Strategic Surprise: the Dispersal of Agent Orange
STRATEGIC SURPRISE: THE DISPERSAL OF AGENT ORANGE IN VIETNAM AND KOREA IN THE LATE-1960s by Heather M. Haley, B.A. A thesis submitted to the Graduate Council of Texas State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts with a Major in History August 2016 Committee Members: Ellen Tillman, Chair Ron Milam James McWilliams Dan Utley COPYRIGHT by Heather M. Haley 2016 FAIR USE AND AUTHOR’S PERMISSION STATEMENT Fair Use This work is protected by the Copyright Laws of the United States (Public Law 94-553, section 107). Consistent with fair use as defined in the Copyright Laws, brief quotations from this material are allowed with proper acknowledgment. Use of this material for financial gain without the author’s express written permission is not allowed. Duplication Permission As the copyright holder of this work I, Heather M. Haley, authorize duplication of this work, in whole or in part, for educational or scholarly purposes only. DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this research in loving memory to my mentor, colleague, and friend, Dr. James W. Pohl (1931–2015) 7, I: 13 Dear Heather, Thank you for your beautiful Christmas card and note. Of course, graduate school is tough. It’s supposed to be. It’s presumed that you want to be a historian, that you want to join the clan, the fellowship, the company of historians. If you want to be a historian, your professors want you to be tough, brave, and true—that you can do the job. I know that you have the ability not only to meet the challenges but also the courage and intelligence to conquer the challengers.
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