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I LOVE a PARADE!! USSVI Creed Issue 1207 July 2012 Inside this issue: I LOVE A PARADE!! Base Contacts 2 I did not see 76 trom- and we all stayed cool. crowd was great. I heard bones, but both the on the news over 30 thou- Officer’s Call 3 After the parade, many sand people. Many stand- Troutman and the Faith of us mustered at Fat Base Meeting Minutes 4 ing, thanking us for our Parades were great pa- Boy’s in Mooresville for rades. If you missed service. Veterans saluting Chaplain Ray 6 lunch. them, you missed the us. If we saw a Veteran, SubVettes 9 heat, but you also On Independence Day, we’d salute him and thank missed your shipmates. as I prefer to call it, the him for his service. Teas- Funnies 10 NC SubVets went to ing the regular Navy guys It started on Saturday Faith, NC. First we about being “targets”, but Vet News 12 prior to the 4th with the mustered in the parking thanking them for being Troutman parade. The Lost Boat— USS S-28 16 lot at Lowe’s at exit 76 there doing their job. North Carolina SubVets in Salisbury and met the Base Calendar 23 were the Grand Mar- I reminded several kids to floats. shalls. Seats right up pick-up the Flags they had front on a special float About 0830, we boarded laid on the ground. That were our WWII guys in the float/vehicles and sort of reminded the par- USSVI Creed the place of Honor right headed to our line-up ents and people around where they should be. spot in Faith. There we them too that we Veterans All the rest of us were did something we all respect that Flag. To perpetuate the memory learned very well in the seated behind them. I was pointing out several of our shipmates who gave Navy; “hurry-up and Our ladies rode the MK- Flags that were displayed their lives in the pursuit of wait”. 14 Torpedo float behind incorrectly on houses that duties while serving their us, followed by the sub- Again, we had plenty of we passed. That’s why country. That their dedica- marine float. All had water along and some Flag Etiquette needs to be tion, deeds, and supreme plenty of water to drink sun screen. It was a long taught in school. People sacrifice be a constant line to get onto Main just don’t know some- Street. times, they are not trying source of motivation toward to be disrespectful.—Moe greater accomplishments. But once on to Main, the Pledge loyalty and patriot- USS GRUNION (SS 216) July 30, 1942 ism to the United States of Lost Boats for July America and its Constitu- USS S 28 (SS 133) July 4, 1944 tion. “Sailors, rest your oars” USS ROBALO (SS 273) July 26, 1944 Page 2 Piedmont Periscope CO’s Stateroom— Carolina Piedmont Base Commander Steve Bell August. You will not well. them, I think we can fig- regret it. We received our new ure out a S&H cost and As you all should know challenge coins in and get you covered if you by now, the National our Base SK has them. desire. election is well under- Since the company The National Conven- way. As I type this, we messed up my first order tion is just around the have had 28 members (wrong metal), they cor- corner now. If you have What a wonderful honor vote electronically and 2 rected it and made us not turned in your regis- it was for the NC Sub- via the paper vote. The new ones in antique sil- tration form, you will vets to be the Grand process is really very ver. And because of the not be able to attend the Marshals of the simple. If you have hassle I went through banquet. It is filled up. Troutman parade. A trouble, give somebody a earlier this year with Rooms are scarce as little hot, but we had call. Jack has walked them (under different well, but they have an probably our largest several through people management and owner- overflow hotel down the amount of attendees for through getting to the ship), they gave us the street (Courtyard) at the any parade. It was fol- election page. It can be messed up order, which same price. As you can lowed a few days later done in a matter of a few are in antique bronze. tell, this is going to have on the 4th at Faith. That minutes. Of course it Nothing wrong with a large attendance. We is really a great parade will take you longer to them, but it was not what are manning the registra- to be in. I’ll tell you read up on the candi- we ordered. All these tion desk on Tuesday, 4 again, if you have not dates and amendments are available for sale. September as a base. participated in a parade, so you know who/what Because of the circum- We are also going to raf- you really do not know you are going to vote stances, the price of the fle off a ‘sea chest’ that what you are missing. It for. Remember, this is silver ones are $10 and Lee made. For those is really great to do that your organization, so the bronze ones $5. That that have not seen one, and the folks that attend voting is important. Just basically gives us the they are truly a work of them are so appreciative like I would expect all of same profit on all the art. We hope to make a for our service. Really you to vote in the No- coins. So check with few bucks for our treas- makes you feel good. vember election (no mat- Jeff and get yourself a ury. So consider coming out ter who you support), coin or two. For those For some of your long for the next one in New- this is important to us as out of state, if you want range planning, our ton, NC on the 16th of Carolina Piedmont Contacts Base Commander Steve Bell [email protected] 704 824 3510 Vice Commander Jack Jeffries jcckjeffries@interlink-café.com 704 –764-5211 Base Secretary Mike Hubbell [email protected] 803-628-1908 Base Treasurer Lee Hickerson [email protected] 704-573-9480 Chief of the Base Paul Myers [email protected] 704-28904650 Base Chaplin Raymond Fritz [email protected] 803 831 7235 Base Storekeeper Jeff Nieberding [email protected] 803-366-9255 Holland Club Walt Sealy [email protected] 803-327-5661 Coordinator Newsletter Editor E. Dale Moses [email protected] 704-248-7610 Issue 1207 Page 3 meeting this year at We have somewhere cannot attend a meeting, The Supply Shack- Jeff Jack’s place will be in around 40 members who then just write a check Nieberding September vice October. will own dues for 2013. and drop it in the mail to Carolina Piedmont Another major event for Most are both National Lee (his address is in the Jackets are still available us in the Carolinas is the and base, but some are roster that you have). to order, several mem- Pearl Harbor Dinner just base. If you have This is one of the hardest bers have ordered theirs which will be held in the doubt whether you owe things we go through and already. Just let the SK Greensboro area on 8 or not, check with Jack, you could sure make it know and he'll fix you December. This is a he will be happy to tell easier for us if you desire. up with an order form. good event for you to you. But I think most of Thank you. USSVI vests are also take a weekend and at- you know and it would I look forward to seeing available to order thru tend. I have been to a really be appreciated if you at our meetings and the SK. couple of these and this you would put it on your hopefully at some of the Patches, the SK is event is really worth- list of things to get done other events that are held now able to order while. and get it in to us. It too outside our base. Enjoy patches from BC Patch It is time for me to start is simple; if you attend a the summer and stay LLC at wholesale prices. beating the drum regard- meeting, just give the cool. This is usually $2 - $3 ing membership dues. money to Lee. If you May God bless you all. less per patch than we normally see. Let the SK know what you XO’s Stateroom — Vice Commander Jack Jeffries need. THANK YOU FOR YOU Corral. your support of our SERVICE chants. The USSVI National elec- AWARD WINNING We have several events tion is now under way and BASE and we strive to scheduled for the month we have only 29 primary continue the success of of July. We plan on pre- members that have voted YOUR BASE. - Jack senting our skits to the so far, we now have 79 residents of the Plantation primary members includ- IT IS HOT. Not just the Estates on the 21rd and ing 2 new members from weather, but the also on that day we have our last meeting, Torrance an Eagle Scout presenta- Adams and Jim George. I Base. We were proud to Flag Trivia—Where tion in Huntersville. urge each primary mem- represent the Carolina did this Flag fly in our It is time once again for ber to VOTE, if you have Piedmont Base at the Nation’s history? See parade in Troutman our annual visit to Camp any problem with the pro- Page 21 where the NC Subvets Corral where we will pre- cedure, please contact me was selected to be the sent the Submariner Story and I will help you.
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