Federal Communications Commission DA 12-1334 Before the Federal
Federal Communications Commission DA 12-1334 Before the Federal Communications Commission Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of ) ) International Comparison Requirements Pursuant ) IB Docket No. 10-171 to the Broadband Data Improvement Act ) GN Docket 11-121 ) International Broadband Data Report ) THIRD REPORT Adopted: August 13, 2012 Released: August 21, 2012 By the Chief, International Bureau: I. INTRODUCTION 1. This is the Commission’s third annual International Broadband Data Report (IBDR or Report). The IBDR is required by the Broadband Data Improvement Act (BDIA) and provides comparative international information on broadband services.1 Through the presentation of this data, we have the opportunity to evaluate the United States’ rates of broadband adoption, speeds, and prices in comparison to the international community. International data can serve as useful benchmarks for progress in fixed and mobile broadband accessibility. 2. In the past year, both fixed and mobile broadband providers have made significant progress in their efforts to expand broadband networks and improve service quality. As noted in the Eighth 706 Report released today, the market is responding to the needs of Americans for increased broadband capabilities.2 In 2011, U.S. investment in wired and wireless network infrastructure rose 24%.3 Some recent trends show that providers are offering higher speeds, more data under their usage limits, and more advanced technology in both fixed and mobile broadband. For example, cable operators have increased their deployment of DOCSIS 3.0-based data networks, which are capable of providing 100 megabits per second or faster (Mbps) speeds. In the last three years, the percentage of households passed by DOCSIS 3.0 broadband infrastructure has risen from 20% to 82%.4 Advances in broadband technology and initiatives to promote greater deployment and adoption of broadband services have led to broadband- enabled innovation in other fields such as health care, education, and energy efficiency.
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