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Europe Europe +385 +372 ORLY STUTTGART +353 +48 +386 +41 CROATIA ESTONIA GALAX TRANS-BAVARIA GmbH IRELAND POLAND SLOVENIA SWITZERLAND EUROPE +385 +372 Tel.ORLY 01-49754750 - Fax 49754753 Tel.STUTTGART 711-8966580 - Fax 812222 +353 +48 +386 +41 CROATIA ESTONIA GALAX TRANS-BAVARIA GmbH IRELAND POLAND SLOVENIA SWITZERLAND EUROPE +385 E-Mail:+372 [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] STUTTGART +353 +48 +386 +41 IN TUSCANY IN ITALY CROATIA Tel. 01-49754750ESTONIA - Fax 49754753 Tel. 711-8966580GALAX - Fax 812222 TRANS-BAVARIA GmbH IRELAND POLAND SLOVENIA SWITZERLAND EUROPE E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] IN TUSCANY IN ITALY LE BLANC MESNIL ASCHAFFENBURGTel. 01-49754750 - Fax 49754753 Tel. 711-8966580 - Fax 812222 GALAX TRANS-BAVARIAE-Mail: [email protected] GmbH E-Mail: [email protected] +385 +372 ORLYORLY STUTTGARTSTUTTGART +353 +48 +386 +41 IN TUSCANY IN ITALY +385 +385CROATIACROATIA +372 +372ESTONIAESTONIA Tel.LE BLANC 01-45919590 MESNIL - Fax 48671428 Tel.ASCHAFFENBURG 6027-50053 - Fax 500555 +353 +353IRELANDIRELAND +48 +48POLANDPOLAND +386 +386SLOVENIASLOVENIA +41 +41SWITZERLANDSWITZERLAND EUROPE with onforwarding service to: GALAXGALAX TRANS-BAVARIATRANS-BAVARIA GmbH GmbH MONDIALTRANS s.r.l. EUROPEEUROPE HARJUMAA Tel. 01-49754750E-Mail: [email protected] - Fax 49754753 Tel. 711-8966580E-Mail: [email protected] - Fax BLANC 812222 MESNIL DUBLINASCHAFFENBURG STRYKÓW LJUBLJANA BEDANO (LUGANO) ALPI ADRIATICA s.r.l. Serbia - Bosnia Herzegovina Tel. 01-49754750Tel. 01-4591959001-49754750 - Fax 49754753 - Fax 4867142849754753 Tel. 711-8966580Tel. 6027-50053711-8966580 - Fax -812222 -Fax Fax 500555 812222 AL-PI POLONIA GEBRÜDER WEISS d.o.o. ALPI SUISSE S.A. HEADQUARTERS with onforwarding service to: ALPI EESTI OÜ E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] ALPITRANS-BAVARIA IRELAND LTD. GmbH (LUGANO) MONDIALTRANSVia dei Trasportatori 24 s.r.l. Kosovo - Montenegro HARJUMAA E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] DUBLIN Tel.STRYKÓW 42-7145800 - Fax 7145802 Tel.LJUBLJANA 1-5134550 - Fax 5134564 Tel.BEDANO 91-9602111 - Fax 9306611 IN TUSCANYIN TUSCANY IN ITALYINALPIVia G. ITALY AnsaldoADRIATICA 5 - Zona Industriales.r.l. A Serbia - Bosnia Herzegovina Tel. 6407055 - Fax 6407053 LE HAVRE DUESSELDORFTel. 01-45919590 - Fax 48671428 Tel. 01-6238900Tel. 6027-50053 - Fax -6238950 Fax 500555 GEBRÜDER WEISS d.o.o. ALPI SUISSE S.A. HEADQUARTERS +43 ZAGREB ALPI EESTIwith onforwarding OÜ service to: ALPI IRELAND LTD. E-Mail:AL-PI POLONIA [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] (LUGANO) Via56029 dei S. Trasportatori Croce sull' Arno 24 MONDIALTRANS s.r.l. AUSTRIA Kosovo - Montenegro E-Mail: [email protected] LE BLANCGALAXHARJUMAA MESNIL ASCHAFFENBURGTRANS-BAVARIAE-Mail: [email protected] GmbH E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Tel. 42-7145800DUBLIN - Fax 7145802 Tel. 1-5134550STRYKÓW - Fax 5134564 Tel. 91-9602111 - FaxLJUBLJANA 9306611 BEDANO Via62012 G. CivitanovaAnsaldo 5 -Marche Zona Industriale - Macerata A ALPI ADRIATICA s.r.l. GEBRÜDER WEISS d.o.o. Tel. 6407055Serbia - FaxBosnia 6407053 Herzegovina LE BLANCLE HAVREBLANC MESNIL MESNIL ASCHAFFENBURGDUESSELDORFASCHAFFENBURG Tel. 01-6238900 - Fax 6238950 AL-PI POLONIA GEBRÜDER WEISS d.o.o. ALPI SUISSE S.A. Tel.HEADQUARTERS 0571 35457 - Fax 0571 366368 +43 ZAGREB GALAXGALAXTel.ALPI 02-35197290 EESTI OÜ - Fax 35197299 TRANS-BAVARIATRANS-BAVARIATel. 211-23020 GmbH - Fax GmbH 2302124 E-Mail: [email protected] IRELAND LTD. E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] 56029 S. Croce sull' Arno Via deiTel. Trasportatori 0733 898694 24 - Fax 0733 897083 AUSTRIA Tel. 1-3436.945 - Fax 3871.834 E-Mail:Kosovo [email protected] - Montenegro GALAX TRANS-BAVARIA GmbH E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. 42-7145800 - Fax 7145802 Tel. 1-5134550 - Fax 5134564 Tel. 91-9602111 - Fax 9306611 62012 Civitanova Marche - Macerata Via G. Ansaldo 5 - Zona Industriale A GEBRÜDER WEISS d.o.o. Tel. 01-45919590Tel.E-Mail:Tel. 01-459195906407055 [email protected] - Fax - Fax 48671428 - Fax 6407053 48671428 Tel. 6027-50053Tel.E-Mail: 6027-50053 [email protected] -LE Fax HAVRE 500555 - Fax 500555 DUESSELDORF Tel. 01-6238900 - Fax 6238950 Tel.E-Mail: 0571 [email protected] 35457 - Fax 0571 366368 with onforwarding+43withE-Mail: onforwarding [email protected] service service to: to: ZAGREB Tel. 02-35197290 - Fax 35197299 Tel. 211-23020 - Fax 2302124 E-Mail: [email protected] (LUGANO) E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] MONDIALTRANS s.r.l. 56029Tel.E-Mail: S. Croce0733 [email protected] 898694 sull' Arno - Fax 0733 897083 Tel. 1-3436.945AUSTRIA - Fax 3871.834 HARJUMAA E-Mail:E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] DUBLIN TRANS-BAVARIA GmbH STRYKÓWSTRYKÓW E-Mail: [email protected] LJUBLJANALJUBLJANA BEDANOBEDANO+90 (LUGANO) (LUGANO) 59100 PRATO MONDIALTRANSMONDIALTRANS s.r.l. s.r.l. 62012 Civitanova Marche - Macerata Serbia Serbia- Bosnia - BosniaHerzegovina Herzegovina HARJUMAAHARJUMAA+358GEBRÜDERFINLAND WEISS d.o.o. E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] DUBLINDUBLIN+371 +351 PORTUGAL GEBRÜDER+34 WEISSSPAIN d.o.o. ALPI SUISSE S.A.TURKEY HEADQUARTERSHEADQUARTERS E-Mail: [email protected] ALPITel. 0571ALPI ADRIATICA 35457 ADRIATICA - Fax 0571 s.r.l. 366368 s.r.l. E-Mail: [email protected] ALPI EESTIALPI EESTIOÜ OÜ LYON BIELEFELDTel. 02-35197290 - Fax 35197299 ALPI IRELANDALPITel. IRELAND 211-23020 LTD.LATVIA LTD. - Fax 2302124 AL-PI AL-PIPOLONIA POLONIA GEBRÜDERGEBRÜDER WEISS WEISS d.o.o. d.o.o. ALPI SUISSEALPI SUISSE S.A. S.A. Via dei Trasportatori 24 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. 0733 898694 - Fax 0733 897083 KosovoKosovo - Montenegro - Montenegro Tel. 6407055 -Tel. Fax 1-3436.945 6407053 - Fax 3871.834 GALAX TRANS-BAVARIA GmbH Tel. 42-7145800 - Fax 7145802 Tel. 1-5134550+34 - Fax 5134564 Tel. 91-9602111+90 - Fax 9306611 59100Viale G. Marconi, PRATO 46 Via deiRINALDIVia Trasportatori dei Trasportatori s.r.l. 24 24 Via G. Ansaldo 5 - Zona Industriale A Tel. 6407055Tel.+358 6407055 - Fax FINLAND6407053 - Fax 6407053 LE HAVRELE HAVRE DUESSELDORFDUESSELDORFE-Mail: [email protected] Tel. 01-6238900Tel.+371 01-6238900E-Mail: - FaxLATVIA [email protected] 6238950 - Fax 6238950 Tel. 42-7145800Tel.+351 42-7145800 - FaxPORTUGAL 7145802 - Fax 7145802 Tel. 1-5134550Tel. 1-5134550 - FaxSPAIN 5134564 - Fax 5134564 Tel. 91-9602111Tel. 91-9602111 - FaxTURKEY 9306611 - Fax 9306611 ViaE-Mail: G.ALPIVia Ansaldo [email protected] G. AnsaldoEXPRESS 5 - Zona 5 - ZonaIndustriale NORD Industriale As.r.l. A +43 +43AUSTRIA ZAGREBZAGREB+420 E-Mail: [email protected]: [email protected] Tel.LYON 04-72227655 - Fax 72227656 Tel.BIELEFELD 521-399152-20 - Fax 399152-50 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] Tel. 0574 5730 5602956029 S. Croce S. Croce sull' Arno sull' Arno 62012 Civitanova Marche - Macerata E-Mail:AUSTRIAAUSTRIA [email protected] GEBRÜDER WEISSCZECH d.o.o. REPUBLIC E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] GALAXGALAX TRANS-BAVARIATRANS-BAVARIA GmbH GmbH E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]+34 +90 Viale G. Marconi, 46 RINALDIVia59100 Sardegna PRATO s.r.l.1 - Loc. Fosci 6201262012 Civitanova Civitanova Marche Marche - Macerata - Macerata VIENNA GEBRÜDERGEBRÜDER WEISS WEISS d.o.o. d.o.o. Tel. 02-35197290E-Mail:+358 [email protected] - FaxFINLAND 35197299 Tel. 211-23020E-Mail: [email protected] - Fax 2302124 +371 LATVIA +351 PORTUGAL SPAIN TURKEY Tel. 0571Tel. 354570571 35457 - Fax -0571 Fax 3663680571 366368 ALPIVia Pietro EXPRESS Mascagni, NORD 1 - 20122 s.r.l.Milano GEBRÜDER WEISS GmbH Tel. 1-3436.945+420 - Fax 3871.834 Tel. 02-35197290Tel. 04-02-3519729072227655 - Fax 35197299 - Fax 7222765635197299 Tel. 211-23020Tel. 521-399152-20211-23020 - FaxLYON 2302124 - Fax - 2302124Fax 399152-50 BIELEFELD Tel.Fax 0574 5717915730 / 571788 53036 Poggibonsi Tel. 0733Tel. 8986940733 898694 - Fax -0733 Fax 8970830733 897083 Tel. 1-3436.945Tel. 1-3436.945 - FaxCZECH 3871.834 - Fax 3871.834 REPUBLIC E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] TRANS-BAVARIA GmbH E-Mail:ViaViale [email protected] Sardegna G. Marconi, 1 - Loc. 46 Fosci RINALDITel. 02 95025650/1/2 s.r.l. - Fax 02 9566011 Tel.VIENNA 1-797990 - Fax 7986328 E-Mail: [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] HTTP: // E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail:Via [email protected] Pietro Mascagni, 1 - 20122 Milano GEBRÜDERALPI EXPRESS WEISS GmbH NORD s.r.l. E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] +420 Tel. 04-72227655 - Fax 72227656 Tel. 521-399152-20 - Fax 399152-50 Fax 0574 571791 / 571788 53036Tel. 05770574 Poggibonsi 9366705730 - Fax 0577 982369 E-Mail:E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] E-Mail: [email protected] +358 CZECH REPUBLIC +371 +351 +34 +34 +90 +90TURKEY 59100E-Mail:59100 PRATO [email protected] PRATO Via SardegnaTel.E-Mail: 02 95025650/1/2 [email protected] 1 - Loc. Fosci - Fax 02 9566011 Tel. 1-797990 - Fax 7986328 VIENNA +358 +358FINLANDFINLAND LYON BIELEFELD E-Mail: [email protected] +371 +371E-Mail:LATVIALATVIA [email protected] +351 +351PORTUGALPORTUGAL SPAINSPAIN TURKEYTURKEY HTTP: // Tel.E-Mail: 0577 [email protected] 936670 - Fax 0577 982369 Via Pietro Mascagni, 1 - 20122 Milano GEBRÜDER WEISS GmbH LYONLYON BIELEFELDBIELEFELD Viale VialeG. Marconi, G. Marconi, 46 46 RINALDIFax 0574 s.r.l.
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