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ISSN 1170-1099 klbprofessional hairworks 477 Sloane St Published Tuesday and Thursday opposite VE Vets TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2006 870 1688 321TC047/04 Circulated FREE to all households throughout Te Awamutu and surrounding districts. Extra copies 35c. BRIEFLY Benchmark in Gina determined to live generosity By Dean Taylor She says the drug also has lit- At 44-years-old and with tle or no side effects, and doesn’t Kihikihi Kindergarten could make you sick while undergoing be nurturing builders and four children Gina Bisset is not ready to die. the course. handy men and women of the In contrast, like many under- future thanks to Te Awamutu’s The Plunket nurse and solo mother has put her home on going chemotherapy, Mrs Bisset Benchmark Building Supplies. was too ill to work, and at times The kindergarten approached the line to pay for treatment that gives her a second chance felt just getting out of bed was the timber and hardware sup- beyond her. plies store about whether because she believes she owes it to her children. Mrs Bisset is annoyed the something could be done to drug is not available via the repair a large wooden table. Mrs Bisset found out a year ago she had breast cancer, one public health system, saying all The Benchmark team de- the evidence shows it works and cided they could do better than of 30% of sufferers with the ag- gressive HER2 positive forms. provides a better quality of life. that. They collected the table, She is also annoyed that she replaced the top and repaired Despite chemotherapy, fol- lowed by surgery, more chemo- has to have her drug imported the vices attached to it. For and pay her oncologist to work therapy then radiation therapy, good measure, with support privately, but the Government is Mrs Bisset was told there was from suppliers, they threw in still charging her $13,000 GST. some small saws, screwdriv- a 70% chance she would die She plans to subdivide a piece ers, sanding blocks, levels and within three years. of land off her section and sell safety glasses, as well as nails, “I thought about my children, her house to fund the treat- staples and screws. and thought about how I felt ment. What a great ‘team’ effort! when my mother died when I Mrs Bisset knows that now was a grown, married woman of that she is only back working Fishing chops 26, and decided I needed to live,” part time, and has cancer, she she says. is not likely to be able to get Next month sees the intro- Mrs Bisset investigated a duction of the West Coast a mortgage to build again, but treatment called Herceptin, is hopeful there will be a way recreational bag limit, from 15 which had been trialled and snapper to 10. in the future to have her own shown to be highly successful at home again. The new limit in the area treating HER2. offi cially known as Snapper 8 She says throughout the or- Unfortunately she found the deal her two teenage daughters includes Kawhia and Raglan drug was not available under harbours in an area from North at home, and two older boys liv- our health system until it is ba- ing in Whangarei near her ex- Cape to Tiruru Point (just south sically ‘too late’ for the patient. husband have been marvellous. of Kawhia) from March 1. Mrs Bisset wanted to improve Friends, colleagues and The New Ministry of Fisheries her chances of living, so she de- Church at Te Awamutu have pamphlets, detailing the reduc- cided to go private at a cost of all rallied to support and assist tion and other recently intro- $105,000. Mrs Bisset and her family. duced changes to fi sheries She is receiving the treatment Oncology nurse Cathy Mc- rules, are now available in most every three weeks for a year Bride - an old friend of Mrs Bis- sporting goods, fi shing equip- through Palmerston North’s set’s from nursing school - has ment and bait stores. private Aorangi Hospital. taken the process a step further Members of the public She often drives down on the and organised a public appeal can have the pamphlets Monday, has the half-an-hour and fundraising concert. sent direct to their home treatment, then drives home. The concert is planned for Te or work by phoning 0800 4 Sometimes she fl ies, and Awamutu Memorial Park on RULES (0800 478537). For plans to do so more often now Sunday, March 26. more information see the that there is the direct fl ight People wishing to make a website www.fi shing.govt.nz/ from Hamilton back on service. donation can deposit it to The recreational The drug now gives her a 65% Georgina Fund at any Westpac chance of living, and even if it Bank branch. Riding games just doubles her life expectancy, To assist with, or perform at Te Awamutu Group of Riding Mrs Bisset says that gives her the concert, or help in any other for the Disabled (riding with a hope that a cure may be devel- way, contact Mrs McBride (027 CANCER patient Gina Bisset prepares to drive herself to Palmerston North purpose) will be hosting the oped in the interim. 4047232). yesterday for another treatment of Herceptin at Aorangi Hospital. 052061AD regional games on Saturday. The event will take place at the rodeo arena on Kihikihi Council moving to identify ‘dangerous’ buildings Domain from 9.30am. All wel- Recent 75-year commemorations Council’s policy committee modifi ed in accordance with the appearance did not necessarily come. for the Hawke’s Bay earthquake last week received a report on requirements of the act, with the refl ect a building’s internal con- temporarily raised the national proposed draft policies on earth- intention that the risk to the pub- dition. “For this reason Council Census starts consciousness of such natural dis- quake-prone and dangerous and lic from these types of buildings is reliant upon such sources as Statistics New Zealand col- asters again temporarily. insanitary buildings. is progressively reduced. Council building occupants, neighbours, lectors began delivering forms But Waipa District Council is Council must publicly notify will need to work with owners police, fi re service and other agen- yesterday for the 2006 Census working on a permanent policy to and adopt policies before May 30, in compiling a list of potentially cies to provide information that a of Population and Dwellings ensure earthquake-prone build- in accordance with the Building earthquake-prone buildings. building is potentially dangerous which takes place on March 7. ings in the district are identifi ed Act 2004. Submissions will be ac- Ross McNeil, group manager or insanitary.” Collectors carry offi cial and public risk minimised, where cepted until March 20. policy and strategy, said identifi ca- The committee confi rmed the photo ID badges. necessary through structural The proposed policies are based tion of dangerous and insanitary draft policies and approved their changes. on Council’s past practice and buildings was diffi cult, as external release for public consultation. Seagrams OPEN 7 DAYS Phone 871 4009 Gin Cnr Sloane & Vaile Sts 1 Litre TE AWAMUTU 2 for Offer concludes close of trade 28/02/06 while stocks last Rapture... $ .00 50 Black Heart St Remy Rum Brandy BEAMISH 1 Litre 1125mls GEMTIME JEWELLER 25 Alexandra Street, Te Awamutu $ .99 $ .99 Phone (07) 871 6797 052TC016/06 29 33 052TC018/06 www.gemtime.co.nz SPENCE MARINE SERVICE YOUR LETTERS 190 Bruce Berquist Drive (off Bond Road), Ph 871 7711 KAWHIA HIGH TIDES Add eight minutes for Raglan Harbour More haste, less speed Tue: 3.44am & 4.10pm The current attention being paid to to 4pm’. State Highway but on a Council-owned enforcing speed limits in the vicinity of The locals tell me that this speed street. So, would it not be possible for Wed: 4.47am & 5.20pm schools is a step in the right direction, limit is rigorously enforced. Her school our Council to take a bold step and Thur: 6.07am & 6.41pm but what a pathetically small one! bus carries another large sign on the create ‘school zones’ on the New South Fri: 7.30am & 7.58pm It seems that, when some powerful back reminding motorists that there is Wales model outside the schools on the streets which we, through the Council Sat: 8.40am & 9.07pm law change is needed in New Zealand a 40kph limit in overtaking the bus and we tend to retreat and enforce a gentler this is reinforced with fl ashing orange own? Sun: 9.38am & 10.04pm version! lights. I am sure that it would be a great re- Mon: 10.28am & 10.58pm My granddaughter attends Wirre- Surely we could do the same here! lief to parents, teachers and even driv- 052TC012/06 anda Public School in Medowie, near Why not, I wonder. What would it take ers to know that with clearly designated Newcastle, NSW. to follow the example of our Australian school zones and with the co-operation On the roadway well clear of the neighbours? of the bus contractors, attention-getting school, there are large yellow 40kph In Te Awamutu most of our schools signage on school buses, our children’s signs. Nearer the school are large signs are situated on busy streets. live could be made much safer. February saying ‘40kph speed limit from 8.30 am However, not one of them is on a ALISTAIR KERR ...is friends and lover’s month. JOIN WITH A FRIEND OR Stirred from slumber LOVER AND SAVE $$$! Waipa a winner Once again, I see That’s heavy stuff.