APSCC Monthly e‐Newsletter OCTOBER 2018 The Asia‐Pacific Satellite Communications Council (APSCC) e‐Newsletter is produced on a monthly basis as part of APSCC’s information services for members and professionals in the satellite industry. Subscribe to the APSCC monthly newsletter and be updated with the latest satellite industry news as well as APSCC activities! To renew your subscription, please visit www.apscc.or.kr. To unsubscribe, send an email to
[email protected] with a title “Unsubscribe.” News in this issue has been collected from September 1 to September 30. INSIDE APSCC The APSCC 2018 Conference & Exhibition Marks Great Success! The APSCC 2018 Satellite Conference & Exhibition successfully ended on 5 October 2018 in Jakarta after 3 days of in‐depth conference sessions, state‐of‐the‐art technology displayed exhibition, and diverse networking events with more than 400 delegates attending the event. At APSCC 2018, thought leaders covered major issues impacting the Asia‐Pacific satellite industry, including market insight on the latest trends, new applications, and innovative technical solutions throughout the three‐day discussions and presentation sessions. The APSCC‐ISU Youth Development Workshop The 2018 APSCC‐ISU Youth Development Workshop was successfully held on October 5 in Jakarta concurrently with the APSCC 2018. The workshop provided a platform for the brightest up‐and‐coming engineering students and young professionals in Indonesia to connect with leading satellite and space industry experts and learn more about the opportunities in the sector. The 2018 APSCC‐ISU Youth Development provided the students with a deeper understanding of the industry through lectures and case studies.