
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 01/15 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 346 - Februar 2015 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 editorial

Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, liebe Filmfreunde!

Herzlich willkommen zur ersten Ausga- be unseres Newsletters im Jahre 2015. Auch wenn wir bereits Februar haben, so heisst das noch lange nicht, dass wir im Januar vollkommen untätig wa- ren. Eine Januar-Ausgabe des Newsletters gibt es zwar nicht, dafür jedoch haben wir das neue Jahr mit einem großen Knall angehen lassen - mit unserer ersten eigenen Blu-ray- Veröffentlichung: REMEMBERING WIDESCREEN! Dabei handelt es sich um den 37minütigen Dokumentarfilm unseres Film-Bloggers Wolfram Hanne- mann, der im vergangenen Jahr wäh- rend des “Widescreen Weekends” im englischen Bradford vor einem begei- sterten Publikum uraufgeführt wurde. Jetzt also präsentiert sich REMEMBERING WIDESCREEN im originalen Kinobildformat von 1:2.39 und mit Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound erstmals auf der blauen Scheibe. Inklusive Bonusmaterial sowie Pop-Up- Menü. Vor wenigen Wochen konnten sich auch Stuttgarter Filmkritiker von den Qualitäten des ungewöhnlichen Dokumentarfilms überzeugen. Exempla- risch für das überwältigend positive Feedback möchten wir hier die Rezensi- Hannemann lässt in klar durchdachten im Interview anzumerken, ihrer Bereit- on von Thomas Klingenmaier, dem und abwechslungsreich montierten schaft, privates Glück öffentlich zu Kulturredakteur der “Stuttgarter Zei- Einstellungen, die nie das bedrückende machen. Hier wird ihre Liebe zu einem tung”, zitieren: Gefühl einer Talking-Head-Galerie ent- Medium nicht kleingeredet, nicht ratio- stehen lassen, Besucher und Veranstal- nalisiert, schon gar nicht als Irrweg der “Der Cinemaniker Wolfram Hannemann ter ihre Begeisterung und Motivation Auseinandersetzung mit Inhalten geta- ist ein kenntnisreicher Liebhaber opu- darlegen. Es geht um die Liebe zum delt: hier wird die pure Entrückungs- lenter Bild- und Tonformate, aber auch Kino, hier speziell um jene, die sich an qualität von Kino gepriesen. der dahinter stehenden Kinotechnik, den ganz großen Bildern entzündet hat “Remembering Widescreen” ist absolut der gerade endenden Mechanikära im und ein Leben lang anhielt. Aber wie- sehenswert – und man darf auf Hanne- Vorführraum. Sein Dokumentarfilm derfinden können sich hier alle Kino- manns weitere Arbeiten zum Thema “Remembering Widescreen” erzählt liebhaber, auch jene, deren Begeiste- gespannt sein.” nominell vom Widescreen-Weekend rung nicht von “Lawrence von Arabi- beim Bradford International Film Festi- en” in voller Pracht angefacht wurde, Wenn Sie jetzt neugierig auf den Film val in Bradford, einem Mekka der sondern von der verregneten, unruhig geworden sind, dann können Sie die Freunde von 70mm, Cinerama und laufenden 35-mm-Kopie eines alten Blu-ray Disc exklusiv über uns bezie- IMAX. Aber die spannende Sammlung Schwarzweiß-Films aus der B-Produkti- hen. Das Teil kostet EUR 15,- inkl. Ver- von Interviews ist gar kein Film über on eines C-Studios. sand (sorry – keine Nachnahme!) und Formateigenheiten und Technik- ist am Lager. Übrigens erfreuen sich geschichte, über die Problematik der Dass die Cinephilen in Bradford nicht inzwischen viele Fans in Deutschland, Kopienausbleichung oder die Pflege einem möglicherweise spöttelnd distan- England, Frankreich, Belgien, USA, alter Projektoren. Es geht hier um Men- zierten Beobachter von außen Rede Australien und sogar Malaysia an die- schen, nicht um das strahlende Bild auf und Antwort stehen, sondern ihresglei- sem Dokumentarfilm. Und wann tun Sie der Leinwand, sondern um das Leuch- chen, den sie als Referent und es? Mehr Infos zum Film gibt es im ten in den Augen der Zuschauer. Präsentator kennen, ist ihrer Gelöstheit Netz unter www.remembering- widescreen.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 editorial

Fast könnte man meinen, dass wir mit der Produktion dieser Blu-ray noch nicht richtig ausgelastet waren, denn nebenher ist s uns gelungen, unseren Youtube-Kanal mit zwei Filmen zu er- weitern! Da wäre einmal ein Film über die Stuttgarter Filmpremiere zu dem norwegisch-deutschen Kinderfilm DOKTOR PROKTORS PUPSPULVER, bei der wir uns nicht nur Regisseur Arild Fröhlich und den Produzenten Helmut G. Weber vor die Kamera hol- ten, sondern auch die beiden Kinder- darsteller Emily Glaister und Eilif Noraker, die eigens zur Premiere aus Norwegen angereist waren. Beim zwei-

Arild Fröhlich (o.l.), Helmut G. Weber (o.r.), Emily Glaister (u.l.), Eilif Noraker (u.r.)

ten Neuzugang in unserem Kanal han- delt es sich um eine Dokumentation über die Stuttgarter Premiere eines Do- kumentarfilms, der augenblicklich die Nation spaltet: EIN HELLS ANGEL UNTER BRÜDERN. Neben Protagonist Lutz Schelhorn (Chef des Stuttgarter Hells Angels Charters) war auch Regis- seur Marcel Wehn vor Ort, der sich unseren Fragen stellte.

Für Nachschub im Youtube-Kanal ist bereits gesorgt. Soviel sei schon verra- ten: wer sich für Dolby Atmos begei- stert, den wird eines unserer nächsten Projekte ganz bestimmt interessieren. Es bleibt also spannend.

Ihr Laser Hotline Team Regisseur Marcel Wehn

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015

50 Shades of Abuse Der Valentinstag steht vor der Tür. Kein besserer Zeit- punkt also, einen Film über ein junges, hübsches Paar herauszugeben, das sich hemmungslos häuslicher Ge- walt, Manipulation, Unterdrückung und Zwang hingibt. Sowie einer sexuellen Spielart, von der beide nichts ver- stehen: BDSM, was für Bondage/Domination/Sadism/ Masochism steht.

Der Film basiert auf dem Buch Fifty Shades of Grey der Britin E. L. James. Ich schreibe hier bewusst nicht die Worte “der Autorin E. L. James”, denn die Herausgabe einiger hundert zusammengeleimter Seiten von gramma- tikalisch wie orthographisch fragwürdiger Twilight-Fan- machen in meiner Welt noch niemanden zum Autoren. Mich schüttelt es schon dabei das lächerliche Werk ein Buch nennen zu müssen. Das eigentliche Pro- blem liegt allerdings darin, dass, bei aller Häme, Fifty Shades of Grey mehr als hundert Millionen Exemplare verkauft hat. Für Hollywood bedeutet das: verfilmen!

Dringt man nun tiefer in die Materie ein, zeigt sich schnell, dass dieses Projekt nicht gutgeheißen werden kann. Die Produktion stand von Anfang an unter einem bösen Stern. Der erster Wahl, Charlie Hunnam, sprang ab – vermutlich die weiseste Karriere- entscheidung, die der junge Mann je treffen wird. Regis- seurin Sam Taylor-Johnson und E. L. James bekriegten sich täglich am . (Wobei man hier durchaus die Fra- ge stellen kann, was James überhaupt am Set verloren hatte, nachdem das Drehbuch stand.) Hauptdarsteller Dakota Johnson und Jamie Dornan brachten keine Che- Abbildung dieses sexuellen Stils. Nämlich auf der volks- mie zustande und beide hassten die sexuellen Aspekte tümlichen Vorstellung und Fantasie (!) davon, was des Films. Nun, auf Promotion-Tour, schaffen es BDSM ist. Viele Menschen fantasieren von Sex mit Johnson und Dornan nicht einmal, ihren Verdruss gegen- Machtgefälle, Kontrolle abzugeben oder zu übernehmen über dem Dreh zu verbergen, geschweige denn ihre Anti- und dabei eine nie so intensiv verspürte Lust zu erleben. pathie. Der Dreh wird in Termini beschrieben, die dem Transkript einer psychologischen Sitzung zu einer post- Doch was im Kopfkino auf direktem Wege zur Ekstase traumatischen Belastungsstörung gleichen. Selbst bei führt, gibt es im echten Leben nicht. Da Fifty Shades of den einfachsten Fragen seitens der Journalisten werden Grey aber die Entwicklung einer Beziehung porträtiert, Augen gerollt, Seufzer ausgestoßen, Zimmerdecken die sich in unserer Realität vermeintlich ansiedelt, muss schweigend studiert. man die Darstellung dieser Beziehung kritisieren, denn überall in der Welt gibt es nun Menschen, die sich die Abgesehen davon birgt Fifty Shades of Grey allerdings “heiße Romantik” des Werkes für ihr eigenes Leben wesentlich ernstere Gefahren als die eines schlechten wünschen. Ja, als moderner Mensch, als Kind der Auf- Filmes. Das BDSM-Thema basiert auf einer falschen klärung, als Feministin muss man hier Kritik üben.

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Fifty Shades versteht nichts von BDSM. Weder E. L. tieren kann. Es ist misogyn, unausgegoren und glorifi- James, als sie ihr Buch schrieb, noch die Regisseurin, ziert häusliche Gewalt unter dem Deckmantel der mo- noch die Hauptdarsteller. Letztere recherchierten zwar, dernen wilden Romanze. Dennoch: selten ein Schaden indem sie einen Abend lang eine BDSM-Party besuch- ohne Nutzen. Immerhin hat die baldige Veröffentlichung ten, doch was sie dort vorfanden war laut Jamie Dornan des Filmes eine Diskussion zu BDSM angestoßen und so widerwärtig, dass er “bei der Rückkehr nach Hause aus dem Tabuthema Mainstream gemacht. Menschen, zunächst lange geduscht habe, bevor ich meine Frau die sich ehemals vielleicht für ihre Neigungen schämten und mein Baby berühren konnte.” So wird also eine wer- oder sie gar nicht erst benennen konnten können sich tige sexuelle Subkultur benutzt, um Millionen einzu- nun ohne Stigma damit auseinandersetzen. Es besteht heimsen, aber auf ihre Mitglieder und Praktiken wird die Hoffnung, dass sie über den unrealistischen Teller- trotzdem gespuckt. rand von Fifty Shades hinaussehen werden und auf Ent- deckungsreise gehen. Auch das meist hinter geschlos- Die Szene verfügt über eine Art Ehrenkodex, an den senen Türen sich abspielende Drama der häuslichen sich ernsthafte sogenannte Spieler auch halten: “safe, Gewalt wird nun in die Öffentlichkeit gezerrt, dank Le- sane and consensual” – sicher, vernünftig und einver- gionen von Aktivisten, die auf sozialen Medien den nehmlich. Im echten BDSM geschieht nichts ohne vor- Hashtag #50shadesofabuse weltweit populär gemacht herige Absprache über softe Grenzen (solche, die wäh- haben. Happy Valentine’s Day! rend und als Teil des Spiels gebrochen werden dürfen) Anna Rudschies und harte Grenzen (solche, die es niemals zu über- schreiten gilt). Ein Lebensstil, in dem beide Partner rund um die Uhr ihr S/M Verhältnis pflegen ist selten und selbst dann stehen Kommunikation und das Abstek- ken von Grenzen immer im Vordergrund.

Fifty Shades of Grey hingegen zeigt ritualisierte häusli- che Gewalt und äußerste psychologische Manipulation. Die junge Anastasia Steele wird vom Milliardär Christian Grey zunächst gestalkt, dann umgarnt, zweckmäßig entjungfert und letztendlich in einen Vertrag gedrängt, der sie zu seinem Sexobjekt macht. Sie ist unsicher, kennt sich nicht mit BDSM aus und nimmt aber ihm zu- liebe alles in Kauf. Es wird erwähnt, dass Christian als Teenager von einer älteren Frau verführt und jahrelang als devoter (!) Unterworfener mit ihr zusammen war und daher seine Affinität zu BDSM stammt. Was als aufrei- zende Origin-Story à la Die Reifeprüfung daherkommen soll ist nichts anderes als die Vergewaltigung eines Min- derjährigen. Und nun macht das Opfer Christian aus Anastasia das nächste Opfer. Er kontrolliert was sie isst, dass sie Sport treibt, wie sie sich kleidet und selbst ihren kleinen Tick, sich auf die Unterlippe zu bei- ßen. Miss Steele, die keineswegs so stählern ist wie ihr kitschiger Name, lässt aus blinder Liebe alles mit sich machen, obwohl sie sich in Gedanken unaufhörlich dar- über beschwert. Auch versucht sie sich ständig einzure- Anna freut sich über Feedback: den, dass sie nie etwas gegen ihren Willen tun würde. [email protected]

Fifty Shades of Grey ist ein Werk, das man nur boykot-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Donnerstag, 08. Januar 2015 muss man wohl als “skandinavisches Ohne Einmaleins geht es nicht Kolorit” verbuchen. Warum jedoch Zum Jahresauftakt gab es heute in der ausgerechnet die kleine Ella immer so Presse pädagogisch wertvolle Lektio- prominent im Filmtitel auftaucht, bleibt nen – oder auch nicht. auch jetzt wieder etwas rätselhaft. Man hört ihre Stimme zwar ab und zu als ELLA UND DER SUPERSTAR (1:2.35, Erzählerin aus dem Off, aber ansonsten 5.1) trägt das kleine Mädchen auch nicht OT: Ella Ja Kaverit 2 - Paterock mehr zur Handlung bei als ihre Freun- Verleih: Film Kino Text (Film- de. agentinnen) Land/Jahr: Finnland 2013 Freitag, 09. Januar 2015 Regie: Marko Mäkilaakso Ab in den Wald! Darsteller: Freja Teijonsalo, Jyry Das erste Double Feature des Jahres Kortelainen, Eero Milonoff, Armi glänzte mit einem Musical und floppte Toivanen, Malla Malmivaara mit einer Satire Kinostart: 12.02.2015 INTO THE WOODS (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + Als Pekka im Schulunterricht beim klei- 7.1) nen Einmaleins den Faden verliert, be- OT: Into The Woods schließt er, ein berühmter Rockstar zu Verleih: Walt Disney werden. Denn die haben schließlich Land/Jahr: USA 2014 jemanden, den sie für das Einmaleins Regie: Rob Marshall bezahlen. Seine Klassenkameradinnen Darsteller: , , Märchen für Erwachsene. Freilich kön- und –kameraden unterstützen ihn tat- James Corden, Johnny Depp nen sich auch Kinder das Werk an- kräftig dabei, was dem Herrn Lehrer Kinostart: 19.02.2015 schauen, doch werden sie es mit ganz allerdings gar nicht gefällt. Über ein anderen Augen sehen. Den in den Tex- paar Umwege gelingt es der Schüler- Ein Bäcker und seine schwangere Frau ten verborgenen Subtext werden sie bande sogar, Pekka als Stargast beim werden von einer Hexe heimgesucht, nicht wahrnehmen. Erfreulicherweise Konzert der berühmten Elviira unterzu- die ihnen offenbart, dass die beiden mit werden alle Lieder von den Darstellern bringen. Die allerdings ist wie vom Erd- einem Fluch belegt sind. Gelingt es selbst gesungen, also auch von Meryl boden verschollen... Knapp ein Jahr ist nicht, diesen Fluch zu brechen, wird Streep in der Rolle der Hexe, die ihr vergangen seit die erste Verfilmung der das ungeborene Kind sterben. Um ihn fast auf den Leib geschrieben sein “Ella”-Bücher von Timo Parvela bun- zu brechen, müssen die Bäckersleute könnte. Musikalisch begeistert insbe- desdeutsche Leinwände erblickte. Mit eine schneeweiße Kuh, ein blutrotes sondere der Auftakt des Films. Hier ELLA UND DER SUPERSTAR gehen Mäntelchen, einen goldenen Schuh wird fast Nonstop gesungen, Soli ver- nun die Geschichten der kleinen Ella und gelbfarbenes Haar binnen drei Ta- wandeln sich in Duette, Duette in und ihrer Freunde in die zweite Runde. gen finden und der Hexe übergeben. Quartette. Gerade als man sich daran Mit denselben Darstellern besetzt Vor diese schier unlösbare Aufgabe gewöhnt hat, dass fast alle Dialoge im schließt das zweite Abenteuer nahtlos gestellt macht sich das Ehepaar auf in Film gesungen werden, wird diese wun- an ELLA UND DAS GROSSE RENNEN den Wald, um die Gegenstände zu fin- derbare Idee allerdings abrupt unter- an. Auch heuer gibt es für kleine Zu- den... Es ist inzwischen immer wieder brochen und der Film wird als “norma- schauer pädagogisch wertvolle Lektio- etwas ganz Besonderes, wenn eine Mu- ler” Fantasyfilm fortgesetzt. Das stört nen zu lernen, verpackt in allerlei – man sical-Verfilmung das Licht der Kino- das Gesamtkonzept ziemlich. Wenig- muss es leider so sagen - Blödsinn. leinwand erblickt. Was in den 1950er- stens findet der Film dann zu einem Leider jedoch erweist sich das Dreh- und 1960er-Jahren noch Gang und späteren Zeitpunkt wieder auf den Pfad buch als nicht richtig konsequent. Gäbe war, ist heutzutage fast komplett des Musicals zurück. Und wer glaubt, Denn die Weisheit, dass man lieber ausgestorben. Ein bisschen unterneh- dass man nur die zu einer einzigen Ge- etwas in der Schule für das Leben ler- merisches Risiko gehört also schon schichte verwobenen Märchen wie nen soll anstatt als berühmter, aber dazu, jetzt das fast 30 Jahre alte Musi- Rotkäppchen, Aschenputtel, Rapunzel dummer Star durch selbiges zu wan- cal INTO THE WOODS von Stephen und Hans und die Bohnenranke kennen dern, wird am Ende eigentlich fast Sondheim als Verfilmung in die Kinos muss, um das Ende des Films vorherzu- schon ins Gegenteil verkehrt. Ganz un- zu bringen. Doch zumindest in künstle- sagen, der darf sich auf eine Überra- merklich allerdings, so dass es viel- risches Hinsicht hat sich das Unter- schung gefasst machen. Denn nichts leicht nur die Erwachsenen mitbekom- nehmen gelohnt. Visuell und akustisch ist mehr so, wie es einmal war. men. Dass die Geschichte und ihre Per- höchst beeindruckend inszeniert ent- sonen hier und da etwas skurril wirkt, wickelt sich die Geschichte zu einem

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog JACKY IM KÖNIGREICH DER FRAU- ihn oder sie nicht gewarnt. eine Zeitmaschine. Gemeinsam mit sei- EN (1:1.85, DD 5.1) nen Freunden und Freundinnen be- OT: Jacky Au Royaume Des Filles Dienstag, 13. Januar 2014 ginnt er Zeitreisen zu unternehmen. Verleih: Pandastorm (Neue Visionen) Bürgerproteste, Zeitreisen und Doch durch ihren Eingriff in die Zeit Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 Superhelden gerät das Raum-Zeit-Kontinuum aus Regie: Riad Sattouf Eines von gleich zwei Triple Features den Fugen – mit dramatischen Folgen. Darsteller: Vincent Lacoste, Charlotte in dieser Woche hielt mich heute in Auch wenn ich Zeitreisefilme eigent- Gainsbourg, Didier Bourdon Atem lich sehr mag, so konnte mich Dean Kinostart: 19.02.2015 Israelites leider nicht begeistern. Das WEM GEHÖRT DIE STADT? – BÜR- lag insbesondere am visuellen Stil des Die Volksrepublik Bubunne: hier herr- GER IN BEWEGUNG (1:1.78, 5.1) Films. Denn wieder einmal hat sich ein schen die Frauen, die Männer tragen Verleih: Film Kino Text Regisseur am sogenannten “Found Burkas und beten zu Pferdchen. Der Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 Footage”-Stil versucht. Die Folge: junge Jacky, der noch bei seiner Mutter Regie: Anna Ditges Wackelkamera, unsaubere Schnitte, lebt, schwärmt für die zukünftige Kinostart: 19.02.2015 gewollte Artefakte. Das Ganze nervt Diktatorin Bubunne XVII. Auf dem im schon nach kürzester Zeit gehörig. Regierungspalast stattfindenden Ball Das Heliosgelände im Kölner Stadtteil Gewiss: die visuellen Effekte sind gran- möchte er von ihr zum Ehemann erwählt Ehrenfeld. Auf dem teils verwahrlosten dios, da nicht als solche erkennbar. werden. Doch die Eintrittskarte zum Gelände will ein Großinvestor eine Aber man kann einen Film ja nicht un- Ball ist unerschwinglich teuer. Zudem Shoppingmall errichten. Doch den Be- bedingt auf die von einer wuchtigen ist die ganze Sache seinem Onkel Jutin wohnern des Viertels passt das gar Tonspur begleiteten Effekte reduzieren. gar nicht recht. Denn der kämpft im nicht. Eine Bürgerinitiative formiert Auch die Geschichte sollte interessant Untergrund für die Rechte der Männer. sich, Ideen für eine bessere Umgestal- sein. Im vorliegenden Fall ist sie es Aber das Schicksal spielt Jacky eine tung gesammelt. Es kommt zu einem leider nicht. Und last but not least wer- Eintrittskarte in die Hände... Ein Staat, moderierten den anstelle von richtigen Schauspie- in dem Frauen das Sagen haben und Bürgerbeteilungsverfahren. Die Filme- lern nur langweilige Nachwuchs- Männer die unterdrückte Masse bilden macherin Anna Ditges hat zwei Jahre darsteller präsentiert. – aus dieser Grundidee hätte man lang das Tauziehen um die Nutzung des durchaus eine höchst bissige wie witzi- Viertels mit der Kamera dokumentiert BAYMAX – RIESIGES ge Satire machen können. Aber bereits und lässt nicht nur den Großinvestor ROBOWABOHU (1:2.35, 3D, DD 5.1 + in der ersten Einstellung wird die zu Wort kommen, sondern auch den 7.1 + Atmos) Messlatte ziemlich tief angelegt: man Stadteilbürgermeister sowie viele der OT: Big Hero 6 sieht den verschleierten Protagonisten Bürger, die aktiv mitgestalten wollen. Verleih: Walt Disney vor dem Bild seiner Angebeteten ste- Ihr Film geht letztendlich der Frage Land/Jahr: USA 2014 hend masturbieren. An geschmacklosen nach, wie Demokratie heutzutage funk- Regie: Don Hall, Chris Williams Einfällen fehlt es dieser Produktion tioniert. Funktioniert sie überhaupt? Ist Kinostart: 22.01.2015 auch in den folgenden 87 Minuten (die es tatsächlich sinnvoll Bürger mit in sich mehr wie drei Stunden anfühlen!) eine Stadtteilplanung einzubeziehen? Nach dem Tod ihrer Eltern lebt Hiro mit keineswegs. Was Monty Python mit Das Helios-Areal in Köln steht im Film seinem älteren Bruder bei ihrer Tante. einem kleinen Sketch auf den Punkt nur exemplarisch für viele andere Pro- Während sein Bruder im Forschungs- gebracht hätte, dauert hier leider eine jekte ähnlicher Natur mit den gleichen labor der Universität arbeitet, verbringt Ewigkeit. Es ist nicht einfach damit Problemen. Ein diskussionswerter Hiro seine Zeit zumeist bei Bot-Fights, getan, die Geschlechter auszutauschen. Stoff, der alle angeht. wo er die von ihm selbst entwickelten Denn Frauen verhalten sich nun einmal Roboter gegen andere antreten lässt. nicht so wie Männer – auch wenn sie PROJECT ALMANAC (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Sein größter Wunsch jedoch ist es, wie hier die Hosen anhaben. Dass dazu OT: Project Almanac ebenfalls an der Universität zugelassen noch sämtliche Frauen im Film mehr Verleih: Paramount zu werden. Um sich zu qualifizieren hässlich als schön aussehen, könnte Land/Jahr: USA 2014 entwickelt er Mirco-Bots, die neue un- man fast schon wieder als sexistisch Regie: Dean Israelite geahnte Möglichkeiten für alle Men- interpretieren. Aber das fällt dann auch Darsteller: Jonny Weston, Sofia Black- schen bieten. Da geschieht ein Un- nicht mehr weiter ins Gewicht. Wer sich D’Elia, Amy Landecker glück: Hiros Bruder kommt bei einer dennoch dafür interessiert, wie es in Kinostart: 05.03.2015 mysteriösen Explosion in der Universi- einem Staat mit dem Charme Syriens tät ums Leben. Alles was er Hiro gepaart mit dem Nordkoreas aussehen Ein Schüler entdeckt im Keller seines hinterlässt, ist Baymax, ein könnte, der darf sich gerne diese ver- verstorbenen Vaters eine versteckte Gesundheitsroboter, der sich um alle unglückte Komödie anschauen. Aber technische Apparatur mitsamt Bauan- medizinischen Belange von Hiro küm- dass hinterher niemand sagt, man hätte leitung. Das Gerät entpuppt sich als mert. Doch das ist erst der Anfang ei-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog nes großen Abenteuers, denn jemand ihrem Dokumentarfilm zeigt Heidi FÜNF FREUNDE 4 (1:2.35, 5.1) Böses hat es auf Hiros Micro-Bots ab- Specogna den charismatischen Alten, Verleih: Constantin gesehen... Verlässt man sich allzu sehr der einst gegen die Diktatur kämpfte Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 auf das, was der Disney-Konzern an und deswegen jahrelang im Gefängnis Regie: Mike Marzuk Teasern und Trailern für diesen Film im war, sowohl von seiner privaten wie Darsteller: Valeria Eisenbart, Quirin Vorfeld veröffentlichte, läuft man extre- dienstlichen Seite. Ihr Film bleibt Oettl, Justus Schlingensiepen me Gefahr, massiv enttäuscht zu wer- unkommentiert, alles was es zu sagen Kinostart: 29.01.2015 den. Natürlich ist Baymax ein richtig gibt erfahren wir aus dem Mund des knuddeliger Typ von einem Roboter, Präsidenten höchst persönlich. Und Kaum sind die fünf Freunde zu Gast bei den man von der ersten Minute an ins man ist als Zuschauer mehr als gewillt, ihrem Onkel, dem Kurator einer Aus- Herz schließt. Etwas tapsig zwar, dafür den weisen Worten Pepe Mujicas zu stellung über das antike Ägypten, be- aber mit gutem Kern. Zweifelsfrei sind lauschen. Ein wunderbarer Dokumen- ginnt auch schon ein neues Abenteuer: jene Szenen, in denen es um die tarfilm über einen großartigen Men- sie ertappen einen Einbrecher, der sich Freundschaft zwischen Hiro und schen. an einer Mumie zu schaffen machte und Baymax geht die schönsten Momente unerkannt fliehen kann. Die Clique fin- im Film. Leider gibt es davon viel zu DER KLEINE TOD. EINE KOMÖDIE det ein Goldamulett, das in der Mumie wenig. Das dreidimensionale Computer- ÜBER SEX (1:2.35, 5.1) versteckt ist. Es ist eines von drei animationsspektakel mutiert nämlich OT: Little Death Amuletten, mithilfe derer man den my- ziemlich schnell zu einem Superhelden- Verleih: Weltkino steriösen Schatz des allerersten Pha- Film! Da kracht es dann nur noch so Land/Jahr: Australien 2014 raos finden kann. Zusammen mit ihrem vor Action, die feinen Aspekte ver- Regie: Josh Lawson Onkel reisen sie nach Ägypten, um schwinden komplett aus dem Radar der Darsteller: Bojana Novakovic, Josh sich dort mit Farouk, dem Leiter des Filmemacher. BAYMAX ergeht sich in Lawson, Damon Herriman Instituts für Altertum, zu treffen. Denn Langeweile und man kann es kaum er- Kinostart: 09.04.2015 der hat allem Anschein nach ebenfalls warten, bis der Film dann endlich vor- eine Mumie, in der ein Teil des Puzzles über ist. Hier wäre Originalität gefragt. Mehrere Paare – mehrere Sex-Fetische. steckt. Doch es kommt ganz anders... Aber nicht einmal die Filmmusik ist Paul und Maeve leiden zunehmend un- Es ist inzwischen zur gewor- originell: Komponist Henry Jackman ter Maeves Vergewaltigungsphantasie. den, dass uns im Jahresabstand neue imitiert das von Alan Silvestri kompo- Phil leidet unter seiner strengen Frau Abenteuer der FÜNF FREUNDE frei nierte Hauptthema aus ZURÜCK IN Maureen und entwickelt eine nach Enid Blyton angeboten werden. DIE ZUKUNFT. Somnophilie, der er gerne mit einem Mit ihrem neuesten Abenteuer füllen Schlafmittel nachhilft. Evie und Dan die Fünfe zum ersten Mal die Donnerstag, 15.01.2014 entdecken das Rollenspiel, das Dan CinemaScope-Bildwand. Und das ist Der Präsident, der Tod und fünf Freunde allerdings etwas zu ernst nimmt. mehr als passend für die exotische Wenn eine Präsident mit dem kleinen Rowena hat richtig guten Sex nur dann, Location Ägypten, für die Tunesien Tod konfrontiert wird und ihm fünf wenn sie ihren Mann Richard weinen herhalten musste. Gleichzeitig muss Freunde dabei zusehen, dann bezeich- sieht. Und als ob das nicht schon ge- man aber auch konstatieren, dass es ne ich das als einen vollen Presse- nug an Problemen wäre ist der neue noch nie soviel Gewalt bei den fünf kalender Nachbar aller dieser Paare ein entlasse- Freunden gegeben hat wie in diesem ner Sexualstraftäter... In seiner leicht Film. Das ist zwar für abgebrühte Viel- PEPE MUJICA – LEKTIONEN EINES schwarzen Komödie präsentiert Regis- gucker fast nicht bemerkbar, für die ERDKLUMPENS (1:1.85, 5.1) seur Josh Lawson einige Paare mit Sex- Zielgruppe der Kinder allerdings sehr Verleih: Piffl Problemen und lässt uns dabei zu- wohl. Was die Geschichte angeht, so Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 schauen, wie sie versuchen, diese Pro- ist dieses Mal wohl die Phantasie mit Regie: Heidi Specogna bleme zu kurieren. Nach einem recht den Drehbuchautoren durchgegangen. Kinostart: 05.03.2015 langsamen Start entwickeln sich die In bekannter INDIANA JONES Manier verschiedenen Geschichten, die Kreu- geht es in Ägypten auf Schatzsuche, Er sieht sich selbst nur als einen zungspunkte haben, zu teils recht amü- inklusive mystischer Elemente. Will Erdklumpen mit Füßen. Pepe Mujica ist santen Episoden. Diese finden ihren heissen: die Story ist derart weit ent- Präsident von Uruguay und damit der klaren Höhepunkt (!) in jener Geschich- fernt von der Realität, dass es manch- ärmste Präsident der Welt. Gleichzeitig te, in der eine Gebärdendolmetscherin mal schon richtig weh tut. Fazit: der jedoch gibt der inzwischen 80jährige ihrem tauben Kunden, mit dem sie über vierte Teil der FÜNF FREUNDE ist ganz durch seinen bescheidenen Lebensstil Videotelefonie verbunden ist, dessen bestimmt nicht der beste. sowie durch seine tiefgründigen und Anruf zu einer Telefonsexdame über- gleichsam leicht verständlichen An- setzen muss. Nur bedingt empfehlens- sichten über Politik und Leben ein Vor- wert. bild für die gesamte Republik ab. In

LASER HOTLINE Seite 8 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Schauspielerinnen Frankreichs gehö- ren. Und das ist nicht weiter verwun- derlich. Denn in der Rolle der Sylvie versteht es die Tochter von Jane Birkin und Serge Gainsbourg auch wieder hervorragend, eine magische, ja fast unwiderstehliche Aura um sich herum aufzubauen. Die ist so stark, dass man sofort versteht, warum sich Benoît Poelvoorde in der Rolle des Steuerprü- fers Marc ausgerechnet in die ranke und schlanke Sylvie verliebt. Und Poelvoorde ist nicht weniger überzeu- gend in seiner Rolle. Die Zerrissenheit zwischen Sylvie und Sophie, die ihm auch physische Schmerzen bereitet, nimmt man ihm ab ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken. Die Dritte im Bunde, Chiara Mastroianni (die übrigens die leibliche Tochter ihrer Filmmutter Catherine Deneuve ist), verkörpert Sophie, jene Frau, die Marc heiratet ohne zu wissen, Freitag, 16. Januar 2015 dass es Sylvies Schwester ist. Auch sie chael Caine, Mark Hamill Drei sind einer zuviel spielt ihre Rolle wundervoll zurückhal- Kinostart: 26.02.2015 Mit einem interessanten Melodram tend. Und wieder kann man Marc ver- ging eine anstrengende Pressewoche stehen, dass er sich auch in diese Frau Eggsy, ein Londoner Tunichtgut, wird versöhnlich zu Ende. verliebt. Mit 3 HERZEN ist Drehbuch- von dem mysteriösen Harry Hart unter autor und Regisseur Benoît Jacquot ein die Fittiche genommen. Denn Hart ist 3 HERZEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) überzeugendes, packendes und sehr nicht nur Gentleman, sondern gehört OT: 3 Coeurs ergreifendes Melodram gelungen, das auch der Geheimorganisation Verleih: Wild Bunch (Central) man durchaus auch als einen Liebes- “Kingsman” an, für die er Nachwuchs Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland, thriller bezeichnen könnte. Die Film- rekrutieren möchte. Eggsy erscheint für Belgien 2014 musik von Bruno Coulais allerdings ihn die perfekte Wahl, denn auch des- Regie: Benoît Jacquot suggeriert oftmals die falsche Stim- sen Vater war bereits ein Kingsman und Darsteller: , mung. So kündigen tiefe Streicher- wurde bei einem Einsatz getötet. Eggsy Catherine Deneuve, Chiara passagen etwas Kriminelles an, was lässt sich auf die Sache ein und muss Mastroianni, Benoît Poelvoorde allerdings nie vorhanden ist. So sehr sich – zusammen mit anderen Rekruten Kinostart: 19.03.2015 Coulais Score unter musikalischen Ge- – einem wortwörtlich mörderischen sichtspunkten auch begeistert, als Mu- Training unterziehen... Man könnte Liebe ist Schicksal: wegen eines sik für 3 HERZEN scheint sie etwas sagen, dass KINGSMAN da anfängt, verpassten Zuges lernt Marc in einer verfehlt zu sein. Nichtsdestotrotz lohnt wo John Steed, Emma Peel und James kleinen Provinzstadt die attraktive die Menage-a-Trois durchaus einen Bond aufhören. Ein wahnsinnig tolles Sylvie kennen. Ohne Namen oder Tele- Gang ins Arthaus-Kino. Produktionsdesign, das offensichtlich fonnummern auszutauschen verabre- Ken Adam huldigt, ein Score, der sich den sich die beiden zu einem Date in Mittwoch, 21. Januar 2015 als Quintessenz aller Bond-Musiken Paris. Doch das Date platzt und so ver- Mein Name ist nicht Bond erweist und die Gentlemen-mäßige Aus- lieren sich die beiden aus den Augen. Eine fulminant inszenierte Agenten- staffierung der Protagonisten lassen March geht weiter seiner Arbeit nach, komödie hielt mich heute bei Laune eigentlich keinen Zweifel daran, dass Sylvie begleitet ihren Freund nach Regisseur Matthew Vaughn ein Fan Amerika. Eines Tages lernt Marc die KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE dieser Vorbilder ist. Wer mich kennt, junge Sophie kennen und bietet an, ihr (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) der weiß, dass ich Comic-Verfilmungen bei der Steuererklärung für ihr kleines OT: Kingsman: The Secret Service nicht sonderlich mag. Doch mit Geschäft. Die beiden verlieben sich Verleih: Fox KINGSMAN fühlte ich mich köstlich ineinander. Marc ahnt nicht, dass So- Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 unterhalten. Samuel L. Jackson (in der phie die Schwester von Sylvie ist... Regie: Matthew Vaughn deutschen Fassung mit starkem Lis- Charlotte Gainsbourg dürfte inzwi- Darsteller: Colin Firth, Tom Egerton, peln) mimt den Oberschurken, der mit schen zu einer der meistbeschäftigsten Samuel L. Jackson, Mark Strong, Mi- seinem teuflischen Plan die gesamte

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Menschheit dezimieren möchte. Das kommt ist zwar grausam, nutzt sich Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2014 ganze Unterfangen mündet in eine aber leider aufgrund der immer gleichen Regie: Katja von Garnier grandiose Sequenz, in der exakt im Takt sadistischen Methoden des japani- Darsteller: Scorpions von Elgars “Pomp and Circumstance”- schen Lagerkommandanten erschrek- Kinostart: 26.03.2015 Marsch menschliche Köpfe in schil- kend schnell ab. lernden Farben explodieren und damit Sie sind bereits seit 50 Jahren eine fe- ein Brillantfeuerwerk darstellen. Aber Donnerstag, 22. Januar 2015 ste in der Musik-Land- keine Sorge: auch wenn es comichafte, Barbarei in Äthiopien und eine Renter- schaft: die deutsche Band “The exzessive Gewalt und explodierende Band auf Tour Scorpions” hat es an die Spitze des Schädel zu sehen gibt: Blut fließt hier Die letzten beiden Pressevorführungen Rock-Firmaments geschafft. Die renom- nicht. Dafür gibt es jede Menge in dieser Woche gab es heute im mierte deutsche Regisseurin Katja von adrenalintreibende Action, die einen Doppelpack Garnier hat die alten Herren auf ihrer fulminanten Mix aus visuellen Effekten monatelangen Farewell-Tour um den und Stunts bietet. Die Farbgebung der DAS MÄDCHEN HIRUT (1:2.35, 5.1) Globus begleitet. Entstanden ist dabei Bilder erinnert an die guten, alten OT: Difret das Porträt einer Band, die insbesonde- Agentenstreifen der 1960er-Jahre. Und Verleih: Alamode (Filmagentinnen) re von Lead-Sänger Klaus Meine und für die Rentner unter uns gibt es sogar Land/Jahr: Äthiopien, USA 2014 Gitarrist Rudolf Schenker geprägt wur- ein Wiedersehen mit Luke Skywalker Regie: Zeresenay Berhane Mehari de. Beide erzählen von den Anfängen alias Mark Hamill. Fazit: rasante, witzi- der Band bis zum wehmütigen Ab- ge Kinokost, das nach einer großen Darsteller: Meron Getnet, Tizita Hagere schied auf der Bühne. Natürlich kom- Popcorntüte verlangt! men auch die anderen Band-Mitglieder Kinostart: 12.03.2015 sowie Musikjournalisten und – UNBROKEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1 + 7.1 + produzenten zu Wort. Neben vielen Atmos) Die 14jährige Hirut wird auf dem Heim- privaten Archivaufnahmen gibt es auch OT: Unbroken weg von der Schule von einer Gruppe Ausschnitte vom Abschiedskonzert der Verleih: Universal berittener Männer entführt und verge- Gruppe. Leider – und das ist einer der Land/Jahr: USA 2014 waltigt. Als sie ihren Peiniger in Not- beiden Schwachpunkte der Dokumenta- Regie: wehr erschießt, wollen sie die Behör- tion – wird keiner der Songs als Darsteller: Jack O’Connell, Domhnall den zur Verantwortung ziehen und mit Komplettversion “Live on Stage” prä- Gleeson, Miyavi dem Tode bestrafen. Doch die Anwältin sentiert, sondern immer wieder von Kinostart: 15.01.2015 und Frauenrechtlerin Meaza nimmt sich Interviewsegmenten unterbrochen. des Falles an. Ein mühseliger Kampf Kritikpunkt Nummer Zwei: anstatt die Louis Zamperine, Sohn italienischer mit den von Männern dominierten Be- Kommentare der Englisch sprechenden Einwanderer, tritt als Sprinter für die hörden beginnt... Beruhend auf wahren Bandmitglieder zu untertiteln, hat man USA bei den Olympischen Spielen in Ereignissen erzählt Regisseur sich für ein störendes Voice-Over ent- an. Dann bricht der Zweite Welt- Zeresenay Berhane Mehari die ergrei- schieden, das die Dokumentation in die krieg aus. Als Soldat bei der US-Luft- fende Geschichte des Bauernmädchens Niederungen einer TV-Produktion hin- waffe kämpft er gegen die Japaner, wird Hirut, mit deren Fall in Äthiopien ein unterzieht. Insgesamt aber für Fans der abgeschossen und kämpft im Ozean neues Zeitalter der Rechtsprechung Scorpions allemal sehenswert. ums Überleben. Nach über einem Mo- begann. Denn bis dahin wurde die Ent- nat auf offener See wird er schließlich führung und Zwangsverheiratung jun- Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015 gerettet – von den Japanern. Von nun ger Mädchen auf dem Land als Traditi- Seniorenresidenz und beste Freundinnen an durchläuft er alle Härten japanischer on angesehen. Gruselig ist dabei allei- Mit zwei sehr unterschiedlichen Filmen Gefangenenlager. Doch Louis gibt ne der Gedanke, dass dies erst ein paar habe ich heute den Vormittag und den nicht auf... Es bedarf reichlich Sitz- Jahre her ist. Hiruts unerschrockener Nachmittag verbracht fleisch, um Angelina Jolies überlangen Anwältin Meaza Ashenafi ist es zu ver- Film und auf einer wahren Geschichte danken, dass diese Unsitte inzwischen BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL 2 beruhenden Film ganz durchzuhalten. unter Strafe gestellt wurde. Meron (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Ein Film, der im Grunde genommen eine Getnet als Anwältin und Tizita Hagere OT: The Second Best Exotic Marigold Zweiteilung erfährt: die Odyssee im als Hirut glänzen in ihren Rollen in ei- Hotel Schlauchboot und die Gefangenschaft nem Film, für den Angelina Jolie als Verleih: Fox in japanischen Lagern. LIFE OF PI Exekutivproduzentin verantwortlich Land/Jahr: USA, Großbritannien 2014 trifft auf DIE BRÜCKE AM KWAI. Be- zeichnet. Regie: John Madden eindruckend ist hierbei zumindest der Darsteller: Dame Judi Dench, Maggie erste Teil, der die fast 50tägige Irrfahrt FOREVER AND A DAY (1:1.33 & 1:1.85, Smith, Bill Nighy, Dev Patel der drei Soldaten auf hoher See ziem- 5.1) Kinostart: 02.04.2015 lich eindringlich schildert. Was danach Verleih: Tempest Film

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Land/Jahr: USA 2014 Dauer-Brenner und Afrika-Faszination gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film Regie: Andy Wachowski, Lana In Österreich ist mal wieder etwas pas- erst ab 18.02.2015 an dieser Stelle Wachowski siert und in Afrika ist der Regen die Darsteller: Mila Kunis, Channing Quelle des Lebens. Oder anders ausge- EINE NEUE FREUNDIN (1:1.85, 5.1) Tatum, Sean Bean drückt: mein Presse-Double-Feature. OT: Une Nouvelle Amie Kinostart: 05.02.2015 Verleih: Weltkino DAS EWIGE LEBEN (1:2.35, 5.1) Land/Jahr: Frankreich 2014 Tagsüber jobbt sie als Putzfrau, nachts Verleih: Majestic (Fox) Regie: François Ozon träumt sie von einem besseren Leben. Land/Jahr: Österreich, Deutschland Darsteller: Romain Duris, Jean-Claude Jupiter Jones kriegt ihr Leben nicht auf 2015 Bolle-Reddat, Raphaël Personnaz die Reihe. Doch das wird nicht so blei- Regie: Wolfgang Murnberger Kinostart: 26.03.2015 ben. Eines Tages rettet sie der gen- Darsteller: Josef Hader, Tobias Moretti, manipulierter Ex-Soldat Caine aus den Nora von Waldstätten Seit Kindertagen gehen Claire und Lau- Klauen seltsamer Wesen, die ihr nach Kinostart: 19.03.2015 ra durch dick und dünn. Sie sind beste dem Leben trachten. Caine erklärt der Freundinnen und bleiben es auch Überraschten, dass er aus einer ande- Ex-Polizist Brenner ist ganz unten an- nachdem beide geheiratet haben. Doch ren Welt kommt, einer Welt, in der man gekommen. Ohne Job und ohne Geld dann beginnt das Drama: kurz nach der sie sehnsüchtig als Erbin eines Imperi- bleibt ihm nur noch der Rückzug in Geburt ihres Babys wird Laura unheil- ums erwartet... Perspektivwechsel bei sein altes Elternhaus in Graz. Dort reg- bar krank und stirbt. Zuvor muss ihr den Geschwistern Wachowski. Haben net es natürlich schon durchs Dach Claire noch versprechen, dass sie sich sie sich im innovativen Sci-Fi-Film MA- und Strom gibt es nur beim Nachbarn, um das Baby und ihren Mann David TRIX in die Untiefen des menschlichen der bereits ein Auge auf das Grund- kümmert, wenn sie tot ist. Noch mit Gehirns vorgewagt, betrachten sie in stück geworfen hat. Kein Wunder also, ihrer eigenen Trauer kämpfend, sucht ihrem neuesten Sci-Fi-Actioner dass Brenner von einer fürchterlichen sie die beiden kurz nach der Beerdi- JUPITER ASCENDING unseren sowie Migräne heimgesucht wird. Ein Schuss gung auf. Dabei erlebt sie eine Überra- viele andere Planeten aus der Tiefe des fällt und Brenner wird mit schwerer schung, die ihr gesamtes Leben verän- Universums. Was dabei allerdings her- Kopfverletzung ins Krankenhaus ein- dern wird... In seinem neuesten Film ausgekommen ist, ist höchst unbefrie- geliefert. Alle sagen ihm, dass er sich bedient sich Frankreichs Arthaus-Re- digend. Denn ihr bildgewaltiges, mit selber umbringen wollte. Doch so einen gisseur François Ozon gewisser Ele- visuellen Effekten überladenes Stück Schmarn hat der Brenner noch nie ge- mente des Film Noir, um seine Ge- Film erweist sich als ein nicht gares hört! Bei der erstbesten Gelegenheit schichte zu erzählen. Hier sind es vor- Konglomerat aus allen gängigen Sci-Fi- büxt er aus dem Krankenhaus aus und nehmlich die Filmmusik von Philippe und Fantasy-Filmen. Man wird den macht sich auf die Suche nach seinem Rombi und die exzellente Kameraarbeit Eindruck einfach nicht los, nicht nur Mörder. Die endet – wie könnte es von Pascal Marti, die diesem Drama alles schon woanders gesehen zu ha- auch anders sein – bei einem weiteren das ganz besondere Thriller-Feeling ben, sondern auch noch besser dazu. Toten... “Jetzt ist schon wieder etwas verleihen. Ozon erzählt eine Geschich- Das gilt für die Kreaturen, die Situatio- te, in der die Abgrenzung zwischen den nen, die Szenenbilder und sogar für die Geschlechtern ihre Bedeutung zu ver- bombastische Filmmusik von Michael lieren scheint und sie sich miteinander Giacchino, der sich mehr als nur einmal zu vermischen beginnen. Spannend, bei bedient. Man ist erotisch und gut besetzt fasziniert die- wahrhaftig versucht, den Film als se Geschlechterstudie, fühlt sich aber JUPITER DESCENDING umzutaufen – zum Ende hin zu lang an. Für an- es geht wirklich nur bergab im Verlauf spruchsvolle Kinogänger jedoch des Films. Langeweile bricht sich Bahn. durchaus den Gang ins Kino wert. Oder um es anders auszudrücken: der Film ist tatsächlich so schlecht, wie Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2015 Filmplakat und Trailer suggerieren. Lost in Space Einzige Ausnahme: der Gastauftritt von Die Wachowskis melden sich wieder Terry Gilliam, der zweifelsfrei von mit einem Science-Fiction-Film auf der BRAZIL inspiriert wurde. Da wundert Leinwand zurück es nicht weiter, dass sich diese wun- derbare Sequenz wie ein Fremdkörper JUPITER ASCENDING (1:2.35, 3D, DD im restlichen Film anfühlt. 5.1 + 7.1 + Atmos) OT: Jupiter Ascending Donnerstag, 29.01.2015 Verleih: Warner

LASER HOTLINE Seite 11 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog passiert” flüstert die vertraute Stimme als Brenners Ex-Chef sowie die laszive Belgien 2014 aus dem Off. Wer die Brenner-Krimis Nora von Waldstätten als dessen Ehe- Regie: Frank Hoffmann, Pol Cruchten von Wolfgang Haase kennt, der weiß frau gehören. Fazit: unbedingt an- jetzt auch schon, was da auf ihn oder schauen! Darsteller: Eric Caravaca, Robinson sie zukommen wird! Mit typisch lako- Stévenin, Isild Le Besco, Tchéky Karyo nisch österreichischem Witz lädt Regis- AFRIKA – DAS MAGISCHE KÖNIG- Kinostart: 19.03.2015 seur Wolfgang Murnberger zur nun- REICH (1:1.85, 3D, DD 5-1 + Atmos) mehr vierten Haas-Verfilmung. Wie im- OT: Enchanted Kingdom Er wurde von der Bankiersfamilie geop- mer hat er gemeinsam mit seinem Verleih: Constantin fert: Karl Escher saß drei Jahre hinter Hauptdarsteller Josef Hader sowie dem Land/Jahr: Großbritannien 2014 Gittern. Wegen Urkundenfälschung Romanautor Wolfgang Haas das Dreh- Regie: Patrick Morris, Neil Nightingale und Unterschlagung. Getan hat er es buch verfasst. Skurril, irrwitzig, mit nur, um seinen Vater zu schützen. Jetzt einem Quentchen Perversion und abge- Kinostart: 05.03.2015 aber will er sich für das Unrecht rä- rundet mit herrlich schwarzem Humor chen: er wird Mitglied in einer Bande, servieren uns die Filmemacher mit DAS Der Regen als die Quelle allen Lebens die es auf genau diese Bank abgesehen EWIGE LEBEN den ersten Brenner- bildet den roten Faden in dieser faszi- hat. Doch sein Bruder Franz erhält ei- Krimi im CinemaScope-Format (der uns nierend bebilderten Reise in den nen Tipp und fackelt nicht lange. Der in der heutigen Pressevorführung lei- schwarzen Kontinent. Mit mehreren Familienzwist nimmt einen tragischen der von einer unterdurchschnittlich Kamerateams haben sich Patrick Morris Verlauf... Friedrich Schillers Drama von schlechten DVD präsentiert!). Nicht und Neil Nightingale aufgemacht, Afri- einst umgesetzt in die Neuzeit – geht der Krimi selbst spielt hier die Haupt- kas Tierwelt dreidimensional einzufan- das überhaupt? Theoretisch ja, doch in rolle, sondern seine abgewrackten Ty- gen. Hautnah rücken sie damit exoti- Frank Hoffmanns und Pol Cruchtens pen. Wenn Brenner (herrlich: Josef Ha- sche Bewohner des Regenwalds sowie Film missglückt das Wagnis leider. Vi- der) gleich zu Beginn beim Arbeitsamt der Namib-Wüste in das Zentrum ihres suell und tontechnisch ist der Film vorsprechen muss (in abgetragenen Films. Da gibt es unter anderem eine zwar wirklich bestechend, doch späte- Klamotten, unrasiert und mit leerem tanzende Echse, ein hungriges Chamä- stens wenn sich die fliehenden Räuber Blick versteht sich) und ihm die freund- leon, das in bester Italo-Western-Ma- vor der Polizei in den Wald flüchten, liche Dame am Computer vorrechnet, nier auf die Jagd geht, oder balzende wird die ganze Geschichte ziemlich ha- dass er noch bis 84 arbeiten muss, gibt Flamingos in großer Formation zu erle- nebüchen. Um den Film vollends zu es bereits den ersten hintergründigen ben. Patrick Doyles orchestrale Film- ruinieren, engagierten die Filmemacher Lacher. Und wenn Brenner mit seine musik mit Chorpassagen hat großen den vor Kurzem verstorbenen Maximili- Uralt-Moped in eine Polizeikontrolle Anteil am Gelingen des Films, der auch an Schell, der hier die mit Abstand gerät, wird die gesamte Szenerie zu ei- mit ein paar gruseligen Momenten auf- schlechteste Performance seiner Kar- nem Kabinettstückchen. Da werden wartet. Beispielsweise wenn eine Herde riere abliefert. Seine Art und Weise zu seine Erklärungsversuche, warum er von trinkenden Gnus von Krokodilen spielen und zu reden passt ganz gut in keinen Helm tragen muss, nur noch von angegriffen wird oder eine Zwerg- Schillers Zeit, ist aber leider hier ziem- dem Kartonstückchen mit aufgemalten puffotter im Wüstensand ihre Mahlzeit lich fehl am Platz. Ein groteskes Stück Zahlen und Buchstaben getoppt, das anlockt. Etwas enttäuschend an der Kino glamourös verpackt. als Nummernschild herhalten muss. ganzen Umsetzung ist jedoch das auf Eingefleischte Brenner-Fans dürfen 1:1.85 reduzierte Bildformat. Denn die A MOST VIOLENT YEAR (1:2.35, DD sich auf zwei Neuerungen gefasst ma- grandiosen Landschaften schreien ge- 5.1) chen: Berti ist (leider) dieses Mal nicht radezu nach kinogerechtem OT: A Most Violent Year mit von der Partie und (jetzt kommt’s) CinemaScope. Verleih: SquareOne/Universum (24 Bil- wir erfahren, dass Brenner tatsächlich der) einen Vornamen hat! Auch wenn DAS Freitag, 30.01.2015 Land/Jahr: USA 2014 EWIGE LEBEN etwas von dem Biss Im Wald da sind die Räuber Regie: J.C. Chandor verloren hat, der im Vorgänger-Film Was haben Friedrich Schiller und die Darsteller: , Jessica DER KNOCHENMANN noch vorhan- Hochfinanz miteinander zu tun? Die Chastain, David Oyelowo den war, so enttäuscht der neue Frage sollte heute geklärt werden... Kinostart: 19.03.2015 Murnberger dennoch nicht. Hierfür sorgt alleine schon die bis in kleinste DIE RÄUBER (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Aufgrund einer Sperrfristvereinbarung Nebenrollen gut besetzte Darsteller- Verleih: farbfilm gibt es die Kurzkritik zu diesem Film riege, zu der dieses Mal Tobias Moretti Land/Jahr: Luxemburg, Deutschland, erst 26.02.2015 an dieser Stelle

Filmkritiken immer tagesaktuell auf www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 13 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Biene Maja - Box 1, Folge 01-20 Animation (3 Discs) Die Boxtrolls (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Dir. Daniel Duda, Mario von Jascheroff ray) (Dialogregie dt. Synchro) The Boxtrolls 5 Freunde für alle Fälle, Box 1 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 234min. Dir. Graham Annable, Anthony Stacchi Famous 5: On The Case Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 97min. Dir. Pascal Pinon, Thierry Sapyn 20.03.2015 (Universal) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 176min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064086 05.03.2015 justbridge GmbH 13.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063932 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064034 Biene Maja - Box 2, Folge 21-39 (3 Discs) Chaika Hitsugi No Chaika Der 7bte Zwerg Dir. Daniel Duda, Mario von Jascheroff Dir. Soichi Masui Dir. Boris Aljinovic, Michael Coldewey, Ha- (Dialogregie dt. Synchro) Action/Trickfilm 2014 80min. rald Siepermann Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 223min. AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 84min. Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064216 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 20.03.2015 05.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064087 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063903 Chaika (Blu-ray) Die Biene Maja - Der Kinofilm Hitsugi No Chaika Dir. Soichi Masui Der 7bte Zwerg (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Dir. Alex Stadermann Action/Trickfilm 2014 83min. ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 85min. AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 Dir. Boris Aljinovic, Michael Coldewey, Ha- Studio 100 Media 20.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064227 rald Siepermann 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063807 Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 87min. Charlie und Lola - Neun Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Die Biene Maja - Der Kinofilm Charlie And Lola 05.03.2015 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Dir. Kitty Taylor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063931 Dir. Alex Stadermann Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2005 66min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 88min. Der 7bte Zwerg (Blu-ray) polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 Studio 100 Media 20.03.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064244 Dir. Boris Aljinovic, Michael Coldewey, Ha- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063820 rald Siepermann Chuggington 25 Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 87min. Die Biene Maja - Der Kinofilm Chuggington Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (Blu-ray) Dir. Sarah Ball 05.03.2015 Dir. Alex Stadermann Trickfilm 50min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063930 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2014 88min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Die Abenteuer der kleinen Giraf- Studio 100 Media 20.03.2015 12.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063819 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063906 fe Zarafa Zarafa Biene Maja - Ihre schönsten Gute Coppelion 2 Dir. Rémi Bezançon, Jean-Christophe Lie Nacht Geschichten Coppelion Making of, Trailer Dir. Shingo Suzuki, Hiromitsu Kanazawa, Trickfilm 2011 76min. Dir. Daniel Duda, Mario von Jascheroff Susumu Kudo Alamode Film 30.01.2015 (Dialogregie dt. Synchro) /Action 2013 75min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063764 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 70min. Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.02.2015 Die Abenteuer der kleinen Giraf- 20.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064374 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064085 fe Zarafa (Blu-ray) Coppelion 2 (Blu-ray) Zarafa Bob, der Baumeister - Heppos Coppelion Dir. Rémi Bezançon, Jean-Christophe Lie besonderer Freund Dir. Shingo Suzuki, Hiromitsu Kanazawa, Making of, Trailer Susumu Kudo Trickfilm 2011 79min. Bob The Builder Science Fiction/Action 2013 78min. Alamode Film 30.01.2015 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm min. AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063785 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20064390 Division(Europa) 20.02.2015 Augsburger Puppenkiste - Lilalu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064405 Coppelion 3 im Schepperland, Folge 01-13 (2 Bobo Siebenschläfer - DVD 1 Coppelion Discs) Dir. Shingo Suzuki, Hiromitsu Kanazawa, Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 63min. Dir. Axel Schulz Susumu Kudo Universum Film Home Kinderfilm 2000-2001 min. Science Fiction/Action 2013 75min. Entertainment(Universum Kids) 20.03.2015 Universum Film Home AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064084 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 24.04.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064396 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064220 Bobo Siebenschläfer - DVD 1 Coppelion 3 (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 47min. Augsburger Puppenkiste - Mär- Coppelion Universum Film Home Dir. Shingo Suzuki, Hiromitsu Kanazawa, chen & Sagen (3 Discs, Steelbox) Entertainment(Universum Kids) 20.03.2015 Susumu Kudo Der kleine Muck / Das kalte Herz / Das 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064122 Tanzbärenmärchen / Abdallah und sein Science Fiction/Action 2013 78min. Esel Die Boxtrolls AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064426 Booklet, Featurettes The Boxtrolls Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 258min. Dir. Graham Annable, Anthony Stacchi S.A.D. Home Entertainment(hrMedia) Dino-Zug - Abenteuercamp Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 94min. 23.01.2015 Dinosaur Train Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064041 Wendecover 05.03.2015 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 89min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063904

LASER HOTLINE Seite 14 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment in the Shell - Stand Alone Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Germany 05.03.2015 Complex: Solid State Society Star of Milos (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064015 (Blu-ray) Hottarake No Shima - Haruka To Maho No Dino-Zug - Eierjagd Kôkaku Kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex Kagami / Hagane No Renkinjutsushi: Mirosu No ... Dinosaur Train Solid State Society Wendecover Dir. Kenji Kamiyama Dir. Shinsuke Sato, Kazuya Murata Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 89min. Booklet Wendecover Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009-2011 200min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2006 114min. Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 27.02.2015 Germany 05.03.2015 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.02.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063927 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064016 tba BestellNr.: 20064222 Dino-Zug - Naturfreunde Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Haruka und der Zauberspiegel / Dinosaur Train 11: Der kleine Heuler Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Wendecover Wild Kratts Star of Milos (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 89min. Chris Kratt - Dir. Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt Hottarake No Shima - Haruka To Maho No STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Kagami / Hagane No Renkinjutsushi: Germany 05.03.2015 Edel:Kids 06.03.2015 Mirosu No ... 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064017 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064322 Dir. Shinsuke Sato, Kazuya Murata Wendecover Dragons - Die Wächter von Berk, Go Wild! Mission Wildnis - Folge Trickfilm/Fantasy 2009-2011 200min. Vol. 1-4 12: Haialarm Splendid Film(I-On Animaze) 27.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063946 Dragons: Riders Of Berk Wild Kratts Dir. Anthony Bell, John Sanford, John Eng, Chris Kratt - Dir. Chris Kratt, Martin Kratt Heidi - DVD 1 Louie del Carmen, Joe Sichta Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. Heidi Featurettes, Musikvideo Edel:Kids 06.03.2015 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 110min. Dir. Jérôme Mouscadet 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064323 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kinderfilm 2014 min. Germany(DreamWorks) 26.03.2015 Go, Diego! Go! - Diego rettet die Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064023 17.04.2015 kleinen Löwen tba BestellNr.: 20064444 FLCL - Furi Kuri Gesamtausgabe Go, Diego! Go! FLCL Dir. Katie McWane, Allan Jacobsen Heidi - DVD 2 Dir. Kazuya Tsurumaki Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 92min. Heidi Komödie/Science Fiction 2000 180min. Paramount Home Dir. Jérôme Mouscadet AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 05.03.2015 Kinderfilm 2014 min. tba BestellNr.: 20064397 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064257 Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 17.04.2015 FLCL - Furi Kuri Gesamtausgabe Die große Asterix - Edition (7 tba BestellNr.: 20064445 (Blu-ray) Discs, Digital Remastered) FLCL Operation Hinkelstein / Sieg über Cäsar / Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 3 Dir. Kazuya Tsurumaki Asterix bei den Briten / Asterix der Gallier (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Komödie/Science Fiction 2000 187min. / Asterix erobert Rom / Asterix in America Herushingu AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 / Asterix und Kleopatra Dir. Taliesin Jaffe tba BestellNr.: 20064427 Leo Bardischewski, Lucien Raimbourg - Booklet, Promo-Clip, Blank Ending Dir. Philippe Grimond, Paul Brizzi, Gaetan Action/Zeichentrick 2005 64min. Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Brizzi, Pino van Lamsweerde, Ray AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.02.2015 Complex, Staffel 1 (4 Discs) (Blu- Goossens, René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo, tba BestellNr.: 20064199 Gerhard Hahn ray) Alternativer Abspann für Kinofassung, Dokumentationen, Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 3 Kôkaku Kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex Behind the Scenes, Making of, Trailer (k.J.) Dir. Kenji Kamiyama Trickfilm/Komödie 1967-1994 517min. Herushingu Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2002-2005 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Taliesin Jaffe 676min. Germany 19.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064018 Booklet, Promo-Clip, Blank Ending AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 Action/Zeichentrick 2005 60min. tba BestellNr.: 20064428 Die große Asterix - Edition (7 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064187 Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Discs, Digital Remastered) (Blu- Complex, Staffel 1 (6 Discs) ray) Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 4 Kôkaku Kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex Operation Hinkelstein / Sieg über Cäsar / Herushingu Dir. Kenji Kamiyama Asterix bei den Briten / Asterix der Gallier Dir. Taliesin Jaffe Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2002-2005 / Asterix erobert Rom / Asterix in America Action/Zeichentrick 2005 60min. 650min. / Asterix und Kleopatra AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 Leo Bardischewski, Lucien Raimbourg - tba BestellNr.: 20064399 tba BestellNr.: 20064398 Dir. Philippe Grimond, Paul Brizzi, Gaetan Brizzi, Pino van Lamsweerde, Ray Hellsing - Ultimate OVA, Vol. 4 Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Goossens, René Goscinny, Albert Uderzo, (Blu-ray) Complex: Solid State Society Gerhard Hahn Herushingu Alternative Abspanne und Synchro, Dokumentationen, Behind Kôkaku Kidôtai: Stand Alone Complex the Scenes, Making of, Trailer Dir. Taliesin Jaffe Solid State Society Trickfilm/Komödie 1967-1994 541min. Action/Zeichentrick 2005 63min. Dir. Kenji Kamiyama STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 Booklet Germany 19.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064429 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2006 110min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064028 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.02.2015 Hexe Lilli - Lilli und das Geheim- tba BestellNr.: 20064210 Haruka und der Zauberspiegel / nis des Parfüms und 3 weitere

LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Abenteuer Das Leben des Budori Gusko tba BestellNr.: 20064287 Dir. Jürgen Richter, Uwe Janson (Blu-ray) Mike, der Ritter... und die Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004 92min. Gusukô Budori No Denki Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Dir. Gisaburo Sugii Medaillenjagd 05.03.2015 Fantasy/Trickfilm 2012 min. Mike The Knight 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064207 AV Visionen( House) 27.03.2015 Dir. Neil Affleck tba BestellNr.: 20064223 Trickfilm/Abenteuer 50min. Hexe Lilli - Lilli und der Indianer- Sony Music Strategic Entertainment junge und 3 weitere Abenteuer Lego Ninjago - Staffel 4.1 Division(Europa) 20.02.2015 Dir. Jürgen Richter, Uwe Janson Lego Ninjago: Masters Of Spinjitzu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064406 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2004 92min. Dir. Michael Hegner, Justin Murphy Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 88min. Monster High: Verspukt - Das Ge- 05.03.2015 Universum Film Home heimnis der Geisterketten 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064208 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 17.04.2015 Monster High: Haunted tba BestellNr.: 20064446 Dir. Dan Fraga, William Lau Hokus Pokus Willi Wiberg Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2015 67min. Hokus Pokus Albert Aberg Lenas Ranch, Vol. 5 - Ein ganz Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Torill Kove besonderes Pferd 26.03.2015 Trickfilm 2013 70min. Le Ranch 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063911 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Dir. Monica Maaten Germany 02.04.2015 Postkarte Monster High: Verspukt - Das Ge- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063917 Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 66min. heimnis der Geisterketten justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Monster High: Haunted Hokus Pokus Willi Wiberg (Blu- 13.02.2015 Dir. Dan Fraga, William Lau ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063979 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2015 70min. Hokus Pokus Albert Aberg Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Dir. Torill Kove Leo Lausemaus - DVD 3 26.03.2015 Trickfilm 2013 73min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 63min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063912 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Universum Film Home Germany 02.04.2015 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 03.04.2015 Nisekoi - Vol. 2 (2 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20063939 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064442 Nisekoi Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo, Naoyuki Tatsuwa Jake und die Nimmerland Piraten Leo Lausemaus - DVD 4 Poster, Postkarten - Auf der Jagd nach dem gestoh- Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 63min. Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 125min. Universum Film Home AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.01.2015 lenen Buch Entertainment(Universum Kids) 03.04.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064400 Jake And The Never Land Pirates 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064443 Dir. Kelly Ward Nisekoi - Vol. 2 (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2011 min. Magi: The Kingdom of Nisekoi (Germany) Staffel 2, Box 1 (2 Discs) Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo, Naoyuki Tatsuwa 21.05.2015 Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic Poster, Postkarten 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064457 Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 130min. Dir. Kôji Masunari Postkarten AV Visionen(Kazé) 30.01.2015 Kill la Kill - Box 4 (2 Discs) Trickfilm/Abenteuer 175min. tba BestellNr.: 20064430 Kill La Kill AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.02.2015 Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi, Akira Amemiya, Alex tba BestellNr.: 20064189 Nisekoi - Vol. 3 (2 Discs) von David Nisekoi Action/Zeichentrick min. Magi: The Kingdom of Magic Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo, Naoyuki Tatsuwa AV Visionen(Peppermint) 30.01.2015 Staffel 2, Box 1 (Blu-ray) Postkarten 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064052 Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 125min. Magi: The Labyrinth Of Magic AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.03.2015 Kill la Kill - Box 4 (Blu-ray) Dir. Kôji Masunari tba BestellNr.: 20064401 Postkarten Kill La Kill Trickfilm/Abenteuer 182min. Nisekoi - Vol. 3 (Blu-ray) Dir. Hiroyuki Imaishi, Akira Amemiya, Alex AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.02.2015 Nisekoi von David tba BestellNr.: 20064201 Action/Zeichentrick min. Dir. Akiyuki Shinbo, Naoyuki Tatsuwa AV Visionen(Peppermint) 30.01.2015 Postkarten Märchenklassiker, die nicht jeder Komödie/Zeichentrick 2014 130min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064056 kennt AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.03.2015 Kleine Prinzessin - Mein Freund Johnny, der Apfelmann / Der gestiefelte tba BestellNr.: 20064431 Kater / Der gestohlene Weihnachtsgeist / Alfie Arabische Nächte / Der kleine Trommler / One Piece - Die TV Serie - Box Little Princess Die Abenteuer des kleinen Indianers Vol. 9 (6 Discs) Dir. Edward Foster Haiwatha / Die Geschichte vom Riesen Wan Pîsu: One Piece Trickfilm 55min. Paul Bunyan Dir. Kônosuke Uda justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) Trickfilm 154min. Booklet 27.02.2015 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Trickfilm/Action 775min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064186 26.02.2015 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064170 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064402 Das Leben des Budori Gusko Gusukô Budori No Denki Matyi, der Gänsejunge Pac-Man und die Geister- Dir. Gisaburo Sugii Ludas Matyi abenteuer, DVD 7 Fantasy/Trickfilm 2012 min. Dir. Attila Dargay Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures AV Visionen(Anime House) 27.03.2015 Trailer Dir. Moto Sakakibara tba BestellNr.: 20064211 Trickfilm 1976 70min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 44min. ICESTORM Entertainment 16.02.2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 16 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Kurzfilme Samurai Champloo 13.03.2015 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1962-1991 55min. Dir. Shinichirô Watanabe, Mamoru Hosoda 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063907 Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Trickfilm/Action 2004 650min. Division(rbb) 13.02.2015 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 Pac-Man und die Geister- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064101 89,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064215 abenteuer, DVD 8 Prinz Ribbit - Ein Frosch auf Um- Pac-Man And The Ghostly Adventures Samurai Flamenco - Vol. 4 (2 Dir. Moto Sakakibara wegen! Discs) Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 44min. Ribbit 3D Samurai Flamenco Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) - Dir. Chuck Powers Dir. Takahiro Omori 13.03.2015 Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 85min. Action/Zeichentrick 150min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063908 Splendid Film 27.03.2015 AV Visionen(Peppermint) 27.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064119 tba BestellNr.: 20064403 Paw Patrol Paw Patrol Prinz Ribbit - Ein Frosch auf Um- Samurai Flamenco - Vol. 4 (Blu- Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 112min. wegen! (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) ray) Paramount Home Ribbit 3D Samurai Flamenco Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 05.03.2015 Sean Astin - Dir. Chuck Powers Dir. Takahiro Omori 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064260 Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 89min. Action/Zeichentrick 156min. Splendid Film 27.03.2015 AV Visionen(Peppermint) 27.03.2015 Pingu - Staffel 5 & 6 (2 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064144 tba BestellNr.: 20064432 Dir. Otmar Gutmann, Marianne Noser Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1986-2006 260min. Prinz Ribbit - Ein Frosch auf Um- Die Schöne und das Biest (Dia- justbridge entertainment GmbH(FM Kids) wegen! (Blu-ray) mond Edition) 20.02.2015 Ribbit 3D And The Beast 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064100 Sean Astin - Dir. Chuck Powers Dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise Trickfilm/Komödie 2014 89min. Die Pinguine aus Trickfilm/Fantasy 1991-2001 88min. Splendid Film 27.03.2015 The Walt Disney Company The 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064143 (Germany)(Disney) 16.04.2015 Dir. Eric Darnell, Simon J. Smith 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064455 Featurettes, Clips, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Prinzessinnen Collection Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 89min. Cinderella / Alice im Wunderland / Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Die schönsten Märchen der Welt Schneewittchen und die 7 Zwerge / Dorn- Germany(DreamWorks) 26.03.2015 (5 Discs) röschen / Die schöne und das Biest 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064022 Dir. Richard Slapczynski Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 140min. Bonusfilm Die Pinguine aus Madagascar SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1991-1999 12.03.2015 (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) 1284min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064178 EuroVideo Medien(Euro Video) 05.03.2015 The Penguins Of Madagascar 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064127 Dir. Eric Darnell, Simon J. Smith Ritter Rost - Vol 6: Der Komet Featurettes, Clips, Bildergalerie, Trailer, Björn Dömkes, Patricia Prawit - Dir. Felix Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 93min. Selector Infected Wixoss - Box 1 Schichl Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment (2 Discs) Trickfilm min. Germany(DreamWorks) 26.03.2015 Selector Infected Wixoss Sony Music Strategic Entertainment 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064031 Dir. Takuya Sato Division(Europa) 20.02.2015 Action/Mystery 150min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064408 Die Pinguine aus Madagascar AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.02.2015 (Blu-ray) Saber Rider - Ultimate Edition (10 tba BestellNr.: 20064188 The Penguins Of Madagascar Discs) Dir. Eric Darnell, Simon J. Smith Selector Infected Wixoss - Box 1 Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs Featurettes, Clips, Bildergalerie, Trailer, (Blu-ray) Dir. Franklin Cofod Trickfilm/Abenteuer 2014 93min. Selector Infected Wixoss Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1988 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Dir. Takuya Sato 1300min. Germany(DreamWorks) 26.03.2015 Action/Mystery 156min. AV Visionen(Anime House) 27.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064030 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064212 tba BestellNr.: 20064200 Pinocchio - DVD 01 Pinocchio Yori Piccolino No Boken Sailor Moon SuperS - 4. Staffel, Selector Infected Wixoss - Box 1 Dir. Hiroshi Saito, Shigeo Koshi Box 7 (5 Discs) (Limited Edition) (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 144min. Bishôjo Senshi Sêrâ Mûn Supers Selector Infected Wixoss Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Dir. Junichi Sato, Kunihiko Ikuhara Dir. Takuya Sato 17.04.2015 Trickfilm/Action 1995-1996 500min. Action/Mystery 156min. tba BestellNr.: 20064448 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.02.2015 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064209 Pinocchio - Komplettbox (9 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20064433 Pinocchio Yori Piccolino No Boken Samurai Champloo - Blu-ray Box Selector Infected Wixoss - Box 1 Dir. Hiroshi Saito, Shigeo Koshi (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) (Limited Edition, 2 Discs) Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1976 1265min. Samurai Champloo Selector Infected Wixoss Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Dir. Shinichirô Watanabe, Mamoru Hosoda Dir. Takuya Sato 17.04.2015 Trickfilm/Action 2004 676min. Action/Mystery 150min. tba BestellNr.: 20064449 AV Visionen(Nipponart) 27.03.2015 AV Visionen(Kazé) 27.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064226 Pittiplatsch im Koboldland, Vol. 3 tba BestellNr.: 20064404 (2 Discs) Samurai Champloo - DVD Box (6 Shaun das Schaf - Ente gut, alles Heinz Schröder, Friedgard Kurze Discs)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD gut 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064074 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2012 85min. Shaun The Sheep EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 John Sparkes, Justin Fletcher, Kate SUMM, SUMM, SUPER! - Die gro- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063832 Harbour, Richard Webber, Jo Allen ßen Abenteuer der Familie Bie- Trailer ne, Volume 2 War of the Worlds: Goliath (Blu- Trickfilm/Komödie 63min. The Hive ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concolino) Inlays mit Covermotiv-Ausmalbildchen War Of the Worlds: Goliath 05.03.2015 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010-2012 196min. Dir. Joe Pearson 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063969 Meteor Film 06.03.2015 Trickfilm/Science Fiction 2012 85min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064075 EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Sofia die Erste - Das verhexte 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063874 Fest, Volume 4 SUMM, SUMM, SUPER! - Die gro- Sofia The First ßen Abenteuer der Familie Bie- Wedding Peach - Vol. 2 (3 Discs) Ariel Winter, Darcy Rose Byrnes, Zach ne, Volume 3 Ai Tenshi Densetsu Wedding Peach Callison, Sara Ramirez, Tim Gunn, Travis Dir. Kunihiko Yuyuma The Hive Willingham - Dir. Jamie Mitchell Inlays mit Covermotiv-Ausmalbildchen Trickfilm/Science Fiction 1995 425min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick min. Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010-2012 182min. AV Visionen(Nipponart) 13.03.2015 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Meteor Film 06.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064371 05.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064076 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064057 Wickie und die starken Männer - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - DVD 09 South Park: Die komplette sieb- Season 1 (4 Discs) Dir. Eric Cazes zehnte Season (2 Discs) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 84min. South Park Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1986-1996 575min. Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Dir. Trey Parker, Matt Stone, Eric Stough Paramount Home 06.03.2015 Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar Entertainment(Nickelodeon) 05.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064089 Trickfilm/Satire 214min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064264 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Wickie und die starken Männer - 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064262 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: DVD 10 SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Das Gnadenlose Jagd Dir. Eric Cazes Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 72min. Beste aus Bikini Bottom (3 Discs) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Renegade Rampage Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) Spongebob Squarepants Featurettes 06.03.2015 Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 229min. Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 151min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064090 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063822 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063829 Willi Wiberg, Volume 1 - Bist du SpongeBob Schwammkopf - König? Toy Story of Terror / Toy Story - Albert Åberg Ostern mit SpongeBob (3 Discs) Mögen die Spiele beginnen Trailer, Wendecover Spongebob Squarepants Toy Story Of Terror / Toy Story That Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 90min. Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 262min. Forgot STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Dir. Angus MacLane Germany 19.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064263 Trickfilm/Komödie 2013-2014 min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064020 The Walt Disney Company (Germany) SpongeBob Schwammkopf - 16.04.2015 Willi Wiberg, Volume 2 - Bist du Patrick Schwammkopf 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064456 ein Erfinder? Spongebob Squarepants Albert Åberg Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 178min. TurboZ - Die schnellste Schnecke Trailer, Wendecover Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 der Welt Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 90min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063827 Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2008 43min. Germany 02.04.2015 justbridge entertainment GmbH 27.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064021 SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Rei- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064098 se durch die Zeit (3 Discs) Winx Club - Das Geheimnis des Spongebob Squarepants Unser Sandmännchen Folge 11 - Trickfilm/Komödie 1999-2006 293min. Wenn es Abend wird Ozeans Winx Club: Il Mistero Degli Abissi Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Dir. Gerhard Behrendt Dir. Iginio Straffi 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063821 Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm min. Trickfilm 2014 min. Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Universum Film Home SUMM, SUMM, SUPER! - Die gro- Division(Europa) 20.02.2015 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 20.03.2015 ßen Abenteuer der Familie Bie- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064409 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064092 ne, Komplettbox (3 Discs) The Hive Jules Verne Abenteuer Box Winx Club - Das Geheimnis des Inlays mit Covermotiv-Ausmalbildchen In 80 Tagen um die Welt / 20.000 Meilen Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010-2012 546min. unter dem Meer / Die Schweizer Familie Ozeans (Blu-ray) Meteor Film 06.03.2015 Robinson / Reise durch die Sonnenwelt / Winx Club: Il Mistero Degli Abissi 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064073 Die Reise zum Mittelpunkt der Erde Dir. Iginio Straffi Abenteuer/Trickfilm 215min. Trickfilm 2014 min. SUMM, SUMM, SUPER! - Die gro- SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Universum Film Home ßen Abenteuer der Familie Bie- 12.03.2015 Entertainment(Universum Kids) 20.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064095 ne, Volume 1 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064179 The Hive War of the Worlds: Goliath Die wunderbare Reise des klei- Inlays mit Covermotiv-Ausmalbildchen Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 2010-2012 168min. War Of the Worlds: Goliath nen Nils Holgersson mit den Meteor Film 06.03.2015 Dir. Joe Pearson Wildgänsen

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Dir. Hisajuki Toriumi 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063925 Kaas, Ole Thestrup, Gyrd Lofqvist, Lars Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 1981 82min. Ranthe - Dir. Anders Thomas Jensen Studio 100 Media(Universum Kids) 1911 (Dragon Edition) Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer 17.04.2015 (Blu-ray) Komödie/Drama 2005 95min. DCM 06.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064447 Xinhai Geming 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063811 Jackie Chan, Bingbing Li, Winston Chao, Zack & Quack - Folge 3: Die Auf- Joan Chen, Jaycee Chan, To Yu-Hang - Dir. Adiós Sabata (Special Edition) klapp-Mondmission Jackie Chan, Zhang Li Indio Black, Sai Che Ti Dico: Sei Un Gran Zack And Quack Making of, Behind the Scenes, B-Roll, Interviews, Wende- Figlio De... Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. cover Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2011 121min. Yul Brynner, Dean Reed, Ignazio Spalla, Edel:Kids 20.02.2015 Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.02.2015 Gérard Herter, Gianni Rizzo - Dir. Frank 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063758 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063944 Kramer Booklet, Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie Zack & Quack - Folge 4: Die Ver- 6 Schwedinnen hinter Gittern Western 1970 101min. steckspiel-Ninjas (Blu-ray) Explosive Media 20.03.2015 Zack And Quack 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064295 Ball Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 45min. Dir. Ann Perry Adiós Sabata (Special Edition) Edel:Kids 20.02.2015 Trailer, Bildergalerie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063759 Erotik 1982 73min. (Blu-ray) UNLTD. films 26.02.2015 Indio Black, Sai Che Ti Dico: Sei Un Gran Zeo, Teil 1-4 - Meine erste tba BestellNr.: 20064392 Figlio De... Sammelbox (4 Discs) Yul Brynner, Dean Reed, Ignazio Spalla, Zou Abenteuer mit Blasius Gérard Herter, Gianni Rizzo - Dir. Frank Kinderfilm/Trickfilm 220min. Leos Sucharípa, Wolfgang Greese, Norbert Kramer WVG Medien(WVG Domestic) 27.03.2015 Christian, Mario Wojtyczka, Petr Stary, Die- Booklet, Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064195 ter Wien - Dir. Klaus Georgi, DEFA-Studio Western 1970 105min. für Trickfilme 1968, ca. 14 Minuten), Trailer Explosive Media 20.03.2015 Trailer, Bonusfilm 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064307 Kinderfilm 1974 76min. Film ICESTORM Entertainment 16.02.2015 Adlerflügel tba BestellNr.: 20064289 Eagle’s Wing Martin Sheen, , Harvey ... und sie sind nur Kinder About Schmidt (Blu-ray) Keitel, Stéphane Audran, Caroline Bless The Beasts & Children About Schmidt Langrishe - Dir. Anthony Harvey Bill Mumy, Barry Robins, Miles Chapin, Jack Nicholson, , Hope Davis, Western 1978 108min. Darryl Glaser, Marc Vahanian, Ken Dermot Mulroney, June Suibb, Howard SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Morisel) Swofford, David Ketchum - Dir. Stanley Hesseman, Harry Groener, Connie Ray, Len 12.03.2015 Kramer Cariou, Mark Venhuizen, Cheryl Hamada, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064181 Drama/Abenteuer 1970 98min. Phil Reeves, Matt Winston, James Michael Edel Germany(New Vision) 13.02.2015 Connor, Jill Anderson - Dir. Alexander Afrika ruft nach Dir 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063772 Payne Erol Sander, Christina Plate, Heinz Komödie/Drama 2002 125min. Marecek, Sven Martinek, Lara Wichniarz, 137 Karat - Ein fast perfekter Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Nico Liersch, Ivy Nkutha, Andrew Stock, Coup 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064224 Ernest Ndlovu, Junior Singo, Gugu Fortunate Sithole, Professor Mavuso - Dir. Le Dernier Diamant Action Kracher Collection Karsten Wichniarz Yvan Attal, Bérénice Bejo, Jean-François Faustrecht / CB4 / Blast / Sie möchten Drama 2012 min. Stévenin, Antoine Basler, Jacques Giganten sein MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Spiesser, Annie Cordy, Michel Israel, Issaka Action 360min. 06.02.2015 Sawadogo - Dir. Eric Barbier Making of, Interviews, Trailer Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064058 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 105min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063848 Koch Media 04.12.2014 Aftermath 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064393 Action Kracher Collection (Blu- Aftermath ray) C.J. Thomason, Monica Keena, Edward 137 Karat - Ein fast perfekter Faustrecht / CB4 / Blast / Sie möchten Furlong, Andre Royo, Christine Kelly, Coup (Blu-ray) Giganten sein Jessie Rusu, Ross Britz, Tody Bernard, John Kennon Kepper, William Baldwin, Le Dernier Diamant Action 368min. Randal Reeder - Dir. Peter Engert Yvan Attal, Bérénice Bejo, Jean-François Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.02.2015 Horror/Drama 2012 92min. Stévenin, Antoine Basler, Jacques 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063881 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.03.2015 Spiesser, Annie Cordy, Michel Israel, Issaka 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064116 Sawadogo - Dir. Eric Barbier Adams Äpfel Making of, Interviews, Trailer Adams Aebler Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 109min. Ulrich Thomsen, Mads Mikkelsen, Nicolas Aftermath (Blu-ray) Koch Media 04.12.2014 Bro, Ali Kazim, Paprika Steen, Nikolaj Lie Aftermath 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064424 Kaas, Ole Thestrup, Gyrd Lofqvist, Lars C.J. Thomason, Monica Keena, Edward Ranthe - Dir. Anders Thomas Jensen Furlong, Andre Royo, Christine Kelly, 1911 Revolution (Dragon Edition) Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Trailer Jessie Rusu, Ross Britz, Tody Bernard, Xinhai Geming Komödie/Drama 2005 91min. John Kennon Kepper, William Baldwin, Jackie Chan, Bingbing Li, Winston Chao, DCM 06.03.2015 Randal Reeder - Dir. Peter Engert Joan Chen, Jaycee Chan, To Yu-Hang - Dir. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063798 Horror/Drama 2012 92min. Jackie Chan, Zhang Li Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.03.2015 Making of, Behind the Scenes, B-Roll, Interviews, Wende- Adams Äpfel (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064140 cover Adams Aebler Abenteuer/Historienfilm 2011 116min. Ulrich Thomsen, Mads Mikkelsen, Nicolas Alice, Sweet Alice (FSK 18) Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.02.2015 Bro, Ali Kazim, Paprika Steen, Nikolaj Lie Communion

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Linda Miller, Mildred Clinton, Brooke 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063862 Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 585min. Shields, Tom Signorelli, Paula Sheppard, polyband Medien GmbH 19.03.2015 Gary Allen - Dir. Alfred Sole Another Harvest Moon 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064151 Horror 1976 100min. Another Harvest Moon Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.02.2015 Ernest Borgnine, , Anne Meara, Atlantis - Die komplette erste 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063849 , Richard Schiff, Cybill Staffel (4 Discs) Shepherd, Sunkrish Bala, Amber Benson, Atlantis Woody Allen Collection (4 Discs) Cameron Monaghan - Dir. Greg Swartz Abenteuer/Fantasy 2013 585min. Midnight in Paris / Ich sehe den Mann Drama/Familie 2010 84min. polyband Medien GmbH 19.03.2015 deiner Träume / Vicky, Christina, Barcelo- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.03.2015 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064126 na / Scoop - Der Knüller 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064325 Ian McShane, Scarlett Johansson, Woody Auf der Spur des Löwen Allen, Penélope Cruz, Javier Bardem, Anto- Another Harvest Moon (Blu-ray) Jutta Speidel, Max Herbrechter, Elvis nio Banderas, Josh Brolin, Sir Anthony Another Harvest Moon Mahomba, Michael Mendl, Ndoni Khanyile, Hopkins, Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, Ernest Borgnine, Piper Laurie, Anne Meara, Hary Prinz, Siv Ngesi, Taya Pearson, Dylan Marion Cotillard - Dir. Woody Allen Doris Roberts, Richard Schiff, Cybill Fourie, Nicole R. Beutler - Dir. Erhard Drama/Komödie 2006-2011 362min. Shepherd, Sunkrish Bala, Amber Benson, Riedlsperger Concorde Home Entertainment 15.01.2015 Cameron Monaghan - Dir. Greg Swartz Melodram 2012 min. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063980 Drama/Familie 2010 88min. MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.03.2015 06.02.2015 Alphas - Staffel zwei (4 Discs) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064349 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064051 Alphas Science Fiction/Drama 536min. Ardiente Paciencia & Abschied in Auschwitz - Out of the Ashes Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Berlin (2 Discs) Out Of The Ashes 19.03.2015 Ardiente Paciencia / Abschied in Berlin Christine Lahti, , Richard 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063953 Roberto Parada, Oscar Castro, Marcela Crenna - Dir. Joseph Sargent Osorio, Bernhard Veith, Käthe Jaenicke, Drama 2003 113min. American Diner (Blu-ray) Gabriel Skármeta - Dir. Antonio Skármeta SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 26.02.2015 Diner Drama 1983-1984 145min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063751 Steve Guttenberg, Daniel Stern, Mickey film & kunst(Edition Filmmuseum) Rourke, Kevin Bacon, Tim Daly, Ellen 13.02.2015 Axe Giant - Die Rache des Paul Barkin, Paul Reiser, Kathryn Dowling, Mi- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064070 Bunyan (Blu-ray) (k.J.) chael Tucker, Jessica James, Colette Axe Giant: The Wrath Of Paul Bunyan Blonigan - Dir. Barry Levinson Arne Dahl - Volume 2 (3 Discs) Joe Estevez, Dan Haggerty, Thomas Drama 1982 110min. (Blu-ray) Downey - Dir. Gary Jones Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Arne Dahl Horror 2013 92min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064435 Kriminalfilm/Thriller 594min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 26.03.2015 Among the Living - Das Böse ist Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 20.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064383 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063789 hier (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Axe Giant - Die Rache des Paul Aux Yeux Des Vivants Arne Dahl - Volume 2 (4 Discs) Bunyan (k.J.) Anne Marivin, Francis Renaud, Béatrice Arne Dahl Axe Giant: The Wrath Of Paul Bunyan Dalle, Theo Fernandez, Zacharie Kriminalfilm/Thriller 594min. Joe Estevez, Dan Haggerty, Thomas Chasseriaud, Damien Ferdel, Fabien Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 20.02.2015 Downey - Dir. Gary Jones Jegoudez, Nicolas Giraud, Chloé Coulloud - 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063770 Horror 2013 89min. Dir. Julien Maury, Alexandre Bustillo Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 26.03.2015 Trailer Arpad, der Zigeuner - Komplett- Thriller/Horror 2014 88min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064365 Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 box (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063892 Robert Etcheverry, Edwige Pierre, Dorit Banshee Chapter (Blu-ray) Amann, Hela Gruel, Werner Umberg, Péter The Banshee Chapter Among the Living - Das Böse ist Kertész Katia Winter, Michael McMillian, Ted Levine, hier (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Booklet, Trailer Monique Candelaria, Jenny Gabrielle, Cyd Abenteuer 1972 660min. Schulte, William Sterchi, Chad Brummett - Aux Yeux Des Vivants AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Dir. Blair Erickson Anne Marivin, Francis Renaud, Béatrice AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 24.04.2015 Making of, Behind the Scenes Dalle, Theo Fernandez, Zacharie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064417 Horror/Thriller 2013 91min. Chasseriaud, Damien Ferdel, Fabien Koch Media 12.02.2015 Jegoudez, Nicolas Giraud, Chloé Coulloud - - Die komplette zweite 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064027 Dir. Julien Maury, Alexandre Bustillo Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Trailer Barcelona - Eine Sommernacht Thriller/Horror 2014 88min. Arrow Barcelona, Nit D’Estiu Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Action 2013 min. Francesc Colomer, Jan Cornet, Joan Dausà 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063891 Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064301 - Dir. Dani de la Orden Among the Living - Das Böse ist Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Arrow - Die komplette zweite Drama/Komödie 2013 92min. hier (k.J.) 3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 27.02.2015 Aux Yeux Des Vivants Staffel (5 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063970 Anne Marivin, Francis Renaud, Béatrice Arrow Dalle, Theo Fernandez, Zacharie Action 2013 972min. Barcelona - Eine Sommernacht Chasseriaud, Damien Ferdel, Fabien Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 (Blu-ray) 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064283 Jegoudez, Nicolas Giraud, Chloé Coulloud - Barcelona, Nit D’Estiu Dir. Julien Maury, Alexandre Bustillo Atlantis - Die komplette erste Francesc Colomer, Jan Cornet, Joan Dausà Trailer - Dir. Dani de la Orden Thriller/Horror 2014 84min. Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Atlantis Drama/Komödie 2013 96min.

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3L Vertriebs GmbH & Co.KG 27.02.2015 Yorgo Voyagis - Dir. Renzo Martinelli 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063788 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063998 Trailer, Bildergalerie Action/Historienfilm 2012 119min. Bitterer Reis Barfuß ins Glück KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.03.2015 Riso Amaro Barefoot 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064197 Silvana Mangano, Vittorio Gassman, Doris Evan Rachel Wood, Scott Speedman, Treat Dowling, Raf Vallone - Dir. Giuseppe de Williams, Kate Burton, J.K. Simmons - Dir. Benji in Gefahr Santis Andrew Fleming For The Of Benji Booklet Trailer Patsy Garrett, Cynthia Smith, Allen Fiuzat - Drama 1949 97min. Komödie/Lovestory 2014 82min. Dir. Joe Camp AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Abenteuer 1977 85min. AG(Filmjuwelen) 13.02.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20063863 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Savoy Film) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064040 12.03.2015 Barfuß ins Glück (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064180 BJ & Belle - Kleine Helden, große Barefoot Abenteuer Evan Rachel Wood, Scott Speedman, Treat Bereitschaft Dr. Federau (3 Discs) Horse Crazy 2: The Legend Of Grizzly Williams, Kate Burton, J.K. Simmons - Dir. Uta Schorn, Ingeborg Krabbe, Günter Mountain Andrew Fleming Schubert, Anne Kasprik, Peter Cwielag - Alex McLaren, Caroline McLaren, Arizona Trailer Dir. Horst Zaeske Taylor, Brittany Armstrong, Elizabeth Komödie/Lovestory 2014 86min. Drama 1987-1988 420min. Johnson Radcliffe, Dalin Christiansen, Da- Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 ICESTORM Entertainment 01.06.2015 vid Stevens, Mitchell Tucker - Dir. Eric tba BestellNr.: 20063893 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063990 Hendershot Das Battalion der Verdammten Drama/Familie 2010 86min. Besser als nix - Gestorben ist Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 The Lost Battalion noch jeder 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063864 Rick Schroder, Phil McKee, Jamie Harris, François Goeske, Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jay Rodan, Adam James, Daniel Caltagirone Anna Fischer, Jannis Niewöhner, Hannelo- BJ & Belle - Kleine Helden, große - Dir. Russell Mulcahy Trailer, Bio- und Filmografie: Russel Mulcahy re Elsner, Nicolette Krebitz, Clemens Abenteuer (Blu-ray) Kriegsfilm 2001 88min. Schick, Martin Brambach, Emilia Schüle, Horse Crazy 2: The Legend Of Grizzly Black Hill Pictures( Media) 24.03.2015 Erika Marozsán, Nina Heinke - Dir. Ute Wie- Mountain 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064315 land Alex McLaren, Caroline McLaren, Arizona Interviews, Trailer, Teaser Taylor, Brittany Armstrong, Elizabeth Drama/Komödie 2014 92min. Das Battalion der Verdammten Johnson Radcliffe, Dalin Christiansen, Da- EuroVideo Medien(NFP) 05.03.2015 vid Stevens, Mitchell Tucker - Dir. Eric (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063800 The Lost Battalion Hendershot Rick Schroder, Phil McKee, Jamie Harris, Die Bestimmung - Divergent (Ein- Drama/Familie 2010 90min. Tiberius Film 06.03.2015 Jay Rodan, Adam James, Daniel Caltagirone zel-Disc) - Dir. Russell Mulcahy 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063894 Trailer, Bio- und Filmografie: Russel Mulcahy Divergent Kriegsfilm 2001 92min. Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Blackout - Anatomie einer Lei- Spirit Media 24.03.2015 Winslet, Ashley Judd, Jai Courtney, Zoë denschaft Kravitz, Miles Teller, Ray Stevenson, Tony 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064336 Bad Timing Goldwyn, Maggie Q, Ansel Elgort - Dir. Neil Art Garfunkel, Theresa Russell, Harvey Beauty and the Beast - Die erste Burger Making-of, Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen Keitel, Denholm Elliott, Daniel Massey, Dana Season (6 Discs) Science Fiction/Drama 2014 135min. Gillepsie, William Hootkins, Eugene Lipinski, Beauty And The Beast Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Robert Walker, Rudolf Bissegger, Ania Kristin Kreuk, Jay Ryan, Austin Basis, Max Home Edition) 05.03.2015 Marson, Ellan Fartt - Dir. Nicolas Roeg Brown, Nina Lisandrello, Brian White, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064217 Geschnittene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Trailer Sendhil Ramamurthy - Dir. Gary Fleder, Rick Thriller 1979 117min. Bota, P.J. Pesce, Bradley Walsh, Steven A. Die Bibel - Samson & Delilah Koch Media 12.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064240 Adelson, Kevin Fair, Paul Fox, Mairzee Samson And Delilah Almas, Michael Rohl, Fred Gerber, Bobby Antony Hamilton, Belinda Bauer, Max von Blackout - Anatomie einer Lei- Roth, Lee Rose, Rick Rosenthal, Scott Pe- Sydow - Dir. Lee Philips ters Drama/Abenteuer 1984 91min. denschaft (Blu-ray) Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 06.03.2015 Bad Timing Kriminalfilm/Mystery 2012 889min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064355 Art Garfunkel, Theresa Russell, Harvey Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Keitel, Denholm Elliott, Daniel Massey, Dana 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064249 Bigfoot und die Hendersons Gillepsie, William Hootkins, Eugene Lipinski, Robert Walker, Rudolf Bissegger, Ania Die Belagerung Bigfoot And The Hendersons , Melinda Dillon, Don Ameche, Marson, Ellan Fartt - Dir. Nicolas Roeg 11 Settembre 1683 Margaret Langrick, Joshua Rudoy, David Geschnittene Szenen, Bildergalerie, Trailer F. Murray Abraham, Enrico Lo Verso, Jerzy Thriller 1979 122min. Suchet - Dir. William Dear Skolimowski, Alicja Bachleda, Piotr Koch Media 12.03.2015 Komödie 1987 86min. Adamczyk, Cristina Serafini, Antonio Cupo, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064275 Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.02.2015 Yorgo Voyagis - Dir. Renzo Martinelli 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063768 Trailer, Bildergalerie Blade of the Rose (Dragon Editi- Action/Historienfilm 2012 115min. on) KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.03.2015 Bigfoot und die Hendersons (Blu- Fa Dou Daai Jin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064183 ray) Charlene Choi, Gillian Chung, Donnie Yen, Bigfoot And The Hendersons Jaycee Chan, Wilson Chen, Edison Chen, Die Belagerung (Blu-ray) John Lithgow, Melinda Dillon, Don Ameche, Tony Leung Ka Fai, Ying Qu, Daniel Wu, 11 Settembre 1683 Margaret Langrick, Joshua Rudoy, David Jackie Chan, Bingbing Fan - Dir. Corey F. Murray Abraham, Enrico Lo Verso, Jerzy Suchet - Dir. William Dear Yuen, Patrick Leung Skolimowski, Alicja Bachleda, Piotr Komödie 1987 89min. Action/Fantasy 2004 104min. Adamczyk, Cristina Serafini, Antonio Cupo, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.02.2015 Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.03.2015

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13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064134 Bowen, Jacob Hobbs, Tonya Kay, Christy Breathe In - Eine unmögliche Lie- Keller - Dir. Steven Judd Blade of the Rose (Dragon Editi- be (Alles Liebe) Horror 2014 83min. on) (Blu-ray) Breathe In Lighthouse Home Entertainment 20.03.2015 Fa Dou Daai Jin , Felicity Jones, Amy Ryan, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064008 Charlene Choi, Gillian Chung, Donnie Yen, Mackenzie Davis, Kyle MacLachlan, Alex- Jaycee Chan, Wilson Chen, Edison Chen, andra Wentworth, Ben Shenkman, Hugo The Butchers - Meat & Greet (k.J.) Tony Leung Ka Fai, Ying Qu, Daniel Wu, Becker, Brendan Dooling, Lucy Davenport, Death Factory Jackie Chan, Bingbing Fan - Dir. Corey Nicole Patrick, Brock Harris - Dir. Drake Damien Puckler, Semi Anthony, Mara Hall, Yuen, Patrick Leung Doremus Randall Bosley, Braxton Davis, Cameron Action/Fantasy 2004 108min. Drama/Familie 2013 97min. Bowen, Jacob Hobbs, Tonya Kay, Christy Splendid Film(Amazia) 27.03.2015 Universum Film Home Entertainment Keller - Dir. Steven Judd 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064158 27.02.2015 Horror 2014 80min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063971 Lighthouse Home Entertainment 20.03.2015 Der blaue Helm 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063986 Helmut Domski - Dir. Ursula Schmanger Bronco Buster Kinderfilm 1979 69min. Bronco Buster Caesar & Cleopatra ICESTORM Entertainment 16.02.2015 Bildergalerie, Booklet Caesar And Cleopatra tba BestellNr.: 20064291 Western 1952 77min. Vivien Leigh, , Stewart Koch Media 12.02.2015 Granger, Flora Robson, Francis L. Sullivan, Blutjunge Verführerinnen tba BestellNr.: 20064234 Cecil Parker, Raymond Lovell, Michael Ren- Ingrid Steeger, Evelyne Traeger, Rena Ber- nie, Jean Simmons, Ernest Thesiger - Dir. gen, Margrit Siegel, Kathrin Heberle, Claus Brothers - Zwei Brüder. Eine Lie- Gabriel Pascal Jurichs, Wolf Fuchs, Herbert Kluever, be. (Metalpack) (Blu-ray) Bildergalerie, Biografie Drama/Kostümfilm 1946 122min. Bernd Wilczewski, Margit Cizek, Andreas Brothers Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Mannkopff - Dir. Michael Thomas Tobey Maguire, Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie 20.03.2015 Erotik 1971 74min. Portman, Sam Shepard, Mare Winningham, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064356 Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.03.2015 Bailee Madison, Taylor Geare, Patrick 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064314 Flueger, Clifton Collins Jr., Carey Mulligan, Cage Fight - Blutige Vergeltung Omid Abtahi, Ethan Suplee, Navid Cage Fight Blutjunge Verführerinnen (Blu- Negahban, Yousuf Azami, Jenny Wade - Guillermo Ramos, John Solis, Fabian Lopez, Dir. Jim Sheridan ray) Leila Ciancaglini, Pepito Espinoza jr., Ingrid Steeger, Evelyne Traeger, Rena Ber- Audiokommentar, Making of, Featurettes, Trailer Drama/Kriegsfilm 2009 104min. Mariano Mendoza - Dir. Enrique Murillo gen, Margrit Siegel, Kathrin Heberle, Claus Koch Media 02.02.2015 Action 2012 89min. Jurichs, Wolf Fuchs, Herbert Kluever, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064341 MIG Film 05.03.2015 Bernd Wilczewski, Margit Cizek, Andreas 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063799 Mannkopff - Dir. Michael Thomas Bruno & Earlene Go to Vegas Erotik 1971 77min. (OmU) Cage Fight - Blutige Vergeltung Ascot Elite Home Entertainment 03.03.2015 (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064335 Bruno & Earlene Go To Vegas Miles Szanto, Ashleigh Sumner, Barrett Cage Fight Die Blutsbrüder des gelben Dra- Crake, Phillip Evelyn, Clarissa Thibeaux, Guillermo Ramos, John Solis, Fabian Lopez, Leila Ciancaglini, Pepito Espinoza jr., chen (Blu-ray) Janice Danielle, Cassandra Peterson, Greg Travis, Antony Cherrie - Dir. Simon Savory Mariano Mendoza - Dir. Enrique Murillo Chi Ma Drama/Abenteuer 2013 95min. Action 2012 93min. Ching Li, David Chiang, Ti Lung, Chen PRO-FUN MEDIA 27.02.2015 MIG Film 05.03.2015 Kuan-tai - Dir. Chang Cheh 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063812 Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Artworkgalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064128 Action/Eastern 1972 120min. Cam Girl Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Bullet Cam Girl 20.03.2015 Bullet Antonia Liskova, Alessia Piovan, Sveva 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064010 Danny Trejo, Jonathan Banks, Julia Dietze, John Savage, Torsten Voges, Eve Mauro, Alviti - Dir. Mirca Viola Boule & Bill - Zwei Freunde Seri DeYoung, Eric St. John - Dir. Nick Lyon Drama/Erotik 2014 86min. Trailer Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.04.2015 Schnief und Schnuff Action 2014 89min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063987 Boule & Bill capelight pictures Gerlach Franck Dubosc, Marina Foïs, Charles Selms(CherryBomb Films) 20.03.2015 Cam Girl (Blu-ray) Crombez, Nicolas Vaude, Lionel Abelanski, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064292 Cam Girl Laurie Gard - Dir. Alexandre Charlot, Antonia Liskova, Alessia Piovan, Sveva Franck Magnier Bullet (Blu-ray) Alviti - Dir. Mirca Viola Making of, Featurette, Trailer Bullet Drama/Erotik 2014 89min. Komödie/Familie 2013 78min. Danny Trejo, Jonathan Banks, Julia Dietze, Lighthouse Home Entertainment 24.04.2015 Koch Media 12.03.2015 John Savage, Torsten Voges, Eve Mauro, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064009 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063858 Seri DeYoung, Eric St. John - Dir. Nick Lyon Boule & Bill - Zwei Freunde Trailer The Canal Action 2014 93min. The Canal Schnief und Schnuff (Blu-ray) capelight pictures Gerlach Rupert Evans, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, Boule & Bill Selms(CherryBomb Films) 20.03.2015 Hannah Hoekstra, Steve Oram, Kelly Byrne, Franck Dubosc, Marina Foïs, Charles 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064304 Calum Heath, Anthony Murphy, Maura Crombez, Nicolas Vaude, Lionel Abelanski, Foley, Serena Brabazon - Dir. Ivan Laurie Gard - Dir. Alexandre Charlot, The Butchers - Meat & Greet (Blu- Kavanagh Franck Magnier ray) (k.J.) Thriller/Mystery 2014 min. Making of, Featurette, Trailer Death Factory Universum Film Home Entertainment Komödie/Familie 2013 82min. Damien Puckler, Semi Anthony, Mara Hall, 13.03.2015 Koch Media 12.03.2015 Randall Bosley, Braxton Davis, Cameron 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063949 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063888

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The Canal (Blu-ray) Witch’s Andy Robinson, John Vernon, Sheree The Canal Catherine Bell, Chris Potter, Catherine Dis- North, Norman Fell - Dir. Don Siegel Rupert Evans, Antonia Campbell-Hughes, her, Sarah Power - Dir. Craig Pryce Dokumentation, Booklet, Bildergalerie, Trailer Thriller 1973 111min. Hannah Hoekstra, Steve Oram, Kelly Byrne, Drama/Fantasy 2010-2012 260min. Koch Media 19.03.2015 Calum Heath, Anthony Murphy, Maura polyband Medien GmbH 29.05.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064272 Foley, Serena Brabazon - Dir. Ivan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064247 Kavanagh Charlie Chan Collection - Teil 3 (4 Thriller/Mystery 2014 min. Cat’s Eye Universum Film Home Entertainment Cat’s Eye Discs) 13.03.2015 Yuki Uchida, Izumi Inamori, Norika Fujiwara Charlie Chan in der Oper / Charlie Chan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063963 - Dir. Kaizo Hayashi bei den Olympischen Spielen / Charlie Action/Komödie 1997 91min. Chan am Broadway / Charlie Chan in Careful What You Wish For VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 18.02.2015 Monte Carlo Careful What You Wish For 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064395 Warner Oland - Dir. Lewis Seiler Isabel Lucas, Nick Jonas, Dermot Mulroney, Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Bildergalerien Kriminalfilm 270min. Graham Rogers, Paul Sorvino, Kiki Harris, Celeste & Jesse Koch Media 19.02.2015 Marc Macaulay, Alex ter Avest - Dir. Celeste And Jesse Forever 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064236 Elizabeth Allen Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, Emma Ro- berts, , Will McCormack, Chris Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2015 88min. - Die komplette zehnte Universum Film Home Messina, Ari Graynor, Eric Christian Olsen, Entertainment(SquareOne) 03.04.2015 Rebecca Dayan, Rob Huebel, Shira Lazar - Season (4 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064368 Dir. Lee Toland Krieger Cheers Making of, Interviews Ted Danson, , Rhea Perlman, Careful What You Wish For (Blu- Komödie/Lovestory 2012 92min. Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, DCM 13.03.2015 ray) George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064088 Alley, , , Careful What You Wish For Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, Isabel Lucas, Nick Jonas, Dermot Mulroney, Celeste & Jesse (Blu-ray) Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, Graham Rogers, Paul Sorvino, Kiki Harris, Celeste And Jesse Forever Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Marc Macaulay, Alex ter Avest - Dir. Rashida Jones, Andy Samberg, Emma Ro- Richard Doyle, , Dan Elizabeth Allen berts, Elijah Wood, Will McCormack, Chris Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2015 91min. Messina, Ari Graynor, Eric Christian Olsen, Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Universum Film Home Rebecca Dayan, Rob Huebel, Shira Lazar - Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Entertainment(SquareOne) 03.04.2015 Dir. Lee Toland Krieger Ackerman, John Ratzenberger 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064385 Making of, Interviews Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 635min. Komödie/Lovestory 2012 96min. Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 John Carpenters El Diablo DCM 13.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064250 El Diablo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064093 Robert Beltran, , Louis Gossett Cheers - Die siebte Season (3 Jr., Anthony Edwards, Joe Pantoliano - Dir. Jackie Chan - Der Meister mit Peter Markle den gebrochenen Händen Discs) Cheers Western 1990 103min. Guang Dong Xiao Lao Hu Ted Danson, Shelley Long, Rhea Perlman, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Jackie Chan, Dean Shek, Yuen Biao, Hon Nicholas Colasanto, Woody Harrelson, 26.02.2015 Kwok-choi - Dir. Mu Zhu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064167 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szene George Wendt, John Ratzenberger, Kirstie Action/Eastern 1971 86min. Alley, Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, John Carpenters Vampire daredo media(Steamboat) 30.01.2015 Paul Willson, Jackie Swanson, Roger Rees, John Carpenter’s Vampires 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063919 Keene Curtis, Peter Schreiner, Alan Koss, , Daniel Baldwin, Sheryl Lee, Al Rosen, Tim Cunningham, Jay Thomas, Thomas Ian Griffith, Tim Guinee, Maximilian Jackie Chan - Der Meister mit Richard Doyle, Frances Sternhagen, Dan Schell, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Henry Kingi, den gebrochenen Händen (Blu- Hedaya, Jean Kasem, Tom Skerritt, Timothy Williams, Anthony Cistaro, Fred Dryer, Gregory Sierra, Mark Boone jr., Thomas ray) Rosales - Dir. John Carpenter Derek McGrath - Dir. James Burrows, Andy Wendecover Guang Dong Xiao Lao Hu Ackerman, John Ratzenberger Horror/Western 1998 min. Jackie Chan, Dean Shek, Yuen Biao, Hon Komödie/Drama 1982-1993 510min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Kwok-choi - Dir. Mu Zhu Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Germany 19.03.2015 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Entfallene Szene 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064251 Action/Eastern 1971 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064061 daredo media(Steamboat) 30.01.2015 Die Chroniken von Narnia - Die 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063941 John Carpenters Vampire (Blu- Trilogie (3 Discs) ray) Charley Varrick - Der große Coup Der König von Narnia / Prinz Kaspian von John Carpenter’s Vampires (Special Edition) Narnia / Die Reise auf der Morgenröte James Woods, Daniel Baldwin, Sheryl Lee, Fantasy 2005-2010 387min. Charley Varrick Thomas Ian Griffith, Tim Guinee, Maximilian The Walt Disney Company (Germany) , Joe Don Baker, Felicia Farr, Schell, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa, Henry Kingi, 26.03.2015 Andy Robinson, John Vernon, Sheree Gregory Sierra, Mark Boone jr., Thomas 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064450 North, Norman Fell - Dir. Don Siegel Rosales - Dir. John Carpenter Dokumentation, Booklet, Bildergalerie, Trailer Wendecover Thriller 1973 106min. Die Chroniken von Narnia - Die Horror/Western 1998 min. Koch Media 19.03.2015 Trilogie (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064237 Der König von Narnia / Prinz Kaspian von Germany 19.03.2015 Narnia / Die Reise auf der Morgenröte 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064079 Charley Varrick - Der große Coup Fantasy 2005-2010 404min. Cassie Collection (3 Discs) (Special Edition) (Blu-ray) The Walt Disney Company (Germany) 26.03.2015 Cassie - Ein verhextes Video / Cassie - Charley Varrick 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064461 eine verhexte Hochzeit / The Good Walter Matthau, Joe Don Baker, Felicia Farr,

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Cinderella - Playing with Dolls Rejto, Kristin Griffith - Dir. Jim Mickle Common - Die komplette Se- (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 113min. rie (3 Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Playing With Dolls Common Law 05.03.2015 Natasha Blasick, Richard Tyson, Charlie Michael Ealy, Warren Kole, Sonya Walger, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063933 Glackin - Dir. Rene Perez Jack McGee, Lyle Brocato, Leslie Castay, Trailer The Color of Time Vanessa Cloke, Gary Grubbs, Indigo, Horror 2015 83min. Yohance Myles, Alicia Coppola, Elizabeth The Color Of Time Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 Chomko, Kerry Cahill, Sean Scarborough, James Franco, Mila Kunis, Jessica 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064387 Liza J. Bennett, Nora Zehetner - Dir. Chastain, Zach Braff, Henry Hopper, Bruce Stephen Surjik, Dermott Downs, Aaron Campbell, Vince Jolivette, Jordan March, Cinderella - Playing with Dolls Lipstadt, Mel Damski, Jon Turteltaub Zachary Unger, Giavani Cairo - Dir. Edna (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Outtakes Luise Biesold, Sarah-Violet Bliss, Gabrielle Playing With Dolls Kriminalfilm/Komödie 527min. Demeestere, Alexis Gambis, Brooke Natasha Blasick, Richard Tyson, Charlie Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Goldfinch, Pamela Romanowsky, Bruce Glackin - Dir. Rene Perez 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064252 Trailer Thierry Cheung, Tine Thomasen, Virginia Horror 2015 83min. Urreiztieta, Omar Zúñiga Hidalgo Covert Affairs - Staffel drei (4 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 Drama/Biographie 2012 80min. Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 20.03.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064386 Covert Affairs 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063982 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 655min. Cinderella - Playing with Dolls The Color of Time (Blu-ray) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (k.J.) 19.03.2015 The Color Of Time Playing With Dolls 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063954 James Franco, Mila Kunis, Jessica Natasha Blasick, Richard Tyson, Charlie Chastain, Zach Braff, Henry Hopper, Bruce Glackin - Dir. Rene Perez Der Cowboy von San Antone Campbell, Vince Jolivette, Jordan March, Trailer San Antone Zachary Unger, Giavani Cairo - Dir. Edna Horror 2015 79min. Rod Cameron, Arleen Whelan - Dir. Joseph Luise Biesold, Sarah-Violet Bliss, Gabrielle Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 Kane 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064370 Demeestere, Alexis Gambis, Brooke Trailer Goldfinch, Pamela Romanowsky, Bruce Western 1953 87min. Classic Double Feature - Schnee Thierry Cheung, Tine Thomasen, Virginia AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing am Kilimandscharo / Akkorde der Urreiztieta, Omar Zúñiga Hidalgo AG(Filmjuwelen) 20.03.2015 Drama/Biographie 2012 83min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064418 Liebe (2 Discs) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 20.03.2015 Snows Of Kilimanjaro / Penny Serenade 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064004 Cracks Drama min. Cracks SPV Schallplatten(SJ Entertainment) The Colt Eva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde, 16.01.2015 The Colt Imogen Poots, Ellie Nunn, Adele McCann, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064063 Ryan Merriman, Steve Bacic, William Zoe Carroll, Clemmie Dugdale - Dir. Jordan MacDonald - Dir. Yelena Lanskaya Clip (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Scott Action/Drama 2005 80min. Trailer, Bildergalerie, Interviews Klip Maritim Pictures 24.03.2015 Drama/Thriller 2009 100min. Isidora Simijonovic, Vukasin Jasnic, Sanja 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064320 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Mikitisin, Jovo Makisc, Monja Savic, Zoran 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063766 Maksimovic - Dir. Maja Milos The Colt (Blu-ray) Trailer The Colt Cracks (Blu-ray) Drama 2012 103min. Ryan Merriman, Steve Bacic, William Cracks Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 30.01.2015 MacDonald - Dir. Yelena Lanskaya Eva Green, Juno Temple, María Valverde, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063784 Action/Drama 2005 83min. Imogen Poots, Ellie Nunn, Adele McCann, Clip (k.J.) Maritim Pictures 24.03.2015 Zoe Carroll, Clemmie Dugdale - Dir. Jordan 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064339 Scott Klip Trailer, Bildergalerie, Interviews Isidora Simijonovic, Vukasin Jasnic, Sanja Coming In Drama/Thriller 2009 103min. Mikitisin, Jovo Makisc, Monja Savic, Zoran Coming In Edel Germany(Starmovie) 02.02.2015 Maksimovic - Dir. Maja Milos 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063787 Trailer Kostja Ullmann, Aylin Tezel, Ken Duken, August Zirner, André Jung, Mavie Hörbiger, Drama 2012 98min. Creep Van - Terror auf vier Rä- Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 30.01.2015 Hanno Koffler, Katja Riemann, Denis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063762 Moschitto, Bruno Eyron, Tilo Prückner, Pau- dern (Blu-ray) (k.J.) la Riemann, Frederick Lau - Dir. Marco Creep Van Cold in July Kreuzpaintner Brian Kolodziej, Gerald Emerick, Mike But- Cold In July Komödie 2014 100min. ler, Amy Wehrell, Jason McCoy, Angelina Michael C. Hall, Don Johnson, Sam Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 Armani, Charles Alexander Main, Collin Shepard, Vinessa Shaw, Nick Damici, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064414 Bernsen - Dir. Scott W. Mckinlay Wyatt Russell, Lanny Flaherty, Laurent Horror 2012 83min. Rejto, Kristin Griffith - Dir. Jim Mickle Commissario Montalbano - AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 109min. Volume VII (4 Discs) View Film) 24.04.2015 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Commissario Montalbano 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064310 05.03.2015 Luca Zingaretti, Peppino Mazzotta, Angelo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063905 Russo, Davide Lo Verde, Cesare Bocci, Creep Van - Terror auf vier Rä- Marcello Perracchio, Roberto Nobile, dern (k.J.) Cold in July (Blu-ray) Giovanni Guardiano - Dir. Alberto Sironi Creep Van Cold In July Kriminalfilm 1999 438min. Brian Kolodziej, Gerald Emerick, Mike But- Michael C. Hall, Don Johnson, Sam Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 27.02.2015 ler, Amy Wehrell, Jason McCoy, Angelina Shepard, Vinessa Shaw, Nick Damici, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064332 Armani, Charles Alexander Main, Collin Wyatt Russell, Lanny Flaherty, Laurent Bernsen - Dir. Scott W. Mckinlay

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Horror 2012 80min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063865 Død Snø / Død Snø 2 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Vegar Hoel, Stig Frode Henriksen, Charlotte View Film) 24.04.2015 Dark Invasion - Sie sind nicht von Frogner, Ørjan Gamst, Jeppe Laursen, Evy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064299 dieser Welt (Blu-ray) Kasseth Røsten, Jenny Skavlan, Ane Dahl The Corrupted Torp, Lasse Valdal, Martin Starr, Ingrid - Die komplette Anuj Saraswat, Caleb Ian Morley Fischer, Haas, Jocelyn DeBoer, Amrita Acharia, neunte Staffel (5 Discs) Keltie Squires, Jeremy Hook, Ashley Tallas, Christian Rubeck, Carl-Magnus Adner - Dir. Criminal Minds Kymberley Masters, Christian Richman, Tommy Wirkola , Thomas Gibson, Lola Sylvia Soo - Dir. John Klappstein, Knighten Behind the Scenes, Featurette, Kurzfilm, Bonus-Episode Horror/Komödie 2009-2014 193min. Glaudini, Shemar Moore, Matthew Gray Richman Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Gubler, A.J. Cook, Kirsten Vangsness, Thriller/Mystery 2010 75min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063965 Meredith Monroe, Jennifer Love Hewitt - Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Dir. Charles Haid, Richard Shepard 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063895 Deadly Weekend (Limited Gold- Kriminalfilm min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany)(ABC Dark Shades of Black - Lasst die Edition) (Blu-ray) Studios) 19.02.2015 Spiele beginnen Deadly Weekend Sara Jean Underwood, Bruster Phoenix 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064282 Sex & The Other Man Sampson, Kevin J. O’Neill, Patricia Rosales, Stanley Tucci, Kari Wuhrer, Ron Eldard, Amani Atkinson, Haley Boyle, Chelsea Lee, Crossfire Trail - Der Ritt nach Conrad Goode - Dir. Karl Slovin Hause Samantha Ubeda - Dir. Jason Sutton Thriller/Erotik 1996 85min. Trailer Crossfire Trail MIG Film 05.02.2015 Thriller/Horror 2013 82min. Tom Selleck, Virginia Madsen, Wilford 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064164 ILLUSIONS UNLTD. films 26.02.2015 Brimley - Dir. Simon Wincer tba BestellNr.: 20064391 Action/Western 2001 92min. Dark Shades of Erotic SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Miami Hustle Den Himmel gibt’s echt 12.03.2015 Kathy Ireland, John Enos III, Richard C. Heaven Is For Real 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064175 Sarafian, Audie England, Allan Rich - Dir. Greg Kinnear, Kelly Reilly, Margo Lawrence Lanoff Martindale, Connor Corum, Thomas Haden Danny - Der Champion Thriller 1995 80min. Church, Jacob Vargas, Danso Gordon, Danny The Champion Of The World Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 13.02.2015 Darcy Fehr - Dir. Randall Wallace , Samuel Irons, Robbie 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063838 Entfallene Szenen, Featurette Coltrane, Cyril Cusack, Sir Michael Drama 2014 95min. Hordern, Lionel Jeffries, Jean Marsh, Darkness Descends (Blu-ray 3D) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Jimmy Nail, Ronald Pickup, John Woodvine - (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 12.03.2015 Dir. Gavin Millar 20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending tba BestellNr.: 20064108 Making of Danny Trejo, Frank Krueger, Kinga Philipps, Kinderfilm/Abenteuer 1989 94min. John Hennigan, Tiffany Adams, Kristoff St. Den Himmel gibt’s echt (Blu-ray) SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Savoy Film) John, Louis Mandylor, Michael Rene Wal- Heaven Is For Real 05.02.2015 ton, Darren Darnborough - Dir. Marc Greg Kinnear, Kelly Reilly, Margo 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064162 Clebanoff Martindale, Connor Corum, Thomas Haden Trailer, Bonusfilm Church, Jacob Vargas, Danso Gordon, Dark House (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller/Horror 2014 96min. Darcy Fehr - Dir. Randall Wallace Dark House Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Featurettes, Entfallene Szenen, Making of Luke Kleintank, Alex McKenna, Anthony 20.02.2015 Drama 2014 99min. Rey Perez, Lesley-Anne Down, Tobin Bell, tba BestellNr.: 20063899 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) Zack Ward, Lacey Anzelc, Ethan Smith - 12.03.2015 Dir. Victor Salva Darkness Descends (Blu-ray) (k.J.) tba BestellNr.: 20064115 Trailer 20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending Horror 2014 102min. Danny Trejo, Frank Krueger, Kinga Philipps, Dick Tracy (Blu-ray) Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) John Hennigan, Tiffany Adams, Kristoff St. Dick Tracy 24.03.2015 John, Louis Mandylor, Michael Rene Wal- Warren Beatty, , Charlie Korsmo, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063887 ton, Darren Darnborough - Dir. Marc Glenne Headly, Dustin Hoffman, Madonna, William Forsythe, Mandy Patinkin, Charles Dark House (k.J.) Clebanoff Trailer, Bonusfilm Durning, Dick van Dyke, James Caan - Dir. Dark House Thriller/Horror 2014 96min. Warren Beatty Luke Kleintank, Alex McKenna, Anthony Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Kriminalfilm/Action 1990 105min. Rey Perez, Lesley-Anne Down, Tobin Bell, 20.02.2015 The Walt Disney Company Zack Ward, Lacey Anzelc, Ethan Smith - tba BestellNr.: 20063898 (Germany)(Touchstone) 05.02.2015 Dir. Victor Salva 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064464 Trailer Darkness Descends (k.J.) Horror 2014 98min. 20 Ft Below: The Darkness Descending Diplomatie Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Danny Trejo, Frank Krueger, Kinga Philipps, André Dussollier, Niels Arestrup, Burghart 24.03.2015 John Hennigan, Tiffany Adams, Kristoff St. Klaußner, Robert Stadlober, Charlie Nelson, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063857 John, Louis Mandylor, Michael Rene Wal- Jean-Marc Roulot, Stefan Wilkening, Tho- Dark Invasion - Sie sind nicht von ton, Darren Darnborough - Dir. Marc mas Arnold, Lucas Prisor, Attila Borlan, Clebanoff Claudine Acs, Dominique Engelhardt, Jo- dieser Welt Trailer hannes Klaussner, Charles Morillon, Jo- The Corrupted Thriller/Horror 2014 92min. chen Hägele, Jean-Cyril Durieux - Dir. Vol- Anuj Saraswat, Caleb Ian Morley Fischer, Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) ker Schlöndorff Keltie Squires, Jeremy Hook, Ashley Tallas, 20.02.2015 Trailer Kymberley Masters, Christian Richman, tba BestellNr.: 20063870 Drama 2014 81min. Sylvia Soo - Dir. John Klappstein, Knighten Koch Media 19.03.2015 Richman Dead Snow / Dead Snow: Red vs. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063859 Thriller/Mystery 2010 72min. Dead (Limited 2-Disc Edition, Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Uncut, Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Diplomatie (Blu-ray)

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André Dussollier, Niels Arestrup, Burghart 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063957 Komödie 2014 109min. Klaußner, Robert Stadlober, Charlie Nelson, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jean-Marc Roulot, Stefan Wilkening, Tho- Dragonheart - Der Fluch des Drui- 26.03.2015 mas Arnold, Lucas Prisor, Attila Borlan, den 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063936 Claudine Acs, Dominique Engelhardt, Jo- Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Curse hannes Klaussner, Charles Morillon, Jo- Jake Curran, Jonjo O’Neill, Jassa Ahluwalia Durch die Wüste chen Hägele, Jean-Cyril Durieux - Dir. Vol- - Dir. Colin Teague Fred Raupach, Heinz Evelt, Erich ker Schlöndorff Fantasy/Abenteuer 2015 99min. Haußmann, Gretl Wawra, Aruth Wartan, Trailer Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Katharina Berger, Herbert Gernot, Franz Drama 2014 81min. 26.03.2015 Klebusch, Bertold Reissig - Dir. Johannes Koch Media 19.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063909 Alexander Hübler-Kahla 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063889 Abenteuer 1936 85min. Dragonheart - Der Fluch des Drui- Spirit Media 06.02.2015 Disaster (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063834 2012: Doomsday / 2012: Supernova / Mete- den (Blu-ray) or Apocalypse/ Dragonheart 3: The Sorcerer’s Curse Das Eismeer ruft Jake Curran, Jonjo O’Neill, Jassa Ahluwalia Action/Science Fiction 260min. Oliver Karsitz, Alexander Rohde, Viviane - Dir. Colin Teague da music(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 Schmidt, Thomas Gutzeit, Oliver Peuser, Ilja Fantasy/Abenteuer 2015 104min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064111 Kriwoluzky, Heide Kipp - Dir. Günter Rätz, Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) ca. 9 Minuten) | Original Kinotrailer | Trailer Django Doublefeature-Box Vol. 2 26.03.2015 Trailer, Bonusfilm (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063935 Kinderfilm 1984 78min. ICESTORM Entertainment 16.02.2015 Django tötet leise / Auch Djangos Kopf hat Der Dritt3 - El Tercero (OmU) seinen Preis tba BestellNr.: 20064288 El Tercero Dir. Max Hunter, Luigi Batzella Carlos Echevarria, Emiliano Dionisi, Nicolás Western 1968-1970 182min. Elementary - Die erste Season (6 Armengol, Carlos Echeverría - Dir. Rodrigo Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Discs) Guerrero 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063876 Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Bildergalerie Elementary Drama 2014 68min. Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, Aidan Quinn, Django Doublefeature-Box Vol. 2 PRO-FUN MEDIA 23.01.2015 Jon Michael Hill, Natalie Dormer, Ato (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063861 Essandoh, Jennifer Ferrin, Dominic Django tötet leise / Auch Djangos Kopf hat Fumusa, Erik Jensen - Dir. John David seinen Preis The Drop - Bargeld Coles, John Polson, Andrew Bernstein, Dir. Max Hunter, Luigi Batzella The Drop Seith Mann, Sanaa Hamri, Guy Ferland, Western 1968-1970 175min. , Noomi Rapace, James Jerry Levine, Peter Werner, Larry Teng, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Gandolfini, Matthias Schoenaerts, John Christine Moore, Phil Abraham, Colin 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063839 Ortiz, , Michael Aronov, James Bucksey, Michael Cuesta, Rod Holcomb, Frecheville, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Tobias David Platt, Rosemary Rodriguez, Adam Doctor Who - Die komplette Staf- Segal, Michael Esper, Morgan Spector - Dir. Davidson Michaël R. Roskam Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Promos fel 8 (5 Discs) Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2012 998min. Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 103min. Doctor Who Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Peter Capaldi, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Dan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064253 Starkey, Neve McIntosh - Dir. Douglas Germany 16.04.2015 Mackinnon, Paul Murphy, Rachel Talalay, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064284 Elementary - Die zweite Season Ben Wheatley, Paul Wilmshurst, Sheree (6 Discs) Folkson The Drop - Bargeld (Blu-ray) Elementary Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2014 min. The Drop Kriminalfilm/Thriller 2013 990min. polyband Medien GmbH 13.03.2015 Tom Hardy, Noomi Rapace, James Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 54,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064123 Gandolfini, Matthias Schoenaerts, John Ortiz, Ann Dowd, Michael Aronov, James 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064254 Frecheville, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Tobias Doctor Who - Die komplette Staf- Elephant White (Steelbook) (Blu- fel 8 (5 Discs) (Blu-ray) Segal, Michael Esper, Morgan Spector - Dir. Michaël R. Roskam ray) (k.J.) Doctor Who Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 107min. Elephant White Peter Capaldi, Jenna-Louise Coleman, Dan Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Kevin Bacon, Djimon Hounsou, Jirantanin Starkey, Neve McIntosh - Dir. Douglas Germany 16.04.2015 Pitakporntrakul, Weeraprawat Mackinnon, Paul Murphy, Rachel Talalay, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064302 Wongpuapan, Abhijati Jusakul, Suteerush Ben Wheatley, Paul Wilmshurst, Sheree Channukool, Sahajak Boonthanakit - Dir. Folkson Dumm und Dümmehr Prachya Pinkaew Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2014 min. Dumb And Dumber To Trailer polyband Medien GmbH 13.03.2015 Jim Carrey, , Rob Riggle, Laurie Action/Thriller 2011 92min. 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064149 Holden, Rachel Melvin, Kathleen Turner, Koch Media 02.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064340 Doctor Who - Siebter Doktor, Paul Blackthorne, Angela Kerecz, Tembi Locke - Dir. Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly Volume 2 (5 Discs) Komödie 2014 105min. The Embryo Doctor Who Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Embryo Sylvester McCoy, Bonnie Langford, Kate 26.03.2015 Rock Hudson, , Barbara O’Mara, Mark Greenstreet, Donald Picke- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063910 Carrera, Roddy McDowall, John Elerick, ring, Wanda Ventham, Richard Briers, Jack Colvin, Anne Schedeen, Vincent Brenda Bruce, Elizabeth Spriggs - Dir. Dumm und Dümmehr (Blu-ray) Baggetta - Dir. Ralph Nelson Andrew Morgan, Nicholas Mallett, Stephen Dumb And Dumber To Horror/Science Fiction 1976 90min. Wyatt, Chris Clough Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, Rob Riggle, Laurie Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.02.2015 Featurettes, Interviews, Bildergalerie, Audiokommentar Holden, Rachel Melvin, Kathleen Turner, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063844 Science Fiction/Abenteuer 1987 350min. Paul Blackthorne, Angela Kerecz, Tembi Pandastorm Pictures(Pandastorm) Locke - Dir. Bobby Farrelly, Peter Farrelly Ein Engel auf Erden - Die kom- 27.02.2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 26 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD plette 2. Staffel (6 Discs) 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064083 nicht in Frieden (Blu-ray) Highway To Heaven Extraterrestrial Michael Landon, Victor French, Shannen Die Erlösung der Sarah Cain Brittany Allen, Freddie Stroma, Melanie Doherty, , Michael Constantine, Saving Sarah Cain Papalia - Dir. Colin Minihan Lynn Hamilton, James Troesh, Giovanni Lisa Pepper, Abigail Mason, Soren Fulton, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Ribisi - Dir. Michael Landon Tess Harper, Danielle Ryan Chuchran, Science Fiction/Horror 2014 100min. Drama/Fantasy 1985-1986 1143min. Elliott Gould - Dir. Michael Landon Jr. Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 13.03.2015 Behind the Scenes, Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20064152 Drama 2007 99min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063921 Great Movies GmbH 20.03.2015 Fiakerlied The Equalizer (2 Discs, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064035 Paul Hörbiger - Dir. E. W. Emo Booklet, Trailer Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Die Erlösung des Henry Myers Drama/Melodram 1936 84min. The Equalizer The Redemption Of Henry Myers AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloe Drew Waters, Erin Bethea, Jaden Roberts, AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.03.2015 Moretz, , Bill Pullman, Ezra Proch, Beau Smith, Rio Alexander, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064421 Melissa Leo, Haley Bennett, Vladimir Luce Rains, Dylan Kenin, Michael McCabe, Kulich, Johnny Messner (P&E Worker) - Dir. Chad Gundersen, Kevin Wiggins - Dir. Flammenzeichen - Das Leben des Antoine Fuqua Clayton Miller Jesuitenpaters Rupert Mayer Audiokommentar, Featurettes, Making of, Bildergalerie Trailer Dietrich Mattausch, Toni Berger, Wilfried Action/Thriller 2014 132min. Western/Drama 2014 94min. Klaus, Gabi Marr, Hans-Reinhard Müller, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment (SPHE) EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Thekla Mayhoff, Claus Dieter Reents, Mar- 19.02.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064168 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064000 tin Umbach, Claudia von Xylander - Dir. Erste Versuchungen (OmU) Franz Seitz Drama 1985 min. Er liebt mich, er liebt mich nicht Dir. Hugues Burin des Roziers POLAR Film + Medien 15.01.2015 ... - Toujours l’amour Trailer tba BestellNr.: 20063757 Tu Veux... Ou Tu Veux Pas? Drama 1977 73min. cmv-Laservision 27.02.2015 Sophie Marceau, Patrick Bruel, André Fliegende Herzen (Blu-ray) Wilms, François Morel, Philippe Lellouche, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064290 Flying Home Sylvie Vartan, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Patrick Charlotte De Bruyne, Jan Decleir, Jamie Braoudé, Claude Perron - Dir. Tonie Mars- Exists - Die Bigfoot-Legende lebt! Dornan, Josse de Pauw, Viviane de hall Exists Entfallene Szenen, Clips, Trailer Dora Madison Burge, Samuel Davis, Denise Muynck, Anthony Head, Eline Van der Komödie/Lovestory 2014 84min. Williamson, Roger Edwards, Eduardo Velden, Mitchell Mullen, Max Pirkis - Dir. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Sánchez, Chris Osborn, Brian Steele - Dir. Dominique Deruddere Home Edition) 09.04.2015 Eduardo Sánchez Komödie/Lovestory 2014 97min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064460 Horror 2014 77min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) 12.02.2015 Er liebt mich, er liebt mich nicht 27.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063929 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064121 ... - Toujours l’amour (Blu-ray) The Following - Die komplette Tu Veux... Ou Tu Veux Pas? Sophie Marceau, Patrick Bruel, André Exists - Die Bigfoot-Legende lebt! zweite Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wilms, François Morel, Philippe Lellouche, (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Sylvie Vartan, Jean-Pierre Marielle, Patrick Exists The Following Braoudé, Claude Perron - Dir. Tonie Mars- Dora Madison Burge, Samuel Davis, Denise Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 660min. hall Williamson, Roger Edwards, Eduardo Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 Entfallene Szenen, Clips, Trailer Sánchez, Chris Osborn, Brian Steele - Dir. 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064439 Komödie/Lovestory 2014 88min. Eduardo Sánchez Concorde Home Entertainment 09.04.2015 Horror 2014 80min. The Following - Die komplette 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064466 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) zweite Staffel (4 Discs) (k.J.) 27.03.2015 Heinz Erhardt - noch ‘ne Box (5 The Following 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064147 Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 632min. Discs) Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 Drillinge an Bord / Mein Mann, das Wirt- Extraterrestrial - Sie kommen 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064415 schaftswunder / Natürlich die Autofahrer / nicht in Frieden Witwer mit fünf Töchtern / Vater, Mutter Extraterrestrial Forbidden Kingdom (Metalpack) und neun Kinder Brittany Allen, Freddie Stroma, Melanie (Blu-ray) Heinz Erhardt Papalia - Dir. Colin Minihan Wendecover, Bildergalerie The Forbidden Kingdom Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Yifei Liu, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Michael Komödie 1957-1960 429min. Science Fiction/Horror 2014 96min. Angarano, Collin Chou, Bingbing Li, Morgan AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Benoit - Dir. Rob Minkoff AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.03.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064130 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064072 Trailer Action/Fantasy 2008 104min. Extraterrestrial - Sie kommen Heinz Erhardt - noch ‘ne Box (5 Koch Media 02.02.2015 nicht in Frieden (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064344 Discs) (Blu-ray) ray) Drillinge an Bord / Mein Mann, das Wirt- Extraterrestrial Frasier - Die siebte Season (4 schaftswunder / Natürlich die Autofahrer / Brittany Allen, Freddie Stroma, Melanie Discs) Witwer mit fünf Töchtern / Vater, Mutter Papalia - Dir. Colin Minihan Frasier und neun Kinder Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Jane Heinz Erhardt Science Fiction/Horror 2014 100min. Leeves, Peri Gilpin, , Dan Wendecover, Bildergalerie Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Komödie 1957-1960 429min. Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, tba BestellNr.: 20064153 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, Saul Rubinek, Harriet Sansom Harris, Bebe Neuwirth, AG(Filmjuwelen) 27.03.2015 Extraterrestrial - Sie kommen

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Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity 27.03.2015 Kriegsfilm 1968-1969 375min. Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064159 ICESTORM Entertainment 01.06.2015 LaPaglia, Jean Smart, Laura Linney, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063989 Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes From Dusk Till Dawn - Staffel 1 (3 Ruehl, , Shelley Long, Amy Discs) (k.J.) Das Geheimnis der schwarzen Brenneman, Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series Witwe (Blu-ray) George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, D.J. Cotrona, Zane Holtz, Eiza González - Araña Negra Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez Dir. Robert Rodriguez O. W. Fischer, Karin Dor, Werner Peters, - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Werbespots, Inter- Doris Kirchner, Eddi Arent - Dir. Franz Jo- Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, views, Audiokommentar sef Gottlieb Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, Horror/Action 2014 436min. Booklet, Trailer Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Kriminalfilm 1963 100min. Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks 27.03.2015 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Komödie 1993-2004 505min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064137 AG(Filmjuwelen) 06.03.2015 Paramount Home Entertain 05.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064055 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064256 Für ein paar Leichen mehr Sonora Das Geheimnis in der Wüste - Die Frasier - Die zehnte Season (4 Gilbert Roland, George Martin - Dir. komplette Miniserie Discs) Alphonso Balcazar Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie Ben Cross, Ione Skye, Marco Bonini, Peter Frasier Western 1968 92min. Weller, Heino Ferch, Ralph Herforth, Guy Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Jane AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Wild Lankester, Romina Mondello, Pedro Leeves, Peri Gilpin, John Mahoney, Dan Coyote) 27.03.2015 Sarubbi, Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu, Martin Butler, Tom McGowan, Edward Hibbert, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064298 Semmelrogge, Benjamin Sadler, Max-Volkert Patrick Kerr, Millicent Martin, Saul Rubinek, Martens, Gabriele Ferzetti, Alexander Kerst Harriet Sansom Harris, Bebe Neuwirth, Game of Thrones - Die komplette - Dir. Alberto Negrin Jane Adams, Wendie Malick, Felicity vierte Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Booklet Huffman, Trevor Einhorn, Anthony Abenteuer 1998 180min. Game Of Thrones LaPaglia, Jean Smart, Laura Linney, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke, Marsha Mason, Brian Klugman, Mercedes AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 13.02.2015 Maisie Williams, Kit Harington, , Ruehl, Patricia Clarkson, Shelley Long, Amy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064025 Sophie Turner, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Rory Brenneman, Virginia Madsen, Conrad Janis, McCann, , Alfie Allen, Jack George DelHoyo, Lindsay Frost, Gigi Rice, Geld sofort Gleeson, John Bradley, Isaac Hempstead Jennifer Beals, Aaron Eckhart, Rosie Perez Heinz Erhardt, Oskar Sima - Dir. Johannes Wright, Aidan Gillen - Dir. Alex Graves, Alik - Dir. David Lee, Kelsey Grammer, Pamela Alexander Hübler-Kahla Sakharov, Michelle MacLaren, Neil Marshall, Fryman, James Burrows, Sheldon Epps, Dokumentation, Clip, Booklet D.B. Weiss Komödie min. Philip Charles MacKenzie, Jeffrey Melman, Fantasy/Drama 2014 min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Katy Garretson, Scott Ellis, Andy Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.04.2015 Ackerman, Wil Shriner, Jerry Zaks 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064440 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064423 Komödie 1993-2004 525min. Paramount Home Entertain 05.03.2015 Game of Thrones - Die komplette Geld sofort (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064255 vierte Staffel (5 Discs) Heinz Erhardt, Oskar Sima - Dir. Johannes Eine Frau von Ehre, Staffel 2 - Game Of Thrones Alexander Hübler-Kahla Lena Headey, Peter Dinklage, Emilia Clarke, Dokumentation, Clip, Booklet Verratene Liebe (2 Discs) Komödie min. Maisie Williams, Kit Harington, Iain Glen, Vendetta II: The New Mafia AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Sophie Turner, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Rory Carol Alt, Michael Ontkean, Eli Wallach, AG(Filmjuwelen) 02.04.2015 McCann, Charles Dance, Alfie Allen, Jack Louis Ferreira, Burt Young, Miguel 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064441 Gleeson, John Bradley, Isaac Hempstead Fernandes, Lisa Jakub, Eva Grimaldi - Dir. Wright, Aidan Gillen - Dir. Alex Graves, Alik Ralph L. Thomas Geschenkt ist noch zu teuer (Blu- Sakharov, Michelle MacLaren, Neil Marshall, Booklet ray) Drama 1993 288min. D.B. Weiss Money Pit AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Fantasy/Drama 2014 min. Tom Hanks, Shelley Long, Alexander AG(Fersehjuwelen) 27.02.2015 Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 Godunow, Maureen Stapleton, Joe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064047 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064416 Montagna, Josh Mostel - Dir. Richard Benja- Fräulein - Falsch verbunden Gangstas in the Ghetto Collection min Making of, Bildergalerie, 2 Synchronfassungen, Trailer Magda Schneider, Johannes Riemann, Tru- (2 Discs) (k.J.) Komödie 1985 91min. de Berliner, José Wedorn, Flockina von Mob Rules / The Ghetto Way / Der Rächer Koch Media 19.02.2015 Platen, Alexa von Porembsky, Jakob der Bronx / Killaz in the Hood / CB4 in da 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064268 Tiedtke, Aenne Görling, Siegfried Berisch, Ghetto! / Da Game of Life Karl Etlinger - Dir. E. W. Emo Action/Kriminalfilm 530min. Geschichte der O (+ DVD, + Booklet, Trailer SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.01.2015 Audio-CD) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1932 76min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063752 AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Histoire D’O. AG(Filmjuwelen) 20.03.2015 Gangster Box (3 Discs) (k.J.) Corinne Clery, Udo Kier, Martine Kelly, Anthony Steel, Christiane Minazzoli, Jean 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064422 The Money / The Long Good Friday / Gaven, Alain Noury - Dir. Just Jaeckin Gangsters From Dusk Till Dawn - Staffel 1 (3 Audiokommentar, Bio- und Filmografien, Interviews, Trailer Erotik 1975 92min. Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kriminalfilm/Action 1980-2012 300min. FilmConfect Home Entertainment 19.01.2015 From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series Koch Media 12.02.2015 74,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063938 D.J. Cotrona, Zane Holtz, Eiza González - 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064230 Dir. Robert Rodriguez Eine Geschichte über Glauben Trailer, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Werbespots, Inter- Geheimkommando Spree / Ge- views, Audiokommentar heime Spuren (3 Discs) und Liebe Horror/Action 2014 454min. Interview Marcelino Pan Y Vino WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One)

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Alejandro Tommasi, Teresa Ruiz, Jorge Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 10.04.2015 Plummer, Anthony Quayle, John Ireland, Lavat, Mark Hernández Mosqueda, Gerardo 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063781 Omar Sharif, Mel Ferrer, Ava Gardner, Da- Moscoso, Gastòn Peterson, Andres Fierro, vid Niven, Flora Robson, Harry Andrews - Guillermo Larrea, Orlando Moguel - Dir. Grace - Love. Undying. (Blu-ray) Dir. Anthony Mann, Nicholas Ray Jose Luis Gutierrez (k.J.) Audiokommentare, Featurette, Biografien, Bildergalerie, Drama 2010 88min. Trailer Grace Abenteuer 1960-1964 513min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Jordan Ladd, Gabrielle Rose, Samantha Spirit Media 12.02.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063836 Ferris, Malcolm Stewart, Stephen Park, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064232 Serge Houde, Kate Herriot, Jamie Eine Geschichte über Glauben Stephenson - Dir. Paul Solet Die größten Monumentalfilme und Liebe (Blu-ray) Horror 2009 85min. aller Zeiten (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Marcelino Pan Y Vino Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.02.2015 Der Untergang des römischen Reiches / El Alejandro Tommasi, Teresa Ruiz, Jorge 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063879 Cid / 55 Tage in Peking Lavat, Mark Hernández Mosqueda, Gerardo Charlton Heston, , Raf Moscoso, Gastòn Peterson, Andres Fierro, Grace - Love. Undying. (Uncut) Vallone, Geneviève Page, Hurd Hatfield, Guillermo Larrea, Orlando Moguel - Dir. (k.J.) John Fraser, Gary Raymond, Herbert Lom, Jose Luis Gutierrez Grace Massimo Serato, Stephen Boyd, Sir Alec Drama 2010 92min. Jordan Ladd, Gabrielle Rose, Samantha Guinness, James Mason, Christopher Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Ferris, Malcolm Stewart, Stephen Park, Plummer, Anthony Quayle, John Ireland, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063875 Serge Houde, Kate Herriot, Jamie Omar Sharif, Mel Ferrer, Ava Gardner, Da- Stephenson - Dir. Paul Solet Geschichten aus der Gruft - Staf- vid Niven, Flora Robson, Harry Andrews - Horror 2009 81min. Dir. Anthony Mann, Nicholas Ray fel 1 (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.02.2015 Audiokommentare, Featurette, Biografien, Bildergalerie, Tales From The Crypt 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063846 Trailer Brad Pitt, Lea Thompson, Whoopi Goldberg, Abenteuer 1960-1964 531min. Demi Moore, Tim Curry, Tom Hanks, Michael Grand Hotel - Staffel 4 (3 Discs) Spirit Media 12.02.2015 J. Fox, Brooke Shields - Dir. Walter Hill, Gran Hotel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064270 Robert Zemeckis, Richard Donner, Stephen Drama/Kostümfilm 2013 540min. Hopkins, Russell Mulcahy polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 Die grüne Hornisse (Uncut, Digital Horror 1989-1996 165min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064138 Remastered) (k.J.) Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Qing Feng Xia 27.02.2015 (Diamond Luxe Edition, 2 Chin Kar-lok, Esther Wing-ho Kwan, Yu 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063880 Discs) (Blu-ray) Wing-kwong, Lam Ching-ying - Dir. Lam Gravity Ching-ying Geschichten aus der Gruft - Staf- Sandra Bullock, George Clooney - Dir. Action/Komödie 1994 84min. fel 1 (k.J.) Alfonso Cuarón Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.02.2015 Tales From The Crypt Science Fiction/Drama 2013 91min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063843 Brad Pitt, Lea Thompson, Whoopi Goldberg, Warner Home Video Germany 26.03.2015 Demi Moore, Tim Curry, Tom Hanks, Michael 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064438 Halo: Nightfall J. Fox, Brooke Shields - Dir. Walter Hill, Halo: Nightfall Robert Zemeckis, Richard Donner, Stephen Grenzenlos Mike Colter, Steven Waddington, Christina Hopkins, Russell Mulcahy Unlimited Chong - Dir. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan Horror 1989-1996 159min. Fred Dalton Thompson, Robert Amaya, Da- Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Science Fiction/Action 2014 90min. Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) niel Ross Owens, Crystal Martinez, Emilio polyband Medien GmbH 17.03.2015 27.02.2015 Roso, Cesar Miramontes, Oscar Avila, Adri- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064125 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063847 an Castaneda - Dir. Nathan Frankowski Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Girls - Die komplette dritte Staffel Abenteuer/Science Fiction 2014 94min. Halo: Nightfall (Blu-ray) Halo: Nightfall (2 Discs) Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 19.01.2015 Mike Colter, Steven Waddington, Christina Girls tba BestellNr.: 20063869 Chong - Dir. Sergio Mimica-Gezzan Komödie/Drama 2014 327min. Behind the Scenes, Featurettes Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Die große Bruce Lee Box (2 Science Fiction/Action 2014 90min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064411 polyband Medien GmbH 17.03.2015 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064150 Das goldene Ufer Death by Misadventure / Chueh tou lao Miriam Stein, Volker Bruch, Ulrike Folkerts, hou chuang / Iron Punch Contest Happy New Year - Herzensdiebe Walter Sittler, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Rolf Action/Eastern 513min. Happy New Year Kanies, Michael Mendl, Trystan Pütter, Na- da music(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, dine Wrietz, Lili Fichtner, Tom Böttcher - 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064103 Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, Vivaan Dir. Christoph Schrewe Shah, Sonu Sood, Jackie Shroff, Puneet Making Of Die große Märchen-Schatzkiste Vashist - Dir. Farah Khan Drama/Historienfilm 104min. Kinderfilm 300min. Poster, Wendecover Universum Film Home Spirit Media 24.03.2015 Action/Komödie 2014 173min. Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 10.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064316 Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063748 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064068 Die größten Monumentalfilme al- Das goldene Ufer (Blu-ray) ler Zeiten (3 Discs) Happy New Year - Herzensdiebe Miriam Stein, Volker Bruch, Ulrike Folkerts, Der Untergang des römischen Reiches / El (Blu-ray) Walter Sittler, Hans-Peter Hallwachs, Rolf Cid / 55 Tage in Peking Happy New Year Kanies, Michael Mendl, Trystan Pütter, Na- Charlton Heston, Sophia Loren, Raf Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, dine Wrietz, Lili Fichtner, Tom Böttcher - Vallone, Geneviève Page, Hurd Hatfield, Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, Vivaan Dir. Christoph Schrewe John Fraser, Gary Raymond, Herbert Lom, Shah, Sonu Sood, Jackie Shroff, Puneet Making Of Massimo Serato, Stephen Boyd, Sir Alec Vashist - Dir. Farah Khan Drama/Historienfilm 108min. Guinness, James Mason, Christopher Poster, Wendecover Universum Film Home Action/Komödie 2014 180min.

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Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.03.2015 Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1969 90min. Brooke Burns, Nicole Paggi, Gregory 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064081 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 27.03.2015 Harrison, Justin Baldoni, Martha Madison, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064375 Nadège August, Shashawnee Hall, Jay Happy New Year - Herzensdiebe Kenneth Johnson, Kayla Mae Maloney - Dir. (Limited Edition, 3 Discs) (Blu- Hier ist John Doe Matthew Diamond ray) Meet John Doe Komödie/Action 2012 87min. Gary Cooper, , James Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Happy New Year Gleason, Edward Arnold, Walter Brennan, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063896 Shah Rukh Khan, Deepika Padukone, Spring Byington, Gene Lockhart, Rod La Abhishek Bachchan, Boman Irani, Vivaan Roque - Dir. Frank Capra Hollywood All Time (2 Shah, Sonu Sood, Jackie Shroff, Puneet Kriminalfilm/Komödie 1941 122min. Vashist - Dir. Farah Khan Discs) Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Poster Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 Call it Murder / Little Shop of Horrors / Action/Komödie 2014 180min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064334 Königliche Hochzeit / Date With / Rapid Eye Movies HE 20.03.2015 At War With the Army / Suddenly - Plötz- 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064082 High Speed XXL (2 Discs) lich Dir. Teo Konuralp Humphrey Bogart, Dean Martin, Jerry Hawaii Five-0 - Die siebte Season Action 1954-2012 522min. Lewis, Jack Nicholson, Frank Sinatra, Fred (6 Discs) EuroVideo Medien 05.03.2015 Astaire - Dir. Orson Welles, Stanley Donen, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064135 Hawaii Five-0 Roger Corman Abenteuer 482min. Kriminalfilm 1158min. High Spirits - Die Geister sind Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 da music(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063825 willig! 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064105 High Spirits Hawaii Five-0 - Die vierte Season Peter O’Toole, Steve Guttenberg, Daryl Hollywood Stars - Masked and (6 Discs) Hannah, Beverly D’Angelo, , Anonymous / Stormy Monday (2 Liz Smith, Ray McAnally - Dir. Neil Jordan Discs) Hawaii Five-0 Bildergalerie, Trailer Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Grace Park, Horror/Komödie 1988 95min. Masked And Anonymous / Stormy Monday Daniel Dae Kim, Michelle Borth, Chi Koch Media 19.02.2015 Drama/Kriminalfilm 191min. McBride, Masi Oka, Taylor Wily, Dennis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064229 Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Chun - Dir. Bryan Spicer, Larry Teng, Joe Productions) 30.01.2015 Dante, Duane Clark, Jeffrey Hunt, Jerry High Spirits - Die Geister sind 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063916 Levine, Sylvain White, Peter Weller, Maja willig! (Blu-ray) Vrvilo Hollywood Stars - Michael Caine High Spirits Featurettes, Making of, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen Gold Edition (2 Discs) Kriminalfilm 2013 992min. Peter O’Toole, Steve Guttenberg, Daryl Deadfall / The Jigsaw Man Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Hannah, Beverly D’Angelo, Liam Neeson, Sir Michael Caine 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063823 Liz Smith, Ray McAnally - Dir. Neil Jordan Bildergalerie, Trailer Thriller 210min. Hawaii Five-0 - Die vierte Season Horror/Komödie 1988 99min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Koch Media 19.02.2015 Productions) 30.01.2015 (6 Discs) (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064267 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063914 Hawaii Five-0 Alex O’Loughlin, Scott Caan, Grace Park, Hin und weg - Die komplette Daniel Dae Kim, Michelle Borth, Chi Florian David Fitz, Julia Koschitz, Jürgen Season 1 (4 Discs) McBride, Masi Oka, Taylor Wily, Dennis Vogel, Miriam Stein, Volker Bruch, Victoria Homeland Chun - Dir. Bryan Spicer, Larry Teng, Joe Mayer, Johannes Allmayer, Hannelore , , Morena Dante, Duane Clark, Jeffrey Hunt, Jerry Elsner - Dir. Christian Zübert Baccarin, Mandy Patinkin, David Harewood, Levine, Sylvain White, Peter Weller, Maja Drama/Komödie 2014 91min. Diego Klattenhoff, , Navid Vrvilo Majestic Filmverleih 26.03.2015 Negahban, Amy Hargreaves, Morgan Kriminalfilm 2013 953min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063978 Saylor, , David Marciano, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Maury Sterling, Omid Abtahi, Taylor 69,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063872 Hin und weg (Blu-ray) Kowalski, Chelsea Cardwell, Amir Arison, Florian David Fitz, Julia Koschitz, Jürgen Hawaii Fünf-Null - Die sechste Sarita Choudhury - Dir. Michael Cuesta Vogel, Miriam Stein, Volker Bruch, Victoria Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Behind the Season (6 Discs) Mayer, Johannes Allmayer, Hannelore Scenes Hawaii Five-0 Elsner - Dir. Christian Zübert Thriller/Drama 2011 min. Jack Lord, William Smith, Herman Drama/Komödie 2014 95min. Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Wedemeyer, Moe Keale, Sharon Farrell, Majestic Filmverleih 26.03.2015 Germany 22.01.2015 Richard Denning - Dir. Harry F. Hogan, Jack 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064001 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064038 Lord, Reza Badiyi, Ralph Levy, Beau Vanden Ecker, Herbert Hirschman, Edward Hochzeit Undercover - Wer Horror in 37.000 Fuß (k.J.) M. Abroms, Dennis Donnelly, Robert L. schützt die Braut? The Horror At 37,000 Feet Chuck Connors, William Shatner - Dir. David Morrison, Barry Crane, Don Weis Undercover Bridesmaid Lowell Rich Episoden-Promos Brooke Burns, Nicole Paggi, Gregory Kriminalfilm 1973 1153min. Horror 1973 75min. Harrison, Justin Baldoni, Martha Madison, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Nadège August, Shashawnee Hall, Jay 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063824 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064258 Kenneth Johnson, Kayla Mae Maloney - Dir. Die Herren mit der weißen Weste Matthew Diamond Horror Kult Collection Komödie/Action 2012 83min. Martin Held, Mario Adorf, Rudolf Platte, Zurück bleibt die Angst / Kabinett des Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Walter Giller, Heinz Erhardt, Agnes Schreckens / Im Bann des weißen Zombie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063866 Windeck, Hannelore Elsner, Willy Reichert, Horror 250min. Herbert Fux, Sabine Bethmann, Rudolf Hochzeit Undercover - Wer Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 20.03.2015 Schündler, Kurt von Ruffin, Siegfried 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064363 Schürenberg - Dir. Wolfgang Staudte schützt die Braut? (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bildergalerie Undercover Bridesmaid Horror Kult Collection (Blu-ray)

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Zurück bleibt die Angst / Kabinett des Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael Booklet, Trailer Schreckens / Im Bann des weißen Zombie Preece, Tony Mordente Western 1955 81min. Horror 260min. Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 20.03.2015 Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 AG(Filmjuwelen) 20.03.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064381 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064065 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064419 Hostage - Entführt (Metalpack) Hunter - Staffel 6.2 (3 Discs) In the Mood for Love (Alles Lie- (Blu-ray) Hunter be) Hostage Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles In The Mood For Love Bruce Willis, Kevin Pollak, Jonathan Tucker, Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, , Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Ben Foster, Jimmy Bennett, Michelle Horn, James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne Rebecca Pan, Lai Chen, Lam Siu-ping - Dir. Jimmy Pinchak, Marshall Allman, Serena Fluegel - Dir. James Whitmore Jr., Michael Wong Kar Wai Scott Thomas, Hector Luis Bustamante - Preece, Tony Mordente Drama 2000 94min. Dir. Florent Emilio Siri Kriminalfilm/Action 1984-1991 min. Universum Film Home Entertainment Action/Thriller 2005 113min. Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 27.02.2015 Koch Media 02.02.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064066 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063972 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064345 I Am Soldier In the Name of the Son - Sprich Houdini (2 Discs) I Am Soldier dein Gebet (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Houdini Tom Hughes, Noel Clarke, Alex Reid, Au Nom Du Fils Adrien Brody, Kristen Connolly, Evan George Russo, Miranda Raison, Alex Reid, Astrid Whettnall, Philippe Nahon, Zacharie Jones, Tim Pigott-Smith, Tom Benedict Joe Egan, Ian Pirie, Josh Myers - Dir. Chasseriaud, Achille Ridolfi, Albert Knight, Shaun Williamson, Megan Dodds, Ronnie Thompson Chassagne-Baradat, Lionel Bourguet, David Calder, Louis Mertens - Dir. Uli Edel Trailer Jacky Nercessian - Dir. Vincent Lannoo Featurettes, Wendecover Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 84min. Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Wendecover Drama/Biographie 2014 178min. capelight pictures Gerlach Thriller/Drama 2012 80min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Selms(CherryBomb Films) 20.03.2015 Donau Film 20.03.2015 Germany 16.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064293 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063964 tba BestellNr.: 20064372 I Am Soldier (Blu-ray) In the Name of the Son - Sprich Houdini (Blu-ray) I Am Soldier dein Gebet (k.J.) Tom Hughes, Noel Clarke, Alex Reid, Houdini Au Nom Du Fils George Russo, Miranda Raison, Alex Reid, Adrien Brody, Kristen Connolly, Evan Astrid Whettnall, Philippe Nahon, Zacharie Joe Egan, Ian Pirie, Josh Myers - Dir. Jones, Tim Pigott-Smith, Tom Benedict Chasseriaud, Achille Ridolfi, Albert Knight, Shaun Williamson, Megan Dodds, Ronnie Thompson Trailer Chassagne-Baradat, Lionel Bourguet, David Calder, Louis Mertens - Dir. Uli Edel Jacky Nercessian - Dir. Vincent Lannoo Featurettes, Wendecover Action/Kriegsfilm 2014 88min. capelight pictures Gerlach Entfallene Szenen, Featurette, Wendecover Drama/Biographie 2014 178min. Thriller/Drama 2012 80min. Selms(CherryBomb Films) 20.03.2015 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Donau Film 20.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064305 Germany 16.04.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063955 tba BestellNr.: 20064388 Ich will dich, Giulia (k.J.) The Incident (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Desiderando Giulia Housebound (k.J.) Housebound Serena Grandi, Johan Leysen, Valeria The Incident Morgana O’Reilly, Rima Te Wiata, Glen-Paul D’Obici, Sergio Rubini - Dir. Andrea Barzini Rupert Evans, Kenny Doughty, Joseph Waru, Cameron Rhodes, Millen Baird, Ian Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Erotik 1987 95min. Kennedy, Anna Skellern, Dave Legeno, Mune, Ross Harper, Ryan Lampp - Dir. Donau Film 20.02.2015 Richard Brake, Eric Godon, Darren Kent, Gerard Johnstone Entfallene Szenen, Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064049 Martin Swabey, Marcus Garvey, Biondolillo Horror/Komödie 2014 109min. Pascal - Dir. Alexandre Courtès MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 24.03.2015 Ich.Darf.Nicht.Schlafen. Trailer Thriller/Horror 2011 84min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063854 Before I Go To Sleep Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Koch Media 02.02.2015 Housebound (Blu-ray) Anne-Marie Duff, Dean-Charles Chapman, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064343 Jing Lusi, Adam Levy, Rosie MacPherson - Housebound Inspector Banks - Mord in Morgana O’Reilly, Rima Te Wiata, Glen-Paul Dir. Rowan Joffe Waru, Cameron Rhodes, Millen Baird, Ian Thriller 2014 89min. Yorkshire: Die komplette zweite Mune, Ross Harper, Ryan Lampp - Dir. Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Staffel (2 Discs) Gerard Johnstone 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064117 DCI Banks Entfallene Szenen, Trailer Kriminalfilm 2012 270min. Horror/Komödie 2014 109min. Ich.Darf.Nicht.Schlafen. (Blu-ray) polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 MFA+ Film Distribution(MFA+) 24.03.2015 Before I Go To Sleep 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064139 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063884 Nicole Kidman, Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Anne-Marie Duff, Dean-Charles Chapman, Interstellar Der Hund von Baskerville Jing Lusi, Adam Levy, Rosie MacPherson - Interstellar Bruno Güttner, Fritz Odemar, Peter Voß - Dir. Rowan Joffe Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Dir. Carl Lamac Thriller 2014 93min. Jessica Chastain, Sir Michael Caine, John Kriminalfilm 1937 77min. Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Lithgow, Casey Affleck, Topher Grace, Spirit Media 06.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064141 Wes Bentley, David Gyasi, Mackenzie Foy 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063833 (Murph), (Murph), Timothee In Acht und Bann Chalamet (Tom), William Devane, Matt Hunter - Staffel 6.1 (3 Discs) At Gunpoint Damon - Dir. Christopher Nolan Hunter Fred MacMurray, Dorothy Malone, Walter Science Fiction/Drama 2014 163min. Fred Dryer, Stepfanie Kramer, Charles Brennan, Tommy Rettig, Skip Homeier, John Warner Home Video Germany 31.03.2015 Hallahan, Perry Cook, Garrett Morris, Qualen, Harry Shannon, Whit Bissell, Irving tba BestellNr.: 20064319 James Whitmore, Bruce Davison, Darlanne Bacon - Dir. Alfred Werker

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Interstellar (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Aisling Franciosi, Aileen Henry, Francis 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063767 Interstellar Magee, Andrew Scott, Brian F. O’Byrne, Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Martin Lucey, Mikel Murfi, Karl Geary, De- Kidnapping Freddy Heineken Jessica Chastain, Sir Michael Caine, John nise Gough, Sorcha Fox, Seamus Hughes, Kidnapping Mr. Heineken Lithgow, Casey Affleck, Topher Grace, Shane O’Brien - Dir. Ken Loach Sam Worthington, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jim Wes Bentley, David Gyasi, Mackenzie Foy Drama/Komödie 2014 105min. Sturgess - Dir. Daniel Alfredson (Murph), Ellen Burstyn (Murph), Timothee Pandora Film GmbH & Co. Verleih KG Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2015 91min. Chalamet (Tom), William Devane, Matt 20.02.2015 Splendid Film 24.04.2015 Damon - Dir. Christopher Nolan 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063794 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064410 Science Fiction/Drama 2014 169min. Warner Home Video Germany 31.03.2015 Jo, Fotomodell - Der komplette Kidnapping Freddy Heineken tba BestellNr.: 20064338 Dreiteiler (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) La Moglie Nella Cornice Kidnapping Mr. Heineken It Boy - Liebe auf französisch (Al- Corinne Touzet, Giuliano Gemma Sam Worthington, Sir Anthony Hopkins, Jim les Liebe) Trailer Sturgess - Dir. Daniel Alfredson Drama 1991 270min. 20 Ans D’écart Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2015 95min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Virginie Efira, Niney Pierre, Charles Berling, Splendid Film 24.04.2015 AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 13.02.2015 Gilles Cohen, Amelie Glenn, Camille Japy, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064434 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064077 Michaël Abiteboul, Camille Pélicier - Dir. Killer by - Entlasse deinen David Moreau Der Junge Siyar Komödie/Lovestory 2013 93min. inneren Killer (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Før Snøen Faller Universum Film Home Entertainment Killer By Nature Taher Abdullah Taher, Suzan Ilir, Bahar 27.02.2015 Zachary Ray Sherman, Ron Perlman, Özen, Nazmi Kirik, Ahmet Zirek, Muafaq 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063973 Armand Assante, Lin Shaye, Haley Rushdie, Billey Demirtas, Hasan Demirci, Hudson, Richard Riehle, Richard Portnow, Naseradeen Mohammed Kaheleel, Birol The Italian Job - Jagd auf Millio- Svetlana Efremova, Jason Hildebrandt, Ron Ünel - Dir. Hisham Zaman nen (Einzel-Disc) Making of McCoy - Dir. Douglas S. Younglove The Italian Job Drama 2013 105min. Thriller/Drama 2010 93min. Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, Edward Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Dualfilm) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.02.2015 Norton, Seth Green, Jason Statham, Mos 20.03.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063878 Def, Franky G., , Pete tba BestellNr.: 20063995 Gawtti, Olek Krupa - Dir. F. Gary Gray Killer by Nature - Entlasse deinen Action/Thriller 2003 106min. Jurassic Kids 3 inneren Killer (k.J.) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Prehysteria! 3 Killer By Nature Home Edition) 19.03.2015 Fred Willard, Pam Matteson, Whitney Zachary Ray Sherman, Ron Perlman, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064218 Anderson, Bruce Weitz, Dave Buzzotta, Armand Assante, Lin Shaye, Haley John Fujioka, Matt Letscher - Dir. Julian Hudson, Richard Riehle, Richard Portnow, Die Jayne Mansfield Story Breen Svetlana Efremova, Jason Hildebrandt, Ron The Jayne Mansfield Story Komödie/Fantasy 1995 85min. McCoy - Dir. Douglas S. Younglove Loni Anderson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 06.03.2015 Thriller/Drama 2010 90min. Dave Shelley, G. D. Spradlin, Raymond 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064321 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.02.2015 Buktenica, Kathleen Lloyd - Dir. Dick Lowry 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063842 Drama 1980 100min. Buster Keaton SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.01.2015 Buster Keaton Killer Clans - Die Herrschaft des 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063756 Komödie/Slapstick min. Schwertes (Blu-ray) SPV Schallplatten(SJ Entertainment) Liu Xing Hu Die Jian Jeeves & Wooster - Herr & Mei- 16.01.2015 Ching Li, Ku Feng, Lo Lieh, Yueh Hua, Fei ster, Gesamtedition (7 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064062 Ai, Kwok Kuen Chan, Shen Chan, Hong-Yip Jeeves And Wooster Cheng - Dir. Chu Yuan Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Jennifer Gibson, Keine Vergebung - Der Schrecken Bildergalerie, Trailer Brenda Bruce - Dir. Ferdinand Fairfax, Si- des Krieges Action/Eastern 1976 101min. mon Langton Iskuplenie Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Bildergalerie, Bio- und Filmografien, Trailer Karina Andolenko, Sergey Dreyden - Dir. 20.02.2015 Komödie 1990-1993 1166min. Aleksandr Proshkin 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064002 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 19.01.2015 Kriegsfilm 2012 120min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063791 Maritim Pictures 21.03.2015 Stephen King’s A Good 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064317 A Good Marriage Jenseits der Hügel Joan Allen, Anthony LaPaglia, , Dupa Dealuri Keine Vergebung - Der Schrecken Kristen Connolly, Mike O’Malley, Stephen , Cristina Flutur, Valeriu des Krieges (Blu-ray) Lang, Terra Mackintosh, Kris Lundberg, Will Andriuta, Dana Tapalaga, Catalina Rogers - Dir. Peter Askin Iskuplenie Harabagiu, Gina Tandura, Vica Agache, Entfallene und verpatzte Szenen, Trailer Karina Andolenko, Sergey Dreyden - Dir. Nora Covali, Dionisie Vitcu, Ionut Ghinea, Thriller 2014 97min. Aleksandr Proshkin Liliana Mocanu, Doru Ana, Costache Babill, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Kriegsfilm 2012 125min. Luminita Gheorghiu, Alina Berzunte, Teodor Home Edition) 09.04.2015 Maritim Pictures 21.03.2015 Corban, Calin Chirila, Cristina Cristian, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064458 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064337 Tania Popa, Petronela Grigorescu, Radu Kir Royal (3 Discs, Digital Zetu - Dir. Die Kettenreaktion Drama 2012 146min. Remastered) The Chain Reaction EuroVideo Medien 05.03.2015 Franz Xaver Kroetz, Senta Berger, Dieter Steve Bisley, Anna-Maria Winchester, Ross 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064136 Hildebrandt, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Billie Thompson, Ralph Cotterill, Hugh Keays- Zöckler, Mario Adorf, Harald Leipnitz, Peter Byrne, Lorna Lesley - Dir. Ian Barry Jimmy’s Hall Kern, Corinna Drews, Martin Wimbush, Science Fiction/Thriller 1978 86min. Jimmy’s Hall Rudolf Wessely, Erni Singerl, Georg Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 27.02.2015 Barry Ward, Simone Kirby, , Marischka, Fritz Muliar, Christine

LASER HOTLINE Seite 32 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 33 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Schuberth, Rolf Ohlsen, Hanno Pöschl, Mathéo Boisselier, Valérie Lemercier, Kad 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064280 Fritz Müller-Scherz, Boy Gobert, Hanns Merad, Dominique Lavanant, Erja Malatier, Zischler, Karl Obermayr, Willy Harlander, François-Xavier Demaison, Bouli Lanners, Die Legende des weissen Wolfes Toni Berger, Kurt Raab, Curt Bois, Marianne Luca Zingaretti, Julie Engelbrecht - Dir. White Wolves II: Legend Of The Wild Hoppe, Hans Korte, Charles Régnier, Ri- Laurent Tirard Elizabeth Berkley, Ele Keats, Jeremy Lon- chard Münch, Udo Kier, Michaela May, Wal- Kinderfilm/Komödie 2014 97min. don, Corin Nemec, Ernie Reyes jr., Justin ter Schmidinger, Paul Hubschmid, Thomas Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Whalin, Lucky Hayes - Dir. Terence H. Tipton, Ortrud Beginnen, Diether Krebs, Bunch Germany) 13.03.2015 Winkless Angelica Domröse, Paul Baur, Karl Lieffen, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063816 Abenteuer 1995 83min. Edgar Selge, Elma Karlowa, Heinz-Werner SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) Kraehkamp, Peter Berling, Walter Kraus, Land der Vergessenen (FSK 18) 12.03.2015 Klaus Griesser, Fred Würz, Carola Regnier, Into The Badlands 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064176 Maria Singer, Renate Langer, Burkhard Bruce Dern, Helen Hunt, Mariel Hemingway, Driest, Horst Tomayer, Donald Arthur, Axel Andrew Robinson, Dylan McDermott, Lisa Let Us Prey (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Münch, Horst Sachtleben, Franz Brauns- Pelikan - Dir. Sam Pillsbury Let Us Prey hausen, Werner Asam, Dirk Bach, Eckhard Western 1991 85min. Pollyanna McIntosh, Liam Cunningham, Witzigmann, Käthe Jaenicke, Peter Kuhnert, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.01.2015 Bryan Larkin, Douglas Russell, Hanna Christina Amun, Leo Bardischewski, Sabina 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063753 Stanbridge, Niall Fulton, Jonathan Watson, Trooger, Josef Glas, Elke Sohns, Klaus James McCreadie - Dir. Brian O’Malley Guth, Sammy Drechsel, Wolfgang Fierek, The Last Great Treasure - Die Trailer Elia Zimmermann, Thomas Müller, Sepp Gier nach Gold Horror/Mystery 2014 92min. Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 20.03.2015 Schauer, Anja Hauptmann - Dir. Helmut Dietl Mother Lode 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064110 Komödie 1986 354min. Charlton Heston, Kim Basinger, Nick EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Mancuso, John Marley, Dale Wilson - Dir. Let Us Prey (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064171 Charlton Heston Let Us Prey Action/Thriller 1982 92min. Pollyanna McIntosh, Liam Cunningham, Kir Royal (Digital Remastered) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Bryan Larkin, Douglas Russell, Hanna (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064326 Stanbridge, Niall Fulton, Jonathan Watson, Franz Xaver Kroetz, Senta Berger, Dieter Das Lazarus Project / Hours - James McCreadie - Dir. Brian O’Malley Hildebrandt, Ruth-Maria Kubitschek, Billie Trailer Zöckler, Mario Adorf, Harald Leipnitz, Peter Wettlauf gegen die Zeit (2 Discs) Horror/Mystery 2014 88min. Kern, Corinna Drews, Martin Wimbush, The Lazarus Project / Hours Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 20.03.2015 Rudolf Wessely, Erni Singerl, Georg Paul Walker, Piper Perabo, Brooklynn 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064102 Marischka, Fritz Muliar, Christine Proulx, Genesis Rodriguez, Nick Gomez - Schuberth, Rolf Ohlsen, Hanno Pöschl, Dir. John Glenn, Eric Heisserer Der letzte Mohicaner - Falkenau- Fritz Müller-Scherz, Boy Gobert, Hanns Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes ge Zischler, Karl Obermayr, Willy Harlander, Thriller 2008-2013 190min. The Last Of The Mohicans Toni Berger, Kurt Raab, Curt Bois, Marianne Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Randolph Scott, Binnie Barnes, Henry Hoppe, Hans Korte, Charles Régnier, Ri- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064192 Wilcoxon - Dir. George B. Seitz chard Münch, Udo Kier, Michaela May, Wal- Abenteuer 1936 83min. ter Schmidinger, Paul Hubschmid, Thomas Das Lazarus Project / Hours - SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 12.03.2015 Tipton, Ortrud Beginnen, Diether Krebs, Wettlauf gegen die Zeit (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064177 Angelica Domröse, Paul Baur, Karl Lieffen, (Blu-ray) Edgar Selge, Elma Karlowa, Heinz-Werner The Lazarus Project / Hours Die letzte Schlacht der Maoris Kraehkamp, Peter Berling, Walter Kraus, Paul Walker, Piper Perabo, Brooklynn Utu Klaus Griesser, Fred Würz, Carola Regnier, Proulx, Genesis Rodriguez, Nick Gomez - Anzac Wallace, Wi Kuki Kaa, Bruno Maria Singer, Renate Langer, Burkhard Dir. John Glenn, Eric Heisserer Lawrence, Kelly Johnson, Tim Elliott, Tania Driest, Horst Tomayer, Donald Arthur, Axel Entfallene Szenen, Featurettes Bristowe - Dir. Geoff Murphy Münch, Horst Sachtleben, Franz Brauns- Thriller 2008-2013 197min. Abenteuer/Drama 1983 118min. hausen, Werner Asam, Dirk Bach, Eckhard Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 13.02.2015 Witzigmann, Käthe Jaenicke, Peter Kuhnert, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064204 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063769 Christina Amun, Leo Bardischewski, Sabina Trooger, Josef Glas, Elke Sohns, Klaus Ang Lee Trilogie (3 Discs) License to Kill Guth, Sammy Drechsel, Wolfgang Fierek, Das Hochzeitsbankett / Eat Drink Man License To Kill Elia Zimmermann, Thomas Müller, Sepp Woman / Pushing Hands James Farentino, Don Murray, Denzel Wa- Schauer, Anja Hauptmann - Dir. Helmut Dietl Winston Chao, May Chin, Mitchell Lichten- shington, Penny Fuller, Millie Perkins, Ari Komödie 1986 360min. stein, Lung Sihung, Yang Kuei-mei, Wu Meyers, Donald Moffat, Jacqueline EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Chien-lien, Sihung Lung, Lai Wang, Bo Z. Brookes, Kristen Vigard - Dir. Jud Taylor 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064196 Wang - Dir. Ang Lee Drama/Kriminalfilm 1984 92min. interviews, Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 Der kleine Nick macht Ferien Drama 1992-1994 min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064331 Les Vacances Du Petit Nicolas Koch Media 19.03.2015 Mathéo Boisselier, Valérie Lemercier, Kad 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064248 License to Kill (Blu-ray) Merad, Dominique Lavanant, Erja Malatier, License To Kill François-Xavier Demaison, Bouli Lanners, Ang Lee Trilogie (3 Discs) (Blu- James Farentino, Don Murray, Denzel Wa- Luca Zingaretti, Julie Engelbrecht - Dir. ray) shington, Penny Fuller, Millie Perkins, Ari Laurent Tirard Das Hochzeitsbankett / Eat Drink Man Meyers, Donald Moffat, Jacqueline Kinderfilm/Komödie 2014 93min. Woman / Pushing Hands Brookes, Kristen Vigard - Dir. Jud Taylor Universum Film Home Entertainment(Wild Winston Chao, May Chin, Mitchell Lichten- Drama/Kriminalfilm 1984 92min. Bunch Germany) 13.03.2015 stein, Lung Sihung, Yang Kuei-mei, Wu Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063803 Chien-lien, Sihung Lung, Lai Wang, Bo Z. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064354 Wang - Dir. Ang Lee Der kleine Nick macht Ferien interviews, Trailer Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose Drama 1992-1994 min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Les Vacances Du Petit Nicolas Koch Media 19.03.2015

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Peter Steiner, Julia Tomas, Rinaldo Looking Made of Steel (2 Discs, Uncut, + Talamonti, Birgit Bergen, Peter Hamm, Elfie Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez, Murray Kinofassung) Pertramer, Franz Muxeneder, Franz Bartlett, O.T. Fagbenle, Scott Bakula, Beyond The Law Helminger - Dir. Franz Marischka Russell Tovey, Lauren Weedman, Raúl Charlie Sheen, Linda Fiorentino, Michael Erotik/Komödie 1972 min. Castillo, Ptolemy Slocum - Dir. Andrew Madsen, Courtney B. Vance, Leon Rippy, MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Haigh, Jamie Babbit, Ryan Fleck, Joe Larry Ferguson, Dennis Burkley, Rino 06.02.2015 Swanberg Thunder, Rip Torn - Dir. Larry Ferguson 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064048 Drama/Komödie 2014 213min. Kriminalfilm/Action 1993 104min. Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 18.02.2015 Liebesgrüße aus der Lederhose II 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064412 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064394 - Zwei Kumpel auf der Alm (k.J.) Johannes Buzalski, Peter Steiner, Ulrike Looking - Die komplette erste Made of Steel (2 Discs, Uncut, + Butz, Elfie Pertramer, Hans Henning Claer - Staffel (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Kinofassung) (Blu-ray) Dir. Franz Marischka Looking Beyond The Law Erotik/Komödie 1974 min. Jonathan Groff, Frankie J. Alvarez, Murray Charlie Sheen, Linda Fiorentino, Michael MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Bartlett, O.T. Fagbenle, Scott Bakula, Madsen, Courtney B. Vance, Leon Rippy, 06.02.2015 Russell Tovey, Lauren Weedman, Raúl Larry Ferguson, Dennis Burkley, Rino 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064050 Castillo, Ptolemy Slocum - Dir. Andrew Thunder, Rip Torn - Dir. Larry Ferguson Haigh, Jamie Babbit, Ryan Fleck, Joe Kriminalfilm/Action 1993 109min. Lola auf der Erbse Swanberg VZ-Handelsgesellschaft 18.02.2015 Tabea Hanstein, Christiane Paul, Tobias Drama/Komödie 2014 221min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064425 Oertel, Arturo Perea Bigwood, Antoine Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 Monot, Jr., Jonas Drescher, Olaf Krätke, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064437 Main St. Ferhat Keskin, Berivan Kaya, Defne Main Street Gümüshan, Peter Fieseler, Jasper Bar- Love Stories - Erste Lieben, zwei- Orlando Bloom, Colin Firth, Amber Tamblyn, wasser, Beles Adam, Lucia Kümmel, Luca te Chancen (Alles Liebe) Patricia Clarkson, Andrew McCarthy, Ellen Marie Plomitzer, Leonie Galler, Özlem Stuck In Love Burstyn, , Isiah Whitlock Günay, Markus Hammer - Dir. Thomas Hei- Greg Kinnear, Jennifer Connelly, Lily Jr. - Dir. John Doyle nemann Collins, , Kristen Bell, Nat Drama 2010 94min. Musikvideo Wolff, Rusty Joiner, Liana Liberato, Kinderfilm 2014 90min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Spencer Breslin, Stephen King - Dir. Josh Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063840 Boone 20.03.2015 Komödie/Familie 2012 93min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063992 Main St. (Blu-ray) Senator Home Entertainment 27.02.2015 Main Street Lola auf der Erbse (Blu-ray) 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063974 Orlando Bloom, Colin Firth, Amber Tamblyn, Patricia Clarkson, Andrew McCarthy, Ellen Tabea Hanstein, Christiane Paul, Tobias Lügen und andere Wahrheiten Oertel, Arturo Perea Bigwood, Antoine Burstyn, Margo Martindale, Isiah Whitlock Meret Becker, Thomas Heinze, Florian Da- Monot, Jr., Jonas Drescher, Olaf Krätke, Jr. - Dir. John Doyle vid Fitz, Jeanette Hain, Alina Levshin, Lilith Ferhat Keskin, Berivan Kaya, Defne Drama 2010 98min. Stangenberg, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Ilja Gümüshan, Peter Fieseler, Jasper Bar- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Pletner - Dir. Vanessa Jopp 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063877 wasser, Beles Adam, Lucia Kümmel, Luca Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte Marie Plomitzer, Leonie Galler, Özlem Drama/Komödie 2014 110min. Maniacts (k.J.) Günay, Markus Hammer - Dir. Thomas Hei- EuroVideo Medien 05.03.2015 Maniacts nemann 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064161 Musikvideo Jeff Fahey, Kellie Waymire, John Furlong, Kinderfilm 2014 94min. Lügen und andere Wahrheiten Mel Winkler, Leslie Easterbrook, Jeremiah Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Birkett, Vincent Guastaferro, Bob Bancroft 20.03.2015 (Blu-ray) - Dir. Curt Cressler, C.W. Cressler 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064012 Meret Becker, Thomas Heinze, Florian Da- Komödie/Thriller 2001 89min. vid Fitz, Jeanette Hain, Alina Levshin, Lilith Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Jack - Die große Aben- Stangenberg, Elisabeth Trissenaar, Ilja 27.02.2015 teuer-Sammlung (Special Pletner - Dir. Vanessa Jopp 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063845 Hörfilmfassung für Sehbehinderte Collector’s Edition, 2 Discs) Drama/Komödie 2014 114min. Märchenhafte Prinzessinnen Wolfsblut greift ein / Wie ein Schrei im EuroVideo Medien 05.03.2015 Dornröschen / Schneewittchen / Die Prin- Wind / Ruf der Wildnis / Call of the Wild 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064160 Wendecover zessin auf der Erbse Abenteuer 376min. Mad Jake (k.J.) Dir. Oliver Dieckmann AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Making of, O-Card Mad Jake Kinderfilm/Märchen (Realfilm) 2014 AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.02.2015 John Saxon, Ray Walston, Danny Nelson - 180min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064045 Dir. Tucker Johnston EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Horror/Komödie 1989-1990 98min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064172 The Long Duel Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 The Long Duel 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064362 Maria und Jesus Yul Brynner, Trevor Howard, Harry Mary, Mother Of Jesus Andrews, Andrew Keir, Charlotte Rampling, Mädchen hinter Gittern , , Melinda Virginia North, Laurence Naismith - Dir. Ken Heidelinde Weis, Harald Leipnitz, Harry Kinnaman, David Threlfall, Simone Bendix, Annakin Riebauer, Sabine Bethmann, Adelheid John Shrapnel, Edward Hardwicke, Hywel Abenteuer/Drama 1967 111min. Seeck, Ursula Herking, Ellen Umlauf, Elke Bennett - Dir. Kevin Connor Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Aberle, Uta Levka - Dir. Rudolf Zehetgruber Drama 1999 88min. 27.02.2015 Booklet, Bildergalerie, Interview Koch Media 19.03.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063841 Drama 1965 90min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064241 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.03.2015 Looking - Die komplette erste 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064033 Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Staffel (2 Discs) Die komplette 1. Staffel (6 Discs)

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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064112 Liebe) Clark Gregg, Brett Dalton, Chloe Bennet, Mr. Morgan’s Last Love Ming-Na Wen, Elizabeth Henstridge, Iain De Metaluna 4 antwortet nicht (Digi- Sir Michael Caine, Clémence Poésy, Justin Caestecker, B.J. Britt, J. August Richards, tal Remastered) Kirk, Jane Alexander, , David Conrad, Bill Paxton, Ruth Negga, This Island Earth Anne Alvaro, Michelle Goddet, Yannick Saffron Burrows - Dir. Vincent Misiano, Jeff Morrow, Domergue, Rex , Choirat - Dir. Sandra Nettelbeck Bobby Roth, Jesse Bochco, Milan Cheylov, Lance Fuller, Russell Johnson, Eddie Parker Drama/Komödie 2013 111min. Holly Dale, Roxann Dawson, Bill Gierhart, - Dir. Joseph Newman, Jack Arnold Senator Home Entertainment 27.02.2015 David Straiton, Jonathan Frakes Science Fiction 1955 79min. 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063975 Thriller/Science Fiction min. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing The Walt Disney Company AG(Ostalgica) 20.03.2015 Mit ganzer Kraft - Hürden gibt es (Germany)(Marvel Studios) 16.04.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064071 nur im Kopf 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064454 De Toutes Nos Der Metzger muss nachsitzen Die Maske runter! (Blu-ray) Jacques Gamblin, Alexandra Lamy, Fabien Robert Palfrader, Dorka Gryllus, Andreas Héraud, Sophie de Furst, Pablo Pauly, Deadline U.S.A. Lust, Bernhard Schir, Karl Achleitner, Hary Xavier Mathieu, Fred Epaud, Christelle Humphrey Bogart, Ethel Barrymore, Kim Prinz, Markus Schleinzer - Dir. Andreas Cornil - Dir. Nils Tavernier Hunter, , Warren Stevens, Paul Herzog Trailer, Making of Stewart - Dir. Richard Brooks Kriminalfilm 90min. Drama/Sport 2013 86min. Booklet polyband Medien GmbH 20.02.2015 polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 Drama 1952 91min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063923 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064191 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.02.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063928 Der Metzger und der Tote im Mit ganzer Kraft - Hürden gibt es Master of Death (Dragon Edition) Haifischbecken nur im Kopf (Blu-ray) Fei Du Juan Yun Shan Robert Palfrader, Dorka Gryllus, Christoph De Toutes Nos Forces Jackie Chan Luser, Gunther Gillian, Aaron Karl, Klaus Jacques Gamblin, Alexandra Lamy, Fabien Action/Eastern 1978 99min. Ofczarek, Martina Spitzer - Dir. Andreas Héraud, Sophie de Furst, Pablo Pauly, Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.03.2015 Herzog Xavier Mathieu, Fred Epaud, Christelle 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064190 Kriminalfilm 90min. Cornil - Dir. Nils Tavernier polyband Medien GmbH 20.02.2015 Trailer, Making of Master of Death (Dragon Edition) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063924 Drama/Sport 2013 89min. polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 (Blu-ray) Mia, Liebe meines Lebens - Der 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064203 Fei Du Juan Yun Shan Jackie Chan komplette Vierteiler (2 Discs) Mord in Barcelona Claudia Cardinale, Lise Hearns, Tobias Action/Eastern 1978 104min. Un Papillon Sur L’épaule Moretti, Luciano de Luca, Don Baker, Stella Splendid Film(Fortune Star) 27.03.2015 Lino Ventura, Claudine Auger, Paul McCusker, Maria Lennon, Kevin Flood, John 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064202 Crauchet, Jean Bouise, Nicole Garcia, José Savage, Catherine Flemming, Stefano Viali, Lifante - Dir. Jacques Deray Conor Evans, Patrick J. Brady, Eileen Mein Leben als Hund Thriller 1978 94min. Colgan, Stuart Dunne, Pauline Cadell, Honor Mitt Liv Som Hund Great Movies GmbH 20.02.2015 Heffernan, Sean Lawlor, Federico Pacifici - Anton Glauzélius, Anki Lidén, Tomas von 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064219 Brömssen, Manfred Serner, Melinda Dir. Giovanni Soldati Kinnaman, Kicki Rundgren - Dir. Lasse Trailer Drama 1997 360min. Die Morde von Snowtown (Blu- Hallström ray) (k.J.) Bildergalerie, Trailer AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Drama/Komödie 1985 97min. AG(Fernsehjuwelen) 13.02.2015 Snowtown KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 19.01.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064078 Lucas Pittaway, Daniel Henshall, Louise 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063792 Harris, Craig Coyne, Richard Green, David Miranda - Staffel II (2 Discs) Walker, Brendan Rock, Frank Cwiertniak - Mein Leben als Hund (Blu-ray) Miranda Dir. Justin Kurzel Mitt Liv Som Hund Miranda Hart, Sarah Hadland, Patricia Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Casting Footage Thriller/Drama 2011 124min. Anton Glauzélius, Anki Lidén, Tomas von Hodge, Tom Ellis, Sally Phillips, James Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 30.01.2015 Brömssen, Manfred Serner, Melinda Holmes, Bohdan Poraj, Katy Wix, Adrian 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063786 Kinnaman, Kicki Rundgren - Dir. Lasse Scarborough, Naomi Bentley, John Finnemore, Adam Rayner, Neil Edmond, Hallström Die Morde von Snowtown (k.J.) Bildergalerie, Trailer Luke Pasqualino - Dir. Juliet May Drama/Komödie 1985 97min. Komödie 2009-2013 180min. Snowtown KSM GmbH(KSM Klassiker) 19.01.2015 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 27.02.2015 Lucas Pittaway, Daniel Henshall, Louise 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063793 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064313 Harris, Craig Coyne, Richard Green, David Walker, Brendan Rock, Frank Cwiertniak - Menschen im Hotel Mr. May und das Flüstern der Dir. Justin Kurzel O. W. Fischer, Michèle Morgan, Heinz Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Casting Footage Ewigkeit Thriller/Drama 2011 120min. Rühmann, Sonja Ziemann, Gert Fröbe, Still Life Alamode Film(Pierrot Le Fou) 30.01.2015 Wolfgang Wahl, Dorothea Wieck, Friedrich Eddie Marsan, Joanne Froggatt, Karen 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063765 Schoenfelder, Siegfried Schürenberg, Al- Drury, Neil D’Souza, Andrew Buchan, Mi- bert Bessler - Dir. Gottfried Reinhardt chael Elkin, David Shaw Parker, Ciaran München 7 - Heiter bis tödlich, Booklet McIntyre, Tim Potter, Paul Anderson, Drama 1959 100min. Vol. 6 (3 Discs) Bronson Webb, Leon Silver - Dir. Uberto Pidax film media(Pidax film) 24.03.2015 Kriminalfilm 2014 min. Pasolini 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064043 Universum Film Home Komödie/Drama 2013 87min. Entertainment(Bayerischer Rundfunk) good!movies(Piffl) 13.02.2015 Menschenfresser (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 27.03.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064096 Hearteater / U.K.M. / Legion of the Death 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063750 Horror 250min. Mr. Morgan’s Last Love (Alles da music(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 Audie Murphy Collection 2 (4

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Discs) Jackie Chan, Kim Hee-seon, Tony Leung Ka Håkan Nesser’s Inspektor Verfemt / Destroy Räumt auf / Morgen bist Fai, Mallika Sherawat, Ken Lo, Ramgopal Barbarotti (Blu-ray) Bajaj - Dir. Stanley Tong du dran / Der Colt ist das Gesetz Sylvester Groth, Nina Kronjäger, Vadim Audie Murphy Making of, Musikvideo, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Action/Abenteuer 2005 121min. Glowna, Anders W. Berthelsen, Trine Bildergalerie, Trailer Dyrholm, Godehard Giese - Dir. Jörg Western 1950-1965 331min. Splendid Film 27.02.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063966 Grünler, Hannu Salonen Koch Media 12.02.2015 Kurzfilm 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064235 Nachts, wenn das Skelett erwacht Kriminalfilm 2010-2011 179min. capelight pictures Gerlach The Creeping Flesh Mutter Theresa - Im Namen der Selms(CherryBomb Films) 27.02.2015 Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Lorna Armen Gottes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064303 Heilbron, George Benson, Kenneth J. War- Mother Teresa: In The Name Of God’s ren, Duncan Lamont, Harry Locke - Dir. Poor Nightcrawler - Jede Nacht hat Freddie Francis Geraldine Chaplin, Keene Curtis, Helena Trailer, Bildergalerie ihren Preis Carroll, William Katt, David Byrd, Ravindra Horror 1972 88min. Nightcrawler Randeniya, Cornelia Hayes O’Herlihy, Belle AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Wild Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed, Connor - Dir. Kevin Connor Coyote) 13.02.2015 Bill Paxton, Ann Cusack, Anne McDaniels, Drama 1997 92min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064026 Kathleen York, Kevin Rahm - Dir. Dan Gilroy Koch Media 19.03.2015 Making of, Trailer, Wendecover 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064242 Nailbiter (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Thriller/Drama 2014 114min. Nailbiter Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde My Amazing New Life Erin McGrane, Meg Saricks, Emily Boresow, Home Edition) 26.03.2015 Lip Service Sally Spurgeon, Joicie Appell, Ian Dempsey, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063747 Christian Serratos, Ross Thomas, Rachele Michelle Davidson, Mark Ridgway - Dir. Brooke Smith, Robert Adamson, Walter Patrick Rea Nightcrawler - Jede Nacht hat Perez, Summer Bishil, Eric Roberts, Briana Horror 2013 85min. ihren Preis (Blu-ray) Lane - Dir. Carlos Portugal AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Nightcrawler Trailer View Film) 27.03.2015 Jake Gyllenhaal, Rene Russo, Riz Ahmed, Drama/Jugend 2013 88min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064309 Bill Paxton, Ann Cusack, Anne McDaniels, Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.03.2015 Kathleen York, Kevin Rahm - Dir. Dan Gilroy 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064357 Nailbiter (k.J.) Making of, Trailer, Wendecover Thriller/Drama 2014 119min. My Amazing New Life (Blu-ray) Nailbiter Erin McGrane, Meg Saricks, Emily Boresow, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Lip Service Sally Spurgeon, Joicie Appell, Ian Dempsey, Home Edition) 26.03.2015 Christian Serratos, Ross Thomas, Rachele Michelle Davidson, Mark Ridgway - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063774 Brooke Smith, Robert Adamson, Walter Patrick Rea Perez, Summer Bishil, Eric Roberts, Briana Horror 2013 82min. Notfall für Dr. Guth Lane - Dir. Carlos Portugal AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing AG(Castle Erol Sander, Saskia Valencia, Katerina Drama/Jugend 2013 92min. View Film) 27.03.2015 Jacob, Beate Maes, Albert Fortell, Dietrich Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064297 Mattausch, Veronika Fitz, Sophie Wepper, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064377 Jakob Seeböck, David Winter, Ferry Öllinger, Lukas Schust, Ursula Strobl, Horst Mythica - Weg der Gefährten Nazi Zombie Invasion - Ultimate Collection (Special Collector’s Heiss - Dir. Peter Sämann Mythica: A Quest For Heroes Melodram 2012 min. Melanie Stone, Nicola Posener, Kevin Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) MCP Sound & Media(MCP Media) Sorbo, Adam Johnson, Jake Stormoen, Nazi Zombie Battleground / Nazi Zombies 06.02.2015 Christopher Robin Miller, Michael Flynn - / Nazi Sky / Attack of the Nazi Herbals 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064059 Dir. Anne K. Black Wendecover Fantasy/Abenteuer 2014 89min. Horror 376min. Die Oktonauten... und die Winter- AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Splendid Film 27.03.2015 krabben 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064118 AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.02.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064054 The Octonauts Mythica - Weg der Gefährten Bjørn Alex Olsen - Dir. Monica Kruse, Lars Julio Muri (Blu-ray) Nazi Zombie Invasion - Ultimate Collection (Special Collector’s Kinderfilm 2010-2011 50min. Mythica: A Quest For Heroes Sony Music Strategic Entertainment Melanie Stone, Nicola Posener, Kevin Edition, 2 Discs) (k.J.) Division(Europa) 20.02.2015 Sorbo, Adam Johnson, Jake Stormoen, Nazi Zombie Battleground / Nazi Zombies 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064407 Christopher Robin Miller, Michael Flynn - / Nazi Sky / Attack of the Nazi Herbals Dir. Anne K. Black Wendecover Oliver, Stoned. Horror 376min. Fantasy/Abenteuer 2014 93min. Oliver, Stoned. AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Seth Cassell, Brea Grant, Robert Curtis AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.02.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064142 Brown - Dir. Tom Morris 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064044 Komödie 2014 min. Der Mythos (Dragon Edition) Håkan Nesser’s Inspektor Lighthouse Home Entertainment 20.03.2015 San Wa 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063983 Jackie Chan, Kim Hee-seon, Tony Leung Ka Barbarotti Fai, Mallika Sherawat, Ken Lo, Ramgopal Sylvester Groth, Nina Kronjäger, Vadim Oliver, Stoned. (Blu-ray) Bajaj - Dir. Stanley Tong Glowna, Anders W. Berthelsen, Trine Oliver, Stoned. Action/Abenteuer 2005 116min. Dyrholm, Godehard Giese - Dir. Jörg Seth Cassell, Brea Grant, Robert Curtis Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Grünler, Hannu Salonen Brown - Dir. Tom Morris 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063956 Kurzfilm Komödie 2014 min. Kriminalfilm 2010-2011 179min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment 20.03.2015 capelight pictures Gerlach Der Mythos (Dragon Edition) (Blu- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064005 ray) Selms(CherryBomb Films) 27.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064286 San Wa Omar Mukhtar - Löwe der Wüste

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Lion Of The Desert Craig Fairbrass, Jason Patric, James Caan, Timothy Dalton, Josh Hartnett Anthony Quinn, Oliver Reed, Rod Steiger, Shannon Elizabeth, Melissa Ordway, Drama/Horror 2014 437min. Sir , Irene Papas, Raf Vallone, Johnny Messner, Tim Fields, Natalie Arias - Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Gastone Moschin - Dir. Moustapha Akkad Dir. Brian A Miller 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064228 Abenteuer 1980 250min. Action/Thriller 2014 99min. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 13.03.2015 Maritim Pictures 24.03.2015 Penny Dreadful - Die komplette 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064328 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063885 erste Staffel (3 Discs) (k.J.) Penny Dreadful Omar Mukhtar - Löwe der Wüste The Outsider (k.J.) Timothy Dalton, Josh Hartnett (Blu-ray) The Outsider Drama/Horror 2014 419min. Lion Of The Desert Craig Fairbrass, Jason Patric, James Caan, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Anthony Quinn, Oliver Reed, Rod Steiger, Shannon Elizabeth, Melissa Ordway, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064221 Sir John Gielgud, Irene Papas, Raf Vallone, Johnny Messner, Tim Fields, Natalie Arias - Gastone Moschin - Dir. Moustapha Akkad Dir. Brian A Miller Ein perfekter Sommer Abenteuer 1980 260min. Action/Thriller 2014 94min. The Perfect Summer Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 13.03.2015 Maritim Pictures 24.03.2015 Adam Horner, Katie Garfield, Eric Roberts, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064351 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063855 Jason Castro, J.D. Banks, Louis Mandylor, Sydney Penny - Dir. Gary Wheeler Once Upon a Time - Es war ein- Oz - Hölle hinter Gittern, Die Trailer mal ... - Die komplette dritte Staf- zweite Season (3 Discs) Drama/Familie 2013 81min. Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) fel (6 Discs) Oz Drama/Thriller 1998 451min. 24.01.2015 Once Upon A Time Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063852 Fantasy 2013-2014 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064259 The Walt Disney Company (Germany)(ABC Phase IV - Spiel des Todes (k.J.) Studios) 05.03.2015 Panzerkreuzer Potemkin & Phase IV 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064060 Oktjabr’ (2 Discs) Dean Cain, Brian Bosworth, Mimi Kuzyk, Nigel Bennett, Richard Donat, Heather Bronenosez Potjomkin / Oktjabr The Originals - Die komplette er- Mathieson - Dir. Bryan Goeres Alexander Antonow, Wladimir Barski, ste Staffel (4 Discs) (Blu-ray) Action/Thriller 2001 96min. Grigori Alexandrow, Y. Nikandrow, Wladimir The Originals Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.03.2015 Popow, Boris Liwanow - Dir. Sergei M. Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064361 Eisenstein, Grigori Alexandrow Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, DVD-ROM-Part, Featurettes Leah Pipes, Danielle Campbell, Steven Drama 1925-1928 235min. The Phone - Geh nicht ans Tele- Krueger, Daniella Pineda, Eka Darville, Todd film & kunst(Edition Filmmuseum) fon Stashwick, Elyse Levesque - Dir. Chris 13.02.2015 Phone Grismer, Jesse Warn, Jeffrey Hunt, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064069 Ha Ji-won, Kim Yu-mi, Choi Woo-jae, Choi Matthew Hastings, Leslie Libman, Michael Ji-yeon, Lee Jong-su, Eun Seo-woo, Choi Allowitz, Joshua Butler, Brad Turner, Rob Paranormal Butchery - Bloody Jeong-yun - Dir. Ahn Byeong-ki Hardy, Michael Robison, Sylvain White Lizzie (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Horror/Thriller 2002 102min. Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Fantasy/Horror 2013 929min. Lizzie 20.03.2015 Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 Amanda Baker, Don Swayze, Corbin Bern- 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064358 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064380 sen, Shawna Waldron, Gerry Bednob, Caitlin Carmichael, Leif Holt, Cindy Baer, The Originals - Die komplette er- Gary Busey - Dir. David Dunn Jr. The Phone - Geh nicht ans Tele- ste Staffel (5 Discs) Behind the Scenes, Bloopers, Interviews, Trailer, Shoutouts fon (Blu-ray) Horror/Mystery 2013 86min. Phone The Originals daredo media(True Grit Pictures) Ha Ji-won, Kim Yu-mi, Choi Woo-jae, Choi Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Claire Holt, 23.01.2015 Ji-yeon, Lee Jong-su, Eun Seo-woo, Choi Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063940 Jeong-yun - Dir. Ahn Byeong-ki Leah Pipes, Danielle Campbell, Steven Horror/Thriller 2002 106min. Krueger, Daniella Pineda, Eka Darville, Todd Paranormal Butchery - Bloody Edel Germany(Clipper Entertainment) Stashwick, Elyse Levesque - Dir. Chris Lizzie (k.J.) 20.03.2015 Grismer, Jesse Warn, Jeffrey Hunt, Lizzie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064378 Matthew Hastings, Leslie Libman, Michael Amanda Baker, Don Swayze, Corbin Bern- Allowitz, Joshua Butler, Brad Turner, Rob sen, Shawna Waldron, Gerry Bednob, Pierrot Lunaire Hardy, Michael Robison, Sylvain White Audiokommentar, Dokumentationen, Entfallene Szenen Caitlin Carmichael, Leif Holt, Cindy Baer, Pierrot Lunaire Fantasy/Horror 2013 891min. Gary Busey - Dir. David Dunn Jr. Susanne Sachsse, Paulina Bachmann, Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 Trailer Boris Lisowski, Krishna Kumar Krishnan, Horror/Mystery 2013 83min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064360 Mehdi Berkouki, Amit Elan, Krassen daredo media(True Grit Pictures) Krastev, Tony - Dir. Bruce La Bruce Outlander (Metalpack) (Blu-ray) 23.01.2015 Interview 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063918 Drama 2014 51min. Outlander good!movies(GMfilms) 23.01.2015 James Caviezel, Sophia Myles, Jack Parenthood - Season 3 (4 Discs) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063831 Huston, Ron Perlman, John Hurt, Patrick Parenthood Stevenson, Aidan Devine, Ted Ludzik, Cliff Komödie/Drama 920min. Rosamunde Pilcher: Ein einziger Saunders, Owen Pattison - Dir. Howard Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) McCain Kuss Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Storyboards, Trailer 12.03.2015 Katja Weitzenböck, Rupert Graves, Jean- Fantasy/Action 2008 114min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063951 Yves Berteloot, John Hannah, Dame Eileen Koch Media 02.02.2015 Atkins, Eliza Bennett, Nina Schmieder, Zoë 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064346 Penny Dreadful - Die komplette Tapper, Harry Wood - Dir. Sarah Harding erste Staffel (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) Making-of The Outsider (Blu-ray) (k.J.) (k.J.) Drama 178min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde The Outsider Penny Dreadful

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Home Edition) 07.04.2015 Fading Gigolo Pride 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064459 Aubrey Joseph, John Turturro, Woody Al- Ben Schnetzer, George MacKay, Dominic len, , , West, Andrew Scott, Bill Nighy, Imelda Pioneer Sharon Stone, Sofía Vergara, Bob Balaban, Staunton, Paddy Considine, Joseph Gilgun, Pioneer M’Barka Ben Taleb, Tonya Pinkins, Dante Jessica Gunning, Faye Marsay, Freddie Aksel Hennie, Wes Bentley, Stephanie Hoagland, Jade Janise Dixon, Diego Fox - Dir. Matthew Warchus Sigman, Stephen Lang, Jonathan LaPaglia, Turturro, Ness Krell, Ted Sutherland, Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover André Eriksen, Ane Dahl Torp, David A. Russell Posner, Delphina Pinto Engelstein, Komödie/Drama 2014 115min. Jørgensen (Jørgen), Eirik Stubø, Jørgen Teddy Berman - Dir. John Turturro Senator Home Entertainment 13.03.2015 Langhelle, Arne Lindtner Næss, Janne Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Interviews, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063802 Heltberg Haarseth, Jerker Fahlström Trailer Komödie 2013 91min. (Jørgens Vater), Endre Hellestveit, Pride (Blu-ray) Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Laurents Rørvik, Robin Hayes - Dir. Erik Pride Home Edition) 19.03.2015 Skjoldbjaerg Ben Schnetzer, George MacKay, Dominic 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063810 Thriller 2013 103min. West, Andrew Scott, Bill Nighy, Imelda Staunton, Paddy Considine, Joseph Gilgun, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Point Blank - Aus kurzer Distanz 20.03.2015 Jessica Gunning, Faye Marsay, Freddie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063981 (Steelbook) (Blu-ray) Fox - Dir. Matthew Warchus À Bout Portant Featurette, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Pioneer (Blu-ray) Gilles Lellouche, Roschdy Zem, Gérard Komödie/Drama 2014 120min. Senator Home Entertainment 13.03.2015 Pioneer Lanvin, Elena Anaya, Mireille Perrier, Claire 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063815 Aksel Hennie, Wes Bentley, Stephanie Perot, Moussa Maaskri, Pierre Benoist, Valérie Dashwood, Virgile Bramly, Nicky Sigman, Stephen Lang, Jonathan LaPaglia, Prince Charming - Kuss mit Fol- André Eriksen, Ane Dahl Torp, David A. Naude, Adel Bencherif, Grégoire Bonnet, Jørgensen (Jørgen), Eirik Stubø, Jørgen Brice Fournier, Max Morel, Patrice Guillain, gen Langhelle, Arne Lindtner Næss, Janne Laurence Pollet-Villard, Vincent Colombe, Prince Charming Heltberg Haarseth, Jerker Fahlström Chems Dahmani, Arnaud Maillard - Dir. Fred Sean Maguire, Martin Short, Christina (Jørgens Vater), Endre Hellestveit, Cavayé Applegate, , Andrea Mar- Laurents Rørvik, Robin Hayes - Dir. Erik Behind the Scenes tin, Billy Connolly, Colin Fox, Marcia Thriller/Action 2010 84min. Skjoldbjaerg Bennett, David Fox, Meredith McGeachie, Koch Media 02.02.2015 Thriller 2013 107min. Julian Richings, Stefan Brogren, Michael 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064342 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Boisvert, Colm Magner - Dir. Allan Arkush Fantasy/Komödie 2001 92min. 20.03.2015 - Box 06 (4 Discs) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064003 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.01.2015 Booklet, Interview 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063755 Kriminalfilm 1976-1977 560min. Plastic - Someone Always Pays ICESTORM Entertainment 01.06.2015 Projekt: Peacemaker (Blu-ray) Plastic 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063988 , Will Poulter, Alfie Allen, Seba- The Peacemaker stian De Souza, Emma Rigby, Thomas Polizeiruf 110 - Box 10 (4 Discs) George Clooney, Nicole Kidman, Marcel Kretschmann, Graham McTavish, Mem Booklet, Interview Iures, Alexander Baluew, Rene Medvesek, Ferda - Dir. Julian Gilbey Kriminalfilm 1981-1983 610min. Gary Werntz, Randall Batinkoff, Jim Haynie, Trailer, Bildergalerie ICESTORM Entertainment 01.06.2015 Alexander Strobele, Holt McCallany, Michael Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 93min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063993 Boatman, Joan Copeland, Carlos Gómez, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.03.2015 Armin Mueller-Stahl, Slavko Juraga, Alex- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064184 Prey for Death ander Peskow - Dir. Mimi Leder Prey For Death Action/Thriller 1997 124min. Plastic - Someone Always Pays Connor Trinneer, Robert Koroluck, Nadia Paramount Home (Blu-ray) Lanfranconi - Dir. Rene Perez Entertainment(DreamWorks) 05.02.2015 Plastic Trailer 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063776 Ed Speleers, Will Poulter, Alfie Allen, Seba- Western 2014 76min. stian De Souza, Emma Rigby, Thomas Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Psych - 7. Staffel (4 Discs) Kretschmann, Graham McTavish, Mem 20.02.2015 Psych Ferda - Dir. Julian Gilbey tba BestellNr.: 20063871 James Roday, Dulé Hill, Timothy Omundson, Trailer, Bildergalerie Corbin Bernsen, Maggie Lawson, Kirsten Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 97min. Prey for Death (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Nelson, Liam James, Sage Brocklebank, KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.03.2015 ray) Carlos McCullers II, Isaah Brown - Dir. Mel 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064198 Prey For Death Damski, Michael Zinberg, John Landis, Tim Connor Trinneer, Robert Koroluck, Nadia Matheson Plötzlich Gigolo Lanfranconi - Dir. Rene Perez Kriminalfilm/Komödie 690min. Fading Gigolo Trailer, Bonusfilm Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Aubrey Joseph, John Turturro, Woody Western 2014 79min. 05.03.2015 Allen, Vanessa Paradis, Liev Schreiber, Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063950 Sharon Stone, Sofía Vergara, Bob Balaban, 20.02.2015 M’Barka Ben Taleb, Tonya Pinkins, Dante tba BestellNr.: 20063901 Puncture - David gegen Goliath Hoagland, Jade Janise Dixon, Diego Puncture Turturro, Ness Krell, Ted Sutherland, Prey for Death (Blu-ray) Chris Evans, Vinessa Shaw, Michael Biehn, Russell Posner, Delphina Pinto Engelstein, Prey For Death Brett Cullen, Kate Burton, Jennifer Blanc, Teddy Berman - Dir. John Turturro Connor Trinneer, Robert Koroluck, Nadia Jesse L. Martin, Marshall Bell, Tess Parker, Outtakes, Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Interviews, Lanfranconi - Dir. Rene Perez Austin Stowell, Mark Kassen, Julin - Dir. Trailer Trailer, Bonusfilm Adam Kassen, Mark Kassen Komödie 2013 87min. Western 2014 79min. Drama/Thriller 2011 96min. Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Great Movies GmbH(Best Entertainment) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Home Edition) 19.03.2015 20.02.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064329 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063797 tba BestellNr.: 20063900 Puncture - David gegen Goliath Plötzlich Gigolo (Blu-ray) Pride

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(Blu-ray) Red Machine - Hunt or Be Hunted Puncture Rage (Blu-ray) Endangered Chris Evans, Vinessa Shaw, Michael Biehn, Rage Thomas Jane, James Marsden, Piper Brett Cullen, Kate Burton, Jennifer Blanc, Jude Law, , John Perabo, Bob Thornton - Dir. David Hackl Jesse L. Martin, Marshall Bell, Tess Parker, Leguizamo, Eddie Izzard, Dame Judi Dench, Abenteuer/Horror 2013 90min. Austin Stowell, Mark Kassen, Julin - Dir. , Lily Cole, Bob Balaban - Dir. Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Adam Kassen, Mark Kassen Sally Potter 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063947 Drama/Thriller 2011 100min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 97min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Red Machine - Hunt or Be Hunted 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064352 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064353 (Blu-ray) Rampage - Rache ist unbarmher- Endangered Das Puppenheim in Pinnow Thomas Jane, James Marsden, Piper Walter Plathe, Petra Fritzenwanker, Claudia zig / Rampage - Capital Perabo, Bob Thornton - Dir. David Hackl Jatzkowski, Susanne Krahnert, Iris Benz - (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Horror 2013 94min. Dir. Christian Steinke (k.J.) Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Drama 1983 82min. Rampage / Rampage 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063961 ICESTORM Entertainment 01.06.2015 Brendan Fletcher, Shaun Sipos, Lynda 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063996 Boyd, Lochlyn Munro, Mike Dopud - Dir. Dr. Revolution - Die komplette erste Puro Mula (OmU) Uwe Boll Staffel (5 Discs) Audiokommentar, Making of Revolution Puro Mula Action/Drama 2009-2014 174min. Billy Burke, Tracy Spiridakos, Giancarlo Domingo Lemus, Diego Giron, Daneri Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Esposito, David Lyons, Elizabeth Mitchell, Gudiel, Luis A. Sanchez, Samuel Osorio, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063967 Zak Orth, JD Pardo, Stephen Collins, Jairon Salguero, Roberto Diaz Gomar, Daniella Alonso, Maureen Sebastian, Cesia Godoy, Brenda Lara, Jean Pierre Rampage - Rache ist unbarmher- Steven Culp, Mat Vairo, Graham Rogers, Ubice, Pablo Cristiani, Gretchen Barneond - zig / Rampage - Capital Tim Guinee, Jessica Collins, Maria Howell, Dir. Enrique Pérez Colm Feore, Kim Raver, Christopher Cou- Komödie 2011 90min. Punishment (2 Discs) (k.J.) , Billy Lush, David Meunier, Zeljko Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Cine Glo- Rampage / Rampage 2 Ivanek, Cotter Smith, Julius Washington, bal) 20.03.2015 Brendan Fletcher, Shaun Sipos, Lynda Jason Douglas, Shane Callahan, Leslie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064036 Boyd, Lochlyn Munro, Mike Dopud - Dir. Dr. Uwe Boll Hope, Mark Pellegrino, David Aaron Baker, Der Rächer aus der Todeszelle Audiokommentar, Making of Glenn Morshower, Malik Yoba, Anthony Action/Drama 2009-2014 167min. Ruivivar, Waleed Zuaiter, Barry Tubb, Matt (Blu-ray) Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Ross, Anna Lise Phillips, Reiko Aylesworth, Si Qiu 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063958 Derek Webster, Bug Hall, Leland Orser, Shen Chan, David Chiang, Guk Fung, Ro- Patrick St. Esprit, Daniel Henney, Patrick bert Tai, Wong Ching, Lily Li - Dir. David Der Rasenmäher-Mann Heusinger, Richard T. Jones, Ramón Chiang The Lawnmower Man Fernández, Jack Leblond, Gary Teague, Action/Eastern 1976 103min. Jeff Fahey, Pierce Brosnan, Jenny Wright, Trish Unzicker, Kevin Boff - Dir. Charles Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Mark Bringelson, Geoffrey Lewis, Jeremy Beeson, Steve Boyum, Fred Toye, Helen 24.04.2015 Slate, , Colleen Coffey, Jim Shaver, John F. Showalter, Jon Cassar, tba BestellNr.: 20063997 Landis, Troy Evans, Rosalee Mayeux, Nick Copus Austin O’Brien, Joe Hart, John Laughlin, Action/Science Fiction 2012 823min. Radio Silence - Der Tod hört mit Ray Lykins, Dale Raoul, Frank Collison, Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Markus Knüfken, Charles Rettinghaus, Steffen Gregory Foster, Doug Hutchison - 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064413 Ronald Nitschke, Jasmin Lord, Wolfgang Dir. Brett Leonard Pampel, Jessica Ginkel, Monique Schröder, Wendecover Der Richter - Recht oder Ehre Antonia Fuchs, Klaus-Dieter Klebsch - Dir. Science Fiction/Thriller 1991 104min. The Marco Riedl, Carsten Vauth Mad Dimension GmbH 30.01.2015 Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064032 Farmiga, Vincent D’Onofrio, Jeremy Strong, Thriller/Horror 2014 92min. Dax Shepard, Billy Bob Thornton, Leighton daredo media(M-Square/PPP) 26.02.2015 Rauchende Colts - Volume Drei (9 Meester, David Krumholtz - Dir. David 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064099 Discs) Dobkin Radio Silence - Der Tod hört mit Drama/Kriminalfilm 2014 136min. James Arness (616 Folgen: Marshal Matt Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 (Blu-ray) Dillon), Milburn Stone (424 Folgen: Dr. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063867 Markus Knüfken, Charles Rettinghaus, Galen „Doc“ Adams), Amanda Blake (390 Ronald Nitschke, Jasmin Lord, Wolfgang Folgen: Kitty Russell), Ken Curtis (245 Fol- Der Richter - Recht oder Ehre Pampel, Jessica Ginkel, Monique Schröder, gen: Deputy Festus Haggen), Dennis (Blu-ray) Antonia Fuchs, Klaus-Dieter Klebsch - Dir. Weaver (211 Folgen: Deputy Chester B. The Judge Marco Riedl, Carsten Vauth Goode), Buck Taylor (115 Folgen: Newly Robert Downey Jr., Robert Duvall, Vera Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurette, Audiokommentar O’Brian), Glenn Strange (204 Folgen: Sam Thriller/Horror 2014 99min. Farmiga, Vincent D’Onofrio, Jeremy Strong, Noonan), Burt Reynolds, Jack Elam, Claude daredo media(M-Square/PPP) 26.02.2015 Dax Shepard, Billy Bob Thornton, Leighton Akins, Harry Dean Stanton, George Kenne- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064109 Meester, David Krumholtz - Dir. David dy, Leonard Nimoy, James Whitmore, Ri- Dobkin Rage chard Jaeckel, Jodie Foster, Jon Voight, Drama/Kriminalfilm 2014 141min. Charles Bronson, Kurt Russell, John Drew Rage Warner Home Video Germany 26.02.2015 Barrymore, Robert Vaughn, Harrison Ford, Jude Law, Steve Buscemi, John 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063897 William Conrad - Dir. Andrew . McLaglen, Leguizamo, Eddie Izzard, Dame Judi Dench, Harry Harris, Ted Post, Bernard McEveety, Dianne Wiest, Lily Cole, Bob Balaban - Dir. Ripper Street - Staffel 2 (2 Discs) Vincent McEveety Sally Potter (Blu-ray) West 1955-1975 1309min. Drama/Kriminalfilm 2009 94min. Ripper Street Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Kriminalfilm 2013 400min. 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063826 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064330 polyband Medien GmbH 27.02.2015

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25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063968 Little Red Riding Hood Iren Levy, Robert Amstler, Louie Ambriz, Sabrina - Verhext in Rom Ripper Street - Staffel 2 (3 Discs) John Scuderi, Alanna Forte, Jason Jay Sabrina Goes To Rome Ripper Street Prado, Robert S. Dixon, Marilyn Robrahn, Melissa Joan Hart, Eddie Mills, James Kriminalfilm 2013 400min. Colin Hussey - Dir. Rene Perez Fields, Tara Charendoff, Nick Bakay - Dir. polyband Medien GmbH 27.02.2015 Trailer, Bonusfilm Tibor Takács 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063959 Horror/Fantasy 2014 79min. Bildergalerie, Trailer Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.02.2015 Komödie/Fantasy 1998 87min. Rise of the Vikings 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063882 KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.03.2015 I Na Kamnyakh Rastut Derevya 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064285 Petronella Barker - Dir. Stanislav Rostotskiy Rotkäppchen (k.J.) Abenteuer/Drama 1985 143min. Little Red Riding Hood Sachsens Glanz und Preußens Maritim Pictures 24.03.2015 Iren Levy, Robert Amstler, Louie Ambriz, Gloria (3 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064318 John Scuderi, Alanna Forte, Jason Jay Ezard Haußmann, Jitka Molavcová, Rolf Prado, Robert S. Dixon, Marilyn Robrahn, Hoppe, Irma Münch, Ernst Meincke, Antonin Das Römische Imperium (3 Discs) Colin Hussey - Dir. Rene Perez Prochazka, Arno Wyzniewski - Dir. Hans- Trailer Joachim Kasprzik (Blu-ray) Horror/Fantasy 2014 76min. Drama/Kriegsfilm 1987 540min. / Der Untergang des Römi- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.02.2015 ICESTORM Entertainment 01.06.2015 schen Reiches / Rom - Schlacht der Gla- 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063851 diatoren 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063994 Jeremy Sisto, Richard Harris, Christopher Royal Pains - Staffel vier (4 Discs) Sag, dass du mich liebst Walken, Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Sir Royal Pains Parlez-Moi De Vous , Santiago Cabrera, Vincent Komödie/Drama 658min. Karin Viard, Nicolas Duvauchelle, Nadia Regan, Emily Blunt - Dir. Uli Edel, Anthony Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Barentin, Patrick Fierry, Catherine Mann, Greg Yaitanes, 12.03.2015 Hosmalin, Jean-Noël Brouté, Dani, François Drama/Historienfilm 1963-2005 609min. 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063952 Spirit Media 12.03.2015 Bureloup, Elise Otzenberger, Adèle Bon- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064273 Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk Among duelle, Ariane Pirie, Serpentine Teyssier, Myriam Roustan, Charline Paul, Emmanuel Das Römische Imperium (4 Discs) the Tombstones Patron, Hubert Saint Macary, Silvie Laguna A Walk Among The Tombstones Julius Caesar / Der Untergang des Römi- - Dir. Pierre Pinaud Liam Neeson, , Boyd Holbrook, schen Reiches / Rom - Schlacht der Gla- Drama/Komödie 2011 87min. Brian Astro Bradley, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, diatoren Universum Film Home David Harbour, Adam David Thompson, Jeremy Sisto, Richard Harris, Christopher Entertainment(Alpenrepublik) 20.02.2015 Maurice Compte, Laura Birn, Razane Walken, Sophia Loren, Stephen Boyd, Sir 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063804 Jammal, Marielle Heller - Dir. Scott Frank Alec Guinness, Santiago Cabrera, Vincent Action 2014 111min. Regan, Emily Blunt - Dir. Uli Edel, Anthony Saints - Sie kannten kein Gesetz Universum Film Home Mann, Greg Yaitanes, John Gray Ain’t Them Bodies Saints Entertainment(SquareOne) 27.03.2015 Drama/Historienfilm 1963-2005 591min. Casey Affleck, , Ben Foster, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063805 Spirit Media 12.03.2015 Keith Carradine, Nate Parker, Robert 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064238 Longstreet, Charles Baker, Augustine Ruhet in Frieden - A Walk Among Frizzell, Kentucker Audley - Dir. David The Room Upstairs the Tombstones (Blu-ray) Lowery The Room Upstairs A Walk Among The Tombstones Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Dokumenta- Liam Neeson, Dan Stevens, Boyd Holbrook, tion, Trailer , Sam Waterston, Sarah Drama/Thriller 2013 92min. Brian Astro Bradley, Ólafur Darri Ólafsson, Jessica Parker, Linda Hunt, Joan Allen, Koch Media 19.03.2015 David Harbour, Adam David Thompson, Clancy Brown, James Handy - Dir. Stuart 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063860 Margolin Maurice Compte, Laura Birn, Razane Drama/Komödie 1987 96min. Jammal, Marielle Heller - Dir. Scott Frank Saints - Sie kannten kein Gesetz Action 2014 115min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064324 Universum Film Home Entertainment(SquareOne) 27.03.2015 Ain’t Them Bodies Saints The Room Upstairs (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063817 Casey Affleck, Rooney Mara, Ben Foster, Keith Carradine, Nate Parker, Robert The Room Upstairs Longstreet, Charles Baker, Augustine Stockard Channing, Sam Waterston, Sarah Sabata kehrt zurück Frizzell, Kentucker Audley - Dir. David Jessica Parker, Linda Hunt, Joan Allen, È Tornato Sabata... Hai Chiuso Un’Altra Volta Lowery Clancy Brown, James Handy - Dir. Stuart Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Behind the Scenes, Dokumenta- Margolin Lee Van Cleef, Reiner Schöne, Giampero tion, Trailer Drama/Komödie 1987 101min. Albertini, Ignazio Spalla, Annabella Drama/Thriller 2013 96min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 06.03.2015 Incontrera - Dir. Gianfranco Parolini Koch Media 19.03.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064348 Booklet, Trailer, Radiospots, Bildergalerie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063890 Western 1971 102min. Rotkäppchen (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Explosive Media 20.03.2015 Sakura Maru 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064296 ray) (k.J.) Tajomaru Little Red Riding Hood Sabata kehrt zurück (Special Edi- Shun Oguri, Yuki Shibamoto, Kei Tanaka, Kyôsuke Yabe, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, Hirotarô Iren Levy, Robert Amstler, Louie Ambriz, tion) (Blu-ray) John Scuderi, Alanna Forte, Jason Jay Honda, Hiroki Matsukata, Masaomi Kondo, È Tornato Sabata... Hai Chiuso Un’Altra Prado, Robert S. Dixon, Marilyn Robrahn, Kenichi Hagiwara, Gô Ayano, Takamasa Volta Colin Hussey - Dir. Rene Perez Suga, Yoshiyuki Yamaguchi - Dir. Hiroyuki Trailer, Bonusfilm Lee Van Cleef, Reiner Schöne, Giampero Nakano Horror/Fantasy 2014 79min. Albertini, Ignazio Spalla, Annabella Abenteuer/Action 2009 127min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.02.2015 Incontrera - Dir. Gianfranco Parolini Delta Music & Entertainment(Delta) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063883 Booklet, Trailer, Radiospots, Bildergalerie 12.01.2015 Western 1971 106min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063868 Rotkäppchen (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Explosive Media 20.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064308

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Sanitarium - Anstalt des Grauens Dir. Justin Kelly Seed (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Doku-Drama 704min. Komödie 2013 262min. Turbine Medien 13.02.2015 WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Sanitarium 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064097 27.02.2015 Malcolm McDowell, Lou Diamond Phillips, 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063960 Robert Englund, Lacey Chabert, John Die Schöne und das Biest - Die Glover, David Mazouz, Chris Mulkey, Mayra Die Seelen im Feuer Leal, Walter Perez - Dir. Bryan Ortiz, Bryan zweite Season Mark Waschke, Silke Bodenbender, Paulus Ramirez, Kerry Valderrama Beauty And The Beast Manker, Alexander Held, Max von Thriller/Horror 2013 113min. Ron Perlman, Linda Hamilton Pufendorf, Axel Milberg, Rainer Bock, Richy Maritim Pictures 24.03.2015 Drama/Fantasy 1988 1035min. Müller, Michael A. Grimm, Max Tidof, Nino 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064148 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064261 Böhlau, Philipp Franck, Michael Gempart, Sanitarium - Anstalt des Grauens David Wurawa - Dir. Urs Egger Die Schöne und das Biest (Blu- Trailer (k.J.) Drama/Historienfilm 2014 110min. Sanitarium ray 3D, Diamond Edition, + Blu- KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 03.03.2015 Malcolm McDowell, Lou Diamond Phillips, ray 2D) (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064373 Robert Englund, Lacey Chabert, John Beauty And The Beast Glover, David Mazouz, Chris Mulkey, Mayra Dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise Die Seelen im Feuer (Blu-ray) Leal, Walter Perez - Dir. Bryan Ortiz, Bryan Trickfilm/Fantasy 1991-2001 92min. Mark Waschke, Silke Bodenbender, Paulus Ramirez, Kerry Valderrama The Walt Disney Company Manker, Alexander Held, Max von Thriller/Horror 2013 108min. (Germany)(Disney) 16.04.2015 Pufendorf, Axel Milberg, Rainer Bock, Richy Maritim Pictures 24.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064463 Müller, Michael A. Grimm, Max Tidof, Nino 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064124 Böhlau, Philipp Franck, Michael Gempart, Die Schöne und das Biest (Dia- David Wurawa - Dir. Urs Egger Saphirblau mond Edition, 2 Discs) (Blu-ray) Trailer, Bildergalerie Drama/Historienfilm 2014 115min. Maria Ehrich, Jannis Niewöhner, Peter Beauty And The Beast KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 03.03.2015 Simonischek, Josefine Preuß, Katharina Dir. Gary Trousdale, Kirk Wise 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064389 Thalbach, Johannes von Matuschka, Trickfilm/Fantasy 1991-2001 92min. Rüdiger Vogler, Laura Berlin, Florian The Walt Disney Company Sensoria (k.J.) Bartholomäi, Jennifer Lotsi, Rolf Kanies, (Germany)(Disney) 16.04.2015 Parapsycho - Spektrum der Angst Lion Wasczyk, Bastian Trost, Oscar O. 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064462 Sanchez, Justina del Corte, Chiara Marisa Mell, Mascha Gonska, Mathieu Schoras, Sandra Borgmann, Veronica Ein Schotte macht noch keinen Carrière, William Berger, Helmut Förnbacher - Dir. Peter Patzak Ferres, Kostja Ullmann, Johannes Silber- Sommer schneider - Dir. Felix Fuchssteiner, Kathari- Horror/Erotik 1974 100min. What We Did On Our na Schöde Edel Germany(New Vision Films) Making-of, Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer , Rosamund Pike, Billy 13.02.2015 Fantasy/Abenteuer 2014 111min. Connolly, Ben Miller, Amelia Bullmore, Emilia 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063850 Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Jones, Bobby Smalldridge, Harriet Turnbull, Home Edition) 05.03.2015 Lewis Davie, Celia Imrie, Annette Crosbie - Sex on the Beach 2 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063796 Dir. Andy Hamilton, Guy Jenkin The Inbetweeners Movie 2 Komödie 2014 92min. Simon Bird, James Buckley, Blake Harrison, Saphirblau (Blu-ray) Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG Joe Thomas, Emily Berrington, Freddie Str- Maria Ehrich, Jannis Niewöhner, Peter 26.03.2015 oma, Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Tamla Kari, Simonischek, Josefine Preuß, Katharina 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063913 David Schaal - Dir. Damon Beesley, Iain Thalbach, Johannes von Matuschka, Morris Rüdiger Vogler, Laura Berlin, Florian Ein Schotte macht noch keinen Komödie 2014 93min. Bartholomäi, Jennifer Lotsi, Rolf Kanies, Sommer (Blu-ray) Universum Film Home Lion Wasczyk, Bastian Trost, Oscar O. What We Did On Our Holiday Entertainment(SquareOne) 27.03.2015 Sanchez, Justina del Corte, Chiara David Tennant, Rosamund Pike, Billy 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063806 Schoras, Sandra Borgmann, Veronica Connolly, Ben Miller, Amelia Bullmore, Emilia Ferres, Kostja Ullmann, Johannes Silber- Jones, Bobby Smalldridge, Harriet Turnbull, Sex on the Beach 2 (Blu-ray) schneider - Dir. Felix Fuchssteiner, Kathari- Lewis Davie, Celia Imrie, Annette Crosbie - The Inbetweeners Movie 2 na Schöde Dir. Andy Hamilton, Guy Jenkin Simon Bird, James Buckley, Blake Harrison, Making-of, Interviews, Featurettes, Trailer Komödie 2014 96min. Joe Thomas, Emily Berrington, Freddie Str- Fantasy/Abenteuer 2014 116min. Tobis Home Entertainment GmbH & Co. KG oma, Belinda Stewart-Wilson, Tamla Kari, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 26.03.2015 David Schaal - Dir. Damon Beesley, Iain Home Edition) 05.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063937 Morris 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063809 Komödie 2014 97min. Science Fiction Classic Box (2 Universum Film Home Sarah und Summer - Gemeinsam Discs) Entertainment(SquareOne) 27.03.2015 sind wir stark Space Mutiny / Jupiter Inferno / Abenteuer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063818 A Horse For Summer auf dem Mars / Erdbeben - Flammendes Nicole Taylor Criss, Dean Cain, Christopher Inferno von Tokio Shades of Pain Atkins, Mandalynn Carlson, Terri Minton, Science Fiction 400min. Suite 16 Lee Meriwether, Terry Silverthorne, Cazi Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 13.03.2015 Pete Postlethwaite, Antonie Kamerling, Greene - Dir. Nancy Criss 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064366 Géraldine Pailhas - Dir. Dominique Behind the Scenes, Trailer, Bildergalerie Deruddere Drama/Familie 2014 94min. Second Chance (7 Discs) Thriller/Erotik 1995 98min. KSM GmbH(NewKSM) 16.03.2015 Seconde Chance Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 13.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064185 Komödie 2008 1144min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063837 Die Schatzsucher - Goldrausch in EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064173 Sherlock - Staffel 3 (3 Discs) (Blu- Alaska, Staffel 2 (5 Discs) ray) Gold Rush: Alaska Seed - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Sherlock

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Benedict Cumberbatch, , Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law, Giovanni Rupert Graves, Una Stubbs, Louise Ribisi, Michael Gambon, Bai Ling, Omid Stage - Mein Leben als Brealey, Mark Gatiss, Andrew Scott, Aman- Djalili, Angelina Jolie, Trevor Baxter, Julian Theaterstück da Abbington - Dir. Jeremy Lovering, Colm Curry, Sir - Dir. Kerry Synecdoche, McCarthy, Nick Hurran Conran Philip Seymour Hoffman, Michelle Williams, Postkarten-Set, Featurette Science Fiction/Abenteuer 2004 106min. , Hope Davis, Catherine Kriminalfilm 2013 273min. Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Keener, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Emily polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063777 Watson, Dianne Wiest, Robin Weigert, Tim 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064205 Guinee, Amy Spanger, Tom Noonan, Lynn SOKO Kitzbühel 10 (2 Discs) Sherlock - Staffel 3 (Special Edi- Cohen, Josh Pais, Daniel London, Erica Kristina Sprenger, Andreas Kiendl, Jakob Berg, Deirdre O’Connell, Sadie Goldstein, tion, 3 Discs) Seeböck, Andrea L’Arronge, Heinz , Michael Medeiros - Sherlock Marecek, Ferry Öllinger, Christine Klein, Dir. Charlie Kaufman Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman, Bernd Tauber, Peter Weiß, Julia Heinze, Drama/Komödie 2008 118min. Rupert Graves, Una Stubbs, Louise Thure Riefenstein, Claudia Wipplinger, Cor- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Brealey, Mark Gatiss, Andrew Scott, Aman- nelius Obonya, Hans-Michael Rehberg - Dir. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064327 da Abbington - Dir. Jeremy Lovering, Colm Gerald Liegel, Michael Zens, Olaf Kreinsen McCarthy, Nick Hurran Kriminalfilm 2009 440min. Stage Play - Mein Leben als Postkartenset, Featurettes SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rex Film) Theaterstück (Blu-ray) Kriminalfilm 2013 261min. 15.01.2015 Synecdoche, New York polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063749 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064193 Philip Seymour Hoffman, Michelle Williams, Space Trooper Samantha Morton, Hope Davis, Catherine Keener, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Emily Sherlock Holmes - Die Filme (3 One Shot Watson, Dianne Wiest, Robin Weigert, Tim Discs) Matthew Reese, Nichelle Aiden, Kevin Guinee, Amy Spanger, Tom Noonan, Lynn The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Sorbo, Jacque Gray, Scott Hanks, Jaci Cohen, Josh Pais, Daniel London, Erica Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Rosalie Twiss - Dir. John Lyde Berg, Deirdre O’Connell, Sadie Goldstein, Williams, Eric Porter - Dir. Derek Marlowe, Action/Science Fiction 2014 91min. Stephen Adly Guirgis, Michael Medeiros - Paul Annett, John Bruce, David Carson, Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Dir. Charlie Kaufman Ken Grieve, Alan Grint 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063948 Audiokommentar, Booklet Drama/Komödie 2008 122min. Kriminalfilm 1984-1994 512min. Space Trooper (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064350 Koch Media 12.03.2015 One Shot 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064243 Matthew Reese, Nichelle Aiden, Kevin Stagecoach - San Fernando (+ Sorbo, Jacque Gray, Scott Hanks, Jaci Sherlock Holmes - Die Filme (3 Twiss - Dir. John Lyde Audio-CD) Discs) (Blu-ray) Action/Science Fiction 2014 95min. Stagecoach The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes Splendid Film 27.02.2015 Ann-Margret, Bing Crosby, Red Buttons, Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Rosalie 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063962 Michael Connors, Alex Cord, Robert Williams, Eric Porter - Dir. Derek Marlowe, Cummings, Van Heflin, Slim Pickens, Stefa- Paul Annett, John Bruce, David Carson, The Spectacular Now - Im Hier nie Powers - Dir. Gordon Douglas Ken Grieve, Alan Grint und Jetzt Western 1966 110min. Soulfood Music Distribution(Pretty Gold Audiokommentar, Booklet The Spectacular Now Kriminalfilm 1984-1994 532min. Productions) 30.01.2015 Miles Teller, Shailene Woodley, , Koch Media 12.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063915 Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jennifer Jason 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064277 Leigh, Kyle Chandler, , Kaitlyn - The Next Generation: City 2: A Dame to Kill For Dever, Andre Royo, Masam Holden - Dir. James Ponsoldt Geheime Mission auf Celtris Drei (Limited Edition, Steelbook) (Blu- Drama/Lovestory 2013 95min. (Blu-ray) ray) (k.J.) capelight pictures Gerlach Selms Star Trek - The Next Generation: Chain Of Sin City: A Dame To Kill For 20.03.2015 Command Part 3 , Jessica Alba, Joseph Gor- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064294 Audiokommentar, Promos, Making of, Entfallene Szenen don-Levitt, Powers Boothe, Josh Brolin, Science Fiction 1992 86min. Eva Green, Dennis Haysbert, Rosario The Spectacular Now - Im Hier Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Dawson, Jamie Chung, Jaime King, Christo- und Jetzt (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064281 pher Meloni, Jeremy Piven, Stacy Keach, The Spectacular Now Starfighter - Sie wollten den Him- Bruce Willis, Ray Liotta - Dir. Frank Miller, Miles Teller, Shailene Woodley, Brie Larson, Robert Rodriguez Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Jennifer Jason mel erobern Interviews, Featurettes Leigh, Kyle Chandler, Bob Odenkirk, Kaitlyn Witwenmacher Thriller/Kriminalfilm 2014 103min. Dever, Andre Royo, Masam Holden - Dir. Picco von Groote, Steve Windolf, Frederick Splendid Film 30.01.2015 James Ponsoldt Lau, Alice Dwyer, Paula Kalenberg, Maxim 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064312 Drama/Lovestory 2013 104min. Mehmet, Michael Schernthaner, Sven Gerhardt - Dir. Miguel Alexandre Sioux City - Amulett der Rache capelight pictures Gerlach Selms 20.03.2015 Drama min. Sioux City 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064306 Universum Film Home Lou Diamond Phillips, Salli Richardson, Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 20.03.2015 Melinda Dillon, Lise Cutter - Dir. Lou Dia- Stadt der Gesetzlosen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064091 mond Phillips Las Mujeres De Jeremías Drama 1994 98min. Jorge Rivero, Isela Vega, Anna de Sade, Starfighter - Sie wollten den Him- Pidax film media(Pidax film) 20.03.2015 Verónica Miriel, Taida Urruzola, Chuck mel erobern (Blu-ray) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064213 Connors, John Ireland, Andrés García - Dir. Witwenmacher Sky Captain and the World of Ramón Fernández Picco von Groote, Steve Windolf, Frederick Western 1981 83min. Lau, Alice Dwyer, Paula Kalenberg, Maxim Tomorrow (Blu-ray) Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015 Mehmet, Michael Schernthaner, Sven Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063835 Gerhardt - Dir. Miguel Alexandre

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Drama min. Tsutomu Yamazaki, Nobuko Miyamoto, Kôji James Burrows, Ed Weinberger Universum Film Home Yakusho, Fukumi Kuroda, Ken Watanabe, Komödie 1979-1980 566min. Entertainment(Universum TV SI) 20.03.2015 Rikiya Yasuoka, Kinzo Sakura - Dir. Juzo Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064094 Itami 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063828 Bonusfilm, Wendecover, Trailer Steel Dawn - Die Fährte des Krie- Komödie/Erotik 1985 110min. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles gers AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.02.2015 Steel Dawn Megan Fox, Will Arnett, William Fichtner, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064042 Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi, Christopher Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Pete Ploszek, Jeremy Howard, Abby Elliott, Minae Noji, Neame, Anthony Zerbe, Brion James, John Tampopo - Magische Nudeln (Blu- Fujioka, Arnold Vosloo - Dir. Lance Hool Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Woodburn - Dir. Making of, Trailer, Featurette, Bildergalerie ray) Jonathan Liebesman Fantasy/Abenteuer 1987 93min. Tampopo Featurettes Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 20.03.2015 Tsutomu Yamazaki, Nobuko Miyamoto, Kôji Action/Fantasy 2014 98min. 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064364 Yakusho, Fukumi Kuroda, Ken Watanabe, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Rikiya Yasuoka, Kinzo Sakura - Dir. Juzo 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063801 Steel Dawn - Die Fährte des Krie- Itami gers (Blu-ray) Bonusfilm, Wendecover, Trailer Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Komödie/Erotik 1985 114min. Steel Dawn (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Patrick Swayze, Lisa Niemi, Christopher Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles AG(Cosmopolitan Pictures) 27.02.2015 Neame, Anthony Zerbe, Brion James, John Megan Fox, Will Arnett, William Fichtner, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064053 Fujioka, Arnold Vosloo - Dir. Lance Hool Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Pete Ploszek, Making of, Trailer, Featurette, Bildergalerie Jeremy Howard, Abby Elliott, Minae Noji, Fantasy/Abenteuer 1987 97min. Jacques Tati Collection (6 Discs) Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Woodburn - Dir. Edel Germany(Paragon Movies) 20.03.2015 (Blu-ray) Jonathan Liebesman 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064382 Die Ferien des Monsieur Hulot / Mein On- Featurettes kel / Parade / Playtime - Tatis herrliche Action/Fantasy 2014 102min. Stephen King’s A Good Marriage Zeiten / Tatis Schützenfest / Trafic - Tati Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 (Blu-ray) im Stoßverkehr 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063814 Jacques Tati - Dir. Jacques Tati A Good Marriage Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Joan Allen, Anthony LaPaglia, Cara Buono, Kurzfilme, Interview, Filmanalysen, Booklet, Wendecover Komödie 1949-1974 588min. Kristen Connolly, Mike O’Malley, Stephen (Blu-ray) STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Lang, Terra Mackintosh, Kris Lundberg, Will Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Germany(Arthaus) 19.03.2015 Rogers - Dir. Peter Askin Megan Fox, Will Arnett, William Fichtner, Entfallene und verpatzte Szenen 79,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064029 Alan Ritchson, Noel Fisher, Pete Ploszek, Thriller 2014 101min. Jeremy Howard, Abby Elliott, Minae Noji, Concorde Home Entertainment 09.04.2015 Jacques Tati Collection (6 Discs, Whoopi Goldberg, Danny Woodburn - Dir. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064465 Digital Remastered) Jonathan Liebesman Die Ferien des Monsieur Hulot / Mein On- Featurettes Stromboli kel / Parade / Playtime - Tatis herrliche Action/Fantasy 2014 102min. Stromboli, Terra Di Dio Zeiten / Tatis Schützenfest / Trafic - Tati Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 , Mario Vitale, Renzo im Stoßverkehr 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063813 Cesana, Mario Sponza - Dir. Roberto Jacques Tati - Dir. Jacques Tati Rossellini Kurzfilme, Interview, Filmanalysen, Booklet, Wendecover Terror Trap - Motel des Grauens Booklet, Bildergalerie Komödie 1949-1974 565min. (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Drama 1949 97min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Terror Trap Koch Media 12.03.2015 Germany(Arthaus) 19.03.2015 Michael Madsen, David James Elliott, Jeff 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064266 64,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064019 Fahey, Heather Marie Marsden, Andrew Sensenig, Lacey Minchew, Wayne Douglas Stromboli (Blu-ray) Der Tatortreiniger 4 Morgan, Judy Henderson, Cherie Stromboli, Terra Di Dio Bjarne Mädel, Barbara Nüsse, Matthias Thibodeaux, Caleb Michaelson, Chris J. Ingrid Bergman, Mario Vitale, Renzo Brandt, Charly Hübner, Josef Heynert, Jan- Fanguy - Dir. Dan Garcia Cesana, Mario Sponza - Dir. Roberto Peter Kampwirth, Stephan Grossmann, Thriller/Horror 2010 81min. Rossellini Viviane de Muynck, Michael Maertens, Pe- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Booklet, Bildergalerie ter Maertens - Dir. Arne Feldhusen 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064384 Drama 1949 101min. Komödie/Drama 2014 125min. Koch Media 12.03.2015 Studio Enterprises(ARD Video) Terror Trap - Motel des Grauens 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064276 13.03.2015 (k.J.) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064214 Sushi in Suhl (Blu-ray) Terror Trap Uwe Steimle, Julia Richter, Hilmar Eichhorn, Der Tatortreiniger 4 (Blu-ray) Michael Madsen, David James Elliott, Jeff Fahey, Heather Marie Marsden, Andrew Leander Wilhelm, Ina Paule Klink, Angelika Bjarne Mädel, Barbara Nüsse, Matthias Sensenig, Lacey Minchew, Wayne Douglas Böttiger, Marleen Lohse, Deborah Kauf- Brandt, Charly Hübner, Josef Heynert, Jan- Morgan, Judy Henderson, Cherie mann, Mark Pohl, Thorsten Merten, Michael Peter Kampwirth, Stephan Grossmann, Thibodeaux, Caleb Michaelson, Chris J. Kind, Alexander Hörbe, Ernst-Georg Viviane de Muynck, Michael Maertens, Pe- Fanguy - Dir. Dan Garcia Schwill, Axel Wandtke, Gen Seto, Christian ter Maertens - Dir. Arne Feldhusen Thriller/Horror 2010 77min. Tramitz, Christoph Zrenner, Hans Joachim Komödie/Drama 2014 125min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 13.03.2015 Heist, Yuki Iwamoto, Nils Nelleßen, Barbara Studio Hamburg Enterprises(ARD Video) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064367 Ferun, Thomas Koch - Dir. Carsten Fiebeler 13.03.2015 Komödie/Drama 2012 107min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064225 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Movienet) Ein Ticket für zwei (Blu-ray) 20.03.2015 Taxi - Die zweite Season (3 Discs) Planes, Trains And Automobiles Steve Martin, John Candy, Laila Robins, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064013 Taxi Kevin Bacon, Dylan Baker, William Windom Danny DeVito, Judd Hirsch, Jeff Conaway, - Dir. John Hughes Tampopo - Magische Nudeln Marilu Henner, Tony Danza, Christopher Komödie 1987 92min. Tampopo Lloyd, Carol Kane, Rhea Perlman - Dir.

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Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Donau Film 20.03.2015 Stanley Tucci, Willow Shields, Sam Claflin, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063775 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064420 Mahershala Ali, Jena Malone, Natalie Dormer, Evan Ross, Elden Henson, Wes Tiempos Menos Modernos (OmU) Torrente 4 (OmU) Chatham - Dir. Francis Lawrence Tiempos Menos Modernos Torrente 4 Making of, Featurettes, Musikvideo, Audiokommentar, Entfal- Oscar Payaguala, Nicolas Saavedra, Pam- Santiago Segura, Ana Obregon, Maria lene Szenen, TV-Spots, Trailer Action/Science Fiction 2014 118min. pa Fernandez, Esteban Meloni, Alexia Lapiedra, Yon González, Belén Esteban, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Moyano, Gabriela Radice, Natalia Santiago Tony Leblanc, Javier Gutiérrez, Kiko Germany 26.03.2015 - Dir. Simon Franco Rivera, Enrique Villén, David Bisbal, José 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064245 Komödie 2012 95min. María Rubio, Álex Lecquio - Dir. Santiago Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Cine Glo- Segura Die Tribute von Panem - bal) 20.03.2015 Action/Komödie 2011 93min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064037 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Cine Glo- Mockingjay, Teil 1 (Fan Edition) bal) 20.03.2015 (Blu-ray) Tiger, Tatzen und TamTam 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064039 The Hunger : Mockingjay, Part 1 A Tiger’s Tail Jennifer Lawrence, , Liam Dir. Michael John Sarna Torture Porn 4er Pack (Blu-ray) Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Wendecover (k.J.) Banks, , Donald Sutherland, Kinderfilm 2014 80min. Bloodline - Der Killer / Blood River / Philip Seymour Hoffman, , EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Broken / Nine Dead Stanley Tucci, Willow Shields, Sam Claflin, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064174 Horror 377min. Mahershala Ali, Jena Malone, Natalie Dormer, Evan Ross, Elden Henson, Wes Till Eulenspiegel daredo media(Steamboat) 30.01.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063942 Chatham - Dir. Francis Lawrence Jacob Matschenz, Anna Bederke, Jule Her- Making of, Featurettes, Musikvideo, Audiokommentar, Entfal- mann, Devid Striesow, Peter Jordan, Seba- Torture Porn 4er Pack (k.J.) lene Szenen, TV-Spots, Trailer stian Kaufmane, Katja Danowski, Hedi Action/Science Fiction 2014 123min. Bloodline - Der Killer / Blood River / Kriegeskotte, Timo Dierkes, Peter Heinrich STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Broken / Nine Dead Brix, Oda Thormeyer - Dir. Christian Theede Germany 26.03.2015 Making of Horror 367min. 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064278 Abenteuer/Familie 2014 120min. daredo media(Steamboat) 30.01.2015 polyband Medien GmbH(ARD Video) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063920 The True 2 Collection - 27.02.2015 Die komplette zweite Staffel (6 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064014 Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Fire (Einzel-Disc) Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) True Justice Tim und Struppi - Tim und die The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Steven Seagal Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam blauen Orangen Action/Thriller 591min. Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Tintin Et Les Oranges Bleues Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Philip Seymour Jean-Pierre Talbot, Jean Bouise, Félix 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063782 Fernandez, Jenny Orléans, Angel Alvarez, Hoffman, Jeffrey Whright, Stanley Tucci, Max Elloy, Franky François, André Marié - Donald Sutherland, Willow Shields, Sam (Metalpack) (Blu-ray) Claflin, Lynn Cohen, Jena Malone, Amanda Dir. Philippe Condroyer Trust Plummer, Paula Malcomson, Meta Golding, Trailer Clive Owen, Catherine Keener, Liana Abenteuer 1964 min. Bruno Gunn, Alan Ritchson, Stephanie Liberato, Jason Clarke, Noah Emmerich, Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Leigh Schlund - Dir. Francis Lawrence Viola Davis, Chris Henry Coffey, Spencer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064067 Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Science Fiction 2013 140min. Curnutt, Aislinn Debutch, Zanny Laird, Tim und Struppi - Tim und die STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Noah Crawford, Jordan Trovillion, Brandon Molale - Dir. David Schwimmer blauen Orangen (Blu-ray) Germany 05.03.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064246 Making of, Interviews, Behind the Scenes, Trailer Tintin Et Les Oranges Bleues Drama/Thriller 2010 105min. Jean-Pierre Talbot, Jean Bouise, Félix Die Tribute von Panem - Catching Koch Media 02.02.2015 Fernandez, Jenny Orléans, Angel Alvarez, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064347 Max Elloy, Franky François, André Marié - Fire (Einzel-Disc) (Blu-ray) Dir. Philippe Condroyer The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Under the Dome - Season 2 (4 Trailer Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Discs) Abenteuer 1964 min. Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Under The Dome Tiberius Film 05.03.2015 Banks, Lenny Kravitz, Philip Seymour Thriller/Mystery 510min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064080 Hoffman, Jeffrey Whright, Stanley Tucci, Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Donald Sutherland, Willow Shields, Sam 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063830 Die tödlichen Fäuste der Shaolin Claflin, Lynn Cohen, Jena Malone, Amanda (Blu-ray) Plummer, Paula Malcomson, Meta Golding, Under the Dome - Season 2 (4 Bruno Gunn, Alan Ritchson, Stephanie Fang Shih Yu Yu Hu Hui Chien Discs) (Blu-ray) Sheng Fu, Chi Kuan-chun, Lung Fei, Bruce Leigh Schlund - Dir. Francis Lawrence Under The Dome Chen, Ma Chi Chin, Tsai Hung, Leung Ka- Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Trailer, Wendecover Action/Science Fiction 2013 146min. Thriller/Mystery 529min. Yan, Wang Lung-wei - Dir. Chang Cheh Trailer, Artworkgalerie STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Action/Eastern 1976 91min. Germany 05.03.2015 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063873 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064279 20.03.2015 Unschuld im Kreuzverhör 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064011 Die Tribute von Panem - Il Rossetto Mockingjay, Teil 1 (2 Disc Fan Pierre Brice, Giorgia Moll, Pietro Germi, Top Model (k.J.) Edition) Laura Vivaldi, Ivano Staccioli - Dir. Damiano Damiani Top Model The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1 Jessica Moore, James Sutterfield, Ale Trailer, Booklet Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Kriminalfilm 1960 93min. Dugas - Dir. Joe D’Amato Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson, Elizabeth Pidax film media(Pidax film) 13.03.2015 Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Banks, Julianne Moore, Donald Sutherland, Erotik 1987 85min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064046 Philip Seymour Hoffman, Jeffrey Wright,

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Das unsichtbare Visier, Folge 01- Edel Germany(NFP) 06.02.2015 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064359 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063977 05 (3 Discs) Verschwunden - Spring Break Fa- Armin Mueller-Stahl, Wolfgang Greese, Varieté (Blu-ray) Jessy Rameik, Helmut Schellhardt, Alfred tal (Blu-ray) Emil Jannings, Lya de Putti, Warwick Ward, Struwe, Wilfried Ortmann, Walter Niklaus, Gone Missing Maly Delschaft, Georg John, Kurt Gerron - Peter Groeger, Siegfried Loyda, Helga Daphne Zuniga, Brigette Davidovici, Gage Dir. Ewald André Dupont Göring, Jörg Panknin, Annekathrin Bürger, Golightly, Lauren Bowles, Nicholas R. Drama 1925 min. Günter Grabbert, Giso Weißbach, Albert Grava, James Martin Kelly, Alejandro Edel Germany(NFP) 06.02.2015 Hetterle, Thomas Langhoff - Dir. Peter Ha- Patino, Brock Harris - Dir. Tara Miele 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063999 gen Drama/Thriller 2013 86min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.03.2015 Abenteuer 1973-1975 400min. Vegas - Die komplette Season (5 ICESTORM Entertainment 01.06.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064379 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063985 Discs) Vegas Vier Frauen und ein Todesfall - Die unsterblichen Methoden des Dennis Quaid, Michael Chiklis, Jason Staffel 6 (2 Discs) Franz Josef Wanninger - Box 6, O’Mara, Joe Sabatino, Carrie-Anne Moss, Dir. Wolfgang Murnberger Taylor Handley, James Russo, Sonny Folgen 25-36 (2 Discs) Kriminalfilm 2014 368min. Marinelli, Sarah Jones, Michael Reilly SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Rexfilm) Beppo Brem, Maxl Graf, Claus Burke, Aimee Garcia, Kai Lennox, Michael 26.02.2015 Biederstaedt, Wolf Ackva Wiseman, William Russ - Dir. Greg Beeman, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064165 Kriminalfilm 1978-1982 297min. Roxann Dawson, Gary Fleder, James Man- EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 gold, Alex Zakrzewski Vier Pfoten auf der Flucht 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064169 Featurettes, Behind the Scenes, Outtakes, Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen Shiloh V/H/S: Viral (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Kriminalfilm 2012 868min. , Rod Steiger, Blake Heron, Scott Wilson, Bonnie Bartlett, Ann Dowd, V/H/S: Viral Paramount Home Entertainment 05.03.2015 Tori Wright, Shira Roth, J. Madison Wright, Blair Redford, Patrick Lawrie, Emmy Argo, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064265 Rachel Winfree, Montrose Hagins, Amzie Heather Hayes, Jessica Luza, John Curran, Strickland - Dir. Dale Rosenbloom Justin Welborn, Mary Ralston, Michael Aa- Verliebt in Irland Kinderfilm 1996 87min. ron Milligan, Gustavo Salmerón - Dir. Justin Quackser Fortune Has A Cousin In The SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(Savoy Film) Benson (Element „Bonestorm“), Gregg Bronx 05.02.2015 Bishop (Element „Dante the Great“), Aaron Gene Wilder, , Eileen Colgan, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064163 Moorhead (Element „Bonestorm“), Marcel Seamus Ford - Dir. Waris Hussein Komödie 1970 85min. Sarmiento (Element „Vicious Circles“), The Viking - Der letzte Drachen- Nacho Vigalondo (Element „Parallel Mon- Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.03.2015 sters“) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064333 töter Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Viking Quest Horror/Episodenfilm 2014 77min. Verliebte Ferien in Tirol Harry Lister Smith, Jenny Boyd, Ben Cross, OFDb Filmworks 24.03.2015 Uschi Glas, Hans-Jürgen Bäumler, Georg Oliver Walker, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nate 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063886 Thomalla, Rudolf Prack, Beppo Brem - Dir. Fallows, Valentin Ganew, Veselin Harald Reinl Mezekliew, Kamen Kostow - Dir. Todor V/H/S: Viral (k.J.) Trailer, Booklet Chapkanov V/H/S: Viral Drama/Heimatfilm 1971 82min. Trailer Blair Redford, Patrick Lawrie, Emmy Argo, AL!VE Vertriebs- und Marketing Abenteuer/Action 2014 84min. Heather Hayes, Jessica Luza, John Curran, AG(Filmjuwelen) 13.02.2015 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Justin Welborn, Mary Ralston, Michael Aa- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064024 20.03.2015 ron Milligan, Gustavo Salmerón - Dir. Justin 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063984 Benson (Element „Bonestorm“), Gregg Verrückt nach Barry Bishop (Element „Dante the Great“), Aaron Someone Marry Barry The Viking - Der letzte Drachen- Moorhead (Element „Bonestorm“), Marcel Tyler Labine, Damon Wayons jr., Lucy töter (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu-ray) Sarmiento (Element „Vicious Circles“), Punch, Hayes MacArthur, Thomas Viking Quest Nacho Vigalondo (Element „Parallel Mon- Middleditch, Amanda Lund, Frankie Shaw, Harry Lister Smith, Jenny Boyd, Ben Cross, sters“) Ed Helms - Dir. Rob Pearlstein Oliver Walker, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nate Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer Komödie 2014 90min. Fallows, Valentin Ganew, Veselin Horror/Episodenfilm 2014 77min. polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 Mezekliew, Kamen Kostow - Dir. Todor OFDb Filmworks 24.03.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064194 Chapkanov 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063856 Trailer Verrückt nach Barry (Blu-ray) Abenteuer/Action 2014 88min. Vanilla Sky (Blu-ray) Someone Marry Barry Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Vanilla Sky Tyler Labine, Damon Wayons jr., Lucy 20.03.2015 Tom Cruise, Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Punch, Hayes MacArthur, Thomas 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064007 Kurt Russell, Jason Lee, Noah Taylor, Middleditch, Amanda Lund, Frankie Shaw, Timothy Spall, Tilda Swinton, Alicia Witt, Ed Helms - Dir. Rob Pearlstein The Viking - Der letzte Drachen- Johnny Galecki, , Jennifer Komödie 2014 90min. töter (Blu-ray) Aspen, Ivana Milicevic, Mark Pinter, Stacey polyband Medien GmbH 27.03.2015 Viking Quest Sher, Shalom Harlow, Jennifer Gimenez, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064206 Harry Lister Smith, Jenny Boyd, Ben Cross, Conan O’Brien - Dir. Cameron Crowe Oliver Walker, Anya Taylor-Joy, Nate Thriller/Drama 2001 136min. Verschwunden - Spring Break Fa- Fallows, Valentin Ganew, Veselin Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 tal Mezekliew, Kamen Kostow - Dir. Todor 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063778 Gone Missing Chapkanov Daphne Zuniga, Brigette Davidovici, Gage Trailer Varieté Golightly, Lauren Bowles, Nicholas R. Abenteuer/Action 2014 88min. Emil Jannings, Lya de Putti, Warwick Ward, Grava, James Martin Kelly, Alejandro Lighthouse Home Entertainment(MVL) Maly Delschaft, Georg John, Kurt Gerron - Patino, Brock Harris - Dir. Tara Miele 20.03.2015 Dir. Ewald André Dupont Drama/Thriller 2013 83min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064006 Drama 1925 min. Edel Germany(Starmovie) 20.02.2015

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Vikings - Die Berserker Clara Alonso, Pablo Espinosa, Xabiani Wer ist mein Mann? Viking: The Berserkers Ponce de León, Diego Domínguez - Dir. The Seven Year Hitch Sol Heras, Amber Jean Rowan, Simon Jorge Nisco, Martín Saban, Matías Risi Natalie Hall, Darin Brooks, Frances Fisher - Armstrong - Dir. Antony Smith Komödie/Musical 2012-2013 min. Dir. Bradford May Abenteuer/Action 2014 89min. The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Trailer Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 16.04.2015 Komödie/Lovestory 2012 83min. tba BestellNr.: 20064131 tba BestellNr.: 20064451 Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 tba BestellNr.: 20064132 Vikings - Die Berserker (Blu-ray Violetta - Staffel 1, Volume 2 (2 3D) (Blu-ray) Discs) Wer ist mein Mann? (Blu-ray) The Seven Year Hitch Viking: The Berserkers Violetta Natalie Hall, Darin Brooks, Frances Fisher - Sol Heras, Amber Jean Rowan, Simon Martina Stoessel, Diego Ramos, Jorge Dir. Bradford May Armstrong - Dir. Antony Smith Blanco, Mercedes Lambre, Lodovica Comello, Facundo Gambandé, Alba Rico, Trailer Abenteuer/Action 2014 93min. Komödie/Lovestory 2012 86min. Clara Alonso, Pablo Espinosa, Xabiani Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Ponce de León, Diego Domínguez - Dir. tba BestellNr.: 20064155 tba BestellNr.: 20064156 Jorge Nisco, Martín Saban, Matías Risi Vikings - Die Berserker (Blu-ray) Komödie/Musical 2012-2013 min. Werwolf Box The Walt Disney Company (Germany) Viking: The Berserkers The Beast of Bray Road / Mexican 16.04.2015 Sol Heras, Amber Jean Rowan, Simon Werewolf / Voodoo Moon tba BestellNr.: 20064452 Armstrong - Dir. Antony Smith Horror 2005 255min. Abenteuer/Action 2014 93min. Violetta - Staffel 1, Volume 3 (2 da music(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064104 tba BestellNr.: 20064154 Discs) Violetta Wild in Blue (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Vikings Collection (3 Discs) Martina Stoessel, Diego Ramos, Jorge Wild In Blue Escape / Die Normannen kommen / Blanco, Mercedes Lambre, Lodovica Frank Cermak Jr., Charlotte Ellen Price, Outlander Comello, Facundo Gambandé, Alba Rico, Steve Railsback - Dir. Matthew Berkowitz Isabel Christine Andreasen, Milla Olin, Tobi- Clara Alonso, Pablo Espinosa, Xabiani Entfallene Szenen as Santelmann, Charlton Heston, Richard Ponce de León, Diego Domínguez - Dir. Thriller/Horror 2014 87min. Boone, Rosemary Forsyth, James Caviezel, Jorge Nisco, Martín Saban, Matías Risi Donau Film 24.04.2015 Sophia Myles, - Dir. Roar Komödie/Musical 2012-2013 min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064311 Uthaug, Franklin J. Schaffner, Howard The Walt Disney Company (Germany) McCain 16.04.2015 Wild in Blue (k.J.) Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Storyboard, Trailer, Bilderga- tba BestellNr.: 20064453 Wild In Blue lerie Frank Cermak Jr., Charlotte Ellen Price, Action/Abenteuer 1965-2012 303min. Die Wächter der Ninja (k.J.) Steve Railsback - Dir. Matthew Berkowitz Koch Media 12.03.2015 Wu Seng Entfallene Szenen 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064239 Alexander Lou, Chin Fei, Eagle Han, Mike Thriller/Horror 2014 82min. Donau Film 24.04.2015 Vikings Collection (3 Discs) (Blu- Wong - Dir. William Cheung Kei Action/Eastern 1984 86min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064300 ray) Edel Germany(Capitol Film) 06.03.2015 Escape / Die Normannen kommen / 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064369 Willkommen in der Hölle Outlander J Mátalo! Isabel Christine Andreasen, Milla Olin, Tobi- Welcome to Sweden - Die kom- Lou Castel, Corrado Pani, Antonio Salines, as Santelmann, Charlton Heston, Richard plette 1. Staffel (2 Discs) Luis Dávila, Claudia Gravy, Miguel del Boone, Rosemary Forsyth, James Caviezel, Castillo, Ana Maria Noé, Ana Maria Welcome To Sweden Sophia Myles, Jack Huston - Dir. Roar Mendoza, Mirella Pamphili, Bruno Boschetti, Josephine Bornebusch, Greg Poehler, Lena Uthaug, Franklin J. Schaffner, Howard Diana Sore, Joaquin Parra - Dir. Cesare Olin, Claes Mansson, Christopher Wagelin, McCain Canevari Per Svensson, Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Making of, Entfallene Szenen, Storyboard, Trailer, Bilderga- Action/Drama 1970 93min. Patrick Duffy, Illeana Douglas - Dir. Carl lerie SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH 15.01.2015 Action/Abenteuer 1965-2012 316min. Åstrand 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063754 Koch Media 12.03.2015 Komödie 218min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064274 Concorde Home Entertainment 12.02.2015 Wir sind was wir sind (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063902 Vincent van Gogh - Ein Leben in (k.J.) Leidenschaft (Blu-ray) Weltuntergang 2012 (2 Discs) Somos Lo Que Hay Francisco Barreiro, Alan Chávez, Paulina Lust For Life Weltuntergang 2012 / Zwischen Leben und Gaitan, Carmen Beato, Jorge Zarate, Kirk Douglas, Anthony Quinn, James Do- Tod - Als die Welt den Atem anhielt / 2012: Esteban Soberanes, Adrián Aguirre, Miriam nald, , Everett Sloane, Niall Doomsday / 2012: Supernova / Meteor Balderas, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Miguel MacGinnis, Noel Purcell, Henry Daniell, Apocalypse Ángel Hoppe - Dir. Jorge Michel Grau Madge Kennedy, Jill Bennett, Lionel Action/Drama 484min. da music(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 Kurzfilm, Making of, Trailer Jeffries, Laurence Naismith, Eric Pohlmann Horror/Drama 2010 89min. tba BestellNr.: 20064106 - Dir. Vincente Minnelli Alamode Film 30.01.2015 Drama 1956 122min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063783 Warner Home Video Germany 19.02.2015 Weltuntergang 2012 (2 Discs) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064436 (Blu-ray) Wir sind was wir sind (k.J.) Weltuntergang 2012 / Zwischen Leben und Somos Lo Que Hay Violetta - Staffel 1, Volume 1 (2 Tod - Als die Welt den Atem anhielt / 2012: Francisco Barreiro, Alan Chávez, Paulina Discs) Doomsday / 2012: Supernova / Meteor Gaitan, Carmen Beato, Jorge Zarate, Violetta Apocalypse Esteban Soberanes, Adrián Aguirre, Miriam Martina Stoessel, Diego Ramos, Jorge Action/Drama 504min. Balderas, Daniel Giménez Cacho, Miguel Blanco, Mercedes Lambre, Lodovica da music(Great Movies) 23.01.2015 Ángel Hoppe - Dir. Jorge Michel Grau Comello, Facundo Gambandé, Alba Rico, tba BestellNr.: 20064113 Kurzfilm, Making of, Trailer

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Horror/Drama 2010 85min. 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064231 A Young Doctor’s Notebook Alamode Film 30.01.2015 Drama/Komödie 2013 88min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063760 World at War (3 Discs) (Blu-ray) polyband Medien GmbH 27.02.2015 Die Kinder der Seidenstraße / 1920 - Die 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063926 Wish I Was Here letzte Schlacht / Empire of War - Der letz- Wish I Was Here te Wiederstand A Young Doctor’s Notebook - Staf- Zach Braff, Kate Hudson, Mandy Patinkin, Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Radha Mitchell, fel 2 (Blu-ray) Josh Gad, Joey King, Pierce Gagnon, Do- Chow Yun-Fat, Borys Szyc, Natasza A Young Doctor’s Notebook nald Faison, Ashley Greene, Jim Parsons, Urbanska, Daniel Olbrychski (Józef Drama/Komödie 2013 88min. Michael Weston - Dir. Zach Braff Pilsudski), Adrien Brody, Tim Robbins, Xu polyband Medien GmbH 27.02.2015 Drama/Komödie 2014 102min. Fan - Dir. Roger Spottiswoode, Jerzy 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063945 EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Hoffman, Feng Xiaogang 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064107 Making of, Kurzfilm, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Bilderga- The Zero Theorem lerie, Trailer The Zero Theorem Wish I Was Here (Blu-ray) Kriegsfilm 2008-2012 370min. Koch Media 19.02.2015 David Thewlis, Christoph Waltz, Mélanie Wish I Was Here 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064269 Thierry, Lucas Hedges, Matt Damon, Tilda Zach Braff, Kate Hudson, Mandy Patinkin, Swinton, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Peter Stormare, Josh Gad, Joey King, Pierce Gagnon, Do- Das Wunder des kleinen - Dir. Terry Gilliam nald Faison, Ashley Greene, Jim Parsons, Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Interviews, Wendecover Michael Weston - Dir. Zach Braff Marcellino Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 103min. Drama/Komödie 2014 106min. Marcelino Pan Y Vino Concorde Home Entertainment 09.04.2015 EuroVideo Medien 26.03.2015 Rafael Rivelles, Antonio Vico, Juán Calvo, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063922 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064114 Juan José Menendez, José Marco Davo, Adrianao Dominguez - Dir. Ladislao Vajda The Zero Theorem (Blu-ray) Wolfskinder Drama 1954 84min. The Zero Theorem Levin Liam, Helena Phil, Vivien Ciskowska, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) David Thewlis, Christoph Waltz, Mélanie Patrick Lorenczat, Willow Voges- 12.03.2015 Thierry, Lucas Hedges, Matt Damon, Tilda Fernandes, Til-Niklas Theinert, Jördis 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064182 Swinton, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Peter Stormare, Triebel - Dir. Rick Ostermann Ben Whishaw - Dir. Terry Gilliam Drama 2013 98min. Die Wunderstute Ruffian Behind the Scenes, Featurettes, Interviews, Wendecover Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Port au Ruffian Science Fiction/Thriller 2013 107min. Prince Pictures) 20.03.2015 Sam Shepard, Nicholas Pryor, Mark Adam, Concorde Home Entertainment 09.04.2015 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063991 Laura Bailey, Tony Bentley, Mathew Greer, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063943 Michael Harding, Stuart Greer - Dir. Yves Woozle Goozle: Folge 8 - Haus- Simoneau Zirkuswelt - Held der Arena tiere & Erdöl Doku, Pferderennen, Audiokommentar Circus World Drama/Biographie 2007 85min. John Wayne, Rita Hayworth, Claudia Woozle Goozle MIG Film 26.02.2015 Cardinale, Lloyd Nolan, Richard Conte, Benedict Weber - Dir. Igor Hartmann 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064166 John Smith - Dir. Henry Hathaway Kinderfilm 45min. Biografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer Edel:Kids 20.02.2015 Xenia - Eine (neue) griechische Abenteuer 1964 132min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063761 Odyssee Black Hill Pictures 12.02.2015 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064233 Woozle Goozle: Folge 9 - Raum- Xenia Kostas Nikouli, Nikos Gelia, Yannis fahrt & Kleidung Stankoglou, Marissa Triandafyllidou, Zirkuswelt - Held der Arena (Blu- Woozle Goozle Aggelos Papadimitriou, Romana Lobats, ray) Benedict Weber - Dir. Igor Hartmann Patty Pravo, Kostis Rampavilas, Electra Circus World Kinderfilm 45min. Leda Koutra, Dinos Psychogios, Dimitris John Wayne, Rita Hayworth, Claudia Edel:Kids 20.02.2015 Rakos - Dir. Panos H. Koutras Cardinale, Lloyd Nolan, Richard Conte, 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063763 Interview, Featurette, Making of, Trailer, Bildergalerie John Smith - Dir. Henry Hathaway Drama 2014 124min. Biografien, Bildergalerie, Trailer Words & Pictures (Alles Liebe) PRO-FUN MEDIA 27.02.2015 Abenteuer 1964 135min. Words And Pictures 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064129 Black Hill Pictures 12.02.2015 Clive Owen, , Valerie Tian, 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064271 Bruce Davison, , Amy You Are Not Alone - Jemand ist Brenneman, Christan Scheider, Keegan hier (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Zombiber (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Connor Tracy, Adam DiMarco, Janet Kidder House Swap Zombeaver - Dir. Fred Schepisi Nathan Nolan, Evie Bicker Brodie, Simon Cortney Palm, Rachel Melvin, Bill Burr, Lexi Komödie/Lovestory 2013 111min. Dutton - Dir. Mark Ezra Atkins, Jake Weary, Peter Gilroy, Hutch Senator Home Entertainment 27.02.2015 Trailer Dano, Brent Briscoe, Rex Linn, Phyllis Katz 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063976 Thriller/Horror 2010 87min. - Dir. Jordan Rubin Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Horror/Komödie 2014 77min. World at War (3 Discs) tba BestellNr.: 20064157 Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Die Kinder der Seidenstraße / 1920 - Die 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064145 letzte Schlacht / Empire of War - Der letz- You Are Not Alone - Jemand ist te Wiederstand hier (k.J.) Zombiber (k.J.) Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Radha Mitchell, House Swap Zombeaver Chow Yun-Fat, Borys Szyc, Natasza Nathan Nolan, Evie Bicker Brodie, Simon Cortney Palm, Rachel Melvin, Bill Burr, Lexi Urbanska, Daniel Olbrychski (Józef Dutton - Dir. Mark Ezra Atkins, Jake Weary, Peter Gilroy, Hutch Pilsudski), Adrien Brody, Tim Robbins, Xu Trailer Dano, Brent Briscoe, Rex Linn, Phyllis Katz Fan - Dir. Roger Spottiswoode, Jerzy Thriller/Horror 2010 84min. - Dir. Jordan Rubin Hoffman, Feng Xiaogang Tiberius Film 02.04.2015 Horror/Komödie 2014 74min. Making of, Kurzfilm, Interviews, Entfallene Szenen, Bilderga- tba BestellNr.: 20064133 Splendid Film 27.03.2015 lerie, Trailer 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064120 Kriegsfilm 2008-2012 345min. A Young Doctor’s Notebook - Staf- Koch Media 19.02.2015 fel 2 Zombiber (Limited Edition,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 50 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Steelbook) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063780 Zombeaver Cortney Palm, Rachel Melvin, Bill Burr, Lexi Zwei Tage, eine Nacht Special Interest Atkins, Jake Weary, Peter Gilroy, Hutch Deux Jours, Une Nuit Dano, Brent Briscoe, Rex Linn, Phyllis Katz Marion Cotillard, Fabrizio Rongione, Pili - Dir. Jordan Rubin Groyne, Simon Caudry, Catherine Salée, Charlie Mariano - Last Visits Horror/Komödie 2014 77min. Baptiste Sornin, Alain Eloy, Myriem Charlie Mariano, Dorothee Mariano, Mike Splendid Film 27.03.2015 Akheddiou, Fabienne Sciascia, Timur Herting, Matthias Schriefl - Dir. Axel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064146 Magomedgadzhiev, Hicham Slaoui, Philippe Engstfeld Jeusette, Yohan Zimmer, Christelle Cornil, Porträt/Biographie 2013 99min. Zorro Box (2 Discs) Laurent Caron, Franck Laisné, Serge Koto, good!movies(RealFiction) 30.01.2015 Das Zeichen des Zorro / Der Sohn des Morgan Marinne, Gianni La Rocca, Ben 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063853 Zorro / Zorro reitet wieder Hamidou, Carl Jadot, Olivier Gourmet, Sabi- Western/Abenteuer 346min. ne Raskin - Dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc IMAX: Space 3D - Edel Germany(Starmovie) 27.02.2015 Dardenne Vol. 2 Unbändige Kräfte (Blu-ray 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063771 Drama 2014 91min. Alamode Film 13.03.2015 3D) (Blu-ray) Zulu (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063795 IMAX: Space Intelligence 3D Dokumentation 50min. Zulu Lighthouse Home Entertainment(3D Content Stanley Baker, , Ulla Zwei Tage, eine Nacht (Blu-ray) Hub) 20.03.2015 Jacobsson, James Booth, Sir Michael Deux Jours, Une Nuit tba BestellNr.: 20063934 Caine, Nigel Green, Paul Daneman, Ivor Marion Cotillard, Fabrizio Rongione, Pili Groyne, Simon Caudry, Catherine Salée, Emmanuel, - Dir. Cyril Karneval! - Wir sind positiv Endfield Baptiste Sornin, Alain Eloy, Myriem Abenteuer 1964 min. Akheddiou, Fabienne Sciascia, Timur bekloppt Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015 Magomedgadzhiev, Hicham Slaoui, Philippe Dir. Claus Wischmann 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063779 Jeusette, Yohan Zimmer, Christelle Cornil, Dokumentarfilm 2014 90min. Laurent Caron, Franck Laisné, Serge Koto, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) Zwei rechnen ab (Blu-ray) Morgan Marinne, Gianni La Rocca, Ben 23.01.2015 Gunfight At The O. K. Corral Hamidou, Carl Jadot, Olivier Gourmet, Sabi- 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20064064 Burt Lancaster, Kirk Douglas, Rhonda Fle- ne Raskin - Dir. Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc ming, John Ireland, Jo van Fleet, Frank Dardenne Faylen, Earl Holliman, Lyle Bettger, Dennis Drama 2014 95min. Hopper - Dir. John Sturges Alamode Film 13.03.2015 Western 1957 123min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20063808 Paramount Home Entertainment 05.02.2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 51 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 52 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125809 Universal Studios 20.01.2015 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125832 Animation vs. Robin When Batman finds himself under attack by his own son, Bubble Guppies: Fin-tastic .hack//Sign: Complete Series Damian (Robin), he at first suspects the hand of Ra’s Al Ghul behind the treachery, but then comes to see that the boy may Collection Action, Animation, Anime, Based On Video be controlled by a mysterious and murderous society known Join the Bubble Guppies in this Fin-Tastic Collection! Learn, Game, Foreign, Japanese, Science 700min. as the Court of Owls. laugh and join the Bubble Guppies and their playful pet in Funimation 24.02.2015 Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On their very own fairytale - Bubble Puppy’s Fin-tastic Fairy Tale! Plus discover all types of jobs - doctors, dentists, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125883 Comic Book, Family, Mystery, Superheroes, waiters, firefighters, zookeepers and more with the Bubble & Paranormal, Television Guppies in their underwater adventures - all about different Adventure Time And Friends 72min. ways to work and play with friends! It’s one crazy adventure after another for human boy, Finn, Warner Bros. 14.04.2015 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, and his best friend, Jake, a 28-year old dog with magical 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125982 Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Fairy powers. They’re out to have the most fun possible and they Tales, Family, Friendships, Nickelodeon, sure do find it exploring the Land of Ooo! Whether it’s saving Television 230min. Princess Bubblegum, battling zombie candy, taunting the Ice Batman vs. Robin (Blu-ray + DVD King or rocking out with Marceline the Vampire Queen, with Nickelodeon 03.03.2015 Finn & Jake it’s always Adventure Time! + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125692 Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Network, When Batman finds himself under attack by his own son, Friendships, Magic 88min. Damian (Robin), he at first suspects the hand of Ra’s Al Ghul behind the treachery, but then comes to see that the boy may : Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 be controlled by a mysterious and murderous society known 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125912 as the Court of Owls. Of Endymion (Blu-ray + DVD) Action, Adventure, Animation, Based On (Blu-ray) The Adventures Of Tom Thumb Comic Book, Blu-ray, Family, Mystery, Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Superheroes, Supernatural & Paranormal, And Thumbelina (DVD + tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Television 72min. Supernatural & Paranormal, Swords & UltraViolet) Warner Bros. 14.04.2015 Sworcery, Television 90min. Jennifer Love Hewitt, Elijah Wood, Peter 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126014 Funimation 17.02.2015 Gallagher, Tom Wilhite 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125898 Two tiny fairy-tale legends meet in one fun-filled, action- Bleach: Box Set 24 packed musical adventure. Trying to find their way in a great big world, Tom Thumb and Thumbelina join forces and face In their bid to assume control of the Society, Kageroza’s Chuggington: Fire Patrol Rescue towering odds in a remarkable journey to find their true home. Reigai imposters turn out to be as powerful as their Soul Reaper originals. A weakening Ichigo and the others attempt In this latest collection of Chuggington adventures, Wilson When the comically conniving Mole King takes Thumbelina sets out on fire patrol with his new friend Asher and into his underground lair and tries to claim her as his wife, to train Nozomi to reach Shikai, possibly their key chance to defeat Kageroza. But there is still more to the mod soul learns to use a fire hose in a rescue! Also, there is a friendly Tom must call upon his friends in the forest for a daring contest of Chug Patrol versus Speed Fleet; Hodge find rescue. But Thumbelina already has escape plans of her own. Nozomi than meets the eye... Head Captain Genryusai Yamamoto joins the battle, but when Nozomi is taken captive himself in a high-rise jam; and all the Chuggers practice It’s nonstop laughs and thrills as Tom and Thumbelina find emergency drills at the roundhouse. In these 6 exciting excitement around every corner in their search for family and and Ichigo’s powers become increasingly unstable, the outcome is anybody’s guess! episodes - plus New Chugger Spotlights, a Bonus Badge others like them. Quest Episode, and coloring sheets - Wilson, Asher, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, , Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Brewster and the others discover the importance of community Fairy Tales, Family, Musical 76min. Fantasy, Friendships, Giant Monsters!, In- service and working together. Lionsgate 03.03.2015 ternational, International TV, Japanese, Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125747 Monsters, Supernatural & Paranormal, Family, Friendships, Television 62min. Swordfighting, Television min. Starz / Anchor Bay 31.03.2015 Alpha And Omega 3: The Great Viz Entertainment 17.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125823 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125767 Wolf Games (Blu-ray + DVD + Clarence: Mystery Pinata - UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Blues Clues: Get Clued Into Volume 1 Lindsay Torrance, Kate Higgins, Ben Diskin, School Collection Clarence finds something amazing in just about . Mike Jacobs - Dir. Richard Rich Blue’s Clues is an award-winning, play-along, think-along Discover the best that life has to offer—epic pinecone wars, Join the pack in this wild, warmhearted and totally pawsome animated series. The show stars one of two live-action hosts, backyard tree forts and the secret worlds beyond milk adventure starring everyone’s favorite alphas and omegas! Steve or his brother Joe, and an energetic, bright blue puppy cartons—all through the eyes of Clarence and his friends, the It’s time for „The Great Wolf Games,“ when all the alphas in named Blue. In each episode, Joe or Steve invites viewers unpredictable Sumo and overly-cautious Jeff. the packs set aside their differences for some friendly into a computer-animated storybook world to help solve the Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Network, competition. When an unexpected accident puts many of our day’s puzzles. pack’s star alpha wolves out of commission, a new team is Children’s, Family, Television 132min. assembled that includes forest friends not in the pack. Can Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Warner Bros. 10.02.2015 Coach Humphrey lead his ragtag group of „underdogs“ to Children’s / Educational, Family, Nickel- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125791 victory? Find out in this thrilling movie that will leave you odeon, Television 294min. howling for more! Nickelodeon 10.03.2015 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Despicable Me 2: 3 Mini-Movie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125699 Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Collection Movies 78min. The Boxtrolls (Blu-ray 3D + Blu- Elsie Fisher, Pierre Coffin, Miranda Lionsgate 10.03.2015 Cosgrove, Steve Carell - Dir. Pierre Coffin, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125815 ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Chris Renaud Isaac Hempstead Wright, Nick Frost, Elle Bringing laughs for the whole family, the mischievous Minions Alpha And Omega 3: The Great Fanning, Tracy Morgan, Toni Collette, Jared return in three new hilariously entertaining mini-movies. In Harris, - Dir. Graham Annable, „Puppy,“ when Kyle is unwilling to behave like a real dog, the Wolf Games (DVD + UltraViolet) Minions go looking for one who will. As usual, goes Anthony Stacchi as planned, and when their new friend gets homesick, it’s time Lindsay Torrance, Kate Higgins, Ben Diskin, From the creators of Coraline and ParaNorman comes a for some very creative thinking! „Panic In The Mailroom“ is Mike Jacobs - Dir. Richard Rich magical family adventure about heroes in all shapes and what happens when a suspicious package arrives and the Join the pack in this wild, warmhearted and totally pawsome sizes: The Boxtrolls. Quirky, mischievous and good-hearted, Minions are totally unprepared. And in „Training Wheels,“ adventure starring everyone’s favorite alphas and omegas! these box-wearing creatures have lovingly raised a human Agnes has some trouble with her bike and the Minions come to It’s time for „The Great Wolf Games,“ when all the alphas in boy named „Eggs“ (voiced by Isaac Hempstead Wright) in a her aid - armed with a few helpful gadgets. You’ll want to the packs set aside their differences for some friendly charming cavern below the bustling streets of Cheesebridge. watch these hysterical escapades again and again, because competition. When an unexpected accident puts many of our But when evil Archibald Snatcher (voiced by Ben Kingsley) the „3 Mini-Movie Collection“ from Despicable Me 2 is three pack’s star alpha wolves out of commission, a new team is decides to capture the loveable misfits, it’s up to Eggs and is the fun - for everyone! assembled that includes forest friends not in the pack. Can feisty young friend, Winnie (voiced by Elle Fanning), to save Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, Coach Humphrey lead his ragtag group of „underdogs“ to the Boxtrolls. Also featuring the voice talents of Jared Harris, victory? Find out in this thrilling movie that will leave you Nick Frost, Toni Collette and Tracy Morgan, critics are Family, Movies, Short Film Collections min. howling for more! calling The Boxtrolls „A delectable treat~“ - Brian Truitt, USA Universal Studios 10.03.2015 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Today 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125733 Children’s, Family, Friendships, Movies Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, Children’s, 78min. Family, Friendships, High School, Monsters, Digimon Fusion: Season One Lionsgate 10.03.2015 Television, TV Movies 2014 97min. When a human boy and his two best friends are transported

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 53 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA into the Digital World they encounter a strange group of Lionsgate 24.02.2015 VS. Bizarro creatures called „Digimon“ who engage in epic battles for 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125683 control of their empire. Watch the adventures unfold in all 30 League episodes of Digimon Fusion! Mikey Kudo and his friends Justice League vs Bizarro League - Batman has joined the Angie and Jeremy meet a feisty Digimon called Shoutmon and The Jungle Bunch 2: The Great just formed Justice League in order to keep tabs on Superman, his formidable but quirky Digimon companions. Brave a mistrust that is complicated by Superman’s bad (but well Shoutmon longs to be the King of the Monsters and asks for Treasure Quest meaning) clone Bizarro and his creation of the Bizarro the kids’ help to achieve his goal. Mikey immediately agrees Erin Fitzgerald, Chris Smith, John Lithgow League, but an even bigger threat forces the two Leagues to to help, setting off an extraordinary adventure across join forces. hundreds of Digi-Zones. But the fate of the Digital World is in Your favorite animals are back for an all-new family jeopardy. Evil forces threaten annihilation, and Mikey is adventure! Join Maurice, the beloved penguin-tiger, and the Action, Adventure, Animation, Children’s, charged with leading the Fusion Fighters against the evil Jungle Bunch on their exciting quest for hidden pirate Family, Movies, Superheroes 85min. Bagra Army. Now, the fate of the Digital World lies in the treasure! Hold on to your seats, because the wacky treasure Warner Bros. 10.02.2015 hands of one human boy, and the Digimon need his help or risk hunt includes all sorts of new adventures and silly surprises, deleted once and for all! including booby traps, a village of crazy rabbits, and a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125859 mysterious „Yellow Dragon.“ Can the Jungle Bunch outsmart Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- Captain Grubby Beard, his evil gang of Pirates, and an tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- outrageous heap of obstacles to find the precious hidden Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: vision, Thrillers 2013 640min. treasure? Full of laughs and memorable characters, The Justice League VS. Bizarro Cinedigm 10.02.2015 Jungle Bunch 2: The Great Treasure Quest features award- winning actor and best-selling League (Blu-ray + DVD + 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125977 children’s book author John Lithgow as the voice of Maurice. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Justice League vs Bizarro League - Batman has joined the Digimon Tamers: Third Season - Children’s, Comedy, Family, Movies, Pirates just formed Justice League in order to keep tabs on Superman, Volume 1 min. a mistrust that is complicated by Superman’s bad (but well Universal Studios 10.03.2015 meaning) clone Bizarro and his creation of the Bizarro Tomoko Kaneda, Unsho Ishizuka, Fumiko 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125732 League, but an even bigger threat forces the two Leagues to Orikasa, Takashi Matsuyama join forces. In Digimon Tamers: Volume 1, see the first 17 episodes of Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Digimon Season 3! In a separate from the first two Lalaloopsy: The Festival Of Children’s, Family, Movies, Superheroes seasons of Digimon Adventure, Digimon Tamers follows the lives of Takato, Henry and Rika, three normal kids who are Sugary Sweets 85min. mega fans of the Digimon card game. One by one the Digimon The Lalaloopsy friends create the perfect recipe for fun and Warner Bros. 10.02.2015 drawings on their cards start coming to life in different ways adventure in this delightful movie treat! When a sugar 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125862 and the kids soon realize there is a Digital World plagued by shortage threatens the annual Festival of Sugary Sweets, the evil that needs their help, so they band together in an effort to friends devise a delicious way to save the day - and discover defeat bio-emerging Digimon who are barriers and that when you work together as a team, you can make LEGO Legends Of Chima: Quest networks in search of domination. Can kids stop them or will something really special! evil prevail. Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, For The Legend Beasts - Season Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- Friendships, Television min. 2, Part 1 tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- Lionsgate 03.03.2015 With Mount Cavora and the Chi imperiled, leaders from the vision, Thrillers 2001 357min. eight main battling tribes of Chima have to join forces on a 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125743 mission into the Outlands to find the Legend Beasts. These Cinedigm 10.02.2015 ancient creatures offer the only hope of saving Cavora and its 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125976 Leapfrog Letter Factory Chi. But our heroes soon learn the Beasts have been captured by mysterious new Tribes of Scorpions, Spiders, and Bats. Adventures: Amazing Word Ex- However, what our heroes don’t know is that in a chasm in Dr. Seuss: Cat In The Hat And the Outlands, an ancient Tribe of vicious creatures, Hunter Friends plorers (DVD + UltraViolet) Tribes, are frozen in ice and soon, those creatures will be Explore the joys of building words and creating stories as awakened. The Hunter Tribes consist of Saber Tooth Tigers, It’s a rainy day at home and siblings Dick and Sally have Leap, Tad, Lily, and friends go on a camping adventure to see Mammoths, and Vultures. They have been frozen in ice for nothing to do, but all of that changes when The Cat and his a meteor shower! Follow along as they learn to rhyme in song, thousands of years deep in the ground below Chima. Several messy sidekicks, Thing One and Thing Two, burst onto the and then build words and develop amazing stories in a super- millennia ago, the Hunters attempted to take over Chima, but scene, bringing with them adventure and chaos much to the fun game with picture and letter cards. Join the LeapFrog were defeated by the „secret“ guardians of Chima, The dismay of a worried pet goldfish. Come join the escapades in friends as they discover stories can come from anywhere - all Phoenix. Will the Phoenix be able to help our heroes save the remastered Deluxe Edition of the classic TV special, Dr. you need is imagination! Chima? Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat. Then, The Cat in the Hat narrates the story of Daisy-Head Mayzie, a girl who Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- mistakenly thinks that the flower blooming on her head will Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, mation, Children’s, Family, Monsters, Televi- only bring trouble, but eventually propels her to fame and Friendships, Music, Television min. sion 220min. fortune. And finally, blast off to The Hoober-Bloob Highway, where every road from a space laboratory leads to Earth... Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 and eventually to gratitude. It’s Dr. Seuss-times-three in this 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125744 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125984 fun and whimsical collection that’s sure to be cherished by fans of all ages. Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, The Legend Of Korra: Book Four - Lemonade In Winter ...And More Family, Friendships, Television 85min. Balance Fun With Math Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 To save the world, Avatar Korra endured her most intense Animation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, battle yet. Now broken and bruised, Korra begins a journey of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125910 self-discovery and survival as the strong prey upon the weak. Children’s / Educational, Family, Television When an aggressive military rises up led by the power 2012 min. Easter Family Fun Pack: 6 Classic hungry Kuvira, the fate of the Earth Kingdom hangs in the Scholastic 11.11.2014 balance and only the Avatar can set things right. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125753 Favorites Action, Adventure, Animation, Fantasy, girl Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Family, power, Nickelodeon, Television 294min. Friendships, Holidays, Movies, / Nickelodeon 10.03.2015 LMNO Peas ...And More Fun With Spirituality 293min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125703 Letters Cinedigm 17.02.2015 Animation, Book-To-Film, Children’s, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125974 The Legend Of Korra: Book Four - Children’s / Educational, Family, Television Balance (Blu-ray) 2010 min. Julius Jr.: Pirates And To save the world, Avatar Korra endured her most intense Scholastic 11.11.2014 Superheroes (DVD + UltraViolet) battle yet. Now broken and bruised, Korra begins a journey of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125752 self-discovery and survival as the strong prey upon the weak. Join Julius Jr., the funky monkey with a penchant for When an aggressive military force rises up led by the power invention, as he steps inside his magical box playhouse for hungry Kuvira, the fate of the Earth Kingdom hangs in the The Magic School Bus: Season 1 delightful, music-filled adventures that raise smiles as they balance and only the Avatar can set things right. inspire young minds. Whether Julius Jr. and his pals are Adventure, Animation, Book-To-Film, using teamwork and game skills to outsmart a Pirate Captain, Action, Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Children’s / Educational, Family, or discovering that it takes more than super powers to be a Fantasy, girl power, Nickelodeon, Televisi- Fantasy, Science, Teachers, Television real superhero, they show how much fun it is when you on 294min. 2010 299min. combine learning with friendship and imagination! Nickelodeon 10.03.2015 Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Scholastic 20.01.2015 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125724 Children’s, Children’s / Educational, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125837 Friendships, Music, Superheroes, Televisi- on 66min. Lego DC Comics Super Heroes: Monster High: Haunted

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 54 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Animation, Children’s, Family, Friendships, Movies, Revenge, Special Editions, Spies & adventures as Ash decides to return home to the Kanto region, and Iris and Cilan join him for an exciting cruise through the High School, Monsters, Television, TV Secret Agents 2014 86min. Decolore Islands! As our heroes journey from island to island, Movies 76min. 20th Century Fox 17.03.2015 they meet new friends, new challenges, and even new Universal Studios 24.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125965 Pokemon, as well as the occasional run-in with Team Rocket. And finally, a visit to Pallet Town to see family and friends 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126011 shows just how enduring Ash’s dreams really are! Penguins Of Madagascar (Blu-ray Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Monster High: Haunted (Blu-ray + + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Based On Video Game, Children’s, Family, DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Annet Mahendru, Benedict Cumberbatch, Fantasy, Friendships, International, Interna- Animation, Blu-ray, Children’s, Family, Danny Jacobs, Ken Jeong, Tom McGrath, tional TV, Monsters, Television 530min. Friendships, High School, Monsters, Televi- Conrad Vernon, Andy Richter, Chris Miller, Viz Entertainment 24.03.2015 sion, TV Movies 76min. Peter Stormare, - Dir. Eric 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125766 Universal Studios 24.03.2015 Darnell, Simon J. Smith 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126031 They’re cute...they’re cuddly...they’re back! From the creators Porco Rosso (Blu-ray + DVD Com- of Madagascar comes the hilarious new movie that proves global espionage is for the birds! In DreamWorks’ Penguins bo) (Blu-ray) PAW Patrol: Marshall And Chase Of Madagascar, your favorite super-spies - Skipper, Kevin Michael Richardson, Susan Egan, Kowalski, Rico and Private - join forces with the elite North On The Case Wind team to save the world. It’s a side-splitting, globe- Brad Garrett, Frank Welker, David Ogden, PAW Patrol is a CG, action-adventure preschool series trotting adventure the whole family will love! Michael Keaton, Cary Elwes - Dir. Hayao starring Chase (the German Shepherd police pup) and Mars- Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Miyazaki hall (the Dalmatian fire pup) plus a pack of other heroic Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Comedy, Take flight with Porco Rosso, a valiant World War I flying puppies who are led by a tech-savvy 10-year-old boy named ace! From tropical Adriatic settings to dazzling aerial Ryder. With a unique blend of problem-solving skills, cool Family, Movies, Revenge, Spies & Secret maneuvers, this action-adventure from world-renowned vehicles and lots of cute doggy humor, the PAW Patrol works Agents 2014 86min. animator Hayao Miyazaki is full of humor, courage, and together on high-stakes rescue missions to protect the 20th Century Fox 17.03.2015 chivalry. When „Porco“ - whose face has been transformed Adventure Bay community into that of a pig by a mysterious spell - infuriates a band of Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125923 sky pirates with his aerial heroics, the pirates hire Curtis, a mation, Children’s, Comedy, Cops, Family, rival , to get rid of him. On the ground, the two pilots Penguins Of Madagascar (Blu-ray compete for the affections of the beautiful Gina. But it’s in the Nickelodeon, Preschool, Television 92min. air where the true battles are waged. Will our hero be Nickelodeon 03.03.2015 3D + Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) victorious? For the first time ever on Disney Blu-ray, Porco 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125695 Rosso is a thrilling ride you’ll never forget! (Blu-ray) Action, Adventure, Aerial Action, Animated Annet Mahendru, Benedict Cumberbatch, Animals, Animation, Anime, Based On Co- Peanuts: Snoppy And Friends Danny Jacobs, Ken Jeong, Tom McGrath, Snoopy is homesick for his puppyhood at the Daisy Hill Puppy mic Book, Blu-ray, Disney, Fantasy, Farm, so he and Charlie Brown organize a reunion of his Conrad Vernon, Andy Richter, Chris Miller, Foreign, Japanese, Movies, Romance 2005 siblings Spike, Andy, Olaf, Marbles, Belle, Molly and Rover. Peter Stormare, John Malkovich - Dir. Eric 93min. However, when they arrive at the puppy farm, Charlie Brown Darnell, Simon J. Smith Disney / Buena Vista 03.02.2015 is aghast to find that urban sprawl has replaced it with a They’re cute...they’re cuddly...they’re back! From the creators parking garage. Snoopy and his family however, calmly begin of Madagascar comes the hilarious new movie that proves 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126025 to play musical instruments they’ve each bought, thoroughly global espionage is for the birds! In DreamWorks’ Penguins satisfied that they are together on the sidewalk in front. Of Madagascar, your favorite super-spies - Skipper, Scooby-Doo! 13 Spooky Tales: Animated Animals, Animation, Children’s, Kowalski, Rico and Private - join forces with the elite North Comedy, Family, Friendships, Television Wind team to save the world. It’s a side-splitting, globe- Surfs Up Scooby-Doo! min. trotting adventure the whole family will love! For Scooby-Doo, Shaggy and the rest of the crime-busting Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 crew, life is never a day at the beach. So when the Gang go to Animals, Animation, Blu-ray, Blu-ray 3D, a resort in Florida for a much-needed vacation, they kick back 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125911 and enjoy some sun, sand and... a sea monster?! When a Comedy, Family, Movies, Revenge, Spies & weird, water creature causes trouble in paradise by stealing Secret Agents 2014 86min. precious jewels, the Gang will either sink, or swim to solve Penguins Of Madagascar 20th Century Fox 17.03.2015 the case. Also, watch Scooby-Doo make a splash in 12 more Annet Mahendru, Benedict Cumberbatch, fun-filled summertime episodes full of nautical nuisances. Will 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125924 the Gang throw in the towel when they face aquatic Danny Jacobs, Ken Jeong, Tom McGrath, apparitions, haunted lighthouses, and other oceanic oddities? Conrad Vernon, Andy Richter, Chris Miller, Pokemon Collectors Set Pick up this collection today so the entire family can ride the Peter Stormare, John Malkovich - Dir. Eric wave of scary fun and adventure with Scooby-Doo! Adventure, Animation, Anime, Based On Darnell, Simon J. Smith Adventure, Animation, Children’s, Comedy, They’re cute...they’re cuddly...they’re back! From the creators Video Game, Children’s, Collections, Family, Monsters, Mystery, Television, Thril- of Madagascar comes the hilarious new movie that proves Comedy, Fantasy, Friendships, International lers 286min. global espionage is for the birds! In DreamWorks’ Penguins TV, Japanese, Monsters, Television Of Madagascar, your favorite super-spies - Skipper, Warner Bros. 05.05.2015 Kowalski, Rico and Private - join forces with the elite North 328min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125909 Wind team to save the world. It’s a side-splitting, globe- Lionsgate 03.03.2015 trotting adventure the whole family will love! 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125746 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Song Of The Sea Pat Shortt, Fionnula Flanagan, Brendan Animals, Animation, Comedy, Family, Pokemon: Adventures In The Movies, Revenge, Spies & Secret Agents Gleeson - Dir. Tomm Moore Orange Islands - The Complete From the writer and director of the Academy Award-nominated 2014 86min. The Secret of Kells comes an enchanting fable about loss, 20th Century Fox 17.03.2015 Collection magic and the love of family. When Saoirse and Ben’s mother 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125921 After a stop in Pallet Town, Ash, Misty and Brock set out to mysteriously disappears into the ocean, the two children go find a rare and mysterious Pokeball for Professor Oak. Their on an epic journey to find out the about her, and in the quest leads them to the Orange Islands, where Ash decides to process, discover mystical secrets about both their mother Penguins Of Madagascar - battle in the Orange League Tournament. With new friends to and Saoirse herself. Featuring the voices of Brendan Gleeson meet, new Pokemon to discover, and tough new trainers to (Braveheart) and Fionnula Flanagan (The Others), The Song Penguin Toys Edition challenge them, the adventures never end for Ash and his of the Sea is a „delightful piece of magical animation“ (Mark Annet Mahendru, Benedict Cumberbatch, friends! Adams, Screen International)! Danny Jacobs, Ken Jeong, Tom McGrath, Action, Adventure, Animation, Anime, Adventure, Animation, Epics, Family, Conrad Vernon, Andy Richter, Chris Miller, Children’s, Family, Fantasy, Foreign, Fantasy, High Seas, Magic, Movies, Peter Stormare, John Malkovich - Dir. Eric Friendships, International, International TV, Mystery 2014 94min. Darnell, Simon J. Smith Japanese, Monsters, Mystery, Television Universal Studios 17.03.2015 They’re cute...they’re cuddly...they’re back! From the creators min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125813 of Madagascar comes the hilarious new movie that proves Viz Entertainment 05.05.2015 global espionage is for the birds! In DreamWorks’ Penguins Of Madagascar, your favorite super-spies - Skipper, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125997 Song Of The Sea (Blu-ray + DVD Kowalski, Rico and Private - join forces with the elite North + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Wind team to save the world. It’s a side-splitting, globe- Pokemon: BW Adventures In trotting adventure the whole family will love! Pat Shortt, Fionnula Flanagan, Brendan Adventure, Animals & Nature, Animated Unova And Beyond Set 2 Gleeson - Dir. Tomm Moore Animals, Animation, Comedy, Family, Our heroes prepare to enjoy the next chapter of their exciting From the writer and director of the Academy Award-nominated

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The Secret of Kells comes an enchanting fable about loss, and creatures within the wild woods! Yellowbird (DVD + UltraViolet) magic and the love of family. When Saoirse and Ben’s mother Action, Adventure, Animated Animals, Ani- Dakota Fanning, Richard Kind, Seth Green, mysteriously disappears into the ocean, the two children go mation, Children’s, Family, Martial Arts, on an epic journey to find out the truth about her, and in the Elliott Gould, Danny Glover process, discover mystical secrets about both their mother Monsters, Nickelodeon, Television 157min. Just when its time to migrate to Africa, Darius, the elder of the and Saoirse herself. Featuring the voices of Brendan Gleeson Nickelodeon 10.03.2015 flock is wounded. He will have no choice but to share all his (Braveheart) and Fionnula Flanagan (The Others), The Song 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125709 secrets, wisdom and new flying routes with the first bird that of the Sea is a „delightful piece of magical animation“ (Mark happens to come along. The candidate is none other than Adams, Screen International)! Yellowbird, an eccentric little fellow, super excited about the Adventure, Animation, Blu-ray, Epics, Unbreakable Machine Doll: challenge, but without the slightest hint of or Family, Fantasy, High Seas, Magic, Movies, Complete Series (Blu-ray + DVD) natural talent for migrating whatsoever... Mystery 2014 94min. Adventure, Animated Animals, Animation, Universal Studios 17.03.2015 (Blu-ray) Children’s, Family, Movies 90min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125817 Action, Animation, Anime, Foreign, Interna- Lionsgate 07.04.2015 tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125988 Space Dandy: Season 1 - Limited vision 300min. Well Go USA 03.03.2015 Edition (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125954 Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Film tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- Uncle Grandpa: Good Mornin’ vision 325min. Uncle Grandpa wants you to have a „Good Mornin’!“, even Funimation 03.03.2015 though Aunt Grandma, Moon Man, and a Moustache Monster 1066: The Battle For Middle Earth 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125899 want him to have a „Bad Mornin’.“ It’s a full-time job being In the year 1066, England changed forever. . Now, this epic, everyone’s magical Uncle and Grandpa! Even Uncle G needs roller-coaster adventure of invasion, resistance and war tells a vacation once in a while, but with his friends Belly Bag, the story from the ground up - from the point of view of those Space Dandy: Season 1 (Blu-ray Pizza Steve, Mister Gus, and Giant Realistic Flying Tiger everyday men and their - as they are hurled into the along for the ride in 12 magical adventures, every morning is turmoil of war. Two young men, Tofi and Leofric, are swept up + DVD) (Blu-ray) bound to be a „Good Mornin’!“ in the events that will change Europe for ever. Forced to Animation, Anime, Blu-ray, Foreign, Interna- Adventure, Animation, Cartoon Network, defend their country, the two men join King Harold’s army, and, at the battle of Stamford Bridge defeat the great Viking tional TV, Japanese, Science Fiction, Tele- Comedy, Fantasy, Magic 132min. army. But before they have time to recover, news reaches vision 325min. Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 them that the orcish Normans have landed in Sussex. Their Funimation 03.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126001 home village is under attack, and they must run south.. . to 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125900 fight the epic battle of Hastings. Action, Adventure, British, Drama, Foreign, Wubbzy & His Besty Best Friends Historical / Period Piece, & Events, The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya Join Wubbzy and all his Besty Best Friends and watch their tales of tails! This 4-disc set includes the funniest, Movies, War 150min. Chloe Grace Moretz, Lucy Liu, Mary friendliest, most Wubbtastic episodes of The Emmy-award Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 Steenburgen, James Caan - Dir. Isao winning series that puts the WOW! WOW! back into pre- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125768 Takahata school entertainment! A Tale Of Tails Meet Wubbzy! He’s a Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo fun, lovable, curious little guy who is always looking to have cutter (James Caan) and his wife (Mary Steenburgen), a tiny a good time with his best friends Widget and Walden in the 2 Broke Girls: The Complete First girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady (Chlo Grace wacky town of Wuzzleburg. Together they discover the And Second Seasons Moretz). The mysterious young princess enthralls all who importance of open-mindedness, honesty and friendship all encounter her - but ultimately she must confront her fate, the while having fun. Wubb Idol Beyonce Knowles makes her Beth Behrs, Kat Dennings, Jennifer punishment for her crime. animated debut as the voice of Shine, the lead singer of The WubbGirlz! And when the most awesome girl group in the Coolidge, Garrett Morris Animation, Drama, Family, Foreign, world hosts the ‘Wuzzleburg Idol’ talent show, everybody in CBS, Comedy, Television 1128min. Japanese, Movies 2013 137min. town wants to win the contest. If Wubbzy can wow the judges Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 Universal Studios 17.02.2015 with his performance, he’ll get the chance to perform with Sparkle, Shimmer and Shine at their big concert in 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125913 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125687 Wuzzlewood and maybe become a movie star. A Little Help From My Friends Join Wubbzy, Widget and Walden in 4 Film Favorites: John Travolta The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya Wuzzleburg in this fun, fun, fun collection of 8 great episodes! Friendship takes center stage as Greatest Moves (Blu-ray + DVD) (Blu-ray) Adventure, Animation, Children’s, , Queen Latifah, James Chloe Grace Moretz, Lucy Liu, Mary Children’s / Educational, Collections, Family, Marsden, Stockard Channing, Jeff Steenburgen, James Caan - Dir. Isao Friendships, Music, Nickelodeon, Conaway, Barry Miller, Sid Caesar, Joan Takahata Preschool, Television 348min. Blondell, Cynthia Rhodes, John Travolta, Found inside a shining stalk of bamboo by an old bamboo Starz / Anchor Bay 03.03.2015 cutter (James Caan) and his wife (Mary Steenburgen), a tiny , Jerry Stiller, Finola girl grows rapidly into an exquisite young lady (Chlo Grace 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125826 Hughes, Eve Arden, Didi Conn, Donna Moretz). The mysterious young princess enthralls all who Pescow, Edd Byrnes, Amanda Bynes, Sam encounter her - but ultimately she must confront her fate, the Wubbzy’s Wubbtastic Adventures punishment for her crime. Coppola, , Frankie Avalon, Join Wubbzy and all his friends as they you take to far away Brittany Snow, Karen Lynn Gorney, Zac Animation, Blu-ray, Drama, Family, Foreign, lands and strike up the most Wubbtastic Adventures you’ve Japanese, Movies 2013 137min. ever seen! This 4-disc set includes the funnest, besty-best, Efron, Nikki Blonsky, Michael Tucci, Barry Universal Studios 17.02.2015 and Wubbzyest episodes of The Emmy-award winning series Pearl - Dir. Sylvester Stallone, John that puts the WOW! WOW! back into pre-school Badham, Randal Kleiser, Adam Shankman 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125717 entertainment! Wubbzy Saves The Day Join Wubbzy on his most heroic adventures yet as he hosts a bird-watching Collections, Comedy, Film / TV, Disco / Teen Titans Go!: Appetite For slumber party, has a memorable picnic in the park with Daizy Techno / Dance Music, Drama, and Widget, solves his own nose-y dilemma, and much more! Dysfunctional Families, Friendships, Disruption - Season Two, Part Escape From Dino Island Wubbzy and his friends are heading out on a mysterious adventure! Join the Wuzzleburg gang as Gangs, High School, Instructional Dance, One they voyage to Dino Island in Widget’s Wavy Wheeler 3000, Movies, Music, Musical, Musicals On Stage, Robin, Starfire, Raven, Beast Boy and Cyborg return for a explore Wazumboo Jungle and try to control a Doodleberry Romance min. wacky second season of all-new, comedic adventures, in patch that has gone Wow! Wow! WILD! Wubbzy And The Fire Teen Titans Go! Season 2. Engine Wubbzy has a fire engine adventure with Widget, Warner Bros. 10.03.2015 Action, Animation, Based On Comic Book, delivers Daizy’s doodleberry treats, re-builds a house with 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125983 Ty Ty The Tool Guy (voiced by Ty Pennington of Extreme Comedy, Family, Superheroes, Television Home Makeover) and much more! There’s plenty of singing, 286min. dancing and friendly firemen too! Climb aboard for tons of fun 4 Film Favorites: Modern Warner Bros. 14.04.2015 that pre-schoolers and paren Romances Collection Adventure, Animation, Children’s, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125769 Scarlett Johansson, Kris Kristofferson, Collections, Dinosaurs, Family, Friendships, Jennifer Aniston, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Music, Nickelodeon, Pirates, Preschool, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Connelly, Gena Rowlands, Drew Television 302min. Barrymore, Marisa Tomei, Kevin Bacon, Retreat! Starz / Anchor Bay 03.03.2015 Julianne Moore, James Garner, Katherine The Turtles are run out of the city by Shredder and the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125827 Kraang, and retreat to April’s farmhouse upstate. As they get Heigl, Starletta DuPois, Josh Lucas, John used to their new environment, they’ll encounter new mutants Carroll Lynch, Sasha Alexander, Bradley

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 57 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Cooper, Kevin Connolly, Ryan Gosling, Me- directors were then given free rein in choosing a word to Anchors Aweigh (Blu-ray) create a story involving death. Provocative, shocking, funny lissa McCarthy, Josh Duhamel, Rachel and at times confrontational, ABC’s Of Death 2 is another Kathryn Grayson, Gene Kelly, James McAdams, Steve Carell, Jonah Bobo, global celebration of next generation genre filmmaking. Flavin, Leon Ames, Grady Sutton, Billy Ginnifer Goodwin, Emma Stone, Christina Comedy, Horror, Movies 2014 83min. Gilbert, Jose Iturbi, Edgar Kennedy, Dean Hendricks, Hayes MacArthur, Justin Long, Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 Stockwell, Pamela Britton, Carlos Ramirez, Joey King, Analeigh Tipton - Dir. Nick 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125803 Frank Sinatra, Rags Ragland - Dir. George Cassavetes, Greg Berlanti, Ken Kwapis, Sidney John Requa, Glenn Ficarra Alien Vs. Predator: Requiem (Blu- Given free rein in choreographing Anchors Aweigh, Gene Affairs & Love Triangles, Collections, ray + UltraViolet) (Repackage) Kelly was eager to do the unexpected. But what? „How about Comedy, Drama, Marriage Woes, Movies, doing a dance with a cartoon?“ collaborator and friend Stan- (Blu-ray) ley Donen asked. How about it indeed. Kelly’s live-action Romance min. fancy footwork with animated Jerry (of Tom and Jerry) Warner Bros. 10.03.2015 Kristen Hager, Chelah Horsdal, Johnny remains a milestone of movie fantasy. Frank Sinatra and Lewis, Steven Pasquale, Ariel Gade, Sam Kathryn Grayson also head line this wartime tale of two 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126000 sailors on leave in Hollywood. Sinatra’s „I Fall in Love Too Trammell, David Paetkau, John Ortiz, Robert Easily,“ the exuberant Kelly/Sinatra „We Hate to Leave“ and 4 Film Favorites: Movies That Joy, Reiko Aylesworth - Dir. Greg Strause, other highlights helped Anchors Aweigh weigh in with an Colin Strause Academy Award for Best Scoring of a Musical Picture, plus Rock After a horrifying PredAlien crash-lands near a small Colora- four more Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and Anthony LaPaglia, , Debi do town, killing everyone it encounters and producing Actor (Kelly). Classics, Comedy, Fantasy, Movies, Musi- Mazar, Shannon Tweed, Joan Cusack, countless Alien offspring, a lone Predator arrives to „clean up“ the infestation. Soon it’s an all-out brutal battle to the cal, Romance 1945 143min. , Renee Zellweger, Edward death with no rules, no mercy - and maximum mayhem! Warner Bros. 05.05.2015 Furlong, , Alec Baldwin, Tom Action, Alien Invasions, Aliens, Blu-ray, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125925 Cruise, Liv Tyler, Natasha Lyonne, Adam Cult Film / TV, Horror, Hunting, Monsters, Pascal, Sam Huntington, Giuseppe Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2007 Andrews, Lin Shaye, Rory Cochrane, Max- 94min. Animal Friends 8-Movie well Caulfield, Johnny Whitworth, Jack 20th Century Fox 10.02.2015 Collection Black, Emmanuelle Chriqui, Melanie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125712 Adventure, Animals & Nature, Children’s, Lynskey, Mike White, James DeBello, Collections, Comedy, Drama, Family, Movies Coyote Shivers, Sarah Silverman, Miranda Amazing Grace 777min. Cosgrove, Lucas Papaelias, Russell Brand, Moms Mabley, Slappy White, Moses Gunn Universal Studios 03.03.2015 Julianne Hough, Diego Boneta - Dir. Richard Moms Mabley, billed as „The Funniest Woman in The World,“ 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125729 Linklater, Adam Rifkin, Allan Moyle, Adam and one of the most successful African-American comedians of all-time, brings her biting humor to the big screen in a starring Shankman role as „Amazing Grace.“ Moms Mabley is Grace Teasdale Ask Me Anything Collections, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Grimes, a Baltimore, Maryland widow who discovers that the Britt Robertson, Justin Long, Martin Sheen, Friendships, High School, Movies, Music, local mayoral election is a front for pilfering funds from her neighborhood by the incumbent mayor and his cronies. Stirred Christian Slater, Robert Patrick - Dir. Allison Musical, Rock ‘N’ Roll, Romance, Teachers to , Grace, with the aid of her neighbors, rallies the Burnett min. community to thwart the self-serving politicians in this Drama, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 min. Warner Bros. 10.03.2015 rollicking comedy with a social bent directed by Stan Lathan (Beat Street). Moms Mabley is given comic support by Arch Entertainment 03.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125987 veterans Butterfly McQueen („Prissy“ in Gone With The 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125936 Wind), Slappy White (TV’s Sanford and Son) and Stepin Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B Fetchit (Dimples, Bend of the River). Comedy, Movies 1974 99min. Atlantis: Season Two - Part 1 (DVD + UltraViolet) Olive Films 27.01.2015 Adventure, BBC, Drama, Fantasy, Televisi- Rachel Crawford, Alexandra Shipp - Dir. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125704 on 60min. Bradley Walsh BBC Home Video 10.02.2015 Self-proclaimed „street but sweet“ Aaliyah led the royal R&B 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125783 scene before Beyonce or Rihanna attained their status. With Amazing Grace (Blu-ray) her sexy tomboy and infectious confidence, she ruled the Moms Mabley, Slappy White, Moses Gunn charts as one of the recording industry’s most successful Moms Mabley, billed as „The Funniest Woman in The World,“ Atlantis: Season Two - Part 1 artists in history. But there was much more to Aaliyah than and one of the most successful African-American comedians of (Blu-ray) choreographed dance moves, movie roles, and a celebrated all-time, brings her biting humor to the big screen in a starring voice. Based on a true story, Aaliyah: The Princess Of R&B role as „Amazing Grace.“ Moms Mabley is Grace Teasdale Adventure, BBC, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, embodies the soul, determination, and challenges of Aaliyah Grimes, a Baltimore, Maryland widow who discovers that the Television 60min. Dana Haughton, from the beginning of her career to her tragic local mayoral election is a front for pilfering funds from her death at age 22. neighborhood by the incumbent mayor and his cronies. Stirred BBC Home Video 10.02.2015 A&E, Drama, Movies, Music, R&B, TV to activism, Grace, with the aid of her neighbors, rallies the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125797 Movies 90min. community to thwart the self-serving politicians in this rollicking comedy with a social bent directed by Stan Lathan A&E 10.03.2015 (Beat Street). Moms Mabley is given comic support by Basic Instinct (Blu-ray + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125828 veterans Butterfly McQueen („Prissy“ in Gone With The UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Wind), Slappy White (TV’s Sanford and Son) and Stepin Fetchit (Dimples, Bend of the River). Jeanne Tripplehorn, George Dzundza, Mi- ABC’s Of Death 2 Comedy, Movies 1974 99min. chael Douglas, Sharon Stone - Dir. Paul ABC’s Of Death 2 is the follow-up to the most ambitious anthology film ever conceived with productions spanning from Olive Films 27.01.2015 Verhoeven Nigeria to UK to Brazil and everywhere in between. It 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125723 Michael Douglas stars as Nick Curran, a tough but features segments directed by over two dozen of the world’s vulnerable detective. Sharon Stone costars as Catherine leading talents in contemporary genre film. The film is Tramell, a cold, calculating and beautiful novelist with an comprised of twenty-six individual chapters, each helmed by a An American Hippie In Israel insatiable sexual appetite. Catherine becomes a prime different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The (Blu-ray) suspect when her boyfriend is brutally murdered - a crime she directors were then given free rein in choosing a word to described in her latest novel. Obsessed with cracking the create a story involving death. Provocative, shocking, funny Tsilla Karny, Lilli Avidan, Asher Tzarfati, case, Nick descends into ’s forbidden and at times confrontational, ABC’s Of Death 2 is another underground where suspicions mount, bodies fall and he finds Shmuel Wolf - Dir. Amos Sefer within himself an instinct more basic than survival. global celebration of next generation genre filmmaking. Grindhouse Releasing is proud to present the highly- Comedy, Horror, Movies 2014 83min. anticipated release of one of cult cinema’s legendary lost Classics, Cops, Detectives, Drama, Erotica, Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 classics. Machine gun wielding mimes, robots, blood thirsty Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Serial sharks, free loving debauchery and poignant anti-war Killers, Thrillers 1992 89min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125792 monologues by raving mad hippies, all this and more is present in writer-director-prophet Amos Sefer’s allegorical Lionsgate 24.02.2015 ABC’s Of Death 2 (Blu-ray) independent film, An American Hippie In Israel. Far out! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125713 ABC’s Of Death 2 is the follow-up to the most ambitious CAV, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, anthology film ever conceived with productions spanning from Movies 1972 93min. A Bet’s A Bet (The Opposite Sex) Nigeria to UK to Brazil and everywhere in between. It CAV 10.02.2015 features segments directed by over two dozen of the world’s Josh Hopkins, Kristin Chenoweth, Mena leading talents in contemporary genre film. The film is 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125847 Suvari, Jennifer Finnigan, Geoff Stults, comprised of twenty-six individual chapters, each helmed by a Debra Jo Rupp, Joey Fatone, Kenan different director assigned a letter of the alphabet. The

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Thompson, Jonathan Silverman, Eric Ro- Muddy follows grifter Martha Barlow who must come to terms The Brady Bunch: The Complete berts - Dir. Jonathan Silverman, Jennifer with her dark past after her teenage son commits a horrible crime. On the run to survive she must dodge her sociopathic Series (Repackage) Finnigan revenge-seeking former flame, and attempt to reconcile with New England’s most successful divorce attorney, Vince her son’s dangerous and long forgotten father in order to Ann Davis, Eve Plumb, Christopher Knight, (Geoff Stults) has it all - a thriving practice, good friends, and protect her estranged family. Susan Olsen, Mike Lookinland, Barry his pick of any woman in town. To him, life is one big Canadian, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Williams, Florence Henderson, Robert competition, and losing is unaccepting. Bet Vince finally meets his match in Jane (Mena Suvari). She is beautiful and equally Murder Mysteries, Western 2014 102min. Reed, Maureen McCormick successful. During the last year, she’s traveled the world, Monterey Home Video 03.03.2015 When widower Mike Brady (Robert Reed) marries a lovely taking her revenge on all men for her cheating husband and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126005 lady named Carol Ann (Florence Henderson), their two ugly divorce. When Vince and Jane meet through their best families become one. The six children include Carol’s friends, he immediately sees a new conquest and she sees a Daughters: Marcia (Maureen McCormick), Jan (Eve Plumb) new target. Together, they enter into a series of entertaining Birdman and Cindy (Susan Olsen), as well as Mike’s sons: Greg wagers with each other where the winner gets to decide the (Barry Williams), Peter (Christopher Knight), and Bobby fate of the loser. A hilarious, sexy romantic comedy also Edward Norton, Zach Galifianakis, Michael (Mike Lookinland). Together with their dog Tiger and quirky starring Kristen Chenoweth, Eric Roberts, Jennifer Finnigan, Keaton housekeeper Alice (Ann B. Davis), this wild clan became the Josh Hopkins, and Kenan Thompson, A Bet’s A Bet proves Birdman or The Unexpected of Ignorance is a black Brady Bunch! From the debut episode with Mike and Carol tie that love is the one bet where everybody wins. comedy that tells the story of an actor (Michael Keaton) — the knot, to the heartwarming series finale, this series is filled Comedy, Movies, Playaz, Romance 2014 famous for portraying an iconic superhero — as he struggles with family fun, outrageous outfits, and loads of sibling rivalry. to mount a Broadway play. In the days leading up to opening Experience all the chaos and laughter of The Brady Bunch 97min. night, he battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his with this 117-episode collection! Cinedigm 20.01.2015 career, and himself. Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Comedy, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125858 Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 min. Drama, Family, Television 2980min. 20th Century Fox 17.02.2015 Paramount Pictures 07.04.2015 The Better Angels 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125865 112,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125857 Brit Marling, Jason Clarke, , Wes Bentley - Dir. A.J. Edwards Birdman (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Bring Me The Head Of The At an isolated log cabin in the harsh wilderness of Indiana (Blu-ray) Machine Gun Woman circa 1817, the rhythms of love, tragedy, and the daily hardships of life on the developing frontier shaped one of our Edward Norton, Zach Galifianakis, Michael In a small town, a sexy mercenary known only as The nation’s greatest heroes: Abraham Lincoln. Using glorious Machine Gun Woman is killing any criminal with a bounty. Keaton Looking to regain power, the mob puts out a notice to every black and white cinematography to conjure an America where Birdman or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance is a black the land was raw, The Better Angels sheds new on the hitman in the city - $1 million for the head of the Machine Gun comedy that tells the story of an actor (Michael Keaton) — Woman. formative years of the president and the two women famous for portraying an iconic superhero — as he struggles who molded him into one of the most revered men in American to mount a Broadway play. In the days leading up to opening Action, Comedy, Movies 73min. history. Based on 19th-century interviews with Lincoln’s night, he battles his ego and attempts to recover his family, his Screen Media Films 20.01.2015 family members, The Better Angels is a beautiful, insightful, career, and himself. and brilliantly composed feature debut from producer Terrence 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125691 Malick’s longtime protege, A.J. Edwards. Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 min. Biography, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, 20th Century Fox 17.02.2015 Brotherhood Of Blades 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125887 History & Events, Movies, Presidents 2014 Action, Adventure, Movies, War 93min. 95min. Well Go USA 10.02.2015 Starz / Anchor Bay 03.03.2015 Black November 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125787 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125822 A volatile, oil-rich Nigerian community wages war against their corrupt government and a multi-national oil corporation to protect their land from being destroyed by excessive Brotherhood Of Blades (Blu-ray) Beyond The drilling and spills. To seek justice, a rebel organization kidnaps an American oil executive and demands that his Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Movies, War Nate Parker, Aisha Hinds, Darryl Stephens, corporation end the destruction and pollution. Inspired by true 93min. Benito Martinez, Tyler Christopher, Minnie events, Black November is the gripping story of how a Well Go USA 10.02.2015 Driver, Danny Glover community rises up and takes drastic measures to make sure 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125799 Noni (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) is the music world’s latest their voices are heard. superstar, but the of fame have her on the edge... Action, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Movies, until she meets Kaz (Nate Parker), a handsome young cop Nigerian 2012 96min. Buffalo Soldiers (DVD + with political ambitions who’s been assigned to protect her. Drawn to each other, Noni and Kaz fall fast and hard, despite Peace Arch Entertainment 03.03.2015 UltraViolet) the protests of Noni’s mother (Minnie Driver) and Kaz’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125935 Joaquin Phoenix, Anna Paquin, Ed Harris - father (Danny Glover). But Kaz’s love might be the missing piece that gives Noni the courage to find her own voice and Dir. Gregor Jordan break free to become the artist she was meant to be. Bombshell Bloodbath A U.S. soldier with nothing to fight but boredom as the Cold Cops, Drama, Movies, Music, Romance A beautiful young dancer starts having terrifying dreams after War winds down, Ray Elwood enjoys the rush of trading she comes in contact with a strange chemical. Her father, anything he can get his hands on in West Germany’s booming 2014 117min. obsessed with trying to bring his dead wife back to life, black market while his inept commander is none the wiser. 20th Century Fox 24.02.2015 unknowingly exposes the town to a deadly virus. The Everything is perfect - until he starts dating the new 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125761 outbreak starts in the local strip club and quickly spreads sergeant’s daughter. But before he can pull off one last big through the community, turning the locals into flesh-eating score, Elwood’s escalating personal war with Sergeant Lee zombies. His daughter is one of the few to escape the horrors will send him deeper into a deadly mess that may not have a Beyond The Lights (Blu-ray + DVD of the infection and finds herself fighting to stay alive and way out. reverse the plague her father released on the world. Army, Book-To-Film, Comedy, Crime, Drama, + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Horror, Movies min. Military, Movies, Thrillers, War 2001 98min. Nate Parker, Aisha Hinds, Darryl Stephens, Monarch Home Video 27.01.2015 Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Benito Martinez, Tyler Christopher, Minnie 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125694 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125734 Driver, Danny Glover Noni (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) is the music world’s latest superstar, but the pressures of fame have her on the edge... Boyhood (Blu-ray) Canterbury’s Law: Complete until she meets Kaz (Nate Parker), a handsome young cop Lorelei Linklater, Ellar Coltrane, Ethan Series with political ambitions who’s been assigned to protect her. Drawn to each other, Noni and Kaz fall fast and hard, despite Hawke, - Dir. Richard , Keith Robinson, Ben the protests of Noni’s mother (Minnie Driver) and Kaz’s Linklater Shenkman, Terry Kinney, Aidan Quinn father (Danny Glover). But Kaz’s love might be the missing Acclaimed by as „a new American classic,“ Cunning, shrewd and tough as nails, defense attorney piece that gives Noni the courage to find her own voice and Boyhood chronicles one boy’s epic journey to adulthood. Elizabeth Canterbury (Margulies) takes on the risky cases no break free to become the artist she was meant to be. Writer/director Richard Linklater follows the same actors other lawyer could possibly win in this edgy and „highly Cops, Drama, Movies, Music, Romance over 12 years to tell a coming-of-age story like none other in entertaining“ (John Griffiths, US Weekly) six-episode DVD 2014 117min. film history. Starring Emmy winner Patricia Arquette, Ethan collection. Whether she’s battling the city’s ruthless deputy Hawke, and newcomer Ellar Coltrane, Boyhood is a attorney general, her independent-minded associates or her 20th Century Fox 24.02.2015 groundbreaking experience that critics are hailing as long- husband Mat (Aidan Quinn), Elizabeth fights 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125770 „entertaining, entrancing, one-of-a-kind storytelling,“ for justice... no what the cost! „profoundly moving“ and „a masterpiece.“. Drama, Fox, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Tele- Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Family, Movies vision min. Big Muddy 2014 164min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment James Le Gros, Holly Deveaux, Justin Paramount Pictures 06.01.2015 17.02.2015 Kelly, Rossif Sutherland, David La Haye, tba BestellNr.: 40125807 Nadia Litz, Stephen McHattie 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125884 An outlaw tale played out as a modern day murder ballad, Big

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 59 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

The Captive (Blu-ray + Foley everything he knew about the world and his own personal A hard-hitting tale of deception, violence and betrayal in New history. UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) York City’s Chinatown. International superstar Chow Yun-Fat Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Blu- Mireille Enos, Kevin Durand, Scott (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, The Replacement Killers) ray, Drama, Fantasy, Historical / Period and hot star Mark Wahlberg (The Italian Job, Boogie Nights) Speedman, Ryan Reynolds, Rosario lead an outstanding supporting cast through a heart-racing Piece, History & Events, Mystery, Religion/ Dawson - Dir. Egoyan story „...with more twists and turns than a Chinese puzzle!“ Spirituality, Television 2014 548min. Eight years after the disappearance of Cassandra, some (Linda Stotter, Entertainment Time Out/Miami-Ft Lauderdale). Starz / Anchor Bay 03.03.2015 disturbing indications seem to indicate that she’s still alive. Action, Blu-ray, Cops, Crime, Crooked Her parents (Ryan Reynolds & Mireille Enos), detectives 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125830 (Scott Speedman & Rosario Dawson), and Cassandra herself Cops, Detectives, Drama, Gangs, Mobsters will try to unravel the mystery of her disappearance. & The Mafia, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers, Dark Haul Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Kidnapping, War 1999 110min. A team of secretive guardians transport a deadly creature and Movies, Mystery, Thrillers 2014 112min. New Line Home Entertainment 07.04.2015 its half-human sister to a secure location, but the beast Lionsgate 03.03.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125774 escapes and threatens to fulfill a prophecy - by destroying the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125756 world. Horror, Television, TV Movies 2014 93min. A Cray From Within Cinedigm 10.03.2015 The Captive (DVD + UltraViolet) James McCaffrey, Eric Roberts, Cathy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125947 Mireille Enos, Kevin Durand, Scott Moriarty Speedman, Ryan Reynolds, Rosario After a devastating miscarriage, a family trades their city Dark Haul (Blu-ray) Dawson - Dir. Atom Egoyan for a quiet life in the country. Jonathan (Eric Ro- berts), Cecile (Deborah Twiss) and their two children Aril Evalena Marie, Adrienne LaValley, Rick Eight years after the disappearance of Cassandra, some and Morgan settle into a rental home that was disturbing indications seem to indicate that she’s still alive. vacated by a woman and her elderly mother. The family soon Ravanello, Tom Sizemore Her parents (Ryan Reynolds & Mireille Enos), detectives finds themselves at the mercy of a terrifying and violent A team of secretive guardians transport a deadly creature and (Scott Speedman & Rosario Dawson), and Cassandra herself manifestation that Ariel identifies as a young boy named its half-human sister to a secure location, but the beast will try to unravel the mystery of her disappearance. Sebastien. In fear for their family, Jonathan and Cecile must escapes and threatens to fulfill a prophecy - by destroying the Action, Drama, Kidnapping, Movies, unlock the secret that binds Sebastien’s torment with the world. Mystery, Thrillers 2014 112min. former occupants and the local priest. Horror, Television, TV Movies 2014 93min. Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Ghosts, Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 Cinedigm 10.03.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125748 95min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125957 Breaking Glass Pictures 17.03.2015 The Cemetery 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125851 Day Of The Gun Victor Bonacore, Draven Star, Tim Cronin, Raw Leiba, Eric Roberts - Dir. Wayne Natalie Jean, J.D. Brown , Adam Huss - Dir. The Culling Shipley Chris Coy, Virginia Williams, Brett Davern, Set in 1890’s Montana, a conflict between the widowed Adam Ahlbrandt Maggie Carter and cattle baron Cyrus McCall escalates into Deep in the Pennsylvania hills, a cemetery for those who died Elizabeth Di Prinzio, - Dir. a „range war“ when McCall threatens her survival as a during exorcism remains a dark secret for the church. In 1671, Rustam Branaman rancher by putting up a barbed-wire fence. The battle hundreds of men, women, and children suffered in bloody, escalates when their children get involved and a mysterious torturous at the hands of priests unable to contain the Horror, Movies, Road Trips, Supernatural & Paranormal, Thrillers 2014 118min. stranger from Maggie’s past comes back into her life. evil of the possessed. Were these possessions real, or is the Action, Drama, Movies, War, Western 2013 story a hoax to cover up the sins of the deranged priests First Look 10.03.2015 138min. thirsty for human blood? Bill and his team of cynical 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125943 paranormal investigators plan to find out the truth... will they Monarch Home Video 24.02.2015 leave the cemetery alive? 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125908 Devils And Demons, Horror, Movies, Murder Da Vinci’s Demons: The Mysteries, Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Complete Second Season Supernatural & Paranormal 2013 85min. Doris Day: The Essential Eros Vlahos, Gregg Chillin, Elliot Cowan, CAV 11.11.2014 Collection Laura Haddock, Tom Riley, Blake Ritson, 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125861 Doris Day David Schofield Charismatic and beautiful, Doris Day is America’s original Same Genius. New World. Florence is thrown into chaos in sweetheart who delighted audiences with her comedic timing, Coherence the wake of the Pazzi conspiracy and Leonardo da Vinci must silky-smooth voice and sunny personality during the 1950s Emily Foxler, Lauren Maher, Hugo push the limits of his mind and body to defend the city against and . A box-office sensation for many years, her hugely the forces of Rome. When the dust settles, friends are buried successful acting career is celebrated in Doris Day: The Armstrong, Nicholas Brendon, Elizabeth and rivalries are enflamed. While the Medicis go to Essential Collection which includes a selection of her most Gracen unthinkable lengths to deal with new threats, da Vinci popular screen appearances: Pillow Talk, Lover Come Back, On the night of an astrological , eight friends at a continues on his quest to find the fabled Book of Leaves and Send Me No Flowers, The Thrill Of It All!, Midnight Lace and dinner party experience a troubling chain of bending uncover the secret history of his mother. He’ll come to realize The Man Who Knew Too Much. Co-starring Hollywood events. Part cerebral sci-fi and part relationship drama, that he has lethal competition in his quest - new enemies who legends including Rock Hudson, , Tony Rand- Coherence is a tightly focused, intimately shot film that may be even worse than the forces of Pope Sixtus. His search all, Rex Harrison and James Garner, this timeless collection quickly ratchets up with tension and mystery. will take him to faraway lands and force him to reevaluate is a stunning tribute to the „girl next door“ who continues to Drama, Movies, Science Fiction min. everything he knew about the world and his own personal capture hearts on and off the screen. history. Classics, Collections, Comedy, Drama, Oscilloscope Laboratories 20.01.2015 Adventure, Ancient Greece / Rome, Drama, Movies, Mystery, Romance, Thrillers 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125698 Fantasy, Historical / Period Piece, History & 646min. Events, Mystery, Religion/Spirituality, Tele- Universal Studios 07.04.2015 Connection vision 2014 548min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125991 Jude Law Starz / Anchor Bay 03.03.2015 A documentary filmmaker records junkies waiting to buy 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125824 heroin. From the Jack Gelber play. DCI Banks: Season 3 British, Drama, Foreign, Movies min. Da Vinci’s Demons: The Jack Deam, Andrea Lowe, Stephen Oscilloscope Laboratories 24.02.2015 Tompkinson 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125938 Complete Second Season (Blu- Stephen Tompkinson returns as Detective Chief Inspector ray) Alan Banks in three more gripping crime stories. BBC, British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Dra- Connection (Blu-ray) Eros Vlahos, Gregg Chillin, Elliot Cowan, ma, Foreign, International, International TV, Jude Law Laura Haddock, Tom Riley, Blake Ritson, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Television A documentary filmmaker records junkies waiting to buy David Schofield heroin. From the Jack Gelber play. Same Genius. New World. Florence is thrown into chaos in 270min. British, Drama, Foreign, Movies min. the wake of the Pazzi conspiracy and Leonardo da Vinci must BBC Home Video 05.05.2015 Oscilloscope Laboratories 24.02.2015 push the limits of his mind and body to defend the city against 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125996 the forces of Rome. When the dust settles, friends are buried 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125952 and rivalries are enflamed. While the Medicis go to unthinkable lengths to deal with new threats, da Vinci Death In Paradise: Season Three The Corruptor (Blu-ray) continues on his quest to find the fabled Book of Leaves and uncover the secret history of his mother. He’ll come to realize Gary Carr, Sara Martins Andrew Pang, Ric Young, Byron Mann, that he has lethal competition in his quest - new enemies who Bringing a dose of sunshine back to the small screen, Death , Mark Wahlberg - Dir. James may be even worse than the forces of Pope Sixtus. His search in Paradise returns for a third series of impossible murders will take him to faraway lands and force him to reevaluate on the beautiful Caribbean island of Saint Marie.

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BBC, British, Cops, Crime, Drama, Foreign, Doctor Who: Last Christmas (Blu- Eat Drink Man Woman International, International TV, Mystery, ray) Three grown women live with their widowed father, a master chef in Taipei, Taiwan. Directed by Ang Lee. Television 467min. Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi and companion Jenna Coleman BBC Home Video 05.05.2015 are joined by Doctor Who fan favorite Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Drama, Movies 124min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125981 Shaun of the Dead) in this extra special Doctor Who special! Olive Films 24.02.2015 The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125877 an arctic base and under attack from terrifying creatures, who Demon Queen are you going to call? Santa Claus! David Blood, Rick Foster, Mary Fanaro - Dir. BBC, Blu-ray, British, Christmas, Fantasy, Eat Drink Man Woman (Blu-ray) Donald Farmer Foreign, Holidays, International TV, Science Three grown women live with their widowed father, a master Fiction, Television, Time Travel 60min. chef in Taipei, Taiwan. Directed by Ang Lee. The mysterious and lecherous Lucinda (Mary Fanaro) is the Drama, Movies 124min. cold as ice, soul-devouring evil embodiment of the Demon BBC Home Video 17.02.2015 Olive Films 24.02.2015 Queen! She’s a sinister and murderous Succubus wildly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125901 rampaging on an unholy quest of lust and terror. Lucinda 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125896 brutally killing her victims, but she reserves the most horrendous horrors for her forlorn lovers! Jesse (Dennis : Season 5 Stewart) tries to thwart Lucinda’s orgy of blood lust, but Empire Records (Blu-ray) Lucinda has summoned her most horrific and unspeakable The acclaimed ensemble, lead by , Hugh powers especially for his demise! Fear the Demon Queen, she Bonneville, , and Elizabeth McGovern, is Coyote Shivers, Johnny Whitworth, Max- WILL kill you! joined by guest stars Harriet Walter (Atonement), reprising well Caulfield, Brendan Sexton III, Rory her role as Lady Shackleton, and Peter Egan (Death at a Classics, Devils And Demons, Erotica, Hor- ), who returns as Lord Flintshire, together with Cochrane, Liv Tyler, Anthony LaPaglia, ror, Movies 1986 min. completely new characters played by Richard E. Grant Ethan Embry, Debi Mazar, Renee Zellweger, CAV 27.01.2015 (Girls), Anna Chancellor (The Hour), and Rade Sherbedgia Robin Tunney - Dir. Allan Moyle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125839 (24). Viewers can expect to follow plot threads left dangling This comedy cult sensation about the young slackers and from last season, including Lady Mary’s courtship contest, dreamers that hang around a local record store cranks it up Lady Edith’s trials as a secret single mom, Thomas’ scheming another notch in an awesome Special Fan Edition with 16 The Demon’s Rook against Bates, Robert’s battles against modernity, Tom’s quest minutes of cool added footage not seen in theatres. In one of to be true to his ideals, and much, much more. the most dynamic song scores ever, tunes by Gin Blossoms, Ashleigh Jo Sizemore, Melanie Richardson, British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period the Cranberries, Toad the Wet Sprocket, Cracker, Evan John Chatham, James Sizemore - Dir. Piece, PBS, Television min. Dando, Better Than Ezra and more set off virtually every James Sizemore PBS Home Video 27.01.2015 scene. If the music isn’t enough, check out the stellar cast Chaos descends upon a quiet town when Roscoe, the pupil of including Liv Tyler, Renee Zellweger, Anthony LaPaglia, a wizard monk from an ancient race of demons, unknowingly 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125693 Maxwell Caulfield, Debi Mazar, Rory Cochrane and more. opens a portal that allows an unspeakable evil to travel freely Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Friendships, into our world. When three grisly beasts cross into our Downton Abbey: Season 5 (Blu- Movies, Music 1995 100min. dimension, the living are possessed and the dead rise to Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 destroy everything in their path. Armed with demons magic, ray) Roscoe is the only fighting chance to put an end to their The acclaimed ensemble, lead by Maggie Smith, Hugh 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125802 eternal path of destruction. An ode to the DIY creature-feature Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, and Elizabeth McGovern, is classics of the 1980s, The Demon’s Rook is a gut-flinging joined by guest stars Harriet Walter (Atonement), reprising Equilibrium (Blu-ray + monster mash (Dread Central) that you won t soon forget. her role as Lady Shackleton, and Peter Egan (Death at a Adventure, Devils And Demons, Fantasy, Funeral), who returns as Lord Flintshire, together with UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Horror, Monsters, Movies 2013 103min. completely new characters played by Richard E. Grant (Girls), Anna Chancellor (The Hour), and Rade Sherbedgia Taye Diggs, William Fichtner, Emily Watson, Cinedigm 03.02.2015 (24). Viewers can expect to follow plot threads left dangling Christian Bale, Sean Bean - Dir. Kurt 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125919 from last season, including Lady Mary’s courtship contest, Wimmer Lady Edith’s trials as a secret single mom, Thomas’ scheming In an attempt to end wars and maintain peace, humankind has Devil May Call (DVD + UltraViolet) against Bates, Robert’s battles against modernity, Tom’s quest outlawed the things that trigger : literature, music, and to be true to his ideals, and much, much more. art. To uphold the law, a special breed of police is assigned to Corri English, Tyler Mane - Dir. Jason British, Drama, Foreign, Historical / Period eliminate all transgressors. But when the top enforcer misses Cuadrado Piece, PBS, Television min. a dose of an emotion-blocking drug, he begins to realize that Blinded in an accident, Sam (Corri English) rebuilt her life by PBS Home Video 27.01.2015 things are not as they seem. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, In The Future..., helping callers on a suicide hotline. When she informs an 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125720 obsessive caller (Tyler Mane) that she’s quitting, he takes Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers, the news personally - very personally. What begins as a quiet Totalitarian Governments 2002 107min. shift at work becomes a frantic fight for survival against a Dumb And Dumber To relentless killer... and the darkest, deadliest night of Sam’s Lionsgate 03.03.2015 life. Rob Riggle, Rachel Melvin, Laurie Holden, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125738 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 84min. Jeff Daniels, , Jim Carrey - Dir. Lionsgate 10.03.2015 Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly Equilibrium (DVD + UltraViolet) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125810 Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their signature roles as Lloyd and Harry in the sequel to the smash hit that took the Taye Diggs, William Fichtner, Emily Watson, physical comedy and kicked it in the nuts: Dumb and Dumber Christian Bale, Sean Bean - Dir. Kurt Dexter: The Most Shocking To. The original film’s directors, Peter and Bobby Farrelly, take Lloyd and Harry on a road trip to find a child Harry Wimmer Episodes never knew he had and the responsibility neither should ever, In an attempt to end wars and maintain peace, humankind has ever be given. outlawed the things that trigger emotion: literature, music, and Michael Hall, C.S. Lee, Jennifer Carpenter, art. To uphold the law, a special breed of police is assigned to David Zayas, Desmond Harrington, James Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Movies, Road eliminate all transgressors. But when the top enforcer misses Remar Trips 2014 110min. a dose of an emotion-blocking drug, he begins to realize that Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Universal Studios 17.02.2015 things are not as they seem. Action, Drama, In The Future..., Movies, Dysfunctional Families, Murder Mysteries, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125686 Science Fiction, Thrillers, Totalitarian Mystery, Serial Killers, Showtime, Televisi- Governments 2002 107min. on, Thrillers 528min. Dumb And Dumber To (Blu-ray + Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Paramount Pictures 17.03.2015 DVD) (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125735 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125763 Rob Riggle, Rachel Melvin, Laurie Holden, Jeff Daniels, Bill Murray, Jim Carrey - Dir. Exodus: Gods And Kings Doctor Who: Last Christmas Peter Farrelly, Bobby Farrelly Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi and companion Jenna Coleman Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels reprise their signature roles as Hiam Abbass, Ewen Bremner, , are joined by Doctor Who fan favorite Nick Frost (Hot Fuzz, Lloyd and Harry in the sequel to the smash hit that took the Joel Edgerton, Ben Mendelsohn, Tara Shaun of the Dead) in this extra special Doctor Who special! physical comedy and kicked it in the nuts: Dumb and Dumber Fitzgerald, Indira Varma, Christian Bale, The Doctor and Clara face their Last Christmas. Trapped on To. The original film’s directors, Peter and Bobby Farrelly, an arctic base and under attack from terrifying creatures, who take Lloyd and Harry on a road trip to find a child Harry John Turturro, Sigourney Weaver, Ben are you going to call? Santa Claus! never knew he had and the responsibility neither should ever, Kingsley, Golshifteh Farahani, Maria BBC, British, Christmas, Fantasy, Foreign, ever be given. Valverde - Dir. Ridley Scott Holidays, International TV, Science Fiction, Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Movies, Road From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) Trips 2014 110min. comes Exodus: Gods and Kings, the epic tale of one man’s Television, Time Travel 60min. daring courage to take on an empire. Using state-of-the-art BBC Home Video 17.02.2015 Universal Studios 17.02.2015 visual effects, this spectacular adventure brings new life to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125880 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125716 the story of Moses (Christian Bale) as he defies the Pharaoh Ramses (Joel Edgerton), setting 400,000 slaves on a monu- mental journey of escape from Egypt.

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 61 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Drama, Brahmann, Desiree Nosbuschi - Dir. Eck- Packed with full-throttle action and jaw-dropping stunts, these six turbo-charged thrill rides place you behind the Epics, Historical / Period Piece, History & hart Schmidt wheel of the most explosive film franchise in history! Events, Movies, Religion/Spirituality, Teenager Simone appears to be like any other young pop fan. But soon her fixation on the band’s lead singer R takes over Auto Racing, Blu-ray, Cars & Motorcycles, Royalty 2014 165min. her life. Simone walks out of school, breaks off with her Collections, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, 20th Century Fox 17.03.2015 friends and parents and somehow finds herself waiting for her Drugs & Dealers, Dysfunctional Families, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125993 idol as he appears on a TV show. When she sees him in the flesh she is speechless, unable even to ask for his autograph. Family, FBI, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, He reaches out to touch her. Overcome with emotion, Simone Racing min. Exodus: Gods And Kings (Blu-ray faints; with that first touch, R’s fate is sealed. Simone Universal Studios 24.03.2015 discovers the carefully styled world of which R is just + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) another product. Simone wants nothing more than to love and 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125914 Hiam Abbass, Ewen Bremner, Aaron Paul, be loved by R, but he takes her with machine-like coldness. She experiences their intimacy as a kind of slow motion Final Prayer (DVD + UltraViolet) Joel Edgerton, Ben Mendelsohn, Tara nightmare, an encounter with a robotic creature, totally Fitzgerald, Indira Varma, Christian Bale, incapable of affection or emotion. Simone cannot accept the Robin Hill, Gordon Kennedy, Aidan McArdle, John Turturro, Sigourney Weaver, Ben detachment of her idol, and when R walks out on her to join Patrick Godfrey - Dir. Elliot Goldner Kingsley, Golshifteh Farahani, Maria his friends, she plots her revenge. Simone plans the ultimate When a church in a remote area reports strange happenings, sacrifice of her god on the altar of her madness, a a team of Vatican investigators descends upon it to demystify Valverde - Dir. Ridley Scott as exalted and romantic as it is horribly wonderful. The police the unusual sounds and events, but what they discover is From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) search for R. But only Simone knows where he more disturbing than they had first imagined. comes Exodus: Gods and Kings, the epic tale of one man’s Cannibalism, Classics, Cult Film / TV, daring courage to take on an empire. Using state-of-the-art Horror, Movies, Mystery, Religion/ visual effects, this spectacular adventure brings new life to Foreign, German, Horror, Movies, Music, Spirituality, Thrillers 2013 93min. the story of Moses (Christian Bale) as he defies the Pharaoh Revenge, Thrillers 1982 94min. Lionsgate 24.02.2015 Ramses (Joel Edgerton), setting 400,000 slaves on a monu- CAV 10.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125681 mental journey of escape from Egypt. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125863 Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Blu-ray, Drama, Epics, Historical / Period Piece, Force Majeure (Turist) History & Events, Movies, Religion/ Fast & Furious 1-6 Collection A critical favorite at the , where it took Cole Hauser, Jack Conley, Rick Yune, Chad the Jury Prize in Un Certain Regard, this wickedly funny and Spirituality, Royalty 2014 165min. precisely observed psychodrama tells the story of a model 20th Century Fox 17.03.2015 Lindberg, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Mark Swedish family - handsome businessman Tomas, his willowy 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126022 Boone Junior, Joaquim De Almeida, James wife Ebba and their two blond children - on a skiing holiday in Remar, , Matt Schulze, Eva the French Alps. The sun is shining and the slopes are Mendes, Michelle Rodriguez, Shea spectacular but, during a lunch at a mountainside restaurant, Exodus: Gods And Kings (Blu-ray an avalanche suddenly bears down on the happy diners. With Whigham, John Ortiz, Tyrese Gibson, Ja people fleeing in all directions and his wife and children in a 3D + Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- Rule, Michael Ealy, Don Omar, Bow Wow, state of panic, Tomas makes a decision that will shake his ray) marriage to its core and leave him struggling to reclaim his Tego Calderon, Johnny Strong, Greg Cipes, role as family patriarch. Hiam Abbass, Ewen Bremner, Aaron Paul, Sung Kang, Elsa Pataky, Mirtha Michelle, Action, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Joel Edgerton, Ben Mendelsohn, Tara Zachery Bryan, Devon Aoki, Jordana Swedish 2014 92min. Fitzgerald, Indira Varma, Christian Bale, Brewster, Nikki Griffin, Thure Lindhardt, Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.02.2015 John Turturro, Sigourney Weaver, Ben Laz Alonso, Leonardo Nam, Nathalie Kelley, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125834 Kingsley, Golshifteh Farahani, Maria Brian Goodman, Brian Tee, Luke Evans, Valverde - Dir. Ridley Scott Liza Lapira, Gina Carano, Joe Taslim, Thom Force Majeure (Turist) (Blu-ray) From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) Barry, Gal Gadot - Dir. , Rob comes Exodus: Gods and Kings, the epic tale of one man’s A critical favorite at the Cannes Film Festival, where it took daring courage to take on an empire. Using state-of-the-art Cohen, Justin Lin the Jury Prize in Un Certain Regard, this wickedly funny and visual effects, this spectacular adventure brings new life to Buckle up for nonstop action and mind-blowing speed in the precisely observed psychodrama tells the story of a model the story of Moses (Christian Bale) as he defies the Pharaoh adrenaline-fueled Fast & Furious 6-Movie Collection. Vin Swedish family - handsome businessman Tomas, his willowy Ramses (Joel Edgerton), setting 400,000 slaves on a monu- Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez wife Ebba and their two blond children - on a skiing holiday in mental journey of escape from Egypt. and an all-star cast put pedal to the metal in pursuit of justice the French Alps. The sun is shining and the slopes are and survival as they race from L.A. to Tokyo, Rio and London. spectacular but, during a lunch at a mountainside restaurant, Action, Adventure, Ancient Egypt, Blu-ray, Packed with full-throttle action and jaw-dropping stunts, an avalanche suddenly bears down on the happy diners. With Blu-ray 3D, Drama, Epics, Historical / these six turbo-charged thrill rides place you behind the people fleeing in all directions and his wife and children in a Period Piece, History & Events, Movies, wheel of the most explosive film franchise in history! state of panic, Tomas makes a decision that will shake his Religion/Spirituality, Royalty 2014 165min. Auto Racing, Cars & Motorcycles, marriage to its core and leave him struggling to reclaim his Collections, Cops, Crime, Cult Film / TV, role as family patriarch. 20th Century Fox 17.03.2015 Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Drugs & Dealers, Dysfunctional Families, 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126023 Movies, Swedish 2014 92min. Family, FBI, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.02.2015 Racing min. Family Adventure 4-Film Set 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125843 Universal Studios 24.03.2015 Katie Stuart, Chris Potter, Jack Black, Ellen 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125904 Barkin, , Gabriel Byrne Four Rooms (DVD + UltraViolet) - Dir. Mike Newell, Peter MacDonald, John Fast & Furious 1-6 Collection Sammi Davis, Madonna, Salma Hayek, Anto- Kent Harrison nio Banderas, Tim Roth - Dir. Quentin Adventure, Collections, Family, Fantasy, (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Allison An- Magic, Movies 424min. Cole Hauser, Jack Conley, Rick Yune, Chad ders, Alexandre Rockwell Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Lindberg, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Mark Four interlocking tales that take place in a fading hotel on 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125736 Boone Junior, Joaquim De Almeida, James New Year’s Eve. Remar, Lucas Black, Matt Schulze, Eva Comedy, Movies 1995 98min. Family Fantasy 4-Film Collection Mendes, Michelle Rodriguez, Shea Lionsgate 03.03.2015 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125740 Katie Stuart, Chris Potter, Jack Black, Whigham, John Ortiz, Tyrese Gibson, Ja Nicoletta Braschi, Brittany Murphy, Roberto Rule, Michael Ealy, Don Omar, Bow Wow, Benigni, Aaron Eckhart, Jason James Rich- Tego Calderon, Johnny Strong, Greg Cipes, Foxcatcher (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) ter, Ian McKellen - Dir. Peter MacDonald, Sung Kang, Elsa Pataky, Mirtha Michelle, (Blu-ray) Roberto Benigni, John Kent Harrison, Zachery Bryan, Devon Aoki, Jordana Channing Tatum, Steve Carell, Sienna Miller, Joshua Michael Stern Brewster, Nikki Griffin, Thure Lindhardt, Mark Ruffalo, , Adventure, Book-To-Film, Collections, Laz Alonso, Leonardo Nam, Nathalie Kelley, - Dir. Bennett Miller Family, Fantasy, Magic, Movies min. Brian Goodman, Brian Tee, Luke Evans, Foxcatcher is a psychological drama directed by Academy Liza Lapira, Gina Carano, Joe Taslim, Thom Award nominee Bennett Miller (Moneyball) and starring Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Golden Globe winner Steve Carell, Channing Tatum, Academy 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125739 Barry, Gal Gadot - Dir. John Singleton, Rob Award nominee Mark Ruffalo, Academy Award winner Cohen, Justin Lin Vanessa Redgrave and Sienna Miller. The film was written by Buckle up for nonstop action and mind-blowing speed in the E. Max Frye and Academy Award nominee Dan Futterman. The Fan (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) adrenaline-fueled Fast & Furious 6-Movie Collection. Vin Foxcatcher tells the story of Olympic Gold Medal-winning (Blu-ray) Diesel, Paul Walker, Dwayne Johnson, Michelle Rodriguez wrestler Mark Schultz (Tatum), who sees a way out from the and an all-star cast put pedal to the metal in pursuit of justice shadow of his more celebrated wrestling brother Dave Jonas Vischer, Bodo Steiger, Simone and survival as they race from L.A. to Tokyo, Rio and London. (Ruffalo) and a life of poverty when he is summoned by

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 62 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015

LASER HOTLINE Seite 63 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA eccentric multi-millionaire John du Pont (Carell) to move onto Crime, Double Features, Movies, Revenge, Classics, Comedy, Marines, Television his estate and train for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Desperate to gain the respect of his disapproving mother, du Pont begins Road Trips, Serial Killers, Thrillers 2014 3786min. „coaching“ a world-class athletic team and, in the process, 78min. Paramount Pictures 10.03.2015 lures Mark into dangerous habits, breaks his confidence and CAV 10.03.2015 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125701 drives him into a self-destructive spiral. Based on actual events, Foxcatcher is a gripping and profoundly American 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125992 story of fragile men who pinned their hopes for love and Goodfellas: 25th Anniversary redemption on a desperate obsession for greatness that was Full Frontal (Blu-ray + to end in tragedy. (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, Sports, Thrillers, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Paul Sorvino, Robert De Niro, Tony Darrow, Wrestling & Fighting 2014 min. David Hyde Pierce, Nicky Katt, Blair Mike Starr, Frank Sivero, , Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Underwood, Mary McCormack, Catherine , Ray Liotta, Joe Pesci - Dir. 03.03.2015 Keener, David Duchovny, Julia Roberts - Martin Scorsese 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125956 Dir. Martin Scorsese’s unforgettable film of Nicholas Pileggi’s Julia Roberts (Eat Pray Love), David Duchovny (TV’s true-crime best seller Wiseguy is presented here in a Californication) and Blair Underwood (TV’s The Event) star stunning new 4K remaster. Arresting performances from an Foxcatcher (DVD + UltraViolet) in another acclaimed triumph from Academy Award-winning all-star cast led by Ray Liotta, Robert De Niro and Lorraine Channing Tatum, Steve Carell, Sienna Miller, director Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, , 2001). It’s a chaotic Bracco drive this brutal yet darkly funny narrative of life in day for seven strangers from Hollywood who end up at the the mob. Nominated for six Oscars, with a win for Joe Pesci, Mark Ruffalo, Anthony Michael Hall, birthday party of a mutual friend. Before the night is over, and named one of the AFI’s top 100 American movies, this Vanessa Redgrave - Dir. Bennett Miller relationships are tested, hearts are broken and passions are instant classic would forever change the rules for gangster Foxcatcher is a psychological drama directed by Academy renewed! Also starring David Hyde Pierce (TV’s Frasier), films to come. Award nominee Bennett Miller (Moneyball) and starring Catherine Keener (The 40 Year Old Virgin). Academy Award Winners, Affairs & Love Golden Globe winner Steve Carell, Channing Tatum, Academy Comedy, Movies, Romance 2002 101min. Triangles, AFI Top 100, Biography, Blu-ray, Award nominee Mark Ruffalo, Academy Award winner Vanessa Redgrave and Sienna Miller. The film was written by Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Book-To-Film, Cops, Crime, Drama, Drugs & E. Max Frye and Academy Award nominee Dan Futterman. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125755 Dealers, FBI, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies Foxcatcher tells the story of Olympic Gold Medal-winning 146min. wrestler Mark Schultz (Tatum), who sees a way out from the shadow of his more celebrated wrestling brother Dave Full Frontal (DVD + UltraViolet) Warner Bros. 05.05.2015 (Ruffalo) and a life of poverty when he is summoned by David Hyde Pierce, Nicky Katt, Blair 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126015 eccentric multi-millionaire John du Pont (Carell) to move onto his estate and train for the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Desperate to Underwood, Mary McCormack, Catherine gain the respect of his disapproving mother, du Pont begins Keener, David Duchovny, Julia Roberts - Green Street Hooligans: Under- „coaching“ a world-class athletic team and, in the process, Dir. Steven Soderbergh ground (DVD + UltraViolet) lures Mark into dangerous habits, breaks his confidence and Julia Roberts (Eat Pray Love), David Duchovny (TV’s drives him into a self-destructive spiral. Based on actual Californication) and Blair Underwood (TV’s The Event) star Kacey Barnfield, Jack Doolan, Joey Ansah, events, Foxcatcher is a gripping and profoundly American in another acclaimed triumph from Academy Award-winning Scott Adkins - Dir. James Nunn story of fragile men who pinned their hopes for love and director Steven Soderbergh (Traffic, , 2001). It’s a chaotic Once the leader of the Green Street Elite, the top hooligan redemption on a desperate obsession for greatness that was day for seven strangers from Hollywood who end up at the football firm, Danny has turned his back on the lifestyle and to end in tragedy. birthday party of a mutual friend. Before the night is over, trouble that comes with it. When he gets a call that his Drama, Movies, Sports, Thrillers, Wrestling relationships are tested, hearts are broken and passions are younger brother has died in a fight against another firm, & Fighting 2014 min. renewed! Also starring David Hyde Pierce (TV’s Frasier), Danny returns to London to find the people responsible for his Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Catherine Keener (The 40 Year Old Virgin). death. Comedy, Movies, Romance 2002 101min. Action, British, Drama, Fighting, Foreign, 03.03.2015 Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Martial Arts, Movies, Revenge 2013 93min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125944 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125742 Lionsgate 24.02.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125682 Frasier: The Complete Series : The Complete (Repackage) Series The Grifters (Blu-ray + Kelsey Grammar, Peri Gilpin, Jane Leeves, Aisha Tyler, David Conrad, Camryn Man- UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) David Hyde Pierce, John Mahoney The doctor is in! Frasier: The Complete Series includes all heim, Jamie Kennedy, Jennifer Love Hewitt, , John Cusack, Annette eleven seasons of the award-winning spinoff from Cheers. Jay Mohr Bening - Dir. Stephen Frears Kelsey Grammar reprises his Emmy Award-winning role as Ghost Whisperer explores the spiritual side of life and death Lily works for a bookie, placing bets to change the odds at the Dr. Frasier Crane, a stuffy psychiatrist turned call-in radio as Melinda Gordon (Jennifer Love Hewitt) navigates among track. When her son Roy is hospitalized after an host who struggles to follow his own advice. Frasier features the dead and the living in her sometimes chilling, sometimes unsuccessful con job that leads to a beating, she finds that an amazing ensemble cast, including John Mahoney as Mar- heart-rending and sometimes amusing attempts to act as an even an absentee parent has feelings for her child. Lilly tin, Frasier’s gruff, ex-cop father, Jane Leeves as Daphne, intermediary between the ghosts and those they haunt. doesn’t warm to Roy’s girlfriend Myra Langtry, and soon the the eccentric British housekeeper, and David Hyde Pierce in CBS, Drama, Fantasy, Ghosts, Murder two women compete for Roy in a battle that quickly turns his Emmy Award-winning role as Dr. Niles Crane, Frasier’s Mysteries, Mystery, Supernatural & dangerous. neurotic brother. Enjoy the show’s most memorable moments Book-To-Film, Crime, Drama, Movies, Paranormal, Television 4704min. like an uncomfortable visit from Sam „Mayday“ Malone (Ted Romance, Thrillers 1990 89min. Danson reprising his role from Cheers) in The Show Where Paramount Pictures 17.03.2015 Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Sam Shows Up, Niles defending his adulterous wife’s honor 120,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125764 in fencing duel in An Affair to Forget and the emotional series 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125757 finale, Goodnight, Seattle. Frasier: The Complete Series features over 250 hilarious episodes. God Told Me To (Blu-ray) The Grifters (DVD + UltraViolet) Boxed Sets, Collections, Comedy, Cult Film A New York police detective ties a death rampage to a cult / TV, Television 5895min. and its leader, half man, half alien. Anjelica Huston, John Cusack, Annette Paramount Pictures 07.04.2015 Horror, Movies 92min. Bening - Dir. Stephen Frears 178,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125855 E1 Entertainment 24.02.2015 Lily works for a bookie, placing bets to change the odds at the track. When her son Roy is hospitalized after an 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125891 unsuccessful con job that leads to a beating, she finds that Fresh (DVD + UltraViolet) even an absentee parent has feelings for her child. Lilly God Told Me To: Special Edition doesn’t warm to Roy’s girlfriend Myra Langtry, and soon the Sean Nelson, Samuel L. Jackson, Giancarlo two women compete for Roy in a battle that quickly turns Esposito - Dir. Boaz Yakin A New York police detective ties a death rampage to a cult dangerous. Disenchanted by the harsh of life in the city, a smart, and its leader, half man, half alien. Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance, Thrillers Horror, Movies 92min. streetwise kid nicknamed Fresh strives to create a better 1990 89min. future for himself and his family. Fighting back in the only way E1 Entertainment 24.02.2015 Lionsgate 03.03.2015 he knows how, Fresh defies the odds by staying one move 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125872 ahead of the local criminals in a dangerous game of survival. 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125749 African Americans, Crime, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Movies, Thrillers 1994 114min. Gomer Pyle U.S.M.C.: The : The Complete Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Complete Series 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125741 Fourth Season Ronnie Schell, Frank Sutton, Jim Nabors A cop show hailed for both its inspired lunacy and remarkable Gomer Pyle, a naive country boy, leaves his home in realism, Emmy Award-winning Hill Street Blues is a From Asia With Lust Volume 1: Mayberry, NC to join the U.S. Marine corps. His perpetual humanistic and comical look into the daily grind of a police wide-eyed innocence frequently gets on the nerves of his squad in New York’s Greenwich Village. Beginning in 1981 Camp / Hitchhike tough, loudmouthed sergeant in this successful spin-off from and continuing for seven acclaimed seasons, the unforgettable Miyuki Yokoyama - Dir. Ainosuke Shibata The Andy Griffith Show. cops of this unnamed American city put their lives on the line

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 64 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA for the better of their city. From numerous gang-related crimes Nick, Dale and Kurt decide to become their own bosses by First Look 03.03.2015 to robbery and drug trafficing, the cases these cops dealt with launching a business. After a slick investor deceives them, were matched only by their own personal lives!. they hatch a misguided plan to get their company back. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125955 Cops, Crime, Drama, Television 900min. Comedy, Movies 2014 120min. Cinedigm 03.03.2015 Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125885 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125814 Part 1 (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) A Hole In The Head Housekeeping (DVD + UltraViolet) Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, Frank Sinatra, Keenan Wynn, Eleanor Par- Adriana Solis - Dir. Jennifer Harrington Jennifer Lawrence, Jeffrey Wright, ker, Thelma Ritter, Carolyn Jones - Dir. Lucy, a young med student in need of quick cash to help her troubled brother, reluctantly accepts the too-good-to-be-true Elizabeth Banks, Jena Malone, Philip Frank Capra position as a housekeeper offered to her through a friend of a Seymour Hoffman, Stanley Tucci, Woody Frank Sinatra stars as Tony Manetta, a widower living well friend. But things quickly take a disturbing turn. Her never- Harrelson, Julianne Moore, Donald beyond his means, in Miami where he’s raising his young son, seen employer seems to have a dark side, and the job reveals Alvin (Eddie Hodges). With a limited understanding of the itself to be anything but normal. Sutherland, Sam Claflin - Dir. Francis word „responsibility,“ Tony, finding himself in debt and with Movies, Thrillers 2013 90min. Lawrence his back against the wall, decides to reach out to his older Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire, has survived. She awakens brother, Mario, for yet another in a of loans, fabricating Lionsgate 31.03.2015 from the cruel and haunting Quarter Quell deep inside the that the money is needed for Alvin who has taken ill. The plot 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125980 bunkered catacombs of District 13. Separated from some of takes full-swing when Mario and his wife decide to pay Tony her closest allies and fearing for their safety in the Capitol, and Alvin a visit. In the tradition of It’s A Wonderful Life, Mr. Katniss finally agrees to be the Mockingjay, the symbolic Deeds Goes To Washington, Pocket Full of , director John Hughes Yearbook Collection leader of the rebellion. Still uncertain as to whom she can Frank Capra weaves a comic tale filled with heart, laughs and John Hughes was one of the most influential writers/directors trust, Katniss must help 13 rise from the shadows, all the love ... and introduced the classic standard „High Hopes“ to of all time, creating an iconic portrait of 1980s teen life that while knowing that President Snow has focused his hatred the world. helped define an entire generation. Experience some of his into a personal vendetta against her - and her loved ones. Comedy, Movies 1959 104min. most memorable films in the John Hughes Yearbook Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love Olive Films 27.01.2015 Collection, showcasing three of his most beloved films ever made. Encounter teen angst in The Breakfast Club, teen love Triangles, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Cult Film / 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125706 in Sixteen Candles, and raging teen hormones in Weird TV, Drama, Friendships, Kidnapping, Science. Starring Brat Pack members Molly Ringwald, Movies, Romance, Science Fiction, War A Hole In The Head (Blu-ray) Anthony Michael Hall, Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson and Ally Sheedy, these warm-hearted coming-of-age are a 2014 122min. Frank Sinatra, Keenan Wynn, Eleanor Par- true testament to the filmmaking genius of John Hughes. Lionsgate 06.03.2015 ker, Thelma Ritter, Carolyn Jones - Dir. Collections, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125970 Frank Capra Family, Friendships, Movies min. Frank Sinatra stars as Tony Manetta, a widower living well Universal Studios 10.03.2015 The Hunger Games: Mockingjay beyond his means, in Miami where he’s raising his young son, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125871 Alvin (Eddie Hodges). With a limited understanding of the Part 1 (DVD + UltraViolet) word „responsibility,“ Tony, finding himself in debt and with Liam Hemsworth, Josh Hutcherson, his back against the wall, decides to reach out to his older John Hughes Yearbook Collection brother, Mario, for yet another in a string of loans, fabricating Jennifer Lawrence, Jeffrey Wright, that the money is needed for Alvin who has taken ill. The plot (Blu-ray + Digital HD) (Blu-ray) Elizabeth Banks, Jena Malone, Philip takes full-swing when Mario and his wife decide to pay Tony John Hughes was one of the most influential writers/directors Seymour Hoffman, Stanley Tucci, Woody and Alvin a visit. In the tradition of It’s A Wonderful Life, Mr. of all time, creating an iconic portrait of 1980s teen life that Deeds Goes To Washington, Pocket Full of Miracles, director helped define an entire generation. Experience some of his Harrelson, Julianne Moore, Donald Frank Capra weaves a comic tale filled with heart, laughs and most memorable films in the John Hughes Yearbook Sutherland, Sam Claflin - Dir. Francis love ... and introduced the classic standard „High Hopes“ to Collection, showcasing three of his most beloved films ever the world. Lawrence made. Encounter teen angst in The Breakfast Club, teen love Katniss Everdeen, girl on fire, has survived. She awakens Comedy, Movies 1959 104min. in Sixteen Candles, and raging teen hormones in Weird from the cruel and haunting Quarter Quell deep inside the Olive Films 27.01.2015 Science. Starring Brat Pack members Molly Ringwald, bunkered catacombs of District 13. Separated from some of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125725 Anthony Michael Hall, Emilio Estevez, Judd Nelson and Ally her closest allies and fearing for their safety in the Capitol, Sheedy, these warm-hearted coming-of-age comedies are a Katniss finally agrees to be the Mockingjay, the symbolic true testament to the filmmaking genius of John Hughes. leader of the rebellion. Still uncertain as to whom she can Hooper (Blu-ray) Collections, Comedy, Coming-Of-Age, trust, Katniss must help 13 rise from the shadows, all the Terry Bradshaw, James Best, Robert Klein, Family, Friendships, Movies min. while knowing that President Snow has focused his hatred Universal Studios 10.03.2015 into a personal vendetta against her - and her loved ones. John Marley, Adam West, Brian Keith, Burt Action, Adventure, Affairs & Love 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125890 Reynolds, - Dir. Hal Needham Triangles, Book-To-Film, Cult Film / TV, Dra- When it comes to life-threatening exploits, they don’t get any ma, Friendships, Kidnapping, Movies, better than those of professional stuntman Sonny Hooper - The Humbling until now. Although Sonny’s body is feeling the effects of his Romance, Science Fiction, War 2014 very long and successful career, the appearance of a Nina Arianda, Greta Gerwig, Kyra 122min. charismatic rival on the scene causes him to attempt the most Sedgwick, Dylan Baker, Al Pacino, Charles Lionsgate 06.03.2015 spectacular and dangerous stunt of his career. Grodin, Dan Hedaya, Dianne Wiest - Dir. Action, Blu-ray, Classics, Comedy, Movies 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125962 Barry Levinson 99min. Based on Phillip Roth’s final novel, The Humbling tells the Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 story of over-the-hill stage actor Simon Axler (Al Pacino) and Imitation Of Life 2-Movie 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125773 his struggles to find his passion for life again. Near his Collection (Blu-ray) breaking point, he finds motivation in the form of a young and lustful lesbian, Pegeen Stapleford (Greta Gerwig), but as Sandra Dee, Juanita Moore, Susan Kohner, Horrible Bosses 2 (Blu-ray + DVD their relationship heats up Simon has a hard time keeping up Rochelle Hudson, Ned Sparks, Robert Alda, with the youthful Pegeen. , Warren William, Lana + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) First Look, Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 Turner, Alan Hale, John Gavin, Baby Jane Christoph Waltz, Chris Pine, Charlie Day, 113min. Holzer, Henry Armetta, Louise Beavers - Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer First Look 03.03.2015 Aniston, Jamie Foxx, - Dir. Dir. Douglas Sirk, John M. Stahl 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125940 Based on the 1933 best-selling novel, Imitation of Life is one Sean Anders of the most beloved and respected stories of all-time. This Nick, Dale and Kurt decide to become their own bosses by The Humbling (Blu-ray) emotionally charged drama chronicles the lives of two widows launching a business. After a slick investor deceives them, and their troubled daughters as they struggle to find true they hatch a misguided plan to get their company back. Nina Arianda, Greta Gerwig, Kyra in a world plagued by racism. The Imitation of Life Comedy, Movies 2014 120min. Sedgwick, Dylan Baker, Al Pacino, Charles 2-Movie Collection includes both versions of the film, the Warner Bros. 24.02.2015 original 1934 Best Picture nominee starring Claudette Colbert Grodin, Dan Hedaya, Dianne Wiest - Dir. and the 1959 masterpiece starring Lana Turner. With 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125818 Barry Levinson storylines tackling racism, romance, family, success and Based on Phillip Roth’s final novel, The Humbling tells the tragedy, Imitation of Life is a powerful story that still Horrible Bosses 2 (DVD + story of over-the-hill stage actor Simon Axler (Al Pacino) and resonates with audiences today. his struggles to find his passion for life again. Near his Book-To-Film, Classics, Drama, UltraViolet) breaking point, he finds motivation in the form of a young and lustful lesbian, Pegeen Stapleford (Greta Gerwig), but as Friendships, Movies, Romance 236min. Christoph Waltz, Chris Pine, Charlie Day, their relationship heats up Simon has a hard time keeping up Universal Studios 07.04.2015 Jason Bateman, Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer with the youthful Pegeen. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126019 Aniston, Jamie Foxx, Kevin Spacey - Dir. Book-To-Film, Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 Sean Anders 113min. In Your Eyes

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Zoe Kazan, Steve Howey, Nikki Reed, Ri- Jessica Chastain, Andrew Borba, David fashion and seek the help of Police Chief Brody () in Jaws 2. In Jaws 3, tourists marvel at the new chard Riehle, Steve Harris, Mark Feuer- Oyelowo, Anne Hathaway, Bill Irwin, „Undersea Kingdom“, a of underwater glass tunnels that stein, Liz Stauber, Cress Williams, Jennifer William Devane, Wes Bentley, Michael allow visitors to get up closer to marine life than ever before, Grey Caine, John Lithgow, Ellen Burstyn, until they get an unexpected visit from a very angry shark. Written and executive produced by Joss Whedon, In Your Matthew McConaughey, Mackenzie Foy - Finally, in Jaws: The Revenge, Brody’s wife seeks refuge in Eyes is a romance with a supernatural twist. Rebecca (Zoe the Bahamas only to find herself reliving the horrors of her Kazan), a lonely housewife in New Hampshire, suddenly Dir. Christopher Nolan past and decides to take matters into her own hands. This discovers that she shares a strange connection with Dylan From director Christopher Nolan (Inception, The Dark Knight time, it’s personal! (Michael Stahl-David), a struggling ex-con in New ... trilogy) comes the story of a team of pioneers undertaking the Animals & Nature, Classics, Collections, they can see through one another’s eyes and experience most important mission in human history. Academy Award Horror, Killer Animals, Movies, Revenge, sensations felt by the other. Though they’ve never met, the winner Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyer’s Club) stars two share a unique, unparalleled intimacy by being in each as ex-pilot-turned-farmer Cooper, who must leave his family Sharks, Thrillers, Triple Feature 307min. other’s heads and begin a long-distance relationship unlike and a foundering Earth behind to lead an expedition traveling Universal Studios 03.03.2015 any other. Filled with Whedon’s signature humor and quirk, beyond this to discover whether mankind has a future 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125730 the film is an original story of opposites attracting that among the stars. Academy Award winner Anne Hathaway (Les sacrifices neither its sci-fi nor romantic sensibilities. Miserables) and Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty) also star in the landmark film critics are Journey To The Far Side Of The Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Movies, calling „a must-see masterpiece.“ () Romance, Science Fiction 2014 105min. Adventure, Blu-ray, End Of The World, Sun (Blu-ray) Starz / Anchor Bay 10.02.2015 Epics, In The Future..., Movies, Mystery, Patrick Wymark, Ian Hendry, Roy Thinnes - 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125806 Science Fiction, Space, Time Travel 2014 Dir. Robert Parrish 169min. Classic sci-fi adventure and suspense has never been more Innocence exciting as when you Journey to the Far Side of the Sun! One Paramount Pictures 31.03.2015 hundred years in the future, two astronauts are sent to After the untimely death of her mother in a Montauck surfing 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125972 uncover the secrets of a „duplicate“ Earth on the other side of accident, Beckett, 16, and her father, novelist Miles Warner, the sun. When they crash land three weeks earlier than they move to the city to begin a new life. Enrolled at the exclusive had planned, they must embark on a life-or-death mission to Hamilton preparatory school in Riverdale, Becekett finds first The Interview (Blu-ray + determine whether they have arrived back home or on the love and discovers that the school is run by a coven of UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) strange mirror world. This imaginative space adventure offers beautiful and seductive women who perpetuate their fountain a journey few will ever forget! of youth by drinking the blood of virgins. Seth Rogen, Lizzy Caplan, James Franco - Adventure, Classics, Movies, Science Horror, Movies, Romance 96min. Dir. Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg Fiction, Space 1969 102min. Cinedigm 03.03.2015 In the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark (James Universal Studios 07.04.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125873 Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) run the popular celebrity tabloid TV show „Skylark Tonight.“ 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126020 When they discover that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is Innocence (Blu-ray) a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an Kill The Dictator After the untimely death of her mother in a Montauck surfing attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and accident, Beckett, 16, and her father, novelist Miles Warner, Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change Amaury Nolasco, Efrain Figueroa move to the city to begin a new life. Enrolled at the exclusive when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the two least-qualified Thousands of innocent people were being killed, the country Hamilton preparatory school in Riverdale, Becekett finds first men imaginable, to assassinate Kim Jong-un. was in turmoil and gripped with fear. Someone had to step up love and discovers that the school is run by a coven of Action, Blu-ray, Comedy, Movies 2014 min. to the plate and take immediate action and Lt. Garcia Guerrero beautiful and seductive women who perpetuate their fountain Sony Pictures Home Entertainment became the inside man in the plot to Kill the Director. of youth by drinking the blood of virgins. 17.02.2015 Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Movies, Horror, Movies, Romance 96min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125886 War 99min. Cinedigm 03.03.2015 Osiris Entertainment 17.03.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125892 The Interview (DVD + UltraViolet) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125854 Inside Amy Schumer: Seasons 1 Seth Rogen, Lizzy Caplan, James Franco - Dir. Seth Rogen, Evan Goldberg King: The Martin Luther King Sto- & 2 In the action-comedy The Interview, Dave Skylark (James ry Amy Schumer Franco) and his producer Aaron Rapoport (Seth Rogen) run Academy Award Nominee Paul Winfield (Sounder) embodies Straight from Amy Schumer’s provocative and hilariously the popular celebrity tabloid TV show „Skylark Tonight.“ fallen civil leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and Academy wicked mind, Inside Amy Schumer explores sex, relationships When they discover that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is Award Nominee Cicely Tyson (The Autobiography of Miss and the general clusterf**k that is life with sketches, stand-up a fan of the show, they land an interview with him in an Jane Pittman) lends her enumerable talents as Coretta Scott comedy and woman-on-the-street interviews. attempt to legitimize themselves as journalists. As Dave and King in director Abby Mann’s (Judgment at Nuremberg Comedy, Comedy Central, girl power, Aaron prepare to travel to Pyongyang, their plans change screenwriter) television mini-series King: The Martin Luther when the CIA recruits them, perhaps the two least-qualified King Story. Tracing the story of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Sketch Comedy, Spoken Comedy, Television men imaginable, to assassinate Kim Jong-un. Jr.’s rise from his early years as a Baptist minister in Mem- 440min. Action, Comedy, Movies 2014 min. phis to his assassination in 1968, is riveting storytelling of Paramount Pictures 07.04.2015 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment the highest order, combining first-rate performances with spiritual, political and social themes that remain as relevant 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125853 17.02.2015 today as they were in the era portrayed in the film. Supporting 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125864 performances include Ossie Davis (Do The Right Thing) as Interstellar Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr., Roscoe Lee Browne (The Cowboys) and Grammy and Emmy Award Winning singer Tony Jessica Chastain, Andrew Borba, David Island Of The Living Dead Bennett portraying himself. Oyelowo, Anne Hathaway, Bill Irwin, Gaetano Russo, Yvette Yzon - Dir. Bruno Biopics, Black Heritage, Drama, Historical / William Devane, Wes Bentley, Michael Mattei Period Piece, History & Events, Mini-Series, Caine, John Lithgow, Ellen Burstyn, Italian horror maestro Bruno Mattei - director of such Television 99min. infamous gut-munchers as Mondo Cannibal, Hell Of The Matthew McConaughey, Mackenzie Foy - Living Dead and In The Land Of The Cannibals - made his Olive Films 27.01.2015 Dir. Christopher Nolan triumphant return to the zombie genre with his penultimate 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125702 From director Christopher Nolan (Inception, The Dark Knight gorefest: When a boneheaded group of treasure hunters are trilogy) comes the story of a team of pioneers undertaking the shipwrecked near a deserted island, they’ll instead discover most important mission in human history. Academy Award an undead nightmare of flesh chomping, skull blasting, absurd King: The Martin Luther King Sto- winner Matthew McConaughey (Dallas Buyer’s Club) stars plotting, perplexing flamenco, and old-school levels of graphic ry (Blu-ray) as ex-pilot-turned-farmer Cooper, who must leave his family zombie carnage. Yvette Yzon (Zombies: The Beginning), and a foundering Earth behind to lead an expedition traveling Gaetano Russo (Caged Women) and Jim Gaines (The One- Academy Award Nominee Paul Winfield (Sounder) embodies beyond this galaxy to discover whether mankind has a future Armed Executioner) star in this beloved Mattei jaw-dropper fallen civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. and Academy among the stars. Academy Award winner Anne Hathaway (Les from the screenwriter of Fulci’s A Cat In The Brain, now Award Nominee Cicely Tyson (The Autobiography of Miss Miserables) and Academy Award nominee Jessica Chastain presented uncut and uncensored for the first time ever in Jane Pittman) lends her enumerable talents as Coretta Scott (Zero Dark Thirty) also star in the landmark film critics are America! King in director Abby Mann’s (Judgment at Nuremberg calling „a must-see masterpiece.“ (New York Post) screenwriter) television mini-series King: The Martin Luther Horror, Movies, Zombies 2006 96min. King Story. Tracing the story of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Adventure, End Of The World, Epics, In The CAV 10.02.2015 Jr.’s rise from his early years as a Baptist minister in Mem- Future..., Movies, Mystery, Science Fiction, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125841 phis to his assassination in 1968, is riveting storytelling of Space, Time Travel 2014 169min. the highest order, combining first-rate performances with Paramount Pictures 31.03.2015 spiritual, political and social themes that remain as relevant Jaws 3-Movie Collection today as they were in the era portrayed in the film. Supporting 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125967 Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... performances include Ossie Davis (Do The Right Thing) as all 3 sequels from one of the most successful blockbusters of Rev. Martin Luther King, Sr., Roscoe Lee Browne (The Interstellar (Blu-ray + DVD Com- all time are featured in the Jaws 3-Movie Collection. Years Cowboys) and Grammy and Emmy Award Winning singer Tony after being terrorized by a great white shark, the vacationers Bennett portraying himself. bo) (Blu-ray) on Amity Island begin disappearing again in an all-too-familiar Biopics, Black Heritage, Blu-ray, Drama,

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Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, directorial debut, also starring Foley, Patrick Wilson, Amy as a refuge, he finally gets the peace and quiet to focus on his Mini-Series, Television 99min. Acker, and Nicolette Sheridan, is a blackly comic caper about favorite subject - himself. helping a friend out of a bad relationship by any means Comedy, Drama, Movies, Rocky Olive Films 27.01.2015 necessary. Relationships 2014 108min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125722 Comedy, Crime, Movies 2014 81min. Cinedigm 10.03.2015 Well Go USA 03.03.2015 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125946 The Last Of Robin Hood 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125950 Dakota Fanning, Kevin Kline, Susan Lonesome Dove Church (DVD + Sarandon - Dir. Richard Glatzer The Librarian: Quest For The Kevin Kline stars as Errol Flynn, one of Hollywood’s greatest Spear / Return To King UltraViolet) leading men: a lusty and vivacious actor who lived a Geoff Gustafson, Serge Houde, Alex swashbuckling life of glamour and scandal on and off the Solomon’s Mines screen. But few remember the icon’s last May-December Zahara, George Canyon, Nicole Oliver, Tom romance that shocked a nation. Susan Sarandon and Dakota Erick Avari, Kelly Hu, Jane Curtin, Mario Berenger - Dir. Terry Miles Fanning co-star in this glamorous, gripping story about Ivan Martinez, Gabrielle Anwar, Noah Wyle, John Shepherd (Berenger) is an itinerant preacher with Errol’s high-flying affair with aspiring starlet Beverly Aadland Bob , Jonathan Frakes, Robert dreams of building his own church. When his estranged son and how her ambitious mother enabled it every step of the Isaac is accused of robbery and murder, John puts his faith way. Foxworth, Olympia Dukakis, Kyle and future on the line by coming to Isaac’s defense, facing off Biography, Drama, Movies 2013 94min. MacLachlan, Lisa Brenner, , against a cold-blooded killer in a guns-blazing stand for Universal Studios 03.03.2015 Sonya Walger - Dir. Jonathan Frakes, Peter redemption. Crime, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125731 Winther Action, Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Religion/Spirituality, Western 90min. Lionsgate 24.03.2015 The Last Of Robin Hood (Blu-ray Fantasy, Movies, Romance, Thrillers, TV Movies min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125848 + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 Dakota Fanning, Kevin Kline, Susan 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125995 Longmire: The Complete Third Sarandon - Dir. Richard Glatzer Season Kevin Kline stars as Errol Flynn, one of Hollywood’s greatest leading men: a lusty and vivacious actor who lived a Life Partners Cassidy Freeman, Katee Sackhoff, Bailey swashbuckling life of glamour and scandal on and off the Leighton Meester, Adam Brody, Gillian Chase, Robert Taylor, Lou Diamond Phillips screen. But few remember the icon’s last May-December Wyoming Sheriff Walt Longmire is back in the saddle for a romance that shocked a nation. Susan Sarandon and Dakota Jacobs, Gabourey Sidibe, Mark Feuerstein Straight Paige (Jacobs) and lesbian Sasha (Meester) are third thrilling season. After winning his heated re-election as Fanning co-star in this glamorous, gripping story about Absaroka County sheriff vs. his ambitious deputy Branch Errol’s high-flying affair with aspiring starlet Beverly Aadland codependent best friends in their late 20s who have spent the last ten years acting more like wives than friends: they talk to Connally, Walt Longmire faces a stampede of problems both and how her ambitious mother enabled it every step of the personal and professional. With Branch mysteriously shot on way. each other on the toilet; they drive each other to the doctor. And as with any good marriage, they’re a perfect yin and „the Rez“ by the White Warrior spirit of a dead man and Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies 2013 yang. Until the night Paige meets Tim (Brody). Despite some Henry arrested in connection to the murder of Walt’s wife’s 94min. superficial drawbacks (questionable facial hair, a penchant killer, Longmire finds himself butting heads with tribal police, Universal Studios 03.03.2015 for quoting the movies everyone quotes), he’s the kind of guy big money connections and longstanding feuds. Add to this his you marry. As Paige and Tim’s relationship grows, the bond daughter Cady’s pursuit of the truth regarding her mother’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125737 between Paige and Sasha inevitably shifts. Suddenly without killer, his deputy Vic Moretti’s already strained marriage now a „partner,“ Sasha is left to examine her own shortcomings under with another unwelcome return from her Late Phases: Night Of The Lone and panic about her impending 30th birthday. Passive-aggres- Philadelphia past, and the inevitable rural undercurrent of sive conflict brews in their friendship until the girls must murder, secrets and betrayal and get ready for Big Sky drama Wolf finally confront the question they’ve been avoiding: can their at its best. Last season, Walt and his deputies each braved a storm and did it nobly. But for every storm, there is an Erin Cummings, Nick Damici, Al Sapienza, friendship survive growing up? Comedy, Friendships, Gay / Lesbian aftermath. Tina Louise, Larry Fessenden, Lance A&E, Drama, Television, Western 2014 Interest, Movies, Odd Couples 92min. Guest, Ethan Embry, Rutanya Alda, Tom 440min. Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.03.2015 Noonan Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125998 Drama, Horror, Movies 2014 95min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125931 MPI 10.03.2015 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125937 Life Partners (Blu-ray) The Lookalike Leighton Meester, Adam Brody, Gillian Drug lord William Spinks has a curious obsession with Sadie Late Phases: Night Of The Lone Jacobs, Gabourey Sidibe, Mark Feuerstein Hill, and uses family friends Bobby and Frank (John Corbett Straight Paige (Jacobs) and lesbian Sasha (Meester) are and Jerry O’Connell) to get to her. But when Sadie’s death Wolf (Blu-ray) codependent best friends in their late 20s who have spent the jeopardizes a major deal, Bobby and Frank set out to find a last ten years acting more like wives than friends: they talk to replacement - a lookalike - to fool Spinks. This dubious plan Erin Cummings, Nick Damici, Al Sapienza, each other on the toilet; they drive each other to the doctor. propels an ex-basketball champion, a deaf beauty (Scottie Tina Louise, Larry Fessenden, Lance And as with any good marriage, they’re a perfect yin and Thompson), an addict (Justin Long), and an aspiring actress Guest, Ethan Embry, Rutanya Alda, Tom yang. Until the night Paige meets Tim (Brody). Despite some (Gillian Jacobs) into an unlikely romance and a desperate Noonan superficial drawbacks (questionable facial hair, a penchant quest to start over. for quoting the movies everyone quotes), he’s the kind of guy Crime, Movies, Thrillers 100min. Drama, Horror, Movies 2014 95min. you marry. As Paige and Tim’s relationship grows, the bond Well Go USA 10.02.2015 MPI 10.03.2015 between Paige and Sasha inevitably shifts. Suddenly without a „partner,“ Sasha is left to examine her own shortcomings 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125786 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125951 and panic about her impending 30th birthday. Passive-aggres- sive conflict brews in their friendship until the girls must Let’s Kill Wards Wife finally confront the question they’ve been avoiding: can their The Lookalike (Blu-ray) friendship survive growing up? Drug lord William Spinks has a curious obsession with Sadie Amy Acker - Dir. Scott Foley Comedy, Friendships, Gay / Lesbian Hill, and uses family friends Bobby and Frank (John Corbett Everyone hates Ward’s wife and wants her dead, Ward and Jerry O’Connell) to get to her. But when Sadie’s death (Donald Faison) most of all. But when his friends’ murderous Interest, Movies, Odd Couples 92min. jeopardizes a major deal, Bobby and Frank set out to find a fantasies turn into an (accidental) reality, they have to deal Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.03.2015 replacement - a lookalike - to fool Spinks. This dubious plan with a whole new set of problems - like how to dispose of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126027 propels an ex-basketball champion, a deaf beauty (Scottie body and still make their 3 p.m. tee time. Scott Foley’s Thompson), an addict (Justin Long), and an aspiring actress directorial debut, also starring Foley, Patrick Wilson, Amy (Gillian Jacobs) into an unlikely romance and a desperate Acker, and Nicolette Sheridan, is a blackly comic caper about Listen Up Philip quest to start over. helping a friend out of a bad relationship by any means Keith Poulson, Josephine De La Baume, Crime, Movies, Thrillers 100min. necessary. Well Go USA 10.02.2015 Comedy, Crime, Movies 2014 81min. Kate Lyn Sheil, Dree Hemingway, Krysten 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125798 Well Go USA 03.03.2015 Ritter, Jess Weixler, Elisabeth Moss, Jason 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125930 Schwartzman, Daniel London, MacGyver: The Complete A complex, intimate, and highly idiosyncratic comedy, Listen Collection Let’s Kill Wards Wife (Blu-ray) Up Philip is a literary look at the triumph of reality over the Amy Acker - Dir. Scott Foley human spirit. Anger rages in Philip (Jason Schwartzman) as Stephen Chang, Elyssa Davalos, Richard Everyone hates Ward’s wife and wants her dead, Ward he awaits the publication of his sure-to-succeed second Dean Anderson, (Donald Faison) most of all. But when his friends’ murderous novel. He feels pushed out of his adopted home city by the All seven seasons of the hit television show are now fantasies turn into an (accidental) reality, they have to deal constant crowds and noise, a deteriorating relationship with available in a single collection. MacGyver: The Complete with a whole new set of problems - like how to dispose of the his photographer girlfriend Ashley (Elisabeth Moss), and his Collection includes every episode of the television series that body and still make their 3 p.m. tee time. Scott Foley’s indifference to promoting his own work. When Philip’s idol Ike forever changed the way people looked at their junk drawers Zimmerman (Jonathan Pryce) offers his isolated summer home

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 67 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and introduced „MacGyvering“ into the English language. Lugosi Meets A Gorilla, Duke plays the ruthless son 119min. Watch Richard Dean Anderson in his star-making role as of a Mafia kingpin who blasts his way through Hollywood on a MacGyver, the gun-hating, gadget-building, mullet-having bloody crime spree. Promising „more guts, more action, more Paramount Pictures 13.01.2015 secret agent in classic episodes like Jack of Lies and Blood dynamite“ than the Mario Puzo gangster classic, Massacre 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125711 Brothers. This collection includes all 139 action-packed Mafia Style delivers an onslaught of low-budget mayhem episodes and 2 TV movies on 39 discs. unlike anything you’ve ever seen. Grindhouse Releasing Action, Adventure, Boxed Sets, Classics, proudly presents the definitive release of the most violent Men, Women & Children (Blu-ray Collections, Crime, Cult Film / TV, Drama, movie ever made! + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) CAV, Classics, Mobsters & The Mafia, Mystery, Science, Spies & Secret Agents, Rosemarie DeWitt, J.K. Simmons, Jennifer Movies, Thrillers 1974 82min. Television 6808min. Garner, Judy Greer, Emma Thompson, CAV 10.02.2015 Paramount Pictures 07.04.2015 Adam Sandler - Dir. Jason Reitman 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125846 135,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125849 Academy Award nominated Director Jason Reitman (Up In the Air, Juno) delivers a „powerful and provocative“ film about The Master (DVD + UltraViolet) love and human connection in the modern world. Adam Sandler The Man With The Iron Fists 2 (Grown Ups), Jennifer Garner (Dallas Buyers Club) and Cheng Ni, Shi Tianlong, Mai Jintong, Shi Simon Yin, Carl Ng, Eugenia Yuan, Dustin Ansel Elgort (The Fault in our Stars) lead an amazing Hongbo - Dir. Ke Zhou ensemble cast in a story about high school teenagers and Nguyen, Rza, Marc Abraham, Eric Newman In 19th-century China, during the infamous Qing Dynasty, the their parents attempting to navigate their complex Action, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Arts, population is suffering at the hands of greedy landlords, relationships in an era defined by social media, online Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal 90min. corrupt officials, and unwelcome invaders. Hoping to unite his exchanges, and instant gratification. Discover how little you people, martial arts master Chen Xiang opens a school know about the people you know in the film critics are calling Universal Studios 14.04.2015 integrating techniques from both the North and South. But „a movie that could change your life! Not to be missed!“ Scott 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125990 after Chen refuses to join the armies of the Qing Prince, his Mantz, Access Hollywood mother and his students are seized. To save them, Chen has Comedy, Drama, High School, Movies 2014 The Man With The Iron Fists 2 only one path: all-out war. 119min. Action, Chinese, Foreign, Historical / Period Paramount Pictures 13.01.2015 (Blu-ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu- Piece, Martial Arts, Movies, War 90min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125728 ray) Lionsgate 24.02.2015 Simon Yin, Carl Ng, Eugenia Yuan, Dustin 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125685 : The Seventh And Nguyen, Rza, Marc Abraham, Eric Newman Final Season Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, Martial Matlock: Greatest Cases Tim Kang, Simon Baker, Robin Tunney Arts, Movies, Supernatural & Paranormal Andy Griffith The FBI’s masterfully manipulative criminal consultant Patrick 90min. Matlock makes a case for flawless television in a collection Jane is back for the seventh - and final - season of the clever Universal Studios 14.04.2015 of twelve all-time favorite episodes. Andy Griffith stars as crime series. Now that Agent Teresa Lisbon and Jane have famed criminal defense attorney Ben Matlock, as he takes on confessed their love for one another, they must find a way to 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126018 some of his most memorable cases and unforgettable be partners in both their professional and personal lives as opponents. Boasting an all-star roster of guest stars, they begin their new relationship. including Don Knotts, Dick Van Dyke, Bryan Cranston and Manhattan: Season One (Blu-ray Scott Bakula, it would be a crime to miss these twelve CBS, Crime, Drama, FBI, Murder Mysteries, + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) landmark cases. From shady siblings to an eccentric Mystery, Romance, Serial Killers, Televisi- millionaire to a killer comic, life is just a mystery waiting to be on, Thrillers min. Rachel Brosnahan, Michael Chernus, Chri- solved. Luckily, Ben Matlock is on the case. Warner Bros. 28.04.2015 stopher Denham, Harry Lloyd, John Benja- CBS, Classics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126006 min Hickey, Olivia Williams, Daniel Stern - Legal Issues, Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Dir. Thomas Schlamme Television 569min. Set against the backdrop of the greatest race against time in Paramount Pictures 10.03.2015 Misogynist the history of science - the mission to build the world’s first Danielle Lozeau, Eve Mauro, Jonathan atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico - Manhattan follows 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125705 the project’s brilliant but flawed scientists and their families Bennett, Tracey Bregman as they attempt to coexist in a world where secrets and lies Matlock: The Complete Series Trevor is a borderline sociopath who conducts underground infiltrate every aspect of their lives. seminars to teach young men methods of controlling women. Kene Holliday, Julie Sommars, Nancy His best student is Harrison; a pupil of his for the Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Family, last 3 years. Things start to unravel quickly once Harrison Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, Stafford, Michael Durrell, Linda Purl, Andy finds out who Trevor really is. Science, Television 2014 360min. Griffith Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 min. The one-and-only Andy Griffith stars in Matlock: The Lionsgate 07.04.2015 Complete Series. Both in the courtroom and out, no one Brain Damage Films 03.03.2015 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126017 matches the quick wit, Southern charm and killer instincts of 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125928 legendary attorney Ben Matlock. For the first time on DVD, this collection of all 178 episodes showcases the mysteries Manhattan: Season One (DVD + that made Matlock a television classic. Helping the masterful Miss Marple: Volume Two UltraViolet) lawyer solve his most intriguing cases over the years are a British, Drama, International, International crew of clever colleagues, including daughter Leanne (Brynn Rachel Brosnahan, Michael Chernus, Chri- Thayer), Conrad McMasters (Clarence Gilyard, Jr.), P.I. TV, Television 466min. stopher Denham, Harry Lloyd, John Benja- Cliff Lewis (Daniel Roebuck) and P.I. Jerri Stone (Carol Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 Huston). Over nine seasons, riveting story lines and A-list 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125775 min Hickey, Olivia Williams, Daniel Stern - guest stars prove that Matlock can captivate juries and Dir. Thomas Schlamme audiences alike. Set against the backdrop of the greatest race against time in Boxed Sets, Classics, Collections, Crime, Miss Marple: Volume Two (Blu- the history of science - the mission to build the world’s first atomic bomb in Los Alamos, New Mexico - Manhattan follows Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Murder ray) the project’s brilliant but flawed scientists and their families Mysteries, Mystery, Television 9192min. British, Drama, International, International as they attempt to coexist in a world where secrets and lies Paramount Pictures 07.04.2015 TV, Television 466min. infiltrate every aspect of their lives. 214,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125856 Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Family, Warner Bros. 24.03.2015 Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125800 Science, Television 2014 360min. Men, Women & Children Lionsgate 07.04.2015 Rosemarie DeWitt, J.K. Simmons, Jennifer Miss Meadows 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125989 Garner, Judy Greer, Emma Thompson, James Badge Dale, Callan Mulvey, Katie Adam Sandler - Dir. Jason Reitman Holmes Massacre Mafia Style (Blu-ray + Academy Award nominated Director Jason Reitman (Up In the Miss Meadows is a school teacher with impeccable manners Air, Juno) delivers a „powerful and provocative“ film about and grace. However, underneath the candy-sweet exterior DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) love and human connection in the modern world. Adam Sandler hides a ruthless gun-toting vigilante who takes it upon herself (Grown Ups), Jennifer Garner (Dallas Buyers Club) and to right the wrongs in the world by whatever means Lorenzo Dardado, Cara Salerno, Vic Cae- Ansel Elgort (The Fault in our Stars) lead an amazing necessary. For Miss Meadows, bad behavior is simply sar, Duke Mitchell, Buck Flower - Dir. Duke ensemble cast in a story about high school teenagers and unforgivable. their parents attempting to navigate their complex Mitchell relationships in an era defined by social media, online Action, Drama, Movies 88min. YOU’RE IN, OR YOU’RE IN THE WAY! Italian-American exchanges, and instant gratification. Discover how little you E1 Entertainment 27.01.2015 actor and nightclub singer Duke Mitchell wrote, produced, know about the people you know in the film critics are calling 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125689 directed and starred in this homemade answer to The „a movie that could change your life! Not to be missed!“ Scott Godfather, self-financed with earnings from his career as the Mantz, Access Hollywood self-proclaimed „Mr. Palm Springs.“ Previously known for his Muck Martin and Lewis act with Sammy Petrillo as seen in Bela Comedy, Drama, High School, Movies 2014

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Lachlan Buchanan, Bryce Draper, Lauren 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125934 Danny Trejo Francesca, Jaclyn Swedberg, Kane Comedy, Movies 2010 94min. Hodder - Dir. Steve Wolsh Olive Kitteridge (Blu-ray) Peace Arch Entertainment 03.03.2015 Throwback horror just raised the blood-soaked bar: Genre 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125933 legend Kane Hodder and 2012 Playboy Playmate of the Year Rosemarie DeWitt, Frances McDormand, Jaclyn Swedberg star in this scary, sexy and super-violent Donna Mitchell, Ann Dowd, Peter Mullan, indie shocker about a group of teens who are attacked by a Martha Wainwright, Richard Jenkins The Pet depraved clan of backwoods psychopaths. But for those who Academy Award winner Frances McDormand (Fargo, North Cult favorite The Pet is a shocking dramatization, based on survive the marshland massacre, the ultimate butchery may Country) and Academy Award nominee Richard Jenkins (The actual events, by director D. Stevens. The film follows a have just begun. It’s all sleaze and no tease, packed with old- Visitor, HBO’s Six Feet Under) star in the HBO miniseries young women who, in an emotional and financial crisis, school gore effects and brutal stunts without any CGI or drama Olive Kitteridge, a film by Academy Award-nominated succumbs to the charm of an aristocratic benefactor. Their apologies. Lachlan Buchanan (Pretty Little Liars) co-stars in director Lisa Cholodenko (The Kids Are All Right, Laurel relationship develops from her desire to be loves and his the first horror film ever released in 4K/Ultra HD that unfolds Canyon). Based on Elizabeth Strout’s Pulitzer Prize-winning desire to overcome the loss of his beloved setter, a loyal and like a hacked-up love letter to horror fanatics everywhere! novel of the same name and written by Emmy-winner Jane devoted pet. She agrees fro a considerable sum of money to Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2015 90min. Anderson (HBO’s The Positively True Adventures of the become his human pet, to sleep in a cage, never wear cloths, Starz / Anchor Bay 17.03.2015 Alleged Texas Cheerleader-Murdering Mom and Normal), this and to be led on a leach for a period of six-months. His desire four-part drama tells the story of a seemingly placid New to showcase his beautiful new pet, and to have her market 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125825 England town wrought with illicit affairs, crime and tragedy, appraised, prompts him to place her on the Global Slave told through the lens of Olive (McDormand), whose wicked market. Muck (Blu-ray) wit and harsh demeanor mask a warm but troubled heart and Drama, Erotica, Movies, Thrillers 2014 staunch moral center. Executive produced by Academy Award Lachlan Buchanan, Bryce Draper, Lauren winners Tom Hanks and Frances McDormand, and Emmy- 95min. Francesca, Jaclyn Swedberg, Kane winners Jane Anderson and Gary Goetzman. Breaking Glass Pictures 10.03.2015 Hodder - Dir. Steve Wolsh Drama, HBO, Mini-Series, Television 2014 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125852 Throwback horror just raised the blood-soaked bar: Genre 233min. legend Kane Hodder and 2012 Playboy Playmate of the Year HBO Home Video 10.02.2015 : Family Jaclyn Swedberg star in this scary, sexy and super-violent 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125795 indie shocker about a group of teens who are attacked by a Favorites depraved clan of backwoods psychopaths. But for those who Jeannine Riley, Pat Woodell, Bea survive the marshland massacre, the ultimate butchery may On The Town (Blu-ray) have just begun. It’s all sleaze and no tease, packed with old- Benaderet, Edgar Buchanan school gore effects and brutal stunts without any CGI or Frank Sinatra, Alice Pearce, Florence A collection of classic episodes featuring the Bradley sisters apologies. Lachlan Buchanan (Pretty Little Liars) co-stars in Bates, Jules Munshin, , Ann and their hilarious days running the Shady Rest Hotel. the first horror film ever released in 4K/Ultra HD that unfolds Miller, Gene Kelly - Dir. Gene Kelly, Stanley CBS, Classics, Comedy, Television 204min. like a hacked-up love letter to horror fanatics everywhere! Paramount Pictures 10.03.2015 Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2015 90min. Donen New York, New York, it’s a wonderful town - especially when 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125707 Starz / Anchor Bay 17.03.2015 sailors Gene Kelly, Frank Sinatra and Jules Munshin have a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125831 24-hour shore leave to see the sights... and when those sights include Ann Miller, Betty Garrett and Vera-Ellen. Co-directed Pinocchio (DVD + UltraViolet) Night At The Museum: Secret Of by Kelly and Stanley Donen, based on the Broadway hit and Carlo Giuffre, Nicoletta Braschi, Roberto set to an Academy Award-winning adaptation score, On the Benigni, Queen Latifah, David Suchet, The Tomb (Blu-ray + DVD + Town changed the landscape of movie musicals, opening filmmakers’ eyes to what could be done on location. And when Breckin Meyer - Dir. Roberto Benigni UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) brilliant location and studio production numbers are blended, Academy Award winner Roberto Benigni (Best Actor, Life Is it could be - as here - ebullient, up-and-at-’em perfection. The Beautiful, 1998) brings one of the world’s most beloved Ben Stiller Bronx is up and the Battery’s down, but no one can be down characters to the screen with this delightful live-action Get ready for the wildest and most adventure-filled Night At after going On the Town. adaption of Carlo Collodi’s classic story! The enchanting the Museum ever as Larry (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, Classics, Comedy, Movies, Musical, journey begins when the wooden puppet named Pinocchio uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an (Benigni) comes magically to life! Then Pinocchio’s ever- epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever. Romance 1949 98min. curious spirit opens the door to one wild adventure after Adventure, Blu-ray, Comedy, Family, Warner Bros. 05.05.2015 another depsite guidance from the beautiful Blue Fairy and the Fantasy, Movies, On The Job min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125927 love of his father Geppetto! This English dubbed version features the voices of Hollywood stars Breckin Meyer, Glenn 20th Century Fox tba Close, Queen Latifah, James Belushi, Regis Philbin, John tba BestellNr.: 40126032 Outlander: Season One , Volume Cleese, Eddie Griffin, Eric Idle, and Cheech Marin! One Adventure, Book-To-Film, Children’s, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Movies 2002 Night At The Museum: Secret Of Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Stephen 111min. The Tomb (DVD + UltraViolet) Walters, , Graham McTavish Lionsgate 03.03.2015 Ben Stiller Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Televisi- 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125745 Get ready for the wildest and most adventure-filled Night At on 2014 90min. the Museum ever as Larry (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an Pioneer epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever. 03.03.2015 Adventure, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125949 Stephanie Sigman, Aksel Hennie, Jonathan Movies, On The Job min. LaPaglia, Wes Bentley, Jorgen Langhelle, 20th Century Fox tba Outlander: Season One , Volume Stephen Lang tba BestellNr.: 40126013 Pioneer is set in the early 1980s, at the beginning of the One - Collector’s (Blu-ray) Norwegian Oil Boom when enormous oil and gas deposits Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Stephen were discovered in the North Sea. Authorities aim to bring the Night They Raided Minsky’s oil ashore and Petter, a professional diver, has the discipline, Walters, Tobias Menzies, Graham McTavish strength and courage to take on the world’s most dangerous A religious dancer joins a burlesque show and invents the Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Televisi- mission. But a sudden, tragic accident changes everything. striptease. Petter is sent on a perilous journey and gradually, he realizes Movies, Musical 99min. on 2014 90min. that he is in way over his head and that his life is at stake. Olive Films 24.02.2015 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Drama, Foreign, Movies, Norwegian, Thril- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125878 03.03.2015 lers 2013 110min. 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125960 Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.03.2015 Night They Raided Minsky’s (Blu- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125999 ray) Outlander: Season One , Volume A religious dancer joins a burlesque show and invents the One (Blu-ray) Pioneer (Blu-ray) striptease. Caitriona Balfe, Sam Heughan, Stephen Stephanie Sigman, Aksel Hennie, Jonathan Movies, Musical 99min. Walters, Tobias Menzies, Graham McTavish LaPaglia, Wes Bentley, Jorgen Langhelle, Olive Films 24.02.2015 Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Televisi- Stephen Lang 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125897 on 2014 90min. Pioneer is set in the early 1980s, at the beginning of the Norwegian Oil Boom when enormous oil and gas deposits Sony Pictures Home Entertainment were discovered in the North Sea. Authorities aim to bring the The Ninja: Immovable Heart 03.03.2015 oil ashore and Petter, a professional diver, has the discipline, Action, Australian, Drama, Foreign, Movies, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125959 strength and courage to take on the world’s most dangerous mission. But a sudden, tragic accident changes everything. Ninjas 2014 97min. Petter is sent on a perilous journey and gradually, he realizes Peace Arch Entertainment 03.03.2015 Pastor Shepherd that he is in way over his head and that his life is at stake.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 70 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Drama, Foreign, Movies, Norwegian, Thril- 10.02.2015 boutique dominatrix agency that specializes in guerrilla acts of public degradation. Although the rough treatment and lers 2013 110min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125805 humiliation Takafumi Katayama receives from these leather- Magnolia Home Entertainment 10.03.2015 clad women-in cafes and on the street-drive him to ecstatic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126028 Predestination (Blu-ray) pleasure, he soon finds himsel fin over his head during a surprise house call by one of the mistresses. After a freak Sarah Snook, Christopher Kirby, Madeleine and fatal accident, Takafumi is forced into action with a slew Poker Night West, Ethan Hawke, Noah Taylor - Dir. Mi- of vengeful dominatrices chasing him down. With the help of his son, he’ll have to devise a plan to take on the relentless Ron Perlman chael Spierig, Peter Spierig femmes fatales, who each possess a unique S&M talent by In this twisted thriller, a young detective becomes an Based on the short story „All You Zombies“ by Robert A. which to exact painful revenge. unwilling participant in a sadistic game of cat-and-mouse Heinlein, Predestination chronicles the life of a Temporal when he is kidnapped by a masked serial killer. In order to Agent (Ethan Hawke) sent on an intricate series of time-travel Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Movies survive, the detective must use the wisdom imparted to him by journeys designed to ensure the continuation of his law 2013 100min. senior detectives on their regular poker night. enforcement career. Now, on his final assignment, the Agent Cinedigm 10.03.2015 Horror, Movies 105min. must recruit his younger self while pursuing the one criminal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125948 Anderson Merchandisers 10.02.2015 that has eluded him throughout time. Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies, Science 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125869 Fiction, Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers, Rambo: First Blood (Blu-ray + Time Travel 2014 98min. Poker Night (Blu-ray) UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Sylvester Stallone, Richard Crenna, Brian Ron Perlman 10.02.2015 In this twisted thriller, a young detective becomes an Dennehy - Dir. Ted Kotcheff unwilling participant in a sadistic game of cat-and-mouse 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125808 He never fought a battle he couldn’t win - except the conflict when he is kidnapped by a masked serial killer. In order to raging within his own soul. Academy Award-nominee Sylve- survive, the detective must use the wisdom imparted to him by Private Peaceful ster Stallone stars as war hero John Rambo. An ex-Green senior detectives on their regular poker night. Beret haunted by of Vietnam, he was once the BBC, British, Foreign, Historical / Period perfect killing machine. Now he’s searching for peace, but Horror, Movies 105min. finds instead an over-zealous, small-town sheriff who’s Anderson Merchandisers 10.02.2015 Piece, International, International TV, Tele- spoiling for a fight. All hell breaks loose when anunjustly 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125888 vision, War, World War I min. imprisoned Rambo escapes and becomes the target of a BBC Home Video 03.03.2015 massive manhunt. Now he must use all his cunning, combat 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125793 skills and weapons training to stay alive and outwit his Pork Chop Hill pursuers. Co-starring Brian Dennehy and Richard Crenna, First Blood is an explosive action-thriller that will keep you James Edwards, Carl Benton Reid, George on the edge of your seat until the final, powerful frame. Peppard, Bob Steele, Gregory Peck, Harry Psychotic The resident psychologist of an insane asylum wakes to find Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, Guardino, Rip Torn - Dir. Lewis Milestone herself tied up in the morgue, with the full horror of insane Military, Movies, Thrillers, War 1982 89min. As the Korean War rages, efforts being led to recapture Pork patients escaped from their prison cells. Desperately seeking Lionsgate 24.02.2015 Chop Hill are thwarted at every turn. While leading his safety she aligns herself with a dangerous patient. infantry forward to gain control of the hill, Lieutenant Joe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125714 Clemons (Gregory Peck) finds himself standing at a Horror, Movies, Thrillers min. crossroad: with only twenty-five soldiers remaining out of an Brain Damage Films 03.03.2015 original one-hundred and thirty-five man unit, he is faced with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125929 The Red Road: The Complete abandoning the mission (a mission that his superiors are First Season unwilling to concede) or face what may well be certain death. Pork Chop Hill directed by Lewis Milestone (1962’s Mutiny Quiero Amarte (Loving You Is All Allie Gonino, Jason Momoa, Martin On The Bounty), co-stars George Peppard (The Henderson, Tamara Tunie, Julianne Carpetbaggers), Rip Torn (Men in Black) and Woody Strode I Want) (Once Upon A Time In The West). Nicholson, Tom Sizemore Flavio Medina, Alejandra Barros, Jean Paul The Red Road is a hard-hitting drama that revolves around a Action, Drama, Korean War, Movies, War Leroux, Luz Maria Jerez, Karyme Lozano, local cop (Martin Henderson of Devil’s Knot and The Ring) 1959 97min. Yolanda Ventura, Diana Bracho, Otto Sirgo, struggling to keep his family together while simultaneously Olive Films 27.01.2015 policing two clashing communities: the small town where he Jose Elias Moreno, Cristian de la Fuente grew up and the neighboring mountains, home of a Native 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125708 Mauro Montesinos is the owner of the coffee plantation called American tribe. After a terrible tragedy and coverup occurs El Paraso. Said property he inherited from his dead wife, involving the cop’s wife (Julianne Nicholson of August: Pork Chop Hill (Blu-ray) Elena Carmona, with whom he procreated a daughter, Juliana. Osage County and ), an unholy alliance is As time goes by, he falls in love again with Florencia forged between the cop and Phillip Kopus (Jason Momoa of James Edwards, Carl Benton Reid, George Martnez, the young owner of some coffee lands next to el Wolves and Game of Thrones), a dangerous member of the Paraso. However, the love between Mauro and Florencia is tribe that will come back to haunt all involved. Peppard, Bob Steele, Gregory Peck, Harry impossible because when they are about to marry, Mauro Guardino, Rip Torn - Dir. Lewis Milestone discovers that Lucrecia, an old friend of his, is pregnant with Cops, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, Tele- As the Korean War rages, efforts being led to recapture Pork his child. Mauro and Florencia must separate despite their big vision 264min. Chop Hill are thwarted at every turn. While leading his love. Starz / Anchor Bay tba infantry forward to gain control of the hill, Lieutenant Joe Drama, Foreign, Mexican, , Clemons (Gregory Peck) finds himself standing at a tba BestellNr.: 40125906 crossroad: with only twenty-five soldiers remaining out of an Spanish, Television 2013 975min. original one-hundred and thirty-five man unit, he is faced with Cinedigm 10.02.2015 The Red Tent abandoning the mission (a mission that his superiors are 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125975 unwilling to concede) or face what may well be certain death. Hiam Abbass, , Iain Glen, Pork Chop Hill directed by Lewis Milestone (1962’s Mutiny Debra Winger, Minnie Driver On The Bounty), co-stars George Peppard (The R100 (Blu-ray + Digital HD) (Blu- Carpetbaggers), Rip Torn (Men in Black) and Woody Strode Adventure, Drama, History & Events, Mini- (Once Upon A Time In The West). ray) Series, Television 90min. Action, Blu-ray, Drama, Korean War, In this audaciously kinky, meta-comedic thriller, a lonely Sony Pictures Home Entertainment father with a secret for S&M (Nao Ohmori, best known Movies, War 1959 97min. for his titular turn in Takashi Miike’s Ichi the Killer) hires a 10.03.2015 Olive Films 27.01.2015 boutique dominatrix agency that specializes in guerrilla acts 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126003 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125726 of public degradation. Although the rough treatment and humiliation Takafumi Katayama receives from these leather- clad women-in cafes and on the street-drive him to ecstatic Return To Me Predestination pleasure, he soon finds himsel fin over his head during a Robert Loggia, Minnie Driver, David surprise house call by one of the mistresses. After a freak Sarah Snook, Christopher Kirby, Madeleine and fatal accident, Takafumi is forced into action with a slew Duchovny, Bonnie Hunt - Dir. Bonnie Hunt West, Ethan Hawke, Noah Taylor - Dir. Mi- of vengeful dominatrices chasing him down. With the help of Bob Rueland, a Chicago building contractor, cherishes life his son, he’ll have to devise a plan to take on the relentless with his veterinarian wife until she is tragically killed in an chael Spierig, Peter Spierig automobile accident. Meanwhile the family and friends of Based on the short story „All You Zombies“ by Robert A. femmes fatales, who each possess a unique S&M talent by which to exact painful revenge. Grace Briggs, a waitress at a local Italian restaurant, are Heinlein, Predestination chronicles the life of a Temporal overjoyed when they learn that Grace will finally get a Agent (Ethan Hawke) sent on an intricate series of time-travel Comedy, Drama, Foreign, Japanese, Movies replacement heart (the heart of Bob’s wife). Both Bob and journeys designed to ensure the continuation of his law 2013 100min. Grace struggle to maintain normal lives after these traumatic enforcement career. Now, on his final assignment, the Agent events, until fate intervenes and brings them together. must recruit his younger self while pursuing the one criminal Cinedigm 10.03.2015 that has eluded him throughout time. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125958 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2000 Action, Crime, Movies, Science Fiction, 104min. Spies & Secret Agents, Thrillers, Time R100 (DVD+ Digital HD) Olive Films 27.01.2015 Travel 2014 98min. In this audaciously kinky, meta-comedic thriller, a lonely 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125710 Sony Pictures Home Entertainment father with a secret taste for S&M (Nao Ohmori, best known for his titular turn in Takashi Miike’s Ichi the Killer) hires a

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Return To Me (Blu-ray) Bud and Air Buddies stars John Ratzenberger, Will Sasso makes her the perfect foil for Rachel. After the murder of and Fred Willard. Russell is an undersized but big-hearted Rachel’s ex-boyfriend Nick Savage in Series 2, Series 3 Robert Loggia, Minnie Driver, David terrier who dreams of having a family of his own. After reveals how Rachel finally managed to prove she was Duchovny, Bonnie Hunt - Dir. Bonnie Hunt running away from his pet store, Russell gets taken in by the innocent and keep her job. Bob Rueland, a Chicago building contractor, cherishes life Ferraros, a family desperate to revive their grandfather’s pro BBC, British, Cops, Crime, Detectives, with his veterinarian wife until she is tragically killed in an wrestling arena. That’s when they discover their new pet Foreign, Friendships, girl power, Internatio- automobile accident. Meanwhile the family and friends of pooch has incredible wrestling skills. With help from his Grace Briggs, a waitress at a local Italian restaurant, are coach, Hunk, a savvy and hilarious monkey, Russell rockets nal, International TV, Murder Mysteries, overjoyed when they learn that Grace will finally get a to the top of the pro wrestling world and becomes a famous Mystery, Television 382min. replacement heart (the heart of Bob’s wife). Both Bob and sports superstar. But when a dishonest promoter double- BBC Home Video 05.05.2015 Grace struggle to maintain normal lives after these traumatic crosses the Ferraros, Russell will face his biggest challenge events, until fate intervenes and brings them together. and discover that the strongest tag team is family. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125985 Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 2000 Animals & Nature, Family, Movies, Wrestling 104min. & Fighting 92min. Sharky’s Machine (Blu-ray) Olive Films 27.01.2015 20th Century Fox 10.03.2015 Richard Libertini, Darryl Hickman, Bernie 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125727 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125905 Casey, Earl Holliman, Vittorio Gassman, Rachel Ward, Henry Silva, Brian Keith, Burt : The End Of Days Russell Madness (Blu-ray + DVD + Reynolds, - Dir. Burt What if the apocalyptic prophecies of the Book of Revelation UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) Reynolds were to unfold today? That’s the terrifying question posed in Burt Reynolds stars in and directs this atmospheric, volatile this thrilling new film from History. When the Wailing Wall Fabio Chiesa, Ameko Eks Mass Carroll, Will action thriller about an Atlanta cop whose gung-ho tactics on comes down in a series of bomb attacks that rock Jerusalem, Sasso, Chris Coppola, Fred Willard, John a narcotics case get him demoted to the vice squad. There he the event kick-starts seven years of torment that test the Ratzenberger - Dir. Robert Vince transforms a colorful crew into a machine aimed at bigger limits of mankind. Monster storms ravage the coasts, a This tail-wagging comedy-adventure from the creators of Air prey: crimelord Victor D’Anton (Vittorio Gassman). Playing horrible virus kills millions, and children mysteriously vanish Bud and Air Buddies stars John Ratzenberger, Will Sasso vital cogs in Sharky’s Machine are Brian Keith, Charles into thin air. Humanity’s only salvation lies in the hands of a and Fred Willard. Russell is an undersized but big-hearted Durning, Bernie Casey, Richard Libertini and John Fiedler. TV reporter and his cameraman who embark on an epic terrier who dreams of having a family of his own. After Rachel Ward is the call girl who sets Sharky’s personal and journey to decode the secrets of Revelation and identify the running away from his pet store, Russell gets taken in by the professional lives spinning. It’s easy to get attached to the Antichrist. If they survive, they stand a chance of witnessing Ferraros, a family desperate to revive their grandfather’s pro likable characters these pros create. But beware. In Sharky’s the most extraordinary event of all: The Second Coming of wrestling arena. That’s when they discover their new pet bullet-for-bullet world, even the good die fast. Christ. pooch has incredible wrestling skills. With help from his Action, Blu-ray, Book-To-Film, Classics, Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Devils And coach, Hunk, a savvy and hilarious monkey, Russell rockets Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Demons, End Of The World, History & to the top of the pro wrestling world and becomes a famous sports superstar. But when a dishonest promoter double- Cops, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Mobsters & Events, History Channel, Religion/ crosses the Ferraros, Russell will face his biggest challenge The Mafia, Movies, Murder Mysteries, Thril- Spirituality, Television 180min. and discover that the strongest tag team is family. lers 1981 122min. A&E 17.03.2015 Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Family, Movies, Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125979 Wrestling & Fighting 92min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125801 20th Century Fox 10.03.2015 Robin And The 7 Hoods (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125915 The Shift Harry Swoger, Hank Henry, Barbara Rush, Danny Glover - Dir. Lee Cipolla Jack La Rue, Allen Jenkins, Joseph Ruskin, St. Vincent In one 12-hour hospital shift in the ER a veteran male nurse, Victor Buono, Bing Crosby, Peter Falk, Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Bill Murray struggling with the haunting of his brother’s drowning, is Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra - Dir. Gordon Maggie (McCarthy), a single mother, moves into a new home forced to train a new nurse. The two are at odds throughout in Brooklyn with her 12-year old son, Oliver (Lieberher). the story, because, while they both struggle with the spiritual Douglas Forced to work long hours, she has no choice but to leave turmoil of right and wrong, they both come to very different Robin and the 7 Hoods mirthfully gives the Robin Hood legend Oliver in the care of their new neighbor, Vincent (Murray), a . One plays life-saving nurse. The other plays a Depression-era, mobtown Chicago setting. There, North retired curmudgeon with a penchant for alcohol and gambling. God and allows patients to die or even helps them to die. Side boss Robbo (Frank Sinatra) hopes to get a leg up in his An odd friendship soon blossoms between the improbable pair. Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2013 77min. power struggle with rival racketeer Guy Gisborne (Peter Together with a pregnant stripper named Daka (Watts), Cinedigm 24.02.2015 Falk). Robbo sets himself up as a latter-day Robin Hood with Vincent brings Oliver along on all the stops that make up his philanthropic fronts enabling him to scam the rich, take his cut daily routine — the race track, a strip club, and the local dive 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125867 and then give to the poor. Dean Martin, Sammy Davis, Jr., bar. Vincent helps Oliver grow to become a man, while Oliver Bing Crosby and Barbara Rush join in the giddy, gangsterish begins to see in Vincent something that no one else is able to: Silent Running (Blu-ray) fun. And the jazzy Sammy Cahn/ James Van Heusen score a misunderstood man with a good heart. (including Sinatra’s classic „My Kind of Town“) is the perfect Jesse Vint, Ron Rifkin, Cliff Potts, Bruce match for this all-star cast. Chicago will be your kind of town, Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 102min. when you share the music and merriment of Robin and the 7 Starz / Anchor Bay 17.02.2015 Dern - Dir. Douglas Trumbull Hoods. Academy Award nominee Bruce Dern stars in Silent Running, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125870 a sci-fi classic that journeys beyond the imagination. Botanist Classics, Comedy, Cops, Crime, Crooked Freeman Lowell (Dern) has spent eight years aboard the Cops, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Musi- St. Vincent (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) space freighter Valley Forge preserving the only botanical cal, Parody 1964 123min. specimens left from Earth under huge geodesic domes. When (Blu-ray) he receives orders to destroy the project and return home, Warner Bros. 05.05.2015 Lowell rebels and hijacks the freighter, while plunging the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125926 Melissa McCarthy, Naomi Watts, Bill Murray craft into the gaseous rings of Saturn. From that moment on, Maggie (McCarthy), a single mother, moves into a new home he has only the trees, the gardens and two „Drone“ robots, in Brooklyn with her 12-year old son, Oliver (Lieberher). Huey and Dewey, to keep him company on his greatest RPG Forced to work long hours, she has no choice but to leave adventure of all. Oliver in the care of their new neighbor, Vincent (Murray), a Rutger Hauer - Dir. Darin Scott retired curmudgeon with a penchant for alcohol and gambling. Adventure, Apocalyptic Future, Classics, In a future not too far away, Steve Battier, an elderly, An odd friendship soon blossoms between the improbable pair. Cult Film / TV, Drama, In The Future..., terminally ill multi-millionaire, accepts the offer of a company - Together with a pregnant stripper named Daka (Watts), Movies, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, RPG - that in exchange for a high monetary sum, provides a Vincent brings Oliver along on all the stops that make up his very select group of clientele the chance to be young again. daily routine — the race track, a strip club, and the local dive Space, Thrillers 1972 90min. For 10 hours, 10 millionaires from around the world, men and bar. Vincent helps Oliver grow to become a man, while Oliver Universal Studios 07.04.2015 women of fame and power, are transferred to attractive and begins to see in Vincent something that no one else is able to: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126024 healthy younger bodies, to live in a world of temporary a misunderstood man with a good heart. rejuvenation, in a game of real thrills, where every hour Comedy, Drama, Movies 2014 102min. someone must die. After returning to the body of a man of 23 Frank Sinatra Collection (Blu-ray) years, enjoying the pleasures of sex, and experiencing the Starz / Anchor Bay 17.02.2015 adrenaline of violence and power over life and death, Steve is 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125889 Kathryn Grayson, Gene Kelly, Ann Miller, willing to do anything to stay young forever... But what we Vivian Blaine, , Peter may have experienced is not always what appears to be. Lawford, Bing Crosby, Peter Falk, Jean Action, Horror, Movies, Science Fiction min. Scott And Bailey: Season Three Simmons, Dean Martin, Betty Garrett, Jules Anderson Merchandisers 10.02.2015 Suranne Jones, Amelia Bullmore, Lesley Munshin, Vera Ellen, Joey Bishop, Barbara 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125868 Sharp Suranne Jones and Lesley Sharp return in Sally Wainwright’s Rush, Frank Sinatra crime drama exploring the personal and professional lives of The Voice. The Eyes. The One And Only Frank Sinatra. Russell Madness two female detectives. Honest, powerful and true to life, Scott Anchors Aweigh: Frank Sinatra stars along with Kathryn Fabio Chiesa, Ameko Eks Mass Carroll, Will & Bailey is a refreshing take on crime drama. Rachel Bailey Grayson and Gene Kelly in this wartime tale of two sailors on and Janet Scott are detectives with Manchester Metropolitan leave in Hollywood. Gene Kelly’s history-making Sasso, Chris Coppola, Fred Willard, John Police’s prestigious Murder Investigation Team. Rachel is choreography and beloved musical numbers make this a Ratzenberger - Dir. Robert Vince energetic, impulsive, and bold, while Janet is subtle, reliable milestone of movie fantasy. Sinatra’s „I Fall in Love Too This tail-wagging comedy-adventure from the creators of Air and a diplomatic thinker with a wry sense of humor, which Easily“, the exuberant Kelly/Sinatra „We Hate to Leave“ and other musical highlights helped Anchors Aweigh weigh in with

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 72 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA a 1945 Academy Award for Best Scoring of a Musical Picture, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) stand in his way. The streets of Charming run red with blood plus four more Oscar nominations, including Best Picture and as shifting alliances and fatal mistakes lead to chaos, Actor (Kelly). On The Town: New York, New York, it’s a Alicia Vikander, Brenton Thwaites, Ewan betrayal, and all-out murder. The body count soars, and dark wonderful town - especially when sailors Gene Kelly, Frank McGregor - Dir. Julius Avery secrets give way to darker , until the only question Sinatra and Jules Munshin have a 24-hour shore leave to see After breaking out of a maximum-security prison, Brendan remaining is who will live...and who will die. the sights... and when those sights include Ann Miller, Betty Lynch (Ewan McGregor), Australia’s most notorious criminal, Cars & Motorcycles, Cops, Crime, Crooked Garrett and Vera-Ellen. Based on the Broadway hit and set to enlists 19-year-old JR (Brenton Thwaites) to accompany him Cops, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, an Academy Award-winning* score, On The Town changed the and his crew on a gold heist that promises to deliver millions. landscape of movie musicals by blending brilliant location and However, as things start to go wrong, a deadly game of cat Dysfunctional Families, FX, Gangs, studio production numbers to up-and-at-’em perfection. The and mouse ensues. Mobsters & The Mafia, Prison, Television, Bronx is up and the Battery’s down, but no one can be down after going On Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Drama, Movies 2014 Thrillers, War 2014 790min. Classics, Collections, Comedy, Crime, Dra- 108min. 20th Century Fox 24.02.2015 ma, Mobsters & The Mafia, Movies, Music, Lionsgate 17.03.2015 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125771 Musical, Romance, Thrillers min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125978 Warner Bros. 05.05.2015 : The Complete 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126026 Son Of A Gun (DVD + UltraViolet) Series Giftset Alicia Vikander, Brenton Thwaites, Ewan Annabeth Gish, Jeff Kober, Harold Singles (Blu-ray) McGregor - Dir. Julius Avery Perrineau Jr., William Lucking, Michael After breaking out of a maximum-security prison, Brendan Eric Stoltz, Peter Horton, Kyra Sedgwick, Lynch (Ewan McGregor), Australia’s most notorious criminal, Ornstein, Mark Boone Junior, Nicholas Ally Walker, Sheila Kelley, Jeremy Piven, enlists 19-year-old JR (Brenton Thwaites) to accompany him Guest, Mitch Pileggi, Danny Trejo, Jimmy Campbell Scott, Matt Dillon, Bridget Fonda, and his crew on a gold heist that promises to deliver millions. Smits, Ron Perlman, Adam Arkin, Kim However, as things start to go wrong, a deadly game of cat Tom Skerritt, Bill Pullman - Dir. Cameron and mouse ensues. Coates, Ally Walker, Henry Rollins, Billy Crowe Action, Crime, Drama, Movies 2014 108min. Brown, Titus Welliver, Tommy Flanagan, Romance in the ’90s is where you find it. But what do you do Dayton Callie, Olivia Burnette, Katey Sagal, to make it happen in today’s hilariously mixed-up Singles Lionsgate 17.03.2015 world? A stellar cast joins writer/director Cameron Crowe 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125973 Scott Anderson, , Jay (Jerry Maguire) in this sweet, funny tale of Seattle Karnes, Charlie Hunnam, Ryan Hurst, Rock- twentysomethings searching for - and running from - love. The Song mond Dunbar, Jamie McShane, Emilio Among the players: Matt Dillon (There’s Something About Rivera, Patrick St. Esprit, Tory Kittles, Robin Mary) as a romantically aloof rocker, Bridget Fonda (A Ali Faulkner Simple Plan) as his lovestruck neighbor, Kyra Sedgwick, The Song follows aspiring singer-songwriter Jed King (Alan Weigert, Timothy V. Murphy, CCH Pounder, Campbell Scott, Sheila Kelley and Bill Pullman. Applauded by Powell, Anthem Lights lead singer) as he struggles to catch a Paula Malcomson, Johnny Lewis, Theo critics and audiences of all ages, Singles is for anyone who’s break and escape the long shadow of his father, a country Rossi, Kurt Sutter, Winter Ave Zoli, Mo walked through that minefield called dating... and on occasion music legend. After reluctantly accepting a gig at a local been blown up. vineyard harvest festival, Jed is love-struck by the vineyard McRae, Kenneth Choi, Maggie Siff, Comedy, Drama, Movies, Romance 1992 owners daughter, Rose (Ali Faulkner, Twilight: Breaking Lamonica Garrett 99min. Dawn), and a romance quickly blooms. Soon after their From creator Kurt Sutter comes Sons of Anarchy, the iconic, wedding, Jed writes Rose „The Song,“ which becomes a adrenaline-charged initiation into the gritty underworld of Warner Bros. 07.04.2015 breakout hit. Thrust into a life of stardom and a world of outlaw motorcycle clubs. Hounded by law enforcement and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125772 temptation in the form of fellow performer Shelby Bale (Caitlin targeted by ruthless rivals, the Sons of Anarchy face an Nicol- Thomas, Nashville), Jed’s life and marriage begin to uncertain and increasingly lawless future. Meanwhile, Jax fall apart. Teller is torn between loyalty to his brother bikers and the Skating To New York Drama, Movies, Music, Romance 90min. idealistic vision of his father as he faces bloodshed, Skating To New Yorkis a contemporary coming-of-age treachery and betrayal at every turn. As Jax struggles to adventure about five boys on a small-town Canadian high Sony Pictures Home Entertainment protect his family and escape the deadly legacy of the past, school hockey team, who live to skate. After losing a big 10.02.2015 alliances are forged, secrets are revealed, and the bonds of game, they decide to do something never attempted before - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125781 brotherhood are put to the ultimate test. skate across Lake Ontario to New York on the coldest day of Action, Boxed Sets, Cars & Motorcycles, the year. From the creators of 8 Seconds, Mr. Baseball and Cops, Cops On The Edge, Crime, Crooked Pain And Gain, Skating To New York is a story about home Sons Of Anarchy: Season Seven Cops, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, and friendship, about leadership and facing danger, and about Charlie Hunnam, Drea De Matteo, Katey growing up - but never giving up. Dysfunctional Families, Family, FBI, FX, Sagal, Dayton Callie, Tommy Flanagan, Kim Drama, Movies 93min. Gangs, Mobsters & The Mafia, Prison, Coates, Annabeth Gish, Michael Ornstein, Well Go USA 17.02.2015 Revenge, Television, Thrillers, War Mark Boone Junior, Jimmy Smits, Peter 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125882 4951min. Weller, CCH Pounder, Theo Rossi, Winter 20th Century Fox 24.02.2015 Skating To New York (Blu-ray) Ave Zoli, Kenneth Choi Complete your collection and relive the heart-pounding 250,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125966 Skating To New Yorkis a contemporary coming-of-age adrenaline rush of the final season of Kurt Sutter’s explosive adventure about five boys on a small-town Canadian high outlaw-biker saga, Sons of Anarchy. Reeling from the death of Sons Of Anarchy: The Complete school hockey team, who live to skate. After losing a big the woman he loves, Jax Teller steers SAMCRO full-throttle game, they decide to do something never attempted before - down the hell-bound road to revenge, allowing nothing to Series Giftset (Blu-ray) skate across Lake Ontario to New York on the coldest day of stand in his way. The streets of Charming run red with blood the year. From the creators of 8 Seconds, Mr. Baseball and as shifting alliances and fatal mistakes lead to chaos, Annabeth Gish, Jeff Kober, Harold Pain And Gain, Skating To New York is a story about home betrayal, and all-out murder. The body count soars, and dark Perrineau Jr., William Lucking, Michael and friendship, about leadership and facing danger, and about secrets give way to darker truths, until the only question growing up - but never giving up. Ornstein, Mark Boone Junior, Nicholas remaining is who will live...and who will die. Guest, Mitch Pileggi, Danny Trejo, Jimmy Drama, Movies 93min. Cars & Motorcycles, Cops, Crime, Crooked Smits, Ron Perlman, Adam Arkin, Kim Well Go USA 17.02.2015 Cops, Drama, Drugs & Dealers, Coates, Ally Walker, Henry Rollins, Billy 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125903 Dysfunctional Families, FX, Gangs, Brown, Titus Welliver, Tommy Flanagan, Mobsters & The Mafia, Prison, Television, Dayton Callie, Olivia Burnette, Katey Sagal, Snuff 102 Thrillers, War 2014 790min. Scott Anderson, Drea De Matteo, Jay Andrea Alfonso, Yamila Greco, Eduardo 20th Century Fox 24.02.2015 Karnes, Charlie Hunnam, Ryan Hurst, Rock- Poli - Dir. Mariano Peralta 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125762 When a young journalist decides to investigate the macabre mond Dunbar, Jamie McShane, Emilio world of „snuff films,“ the worst of destinations awaits her as Rivera, Patrick St. Esprit, Tory Kittles, Robin she becomes the next on-camera victim. Gagged, beaten, and Sons Of Anarchy: Season Seven Weigert, Timothy V. Murphy, CCH Pounder, terrified, she will do anything to survive! Mariano Peralta’s (Blu-ray) controversial Argentinean gore film has been deemed one of Paula Malcomson, Johnny Lewis, Theo the sickest and most depraved films ever made. What are the Charlie Hunnam, Drea De Matteo, Katey Rossi, Kurt Sutter, Winter Ave Zoli, Mo limits of screen violence? Is it moral to keep watching? You Sagal, Dayton Callie, Tommy Flanagan, Kim McRae, Kenneth Choi, Maggie Siff, be the judge. Coates, Annabeth Gish, Michael Ornstein, Lamonica Garrett Argentinian, Foreign, Horror, Kidnapping, Mark Boone Junior, Jimmy Smits, Peter From creator Kurt Sutter comes Sons of Anarchy, the iconic, Movies, Serial Killers 2007 100min. Weller, CCH Pounder, Theo Rossi, Winter adrenaline-charged initiation into the gritty underworld of CAV 10.02.2015 outlaw motorcycle clubs. Hounded by law enforcement and Ave Zoli, Kenneth Choi targeted by ruthless rivals, the Sons of Anarchy face an 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125860 Complete your collection and relive the heart-pounding uncertain and increasingly lawless future. Meanwhile, Jax adrenaline rush of the final season of Kurt Sutter’s explosive Teller is torn between loyalty to his brother bikers and the Son Of A Gun (Blu-ray + outlaw-biker saga, Sons of Anarchy. Reeling from the death of idealistic vision of his father as he faces bloodshed, the woman he loves, Jax Teller steers SAMCRO full-throttle treachery and betrayal at every turn. As Jax struggles to down the hell-bound road to revenge, allowing nothing to protect his family and escape the deadly legacy of the past,

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 73 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA alliances are forged, secrets are revealed, and the bonds of 20th Century Fox 10.03.2015 Starry Eyes is an occult tale of ambition, possession, and the brotherhood are put to the ultimate test. 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125969 true cost of fame. Action, Blu-ray, Boxed Sets, Cars & Horror, Movies 95min. Motorcycles, Cops, Cops On The Edge, Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 Crime, Crooked Cops, Drama, Drugs & Dea- Star Trek: The Original Series - 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125721 lers, Dysfunctional Families, Family, FBI, Captain Kirk’s Boldest Missions FX, Gangs, Mobsters & The Mafia, Prison, Nichelle Nichols, James Doohan, DeForest Stop Pepper Palmer Revenge, Television, Thrillers, War Kelley, George Takei, Walter Koenig, William Comedy, Movies 2014 93min. 4951min. Shatner, Leonard Nimoy First Look 10.03.2015 20th Century Fox 24.02.2015 Captain James Tiberius Kirk (William Shatner) steps squarely into the spotlight in this thrilling Star Trek collection 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125942 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125971 that features his greatest interstellar adventures! And the commander of the starship U.S.S. Enterprise finds a galaxy Subconscious (DVD + UltraViolet) The Sound Of Music: The 50th full of intriguing missions as he and his crew are destined to go „where no man has gone before.“ From an encounter with Aleisha Force, Dominick Mancino, Tom Anniversary 2-Disc Edition (Blu- the mysterious Balok in „The Corbomite Maneuver“ and Stedham, Tim Abell - Dir. Georgia Hilton ray + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) attempting to rescue survivors from a planet-killing machine In 1943, the Navy submarine USS Lionfish was inexplicably from another galaxy in „The Doomsday Machine“ to the shut down; its commander, Tony Sterling, gone without a Anna Lee, Debbie Turner, Angela critically acclaimed, Hugo Award-winning „The City on the trace. Seventy years later, Sterling’s grandson, professor Cartwright, Duane Chase, Charmian Carr, Edge of Forever,“ this collection of eight thrill-packed, heart- Peter Williams, is recruited by a top-secret government pounding adventures from the original Star Trek series will agency to investigate. Aboard the Lionfish, Peter and his team Nicholas Hammond, Peggy Wood, Eleanor have you joining Captain Kirk and the Enterprise crew as uncover clues to the sub’s cryptic past - and are plunged into Parker, Richard Haydn, Christopher they soar off on exciting quests and unforgettable encounters. a terrifying supernatural journey that will take them across Plummer, Julie Andrews, Kym Karath - Dir. Action, Adventure, Aliens, Classics, Cult the dark abyss of time, with history hanging in the balance. Robert Wise Film / TV, In The Future..., Science Fiction, Action, Military, Movies, Mystery, Thrillers, Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Space, Star Trek, Television 403min. Time Travel, War, World War II 2014 The Sound of Music - Winner of five Academy Awards Paramount Pictures 17.03.2015 122min. including Best Picture - with this 2-Disc Blu-ray set that includes an all-new hour-long documentary detailing Julie 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125765 Lionsgate 10.03.2015 Andrews’ return visit to Salzburg where she filmed her iconic 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125811 role as Maria half a century ago! Starred Up Academy Award Winners, Biography, Blu- Ben Mendelsohn, Rupert Friend, Gershwyn Supernatural: The Complete ray, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Epics, Eustache Jr, Gilly Gilchrist, Raphael Family, Movies, Musical, Romance, Special Seasons 1 & 2 (Repackage) Sowole, David Ajala, Anthony Welsh, Editions, War, World War II 1965 174min. Jim Beaver, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki Ashley Chin, Sam Spruell, Peter 20th Century Fox 10.03.2015 Cult Film / TV, Devils And Demons, Drama, Ferdinando, Tommy McDonnell, David Avery 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125968 Dysfunctional Families, Fantasy, Horror, - Dir. David Mackenzie Monsters, Mystery, Supernatural & Nineteen-year-old Eric (Jack O’Connell, star of Unbroken), Paranormal, Television, The CW, Thrillers The Sound Of Music: The 50th arrogant and ultra-violent, is prematurely transferred to the same adult prison facility as his estranged father (Ben min. Anniversary Edition Mendelsohn, The Dark Knight Rises). As his explosive Warner Bros. 03.03.2015 Anna Lee, Debbie Turner, Angela temper quickly finds him enemies in both prison authorities and fellow inmates - and his already volatile relationship with 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126007 Cartwright, Duane Chase, Charmian Carr, his father is pushed past breaking point - Eric is approached Nicholas Hammond, Peggy Wood, Eleanor by a volunteer psychotherapist (Rupert Friend, Homeland), Syncopation Parker, Richard Haydn, Christopher who runs an anger management group for prisoners. Torn Bonita Granville, Adolphe Menjou, George Plummer, Julie Andrews, Kym Karath - Dir. between gang politics, prison corruption, and a glimmer of something better, Eric finds himself in a fight for his own life, Bancroft, Robert Benchley, Jackie Cooper Robert Wise unsure if his own father is there to protect him or join in A young man with a horn tries to make it on the early jazz Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the most beloved family film punishing him. Written by prison system therapist Jonathan scene. Features a session with Harry James, Benny of all time! Rodgers & Hammerstein’s cinematic treasure stars Asser, Starred Up is a merciless, uncompromising portrayal Goodman, Gene Krupa, Charlie Barnet. the incomparable Julie Andrews as Maria, the warmhearted of a dehumanizing life behind bars, and the most accomplished young woman who brings joy and music to Captain von Trapp film of David Mackenzie’s career; as father and son, Mendel- Comedy, Drama, Movies, Musical 1942 () and his children. Experience this sohn and O’Connell give extraordinary performances, 76min. magnificent movie musical filled with unforgettable songs, charting a path that resembles Greek tragedy. E1 Entertainment 10.02.2015 including „Do-Re-Mi,“ „My Favorite Things“ and „The Sound British, Drama, Foreign, Movies, Prison 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125776 of Music“. 2013 106min. Academy Award Winners, Biography, Cinedigm 03.02.2015 Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Epics, Syncopation (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125918 Family, Movies, Musical, Romance, Special Bonita Granville, Adolphe Menjou, George Editions, War, World War II 1965 174min. Bancroft, Robert Benchley, Jackie Cooper 20th Century Fox 10.03.2015 Starry Eyes A young man with a horn tries to make it on the early jazz Determined to make it as an actress in Hollywood, Sarah scene. Features a session with Harry James, Benny 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125961 Walker spends her days working a dead-end job, enduring Goodman, Gene Krupa, Charlie Barnet. petty friendships and going on countless casting calls in Comedy, Drama, Movies, Musical 1942 The Sound Of Music: The 50th hopes of catching her big break. After a series of strange auditions, Sarah lands the leading role in a new film from a 76min. Anniversary Ultimate Collector’s mysterious production company. But with this opportunity E1 Entertainment 10.02.2015 comes bizarre ramifications that will transform her both 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125796 Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + mentally and physically into something beautiful... and UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) altogether terrifying. From the producer of Cheap Thrills and Jodorowsky’s Dune, Dennis Widmyer & Kevin Kolsch’s Take The Lead / Save The Last Anna Lee, Debbie Turner, Angela Starry Eyes is an occult tale of ambition, possession, and the Cartwright, Duane Chase, Charmian Carr, true cost of fame. Dance Nicholas Hammond, Peggy Wood, Eleanor Horror, Movies 95min. Kerry Washington, Bianca Lawson, John Parker, Richard Haydn, Christopher Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 Ortiz, , Sean Patrick Thomas, Plummer, Julie Andrews, Kym Karath - Dir. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125697 Fredro Starr, Dante Basco, Julia Stiles, Robert Wise , Terry Kinney, Antonio Celebrate Rodgers & Hammerstein’s cinematic treasure with Starry Eyes (Blu-ray) Banderas, Jenna Dewan, Vince Green, this all-new 5-Disc Ultimate Collector’s Edition. Featuring Jonathan Malen, Lauren Collins, Elijah the restored film on Blu-ray and DVD with over 13 hours of Fabianne Therese, Marc Senter, Amanda bonus content, this set also includes an exclusive 50th Fuller, Pat Healy Kelley, Yaya Dacosta, Marcus T. Paulk, Anniversary CD soundtrack. Plus, the all-new hour-long Determined to make it as an actress in Hollywood, Sarah Jasika Nicole - Dir. Thomas Carter, Liz documentary, The Sound of a City: Julie Andrews Returns to Walker spends her days working a dead-end job, enduring Friedlander Salzburg, details Julie Andrews’ visit to Salzburg where she petty friendships and going on countless casting calls in filmed her iconic role as Maria half a century ago! hopes of catching her big break. After a series of strange African Americans, Ballet, Ballroom, Double Academy Award Winners, Biography, Blu- auditions, Sarah lands the leading role in a new film from a Features, Drama, Dysfunctional Families, mysterious production company. But with this opportunity High School, Hip-Hop, Instructional Dance, ray, Classics, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Epics, comes bizarre ramifications that will transform her both Family, Movies, Musical, Romance, Special mentally and physically into something beautiful... and Movies, Music, Romance min. Editions, War, World War II 1965 min. altogether terrifying. From the producer of Cheap Thrills and Warner Bros. 17.03.2015 Jodorowsky’s Dune, Dennis Widmyer & Kevin Kolsch’s

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 74 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125986 tba BestellNr.: 40126012 History & Events, Spies & Secret Agents, Television, Thrillers, War 452min. The Theory Of Everything Top Five (Blu-ray + DVD + Starz / Anchor Bay 17.03.2015 Felicity Jones, UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125907 Starring Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables) and Felicity Anders Holm, Hayley Marie Norman, Ben Jones (The Amazing Spider-Man 2), this is the extraordinary Turn: Washington’s Spies - The story of one of the world’s greatest living minds, the Cole, J.B. Smoove, Cedric The Entertainer, renowned astrophysicist , who falls deeply Gabrielle Union, Rosario Dawson, Romany Complete First Season (Blu-ray + in love with fellow Cambridge student Jane Wilde. Once a healthy, active young man, Hawking received an earth- Malco, - Dir. Chris Rock UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) shattering diagnosis at 21 years of age. With Jane fighting Pulsing with the rhythm of his greatest stand-up, Chris Daniel Henshall, Seth Numrich, Kevin tirelessly by his side, Stephen embarks on his most ambitious Rock’s Top Five takes things to the next level, reveling in the scientific work, studying the very thing he now has precious high and the low, and blending a star-studded comedic romp McNally, little of - time. Together, they defy impossible odds, breaking with an irresistible romance. Top Five digs under the surface A historical thriller set during the Revolutionary War, Turn new ground in medicine and science, and achieving more than of show business, politics, rap, and the exigencies of being centers on Abe Woodhull (Jamie Bell), a farmer living in they could ever have dreamed. The film is based on the black and famous today - holding it all up to the light in the British-occupied Long Island who bands together with his memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen, by Jane way only Chris Rock can. Mingling echoes of Woody Allen childhood friends to form the Culper Ring - an unlikely team of Hawking, and is directed by Academy Award winner James and Dick Gregory with the energy of Kanye West and Jay Z, secret agents who not only went on to help George Washing- Marsh (Man on Wire). Top Five is an original and radically new kind of American ton turn the of the war but also gave birth to modern Biography, Drama, Movies, Romance movie. Written, directed by, and starring Chris Rock, Top spycraft. Five tells the story of comedian-turned-film AMC, Blu-ray, Drama, Historical / Period 124min. star Andre Allen, whose unexpected encounter with a Piece, History & Events, Spies & Secret Universal Studios 17.02.2015 journalist (Rosario Dawson) forces him to confront the Agents, Television, Thrillers, War 452min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125688 comedy career - and the past - that he’s left behind. African Americans, Blu-ray, Comedy, Starz / Anchor Bay 17.03.2015 Movies, Romance 2014 101min. 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125916 The Theory Of Everything (Blu- Paramount Pictures tba ray + DVD + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) tba BestellNr.: 40126033 Turnaround Jake Felicity Jones, Eddie Redmayne Comedy, Drama, Family, Movies 90min. Starring Eddie Redmayne (Les Miserables) and Felicity Total Recall (Blu-ray + Jones (The Amazing Spider-Man 2), this is the extraordinary Pure Flix Entertainment 10.02.2015 story of one of the world’s greatest living minds, the UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125790 renowned astrophysicist Stephen Hawking, who falls deeply in love with fellow Cambridge student Jane Wilde. Once a Ronny Cox, Michael Ironside, Sharon healthy, active young man, Hawking received an earth- Stone, Rachel Ticotin, Arnold Universal Soldier (Blu-ray + shattering diagnosis at 21 years of age. With Jane fighting Schwarzenegger, Mario Kassar, Buzz UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) tirelessly by his side, Stephen embarks on his most ambitious scientific work, studying the very thing he now has precious Feitshans Ally Walker, , Jerry Orbach little of - time. Together, they defy impossible odds, breaking Experience Total Recall the way it was meant to be seen with - Dir. Roland Emmerich new ground in medicine and science, and achieving more than a pristine Director approved 1080P HD transfer! Action star extraordinaire Arnold Schwarzenegger is perfectly cast as Soldiers Luc Deveraux (Jean-Claude Van Damme) and Sgt. they could ever have dreamed. The film is based on the Andrew Scott (Dolph Lundgren) killed each other in Vietnam. memoir Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen, by Jane Quaid, a 2084 construction worker haunted by dreams of Mars in this crowd-pleasing science fiction spectacle. But their demise proves to be just the beginning for the U.S. Hawking, and is directed by Academy Award winner James government, which brings both men back to life decades later Marsh (Man on Wire). Against the wishes of his sexy blonde wife (Sharon Stone), Quaid goes to Rekall, a company that implants artificial for a secret anti-terrorism program. Known as „Unisols,“ the Biography, Blu-ray, Drama, Movies, memories, so he can „remember“ visiting the red planet that is genetically enhanced soldiers are now unstoppable killing Romance 124min. now being settled by human inhabitants. However, Quaid is machines without feelings or . But when Deveraux’s actually a secret agent from Mars - of is he? of his old life starts to resurface, he escapes from the Universal Studios 17.02.2015 program to find his way home, spurring Sgt. Scott to engage 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125718 Action, Adventure, Aliens, Blu-ray, him on a superhuman chase across the country...leading to the Classics, In The Future..., Movies, Science ultimate clash. To Write Love On Her Arms Fiction, Space 1990 89min. Action, Adventure, Army, Blu-ray, Classics, Lionsgate 24.02.2015 Crime, Cult Film / TV, Military, Movies, Juliana Harkavy, Mark Saul, Kat Dennings, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125715 Science Fiction, Thrillers 1992 89min. Rupert Friend, Chad Michael Murray - Dir. Lionsgate 24.02.2015 Nathan Frankowski The film is based on the true story of Florida teenager Renee Transporter: The Series - Season 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125719 Yohe (played by Kat Dennings), whose struggle with One addiction and abuse inspired the creation and 2006 launch of V/H/S: Viral the non-profit organization To Write Love on Her Arms. In a Charly Hubner, Andrea Osvart, Violante creative blend of artistic fantasy, music and confrontation with Placido, Delphine Chaneac, Chris Vance, A police chase after a deranged ice cream truck has harsh reality, Renee discovers the value of genuine captivated the attention of the greater area. friendships and embarks on a daunting, yet courageous Francois Berleand Dozens of fame-obsessed teens flock to the streets with their journey towards recovery. Get ready for the ride of your life with British ex-commando video cameras and camera phones, hell-bent on capturing the Frank Martin (Chris Vance), a high-stakes courier who next viral video. But there is something far more sinister Biopics, Drama, Movies, Music 2012 delivers dangerous cargo - and hard-hitting action - in Trans- occurring in the streets of L.A. than a simple police chase. A 118min. porter: The Series. Based on the hugely popular films, the resounding effect is created onto all those obsessed with Sony Pictures Home Entertainment exhilarating series follows Frank to exotic locations, where capturing salacious footage for no other purpose than to he deals with clients whose business is top-secret. But amuse or titillate. Soon the discovery becomes that they 03.03.2015 although he swears never to learn the truth about his themselves are the stars of the next video, one where they 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125945 deliveries, he often breaks that code, putting his life at even face their own death. greater risk. Along with sexy former CIA agent Carla Valeri Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 92min. (Andrea Osvart), Frank faces danger around every high- Top Five speed turn in this pulse-pounding show filled with incredible Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.02.2015 Anders Holm, Hayley Marie Norman, Ben cars, beautiful women and adrenaline-fueled thrills! 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125835 Cole, J.B. Smoove, Cedric The Entertainer, Action, Based On Feature Film, Cars & Gabrielle Union, Rosario Dawson, Romany Motorcycles, Cops, Crime, Detectives, V/H/S: Viral (Blu-ray) Malco, Chris Rock - Dir. Chris Rock Mystery, Television 575min. A police chase after a deranged ice cream truck has Pulsing with the rhythm of his greatest stand-up, Chris 20th Century Fox 03.03.2015 captivated the attention of the greater Los Angeles area. Rock’s Top Five takes things to the next level, reveling in the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125994 Dozens of fame-obsessed teens flock to the streets with their high and the low, and blending a star-studded comedic romp video cameras and camera phones, hell-bent on capturing the with an irresistible romance. Top Five digs under the surface next viral video. But there is something far more sinister of show business, politics, rap, and the exigencies of being Turn: Washington’s Spies - The occurring in the streets of L.A. than a simple police chase. A black and famous today - holding it all up to the light in the resounding effect is created onto all those obsessed with way only Chris Rock can. Mingling echoes of Woody Allen Complete First Season capturing salacious footage for no other purpose than to and Dick Gregory with the energy of Kanye West and Jay Z, Daniel Henshall, Seth Numrich, Kevin amuse or titillate. Soon the discovery becomes that they Top Five is an original and radically new kind of American themselves are the stars of the next video, one where they movie. Written, directed by, and starring Chris Rock, Top McNally, Jamie Bell face their own death. Five tells the story of New York City comedian-turned-film A historical thriller set during the Revolutionary War, Turn Horror, Movies, Thrillers 2014 92min. star Andre Allen, whose unexpected encounter with a centers on Abe Woodhull (Jamie Bell), a farmer living in Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.02.2015 journalist (Rosario Dawson) forces him to confront the British-occupied Long Island who bands together with his comedy career - and the past - that he’s left behind. childhood friends to form the Culper Ring - an unlikely team of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125844 secret agents who not only went on to help George Washing- African Americans, Comedy, Movies, Rocky ton turn the tide of the war but also gave birth to modern Relationships, Romance 2014 101min. spycraft. : The Paramount Pictures tba AMC, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Complete Fifth Season (Blu-ray)

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Zach Roerig, Nina Dobrev, Candice Accola, Johnathon Schaech, Thomas Jane, Bruce the young man’s life. Andrew’s passion to achieve perfection quickly spirals into obsession, as his ruthless teacher Steven R. McQueen, Michael Trevino, Paul Willis, Randall Emmett, George Furla continues to push him to the brink of both his ability-and his Wesley, Ian Somerhalder Julian Michaels (Bruce Willis) has designed the ultimate sanity. After a sizzling summer with Damon, Elena leaves Mystic resort: Vice, where anything goes and the customers can play Drama, Movies 107min. Falls and moves into a dorm with her roomie Caroline, ready out their wildest fantasies with artificial inhabitants who look, for new adventures and new friends. But dark thoughts gnaw think and feel like humans. When an artificial (Ambyr Sony Pictures Home Entertainment at Elena, and soon familiar faces are back in the girls’ lives. Childers) becomes self-aware and escapes, she finds herself 24.02.2015 There’s Stefan with his shadow self Silas, plus Katherine, caught in the crossfire between Julian’s mercenaries and a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125874 with a diabolical agenda and a jaw-dropping transformation. cop (Thomas Jane) who is hell-bent on shutting down Vice, As the Doppelgangers test destiny, tearing lovers apart and and stopping the violence once and for all. pitting the Salvatore brothers against each other, the student Action, Adventure, Blu-ray, Cops, Fantasy, White Haired Witch body count rises, of powerful forces on campus. Movies, Science Fiction, Thrillers 2015 Anchors, Rippers, Passengers and Travelers struggle to Chinese, Fantasy, Foreign, Movies, survive alongside witches and werewolves, teaching our 96min. Science Fiction 2014 min. favorite vampires painful lessons along the way. Sink your Lionsgate 17.03.2015 Well Go USA 10.03.2015 teeth into all 22 bloodthirsty episodes on 5 Discs of this 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125922 passionate, heart-ripping, supernatural series. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126009 Adventure, Blu-ray, Drama, Fantasy, High School, Horror, Mystery, Romance, Televi- Vice (DVD + UltraViolet) White Haired Witch (Blu-ray) sion, The CW, Thrillers, Vampires, Witches Ambyr Childers, Bryan Greenberg, Chinese, Fantasy, Foreign, Movies, & Warlocks 968min. Johnathon Schaech, Thomas Jane, Bruce Science Fiction 2014 min. Warner Bros. 07.01.2015 Willis, Randall Emmett, George Furla Well Go USA 10.03.2015 Julian Michaels (Bruce Willis) has designed the ultimate 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125821 resort: Vice, where anything goes and the customers can play 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126029 out their wildest fantasies with artificial inhabitants who look, Vanish think and feel like humans. When an artificial (Ambyr Wild Orchid Childers) becomes self-aware and escapes, she finds herself Three would-be kidnappers get more than they bargained for caught in the crossfire between Julian’s mercenaries and a Carre Otis, Zalman King, Mickey Rourke, when they abduct the daughter of a drug cartel kingpin in cop (Thomas Jane) who is hell-bent on shutting down Vice, VANish, an explosive action ride where nothing and no one and stopping the violence once and for all. are what they seem. Hoping to score a hefty ransom for the A kinky millionaire corrupts a businesswoman’s lawyer during safe return of his daughter, three amateur thugs kidnap Emma Action, Adventure, Cops, Fantasy, Movies, a hotel deal in Rio de Janeiro. Rodriguez from the home of her father, drug kingpin Carlos Science Fiction, Thrillers 2015 96min. Drama, Movies 124min. Rodriguez, and force her to record a video of herself pleading Lionsgate 17.03.2015 Olive Films 24.02.2015 for her life. But what they don’t know is that Emma is all but estranged from her notorious father, and the murderous blood 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125920 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125876 that made Carlos a name to fear in the underworld also runs through her veins. As time ticks away and the unlucky Video Nasties: Definitive Guide Wild Orchid (Blu-ray) threesome find themselves in more and more danger in the form of the police, crime bosses, and Carlos himself, they Part 2 Carre Otis, Mickey Rourke, Jacqueline Bis- must find a way to keep their once-perfect plan in order Prepare to be corrupted and depraved once more by the set - Dir. Zalman King before all hell breaks loose. Featuring standout performances sequel to the definitive guide to the Video Nasties A kinky millionaire corrupts a businesswoman’s lawyer during and a story that puts a unique new spin on the action thriller, phenomenon - the most extraordinary and scandalous era in a hotel deal in Rio de Janeiro. VANish is a high-octane trip through a no-man’s-land where the history of British film. For the first time ever on DVD, all Drama, Movies 124min. trouble lurks behind every turn of its twisting and twisted 82 films that fell foul of the Director of Public Prosecutions plot. „Section 3“ list are trailer-featured with specially filmed intros Olive Films 24.02.2015 Action, Crime, Movies 79min. for each title, alongside director Jake West’s brand new 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125895 MPI 24.02.2015 documentary - Video Nasties: Draconian Days. Disc 1: Video Nasties: Draconian Days The critically acclaimed follow-up 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125875 documentary to Video Nasties: , Censhorship And The Wonder Years: Season Two Videotape from director Jake West and producer Marc Morris Jason Hervey, Josh Saviano , Fred Vanish (Blu-ray) who continue to uncover the shocking story of home entertainment following the introduction of the 1984 Video Savage, Danica McKellar, Alley Mills, Dan Three would-be kidnappers get more than they bargained for Recordings Act. The UK was plunged into a new Dark Age of Lauria, Daniel Stern when they abduct the daughter of a drug cartel kingpin in the most restrictive , where the horror movie ABC, Coming-Of-Age, Drama, Family, VANish, an explosive action ride where nothing and no one became the bloody eviscerated victim of continuing dread are what they seem. Hoping to score a hefty ransom for the created by self-aggrandizing moral guardians, and the film Friendships, Historical / Period Piece, Tele- safe return of his daughter, three amateur thugs kidnap Emma charts the consequences of this, including subversive social vision min. Rodriguez from the home of her father, drug kingpin Carlos that sprung up around it. With fascinating interviews WEA 03.02.2015 Rodriguez, and force her to record a video of herself pleading and for her life. But what they don’t know is that Emma is all but 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125784 estranged from her notorious father, and the murderous blood Classics, Collections, Horror, Movies 2014 that made Carlos a name to fear in the underworld also runs 840min. through her veins. As time ticks away and the unlucky CAV 10.02.2015 The World Made Straight threesome find themselves in more and more danger in the Minka Kelly, Steve Earle, Haley Joel form of the police, crime bosses, and Carlos himself, they 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125840 must find a way to keep their once-perfect plan in order Osment, Noah Wyle, Adelaide Clemens, before all hell breaks loose. Featuring standout performances Whiplash (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Jeremy Irvine, Sandra Lafferty - Dir. David and a story that puts a unique new spin on the action thriller, Burris VANish is a high-octane trip through a no-man’s-land where (Blu-ray) Set in the early 1970s, The World Made Straight is an trouble lurks behind every turn of its twisting and twisted Andrew Neyman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, single- adaptation of North Carolina writer Ron Rash’s acclaimed plot. minded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite east coast novel of the same name. In a rural Appalachian community Action, Blu-ray, Crime, Movies 79min. music conservatory. Plagued by the failed writing career of haunted by the legacy of a Civil War massacre, young and MPI 24.02.2015 his father, Andrew hungers day and night to become one of the rebellious Travis Shelton (Jeremy Irvine) finds himself greats. Terence Fletcher, an instructor equally known for his ensnared in the violence of the past and the subtle evils of the 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125894 teaching talents as for his terrifying methods, leads the top present. jazz ensemble in the school. Fletcher discovers Andrew and Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2015 119min. Venus Flytrap transfers the aspiring drummer into his band, forever changing the young man’s life. Andrew’s passion to achieve perfection First Look 17.02.2015 Kimberley Kates, Steve Malis, Michael quickly spirals into obsession, as his ruthless teacher 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125812 Capellupo, Kevin M. Glover - Dir. T. Michael continues to push him to the brink of both his ability-and his After crashing a party, three street punks decide to have their sanity. The World Made Straight (Blu- own kind of fun with the local preppies. But did the punks bite Drama, Movies 107min. off more than they could chew with these well dressed Sony Pictures Home Entertainment ray) yuppies? A dangerous game of Russian Roulette is just the beginning of this night of debauchery and sin! Venus Flytrap 24.02.2015 Adelaide Clemens, Jeremy Irvine, Minka is available for the first time on DVD, digitally remastered 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125893 Kelly, Steve Earle, , Noah from the original video master, which was long thought lost! Wyle - Dir. David Burris Classics, Horror, Movies 1987 62min. Whiplash (DVD + UltraViolet) Set in the early 1970s, The World Made Straight is an CAV 27.01.2015 adaptation of North Carolina writer Ron Rash’s acclaimed Andrew Neyman is an ambitious young jazz drummer, single- novel of the same name. In a rural Appalachian community 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125838 minded in his pursuit to rise to the top of his elite east coast haunted by the legacy of a Civil War massacre, young and music conservatory. Plagued by the failed writing career of rebellious Travis Shelton (Jeremy Irvine) finds himself Vice (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) (Blu- his father, Andrew hungers day and night to become one of the ensnared in the violence of the past and the subtle evils of the greats. Terence Fletcher, an instructor equally known for his present. ray) teaching talents as for his terrifying methods, leads the top jazz ensemble in the school. Fletcher discovers Andrew and Drama, Movies, Thrillers 2015 119min. Ambyr Childers, Bryan Greenberg, transfers the aspiring drummer into his band, forever changing First Look 17.02.2015

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40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125816 528min. Cinedigm 17.02.2015 The Yards (Blu-ray + UltraViolet) Special Interest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125782 (Blu-ray) Ancient Aliens: Season Seven - Joaquin Phoenix, Charlize Theron, Mark John Cena Experience Wahlberg - Dir. James Gray Volume One John Cena Hot stars Mark Wahlberg (The Fighter), Joaquin Phoenix (I’m What supernatural lives will be revealed when „Underground Special Interest, Sports, Sports Still Here) and Charlize Theron (Hancock) power this Portals“ explores the 10,000-year-old prehistoric artwork Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & riveting crime thriller. Released from prison after taking the discovered in a cave in India? Could the face of Giza’s Great fall for a group of his friends, Leo Handler (Wahlberg) just Sphinx prove to be older than once thought, and what Fighting, WWE min. wants to get his life back on track. But when he takes a job otherworldly being might it actually represent? History WWE Home Video 03.03.2015 with his powerfully influential Uncle Frank (James Caan) and continues its exploration of unexplained events and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125932 reconnects with his old friend Willie (Phoenix), Leo finds phenomena in this Ancient Aliens collection that journeys himself unwittingly drawn into a world of sabotage, high- through the Egyptian pyramids, Central American temples, and stakes payoffs and even murder. Then, he discovers a secret Earth’s enigmatic caves, offering viewers a detailed account The Dickumentary: A Short that makes him the target of the city’s most ruthless family - of the mysteries of life that continue to elude us. his own. Animals & Nature, Educational, Historical / History Of The Penis Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance, Thrillers Period Piece, History & Events, History Everything you’ve always wanted to know about the penis, but were afraid to find out. The Dickumentary tells the story of the 2000 115min. Channel, Science, Science Fiction, Televisi- penis - from its as a biological structure millions of Lionsgate 03.03.2015 on 528min. years ago in prehistoric fish to today. have 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125758 A&E 10.03.2015 worshipped it and circumcised it. Men have sought ways to make it larger. Across 14 countries, featuring interviews with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125819 more than 40 experts, The Dickumentary tries to answer some The Yards (DVD + UltraViolet) of the greatest questions of our time, like: What happened to Ancient Aliens: Season Seven - Jesus’ foreskin? Why do Shiva’s lingam? Joaquin Phoenix, Charlize Theron, Mark Does size really matter? The Dickumentary is an epic journey Wahlberg - Dir. James Gray Volume One (Blu-ray) through a subject that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough Hot stars Mark Wahlberg (The Fighter), Joaquin Phoenix (I’m What supernatural lives will be revealed when „Underground in polite society. Still Here) and Charlize Theron (Hancock) power this Portals“ explores the 10,000-year-old prehistoric artwork Art & Architecture, Documentary, Special riveting crime thriller. Released from prison after taking the discovered in a cave in India? Could the face of Giza’s Great Interest 2014 72min. fall for a group of his friends, Leo Handler (Wahlberg) just Sphinx prove to be older than once thought, and what wants to get his life back on track. But when he takes a job otherworldly being might it actually represent? History Breaking Glass Pictures 31.03.2015 with his powerfully influential Uncle Frank (James Caan) and continues its exploration of unexplained events and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125850 reconnects with his old friend Willie (Phoenix), Leo finds phenomena in this Ancient Aliens collection that journeys himself unwittingly drawn into a world of sabotage, high- through the Egyptian pyramids, Central American temples, and stakes payoffs and even murder. Then, he discovers a secret Earth’s enigmatic caves, offering viewers a detailed account Earth: A New Wild that makes him the target of the city’s most ruthless family - of the mysteries of life that continue to elude us. Take a stunning new look at our wild planet by turning the his own. Animals & Nature, Blu-ray, Educational, cameras around to show the world as it really is-with humans Crime, Drama, Movies, Romance, Thrillers Historical / Period Piece, History & Events, in the picture. Dr. M. Sanjayan journeys to the frontiers of 2000 115min. where man and animal meet to discover how our relationship History Channel, Science, Science Fiction, Lionsgate 03.03.2015 with the greatest natural history events on the planet can Television 528min. provide a key to preserving our present and enriching our 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125750 future. Episodes include Home, Plains, Forest, Water, and A&E 10.03.2015 Oceans. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125820 The Yards / The Lookout Documentary, Educational, PBS, Science, Space, Special Interest 300min. Matthew Goode, Isla Fisher, Joaquin Art And Craft PBS Home Video 10.02.2015 Phoenix, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Mark Landis has been called one of the most prolific art 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125881 Jeff Daniels - Dir. Scott Frank, James Gray forgers in US history. His impressive body of work spans Crime, Double Features, Drama, Movies, thirty years, covering a wide range of painting styles and Romance, Thrillers 214min. periods that includes 15th Century Icons, Picasso, and even Earth: A New Wild (Blu-ray) Walt Disney. And while the copies could fetch impressive Take a stunning new look at our wild planet by turning the Lionsgate 03.03.2015 sums on the open market, Landis isn’t in it for money. Posing cameras around to show the world as it really is-with humans 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125751 as a philanthropic donor, a grieving executor of a family in the picture. Dr. M. Sanjayan journeys to the frontiers of member’s will, and most recently as a Jesuit priest, Landis where man and animal meet to discover how our relationship has given away hundreds of works over the years to a with the greatest natural history events on the planet can The Yards / The Lookout (Blu-ray) staggering list of across the . But provide a key to preserving our present and enriching our after duping Matthew Leininger, a tenacious registrar who future. Episodes include Home, Plains, Forest, Water, and Matthew Goode, Isla Fisher, Joaquin ultimately discovers the decades-long ruse and sets out to Phoenix, Charlize Theron, Mark Wahlberg, Oceans. expose his philanthropic escapades to the art world, Landis Documentary, Educational, PBS, Science, Jeff Daniels - Dir. Scott Frank, James Gray must confront his own legacy and a chorus of museum Space, Special Interest 300min. Crime, Double Features, Drama, Movies, professionals clamoring for him to stop. Art And Craft starts out as a cat-and-mouse art caper, rooted in questions of PBS Home Video 10.02.2015 Romance, Thrillers 214min. authorship and authenticity — but what emerges is an intimate 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125902 Lionsgate 03.03.2015 story of obsession and the universal need for community, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125759 appreciation, and purpose. Art & Architecture, Documentary, Food Chains Photography/Art, Special Interest 89min. From Eva Longoria and Eric Schlosser, producer of Food Inc. Oscilloscope Laboratories 27.01.2015 and Fast Food Nation, comes a powerful and shocking expose about what feeds our country. This powerful true story of one 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125700 small group of workers overcoming corporate greed to end Music and abuse in America’s fields will inspire you to Befit 30 Day Fat Burn demand your food be fair! Documentary, Food & Cooking, Health, Nas: Time Is Illmatic Torch calories and shed inches in just 10 minutes a day with a Twenty years after the release of Nas’s groundbreaking debut unique mix of fat-blasting cardio and sculpting strength moves Special Interest min. album ‘Illmatic,’ Nas: Time Is Illmatic takes us into the heart of like you’ve never done before! Packed with 8 full-body Screen Media Films 03.02.2015 his creative process. Returning to his childhood home in workouts, each 10-minute routine tones the abs, arms, thighs, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125789 Queensbridge, Nas shares stories of his upbringing, his butt, legs, chest, and back to achieve a slim, sexy physique. influences - from the music of his jazz musician father Olu Transform your body with exclusive variations of squats, Dara to the burgeoning hip-hop scene in New York City - and lunges, pushups, dips, planks, plyometrics, weight training, Girls Gone Wild: Coed Car Wash and more. With pro trainers Astrid McGuire and Danielle the obstacles he faced before his major label signing at age We discovered a bunch of pretty college girls running a 20. Featuring interviews with his ‘Illmatic’ producers (Large Pascente guiding every move, and a 30-Day Fat Burn to keep you on track, you’re are sure to shape the carwash! We hope you’re ready for full service action Professor, Pete Rock, Q-Tip, L.E.S., and DJ Premier) and because these ladies love special detail. Get your motor musical peers (including Pharrell Williams and Alicia Keys), sexy body you want! Fitness, Health, Special Interest 88min. running and watch Girls Gone Wild: Coed Car Wash! Nas: Time Is Illmatic is a thrilling account of Nas’s evolution Girls Gone Wild, Softcore min. from a young street poet to a visionary MC. Lionsgate 03.03.2015 GGW 07.04.2015 Biography, Documentary, Hip-Hop, Music, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125829 Rap, Special Interest 74min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125963 Kino Video 03.02.2015 Breaking Amish: Los Angeles - 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125780 Girls Gone Wild: No Panties Season One Required Reality, Religion/Spirituality, Television Girls Gone Wild: No Panties Required! The title of this sexy

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 77 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA and fun romp featuring four gorgeous cheerleaders says it all. Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.02.2015 Sex(ed): The Movie When they tumble and flip you’ll catch more than just a quick peek when you glance up those tiny skirts all on Girls Gone 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125833 How did you first learn about sex? Maybe it was a book with Wild: No Panties Required! colorful illustrations, a talk with Mom or Dad, a corny classroom film, or just a random encounter with a dirty Cheerleaders, Girls Gone Wild, Softcore Life Itself (Blu-ray) magazine. Sex(ed): The Movie offers a revealing, min. Acclaimed director Steve James (Hoop Dreams) and occasionally awkward, and often hilarious look at how GGW 07.04.2015 executive producers Martin Scorsese (The Departed) and Americans have learned about sex from the early 1900s to the Steven Zaillian (Moneyball) present Life Itself, a documentary present. Using clips from an astounding array of sex ed films, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125964 film that recounts the inspiring and entertaining life of world- this entertaining documentary captures what it was like for renowned film critic and social commentator Roger Ebert - a the kids - confusion, shock, embarrassment - and as well for Ice Cold Gold: Season One story that is by turns personal, funny, painful, and those doing the educating (often with moral agendas front and transcendent. Based on his bestselling memoir of the same center). Sex(ed) ultimately shows us that educating kids Adventure, Drama, Reality, Special Interest, name, Life Itself, explores the legacy of Roger Ebert’s life, about sex is not just about conveying the of biology and Television, Work Sucks 2014 264min. from his Pulitzer Prize-winning film criticism at the Chicago the dangers of STD; what we learn (and how we learn it) Sun-Times to becoming one of the most influential cultural affects our , our relationships, and our ability to be Cinedigm 13.01.2015 voices in America. intimate throughout our lives. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125917 Documentary, Film About Film, Special Documentary, Educational, Special Interest Interest 83min. min. In The Land Of The Head Hunters Magnolia Home Entertainment 17.02.2015 First Run Features 03.02.2015 Legendary photographer Edward S. Curtis devoted his life to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125842 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125778 documenting the world of Native Americans in firm that the he gathered „must be collected at once or the opportunity will be lost.“ In 1914, he created one of the first Messenger Of The Truth Sixties feature length dramas ever made - a masterpiece filmed with and starring members of the Kwakwaka’wakw (Kwakiutl) tribe Documentary, Special Interest 2013 86min. Documentary, Mini-Series, PBS, Special of British Columbia. Curtis’ haunting melodrama, set before First Look 03.03.2015 Interest, Television 2014 720min. Europeans arrived on the North Pacific Coast, tells the story 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125941 PBS Home Video 03.02.2015 of a warrior’s spiritual journey, of love won and lost, and of a battle between tribes to save the warrior’s bride. The film’s 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125788 attention to historic detail and Curtis’ legendary eye for Mountain Men: Season Three composition make In The Land Of The Head Hunters one of The struggle for survival continues with Mountain Men: Spanish Lake the most beautiful films of the silent era and a stunning Season Three on DVD. Your favorite Mountain Men - Marty, A controversial documentary on ‘white flight’ in the area of evocation of a culture famed for its incredible artistic Tom, Eustace, Rich, Charlie, and Kyle - face life-changing heritage. Aspects of the film were based on he Spanish Lake, Missouri, a post-World War II suburb five decisions and impending loss when a polar vortex threatens miles from Ferguson, Missouri. Due to racism, housing Kwakwaka’wakw’s oral and it accurately portrays them. Unwelcome visitors and dwindling provisions loom in rituals, including the potlatch, which were strictly prohibited developments, and governmental policies, Spanish Lake „Valley of the Wolves.“ Will Tom and Eustace’s attempts at experienced a white exodus in the 1990s, resulting in rapid by Canadian law until 1951. Motana, the son of a great chief, homemade contraptions go up in flames in „Where There’s must gain power from the spirit forces thr economic decline and population turnover. In the aftermath of Smoke, There’s Fire“? How will Kyle’s son Ben’s colt- the Mike Brown shooting and Ferguson riots, Spanish Lake is Documentary, History & Events 1914 min. breaking skills fare in „“? Time is ticking as a shocking and timely film on America’s growing political Oscilloscope Laboratories 25.02.2015 empty traps, vicious predators, and winter storms plague the divide, racial tension, and rise of anti-government sentiment. efforts of these wilderness warriors. Trek across the nation 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125939 from Alaska to the Carolinas with this 15-episode, rugged African Americans, Documentary, Movies, expedition across some of America’s wildest terrain. Politics, Special Interest 78min. In The Land Of The Head Hunters Adventure, Animals & Nature, History Passion River 17.03.2015 (Blu-ray) Channel, Reality, Television, Wilderness 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126008 Legendary photographer Edward S. Curtis devoted his life to 704min. documenting the world of Native Americans in firm belief that A&E 24.02.2015 Super Bowl XLIX the information he gathered „must be collected at once or the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125684 opportunity will be lost.“ In 1914, he created one of the first Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports 2015 feature length dramas ever made - a masterpiece filmed with min. and starring members of the Kwakwaka’wakw (Kwakiutl) tribe Office Tigers Cinedigm 03.03.2015 of British Columbia. Curtis’ haunting melodrama, set before A feature-length documentary about an office full of young 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126010 Europeans arrived on the North Pacific Coast, tells the story Indian professionals and the executives teaching them the of a warrior’s spiritual journey, of love won and lost, and of a rules of corporate culture. Set in an American-owned battle between tribes to save the warrior’s bride. The film’s business process out-sourcing company in India, whose Super Bowl XLIX (Blu-ray) attention to historic detail and Curtis’ legendary eye for clients include the top investment banks in the world, the composition make In The Land Of The Head Hunters one of documentary offers a rare look at cross-cultural corporate Football, NFL, Special Interest, Sports 2015 the most beautiful films of the silent era and a stunning training, the lifestyles of young urban professionals in a min. evocation of a culture famed for its incredible artistic conservative South Indian city, and at the changes that Cinedigm 03.03.2015 heritage. Aspects of the film were based on he outsourcing is bringing to India. Kwakwaka’wakw’s oral traditions and it accurately portrays 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126030 rituals, including the potlatch, which were strictly prohibited Documentary, Special Interest, Work Sucks by Canadian law until 1951. Motana, the son of a great chief, 91min. must gain power from the spirit forces thr Magnolia Home Entertainment 21.10.2014 Tricked Documentary, History & Events 1914 min. Modern-day slavery is alive and well in the United States, as 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125836 thousands of victims are trafficked across the country to Oscilloscope Laboratories 25.02.2015 satisfy America’s $3-billion-a-year sex trafficking industry. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125953 One Generation Away Meet the pimps, the johns, the police, the parents and the victims of the thriving sex trade in Tricked, a comprehensive Documentary, Special Interest 2014 min. and daring documentary that uncovers one of America’s Kink Funimation 10.02.2015 darkest secrets. James Franco and director Christina Voros pull back the Documentary, Educational, Exploitation, curtain on the fetish empire of kink.com, the web’s largest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125779 producer of BDSM content, demystifying the BDSM lifestyle Kidnapping, Special Interest 75min. and revealing a dedicated group of people who love what they Richard Pryor: Omit The First Run Features 03.02.2015 do. Recount the culture-defining influence of Richard Pryor - one 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125777 Documentary, Special Interest 80min. of America’s most brilliant, iconic comic minds. MPI 10.02.2015 Comedy, Documentary, Special Interest, Watchers Of The Sky 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125696 Stand-Up 83min. With his provocative question, „why is the killing of a million Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 a lesser crime than the killing of an individual?“ Raphael Life Itself Lemkin changed the course of history. An extraordinary 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125794 testament to one man’s perseverance, the Sundance award- Acclaimed director Steve James (Hoop Dreams) and winning film Watchers of the Sky examines the life and legacy executive producers Martin Scorsese (The Departed) and Richard Pryor: Omit The Logic of the Polish-Jewish lawyer and linguist who coined the term Steven Zaillian (Moneyball) present Life Itself, a documentary genocide. Before Lemkin, the notion of accountability for war film that recounts the inspiring and entertaining life of world- (Blu-ray) crimes was virtually non-existent. After experiencing the renowned film critic and social commentator Roger Ebert - a barbarity of the Holocaust firsthand, he devoted his life to story that is by turns personal, funny, painful, and Recount the culture-defining influence of Richard Pryor - one of America’s most brilliant, iconic comic minds. convincing the international community that there must be transcendent. Based on his bestselling memoir of the same legal retribution for mass atrocities targeted at minorities. An name, Life Itself, explores the legacy of Roger Ebert’s life, Comedy, Documentary, Special Interest, impassioned visionary, Lemkin confronted world apathy in a from his Pulitzer Prize-winning film criticism at the Chicago Stand-Up 83min. tireless battle for justice, setting the stage for the Nuremberg Sun-Times to becoming one of the most influential cultural Magnolia Home Entertainment 03.02.2015 trails and the creation of the International Criminal Court. voices in America. Inspired by Samantha Power’s Pulitzer Prize-winning book A Documentary, Film About Film, Special 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125804 Problem From Hell, this multi-faceted documentary Interest 83min. interweaves Raphael Lemkin’s struggle with the courageous efforts of four individuals keeping his legacy alive: Luis

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 79 Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) Februar 2015 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Moreno Ocampo, Chief Prosecutor of the ICC; Sama Special Interest, Sports, Sports Documentary, Special Interest, War, World Entertainment, Television, Wrestling & War II 121min. Fighting, WWE 60min. Music Box Films 24.02.2015 WWE Home Video 10.02.2015 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125879 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125785 Telefonische Bestellannahme: Katt Williams: Priceless WWE: The Best Of Raw And Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Katt Williams Smackdown 2014 Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Comedy, Special Interest, Stand-Up, Televi- Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Special Interest, Sports, Sports sion min. Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Entertainment, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE E1 Entertainment 10.03.2015 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126004 Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- WWE Home Video 03.02.2015 und Feiertags (Baden- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125690 WWE: Road Is Jericho - Epic Württemberg) bleibt unser Verkauf geschlossen. Stories & Rare Matches From Y2J WWE: The Destruction Of The Chris Jericho Shield Multi-faceted entertainer Chris Jericho is the lead singer of a rock & roll band, a writer, and above all else, a WWE legend. Follow a behind the scenes journey in the life of WWE’s This set includes several of Jericho’s greatest matches, with newest and most prolific trio - , on their road to reflections and insight from the man who lived them. Ride with SummerSlam. They were the most dominant faction inside the Chris as he shares his favorite stories with the WWE Uni- ring, taking the entire WWE by storm. Now, the Hounds of verse while traveling across the country to wrestle, write, justice have disbanded, and roads now lead to SummerSlam. and sing. Witness the journeys of the three superstars- Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns - from their humble Documentary, Sports, Sports Entertainment, beginnings en route to the biggest event of the summer! The Television, Wrestling & Fighting, WWE program will include even more exclusive content than 540min. originally aired on the WWE Network, along with hours of WWE Home Video 10.03.2015 The Shield’s greatest matches. Sports, Sports Entertainment, Television, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40126002 Wrestling & Fighting, WWE min. WWE Home Video 17.02.2015 WWE: Slam City 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40125866

Newsletter 01/15 (Nr. 346) ISSN 1610-2606 Credits Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann Mitarbeit in dieser Ausgabe: Anna Rudschies © (2015) by LASER HOTLINE ** Preisangabe in EURO gilt nur in Verbindung mit einem „Persönlichen Import- service“-Vertrag und be- inhaltet den Warenpreis sowie alle anfallenden Importkosten inkl. unserer Vermittlungsprovision. * ”Dolby”, ”Surround EX” und das doppelte D- sind Warenzeichen der Dolby Laboratories Inc. Der NEWSLETTER ist die offizielle Informationsbro- schüre für Kunden der Fir- ma LASER HOTLINE. Alle in diesem Mailing ent- haltenen Angaben zu Pro- dukten, die im Ausland ver- öffentlicht werden, stellen kein Verkaufsangebot dar, sondern dienen nur zur Information. LASER HOTLINE ist autorisierter Dolby Merchandise Händler

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