The Effect of Iodine Based Products on Unicellular Algae from Genus Prototheca University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 3-5Sorin Mănăştur RĂPUNTEAN Street, *, 400372, Gheorghe Romania RĂPUNTEAN, Flore CHIRILǍ, Nicodim Iosif FIŢ, George Cosmin NADǍŞ *Corresponding author:
[email protected] Bulletin UASVM Veterinary Medicine 72(2) / 2015, Print ISSN 1843-5270; Electronic ISSN 1843-5378 DOI:10.15835/buasvmcn-vm: 11439 Abstract Iodine based products have been and are still used in medicine as disinfectant or antiseptic substances, because of their bactericidal, sporicidal, protocidal and disinfection effect. Algaecide effect has been lessPrototheca studied and represents a strong motivation for this study. This paper is aiming to test the sensitivityPrototheca to zopfii iodine based products of unicellular algae of the genus . Such products might be used for the treatment of diseases involving these pathogens. A total number of twenty-two strains isolated from cows with mastitis or bovine shelters, Protothecawere tested wickerhamii within this study. The algal strains were identified based on morphological characteristics (shape, size, presence of endospores), cultural (liquid and solid media characteristics) and biochemical (fermentation of sugars). ATCC 16529 reference strain was also included in the evaluation. Iodinated products used were represented by: Lugol solution, iodine tincture, betadine, videne and potassium iodide. Determination of the inhibitory effect was measured by diffusion technique in agarose gel and by liquid medium dilution method. For the tincture of iodine and betadine, the inhibitory effect was also appreciated in relation with the time of contact (5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 minutes). Prototheca zopfii By the agar diffusion technique, it was found that inhibition zones varying sizes were correlated with the composition of those products.