• • PRODUCTION GUIDE by Jose Arroyo Mount Royal is being produced by Alliance En ­ WHOOPTIES tertainment Corporation," association with the CANAMEDIA CTV Tel eviS ion Network, Societe Radi o-Cana­ Last two episodes in a series of four prime-time he following is a list of films in production (actually before cameras) da , Rogers Telecommunication s and SFP PRODUCTIONS LTO. '12 hour family dramas . Based upon the slage and In negoliatlon In Canada. Needless to say, the films which are iFrance ), with the partiCipation of Telefilm Cana­ plays of Calgary writers Hal Kerbes and Heather (41 6) 591-661 2 MitGheli. Production begins in Oct. exec. p. Brian still in t~e project stage are subject to changes. A third categorY,ln da. Princi pal photography on the two-h our pilot T Vos pJd. Floyd Lan sing p. des. Bruce Sinski began Aug. 25, with shooting on 15 one-hour AVIATION IN THE NORTH Pre-.Productlon, will be used to indicate films which are in active pre-pro­ light. dir. Sid Bailey post prod. Dave Oberg. duction , having set a date for the beginning of principal photography and episode s to follow . exec. p.l creator Robe rt Lan­ One hour Docu mental'\' special. p. Le s Harr is tos I.p. Emile Genesl, Patrick Bauchau. Dominic being engaged in casting and crewing . Films are listed by the name of the Blythe. Cath erine Colvey, Jonath an Cromb ie, CHAMPLAIN company which initiated the project, or with which the project is popularly Gu ylalne SI. Onge . Monlque Mercure. Pierre CANNELL FILMS OF associated. This IS not necessarily the name of the production company. Kohl. CANADA LTD. PRODUCTIONS Where the two companies are different. the name of the production co m­ NIGHT HEAT (604) 683-2362 Production Office (604) (514) 273-2865 pany, if known , is also given . In instances where a producer has asked us Weekly teleVision series produced in association 734-2362. not to list a project, or to withhold certain credits due to ongoing negotiations, THE NEW CHAIN REACTION. With Grossol Jacobson Productions for CTV an d TV game show. p. Susan Hu" d. LUCien Albert we have respected his/her request . The guide only lists productions or series CBS. Shooting on location in Toronto, Ontario 21 JUMP STREET ass!. d. Carol Saba. Will wrap in mid-December. whose duration will be one hour or over. sup . p. Stephen J. Roth , And ras Hamori exec. p. TV series. 13 episodes. exec . p. Patrick Has­ Please telephone additions and up-dates information to : Sonny Grosso. Larry Jacobson p. Jeff King exec. burgh p. Bill Nuss , Steve Beers assoc. p. Joan In ch. of p. Mimi Bohbot exec. story ed. Bob Carson, Jimmy Glritlian d. various prod . man. CINE-GROUPE INC. Cinema Canada (416) 596-6829 or (514) 272-5354 Carney d. Mario Azzopardi, Rene Bonniere. Mary Guilgoyle prod. co-ord. Penn y Gibbs loc. George Mendeluk, Jorge Mon te si. Tim Bond man. Dean Stoker. Ian Overend art d. MicMel (514) 524-7567 FILM CREDIT ABBREVIATIONS d.o_p. Malcolm Cross casting Clare Wal ker Nemirsky pUb. Cind y Hauser (L.A .) casting d. BINO FABULEt d. director asst. d. assistant director s.c. script adapt. adaptation dial. dialogue ph.ldop. pub. Bi ll Vlgars , Karen Pidgurski 1.p. Scott Hy­ Lynne Carrow 1.p. Johnny Depp. Peter Deluise, A 90-minute 3-D animation shooting in Montreal photography sp. ph. etx. special photographic effects ed. editor sup. ed. supervising editor lands, Allan Royal. JeHWi nco", Su san Hogan. Holly Robinson, Du stin Nguyen, Steven Will­ to May 31 , 1987 and from May 15 to Sept. 15 '87 sd. sound sd. ed. sound editor sd. ree. sound recording p. des. production designer art. d. Sean McCann , Deborah Grover. Stephen Men· iams. Shooting from July 14 to Nov. 24. in Europe . CanadalBelgium co- production d. art director set dee. set decorator m. music cost. costumes I.p. leading players exec. p. del , Eugene Clark . Laura Robinson, Tony WISEGUY Rejeanne Taill on co-<! Andre Roussil SC, Jean­ Rosato. Clark Johnson . Pierre Liccioni , Nicole Lenche visual concept executive producer p. producer assoc. p. associate producer line p. line producer p. sup. TV Series. 11 episod es. exec. p. Les Sheldon p. Christian Bernard art d. Vianney Gauthier d.o_p. production supervisor p. man. production manager p.c. production company dist. distributor Derek Cavanah d. various prod. man. Hugh An asterisk (') following the film 's title indicates financial participation by Telefilm Canada's ARCCA ANIMATION INC. Spencer-Phillips prod. co-ord. Karen Stewart Andre G. de Tonnancour animators Nina May, Broadcast Program Development Fund. loc. man. Peter Turnbull Don McLean art d. Yves Lapointe , Suzie Synnott work. admln. (416) 251-9532 Diane Chartrand assist. cam!grip Sylvain Lab­ Serina Chikes cast. d. Michelle Allen. Shooti ng from Ju!y 21 to mid-November. rosse admin. Berangere Maltais assoc. p. CAPTAIN POWER AND THE Andre A. Belanger exec. p. Jacques Pettigrew. SOLDIER OF THE FUTURE With participation from Telefilm Canada. Societe ON LOCATION A live-action SCI-fi adventure that for the fi rst time CBCITORONTO gene ra le du cinema. makes use of sophisticated th ree-dimensional co mputer character an imation combined with (416) 975-331 1 live-action characters in a weekly half-hour tele­ STREET LEGAL COMMUNICATIONS AIR HEADS ALLIANCE vision series. Produced in Toronto and distri· Series of t 3 x 112 hour episodes shoot ing Feb­ CLAUDE HEROUX PRODUCUCTIONS INC. ENTERTAINMENT buted by MTS Entertainment in the United States Nov. ·S7. To be telecast ,n the 'S7 -'88 season . Six and Cinar Films in Canada. It aired," September. episodes aired Jan-Sept '87 , Tuesday at 9: 00 pm (5 14) 842-6633 (416) 469-8676 The mercha ndi sing handled by Mattei Inc. In­ CORPORATION on CBC exec. p. Maryke McEwen!Duncan FORMULE 1 BUYING TIME IN PHOENIX clud es an interactive toyline that aliows viewe rs Lamb. David Pears assoc. p. Laurie Cook. Head Office - Toronto (416) 967-11741 to partiCi pate ", the adventures of 'Captalll A TV seri es of 13 x 1 hr. programs which tell the A Feature film shooting In Toronto until Oct. 22. Ch rist ine Shipton story eds. Don Truckey, Los Angeles - (213) 477- 511 2.1 Power'. story of two race-car drivers and their fam ilies. p. Richard Gaboune d. Michel Gabourie p. Brenda Greenberg asst. story ed . Abby Robi ns The series started shooting in early April in Daniel Nyberg . Montre al - (514) 284-9354 writers Don Truckey. Marc Strange. Ian Sutner ­ France. Canad a. th e USA, Portugal , Spain, Hun­ land , David Cole I.p. Sonia Smits. Eri CPe terson. ADDERLY ATLANTIS gary , Au stria, Italy. Japan, Mexico and England . C. David John son , Mark Sau nders. Marl a Will wrap in February. exec . Pi Claude Heroux. ALBERT PRODUCTIONS 22 x H our shows shooting until January in To­ (4 16) 462-0246 Ricossa. See Issue No. 140 for complete credits. ronto. An adventure! comedy about an Intelli­ Jean-Damel Verhaeghe assoc. p. Roger INC. gence ag ent with a disabil ity. Wee kly te leVision COWBOYSDON 'T CRY Heroux , Philippe All aire d. Nardo Castillo. Jac­ series produced with Onon TeleviSion Pictures Atlantis beg an shooting the fe ature·length drama · CFCF ques Ertaud sc. Robert Geoffrion. Bondfield (204) 661-2483 Aug. l Oon location III Alberta. Filmin g on the Marcoux. Sylvain Saada, Ri chard Malbequi . The for CBS and Global TeleVision Netwo rks , exec. (514) 273-6311 EINSTEIN TONIGHT p. Robert Cooper, Jerry Golod p. Jonathan Hac­ co ntemporary dram a con tinued through Sept, 9 $t 3 mi llion senes wi ll be shot in both French and One-hour drama by Gabriel Emanue l. In produc­ ke" d. George Bloomfield. Tim Bond . Don in and around Edmonton In Plncher Creek. exec. THE ACHIEVERS English. A Canada-France co-producllOn pro­ tion with the participation of TV Ontario. Telefilm McBrearty , Bruce Pittman d.c.p. Bob Fresco p. Peter Sussm an p. Jamce Platt d.lsc. Anne Profiles of people well known or unknown . TV duced by Comm unications Claude Heroux and Canada. Film Manitoba, and CBC Winnipeg. A pub. Karen G. Pidgurs ki . Theresa Burke 1. p. Wheel er. lIne p. Arvi Lllmatainen prod. man. series . p. Zsolt Patakialvi ass!. p. Lu ba Vam p Productions. pub. Lise Dandurand , Pas­ co-production between CambiumF ilma nd Video Wins:on Re kert . Jonathan Welsh, DiXie Seatl e. Tom Dent-Cox d.o.p. Brina Hebb C.S.C. pic\, Danylewick . cale Hebe rt , Communipresse (5 14) 522-1813. Productions and Dueck Film Productions. Win· Ken Pogue. ed. Peter Svab art d. John Blacki e m. Louis nipeg. Shooting on location in Wl nmpeg from Natale set dresser Ted Ku chera cost. des. Ji ll TODAY'SMAGAZINE Oct. 4 - 16th. exec. p. Bruce Glawson , Arn ie DIAMONDS Concannen sd. mix Garte ll Clark loc. man. Mur­ TV series p. Carmen Bourquesez COSCIENT INC. Zipurs ky p. David Dueck. Toni Dueck assoc p. A fast-paced, light mystery-ad venture series. ray Ord prod. co-ord Merrt Toth head wrangler (514) 284-2525 Principal photography on the 13 one-hour John Dod ds stu nt co-ord Merri Toth head McKENTY C h a~e s Zamaria d. Arnie Zipursky prod. man. Live TV show p. Dani el Freeman . LES CARNETSDE LOUISE. Connie Bortnick prod. co-ord Marie Fournier episodes beg an July 19 in Toronto. The series is wrang fer John Dodd s stunt co-ord Tom Eirik­ TV senes. 52 shows. Shooting until May 22.
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