Published by the Communist Party of Britain (Marxi~t-Leninist) No.8April18th, 1974 Price 3p No with capitalism

There can be no social contract Engineers against Phase III between a capitalist government 2~ MILLION ENGINEERING WORKERS TO BAN

and the working class The engineers smashed the eogineering employers [or a £10 backed by the overtime ban, ta Industrial Relatlotls Act. It was ·rtse in minimum rates, 4 weeks a starting poln1; and the rl&iit Workers wlll never collaborate with those who exploit them. Such their uncompromising opposi­ holiday wltb pay, a 35 hour week Pressure at the I'lght time from collaboration Is what the Labour Government proposes in lts 'soolal tion to the Act, their refusal· and equal pay for women has not that quarter In tbe Executive contract'. What Labour says to the working class Ia this: If you even to recognise the drawn the crack troops into Council in closest' touch with the wUl agree to accept a cut \ n your voluntarlly, then lt will not Relations Court tt set up, which action. For those workers al­ real needs or the rank and rue be naceeaary for ua to \mpose cuts on you. made thla vicious plece o[ anti­ ready getting above E35, and prevented all attempts to delay In the election period the boasted that it had achieved trade-union leglalatton lnopera­ this Includes moat who have put the kick of!. a 'social contract' with the TUC which promised industrial peace. The ttve, so that the Labour Govern":' up a fight ln the past, there ls The National Committee met nature of th\a so-called 'contract' became clear on AprU 4th at a ment could make the gesture or not the money incentive [or 11; November 1973 to dlscues the meeting of the TUC and Government officials under the auspices of the 'abollshlog' tt. struggle there would have been Engtneertng Emplbyers Federa­ National Economic Development Couoctl, one of capitalism' s front Phase ni remains on the in a claim for a flat £10 rise tW<>'s rldlculou~ offer of E2 . 50 organtaatlona. statute books because, apart actoa~oard . on tbe baalc.rate, no cut ln boura, SPELLING IT OUT from the miners, the workiog This claim, tn fact, makes a .nq increased holidays and a rur­ class has not yet made tt com­ concession to the social demo­ tlier postponement of equal pay . There the TUC, tn effect, Promised the Government to do lts beat to pletely unworkable by driving erath:! trick of weeping crocodile Acceptance of this derisory offer keep wage claims within Phase [II and to crack down on strikes. Un­ clalma backed by lndustrlal tears for lower-paid workers was rejected out of hand. An Ion leaders agreed to use thelr influence to get their members to be farce right through the middle while using their backwardness adventurlst call for a 'national •reallatlc' tn putting forward wage claims and to bring about a aituatio of lt. In struggle as a restraint on the strike' which could not be sus­ tn wbtch there were "fewer strllc:es, particularly lightning atrllcea" But, from Aprlll5, 2i mllllon better-paid. Engineers on the tained was ·also rejected. The and more aegotlatlon based on "new forma of conctliatlon and arbi­ engtneerlng workers will be factory floor know that where guerrllla llne of rolling regional tration". starting their action against Phase 'skilled' rates are good because actions, which our Party has put The TUC cannot apeak for the working class to entering into any IH with a ban on overtime. It of the level of struggle, there forward as the correct tactics 'contract' with the claea enemies Of workers. No more can union will be remembered that the 'leas skilled' rates are good too at tbie stage for the Working class leaden apeak for their members In accepting such a treacheroUs miners' successful action began You get what you light for. ln general as well as for the 'aareemert'. Furthermore, both of them know this aDd that Ia the tn the same way. engineers to thts particular reason they keep hedging every time the Government trlea to make STARTING POINT FOR struggle, was not adopted at the them Jive specific undertakings of how they wlll pollee their aide of THE ENGINEERS' CLAIM ttme. but tt can develop out of the barJaln. GUERRILLA STRUGGLE the national overtime ban which the Committee left to the Exe­ THE WORKERS' ANSWER The engineers' claim against the But the national claim In full, cutive Council to call at th~ most suitable time. [n our Party Prorramrne, 'The. British Working Class and tts Party', we deny that there can ever be peace between exploiters and exploited, Fz:om the action beginning on between capltaUsts and·workers. '7he working class Uvea in a state Aprll 15, englD&erlng workers ol perpetual guerrUla confliCt with the employers". This Ia the fund­ can go on bO guerrllla etruggles amantal political fact which the Labour Party and the TUC would try beat suited to their own strength to deny with tbelr 'social contract'. Already the honeymoon period of ~nd local condltlona, turning lhe new Labour Government ts c oming to an end. The engineers' e ach factory Into a fortress, as overtime ban, the NA LGO action ln London,' are just the first signs happened all over the country of a growing campaign. in the nation-wide guerrilla Roua.aeau's original social contract was based on a myth - that at struggle two years ago when some period In the paat people had agreed to restraints on the lr free­ hundreds of employers were dom in the lotereata of an orderly society. It is an even more in­ forced to settle well above the credible myth that Brlttsh workera would now, when their class pol­ Federation's offer - a rolllcg itical conaclouaneas has never bee n higher, agree to restraints on series or industrial actlona as thelr wage claims in the interests of their exploiters. each dlatrtct committee moves .toto ~truggle to the bewldlermen1 WHAT KIND OF A BARGAIN? of employers who wtll never know when and where. they are And what Ia the TUC auppoaed to have got for worker& In excha~e · going to be hlt. for auoh a bargain? A favourable budget? But when the dust raised by tha Chancellor settled, It was found to be as an1l-worklng-clasa to take wage determination "out of Whitehall and into the concUiatlon a budget ao any devlaed by the Tortes. Repeal of the Industrial Rel­ and arbitration machinery". A STRONG UNION ationl Act? But workers, led by the engineers , had already killed tt. Wilson bas boasted: "We know the trade unions . .• . we can get Mea11W'hlle, what dld still matter to workers - the Counter-Infla'tlon their cooperatioo." We workers know the Labour Party, that con­ Act, Phase m - the TUC agreed ·could continue right up to the time ~entrated expression or social democracy whlch la only capitalist lr Is the strength and lnltlatlve when the Government could replace It wtth thetr own "CoooUlatton ideology ln a cloth cap. The Labour Party long ago atgned away Ita at rank-and-file level of the soul In a compact with capitalism. Workers will never enter Into and Arbitration ServJce". The most Labo\U" was prepared to promise (continued on page 2 ln B.llawer to the demand for the return of c ol~ecttve bargatnlng was any bargain with these creatures of the exploltlcg class. 1 page 2

Engineers (continued from page 1 1 PERKINS

AlJEW which enable e~lnoera President of the Union had to to fight such guerrilla actlooa apeak with such re&eJ;.Vatlo.n Thousands of workers at the supremely well aDd is reflected about the 'Social Contract' in SHIPYARDS BRITISH LEY LAN 0 Perkins Englnes diesel plants in In the line of the leaderahlp. It Ia the pre-electiOn period and la Peterborough held a token stop­ page to pressure the employer no colncidenct! that thi~ union, kept now from•jolnlog in the cho­ British Leyland repiaced piece­ Shlpyard 'NOrkers on Tyneside into offering a £5 increase to­ which ia kept in the vanguard of rus af those 'leaders' calling have given firm waroJng to the work at thel r Cowley plant with ward parity " ::til other Massey­ tbeworklac class by tlie militancy for all-out collaboration wlth a measured day work three years employer tbat they will not scab Ferguson suh!!lidiaries. At of its members baa among ita Labour capitalist goVernment ago. They are sttll having trouble on their fellow workers. Faced present the t..'<.'mpany is offering leaders the true voice of Marxlam­ by moderating their members' with action by 2000 fitters at getting the work measured. Small a Phase III ! of £2.26 Leninlam which can never fall groups of workers have been claims. Barrow, the Vickers gr:lup with the •prvmise • of another to make Ita impact on workers threatened to break the strike by walking out whenever industrial _£2. 75 wbe11 the law permits it. In atrucgle. t r ansferring compleUon of the engineers appeared on the shop It Ia this strength which Latest News: The Secretary of State for has called guided~mtsslle destroYer'Cardiff' floor. Finally when the assembly accoutts for the AUEW's success to Swan Hunter's yard on Tynestde. line speod was Increased from In doatroyicg the Ioduatrlal Re­ engineering union leaders and £50 TUBE DEMAND employers to meeting on Aprll But Tyneslde workers made it 25 to 30 cars an hour, 1200 men latiOn. Act alii! wll\ make them walked out. ~th to try to find a solution before clear that the ship would be so formidable In taklcg on Pbaae A mass meeting of workers at the ban on overtime begins. blacked If the transfer took place m. It Ia the reaaon why the against the wishes of the Barrow London Transport Acton 'NOrks turned down a recommendation workers. 'U Vickers want to send PROVIDENT AGENTS AN AUEW OVERTIME-BAN NOTICE the ship to the Tyne, they must bf the Joint Works Committee first clear the transfer with the to accept offers of a new incen­ unions at Barrow, and then get Provident Clothing Supply agents tive acbeme involving work our acceptance, ' said a union in Sootland and Merseyslde struck study. ' THE CONFEDERATION OF SHIPBlJILDING AND ENGINEERING official. for an 8 per cent commission Instead, by an overall majo­ UNiONS LONDON DISTRICT COMMITTEE rate on personal loan ~usiness, rity, the three- and-a-half hour instead of the present 4 per cent. meeting of all unions instructed To All Members of the No. B Committee, Chairmen and Secretaries Thec.;;mpany has offered a 6 the negotiating committee to seek and Shop Stewards. NHS CONSULTANTS p;r cent rate acrOss the board, an alternative bonus· scheme, to meaning a reduction in some claim a skilled rate ol £50 per Dear Brother or Sister, National Health Service c.-onsul­ other sectors. The claim covers week and to recall the mass tants in Brighton threatened to some 15, 000 agents. meeting in four weeks to discuss Engineering Wages - Conditions Claim Overtime Ban ban overtime unless the current the next· steps. government review produces For tbe past eighteen months All Unions In the Confederation of Sh!pbuildillJ and Engineering realistic salartes, This move is stoppages, go slows and non­ UDio11!lave instructed all of their members to ban as a ref\ectlon of the decline in con­ SU CARBURETIORS ·cooperation on a shop-by-shop from April 15th 1974. sultants' living standards over basis has exhausted the maxi mum 'IbJs ban is to put pressure on the employers for the terms of ·ecent years and tbe traumatic Th!s Birmingham VIOrks, which to which the present bonus system claim put to them on the 14th September, 1973 I. e. effect of the hospital ancillary supplies the whole of Britiab- can be pushe.. .o improve pay £35 per week minimum rate for a 35 hour week, 3 days addiUo.nal workers' strike last year. One Leyiand's Austin-Morris division packets, The determination, unity holiday and 6 additional statutory days and equal pay for women. 'Consultant said •the point ls that with carburettors, was shut and maturity of the mass meeting Every shop organisation whose employer te a member of the we are Just a fragment. of the mess down when 260 women assembly must he commended and shows .Encineer1Dg Employers Association or who follows the terms and the NHS is \n. Successive govern- . VIOrkers and 120 men indirect the way forward. conditions of engineering should now have a mass meeting and de­ menta have knocked down wbat workers struck to show their Unity of the mass at shop mand of their employer an end to the delay and the granting of this was once a vocation into a job of contempt for the management floor level will alw~s smash claim In full. .work. We want a reallstfc salary reply to tbetr pay claim, which defeatist or adventurist poUcles. No lifting of the overtime ban Ia permtt\ed until the claim Is met geared to today'& costs and the includes the demand for equal If we develop our struggle in th.Js In full and first reported to the Officers of the Unions concerned, ~~~~~----w~•-d_o~. ·------~~furwomen . vein we can win. and in finality eiuloraed by the No. 8 Committee. Please ensure that tiJ,is instruction ta conveyed to all m~mhers. pay London battle hots u AND BARSTOW On AprU 2nd, at a meeting bet­ ed. ween tbe Secretary for Employ­ After the Employment Secret­ A lJEW members ot this plaatics ment and the National and Local ary's ruling, this campaign of Jactory at Queensbury, Middle­ Governmert Officers Aaaoctatlon, ael~ttve strlkes and overtime sex, are in dispute over a claim tt was made abuodantly clear how baoa was Intensified. In lallngton for loss of wages arising from the the Labour Government intends to 1000 members walked out and three-day week. The £50 claim al'!'ly the Phase lii machinery they were joined by colleagues f-rom was met by offers of £8, then have ioherlted. Kensington and Chelsea and Tower £15 and finally a £20 'gift' ! The Secretary for Employmeot, Hamlets. More boroughs wtll This was found unacceptable that 11moat sincere cbamptan of strike from April 17th. by the night shift - the manage­ labour11 as the General Secreary The emplOyers in London were ment withdrew the offer - and the at Punfleld and Barstow preventing of the TGWU called him, totally so alarmed by this actton that ur­ night shift downed tools. The mont of moulds onto a welting lorry -destined for Liverpool. On re)ected the union's claim for In­ ,gert talks were held between the other two shifts joined them. GLC, ILEA and the Prime Minis-· pollee advice the management closed the gate. The moulds? - sUll·· creased London Weighting PS¥­ Two weeks later, on Saturd~ inside. meDta, and told the city's 45,000 ter on April 6th. Naturally, Wil­ 30 March the workers received son re}ected all pleas for London local government white-collar the1r notice by post and were are now closed. ~e workers somewhere else. They are main­ 1taff to walt until the Pay Board '• workers being a special case. locked out tbat weekend. The ouspect the employer will try to taining a picket to prevent the report on London allowances is firm has since posted a ooUce do a 'moonlight flit', taking the movement of goods or plant, and published In June. H11 thus over­ PUBLIC SERVICE SECTOR outside the works saying that_they machinery away and up are demanding their Jobs back. rode an lrtertm agreement bet­ ween the boroughs and their staff All tbla ocourred in a week when whelmlngly to continue the strike He went on to S3Y that an all­ to ratae the Inner and outer L,ondon the TWGU leadership was urging YARDLEY STRIKE until a satisfactory agreement out strike was an unwise decision allawancea to £360 and £291 p.a. lts members to trtm tbelr wage was reached. in view of the lack of e."'q)ertence re1pect1vely. demands to a "realt•tlc11 stze and 500 women and 245 men, 'NOr­ The outcome of the action was of struggle. Far greater gains to lay greater emphasis on negot­ kerB at Yardley's oosmeUcs that after further negotiations and had been made In the put using latlol\11 and less rellance on lDCI­ factory, Baal\don (a subsidiary over two weeks on strike, a final guerrlUa tactlcs. TOWN HALL RESPONSE uatrlal action. As Public Servlco of British American Tobacco) mass meeUng voted to accept This iS the first mass strike at employees well know, negotiat­ joined 30 engineera on strike, management proposals for bonus Yardley's, Basildon. It shows Staff tn thtrt8en boroughs ana two ions have been taking place for demanding that their bonus par­ payments to he frozen at 15% and clearly the increasing solidarity oomputer certrea had already been over a year on the London Allow­ menta be included in the basic an across tbe board increase of between men and women in struggle. operating an overtime ban since ance whtiat local government. rate, as agreed with the company £2.25 to be niade to hotb men and•t------., :February ZSth, and atrlkea were London Transport and education in July 1973. The average basic women. In progress at Camden aod the services have. been nearl~ wage lo about £25 per week for A TGWU branch official said Y DAY MEETIN computer certre at Greenwich. breakdown becaU8e of the short­ men and £20 for women. that though some workers thought · Io Camden eighty key staff (tel­ age of staff. ·rowu pickets said that the that they had won a victory, this • ••• epb.oolata, computer operators Referr1n& to the miners' vic­ ,company's failur~ to booour their was far from the truth, because aod aacurlty men) have been pulled tory the General Secretary of agreement resulted in an esca­ the bonus frozen at 16% oonaU­ Camden Town Hid~ out. Tbe remalnlog members. are NA LGO said '\he lesson ·will not lation of the claim for all male tuted no increase in basic rate operating a complete overtime be lost on my members who are workers to have the1r bonus and therefore bad no relevance to Euston Rd,Kings C ro~ ban, arr:l have cleared out all ag­ normally very difficult to pro­ paymenta Included It> the basic equal pay. Fu.rther, that an 'e"'Y staff by giving them the voke. 11 rate, and that while hiding behind increase of £2. 25 across the choice between becomlog perman­ The leason bas also not been Phase Ill, the company failed to board for both men and women was ••• elt staff or leaving. Camden Is lost on teachers who in the same agree to the workers' demands not demanded in tho ori!Pnal dis­ Wednesday, nO'N to a poeltton where rents and week walked out of a number of and send letters to all workers pute but was introduced into nego­ rates colleotlon are severely schools to London, without notice.• threatening strikers with the tiations when the strike was ten throat<>ned aod Ita financial budget · In support of the London Allow- sack. A mass meetlDJ outalde the days old. This t:icllcal error led 1st May at 7 .30pm for all Mrvtcea cannot he process- anoe. factory gate then voted over- to contuslon. WE PARTICIPATE • READ THEY PROFIT 'The Daily

With •!eft-wing' We

tamentary calendar 1s .of no con­ eequeoce. The recruitmeot cal­ Trade Unionism in Banking :~~~:·gr:f;~:::.:r~::::: NUT c:onferenc:e enda,f demands an increase. before ... for a loose federation of autono- the·end of May. The annual Conference of the Nat­ tonal Union of Teachers meets at Essex teac:hers Musf be Defended Eastbourne on AprU 13th, at a time of intense aitack on the nat­ non-c:ooperation The most important matter for had recruited a large number of Ion's education. The· t aak of the discussion at this month's Annual me.mbers, particularly in the· conference is to unite the opposi­ Teachers at a number of second.. ·Conference of the National Union Midland Bank. NUBE agreed to tion to the economy designs ot"the ary schools In Essex have refused of Bank Employees, is the pro­ negoti~Dns because of its lona­ Goverriment and to lay a basis for to attend parents meetings after posed merger of NUBE and the felt desire to take over the the struggle against the decline. school hours in pursuit of tbelr banks' Staff Associations. Though Staff AaaoclaUon, and because The conference will dlscuas the claim for travelling expenseS for a final decision will not be reaclf­ of its weak financial position. need for the definltton of a teach­ attending such meetings. (T~aoh­ ed at Conference, the decisions The negotiations however, ers' duties a'nd mtnlmum condi­ ers in some areas are al~eady reached will have a decisive have been unso.usractory from tions of work that can be expected. paid such expenses. ) bearing on the merger talks and the very beginning, Firstly, Teachers have never had at their Some of the teachers. involved the futurt! o.f the merger itself. NUBE offici ala prepared a draft stde a 'rule book'. They need this reported that teache rs from five constitution for the new body but On the final decision will rest weapon of struggle. different unions, as well as some it was re)ected by tbe union's the future of Trade Unionism In Meanwhile the struggle for an non-union teachers backed the executive committee. Despite the Banking and Finance Industry. increased London Allowance in­ action . .-this however, the document was tens Utes dally. Teachers are now If the proposed merged bod)~ - In view ·of the lack of militancy put forward for discussion by walking out of their schools on day the ASsociation of Banking·and NUBE's negotiating te&m. (The ln the area In the past, this (s a "strikes. Next term will see a very significant development aod Financial Unions - were to mean president, Tom Burns, explained flood of activity If WilJon does not shows the increasing awareness the destruction of the staff that this was a •snap decision' c.eleot. DJA~-redlted parliament of local teachers for united ac­ associations, for over half a wblch bad to be taken in v!ew of can expect rio more lobbies from tion In the fight against ruling­ century the toOls of the employers, the urgency of the situation). the of teachers. The Parl- and the creation of a single trade The document was not &cceptable class attacks on eduoation. union in banking, it would be a to the S/ A's who produced their most welcome step. ABFU ow';; draft constltuUon. The NUBE however, is not designed to negotiators then agreed to allow create unity; rather it is de­ the Secretary of the Employers• signed to create diVisions. It is Federation to act as a sort of not designed to further trade an 'honest broker' (!) and merge SUBSCIUBE TO THE WORKER unionism, but to destroy It, The the two documents. Thus the merger was proposed by the proposed constitution of ABFU NAME .. .. , .• , .. .. . ,, .. , ...... ,, ..... , . . . Banking Employers Federation which is DOW before us, has ADDRESS, .. , . , ...... , . . , ...... , , , , .. , . , , .. , , , . begause they feared the pote ntial been wrttten - by the employers! Annu~ Subscri ptlon £ 2. (Inc. poBtage) strength of a large and de·re­ and furthermore, welcomed by Send to "The Worker" 1 155, Fortesa Road, London NW5 gistered u~on, ASTMS, which the CBI. trade unionism. page 4 Glorious Easter Murder The road ta freedom The Labour GovernmeD1 hovers between Europe and the United Statea, In this issue we pay tribute to complete. hesitating in its search for a saviour. For the capitalists, the near the Irtsh Citizen Army, which, Although It was a failure, It ·bankrupt Britain must be sold abroad. For the working class It lo· with the Irish Volunteers, played was, like the Parts Commune Incorporated time to realise that Britain will only thrive when she has becOme such a glorious parlin the and the Revolution of 1905 In · Independent. Easter Rising. of ·1916. We salute Russia, an action which brought · In 1944. it was said that Britain was made largely or coal and sur­ the Indomitable lr!sb people who the people of the world forward, The British 'secret war' in rounded by fish. Only an organising genius. could arrange for a short­ gave birth to such fighters; who and thus it was a great event. Ireland gets dirtier and less age of coal and fish in Britain at the same time. But the most impor­ are still battling valiantly against The lessons of 1916 are still secret every day. After years of tant resource of Britall'l is its people. Not only has capitallsm auc­ their age.....ald enemy and oppres­ w1 th us. The teachings of James denials, the government has at ~eeded in creating a shortage of fuel and food,' lt has also created a sor, British imperialism. Connolly are still with us. They last admitted that the Special · shortage of jobs and at the same time a shortage of labour. 1916 was the most important will remain with us because they Air Service is operating in Successive governments have managed to reduce Britain to the rebe!Uon against British rule are weapons for the forward Northern Ireland, Brigadier "atck man of Europe". Today, Labour holds sway. In lts last period that Ireland has ever seen. It did march of humanity, part of the Kitson's theory of 'gangs and of office, 1964 - 1970, Labour was a champion of the "special rela­ not have the mass support it universal truth of­ pseudo-ganga' is appearing in tionship" with the United States and bowed to the master on matter.s deserved, yet 1t laid the founda­ Leninism. All that remain!J to its terrible reality. The monster, of trade, money and war. The extreme of British subservience wS.a tion for the greatest defeat ever be done Is for the Irish working­ once created, even turns upon approval of the barbaric attempt at the destruction of Vietnam. Inflicted on British Imperialism class, the inheritors of the itself. We have seen British The Vietnamese toppled the American giant. The United States iD Ireland. It was the first blow struggle for Irish freedom, now troops, in plain clothes, killed fell from its position of WlOhallenged supremacy of the imperiallst in this century, in a war later tO greater than ever, to act upon In a shoot-out with the Royal world . . In Britain, Heath took Over from Wilson and formalised the be engaged In by mill!ons of them, kick out the BritiSh and tnster Constabulary, also in latter 'a approach to EurPROLETARIAT. Bellman a separate division of the com- a newly formed ASTMS secretar- kers, and for maoy editorial Bookshop, 7.30 p.m. pany, the redundancies Implied Ia! group, It correctly judged Its workers earning well below £1725 Apr. 26th VICTORY TO TilE PEOPLE OF DHOFAR: the Arab not merely.cut-back, but total strength relative to the parent a year, the aettlemeD1 is substan­ People 'a struggle against imperialism. Bellman Bookshop, closure. The workers are clear company and decided not to fight tial i~rease on a'y8ir's earnings. 7.30 P.m. that the docision made by the for a reversal of the decision, For Penguin Books it's a heavy ... .parent company, Pearson-Long- but to go instead for a maximum price to pay to achieve the red­ LIVERPOOL MAY DAY MEETING man, which owns the Westm1n- claim over and above the settle- undancy of 42 worksrs - a total Wed. May 1st AUEW Hall, Mount Pleasant, Liverpool 3. 7. 30 P.m. star Press Group of provincial ment contained in the current cost In the region of £80, 000! TEESIDE MAY DAY MEETING newspapers and the Financial agreement. This has been won But for the unions remaining in Wed. May 1st The Star r. Garter, Mlddlesbrough. 7. 30 p.m. Times, ostensibly for short- with the "support of the Joint Unloll the truncated Penguin Books, the ... teJ;'IIl cash ·flow reasons, really t:ommittee - a minimum seVer- Penguin Education olosure is only U you do not usually receive a programme of public meetings held b> represeDts a fundamental shift in a~e payment of £1725 or l2 the tip of the Iceberg. Tbey stand the CPB(ML) at the Bellman.Bookshop please write for a copy to: ·Publishing policy, away from months' money whichever is the ready to resist totally further Meetings Organlser, CPB(ML), 155 Fortess Road, London NW5. educational books and towards greater, for every dismissed attempts by management to create more commercial, profit-making worker. For all part-time wor- redundancies. Pi:u-11!11 and publish~ by ijle. 'CollliDWlioT.Party of lli'ttaln:(lrlarxlst-Lenlnlst) 1's5 Fo~ess Roap, .Lolldon, NW5.