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New Patagonian Cretaceous Theropod Sheds Light About the Early Radiation of Coelurosauria

New Patagonian Cretaceous Theropod Sheds Light About the Early Radiation of Coelurosauria

Rev. Mus. Argentino Cienc. Nat., n.s. 14(1): 57-81, 2012 ISSN 1514-5158 (impresa) ISSN 1853-0400 (en línea)

New Patagonian theropod sheds light about the early radiation of

Fernando E. NOVAS 1,2 , Martín D. EZCURRA 1,3 , Federico L. AGNOLIN 1,4 , Diego POL 2,5 & Raúl ORTÍZ 6

1Laboratorio de Anatomía Comparada y Evolución de los Vertebrados, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “B. Rivadavia”, Ángel Gallardo 470 C1405DJR, Buenos Aires, , [email protected]. 2CONICET. 3GeoBio-Center, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, D-80333 Munich, Germany. 4Fundación de Historia Natural “Félix de Azara”, Universidad Maimónides, Hidalgo 775 C1405DJR, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 5 Museo Paleontológico “Egidio Feruglio”, Av. Fontana 140 9100, Trelew, Argentina. 6Museo de Paleontología y Geología del Instituto de Formación Docente Continua de General Roca, Mitre 929, 8332 General Roca, Argentina.

Abstract: Here we describe a new theropod, argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp., from the early of Patagonia. It is represented by more than a hundred belonging to different sized individu- als, which were buried together in disarticulation after little transportation. The available association of skel- etal elements suggests a gregarious behaviour for Bicentenaria , an ethological trait also recorded among other theropod . Increasing documentation of monospecific assemblages of different groups of theropods suggests that a gregarious behaviour may have constituted the ancestral condition for , at least. Bicentenaria characterizes for the surangular with a high dorsal margin and a prominent lateral shelf, a retroarticular process that is low, wide and spoon-shaped, and quadrate bone with its lateral larger than the medial one. Phylogenetic analysis found the Chinese Tugulusaurus and the Patagonian Bicentenaria as successive sis- ter taxa of all other coelurosaurs, thus revealing the importance of the new in the understanding of the early diversification of Coelurosauria. In particular, Bicentenaria amplifies the array of coelurosaurs that inhabited during the Cretaceous, also including compsognathids, Aniksosaurus and . Although still restricted to a handful of forms, available information indicates that Gondwana was a cradle for the of different lineages of basal coelurosaurs, different from those documented in Upper Cretaceous beds in the northern landmasses. Analysis of body size distribution in averostran theropods results in the identi- fication of two main episodes of drastic size reduction in the evolutionary history of Coelurosauria: one occurred at the initial radiation of the group (as represented by Bicentenaria , , Tugulusaurus , compsognathids, and Aniksosaurus ), and a second episode occurred at the early diverification of or avialans. Reduction in body size may have allowed adult coelurosaurians to exploit ecological niches not occupied before by larger basal averostrans.

Key words: Coelurosauria, gregarism, body size reduction, Cretaceous, South America.

Resumen: Nuevo terópodo del Cretácico de Patagonia brinda nuevas evidencias acerca de la radia- ción temprana de Coelurosauria. En la presente contribución se describe el nuevo terópodo Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp., del Cretácico Tardío temprano de Patagonia. El nuevo taxón se encuentra repre- sentado por más de una centena de huesos pertenecientes a individuos de diferentes tamaños, los cuales fueron enterrados todos juntos en desarticulación, luego de un leve transporte. La asociación disponible de materiales sugiere hábitos gregarios para Bicentenaria , un rasgo etológico también registrado en otros clados de terópodos. La documentación recurrente de asociaciones monoespecíficas de diferentes grupos de terópodos sugiere que los hábitos gregarios pudieron haber constituido la condición ancestral para Theropoda. Bicentenaria se caracteriza por un hueso surangular con un margen dorsal prominente y con una repisa lateral bien desarrollada, un proceso retroarticular que es bajo, transversalmente amplio y en forma de cuchara, y un hueso cuadrado cuyo cóndilo late- ral es de tamaño mucho mayor que el medial. El análisis filogenético recuperó al género chino Tugulusaurus y al patagónico Bicentenaria como grupos hermanos sucesivos de los restantes celurosaurios, revelando de este modo la importancia del nuevo taxón para el entendimiento de la radiación temprana de los Coelurosauria. En particu- lar, Bicentenaria amplifica el elenco de celurosaurios basales que habitaron Gondwana durante el Cretácico, inclu- yendo entre otros a los compsognátidos, Aniksosaurus y Santanaraptor . A pesar de encontrarse restringida a un puñado de formas, la información disponible sugiere que Gondwana fue un importante centro para la evolución de diferentes linajes de celurosaurios basales, diferentes de aquellos representados en el Hemisferio Norte. Un 58 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012 análisis de la distribución del tamaño corporal en los terópodos averostros permite identificar dos episodios prin- cipales de drástica reducción del tamaño en el curso de la historia evolutiva de los Coelurosauria. El primero de estos episodios ocurrió durante la radiación inicial del grupo (tal como es representado por Bicentenaria , Zuolong, Tugulusaurus , compsognátidos, y Aniksosaurus ), y el segundo episodio tomó lugar en la temprana diversificación de Paraves o . La reducción en la talla corporal pudo haber permitido a los celurosaurios adultos explotar nichos no ocupados anteriormente por terópodos averostros basales de mayor tamaño.

Palabras clave: Coelurosauria, gregarismo, reducción de talla corporal, Cretácico, Sudamérica. ______


Coelurosauria includes extant and all Collected material of Bicentenaria argentina theropods sharing a more recent common ances- The skeletal remains of Bicentenaria argen- tor with domesticus than with tina were collected by Mr. Raul Spedale in 1998 fragilis (Holtz et al., 2004). Coelurosaurs were during an exceptional fall in the water level of highly diversified during and Cretaceous the Ezequiel Ramos Mexía Reservoir (Fig. 1). times, including compsognathids, tyrannosau- All the bones were collected from a single quar- roids, ornithomimosaurians, oviraptorosauri- ry roughly 40 centimeters long, 30 centimeters ans, therizinosauroids, alvarezsaurids, and dro- wide, and 50 centimeters thick (R. Spedale, pers. maeosaurids, among the most notable groups. comm.). The recovered bones are well preserved Most of these clades are well documented in the and lack signs of aerial exposure or scavenging Northern Hemisphere, and although the record of before . Unfortunately, the bones suffered Coelurosauria in the southern landmasses is still several breakages during the excavation proc- limited, discoveries produced in Patagonia in the ess and no taphonomic information was collect- last 15 have favourably changed this situa- ed during the process. Nevertheless, the bones tion (Novas, 2009). In particular, the record were buried almost probably in disarticulation, of non-maniraptoran coelurosaurs in Gondwana as revealed by a block of still embed- is currently composed by asymmet- ding a partial and fragments of the cor- rica (Santana Formation, , Brazil; Naish et responding right iliac blade, that are chaotically al., 2004) and thwazi (Kirkwood attached with a fragment of left , four Formation, probably ; De Clerk et al., caudal vertebrae of different sections of the , 2000), both possible compsognathids, and the yet as well as with the proximal end of a cranial dor- poorly understood Aniksosaurus darwini (Lower sal rib. This kind of preservation indicates that Bajo Barreal Formation, ; Martínez & bones of different individuals were transported Novas, 2007) and Santanaraptor placidus (Santana and mixed up before their final burial. The col- Formation, Aptian, Brazil; Kellner, 1999). lected bones include three femora of the left side Here we enlarge the list of Gondwanan with roughly the same size (approximately 31cm coelurosaurs with the description of the new in length), thus indicating that the fossil assem- small-sized Bicentenaria argentina nov. blage is made up by, at least, three large different gen. et nov. sp. Bicentenaria is represented by specimens. These large femora match with the several cranial and postcranial bones of mul- size observed in several isolated dorsal, sacral tiple individuals that increase the taxonomic and caudal vertebrae with a closed neurocentral and morphological diversity of basal coeluro- suture. Thus, these large individuals would not saurs in Gondwana. A comprehensive phylo- be juveniles at the time of their death (Brochu, genetic analysis of Coelurosauria recovers an 1996; Irmis, 2007). Besides, the existence of a unexpected high diversity of plesiomorphic right distal with an identical morphology, lineages in the southern continents, and a two- but considerably smaller than the largest ones, step evolutionary trend towards the reduction indicates the presence of probably younger indi- of body size and mass among Coelurosauria, in viduals in the bone assemblage. This statement the line leading to birds. is supported by the presence of a fragmentary Institutional abbreviations . AMNH , maxilla bearing a tiny with a crown height American Museum of Natural History, New York; of 8 mm, obviously corresponding to a juvenile MPCA , Museo Provincial “Carlos Ameghino”, individual. In summary, the bone assemblage Cipoletti, Río Negro; USNM , United States seems to be made up by different sized juvenile National Museum, Washington D.C. and adult specimens. Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 59

Fig. 1. Map showing the fossiliferous locality (star) where the and paratypes of Bicentenaria argentina were found.

We interpret that both the holotype and theropods. The addition of ten operational taxo- paratype specimens belong to a single species nomic units (i.e., Tugulusaurus faciles Dong, for the following reasons: 1) duplicate hindlimb 1973, Santanaraptor placidus Kellner, 1999, elements (e.g., femur, , metatarsals, and Nqwebasaurus thwazi De Clerk et al., 2000, pedal phalanges) possess an identical ; Mirischia asymmetrica Naish et al., 2004, 2) available bones exhibit theropod, tetanuran Aniksosaurus darwini Martínez & Novas, 2006, and coelurosaurian synapomorphies (these de- huxleyi Xu et al., 2009a, Mahakala rived features are mentioned in the text below); omnogovae Turner et al., 2007, and 3) there is no evidence of any other dino- bambergi Janensch, 1920, weth- saur taxon preserved in the quarry. Excepting erilli Welles, 1954 and Bicentenaria argentina for the fragmentary , the disarticulated nov. gen. et nov. sp.) and three characters re- nature of the assemblage avoids recognition of sulted in a modified data matrix composed of 363 discrete specimens composed for more than a characters and 100 taxa. The basal neotheropod single bone. Dilophosaurus wetherilli (Welles, 1954) was used to root the recovered most parsimonious Cladistic analysis (MPTs). The data matrix was analyzed un- A phylogenetic numerical analysis was con- der equally weighted parsimony using TNT 1.1 ducted to assess the phylogenetic relationships (Goloboff et al., 2008). A heuristic search of 100 of Bicentenaria argentina among neotetanuran replications of Wagner trees (with random addi- theropods. The data matrix was modified from tion sequence) followed by TBR branch-swapping that published by Zheng et al. (2009), in which algorithm (holding 10 trees per replicate) was the ingroup was focused on coelurosaurian performed. The best trees obtained at the end 60 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012 of the replicates were subjected to a final round tebrae, twenty caudal vertebrae, fragments of of TBR branch swapping. Zero length branches two scapulae, caudodorsal corner of a right cora- among any of the recovered MPTs were collapsed coid, proximal ends of three ulnae, distal end of (i.e., rule 1 of Coddington & Scharff, 1994). All , eight manual unguals, fragments of left multistate characters were treated as unordered , proximal fragments of five pubic shafts, and no a priori character polarization was used five incomplete femora, proximal thirds of two (see Appendixes 1-2). left tibiae and distal end of the right one, right astragalus, fragments of five metatarsals, fifteen Analysis of body size evolution non-ungual pedal phalanges, eight pedal unguals, This analysis was conducted through the and several isolated rib fragments. scoring of femoral lengths as a continuous char- Locality and horizon. Upper levels of the acter across the theropods sampled in the pre- (Cenomanian, early Late viously analyzed data matrix [measurements Cretaceous; Leanza et al., 2004), Río Limay taken mostly from Benson et al. (2011); estima- Subgroup, Neuquén Group. The fossiliferous lo- tions of femoral length were followed only if they cality is placed at the east shore of Ezequiel Ramos were calculated after ilium or hindlimb bone Mexía Reservoir, Río Negro Province, Northern lengths and taxa represented solely by juvenile Patagonia, Argentina (Fig. 1). GPS coordinates specimens were considered as missing data] (see of the fossil site are 39º 28’ 9.82” S, 68º 54’ 25.01” Appendix). Subsequently, the character was opti- W. The rocks of the Candeleros Formation which mized in the topology of each recovered MPT fol- yielded the remains of Bicentenaria argentina lowing a maximum parsimony criterion through are made up by red medium sized which the ancestral femoral length ranges were and mudstones, with abundant dark-brownish obtained. paleosoils representing a fluvial environment under braided and meandering regimes, as well SYSTEMATICS as in aeolian conditions (Leanza et al., 2004; Garrido, 2011). Theropoda Marsh, 1881 Diagnosis. Bicentenaria argentina was a small- Gauthier, 1986 Coelurosauria Huene, 1920 sized theropod ca. 3 m long [estimated by ex- trapolating bone measurements from the re- Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp. constructed skeletons of and ; Ostrom, 1978; Carpenter et al., Etymology. From bicentenary, due to the 200 2005)] and ca. 40 kg of body mass [following for- years of the Revolution of May (25 th May 1810), mula from Seebacher (2001)]. Bicentenaria ar- which lead to the first Argentinean autono- gentina is diagnosed on the following autapomor- mous government, thus constituting one of the phies: premaxillary teeth with mesial denticles most important chapters in the history of this only at the base of the crown; quadratojugal with South American country. Specific epithet hon- a rostral process two times longer than the dor- ors Argentina, the country where the specimens sal process; quadrate with lateral condyle much were recovered. larger than the medial one; surangular with a Holotype. MPCA 865, caudal half of skull in ar- raised dorsal margin trapezoidal-shaped in lat- ticulation with the lower jaws (Fig. 2). eral profile; retroarticular process dorsoventrally Paratypes. MPCA 866, around 130 bones, in- depressed, transversely wide, and spoon-shaped; cluding fragments of two articulated premax- with proximal end craniocaudally flat- illae with three pairs of teeth, an incomplete tened, and distal end bearing a deep fossa on its right maxilla with a single tooth, fragments of cranial surface; and manual unguals of external seventeen dorsal vertebrae, fourteen sacral ver- digits bearing proximal dorsal lips.

Fig. 2. Selected cranial elements of Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp. A, left lateral view of preserved caudal half of skull and jaws; B, right lateral view of preserved caudal half of skull and jaws; C, left quadrate and lower jaw in caudal view; D, fragmentary premaxillae with teeth in left lateral view; E, fragmentary left maxilla with tooth in lateral view. Abbreviations: an , angular; antf , antorbital fossa; art , articular; bs , basipterygoid process of basisphenoid; ch , notch for the chorda tympanica; gl, glenoid fossa; j , jugal; lc , lateral condyle of quadrate; lr , longitudinal ridge; ect , ectopterygoid; prar , right prearticular; pral , left prearticular; ptq , pterigoid ramus of quadrate; q, quadrate; qj , quadratojugal; sanl , left surangular; sanr , right surangular; rart , retroarticular process; t, tooth. Scale bars = 1 centimeter. Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 61 62 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012

Description. The premaxillae of Bicentenaria al., 2005; Rauhut et al., 2009) and ornithomim- bears at least four teeth, which are sub-circular ids (e.g., ; Osmólska et al., 1972). in cross-section and mostly devoid of serrations The quadrate exhibits a concave external edge at the distal and mesial margins of the crown. and the quadrate foramen is small and proxi- However, the second tooth of the right premax- mally located, being very similar in proportion illa possesses mesial denticles that are restrict- and morphology to that of Allosaurus (Madsen, ed to the basalmost portion of the crown. This 1976). The quadrate is a solid bone, lacking a morphology clearly departs from the “D”-shaped caudal pneumatic diverticulum of the tympanic condition synapomorphic of tyrannosauroids system, a condition exhibited by tyrannosaurids, (Rauhut et al. , 2009). ornithomimosaurs, troodontids, oviraptorids, The preserved maxilla presents a nearly and basal birds (Rauhut, 2003). The medial dis- smooth external surface and a row of propor- tal condyle of the quadrate is strongly reduced, tionally large neurovascular foramina, aligned being less than half the transverse width of the parallel to the alveolar margin. The only avail- lateral condyle. Cranially, the quadrate exhib- able maxillary tooth is highly labiolingually com- its a laminar and well-developed rostral proc- pressed, and exhibits serrated mesial and distal ess, a condition reminiscent to that present in carinae up to the tip of the crown. The distal Tanycolagreus (Carpenter et al., 2005). serrations are coarser than the mesial ones, as The ectopterygoid is incompletely preserved it occurs in other coelurosaurs (e.g., Zuolong, and partially obscured by other cranial bones. , , ; Choiniere Its preserved portion suggests that it possessed et al., 2010; Currie et al., 1990). a well-developed, hook-like lateral process. The jugal is incompletely preserved, lacking Medially, it articulates with the poorly preserved its rostral process; the caudal process is bifur- pterygoid. cated into two long and acute prongs for articu- The braincase of Bicentenaria is represent- lation with the quadratojugal. The jugal bears ed only by the left basipterygoid process of the a flat and lateroventrally oriented facet for the basisphenoid. The lateral surface of the basip- contact of the surangular when the jaws were terygoid process is excavated by a very deep closed. and wide pneumatic recess, resembling the The quadratojugal exhibits an acute and condition present in (Chure & elongate rostral process for articulation with ju- Madsen, 1998), for example. In tyrannosaurids gal. Its length exceeds the dorsoventral height and other coelurosaurs such recess on the basip- of the ascending process of the quadratojugal. terygoid process is much more reduced (Chure & This condition differs from the shorter ros- Madsen, 1998; Rauhut et al., 2009). The rostral tral process seen in most coelurosaurs, includ- and mid-portions of the are missing. ing tyrannosauroids (e.g., , The caudal half of both jaws is preserved, being Tanycolagreus, ; Currie, 2003; somewhat distorted. The surangular shows on Carpenter et al., 2005; Rauhut et al., 2009), or- its rostral portion a deep notch, indicating the nithomimids (e.g., Gallimimus ; Osmólska et al., presence of a mandibular fenestra. The general 1972), and compsognathids (e.g. Compsognathus ; contour of the bone, in lateral view, resembles Ostrom, 1978). On the other , in that of Allosaurus (Madsen, 1976). However, and , this process is also ros- its dorsal margin is more prominent, probably trocaudally elongate, but constrasting with conforming an extended area for the insertion Bicentenaria in that in these two taxa the proc- of the M. adductor mandibular externus (Currie ess is dorsoventrally thicker (Currie & Zhao, & Zhao, 1993). The lateral surface of surangu- 1993). The rostral process appears to be dors- lar shows a longitudinal shelf running below the oventrally high, as occurs in several theropods, glenoid cavity, as is also seen in other theropods including Proceratosaurus and Gallimimus (Sinraptor, Allosaurus, tyrannosaurids; Madsen, (Rauhut et al., 2009; Osmólska et al., 1972). In 1976; Currie & Zhao, 1993; Currie, 2003). On the Bicentenaria , both rostral and ascending proc- lateral surface of the surangular there is a wide esses of the quadratojugal describe an angle and straited area for the articulation with the lesser than 90 degrees. The ascending ramus of angular (this latter bone is partially broken and quadratojugal is rostrocaudally thin, a condition displaced from its natural position). The caudal that constrasts with the robust one in other ba- end of the surangular is triangular and with a sal coelurosaurs, such as tyrannosauroids (e.g. prominent dorsal process that encloses the gle- Tanycolagreus, Proceratosaurus ; Carpenter et noid cavity from behind. The caudal extension of Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 63

Fig. 3. Selected vertebral elements of Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp. A, cranial dorsal centrum in right lateral view; B, partial sacrum in ventral view (cranial is towards the right); C, proximal caudal in left lateral view; D , distal caudal vertebra in left lateral view; E, distal caudal vertebra in left lateral view. Abbreviations : ls , ligament scar; ne , neural spine; pa , parapophysis; pl , pleurocoel; poz , postzygapophysis; prz , prezygapophysis; tp , transverse process. Scale bar = 1 centimeter. surangular behind the glenoid cavity resembles of the well-developed lateral articular condyle Allosaurus , being different from Compsognathus of the quadrate. The surangular portion of the (Ostrom, 1978) in which the caudal end of the glenoid is elliptical-shaped in dorsal view, with surangular extends further behind, and tyranno- its largest axis rostromedially oriented. No signs saurids (Currie, 2003) in which the caudal end of of pneumaticity are detected in the articular, in the surangular is shorter and its caudal margin contrast with the pneumatized condition seen in is subvertically oriented. In Bicentenaria the gle- tyrannosauroids (Brusatte et al., 2010). noid cavity is deeply excavated, apparently more The left angular preserves its rostral end, than in Sinraptor and Allosaurus . The shape bearing a conspicuous ventral elliptical depres- and size of the glenoid matches the morphology sion that may have served for ligament attach- 64 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012 ment with the posteroventral process of dentary. to the 1 st through 3 rd dorsal ribs of Allosaurus The prearticular, instead, is a laminar bone that (Madsen, 1976). exhibits a laterally deflected lamina that wraps Portions of eight sacra are available, six on the ventral margin of the angular. of which are represented by two to four fused The articular is large and robust and fits centra (Fig. 3). We assume that the sacrum between the caudal ends of the surangular and of Bicentenaria was originally composed by prearticular. The retroarticular process of the ar- five vertebrae, as is usual in other basal teta- ticular is transversely wide, deeply concave, and nurans and coelurosaurians (e.g., Allosaurus, mostly dorsally to caudodorsally oriented, con- : Madsen, 1976; Brochu, 2002). forming a spoon-shaped process similar to that Each sacral centrum is robust and ventrally in Ornitholestes hermanni (AMNH 619; Rauhut, rounded in transverse section; towards the cau- 2003, fig. 21). The retroarticular process is sep- dal end of the sacrum the vertebrae become arated from the glenoid fossa by a deep, trans- stouter. Sacrals are devoid of external pneumatic versely oriented ridge, as it is appreciated also features. in Allosaurus (USNM 4734) and Ornitholestes Several caudal vertebrae corresponding to (AMNH 619). Medially, there is a prominent different portions of the tail are available (Fig. process dorsally notched, that served for the 3). A proximal caudal vertebra, resembling the attachment of the chorda tympanica. This me- caudal 4 th of Allosaurus (Madsen, 1976), exhibits dially extended and dorsally notched process is transverse processes that are ventrally excavated also present in Sinraptor (Currie & Chao, 1993), at their bases. The neural spine of this vertebra Allosaurus (USNM 4734) and Ornitholestes possesses ligament scars along both cranial and (AMNH 619), but it is absent in abelisaurids caudal margins, as it also occurs in Allosaurus ( , ; Bonaparte et (Madsen, 1976). The proximal caudal vertebrae al., 1990; Sampson & Witmer, 2007) and paravi- bear tall and subdivided neural spines, resem- ans (e.g., ; Ostrom, 1969). In other bling allosauroids (Madsen, 1976; Brusatte & words, Bicentenaria seems to have retained a Sereno, 2008) and some basal coelurosaurs (e.g. basal tetanuran morphology for the caudal end ; Santanaraptor ; Currie & Chen, of the jaw. 2001; Kellner, 1999). The caudal vertebrae of The of Bicentaria is repre- Bicentenaria lack pleurocoels and exhibit a ven- sented by several dorsal, sacral and caudal ver- tral sulcus bounded by two faint longitudinal tebrae belonging to different-sized individuals ridges. Some isolated caudal vertebrae resemble (Fig. 3). Two cranial dorsals (presumably dorsal caudals 19 th through 20 th of Allosaurus (Madsen, vertebrae ?3 rd and ?4th, based on general simi- 1976). Most of the available distal caudals of larities with Allosaurus ; Madsen, 1976), exhibit Bicentenaria are damaged, and none of them a sharp ventral and parapophyses located preserves complete prezygapophyses. Thus, it is on the dorsal corner of centrum; a single pleuro- unknown if they possessed the elongate condi- coel perforates the centrum behind the parapo- tion of most theropods. physes. The centrum of the presumed third dor- The scapular girdle of Bicentenaria is repre- sal has a slightly convex cranial articular sur- sented by fragments of the proximal portions of face and a deeply concave caudal surface. The the and (Fig. 4). The glenoid centrum of the remaining dorsals is amphicoe- fossa of the scapular girdle is large and wide, lous, and their ventral surfaces are flattened. limited by a supraglenoid buttress. The proxi- Aside from the probable third dorsal vertebrae, mal fragment of a left humerus and the dis- the remaining available dorsals do not exhibit tal extremes of both left and right humeri are external pneumatic features. The broken por- preserved (Fig. 4). The proximal end is cranio- tions of some centra reveal that the internal caudally flattened, different from the crani- bone structure is of the camellate (Benson ally excavated condition of most theropods (e.g., et al., 2012). The proximal third of an isolated , Allosaurus, Deinonychus ; Madsen, rib resembles the shape of ribs corresponding 1976; Ostrom, 1969). The internal tuberosity is

Fig. 4. Selected scapular girdle and elements of Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp. Right humerus. A, cranial view of proximal end; B, caudal view of proximal end; C, cranial view of distal end; D, caudal view of distal end; E, distal view; F, proximal view; G, fragmentary left scapula and coracoid in lateral view; H, manual ungual of I or II; I, manual ungual probably of digit III. Abbreviations : cor , coracoid; en , entepicondyle; f, fossa; gl , glenoid cavity; h, humeral head; it , internal tuberosity; pdl , proximodorsal lip; rc , radial condyle; sc , scapula; uc , ulnar condyle. Scale bar = 1 centimeter. Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 65 66 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012 subtriangular in cranial aspect. The proximal maximum length of approximately 31 cm), dif- articular head is kidney-shaped, being caudally fering from the robust condition of basal teta- convex and cranially concave. The slender mor- nurans (e.g., Allosaurus ; Madsen, 1976) and phology of the preserved portion of the proximal Aniksosaurus (Martínez & Novas, 2006). The humerus contrasts with the robustness of the femur of Bicentenaria (Fig. 5) has a craniome- scapular girdle. Notably, the cranial surface of dially-oriented head, bearing a deep posterome- the distal humerus bears a deep and rounded dial sulcus for the passage of the Lig. capitis fossa above the radial condyle. The distal ar- femoris . The anterior trochanter is damaged in ticular of the humerus are poorly de- all available femora, but a -shaped condi- fined, but the entepicondyle is prominent. The tion is inferred based on the craniocaudally bears a poorly developed olecranon proc- expanded condition of its base. The anterior ess. The manual unguals are trenchant and trochanter is separated from the femoral head transversely compressed; the larger ones are by a deep cleft. A strongly developed bulge, pre- interpreted as belonging to digit first (Fig. 4). sumably homologous to the trochanteric shelf of Some smaller unguals possess a proximodor- more basal (Novas, 1996), is present sal lip and a prominent ventral flexor , laterodistally to the anterior trochanter. The which are here recognized as corresponding to fourth trochanter is reduced to a proximodistal- the third manual digit. Proximal dorsal lips are ly extended ridge, but its corresponding medial absent in manual unguals of compsognathids scar for the attachment of the M. caudifemo- and Ornitholestes , but they are present in some ralis brevis is deep. The distal femur presents derived coelurosaurs such as oviraptorosaurs a well-developed mediodistal crest, bounding a and paravians (Novas et al., 2005), as well as deep longitudinal medial depression, as occurs in some basal taxa, including Tanycolagreus in most basal neotheropods (e.g. “ Syntarsus ” and (Carpenter et al., 2005; Xu et al., kayentakatae ; ; Allosaurus ; Rowe, 2006). However, due to the restricted distribu- 1989; Gilmore, 1920; Madsen 1976) and some tion of this feature among coelurosaurs, we as- basal coelurosaurs (e.g., Tyrannosaurus ; sume that the presence of dorsal lips in some of Brochu, 2002). Distally, the femur exhibits a the manual unguals of Bicentenaria may consti- markedly deep extensor groove. The tibia exhib- tute an autapomorphic trait of this taxon. its a cnemial crest that is proximodistally short The ilium of Bicentenaria exhibits a promi- and slightly projected cranially, as it occurs in nent but faintly laterally projected supraacetab- other coelurosaurians (Rauhut, 2003). The lat- ular crest (Fig. 5). The brevis fossa is transverse- eral condyle of proximal tibia is prominent, but ly narrow. The brevis shelf is strongly developed it is craniocaudally shorter than in Allosaurus and projects ventromedially as in Allosaurus (Madsen, 1976). The distal end of tibia presents (Madsen, 1976), but differs from Aniksosaurus a square-shaped internal malleolus. The facet in which this shelf is flaring outwards (Martinez for the reception of the ascending process of the & Novas 2006). A large portion of a right pu- astragalus is almost inexistent, as in most coe- bic shaft is available, which preserves the base lurosaurs (Rauhut, 2003, 2005). of the pubic tubercle (i.e., the ambiens process) The astragalus (Fig. 6) exhibits a large and and resembles the condition observed in many rounded medial condyle, which is separated from other theropods (e.g., Sinraptor , Allosaurus , the lateral one by a median constriction of the as- Gallimimus , ; Osmólska et al., 1972; tragalar body. The ascending process is restricted to Madsen, 1976; Currie & Zhao, 1993; Sereno et the lateral half of the astragalar body, resembling al., 2008). The medial flange of the pubic shaft the condition of non-coelurosaurian theropods as (the pubic apron) originates as a low but sharp well as basal coelurosars, such as Tugulusaurus ridge on the caudo-medial margin of , at (Rauhut & Xu, 2005). By contrast, more derived level of the ambiens process. This flange becomes coelurosaurians exhibit an ascending process trans- much more prominent cranially and distally, re- versely expanded for most of the transverse width sembling the condition of Allosaurus (Madsen, of the astragalus (Long & Welles, 1974; Rauhut, 1976). Although the proximal end of the pre- 2003). The preserved pedal bones of Bicentenaria served pubis is incomplete, the similarities with are gracile and metatarsals III and IV, at least, Allosaurus suggest that the obturator foramen lack a ginglymous distal end. The first metatarsal of Bicentenaria was ventrally open. is reduced to a splint-like bone. The pedal ungual The femur of Bicentenaria is long and phalanges are acute and poorly curved, with sub- slender (a composite restoration indicates a triangular proximal ends (Fig. 5). Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 67

Fig. 5. Selected pelvic girdle and hindlimb elements of Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp. A, left ilium in lateral view; B,C , proximal end of left femur in B, cranial and C, caudal views; D, E , distal end of left femur in D, caudal and E, cranial views; F, distal end of right tibia in cranial view; G , non-ungual pedal phalanx in lateral view; H, pedal ungual phalanx of digit VI in lateral view; I, pedal ungual phalanx of digits II or III in lateral view. Abbreviations: as , articular surface for the ascending astragalar process; at , anterior trochanter; bs , brevis shelf; ds , distal sulcus; 4t , fourth trochanter; im , inner malleolus; is , ischiac pedicle; lig , ligament sulcus; mdc , mediodistal crest; sac , supracetabular crest; tc , tibial condyle; tfc , tibiofibular condyle. Scale bar: A-F = 2 centimeters; G-I = 1 centimeter. 68 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012

DISCUSSION of a deep posteromedial sulcus for the passage of the Lig. capitis femoris , and that the proxi- Bicentenaria argentina comes from the mal caudals presents tall and subdivided neural Candeleros Formation which yielded other thero- spines. However, several differences allow distin- pod dinosaurs such as the carcharodontosaurid guish Bicentenaria from the Brazilian form. For carolini (Coria & Salgado 1995), example, available bones of Santanaraptor are the abelisaurid novasi (Calvo et considerable smaller and more gracile than those al., 2004), and the unenlagiid Buiteraptor gonzal- of Bicentenaria ; the femur of Santanaraptor is ezorum (Makovicky et al., 2005). Bicentenaria devoid of fourth trochanter and the mediodistal clearly differs from the first two taxa in being a crest is absent (Kellner, 1999). In Santanaraptor much smaller of gracile construction, de- the distal end of tibia is much more compressed void of the synapomorphies characterizing car- craniocaudally than in Bicentenaria , and the charodontontosaurids and abelisaurids. Besides, internal malleolus of tibia lacks the square- Bicentenaria lacks the highly derived, avian-like shaped contour in cranial view described for features, present in the paravian coelurosaur Bicentenaria . In Santanaraptor the astragalus . exhibits some traits that are more derived than In South America, another sedimentary in Bicentenaria : the ascending process is dors- unit that yielded a similar fauna of oventrally extended and transversely wide, and Cenomanian age is the Lower Bajo Barreal the caudal process of the astragalar body is much Formation, cropping out in central Patagonia less developed than in the Patagonian form. (Novas, 2009). The Lower Bajo Barreal Based on the comparisons made above, Formation yielded the remains of the basal Bicentenaria results clearly distinguishable coelurosaur Aniksosaurus darwini (Martínez from other known basal coelurosaurs from the & Novas, 2006), with a body size somewhat Cretaceous of South America. With the aim to smaller than its roughly coeval Bicentenaria . assess the phylogenetic position of Bicentenaria Nevertheless, Aniksosaurus differs from the lat- among basal coelurosaurs, we performed a phy- ter one in having bones proportionally more logenetic cladistic analysis (see Materials and robust, especially regarding the humerus and Methods), the results of which were 1388 most femur. The ilium of Aniksosaurus clearly differs parsimonious trees of 2886 steps, with a con- from Bicentenaria in having a greatly expanded sistency index of 0.321 and a retention index of and flaring outwards brevis shelf (Martínez & 0.753. Optimal trees were found 50 times of the Novas, 2006). The femur of Aniksosaurus dif- total of 100 replications. The strict consensus fers from that of Bicentenaria in lacking a well- depicts a large polytomy close to the base developed mediodistal crest, and a deep postero- of Coelurosauria, but the main lineages within medial sulcus for the passage of the Lig. capitis this are relatively well-resolved. However, femoris . The tibia of Aniksosaurus plesiomorphi- the lack of resolution close to the base of cally retained a transverse ridge for the articu- Coelurosauria is mostly a consequence of a single lation with the ascending process of the astra- wild-card taxon, the enigmatic South American galus, a condition that is absent in Bicentenaria . coelurosaur Santanaraptor . This taxon is found Moreover, Aniksosaurus exhibits some features alternatively as a very basal tyrannosauroid or that may support sister-group relationships as a basal maniraptoriform. After an a posteri- with the clade made up by ori pruning of Santanaraptor , the strict reduced plus (e.g., caudally diver- consensus depicts a well-resolved overall topol- gent postacetabular iliac blades; undivided neu- ogy, but some polytomies are still present in ral spines of caudal vertebrae). In other words, nodes deeply nested within Bicentenaria and Aniksosaurus are not closely and at the base of Maniraptoriformes among ba- related each other, but constitute representatives sal coelurosaurs (Fig. 7). Bicentenaria argentina of different lineages of basal coelurosaurians that was found as a very basal coelurosaur, placed inhabited Patagonia during Cenomanian times. between the archaic allosauroids and the line- Another South American theropod that de- age leading to the avian radiation. The Chinese serves some comparisons with Bicentenaria is theropod Tugulusaurus was found as the most the Aptian Santanaraptor , from the Santana basal coelurosaur, a result that is congruent with Formation of NE Brazil (Kellner, 1999). At first the hypothesis proposed by Rauhut & Xu (2005). glance, both taxa resemble in the long and slender The basal position of Tugulusaurus within proportions of the femur, in the common presence Coelurosauria is supported by the retention of a Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 69

Fig. 6. Right astragalus Bicentenaria argentina nov. gen. et nov. sp. A, cranial view; B, caudal view; C, distal view; D, proximal view; E, lateral view; F, medial view. Abbreviations: ap , ascending process; ca , articular surface for calcaneum. Scale bar = 1 centimeter. symplesiomorphic distal end of tibia with a well- condition of the first two characters is unknown rimmed facet for the reception of the ascending in Tugulusaurus ). However, Bicentenaria lacks process of astragalus, contrasting with the condi- the synapomorphies present in more derived tion observed in Bicentenaria and all other coe- coelurosaurians, supporting the basal position lurosaurs, in which this facet is absent (except hypothesized for the new Patagonian taxon. The Aniksosaurus ). The coelurosaurs more derived synapomorphies that are shared by the coeluro- than Tugulusaurus , including Bicentenaria , saurs more derived than Bicentenaria include: share apomorphic maxillary tooth crowns with quadratojugal with a rostral process shorter than increased density of denticles along the mesial the dorsal one, caudal vertebrae with undivided margin, pubis with a transversely compressed neural spines, distal end of femur without a me- distal end, and a distal end of the tibia without diodistal crest (apomorphically reversed in tyr- well-defined borders of the facet for the reception annosaurids), and astragalus with a transversely of the ascending process of the astragalus (the broad and tall ascending process. 70 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012

Fig. 7 . Simplified strict reduced consensus after the a posteriori pruning of Santanaraptor indicating the phylogenetic relationships of Bicentenaria argentina . The numbers below the nodes are Bremer values greater than 1. Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 71

Fig. 8. Body size evolution through basal therpopod phylogeny after the optimization of femoral length as a continuous character in each MPT recovered. The graphic at the bottom shows the ancestral reconstruction of femoral length (in mm) / 100 against clade rank for each stem node represented in the theropod phylogeny (above).

In the present analysis, the Brazilian long and elongate and gracile hindlimb bones, an Mirischia (Naish et al., 2004) and the South overall morphology reminiscent to that of some African Nqwebasaurus (De Clerk et al., 2000) basals coelurosaurs, such as Tanycolagreus, are nested within Compsognathidae, indicating a , Ornitholestes, Aniksosaurus, and cosmopolitan distribution for this family during, Santanaraptor , among other taxa. The larg- at least, the . The problematic est femora of Bicentenaria (approximate length Brazilian Santanaraptor (Kellner, 1999) is here 31 cm) indicate that this taxon achieved a body recovered as an indeterminate basal coeluro- length of about 3 meters and a body mass of 40 saur, while the South American Aniksosaurus kg [calculated by extrapolating measurements is found as the sister-taxon of the clade includ- of the basal coelurosaurs Compsognathus and ing Ornithomimosauria and Maniraptoriformes. Tanycolagreus , and employing equation applied Accordingly, the results of our phylogenetic anal- by Seebacher (2001)]. The presence of closed ysis indicate the presence of, at least, four differ- neurocentral sutures in the vertebrae belong- ent lineages of basal Gondwanan coelurosaurs, ing to the large-sized individuals suggests that with their ghost lineages extending back to the the available larger individuals of Bicentenaria Middle and . Thus, a previously un- were not juveniles, at least (Brochu, 1996; Irmis, expected high taxonomic diversity of basal coe- 2007). The body length of Bicentenaria resem- lurosaurs appears to have inhabited Gondwana bles that observed in other basal coelurosaurs, during the Cretaceous. Particularly, in the case such as Tanycolagreus (femur length of 35.6 of Bicentenaria argentina and Aniksosaurus dar- cm; Carpenter et al. , 2005a), Zuolong (femur wini , we hypothesize extensive ghost lineages of length of 33.6 cm; Choiniere et al., 2010), and about 70 millions of years. These extensive ghost Aniksosaurus (femur length of 24.7 cm; Martínez lineages are in agreement with the remarkable & Novas, 2006). The body size of all these basal anatomical specializations recognized for each of coelurosaurs is considerably smaller than those these almost coeval species. of non-coelurosaurian averostrans, such as cera- Bicentenaria exhibits a size approaching 3 m tosaurians, spinosauroids, and allosauroids. In 72 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012 this regard, the whole clade Coelurosauria was interpretation that this taxon had gregarious characterized by a size-decrease trend (Carrano, behaviour, at least at the time of their death. 2006). With the aim to explore size-trend evo- The discovery of multiple individuals in a single lution in Coelurosauria, we optimized femoral monospecific quarry (interpreted as indicative of length as a proxi of body size, and this trait was gregarious habits) have been usually document- considered as a continuous character in our ed among non-avian theropods (Horner, 1997), strict reduced consensus tree (see Materials and being present in at least seven non-avian thero- Methods). As a result, two main episodes of dras- pod taxa: coelophysoids (Colbert, 1990), cerato- tic size reduction are identified in the evolution- saurians (Xu et al., 2009), carcharodontosaurids ary history of the group (Fig. 8). In basal averos- (Coria & Currie, 2006), Aniksosaurus (Martínez trans (i.e., ceratosaurians, spinosauroids, and & Novas, 2006), tyrannosauroids (Currie, 2000; allosauroids) it was reconstructed an ancestral Eberth & McCrea, 2002), ornithomimosaurids femoral length of 57.0-52.9 cm which conspicu- (Kobayashi & Lü, 2003), troodontids (Varricchio, ously drop downs to a femoral length of 33.6- 1995), and dromaeosaurids (Roach & Brinkman, 31.0 cm in basal coelurosaurs (e.g., Bicentenaria , 2007). Thus, based on available evidence, a gre- Zuolong, Aniksosaurus ), conforming a first ma- garious behaviour seems to represent an ances- jor reduction in the body size (Fig. 8). The re- tral ethological condition for Theropoda, if not duction in body size of coelurosaurs would have Dinosauria as a whole. allowed adult forms to exploit ecological niches not occupied by larger basal averostrans. A first CONCLUSIONS step of miniaturization in the coelurosaurian lin- eage would have resulted in lower generational The discovery of Bicentenaria argentina in- times and higher rates of evolutionary change. creases the taxonomic diversity and morphologi- This hypothesis would explain, at least in part, cal disparity of Gondwanan coelurosaurs, indicat- the extraordinary radiation observed among coe- ing that this was a cradle for the lurosaurs during the Middle and Late Jurassic. evolutionary radiation of basal members of the The ancestral body size of the coelurosaurs clade. The transition between archaic theropods faintly decreased gradually towards the avian (i.e., basal averostrans) and the avian lineage lineage up to a femoral length of 24.7-1.39 cm (i.e., Coelurosauria) is spotted as one of the most in the Therizinosauroidea + Alverezsauridae + interesting episodes of dinosaur macroevolution + Paraves clade. By coupling (Brusatte & Sereno, 2008; Holtz, 2004) and the the previous results with those recovered by description of Bicentenaria adds more informa- Turner et al., (2007), it becomes apparent that tion about such evolutionary transition. In par- a second drastic decrease in body size took place ticular, the new discovery lends support to the at the Paraves-Avialae transition (Fig. 8), reach- hypothesis that a notable reduction in body size ing in Avialae an ancestral femoral length of occurred early in the evolution of Coelurosauria, 0.75-0.67 cm. The remarkable body size reduc- thus preceeding the remarkable miniaturization tion observed at the base of Coelurosauria repre- documented among paravian coelurosaurs. Size sents an evolutionary event preceeding body size reduction may have played an important role in miniaturization reported for derived paravians the evolutionary diversification of coelurosaurs (Turner et al., 2007), involving a reduction of as a whole. about 30 times with respect to more basal teta- nuran taxa. Accordingly, the miniaturization of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS body size that benefited birds to develop flying capabilities (Novas & Puerta, 1997; Turner et al., We deeply thank Mr. Raul Spedale for shar- 2007) seems to have occurred in an apparent two- ing his discovery. N.R. Chimento, M.R. Derguy, step pattern of size reduction in theropod evolu- S.O. Lucero and G. Lio for their help during the tion: a first one at the base of Coelurosauria, and elaboration of the present manuscript. M. Isasi a second one at the base of Avialae or its most prepared part of the available skeletal material. immediate sister-taxa (i.e., Paraves; Turner et FEN thanks to CONICET and Agencia Nacional al., 2007). de Promoción Científica y Técnica (Buenos Aires) The fact that Bicentenaria is known from for their continuous support of our research and several specimens corresponding to different explorations (grants ANPCyT-PICTs 2006-58 ontogenetic stages, and that they were found and 2010-66). MDE acknowledges that this re- together in a reduced fossil spot, leads to the search was completed during receipt of PhD fund- Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 73 ing from the Emmy Noether Programme of the Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry, (: DFG (grant BU 2587/3-1 to Richard Butler). N. Late Jurassic). J. Vert. Paleont. , 18: 115-125. Chimento helped with the confection of figures. Coddington, J.A. & N. Scharff. 1994. 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Recibido: 19-III-2012 Aceptado: 29-V-2012

Appendix 1

List of characters that have been added to the original data matrix of Zheng et al. (2009). The enumeration given below continues that of Zheng et al. (2009): 361) Rostral process of quadratojugal: equal or longer (0); shorter (1) than the dorsal process of the quadratojugal. 362) Pubis distal end: transversely broad, expanded from the transverse width of the shaft (0); transversely flattened (1). (Benson et al., 2010) 363) Facet for the reception of the ascending process of the astragalus in the distal end of the tibia: medially bounded by a sharp step (0); bounded medially by a very slight edge or without well-defined borders (1).

Appendix 2

Scorings of the operational taxonomic units included in the present phylogenetic analysis:

Dilophosaurus wetherilli ?110000010010000001000000000000001?001001??????010000000000??????000100000?00000000001010100100001310001000010?00010000000 0?????????00?0000000000?0?0001000000001000011000000001000001000100010010?00000000000000000000000000000000000001000100???0? 0000??0000010000000110??02?1010011000001000?000??0000010000000000001001000000000?00?00000000000000000?0100000??00000000 Elaphrosaurus ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??000111001100000100001000000? ???????????01000020????????????10?001010000010?0?0000?0??001001100010010010000???000???????00??0?0????000?0??????????????? ?????????????????10011???????00???????????????????????????00001?100100?0???0000?????00?000000?00???????????0????100???1 ?????00000000?00000?????00?0?0???????????2000?????????00?????????00??0????????????00?101?1??10000120000100000?0000??01???? ??????????000000000100????????????0?0010000010000000010000000011000000????0000???000?????0?00??0?0?00?0000?0???????00????? ????0??0?????000000101??00000100???????????????????????????00010000100?0????????????0000002?0?00??0???????000???000??00 Allosaurus ?11000?000000000001000100010000000010110020102000000000000010000000000000010000000000101010010000000100100000000001?010000 000011?0000000000001000101000101000000100000100000000100000000110000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000100000000000000000000000000000000000100000000001000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Sinraptor ?110000000000?00001000100010000000110110020102000000000000010000000000000010000000000101010010000000100100000000001?010000 000011?0000?0??0????????????01010000001000001000000001000000001100000010000000000000?00??0000000000000??000000000000000000 0000000000010000000000000?????????????????????????????????1000000000010000000000????0000000000??000?0010?00000000000000 Mapusauru s ?110????????????????00????1000000????1100??????????01????????????????0?????????????00101010?100?????100100000?????1?0100?? ?0011?????001?00????????????????00000010000010????000????00000110000001000000??00??0?????1?00?0???????000000?????0?0000000 0???0?0?000??000???000??000?0?????????????????????????????0?0000?00000?00???????????00?0?0??0?00??0???????0???????1???0 Aniksosaurus ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????10??1?????????????????0000?? ?????????????????00?0???????0??????01?1000??[12]????????????000001?000???0???01?0?0?00????????00???????????00?????????????? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????0?0???????????1???1?00????????????0?00????00?00?????????0?????00???0 Bicentenaria ?????????????????????????????0??0??00??????????????000?????????????0????0010?1000000?101??0??????0?0000?0000??000???0100?? ??????????0?0?00???100??????000???[01]0??10??????0??????100000010110???0011000?0?0?00??0?0?0??00???00????00?0?0??????00???? 1????????????1?10????1????????0???????????????0?????000000???????0??0?????0??????0????00??0??????0?????0?0???????10?00011 Tugulusaurus ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????0??? ????????????????????????????0?0???????????????????????????00?0???0??00110???0????????????????????????????????????????????? 76 Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, n. s. 14(1), 2012

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Appendix 3.

Table of femoral lengths and respective sources of information employed to analyse body length evolution in non-avian theropods. The femoral length was divided by 100 because TNT 1.1 cannot deal with three digits values. The juvenile individuals are depicted with an asterisk and they were not considered in the analysis. Estimated measurements are depicted between brackets. Abbreviation: Fem, femoral.

Taxa (mm) /100 References Fem length Fem Turner et al. (2007); Atrociraptor ? - Achillobator 5.50 et al. Benson (2011) Avimimus 1.86 Carrano (2005) Anchiornis 0.66 Xu et al. (2009a) Burnham et al. Bambiraptor 1.19 Turner et al. (2007); (2000) Adasaurus 2.73 Benson et al. (2011) Xu et al. (1999); Xu et Beipiaosaurus 2.65 Allosaurus 10.01 Carrano (2005) al. (2009b) Alvarezsaurus [0.70] - Bicentenaria [3.10] MPCN-PV 0056 Russel & Dong Makovicky et al. Alxasaurus 5.55 Buitreraptor 1.45 (1993a) (2005) Martínez & Novas Byronosaurus ? - Aniksosaurus 2.47 (2006) Caenagnathus ? - Anserimimus 4.33 Carrano (2005) 1.45- Zhou & Wang (2000); Caudipteryx Archaeopteryx 0.61 Elzanowski (2001) 1.52 Zhou et al. (2000) Archaeornithomimus 4.02 Carrano (2005) Chirostenotes ? - Novas et al.: New Cretaceous coelurosaurian theropod from Argentina 81

Citipati [3.50] Benson et al. (2011) Neimongosaurus 3.66 Zhang et al. (2001) Carpenter et al. Coelurus 2.10 NGMC91 ? - (2005a) Compsognathus 0.67 Ostrom (1978) Nothronychus 6.96 Zanno et al. (2009) Conchoraptor ? - Nqwebasaurus [1.18] de Klerk et al. (2000) Carpenter et al. 0.42- Chiappe et al. (1999); Ornitholestes 2.15 Confuciusornis (2005a) 0.47 Zhou & Zhang (2002) Ornithomimus 6.32 Benson et al. (2011) Deinocheirus ? - Oviraptor 2.62 Carrano (2005) Turner et al. (2007); Deinonychus 4.40 Patagonykus [2.85] Benson et al. (2011) Benson et al. (2011) Dilong 1.81* Benson et al. (2011) Pelecanimimus ? - Dilophosaurus 6.10 Benson et al. (2011) Piatnitzkysaurus 5.70 Benson et al. (2011) Dromaeosaurus ? - Protarchaeopteryx 1.22 Ji et al. (1998) Elaphrosaurus 5.29 Carrano (2005) Protopteryx ? - Elmisaurus ? - Rahonavis 0.88 Forster et al. (1998) Epidendrosaurus 0.16 Zhang et al. (2008) Rinchenia [2.17] Benson et al. (2011) Xu et al. (2002); Santanaraptor 1.89 MN 4802-V Erliansaurus 4.12 Benson et al. (2011) Sapeornis 0.80 Zhou & Zhang (2002) Erlikosaurus ? - Turner et al. (2007); Zanno (2010); Saurornithoides 2.00 Falcarius 3.40 Benson et al. (2011) Benson et al. (2011) Turner et al. (2007); Osmólska et al. Saurornitholestes 2.25 Gallimimus 6.80 Benson et al. (2011) (1972) Segnosaurus 8.40 Carrano (2005) Kobayashi & Garudimimus 3.71* Barsbold (2005) Shenzhousaurus 1.91 Benson et al. (2011) Gorgosaurus 10.40 Erickson et al. (2004) Shuvuuia ? - Russel & Dong Guanlong 4.12 Benson et al. (2011) Sinornithoides 1.40 (1993b) Hagryphus ? - Sinornithosaurus 1.48 Xu et al. (1999) Harpymimus 4.50 Benson et al. (2011) Sinosauropteryx 0.86 Chen et al. (1998) measured from Lü Heyuannia 2.27 Sinovenator 1.18 Xu et al. (2002) (2002) measured from Sinraptor 8.76 Currie & Zhao (1993) Huaxiagnathus 1.83 Hwang et al. (2004) Struthiomimus 5.13 Russell (1972) Carpenter et al. IGM_100_42 ? - Tanycolagreus 3.56 (2005a) IGM_100_44 ? - Therizinosaurus ? - Incisivosaurus ? - measured from Tianyuraptor 2.05 Ingenia 2.28 Holtz (1994) Zheng et al. (2009) Troodon 3.17 Carrano (2005) Jeholornis 0.75 Zhou & Zhang (2002) Tsaagan ? - Chiappe & Göhlich Juravenator 0.52* (2010) Tugulusaurus 2.15 Rauhut & Xu (2005) Khaan 1.42 Benson et al. (2011) Tyrannosaurus 13.43 Brochu (2002) Mahakala 0.79 Turner et al. (2011) Unenlagia 3.80 Novas et al. (2009) 13.00 Coria & Currie (2006) Utah_taxon ? - Mei 0.81 Xu & Norell (2004) Utahraptor ? - 0.75- Xu et al., (2003); Norell & Makovicky Microraptor Velociraptor 2.38 0.97 Turner et al. (2007) (1999) Makovicky & Sues Wellnhoferia 0.67 Elzanowski (2001) 1.24* (1998) measured from Zhou Yanornis 0.56 Mirischia ? - & Zhang (2001) Choiniere et al. Zuolong 3.36 Mononykus 1.39 Perle et al. (1994) (2010) Nanshiungosaurus ? -