Cleveland Town Topics Volume 5, December 1889
8 'Wleeltl~ 'lRc"lew of Soclet\?, 8rt anb llterature. VOL. V., No. I. CLEVELAND, 0., DECEMBER 7, 1889. PRI\E FIVE CE;\TS. A DISTINGUISHED WURKER. MISS DEBUTANTE (enthusiasticaIM: How GRAND IT JllUST DE TO BE A MAN! MR. SOFTLY, BY THE WAY, WHAT IS YOUR VOCATION? MR. SOFTLY: OH! I AM A I'ROMINE!'iT MEMBER OF A:-i INSTITUTION ON FIFTH AVENUE. MISS DEBUTANTE: INDEED, AND WHAT DO YOU DO? MR. SOFTLY: I AW-SIT IN THE CLUB WINDOW FROM TWO TO FOUR. TOWN TOPICS. Cs(ie(jUNTNEI{~ ~ONS FU S ~eat s~I\jacl\ets.wrapsaroddoaks, shoulder capes. pelerines,moffs.etc. in choice desiglls,at moderate pricej. ~b~her 181e FIFTH AVENU~ NEW YORK SECURITY AND TRUST CO" 4G 'VALL STREET. CAI>ITAIJ, $1,000,000, SUUJ)JJUS, $;;00,000. CIlA RLES S. FA I Relll LD, President. W;\1. L. STROI G, 2d Vice-President. WII. H. APPLETV ',1st Vice-President. JOII. L. L!\MSO~, Secret:lr)'. This COOlp:tny is :tuthorizcd to art as Execulor, Trlls!l'(', Adlllinistr:ttor, Guardi:ln, Agent and Receiver. Is a legal uepository for Conrt :lnd Trllst Fllnus. Takes the ('lit ire charge of real and personal estates, collecting the rents and prolits, and :lttending- lo :III such det:lils as :In individual in like capacity could do. Receives deposits s~.iect to sight drafts, allowing intl'rest on daily balances, :lnd issues certificates of deposit IJl~aring interest. --'-------------- Fine Complexion, New ParkSorRoads TIFFANY &CO., Smooth, Soft Skin. SA~LE. UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK, Mention this :lfa,:,'a::;il/I! amI semI -1 stamps FOR • for sample of P.\CKER's TAR S(lAI'.
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