Winter games. Pro­ PRODUCTIONS dept asst. Michael Benson ward. Heather tesi, Tim Bond d.o.p. Miklos Len te casting Clare ney O'Su llivan, Willi am Korbut. duction commenced Jan. 1. t 987 , wrap pi ng Jan. (416)733-4654 Timms make-up! hair Rita Steinmann craft ser­ Walker pub_ Bill Vigars, Karen G. Pidgurskl 1. p. 31, 1988. Currently sold to CFTO. CFRN . CJOH vices Linda Kaminsky prod. asst. Joanne Lus­ Nicholas Campbell, Peggy Smitha rt. Tony and CKY. sup. p. Brian Vos p. Gord Enno d. SMOKE sier-Demers stills Larry Glawson rush sync Rosato. Alan Fieman, Richard Comar, Laurie Gord Enno , Dave Oberg, Ed Gatzke sc. Kathy A Feature film . A Murder myste ry began shooting Cha~es Zamafla loes Jack Clements casting Paton. Reno host Go rd Kelly reporters Ma ri e Hohtanz, Sept. 28th . toni Dueck sc. Gabriel Emanuel marketing MONT ROYAL Ke n Newan s, Russ Peake. Cathy Sproule, Brian Pockar and Jarl Omholt-Jensen. Pamela Keary I.p. Peter Borelski , Jennifer Mal­ A new prime-time weekly Canadian dramatic colm, Lou Kliman, Keith James, Ted Wynn. series . An official Canada-France co-production.

.. . .. , '. ' , . - . •••• ~~a .,.· .36 years e>' exper,erJce •• C~,,~\,\ •• , • • • • • S ~ ada ••• • • THE COMPLETION GUARANTORS Michael Spencer, Presid~nt t • • • •• , a"c'G, ca\'\ ••• ' for features,_ televisionserie~. 100'1, de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Suite 910 ('\\1\ r'" .f\\\1\S...... and internatIonal co-productions . Montreal, H3A 3C8 Telephone: (514) 288~6763 r' . "CeS •••• LES GARANTS D'ACHEVEMENT Toronto (416) 466-2760 pour series de longs metrages r,\,\a ..... t~l.evision , Telex: 055-62276 • •• • • et co-productions in!ernationales

November 1987 - Cinema Canada/45 • c I N E M A G • THE MONTREAL NEW ON LOCATION FILM GROUP INC./ LES 1988, p.!d. Peter Raymont, p.lw. Harold Crooks NOUVELLES CINEASTES FILMLINE p. James Monro prod. man. Barbara Mainguy, p.l second unit d. James Monro d.o.p. Dan MONTREAL INC. INTERNATIONAL Holmberg sd. rec. Catherine Van Der Donck1 (514) 733-2051 (514) 288-5888 loc. man.! In!. Junit Armangol. Produced by In­ vestigative Productions Inc. with the financial BEIDGOODWIN A 55-minute film on Montreal artist Betty BOOKS BETHUNE: THE MAKING OF AHERO' participation of Telefilm Canada, The Ontario Feature film and four-hOur mini-series shooting Film Development Corporation , Channel Four Goodwin, winner of the 1986 Prix Paul-Emile Borduas. d. Tina Horne p. Norma Denys, Nasta­ STAGE & SCREEN on location in China, Canada, and Europe since Television (Great Britain), TVOntario. The Na· ran Dibai. The film is currently in production. The OPEN MONDAY-SATURDAY 11-6 April 13. Will wrap in December, Co-production tional Film Board of Canada, IKON TV (Holland), OUT Of PIIIIT China and Belstar Productions (France). In de­ The Canadian Institute for International Peace prOjected release date for the film is February 17 YORKVILLE AVENUE velopment with the partiCipation of Telefilm Can· and Security, and CUSO. For further information 1988, at the exhibition "Betty Goodwin: Works ada and the CBC. p. Pieter Kroonenburg, contact Peter Raymont, Jim Monro, or Barbara from 1971-1987' at the Montreal Museum of Fine &CURIEIIT Between Yange & Bay 926-8992 Arts. Nicolas Clermont assoc,p. Julie Allan d. Philip Mainguy at (416) 968-7818. (30) Borsos sc. Ted Allan 1st a.d. Pedro Gandol p. man. Sean Ryerson art d. Michel Proulx sd. Pat­ rick Rousseau ed. Yves Langlois prod. co-ord J.A. DAVIES NATIONAL FILM BOARD Jean Gerln I.p. Donald Sutherland, Jane Birkin, PRODUCTIONS INC. (514) 283-9000 -NUMBERS (416)598-0722 pub. Kevin Tierney of David FARWEST Novek Assoc, (5 t4) 284·21 t3. (416) 223-7768 16/35 EDGE CODING AND EDITING SUPPLIES A feature-length documentary, p. Eric Michel d. BAD SOUL Jacques Godbout d.o.p. Jean-Pierre Lachapelle 16/35 SPLICING TAPE - PERF, 35mm TAPE - WHITE LEADER­ This intellectual thriller recounts the ironic meet­ sd. Richard Besse, To be shot in the Summer. BLACK LEADER - PLASTIC LEADER - SOUND-TRACK FILL­ FILMS VISION 4 ing of two men whose only prevIOus encounter, conON GLOVES - FREON - BLACK VELVETS - WEBRIL (514) 844-2855 20 years earlier, resulted in wealth and power for WIPES - SYNC BEEPS - REDDY EDDYS - FILMS RULERS - GASPARD one and miserable poverty for the other. p.d. NELVANA SCRIBES - CORES - MOVIOLA & FLATBED LAMPS - TRIM A theatrical comedy feature presently shooting in Bruno Pischiutta, Shooting begins in Nov. To be (416) 253-5300 BOXES - TRIM 1.0, CARDS - PAPER TAPE - CAMERA TAPE­ distributed by Philip Sellick of Solphin Interna­ Montreal until the end of October d. Fran90is TANDT GAFFER TAPE - PACKING TAPE - TAPE DISPENSERS­ Labonte pub. Kevin Tierney of David Novek tional Film Distribution, (416) 223-7768. 23V2 hour episodes of an action/adventure ACADEMY LEADER - BINDERS - LIGHTED CLIPBOARDS - Assoc, (514) 284-2113. se­ ries shooting in Toronto. exec. p. Patrick Lou­ PAPER - PENCILS - PENS - SHARPIES - GREASE PENCILS - LAURON PRODUCTIONS bert, Michael Hirsh, Clive Sm~h. p. John Ryan d. CODING SHEET PADS - RUBBER BANDS - PAPER CLlPS­ (416) 967-6503 Doug Williams, Allan Kroeker, Allan Goldstein, RAZOR BLADES - REVA BLADES ETC, FOX SQUARE COUNTDOWN TO CALGARY George Mihalka, Vic Sarin, Don Shebib and COAST TO COAST SERVICE PRODUCTIONS Three television specials on location in Calgary, others. sc. Guy Mullally and others I.p. Mr. T, I Toronto, Eastern and Westem Europe for deliv­ Alex Amini , David Nerman, Ken James, Jackie 409 KING STREET WEST, TORONTO, ONT. M5V 1K1 ,(CANADA) INC. ery Nov. '87. The 90 minute special will celebrate Richardson, Rachel Crawfor, Catherine Disher. 1(604) 299-7710 the start of what promises to be one of the most A Nelvana production in association w~h Hal amazing participatory events ever seen in Cana­ Roach Studios and the Global Television BEANS BAXTER Network. The series will air on Global TeleviSion exec. p.l sc.! d. Savage Steve Holland assoc. da. The Olympic Torch Relay has captured the imagination of the Canadian public, Six and a half in Canada, and is sy~dicated by Hal Roach Stu­ p.!prod. man. Matthew O'Connor p. Gig Rac· dios in the U,S. Tribune Entertainment has kauskas prod. co-ord. Jeanie Lamb loc. man. million people applied to carry the Olympic Torch STOCKSHOTS! on the road to Calgary, One half hour "Inspira­ picked up the show for its markets bringing the to­ Nancy Larman art d. E. Clyde Klotz casting d. tional Film' will showcase some of the people tal clearance to date in the U.S. to over 60 '/0, Lynne Carrow I.p. Jonathan Ward, Rick Lenz , pub. Caryn Smith. Film & Video Eleanor Donahue, Shooting from Aug. 24 to Nov, who Will represent us at the Games, and take a 27 in Burnaby B,C. look at the events and the facilities. The other half hour "Legacy Film' will tell the dramatic story of JACK CHISHOLM FILM how Canada celebrated the Winter Games and NORTHERN LIGHTS GEMSTONE the story 01 the Torch Run across Canada exec. MEDIA CORP. PRODUCTIONS LIMITED p. Ronald Lillie and Bill Johnston p. Ronald Lillie, 229 Niagara Street - Toronto, Ca nada M6J 2 L5 PRODUCTIONS WITH Bil l Johnston p. Ch ristina Jennings d.!cam. (604) 684-2888 (416) 366-4933 Henry Less line p. Peggy Shannon sc. Jay THE OUTSIDE CHANCE OF TAMDEM PRODUCTIONS Teitel. Complete range of subjects and news events from 1896, (416) 253-4550 MAXIMILIAN GLICK' Dlstnbutors of National Film Board of Canada TREADING WATER A made-for-TV drama! comedy shooting in Win· stockshots and stock photos; Crawley Films Limited GLORY ENOUGH FOR ALL Feature fi lm which began shooting Sept. 16 in Al­ nlpeg and Portage La Prairie beginning Nov, 2, Film shooting from Ap ril 12 to October 22. p. Gor­ gonquin Park. The $3 million feature film is slated p. Stephen Foster co-poRichard Davis d. Allan and representing many Independent producers don Hinch exec. p. Joseph Green , W. Paterson lor distribution by Norstar Inc, lor fall '88 . p. GOldstein sc. Phil Savath. Wrth development as­ Frons, David Eistein d. Enc tift sc. Graham Ronald Lillie, William Johston sc. Jay Te itel sistance from BCTV. CBC , Winnipeg and Tele­ Woods d.o.p. Nykos Exdemon I,p. R. H, d.o.p. Vic Sarin d. William Johnston exec. p. film Canada. A Northern Lights Media Corp, Thompson , Robert Wl sden , , Ronald Lillie, Peter Simpson . I.p. Denis Forest , Meta Group Production , Michael Psen, Gareth Bennett, Kelly Rowen, LOUIS Tucci, Barclay Hope, Catherine Disher, MAKO FILMS LTD. Marvin Karon, Sean Hewitt, PARAMOUNT (416) 960-3228 (604)291-0457 258 'I\II

November 1987 - Cinema Canada/47 • c I N E M A G • TRAQUINARDS TV Series . 13 x 26 min. co.p. between Via Le ON LOCATION Monde and FR3. p. Dan iel Bertolino, Catherine IN PRE-PRODUCTION Vlau d. RaOul Held , Bruno Carriere, Fran90is Labonle, Claude Alba and others. d.o.p. Belkas­ Claire Garneau head dresser Laval Guy asst velopmenl 01 the book into a major motion pic­ dresser Dominic Girard mlu artist Col leen Quin­ TAFFNER AND sem Baz i. Shooting in Europe and Canada. AL TASEE PRODUCTIONS ture . The screenplay is being written by Nihmey ton hairstylist Constant Natale d.o.p. Karol Ike and Foxman David Novek Assoc. (514) 284- YS LA MAGNIFIQUE, (403) 253-1126 2113. cam op. Daniel Jobin 1st asst cam. Michel ASSOCIATES Animated TV Series. Co-produced with Belokapi Girard 2nd ass!. cam. Harold Arsenau lt gaffer (416) 299·2428 (Belgium) p. Catherine Viau, Nicole Pichon d. ALMIGHTY GOOD MUSIC Michel Paul Belisle best boy No. 1 Marc Himaut Michel Gaulhier animation Atkinson. Shooting 26 music/variety shows planned for network and DOOMSDAY STUDIOS best boy No.2 Christopher Reusing electric CHECK IT OUT until August '88. worldwide distribution. The series will feature up­ trainee Jeff Scott key grip Philippe Palu 2nd TV series shooting from May 7 to Nov. 27 in To­ beat, contemporary Chrisllan, gospel-rock, and LTD. hand-clapping old-lime spiritual music per­ grip Christian Benard grip Gilles Rieupeyroux ronto. p. Ben Gordon, Michael Hadley d. Alan Er­ (613) 230-9769 sound man Michael Charron boom Louis Mar­ hem I.p. Don Adams. Dinah Christie . VICTOR SOLNICKI formed by today 's top-40 record ing artists. p. ion sd. trainee Bruce Dawson driver captain PRODUCTIONS Kenneth Gibson d. Michael Wan hostess SAND AND WATER Suzene Charles. Joe Sanchez driver No.1. James Sanchez (416) 922-3168 A leature lilm set in the British Regency period. driver No. 2 Peter Le Gallais office driver TELE.METROPOLE On location In the United Arab Emirate States. Jimm y Ontos honeywagon John Ellis crah ser· BACK IN THE WOODS (5 14) 526-9251 MAVERICKS A high-frenzy comedy. Plot revolves around Co-production With Ajam Independent Studios. vice Jean Lalonde casting (Montreal) Nadia Shooting in November '87. budget $2 million p.l Joinl venture with Screen Time Productions. 26 drugs, money, a snake , Ihe army and a soda -SIp­ Rona casting (Toronto) Lucinda Sill product ENTRE CHIEN ET LOUP x 1/2 series lor CITY-TV and syndication. It's a d.lsc.led. Ramona Macdonald writer Joan TV Series. 30 min . Wee kly. d. Claude Colbert. ping bear. exec. p. Madeline Hombert sc. placement Michel Roy post prod. mgr Ilaria series of portraits of unusual people exec. p. Vic ­ Smith art d. Katherine Hohensee unit man.! Caerlni asst post prod mgr Peter Measroch ed. Shooting until next year. Marilynn Gainer-Smith . The film will be financed lor Solnicki, Richard Nielsen p. Jim Hanley, by limited partnership inveslmenl and scheduled ass!.d. Howa rd Per ry d.o.p. Antonin Lhotsky Fran90is Gill. Vidal Beique. Jean Beaudoin. pub. L'OR DU TEMPS David Lee. Shooling lor six months. Will wrap al for shooting In lale Aug .! early Sept. on location sd.ed. Ton y Kelleher pub. Don Angel lin. ser· Shona French . David Novek Associates, (5 14) TV Series. 30 min . Weekly. d. Esther Lapointe the end 01 Dec . in Banff, Alberta. vices Michael Harvey. 2842 11 3. Moonlight Flight based on a story by sc. Real Glgu9re. Sh ooling unl il next year. Serita Deborah Stevens I.p. Peter Reckell, THE BRITISH PRIME MINISTER'S Elizabeth Mason. James Bradford , Amanda VIDEO IMPACT EAST LIGHT FILM Strawn The Ta ngerin e Ta xi based on a story by WIFE TERRIFIC FILM INC. PRODUCTIONS INC. A Romantic comedy revolVing around the stufty Lennene Horton I.p. Marsha Colt. Robana PRODUCTIONS INC. (416) 754-2288 (416) 928-3446 bachelor PM of Britain and his head-on hilarious We iss , Steve Marshall, Joan Heney ; In digo Au­ (902) 425-6939 encounter with a midwest American beauty tumn I.p. lisa Schrag , Marc Singe r, Jayne TAKING CARE OF TERRIFIC THE BRAVES queen . Primary shooting in Victoria, B.C. exec. Eastwood . linda O'Dwyer, Mark Walker. The Fealure Film shooting until Oct. 10. d. Sam Purdy Feature-length aclion advenlure film . PrinCipal BLUE ROCKS p.l sc. Madeline Hombert I.p. Suzette Charles. An action adventure feature film to be shol '8 7- 88 second series 01 eight Shades 01 Love ro ­ p. Barbie Lefty. pholography began Oct. 5. Will wrap Nov. 1. d. in Lunenburg p.ld. Les Krizsan prod. man. mances. An Astral Film Enterprises/ L A. House Robert Bouvier exec. p. Peter Wilson p. Robert COrinne Lange assoc. p. Barry Burly story ed. Romances , First Choice Canadian Communica­ Bouvier, Andreas Blackwell sc. Brian Dick, John CAMBIUM FILM AND Tom Gallant sc. Corinne Lange, Les Krizsan. tions Corp. prese ntation 01 a Blackthorn Produc­ VARIETY ARTISTS Gregory assoc. p. Brian Dick d.o.p. Mark Mac· tion with the participation of Telefilm Canada. PRODUCTIONS Kay prod. man. KeVin Ward artd. Peter Ferri 1st VIDEO PRODUCTIONS Ast ral has wo rld distribution righls in all media . a.d. Paul Schultz prod. co·ord Colin MacKenZie HBWITOTH Lorimar Home Video has oblained rights for the (416) 299-2370. asst art d. Craig Williams steadicam op. Julian LTD. U.S. and ce rta in other English-speaking ter­ FRIDAY'S CURSE Chojnacki storyboard Alan Spinney ward Joce­ (416) 964-8750 CO· PRODUCTIONS ritories. Shades of Lo ve is premiering in Canada lyn Senior prod. ass!. Sheenah Andrews make· TV series. 26 shows. Adve ntu re . Shooting until (403) 228·1900 on the First Choice/Superchannel Network. The up Mary Nigro art ass!. David Scon art ass!. THE ERIC NAGLER COME ON next March. p. Ian Patterson d. Harvey Frost, CHCH-TV network has acquired exclusive free Marlbeth Knezev gaffer Craig Richards 2nd a.d. HOLIDAY (NOT JUST A) CONCERT Richard Friedman , Tim Bond. Richard Fruel and CONNECTING (SERIES II) television rights for English Canada to follow pay­ Bert Da Vi dson native consult Duke Redbird others. I.p. LOUise Robey , John Lemay, Chris SPECIAL 26';' hour episodes of a Donahue-style forum for television exhibition . In French Canada, Ihe films casting d. Anne Sketchley acting coach Bill Wiggins. Shooling until May '88. A half hour and 1 hour Conce rt Special to enter­ leenagers. Tentative shooting schedule, early will first be shown on SuperEcran. the French­ White loc. man. clarke Brandham m. comp tain the entire family . Featuring Eric Nagler. prop­ spring '88 . p. Helene B. White , Garry S. Toth. language pay televIsion network, pri or to broad­ Claude Desjardins post·audlo co-ord Paul osed special guests include John Pattison and exec. p. and distib. Bruce Raymond, Raymond cast on a free French-language TV network. VIA LE MONDE INC. Zaza I.p. Billy Merasti , Eric Scweig, Jim Garloo, and other 'name' guest appearances p. International. To ronto. In association with CFCN· (514) 844·2855 Kewakundo dis!. Transcontinental Pictures In­ Bruce Glawson and Arnie Zipursky assoc. p. TV, Calgary. SHORT CIRCUIT II INC. dustries legal acc. - aud. Merv Smith acc. Kirk Charles Zamaria I.p. Eric Nagler marketing! LEGENDES DU MONDE III Barton lawyer Heather Mitchell composp. Allan pub. Pamela M. Keary. TEL' (416) 461·8193 TV Series . 13 shows. docudramas. p.fd. Daniel Booth. A seven -part made- for-TV dramatic series. Ca­ nadian -B ritish co-production shooting in Canada SHORT CIRCUIT II Bertolino d. Raoul Held. Belkacem Bazi. Bruno Carriere. Jorge Faj ardo, Phil Comeau. CINAR FILMS INC. July, August 1988 and shooting in Britain Sep­ Sequel to successful film shooting In Toronto WATSON PRODUCTIONS (5 14 ) 521·20451(416) 443·9200 tember. October 1988. p. Garry S. Toth. Helene from Sept 13. to Dec . 10. p, Davi d Foster, Lawr­ POINTS CHAUDS (4L6) 596-8305 B. White d. Helene B. White sc. Denise Coffey ence Turman d. Ken Johnson sc. Brenl Mad­ TV Series. 6 x 60 minutes. Documentary. A Co­ TIME OF THEIR LIVES: THE DIONNE p. (British) Diverse Productions. With participa­ dock. Steve Wilson. production between Via Ie Monde In . and AFP THE FIRST DREAM OF BECKIE TRAGEDY lion from AMP DC , Telefilm Canada, CFCN Com­ (France) p. Daniel Bertolino , Catherine Viau d. munications, Diverse Productions. WATSON Cinar has bought the rights to John Nihmey and Daniel BertOlino, Damel Creusot. Shooting from Sept. 27 for five weeks. p. Karen Stuart Foxman 's bestselling novel on the quin­ Moore , Grace Gilroy d. Sian Lathon. Will wrap tuplels. Telefil m is presently involved in the de- Nov. 1.


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48/Cinema Canada - November 1987 • c I N E M A G • ch uck sd. George Gorzzc, H, Lacelle, Chuck Evans, LES PRODUCTIONS l'ESPRIT DE FAMlllE IN PRE-PRODUCTION AA contemporary film which finished shooting in KARIM Canada and Ve nezuela October 10. p. Suzanne MIDAS TOUCH Henault , Claude Bonin d. Franeois Labonte sc. With the participation of Telefllm Canada, First (514) 842-1424 Monique Proul x d.o.p. Michel Caron prod. man. LlGHTSCAPE MOTION Choice , Super Ecran. MTN-TV, sc .fp, Phillip COMMUNICATIONS Luc Campeau art d. Jean-Baptiste Tard sd . Jackson d.o_p. Nadine Humenick ed. A. lA CORRIVEAU· (4 16) 966-3661 The story of the young and illiterate Marie­ Dominique Chartrand cost. des. Denis Sper­ PICTURE CO. LTD. La Chance sd. ed . Kiki Sarda m. Claude Boux Josephe Corriveau who was tried and convicted douklis 1st a.d. Ginette Breton ed. Jean-Guy assoc. p. Charles S, Chaplin , Harold Tschipper AIN'T NOTHING BUT A PARTY!· (416) 465-1098 of the murder of six husbands in 1760, Before Montpetit purb. relations Kevin Tierney, David story ed. Dina Liebe rm an I.p. Olga Prohkova. A 90-minute television! videocassette special. she was put to death , she was publicly displayed Novek Associates (514) 284-211 3 1.p. Jacques SHADOW DETAil Len LeMaire. Peter Brikmanis, Dirk McLean , Party was originally produced for the Arts Against Godin, Gaston Lepage, Monique Miller, Monica A suspense! psychological drama to be shot on Apartheid Festival. The show will be produced in in a cage borrowed from a travelling circus. p. Jean Zaloum co-poH elene Verrier d. Gilles Carle Verga, Yves Desgagnes, Julien Poulin. ALes loc, In Quebec, Montreal, St , Pierre et Miquelon , association with Telefilm Canada, OFDC, CBC, Films Vision 4 Production (5 14) 844-2855. budget $400,000, pJ dJ sc. Phillip Jackson MCM PRODS LTD. CITY TV, CFMT. and VTR studios, exec. p. sc. Roger Lemelin I.p. Chloe Ste. Marie. A Can­ assoc. p. Harold Tschipper story ed. Dina Charles Gray, ada-Fran ce co-production slated to begin shoot­ FROZEN IN TIME - THE FRANKLIN (416) 465-1098 ing in the fall with the financial participation of Lieberman , FALLING IN LIKE Telefilm Canada, budget $4 million. pub. David MYSTERY A comedy!suspense feature, p.fd.fsc. p, E, Novek Associates, (5 14) 284-21 13. . An hour-long documentary that follows the STRANGE HORIZONS' NATIONAL FILM legendary Frankl in Expedition of 1845. Tinsel Feature-length sci-fi film, Principal photography Evanch uck ed. Kiki Sarda assoc. p. Phillip Media Productions Ltd . produced in cooperation begins Nov, 16 in Toronto budget $400,000, Jackson, Harold Tschipper cam , Peter Evan - BOARD OF CANADA (514) 283-9000 LES PRODUCTIONS OZ· with Dr. Owen Beattie and investigative reporter (514) 521-1766 John Geiger. Funding assistance from Telefilm CHIZHIK Canada, d. Nick Bakyta sc. Gayle Helfrick d.o.p. A feature-length documentary p. Eric Michel d. KURWENAl Bob Riddell. The production has been sold to Martin Duckwo rth , A theatrical feature based on the novel by Yves CBC Edmonton , CBC 's 'The Nalure of Things', Feature Length Screenplays Navarre p. Roger Frappier, Pierre Gendron d. PBS Nova in the United States, BBC's "The Wide lE~ON DES CHOSES Lea Pool sc. Lea Pool , Marcel Beaulieu . Began World", Rad io Canada, ACCESS Alberta and a A theatrical feature p. Louise Gendron sc. Jac­ in shooting in Sept ember. Japanese video distributor. Cori Films, based in ques Leduc, Michel LanglOis d. Jacques Leduc, London and Los Angeles, is the film's interna­ New production company seeking scripts. tional dislributor. Tinsel Media is the Canadian All types fOr possible production. NORTHLAND PICTURES ROBB MAVINS distributor, Enclose SASE to. (416) 591 -7766 PRODUCTIONS INC. THE GEOLOGY OF ATLANTIC (204)477-6165 AMERICAN DINER CANADA Marshall. Inc. Part of a major four-part television documentary s. Ninety-minute fe ature docu, hosted by artist 2351/2 FORT STREET series by Skerrett Communication Lim ited for the 8033 Sunset Boulevard, # 399 John Baeder, Film takes viewer on a road odys­ A 90 minute pilot for a half hour sitcom series. Atlantic Geoscience Society with financial par­ Los Angeles. California sey throughout New England diner co untry. Film 235'12 Fort Street is the address of a bizarre col­ ticipation from Shell Canada. The Four segments USA Explores evolution of the roadside diner culture lection of urban misfits . The building itself is a include 'The Appalachian Story," 'Mineral 90046 on both sides of the cou nter. In cludes other diner step back in time. An urban co medy wi th ju st a Wealth of Atlantic Canada ," "The Ice Age in At­ artists, historians, TV and feature film cli ps, pJd. hint of sati re . It began start shooting in '87, p.fd. lantic Canada," and 'Offshore Oil and Gas." The Colin Strayer d.o.p. Leo Zourdoumis, For spring, Robb Mavins prod . man. Michael Martin story Appalachian wrapped in Feb, The "Mineral 1988. ed. Deborah McConnell tech. d. Corey Robin­ Wealth of Atlantic Canada" is a co-production son assoc . p. Deborah McConnell I.p. Valerie with and funded by the Department of Energy, NORTHERN LIGHTS Kostiuk, Dale Krowchuk. Mines and Resources Canada with narration by Jay Ingram. A Skerret Communications Ltd. pro­ MEDIA CORP. SDA PRODUCTIONS LTEE duction, (902) 463-8822. (604) 684-2888 (5 14) 866-1761 HOOVER VS THE KENNEDYS: HOCKEYBAT HARRIS lE TEST AMENT DU DR. MOREAU THE SECOND CIVil WAR A television drama co-production with HTV, Eng­ Theatrical Feature, A co-production with Show­ A four-part mini-series which explores the an­ land schedul ed to shoot in the spring of '88 in En­ Off (France) p. Gaston Cousineau d. Francis tagonisms, jealousies and power struggles that gland and Saskatchewan p. Stephen Foster and Leroy, Shoaling between 6 and 8 weeks begin­ separated Bobby and John Kennedy from J. Computer Search, Schedule & Budgets Nicholas Kendall. With development assistance ning next May. Edgar Hoove r, Wrapped in the Toronto area July. Marketing / Promotion Services Ava il. from Telefilm Canada and CBC , exec. p. Paul Saltzman, Daniel Selznick, Joel Glickman d. Michael Oherlihy exec. In ch. Paul Non-Theatrical Production Welcome THE OUTSIDE CHANCE OF Any Genre, Length, or Format TRILLIUM Quigley assoc. p./ prod. man. Barbara Kelly MAXIMILIAN GLICK· business affairs Heather Marshall 1st a.d, Distribution Funding Available A made-for-TV drama/comedy sc heduled to PRODUCTIONS INC. Brian Cook 2nd. a.d. Alison Till 3rd. a.d. Carl FII.MCLIPS DISTRIBUTION shoot in late fall '87 in Manitoba, p. Stephen Fos­ (4 16) 367-2622 Goldstein set p.a. Michael Johnson script sup. ter co.·p. Richard DaviS sc. Phil Savath. With de­ Debra Beers loc. asst. Ann Richardson prod. 508 QUEEN STREET WEST. 3rd Floor TORONTO. ONT. M5V 2B3 velopment assistan ce from BCTV. CBC Win ­ THE WINNER co-ord. Janet Damp prod. sec. Toni Blay office C-(16) 861-1167 nipeg and Te lefilm Canada, A romantic comedy feature fil mbased upon cycle runner Chris Merry asst. to the prod. Alice racing, Shooting to commence in Aug ust on loca­ O'Neill prod. acc. Dorothy Precio us asst. acc, tion in Ha lilax and Toronto. exec.p. Azim Fancy, Roberta Mayer prod. des. David Jaques art d. LES PRODUCTIONS Malik Saeed p.d . Max Shaukat ac. Kim Hams , Ian Brock art dept. trainee Karina Kraenzle set Max Shaukat story consult. Steve Wright.Be­ dec. Joyce Liggett, Don McQueen , Jaro Dick BLEU BLANC ROUGE! LA gins shooting in May 1988. prop. mast David Orin Charles asst. props W.J, GAUCHET Wood construct sup. Ron MacMillan head carp (514) 842-7233 Duncan Campbell scenic art. Guenter Bartlik FRANCONT standby painter Karl Schneider cost des. Patti lE DOSSIER MONTCALM Unger ward sup. Mary McCready cost. Aleida FILM Theatrical feature , p. Suzanne Girard, Raymond MacDonald make-up artist Irene Kent asst. Gravelle sc. Jean Sicotte d.o.p. Andre Gagnon , make-up Marilyn Terry hair Bryan Charboneau NEGATIVE' C UTTING Began shooting in September. d.o.p. David Herrington 1st asst. Tony Guerin 2nd asst. Rick Perotto trainee Manny Danelon video playback Cliff Lopez sd. mi x. Doug Gan­ ton boom Reynald Trudel gaffer Rick Young best boy Michael Galbraith key grip Wayne (416) 360-6400 Goodhild grip Jim Cameron transport co-ord. IN THE CAN Bri an O'Hara driver capt. Bill Jackson head driver Robert Tenagl ia, driver Dann y Mar­ 48 Stewart Street Toronto Ontario M5V 1H6 Le an , Hilary Heath prod. exec. Ke nt Swaim co­ lanovich , Neil Montgomery set dress. driver ASSAULT p. Ken Gord d. Martin Cambell sc. Mark Kasden Clarence Kiril enko contact for pic. vehicles Feature film shot this summ er on location in rural prod. man. DenniS Chapman 1s t a.d. David Noel Hammer ed. Ralph Brunjes, 1st asst ed . Ontario. Non -union thriller exec. p. Don McMil­ Hood d.o.p. Phil Meheux prod . des. Cu rtis Reid Dennison 2nd asst. ed. Kelly Makin cast. lan, George Nibblet p.ld. Robert Bergman w. Schnell cost. des. Gina Kie llerman ed. Christ­ agent Karen Hazzard extras casting Lewis Gerrard Ciccoritti assoc. p. Allan Levi ne coord opher Wimble cast. Elite Casting Pub. relat. Casting unit pub. Laura Gol dstein , (416) 483- Stephane Brailsford , Michele Dodick art d. Andrea Jaffe inc ,; unit pub. David Novek Assoc. 4939 stills Ben Mark Holberg advertlslngl pub­ LONESTAR SUPPORT SERVICES Nicholas White prop mast. Craig Williams set I.p. Gary Oldman , Kevin Bacon, Karen Young. lic relations David Novek and ASSOCiates, (514) design Wendy Robbins. A Firelight Production , Joe Don Baker, Tess Harper, A Northwood Com­ 284-3283 stunt co-ord Branco Racki catering (4 16) 92 :..-t-8::..:9~87...... ______munications Inc, Production, (416) 923 -6701. To and craft servo Ferusato I.p. Jack Warden, • Picture Cars, experienced BLOOD RANSOM be distributed by the Hemdale Corporation , Nicholas Cambell, Robert Pine, Heather Thomas, Robert Anderson , Leland Gantt, Barry • Rolls-Royces, Packards, Ambulance, Hearse, ThiS action leature tells the peculiar story of a ring DANGER BAY of kidnappers who take their captive to a sup­ Morse. A Sunrise Films Ltd./ Selznickl Cadillac, Limos, & more_ A TV series shot from May 4 to Oct. 8, exec. p. Glickman prodUction, (4 16) 535-2900. posedly deserted island, only to find that they • make-up / hairdressing vans, Paul Saltzman p. John Eckert d. variou s prod. themselves are being hunted by the island 's lone man. Harold Tichenor prod. co-ord Alice Ferrier • honeywagons, insane Inhabitant. p.ld. Bruno Pischiutta I.p. loc. man. George Horie cast. d. Trish Robinson THE HOST • craft vans, Genny available Sonia Lindgren , Larry Jannlson, Femi Benussi , art d. Tom Duquette I.p. Donnelly Rhodes, Supernatural thriller shot in and around Montreal. Shot In Italy and Ontario. An Action BaSIS Inc. Hagen Beggs, Susan Walden, Ocean Hellman , Wrapped Oct. 10. exec. p. Richard Lewis p. Pen Prod uction, distrlb. Philip Sellick of Dolphin In­ Christopher Crabb,A D,B, Productions Inc, Pro­ Den sham, John Watson sc. Stephen Volk, Tom ternatIOnal Film Distribution, (4 16) 223-7768 duction for CBC and Walt Disney, (604) 298- Ropelewski d. Pen Densham d.o.p. Francois (416) 489-7680 or sometimes 7291 . Protat splx Stephan Dupuis , Chris Walas prod. CRIMINAL lAW man. Wendy Grean art d. Suzanna Smith sd . (705) 429-4746 Featllre film shot in Montreal. Wrapped Oct. 9, Don Cohen 1st a.d. Henry Bronchtein 2nd a.d. exec. p, John Daly, Derek Gibson p. Rob Mac- Pierre Houle unit man . Michel Chauvin pub . rei.

November 1987 - Cinema Canada / 49 • c I N E M A G • Eugene Clark. Tony Rosato, Laura Robinson, Fran90is Barbeau ass!. Denise Lemieux asst Clark Johnson . An Allia nce Entertainment Cor­ ward. Andre Henault dresser. John Stowe SCREWBALLS HOTEL poration Production , (416) 967-11 74. make-up Eric Muller hair Michel Trig on asst. Feature fil m formerly called 'Room Service' shol IN THE CAN hair Rejean Goderre d.o.p. Thomas Vamos in June in Toronto and the Caribbean. p. Maurice NIGHT LIGHTS cadreur Patrick Weirs 1st asst. cam. Daniel Vin­ Smith assoc.p. Mike Dolgy Terrea Smith sc, Charles Weiner, B.K. Roderick prod. services Kevin Tierney. David Novek Associ ates (514) Shiel ds, Gay Cl aitman. A CBC Production. (416) A new series 01 half -hour speci als produced by celette 2nd. ass!. cam. Sylvaine Du faux sc. 284-211 3. A Trilogy Film Production Ltd. (514) 975-33 11 . Carnaval Productions Inc., the production arm 01 Brig itte Germain stills Takashe Seida gaffer Canadian Fi lm add. casting Christian DanieJ 747-5624. To be distributed by Tri-Star Pictures Vancouver televi sion station CKV U. It features Daniel Chretien elec. Marc Charlebois key grip unit pub. Linda Mote Ltd. (416) 487- 1694. MCA and Astral Film Enterprises. t. p. Joanna Pacula. MARTHA, RUTH AND EDIE' the tal ents 01 Carmen McCrae, Katie Webster Michel Periard grips Jean Maurice De Ernsted, has acquired th e rights to American dislribulion. Meredith Salenger, Mimi Kuz yk. Nick Kilbertus. Feature lilm about three women whose chance and Jim Byrnes, EMa James, Peter Appleyard Alain Desmarchais sd. Bernard Aubouy boom A Maurice Smith Production, (416) 362-5907. Jan Rubes meeting becomes a cata lyst lor each one's new and the Alumni, Houston Person and Etta Jones, Thierry HoHman ed. Andre Corriveau prod. as· outlook on life. p. Deepa Mehta Saltzman exec. JeH Jealey, the Rova Sax Quartet. Jonn Zorn's SEAHUNT HOSTAGE sist. Sylvain Arsenault, Carol e Demers, Bernard TV Series. 22V2-hour episodes p. Stan Olsen d. p. Paul Saltzman assoc. p. Rossie Grose line p.l Sonny cl ark Memeorial Quartet, Xu Feng. Bud Rodrigue messenger Monique Desnoyers, TV Movie shot in Toronto from Sept. 10 to Oct. 7. various prod . man. John Smith prod. co-ord prod. man. Bob Wethelmer prod. co-ord. Kris Sh ank Skywalk, Celso Machado and Shu ffle De­ Yvan Labranche pub. Caroline Grise, Publifilms p. Diana Ke rey d. Peter Levin sc. Stephen H. Padi Mi lls. loc. man. Arthur Rabin casting d. Michaels prod. assist. Carolyn Wong prod. sec. mons. A Carn aval Production , (604) 683-2362. public relations David Novek Associates, (514) Fore man d.o.p. Frank WaMt. p. Carol BurneM, Claire Caplan art d. John WilieM shooting Sheil a Woodley prod. acc. Joyce Caveen asst. 284-211 3 budget $3.7 million. A coproduction Carrie Hamilton. A CBS International Produ ction, NSCAD schedule July 6-0ct. 2 in Victoria. Series shot in acc. Peler Muldoon d. Norma Bailey, Gail between Le Groupe MalofUm, rUnion generale (416) 367-8464. Singer, Daniele J. SUissa ass!. d. Richard A provocative documentary on the Art of th e 70s Victoria B.C.lromJu ly to September. A Northstar and ·80s. Shot In Halifax, Toronto. New York and ci nematographique , Canal Plu s and AC PAV. Prod uction s for MGM Prod uction , (604) 683- HOT PAINT Flower 2nd a.d. Frank Siracus a 3rd a.d. Terry The lilm is produced with the participation 01 Gould ass!. d. train ee Jill Compton unit! loc. West Germany. Th is lilm includes Interviews wrth 6584. A TV movie for CBS. Television comedy ex ec. p. Telefilm Canada, la Societe genera Ie du cinema man. Manny Danelon ass!. lo c. ma n. Terry major ligures wilhin the wo rld 01co ntemporary Franklin Levy, Gregory Harrison p. Mike Touch du Quebec, the National Film Board of Canada, SPACEWATCH Hayes d.o.p. Doug Koch ass!. cam. Arthur art . Principal photography completed June 30, d. Sheldon Larry d.o.p. Rene Ohashi t. p. Greg­ la Societe Radio-Canad a and Super Ecran . Shot Hall-hour, magazine-fonmat, docu -d rama pilot Cooper cam . trainee Nell Gibb art d. Tom Doh­ 1987 . exec. p.l d. William D. MacGillivray p. ory Harrison, John LaroqueMe, Cyrielle Claire . Irom June 28 to Aug. 16 in Almo nte On tario, program . It features two you ng teens .who meet erty as st. art. d. James Oswald art dept. trainee Terry Greenlaw cam . Lionel Simmons sd. Ale x Wrapped In July. A Hot Pamt Company Prod uc­ Montreal and the Eastern Townships. To be dis­ in their secret clubhouse, at NASA's Johnson Terry Wareham set dec. Gina Hamilton set Salter res. David Craig ass!. cam. Dominique tion. (416) 787-2312. Gusset asst. cam. Philip Hering prod. assts. tributed by Malofilm domestically and by Image Space Centre , to play a game called dress. Andrew Ward asst set dress Bill Lee Organ ization outside Canada. I.p. Monique Spa­ Space Watch on the ir homemade computer. Shot IT'S ONLY ROCK 'N' ROll' props master Vic Rigler props ass!. Fiona An­ Alan MacLeod. Charles Cl ark. Robin Sarafin­ chan ed. Willi amD . Macgillivray asst. ed. Angel a Ziani, Gabriel Arcand, Miou-Miou, Fran90is in Houston, Texas, May 14·22. budget $207, The 'Garage Ban d of Ne twork Televi sion ' 13 drew cos!. des. Delphine Wh ite cost. ass!. Mau­ Baker sd . ed. Al ex Salter. A Picture Plant Ltd. Me the, Rem y Girard , Jacques Penot, Fran yo lse 000. Funded by The Masons, Brown, Cu llen, El­ half-hour ep isode s of live and on tocatlon pertor­ ree n Gurney ward mist. Debbie Williams hiar production, (902) 423-3901 . Fau cher, Jean-Louis Roux, Rita Lalontaine, kins Foundations and Rockwell Fund. Corporate mances. Features. Interviews. Not the history of Reg Leblanc make-up Shonagh Jabour story Hubert Loiselle, Charles Rainer. A Malofilm sponsors include Four Seasons Hotels, Conti· ed . Barbara O'Kelly sc. sup. Diane Parsons sd. Rock 'n' Roll. Kill thattune and other dangerously PARENTS Group Production , (514) 878-9181 . nental Airlines. p.w. Rudy BuMignol d.l sen p, funny sketches. host Ted Wolowshyn m, d. and rec. Bryan Day boom Mike Lacroix gaffer David Feature fil m shot from Aug usl to Oc t. 9. p. Bonnie Gail Frank W. John Frizell i d.o.p. Richard co-host Fred Mollin correspondents Dan Gal­ Owen best boy Edward Mlkoll c elec. Tony Ram­ Talil Wood d. Bob Balaban sc. Christopher PRAIRIE WOMEN Stringer p. man. Howard Hu Mon art d. Kristine lagher, Wendy Hopkins, Taborah Johnson, sey gennle op. Robert McDonald key grip Mark Hawthorn e d.o.p. Ernest Day I.p. Randy Quaid, A fi lm abou t fa rm wo men in th e 1920s and '30s Haugen iIIus. Pat Rawlings casting Susannah Megan Smith, Shawn Thomp son, Gene Valallis. Silver 2nd grip Greg Palermo 3rd grip Blake Mary Beth Hurt, Sand y Denn is. A Parents Pro­ who came together to work cooperatively to im­ Conybeare, Jon Comme rtord. A Rucy Inc. Pro­ Produced by Insight productions in association Ballentine piC. vehicle co-ord. Richard Spiegel­ ductions Inc. production, (416) 466-5190. prove the conditions 01their lives. w.ld. Barbara duction, (416) 489·71 15. with CBC Te levision, LabaM Brewing Company man transport co-ord . David Chud driver capt. Evans p. Caryl Brandt assoc. p. Dale Phi llips Ltd ., Telefilm Canada. exec. p. John Bru nton p. G. Kris. Hawthorne driver Christa Schadt xc raft PIN d.o.p. Doug Cole exec. p. Tom Radlord , STARBUCK Joe Bodalai, Judy Dryl and pub. Carol Marks­ Brian Cole ed. Lara Mazur ass!. ed. Susan Ship­ A psychological th rill er shooting in and around Graydon McCrea. A Nati onal Film Board of Can­ A TV series of 11 episodes. Shooting from May George, CMG (416) 593-4977. An Insight Pro­ ton 2nd asst ed. Susan Maggi owner! Flyer's Montreal. It wrapped Oct. 3. p. Rene Malo exec. ada No rthewesl Centre Prod uction. 12 to Sept. '87. exec. p, Alex Beaton p. John duction, (416) 968-7818. Plane WaM Martin flyer cam . plane Kerry Sims p. Pierre David d. Sandor Stern sc. Sandor Stem Kousakis d. vario us prod, man. Brent Clarf

SO/ Cinema Canada - November 1987