The Archives of The University of Notre Dame 607 Hesburgh Library Notre Dame, IN 46556 574-631-6448
[email protected] Notre Dame Archives: Alumnus HTHE NOTRE DAME .n \^ ;t.O V.'' . vK\ Above—John Neeson, foun der of Universal N. D. Night, receives ^kcroU in Philadelphia from Rev. Eugene P. Burke, C. S. C, as E, Bradley Bailey smiles approval. Below— Central observance of U.N.O. Night in Detroit. Universal Notre Dame Night MAX, 1940 No. 7 The Notre Dame Alumnus PROGRAM NINETy-SIXTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT University of Notre Dame May 31. June I and 2, 1940 (All events are scheduled on Central Stuiidunl I'iiiie.) Friday, May 31 Keglstra tion of Alumni In the Alumni Ottice. Main Bulldlns (Because of the early Commencement, no rooms will be u\-ailable until Friday. May 31, on the campus.) Open ng of the Genera,l Alumni, and the Class, Golf Tournament Play, The 18-HoIe Reunion CI TVilliam J. Burke - Universlti* Golf Course Classes for 1940 are: 1935 — 1930 — 1925 — 1920 — 1915 — 1910 — 1905 — S:00 P. ^[. 1900 — 1S95 — 1S90 7:00 P.M. Reunion Dinner of the 25-Year Class, Lay Faculty Dlnlnp Hooni 7:00 P.M. Concert, University Band, Main Quadrangle S:00 P.M. Reunion Dinner, the 50-Tear Class of 1S90 S:30 P.M. Entertainment. "Washington Hall 9:00 P.M. Smoker of the 5-Year Reunion Class of 1935, Lay Faculty Dining Room Informal Reunion Smoker, 10-Year Reunion Class of 1930, Hall Reunion Headquarters Saturday, June I Coutiimatlou uf Ketrlstratiun of Alumni Continuation of Alumni and Class Golf Tournanients 9:30 A.JL Last Visit of the Class of 1940 to Sacred Heart Church (A Private Ceremony.